Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 26, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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The Oresonian' Telephone.
Coonting-Boom gain 687
UanaKlnc Editor -"M!n ff"
Sunday Editor Main 630
City Editor Main 166
Compoemg-Room JjoJn &5S
Superintendent Building Red 2S23
East Elda Office East 61
STAB THEATER (Park and "Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. it.
ARCADE THEATER (Seventh and 'Washing
ton) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30
P. M.
BIJOU THEATER (Blxth, near Alder) Con
tinuous -vaudeville, irom a to 10:30 i.
LYRIC THEATER (corner Alder and 7th)
Continuous vaudeville from 2 to 10 P. M.
CORD RAT'S THEATER (Park and "Wash
ington) Tonight at" 8:15, "A Runaway
BASEBALL TODAY, 3:30 P. M. Athletic
Park, 24th and Vaughn, Los Angeles vs.
Mqxtgomert Bridge Again Closed.
The bridge over Montgomery Slough, on
Larrabee street, in Lower Alblna, was
again closed and barricaded yesterday to
all travel except street-cam Barricades
xere built so as to make it Impossible
for vehicles to use the space occupied by
the cars. Planks were removed at short
intervals between the tracks, and at the
end of the bridge-bars were fixed so that
after the last car passes at night the
bridge is closed and red lights are hung
out. When the bridge was closed over
two years ago the City & Suburban re
paired its portion by driving new piles,
-which so strengthened the bridge that it
could be used by the public, but the bridge
has become so unsafe that It has now
been closed to all vehicles.
Sewwood Ferrt to Start. It is an
nounced that the Sellwood free ferry will
.start up this morning. It was Intended to
start the ferry yesterday, but there was
some delay. Officers are as follows: Cap
tain, AV. P. Hedges; engineer, A. H. For
ester; Alexander Hamilton and L Nelson,
deckhands; Edward Rankin, nightwatch
man. The ferry has been ' named after
John F. Caples. It will probably be a
few days before a regular schedule can
he adopted. The starting of this ferry
means a good deal for Sellwood and the
district toward the south in Clackamas
County. There has been an agitation for
it .for nearly 10 years.
Laying Heavier Rails. The City &
Suburban Railway Company Is laying
heavier rails on its tracks through Sunny
side, The work was commenced at East
Thirtieth street on the south tracks. Rails
have been distributed nearly to East
Thirty-ninth street. The Portland Rail
way Company is doing some light repairs
on Its "Union avenue branch, at the in
tersection" of Union avenue and East
Burnside street, and also north of Sulli
van's Guloh. Very little work, however,
is being done at present on the lines of
either company, other than repairs, pend
ing the completion of the merger.
Billings- "Waives Examination. In the
Municipal GJourt yesterday before Judge
Hogue, Moses Billings, the real estate and
insurance man under arrest on a charge
of ruining Miss Etta Hannon, a ward of
the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, waived
examination through his attorney, "W. "W.
.Banks, and will have to face the Grand
Jury on the charge. Billings did not ap
pear in the courtroom in person. With
the view or preventing Billings from leav
ing the county. Judge Hogue raised the
amount of bail from $1500 to $2000. Billings
gave bail yesterday evening.
' Fire Destrots Grocert Store. Fire,
which started shortly after 3 o'clock yes
terday morning, completely destroyed the
residence and grocery store of George
Iove, at Forty-fifth and Belmont streets.
The JTamily was awakened by the smoke
and forced to flee from the burning build
ing in their night attire to escape burning
to death. The building was beyond the ,
city limits and out of reach of hydrants,
cand. there was nothing to stay the prog
. resa of 'the flames. The loss amounts to
fully J2000, with no insurance. The origin
of the fire is unknown.
