10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY," " AUGUST 3, 1904. ONLY ONE QUESTION is Share of Stock a Chose in Action?. V ISSUE IN BURRELL WILL CASE On Decision of Court Depends tho Payment of Charitable Be quests to Amount of $179,000' Whether a share of stock is to be con sidered personal' property or a "chose In action" formed the burden of the argu ment before Judge Wobster yesterday by attorneys representing opposing Interests under the terms of the will of Rosa P. Burrell. Attorney William M. Gregory opened the argum'ent for the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society and the Portland Women's Home, maintaining that 450 shares of stock sold to W. M. Ladd by Administrator Gordon Voorhles comes un der the head of "choses In action." At torney "W. D. Fenton followed for tho Burrell heirs, contending that the stock is to be considered personal property. The arguments were not closed when the court adjourned for the day. Upon the court's decision depends whether charitable bequests to the amount of $173,000 shall be paid. If the Burrell Investment Company shares, sold to W. 1L Ladd for $40,000, but declared by attorneys representing the charities to be worth $700,000, are held to be personal property, the charities will get little. Only 531,000 Is available to discharge these bequests, under this interpretation of the will. But if the court holds that the shares are "choses in action," the money realized at a sale of the stock will be applied to paying the charitable bequests. A chose was defined by Attorney Greg ory as something not in actual possession of the owner, but for the possession of which he has -a right to bring action at law. He quoted from a large number of authorities, largely . English, in his at tempt to show that shares of stock come under the meaning of chose. In arguing that stock is personal prop erty. Attorney Fenton maintained that the term chose originated when shares of stock were unknown and that they could not be Included in the meaning. His sec ond contention was that a share of stock Is not tangible and not a material thing. To Hold Court in Barn. Judge Hoguev-of the Municipal Court, will hold court In the old barn at the corner of Front and Jefferson streets next Thursday. Witnesses will be sworn and testimony taken there. The case to be heard la the barn Is one in which Jona than TJce is charged with having repaired the barn In question after it had been condemned by the Fire Depart ment The attorney for TIce stated yes terday that he desired the Judge to visit the premises and learn the truth for himself, and the Judge consented to hear the case in the barn. Five Saloonkeepers Fined. Five saloonkeepers were fined $50 each In the Municipal Court yesterday for sell ing liquor to minors. They were.W. H. Close, Thomas McGlinn, J. Kobath, Minor "Lewis and Fred Woodhouse, and the spe cific charges against them was selling liquor to Pearl Caldwell, the country girl who came to Portland and met her down fall, owing, she alleged, to the fact that liquor was supplied her and her escort in the saloons owned by the' men named. The girl testified against the men in tho court yesterday. The saloon men gave notice that they will appeal the case. Refuses to Pay Attorney. Though an order was entered in the Circuit Court that James Haltom pay $75 to the Clerk as an attorney's fee in the 6Uit of divorce brought by Agnes Haltom on July 14, it is alleged that he has failed to heed tho injunction. A petition was filed yesterday asking that he be cited to appear and show cause why he should not be punished for contempt. Mrs. Hal tom declares in an affidavit filed with the petition that she has no money and can not proceed further In "the case unless Haltom Is forcedto obey the mandate of the court- Charged With Larceny. Information has been filed in tho State Circuit Court by District Attorney Man ning against Addle Cox, charging her with the larceny of $30 from John Car mody. It Is alleged that the-crime took place on July 3. FUNERAL OF B. J. KELLY. Victim of Explosion of Gasoline Tank in Automobile Is Buried. GRESHAM, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) The remains of B. .JKelly, who was killed on Saturday evening in Portland by the ex plosion of a gasoline automobile, were burled at Pleasant Home this morning. The body was brought through here from Woodstock, where services were held on Monday, and taken to the Methodist Church at Pleasant Home for the final obsequies. The deceased was born within a stone's throw of the place of his Inter ment and was widely known throughout this section. Several hundred" persons, nearly all of whom were friends and ac quaintances of the deceased's family, were present to pay their last respects to his memory. Kev. M. L. Hardlngham con ducted the services at the grave. Many beautiful floral emblems were contributed by the people of the neighborhood, and excellent music was volunteered by a local choir as a last tribute to one whom they had known and respected during all his life. Work on the Base , Line Road is progressing rapidly eastward from Mount Tabor, the Improvement being a center roadway of crushed rock from the crusher located In the Reams' gravel-pit further out A layer of coarse rock is being put flown first, which Is covered with fine screenings, making a most desirable and permanent thoroughfare. From