Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 01, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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The Oracoalas's Telephoaes.
Counting-Room - Main WT
Managing Editor Main 638
Eunday Editor Main 630
City Editor Ma n 166
Compostng-Room MainSS;
Superintendent Building 2823
Bast Side Office Ealt 61
BAKER THEATER (Third and Tamhlll) To
night at S:15. Melbourne MacDowell In
CORDRAT'S THEATER (Park and Washing
ton) Tonight at 8:15. James Keene in A
Mexican Romance."
EMPIRE THEATER (Twelfth and Morrison)
Tonight at 8:15. Wledeman Stock Company
in 'The Inside Track."
ARCADE THEATER (Seventh and TViah Ins
ton) Continuous"- vaudeville. 2:30 to 10-30
P. M.
6TAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M.
BIJOU THEATER (Sixth, near Alder) Con
tinuous vaudeville from 2 to 10:30 P. M-
LTRIC THEATER (corner Alder and 7th)
Continuous vaudeville from 2 to 10 P. M.
Chinaman Must Go Back. Lee Tin, a
Chinese. 25 years old, who says he is a
merchant and the son of a merchant, had
an examination before United States Com
missioner Sladen yesterday, and was or
dered deported to the Celestial empire.
Chinese witnesses testified that Lee Fung
Ling, said to have been a member of the
Wine Chine Lunsr Company, at 147 Second
street, is the fatner of Lee Tin, and that
several years ago, before he went bacK to
Chinato remain, he gave his interest in
the business to his son. Lee Tin, notwlth-
standing.that he asserts he Is a merchant
and a shareholder in the "Wing Ching
Lung Company, when arrested by a Chi
nese inspector, was found working in a
laundry. He states that he has lived
long time in Portland, but is unable to
speak English. Commissioner Sladen de
cided that the evidence submitted did not
prove to his satisfaction that Lee Fung
Ling was a merchant here, or that Lee
Yin was his son. Thomas N. Strong,
attorney for the defendant, gave notice of
appeal to the United States District Court.
War Map and Atlas. Japanese war
map in colors. Included in map of the
world, showing each of the great nations
and their possessions in separate colors;
submarine cables, including the line re
cently opened across the Indian Ocean,
from Africa to Australia, and the new
American and British lines across the
Pacific; the international date line, and
the distances between great ports. Com
mercial maps of each of the grand di
visions, with railroads and principal cities
.emphasized. Map of the Philippine Is
lands, showing over 4000 miles of cable
and telegraph lines recently constructed
by the United States Government. Maps
of Nicaragua and Panama Canals, and
the islands about to be acquired from Den
mark. Index with population according
to latest official enumeration, embracing
United States census of ls0r; Germany,
1900; Great Britain, 1901; India, 1901, etc.
Sent postpaid to any address for 12 cents
In stamps. Oregonian Publishing Com
pany, Portland. Or.
Races! Races! Races!
Ibvington Backtrack.
Meeting Extended to Sept. 10, Incl.
Six Good Races on the Card Todat.
Races! Races! Races!
Over 500 Runners Now at Irvington.
Fine Track Clean Racing.
Szst Equipped Racing Pzw.t North op
Take Cars First and Washington Sts.
First" Race Called at 2:20.
" Admission: Gents, BOc; Ladies 25c,
Including Grandstand.
Saturdays, Ladies 50a
Canadian Physicians Here. A number
of Canadian physicians and surgeons, who
bave been attending the medical conven
tion of the Dominion in session at Van
couver, B. C, the past week, are in Port
land, and intend making headquarters of
this city while making a number of side
trips. Into Oregon and Washington. This
party is from Montreal and Includes R. W.
Craig, M. D.; J. J. Machett, M. D.; A. D.
Irvine, ML D.; J. D. Cameron, M. D.; W.
G. Reiny, M. D.; H. D. Hamilton, M. D.
They state that others from the conven
tion will visit Portland before returning to
the various homes.
Cook Slapped Waitress. Al Gong, one
of the Chinese cooks at Watson's res
taurant, will be called upon to explain In
Police Court this morning why he slapped
Mildred Wells, one of the waitresses. Miss
Wells had hhn. arrested yesterday for
slapping her In the face. She bad gone
into the kitchen to carry an order of tur
key to a hungry guest, and the way the
heathen placed the carcass of the deceased
fowl upon a platter did not meet the ap
proval of the waitress. She told the China
man that he -was a bungler, and he retal
iated by striking her.
