THE MOSSINg QREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1901. HE HITS AT BRYAN Dr. J. L Hill, Populist, Issues an Appeal. WANTS TO NAME TICKET Calls the Nebraskan a "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing," and Asks Support for Thomas E. Watson. ALBANY, Or., Sept.. 5. (Special.) Dr. J. ll Hill, a well-known Populist, active in recent campaigns for many year? .as writer, speaker, candidate and worker in the party, has Issued the following: "Ap peal to the Old Line Populists of Ore gon':" The precarious position of a political party that has bcon botrayed by unprincipled shy locks, and throttled in Its own domicile by its supposed friends, has humiliated the faithful of Its cohorts to a degree that re conciliation is only possible by again arising from their lethargy and unsheathing their rusty blades to assert their rights as men among men. Tho Populist party, once the second party In this state, was deceived and cajoled into a union with Democrats under the false im pression that the latter were honest la their representations of friendship. Bryan was put to the front as a bait to. capture Popu lists and drag them down to political death and dishonor In a Democratic net. The promises of good faith and fair dealing made by Mr. Bryan, In his eloquent appeals for a united effort against Clcvelandlsm, addled thousands of honest Populists who could sot be Induced to suspect the most fluent orator of modern times of being a second Benedict Arnold. Not until after the nomination of Parker, and bis Indorsement by Bryan could the majority of Populists be convinced that Bryan was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Now that the Democratic party has in sulted the entire Populist contingent by the nomination of Parker, "at the dictation of Cleveland and Hill, Populists feel that the time for a parting of tho roads has ar rived. Populists will not vote for Parker, and to be forced to vote for Boosevelt or be dis franchised is nelthed fair or specially enter taining. In this state, at one time, there wore almostxas many again Populists as there were Democrats, and -there is .not a valid reason why that majority should not increase by desertions from. Democratic ranks by those who aro Indisposed to be driven under party lash back to the sup port, of Clcvelandlsm and another panic. Populists now have an opportunity to vote for one of their own kind. Thomas E. Wat son, the great criminal lawyer and author, of Georgia, has been nominated by a Popu list convention, and If the Populists of Ore gon will wake up to the situation, call a con vention and nominate four electors before the time expires, which will be but a lew weeks, they can free themselves from the bondage of treachery and deception they were led into by selected fuglemen of Parker and Cleveland. Bryan has declared for Parker and Clevelandism, and promised the leaders that he would press down upon the brow of Populism With a "cross of gold and a crown of thorns." It was not Bryan Populists were following, or will follow. It was the principles they believed he was honestly expounding. Now It is conceded" he was not honest. I have been aeked. by many whether a convention would not be called. I 'now an swer: The time is auspicious and I believe Populists may safely begin o unfurl their -sails to catch the breeze of Justice and party liberty In Oregon, as they are doln,? n au the. other states. Electors have been chosen In manyv states farther east and enthusiasm is said to be at a high pitch for permanent rehabilitation of -the party. When Populists get in tho saddle again they will not be fused out. Those who were honestly deceived with fusion will not be hoodwinked again. . Prepare for war now and remain in line lor the state election two years hence. Arrangements are being made for "Watson to make two speeches in Oregon before the election, and I would appreciate hearing from Populists in reference to holding a convention and putting a ticket In the field. Who Dr. Hill Is? ALBANY, Or., Sept. 5. (Special.) Dr. J. L. Hill, author of the address to Pop ullst voters, was a Democrat, active Jn county politics, sitting in all county con ventions prior to the organization of the Populist party in Oregon. He always re fused official honors. He worked and voted for Cleveland during his first can didacy for President. This was Hill's last affiliation with the Democrats. Dr. Hill gave the Democratic pol icy of free trade for raw material end protection for manufacturers as his reasons for leaving the party, stating that . .the West is a producing country, and thatthe policy bred monopo lies. Dr. Hill was a' leader in organiz ing the Populist' party, in Linn County, and as chairman; of the Central Commit tee his skill led the party to victory. "When the Democrats- showed bad faith in supporting Watson as the running mate of Bryan, Hill assisted in. organiz ing the Middle-of-the-IJoad-Populists, and was a delegate to the National Conven tion In Cincinnati -The sameyear he ac cepted the nomination for Congress in the First District, and made an active campaign in Southern Oregon against the Democratic plea that he should draw off for Veatch. The Populist vote aided to elect Thomas Tongue that year. Since the death of the Populist party In Oregon, Hill has made his choice of men or voted the Republican ticket. He was strongly opposed to fusion of Populists and Demo crats, which, he says, killed the Populist party. In support of the Populist cause Dr. Hill, installed a