Mount Tabor the work has progressed as far as the Russellville schoolhouse, and will be continued to the nine-mile post, from where a similar road was laid last year. When completed there will be no better thoroughfare in Oregon than the Base Line for a distance of 15 miles, although the crushed rock will not become thor oughly packed until it receives a good soaKing by the Winter rains. The crush er is being run full-handed and is turning out aoouL aw tons ot crushed rock each flay." PRIVATE P1A2TT COST TOO MUCH Rockefeller Will Buy Mansion Lights From Public Company. TARRTTOWN, N. T., Aug. 2. After spending $10,000 and considerable time in experimenting, John D. Rockefeller has decided that, so far as he is concerned. the operation of a -private electric light ing plant is a failure, and he signed the contract with the local lighting com pany to light his estate at Pocantlco Hills. As soon as trje new service is begun the private plant will be for sale at a bar gain price. It requires about 600 large incandescent lamps to llghf the mansion grounds, and .private park, and.-they will 1 VIOCL MET8 CHAN, 'pres. SETEITH US WUHH8TM ITimS, PdlTUUD, 0IES31 European Plan ..... $L00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day COST ONE MTT.T.TOK DOLLARS. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. Now Boll ding Elegantly Furnished, Centrally Located. HOTEL SEVENTH AND ANKENY STS. Postofflce Block. EUROPEAN PLAN BOOHS 75a TO 52.00 PEB DAT. FREE BITS' SI. E FOLEY, Manager. be Installed at once. The private plant was put in a year ago. The dynamos were set up in an end of the barn. After operating It a short time, Mr. Rockefeller discovered that the new sys tem was costing more than the electric ity formerly supplied by the lighting company. There was also the constant danger of burning the barns, which cost about $200,000. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. August 2. Maximum tempera ture, SI dep.; minimum, 54. River reading, 11 A. M., 8.4 feet; chance in 24 hours, 0.3 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total since September 1, 1903, 47.24 Inches; normal, 40.51; excess, 0.73. Total sun shine August 1, 1004, M hours and 48 minutes; possible. 14 hours and 48 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 23.90. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. 2 STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City... San Francisco Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island .. Walla Walla ... Light. 88! S SE N W W Nw" SW NW SB N S NW W W W SW SW Raining Clear Pt. cloudy 88! Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear ICloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear HOURLY TEMPERATURES. The following are the hourly temperatures today: 5 A. M 60 12 noon 70 6 A. M... 54 1 P. M 74 7 Ai M.... 54 2 PM. 78 8 A.M. 56 3 P. M 80 9 A. M. :...58 4 P. M .-...S6 10 A. M CO 5 P. M. 81 11 A. M. G5 WEATHER CONDITIONS. Fair weather continues In the Paclflc States. except that a thunder 6torm la reported at Baker City, with 0.04 of an Inch of rain. It Is cooler in the Willamette valley and Sound country, and also cooler where rain baa fallen In extreme Eastern Oregon. The indications are for fair weather In this district Wednesday. It will be cooler In East ern Washington and Idaho, and slightly warm er in Western Oregon and Western Washington. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. 31. for 28 hours ending at midnight. August 3: Portland and vicinity air ana sugnuy warmer; westerly winds. Western Oregon and "Western Washington Fair; slightly warmer, except near the coast: westerly winds. Eastern Oregon Fair. Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair and cooler. EDWARD A. DEALS, Monthly Meteorological Summary. Station. Portland, Or.; month, July, 1904. Temper ature. '1 73150 0410.00 Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy 76 64 u.uu 82! 0.00 T Pt. cloudy 0.00 Pt. cloudy Clear 0.00 58)6610.00 Clear CSjO.OO Pt. cloudy JsjoloOiClear 81JGll710.O0l 67 D4t00 0.00j 70 43 30 0.00 PC Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy 02;50i500.17 tCloudy 03 38 0.24 Cioudy 152154 T (Cloudy UU 51 00 0.04 ICloudy S7 58 7210.00, Clear Clear 0.00 0.00Clear T iPt. cloudy C4 O.OOtPt.' cloudy 05)70 O.OOiClear 100;C2 SI O.OOjClear 74 59 60 07 50 62 T PC cloudy O.OSlCloudy n.20 ninnrtv 54 02! C9)o2)G0 T iPt. cloudy 7lK5G88(O.00Pt. cloudy uDiKou(u.uuuicar Average Maximum, 77.5 deg.; minimum, 5G.6; mean, 07.0. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. (Reduced to sea level; Inches and hundredths.) Mean. 29.90; highest, 30.26. date 20thf low est. 29.G1. 14th. TEMPERATURE. Highest, 100 deg., date 25th; lowest, 43, 13th; greatest daily range, 38, 25th; least, C, 10th. Mean for this month In 1871 70 18S0. CO 1S89 70 1898 6G 1872 CO 18S1 03 1S90.,...60 1899 67 1873.. ...07 1SS2. 67 1891 69 1900 67 1874 08 1883 08 1S82.....65 1901 03 1875 70 1884 65 3803 C4 1902..... -5 187C 00 1SS5 70 1834 67 1003 64 18T7 00 1SS0 03 1S95 68 1904 67 1876 64 18S7. CO 189G. 70 1579 65 1SS8 08 1897 65 Mean of this month for 34 years, C0.7 deg. Average daify excess of this month as com pared with mean of 84 years, 0.3 deg. Accumulated excess since January 1, 103 deg. Average dally excess elnce January 1, 0.5 deg. TVTND. Prevailing direction, northwest; total move ment, 4056- miles; maximum velocity (for five minutes), 20 miles per hour, from northwest, on 30th. PRECIPITATION. Total this month In . 