Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 11, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL. XLHL NO. 13,574.
Portland to Have New
Postmaster July 1.
Payne Refused to Indorse First
Choice of Mitchell. .
Assistant and Superior Who Had
Such a Stormy Time May Retire
Together-Hail Gaining in
Race for Attorneyship.
ington, June 10. In the appointment of a
new PostmaBter for Portland today, an
other big .surprise developed- John W.
Mlnto secures the appointment, although
not the first choice of Senator Mitchell.
The resignation of F. A. Bancroft will
take place June 30.
Bx-State Senator J. E. Hunt, originally
selected by the senior Senator, "was not
acceptable to Postmaster-General Payne,
who had received advices which made him
somewhat skeptical as to the executive
ability of Mr. Hunt.
The regime of Assistant Charles . A.
Burckhardt is also expected to come to a
closo at the same time as that of his
superior, F. A. Bancroft, since the de
partment does not consider his adminis
tration satisfactory.
Senator Mitchell is authority for the
statement. Department officials will not
confirm It, nevertheless admit It is pos
sible that when Mlnto takes office there
may be a change in the office of assistant
postmaster. It Is the policy of the de
partment to defer to the wishes of the
postmaster in the appointment of an as.
Els tan t, and if Mlnto wants a new man,
and this man is acceptable to the depart
ment, he wIU be appointed, and Burck
hardt will havo to step aside.
Payne Objected 'to Hunt.
Anent the refusal of the Postmaster
General to consent to the appointment of
Mr. Hunt as postmaster, the following
letter addressed by. that official to Senator
Mitchell Is- self-explanatory:
In view of the fact that the change is to be
made entirely for the purpose of Improving
the service, and of setting- rid of contentions
ana scan OH la in xao Oilier:, x raa uui icci uiav
it would bo Improper" to appoint another per
son whose appointment might result in -similar
conditions to those now prevailing; and
this would appear to be the case from papers
on file, In the event of the appointment of Mr.
Hunt. I must Insist, therefore, that you pre
sent for appointment the same of eoroo other
person than Mr. Hunt.
Senator Mitchell immediately had a con
ference with the Postmaster-General and
requested to bo advised as to the reasons
referred to. which were shown him, but
which are of a confidential nature.
Mitchell insisted that Hunt be advised of
the charges made against him. and that
he be given an opportunity to refute them.
But it is not the policy of the department,
he was told, to investigate an applicant
for office, and was given to understand
that he must submit another name for
consideration. After deliberating for some
time the Senator sent in the name of Mr.
Officials of the Postofflce Department are
extremely glad the case has been settled,
and while little is known of Mlnto, It is
believed, and hoped, he will be a vast
improvement over the retiring postmaster.
He has an opportunity to make a reputa
tion with the dopartment. for under Ban
croft affairs In the office have become
considerably involved and entangled.
There has been general disorganization of
the force, and friction and strife has be.
como evident In all dppartments. A good
executive officer is needed to straighten
things out, and the department hopes it
has found such a man in Mlnto.
Fought Hard for Bancroft.
Senator Mitchell made a strenuous fight
to save Bancroft and plead long and earn
estly "with the President and Postmaster
General Payne to have him retained on
promise of reform, but the minute the
President heard the facts he insisted Ban
croft should go. It was only by keeping
the facts from the President until Mon
day of this week that Bancroft was al
lowed to hold the office until after the
Oregon election. As soon as he learned
the contents of the report of the inspec
tor, the President informed Senator
Mitchell there must be a change, but Ban
croft would be allowed to resign.
Referring to the reports of Jhe inspec
tors, it can be stated that In addition to
finding Bancroft placed his "I. O. U." In
the cash drawer. Inspector "Way land, who
made the last investigation, found Ban
croft had three or four times overdrawn
his salary.
Statement of Mitchell.
Senator Mitchell, after the case had
been disposed of, madq the following
"I believe the inspectors unwarrantably
colored their reports on Mr. Bancroft
more than mere facts justified. This cer
tainly was so In regard to the charge that
he lacked executive ability. ThcSouthern
Pacific Company would not have kept a
man at ihe head af Its freight department
for 18 years if he lacked executive ability.
I insisted "before the Department that the
charge of inefficiency was not Justified
and told them the inspectors reports
showed animus, by expressing opinions
instead of giving facts. The Department
does not allege that anybody lost a cent
through Bancroft's administration. The
Department did not assail his honesty."
For the past four months Bancroft's ad
ministration has caused grave apprehen
sion In the department. His methods
have been "unsatisfactory from the time
the first Investigation was made disclos
ing his "I. O. U." in the money drawer
and conditions have- grown steadily worse.
While willing lo admit its belief that Ban
croft has not conducted the office to his
personal gain, the department holds him
personally responsible for contentions and
scandals, that have practically wrecked
the office.
Notwithstanding Senator Mitchell's be
lief that the reports of the inspectors arc
too highly colored, officials of the depart
ment said today that there was no coir
oring whatever in these reports. All three
inspecting officials, men of long experience
and training, agree as to the facts, which
led to Bancroft's downfall, and the Postmaster-General
and his assistants are
willing to take the conclusions and Judg
ment of these officials in preference to tho
friendly opinions of Senator MitchelL
if Burckhardt Should Go.
