THE MORNING- OBEGONIAK, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1904, II NEW POST SEPTEMBER RE-ARRANGEMENT SALES ARE ON, TEEMING WITH MATCHLESS BARGAIN OPPORTUN1TS ES I MacArthur Favors One in Willamette Valley. WOULD SEND CAVALRY General Urges Military Force on Coast Be Increased. ITS GROWTH DEMANDS IT Recommendation Is Aleo Made That Captains of Infantry and Art!!- i lery Be Placed In Mounted Category. O&BGONZASr 'KBWS BURSAlX VWash ilaston, Sept. R. Major-Gen errJ. UacAr rthur, oommaitainff the Division of the Pa-i-ciflc, la his" annual report mafia public 'today, recommends the establishment of a new Army post at some point ta the "Willametta Valley, In Oregon, to accom modate one 2nU regiment of cavalry. This Is jart of a general plan he presents to Increase the military iorca on the Pa .ciflo Coast. General MacArthur says the concen ftratlon of political and economical inter ests in the Pacific Ocean has enormously magnified the military Importance of the "West, and the continued rapid progress of events suggests the expediency of an scarry enlargement of military facilities to meet the growing necessities of the tPadfio Coast. The recommendation, with regard to Oregon, is made with a view to a full regiment of cavalry being di vided between the Presido and Ord bar racks, and another .regiment of cavalry at the post above recommended, making two full cavalry regiments for the Pa cific Coast General MacArthur suggests that leg islative authority be obtained to classify as mounted officers all Captains of in fantry and artillery not now in the mounted category. He says the exi gencies of modern field work require so much from a Captain of infantry that he cannot possibly discharge bis duties if he has to drag his body through the exhausting efforts of a long march, as after such a strain he is physically in capable of supervising the attack forma tions in extended order for a service com pany of 100 men or more. Therefore, precisely at a moment when his profes sional skill is most needed, he Is least effective. This arrangement would mean a total increase in pay for the 620 officers affected of about $9S,000. General MacArthur says that "great success attended the joint camp maneu vers and field Instruction instituted in the Department of the Columbia during the month of July." He closes his report by saying it is pleasant to report a considerable decrease in the number of desertions during the year just closed as compared with the pre ceding year. FUNSTON .BACK FROM ALASKA He Reports Posts and Soldiers in Ex cellent Condition. SEATTLE, Sept 6. Brigadier-General Frederick Funeton, accompanied by his aid. Lieutenant B. J. Mitchell, returned tonight from Nome on the steamship Ore gon. They have just completed a tour of the Army posts In Alaska, with the excep tion of Fort Ldscum. That post is being inspected by Adjutant-General Major R. K. Evans. General Funston reports all the posts and soldiers in excellent condition. He will make no recommendations for further post construction. The General will leave Vancouver Barracks about October 1 to assume command of the Department of the Xokes. Deeds for Land Near Navy-Yard. SEATTLE, Sept 6. The Government has filed the deeds conveying to it 25 acres at the head of Ostrich Bay, near the navy yard at Bremerton, for a naval magazine. The cost was $14,343.15. In 1902 an appro priation of ?30,000 was made for the site and beginning of Improvements. A wharf 800 feet long is to be constructed first of all. GUESTS OF THJITED STATES. Members of the Inter-Par! I amen tary Union Take in West Point. WEST POINT. N. T., Sept 6. The members of the Inter-Parliamentary : Union, a body comprising delegates from 'England and from every legislative body in Europe, were the guests of the United 6tates today, when a tour of the coun try began under the auspices of the Gov ernment At the Military Academy, the distinguished guests disembarked to the firing of the National salute of 21 guns. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Taylor, who represented the President welcomed the visitors on behalf of the Government The rest of the afternoon was devoted to an examination of the academy and a review of the cadets. An interesting development of the day was the disclosure of the fact that the Inter-Parliamentary Union, at its forth coming conference in.i3t 1x3 uls, -will un dertake to adopt a resolution looking to the calling of another International Ar bitration Congress of the character of The Hague. It is probable that President Roosevelt will be asked by formal resolu tion to issue a call. The party departed tonight for New York by special train. PALLS TO MA7TF, ARCTIC? POINT Steamer Carrying Coal to Ziegier Ex pedition Is Spoken. HAMMERFEST, Norway, Sept 6. The Norwegian steamer Vlrcola which has ar rived here, reports that she met the Zieg ier relief expedition steamer Frlthjof, Aug ust 27, in latitude 79 N., and longitude 52 E. The Frithjof up to that time had been unable to reach Franz Josef Land. The Frlthjof, having on board the Zieg ier relief expedition which arrived at Vardo, Norway, August 4, after an un successful attempt to reach the steamer America bearing the Zlegler Arctic ex pedition party, sailed from Vardo, August 5 for Franz Josef Land with coal for the America. The latter vessel sailed from Trondhjem, Norway, for Franz Josef Land on June 23, 1903. This expedition was financed by William Zelgler. Whether another effort will be made Is not known. 1 PORTLAND'S QUALITY SHOP "Juggling With Truth" rue ciownisn antics 01 a "Roycroft" juggler who han dles the truth carelessly for a local store, that flatters us in superlative degree by con stant and abject imitation in . advertising, has won fresh laurels for his classic (?) brow note the "laurels" as pictured above. The poor fellow is kept constantly in the air first on this tack, then on that, to take the wind from our sails and keep his waterlogged old hulk off the rocks. His latest was a '"sheet and pillow case'sale." This store advertised and sold regular 75c sheets, with rein forced centers no seams 90x90 in size, with a count of 80 threads to the inch, best sheeting. Our famous "Econ omy" sheets, for which, with other good things, this store is sole selling agent for Port land, at 580 the sheeet. Our clownish friend goj; busy, hunted up a lot of sheets sold regularly all along Front street every day in the week, at 60c, 81x9 0-inch measurement, with a 60-thread-to-the-inch count and a thick, hard seam through the center, for tired backs to lie on, but no reinforced centers, material of cheapest Quality sheetinsr and adver tised them in competition with our quality sheets at 58c, for 55c. Oome in and see the sheets today, side Iby side, and judge if you save by paying us 3 cento more per sheet, We ween you'll save money by spending it here. Again: We advertised and sold a standard quality of Pillow Case, made of a splendid quality round-thread sheeting, 45x36 inches in size, best 15c values, special at 90 (more today). Our shadows got mixed on the horses, took a tip from a tout and got left at the post, this way. They run in competition with our winner some "badly used" pillow cases, 42x36 inches in size, made from what is termed "signwriters' muslin," filled with starch and sizing, actual value 5c yard, and asked their patrons to pay them 8c for them, when they could buy the 45x36-inch case here, made of good sheeting, at 90. Honest Injunl If our domestic buyer ever bought such trash as was exploited in com petition with our sheets and pillow cases yesterday, and sent them to this store at any price, he'd be asked to resign in favor of the bundle boy. But everything has its use, and such incidents have their best use in demon strating what real bargains really are and where they're always found at the KEUABLE store of Olds, Wortman & King.' Tha supremacy of this great store as a supply center for every need was never moro aptly shown than in this week's offerings to its Public. Autumn suggestions abound in every section; representing and in cluding everything that's correct, exclusive and modish in immense varieties and every worthy grade. Our buying facilities, acknowledged superior to those of any other store in the Northwest, rivaled byx only one on the Pacific Slope that in "Frisco" it's but natural that best values are the rule here. As a fitting triumph of leadership we point to the economies mads possible by the prices of the SEP TEMBER RE-ARRANGEMENT SALES ECONOMIES POSITIVELY WITHOUT PARALLEL IN PORTLAND MERCHANDISING. Those not finding it convenient to corns to the store may shop satisfactorily by mall or phone. A competent, drilled and expert corps of shoppers is employed to All aU 3IAEL OR FIIOXE ORDERS carefully and conscientiously in our patrons' interest rHOXE EXCHANGE 12. Oldest, lending Mall-Order House In West. Patrons who choose to