1871... 0.55 1880... 0.59 1SS9.... T. 1898.. .0.70 1872. ..0.20 18S1...1.10 1890.. .0.59 1809. ..0.47 1873. ..1.02 1882.. .0.95 1891. ..0.24 1900.. .0.34 1874. ..0.19 1883. ..0.00 1892.. .0.70 1901.. .0.12 1875.. .0.02 1884.. .1.80 1893. ..0.14 1802.. .1.76 1876.. .0.00 1885. ..0.24 1894. ..0.10 1003...0.51 1877... 0.54 1880... 0.32 1895... 0.23 1904... 0.73 1878... 1.10 1SS7...0.03 1693.... T. 1679... 1.75 188S...1.04 1S97...0.C3 Average ot this month for S4 years, 0.5S of an inch. Excess of ths month as compared with, aver age of 34 years, 0.15 of an. inch. Total from September L- 1903, to date, 40.49 inches. - Excess from September 1, 1903, to date, as C W. KNOWIXS, Mfi. KEIDODISTERS FOMOuUSTS A3 CCBHEBCUL TEATEIHS Special r t e made to families and single gentle men, Tho man agement will be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablish meat in the hotel. II. C. BOWERS. Manager. First-Class Restaurant In Connection, Steam Heat, Electric Lights. SCOTT PORTLAND, OREGON compared with average of corresponding period, 0.7C of an Inch. Average for 34 wet seasons, 42.44 Inches. Greatest 24-hour precipitation, 0.3S of an inch, on 14th and 15tb. SUNSHINE AND CLOUDINESS.' Number of clear days, 11; partly cloudy, 13; cloudy 7; on which .01 of an lech or more of rain fell. 5. AMUSEMENTS. THE BAKER fi-xS58- THEATER ai Manager. Phone Main 1507. Farewell Week of THE BAKER THEATER COMPANY, Presenting That Funny Farce. THE PRINCE OF LIARS OR ARABIAN NIGHTS. REGULAR MATINEE SATURDAY SPECIAL LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY" MATINEE WEDNESDAY Don't Miss It! Evening Prices 50c, 35c, 25c and 15c Matinee Prices 25c, 15c and 10c. SHIELDS' PARK CORDRATS THEATER The Screaming Musical Comedy, 1 YVETTE THIRTY PEOPLE 3 HOURS' SHOW New Songs and the Famous Pony Ballet. Cordray"s Sundays and Rainy Nights. 10, 20 and 30 cents. A GREAT BILL AT THE STAR THEATER PORTLAND'S FASHIONABLE VAUDEYILLE PLAYHOUSE General admission, 10c; reserved box seats. 25c Performances 2. 7:30, 8:30. 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:15 to 4:30. 7:15 to i0:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles; Gentlemen and Children. Admission 10 cents to any seat. LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-pLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad, and 10c will admit two people any matinee except Sundays and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. The home of polite vaudeville. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:30 P. Sundays, continuous 2 to 10:30 P. M. ' Evening performances from 7 to 10:30 P. M. Any seat in the theater, TEN CENTS BASEBALL Tacoma vs. Portland Recreation Park, August 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Ladle' days. Thursday and Friday. Games called 3:30; Sunday. 30 1. Al. Ad mU&ion. 25c; children, 15c AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T Wilson, at salesrooms. 6th and Ankeny sts., at 10 A, M. J. T. Wilson, auc tioneer. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46, A. F. Si A. M. Stated, communication this (Wednesday) evening, 8 o'clock, Burkhard building. Work M. M. De gree. All Master Masons cordially invited. By order "W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. COURT SCANDIA NO. 7. F.-OF A. Atten tion: All members are hereby requested to meet at Forester Hall next Wednesday at 2 p M. harn in order to attend the funeral of our late brother," Adolph Petterson. By order Of the C. R. AXEL E. BUHWAKra, Secretary. erhood of Carpanters and Joiners of America, meets now in G. A. R. aaii, union ave., near Oak, on Wednesday evenings. FUNERAL NOTICES. PETTERSON At Trout Lake. Washington, July 30. 1904, Adolph Petterson, aged 38 years, 12 days. Funeral "Wednesday, Au gust 3, 1904, at 3 P. M.. from Holman's Chapel, corner Third and Salmon sts. Relatives and friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. BROWNING Friends and acquaintances are rsneetftillv Invited to attend the funeral services of Walter Browning, which will be held at 11 A. M. today, at the chapel of J. P. Flnley & Son. Interment Lone Fir Ceme tery. BARKER At the residence, August 1, 1904, Merrill M. Barker, aged 61 years, 7 months 28 days. Funeral will take place today, August 3. at 2 P. M., from his late resi dence. 489 Union ave. Friends Invited. w. . 1 EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new build ing: Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. 3. P. FTNLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Ofilce of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. DUNNING & CAMPION. Undertaker, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phono Main 430. NEW TODAY. 222 ACRES EXCELLENT TIMBER, WITH finest of soil, near railroad, on fine stream; only $2000. Also 400-acre stock ranch, with 1 miles river front, good improvements, 70 acres cultivated; finest of grass land: near i cax-jiDc; price uaiy $m per acre.- j.. w iui- combe, room 8, Hamilton bli., Portland, Or. 8 CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. ' v "Rooms." "Rooms and Board." "Hoisekeep tng Booms."" "Situations "Wanted," 15 words or less. 15 cents; 10 to 20 words. 20 cents: 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc. No discount for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." 