pftp 10 THE MOBNIKG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1904. HOTEL PERKINS (Fifth sod Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN StSM, f I.K to f3.00 Per DT According t Location. V r. DAVIBfl. Pr. St. Charles Hote CO. (INCORPORATED.) I FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Esropeaa Plen Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Resteurant In Connection ? r. 'K'KS Livestock Ranch Sold. LA GRANDE, July IS. Special.) The Prospect Ranch, located 40 miles up the Grand Ronde River, owned by J. J. Con ley, was sold today to Antone Vey, one of the wealthy sheep-owners of Umatilla county, for $17,500. It consists of 2S00 acres of fine hay and grazing land. Mr. Conley retains all the stock. This is one of the best stock farms In this part of Oregon. AMUSEMENTS. THE BAKER THEATER M,d Manager. Phone Main 1007. Tonight, All Week. Matinee Saturday, the Baker Theater Company In B ETSY A clever comedy in three acts, by F. E. Burnand. Evening prices, 13c. 25c, 35c. 50c. Matinee. 10c. lCc. 25c. SHIELDS' PARK CO SDRAY'S THEATER D.AVOLO UP-TO-DATE Warm nights at the Park. Sunday after noon and night and rainy nights at Cord rav's. Beet show in the city. ' 30 People SO. 10c. 20c. 30c .- 4 As Usual Great Crowds and a Great Show at the STAR THEATER PORTLAND'S FASHIONABLE VAUDEVILLE PLAYHOUSE General admission 10c. reserved box seats. 23c. Performances 2. 7.30. 8:30, 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE x:15 to 4:30. Eundar, continuous 7:15 to 10:3a from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles. Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. The home of polite vaudeville. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:30 P. M. Sundays, continuous 2 to 10:30 P. M. Evening performances from 7 to 10:30 P. M. jmy seat In the theater. TEN CENTS tiffi& Fourth and Stark Streets. A Vaudeville Theater of Actual Refinement Matinee Every Sunday at 2 P. M. FREE Admission FREE. I, LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday, 2 to 10 P. M. This ad, and 10c will admit two people any matinee except Sundays and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. Tacoma vs. Portland Recreation Park, July 19, 20,21,22,23, 24 Ladle' days, Thursday and Friday. Games called 3:30; Sunday, 2:30 1. M. Ad mission, 25c; children, 15c NEW TODAY. BEE PERSONAL COLUMN WANTED SHOE man. MONEY FOR LOANS "At 5 to H per cent interest on city property In sums as required. Terms favorable and easy. Ask F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. A GREAT BARGAIN An area of nearly 14 choice acres with very beautiful and extensive scenery on Portland Heights for only $4000. Has no parallel. In Testigate. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. t 15 NET INTEREST Is attainable by investing $12,000 cash In newly improved central property. F. V. An drews &. Co., Hamilton bldg. nese 30 per cent reduction. K. KOHARA CO.. 351 MORRISON STREET. 1 Bargain on Vaughn Street Choice lot 25x100 feet near Baseball and Fair Grounds. Price low. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS ' On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date. We furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE L0AKS Oa Improved Portland Real Estate. gECCIUXY ABSTKAOX Jt TRUST CO. S14-SL5 Chamber ot Commerce. 1 'fA - lfil C-'r JJK." .- fiw. i. 5f',fcJrf farjifim PORTLAND, OREGON Fixst-Claac Cheelc Restnar&mt Connected tTlth Hotel. C. O. Dvis, See. wed Treas. THE CSCAR MOERSOB, Vuager Pront and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREGON FREE 'BUB TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rate-European plan. 60c, 76c, $1.00. $1.60, 12.00 par day. Sample room in connection. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co , auctioneers. At Gilman's auction-rooms, 413 Washington street, at 10 o'clock AM. S. L. N. Gll man, auctioneer. BO EX. STEBBINS To the wife of A. D. Stebblns, Beaverton, Or., a daughter. WITHERELL At his late residence. 360 Twelfth street, at 5:55 P. M., July IS, A. W. Wltherell. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. RANSOM July IS, at 447 East' Eighteenth street, Irvington. James W. Ransom, aged sears. Funeral Wednesday at 2 P. M. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Services at grave private. ROHKAR In this city, July IS. 1004. Nel lie Rohkar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Rohkar. aged 10 years. 10 months. 22 days. Remains at F. S. Dunning's parlors. Funeral notice later. HAWKINS Friends and acquaintances are re pectfully invited to attend the funeral serv ices of Grace A. Hawkins, which will be held at the residence of her parents. Stephen and Ma- A. Prideaux. at 612 Third street, at 2:30 P. M. todaj Interment Rlverview Ceme tery. JDWETT At White Salmon. Wash., July 18. 1904, Aulos Jewctt, aged 24 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jewett. Friends and ac quaintances an? respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral services, which will be held at Finlej's chapel at 10:30 A. M. today, after which the remains will be taken to the Cre matorium. SHEA In this city. July 17, 1904. at 515 Flanders st.. Mrs. Anna Shea, age J0 years. Funeral Tucsdas, July 19. at b:45 A. M.. from late residence. 515 Flanders, thence to Cathedral, corner 15th and Davis sts. Sen-ices at 9 A. M. Relatives and friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment siiu uaivary cemetery. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and rmbalmers, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Saiiuua. LUy uilituai. Telephone No. 607. J. P. FZNLEX A SON, Funeral Directors, ror. 2d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. t. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone- Ems 55. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phone Main 430. Zcller-B 3 rnes Co., Undertakers, embalm en. 273 Russell. Phone East 1088. Lady As't. CLARKE BROS., FINE FLOWERS. FLO nil design. -Hit Morrison. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY SOME SNAPS. 3 acres good land, good house. 7 miles from Portland; $50 down, balance easy terms. . Con. and cigar store. $400. a snap. 2 lots, 50x100, In South Portland; $25 down., balance at your own terms. 281 Alder st. FOR SALE 10 ACRES BEAUTIFULLY situated for platting; near 48th St., 3 blocks south ot Hawthorne ave. Mrs. W. S. Falling, Mount Tabor, Or. WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE FOR PIANO; must be bargain. 612 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 1 AM BUILDING AN 8-ROOM MODERN house, on East 12th between Yamhill and Taylor, finished this week; will ell cheap; easy terms. Phone Main 13C0. D. E. Melklc. 20 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. IN MULT nomah County, 150 acres; 50 acres level; 40 acres can be plowed now. Address Own er, Fulton House, 4th and Alder. J WEST SIDE CORNER. PAYING 18 PER cent; also choice quarter-block and modern cottage, southwest corner Corbett and Glbbs. Special prices. S car to door. CORNER LOT FOR SALE. MASON AND Minnesota ave., cheap. See owner, J. Mc Glbbons. Hunter's avenue. Crystal Springs Addition, near Sellwood. NEW STONE HOUSE. 4 ROOMS. PANTRY and closets, large barn, nice lot, with all kinda of fruits: bargain. 1469 Portsmouth av. Phone Union 5364. SNAP FINE 8-ROOM RESIDENCE. 2 LOTS, stable, chicken-house, fruit, garden, on car line, close In; only $1500. Western Land Co., 182 Morrison st. $50 LOTS, ONE BLOCK FROM ST. JOHNS car line; high service city water In front of lots; streets graded. Brown. 351 Stark St., opposite library. $240 BIGGEST SNAP IN OREGON, 80 acres, soon imgatea ny Government. $750 New 5-room cottage, Montavilla. Ill Abington bldg. THREE WEST- SIDE LOTS, 33 1-3x110 FT., 16th st., 100 ft. south of Montgomery: $1500 each. Owner, 210 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. $1850-6-ROOM HARD-FINISHED HOUSE with bath. 15 minutes' walk from center city; rented $20; terms. 305 Abington bldg. f $650 BUILDING LOT, 15 BLOCKS FROM center city. 5-room cottages rent for $25, on adjoining property. 305 Abington bldg. 200 FARMS. SMALL .TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Additon, Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott 'car; 5c FOR EALE-5O0 ACRES STUMP LAND. 10 miles from Portland. Inquire 287 E. Mor rison at. C. R. Dals Fuel Co. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH LARGE LOT, near car. $1000; $100 cash, $10 month, or part trade. Phone Union 4015. FOR SALE-TWD LOTS ON TILLAMOOK St., 100 feet Xrom Union ave. Inquire 40 N. 9th St., West Side. $425 2 LOTS AT OCKLEY GREEN, 20 minutes from business center. Howell, with Blumauer-Frank. i .. $1750 7-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN IM- provements. beautif ul lawn, two car-lines. 617 Commercial blk. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSEt, NEAR steed bridge; $3000; terms. 012 Commercial building. FOR SALE-CHOICE SMALL HOME. 10TH West Side; Al location; owner, Q 70, Ore gonlan. RARE BARGAIN $1600 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275, Oregon City, Orr FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 1 ELEGANT NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE IN HAW thorne Parle, corner lot; sightly location. New S-room bouse, fine location. ' New 6-room. cottage. Hawthorne's First Ad dition. All of the above are fine modern homes for sale cheap and on easy terms. Houses built on liberal terms In Hawthorne Park. Ladd's Addition and Hawthorne's First Addition. CATS & POWELL. 701 Chamber of Comerce. WHEAT LANDS A SNAP. WILL SELL you an SO or more at reasonable prices and locate you on homestead on adjoining land, which together makes cheapest wheat farm In Oregon: farms under cultivation adjoin ing raise wheat, oats, corn, etc; good rosds, well water: no Irrigation -needed; railroad building to within 4 miles. Look tola up at once. Room 40. Gllman Hotel. BARGAIN INCOME-BEARING PROPER ty; In good state of cultivation; close to busy hamlet; with rail and boat transpor tation, and access two large markets; new buildings, variety fruits, mostly apples, on main county road, near Portland; Immedi ate possession. Q 4, Oregonlan. PROPERTY TO TRADE EVERT-WHERE City property and farm lands for sale, homestead relinquishments. Government lo cations on timber or farm lands. Write for our monthly magazine. Spokane Trader. Sparks Bros. P. O. Box 1003. Spokane, Wash. 1 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED MODERN 5 room cottage, lot 50x100; lawn, garden and flower; $1850, $975 down; same, with range and carpets; $1350. $550 down; same, cottage, acant; $1200. $425 down, balance $20 monthly. This Is a snap. Phone Union 4381. k- $2500 A MODERN COLONIAL P.ESI dence. 