open a charge ac count will find our Credit System thor oughly efficient a great accommodation in shopping, to customer and store alike Open to all with proper references. OUR CREDIT OFFICE IS OX THE THIRD FLOOR. A MOST EXTRAORDINARY SILK HAPPEN $10,000 Worth of Rich, New, Desirable Black Silk Taffetas on the Altar of SacrificeAnnex, 1st Pi. Right at the outset of what is bound to be the greatest Silk Season ever known, the OLDS, WORTMAN & KING merchandising organization brings, this monster stock of splendid, desirable new Black Silks Taffetas to your very doors and spreads them out before you for two more days at prices never before heard of in all the West for Silks of like quality. The story we print is truth every word of it. Seeing and feeling the Silks! means believing we have not extolled the great values that go to make up) this sale as much as they deserve. There are Dress Goods bargains, too uua i uveriooK mem in your enmusiasm over tne eiiKS. in ootn lines we ve ON THE PAOIFIO SLOPE. Read the items: 've arranged a host of bargains UNMATCHA-BLE BY ANY HOUSE 2500 yds. 19-inch All-Pure Silk Black Taffeta; reg. 85c value; spec..610 2250 yds. 21-inch All-Pure Silk Black Taffeta; reg. $1.00 value; spec.720 2000 yds. 24-inch All-Pure Silk Black Taffeta; reg. S1.10 value; spec.790 3315 yds. 27-inch All-Pure Silk Black Taffeta; reg. ?1.25 value; spec.890 1875 yds. 36-in. All-Pure Silk Black Taffeta; reg. $1.25 val.; suec. 940 2100 yds. 36-in. All-Pure Silk Black Taffeta; reg. $1.50 val.; spec..S1.21 2 MORE DAYS ONLY! 2 MORE DAYS ONLY! Sole Agents for Bonnet et Cie's Black Silks. The Bargain Searchlight Shines Pull Upon the Dress Goods Store! A Monster Sale of New Autumn Dress Stuffs Stands Revealed! Por Two More Days Only Today and Tomorrow. 3 GREAT COLORED DRESS GOODE SPECIALS ! New Fall Dress Fabrics, the newest designs and colorings to be found in the"best markets of the world, at prices to introduce our immense and well-selected stock. Regular $1 grade of 50-inch Mixed Tailor Suitings and hard-finished Worsteds, in all street colorings, special for two days only, 790 yard. Regular $1.50 grade 54-inch All-Wool Suitings, very desirable fabrics for street wear; all the new colorings and patterns; special for two days only, 1.13 yard. Regular $1.75 grade of 54-inch Mannish Tweed Suitings, in all wanted street colors; the very latest patterns and designs for tailored Suits. Spe cial for two days only, 1.32 yard. A 2 DAYS SALE OF FINE BLACK DRESS STUFFS. Regular $1.50 and $1.25 new Black Goods, in Voiles, Twine Etamines, Mistral Etamines, Crepe de Paris and Embroidered Crepe. Special for 2 days only, 890 yard. Regular $1.75 grades Twine Etamines, Nubbed andSeeded Voiles, vrepe ae rsns, ropun ae umne. special lor z days only, ax.isy yard. Great Special Sale of Sheets and Hiow Cases of Quality Right in the face of an advancing .cotton mar ket caused by shortage of crops in the South and labor troubles that have caused a shutdown in the mills at Fall River, Mass., mills that supply almost the world with' their cottons, we announce a continuance for today of the great sale of Sheets and Pil low Cases so successfully opened yesterday. Hundreds "compared"; with the result our aisles were thronged all day with buyers and the sale goes on today. Sheets and Pillow Oases at a mere fraction of present value. 75c SHEETS, 580 Best quality of our famous reinforced "Economy Sheets," largest size, 90x90, bleached; will outwear any sheet ever made, cheap at 75c Special today only at r.580 18c PILLOW OASES, 140 Another let of those fine, smooth, muslin Pillow Oases, such as we sold 200 dozen of one day last week, size 36x45 inches, best 18c values; at the actual cost or the muslin they're made of for today only, special. .140 15c PILLOW CASES, 90 A monster lot of 900 dozen nearly 11,000 Pillow Cases a delayed ship ment on which the makers have allowed a generous allowance rather than we 8honll refuse them, six weeks overdue. We're going to save you what we saved in price. All are of standard quality, 12V&C and 15c values, all Special, while they last, today, each 90 Immense new Fall showings in Flannelettes, yard 100 to 170 f"18ueced Serges, yard.: 12iy2$ to 25$ Silk and Wool Waistings 75A Wool Ottomans and Roman Cloths, for waists or house wrappers 450 German Velours, yard 250 to 350 New Outing Cloths, yard .70 to 150 White Saxonr Flannels and a big line of the swell new embroidered flannels, t'l at