k4r' lt THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY. JULY 14, 1904. R- '&: m ', H ! gBS tf "" a sa .-. M r zSL.to irflSB I. ACADEMY fOR GRESHAM PRINCIPAL NEWILL MAKES THE TOWN A PROPOSITION. If Bonus of Twenty Acres of Land and $2000 Cash Is Raised, He Will Found Military School. GRESHAM, Or., July 13. (Spcclal.) Gresham will probably have a military academy. Principal A. C. KeKlll, for merly principal of the late Bishop Scott Academy, was here last night and made a proposition to the people of the place which, If accepted, will result In an acad emy for this city. Mr. Newlil was here in pursuance to a call of the citizens and was introduced by Mayor Shattuck. He outlined briefly the advantages to be derived from having the school here, showing that there would be an attendance from the start of about 40 pupils. This number would increase and in time the school would be GrcBham's greatest advertisement. Mr. Ne- Ill's proposition requires the do nation of 20 acres of land suitable for a site and 52000 in cash. The land must be given outright, and be near the railway line. In consideration of such a donation on the part of the people he promises to expend about 56000 in buildings and other improvements and said that the annual expenditures here would amount to about $10,000 more. Mr. Newlil stated that he would be able to bring many pupils with him from the Bishop Scott Academy, also his corp3 ol teachers, thereby Increasing the popula tion of the place with a desirable element and adding to its Importance and wealth. The institution Is to be named the Gresh am Military Academy, and a strict mill ery school will be maintained at all times. The people of Gresham took kindly to the proposition and on motion a commit tee was appointed by Mayor Shattuck to act in conjunction with Mr. Newlil. It consists of Dr. J. M. Short, Hon. W. II. Hamilton and Hon. John Metzger, to which committee Mayor Shattuck is ex ofllclo chairman. A committee of arrangements was also appointed to arrange for another and larger meeting to be held next Saturday evening, at which time the details will bo more thoroughly discussed. This commit tee consists of Dr. F. A. Short. Professor A. F. Hlrshner and John Conley. This meeting will be entertained with music and addresses by other prominent persons, including "W. W. Cotton, and the entire community is invited to be present. Several hundred dollars were pledged at last night's meeting, and there is very little doubt but that Gresham will have the school. If all plans are carried out it Is Mr. NewlU's Intention to have the academy in operation by October 1. CITY STATISTIQS. Marriage Licenses. William H. Hopkins 42, Nanalmo, B. C.; Nellie Capman, 41. James P. Madison. 25. Ruby Merrill, 10. Deaths. July 11. M. Kunishi. 24 years. Good Samar itan Hospital; exhaustion. July 10, Nels Andersm, 79 years, 400 Dover; valvular heart disease. July S, William J. Patrick, Sixth and Bver ett; fatty defeneration of heart. July 10; Ldla Melster, 3 years, 153 North Tenth; diphtheria. July 10, Rev. John TV. Skane. 51 years, 112 North Fifteenth; apoplexy. July 12, Cella B. Young, 64 sears. Good Sa maritan Hospital; diabetic gangrene. Births. July 12, to the wife of Arthur Boctock, 6T3 Kearney, a girl. July 4, to the wife of "William Soyd, 128 Eleventh, a boy. June 13, to the wife of Charles Swanson, 804 Kerby, a girl. July 2, to the wife of A. "W. Toung, 513 Vancouver avenue, a girl. Building Permits. G. M. Banks, East Twenty-first, between Tenlno and Tacoma avenue, cottage; 5200. Dr. J. W. Hill, Marshall, between Twenty fourth and Twenty-fifth, two-story dwelling; 5750. Henry "Welnhard, Madison, between Third and Fourth, two-story brick. L. Bcno, Sixteenth and Thurman, repairs; $400. S. Arata, Sixth, between Pine and Oak, one story brick; 55000. J. Holz worth. Failing, between Mallory and Hendricks avenues, cottage; 5800. G. Jj. Hunt, East "Washington, between East Sixteenth and East Seventeenth, two-story dwelling; 53200. W. F. Bruckner, Sacramento, between Rod ney and Union avenues, repairs; 5-00. Jack Kerrigan, Columbia, between Fourteenth and Sixteenth, repairs; $000. J. A. Dickson. Michigan, between Killings worth and Emerson avenue, two-story dwelling; 51200. Mtb. L. A. Gilbert, Jerrett and Missouri ave nue cottage; $250. Lewis & Lewis, Madison, between Fifth and Sixth, repairs. Frank Robertson, Lownsdale and Alder, ad dition; 51500. J. Levy, Washington, between Park and "West Park, repairs; 5700. F. B. Jones, Gllsan, between Twenty-seond and Twenty-third, two-story dwelling; 53500. O. "W. McAlplne, Glbbs, between Macadam end Moody, dwelling; 5300. 5. G. Caylor. East Davis, between Bast Twenty-ninth and East Thirtieth, dwelling; 51600. F. W. Arias, East Twenty-eighth, between East Davis and East Everett, dwelling; 52000. Vulcan Coal Company, Front, foot of Gllsan, repairs; 5200. Mrs. Viola Nolan, -Gladstone avenue, cottage; 5800. Frank Michaels. Fourth, between Couch and Davis, repairs; 5600. P. G. Waseher, Schuyler, between East Twelfth and East Thirteenth, two-story dwell ing; 52500. B. Albers, East Twelfth and Broadway, dwelling; 54200. Real Estate Transfers. Ellen Develen to Edward B. Twigger. lot 4. block 4, Cook's Add. 51250 Portland Trust Co. to G. W. Harris, lot 16. block IB, Williams Ave. Add 825 George W. Brown to H. G. Drewery et al., lot 10. block 9, Laurelwood 100 C D. Story and wife to F. H. McMullen and wife, lot 1, block 69, Sellwood 300 Louis Brandes to John Alstadt, part of large block "A," Carter's Add 2200 H. B. Noble and wife to Christina John son, lota 14. 