) HE MORNING OREGOJTCAlf, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,0, 1904 7, CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Oregcnlan's Telepboaes. Countlne-Roonj .Main 967 21 ins bIec Editor .....Mala 638 6 an day Editor Main 630 City Editor Mala 168 Compolnr-Room ......Main 685 8uprlntndent Building Rd 2823 Ela Office o AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER (Fourteenth and "Wash ington) M&tinco at 2:15, tonight at 8:15, Columbia Stock Company In "Captain X.ct tarblalr.' BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) MaUnee at 2:15, tonight at 8:15, Melbourne McDowell In "La Tooca." CORDRAY'S THEATER (Parle and Tf ash- In on sts.) Matinee at 2:15, evening atJ 8:15. James Keano In "Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." t EMPIRE THEATER (Twelfth and Morrison) Matinee at 2:15, tonight at 8:15, Welde mann Stock Company, In "The Octoroon." ARCADE THEATER (Seventh and "Washing ton) Continuous -vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:S0 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P.-M. BIJOU THEATER (Sixth, near Alder) Con tinuous vaudeville from 2 to. 10:30 P. M. LYRIC THEATER (comer Alder and 7th) Continuous vaudeville from 2 to 10 P. M. Holes Are Small, but Dangerous. Owners of business property In front of which there are Iron plates with glass lenses set In them, inserted In the side walks to Illuminate the space below, pay but little attention to replacing these lenses when they are broken out. In many places on much-traveled streets there are from two or three up to a dozen of these lenses missing. The open ing left Is hardly looked upon as. "a hole In the sidewalk" or likely to cause In jur to passers, such as might render the owners liable for damages, as about tba worst apprehended from them is that some one might have the heel of his shoe caught in it and torn off. An Incident which occurred a day or two ago has shown that these holes are much more dangerous than is generally supposed, and has led Special Officer Caswell to warn owners of property in front of which there are such holes that it will be ad vlsable to have the glasses replaced at once. George iBlodget, who has been laid up for nearly a year on account of broken leg and other Injuries received in a disaster to the Elks excursion, and who has been awarded heavy damages by the courts, Is now able to go about on crutches, "but is still weak. In passing along a sidewalk he was Jostled by a woman, end in hl3 effort to save himself a bad fall, one of bis crutches went into such a hole, and it was by the merest chance $hat he was caught as he was falling. PEOTBCnOJf FOR. CHTNBSB PHEASANTS. An ardent sportsman and an enthusiast in the matter of the protection of game birds, especially the Mongolian pheasant, the most valuable as well as the handsomest of , them all, asks The Oregonlan to call attention to the desirability of more effi cient protection for the pheasants which make their homes and raise broods of young in the outskirts and suburbs of Portland. The owners of property on which they make their home favor and protect them as far as possible, and they are an ornament to the city, attracting the admiration of visitors, who see them from the cars. The birds would rapidly increase in numbers and would soon be come fearless in approaching the grounds and residences in the thinly-settled parts of the outlying districts if the boys with toy rifles could be made to respect the laws. It is a very difficult matter to con trol the hoodlum behind the toy rifle, and laws for the protection of any kind ot game are looked upon as oppressive by a majority of people. They appear to con sider any regulation for the protection of game as intended to prevent them from shooting it, and saving it for some one else to shoot. The only practicable way of protecting the birds mentioned seems to be to prohibit the sale or use of toy rifles and revolvers, which are a danger ous and useless nuisance anywhere in or about the city. War Map and Atlas. Japanese war map in colors. Included In map ot the world, showing each of the great nations and their possessions in' separate colors; submarine cables, including the line re cently opened across the Indian Ocean, from Africa to Australia, and the new American and British lines across the Pacific; the international date line, and the distances between great ports. Com mercial maps of each of the grand di visions, with, railroads and principal cities emphasized. Map of the Philippine Is lands, showing over 400c miles of cable and telegraph lines, recently constructed by the United States Government. Maps of Nicaragua and Panama Canals, and the Islands about to be acquired from Den mark. Index with population according to latest official enumeration, embracing United States census of 190t; Germany, 1900; Groat Britain, 1801; India. 