9 affyWW'iW it "i Mhi'l i ' ill I iilii ill in ill 'I '3Sr&5&5&3f THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1904. 1C FIGHTING FATHER TIME WHY COST OF INSURANCE HAS RISEN IN A. O. U. W. Old Men Have to Pay Larger Assess ment, but Have No Cause for Complaint. - PORTLAND. Julr 1. (To tho Editors Having reference to the letter of D. F. Staf ford, and previous notice In your columns of the "troubles of the A. O. U. W.." have noted two things, vlr.: The Oregonlan s dis position to give the public Information, and the disposition of persons fancying themselves discriminated against to publicly air their grievance without being able to make their grievance intelligible. And. Indeed. It is no easy task for them, as their knowledge of the subject seems limited to the certainty of an Increased financial obligation. As a matter of ra-1 Information, we submit the following: wnen iraternai oraers went, inm - anee business, they had tho very best Inten tions, but no knowledge of the subject, nor experience to guide them. The expense of temporary insurance for sums as large as $2000 was found to be within the reach of even the poorest paid labor, and as the cur rent or temporary cost was understood to hold good Tor all time, they fondly believed they bad solved the problem of cheap Insurance. In the course of time the laws of Nature be gan to be felt. As an order advanced In age the death roll advanced also with. Its Jncreaeed cost. Here the so-called trouble began. Near ly every man had an explanation of his own. Some thought the Increased cost due to nign salaries; others to the order not Increasing in membership fast enough, and come others to a collusion with old-line insurance companies. The A. O. U. W. being the pioneer In the business, naturally was the first to have a solution of the trouble from this- cause forced on it. It is not neceswiry here to even sketch the arious legislation from time to tlme.which It was fondly hoped would prove effective Suffice it to cay the plan which Is now in ef fect in Oregon failed In 10 Jurisdictions In the year 1003 by $1,500,000 to pay the death losse?, nd this large sum had to be met In the form of "relief" by the "Western Jurisdictions. which, by reason of their youth, had not yet felt the increase due to matured risks. The Supreme ' Lodge by this time (1908) having collected vital statlirtics for the entire order, and having secured the beat expert advice ob tainable, and having had the matter In open cession tor nearly a "week continuously, did adopt a plan which is partly a modification of the plan in effect In Oregon, with the addi tion of a level-rate plan, forming a combina tion, to that a member may enter on a level rate, or take a step rate, paying temporary insurance for five-year periods, with the priv- liege of changing to a level rate at any time. , Members, however, arriving at the age of 53 must pay a level rate, there being no tem s porary insurance obtainable after that age. The member's policy after age 55 takes on a cash vftlue, and nhould a member desire to ' discontinue paying at any time, a paid-up Iollcy for the amount paid Into the reserve ' Will be Issued. This new plan of the Supremo Lodge. Its adoption Is compulsory only for those Juris dictions unable, under the present plan, to meet their losses, and applying to the Su preme Lodge for relief, but the Supreme Lodge does recommend the adoption by all Jurisdic tions, pointing out that It Is only a question of lime when the new plan or its equivalent must be adopted, and the longer deferred tho gretr the deficiency to be met. It is tlrls plan that is soon to be submitted to the Jurisdiction of Oregon at the coming session of the Grand Lodge, and which has .stijUSd up the "old men" to fever heat. We will now briefly consider how great a griev ance the "old man" has. The new assessment rate for age 55 and all ever Is $4.20 per $1000 ltjcuTance. Tho num ber of assessments that may be called during one year Is limited to 12, making the possible "osrt $48 per year This yearly sum paid dur ing the expectancy of llfo at age 53 (which period according to the table of "Thlrt Amer ican Offices," is 18.93 years) is though to be enough. If the surplus Is earning 4 per cent Interest, to meet the certificate "t maturity. But there are now a large number of mom - bera over 00. and some 70 years, and these members pay only $4.20 under the new plan. If It Is necessary to begin collecting .the $4.20 rate at age 53 and during tht expectancy at that age it follows there must be a deficit on those members now 60 or 70 years of age, who have up to this time paid only their ratio of current cost, and who have paid not one dollar Into the reserve. This deficit, in 1903, was found to be. In round numbers, $149,000,000. In other words, should the members 55 years and over begin the new rate. $4.20, they nhould also deposit to the reserve fund $149. 