13- e w-t I- "5 -i 10 THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, FJUDAY, JULY. 8, 1904. y PHIL 2XSTSCHAN, Pre. SEfEITBUa WtfWIOTOBSTEETK. MsTUSB. CI JOS I European Plan. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Dy THE PORTLAND FORTUKD, OR. American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. cost one mtllioNv dollars. Port anas Nc It's a gem. Every thing new and elegant. Steam heat, electric lights. Porce lain baths and lavatories on every floor. Kates, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. European. Finest restaurant In Portland. Also billiards and bar. The big olive-colored, rubber-tired coach meets all trains. It's free. HOTEL SCOTT, Seventh and Ankeny Sts., P. O. Block CUBZ0N BE01TGHT ON WAE. Vicer&y of India Deemed Thibetans Did Not Show Him Due Respect. WASHINGTON, July 7. The discreet inquiries of the State Department into the object of the British-Thibetan expe dition, as related In yesterday's Asso ciated Press cablegram from London, ap pear to have developed a rather curious fact, namely, that the British home gov ernment was lukewarm. If not absolutely indifferent, in the matter of sending Tounghusband's expedition toward IHassa. Indeed, it Ik said here, that Colonel Younghusband was allowed to go for ward only to save the pride of Viceroy Curzon. The latter fancied he had not been treated with proper considera tion by the half-wild Thibetans, and fail ing to secure what he deemed due offi cial recognition for the representatives of the Indian government, sent by him into Thibet, he appealed to tho home government for an armed escort to se cure proper treatment for them, the home government reluctantly assenting. It Is said here that the British gov ernment has already expressed its will ingness to withdraw this punitive expedi tion as soon as it can obtain from the Thibetans promises of yielding the points which were at Issue between India and Thibet before the expedition crossed the border of the latter country. These are pledges of freedom of trade between the two countries and official recognition of the right of the representatives of the British government to exercise its func tions in Thibet. The British are willing to retire on this basis the more readily that they are now satisfied from their experience that there is no danger to be aprehended of Russian encroachments on India by way of Thibet in view of the .tremendous geographical obstacles. It is stated that the British government has received the American overtures on this subject in the best temper. Indeed, they were rather welcome, as tending- to emphasize the determination of the Amer ican government to do everything pos sible to protect the integrity of China, an object quite as dear to the British as to the Americans. TICKETS FOR OCEAN BEACII. Season tickets Portland to any point on the beach, $4.00. Saturday excursion tick ets good returning Sunday night, only $2.50. Tickets and berth reservations at O. R. & N. City office. Third and Wash. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, July 7. Maximum temperature. 75 dee.: minimum, 58. River reading, 11 A. M.. 15 4 feet; change in 24 hours. 0.1 foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. none; total since September 1, 1003, 40.51 Inches; normal, 46.14. excess, 0.37. Total sunshine July C, 1904, 13 hours 13 minutes; possible. 15 hours and 36 minutes. Barometer (reduced to tea leel), at 5 P. M.. 20.82. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Ik s Wind. 2? j?5 m 5 2L STATIONS. Baker City -..17410.02 N Cloudy Bismarck 72 0.00 0 (Clear Bofoe ISO. T W Cloudy "Eureka J56J0.O0 Helena 80JO.O0J12 Kamloops. B. C...7G0.0G 24 N NE Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy KW North Head 560.0018 Pocatello GS0.01 0 Portland 75 0.00 10 Red Bluff 86,0.00 10 Roseburg 80W.0012 Sacramento 740.00 18 Salt Lake City 1841 T 10 .'V (Cloudy JCIoudy (Clear JPt. cloudy fClear E NW SE NW S w w sw w sw D PC cloudy Cloudy San Francisco 580.00 Spokane 1621 T JCIoudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Qlear Seattle 72i0.00 Tatoosh Island 36f0.00'14 Walla Walla SSi0.00J Light. T trace WEATHER CONDITIONS. Except small thunder storms at Baker City and Pocatello, no rain of consequence has oc curred In the North Pacific States during the last 24 hours. The weather, however, east of the Cascades continues unsettled -and threaten ing, and showers will probably occur In that section in tho early morning, and be followed by fair and cooler weather during the after soon. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours .ending at midnight July 8: Portland and vicinity Fair; westerly winds. Oregon and Western Washington Fair; west erly winds. Eastern Washington Show ers. followed by fair and cooler w eather. Idaho Showers and thunder storms, cooler north and southwest portions, and warmer southeast portion. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. SATES. "Rooms." "Rooms and Board, "Housekeep ing Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 1C to 20 words, 20Ncents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 wordr, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each addltlonalJnsertlon, one-half; no farther discount under dne month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate); 16 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always bo inclosed in scaled en velopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. on-o "sjt.p in AfrnES TrEATrrTFTnvr.Tr situated Xor platting, sear 4Sth st, Z blocks south of Hawthorne avc Mrs; W. j a Failing. Mount Tabor, Or. J a 5 5 ? I C. W. KNOWLXS, Mst. BEiDOtliSTEK rex tbbiists ua CQKMEICUL TUnLEI! Special rti made to families and single gentle men. Tfcs raaa agemeas will bo pleased at all .times to snow room and giro prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablish mtat ta the hotel. IX. C. BOWERS, Manager. w Hotel AMUSEMENTS. PORDRAY'S THEATER v' CORDRAT & RUSSEL.I Managers. TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK Elmer Walters presentshe comedy drama, "just Struck Town" (It pleases everybody.) Four nltrhts next week. Starting Sunday matinee, July 10, "A splendid production of the Intense play," "Just Before Dawn" Don't forget. Summer prices. Matinees. 