1901, etc Sent postpaid to any address for 12 cents in stamps. Oregonlan Publishing Com pany. Portland. Or. Too at I Tod at I Today! Todat! Summtir Mektltto Closes. Races! Backs I Paces! Paces! Irvinqton Racetrack. EightI Eight! Eight! Eight! Paces on Card Tins Afternoon. Bead the Entries for Todat. Don't "Paii,! Don't Fail! Don't Fail! To See the Columbia Handicap. See Hand-Riding Kexlt Todat. General Admission, Including Grandstand, BO Cents. Track in Fine Condition. Over 500 Thoroughbreds at Track. Splendid Car Service! Good Music! Last Dat! Last Dat! Last Dat! He member! Remember! Bbmember! First Race Called Todat at 2 o'clock Sharp. Eot Ran Awat With Circus. Jesse Johnson, the 12-year-old son of R. John son, who disappeared from his father's lodgings on Seventh street, over a week ago, has been located in Santa Rosa, CaL, with vRlngling Bros. circus. Chief Hunt redeived a telegram yesterday stating that the boy is in the custody of the Chief of Police of that city. A ticket will be sent the boy, and he will 'be returned to his home immediately. Treat yourself and family to an outing tomorrow by going to Cascade Locks and return on steamer Bailey Gatzert. Finest kind of a trip, and most enjoyable way of passing a pleasant Sunday. Steamer leaves Alder-street dock 8:30 A. M.; re turns 6:30 P. M. Round trip, $L Phone Main 934. Stylish Neckwear, and Belts for Ladies. Autumn styles and shades. Exclusive "not the common kind." Hewett, Brad ley & Cd., Haberdashers, 348 "Washington, under Cordray's Theater. To the Hop Fields Sunday. Steamer Pomona leaves Taylor street at 8 A. M. Take the trip up past' the Oregon Citj locks to the hop country. Arrive back 6:30. Get your meals on the boat. Round trip, $L For Sale Best paying and best ad vertised mercantile business in Portland, in center of retail district; $15,000. Ap ply McGarry & Richardson, Atty's; 600 Oregonlan. Dr. Brougher's topics Sunday at the White Temple: Morning, "Millionaires in Heaven." Night, "Prizefighting vs. Box ing." Special music hy Temple Quartet Spitzner Orchestra School. For all instruments. First rehearsal and meeting Wednesday evening. Sept 14, at 7:30. Alis ky building. Third and Morrison. Portland Academt. Students are re quested to call at the office to make out enrollment cards before the opening day. Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. Teinitt Episcopal Sundat School. Nineteenth, near Washington. Opening session September 11, 9:30 A. M. . The Calumet Restaurant. 149 Seventh, i .serves delicious dinner, 50c; 4:30 to 8 P.M. "Meusdorfter, Hatter," removed to 34? Washington street opposite Cordray's. Ring" 'phone Main 5534 and have your -carpets cleaned; new process. Bettinoer Piano School, 301 W. Park. i Wooster, great fruit store. 7th & Morr. BHEAiaajcturn Dearth of Washermen. There is a ' scarcity of washermen and washerwomen here these days, which is causing much worriment to housekeepers, who are put to great straits in getting their soiled linen washed. The men's shirts and other things which require clear starching can be sent to a laundry, but tablecloths, nap kins, sheets and pillow slips and the great bulk of the washing for most households is done at home, to save expense, and now that Chinese washmen are few, and with, all the professional washerwomen gone to the hoppicklng, many housewives are obliged to hustle to get their washing done, and not a few are fain to roll up their sieves and plunge their arms into the hot soapsuds and renew their acquain tance with the old-fashioned washboard, a rather disagreeable task. The Ironing does not cause so much trouble, as the electric "flatiron" Is coming into general use, and this does away with the neces sity of keeping up a roaring fire in the kitchen stove in this hot weather. Farmer Gets the Worst of It. The householders or housekeepers of Portland generally are grumbling about the price of their beefsteaks and roasts. They have seen it stated in the papers that the price of beef cattle on foot or by live weight has been reduced a cent a pound or more, or nearly 25 per cent, on account of the Willamette Valley being overstocked. The housekeepers complain that although the price of live cattle has been cut there has been jio reduction made by marketmen in the price of porterhouse steak, rib roasts or sirloin,-or even on the less desirable cuts of beef, which they imagine ought to be reduced about the same per cent as the price of cattle on foot Retail butch ers, when asked to explain this, say that there has been no reduction made by the meat companies on the price of beef by the carcass, and therefore they cannot make any cut in the prices of choice cuts. The Yellow Man's Burden. Another Chinaman was the victim of a