War Map and Atlas. --Japanese war
map in colors, included, in map of the
world, showing each of the great nations
and their possessions in separate colors;
submarine cables, Including the line re
cently opened across the Indian Ocean,
from Africa to Australia, and the new
American and British lines across the
Pacific; the international date line, and
the distances between great ports. Com
mercial maps of each of the grand di
visions, with railroads and principal cities
emphasized. Map of the Philippine Is
lands, showing over 4000 miles of cable,
and telegraph lines recently constructed
by the United States Government, Maps
of Nicaragua and Panama Canals, and
the islands about to be acquired from Den
mark. Index -with population according
to latest official enumeration, embracing
United States census of 1900; Germany,
1900; Great Britain, 1901; India, 1901, etc.
Sent postpaid to any address for 12 cents
in stamps. Oregonlan Publishing Com
pany. Portland. Or.
Hunted For Fire With Uantern. A
still alarm was sent to Engine Company
No. S, Alblna, Wednesday night for a fire
In the ravine on Borthwick and Fargo
streets. When the company reached that
place the firemen had to hunt around
quite a while with lanterns before they
located the fire in a pile of rubbish. It
was the same place to which' the com
pany had-been called at 5 o'clock Wednes
day afternoon. Some women became
alarmed later and sent in a telephone
Races! Races! Races!
Irvington Racetrack.
Six Bio Races Six Big Races
, on the Card for Todat,
Clean Racing No Delat.
Good Music., Prompt Car Service,
First Race Called 2:30.
Take Cars First and Washington Sts.
Track Come Early.
Albina Central Schoolhouse on Mississippi
avenue is rapidly nearlng completion. The
plasterers have started In on their work.
The building contains six rooms and is
three stories above the basement. The old
four-room building stands on the higher
ground east of the new one, and will also
be used. There Is no connection between
the old and new structures.
If you wish to help make a complete
and accurate City Directory and just esti
mate of the population of this city, send
your name and address to the office of
R. Li. Polk & Co., 520 Marquam building,
If you are a newcomer, or notice of your
removal if you have changed your ad-
You cannot possibly enjoy Sunday to
better advantage than viewing the glo
rious scenery of the Columbia River. Go
with the steamer "Bailey Gatzert" to
Cascade Locks and return. Leaves Alder-
street dock S:30 A. M., returns 6:30 P. M.
Fine Sunday dinner served. 'Phone, Main
Seats in new Synagogue Ahavai Sholom,
corner Park and Clay streets, will be
sold Sunday, August 2S, 1904, at 2 P. M.
Members and nonmembers desiring seats
are requested to attend.
Championship Tennis Games,
Multnomah Field,
Morning and Afternoon.
Single Admission, 25 Cents.
Jeffries vs. Monroe Fight received by
rounds at Portland Club Friday night,
August 36, 130 Fifth street.
j? ok kbst.-two good outside rooms:
vault, hot and cold water; call Supt, 201
uregonian ouiidlng.
Tee Calumet Restaurant. 149 Seventh.
- serves delicious dinner, 50c; 4:30 to 8 P. M.
Receive dally Ashland Crawford peaches.
exceuent quai. -uavenport-Thompson Co.
B. and R., homeopathics, now 307 Wash.,
Amgnt uras o.. agents. 'Phone 2693.
Picnic and prize dancing, Rohse's Park,
August 26. vienis, zoc ladies free.
-" Moffett Hot Springs. Take Dalles boat
-Woosterv first, last and all- the time.
ynsn Bros., DsmsTB, Failing- sia;, 1
Three Hundred Physicians Coming.
The attention of all physicians and. sur
geons along the Pacific Coast will be di
rected to this city, where at the Elks'
Hall next Tuesday and Wednesday, the
31st annual meeting of the Oregon State
Medical Association will be held, and it
is expected that about 300 medical men
will attend, including a delegatlbn from
British and Canadian medical men, who
are now attending the annual session1 of
the Dominion Medical Congress at "Van
couver, B. C Df. W. T. Williamson, Dr.
S. E. Joseph!, Dr. Kenneth A. J. Macken
zie and Dr. R. C. Coffey, of this city, are
attending the sessions at Vancouver, B.