the lowest price quoted by any reliable house in the West. Housef urnishings at cheaper prices than last month ; much cheaper. Haven 't you, as a housekee per, often followed up careless sweeping, and given a room a cleaning that meant cleanness? THOROUGHNESS. Just so stores must be thorough. We've started out here to get ready for wholesale moving. Every stock on the floor has to be moved about this month soon as the floor is laid in the new annex now we move many of these third-floor stocks there. The Summer's sales have left us many oddments; we've rounded 'em up cut prices deeply on them the sav ings are fine. We print a list, but not a full one : PORTXAJfrys LARGEST, FOREMOST WO MEVS APPAREL PKESEMTS AUTUMN'S AUTHORITATIVE FASHION SHOWS IN THE GRAND SALONS OP DRESS. - Second Floor. This -week we moke large exhibition!; of Autumn Gowns, Costumes, tailored and demi-tailored. Dinner and Evening lireases, dainty hand-made Evening Waists. Dresa and Walking Skirts, tai lored Street Suits, Theater and Carriage Wraps, Tourist and Automobile Coats. In short, Autumn attire in all the ap proved styles of fashion's court. Hours can be spent looking through the Suit Section without exhausting the variety. New styles are coming in dally. Great care is taken to have no mora than one, two or three suits of a pattern, thus af fording the patronage of this store as much exclusiveness as can be given by custom modistes. Portland's leading store is approaching her best this week, gain ing readiness for early openings we've spent months preparing for and "best" here means something more than the showing of swell things. It means ex pert fitters and competent workmanship. Though a necessary alteration may be very slight. In unskilled hands .the de sired effect is often lost. We have In our employ, to guard against these defects, the most experienced people. We guar antee their work to be perfect not only .satisfactory to you, but also to our rigid requirements. No garment leaves this store before it's right. And Olds, "Wortman & King's exclusive and au thoritatively correct garments cost no more, nor so much, as their inferior re plicas which help to swell the number of express bundles sent out by New York's East Side sweatshops to our shadows in the Portland garment business. Portland women folk know style, and quality, they look below the gew-gaws and spangles that cover tenement-house work, that's why this house succeeds while others languish, another reason why this has become easily Portland's foremost store. Specials for the Week in White German China Ware Thin China Cups and Saucers, doz. . .$1.20 China Bread and Butter Plates, doz 75 0 China Tea Plates, doz 75 0 China Breakfjast Plates, doz $1.10 China Dinner Plates, doz 1.35 100-piece Decorated German China Dinner Sets, in 3 styles of handsome decorations. Special $14.00 Haviland Decorated China Dinner Sets, 3 styles handsome decorations, 100 pieces. ' Special $22.60 SARREOTEMINES (fireproof) FRENCH EARTHEN COOKING WARE, unequaled for durability and purity. A neat, polished brown color, white lined 9 -inch Oval Bakers; special, each 240 7-inch Oval Bakers; special, each 190 7 -inch Oval Bakers; special, each 160 Handled Ramekins, doz $1.00 5- inch Bowls, each 100 6- inch Bowls, each 120 Drip Coffey Pots, each 890 Custard Cups, dozen 900 A big line of useful pieces in this ware, all at special prices for the week. Bric-a-Brae and. Decorated China . Immense new lines just opened Marble Busts and Figures for holiday gifts. Libbey's famous Cut Glass, Decorated Lamps and Shades ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS WEEK. Kitchen furnishings at Speciat Prices: The entire line, absolutely everything em braced under this heading on the third floor, is radically reduced. A few specials that show how the reductions trend: Granite Iron Teakettles ..590 Granite Iron Teapots, 3-qt. size 360 Granite Iron 14-qt. Dishpans 480 Granite Iron 12-hole Muffin Pans 390 Granite Iron 4-qt. Pudding Pans 160 Asbestos Mats 30 Asbestos Baking Sheets, dozen 80 Nickel-Plated Pokers, each 60 A Great Special Sale of the Celebrated Wallace Bros. Silverware Every piece guaranteed. New, fancy pat terns, good, heavy handles. TEASPOONS set of 6; special ,.480 Dessert Spoons set of 6, $1.25 value; Special 800 Tablespoons set of 6, $1.50 value; Special 960 Table Forks set of 6, $1.50 value; Special 960 Oyster Forks set of 6; special 720 Sugar Spoons, 25c