brutal as sault last night at 10:30, when Harry Will iams, aged 20 years, struck Chin John In the face, after offering the Celestial other indignities and threatening to destroy the Chinaman's property. The assault took place near the corner of Second and Oak streets, and was witnessed by several Chi namen, who Immediately began to blow police whistles and give chase to Williams. Officers from the central police station answered the whistle call. Officer Robson, who Is something of a sprinter, gained rapidly on Williams, who ran down Second to Pine, up Pine to Third, down Third to Ankeny, and down Ankeny. There Offi cer Robson caught up with him and land ed a heavy right hand on his collar, Will iams was taken to the station, where charges of assault and battery, and drunk enness were placed against him. No Rain Near Oregon. Weather con ditions along the Pacific Coast were re ported at the local station of the United States Weather Bureau to be somewhat unsettled yesterday, but rain appears to be as backward as ever, and forest fires smoke and blaze unchecked. Warmer weather Is promised today. Rain' was re ported yesterday in the New England States, Pennsylvania, Western New York. Michigan and along the Florida coast Fire Commissioners Meet Todat. A special meeting of the Fire Commissioners will be held this morning to consider the charges against the crew of the fireboat arising from the Are of last Saturday night Yesterday the boat was taken into the stream and given a test Hereafter the crew will frequently practice, as .the members of the Executive Board believe the expense incurred will be offset by efficiency. Free Dibpensakt to Be Enlarged. The free dispensary for the benefit of the worthy poor has treated eo many patients during the Summer that its usefulness will as far as possible be enlarged. All the physicians In charge of these clinics are members of the St Vincent's Hospital staff, and consequently the service is of high professional quality, and Is of course gratis. Mat Serve Without Pat. Unless City Treasurer Werleln changes his mind about accepting one of the men offered him by the Civil Service Commission to mi tne vacancy caused ny tne resignation oi William Gould, Mrs. Werleln will take a nosition In the Treasurer's office on Tues- day, but will be required to serve without pay. Laboring Men, Attention. Tomorrow evening, at the First Presbyterian Church, Dr. Hill will speak on the "Labor Ques tion," suggested by the collapse of the Chicago strike. Laboring men and their families especially invited. School Book Exchange. We buy and sell school and college text books. Large stock. The Old Book Store, 223 Yamhill street AKUSEStEKTS. "Captain Lettarblair" Matinee. A special popular-priced matinee will be given today at 2:15 P. M. at the Columbia Theater. "Captain Lettarblair," the play that has made the opening of the Colum bia Theater a week of capacity audiences, will he the bill, and tonight the brilliant stock company will be seen In this charm lng comedy for the last time. Written In Marguerite Merrlngton's captivating style. staged with consummate skill by William Bernard, and acted with marked ability by every member of the cast, the success of the production should not arouse won der. The play should be popular with mat! nee audiences. Mr. Baume makes a dash ing lover as Captain Lettarblair, and Miss Countiss has a vivacious part as Fanny Hadden, a blithe, airy creature, but at the same time a woman of depth and emo tional genius. "La Tosca" Ends Tonight. With the performance tonight "La Tosca" will be given Its last presentation at the Baker. The week has been a sue cessful one, for the attendance has been large and enthusiastic. Those who sought genuine acting found It in the work of Melbourne MacDowell and Miss Charlotte. Deane, In the two principal, roles. It Is a question whether Portlandcrs ever saw the two parts better acted than was the case this week at the popular Baker The ater. "Octoroon" Matinee Today. The lastytwo performances of "The Octoroon" will occur this afternoon and tonight If you. don't go to the Empire to see the Weldemann Stock Company In the magnificent revival of the historic old play you will always regret it The nest SAJnerlcan play ever written-- is tne verdict passed upon tne play long ago, and the best popular ijncea orsaaizaiion wnicn nas ever appeared In Portland is the general verdict of those who have seen the acting of the Weldemann people. See "The Octoroon" before it is too late. Matinee today at 2 o'clock. Keane's Final Performances.- James Keanewill give but two more performances oiV'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" at Cordray's. Theater. 