7 rooms, full basement, porcelain baths, gas, water and sewer; street Im proved, all first-class and up to date; lot 50x100; walRlng distance. $1000 cash, bal ance 6 per cent. E SO, Oregonlan. DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN HOUSE OF 7 large rooms, with block of ground; fine fruit trees and shrubbery, barn; cor. E, Taylor and 43d sts.; convenient to best car service In city; apply to owner on premises. FINE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. CONCRETE basement and all modern Improvements; full lot: two blocks from car; Upper Albl na; $2150; small payment down, balance monthly. Robert Bell, 321 Worcester block. FOR SALE AT 08S WILLIAMS AVE., new house containing three 5-room flats, barn In rear of lot; lot is 30x105 feet, and has all kinds of fruit and berries. Inquire of owner on premises. BLOCK AND FOUR FIVE-ROOM COT tages. close in; East Side; streets improved, sewer and cement sidewalk; yearly income $740; must be sold In 10 days; price $6000. Address M 70. Oregonlan. SEVERAL NEW 5, 6 7 AND S-ROOM houses, near car lines; new and up to date; low price and very easy terms. By owner. Phone East 075. FOR SALE LOTS 100x100. COR. GRAND av. and Shaver, with a variety of fruit trees 5 yrs. old; price $800. Inquire of owner. Mrs. Hoss, 867 E. 7th St., N. Take Woodlawn cars. FOR SALE HARD FNISHED HOUSE. SIX rooms and bath, concrete basement, cor. lot 50x100, 810 Grand av.. cor. Falling; take Woodlawn car Monday afternoon; $1500. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 2 LOTS, 100x100. one block east of Woodlawn car. Inquire 394 Shaver. 5 HOUSES AND LOTS FOR -SALE IN Howe's Addition. Mrs. Howe, phone Union 173. 5 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE SMALL PAYMENT down, balance monthly. Owner. Phone East 073. REAL ESTATE AND TIMBER LANDS FOR sale. J. B. Godfrey. St. Helens, Or. MODERN FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, EASY terms. Phone East 673. FOR. SALE FARMS. 18i ACRE ORCHARD. SIX MILES FROM Vancouver, 14 miles from Portland; 15 acres full bearing Italian prune trees, one acre In raspberries; houso and barn; home or chard or assorted fruits; Just the place to make money from the start by raising prunes, chickens, bees, small fruits and veg etables; easy terms. Call on or address onner. 605 Commercial block. , 27.000 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND. free from the state to settlers, who "will pay from $5 to $15 per acre to the Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Company for perpetual water right; for Information call or address B. S. Cook. 251 Alder St., Port land. Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster, 311 Worcester block. $85080 ACRES. 14 CLEARED. HOUSE. 50 fruit trees: living springs; 20 miles Portland; 24 miles flourishing town on railroad. Inquire grocery. 614 Front, cor. Caruthers. FOR SALE 15 ACRES ON JOHNSON Creek, 8 miles from Portland, 1 mile from car. with improvements. E. D. Hurrle. Lents, Or. TEN ACRES. IMPROVED. NEAR PORT iand and electric cars; house, barn, fruit. Owner, 445 Sherlock bldg. 1800 ACRES FINE SHEEP LAYOUT. $1-1.-000; other great land bargains. W. B Taggart, Enterprise, Or. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT. AUGUST 1 FINE FARM OF 1G0 acres, together with dairy of 20 or more cows, and teams, with all farm implements on tftares or cash rent; none but reliable. Industrious man with good references need apply. Address F. H. Yeaton, Ilwaco. Wash. TIMBER XANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE. APPROVED, SANTA Fe, on hand, ready for location; also sol diers' additional land warrants and Sioux scrip. Maglnnis & Son. 227 Failing bldg. 840 ACRES. 35 MILES FROM PORTLAND; 4.000.000 ft. fir and cedar; dam cost $2000 on Yamhill River: price $5000; also 80 acres, for rooming-house. 474 Alder tst. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 160 ACRES fir timber land (6.000.000 feet), near river. Lane County, Oregon. Van Dusen, 126 13th ave.. North, Seattle, Wash. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE; ready for Immediate use; approved. H. B. Compson. 618 Marquam. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. GILT EDGE, general land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. Approved scrip; new lot agricultural or timber lands. L. W. Whiting & Co., 408 Abington. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE A FIRST-CLASS T1M ber claim, 160 acres, for modern home. 7 or 8 rooms, in Portland; will pay cash difforence or assume mortgage if suited. Address with full particulars. Btr 277, city. LET US EXCHANGE YOUR PROPERTY; give description and price. Western Land Co., 182 Morrison St., end bridge. Phone Main 187L AUTOMOBILE FOR EXCHANGE. APPLY at room 204. Abington bldg., or write Box 470, P. O. LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIP WE HAVE A SURRENDER of 1580 acres In one surrender, which we "will sell at a bargain; also 1000 acres un surrendered. We guarantee that comple tion will cost not to exceed 10 cents per acre. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, "Etc SNAP HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM A , camping trip, will sacriflcejmy entire outfit lfuaken at once, for $125; Day team, nearly new harness, the best camping wagon ever built, table, sheHes, bed. nslde cooking out fit, bedding; everything needed; can be seen at 26 N. 15h st.; sell separately. P-OR SALE HAMBLETONIAN HORSE. 4 years old. city broke: three Jersey cows, $25 and $30. Jos. Smith, Tremont, Or. Toko Mount Scott car. FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OF driving horses, fine for pleasure,, with two seated trap: owner must sell. Call 226 3d st. Phone Main 1519. AUTOMOBILE. KNOX 1803; SEATS 4; with folding top; In first-class condition; lor sale at a. sacrifice. Apply 329 Ankeny St., near Postofflce. ONE GOOD HORSE. WEIGHT 1S00 LBS.; price $100. By H. P. J. Hlnsen. 3d house south of Multnomah Hall. S. Mount Tabor. THOROUGHBRED SADDLE MARE FAST, young, sound and gentle; drive single or double. Lemode Stables. Gth. and Oak. i FOE SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc PAIR OF HORSES 8 AND 0 YEARS OLD. weight 2600 pounds, suitable for wood-hauling or farm work, new harness and collars complete; price $125. Red Front Stables, 15th and Washington. 