Woodburn Phtbiclan Arrested. Dr. F.
H. Williams, of Woodburn, was arrested
late last night at the Union Depot, as he
was returning from the annual session of
the medicos to his home at Woodburn.
The charge against him is that of falling
to have a medical license. The arrest war
rant was Issued by the Justice of the
Peace at Woodburn. Williams claims that
the -warrant is the result of spltework on
the part of a professional rival at Wood
burn. He left 5100 ball for his appearance
In Police Court today.
Work on the Base Line Road. The
work of regraveling the Base Line road
from Montavilla to Rockwood is going for
ward rapidly, there remaining only about
two miles yet to cover to complete the
job. From and through Montavilla for
several miles crushed rock was used, and
it appears to make a fine roadway. On a
portion of the road ordinary gravel Is
being used. These are the first general re
pairs that have been made to the Base
Line road for a number of years, and they
were greatly needed.
Death op Mrs. Sarah J. Hollo man.
Mrs. Sarah J. Holloman, wife of James
Holloman, died August 29. She was 56
years old. and is survived by her husband
and the .following children: Mrs. E. Arn
splger, Mrs. Emma Henrotte. Mrs. Ida
Sundeen, Charles F., James H.. JoHn E.,
Lery and William E. Crosier. The funeral
will be held this afternoon from Dunning's
undertaking parlors, East Alder and Sixth
To Be Tried roit Vagrancy. B. A. Par
ker and H. J. Mack, the suspected pick
pockets arrested Tuesday morning, were
taken before Judge Hogue for arraignment
yesterday. They entered a plea of not
guilty. As the evidence against them does
not warrant robbery charges, they are
accused of being vagrants. Their trial has
been set for today, and in the meantime
they are In jail under $500 bonds.
Renew Dog Licenses. New licenses can
be secured today for dogs, as the tags
have been received. Two weeks will be
allowed for renewals, but after September
J5 any dog found on the streets without a
tag will be subject to seizure. Last year
licenses were taken out for 1733 dogs. This
year the License Department looks for a
larger number of applications.
Seats in the new synagogue of the Con
gregation Ahaval Sholom may be obtained
ior ine coming Holidays from A. Rosen
stein, 224 Morrison street, or from S. Abra
- hams, in the Esmond Hotel barber shop.
Good Salary for Good Boys. City
Messenger & Delivery Co., 105 Sixth street,
want 12 good, reliable boys, who own bicy
cles and are well acquainted with city.
Permanent employment, good salary.
Elder Cooprider, a successful evan
gelist from Illinois, will preach tonight at
7:30 at the A. C. ChapeT, 250 Harrison
street. Be sure to hear him.
Dunlap Fall. Hats
Open Today.
Robinson & Co.
Mrs. Ida Erdmann has returned, will re
sume teaching at studio, 51 Wash. bldg.
Artistic German method, piano; organ.
Multnomah Democratic Club.
Meeting at Hibernian Hall, 8:30 P. m.
Everybody Invited.
The Calumet Restaurant, 149 Seventh,
serves delicious dinner, 50c; 4:30 to 8 P. M.
Receive dally Ashland Crawford peaches,
excellent QuaL, Davenport-Thompson Co.
Is Wooster selling out? 7th and Morr.
Wise Bros., Dentists, Falling Bldg.
Fourteenth and Washington Sts.
R. G. WELCH, Lessee and Mgr. -
; 'V . -
ular Sale of Seats
Begins this morning at
10 o'clock at Rowe &
Martin's drugstore,
Sixth and Washington
The Finest Stock Company -ever
appearing in Portland
will present Marguer
ite Merringtoh's
PRICES 15c, 25c, 50c, and
a few at 75c evenings. 10c, 15c,
25c matinees.
Seats can be reserved for-season
with cancellation privilege.
Rattlesnake Killed on Waterfront.
Crawling along the river's edge, a gen
uine rattlesnake was killed beneath the
dock at the foot of Couch street yesterday
morning by William Bakor, assistant
agent of the Oregon & California Steam
ship Company. His Snakeship carried 1G
rattles at the end of his tall and was four
feet long. When the snake heard Mr.
Baker approaching he drew himself into a
coll and began to rattle In true snake
fashion. A pole was brought Into play,
however, and the snake was quickly dis
patched. So far as known, no rattlesnake
has ever been killed near the Willamette
River before. It Is probable that this
specimen stole on board a steamboat at
The Dalles, or some other up-river land
ing where rattlers abound, and obtained
transportation to Portland.