11 it were not for the fact that Mr. Keane Is booked ahead and must leave, he could easily draw crowded houses for another week. The same bill will be given to night, tomorrow's matinee and with to-, morrow's performance the Keane engage ment will draw to a close. COMING ATTRACTIONS. "A Texas Steer.'' The engagement of Hoytfs "A Texas Steer," which will appear at the Mar quam Grand Theater next Friday and Saturday nights, September 16 and 17, with a bargain matinee Saturday, has every indication of brilliant success. No comedy of its "class has better or more worthy claims to its great popularity than "A Texas Steer." These claims, like its success, are well founded.. This, too, can be said while comparing "A Texas Steer" with Hoyf s other successes. Some special reasons for this standing of the play are its wholesome wit, Its al ways well-tempered satire. Its brisk, nat- .jral and.conanual movement and Jho un.j ceasing laughter provocation of Its lines. characters and situations. No one is ashamed to confess to having laughed for two hours at a time after seeing "A Texas Steer," for he can show good cause for having done so. "Lord and Lady Xlgy" Tomorrow. The equal of w "Cap tain Lettarblair" as a laughmaker Is the most extravagant praise than can be said of Lord and Ladv Algy." That this play succeeds 'Captain Lettarblair" at the Columbia Theater opening with tomorrow's matinee is in Itself an indication that it will hold the attention of the most critical the atergoer. Pinero Is a pas tm aster In play-writing and this is one of bis most brilliant The ballroom scene Is not only gorgeous stage picture, but it is bub bling with, humor and the audience Is kept in a continual roar of laughter. The undercurrent of the play Is serious ,and the characters are full of interest Mr. Baume and Miss Countiss as Lord and Lady Algy have parts that display to tho fullest their dramatic ability. "GIsmonda" Tomorrow. Tomorrow, with tho matinee perform ance, Portland will for the first time wit ness a performance of Sardou's Immortal drama, "GIsmonda. at popular prices. The attraction at tho Baker wlll.be the first given of this beautiful story at such prices. The drama will show 50 people on the stage, and the stage settings will be notable. The management Is making special effort to stage this play, and scenic artists have been painting canvas for weeks. The story is filled to the brim with interest and there is not a moment during its entire action when the audi ence can feel attracted in any direction but the stage. Tho star, Melbourne Mac Dowell, will appear as Almerio. "Michael Strogoff," Tomorrow. Commencing with a matinee tomor row tne weldemann fatocK company will present the thrilling drama of Russian tyranny and heroism, "Michael Strogoff," for the ensuing week. Com ing at this time this play is especially timely and in view of the stirring hap penings in the present war In the East no one who desires to keep Informed on the conditions which prevail in Rus sia should miss "Michael Strogoff." If you see the great play you will be en abled to understand why the Russians have been able to hold Port Arthur against the terrible assaults of the Japanese. The famous drama will bo given a splendid production by Man ager Weldemann and the elaborate scenery required makes It one of the biggest things a local theater has ever attempted. It will be complete In every respect and will mark an epoch in local theatrical annals. Matinee to morrow at 2 P. M. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Kelcey Sisters a Hit. f Like everything else on earth, this week's programme at the Star Theater has an end. Only today and tomorrow remain In which It will be possible for lovers of the beautiful to see the Kelcey Sisters dance. Not that the actof these three charming soubrettcs Is the only feature of the long and excellent pro gramme, but as it is Impossible to men tion all the goods points of the bill, this one is selected for example. The BIJou Today. This afternoon and tonight especially good turns will be seen at the BIJou. Zlnn's Broadway Burlesquers have caught the eye of the town. As an operetta, "Venus" stands alone with Its gay little songs, pretty dances and real funny fun. Preciadop, Spanish magician, does tricks that deceive the keenest eye and delude the brightest mind. Have you tried to see how he does it? Big Matinee Audiences. The large matinee audiences at the Ar cade 'ineater in tnese eariy Autumn ait- THE STORE THAT SELLS THE BEST GOODS AT SATURDAY BARGAINS GALORE Come Here for the Cream of the Season in Style, Quality and Low Prices UNPRECEDENTED SELLING IN OUR' CLOAK AND SUIT DEPT. 4 Today From 9 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. Second Floor. LATEST SHIPMENT OF NEW TAILORED SUITS FOR LADIES AND MISSES ALL EXCLUSIVE WITH US Walking Skirts, Corsets, Gloves, Underwear, Ribbons, New Liberty and Windsor Ties Beauties. THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS The Only Exclusive Dry Goods Store in the City t MA9X9f ASK YOUR GOODYEAR'S The best that can Goodyear Rubber Company It H. PEASE. President. 