30 cents for 15 words or Jess; IB' to 20 words. -40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (cause measure agate), 15 cents per line., first insertion; 10 cents per line tcr each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed cars The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always he Inclosed in sealed en velopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through ,tbe telephone. NEW TODAY. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Notice Is hereby given that the County Su perintendent of Multnomah County will hold the regular examination of applicants for state and county papers at the High School building, Portland, as follows: - For StatePapers Commencing "Wednesday, August 10, at a o'clock A. M., and continuing until Saturday, August 13. at 4 o'clock P. M.: Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, -bookkeeping, physics, civil government Friday Physiology, geography, mental arith metic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English ltlerature,. psychology. For County Papers Commencing Wednesday, August 10, at 9 o'clock A. M., and continuing until Friday, August 12, at 4 o'clock P. M.: FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD-GRADE CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthogra phy, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar,, physiology. Friday Geography, mental arithmetic, school law, civil government. Primary Certificates Wednesday Penmanship, arithmetic, orthog raphy, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology. B. F. ROBINSON, County School Superintendent. I WE ADVERTISE PURELY AS A MATTER OF BUSINESS Wo want you to know that our banking fa cilities jire excellent that you will make no mistake In affiliating with our bank. Many new friends arc opening accounts subject to check with us. " - WE ISSUE SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Ca) Payable' on short call. (b) They are negotiable. (c) Provide for 3 to 4 per cent interest. We shall be glad to explain or send you book ot ILLUSTRATIONS. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, No. 100 Third Street. X The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. (Incorporated April 22, 1SS7.) BEN J. I. COHEN w President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET .. .Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary J. W. Ogilbee Room 11,145 1-2 First St. 40x100 feet on Grand av., near East Market street, with a good, well-built 0 room cottage, bath, con crete basement, wood honse. Very cheap prop erty and a good home: so conveniently situated. Mortgage LQans 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Linos A. H. BIRRELL, Formerly of MncMaster & BIrrell. 202-3 McKay Building, Third and Stark. Phone Main 232. $6850Think of It $6850 Waahlngton-street business property; corner, 25x100. Telephone Main 44. Japanese Goods tn ti at" rout reduction. "" R. KOHARA CO.. 351 MORRISON STREET. FOR RENT. irA (..mnm hrmvn Tvtth nil pnnvpnt. n- 7s Trvine st.: S50. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 109 3d st. LOUIS M. BOLL m... Crrttr :.!. TVnahtnr'tnn St. Parlnra 9 and 10. PuplU accepted from Sept. 1, 1004. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. Build ing loans. Installment loans. WM. MAC- M,ASTJsk, 311 Worcester oiock. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOME CHOICE BARGAINS. 5-room cottage, extra well located in Mc MUlen's Addition; full lot. Price $2100. Very easy payments. (J-room house and full lot, HIGHLAND cement walks. This is an "Ideal" little home. Price $2000; terms ?300 cash, bal ance monthly. G-room house, brand new. full lot; located on E. Taylor St.. HAWTHORNE PARK. Price $2700; terms $250 cash, balance monthly. 8-room house and two full lots on 11th St.. near Madison. THIS IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND. Price for a 'quick sale," $11,000. TAFT & CO., 123-G Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 150. THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF the Episcopal Church are desirous of sell ing the following fine properties, without reserve: Block ICS, Couch, bounded by Washing ton, Couch, Seventeenth and Eighteenth street. One block of land on Nineteenth street, near "Washington, upon which the Bishop' Scott Academy stands; or might be leased for three or live years. These properties are of very attractive character, and the locations are suitable for hotel purposes. Bids will bo received by the Undersigned. Fred Townsend, treasurer, 517 Commercial block. BARGAINS WORTHY YOUR CONSIDERA TION: $1300 Good G-room house! and lot. at Mid way, 1 block from car line. $2150 Very nice 6-room cottage, on Cor- bett st.; lot 60x100 ft.; all In trult; good terms. J2000 Very good house and 2 lots, on E. 251th st. Two elegant lots on "West Side, near City Hall, and one close to Washington St., suit Able for flats. CHARLESON Sc. STAUB. 245 Morrison st. ELEGANT NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE IN HAW thorne Park, corner lot; sightly location. New 8-room house: fine location. New 6-room cottage, Hawthorne's First Ad dition. All of the above are fine modern homes for eale cheap and on easy terms. Houses built on liberal terms in Hawthorne Park, Ladd's Addition and Hawthorne's First Addition. CATS Ss. POWELL. 701 Chamber of Comerce. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE IN THE BEST uart of Holladay Addition. N. E. cor. 12th . and Weldler sts.. 100x100 feet, nice lawn, fruit and choice shrubbery; bouse modern In all respects. 9 rooms, large reception hall, butler's and kltbhen pantries, "two open fireplaces, furnace, concrete casement, gas and electric light, nlco barn. Price $7000, on easy terms. The Title Guarantee Sc. Trust uo., u ana i cnamDer or wm morce. BARGAIN GUARANTEED AS ADVER Used SO acres, with 15 acres under the plow, balance nearly all covered with cedar and piling- timber; good house and large barn; good mil fence, fine orchard, abun dance or spring water; miles rrom uar rollton. a town on the Columbia River; price $S50. Come and see ms. or write for our special list of farm bargains. Imuo Sc. Wllloughby, Kalama, wach. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BY OWNER-6 ACRES AND 1Q room residence, nicely located on Base Line, road, one-half mile west of 3Iount Tabor: shrubbery, fruit, dowers; price $12,000: part cash; will take part other real estate In ex change. M S. Oregonlan. J : $500 lOOrlOO. CORNER EAST 44TH AND Salmon sts. $8502 lota on Mllwaukle at. opposite Brooklyn School. Owner must sett. Address 695 East Washington St.; phone , East 1620. FOR SALE -BLOCK, 7-ROOM HOUSE basement. modern conveniences; most sightly location on Portland Heights. Ad dress S 3, Oregonlan. SNAP PROPERTY NETTING 6 PER CENT on 7000; all in good condition; might trade. Phone Scott 43S2. J. II. Oatman. Montaviila, Or. i : HILLSBORO PROPERTIES LARGE LIV ery stable, complete fruit drier and cider mill. Including engine, etc; county teat town. Barnes & Simon. Hlllsboro, Or. THREE WEST SEDE LOTS, 33 1-3x110 FT., 16th st., 100 ft. south of Montgomery: $1500 each. Owner. 210 Allsky bids.. 3d and Morrison. MODERN 11-ROOM HOUSE. 2 FULL LOTS, choice fruit and shrubbery; east front; a snap. See owner, 1247 Mallory uve. Phons Scott 6752. , MUST SELL MY LITTLE COTTAGE 110MT3 In Laurelwood, of 3 rooms, vestibule, pantry and closet: stable; fine garden. II. H. Hlmth. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTH Bargains on O. W. P. electric lino. O. U. Addlton. Lents. Or. Tako Mt. Scott car; So, FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMP LAND. 10 miles xrom .foruana. xnquiro aai m. aiot rlson st. C R. Davis Fuel Co. TWO CORNER LOTS. 50x100; IMPROVED Dusiness property, ouo uwuer, iutin blun ders bL. over grocery. A FINE OPPORTUNITY TO UUY A MOD- em o-room cuuusu icwumiuio, ivhhb. Phone Union 43S1. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 2 LOTH, 100x1011, MIU Shaver. NEW. 7-ROOM HOUSE. 1 OR 2 LOTS: KAHlf terms; Aioniavnia. oi oinmoroim qiiik. lOIt 1'ARMS. 27.C00 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND, fixe rrom mo naio io icuicw, wno win pay from $5 to $15 per acre to tho Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Company for perpetual water right; for Information call or address B. 8. Cook, 251 Alder st., Port land, Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR BALE IN ALL parts ot Oregon ana wasmngton; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMastcr. 211 Worcester block. TEN ACRES, IMPROVED. NEAR PORT- land and electric cars; small nousc. Darn, fruit, -good soil. Owner, room 445, 83J4 3d st. IRRIGATED LANDS OF THE DESCHUTES Irrigation Sc. Power Co.. for sale by A. C. Palmer, local agent. 418 Oregonlan bldg. FOR. RENT FARMS. PASTURE FOR CATTLE OR HORSES. AP- ply Oregon Iron & Steel Co., 339 Sherlock bg. LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP, GENERAL land practice; our forest reserve scrip for non-tlmbored lands will be ready in a few days. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE, APPROVED, SANTA Fe, on band, ready for location; also sol diers' additional land warrants and Sioux 1 scrip. Maglnnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCR11. GILT EDGE. general land practice. coiuns Lona Co., Concord bldg. Approved scrip; new lot agricultural or timber lanos. w. Whiting & Co.. 403 Ablngton. TO EXCHANGE. WANT TO TRADE 155 ACRES OF LAND near Cottace Grove. Or.: xood house. 5 rooms: Jt barn, chicken-houses, etc.; aboout $300 worth or piling; for a smaller place or a or 4 acres. TAFT & CO., 123-G Ablngton bldg. 10C Third st. EASTERN INCOME BEARING PROPER- ty, value $3000, for Oregon or "Washing ton lands. 220 Falling bldg. DIVIDEND PAYING STOCK. CASH VALUE $U00; ior house and lot or improved acre- age. S 11, Oregonlan. GOOD AUTOMOBILE FOR EXCHANGE Call room 204, Ablngton, or address Lock Box 270. WANTED REAL ESTATE. CASH AND IMPROVED ACREAGE ON car line for Improved or unimproved lot, close In. McPherson, Gllman Hotel. FOR SALE, Hortes, Vehicles. Kts TEAM FOR SALE WEIGHT 2S0O LBS.. 0 and 8 years old. Portland Fuel Co.. 334 Water st. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells norsea, wagons. narnesg, ouggies, larm implements, zzi ront. Largest stock vehicles- ami harness, new and secona-nana; encap ror ou cays. 211 wasn. YOUNG BROKE HORSE FOR SALE AT Dr. S. J. Carney's, Uth and, GUsan sts. HORSE, WAGON AND HARNESS FOR sale; cheap for cash. 587 E. 20th st. Pianos. HIGH-GRADE PIANO, NEARLY NEW. beautiful mahogany; must selL W 94, Oreg. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterlte; It rolls, easy to lay. needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roof. Elaterlte Rocflne Co., 10 Worcester bldg. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4 -FOOT LIVE FIR, oak and ash wood, go to Hoover Sc Con way, 313 Water st. Phone Main 4390. FOR SALE REGISTERED SHROPSHIRE Down bucks. Apply Wm. Adams. Columbia Slough, Woodlawn. Phone Scott 0572. FOR SALE 2 HORSEPOWER MOTOR mcycie, gooa oraer; price iuv. Appiy jas. Mcl. Wood. McKay bldg. $500 WANTED. 8 PER CENT INTEREST. ON lmprovea property wonn tix com mercial bldg. Main 1940. FOR SALE CHE1, 1 NEW SECOND- hand No. 6 Remington typewriter. N 11, Oregonlan. 4-YEAR-OLD JERSEY COW AND YEAR llng heifer cheap. P. "W. Lpwls, 27 1st st. TYPEWRITERS, alt makes, at cost, from $25; rubber stamps, seals, etc. Coast Co., 231 Stark BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Amerlcans now $25. 7th and Morrison. ONE SINGLE AND ONE DOUBLE-DOOR safe; a bargain. X 73. Oregonlan. 3 COWS AND CALVES AT 308-310 FRONT St., Farmers' Stable. HELP WANTED MAJfE. WANTED FIRST-CLASS, ACTIVE SALES man. with wide experience in steam en gineering line, to represent us in this ter ritory. Give experience, present position and references. Fine opening. Strictly first-class man only. "Weber Steel Con crete Chimney Co., Ashland block, Chicago. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED. TO FILL vacancy; exceptionally good position with old established house; men who command large salaries; hustlers only need apply: liberal advances. Staple line to general merchants. Box 150, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade for manufacturing house; local ter ritory; salary $25 paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience un necessary. American ' house. Star build ing, Chicago. EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALESMAN at once ior the Northwest; established Cleveland house; general mercantile trade; high commissions and $25 weekly. W. S. Merle & Co., 00-90 Prospect st., Cleve land. O. WANTED MFGR. HAS OPENING FOR good men to travel In Oregon; staple line; , experience unnecessary; $20 per week and expenses paid weekly. Inclose addressed envelope. Dept. F, 52 Dearborn, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR Su perior high-grade nursery stock; new and complete outfit furnished free; cash week ly; write today for choice of-territory. Cap ital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. HELP WANTED JJAXE. WANTED SKILLFUL SCHEME. SALES man Retailer Wins out and Is pleased. Offlco er road position. Nothing equal to It. $200.00 per week can bb made. Can be used as a very profitable side line. Samples light and furnished on references. Correspondence confidential Address 211 Dickey bids-. Chicago. MEN FOR PANAMA-3 ALL TRADES ; ALSO good laborers. Transportation furnished. Send Cc postage for interesting booklet. eta, giving zuu pwutumts. ..v. box 297. New Orleans. Lo. TRATNMEN FOR LOGGING R. R., $3 ana a.uu; wmw .v.u, ...o x. flunky. $23; rockmen, ,quarrymen. R. R. laborers, others. Hanson's Employment of fice. 20 N. 2(1 st. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT B" OUR NEW woBM wnlls Iettrln. Call or tfddresa for fre? ctAt08u ArnorTeati Barber College Co., 00 N. Cth t. orlnl Bdltlmi): It t" Wft?1 lo make money call or write W. 11. Taylor & Co.. 22 and 23 Lttbbe bklfr SXPitAIttNGMO LAVHDIIY SOLICITOR ruediti lnfly wfk i,' the rlBht MAHj Wfll lfl, Alttftfcft Laundry, Ju neati, AfA4fca- YouNfi- BN mmwwHmx, copy lbt- tfeM, home ei-flffl, WMK. Send sddfes""l eiiralpt? !F 8fftlMlfii. Man ft""l)fbL S ifii. & 1411, Fhlladnlphla. Pn, WAilffsDfdm A 8Y& TO LEARN blUfflhlHff IMdV WfiS BM. Ct. . Bebsol et Ftat-iiefii PWRhiag Ma JOt catalogue. Addftsg IftriOfl ftVe,, 8t. Louis. Mo. MBM WAifat-0 L8AMN BARBER tr'Adfti UelaT iH!flns ur1. constant al, $pH fi9tfMtnt eftUldRue free. Wtlr BystefH 0lg. 8n Krnnelsco, CaU 15H'f M?M V V fcUY LOCALITY. PROF lUble, liiPkbf)pJW" fttiimcKhl trained. fftitljyaH Miikrinii' Ifltw iMtlonui De leeliirf Afiy, MHWHtike, Wis. BTHKGOHAf'Jia-TJWl'(4AKlLY tPER liHlts jtrHBtft; must b rapid on ma ehfn u4 l nswr; Kiv xpr!eno tM ff rem. it 12, frK"ln. HUOftTlfAMiy, TypKWKlTINO. BOOK k?eplflir, peMHrtfidhJf and JSntfllKh branches tnugtit f efcpartaneed teacher; day and nlgbt. l. Uti, OreiionlAtu WANTfiD MKH EVERYWHERE; GOOD pay; Ut distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack Rlffttf, t; no canvajtolng. National Adv. Huru, Chicago. 1000 MHN, ALL KINDS OF WORK NAME your Job; o have It. Phono Main 3074. Canadian Employment Co., 240 Burnslde and 220 ',4 Morrison. WANTED ALL-ROUND DRY-GOODS MAN. able to tri'n windows: state experience, salary expected; references required. Address Box -2000. Pendleton, Or. WANTED GOOD CANVASSERS TO TAKE orders for 3 staple articles through grocers. Call 8 to 11:30 A. M.,,107 1st, room 7. PLANERMAN. $2.50; PLANER-FEEDERS $2; mlllhands, $2 up; axmen, $2.25. Lum bermen's Labor Bureau. 205 Morrison. DAY AND NIGHT CLASS IN TELEG raphy is now opened at A. O. U. W. bldg., cor. Second and Taylor sts. YOUNG MEN, 18 TO 22. TO WORK K BAG factory: wages, $0 to $i.50 per weak. Apply Ames & Harris, 27 1st st. "WANTED COOK. GERMAN PREFERRED, in 2d-class hotel by August 10; references wanted. J 14, Oregonlan. WANTED 20 TEAMS TO HAUL CORD wood, pays $5 to $G a day. Vancouver Fuel Co., Vancouver, "Wash. CAPABLE BOOKKEEPER AND" STENOG- rapher: work not heavy; state wages wanted. J 12, Oregonlan. BLACKSMITH, $3.50, COUNTRY SHOP; MAN ana wuo on rancn, $iu. 1'ioneer employment, 215 Morrison. YOUNG MAN WANTED TO LEARN baker trade. Inquiro Homo Bakery. Van couver, Wash. 2 DRY GOODS SALESMEN, WHO CAN also trim windows and write cards. W" 11, Oregonlan. WANTED TWO GOOD HUSTLERS. CALL between 7 and 8 P. M., 01 Grand ave. Room 46. WANTED SECOND BAKER. ADDRESS W". T. Stolz, Salem, Or. v BOY WANTED. 