Manager Jaynbs Arbives Today.
Frank Jayhes, of San Francisco, the man
ager of the Western Union Telegraph
Company's lines of the Pacific Coast, ac
companied by I. N. Miller, the superin
tendent of the American District Tele
graph Company, of San Francisco, and R.
T. Reid, of Seattle, will be in the city
this evening on a tour of inspection of the
lines of the telegraph company in this
part of the district. R. T. Reld, one mem
ber of the party, the former manager of
the company at Seattle, has been promoted
to the place of assistant superintendent.
Manager West, of Port Townsend, will
take the place left vacant by Mr. Reld,
F. W. Golding, who was formerly the
assistant superintendent, has also been
promoted to a higher ofBce.
Prizes Awarded Friday Night. Prizes
offered by H. L. Powers, through the La
dies Civic Improvement League of St
Johns, for floriculture and yard decora
tions, will be awarded to the winners to
morrow in an open meeting of the league.
All citizens Interested are invited to at
tend. Mayor C. A. Cook will preside. Ad
dresses will be delivered by Thomas Mc
Cusker, president of the Portland Civic
Improvement Association; Colonel L. L.
Hawkins and Park Commissioner Holmes.
Some stereopticon views of improvements
that have been made in St, Johns under
the Inspiration of ihe civic Improvement
movement will be shown. The feature of
the meeting will be the awarding of prizes,
comprising $150 cash, ranging In sums from
$5 to $15.
Barber Collbgb.Instructor Rearrest
ed. Charles Halstead, Instructor of the
barber school, was rearrested by the police
yesterday on a warrant charging him with
falling to exhibit his license. The warrant
was sworn to by J. c. Wels, of the State
Barber Board. The case will be heard In
Police Court. The case of F. Stromberg,
charged' with not being provided with a
proper license with which to practice the
tonsorial art, was continued yesterday un
til September 10.
Animals for Circus. Rlngling Bros.'
circus was augmented before leaving Port
land by the purchase of six deer, a tiger
and a black bear, the property of Captain
Porter, which have been on exhibition at
the City Park. Captain Porter was anx
ious to sell the animals to the park,, but
the members of the board could not see
their way clear to pay the money asked.
Hence their sale to the circus.
Fraternal, Association Tonight. The
regular meeting of the Fraternal Building
Association will be held tonight, and it is
expected that the standing committees will
be agreed upon and the plan for the build
ing accepted. It is also likely that the
amount to be raised by each order will be
announced. From present indications
there will be ample funds to carry out the
Notice, Residents of Bast Side. Com
mencing tonight, Thursday, September 1,
and until further notice, the regular car
service over Morrison bridge will be sus
pended after 10:30 P. M., by order of the
contractor building the new bridge. Cars
will leave Third and Yamhill at 11 and 12
P. M., for all points on East Side. Get
timecards from conductors.
Selltwood Fire. Fire in the new store
building of A. F. Sparks yesterday morn
Ing caused damage to the amount of about
$100. covered by Insurance. The Sellwood
Volunteer Fire Company turned out and
extinguished the fire before it got under
Openino Day,
Dunlap Fall Hats.
Robinson & Xo.
Death of Mrs. Emma A. Hacker. Mrs,
Emma Hacker, wife of E. A. Hacker, of
Mount Tabor, died Tuesday at her home
at Mount Tabor. Mrs. Hacker was welt
known in the city, where she had taught
music for the past lo years.
Dunlap Fall Hats
On Sale Today.
Robinson & Co.
"It's the Water." Olympla Beer.
Sale of Seats for Columbia Theater
Begins This Morning.
The regular sale of seats for the Co
lumbia Theater opens this morning at 10
o'clock at Rowe & Martin's drugstore,
Sixth and Washington streets. Portland
theatergoers have never shown as much
Interest In any theater opening as they
are now manifesting In the Columbia.
This handsome theater and select com
pany of players are now ready for the
opening performance of "Captain Lettar
blair." which Is now only three days
away. The opening performance Tvill be
the matinee Sunday, September 4.
Each day that Miss Countiss has been
In Portland, since her return to the
Coast, has justified Manager Welch's wis
dom In securing this exceedingly popular
leading lady Her hosts of old friends are
rallying around her, and welcoming her,
and she is making' new ones every day.