000,000 nay. It ehould be earning 4 per cent Interest to properly protect their certificates. Now the new plan provides for this deficit by a guaranty fund, and this fund Is wholly collected from members 18 to 55 years. In other words, the young men of the order are making the old men a present out and out of $150,000,000. and the longer the adoption of the jiew plan Is deferred, the greater will be the sum required from the young members. Now the old raembor, notwithstanding the fact that he kept his money in his pocket or spent It, when he should have had It on deposit to protect hi certificate, says there Is no longer any fraternity In the order, because matters must be adjusted to an honest basis. He thinks the making good of his deficit of $150. tXj0,000 by the younger members doesn't show - the amount of fraternity he was led to ex pect. It looks to me to be a case of not knowing when they ore well oST. Any member of 55 years can soon test the Justness of the new rate by applying for protection In any safe, reliable company. He will find that. Instead of $4S per j ear. he must pay fS8 to $60 per year for $1000. If this Is true of the member at 55 yeurs, how about the man at C5 or 70 years? Where will he find Insurance at $48 per year on $1000? Verily their faith Is strong enough in tho Impossible to work miracles, but they are up against Father Time, and nothing short of putting him out of business will stop the death rate nor cheapen the cost of Insurance. DONALD ALLISON. POKTuUE CABHIED EST SATCHELS Banker Concludes One of the Largest Deals Ever Made in East St. Louis. ST. X.OUIS. July 14. More than ?400,000 "was carried In satchels by two messen gers who accompanied Henry D. Sexton, president ot the Southern Illinois Na tional Bank, when he went to the offices of the East St. Louis Trust & Savings! Bank and bought about 2000 of Its 2500 shares, valued at 5562,500. Par value, or 5225 a share, Was paid for those already purchased, and the same amount will be paid for the remainder, which Mr. Sexton ha arranged to acquire for the Southern Illinois; National Bank by Sat urday. By a vote of the board of direc tors of the Southern National Bank It has been decided to take over the de posits of the East St- Louis Trust & Sav ings Bank Company, which amounted to 5320,000. Of this sum one-fifth Is cash and the balance Is in securities. The deal Is the largest of the kind ever made In East Side financial circles, and was accomplished In less than two days. FAV0BS GEALN EXCHANGE. President of Commission Company Says It Would Benefit Business. Georgo H. Hammond, president of the Coe Commission Company, Is In Portland on a trip through the NorthwesL As his business is concerned with dealing In wheat on the Minneapolis exchange, and thla country produces such a large quantity of that commodity he expresses surprise at the absence in the Northwest of any kind of exchange where prices can be set and options on future sales made at a. prescribed rate. The benefit to buyers and growers alike, says Mr. Hammond, Is that they know where they are. The grower would get a higher price and the manufacturer could take an option en a future sale, the price to be set from the quotations of tho Northwest exchange, rather than from that of Chi cago or some other place. "Buyer for fu- tnra fitUvery "irouid not have to tako oj- F KTSCHAX. Tm. KTEITittB KMW1CT0B STUETt, P01TUM, flKWfll European Plan THE PORTLAND PORTUXD, OB. American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. New Building Elegantly Furnished, Centrally Located. COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS. HOTEL SCOTT SEVENTH AND ANKENY STS. I'ostoffice Block. EUROPEAN PLAN BOOMS 75c TO $2.00 PER DAY. I'KEE BUS M. E FOLEY, Manager. Uons on Chicago to Insure themselves of the -wheat as they do todny. Mr. Ham mond believes an exchange ehould be es tablished here or eomewhere on Puget Sound, and says he Is willing to aid the movement wherever it is taken up with the greatest Interset. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL KErORT. PORTLAND. July 14. Maximum tempera ture. 62 deg.; minimum. 50. River reading. 11 A. M.. 15.3 feet; change in 24 hour-. 0.1 foot. Total precipitation, 5 V. M. to 5 P. M.. 0.17 inch; total since September 1, 1IHJ8, 46.63 inches; normal. 4G.2G; excess. 0.42. Total sun shine July 13, 1904. 10 hours and 0 minutes; possible. 15 hours and 30 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M.. 20.01. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. g 1 ' 'Oo Pi? Wind. CO STATIONS. Baker City , Bismarck .... Boise Eureka Helena .... . Kamloops, B. North Head Pocatello .... Portland .... Red Bluff .. Roseburg ... 7SjO.O0 ,78(o.00i iN ICloudy 6.NW Clear !8M0.ttH ,BW Cloudy ,.5,0.34 K'S Cloudy Cloudy Raining Raining .K4U.UU NW 5S 0.0ft n :s vv l84.O.O0,lfiSW RS2J0.17! .SE ...,SS 0.00,18 SW OO'o.lO BBE Cloudy illainlng Clouoy (Raining 'Cloudy Sacramento ..17G10.0024;SV Salt Lake City 1SS,0.00;l.S IPuciouaj .,;; tw ii.oo "2 W iClear San Francisco Spokane -o' rMotc lfMrtiulv '..?!" " snlo.02 6:w Raining ...1IO V.W 4'4J .-ww Tatoosh'ieland' . ..fri2,0.28 12B lgjnjns Walla Walla b0J T 1 S'.W ICloudy Light. T, trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Good rains have occurred today throughout Western Oregon and Western Washington, and the drouth which has prevailed In the Wil lamette Valley Place early In June Is broken. A disturbance of moderate energy moved Inland from the ocean during the laut 24 hours, and this evening envelopes the greater portion of Oregon and Washington. Besides causing the rains heretofore mentioned It also caused brisk winds along the California coast and at the mouth of the Columbia River, the following maximum velocities being reported: North Head. 48 mllr. southeast; San Francisco. SB miles, west. High winds are also reported in the Sacramento Valley, where a maximum of 30 miles, southwest, occurred. Southwest storm warnings are displayed at the mouth of the Columbia, and at the entrance of the Strait of Fuca. The indications are for a con tinuation of unsettled rainy weather In this district Friday, with but little change In tem pera ure. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending midnight July 15: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy and oc casionally threatening, with showers; brisk nouth to west winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Showers; brisk wuth to west winds, probably high ulong coast. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Showers; brisk south to west winds. Southern Idaho Showora and possibly thun der storme; cooler: brisk eouth to west winds. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson at ralesroom. Sixth and Ankeny sts.. at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auc tioneer. At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 2 P. M. Geo. Baker &. Co., auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. L O. O. F. Regular mooting this Friday evening at 8 o'clock. First degree. Visitors welcome. HENRY BROWN, Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 55. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Friday) evening, 7:30 sharp, work In F. C degree. All F. C. are cordially invited. By order W. M. I. W. PRATT, Seorotary. WOODMEN OF THE "WORLD, MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77 Meets Friday nights in their forest. East Sixth and East Al der streets. Floor work not ex celled by any camp In the order. Come and meet with us. 3. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. BORN. WHITE To the wife of F. Monson White. July 13, a daughter. DIED. SCISLOWSKI At Montavlllo, July 14, 1904. William Sclslowski. aged 47 years. Remains are at Flnley"s Chapel. HAWKINS In San Francisco, July 14, Mrs. C A. Hawkins (nee Grace Prldoaux). Body will be sent to Portland for burial. Fu neral notice later. HOECKER In this city. July 14. 1004. Charles F. Hoecker, aged CO years. 4 months and 11 days. Remains are at Fin ley's Chapel. Funeral notice later. M'CARGAR In this city. July 14, 1004, at 270 Porter St., Mary L. McCargar, aged 27 years. 1 month 4 days. Remains are at Finleys Chapel. Funeral notice here aftcr. BIRKENFELD In this city. July 14, 1904, Anton J. Blrkenfeld. of Mist. Or,, aged 24 years. The remains are at Flnley's Chapel, where they will be prepared for shipment home Saturday morning, July 10. ARMSTRONG James Armstrong died June 28 at residence of his neph6w, Gaorge Armstrong, pioneer Clark County. "Wash ington. He was born in Ireland 84 years ago last May. He came here 12 years ago from VlnCand, N. J. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and rmbalxsers, bar mored to their new bfeJJd Log, Third and Salmoa. Lady siiU&nt. Ttlephoaa No. 507. f. T. FTNLEx" A SON, Funeral Directors, cor. td and Madisoa: OfOoe of County Cor ner. Lady assistast. Tolephoaa No, 8. F. S. DUNNINO, Undertaker. iU East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone aat ft. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phono Main 420. Zeller-Byrnes Co., Undertakers, embalm era. S7S BusceU. Phono East 103S. Lady As't. CLARKE BROS.. FINE FLOWERS, FX.O- J . UeaU. $& C VT. KNOWIJES, Mgr. I $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day HEJDQUASTEK F0MOUSI1TSAHJ CQKHEaCUL IEAIELEM Special rates made to families and tingle gentle men. Ihe roan-1 sgem t will be pleased at all times to show -rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablish moat in the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. Flrst-CIass Restaurant ia Connection, Steam Heat, Electric Lights. PORTLAND, OREGON AMUSEMENTS. THEBAKER 0frr- THEATER Manager. Phone Main 1007. ALL TniS WEEK MATINEE SATURDAY. The Baker Theater Company In "UP TO TOMPKINS" Invented for laughing purposes only. Even ing. 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Matinee, 10c, loc, 25c Next week, beginning Sunday matinee, Bur naud's great comedy, "Betsy." SHBELDS' PARK 13th and Washington. Phone Main 4797. Broadway Zlnn's Greatest Extravaganza. I IN MOROCCO Three hours' show. A pageant of African beauty. Everything new. 10c, 20c, 30c At Cordray's every Sunday afternoon and evening, and on cold and rainy nights. i Go where the crowd goes and see the best vaudeville show ever given In Portland at the PORTLAND'S FASHIONABLE VAUDEVILLE PLAYHOUSE General admission 10c, resorved box seats. 25c. Performances 2, 7:30, 8:30. 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER Eeventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:15 to 4:30. 7:15 to 10:30. Eunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladlrs. Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. Tb home of polite vaudevllla. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:30 T. U. Eundays, continuous 2 to 10:30 P. M. Eranlnj performances from 7 to 10:30 P. M. Any seat In the theater, TEN CENTS Fourth and Stark Streets. A 'Vaudeville Theater of Actual Refinement Matinee Every Sunday at 2 P. M. FREE Admission FREE. LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30; Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M. This ad. ana 10c will admit two people any matinee except Sundays- and holidays. TEN CENTS NO inCHER, NEW TODAY. . 1 FOR SALE 10 ACRES BEAUTIFULLY situated for platting; near 4Sth St., 3 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. Mrs. W. S. Falling, Mount Tabor. Or. ILLUSTRATION NO. 3. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. No. 100 Third Street. Incorporated April 22, 1S87. You contemplate enlarging your business, or going into a new venture. You have the money, but the time Is not Quite ripe. Deposit the money with us, and we will issue a certificate of deposit, payable on thirty days call, with Interest at three and one-half per cent per annum. When you are ready to proceed, call your certificate, and at the end of 30 days you can draw your money with Interest up to date. Do you want to know more about these certificates? Call on us or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJAMIN L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK. Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary Butter! Butter! Best creamery .. Bc Good creamery 40c Dairy butter 30c and 35c Ranch eggs 2 dozen for 45c Common -eggs 20c Best sugar-cured hams 13c Breakfast bacon 14c 10 pounds pure lard $1.00 5 pounds pure, lard 50c Full-cream cheeue 10c and 12Uc Swiss cheese 25e Java-Mocha coffee 30o 50c tea for 30c Remember Saturday la chicken day. All goods retailed at wholesale prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY. 204 Yamhill. . j DESIRABLE HOME HOLLADAY PARK New house 8 rooms and reception-hall; gas and electric light; 19th and Multnomah streets, $500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. A. H. BIRRELL 202 McKay bldg. 3d and Stark. Mortgage Loans 5 and Upwards Heal Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, JTonnerly t XacMaster Xlirrefl. SO?- McKay Building. Third and Utark. Pfcos Mala 033. Japanese Goods SO Dr cent reduction. An. KOHARA CO., S31 MORRISON STREET. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "Housekeep ing Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less. 15 cents; 16 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No discount for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." 30 cents for 15 words or leas; 18 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion. one-half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. SEE PERSONAL COLUMN WANTED SHOE man. ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVING THE CITY I MUST SELL MY NEW RESIDENCE, WITH ACRE OF GROUND. A Most Beautiful Home Well located, one block from Mount Tabor car line, 5 minutes' service and 12 minutes' ride from business center. House was built of best material for permanent home, has seven large rooms, best modern plumbing, electric lights, cement walks and basement floor, city water and sewer, choice fruit trees, berries and shrubs. In short. It Is an elegant place, and In order to make a quick sale I am willing to sacrifice a good deal. Terms can be arranged for. Seo owner, 122 E. S9th St.. near Morrison. HOUSE WANTED In near future, on West Side. 7 to S rooms; permanent tenants, 3 adults. Address A SO, Oregonlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ELEGANT NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE IN HAW thorn c Park, corner lot; sightly location. New 8-room houce; fine location. New 6-room cottage, Hawthorne's First Ad dition. All of the above are fine modern homes for sale cheap and on easy terms. Houses built on liberal terms In Hawthorne Park. Ladd's Addition and Hawthorne's First Addition. CATE &. POWELL. 701 Chamber of Comerce. WHEAT LANDS A SNAP, WILL SELL you an SO or more at reasonable prices and locate you on homestead on adjoining land, which together makes cheapest wheat farm In Oregon; farms under cultivation adjoin ing raise wheat, oats, corn, etc.; good roads, well water; no Irrigation needed; railroad building to within 4 miles. Look this up at once. Room 40, Gilman Hotel. BARGAIN INCOME-BEARING PROPER ty; in good state of cultivation, close to busy hamlet; with rail and boat transpor tation, and access two large markets; new buildings, variety fruits, mostly apples, on main county road, near Portland; Immedi ate possession. Q 4, Oregonlan. PROPERTY TO TRADE EVERT-WHERE City property and farm lands for sale, homestead relinquishments. Government lo cations on timber or farm lands. Write for our monthly magazine. Spokane Trader. Sparks Bros. P. O. Box 10'J3, Spokano, Wash. -( FINE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, CONCRETE basement and all modern Improvements; full lot; two blocks from car; Upper Albl na; $2150; small payment down, balance monthly. Robert Bell, 321 Worcester block. i FOR SALE AT 98S WILLIAMS AVE., new house containing three 5-room flats, barn in rear of lot; lot is 50x105 feet, and has all kinds of fruit and berries. Inquire of owner on premises. BLOCK AND FOUR FIVE-ROOM COT tages, close In; East Side; streets improved, sewer and cement sidewalk; yearly Income $740; must be sold In 10 days; price $0000. Address M TO, Oregonlan. NEW 5-ROCM COTTAGE. LARGE LOT; near car; Montavilla. $1000; $100 cash. $10 monthly; house and 2 lots, $1000. $12.50 month; 4-rooms Sunnyslde; rent $10 month. Phone TJnum tfoia. -f 20 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. IN MULT ifomah County, 150 acres; 50 acres level; 40 acres can'be plowed now. Address Own er, Fulton House, 4th and Alder. CORNER LOT FOR SALE. MASON AND Minnesota ave., cheap. See owner, J. lie Gibbons, Hunter's avenue. Crystal Springs Addition, near Sellwood. T-ROOM COTTAGE. BLOCK.; MODERN conveniences, excellent repair; most sightly place on Portland Heights; purchasers only. R 77, Oregonlan. THREE WEST SIDE LOTS. 33 1-3x110 FT., 10th St.. 100 ft. south of Montgomery; $1500 each. Owner, 210 Allsky bldg., Bd and Morrison. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric lino. O. R. Addlton, Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 5o. FOR SALE AN IRVINGTON HOME, 7 rooms, full lot. east front, beautiful lawn. 403 East 12th, North. Phone East 1934. ELEGANT AND COMPLETELY FUR- nlshed 5-room cottage, Lew; terms wners leaving; price $1850. Phone Unl FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMP miles from Portland. Inquire 28' rlson st. C. R. Davis Fuel Co. FOR SALE TWD LOTS ON TILLAMOOK st., 100 feet from Union ave. Inquire 40 N. 0th at.. Weet Side. NEW C-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR meed bridge; $3000; terms. 012 Commercial building. TWO NEW MODERN HOUSES 4 AND G rooms. 311 Skldmore st., or phone owner Scott 6952. FOR SALE CHOICE SMALL HOME. 10TH West Side; Al location; owner, Q 70; Ore gonlan. RARE BARGAIN $1000 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275, Oregon City, Or. $2200 9-ROOM. BAY WINDOW HOUSE, lot 30x70, on Hall st.; rent $25. Apply 300 Park st. C-ROOM COTTAGE, 2 LOTS. 100x109, one block cast of Woodlawn car. Inquire 394 Shaver. 