73 an 75 First Street. PORTLAND, OR. SHAW'S PURE BLUMAUER & HOCH ibt &4 110 Foxrtk StrMt stel Dixtrffeutitra far Orcea a4 WasMacten. I Your house will be like "Honololu" or "Palm Beach" this Winter if' it is warmed, and ventilated with a "Per fect." The furnace which supplies pure warm air. Sold only by ' W. G. McPherson Co. Engineers and Contractors. 47 First Street. ernoons testify to the great attractiveness of the performances at this premier play house. The violin' playing of Petronelle D'ArvIen would draw a crowd together in the Sahara Desert. Such music is seldom heard, except on the great concert stages of Europe. The rest of the bill, which in cludes a sketch which crackles with mirth presented by Stcinle and Hyde, Is fully up to the high standard which the Arcade Is so successfully maintaining. Lyric Show Today. This afternoon and tonight the Lyric will present its admirable bill, which has been the sensation of the week, including the great athletes, Sampson and Zacho, whose feats of strength have never been equaled In this city. Few people would believe that a woman could possess strength sufficient to enable her to lift a full-size piano in her teeth until the ac tual demonstration was made. This is only oneof a series of equally astonishing things which this team accomplishes. There are six other acts on the bill, each one remarkably good and entertaining. Continuous show tomorrow. DENTES SHE .WEARS LINGERIE. Miss Lena S. Walton Says She lights In Plain Clothes. De- No trace has yet been secured of the bonds and valuable papers which Miss Lena S. "Walton, a mining promoter, says she missed from her room at the Portland Hotel Thursday evening. The efforts of the attaches of the hotel and of Detective Joe Day to get any trace of the missing papers or the manner In which they dis appeared has been unavailing. Not the slightest clew rewarded their efforta Miss "Walton estimates her loss at about $8000, as she says that Is the actual money value of the mining stock taken from her room. The other papers she has found wore' copies of their originals and since they did not bear her signature were worthless. Miss "Walton is rather put out about the printed comment upon the condition of her Swell Tourist Coats, with belt or loose back, in plain cloth colors and mixed effects. Special for today, $6.75, $7.45, $9.50, $11.50, $12.50, $13.50, $15.00 and upwards. All new Fall and up-to-date garments. These garments cannot be purchased else where at the prices quoted. Make the rounds, if you please; buy where style, material and price are right. "We are certain you will buy, here. "We advertise what we have to adver tisenever exaggerate about it de scribe it truthfully, and then stdp. The care we give to the selection of those garments is a sufficient guar antee of their excellence. New Rainproof Coats and Cravenettes "We have them in all the latest shades and mannish effects. TVe de mand from the manufacturer the best he can produce. "We want our money's worth. "We admit your right to demand the same. Special for to day, Saturday, $8.50, $10.50, $11.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.50, $20.00 and $25.00. Beat our prices if yon can. DEALER FOR RUBBER GOODS assde ef rabfeer. America's ORIGINAL MALT VHISKT Without a Rind Todiy MALT room st the Ume she discovered the rob bery and especially Is she put about the statement that lingerio hung about the bed. "I am a plain business woman and do not wear foolish clothea," said Miss "al ton. "I am associated with some ot the wealthiest men and most prominent men In the country, and always dress exactly as a business woman should drecy, with out any fancy frills. Furthermore, I am a perfect crank on order and always have my room kept neat, and it was an error to Hay that things were lying about." Miss "Walton will leave in a day or two for "Washington, D. C, on legal busi ness in connection with the Alaskan rain ing properties she 'represents?.' ""WHERE TO DENE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant: flne, private apart ments for parties. 