4 AND 6-TON DEAD-AXLE TRUCKS; also, spring goosenecks; sell cheap, trade or rent. Stable, cor. 7th and Stark sts. 1 $25 BUYS GOOD DELIVERY OR EXPRESS horse, sound and good worker. Call Red Front Stables. 15th and Washington. HALL BUYS AND SELLS HORSES. HAR ness wagons, buggies, furniture trucks. Stable cor. 7th and Stark. FOR SALE ONE RUBBER-TIRE CART. Call at Portland Livestock Exchange, 4th and Ankeny. WOLFSTEIN buys and eelts norsca, wagons, harness, buggies, farm implements. 227 Front. i Largest stock vehicles and harness, new and econd-hand; cheap for 60 days. 211 Wash. HORSES FOR SALE BY L. O. RALSTON. Barn 637 Jefferson. Phone West 818. FOR SALE FINE BIG TEAM, 2600 LBS. 175 E. 23d st.. near Belmont st. FOR SALE 3 GOOD WORK HORSES, quire at 175 E. Water st. Pianos. GOOD PIANO, SLIGHTLT USED, sale cheap; a. snap. W 19. Oregonlan. FOR UPRIGHT KNABE PIANO FOR SALE. 93. Oregonlan. ' Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A. FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. S.. Domestic. Wheeler & W"on and White; dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. S. S. Sigel. agent, 335 MorrNon it. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterite; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE PU.ING. ALL LENGTHS, from SO to 125 feet, all sizes; till Orders on short notice; 75.000 feet In boom. Ad dress Lock Box 53, Rainier, Or. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $25; all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CHEAP, FIItST class running order, as good as new; can opy top, Someau. Nau'a Drugstore, Mor rison and Gth st. FOR SALE BULL TERRIER PUPPY, male; sired by champion Bonnybred Stilet to; price $15. Address E. S. Hall, Wood stock. FOR SALE LIGHT BRAHMA EGGS. $1.50 per setting of 15; also one each cock and cockerel; fine birds; $1.50 each. G 70, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE A 10-H. P. ENGINE. IN FINE shape; also 10-b. p. upright boiler and a trac tion wood saw. W. J. Benson. Hlllsboro. Or. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS FOUR-CHAIR barber shop In good location and long lease. A 87, Oregonlan. LARGE SAFE. TYPEWRITER, ALSO SUR rey with shafts, cash or trade Hall Stable, cor. 7th and Stark sts. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR wood, go to Hoover & Conway, 313 Water et. Phone Main 4596. FOR SALE-GOOD HARD BRICK. HOWE'S Brickyard. 39th and Sherman sts. Phono Union 173. A CANDY STORE FOR SALE; GOOD Lo cation and two living rooms. H 42, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE 10-HORSBPOWER SEC-ond-hand engine. Inquire 323 Abington bldg. VERY SMALL. SECOND-HAND SAFE; state price and weight. C 93, Oregonlan. SMITH-PREMIER. NO 4. NEW; CENTURY refrigerator, family size. T 06. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS MILCH COW and calf. 690 Upshur st., N. Portland. FOR SALE STOCK OF GROCERIES AND feed; best location. Inquire 240 Front. UNDERWOOD. OLIVER AND REMING- ton cheap: desk and sate. 231 Stark. J BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF- Amerlcans now $25. 7th and Morrison. FOR SALE ONE HARDWOOD BEDROOM ret and cook stove. Phone Scott 2404. FOR SALE FINE JERSEY COW AND calf. 325 E. 3d st., N. cor. Halsey. FINE SILVER SKYB TERRIER PUPPIES for sale. Basement. 326 Park st. ONE SINGLE AND ONE DOUBLB-DOOH safe; a bargain. X 73, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO QUALIFY for traveling position. Experience not necessary; salary $10 per week to start. Call at 448 Yamhill st.. bet. 12th and 13th, bet. the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. H 93, Oregonlan. MAN AND WIFE. $40; Ir HAVE BOY, $12 more; ranch near coast; blacksmith, $2 day and board; all kinds of work at the Old Reliable Pioneer Employment Co., 215 Morrison. BARBER WANTED FOR EASTERN WASH lngton; wages $16 and CO per ceut; must be a first-class man. Address or call at G. N. W. Wilson Co. Barber Supply House. 72 lth et., at once. 4 MEN. ROCK QUARRY, $2.50 EACH; 1 bucker, $2.25; 1 second fuller, $2.25: can use all kinds of help at all times. West ern Employment Bureau. 225 3d st. Phone Main 1519. WANTEDGROCER SOLICITOR, OUT CITY, permanent, good salary; salesman In dry goods and gent's furnishings out city. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 205 Morrison st., room 303. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade,, Coyne Bros. Co. School of Practical Plumbing; send for catalogue. Address 4973-5 Easton ave., St. Louis, Mo. POSITIONS OPEN WE HAVE GOOD Posi tions open for the right; If you want one write for our plan and booklet. Hapgoods (Inc). suite K, 323 Walker bldg.. Seattle. WANTED A YOUNG MAN ABOUT 18 years of age for office work; must write a good hand and reside with parents. Ad dress with references, D 03, Oregonlan. PLANERMAN. $3; RATCHET, $2.50; TEAM ster. $2.25; hooktenders. $3.50: rigging rustler, $2.75; buckers, $2.50. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau, 205 Morrison st. WANTED FIVE WELL-DRESSED MEN to handle our new proposition; can make from $6 to $8 per day. Call and see us. Room 200. A. O. U. W. bldg. EXPERIENCED MAN IN HARDWARE OR implement business would like employ ment; 20 years" experience. Address W. H. A, 268 Montgomery st. YOUNG MAN ABOUT 25 YEARS OLD AS bookkeeper In wholesale house: must have good references. Address In own handwrit ing, W 90. Oregonlan. 