Her entrance on the Columbia stage Sun
day afternoon will- be a notable event In
the theatrical year. Edgar Baume, the
leading man, will be an ideal joint star
-with Miss Countiss in this Columbia firm
ament. It only remains to be said that
such people as Donald Bowles and Miss
Eytlnge are also among the shining lights
of the company, and the public will real
ize that Manager Welch Is practically put
ting forward an all-star cast.
"Captain Lettarblalr" will be produced
with all the sumptuousness and "perfect
detail that characterize a New York pro
duction. Mr,. Sothern, who made the play
famous, never presented a more finished
performance than will be given at the
Columbia. The beautiful theater, com
fortable and luxurious un every way, the
safest playhouse In America, will throw
open its doors with the bright promise of
pleasing the city Immensely.
The prices are: Matinee, 10, 15, 23 cents;
evening, 15, 25,. CO and a few at 75 cents.
Season seats can "be reserved at Rowe &
Martin's drugstore. Sixth and Washing
ton streets, and at the Columbia Theater,
Fourteenth and Washington. Portland Is
now fortunate In the possession of a
stock company of the highest class, and a
perfectly-appointed theater the Colum
bia. "Cleopatra' Draws Crowds.
Sardou's Immortal drama "Cleopatra"
Is drawing large crowds to the Baker this
week.. It Is the finest production ever
given at this theater, and this is the first
time that "Cleopatra" has been given at
Baker prices in the Pacific Northwest.
Melbourne MacDowell, has never played
the role of Marc Antony better than he
is doing at present, and in Miss Deane
the title role Is in most capable hands.
There will be a matinee Saturday.
"A Mexican Romance" Tonight. "
"A Mexican Romance" will be presented
for the first time at Cordray's Theater to-
night by James Keane and his company.
Elaborate preparations have been made by
the management for a worthy setting to
this really strong military comedy. The
story told in this drama is not only one of
strong human interest but as the scene is
laid In Mexico during the war between
that country and our own, an opportunity
is given for picturesque scenery and rich
costuming. Special care has been shown
j in order to make this bill particularly
Ttleaslmr to the natrons of Cordmv's ThfL
S. W. Corner
Opeomt Uoctay
fffen's J&nen finished and hemstitched
Sregrular 20c 1 a lues
Tjoday Only at Uhts SPrce
New Fall stock just arrived, 25c for
extra hand-molded and 50c and $1.00
for I and 10-Inch disc. We exchange
your old disc and give prompt atten
tion to all mall orders. Write or call
on us for terms of purchase of
128 Seventh St. 345 Wash,
For modern dental work.
World-renowned Specialists.
Lowest prices consistent with first-class
Go to the
108 and 110 Foarth Street
Sole Distributers for Oregon and Washington.
If you're showing a house to rent, start from the
basement up and be sure there's a "Perfect" in your
basement there's no better inducement to the pros
pective tenant than a "Perfect."
the w. o. Mcpherson company
"Perfect" Furnaces
ter. Mr. Keane as Captain "Wilding, the
dashing young American Army officer,
while given a heroic role, has a part that
Is entirely different from that of the stern
and vengeful Fablo, and those who saw
him In the earlier part of the week will
be astonished at the young actor's versa
tility. This bill will be on for the rest
of the week, with Saturday matinee.
Second of the Great Sardou Plays.
On next Sunday afternoon at the Baker
Theater, Melbourne Maclbowell, with
Charlotte Deane and the splendid com
pany that has been presenting "Cleopatra'
In such lavish manner all this week,
will open the second week of their en
gagement In another of the famous Sar
dou repretolre, "La Tosca." 'VLa Tosca"
Is an Intensely Interesting drama with
the scenes laid In Italy, that romantic
land where authors and writers sq often
turn for stories and plays of love and
strife. The play will be elaborately staged
and mounted, as will all the Sardou plays
to be presented at the Baker during the
present engagement. The success of
"Cleopatra" has been wonderful, and
without doubt, people who have seen tlio
beautiful production will not miss a single
one of the entire Sardou season.
"The Octoroon" at the Empire.
Commencing with the Sunday matinee
the Weldemann Stock Company will pre
sent an elaborate revival of Dion Boucl
cault's famous Southern comedy drama
of slavery days, "The Octoroon." This Is
one of the greatest of American plays and
accurately pictures conditions as they ex
isted in Louisiana before the Civil War.