15 block 36, Irvlngton.... 1 Oscar F. Botkln and .fife to James Oscar Botkln. north half lot 6, Crystal Spring Tract - - 1 Same to Ida M. B. Graham, south half lot 6. same . - 1 Same to Mabel Botkln. lot 1, same........ 1 Christ G-ermanten to Theresa Germansen. lots 7, S. block 4. Kinzel Park 1200 Francis S. Child to David H. Rand, lot 3, block 4. Scofttns Add. 1000 Same to same, one-half lot 10. block 72, Sellwood 150 Same to same, same 200 S. S. Strain and wife to Roy R. Quick, lots 6. 7. block 2, Mount Tabor Villa... 275 J. B. Scott and wife to B. T."KundreL lot 9. block 1, Woodworth'e Add. to East Portland 1 John Forseth et al. to S. G. Mecklem. lot 4. block 2, subdivision lot 2, Riverside Homestead 550 Ann Tlerney to Joseph J. Tleraey, lots 1, 2, 3, block 11, Carter's Add. i. 1000 John -C. Brown to Charles E. Osborn. lot 7. block 2, Howe's Add., East Portland 1 Hood's Sarsaparllla creates an appetite and aids In the proper assimilation of food. DATCY METEOEOLOGICA! KEPOBT. POETIAND, July 13. Maximum tempera, ture, 70 deg.; minimum, 44. River reading, 11 A. M., 15.4 feet; change in 24 hours, none. Total precipitation, S P. M. to & P. M., none; tots.1 since September 1, 1903, 48.51 Inches; normal. 4S24; excess, 0.27. Total sunshine TJniy 12, 1004, 7 hours and 27 minutes; possible, 15 hours snd SO minutes. Barpmeter (reduced to eea. level), at & P, M., 29.S1. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Pair weather prevail this evening in the JSocky Mountain and the Pacific Coast States. It Is -warmer In the Willamette Valley, South. HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN SEoxrsns, 91.00 to $3,00 Per Daty Accordlae te Location. , F. DA. VIES, Prea. St. Charles Hote CO. ONCORPOBATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Room 50c to $1.50 FtrstC!ss Rcotaaroirt In Connection em Oregon and Southeastern Idaho, and cooler In Northeastern Waohington. The Indications are for continued fair weather In this dliirict Thursday, with slowly rising temperature. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight July 14: Portland and vicinity Fair and wanner; northwest winds. Western Oregon Fair; warmer, except near coast; northwest wlndn." Western Washington Fair; northwest winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair, with rising temperature. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. pl3 "tttnd- 3 22. 2. 7 3 !ZS 2- 00 x o C eg . 3 T tt . 1" H STATIONS. Baker City Boise Eureka , Kamtoope, B. C. North Head ... Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roneburg Sacramento .... Salt Lake City.. San Francisco . Spokane 0.00; SW PL cloudy N (Clear 0.00 56 0.00, S NW Clear 74J0.O0 S Cloudy 54 O.OOj 20 NW Cloudy 0.00 i sw iuiear I NW J PL cloudy 61SE Clear 0.00 0.00 O.OO NW I Clear 0.00 1 S 'Clear 7810.00 Itc Clear es 0.00 2iiW Clear O.OOilOS (Cloudy (Cloudy Seattle IO4J0.O0! W iatoosn island . Walla Walla .. .-ClO.00110 W ICloudy 7SJ0.O0 SW (Cloudy LighL A. B. WOLU.VBER. Actlnz District Forecaster. AMUSEMENTS. THE BAKER .frfi- THEATER nd Manager. Phon Main 1OT7 ALIj THIS WEEK MATINEE SATURDAY. The Baker Theater Company in "UP TO TOMPKINS" Invented for laughing purposes only. Eveninc. 16c 25c 35c 50c Matinee, 10c, IKo. 25c SHIELDS' PARK ISth and Washington. Phone Main 4797. Broadway Zlnn's Greatest Extravaganza, SfN MOROCCO 3 HOURS SHOW A Pageant of African Beauty. Every tning rew. 10, 20. 30 Cents. Go where the crowd goes and see the best vaudeville show ever given In Portland at the STAR THEATER PORTLAND'S FASHIONABLE VAUDEVILLE PLAYHOUSE General admission 10c reserved box seats, 25o. Performances 2, 7:30, 8:30, 10:30 P. M. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:15 to 4:30. 7:15 to 10:33. Conday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles. Gentlemen and Children. Admission, 10 cnta to anr eL The home of pollt Tauderill. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:30 P.M. Sundays, continuous 2 to 10:30 P. M. Crening performances from 7 to 10:30 P. M. Any oeat in the theater, TEN CENTS Fourth and Stark Streets. A. Vaudeville Theater of Actual Refinement Matinee Every Sunday at 2 P. M. FREE Admission FREE. LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIOH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:80; 7:30 to 10.30; Sunday, 2 to 10 P. M. This ad, ana 10c will admit two people any matinee except Sundays and holidays. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER. DIED. PRATT July 13, 1004, Emily Orvllla. Pratt, write of Roswell V. Pratt, aged 53 years. Funeral from First Congregational Church. Friday. 2:30 P. M. . 4 FgXSBAIt NOTICES. EMERICK Friends and acquaintances re spectfully invited to attend the funeral services of "William Emerlck. which -will be held at Flnley Chapel at 2 P. M. to day. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. . KmVARO HOLMAN CO- Undertaken and ratbslxnen, have moved to their aorr build lag. Third and tmlrnon. LmIj cusUual Xelephoao No. COT. 3. P. TTISUSX a SON, FnnenI IMreetM. cor. id and Madlon. Offleo of Cccnty Cor ner. Lady assistant. Telephone 2fo. ft, DUNKING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine, Lady assistant. Phono Main 430. 1 1 1. tt. UUNNtNO. Cndertaker, 414 Kost Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone Jat S2. Xeller-Bymen Co Undertaken, cmbals ess. 27S Kosseli, Pbone East 1625. Lady Ajs'L CLAKKE BROSy ETNK JEXOWKK. Ito. I jral !, SS9 KarzlM. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Ittrat-Clasa Ckeelc .Rcatasraat Connected "Wltk Hotel. C O. Oarls, tee. ud Trent. TKE M0ND HOT CSCiB JWDEBSOK, Ssaartr Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREQON FREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rat European plan. 80c, 78c, 11.00. 41. 60, 12.00 pr 4ur. Btmplt room la connection. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "Housekeep ing Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 13 words or lss, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 23 cents, etc No discount for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 60 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount under cne month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agato), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed en elopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park sts. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. By J. T. Wilson, at 220 Caruthers, beL Flrt and Second St., at 10 A. M. J. T. Wil son, auctioneer. At 413 Washington St.. 10 A. M., by & L. N. Gilman, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDERY NO. 1, K. T. Stated conclave this evening at S o'clock. Order of the Red Cross. Visiting Sir Knights courteously invited. W. S. MACRUM. Recorder. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114. A. F. &. A. M. Special communica tion this (Thursday) evening. 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple; work in M. M. degreo. All M. M. InUted. Br order of W. M. B. S. PAGUE. Secretary. NEW TODAY. Butter J Butter! Bes. creamery v 45c Good creamery 40c Dairy butter 30c and 35c Ranch egge 2 dozen for 45c Common eggs 20c Best bugar-cured hams 13c Breakfast bacon 14c 10 pounds pure lard $1.00 5 pounds pure lard 50c Full-cream cheese 10c and 12Uc Swiss cheese 20c Java-Mocha cofTee 30c 50c tea for 30c Remember Saturday la chicken day. All goods retailed at wholesale prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY. 2C4 Yamhill. ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVING THE CITY I MUST SELL MY NEW RE8IDENCE, WITH ACRE OP GROUND. A Most Beautiful Home Well located, one block from Mount Tabor car line. 5 minutes' service and 12 minutes ride from business center. House was built of best material for permanent home, has seven large rooms, beat modern plumbing, electric lights, cement walks and basement floor, city water and cewer, choice fruit trees, berries and shrubs, in short. It is an elegant place, and In order to make a quick sale I am willing to sacrifice a good deal. Terms can be arranged for. See owner, 122 E. 39th sL, near Morrison. See That Beautiful Quarter Block we are offering on 15th and E. Burnslde Sts. It's cheap. Let us give you a price on it. W. H. MALL & CO. Phone Union 152 393 E. Burnslde SL ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are compute and up to datci T7 furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved Portland Real Estate. SECURITY ABSTRACT ft IltUoT CO. Sli-Slft Chamber of Commerce M0R1GA6E LOANS On Portland real astat at lowest rates. Titles lnsurad. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. 30 per cent reduction. R. HOHARA CO.. 351 MORRISON STREET. SEE PERSONAL COLUMN WANTED SHOE man. POR SAXE REAL ESTATE. ELEGANT AND COMPLETELY FUR nlshed 5-room cottage new, terms; owners leaving; price S1850. Phone Union 4381. FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMP LAND. 10 miles from Portland. Inquire 287 E. Mor rison sL C R. Davis Fuel Co. FOR SALE TWD LOTS ON TILLAMOOK ., 100 feet from Union ave. Inaulre 40 N. 9th sL, Weet Side. LNEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR steed bridge, $3000; terms. 612 Commercial building. TWO NEW MODERN HOUSES-4 AND 6 rooms. 311 Skldmore St., or phone owner Scott 6052. FOR SALE-CHOICE SMALL HOME. 10TH West Side; Al location; owner, Q 70, Ore gonlan. BARD BARGAIN-4I6OO BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Box 275, Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE NEAR UNION DEPOT. 12-ROOM house, fractional lot; $2850. E 81, care Ore Eonian. 5 OR 0-ROOM COTTAGE SMALL PAYMENT down, balance monthly. Owner. Phone "East S75. 5 HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE IN Howe's Addition. Mrs. Howe, phone Union 173. J SUBURBAN HOME AT A SACRIFICE; xaust be sold al once. P&one East 1&C4. s? FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ELEGANT NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE IN HAW thorne Park, corner lot: sightly location. New 8-room house; fine location. New C-rocm cottage, Hawthorne's First Ad dition. All of the above are fine modern homes for sale cheap and en easy terms. Houses built on liberal terms In Hawthorne Park. Ladd'a Addition and Hawthorne's First Addition. CATE & POWELL. 701 Chamber of Comerce. WHEAT LANDS A SNAP. WILL SELL you an 80 or more at reasonable prices and locate you on homestead on adjoining land, which together makes cheapest wheat farm In Oregon; farms under cultivation adjoin ing raise wheaL oats, corn, etc; good roads, well water; no Irrigation needed; railroad building to -within 4 miles. Look this up at once. Room 46, Gilman Hotel. BARGAIN INCOME-BEARING PROPER ty; In good state of cultivation; close to busy hamlet; with rail and boat transpor tation and access two large markets; new buildings, variety fruits, mostly apples, on main county road, near Portland; immedi ate possession. Q 4, Oregonlan. PROPERTY TO TRADE EVERY-WHERE City property and farm lands for sale, homestead relinquishments, Government lo cations on timber or farm lands. Write for our monthly magazine. Spokane Trader. Sparks