10c and 20c Nights, 10c, 20c and 30c THE BAKER '? THEATER a Manager. Phone Main 1907. AH this week the Baker Theater Company, In "THE BUTTERFLIES" A rippling comody In three acts. Evening, 50c, 35c 2fc 10c; matinee. 25c 15c, 10c Next week, beginning Sunday matinee, "UP TO TOMPKINS." A roaring farce comedy. Fourth and Stork Streets. Th" Topic of Portland Conversation. A Vaudeville Theatre of Actual Refinement every Sunday at 2 P. II. Matinee Every Sunday at 2 P. M. FREE Admission FREE. STAR THEATER IS OPEN PORTLAND'S FASHIONABLE VAUDEVILLE PLAYHOUSE PARK AND WASHINGTON STS. Shows tonight at 7:30, 8:30 and 9:30. Ad mission 10 cents. SHIELDS' PARK 8.15 TONIGHT S:15. Broadway Zlnn's Big Extravaganza. QUEEN OF THE MUSKETEERS Most Elaborate Show In the City. Three hours' mirth at 10c, 20c, 30c Sunday Nights Empire Theater. ARCADE THEATER Seventh, and "Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:15 to 4:S0. 7:15 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:80. For Ladies. Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. DD EsmfSS The borne of polite vaudeville. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:20 P.M. Sundays; continuous 2 to 10:30 P. M. Evening performances from 7 to 10 JO P. M. Any seat In the theater, TEN CENTS LYRIC THEATER iCorner Alder and Seventh.) HIQH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:3a 7:30 to 10:80. Continuous performance Sunday, 2 to 10 P. 1L TEN CENTS NO HIGHER BASEBALL Los Angeles vs. Portland RECREATION PARK, July 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Ladles' days, Thursday and Friday. Games called 3:30; Sunday, 2:80 P. M. Ad mission, 25c; children, 15c NEW TODAY. ILLUSTRATION NO. 1. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Incorporated April 22. 1SS7. Many people have money lying idle await ing Investment. Many banks and trust companies issue time certificates of deposit, on which they pay Interest. People do not take these because they do not want to lock up their funds for long periods. We issue certificates and pay interest thereon without this objectionable feature We shall bo glad to explain or send you book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. L COHEN President JEL L. PITTOCK .A Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary 3.,0 GOLTRA . Assistant Secretary A REAL BARGAIN $5500 5 acres improved, on car line, near city limits, very sightly Will dlvido into acre tracts at a nice profit. Davidson. Ward & Co.. 40S Chamber of Commerce. i Mortgage Loans 5 and Upward B Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in AilJLints . N A. H. JsIBBELLj Farsscrlr of 'MacMaster 4t BirreO. C2-J McKay Bulidm. Third aad gufk, X. JLwbA .TfaA MA IK AUCTION SALES TOPAY. By the J. T. Wilson auction house, at 331 Ankeny st., cor. 0th, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. ; At Baker's auction house, corner Alder and Park. Salo at 2 P. M. Goo. Baker Co., auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77 Meets Friday nights in their forest. East Sixth and East Al der streets. Floor work not ex. celled by any camp in tho order. Come and meet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH. Cleric. MYRTLE CHAPTER, NO. 15, O. E. S. Regular communication this (Friday) evening -In Masonic Tem ple, at 8 o'clock. Social. By order ttt vr JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Secty. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. L O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evnlng, at 8 o'clock. Initiation. Visitors welcome. HBNRT BROWN. Secretary. FOR RENT Oddteliows Hall, for Monday nights. Apply to Dr. Stryker. or the janitor. PIED. MOREY At his home above Oswego, P. F. Morey. Funeral notice later. CLUTE In this city, July 7, 1004, La Verne D. Clute. aged 34 years. The remains are at Flnley's Chapel. Funeral notice here after. FUNERAL NOTICES. MOREY Funeral services over the remains of the late 'Parker F. Morey will be conducted at the family residence, near Oswego, Imme diately following the arrival of a special boat that will leave the foot of Taylor St., Port land, at 1 P. M. Oregon City boat will be held until 11 o'clock. MAAG At her late residence at Vancouver, Wash., July 5, 1004, Anna Maag, mother of Mrs. G. ZlppeL sister of Mrs. H. Luet gert. John Webber and Roslna Webber, aged 08 years. Funeral will take place Sunday, July 10. at 3 P. M., from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. G. Zlppel, 721 East Burnside street. Friends Invited. EDWARD HOLMAft CO., Undertaken and esabahners, have moved to their sew build ing. Third and balnea. Lady a I stent. Telephone No. $07. I 9. P. FTNLEX & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. Jd and Madison. Office of Cetraty Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. 0. DUNNING, Undertaker. M East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 62. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phono Mala 439. Zeller-Byrnee Co., Undertakers, embalra era, 278 Russell. Phone East 1088. Lady Aa'fc. CLARKE BEOS.. 1TNE FLOWERS. FLO. ral designs. Sfctf Morrison. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE $12,500 WASHINGTON STREET business property, corner, 50x100; easy terms. Phone Main 44. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. YOU'LL BE IN LUCK TO GET IN ON THIS! $3000 Magnificent, now and modern 0 room cottage; beautiful grounds, consist ing of over 2 acres; fine barn, poultry house, storehouse and woodshed. Grounds beautifully terraced and gardened; choic est variety of growing fruit, berries and grapes; fronting on electric car line. 875 For a splendid 00-acre form near Glencoe, Washington County; comfortable buildings, very rich soil, living water, and a place worth $2300. $S50 Beautiful new 5-room cottage with a full acre lot 1 block electric cars; an ex tremely lovely home. THESE ARE ABSOLUTE SNAPS AND MUST SELL! Apply to THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. 149 H First street. ELEGANT NEW' 9-ROOM HOUSE IN HAW thorne Park, corner lot; sightly location. New S-room house; fine location. New 0-room cottage, Hawthorne's First Ad dition. All of the above are fine modern homes for sole cheap and on easy terms. Houses built on liberal terms In Hawthorne Park, Ladd's Addition and Hawthorne's First Addition. CATS & POWELL, 701 Chamber of Comerce. WHEAT LAND6 A SNA!, WILL SELL you an SO or more at reasonable prices and locate you on homestead on adjoining land, which together makes cheapest wheat farm In Oregon, farms under cultivation adjoin ing raise wheat, oats, corn, etc; good roads, well water; no Irrigation needed; railroad building to within four miles. Look this up at once. Room 40. Oilman Hotel. FOR BALE COTTAGE AND & ACRES ON heights overlooking Columbia River, at Hood River Springs; creek, waterfall and rocks: can b made an Ideal resort; price. $1000. Inquire of J. L. Henderson. Hood River, Or. FINE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. CONCRETE basement and all modern Improvements; full lot; two blocks from car; Upper Albt &a, $2150; small payment down. bai. month ly. RobsrtjBell. 321 Worcester block. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE CAN ONLY be had from owners; no middleman's profit; see our lists and let us Introduce you to owners. CROCKERS. Inc Real Estate Clearlng-House, 418 Ablngton bldg. . , A SNAP. 2 fine cor. lots, east front; house and furniture for sale, $000. $400 down. Kern Park, Mount Scott car line, one block north. John Lee. FOR BALE AT 988 WILLIAMS AVE., new house containing three five-room flats, bam In rear of lot; lot is 50x105 feet, and has all kinds of fruit and berries. In quire of owner on premises. i FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY BIO quarter block, 104x104. West Madison st, bet. Stout and King; strictly high-class neighborhood; ideal site for particular man. N 74, Oregonlan. BLOCK AND FOUR 8-ROOM COTTAGES, close In, East Side; streets improved, seifr and cement sidewalk; yearly Income $740; must be sold in 10 days; price $6000. Ad dress M 70. Orvgonlan. 10 ACRES FINEST APPLE LAND IN HOOD River Valley; located 6 miles from town, on East Side, owner going away; will sell at a snap. W 76, care Oregonlan. CORNER LOT FOR SALE MASON AND Minnesota ave cheap. See owner. J. Me Gibbons, Hunter's avenue. Crystal Springs Addition, near Sell wood. $3250 ELEGANT HOUSE, NEAR STEEL bridge, pays over 11 per cent interest; leased. T. W. Plttlnger, Phone Hood 24, 246 Morrison. THREE WEST SIDE LOTb. 83 1-3x110 FT, 16th st-, 100 ft, south of Montgomery, $1500 each. Owner, 210 Allsky bldg., 3d and Mor rison. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R, Addlton, Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 5c ELEGANT . AND COMPLETELY FUR ntshed 5-room cottage, new; terms; owners leaving; price $1650. Phone Union 438L BARGAIN NICE FIVE-ROOM HOUSE; WIL llams ave., full lot; $1100; easy terms; buy from owner. Crockers, 418 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE 600 ACRES STUMJr LAND. 10 miles from Portland. Inquire :87 E. Morri son st. C R. Davis. Fuel Co. FOR SALE TWO LOTS ON TILLAMOOK. at-, 100 feet from Union ave. Inquire 4w N. 9th it, West Side. 18-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE. GOOD LOCA tion and good business. For information call 316 Couch, room 10. BARGAIN NEW. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE at MontavUla; $1200. Apply owner, 2 Union ave., Portland. $2000 10-ACRE TRACT NEAR CITY LIM jts. East Side. S. B. Rlggen. 305 Ablng ton bldr- NEW 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR steel bridge: 83000: terms. 612 Commercial building. FOR SALE CHOICE- SMALL HOME. 10TH, West Bide; Al location; owner. Q 10, Ore gonlan. RARE BARGAIN $1800 BUYS 233 ACRES near Brownsville. P. O. Bar 276, Oregon City. Or. 5 OR 8-ROOM COTTAGE SMALL PAYMENT 4bwc balance monthly. Owner, Phone East 675. A SNAP-CORNER 1XJT, Is. 39TK AND 1 flraat sts.; $ 1., " Vwc at FOB SALE XEALXSTATB. BARGATN INCOME--BKARINO PROPER ty; in good state of cultivation; loe to busy hamlet; with rail and boat, .transporta tion, and access" two large markets; new bulldlnrs: variolar fruits, mostly apples, oa main county road star. Portland; immedi- ate possession. J 4, Oregomam. 20 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE, IN MULT somah County, 150 acres; 50 -acres level; 40 acres can be plowed now. Address Owa er, Fulton House, 4th and, Alder. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE. APPROVED, SANTA Fe, on hand, ready for location; also sol diers' additional land warraa(s and Sioux scrip. MaglnnU & Son, 227 Falling bktg. 840 ACRES; 35 MILES FROM PORTLAND; 4.000,000 ft. fir and cedar; dam cost $2000; on Yamhill River; price $5000; also 80 acres, for rooming-house. 474 Alder st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 ACRES fir timber land (5,000.000 feet), sear river. Lane County, Oregon. Van Dusea. 12 13th ave North, Seattle. Wash. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. GILT EDGE, general land practice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. Approved scrip; new lot agricultural or timber land. L. W. Whiting A Co., 408 Ablngton. FOR SALE FARMS. 27.000 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND, froe from the state to settlers, who will fiay from $5 to $15 per acre to the Co umbla Southern Irrigation Company for perpetual water right; for information call or address B, 8. Cook, 231 Alder si Port land. Or. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE GENERAL MERCHANDISE business In good location In best port of Willamette Valley, value $5000, for stock ranch In Southern Oregon, Eastern Oregon. Washington or Idaho. Address P 72. Ore gonlan. LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIP WE HAVE A SURRENDER of 1580 acres In one surrender, which we will sell at a bargain; also 1000 acres un surrendered. We guarantee that comple tion will cost not to exceed 10 cents per acre. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND OTHER SCRIPS Cheaper scrip for NON-TIMBERED lands; all fully guaranteed; bank references; gen eral land practice; varied experience. Col lins Land Co., Concord bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. 18 H -ACRE ORCHARD. SIX MILES FROM Vancouver, 14 miles from Portland; 15 acres full bearing Italian prune trees, one acre In raspberries; house and barn; home or chard of assorted fruits; just the place to make money from the start by raising prunes, chickens, bees, small fruits and veg etables; easy terms. Call on or address owner. 805 Commercial block. IMPROVED FARMS FOK SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wa. MacMaster, 311 Worcester block. $S50-80 ACRES, 14 CLEARED. HOUSE. 50 fruit trees: living springs; 20 mllea Portland; 2H miles flourlslng town on railroad. Inquire grocerj". 614 Front, cor. Caruthers. FOR SALE. Hones, Vehicles. Etc A FINE. STYLISH BAY GELDING, 7 years old, was sired by Planlte, raised by Thomas Tongue. Hlllsboro, Or.; is suitable for trap or gentleman's driving horse; must be sold at once; owner going East. Call early. Fashion Stables, 20th and Washing ton. BARGAIN $140 BUYS MY ENTIRE DRIV Ing outfit; consists handsome golden norrel mare, 0 years old, weight 1050 pounds; per fectly sound and broken to ride or drive sin gle or double; new rubber-tire runabout and harness to match. Call 26 N. 15th st. ONE BAY HORSE, 8 YEARS OLD. WEIGHT 1340, suitable for farm or delivery; one bay mare. 7 years old, weight 1240, good all-round horse; and one white horse,1 weight 1060. Call early. Fashion Stables, 20th and Wash, lngton. BLACK MARE, WEIGHT 1300 POUNDS, sound, 8 years old, suitable for heavy haul ing: also cheap saddle poo'; good farmers' hack cheap. Call Red Front Stables, 15th and Washington sts. FOR SALE HORSE AND BUGGY; HORSE perfectly gentle to ride and drive; buggy mod ern, ball-bearing, rubber-tired. Call at United Carriage, 11th and Morrison sts. " FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OP driving- horses, fine for pleasure, with two stated trap; owner must sell. Call 22tt 3d st. Phone Main 1519. ONE GOOD HORSE. WEIGHT 1300 LB&r price $100. By H. P. J. Hlnzen, 3d house south of Multnomah Hall. S. Mount Tabor. 4 AND 5-TON DEAD-AXLE TRUCKS; also, spring goosenecks; sell cheap, trade or rent. Stable, cor 7th and Stark sts. Largest stock vehicles and harness, new and second-band; cheap for 00 days. 211 Wash. FOR SALE WELL-MATCHED TEAM; 2000 lbs. 175 East 23d St., near Belmont. WANTED TO BUY A GOOD BUGGY horse. Address T 75, Oregonlan. FOR SALE GOOD HORSE AND BUGGY, cheap. Coll 268 Stark st. FOR SALE 8 GOOD WORK HORSES. IN qulre at 175 E. Water st. FOR SALE BY W. E. JACOBS. 9 head of horses. Phone Union 16J2. WANTED GOOD HORSE AND BUGGY. Call 130 Front. Pianos. GOOD PIANO. SLIGHTLY USED, FOR sale cheap; a snap. W 19, Oregonlan. Mlelxaew IF YOU ARE GOING TO GET A MARINE gasoline engine and would like a latest model, highest grade, four-cycle engine, of fered at a special price to introduce In new localities, address R. W. Jamieson, Tacoms, Wash. DOES YOUR ROOS- X.1SAK? Repair It with Elaterite; It rolls, easy to X7i needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterite Rooflnr Co.. 10 Worcester bldg. PARTY WHO IS LEAVING THE CITY WILL sell his elegant piano, bought within the last year, at almost any price to make a quick sale; terms can be arranged. 122 E. 39th st., near Morrison. MILK BUSINESS, SUNNYSIDE; 10 FINE cows; owner's health forces sale; cows in best condition; milk holding select trade. 301 Maguertte ave. Phone Scott 2218. IN FOR BALE PILING. ALL LENGTHS, from 30 to 125 feet, all slses; fill orders on short notice; 75.000 feet in boom. Ad dress Lock Box 53, Rainier. Or. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $25; 11 makes rested and repaired. Rubber tamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. TL 1407. FOR SALE LIGHT BRAHMA EGGS, $L50 per setting of 15; also one each cock and cockerel; nne birds; $1.50 each. O 70. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE A 10-K.P. ENGINE. IN FINS shape; also 10-b.p. upright boiler and, a trac tion wood saw. W. J. Benson Hlllsboro. Or. BEST FIR AND POLE OAK WOOD DEUV errd to any part of the city. Phone Main 810. 463 Evemt st. Travis Bros. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT UVB FIR wood, go to Hoover X Conway, 313 Water st. Phone Main 4598. FOR SALE. ROLL-TOP DESK AND chair. Apply 431 Washington st. Jacobsen Bade Co A CANDY STORE FOR SALE; GOOD Lo cation and two living rooms. H 42, care Oregonlan. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. NO. 6, GOOD as new; used two month; $05. Address M 07, Oregonlan. FOR 8ALE ONE OLDSMOBILE, ALMOST new, In perfect order; a bargain. C 77. care Oregonlan. PASTURE FOR CATTLE OR HORSES. AP. ply to Oregon Iron & Steel Co., 339 Sherlock building. SMITH-PREMIER, NO 4, NEW; CENTURY refrigerator, family slse. T 06, Oregonlan. NEARLY NEW Underwood and Remington roll-top desk and safe. XX, Oregonlan.' BICYCLE CLOSTNO OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Americaas now. $. 7th and Morrison. FOR SALE ONE HARDWOOD BEDROOM act a Mk staves PfcWM &eU 344. FOR SALE. MlscaBjkseoc. FOR SALE t- A HARVARD CHAIR, AH good as new. Room. 4. Breeden bldg. FINE SILVER SKYE TERRIER PUPPIES for sale. Basement. 328 Park st. ONE SINGLB AND ONE DOUBLE-DOOR safe; a bargain. X 73. Oregonlan. FOR 8ALE FINE TALKINQ PARROT. IN quire 8 N. 3d st. YACHT FOR SALE CHEAP. APPLY 308 N. 10th s. HELP WANTED MALE. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT BY OUR NEW method, which enables student to earn wages while learning. Special Inducements totiext 10 students, owing to enlargement of our school. Largest and best equipped college on this coast. For full particulars call or address. American Barber Col lege Co., incorporated, 88 N. 6th at. LET US HELP YOU WE PLACE JIUN dreds of responsible employes. If you want -a better salary, or a chance to earn a sal ary, write for our plans and booklet. Hap goods (Inc), Suite K, 823 Walker bldg., Seattle. TO JOBBERS, MANUFACTURERS AND brokers: If you want the beat of talent for your help, send in your orders. West ern Employment Bureau. 228 Third st. Phone Main 1510. AMATEUR SINGERS, PERFORMERS, PIAN lsts wanted; big salary; stage dancing, vaudeville acting taught. Newman's Vaude ville School and Theatrical Agency, 313 Washington. BARBER .WANTED FOR EASTERN WASH lngton; wages $18 and 60 per cent; must be a first-class man. Address or call at G. N. W. Wilson Co. Barber Supply House, 72 Oth st., at once. MAN AND WIFE. $40; IB HAVE BOY, $12 more; ranch near coast; blacksmith, $2 day and board; all kinds of work at the Old Reliable Pioneer Employment Co., 215 Morrison. WANTED 15 MILL AND YARDMEN, Slanermen, 25 woodsmen, loj loader, oomman; backers, f alters, barkers, etc Lumbermen's Labor Bureau. 205V& Morri son. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co. School of Practical Plumbing; send for catalogue. Address 1073-5 Easton ave., St. Louis, Mo. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOK keeplng, penmanship and English branches taught by experienced teacher; day and night. M. 35. Oregonlan. ACTIVE, EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN FOR grocery, both Inside and outside work; must be well acquainted with city. Bullvant's Grocery, 461 Jefferson st. 1000 MEN, ALL KINDS OF WORK NAME your Job; we have It. Phone Main 3074, Canadian Employment Co.. 249 Burnside and 228 H Morrison. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS ADVERTIS lng solicitors Immediately; no amateurs need apply; straight salary to men of ability. F Git, care Oregonian. . WANTED FIRST-CLASS. ALL-ROUND photographer; none other need apply; good wages, permanent position. Address A 75, Oregonlan. SEE D. E. BUDD MAN AND WIFE. FARM ers, 50 track and skid road men, 10 rler drivers, wood splitters; plenty work. 110 First. WANTED MAN WITH ONE OR TWO teams to contract hauling stave bolts. Ad dress Western Cooperage Co., Houlton, Or. CARPENTERS, $3 TO $3 50 PER DAY; board. $4.60 per week. Apply to Mclnnls, Harrington & Co., Port Townsend. Wash. WANTED ONE GOOD JOB PRINTER and one good paper ruler. Apply personally to J, S. Delllnger & Co., Astoria. Or. WANTED GOOD BOOKKEEPER WITH knowledge of paint business; state experi ence. Address C 70, care Oregonlan. WANTED BOY ABOUT 18 YEARS; SOME experience in electrical wiring. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 205 Morrison st. THE COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA WINE DE pot, headquarters for cooks and waiters. P. Loratl. Phone Red 1003. 148 4th. FOR RENT FURNISHED .RESTAURANT; good tradef 12 steady boarders; cheap rent; good chance. 207 Jefferson. AN EXPERIENCED FIRB INSURANCE man wanted by city agency with large con nectlons. Y 76, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DO JANITOR work In exchange for tuition. American Bar ber College Co.. 06 N. Oth. MAN AND WIFE ON GENTLEMAN'S place; $40; very nice position. Pioneer Em ployment, 215 Morrison at. SAWYER, SMALL MIL, $3.50; BLACKSMITH, $2 and board: plenty other work. Pioneer Employment, 215 Morrison. WANTED A BOY FOR OFFICE, BRIGHT and active; state age and wages expected. Address F 70, Oregonlan. $100 SECURES HALF INTEREST IN GOOD, profitable, clean business ? experience unneces sary. Call 281 Alder st. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP IF sold within tho next week; good trade. 421 Morrison. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY porter, immediately. Wadhams & Kerr Bros. MAN FOR GENERAL WORK IN SECOND hand store; mechanic preferred. 187 Front. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD SOLICITORS for easy selling article. R 00. Oregonlan. WANTED BELL-BOY. INQUIRE BET. 0 and 10 A. M., Commercial Club. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOTEL WAITRESS, CHAMBERMAID. COM blned, $30; arm and tray waitresses, pantry girl, housework. Drake's, 205 Washington. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MILLINER; one with experience; none other need apply. Address P. O. Box 215, Vancouver, Wash. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family, good wages. Phone Main 2038; none but competent girls need apply. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, THOROUGHLY competent girl as family cook; wages, $25. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. A REFINED, INTELLIGENT WOMAN AS housekeeper for widower's family in city; give references. P 76, Oregonlan. WANTED COMPETENT WOMAN OR girl to care for small children. 570 Haw thorn terrace. Portland Heights. WANTED NECKBAND IRONER, MARKER , and distributer and body lroncr. Oregon Laundry Co., 383 Oak st. WANTED A GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; good wages. 818 Love Joy, bet. 24th and 25th. WANTED WOMEN TO ADDRES8 ENVEL opes who write good hand. Apply Room 223, Abblngton bldg. , EXPERIENCED FITTER FOR SUITS, skirts. Apply this morning between 0 and 10 o'clock. 171 3d. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply forenoon, 268 7th st, near Madison. WANTED STENOGRAPHER WHO OWNS typewriter: salary $8. Apply Room 223, Ab lngton bldg. GIRL FOR "GENERAL HOUSEWORK AT Beach. 413 E. 10th, near Tillamook. Phone East 1692. WANTEDCOMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN to do general housework; good wages. 463 Yamhill. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; good wages. 770 Over ton st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN family of two. Apply 352 Morrison st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good wages. Phone E. 243. WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING AND mmbmI iniT4Wk'.rir!r nf &14 f fifVn It 5W1S V. "-. .. W-M U..JU41 !? WANTED EXPERIEJKSBD PHOTO STUDIO recepiiuu-twum iuu. nyuwcxum oiag. WANTED AT WATSONW RESTAURANT. expencnecu iuuctoni, fjfv per wceK. WANTED EXPERIENCED ARM WAITRESS at the Zlnsley Restaurant, 230 1st st. JVANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU6E- woric J ouneemn au norm. NEAT OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 257 N. 22d. corner Northrup. WANTED YOUNG GUtL FOR UPSTAIRS I work. 427 Washington st. f WESTERN EMPLOYMENT PARLORS. 228 3d st., are now open. We now Invite all kinds of clerical help to register, for Fall trade begins soon; we havo. the swellest apart ments ever before set up In Portland for ladles and can now accommodate the pub lic at large In this line, having the largest connections of any employment house on the coast; now Is the time to register. Phone Main 1510. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS ohambermalds, cooks, waitresses, nurse "girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work. $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 220 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED RIGHT AWAY, TWO YOUNG salesladies to travel with the Bohemian Glass-Blowlng Palace. Inquire at Carnival grounds. Good salaries and all expenses paid. E. Ellsworth. 215 Third. AMATEUR SINGERS. PERFORMERS. PIAN ista wanted: big salary; stage dancing, vaudeville acttng taught. Newman's Vaude ville School and Theatrical Agency? 313 Washington. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS AS FOL lows: In stationer'. In muslinwear, in hosiery. In corsets, one In general mer chandise. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison st. THE BOOKLOYERS' LIBRARY REQUEUES a representative In Portland; one who can present an attractive proposition to the cultured classes. Address with references. 82 Oth st. WANTED 20 GIRLS. COOKS, 2D GIRLS, waitresses; general housework, reliable help furnished. Multnomah Employment Bureau, 270 Washington st. Phone Clay 1811. - WANTED RESPECTABLE GERMAN GIRL to assist In general housework; small family; wages $15 per month. J. A. Mil ler, 730 Umatilla ave., Sellwood. WANTED A GIRL TO DO SECOND work; ono who Is competent and under stands the work; references required. Ap ply at 835 Lovejoy st. FOURTH'S OVERl COAST LAUNDRESSES, waitresses wanted; waitresses, domestics, cooks, etc, city; chomberwork. Drake, 205 Washington. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; GOOD home; small family. Inquire at dry goods store, cor. Milwaukie and Beacon. Phone Union 391. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, WAIT ers, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. FOR LADIE6 ONLY. Portland Women's Employment Company. 216 Allsky, cor. 3d and Morrison. Red 3087. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. WORKING housekeeper, widower; country; no objections to child. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 283L WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework; family of two. Apply 551 Ever ett at. WANTED GOOD PLAIN COOK, TWO IN family. 812 Johnson at. GIRL FOR-OENERAL HOUSEWORK. 602 Hancock st, Irvington. WANTED NURSE GIRL. APPLT'232 STOUT st., cor. Salmon. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN OR WOMAN to act as traveling manager for an old established firm; references given and re quired; salary $18 per week and expenses advanced; chance for promotion. Address F. B. Cornwall, Portland, Or. WANTED AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS everywhere; can make $10 to $20 per week easily and pleasantly at home; no money required. Ihe Lake Cc, 110 Monroe st.. Chicago. 