If Assistant Burckhardt should be retired
Bancroft will, no doubt, feel he has been
revenged, in a measure. The friction be
tween Bancroft and Burckhardt arose
from the former's, suspicion that Burck
hardt had furnished damaging information
against him to the postal inspectors. The
department would not sanction Burck
hardt's dismissal on these grounds, and
expressed its displeasure by refusing to
approve Bancroft's recommendations. A
similar rebuke "was administered to Ban
croft when he attempted to dismiss Clerk
W. G. Steel.
Bancroft, prior to his appointment, it is
said, made promises to Steel, either of
promotion or of some other .favor, if ho
(Steel) would use his Influence to secure
the appointment for Bancroft. No sboner
had Bancroft landed the office, than he
repudiated his promise, and Instead of
helping Steel, humiliated him. When
Steel, in a confidential way, said, things
unpleasant about Bancroft to his associ
ates in the Postofflce, Bancroft heard of
It, and attempted to get Steel's scalp. He
went so far as to represent to the depart
ment that Steel wished to .resign, but the
department found that this was untrue
upon investigation, and ascertained
Bancroft's motive and ordered Steel's re
tention. All these things combined, taken
in connection with Bancroft's utter lack
of ability to handle the affairs of the
Portland office, led the department to In
sist upon the appointment of a new man.
Mlnto will at once be requested to fur
nish a bond of $150,000. The department
hopes it will be filed and approved before
the end of the month, so he can take
charge July 1. His salary will be 53800
per year under the increase authorized
yesterday to become effective the first of
next month.
Senator. Mitchell leaves Washington to
morrow for a month's recreation and rest
at various Eastern resorts. He will not
leave for Portland until after the Fourth
of, July. He said today that thedelega-'
tion will not consider the appointment of'
a successor to United States Attorney
John Hall until after he arrives in Oregon.
From the present indications, it is be
lieved Hall will then be recommended for
Washington Postal Orders.
ington, Jun'e 10. Rural free-delivery serv
ice was today ordered established. July
15, at DeerPark, Spokane County, and
Langley, Island County, Wash., with one
carrier each.
Ernest A. Seatton was today appointed
regular and Steve C. Seatton substitute
rural carrier at Bothell, Wash.
Russo-Japaneae War.
Infernal machines, which would have ex
ploded soon, are discovered in the palace of
the Czar. Page 1.
Russia is safeguarding St. Petersburg against
any attack by the Japanese. Page 5.
Japanese dislodge the Russians in a number
of towns along the Llao Tang road. Page 5.
Colorado Miners' Strike.
Militia begins the deportation of men. . Page 1.
Kansas objects to being made the dumping
ground for the objectionable unionists.
Page 1.
Cripple Creek Alliance decides It will not try
to break up printers' union, fearing papers
will mspend. Page 3.
Secretary of Mlneowners Association cay de
sire to make all Join the union, and not the
eight-hour day. Is the real issue. Page 3.
John "W. Mlnto 'Is appointed Postmaster for
Portland. Page X.
Roosevelt desires Ambassador Choate succeed.
Knox aa Attorney-General. Page 1.
Mrs. Hannah Ellas, charged with extortion by
Millionaire Piatt, Is discharged. Page 2.
Water? pout !n Oklahoma causes three deaths
and washes many houses away. Page 1.
Premier Combes tells Deputies he was offered
a bribe to favor monks. Page 6.
Perdlcarls, the American held" by Moroccan
bandits, will soon be released. Page 0.
Pacific Coast.
Democrats of "Washington eager to take place
of Lieutenant-Governor on ticket. Page 4.
Reward for "Apostle" Creffleld Increased to
$400. Page 4,
Four hundred school children thrown in mass
at San Jose. Cal., by the breaking down of
& platform In a theater. Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Hood River la midst of berry-shipping season.
Page 13.
Upward movement of New Tork stock market.
Page 13.
"Wheat closes weak at Chicago. Page 13.
Season for old potatoes closes at San Fran
cisco. Page 13. '
More hopeful tone to trade review.
Pleiades comes to Portland 'for Government
lumber. Page 12.
Las Angeles beats Portland, 6-1. Page 9.
Mayor Harrison announces that there can ,be
no bookmaklng on Derby day at Chicago.
Page 0.
Portland and "Vicinity.
Woman's Club elects Mrs. Mann president de
spite protests of minority, which seeks post
ponement. Page 7.
Oregon dentists begin convention and plan big
gathering of Coast dentists at Lewis and
Clark Fair. Page S.
Centenary Church undertakes to provide .for
Mrs. Abraham, that she may not become a
county charge. Page 14.
Judge Frazer severely, condemns action of
Reed in Rainier mill case. Pago 8.
Leading citizens address school children on
advertising Lewis and Clark Pair. Page 12.
Great assembly of American doctors who will
meet In Portland in 1005. Page &
Grand sire of Oddfellows of the "World In Port-
' land. Page fl.