Bros. P. O. Box 1093, Spokane, Wash. FOR SALE BY OWNER FIVE ACRES and 10-room residence, nicely located on Base Line road, west of ML Tabor: flowers, rtirubbery. fruit; $12,000, part cash. Will take part real estate in exchange. F 61, Oregonlan. FINE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. CONCRETE basement and all modern improvements; full lot; two blocks from car; Upper Albl na; $2150; small payment down, balance monthly. Robert Bell. 321 Worcester block. FOR SALE AT 038 WILLIAMS AVE., new house containing three 5-room flats, barn in rear of lot; lot is 50x105 feet, and has all kinds of fruit and berries. Inquire of owner on premises. U BLOCK AND FOUR FIVE-ROOM COT tages, cloee in; East Side; streets improved, sewer and cement sidewalk: yearly Income $740; must be sold In 10 days; price $6000. Address M 70, Oregonlan. NEW 0-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE LOT; near car; Montavllla. $1000; $100 cash. $10 monthly; house and 2 lots, $1000, $12.50 month; 4-rooms Sunnyside; rent $10 month. Phone Union 4015. 1 SEVERAL NEW 5, 0 7 AND 8-ROOM houses, near car lines; new and up to date; low price and very easy terms. By owner. Phone East 675. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE NEAR EXPOSITION grounds, new, thoroughly modem; cash or installments; save money by dealing with owner direct. T 77, care Oregonlan. 20 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. IN MULT nomah County. 150 acres; 50 acres level; 40 acres can be plowed now. Address Own er, Fulton House, 4th and Alder. CORNER LOT FOR SALE. MASON AND Minnesota 'ave.. cheap. See ownor, J. Mc Glbbons, Hunter's avenue. Crystal Springs Addition, near Sellwood. $1100 ON INSTALLMENTS WILL BUY A 0-room house, nearly new, 4 blocks from car line. Hatfield & Provlnske, Mulkey block. 2d and Morrison. NEW. MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE. NEAR Exposition grounds; cash or installments; save rent and own your own home. Oitner, W 77, care Oregonlan. $50 LOTS, ONE BLOCK FROM ST. JOHNS car line; high service city water In front of lots; streets graded. Brown, 351 Stark sL, opposite library. 7-ROOM COTTAGE. U BLOCK.; MODERN conveniences, excellent repair; most sightly place on Portland Heights; purchasers only. R 77, Oregonlan. FINE LARGE NEW HOME. HOLLADAY Park, at a Facriflce, and on very easy terms; or will exchange equity for vacant. Owner, phone East 675. J THREE WEST SIDE LOTS, 33 1-3x110 FT., lUth sL, 100 fL south of Montgomery; $1500 each. Owner, 210 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton, Lents, Or. Take ML Scott car; 5c FOR SALE AN IRVINGTON HOME, 7 rooms, full lot, east front, beautiful lawn. 403 East 12thr North. Phone East 1924. SPLENDID WEST SIDE- CORNER FOR 4 flats, close in; will net 15 per cent on mod est InvestmenL Owner, X 77, care Oregonlan. BARGAIN NICE FIVE-ROOM HOUSE; WIL llams ave.: full lot; $1100; easy terms; buy from owner. Crockers, 418 Abington bldg. $2200 9-ROOM. BAY, WINDOW HOUSE, lot 30x70, on Hall st.; rent $25. Apply 306 Park st. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 2 LOTS, 100x109. one block east of Woodlawn'car. Inquire 394 Sha er. FOR SALE FINE COTTAGE CHEAP AT 401 Russell sL, Upper Alblna. Inquire at house. A SNAP CORNER LOT. E. 39TH AND Grant sts.; $175. Call 313 Water st. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. 80 acres 2-story house, 10x24. good barn, wagon shed, blacksmith shop, sneeu shed, chicken-house, all built of sawed lumber, 8 stands of bees, plow and gar den plow, 40 acres under 7-rall fence, 7 acres in cultivation, 2 acres in oilvor prunes and Baldwin apples, other bearing fruit trees well assorted, water supply con venient; 2K miles from town on graded road, easy of access; price, $950. SO acres, good houseand barn, outbuild ings, 12 to 14 acres In cultivation, good orchard, well watered, trout stream run ning through place, 1 mile to railroad station, less than 1 mile to school; price $750. Write for list or come see us. Imus & Wllloughby, Kalama, Wash. 1334-ACRE ORCHARD, SIX MILES FROM Vancouvr, 14 miles from Portland; 15 acres full bearing Italian prune trees, one aero in raspberries; bouse and barn; home or chard or assorted fruits; Just the place to makft money from the start by raising prunes, chickens, bees, small fruiLa and veg. etablcs; easy termo. Call on or address owner, 005 Commercial block. 27.000 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND, free from the state to settlers, who will pay from $15 to $15 per acre to the Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Company for perpetual water right; for information call or address B. S. Cook. 251 Alder aL, Port land, Or. FOR SALE A SMALL FARM OF 13 acres, at Barlow; new 0-room house, plas tered; new barn and chlckenhouse, plas tered; and other outbuildings; price, $2500. Apply to D. Kydd, Barlow, Clackamas Cpunty. Oregon. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS ON GOOD wheat land without Irrigation, close to settlements, store and schools, well water at 16 to 20 feeL Hatfield & Provlnske, room 11. Mulkey block, 2d and Morrison. - IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Win. MacMaoter, SH Worcester black. $85080 ACRES. 14 CLEARED, HOUSE. 