Special scenery shows the fields of cotton,
the mansions. of the planters arid all the
settings of the romantic days of American
Theater Parties at the Star.
The popular society fad of the day Is
to give theater parties at the Star. At
every matinee is seen some happy group
of children enjoying the merry pranks
of the comedians and the beautiful stage
pictures always found at the Star. Box
parties of adults are always present in
the evening.
Today at the Arcade.
" Today Is another merry day at the Ar
cade, with brilliant comedy acts, as well
as the latest and most popular noveltles
The searcher for amusement has only
Fourth and Morrison Sts.
Special Advantages in Music,
Piano, Violin and Vocal, also
in Art, etc.
Prepares for, any College.
A Protestant Boarding and
Day School for Girls.
. Faculty is composed of cul
tured Eastern Ladies from the
Best Colleges.
Write for Illustrated Cata
logue for further information.
2209 Pacific Avenue,
vSoald ba of Interest to ry irbm&a.- If Gray ef en t resUria to Its cxkmJokK,,
or ruda toy shade dtifted. t
Ik InpriaLHairftasrator
la the ccknoTrlaJred BTANDAjaT) HAIB 1
wiAjHLSiu oi ute age. it u eaauy ap
plied, makes Ujo btir soft and gloy. Is
Absolately harmlea. 6unpleot hair col.
area fre. Correrooadeace confldeatliL
Fred Prek.D.D.S
405 DcKum Bldg.
EestWorkat Lowest Ritas.
Without a Rival
visit theArcade to find a vaudeville en
tertainment of the highest merit.
At the Lyric.
The busiest place of amusement In
Portland during these fag-end Summer
days Is the ever popular Lyric. The big
ones on this week's bill are De Coe, the
world-famous balancer, who performs the
most marvelous feats with common
kitchen furniture ever attempted. Earn
est Jeraxas, the premier contortionist,
who has been properly designated as the
"Elastic Supreme;" Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Mounts, the society vaudevllllans In their
refined singing and talking act; Kathryn
Dyer, the petite soubrette; Tommy White,
the funniest of all "Rube" comedians;
Thomas W. Ray. the far-famed lyric
tenor; and the old reliable and ever-entertaining
vitascope. Friday night will
be another gold night.
The Bijou Operetta.
It's a different show at the Bijou this
week and the 'people of the town are
showing their appreciation of the nov
elty. -"A Night In Turkey," the pretty
operetta presented by Zinn's Broadway
Burlesquers, is so full of cajchy music,
lively dances and songs, and cleverness
everywhere, that vaudeville lovers have
set 'their seal of approval upon It without
hesitation. The pony ballet is a set of
wonderful dancers. Frances Grey and
Eerrpll are funmakers of the kind you
like to see.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine, private apart
ments for parties, 305 Wash., near 5th.
Professor M. M. Rlngler has returned
and will open his school September 5, 309
Alder street. OfBce hours, 9 to 5.
General agent National Union Fire In
surance Company, removed to 8f Third
street, opposite Chamber of Commerce.
Telephone Main 165L
Any one can take Carter's Little Liver
Pills, they are so very small. No trouble
to swallow. No naln or eriping after taking.
The essential point in fitting glasses is that they be accurately and ex
actly adjusted to the requirements of vision.
Quality and style of frames and lenses should then be considered. Here
we stand absolutely without a rival. All the latest optical novelties have
been first Introduced to the Northwest by us during the past 20 years.
"Reed fit," "Reed quality" and "Reed style" are proverbial.
We are enabled to extract from one to 32
teeth at one sitting, positively and abso
lutely without pain or bad after effects.
People In delicate health need have no fear,
as our method of extracting Is positively
safe and absolutely painless. Absolute
cleanliness Is our motto. Our method of do
ing crown and bridge work is scientific,
quick and painless; 17 years' experience In
plate work enables us to fit your mouth
comfortably. We have feelings as well as
Dr. W. A. Wise.
203-213 FAILING BLDG. Open evenings till
Corner Third and Washington streets.
DeKoven Hall
A select boarding home
school for boys. Located on
the prairie, S miles south
of Tacoma, on Lake Stella
coom. Pure water, whole
some food, boating and
outdoor exercise. Modern
buildings. Instruction thor
ough and personal. Pre
pares for college or busi
ness life. Fall term opens
September 10, 1004. Long
distance phone to all points
in Oregon, Washington and
Idaho. For circular and full
Information address D. S.