C, and are expected home tomorrow
To Entertain Secretart Shaw.
Municipal Judge H. W. Hogue is going to
have some of the sweetest music ever
wafted to an audience sent from the
Marquam stage on the night of August
3L When Mr. Shaw arrives here he will
be taken to the Commercial Club and an
informal reception held. After that there
will be an escort to the Portland Hotel,
and in the morning a trip to the Lewis
and Clark grounds. The details of the
meeting have not all been completed, but
Mr. Baker expects to have the prelimina
ries arranged by Saturday night.
Mother Agnes Re-elected, Mother
Agnes was re-elected archdlocesan supe
rior at a recent meeting of the Sisters
of Mercy held in the Sunnyside Home for
the Aged. Archbishop Christie presided.
This will be her third term, and she has
endeared herself to all the aged and help
less she has had in her care. The Sis
ters of Mercy of Portland have charge
of the Home for the Aged at Sunnyside,
the Baby Home at Park Place, and the
Convent and Mercy Home for Girls at
Sixteenth and Couch streets. The Acade
my .of Our Lady of Victory at Eugene is
also under their care.
One More Chancb For Home-Madb
Justice. Max Goldstaub, aged 9 years.
and Elmer Olson, aged 11, both living in
Alblna with their parents, were arrested
at a late hour yesterday afternoon by
Officer Croxford and taken to the Police
Station. The boys are charged with in
decent -exposure before a little girl of
their own age, and Judge Hogue's cele
brated whipping-post will probably be
brought into use today.
Building New Wharf. The Pacific
Coast Coal Company is beginning the
construction of a new wharf with coal
bunkers at the foot of Qulmby street.
to cost $50,000. The wharf will be 275 feet
deep and will be fitted out with electric
conveyers. The company will run switches
from the Terminal yards directly upon
the wharf.
Baseball Todat, Baseball.
Pacific Coast League.
Oakland vs. Portland.
This is Ladies' Dat.
j All Ladies Admitted FnEE.
Baseball, Baseball.
Athletic Park, Corner
Vaughn and 23d Street.
Fire in a Market. Fire was discov
ered in the smokehouse in the rear of
the Oregon Market on Fourth street, be
tween Morrison and Alder streets, at
10:15 o'clock last night, and an alarm
from box 21 called the department. Chemi
cal No. 1 succeeded in subduing the flames,
wun la, smau loss.
"It's the "Water." Olympla Beer.
Coupon Matinee at the Star.
"Cyclone" Is the great attraction at the
Star's coupon matinee today. He rides at
3:30. S:30 and 9:30 P. M. Tho special cou
pon ils printed In today's Oregonlan on
page 10.
At the Arcade.
A pantomime act that is full of "nov
elty Is on this week at the Arcade. Mexls.
a clown Juggler and his clown dog, do
many merry feats, in a silence, broken
only by applause. Ranee Smith, one
of the funniest - monologulsts on the
stage, and .the electclc trio, farceurs.
are. making great hits at this ever-
popular theater.
Keane Coming to Cordray's.
Sunday night at Cordray's Theater
James Keane and a splendid company
will present his own dramatization of
Marie Corelll's famous story of the "Ven
detta." This organization comes to Port
land with a fine record of continuous suc
cess. Mr. Keane is at the head of a
large and evenly-balanced company, car
ries a carload of special scenery and cos
tumes and presents all his plays in a care
ful and painstaking manner.
Gold Night at the Lyric.
This is the night when the money will
be given away to the holders of the lucky
coupons. At each performance tonight at
the Lyric a ?o gold piece will be awarded
to the person holding the lucky number.
hThere will be three performances, making
a total or $if which will be absolutely dis
tributed free of cost Each ticket pur
chaser will be given a coupon entitling the
holder to participate in the drawing
Go tonight and get the gold. It's there
for somebody, and if you don't win a prize
the show is so gdod that you'll always bo
glad you took the tip and patronized the
ever-reliable Lyric
Dr. David Levine, who is awaiting the
return Qf Dr. Stephen S. Wise, has taken
up his abode at the Imperial.