1000 MEN. ALL KINDS Of WORK NAME jour Job: we have It. Phone Main 3074. Canadian Employment Co., 24U Burnslde and 226& Morrison. ESTABLISHED PORTLAND INSTITUTION wants city and country agents. Our agents make from $25 to $75 per week. 401 Mar quam bldg. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO cut and lay carpets; wages $4 per day; steady Job. Apply L Gevurtx & Sons., 173 175 First st. WANTED-CHORUS GIRLS, SINGERS. PER. formers, pianists, etc, amateurs or profes sionals. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, 3131$ Washington. STAGE DANCING. VAUDEVILLE ACTING, etc., taught; terms reasonable. Newman's Vaudeville and Dramatic School, 313 Wash ington THE COLUMBUS CALBTORNIA WEE DE pot, headquarters for cooks and waiters. P. Loratl. Phone Red 1093. 148 4th. CARPENTERS $3.00 TO $3.60 PER DAY; 'board. $4.50 per week. Apply to Mclnnls, Harrington & Co., Port Townsend, Wash. YOUNG MAN TO PREPARE FOR Gov ernment position; short hours, good sal ary. C Justin Kennedy, Imperial Hotel. CLERK AND STENOGRAPHER, MUST BE experienced; good salary and permanent if satisfactory. B SS. Oregonlan. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COLLECTOR; one "who rides wheel; with reference. Room 206. A. O. U. W. bldg. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DO JANITOR work In exchange for tuition. American Bar ber Collect Co.. 62. N. 6th, HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE bodled unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Infor mation, npply to Recruiting Officer. Third and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED MEN TO BUILD 400 MILES OF railroad In Southern Alaska; all kinds of day and station work, which lasts two years; special arrangements for fare from Portlard to Alaska. Munger & Collins, employment agents, 270 Burnslde st. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT BY OUR NEW method which enables student to earn wages while learning. Call or address for free catalogue American Barber College Co., 66 N. 6th st. WANTED 10 EXPERIENCED QUARTZ miners. Call Monday. Almeda Mining Co., Ill Abington bldg. BARBER SHOP sold within the 421 Morrison. FOR SALE next week; CHEAP IF good trade. A FEW HUSTLING SALESMEN. GOOD proposition. Call between 10 and 12 A. M., 22 Labbe blk. t WANTED FIRST-CLASS FURNISHING goods man; references. Apply Meier & Frank Co. TWO BUCKERS. 2 SWIPERS. Employment Bureau. 226 3d st. WESTERN Phone 1519. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD SOLICITORS tor easy-celling article. R 89. Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED crs. G 90, Oregonlan. COAL MIN- BAKER WANTED AT SCHRAEDER'S BAK ery, Oregon City, Or. WANTED A GOOD 444 Washington st. PANTSMAKER AT BLACKSMITH lams ave. WANTED AT 724 WILL- HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS chambermaids, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work. $15 to $30. . Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. THE BOOKLOVERS LIBRARY REQUIRES a representative In Portland; one who can present an attractive proposition to the cultured classes. Address with references. Si 6th at. WANTED 20 GIRLS. COOKS. 2D GIRLS, waitresses, general housework, reliable help furnished. Multnomah Employment Bureau, 270& Washington st. Phone Clay 1811. FOURTH'S OVER! COAST LAUNDRESSES, waitresses wanted; waitresses, domestics, cooks, etc, city; chamberwork. Drake. 2u5Jj Washington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230 i Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED CHORUS GIRLS. SINGERS. PER formers, pianists, etc, amateurs or "profes sionals. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, 313& Washington. STAGE DANCING, VAUDEVILLE ACTING, etc., taught; terms reasonable. Newman's Vaudeville and Dramatic School. 313& Wash ington COMPETENT LADY WITH SOME MEANS secure office position on good salary or asso. elate with gentleman In business. P 93, Ore gonlan. WANTED FURRIER; FIRST-CLASS CUT ter; must understand fitting; Address Fred Foster, taxidermist and furrier. Victoria, B. C. 4 WAITRESSES. 2 COOKS. WOMAN. $30 each; 1 cook, woman, $40. Western Em ployment Bureau. 226 3d st. Phone Main 1519. 4 LADIES POSITIONS SECURED; ALL KINDS of female help furnished. Oregon Women's Employment. 206 Allsky bldg. Clay 403. THREE WOMEN COOKS. 3 WAITRESSES. 3 women for housework. Western Employ ment Bureau. 226 8d st. Phone Main 1510. k WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING; WAGES $25; family of three; washing. Call 144 N. 19th st., after 10 o'clock. - WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER AT our office; afternoons; state lowest salary; easy work. J 93, Oregonlan.. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS; also chambermaid; private boardtng-house; good wages. O 93, Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO care for Infant and assist with housework; small family. 200 Park st. UNEXPERIENCED YOUNG- LADY WANTED to work In massage parlor; French lady pre ferred. M 93. Oregonlan. GOOD WAITRESS AND CHAMBERMAID; wages, room and board, $20, National Ho tel. Front and Yamhill. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS IN OUR lunchroom. Call after 10 A M. Swetland & Son, 273 Morrison. WOMAN OF RELIABILITY TO ASSIST IN an educational work. Course of preparation free. A 80. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COOK; SMALL family; housemaid kept; city references. Apply 769 Hoyt st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS GLOVE-FITTER and saleslady: references. Apply Meier t Frank Co. WANTED A dining-room. 163 12th. NEAT GIRL TO ASSIST IN Apply Morrlson-st. entrance. WANTED LADY FOR RECEPTION ROOM of photo studio, experienced. 801 Dekum building. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small family; good wages. 