newspaper plant in Albany and published a paper devoted to Populism. MAKE ASSIGNMENTS FOR YEAR Columbia River Methodist Confer ence Finishes Its Labors. THE DALLES, Or.. Sept. 5. (Special.) After a week of deliberations, the Colum bia River Methodist Conference adjourned at noon today, counting this the most sat isfactory session ever held in The Dalles7 Harmony and fellowship have character ized -all -meetings, the work of the differ ent districts represented having been ad--anced materially by the concerted work of the ministers present. Yesterday the church was crowded to its fullest ca pacity to hear Bishop Spellmeyer preach, his text being, "In His Stead," Memorial services were also held in the afternoon for members of the conference and their wives who have passed away during the year, Degrees were conferred upon the successful applicants, Miss Hannah Northfield, of Spokane being made a dea coness. Miss Stella Alexander was also ordained. Following are the assignments for the coming year, announced at the closing session today. The Public Mission District O. W Mlntzner, presiding elder: Chelan. J. c! Survey; Cheney, A. W. Roberts; Daven port, H. M. Rounds; Deer Park, E. R. Henderson; Harland, J. E. Daniels; Hat ton, B. L. Hicks; Lind, J. S. Bell; Me thow, A. "W. Trive; Newport, L. N. B Anderson; Ritzville, C. G. Harmon; Sand Point, William Hoskins; Sprague, T. F. Allen; Waterville, Rev. Mr. Perry Cowiche, Rev. Mr. Williamson; Du fur, G. R. Moorehead; Ellensburg William Park; Fossil, Ralph March; wore- oimcoe1 j. -w. ''Helm: Gimer, 1 J. W. Mayes; Goldendale,- H. B. Blworthy ; Grass Valley, T. G. Stull; Heppner, H. L. Beightol; Hood River, W. C. Evans; Klona, A. N. Sanford; Mora, John Evans; North Yakima, A. H. Henry; Olex, J". W. Atkinson; Pendleton, R Warner; We natchee, L. R. Rufus; Wilbur, R. A. Ann strong. Spokane District U. F. Hak, presiding elder: Coeur d'Alene, J. P. Barker; Col fof, Wilmot G. Whitfield; Elberton, H. M; Mbbbs; Garfield, A. L. Hawley; Harrison, T. G. Hodson; Oakesdale, F. R. Spauld lng; Pleasant Prairie, G. W. SIckafoose; Rathdrum, J. H. Martin; Rockford, C. T. Cook; St Marys, R. Galley; Spokane, First Church, H. L Rasmus; Hillyard, F. E. Koontz; Jefferson, W. H. Fry; Union. Park, M. R. Brown; Vincent, H. D. Kim ball; Moran, S. C. Kirkman; Tekoa arid Farmlngton, W. H. Henderson; Wallace, J. L. Carpenter; Wardner, Charles Elrey. The Dalles District G. M. Booth, pre siding elder; Antelope, J. K. Craig; Ar lington, W. J. Baldwin; Bickleton, S. E. Hornibrook; Belmont, Hf C. Clark; Cas cade Locks, F. L. Johns; Centerville, L. DIHInger; Gle Elum, F. H. Walker; Prinevllle, W. P. Jinnett; Prober, W. C. Smith; Richmond, A. S. Lenz; Spauldlng, W. Sexton: Sunnyslde, J. B. Hoadley; The Dalles, Walton Skipworth;- Wasco, P. Chandler; West Kittitas,- Rev. Mr. Murphy. Walla Walla DistrlctC. E. Gibson, pre siding elder: Albion, J. O. Lawrence; Adams, William Spoor? Asotin, J. S. Anderson; Athena, J. E. Williams; Col ton, Rev. Mr. Davis; Dayton, W. E. Arm field; Grangevllle, T. H. Fertig; Huntsvllle, J. Lecornu; Lewlston, J. R. Gregory; Mil ton, J. J. McAlHster; Moscow, W. T. Eus ter; Nez Perce, R. D. Osterhout; Palouse, D. W. Raines; Pomeroy, C D. Sanderson; Prescott and Starbuck, Charles B. Mc Caughey; Pullman, G. Sykes; Waitsburg, M. H. Marvin; Walla Walla, First Church, Henry Brown; Wilbur Memorial, R. J. Reid; Walla Walla Circuit, A. H. Miller. "WITHDRAWS ITS HOLDINGS. Alaska Packers' Association Tempo rarily Out of the Market. AST6RIA, Or., Sept. 5. (Special.) Thera has, been quite a change in tho conditions of the Alaska salmon market, and what it portends those directly in terested in the Industry cannot tell. After disposing of about 230,000 cases of red salmon at its opening price of $1.10 per dozen, the Alaska Packers' Association has suddenly withdrawn its holdings from the market It refuses to sell more at that price, but has fixed no new fig ures. The demand at the association's opening prices continues strong and con siderable is being sold by the Independent companies; in fact the majority of them could dispose of their entire packs at once if they so desired. An officer of one of the Independent companies, in discuss ing the situation, today said: "While the demand Is unusually strong, It Is extremely "difficult to advance the price after It has once been fixed, and probably quite a portion of the packs will be sold in the. near future at about $L10 per dozen. Undoubtedly an advance to $1.20 will be made in" the early Spring, provided, of' course, conditions do not change materially in the meantime, but to hold salmon until that time Is very ex pensive. The cost for insurance, interest and storage amounts to about one and one-half cents per dozen euch month. In six months that will total nine cents per- dozen, or nearly equal to the pros pective advance In price. Another thing that is making the packers cautious about holding their packs too long, is the fact that next year is the time when big runs are expected in Alaska and in the face of that, none of the smaller concerns are anxious to be caught with any largo holdings unsold. I anticipate that ' the packs of all the Independent companies will be disposed of before the first of the year." MILL FIRE AT DAWSON. Plant Owned by North American Trading CompanyDestroyed. SEATTLE, Sept 5. A special to the Post-Inteligencer from Dawson, ' Y. T., says: The Klondike City Sawmill, owned by the North American Trading &- Trans portation Company, was completely de stroyed by fire