Hon. George E. Roberts, Director of the
United States Mint, of Washington, D.
C, spent the day in Portland yesterday,
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stevens.
Frank O. Minor, son of E. C. Minor,
clerk of the Sunnyside postal station, left
last evening for Bend, Or., to take charge
of a new bank in that place. "
Captain Frederick Bolles. for many
years commodore of the O. R. & N. Co.
steamers between Portland and San
Francisco, is spending the week with his
nephew, B. F. Stevens.
Edward Hooker, secretary of the pub
licity department of the Louisiana Ex
position, and the fifth man to become
connected in an official way with that
Exposition, was In this city" yesterday en
route to San Francisco. His presswork
at the St. Louis Exposition is practically
Miss Harriet B. Gooch, the official
cataloguer of the Public Library, has
gone to the mountains for a month's
rest and recreation. Miss Gooch has
been acting librarian for the past four
months, and has conducted the affairs
of the library in the most efficient and
satisfactory manner during Miss Isom's
SEASIDE, Or., "Aug. 25. (Special.)
Among the notable arrivals at Seaside this
week are Mr. and Mrs. T. Douglass Rob
inson, of New York, who are registered at
Hotel Moore. Mrs. Robinson is a niece
of President Roosevelt, and she and her
husband are making a tour of the world.
NEW YORK, Aug. 25. (Special.)
Northwestern people registered at the ho
tels today as follows:
From Tacoma C. Dahl and wife, at the
From Seattle W. R. Ballard and wife.
at the Netherland; H. Pickard, at the
OLTMPIA, Wash., Aug. 25. (Special.)
George A. Barnes, a pioneer of Wash
ington and Oregon, was married to Miss
Grace Prldham, a well-known young ar
tist, at noon today. Mr. Barnes was one
of the pioneer residents of Portland, Or.,
and has lived In Olympla 62 years, He is
82 years of age.
Knox Returning Home.
LIVERPOOL; Aug. 25. Ex-Attorney-
General Knox was among the passengers
who sailed today for New York on ' the
White Star liner Baltic.
Arrives to Commence Engagement as
ueading woman or uoiumma
Theater Stock Company.
Back from her Eastern triumphs
came Cathrine Countiss, Portland's fav
orite leading woman, yesterday to com
merce her engagement with the Colum
bia Theater Stock Company for the
season which , approaches. Back to
"Grigsby's Station," to home folks and
a welcomo of outstretched hands and
flowers, and real, unalloyed gladness
that she is here again to do play-acting
for the friends of other days.
Actresses among other requirements
must have "a way with them and the
Portland people like Miss Countiss'
"way." So that's the reason It happened
that the playgoers in this town were
glad to hear that this charming woman
and excellent "artist was here again.
That was the reason - why flowers in
profusion were banked in her apart
ments at the Portland, In the box office
of the theater and were waiting for
her at the train. That was why she
was overwhelmed with notes and tele
phone messages and calls all day yes
terday. Catherine Countiss is popular
here, there's no gainsaying it, she
knows it and it is a joy to her.
Just a minute or two she purloined
from her engagements yesterday to
talk of herself, and as she talked it was
noticeable that Philadelphia, where she
has Veen this year past, has been very
good to her. The delight of perfect
health, the zest of her art, and the con
fidence which comes with success have-J
combined: to make ner a woman oi
stunning presence. She knows a thing
or two, In fact, many things, about the
wearing of gowns, some of which she
knew when here before, some of which
she learned in the East. In spite of
success, in spite of her rise on the
theatrical ladder, in spite of her ab
sence on the effete Atlantic seaboard
she returns unspoiled and unaffected.
Her voice has the same elusive charm,
her enthusiasm is as contagious as ever
and her wonderfully expressive eyes
smile In the same old way. She has
'come back a greater actress, a more
beautiful woman, but with the same
fresh, girlish charm of manner.