50 fruit trees; living springs, 20 miles Portland; 2& miles flourishing town on railroad. Inquire grocery, 614 Front, cor. Caruthers. TO LEASE. TO LEASE FOR 10 YEARS, A CENTRAL ly located loL suitable for flats or fam ily hotel, by Parrish, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE A FIRST-CLASS TIM ber claim, 160 acres, for modern home, 7 or 8 rooms, In Portland; will pay cash difference or assume mortgage If suited. Address with full particulars. Box 277. city. TIMBER, LANDS FOB SALE. FOREST RESERVE, APPROVED. SANTA Fe, on hand, ready for' location, also sol diers' additional land warrants and Sioux ocrip. Maglnnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. 840 ACRES. 33 MILES FROM PORTLAND; '4,000.000 fL fir and cedar; dam cost $2000; on Yamhill River; price $5000; alao 80 acres, for rooming-house 474 Alder sL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 160 ACRES fir timber land (5,000,000 feet), near river. Lane County, Oregon. Van Dusen, 120 13th rvc. North, Seattle, Wash. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE; ready for Immediate use; approved. H. B. Compson. U1S Marquam. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. GILT EDGE, general land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. Approved scrip; new lot agricultural or timber lands. L, W. Whltlac - Co., 408 Abington. LAND SCRXP. LAND SCRIP WE HAVE A SURRENDER of 1580 acres In one surrender, which we will sell at a bargain; also 1000 acres un surrendered. We guarantee that comple tion will cost not to exceed 10 cents per acre. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. TOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. I HAVE OPENED A FIRST-CLASS FEED, boarding and sale stable at the old O. K. livery barn on First and Gllsan ais.i have some good, well broke Eastern Oregon horses for sale at reasonable prices. R. McGowen, prop. SNAP $125 BUYS ENTIRE CAMPING outfit, consisting of pair of mares, good drivers, nearly now harness and mountain hack. Call 26 N. 15th today. 1 FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OF driving horses; fine for pleasure, with two seated trap; owner must cell. Call 226 3d sL Phone Main 1519. ONE GOOD HORSE, WEIGHT 1300 LBS.; price $100. By H. P. J. Hlnxen. 3d nous south of Multnomah HalL S. Mount Tabor. SIX HEAD DRIVING AND WORK HORSES; two fresh Jersey cows. J. S. Klrlcley. where ML Scott car crosses Section Line road. 4 AND 5-TON DEAD-AXLE TRUCKS; also, oprlng goosenecks; sell cheap, trad 9 or rent. Stable, cor. 7th and Btark sta. 1 $85 BUYS TEAM SUITABLE FOR FARM work or heavy hauling. Call at Red Front Stables, 15th. Just oil Washington. FINE BAY HORSE. 6 YEARS OLD, FINE traveler; 1160 lbs.: must be (told at once. H. N. Flanders. 239 Russell sL WOLFSTEIN buys and eelis noraee. wagons, harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 FronL Largest stock vehicles and harness, new and tecond-hand; cheap for GO days. 211 Wash. HAND-MADE WAGONS AND BUGGIES, new and second-hand. 49 4th, near Davis. FOR SALE BY W. E. JACOBS, 134 E. 34th sL, 9 head Of horses. Phono 1632. HORSES FOR SALE BY L. O. RALSTON. Barn 037 Jefferson. Phone West 81S. FOR SALE 3 GOOD WORK HORSES, quire at 175 B. Water sL IN- Planot. GOOD PIANO, SLIGHTLY USED. FOR sale cheap; a snap. W 19. Oregonlan. Mlkceitajirou. SEWING MACHINE'S A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. 6.. Domestic Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads in oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. S. S. Sigel. agent, 335 MorrUon sl DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterite; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new rdofs. Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP I HALF DURHAM AND half Jersey and 1 Holstein milch cow, giving 24 to 3 gallons each per day; also milk route paying $17 per month Included. Phone Union 2G42, or address C S5, Oregonlan. FOR SALE PILING. ALL LENGTHS, from 30 to 125 feet, all eizea; fill orders on abort notice; 75,000 feet In boom. Ad dress Lock Box 53, Rainier, Or. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23; all makes rented and repaired. Rubber ptamps, notary seals, etc. Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. AUTOMOBILE; KNOX 1003; SEATS 4; with, folding top; in first-class condition; for sale at a sacrifice. Apply 329 Ankeny st. near Postoftlce. FOR SALE LIGHT BRAHMA EGGS, $1.50 per setting of 15; also one each cock and cockerel, fine birds; $1.50 each. G 70, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE A 10-H. P. ENGINE, IN FINE shape; also 10-h. p. upright boiler and a trac tion wood saw. W. J. Benson, Hlllsboro, Or. BEST FIR AND POLE OAK WOOD DELIV ered to any part of the city. Phone Main 810. 463 Everett L Travis Bros. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR wood, go to Hoover & Conway, 813 Water sL Phone Main 4596. FOR SALE CHEAP NEW SMITH PRE MIER typewriter, stand and chair. Apply ril Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE ROLL-TOP DESK AND chair. Apply 431 Washington sL Jacobsen Bade Co A CANDY STORE FOR SALE; GOOD Lo cation and two living rooms. H 42, care Oregonlan. NEARLY NEW Underwood and Remington roll-top desk and safe. XX, Oregonlan. SMITH-PREMIER. NO 4. NEW; CENTURY refrigerator, family size. T GC. Oregonlan. FRESH MILCH COWS, WITH OR WITH out calf, for eale. 1004 Mllwaukle sl BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Amerlcans now $25. 7th and Morrison. FOR SALE ONE HARDWOOD BEDROOM oet and cook stove. Phone Scott 2404. FOR SALE FINE JERSEY COW AND calf. 325 E. 3d sL, N. cor. Halsey. FINE SILVER SKYB TERRIER PUPPIES for sale. Basement, 326 Park st. ONE SINGLE AND ONE DOUBLE-DOOR safe; a bargain. X 73, Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 9-ROOM HOUSE sale. Call 367 North 14th sL FOR HELP WANTED MALE, WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE bodled unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Infor mation, apply to Recruiting Officer. Third and Oak sts., Portland, Or. BRIDGE CARPENTERS, COMPANY WORK R. R. laborers and teamsters, new Job, Idaho line; teamsters, Umatilla, $35 and board; others. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. WANTED-ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN, SIN gle, to travel and learn good-paying business, who can leave town Immediately; references; others need not apply. Call at room 31, 409 Morrison ut., from U to 3 P. M. BARBER WANTED FOR EASTERN WASH lngton; wages $16 and 60 per ceut; must be a first-class man. Address or call at G. N. W. Wilson Co. Barber Supply House. 72 0th eL. at once. MAN AND WIFE, $40; 13 HAVE BOY, $12 more; ranch near coast; blacksmith, $2 day and board; all kinds of work at the Old Reliable Pioneer Employment Co., 215 Morrison. - 4 MEN. ROCK QUARRY", $2.50 EACH; 1 bucker, $2.25; 1 second f alter. .$2.25; can use all kinds of help at all times. West ern Employment Bureau. 225 3d sL Phone Main 1510. " i WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade Coyne Bros. Co. School of Practical Plumbing; send for catalogue. Address 4973-5 Eaaton ave., SL Louis, Mo. POSITIONS OPEN WB HAVE GOOD Posi tions open for the right; If you want one write for our plan and bookleL Hapgoods (Inc). suite K, 323 Walker bldg., Seattle. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FUR nlahes cooks and waiters, chambermaids, por ters, farmhands, domestics. 69 N. 5th aL, beL Everett and Davis. TeL Clay 697. 1000 MEN. ALL KINDS OF WORK NAME your Job; we ha.ro 1L Phone Main S074. Canadian Employment Co., ' 249 Burnslde and 226& Morrison. WANTED YOUNG MEN, IT TO 21. TO work in factory. Apply Ames & Harris, 27 First sL; wages, $6 to $7.50 per -week. CARPENTERS $3.00 TO $3.50 PER DAY; board, $4.60 per week. Apply to Malnnls, Harrington &. Co., Port Townsend, Wash. WANTED AT ONCE HONEST, EXPERI enced young man, steady Job. Apply after noon. Bulllvant'a Grocery, 461 Jefferson. A MAN COOK. COMPETENT TO HANDLE commissary for party of 25- on camping trip. Apply 417 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED ONE GOOD JOB PRINTER; and sne good paper ruler. Apply personally to J. S. Delllnger & Co., Astoria, Or. THE COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA WINE DE pot, headquarters for cooks and waiters. P. Lorati. Phone Red 1093. 148 4th. WANTED GOOD, SOBER MAN TO TAKE care of horses; good wages. Call early. Red Front Stables. 15th and Burnslde. , WANTED FIRST-CLASS LUNCHUAN; NO others need apply. Call beL 2 and 3 P. M., Louvre Cafe. 4th and Alder sts. FOR RENT FURNISHED RESTAURANT; good trade; 12 steady boarders; cheap rent; good chance. 30T JeKtrso. -- HELP WANTED MALE. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT BY OUR NEW method which enables student to earn wages while learning. Call or address for free catalogue American Barber College Co., 66 N. 6th sL AT ONCE 00 YOUNG MEN FROM 18 TO 35 years, to prepare for Fall railway mall examinations. F 85, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DO JANITOR work In exchange for tuition. American Bar ber College Co., 66 N. 6th. WANTED STRONG YOUNG MAN TO WORK In hardware store; wages $30 month. Call 194 1st, with references. WANTED 50 MILLHANDS, $2 TO $23; woodsmen, $2 to $3.50. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau, 205 Morrison. STUDENTS COMMERCIAL AND RAILWAY telegraphy; mala line practice, switchboard, etc K 85, Oregonlan. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP IF sold within the next week; good trade. 421& Morrison. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD SOLICITORS for easy-selling article. R 69, Oregonlan. WANTED-QUARTZ MINER; MUST BE Al t machine man. L 82. care Oregonlan. PLATEN PRESS FEEDER WANTED. IR-wm-Hodson Co. WANTED A BOY. ABOUT 17. APPLY 04 3d at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS chambermaids, cooko, waitresses, nurse girl, second girls, housekeepers, house work. $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 226 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. THE BOOKLOVERS LIBRARY REQUIRES a representative in Portland; one who can present an attractle proposition to the cultured classes. Address with references, 82 6th sL CHORUS GIRLS. PERFORMERS. PIANISTS wanted; big salary; stage dancing, vaudeville acting taught. Newman's Vaudeville School iz Theatrical Agency, 313$ Washington. WANTED A GIRL TO DO SECOND work; one who is competent and under stands the work; references required. Ap ply at 835 Lovejoy sL FOURTH'S OVER! COAST LAUNDRE3SES, waitresses wanted; waitresses, domestics, cooks, etc., city; chamberwork. Drake, 205ft Washington. WANTED PIANIST, FINE ENGAGE ment, big salary, outside of town. Call Newman's Theatrical Agency, 313 ft Washington. 4 WAITRESSES. 2 COOKS. WOMAN, $30 each: 1 cook, woman, $40. Western Em ployment Bureau, 220 3d st. Phone Main 1519. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. WAIT, ers, chambermaids, general workers. SL Louis Agency, 230ft Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. FOR LADIES ONLY. Portland Women's Employment Company, 216 Allsky, cor. 3d and Morrison. Red 3087. LADIES POSITIONS SECURED: ALL KINDS of female help furnished. Oregon Women's Employment. 200 Allsky bldg. Clay 403. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, suburban home; two in family; no laundry. Call 406 Commercial block. WANTED PIANIST, FINE ENGAGEMENT, big salary, outside of town. Call Newman's Theatrical Agency, 313ft Washington. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, email family, good wages. Phone Main 2638; none but competent girls need apply. WANTED GIRL WHO UNDERSTANDS housework; must havo reference); family of two. 810 Lovejoy. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. 202 E. Sixth. N., Hol laday Addition. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR housework. Apply 062 Johnson. Phone Front 2504. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND assist In general housework; wages, $25. 770 Overton st. WOMAN OF EXECUTrVE ABILITY TO manage business. Must be over 25. K 70, Oregonlan. WANTED MANGLE GmLS AND STARCH work lroners. Oregon Laundry Company. WANTED BOOKKEEPER: STATE SALARY and experience Address F 81, Oregonlan. WANTED NURSE GIRL. APPLY TO 232 Stout sL, oor. Salmon. King's Heights. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work; sleep at home. 170 10th aL WANTED X GOOD, PLAIN COOK. PRI vato boarding-house. 188 5th at. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 627 Marshall. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 161 N. 24th. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS at 161 23d sL HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 4 WANTED ENERGETIC MAN OR WOMAN to act as traveling manager for an old established firm; references given and re quired; salary $18 per week and expenses advanced; chance for promotion. Address F. B. Cornwall, Portland, Or. WANTED AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS everywhere; can make $10 to $20 per week easily and pleasantly at home; no money required. The Lake Co., 110 Monroe st., Chicago. 8 WAITRESSES (CITY, COUNTRY), Do mestics, farmhands (milking). $30; second cook, $35. Drake, 200ft Wasnington. WANTED AT ONCE, WEAVERS AT woolen mill, Klrkland, Wash.; male or fe male. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepern and Clerks. COMPETENT DRUGGIST WISHES 8ITU atlon; am accustomed to take charge; ref erences as to reliability. Address W 54, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED AS COLLECTOR, manager, ticket-seller or any light work; best of references. Address D 69, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED COMPETENT STENOGRA pher desires position. D 84, care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. ADVERTISER HAVING MANY YEARS' experience in export and import trade, both In America and Europe, is anxious to Join syndicate of millers and manufac turers to work the export buslnete to Far East, African and European markets; oung, energetic and accustomed to man agemenL Apply P. O. Box 119, New York City. FIRST-CLASS MAN AND WIFE OPEN FOR engagement, beach hotel; manager or day clerk and housekeeper; experienced; refer ences. V 8L care Oregonlan. SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN, HAS good education, seeks employment 1 of any kind; can give Al references. O 84, Ore gonlan. BY YOUNG MAN AND WIFE, IMMEDIATB Iy, position In club, hotel, or take charge of store In or out of town. O 80, Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servant, farmers and all kinds ot help. 263 EveretL Black 992. STEADY MAN, PRACTICAL CUTTER AND tailor, wants a steady Job, in or out of city. Address P 87, care Oregonlan. BOY OF 18 WOULD LIKE TO FINISH machinist trade; 1 year's experience In rail road shop. F 82, Oregonlan. ENGINEER AND GENERAL MECHANIC desires position: mill or factory preferred; references. F 96, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN (JEW) MACHINIST, SOME experience in electricity, wants any kind of work. G 84. Oregonlan. WANTSD-A CLERICAL POSITION BY young man of energy and ability. J85, Ore gonlan. YOUNG JAPANESE WANTS POSITION IN small family In city. A 85, Oregonlan. GOOD BARTENDER WOULD LIKB Posi tion out of the city. P 69, Oregonlan. fcirCATlOXS TTAiiTKU FSMALS. ltokLper and btesovraghers. LADY WISHES POSITION AS MANAGER first-class rooming-house. Addresa Mrs, Mary Baker, General Delivery. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER, FOUR years' experience, desires position; salary $S pC Kctk. O 84, Ortgonltn SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAEB. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. LADY, EXPERIENCED, WANTS POSITION as cashier or office assistant; best of ref erences. K 82, Oregonlan. Ltte&ututxera. CHILDREN'S SEWING, SHIRTWAISTS etc. shirtwaists, $1 and un. 44 e. 7th N. WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND DRES making; very reasonable. 504 East 18th st MRS. B. SCOTT, DRESSMAKER. WISHES sewing in families. Call at 146 N. 10th. lomcsticA. TWO GIRLS WANTED, GENERAL HOUSE work. Address 283ft N. 10th sL CHAMBERWORK BY EXPERIENCED LADY. " j Housetteepcrs. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS refined, middle-aged woman, widower's fam- U; ,al??- German. 230ft Yamhill. Phone,' XJIJlCli zaoi. Usceiutacou. AS NURSE. HOUSEKEEPER. COMPAN ion; used to traveling practical, educat ed; excellent references; widow, no chil dren. Mrs. Seton. Tel. East 12,$. EASTERN MODISTE, FOR YEARS WITH high-class establishments, wants engagements or will take work home; special prices- city reference R 84, Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS, position, day or night; good eight reader? Addreas G 16. Oregonlan. ANYONE WISHING HOUSECLEANING OR washing by day, leave work at 223 MarkeL WANTED AGENTS. COMPETENT AGENTS TO SELL THE NEW. combination life, accident and health policies Issued exclusively by the Conservative Llfa Insurance Company. Holds the world's rec ord; 4 years old; insurance in force. $25,000, COO. Assets. $1,500,000. Now writing $1,500.. 