this morning. The loss is $C.000, with no insurance. Tho flames spread so rapidly that It was with the greatest difficulty that the fire was pre vented from spreading to the big lumber yards adjoining. Two more steamers sailed today for Tanaria crowded to the guards with freight and passengers. Each also towed a barge loaded with freight The last steamers for Tanana "must leave within a week or two, or they will be unable to complete the run this season. Hotel out fits, a great quantity of mining machin ery and manythousand dollars' worth of whisky are among the shipments. Dawson votes In September as to whether it will be governed under an in corporated body,- or by a commission ap pointed by the Governor. The Klondike's output this year- will bo close to $10,000,000 In gold. SHOT BY HIS GRANDSON. Trout Lake Pioneer Accidentally Killed While Hunting Grouse. HOOD RIVER. Or., Sept 5.-(SpecIaL) J. L. Stump, of Trout Lake, Klickitat County, was shot and killed by his 11-year-old srra-ndson. whll Kntu -m.. Ing grouse Sunday afternoon. The charso ui ""uouut-cuieicu me aoaomen, and it was thought at first that the wound was not fatal, but he died before medical aid could arrive. Stump was' one" of the earliest Bettlers in the Trout Lake country, locating there 30 years ago. He was known as a great bearhunter. He left a wife, two daugh ters and one son, all married. No Fire Protection at University. SEATTLE. Sept. 5. (Special.) A brush fire that threatened the buildings at the State University has disclosed a startling condition of the fire-protection system at the school. The fire company at Fremont found all the pipes in the University water system mpty and the department, had to carry water in buckets to quench the flames. It developed that the caretakers at the University had al lowed the big water tank to become dry during the Summer. Had a fire at the school broken out there would have been no means at band of. saving the building. Blanche Lamont's Brother Shot. DILLON, Mont., Sept 5. Rodger La mont aged 17, was accidentally shot yes terday afternoon while returning home from the Yellowstone National Park, dying 12 hours later The young man was the only son of Mrs. Julia Lamont, of this city. The Lamont family has been a particularly unfortunate one. all the children having met tragic ends. Miss Blanche Lamont, the young lady mur dered in San Francisco for which Theo dore Durrant paid the death penalty, was a sister of the dead boy. Mysterious Shooting at Snoqualmie. SEATTLE, Sept 5. Frank S. Steven son, a saloonkeeper at Snoqualmie, Wash., was found dead in a room over his saloon last night with a bullet-hole through his heart Although It is be lieved by some that he committed suicide oaccount of Ill-health, It cannot be ex plained how the revolver with which he was shot was found on a dressA six feet from him. Aged Woman Fatally Burned. THE DALLES, Or., Sept 5. (Special.) Mrs. William "Hunter, of Mosier, was seriously burned yesterday while at tempting to save the contents of her son's burning residence near that place. Mrs. Fields, a sister of Mrs. Hunter, was also injured about the hands and face. Mrs. Hunter is 85 years of acre and Ik nnr o-r jpected "to survive her injuries. WAGE EARNERS IN LINE LABOR DAY CELEBRATIONS IN NORTHWESTERN CITIES. Parades Were the Principal Features of the Programmes Speechmak s Ing and Sports Fill In "the Day. BAKER CITY, Or., Sept 5. (Special.) Labor day was appropriately observed here today. The various labor organiza tions joined in the celebration. There was a parade in the morning, participated in by the labor organizations. A number of handsome floats were special features of the street parade. The formal exercises were held at Rust's Grove. Addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Secor, of the Baptist Church: Judge A. L. Curry And Colonel Emmett Callahan. Colonel Calla han was the prator of the day. After the exercises at the grove in the morning the day was given over to eports and games of all kinds. About 300 people participated in the delebratlon. All places of business were closed during the day. Picnic at La Grande. LA GRANDE, Or., Sept 5. (Special.) Labor day was quietly observed in La Grande today, and outside of a big picnic by the stonemasons and bricklayers in the grove there was nothing doing. A. N. Mayville delivered the opening address, and several hundred La Grande people were In attendance. This evening the peo ple celebrated the event of the county seat removal . to La Grando with flre ' works and a torchlight procession. International Affair at Seattle. SEATTLE, Sept. 5. The observance of Labor Day in Seattle today was. marked by one of the largest and most elaborate International demonstrations ever held on Puget Sound. The labor organizations of British Columbia and Western Wash ington united in one celebration here. In the afternoon representatives of the various unions, to the number of 4000, participated in a parade nealy two miles in length. Astoria Unions Give Dance. ASTORIA, Or., Sept 5. (Special.) There was no formal observance of Labor Day here, other than the mills and stores were closed and business In many lines Was suspended during the afternoon. The only celebration by the unions was a dance given this-evening by the Central Labor Council. The proceeds from Jt are to be sent to the aid of the striking miners in Colorado. Miners on the March. , BUTTE, Mont, SepC 5. Between 8000 and 10,000 union men marched here today. Addresses by union leaders were delivered at noon on. the Mardi Gras grounds. All the mines, mills and smelters were closed, only the watchmen and stokers being at work. The unions of the city fined every member who did not march $2. Tacoma Joined Seattle TACOMA, Wash., Sept -5. Labor jay was generally observed as a holiday here, but there was no demonstration, most of the Tacoma unions Joining In the cele bration at Seattle." Large excursion par ties went by steamer and electric cars to take part in the Industrial parade. Parade and Speech at Walla Walla. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Sept 5. La bor day was observed here by a large pa rade at 10 o'clock, led by the band. Sev eral pretty .floats were in the line. George H. Goebel, of New Jersey, addressed 2000 people. Sports at the racetrack were held In the afternoon.' Large Parade at Spokane. SPOKANE, Wash., Sept 5. The largest Labor day parade seen In this city for five years took place this morning, the" line being about 25 blocks long, taking 45 min utes to pass a given point Exercises were held at Natatorlum Park this after noon. Work Suspended at Salem. SALEM, Or.. Sept 5. (Special.)" Labor day was observed in Salem by the closing of business houses in the afternoon and the suspension of ordinary work generally throughout the city. . WILL EXTEND FALLS CITY LINE Salem Business Men Aid in Building Road From Dallas. SALEM. Or., Sept 5. (Special.) The plan for the construction of a railroad between Salem and Dallas took effective form tonight when President L. Gerlinger, of the Dallas, Falls City & Salem Rail way Company, submitted to the Greater Salem Commercial Club a proposition under which he offers to build the road. His offer is to extend the present Fall City-Dallas road to Salem. The present line Is 10 miles long. The lSrmile exten sion to Salem will cost $120,000, and Mr. Gerlinger will build, equip and operate the road if the citizensof Salem will take $100,000 bonds of the road. The bonds are to be a first lien, not only upon the new roaa out tne present road and the equipment The bonds will mature in 10 years, and bear interest at five per cent The committee of business men having the. matter in charge are satisfied that the security would be good, and the club showed its approval of the proposition by directing the committee to proceed at once to secure subscriptions to the bond issue. This road, if constructed, will not only give convenient transportation between Dallas and Salem, but will pro vide means of hauling logs and lumber from the timber country around Falls City to the Wlllam&tte River. It Is an nounced that tho Falls City road win Im mediately be extended "a few miles west to tap a larger belt of timber, and there Is a very general opinion that the road will be extended westward across the Coast Range to the SHetz. HEADLESS BODY FOUND. Organized Gang of Cutthroats Operat ing Near Cody. CODY. Wyo., Sept 5. The headless body of an unknown man was found floating in the Shoshone Riyer a short distance from Cody, and great excitement prevails as a result of the find, this be ing the third mysterious disappearance within the past few months. Examina tion failed to reveal anything that might lead to the .Identity of the man. The body was that of a well-dressed man of large size, and the condition of the remains showed that he had undoubt edly been murdered. The head was sev ered to prevent any one from establishing the Identity of the victim, and the trunk thrown Into the river. No trace of, the head can be found. The murdered man was undoubtedly one of the large number of landbuyers who are now coming Into the Big Horn Basin to seek homes under the great irrigation systems being constructed in that section of Wyoming and Southern Montana. Two homeseekers who came here some time ago have disappeared. It is now believed they were murdered, and that a regularly organfzed gang of cutthroats is operating in that locality. FOSTER SECURING DATA. Will Work for Joint Appropriation for Columbia River. TACOMA, Wash., Sept 5. United States Senator Addison G. Foster, accom panied by Major John Mills, . of the Unlted.Statea.EnrlneerinffDepartment for "Washington, will be busy tho next month or so in inspecting harbors and rivers In Washington for data on which to base recommendations for appropriations at. the next session of Congress. Senator Foster will work for the, joint appro priation for Washington and Oregon for the Columbia River, Which will be inde pendent of $5,000,000 he hopes to secure for this state. He wants to get $60,000 for improvement at Vancouver, Wash., and lesser amounts toward the opening of the Snake and Fend d'Oreille Rivers, as well as the Upper Columbia, - near Wenatchee. Ho wants $500,000 for immediate Im provements to" Gray's Harbor and $2,000,000 for a later expenditure at Wlllapa Har bor, Tacoma Harbor, Seattle Harbor, Bel llngham Harbor, and other Sound Harbors will receive attention In the way of Im provements, In case the necessary appro priations can be secured,. 