5 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE SMALL PAYMENT down, balance monthly. Owner. Phone East 675. . 5 HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE IN Howe's Addition. Mrs. Howe, phone Union 173. FOR SALE FINE COTTAGE CHEAP AT 401 Russell st.. Upper Alblna. Inquire at house. NICE SUBURBAN HOME AT A SACRIFICE; must be sold at once. Phone East 1864. A SNAP CORNER LOT. E. 39TH AND Grant sts.; $173. Call 313 Water st. FOB SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. 80 acres 2-story house. 10x24, good barn, wagon shed, blacksmith shop, sneep shed, chicken-house, all built of sawed lumber, 8 stands of bees, plow and gar den plow, 40 acres under 7-rail fenco, 7 acres in cultivation, 2 acres in sliver prunes and Baldwin apples, other bearing fruit trees well assorted, water supply con venient; 2 miles from town on graded road, easy of access; price, $950. 80 acres, good house and barn, outbuild ings, 12 to 14 acres In cultivation, good orchard, well watered, trout stream fun ning through place, 1 mile to railroad station, less than 1 rallo to school; prloe $750. Write for list or come see us. Imus & WlUoughby, K slam a. Wash. i 16 ACRE ORCHARD, SIX MILES FROM Vancouver, 14 miles from Portland; 15 acres full bearing Italian prune trees; one acre In raspberries; house and bam; home or chard or assorted fruits; Just the place to make money from the start by raising prunes, chickens, bees, small fruits and veg. ctables; easy terms. Call on or addreeB owner, 605 Commercial block. 27.000 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND, free from the state to settlers, who will pay from $15 to $15 per acre to the Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Company for perpetual water right; for Information call or address B. S. Cook, 251 Alder st., Port land, Or. 1 IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster. 311 Worcester block. $350-80 ACRES. 14 CLEARED. HOUSE, 60 zruit trees; living springs; xf mues raiusna; 12 miles flourishing town on railroad. Inquire grocer'. C14 Front, cor. Caruthers, HAND. 10 t E. Mor- TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE A FIRST-CLASS TIM ber claim. 160 acres, for modern home, 7 or S rooms. In Portland; will pay cash difference or assume mortgage If suited. Address with full particulars. Bor 277. city. EXCHANGE SWELL DRIVING OUTFIT, for vacant lot, diamonds, pianos; what have you? Cash difference either way. S 85, Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE FOR EXCHANGE. APPLY at room 204. Ablngton bldg., or write Box 470, P. O. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE. APPROVED. SANTA Fe on hand, ready for location; also sol diers' additional land warrants and Sioux scrip. Maglnnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. 840 ACRES. 35 MILES FROM PORTLAND: 4,000.000 ft. fir and cedar; dam cost $2000; on Yamhill River; price $5000; also SO acres, for rooming-house. 474 Alder st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1C0 ACRES fir timber land (5,000,000 feet), near river. Lane County, Oregon. Van Dusen, 120 13th ave.. North, Seattle, Wash. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, GILT EDGE, general land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. Approved scrip; new lot agricultural or timber lands. L. W. Whiting & Co., 403 Ablngton. LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIP WE HAVE A SURRENDER of 15E0 acres In one surrender, which we will sell at a bargain; also 1000 acres un surrendered. We guarantee that comple tion will cost not to exceed 10 cents per acre. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. TO LEASE. TO LEA8E FOR 10 YEARS, A CENTRAL ly located lot, suitable for flats or fam ily hotel, by Parrlsh, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 1 OR 3-ROOM COTTAGE IN Center Addition or Montavilla; about $800 to $1000. 232 Stark st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. I HAVE OPENED A FIRST-CLASS FEED, boarding and sale stable at the old O. K. livery barn on First and Gllsan sts.; have some good, well broke Eastern Oregon horses for sale at reasonable prices. R. McGowen, prop. SNAP $123 BUYS ENTIRE CAMPING outfit, consisting of pair of mares, good drivers, nearly new harness and mountain hack. Call 20 N. 13th today. FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OF driving horses, fine for pleasure, with two stated trap; owner must well. Call 22G 3d et. Phone Main 1519. ONE GOOD HORSE, WEIGHT 1300 LBS.; price $100. By H. P. J. Hlnzen, 3d bouse south of Multnomah Hall. S. Mount Tabor. SIX HEAD DRIVING AND WORK HORSES; two fresh Jersey cows. J. S. Klrkley, where Mt. Scott car crostea Section Line road. $S5 BUYS TEAM SUITABLE FOR FARM work or heavy hauling. Call at Red Front Stables, 15th, Just off Washington. 4 AND 5-TON DEAD-AXLE TRUCKS; also, spring goosenecks; sell cheap, trade or rent. Stable, cor. 7th and Stark sts. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells horses, wagons, harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 Front, Largest stock vehicles and harness, new and second-hand; cheap for 60 days. 211 Wash. FOR SALE BY W. E. JACOBS, 134 E. 34th St.. 9 head of horses. Phone 1032. HORSES FOR SALE BY L. O. RALSTON. Barn 037 Jefferson. Phono Weat-SlS. FOR SALE 3 GOOD WORK HORSES, quire at 175 B. Water st. IN- Pianos. GOOD PIANO, SLIGHTLY USED, FOR sale cheap; a snap. W 19, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterlte; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or ehlneles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Rooflng Co.. 10 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP 1 HALF DURHAM AND half Jersey and 1 Holsteln milch cow, giving 2 to 3 gallons each per day; also milk route paying $17 per month Included. Phone Union 2042, or address C 85, Oregonlan. FOR SALE PILING, ALL LENGTHS, from 30 to 125 feet, all Mzes; fill orders on short notice; 75,000 feet In boom. Ad dress Lock Box 53, Rainier, Or. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $25; all makes Tented and repaired. Rubber stamp, notary seals, otc Cunningham's 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. FOR SALE LIGHT BRAHMA EGGS. $1.50 per setting of 15; also one each cock and cockerel; nne birds; $1.50 each. G 70, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE A 10-H. P. ENGINE, IN FINE shape; also 10-h. p. upright boiler and a trac tion wood saw. W. J. Benson, Hlllsboro, Or. BEST FIR AND POLE OAK WOOD DEUV ered to any part of the city. Phone Main 810. 463 Everett et. Travis Bros. LT YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR wood, go to Hoover & Conway, 313 Water st. Phone Main 4690. FOR SALE ROLL-TOP DESK AND chair. Apply 431 Washington at. Jacobson Bade Co. A CANDY STORE FOR SALE; GOOD Lo cation and two living room. H 42, care Oregonlan. LUMBER FOR SALE CHEAP. CORNER 11th and Harrison; contractor on ground. SMITH-PREMIER. NO 4. NEW; CENTURY refrigerator, family size. T 60, Oregonlan. FRESH MILCH COWS. WITH OR WITH out calf, for sale. 1004 Mllwaukle at. UNDERWOOD. OLIVER AND REMING ton cheap; desk and safe. 231 Stark. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Amerlcans now $25. 7th and Morrison. FOR SALE ONE HARDWOOD BEDROOM set and cook stove. Phone Scott 2404. FOR SALE FINE JERSEY COW AND calf. 325 E. 3d st., N. cor. Halsey. FINE SILVER SKYB TERRIER PUPPIES for sale. Basement. 326 Park st. ONE SINGLE AND ONE DOUBLE-DOOH safe; a bargain. X 73, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED -MALE. BARBER WANTED FOR EASTERN WASH lngton; wages $10 and 60 per cent; must bs a first-class man. Address or call at G. N. W. Wilson Co. Barber Supply House, 72 6th st.. at once. MAN AND WIFE. $40; IB HAVE BOY. $12 more; ranch near coast; blacksmith. $2 day and board; all kinds of work at the Old Reliable Pioneer Employment Co., 213 Morrison. 4 MEN, ROCK QUARRY. $2.50 EACH; 1 bucker, $2.25; 1 second faller, $2.25; can use all kinds of help at all times. West ern Employment Bureau. 225 3d st. Phone Main 1510. . WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co. School of Practical Plumbing; send for catalogue. Addresa 4373-5 Easton ave,, St. Louis, Mo. POSITIONS OPEN WE HAVE GOOD POSI tions open for the right; If you want one write for our plan and booklet. Hapgoods Una.), suite K, 323 Walker bldg., Seattle. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FUR nlshes cooks and waiters, chambermaids, por ters, farmhands, domestics. 69 N. 5th at., bet. Everett and Davis. Tel. Clay 597. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOK keeping, penmanship and English branches taught by experienced teacher; day and night. -M. 35. Oregonlan. 1000 MEN. ALL KINDS OP WORK NAME your Job; we have It. Phone Main 3074. Canadian Employment Co., 240 Burnslde and 226 Morrison. YOUNG MAN UNDER 35, TO PREPARE for Government position; short hours, good salary. Call afternoon. C Justin Kennedy, Imperial Hotel. - - i WANTED-ONE GOOD JOB PRINTER; and -one good paper ruler. Apply personally to J. S. Delllnger & Co., Astoria. Or. THE COLUMBUS CALEFORNIA WINE DE pot, headquarters for cooks and waiters. P. Loratl. Phone Red 1993. 148 4th. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LUNCHMAN: NO I others need apply. Call bet. 2 and 3 P. M., X Louvre Cafo, 4th and Aides sts, KELP WANTED MALE. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN. SIN gle, to travel and learn good-paying business, who can leave town immediately; references; others need not apply. Call at room 31, 409 Morrison st., from 11 to S P. M. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT BY OUR NEW method which enables student to earn wages while learning. Call or address for free catalogue American Barber College Co.. 00 N. Cth st. CARPENTERS $3.00 TO $3.50 PER DAY; board, ?4.50 per week. Apply to Mclnnls, Harrington & Co., Port Townsend, Wash. AT ONCE 00 YOUNG MEN FROM 18 TO 35 years, to prepare for Fall railway mall examinations. F 35, Oregonlan. FOR RENT FURNISHED RESTAURANT: good trade; 12 steady boarders; cheap rent; good chance. 207 Jefferson. WANTED 30 MILLHANDS, $2 TO ?2.23; woodsmen, $2 to $3.50. Lumbermen's La bor Bureau. 203 Morrison. WANTED-rYOUNG MAN TO DO JANITOR work In exchange for tuition. American Bar ber College Co., 68 N. 6th. STUDENTS COMMERCIAL AND RAILWAY telegraphy; main line practice, switchboard, etc K S3. Oregonlan. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP IP sold Within tho next week; good trade. 421 Morrison. WANTED A BOY TO DO GENERAL store work. Apply to Andrew Kan & Co. WANTED APPRENTICE IN PRINTING office. Alvln S. Hawk Co., 145 Third. : 1 WANTED SEVERAL GOOD SOLICITORS for easy-selling article. R 00, Oregonlan. WANTED QUARTZ MINER; MUST BE Al machine man. L 82. care Oregonlan. WANTED A BLACKSMITH'S HELPER at once. 424 Belmont. PLATEN PRESS FEEDER WANTED. IR-wln-Hodson Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS chambermaids, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 22tl Morrison. Phone Main 1323. THE BOOKLOVERS LIBRARY REQUIRES a representative In Portland; one who can present an attractive proposition to the cultured classes. Address with references, 8? 0th st. WANTED 20 GIRLS, COOKS, 2D GIRLS, waitresses, general housework, reliable help furnished. Multnomah Employment Bureau, 270 Washington st. Phone Clay 1811. WANTED A GIRL TO DO SECOND work; .one who Is competent and under stands the work; references required. Ap ply at 833 Lovejoy st. FOURTH'S OVER! COAST LAUNDRESSES, waitresses wanted; waitresses, domestics, cooks, etc.. city; chamberwork. Drake. 