8 WAITRESSES (CIT. COUNTRY), Do mestics; farmhand (milking), $30; second cook, $35. Drake, 205 Washington. WANTED AT ONCE, WEAVERS AT woolen mill, Klrkland, Wash.: male or fe male. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. COMPETENT DRUGGIST WISHES SITU ation; am accustomed to take charge; ref erences as to reliability. Address W 54, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED AS COLLECTOR, manager, ticket-seller or any light work; best of refences. Address D 69. Oregonlan, WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER by young man with good references; will take small salary. L 75, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED. COMPETENT STENOGRA pher desires position. M 75. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. ADVERTISER HAVING MANY YEARS' experience In export and Import trade, both In America and Europe, is anxious to Join syndicate of millers and manufac turers to work the export business to Far East, African and European markets; young, energetic and accustomed to man agement. Apply P. O. Box 110, New York City. FIRST-CLASS MAN AND WIFE OPEN FOR engagement, beach hotel; manager or day clerk and housekeeper; experienced; refer ences. V 81. care Oregonlan. SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN, HAS good education, seeks employment of any kind; can give AX referneces. O 84, Ore gonlan. A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HABITS 'WANTS a position; willing to work and a good pen man; can furnish good reference. L 76, Ore gonlan. BAKER WANTS SITUATION; STRICTLY sober, married man; country town pre ferred. Robert Hennlger, 412 Everett st. BY YOUNG MAN AND WIFE, IMMEDIArK ly, position in club, hotel, or take cnarge of store in or out of town. O 80, Oregonlan. JAPANESE! LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic, servant, farmers and all kinds of help. 2C8 Everett. Black 992. STEADY MAN, PRACTICAL CUTTER AND tailor, wants a steady job, in or out of city. Aodcess P 87, care Oregonlan, BOY OF 18 WOULD LIKE TO FINISH machinist trade; 1 year's experience in rail, road shop. F 82. Oregonlan. ENGINEER AND GENERAL MECHANIC desires position; mill or factory preferred; references. F 18, Oregonlan. WANTED SITUATION AS CIRCULAR sawyer. Reply P. O. Box 15, Cascade Locks, Or. BY MIDDLE-AGED MAN, WATCHMAN OR other work; references. M 71, care Oregonlan. GOOD BARTENDER WOULD LIKE Posi tion out of the city. P 80, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS TTANTKP FRM A f.K. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES Posi tion; has bad some experience. D 76, Ore gonlan. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position. Phone East 1178. Housekeepers. WANTED BY INTELLIGENT ELDERLY Scotch woman, position as nurse, seams tress or housekeeper in small family. M 74, Oregonlan. Jrresemaa.ers. CHILDREN'S BEWINtv, SHIRTWAISTS, etc, shirtwaists, $1 and up. 44 E. 7th N. WANTED-PLAIN SEWING AND DRESS maklng; very reasonable. 604 East loth at. Domestics. THREE GIRLS WANT GENERAL HOUSE work and good plain cooking. 2&J 10th st. North. WANTED-BY EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, place as dining-room girl. Phone Front 1288. Miscellaneous. LADY WISHES PLAIN OR CHILDREN'S sewing; gentlemen's mending a specialty. Call at 304 E. Morrison, room 4, or Phone Main 1880 WANTED-WORK BY THE HOUR IN" roomlng-bousas or private families, by com petent woman. Address 301 2d st. south. 3 SWEDISH GIRLS WOULD LIKE WORK In some place; laundry, hotel or boardlng howe. 842 Uphur, cor. 20th N. WANTED FIRST-CLASb PIANIST WANTS pesttton. day or night; good sight reader. Address G 16, Oregonlan. CANADIAN TRAINED NURSE, EIGHT years experience, wfshes private cases. Phone Main 448S. RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK -where she sleep home; good cook. Phone West 637. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTJCD AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OURKIOH grade nursery stock; liberal commissi as; cash advanced on receipt of orders; outfit free: experience and capital unnecessary it you have push and energy. X few choice fields still open in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Write Immediately before they are assigned. Chico Nursery Co., Chlco, CaL WE WANT SALESMAN TO SELL OUR Northern grown nursery stock; we carry a full line of nursery stock as well as all the latest and best specialties; write at once for Information; state preferences of territory. Address Washington Nursery. Toppenlsh, Wash. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR su perior high-grade nursery stock; new and complete outfit furnished free; cash week iy; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. WANTED-JXO RENT. WANT TO RENT SMALL COTTAGH East Side, with yard and shade; give lo- cation, description and price to good tea ant; no children. Phone Union 3072. or ad drees S 22. Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN WANTS BOARD AND LARGE room in strictly private family; terms not to exceed $25; permanent. Address E 76, Oregonlan. WANTED 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED HOUSE- Keepipff roams; cenirauy iocaiea; on west Side; must be on ground floor. H 75. Oregonlan. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING AND SHOES We pay the highest price. 62 N. 3d st.; orders promptly attended to. Hood 517. WANTED 10-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE east of 12th, near Washington; might buy furniture; describe. E 48. Oregonlan. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE OR FLAT, about 7 rooms, September or September and October. T 76. Oregonlan. WANTED MODERN 8 OR 0-ROOM HOUSES will pay $60; must be central on Washington F, Hotel Portland. MAY 17 ROOMS OR MORJa. WEST OF 7th. bet. Washington and Jefferson. E irj, Oregonlan. WANTED-FURNISHBD HOUSE. SUMMER or lease; 8 or 9 rooms; central. F, Hotel Portland. J . . WANTED TO RENT, IMPROVED 5 OR 10- aeie tract, near car line, cheap. A 15, Ore- I gonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 4 WANTED GENTLE HORSE AND TWO seated buggy, to rent for about two months, for North Beach. Inquire F. Botefuhr &. Co., N. E. cor. 3d and Ash. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at The "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d, Phone Hood 517. WANTED MACHINER1 FOR ABOUT A 6-ton Ice plane Adress Fred Carter, Sell wood. Phone Scott 45S4. WANTED LOAN, BY PRIVATE PARTY of S30: can srie xood securitv. Artrli-o, K 76, Oregonlan. WANTED TINTYPE AND STAMP OUT fit; must be reasonable. G 73, care Ore gonlan. WANT TO BORROW ON COLLATERAL $300 to $ow, j to o monms- time, is Ti, Ore gonlan. WANTED HORSE TO RIDE AND DRIVE: must be gentle and city broke, a 60, Orego nlan. WANTED TO BORROW $1000 at 8 PER cent, good security. S 6U, Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tl of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR BENT. Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D ST., BET. TAY "lor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater: new brick building, elegantly fur nished, hot and cold running water, porce lain bath, rooms with private baths, ele vator; tourists solicited; reasonable rates. THE KINGSTON, 100 THIRD, ADJOIN lng Baker Theater Centrally located, quiet and first-class; single bed, 50c; double, $1 to $1.50 per night; by week. $2.50 to $7. Phone Hood 057. 4 THE NEWCASTLE, 3D AND HARRISON, elegant and up-to-date furnished and un furnished housekeeping and other rooms; beat, bath and ilgnt Xree; reasonable prices. "THE LINCOLN," 409 Morrison, cor. 11th New duck, elegant, lurmsnea, sunny rooms; all modern conveniences; tourists and travel lng men solicited. Mrs. T. D. Hughes, Prop. F1R8T FLOOR USE OS BATH, HOT AND cold "water, beautiful, healthy rtsldene portion city; suitable tor one or two gen tlemen. 8 1 N. 17th St.. cor. Everett. TWO OR THREE WELL-FURNISHED BED rooms and parlor for Summer or longer; suit, able for small family; gas, bath, nice yard, 210 13th st. Phone Main 3174. THE NEWLAND, 306 1ST ST.. PHONH' Clay 271 Elegant furnished rooms by the day, week or month, at popular price; gas, batn and phone. " ONE LARGE COMMON ROOM. SUITABLE! for man and wife or two gentlemen. Inquire between 8 and 7 P. M., room 14, Selilng Hlrsch bldg. FOR RENT FIVE FRONT ROOMS, UNFUR nlahed, or will furnish to suit tenant, on sec ond or third floor. 162 2d St., opposite Tull S. Gibbs. 129 13TH ST. VERY PLEASANT FRONT room, with running water; also side rooms; fine location; reasonable. Bet.- Wash, and Alder. ' WANTED 2 HOUSES TO MOVE ON MIC lot; must oe cheap. What have you to offer f. M. Kutnsr, 69 N. Jd st. Phone Black IftH&t Furnished and unfurnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms; $1 week up. Gil man, 1st and Alder; Atblna Hotel, 450 Goldsmith. FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN IN private family; home surroundings. 2lt and Johnson. J 49, care Oregonlan. FOR RENT-SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS; new and modern; $5 per week. 103 8th st, N., Mrs. ood, The Cottage. ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED AND unfurnished rooms, single or In suite; gas; bath and phone. 485 Clay st. , FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN OR, to lady employed; reasonable and central; references. B 70, Oregoniam TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS; modern; bath adjoining; private family, io N. 18tb, near Washington. FINELY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT BAY wlndow room; $4 50 per week; private fam ily; central. K)4 Yamhill. LARGE OUTSIDE ROOMS. NICELY" FUR ntshed; new house; every convenience; $7 and $9. 86 N. 15th. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH private family, four blocks south Hotel Portland. 248 Sixth st. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE! or two gentlemen; modern house. 551 Tay lor. Phone Main 23U6. , . 1 79 PARK ST NICELY FURNIbHED BAr window room; also well-furnished mailer room; Dcth, phone. COMFORTABLE ROOMS, NEW FURNI ture. The Dexter, 12th and Washington Phone Green 488. 343 THIRD ST.-"-PLEASANT FRONT AND back rooms; gas, bath, telephone; with or without board. ROOMS TO RENT 414 TAMH1LL ST.. pleasant rooms; steam beat, telephone. gas bath, etc 348 YAMHILL HAS A NEAT FURNISHED single room, with porcelain bath and gas. -s TRY 351 TAYLOR ST. FOR ROOMS, ONE ana a nai diocks irom noiet xunmuu. . . 102 13TH ST. A NICELY FURNISHED room: private family, all conveniences. SO W. PARK PLEASANT FRONT BAY wlndow room, central; very reasonable. ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM with all conveniences. 430 Yamhill st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. PRI vats family. 294 11th st. CHEAPEST AND BEST ROOMS IN CTXT, 242 Dfcvls st. Booms With Board. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOM with hot and cold water; board. 215 12TH ST.. COR. OF sXlMON SELECT rooms with board; home cooking. FURNISHED ROOMS: WITH BOARD: i trict!y priv&ts. 181 N. 15th U ' WW . . -- - .BMMssW