"All this kindness makes me choke up,"
said she in the two minutes yesterday,
with a suggestion of a smile and a tremor
of voice which went with the choking.
"Coming back to this dear old town is an
experience worth while. I love Portland.
You think that's not original? Well,
maybe not, but it's the truth. You people
have been so good to me. It's fine not to
be forgotten, and I know now that you
are my friends and are glad I'm here.
"But you can't be so glad as I am. My
career really began here. I've been treat
ed splendidly In tho East. I'll never be
lieve bad things of Philadelphia again.
My audiences there were anything but
cold. I had 17 curtain calls the night I
closed, and such things make one feel
kindly, but somehow I never felt at home
there. Not like I do here. I just had to
come back. I had other flattering offers,
but it's worth something to live where the
home folks are, and that's just the way I
felt when they asked me to come to. the
Columbia company. I just had to come
"I wish I could tell my many friends
here how very much I appreciate their in
terest in me. I would like to say to each
one of them how glad I am to be back
here again, but I can't. You do that for
me, won't you? There's one thing I want
to promise them, and that Is that I'm
going to work ever so hard to justify
their faith in me. I believe there's only
one road to success on the stage earnest,
conscientious, concentrated effort and I'm
trying to follow those guldeposts.
"One never can tell. One may have
been a favorite yesterday or today and to
morrow the same audiences may be cold
and uninterested. So I'm not going to
rely on Portland's friendehlp for me. I
expect to work hard to hold the Interest
you seem to feel in me, and If possible
show that I have grown and am still
growing in vmy art. Today I'm reveling
in my homecoming. Tomorrow I shall get
down to work hard, prosaic work. I want
to do new and better things to merit
Portland's regard, and meanwhile T thank
my friends again and again, and yet
Pierter Not Allowed to Wed.
Notice to the effect that Michael Pier
ter, the old man who kidnaped Mary
Robinson at St. Helens, contemplated
marrying the girl to escape punishment,
was served upon County Clerk Fields
yesterday by W. H. Powell. Deputy Dls-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
trict Attorney for Columbia County. Tho
notice is in writing and calls the. atten
tion of Mr. Field3 to the fact that under
the statute It is unlawful to issue a mar
riage license for a girl under 15 years
old. It Is stated that Mary Robinson will
not be 15 until December next. If appli
cation is made here for such a license It
will be refused. Pierter is confined in
the Multnomah County Jail.
Man Insane on Religion Is Found
Disrobed on Street.
Lying on the sidewalk at the corner of
Front and Taylor streets, entirely dis
robed and his clothing scattered about
him, a Bible on either side, and preach
ing to the telephone poles and surround
ing buildings, Frons Goornson, aged 32,
was found at 1 o'clock this morning by
Officer Byers.
The patrol wagon was called and the
man taken to the Police Station, where
he raved in his cell the entire night.
Goornson vstated that he wa3 a spirit
ualist, and he is insane on religion. When
asked whether he was a "Holy-Roller,1
he answered that he was a "holy terror."
Japanese war map" in colors, included in
map of tho world,, showing each of the
great nations and their possessions in
separate colors; submarine cables includ
ing the line recently opened across the
Indian Ocean, from Africa to Australia,
and the new American and British lines
across the Pacific; the International date
line, and the distances between great
ports. Commercial maps of each of the
grand divisions, with railroads and prin
cipal cities emphasized. Map of the Phil
ippine Islands, showing over 4000 miles of
cables and telegraph lines recently con
structed by the United States Govern
ment. Maps of Nicaragua and Panama
Canals, and the islands about to be ac
quired from Denmark. Index with popu
latlon according to latest official enumer
ation, embracing United States census
of 1900; Germany, 1900; Great Britain,
1901; India, 1901, etc. Send postpaid to
any address for 12 cents in stamps. Ore
gonian Publishing Company, Port
land, Or.