2u5 W&abington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. 4 WAITRESSES, 2 COOKS. WOMAN, $30 each; 1 cook, woman, $40. Western Em ployment Bureau, 226 3d st. Phone Main 151D. 4 FOR LADIES ONLY. Portland Women's Employment Company, 210 Allsky, cor. 3d and MorrlBon. Red 3087. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, suburban home; two In family; no laundry. Call 400 Commercial block. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN to care for baby iand assist with house work, small family. 200 Park st. A CAPABLE GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK at the beach until September. Address Mrs. F. G. Wheeler, 203 King st. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER, FOUR years' experience, desires position; salary $8 per wek. Q, 85, Oregonlan. .; WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. to go to coast. Apply at once 253 N. 22d st. Phone Main 100S. GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSE work, small family; no washing. Apply 201 First St.. In clothing store. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. 202 B. Sixth. N., Hol laday Addition. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework, sleep home. 370 Park st.. Phone Front 1044. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR housework. Apply 002 Johnson. Phone Front 2504. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND assist In general housework; wages, $25. 770 Overton su GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work, sleep at home preferred. 170 10th. WANTED MANGLE GIRLS AND STARCH work lroners. Oregon Laundry Company. JKANTED BOOKKEEPER: STATE SAIwlR? tfjjar.d experience. Address F 81, Oregonlan. W5 1 WANTED NURSE GIRL. APPLY TO 232 Stout St., cor. Salmon. King's Heights. - ' WANTED A GOOD, PLAIN COOK. PRI vate boarding-house. 180 5th st. WANTED GIRL TO HELP WITH GEN eral housework. 406 Hall st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. 63 Ella st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 161 N. 24th. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS at 161 23d st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 206 N. 24th st. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. 1 WANTED ENERGETIC MAN OR WOMAN to act as traveling manager for an old established firm; references given and re quired;' salary $18 per week and expenses advanced; chance lor promotion. Address F. B. Cornwall, Portland, Or. WANTED AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS everywhere; can make $10 to $20 per week eanlly and pleaHintly at home; no money required. The Lake Co., 110 Monroe St., Chicago. 8 WAITRESSES (CITY, COUNTRY). DO mestlcs. farmhands (milking), $30; second cook, $35. Drake, 205 Washington. WANTED AT ONCE, WEAVERS AT woolen mill, Kirkland, Wash.; male or fe male. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. COMPETENT DRUGGIST WISHES 8ITU atlon; am. accustomed to take charge; ref erences as to reliability. Address W 54, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED AS COLLECTOR, manager, ticket-seller or any light work; best of references. Address D 69. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED COMPETENT STENOGRA pber desires position. D 84, care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. ADVERTISER HAVING MANY YEARS' experience In export and Import trade, both in America and Europe, Is anxious to Join syndicate of millers and manufac turers to work the export business to Far East, African and European markets; young, energetic and accustomed to man agement. Apply P. O. Box 119, New York City. FIRST-CLASS MAN AND WIFE OPEN FOR engagement, beach hotel; manager or day clerk and housekeeper; experienced; refer ences. V 81. care Oregonlan. BY YOUNG MAN AND WIFE, IMMEDIATE lV, position In club, hotel, or take charge of store In or out of town. O 80, Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnlflb domestic, servant, farmers and all kinds of help. 26S Everett. Black 992. MIDDLEAGED MAN DESIRES EMPLOY ment some kind; no objection to leaving state. Address X 83, Oregonlan. STEADY MAN, PRACTICAL CUTTER AND tailor, wants a steady Job. In or out of city. Address P 87, care Oregonlan. BOY OF 18 WOULD LIKE TO FINISH machinist trade; 1 year's experience In rail road shop. F 82, Oregonlan. ENGINEER AND GENERAL MECHANIC desires position; mill or factory preferred; references. F 96, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN .(JEW) MACHINIST, SOME experience In electricity, wants any kind of work. G 84. Oregonlan. rsnnn BARTENDER WOULD LIICB POSI. A tlon out cf tho city, ? 69, Oregonlan. SrXUATIONS WANTED rA r.v. Miscellaneous. i SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN, HAS good education, seeks employment of any kind; can give Al references. O 84. Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE POSITION TO llt ST Ji0rs5' Iawn "c.; sood refer--ences. T 83, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LADT STENOGRAPHER. FOUR! years experience, desires position; salary S3 per week. O 84. Oregonlan. LADY. EXPERIENCED. WANTS POSITION as cashier or oRlce assistant; best of ref erences. K 82, Oregonlan. bomcstlcs. DANISH GIRL DESIRES SITUATION general work, American family; wux'm $20. 230 H Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. CHAMBERWORK BY EXPERIENCED lady. Phone Black 1S31. TWO GIRLS WANT GENERAL HOUSE work. 341 N. 10th. vu. Housekeepers. REFINED. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN DE sires situation. housekeeper, widower's family; restaurant waitress. 230 Yara hlll. Phone Black 2881. Dresamaxers, CHILDREN'S SEWING, SHIRTWAISTS, etc.. shirtwaists. $1 and up. 44 Et 7th N. WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND DRESS-1 making: very reasonable. 