1 CHEMAWA'S SUCCESSFUL YEAR Buildings Have Become Too Small to Hold All the Pupils. . CHEMAWA, Or., Sept 5. Superin tendent T. W., Potter has completed his tenth annual report for the ChemawA In dian School and submitted it to the "Com missioner of Indian Affairs at Washing ton. The year just passed has been the most successful In the history of the school, the enrollment reaching a total of 878. The average attendance was 572. The greater the attendance, the larger the appropriation by Congress for sup port and improvements. During the past year "Mitchell Hall," a $25,000 brick dormitory for the boys, was completed, an exact copy of the girls' dormitory, built the year before. The two dormitories are among the finest in the entire Indian service. Appropriations havo been made for a $15,000 hospital building, $5000 for employes' quarters-and $9500 for two barns. Plans for these buildinca ftrft Vwlnir nronnrofl nnrt tli Su perintendent expresses the hope that they' wm De unaer roor oerore tne rainy sea son. . Owing to the rapid growth of the school under Superintendent Potter, the Assembly Hall, built a few years ago, Is now too small to hold all pupils during tho Winter, when the attendance is at its highest and the Superintendent asks that the department appropriate $18,000 for an assembly hall large enough to seat the whole school and to hold the religious and special exercises. .In the report -a recommendation Is made that the Government purchase 160 acres immediately adjoining the school land for agricultural and dairying purposes. The land now -used by the school is. almost all under cultivation, and more is needed. The industrial work during the past year at Chemawa has been tho best in the history of the school. For years Chem awa has been ranked high on account of the practical nature of its Industrial courses. The literary work has also been successful during the past year, the course of study laid out by Miss Estelle Reel, National Superintendent of Indian Schools, Ing followed, with good re sults. The most novel and the most suc cessful part of the schoolroom work was the gardens back of the schoouhouse. Each schoolroom was allotted n. nlnr nf ground, which the class was expected to iarm. Tne pride taken by the children iiuthis work was remarkable. Music at Chemawa has been conducted by Mrs; W. P. Campbell, assisted by Miss Pohse, during the past year. The school has no regular music teacher, these la dies having to do the work In addition to their regular duties. Mr. Potter states that when tho department abolished the position of music teacher at Chemawa It did not treat the school right He praises the work done by Mrs. Campbell, but de clares that there should be a music teach er appointed. "The Idea," says the re port, "that pupils cannot bo taught music and also wash clothes, cook beefsteak and bake bread all at the same time is incorrect." The school band during the past year has been very successful. Over half of .the children In the school are Roman Catholic. The weekly "sociables'" at Chemawa are a distinctive feature of the school. Super intendent Potter states that more can be accomplished If the pupils and employes are kept from becoming homesick. A slight idea of what it takes to feed 600 Indians may be obtained from the statement in tho report that last year 3500 gallons of fruit were put up for the children. The report closes with an ex pression of thanks to W. P. Campbell, Assistant Superintendent, and the other employes for the work done In the past year. This is the last report Superintend ent Potter will submit from Chemawa. October 1 E. L. Chalcraft takes charge of the school. CAMP BEFORE LAND OFFICE. Crowd Await Opening of Desert Tract at Pocatelio. BLACKFOOT, Idaho, Sept S.For a week a varied collection of humanity, with cots and pots and pans and all the equip ment of a prospector, has been gathering before the United States Land Office here, over 100 campers monopolizing the shade of tho four lonesome poplars that stand guard -before the little two-story brick where Uncle Sam doles out his par cels of desert land. Lying about on the dusty ground or lounging In cots, they patiently await the opening, scheduled for September 6, of the lands known as the "Five-mile-limit lands," which form a circle having a diameter of 10 miles, with Pocatelio as the center. The lands are to be sold for $2.50 per acre, 50 cents on the acre down and the balance upon final proof. The land Is desert In character and absolutely value less without water. With irrigation it is a veritable garden, producing bountiful crops of grain, hay and fruit A large canal, owned by a privatecor poratlon, has been dug to a point within six miles of the land, and it is the pros pect of the extension of this canal that has created the demand for the land. So far there has been no conflict for tho land between the parties In line. Many of them havo filing papers covering a number of tracts, so if they fail in their first choice they will still have a chance. Natural Gas in Montana. GREAT FALLS, Mont, Sept. 5. The first natural gas well in the history of Montana has been struck 32 miles from this city and la now flowing a large and steady stream. The discovery has occa sioned considerable excitement and a rush to the new fields is predicted as soon as the exact whereabouts .of the well can be ascertained. The find was made by P. B. Gallagher and Dwight Chaffee, who refuse to divulge the location of their dis covery. Gallagher and Chaffee have gone back with friends to the well to file upon the surrounding land. Hall at Thurston Burned. EUGENE, Or., Sept. 5. (Special.) The Woodmen's Hall at Thurston was de stroyed by fire Saturday night The build ing was a two-story structure erected by the Woodmen of the-World about a year ago. Tho first floor "was used as a general merchandise store and the upper room by the Woodmen. The- building and contents were a complete loss, and there was no Insurance 'on the property. The Are is supposed to have been started from tho explosion of a lamp. Finn Colony on Cook Inlet. SEATTLE, Sept 5. (Special.) The Fin land Steam Navigation. Company will es tablish a colony of Finns on Cook Inlet, smuggling the Immigrants out of the Rus sian territory. John A. McQuinn, a New York civil engineer, who represents the promdters, is in Seattle, after having ac quired the necessary property. Car Goes Over Embankment. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 5. A car was derailed, and thrown over the embank ment close to the side of the scenic rail way, near" the Cliff House, early this morning. Frank Romano, a passenger, re ceived injuries which caused his death a short time - afterwards. NO FEED FOR CATTLE Grave Problem Faces Stock men in Willamette Valley. SOME ANIMALS MAY STARVE Drouth Cut Short Supply of Hay and OatsStraw Will Be Fed in , Many Sections No De mand for Beef. I SALEM. Sept 5. (Special.) "There will be. hundreds of Willamette Valley farmers with cattle this' Winter, and, with not enough feed for them," said -J. K. Scars, of McCoy, today. "It would seem absurd to say that livestock in the Wil lamette Valley will starve, this Winter have more cattle than they want, there Is no market for them and the hay and grain crops were soshort there Is not feed enough." f This statement, made by Mr. Sears, wa3 repeated to a well-known wholesale butcher, and his comment was: "Mr. Sears has stated the situation just about as it is. -The outlook Is very bad for the farmer with beef cattle, and with feed as -scarce as It is now, stock will bo in pretty poor condition, this Winter. The farmer can't sell his cattle and there won't be feed enough for them unless it Is shipped in. The price of feed Is high and the price of cattle low. It won't pay to ship the cattle out of the Valley to Winter them. If farmers buy feed to Winter their cattle they must do so at a loss. I wouldn't like to say that cattle will starve in the Willamette Valley, but well, Mr. Sears "Is not far from right." This unfortunate situation arises from two .causes, an oversupply of beef cattle and an unprecedented shortage of feed. Hay Is now selling at $11 to $12 a ton. or about 30 per cent higher than usual. The oats crop was but a small part of what Is usually harvested In the Valley, and many farmers are now buying for their horses. Pasturage has been very poor all Summer, and unless there are early rains there will not be much grass thls Fall before cold weather stops its growth. Three or four years ago Eastern buyera were scouring the Valley for beef cattle to be shipped out, arid 3& cents a pound Avas freely paid for all that could be se cured. The good prices and ready mar ket stimulated the .raising of beet cattle, and now It Is said by men In the cattle business that there are two or three times as many beef cattle in the Valley as there were three or four years ago. At the same time the price has dropped to 2 cents here, with a very limited demand even at "that figure.) Valley butchera buy what they can use and pay the price men tioned, but there are no buyers for ship ment, so the farmers find no market. Compelled to keep their cattle, though they have not feed enough to carry them through the Winter, Is the situation that confronts them. The fanners realize the gravity of the feed problem and are doing their best to solve it No strawstacks will be burned this Fall, but the straw will be used for feed as far as possible. Straw alone will hardly keep stock through the Winter, but it will suffice if fed with a ration of grain. Probably no stock will be left absolutely without feed, but ow ing to the scarcity It Is feared that some farmers wjll let their stock get so thin they will die from disease or exposure. WHITE TAKES EXCEPTION. Did Not Refuse, When District At torney, to Prosecute Gamblers. BAKER CITY, Or., Sept. 5. (Special.) Hon. Sam White takes exception to the statement "contained In the Interview with Sheriff Brown, of this county, published in The Sunday Oregonian, wherein Mr. Brown says: "The agitation was started when Judge Eakln. ordered Sam White, then District Attorney, in open court to bring indictments against a couple of gamblers who were violating the law. White refused." White- said this evening that Judge Ea kln never madi such an order. He said a civil case came up in court, wherein one man was suing another to recover the purchase price of certain gambling, paraphernalia. When Judge Eakln dis covered the nature of the case he prompt ly threw It out of court and directed the '.stenographer to submit a transcript of Tthe evidence in the case to Mr. White. White said he investigated the matter and found that there was no evidence upon which to base a conviction of either of the parties to the' suit, as there was noth ing to show that the paraphernalia had been used for gambling purposes. Speaking further, Mr. White declared that at no time during his term of office had there been a specific demand made upon him to prosecute gambling or Sun day law violations; that he had left that matter entirely to the city authorities, where. In his opinion, it properly be longs. NORTHWEST DEAD. Mrs. Fred Gadke.. OREGON gflTY, Or., Sept. 5. (Special.) Mrs. Fred Gadke, aged 64 years, died at her home In this city yesterday after an illness of 20 years from inflammatory rheumatism. The deceased was a native of Germany, and had resided at Oregon City for 2S years. She is survived by eight children: F. C. Gadke, George Gadke, Charles Gadke. William Gadke, Mary Gadke. - Augusta Gadke, Lena