305 "Wash., near 5th. BRIINOT HALL Special Advantages in Music, Piano, Violin and Vocal, also in Art, etc. Prepares for any College. A Protestant Boarding and Day School for Girls. Faculty is composed of cul tured Eastern Ladies from the Best Colleges. Write for Illustrated Cata logue for further information. Address, JULIA P. BAILEY, 2209 Pacific Avenue, SPOKANE, WASH. THE LOWEST PRICES S. W. Corner Store voctqy Until 5:30 P. 7?f. EXTRA SALESPEOPLE EN GAGED TO WAIT ON PATRONS THIS EVENING STORE OPEN FROM 5:30 TO 10:30 P. M. I CONFIDENTIAL This Is the last day of free examination of school children's eyes. Dur ing: the past week we have supplied many little one3 with much-needed glasses and are satisfied that tne benefits will be manifest in better school, work during; the coming: term. Neglect of vision in youth bears blttar fruit in later years. WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING IT WONT HURT A BIT BY OUB METHOD. We are enabled to extract from one to 83 teeth at cae sitting', positively and abso lutely without pain or bad after effects. People in delicate health need have no fear, as our method of extracting Is positively safe and absolutely painless. Absoluts cleanliness Is our motto. Our method of do me crovrn and bridge -work is scientific, quick and painless; IT years experience In plate work enables as to fit your mouth ooxnfortably. "We bare feelings as well as Dr. W. you. WISE BROS., 208-218 FAILING BLDO. Open evenings till Corner Third and Washington streets. ED TJ C ATI CXKAX. MILL Military Academy A Private Boarding and Day School. Boys of any age ad mitted at any time. Fall term opens Sept. 14. 1901. For catalogue, etc. address J. W. rflLL.. MJ);. Portland. Or. PORTLAND ACADEMY Fits boys and girls for Western and Eastern colleges. Primary and grammar grades in cluded. Portland Academy Hall for ulns Beceives a limited number and givea them tne comions imu z ,n Next term -will open aionaay. oepiejauer xv, iaiu T"or ca.taIoirue aoaress roruana acm- emy, Portland, Or. 1 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Eighteenth, annual session bsglna Sept. 10, 19?Vm e w JOBEPHL M. D.. Dean. 10 Dekum bldg- Portland. LAW DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Nineteenth annual session begins September 20 1904. Lectures aenverea in xronmna at 7:i5 in the evening. Addresa C. U. Oantenbeln, B.. Dean, 723 Chamber of Commerce Building. Portland. Stammering Cured Why stammer? Why stutter 7 Class for stammerers now started. Tou have anffered long enough; so come and rid yourself of your affliction. Most difficult cases are cured, and that too. In a very short time. When you leave school you talk as though yen had nevr stammered. Consult or address M. L. Hatfield, 1B0 11th st.. Portland, Or. Consultation houra. 0 to 10 A. M., 1 to 5 P. M. NORTH PACIFIC DENTAL COLLEGE One cX the bttt equipped institutions ot Its kind. The annual session begins October 3. Students may graduate after attending tbree full courses. For further infosmatton and catalogue ad dress DR. HERBERT C. MILLER, Dean. 141 West Park Street. Portland. Oregon. A BEAUTIFUL WOMI MtoAcadlcacModbyCrty ' Imperial Hair Regenerator, will remedy tbla. Any shade from Blara to lbs lightest Aeb Blonde produced. Colors are dnrabl &. Easily atnilled. Ab eolutely naroIeMSatapie of hair col. IMrllUL CHEMICJU. WO. CO. 13S W. JZt ST., IE YOBK TEETH For modern dental work. World-renowned Specialists. Lowest prices consistent with first-ciass work. Go to the YORK DENTISTS NEW FOXTROT AND MORRIS OX STS. PREE LAND IN OREGON J in the richest grain, fhuand stock section in the world. Thousands of acres of hnd at actual cost of irrigation. Deed direct from State of Oregon. WRITE TP-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation and Power Com-ganyiill-iaMcKayBaiMbPordaojjOrtrga. A. Fourth and Morrison Sts. Closed CHAT NO. 25 1 Dr. T, P. IVlie. DEMTISTS 8. Sundays from. 8 to 12. Phono 2Ialn 2028. TEETH SPECIALS EXTENDED UNTIL OCT. 1 THE Boston Painless Dentists Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for ten. years, that all school children may come and fcavo their teeth cared for during vacation. These ar the only dentists in Portland hav ing the late botanical discovery to apply to tho gums for Painless Extracting, Filling and Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for ten years. WrKflM FHEE SBrar Ffflngs 35c Fan Set of TastH. .$3-00 Fjomlaitlon FSEE Gold FlSInrs J5a- 8ald Crams ,....$100 Crowns and Bridge Work oi Tern Prices m Specialty. Our Patent Doable Suction will hold Tout teeth tip. NO STUDENTS. Come in st one and tako advsstssje of' low rate. All work dona by specialists 1 without psla and guaranteed, for tm jnn. Boston Painless Dentists Plftb sad aXorrlson streets, .e&traae 2013jg Morrison. , Imagination is a noble tiling in its place. But not in buying Hot Imagination costs a great many pien $1.00 a season- For in the purchase of a $$.oa fiat yoa are getting $3.00 worth bf Hat and$3.oo worthof Imagi nation. GORDOTiiHats $3.00, Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder 1 AN ELEGANTfrOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century PREPARED BY FrdPrekD.D.S. DENTIST 405 Dckum BIdg. Bast Wort at Lowest Rates. SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. EE8I WORK REASONABLE PBICE3 247H stark stret phon Mafn T78