value; special, each.. .150 Butter Knives, 35c value; special, each... 220 Berry Spoons with fancy bowl, 60c value; Special 390 Child's Set, knife and fork, 60c value; Special 390 More Ch'rming New Hats Brighten Salons Second Floor. Like the good gardener who, before the bed of tulips goes, has the bed of pansies right beside it ready blooming, we've always something opening up bright and new, every day, in this year 'round millinery store. If you were in yesterday, come again today and you'll hardly know the place, so numerous are the daily openings of new crea tions that come trooping in from New York, Paris and our own splendid workrooms, Miss O'Mal ley in charge, head designer, for merly with Charles A. Stevens & Bros., the "Style Store" of Chi cago. We're getting ready for early openings this season. Our present showings exceed those of any other local house thrice over. A very special item in this section for today is ' $5 Tailored Hats $3.50 Handsome new silk velvet tailored Hats in the new and jaunty turban shapes, draped and shirred, finished at back with large gilt buckle. One of the smartest, most effective, yet simple creations shown this new season for Autumn wear. In black, browns, greens, navy and castor. Regular $5 value; special, Wednes day only at $3.50 Little Necessities at Wee Bits o" Prices First Floor. Heavy Button and Carpet Thread, in black, drab, white, red and tans, 100-yd. spools; special, spool... 40 Stray Lock Shell Hair Clasps, in special at 100 Shell Pompadour Combs, full curve, 25c and 30c values; special at. 150 Fine all-bristle Hair Brushes, in large size; a special value at. .490 Extra quality Imported Cloth Brushes, 85c value; special at. 590 Crown Toilet Waters, in Violet, Crab Apple, Peau d'Espagne and Matsuka odors, 7oc value; special at, bottle 490 Box fine Correspondence Paper, in all the popular tints and whites, creams, blues and grays, in new shapes ; the regular 35c boxes ; special at 200 ALL THE NEW THINGS IN LEATHER GOODS. New styles and shapes in Hand Bags, Carriage Bags, Envelope Bags in all the leathers and popular colors $1.25 to $12 Superb Evening Waists GRAND SALONS OF DRESS. Second Floor. Beautiful Waists, hand-made the most novel ideas ever conjured by mortal brain or evolved by deft fin gers of expert needleworkers. Dain ty creations developed from finest materials, elaborately trimmed soft, white, fluffy things, filmy, with lace insertion, powdered with French knots and hand-worked em broidery in openwork effects, with just silk or crepe enough to hold them together. Creatures of ele gance, exclusive at this store, by reason that their makers are jeal ous of their reputation and will not sell their product to conglomerate stores with taint of "Cheap John" traditions and practice. Every Waist bears its own individuality and we protect its exclusiveness one of a kind only. Prices are fair. Special in Skirt and Art Sections $1.25 PETTICOATS 97c Annex Second Floor. 65c Laundry Bags 49c Art Shop Second Floor. Black mercerized moreen petti coats, 14-inch Spanish flounce with 2 3-inch hemstitched ruffles. Reg ular price, $L25; special at.. 970 Large size Laundry Bags of fine art denims, in red, green, blue and tan drawcord and tassels and the word "Laundry" worked on bag: regular price 65c; special at. .490 in Center Aisles First Floor Today. Women's 75c Knit Un dergarments 49c Women's medium weight, fine ribbed Cotton Vests or Pants, in cream tints; very elastic, form-fitting, Vests with long sleeves, Pants ankle length, neat trimming effects, French bands on Pants; special, 75c values for today only at 490 Women's 60c Hosiery 33 Cents Another of those special Hosiery Sales for which this store is famous. A large lot of new fancy Hosiery in splendid assortment of styles, pat terns and colorings; light and me dium shades leading in the display; 50c and 60c values all bunched for the day at one price, pair. . . .330 Boys' 35c Waists 1 5c Blouse and Shirtwaists, in light to dark shades, pretty patterns, good percales; best 25c and 35c values included at a choice for 180 Special Sale Hercules Braid First Floor. This popular dress braid in navy, red, green and brown shades and widths rang ing from to 2 Inches, all plnced at special prices Just at the time 'tis needed most. 7c grade, special at 4c 10c grade, special at 7c 12 $c grade, special at Sc 15c grade, special at 10c 17c grade, special at 12c 20c grade, special at ..14c 25c grade, special at 17a