07 Ella st. NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. 257 N. 22d, cor. North rup. GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. ONE willing to go to beach. Callat 105 N. 22d. WANTED BOOKKEEPER: STATE SAI.ARS and experience. Address F 81, Oregonlan. WANTED NURSE GIRL. APPLY TO 232 Stout st., cor. Salmon. King's Heights. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must be good cook. 313 13th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK SMALL family. 281 N. 24th Bt., cor. Overton. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 529 Montgomery st. WANTED GIRL TO WASH DISHES AT 104 N. 7th st. COOK WANTED. 427 WASHINGTON ST. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. -I WANTED ENERGETIC MAN OR WOMAN to act aa traveling manager for an old established firm; references given and re quired; salary $18 per week and expenses advanced; chance for promotion. Address F. B. Cornwall, Portland, Or. WANTED AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS everywhere; can make $10 to $20 per week easily and pleasantly at home; no money required. The Lake Co., 110 Monroe St., Chicago. 8 WAITRESSES (CITY. COUNTRY). Do mestics, farmhands (milking). $30; second cook. $35. Drake, 205 Washington. WANTED AT ONCE. WEAVERS AT woolen mill. Ktrkland, Wash.; male or fe male. SITUATIONS WAITED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER by young man of 22 (unmarried). Experi enced in milling and grain business; ref erences furnished. F 87, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY COMPETENT accountant of 20 years' experience In re sponsible positions. Corporation preferred. Q 87, Oregonlan. I COMPETENT DRUGGIST WISHES SITU ation; am accustomed to take charge; ref erences as to reliability. Address W 64. care Oregonlan. SITUATION . WANTED AS COLLECTOR, manager, ticket-seller or any light work; best ot references. Address D 69, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER or cashier, six years' experience. G 89, Ore gonlan. v r MIscelloneouB. FAITHFUL YOUNG JAPANESE BOY wants situation In city; small wages. S 87, Oregonlan. GOOD BARTENDER WOULD LIKE Posi tion out of the city. P 69, Oregonlan. WANTED TO CLEAR LAND BY CON- 1 tract. K 93, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTEDHALE, . Miscellaneous. IF YOUR MILL. SAWS OR MACHINERY IS giving you trouble, or you need first-class millwright work along this line. It will pay you to consult Montgomery. Address, 230 lot st. FIRST-CLASS MAN AND WIFE OPEN FOR engagement, beach hotel; manager or day clerk and housekeeper: experienced; refer ences. V 81, care Oregonlan. SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN". HAS good education, would like emplqyment some business house; must have work; references. C 87. Oregonlan. f SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN. HAS good education, seeks employment of any kind; can give Al references. O 84, Oregonlan-. BY YOUNG MAN AND WIFE. IMMEDIATE ly. position In club hotel, or take charge of store In or out of town. O SO. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRYMAN WANTS Po sition as foreman; 10 years' experience. Oregon or Washington. X 87, Oregonlan. CHEF WITH CREW WILL ACCEPT Ho tel, restaurant work, anywhere. Partlcji t lars. phone Drake, 203 Washington. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic, servant, farmers and all kinds ot help. 268 Everett. Black 902. STEADY MAN. PRACTICAL CUTTER AND tailor, wants a eteady Job. In or out of city. Address P 87, care Oregonlan. BOY OF 18 WOULD LIKE TO FINISH machinist trade; 1 year's experience In rail road shop. F 82. Oregonlan. ENGINEER AND GENERAL MECHANIC desires position: mill or factory preferred; references. F 96, Oregonlan. 4 AS JANITOR. PORTER OR TO CARE FOR hones by experienced, sober, middle-aged man. L 93, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS WOODCARVER AND MOD eler wants situation In city or out ot town. B 93. Oregonlan. WANTED A CHANCE TO MAKE YOUR building plans, cheap; also blue printing. P 87, Oregonlan. BOY. 14 YEARS OLD, LIKE TO GET ANY kind of work. Can speak German. E 93, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED stickerman. In or out of city. S 84, Orego nlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Stenographers. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. FOUR years experience, desires position; ealary $8 per week. L 8S. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER WOULD LIKE EMPLOY ment 3 evenings a week; would keep small set of books. L 87. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position; will work for small wages to Ae gln. 324 Salmon. bressmaxexs. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER HERE from the East would like engagement by me uay or at nome. trices reasonable. 334 College st. DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. LADIES' or children's work; shirtwaists and- shirt waist suits. R 87, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES work at home or by the day. Mrs. Dun ford, 588 Pettygrove st. WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND DRE8S maklng; very reasonable. 004 East 18th st. DRESSMAKING shirtwaist suits AND PLAIN SEWING; a specialty. 354 Salmon; -l MRS. FERGUSON. DRESSMAKING B THE day; best references. Phone East 1533. HouseKecpers. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER TO GEN tleman. by widow lady, city or country; no Incumbrance. J 87, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG WOMAN with girl 10. housekeeper widower. 