594 WASHINGTON ST. HxJLP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN OF fair education to travel for a firm of $250, 000 capital; salary $1072 per year and ex penses; paid weekly. Address with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Portland, Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES WANTED EVERYWHERE COPY ing letters at home,.ovenings or spare time .and return to us; no mailing or canvass ing; $9 weekly earned, materials free. En close self-addressed envelope- for particu lars. Guarantee Co., No. S 151, 9th st,, Philadelphia, Pa- WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CLOAK AND ready-to-wear soleswoman; state experi ence and salary expected; reference re quired; permanent position to right party. Address Box AA, Pendleto.n, Or. ILLUSTRATED SONG SINGERS, PER formers, musicians wanted; school of stage dancing, vaudeville acting, singing en gagements guaranteed. Newman's Vaude ville Circuit, 313 Washington. DOMESTIC HELP OH ALL KINDS chambermaids, cooks, waitresses. nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 220 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL TO cook for largo family at Seaside cottago five woelcs; all conveniences, good room and privileges. Phone Main 1385, or call at 213 Commercial block. LADIES WHO ARE PLAIN WRITERS earn $10 to $12 weekly writing for us at home; stamped envelope for particulars. Wilson Specialty Co., Benton Harbor, Mich. -4 EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR1 MARKING and distributing; will pay $15 a week to good hand; steady employment; write me, Alaska Laundry, Juneau, Alaska. ACTIVE CATHOLIC LADY TO WORK AT home; $30 paid for 12 days' trial; per manent If satisfactory. John Engwall, Lakeside bldg., Chicago. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, WA1T era, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. LADIES TO HANDLE NEW PREPARA tlon, grand seller, big profit. South Sea Medicine Co., 804 Fell st., San Francisco. Cal. I LADIES ONLY PORTLAND WOMAN'S Employment Co., 21G Allsky bldg. Phono 30S7. Situations secured; help furnished. LADY CASHIER CAPABLE OF EARNING $30 month; give reference, experience and age. Address D 12, Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework; 'must understand cook ing. Call at 435 Yamhill st. W ANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS IN our lunchroom; call after 10 A. M. Swet land Sc. Son. 273 Morrison st. RELIABLE FEMALE HELP WANTED AND furnished. Multnomah Bureau, room 30. Washington bldg. Clay 1811. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work small family; call mornings. 822 Kearney. Phone Main 1309. A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply N. W. Rpuntree. CO Ella. WANTED GIRL T(2 ASSIST WITH housework. 03 Ella st. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER. GEN eral office work. Call from 9 to 12, room 8. 127 First st. GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, 551 Lovejoy. bet. 16th and 17th; good wages. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN FOR COM pany at nights; board and room free. 410 First st. , WANTED LADY TEACHER. APPLY AT 145 First St., from 7:30 to :30 P. M. Cooks" and waiters' union headquarters. Local 189. 204 Alder st. W. P. Tobin, bus. agent. WANTED A GIRL TQ DO COOKING AND general -housework at S12 .Marshall st. WANTED-A' GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL . housework. 215 12th st.. cor Salmon. GIRL OR WOMAN TO HELP COOKING at Baumanu Hotel, 412 N. 19th. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK FOR woman, 391 Alder st. "WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- vrurtf. .uureas JOS rs. st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR second, work. 341 11th. . WANTED A NURSE GIRL, CALL AT 623 xiuuj , Laaa s tract. GIRL TO ASSIST IN BAKERY. CALL 313 a.. cor. Clay st. . j SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. FIRST-CLASS HARDWARE MAN WANTS pusmun in retail store; can do tin work and plumbing; best tf reasons for chang ing and first-class references. Box 124, lone, Or. SALESMAN. SIX MONTHS' EXPERIENCE selling machinery, would like position; un derstands farm Implements; strictly sober: references. O 11, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY EXPERIENCED uuuweeycf, -aaaaian, gooa references, sal ary secondary consideration for first month. A 11, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BT YOUNG MAN", city salesman or collector; can -furnish horse, and buggy; best ot references. G 11 Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED, COMPETENT STENOG rapher desires position; can assist on books. G 9, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER WANTS position. T llr Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FOREMAN OR SUPERINTENDENT FOR logging camp; will buy Interest if satis factory; best ot references. Address M Bixby, Jr., Kelso, Wash. MIDDLE-AGED MAN CGERMAN) WISHES position as bartender or clerk in small hotel. (Address Eagle House, 3d and Burn slde, room 33. 