Gadke, and Mrs. Annie Maple, all of Ore gon City. Funeral of Emanuel Ott. OREGON CITY. Or., Sept. 5. (Special.) Emanuel Ott, aged 45 years, who died suddenly, of heart failure at the home of his brother early yesterday morning, was for many years an employe at the local paper mills. He was unmarried. Funeral services were held today under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias and the R.ed Men, to both of which orders the deceased belonged. Burial was had In the Oregon City Cemetery. A. H. Murray. CLATSKANIE, Or., Sept. 5. (Special.) A. H. Murray, a pioneer of this place, died here today. Mr. Murray was born in Scotland April 16, 1826, and when 5 years INFANTSUWALIDS TKAPC SaijsSiSgiS. MARK " A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure " if he is properly fed and well nourished, then he is happy and ''everybody is happy." Your baby will be healthy and happy and a well-spring of pleasure, if you will give him Mellin's Food. Sample bottle sent free of .charge. MELLIN'S FOOD CO., BOSTON, MASS. uecause oi xne scarcity oi ieea, duc j. i ists, ana nas recently been condensing t u"u. - wntcsairs. .tawin n. uaruaer.ot .Egypt, shall not be surprised If many cattlo dleH-10.000 to 11,000 pounds of milk daily About I m0?t,h P' Mafi' urine wa? this Winter of starvation. The farmers flOO farmers sunolled milk. a lJJ.l.?" old was "brought to Canada.. In 1S52 he crossed- the plains, coming to Oregon, and settled In Clatskanie in 1S6S. Mrs. Nancy Stewart. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Sept 5. (Spe cial.) Mrs, Nancy Stewart, aged 72 years, died yesterday and was buried today. With her husband, E. D. Stewart, who died, many years ago, they .crossed the plains In 1S50 and settled in this vicinity. One son, Bake Stewart and two brothers, D' Gand James McFarland, are living here. Three sisters, Mrs. Yarnell, of Mo hawk, Mrs. McCarty and Mrs. Under wood, of Boise, survive her. LARGE FIRE AT CHEHALIS. Condensing Milk Plant Damaged to the Extent of 360,000. CHEHALIS, Wash., Sept 5. The plant of the International Milk-Condensing Company was destroyed by fire of un known origin, which broke out soon after midnight The boiler-house, boilers, water-tank and office were saved. The company has $39,000 insurance with one agency, and is thought has more with another but it Is insufficient to cover the loss, which Is between $60,000 and $70,000. President Barto lives In Tacoma. Secre tary Bartlett, the manager, 13 there to night. The company was organized a year and a naif ago . by Tacoma capital- of $3000 was paid monthly for milk. Twenty plant hands were employed In the Lane County Wheat Crop Good. EUGENE, Or., Sept P. (Special.) Millmen report that the wheat crop in Lane County has turned out much better than was anticipated and that they will receive considerable more than half a normal amount for storage. Most of the farmers aro selling at about 80 cents per uuauci, ou uicii rcccipus will uo uuuul uie same a3 in former years, though their crop is light Bankers Off for Convention. - SEATTLE, Sept. 5. (Special.) Eight Washington bankers are leaving today and tomorrow for New York to attend the National gathering of financiers. East bound passenger trains out of Seattle to day carried nearly 500 excursionists on the cheap St 'Louis tickets. Mrs. John Minto Dangerously III. SALEM, Or., Sept. 5. (Special.) Mrs, John Minto is suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia and the attending physician. Dr. J. A. Richardson, says there is no hope of 'her recovery. Idaho Woman Drowned In the East. CLARENDON, Ark.. Sept . 5. John D. Dlggle and Miss Mamie Johnson, of Stuttgart, and Mrs. Letta Vasgein, of Mullan, Idaho, were drowned in White River while boating in a gasoline launch. Elected Teacher in Salem School. SALEM, Or., Sept 5. (Special.) Miss Bessie Shepard, of Pendleton, has been elected teacher In the Salem High School, to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Miss Maud Davis. WILL NOT ALLOW BULL EIGHTS Governor Orders St. Louis County Au thorities to Act. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Sept. 5. Governor Dockery today directed the Sheriff aifd prosecuting authorities of St. Louis County to stop the bullfights, which, according to the management's an nouncement are to be held dally hereafter until the close of the World's Fair. Governor Dockery expressed surprise at Sheriff Henckon's failure to prevent Sunday's exhibition. "Bullfights are contrary to the laws of Missouri," said the Governor, "and un der no circumstances will they be tole rated." French Ambassador Arrives. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 5. M. Alfred Picard, Ambassador Extraordinary of the French Republic to the Louisiana Purchase Ex position, arrived in St. Louis today on a special train from New York. He was met at the station by Commissioner-General Gerald and escorted to the latter's residence, after a visit to the World's Fair. In July, 1883, I began to break out with Eczema on my head, legs and arms, and began treatment with local doctors, but did not get much relief. They said the dis ease had become chronic I then quit them and tried various ointments and soaps for another two years, but as soon a9 cold weather came I was as bad off as ever, so I finally decided to let medicine alone, and for twelve or thirteen years did nothing towards curing the Eczema, except bath ing. This 'seemed to do about as much good as anything I had tried. During the time I lost about one-half of my hair. Ibegau S. S. S. doubtful of a cure, because the disease had run so long, but soon discovered your medicine was doing me good, and continued to take it. I used seven bottles, when I was com pletely cured, not having a single spot on my body, which before was almost com pletely covered. F. C. Norfolk. 