23014 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. AS HOUSEKEEPER BY WOMAN WITH 10-year-old girl in widower's family; ref erences. H 90, Oregonlan. A POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER. WIDOW ers small family. S 92, care Oregonlan. WANTED A POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER in hotel. Address F 02, care Oregonlan. Domestics. A MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN WOMAN wishes chamber work; thorough and reli able. Tel. bet. 10 and 2, Main 2948. JAPANESE, NEAT GIRL, WANTS SITU ation In city as housework. A 93, Ore gonlan. . j A YOUNG LADY DESIRES SITUATION IN general housework; wages $25. 392 Front. .Mlceituneoss SITUATIONS WANTED MIDDLEAGBD WO man housekeeper, girl waitress restaurant, neat girl to assist housework, chambermaid, nurse. 230VJ Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED POSITION BY REFINED young woman as companion, or would wait on an invalid, city or country. Address J 90, Oregonlan. POSITION TO TAKE FULL CHARGE OF Infant or child or Invalid, by widow lady. A graduate nurse. K 87. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS GOVERNESS BY young lady of refinement and education; best references. B 87, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITIONS FOR TWO FIRST class waltreFses, cook, housekeeper and gen eral girl. Phone Clay 1811. I WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or night; good sight reader. Address G 16. Oregonlan. LADY WOULD LIKE TO WORK FOR HU8 band and wife's board and room; close in. E 87, Oregonlan. WANTED DAY WORK. WASHING. IRON Ing preferred; weekly engagements, 210 Sheridan. GOOD LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK BY the day. Call 625 Flanders st. CHILD TO BOARD; TERMS able. F 82, Oregonlan. REASON- SITUATION AS CASHIER. PHONE HOOD SO. Mrs. Miller. WANTED AGENTS. COMPETENT AGENTS TO SELL THE NEW combination life, accident and health policies. Issued exclusively by the Conservative Life Insurance Company. Holds the world's rec- mh A. vn rttil IninmnpA In fnn. tO fWVt . 000.' Assets. S1.B00.000. Now writinsr SL50o!. 000 of Insurance per month In California. Liberal renewal agency contract, direct with home office. Representatives making big money and building life Income. Call or ad. dress the company. Goodnough bldg.; Portland. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery stock; liberal commissions; cash advanced on receipt of orders; outfit free; experience and capital unnecessary If you have push and energy. A few choice fields still open In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Write Immediately before they are assigned. Chlco Nursery Co., Chlco, Cat. AGENTS CAMPAIGN BUTTON8, BADGES, lithographs, photographs; largest, best and cheapest line ever offered; 2000 different novelties for Summer resorts, fairs, cele brations; samples of biftton. 10 cents; cata logue free. Miller, 134 Park Row, New York. WE OFFER THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS for the sale of the Perfect Telephone Dls Infector In the City of Portland; easily sold to every one having a telephone. For particulars address Johnson-Lleber Co., 1 First st. AGENT WANTED TO SELL HOUSEHOLD necessity; sells at ever' house; big profits. Call afternoons. 87 E. 11th at.. South. WANTED WOMEN AGENTS IN EVERY locality In Oregon; good wages; no can vassing. Address O 02, Oregonlan. WANTED WINNING OFFER FOR HUS tlersc new photo ticket. 801 Dekum bldg. A FEW WIDE" AWAKE AGENTS. CALL BE. tween 10 and 12 A. M., 22 Labbe blk. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE. SUMMER or lease; 8 or 9 rooms; central. F, Hotel Portland. MAY 17 ROOMS OR MORE. WEST OF 7th, bet Washington arid Jefferson. E 59, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTS ROOM AND BOARD In quiet private family; permanent. S 80, Oregonlan. 6 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE, WEST SIDE; CLOSE in; slvo XuL1 yariisuiais. ?.&, Qsegoxtlofi. WANTED TO BENT. IF YOU HAVE A GOOD'ROOM TO RENT for saloon, billiards or bowling, in this city or elsewhere write us. We will make no charge for finding you a good tenant. Have numerous applications on 'file. Th Brunswlck-Baike-Collender Co., 49 3d at. Portland, Or. WANT TO RENT SMALL COTTAGE, East Side, with yard and shade; give lo cation, description and price to good ten ant; no children. Phone Union 3072, or ad. dress S 22. Oregonlan. WHO HAS TWO FURBISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, north of Washington and w est of 22d streets. Phone Main 4673. WANTED 10-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE east ot 12th, near Washington; might buy furniture; describe. E 4S, Oregonlan. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING AND SHOES We pay the highest price. 62 N. 3d St.; orders promptly attended to. Hood 517. A C OR 7-ROOM COTTAGE BY AUGUST 1 on West Side. Address, giving location and price. R 03, Oregonlan. WANTED MODERN 8 OR 9-ROOM HOUSE; will pay $60; must be central on Washington. F, Hotel Portland. WANTED AT ONCE SMALL FURNISHED or unfurnished cottage. East Side. Phono Union 5563. WANTED TO RENT. IMPROVED 6 OR 10 acre tract, near car line, cheap. A 15, Ore gonlan. BASEMENT FOR STORAGE PURPOSES, steady tenant. T 88, Oregwilan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest pride paid. Call at The "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED LOAN. BY PRIVATE PARTT of $30; can give good security. Address K 76, Oregonlan. WANTED HORSE TO RIDE AND DRIVE; mast be gentle and city broke. A 60, Orego nlan. WANTED TO BORROW $1000 AT 6 PER cent; good security. S 69. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone Ease 2233. SEE PERSONAL COLUMN WANTED SHOE man. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE FAIRMOUNT. 20 N. 6TH. NEAR Burnslde. halt block north of Postofflce. 8 blocks south of Depot You can get rooms In this :legant furnished, new, steam-heated building at reasonable rates, furnished or unfurnished, single or en suite, hot and cold running -water In rooms, electric lights, porce lain baths, phone; tourist and transient trade solicited. Mrs. S. E. Cartwrlght. Proprie tress. THE AUDITORIUM. 20S 3D ST.. BET. TAY lor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater; new brick building, elegantly fur nished, hot and cold running water, porce lain bath, rooms with private baths, ele vator; tourists solicited; reasonable rates. THE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON, elegant and up-to-date furnished and un furnished housekeeping and other rooms; heat, bath and light free; reasonable prices. THE ALEXANDER. NEW BUILDING. ELE gant, newly furnished front rooms, single or n suite; select location; all conveniences; transient solicited. N. W. cor. 10th and Alder. "THE LINCOLN," 409 Morrison, cor. 11th New brick, elegant, furnished, sunny rooms; all modern conveniences; tourists and travel ing men solicited. Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Prop. FIRST FLOOR USB OF BATH, HOT AND cold water, beautiful, healthy residence por tion city; suitable for one or two gentlemen. 81 N. 17th St., cor. Everett. THE NEWLAND. 306b 1ST ST.. PHONE Clay 271 Elegant furnished rooms by the day. week or month, at popular prices; gas. bath and phone. t DELEGATES TO D. OF H. AND A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge will find lst-class newly furnished rooms at The Drew, 162 2d st., near Morrison. ONE LARGE FRONT PARLOR; NICE FOR one or two gentlemen; nicely furnished; $15 month; unfurnished. $10 month. Phone East 1182. WANTED 2 HOUSES TO MOVE ON MY lot; must be cheap. What have, you to offer? M. Kutner. CO N. 3d st. .Phone Black 2942. 302 SALMON ST., COR. 10TH NICELY FUR nished front bay-window room, all conven iences, private family; gentleman preferred. Furnished and unfurnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms; $1 week up. Gllman. 1st and Alder; Alblna Hotel. 450 Goldsmith. 129 10TH ST. BET. WASHINGTON AND Alder; comfortably furnished sunny room; bath, phone; gentlemen preferred. WELL-FURNISHED DOUBLE PARLORS, also large single rooms; private family, mod ern conveniences. 324 baimon st. 107 W. PARK, NEAR MORRISON NEAT ly furnished single apartments with every convenience; downtown location. LARGE FRQNT ROOM. PRIVATE HOUSE, reasonable terms; gas, phone Main 3605. 280 14th. near Hobart-Curtls. 3 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE family; bath adjoining; rent reasonable. 35 N. 18th, near Washington. FINELY FURNISHED LARGE. FRONT, bay-window room. $4.50 per week; private family: central. 394 Yamhill. FINELY FURNISHED LARGE. FRONT, bay-window room, $4 00 per week; private family; central. 394 Yamhill. ROOM PLEASANT ROOM WITH HOME comforts, planp. etc., four blocks from Ho tel Portland. 250 Sixth. . i FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN IN private family: home surroundings. 21st and Johnson. J 49, Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. $3 PER week; running water, prlvato family, cen tral. 391 Yamhill sU 70 PARK ST. NICELY FURNISHED BAY window room: also well-furnished smaller room; bath, phone. LARGE. CLEAN AND WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable for two; modern conveni ences. 271 7th st. 426 ALDER ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms on first floor, large and pleasant; flno home-cooking. NICELY FURNISHED. LARGE FRONT room; use of phone and bath. Call mornings. 30 N. 16th. ROOMS TO RENT 4H YAMHILL ST.. pleasant rooms; steam heat, telephone, gas. bath, etc. FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN" sulte. 42 21st North, near Washington; ref erences. - LARGE FRONT ROOM; MODERN CON venlenccs. 129 14th st., near Washington. 1 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN tlemen. 351 Oak st, bet. 7th and Park. TRY 351 TAYLOR ST. FOR ROOMS, ONE and a half blocks from Hotel Portland. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY OR week. 325 Davis St., bet. 6th and 7th. WELL-FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM. ALL conveniences. 188 14th st. S. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, private family. 294 10th st. Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel, 165-167 10th St., cor. Morrison: pleasant rooms, with first-class table and service; porcelain baths, plenty of hot water; hand some dining-room; can now accommodate table boarders; rates reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TH year; rooms with board: use of sewing room: use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintendent. 510 Flanders 295 10TH ONE LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED front room, suitable for two, with or with out board: all conveniences; a good home for right parties. HOME FOR TWO ROOM-MATES. LADIES or gentlemen; all home comforts; hot water and bathroom any time. Phone .East 1035. HOTEL BROWN, 271 GRAND AVE. Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; eleva tor; bllllard-room; transients; both car lines. A LARGE. SUNNY FRONT ROOM WITH breakfast if desired. 575 20th st.. bet. Spring and Elizabeth sts., Portland Heights. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms; pleasant location and respectable family; reasonable. 227 Montgomery st. NEWLY" FURNISHED ROOMS WITH first-class home cooking, reasonable: with 1 .nadexft. coaY.cnhncf.-c 02 Clay st, --,' K