1 AN EXPERIENCED JAPANESE BOY wants to do some kind of domestic work rellable. Care S. S., P. O. Box StJS, city. ' WANTED WORK AS MACHINIST OR engineer; have had years' experience; am German. Apply 285 Front. WANTED WORK BY YOUNG MAN AC qualnted West Side, not afraid of work K 11, Oregonlan. HOUSE-CLEANING AND WASHING WIN dows. Phone Slack 992. Japanese Employ ment ofilce. HOUSE CLEANING AND GARDEN MAK lng. Phone Scott 2604. Main 3127. Fay. D. M. JAPANESE WANTS PLACE TO WORK BY day. Japanese Mission. Clay 745. SITUATIONS "WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. SITUATIONS WANTED REFINED MIDDLB aged woman housekeeper, chambermaids, waitresses, housework girls. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. SITUATION WANTED AS COOK BY CAPA ble Swedish woman; good wages. 230 Yam hill. Phone Black 2SS1. ! WIDOW WANTS ONE OR TWO CHIL dren to board: mother's care; references. Phone West 097. - j WANTED SITUATION TO DO GENERAL housework. Phone Main 2992. WANTED WOMAN WANTS WORK BY day. Address ICG N. 18th st. LADY WISHES WORK BY THE DAY. Phone Main 4493. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS $50 A WEEK GUARANTEED: automatic washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited sample to 10 women; took 10 orders." Tlmo 45 minutes, profit over $50; guaranteed to do a washing In j 30 minutes; furnishes Its own power; re quires uu juuur; tusia less umu uuy utiiti machine; free sample and exclusive terri tory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U. Chicago. WANTED AGENTS TO COMETQ ' CALI- fornla; our magazine tells all about the wonderful progress In tho Golden State, only 25c a year. We pay you one dollar In transportation to California for every dollar's worth of subscribers you get us, or cash commission. Send 10c for six months' trial and outfit. The Western Empire, 32G Times Building, Los Angeles. California. AGENTS WANTED TO SELr. OUR HIGH grade .nursery stock; liberal commissions; cash advanced on receipt of orders; outfit free; experience and capital unnecessary If you have push' and energy. A few choice fields still open In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Write Immediately before they are assigned. Chtco Nursery Co., Chico. Cal. OUR MEN MAKE $3 TO $10 PER DAY fitting glasses; our 21p free eye book teli3 all about it. Wrlto Jacksonlan Optical College, College Place. Jackson, Mich. $S5 PER WEEK SURE SELLING OCR new patents. Free samples guaranteed agents answering this advertisement. Bra ham Co., 2172 Cincinnati, O. AGENTS SELL BEST PATENTED FIRE extinguishers; write for special starting of fer with free material. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee. Wis. BIG MONEY IN SOAP; SOMETHING NEW. Agents easily earn $10 a day. Best offer out. Parker Chemical Co., 93 Market St., Chicago. WANTED TO RENT. IF YOU HAVE A GOOD ROOM TO RENT for saloon, billiards or bowling. In this city or elsewhere write us. We will make no charge for finding you a good tenant. Have numerous applications on file. Tha Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 49 3d at., Portland, Or. WANT TO RENT SMALL COTTAGE, East Side, with yard and shade; give lo lation, description and price to good ten ant; no children. Phone Union 3072, or ad. dress S 22. Oregonlan. WANTED LARGE. FURNISHED "ROOM IN ail moueru, ruspeciaDie nouse, oy rennea young couple; give particulars to G 12, Ore gonlan. RELIABLE COUPLER 2 OR 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; must be reasonable and modern. Q 11, Oregonlafi. WANTED SMALL ,HOUSE ON NORTH or West Side, close in. Address 09 N. 0th st. WANTED 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS IMMB dlately; two adults. J 10, care Oregonlan. WAITED MISCELLANEOUS. WANT TO BORROW. $1200 ON GILT edgo chattel security, to be paid off month ly; will pay good rate. Address B 12, Ore gonlan. x WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at Tha "Fair Deal." 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED A HORSE FOR ITS USE. ONLY worked 3 or 4 hours a day; good treat ' ment and boat of care. 370 East Morrison. WANTED FIR STAVE BOLTS MADE from No. 1 fir timber. Address Western Cooperage Co.. Houlton, Qr. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WB PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. II E. Edwards. 133-191 First st. WANTED WOOD TEAMS. INQUIRE 321 Morrison. Phone West 818. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D ST., BET. TAY lor and Salmon, one block south of Bake;. Theater; new brick bunding, elegantly fur nished, hct and cold running water, porce lain bath, rooms with Nprivate baths, ele vator: tourists solicited; reasonable rate. THE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON.' elegant and up-to-daia furnished and un furnished housekeeping and other rooms; heat, bath and light free; reasonable prlcea. THE LINCOLN." 409 Morrison, cor. 11th New brick, elegant, furnished, sunny rooms; all modern conveniences; tourists and travel ing men solicited. Mrs. T. D. Hughes, Prop. 190 13TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT roo, new house, private family, with all con veniences; central; board close by; reason able; gentlemen preferred. Neatly furnished single rooms and housekeeping suites. Close In. Bath. 86 10th. near Stark. FOR- RENT. NEAT, COZY ROOM. GEN tlcman preXerrsd, 94 cox. 1th ana Stark..