1017 Hackberry St., Ottumwa, la. The head, feet and hands are usually the parts affected, though the disease ap pears on other parts of the body. While ex ternal applications allav the itching and burning temporarily, it "is the acids thrown off bythe blood that cause the irritation and eruptions upon the skin. The acids must be neutralized and the system cleans ed of all humors and poisons before the cure is permanent. S. S. S. is guaran teed entirely free of Potash, Arsenic and other miner als. Book on the skin ano its dis eases sent free. MedicaL- advice furnished free. Ths Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. 40 Sizes. 10c to SOc each. A. Eontaclla Jt Co., Makers, Tampa, Fla. ' CEBSOX & HART, Distributer, Portland. Or. I . - - . . ..' " auui u uraKKinK iccunK u Ecemea l couia not a rivs&m mm It is notable that in the despondency caused by womanly diseases, there seema to many ,& suffering woman no way of escape irom pain except at the price of life itself. It would be sad to record such a story of struggle and suffering ex cept ior tne iocx that in such dire distress many a woman has found a way back to health and happiness by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. The one and only remedy for lencorrh ea, female weak ness, prolapsus, , or falling of the womb, co abso lutely specific and sure in curing these common ailments of 'women, as to war rant its makera in offering to pay, as they herebv do, the sum of $500 reward fcra case of the above maladies which they cannot cure. "Your medicine alraost raised ne from the do my house work. One day I found a little book. 1 read It and wrote to Dr. Pierce, and ii a few days received an answer. I decided to try his medicine, and to-day 1 am a -well woman. I have no backache, no headache, no pain, at all. I used always to have headaches previously to the monthly period and such pain that I would roll on the floor in agony. Itook three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and three of Golden Medical Discovery and three vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and was com pletely cured." Accept no substitute for " Favorite Pre- i SCnption." There is nothing just as good. Dr. Pierce's Common Sen?f Miml Adviser sent free on receipt of stamps to cover espense of mailing only. Send ai one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers ; or 31 stamps for the cloth bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf talo, N. Y. Easy to take and easy to act is that famous little pill DcWitt's I Little Early Risers. This is due to a. the fact that they tonic the liver in- 1" stead of purging it. 1 hey never gripe nor sicken, not even the most delicate lady, and yet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed. They cure torpid fiver, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu monia and fevers. PREPARED OMLV SY E. C. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO Don't Forget the Hame. & j jf3 fjl 1 S. G. SKHjMOEE, .151 Third Street, Portland. C. The Great Chinese Doctor Is called great because h!t wonderful" cures are scr well knjivn throughout the United States and because bi many people are thank ful to him for savins; their Uvea from OPERATIONS He treats any and a! diseases with powerful Chinese herbs, roots, buds, bark and vegeta bles, that are entirely unknown to medical science in this country. 1 ..,,,,k ,v,o uHa of these harmlesfl reme dies hls famous doctor knows the action ot over" 500 different remedies that he has success fully used In different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheu matism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, female trouble and all private diseases. Hun dreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and eee him. CONSULTATION FREB Patients out of the city write for blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 253 Alder Street Mention this paper. ' Portland, Or. If Your Dealer Does Not Handle BSD TOP Address tho Distillers, Ferdinand Westhelmer and Son, DISTILLERS, Clnclnnall.O. St Joseph.Mo. Loutjvllle.Kjp. Scott's Mal-Papsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE iforXaCammation or Catarrh of the Ulati&srand Diseased Kid neys. HO CTTR2 CO ?A7. Cnret i'julckly and perm:ine3tl7 th K'crst cases of Goaorrncm and Gleet, no matter of how longstanding. ADsointeiy hnrrclcw. Sold by druggist. Price fl.CO. or by mall, j;ot paid, Si.00,3 boses. ?2.7j. THESAHTAL-PEPSIMCO. P.eHsfentalne, Ottfc WOODARD, CLARKD & CO.. PORTLAND. Is the worst disease on earth, yet the easiest to cure WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many have pimples, epots on the skin, sores in the mouth, ulcers, falling hair, bone pains, catarrh. and don't know it is m.nnn POISON. Eend to DR. BROWN. 935 Arch at.. Philadelphia. Penn.. for BROWN'S BLOOD CURS, $2.00 per bottle; lasts one month. Sold. In Portland only by FRANK NAU, Portland Hotel Pharmacy, m n ssi as a e ni ss m jj TrtB ljjjF OP i I Whiskey l Whiskies 1 If Red Top B,we 1 If ADV'C COUPOH.'we taaa 1 I E modarn up-to-ante book on mixed s 4a B drink- la) pages. V33 recipes bound a M I 'a lctliu Of value to all who eater. I 3 If a tain Sent postpaid on receipt of 3 S H 10 cents and this Coupon. 1 Q