All the delicacies or the eeasoa at th
Portland Restaurant; fine, private apart
ments for parties. 205 Wash., near Suu
Seaside Mill to Run All Winter.
SEASIDE, Or., Aug. 23. (Special.) The
president, board of directors and Attorney
Graham, of the Seaside Spruce Lumber
Company, arrived in Seaside last evening
on a special car from Minneapolis. Their
visit is in connection with the running of
the mill. A meeting was held this after
noon and it was practically decided to
run the mill this Fall and Winter.
1 - "
Autumn Styles Now Ready
, . Leading Hatter
September 2 Is Named asthe . Day,
and Prominent Portland Mem
bers Will Go to -Attend.
On Friday, September 2, at Baker City
the first convention of the Eastern divis
ion of the Oregon Development League
Will be called to order by President E. L.
Smith, of Hood River, the head of the
State League.
There are now 20 societies from differ
ent parts of the state enrolled as members
of th Oregon League, and it is the inten
tion of the management of the organiza
tion to add at least 10 more to the list
during the convention in Baker City.
The state convention which was held In
Portland a short time ago brought the
work "before the people of Western Oregon
in good shape and progress is now being
made In the eastern part of the state. It
to arouse this interest in the country
around Baker City that the meeting is
to be held.
Tho meeting will be under the auspices
of the Baker City League and there will
be three sessions, one in the morning at
10 o'clock, one in the afternoon at 2 and
one in the evening at 8 o'clock. If it is
not possible for President Smith, to be
present to open the convention, Vice-
President J. H. Aitkin, of Huntington, will
State Manager Tom Richardson, oi
Portland, will attend the meeting and A.
L. Craig, the general passenger agent of
the O. R. & N.; President H. M. Cake, of
the Portland Commercial Club, and T. B.
Wilcox will accompany him, itnd will ba
two of the principal speakers at the con
The convention is being advertised
throughout the southeastern part of the
state and It is expected that several hun
dred delegates will be present from the
various commercial and industrial bodies
of that part of Oregon.
Some plan of operation will be outlined
at the convention suited to the district,
and after adjournment all the bodies in
that oart of the state will co-onerate.
especially in bringing ttfo district before
the Eastern Investor and homeseeker.
Suit the neoule, because they are tired
of bitter doses, with the pain and griping
that usually follow. Carters J-.lttle J-lver
Pills. One pill a dose.
We don't do
All the good
Printing but
all we do is Good
Telephone Main 165
F. W. Baltes and Co.
printers At First and Oak Streets
Do you want to save money? Nov
is the time to do it. For the month
of August we make special rates on
five-ton lots and upwards on stove
and furnace coal. Phone us what
you want and we will quote you
prices. f
Yard and Office: Front and Kearney
Streets. Main 1425.
fl in the richest gnin, fruit and stock section in
the world. Thousands of acres ofland at actual
cost of irrigation. Deed direct from State of
MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation and Power Com
any, 6 1 o-l l-l sMcKay Buildmr, Pjtlnd,Ore joa.
L never get shabby.
They wear and wear and
finally wear out. $ 1 .50,
Whisky means a delicious pure and palatable stimulant
that is seldom equaled and never excelled. Try it
once and you .will USE NO OTHER BRAND.
J. Q. MACK & Ca
Neglect of -vision brings Its own punishment. Headaches, nervous pros
tration, cataracts even stomach troubles assail those who allow their sight
to go by default. Have your eyes cared for by tho house that knows how.
"W are enabled to extract from one to 32
teeth at one alttlng, positively and abso
lutely wlthont pain or bad after effects.
People In delicate health need have so fear,
as our method of extracting Is positively
safe and absolutely painless. Absolute
cleanliness Is our motto. Our method of do
ing: crown and bridge work is scientific,
quick and painless; 17 years' experience in
plate work enables us to fit your mouth
comfortably. "We have feeling's as well as
Dr. W. A. Wise.