000 of Insurance per month In California. Liberal renewal agency contract, direct with. home office. Representatives making big money and building life Income. Call or ad. dress the company, Goodnough bldg., Portland. r . AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT TH3 largest nursery on the Pacific Coasu Wo carry all latest and best specialties and full line of nursery stock, complete out fit for canvassing furnished free; mention ter ritory preferred; give referencs -with ap plication. Address Washington Nursery Company. Toppenlsh, Wash. WB WANT SALESMAN TO SELL OUR Northern grown nursery stock; we carry a, full line of nursery stock as well as all the latest and best specialties; write at onco for information; state preference of, territory. Address Washington Nursery. Toppenlsh. Wash. . WE OFFER THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS for the sale of the Perfect Telephone Dla Infector In the City of Portland; easily Bold to ovary one having a telephone. For particulars address Johnson-Lleber Co.. 1 First BL AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPEi rior high-grade nursery stock; new and coax, plete outnt furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. AGENT TO SELL ON COMMISSION THS most perfect telephone device out; sold at sight; good profits. Apply at onco for exclu slve territory to Jobnson-Liebtr Co., 1 1st st. WANTED ADVERTISING AGENT CA pabie of handling large contracts; salary guaranteed. Address H 85, Oregonlan, giv ing references and experience. WANTEDWINNING OFFER FOR HU5 tlers; now photo tickeL 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. IF TOU HAVE A GOOD ROOM TO RENT for saloon, billiards or bowling, in this city or elsewhere write us. We will mako no charge for finding you a good tenanL Have numerous applications on file. Tha BrunswlcK-Balke-Collender Co., 49 3d sL. .roruana, ur. WANT TO RENT SMALL COTTAGI East Side, with yard and shade; give lo lation. description and price to good ter ant; no children. Phone Union 3012, or ad areas s 22. uregonian. WANTED 10-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SI east of 12th. near Washington; might bt furniture; describe S 48, Oregoman. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING AND SHOES We pay the highest price. 62 N. 3d sL; orders) promptly attended to. iiooa sit. WANTED t OR 5-ROOM COTTAGE IN Center Addition or Montavllla; about $800 to $1000. 232 Stark sL WANTED MODERN 8 OR 9-ROOM HOUSE: will pay $60; must be central on Washington, F, Hotel Portland. MAY 17 ROOMS OR MORE. WEST OF 7th, bet Washington and Jefferson, E yj ViCfcUliUUi, WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE. SUMMER or lease; 8 or 9 rooms; central. F, Hotel Portland. WANTED TO RENT. IMPROVED S OR 10 acro tracL near car line, cheap. A 15, Ore gonlan. WANTED A GOOD-PAYING LODGING house; have $1400 cash. M 84, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at Th "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED MACHINERY FOR ABOUT X 6-ton ice planL Address Fred Carter, Sell, wood. Phone Scott 4584. WANTED TO BORROW $2000; GOOD East Side property; no brokers. Addresa L 85, Oregonlan. h WANTED LOAN. BY PRIVATE PARTY of $30; can give good security. Address K 76, Oregonlan. WANTED HORSE TO RIDE AND DRrVE; must be gentle and city broke. A 60, Orego nlan. WANTED TO BORROW $1000 AT 6 PKK cent: good security, s 60, oregonjan. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND C&T tle of all kinds. Phona East 2233. G ANTED TO BUY TWO DRIVING HORSES. Oregon Laundry Company. SEE PERSONAL COLUMN WANTED SHOB man. rOE BENT. Rooms. ONE LARGE FRONT PARLOR: NICE FOR one or two gentlemen; nicely furnished; $15 month; unfurnished, $10 month. Phone East 1182. WANTED-2 HOUSES TO MOVB ON MY lot: must be cheap. What havo you to offer t M. Kutner, 69 N. 3d sL Phone Black 2942. Furnished and unfurnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms; $1 week up. Gilman. 1st and Alder; Alblna Hotel, 450 Goldsmith. PLEASANT ROOM, BATH, PHONE, GEN- tleman preferred; private family. 129 10th, beL. Washington and Alder. FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN IN private family; home surroundings. 2lt and Johnson. J 49, Oregonlan. LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room on first floor, five minutes -walk from. Oregonlan. 238 Jefferson. LARGE FRONT ROOM, PRrVATB HOUSeT reasonable terms; gas, phone Main 3005. 290 14tb, near Hobart-Curtls. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH private family, four blocks south Hotel Portland. 248 Sixth sL NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, $3 PER week; hot and cold water; private family; central. 304 Yamhill. 73 PARK ST. NICELY FURNISHED BAY window room; also well-furnished smaller room; bath, phone. CLOSE IN FURNISHED GROUND FLOOR housekeeping rooms, 1, 2, 3 or 4. 86 ft 10th, near Stark. THE SHELLEY. 42215 ' MORRISON. COR. 11th Well-furnished room; all modern con veniences ROOMS TO RENT U4 YAMHILL ST., i pleasant rooms; steam heaL telephone, gas, J bath, etc. OHIO 15 11TH FOR NICELY FURNISHEn rooms. S3 per -week: with or wltnout board, i TRY 351 TAYLOR ST. FOR ROOMS, ONE ana a nair diocks xrorn noiei jr ortiand. LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS, ALLf conveniences, am A.aer sl NICELT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. PRlJ you limuj, 49a uw at i&t5? fcV '.Ji ri. s ?Kt r"-&taJ 'jfjfV K2k i'teM V' . :x.- 13K:C