Pulford, principal. South
Tacoma, Wash. R. F. D.
No. 1.
Fit boys ana girls for "Western and East
ern colleges. Primary and grammar grades
Portland Academy Hall for Girls
Receives a limited number and gives them
the comforts and care of a refined home.
OfBce hours, during July and August, from
9 A. M. to 12 M.
For catalogue address Portland Academy.
Portland. Or.
Military Academy
A Private Boarding and Day
School. Boys of any age ad
mitted at any time. Fall
term opens Sept. 14, 1S04.
For catalogue, etc, address
J. W. HILL. M.D..
Portland, Or.
One of the best equipped, lu.i.utlons of Its
The annual session begins October 3.
Students may graduate after attending
three full courses.
For further information and catalogua ad
dress DR. HERBERT C. MILLER, Dean.
Ul West Park Street.
Portland. Oregon.
Eighteenth annual session begins Sept. 15.
Address S. E. JOSEPHL M. D Dean. 610
Dekum bldg.. Portland.
St. Mary's Academy
Boarding school for girls, 41st year, opens
September G.
Full courses In English, music, art, and
Remarkable record for health and success
ful work.
Holy Names Academy
Twelfth and East Oak Street.
Day school of St. Francis Parish. Acad
emic, grammar and primary grades. Next
scholastic session opens September 7. Piano,
violin, guitar and mandolin lessons. Physi
cal culture and elocution.
St. Mary's Academy and
Portland, Oregon.
Forty-sixth scholastic year opens Septem
ber G. First-class boarding and day school
for young women and girls. Courses: Col
legiate, academic, grammar and primary.
Conservatory of music and art.
Scholastic year opens September 6th.
Boarding and day school for girls.
Academic, Commercial, Grammar and Pri
mary courses. Piano, Violin, Mandolin
and Guitar lessons. Physical Culture and
Elocution. - .
Do iou want to get
a good SuitUopooat
or Sftaencoai for
We offer elegant new Fall gar
ments that would be hard to dupli
cate less than $18 or $20 else
where, for the entire season at
this special price.
Dr. T. P. Wise.
9. Sundays from 9 to 12. Phone Main 2029.
Nineteenth annual session begins September
20. 1004. Lectures delivered In Portland at
7:15 in the evening.
Address C. II. Gantenbeln, LL. B.. Dean,
723 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland.
The only hotel on the beach overlooking th
ocean. Finest surf bathing and tub baths.
Boating, hunting and fishing. The hotel 15
bard finished, with furnace heat. For rates
address Dan J. Moore, Prop., Seaside. Or.
Now open tor season 1904. On next block
from railroad station. Excellent table board,
with beautiful surroundings. Fine surf-bathing.
No more attractive place on beach thaa
tha Hackney Cottage.
P. O. Ilwaco, Wash.
Boston Painless Dentists
Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for ten yeara.
that all school children may come and have
their teeth cared for during vacation.
These are the only dentists In Portland hav
ing the late botanical discovery to apply to the
gums for Painless Extracting, Filling and
Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for ten years.
Extraction FREE
Sflrer Fillings 35c
Full Set of Teeth.. $3.00
Examination FREE
Gold Flillngs 75c
Gold Crowns $3.00
Crowns and Bridge Work at Low Prices
a Specialty. Onr Patent Double Suction
will hold your teeth up.
Come In at once and take advantage of
low rates. All work done by Hpeciallsts
without pain and guaranteed ' for ten years.
Boston Painless Dentists
Fifth and Morrison streets, entrance
Vulcan Coal Co.
Dealers in -
Best House, steam and blacksmith coal,
foundry and smelter coke.
Try Our Carbon Lump Coai
For stove and furnace it's all right.
Phone Main 2776. No. 329 Burnslde st.
la the worst disease on
earth, yet the easiest
to cure WHEN YOU
Manv ha.'e nlmnTa.
epota on the skin, sores
in the mouth, ulcers,
falling hair, bone pains,
catarrh, and don't
know It is BLOOD
POISON. Send to DR. BROWN. 035 Arch at.,
Philadelphia. Penn.. for BROWN'S BLOOD
CURE. $2.00 per bottle; lasts one month. Sold
In Portland only by FRANK NAU, Portland
Hotel Pharmacy.
247)4 Star Street Pficne Main 178