20S-213 FAILING BL.DG. Open evening till
Corner Third and Washington streets.
pare: and washixgtox streets
portland, oregon
Established in 1S66. Open all the year.
Private or class instruction. Thousands
of graduates in positions; opportunities
constantly occurring. It pays to attend our
schooL Catalogue, specimens, etc, free.
Is Cheapest
These systems are taught In our school
and are used by 75 per cent of the best
schools In the United States.
Open all the year. Free catalogue.
Holmes Business College
Established 1887.
Yamhill and Eleventh Streets.
Tuition .-....25.00 for. 6 months
Tuition $15.00 for 3 months
For the following- branches:
Bookkeeping .... ..T hoars per week
Shorthand 7 hours per week
o Typewriting- ... 5 hours per week
O Rapid calculation.... Ib hours per week
O Penmanship . . . ... .4 hours per week
0 English IVx hours per week
O Letter wrltlne ...... 1 hours per week
Spelling 1 hours per week
J Arithmetic ........H4 hours per week
D Send for Catalogue.
O Sixth and aiorrlsoa.
Fits boys aad girls for Western and East
ern colleges. Primary aad grammar grades
Portland Academy Hail for Girls
Receives a limited number and gives them
the comforts and care of & refined home.
Office hours, during July and August, from
0 A. M. to 13 M.
For catalogue address Portland Academy,
Portland. Or.
Military Academy
A. Private Boarding and Day
School. Boys of any ago ad
mitted at any time. Fall
term opens Sept. 14, 1904.
For catalogue, etc., address
J. W. HILI. M.D.,
Portland, Or.
One of the best equipped Institutions of Its
The annual session begins October 3.
Students may graduate after attending
three full courses.
For further information and catalogue ad
141 "West Park Street,
Portland. Oregon.
Eighteenth annual session begins Sept. 15.
Address S. E. JOSEPHI. if. C. Dean. fllO
Dekum bldg.. Portland.
Collegiate, pre
paratory, com
merclal and
grammar - grade
courses. Boarding
and day school
for young men
and boys. Apply
for catalogue
Box 321, University Pork Bta, Portland, Or.
24T Stark Street Phon Main 1J8
Opposite Chamber of Commerce
Dr.. X. P. Wise.
9. Sundays from 9 to 12. Phona Main 2029.
Boston Painless Dentists
Crowning- Teeth, and guaranteed for ten years,
that all school children may come and have
their teeth cared for during vacation.
These are the only dentists in Portland, hav
ing the late botanical discovery to apply to the
gums for Painless Extracting. Filling' and
Crowning Teeth, anl guaranteed for. tea years.
Extraction FREE
S3rr Fflliois 35c
Foil Set of Tsslfir. .$3.00
Examination FREE
Geld FIQIags 75c
Gulfl Crowns $3.00
Crowns and Bridge "Work at Low Prices
a Specialty. Our Patent Double Suction
will hold your teeth up.
Come in at once and take advantage of
low rates. All work done by specialists
Crowning Teeth, and guaranteed for ten years.
Boston Painless Dentists
Fifth, and Morrison streets, entrance 291a
40 Sizes. lOo to 50c each.
A. Sontoella & Co., Makers, Tampa, 11a.
Distributers. Portland, Or.
312 Washington
Near Sixth
293 Morrison
Near Fifth.
SPECIAL Fare silk umbrella In plain
and striped effects, all colors, Diue, red,
brown and green, very Gj O
..11.1. 1. .1 1 ... nnrlh T J
-ft ; uua n ccaf -
Repairing and Recovering
Paetflo Coast Company will sell coia a!
54.50 Net Ton
OfQc tiS WasMnxtoa street. Telethons
tZ3. Cfcanes H. Glelm. Agent.
For modern dental "work.
"World-renowned Specialists.
Lowest prices consistent with flrst-class
Go to the
Fred Prek. D.D.S
405 DcKum Bldg.
Eirt Work at Iowa Ji Ratas-