504 East 18th st. MRS. B. SCOTT, DRESSMAKER. WISHES sewing In families. Call at 146 N. 10th. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED GIRL DESIRES SITUA- tlon as nurse for family going coast. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or night; good Bight reader. Address G 10, Oregonlan. ( ANYONE WISHING HOUSECLEANING OR washing by day, leave work at 223 Market. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THH largest nursery on the Pacific Coast. We. carry all latest and best kpeclaltles and full line of nur.iery stock, complete out lit for canvassing furnished free; mention ter ritory preferred; give referencs with ap plication. Address Washington Nursery. Company, Toppenlsh, Wash. WE WANT SALESMAN TO SELL OUR Northern grown nursery stock; we carry a full line of nursery stock as well as all the latest and best specialties; writ a ac once lor Information; atate preferences o territory. Addretxi Washington. Nursery, Toppenlsh, Wadh. WE OFFER THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS for the sale of the Perfect Telephone Dls lnfector In the City of Portland; easily sold to every one having a telephone. Foe particulars address Johnson-Lleoer Co., 1 First st. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPE rlor high-grade nursery etock; new and com. plete outnt furnished free; caea weekly: write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nuraery Co., Salem, Or. AGENT TO SELL ON COMMISSION THO. fflOBt perfect telephone device out; sold at sight; good prutUs. Apply at once for exclu sive territory to Johnaon-Lieber Co., 1 1st st. WANTED AT ONCE, 1ST-CLASS AD. solicitor; must give nrst-class referonce; new newspaper; good proposition to right parties. Address B 80, Oregonlan. WANTED ADVERTISING AGENT CA pable of handling large contracts; salary guaranteed. Address H 85, Oregonian. giv ing reterences and experience. WANTED TO RENT. IF YOU HAVE A GOOD ROOM TO RENT for saloon, billiards or bowling. In this city or elsewhere write us. We will maka no charge for Xlndlng you a good tenant. Have numerous applications on llle. Xh Brunswick-Balke-Cullender Co., 4U 3d at.. Portland, Or. WANT TO RENT SMALL COTTAGE, East Side, with yard and shade; gl.M lo latlon, description and price to good ten ant; no children. Phone Union J0i, or ad dress S 22. Orcgonlun. WANTED 10-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE east of 12th. near 'Washington; might buy furniture; describe. E 48, Oregonlan. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING AND SHOES We pay the highest price. 62 N. 3d at.; orders promptly attended to. Hood 517. WANTED MODERN 8 OR 9-ROOM HOUSE; will pay $60; must be central on Washington. F, Hotel Portland. MAY 17 ROOMS OR MORE. WEST OF 7th, bet Washington and Jeileraon. E 5ut Oregonlan. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE. SUMMBK or lease; 8 or 9 rooms; central. F, Hotel Portland. 1 WANTED TO RENT, IMPROVED 5 OR 10 acre tract, near car line, cheap. A 15, Ore ji'nlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND-HAND FIRE-PROOF safe. Give name of maker, dimensions In side, and lowest cash price. M 83. Ore gonlan. J WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINU and shoes; highest price paid. Call at Tho "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED MACHINERY FOR ABOUT A 3-ton Ice plunt. Address Fred Carter, Sell wood. Phone Scott 4584. WANTED TO BORROW $2000; GOOD East Side property; no brokers. Address L 85, Oregonlan. f. , WANTED LOAN. BY PRIVATE PARTY of $30; can give good security. Address K 70. Oregonlan. WANTED HORSE TO RIDE AND DRIVE; must be gentle and city broke. A 60, Orego nlan. WANTED TO BORROW $1000 AT 6 PER cent; good security. S 69, Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CATS tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WANTED TO BUY TWO DRIVING HORSES, Oregon Laundry Company. 4 SEE PERSONAL COLUMN WANTED SHOE man. JTOR RENT. Booms. THE ALEXANDER. NEW BUILDING. ELE gant, newly furnished front rooms, single or en suite; select location; all conveniences; transients solicited. N. W. cor. lOth-Alder, 167 W. PARK NEATLY FURNISHEB apartments with homelike accommoda tions, every modern convenience; deslrablo location. . 4 129 13TH ST. VERY PLEASANT FRONT room, with running water; also side rooms; fine location; reasonable. Bet., Wash, and, Alder. ONE LARGE FRONT PARLOR; NICE FOR one or two gentlemen; nicely furnished; $15 month; unfurnished. $10 month. Phone East 1182. -i Furnished and unfurnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms; $1 week up. Gilman. 1st and Alder; Alblna Hotel. 450 Goldsmith. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED, SUNNY room, modern, cheap; gentleman. 129 10th., bet. Washington and Alder. 3 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, PRIVATE family; bath adjoining; rent reasonable. 35 N. 18th, near Washington. 364 TAYLOR ST., PLEASANT ROOMS FOR gentlemen; two blocks Portland Hotel; gas, phone, bath. No children. 1 .en TiTir at two trrr.vA.T WTTniMTSTrwr rooms near Portland Hotel; connecting or single; modern conveniences. j FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN IN private family: home surroundings. 21st and Johnson. J 49, Oregonlan. LARGE FRONT ROOM, PRIVATE HOUSE, reasonable tern; gas, phone Main 3005. 200 14tb, near Hobart-Curtls. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH private family, four blocks south Hotel Portland. 248 Sixth st. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE or two gentlemen; modern house. 551 Tay lor. Phone Main 2390. 70 PARK ST. NICSLY FURNISHED BAY i winaow room; aiso wcii-iuroisaca ematiw J room; bath, shone.