Rose Show reveals beauties of Portland gar
dens. Page &
How. the successful and unsuccessful candi
dates take the "'change of' 'Postmasters;
Page 12. . ' J
Roosevelt Desires He
Succeed Knox.
Cabinet Less Hopeful Ambas
sador Will Change.
President Concedes Attorney-Generalship
to That State Since
It Is Without Repre
sentation. WASHINGTON, June 10. (Speclal.)-Jo.
seph H. Choate, Ambassador to Great
Brltalnr Is President Roosevelt's first
choice as Attorney-General to succeed Mr.
Knox. The President suggested Mr.
Choate's name at the Cabinet meeting to
day saying the Ambassador" was the Ideal
selection, and expressing the. belief that
he woul accept. Hesald Mr. Choate w:as
the equal of Mr. Knox In legal ability, end
having been abroad five years, was free
from all corporation Influences. He
thought Mr. Choate would be willing to
round out his career by a full term in the
Secretary Hay and other members of
the Cabinet discouraged the President by
declaring Mr. Choate would not accept the
position, but did not succeed In affecting
the President's optimism.
The President declared that the Attor
nejsGeneralshlp must be filled from New
Tork, as that state now has no represen
tative In the Cabinet.
It Will Furnish Music When St.
Louis Building, Is Dedicated.
June 10. (Special.) President Jefferson
Myers, of the Oregon Commission, has se
cured the-Fllipmo .Constabulary Band tj,
furnish the music on the dedication of the
Oregon building. He preferred to have
this band because, of the. Interest of Ore
gon In the Islands and the close connection
of the 1S05 Fair with the Oriental countries.
Three Lives Lost in Oklahoma and
. Several Houses Swept Away.
OKLAHOMA CITY, June 10. Threes per
sons were drowned during a waterspout
which fell Bear Mill Creek. Indian Terri
tory, early this morning. The dead: Mrs.
H. R. Wilson and baby; Miss Fay Davis.
A small stream near town became a rag
ing torrent half a mile wide, and several,
houses were swept away.
At Hobart, Okla., Mrs. KIncaide was
drowned -vhile attempting to cross a
swollen stream.
Very heavy rains during the past 43
hours have again caused the' streams to'
overflow their banks and much damage
wnl result in Oklahoma and Indian Terri
Department Shows It Is Not as Favor
able as a Year Ago.
WASHINGTON, June 10. Preliminary
returns to -the Chief of the Bureau of
Statistics of the Department of Agricul
ture "on the acreage of Spring wheat
sowed indicate an area of about 17,140,800
acres, a decrease of 116,100 acres-, or 7
per cent from the revised estimate of the
acreage sowed last year. The average
condition of growing wheat on June 1
was 93.4, as compared with 95.9 at the
corresponding date last year, 95.4 on "June
I, 1902, and a ten-year average of 93.8.
The average condition of Winter wheat
ori June 1 was 77.7, compared with 76.5 on
May.l, 1904. 82.2 on June 1, 1903. 76.1 at
the" ' corresponding date in 19d5 and an
average of 79.8.
Holland and Denmark Agree to Sub
mit Differences to The Hague.
BRUSSELS. June 1L Holland and. Den
mark have concluded a treaty of arbitra
tion by which they are to submit to The
Hague Arbitration Tribunal all differ
ences, without exception, which may arlso
between them and not settled through the
ordinary channels of diplomacy. The
only reservation Is one excluding cases
where the vital Interests of the honor of
either party to the convention Is involved.
This Is the first instance where two sov
ereign states have agreed to a general
treaty of arbitration. A supplementary
clause to the convention leaves it open to
other powers to join Holland on a similar
footing. The treaty awaits ratification
by the States General of Holland.
Declines to Instruct for Parker.
RICHMOND, Va., June 10. The State
Democratic Convention today adopted a
platform. The question of Instructing
,the delegates to St. Louis for Parker
came up, and after some debate the con
vention declined to Indorse or Instruct.
The convention adopted the primary plan
as amended by the convention commit
tee. 'It provldesthafc all state officers
shall . be. nominated, by, a secret primary,
ballot, and the t'lcctlon safeguardt-a ' by
all the laws thrown ardund regular elections-
to prevent fraud, etc. The conven
tlon then adjourned. t
Colorado Troops Send
Severity-six Away.
Wives and Sweethea'rtsTry to
;. Brealc Through Lines.
General Bell Says . District Will Be
Thoroughly Searched-Traln Will
Not Stop Until State, of
Kansas Is Reached. '
VICTOR, Colo.. June 10. Acting under
the orders of Adjutant-General Sherman
M. Bell, of the State National Guard, a
special train was made up shortly after
noon today In the Short Line yards here
for the deportation of 76 union miners.
The train comprised a combination bag
gage car and two day coaches. Almost
Immediately the work of loading the men
began. They were marched to the train
between heavy lines of militia and depu
ties. A crowd of fully 1000 people had
collected to see the men placed on board.
Among the spectators were wives and sis
ters, fathers and mothers of the deported
men, and the scenes were Very affecting.
Mothers, sisters and sweethearts cried
good-bye and tried to push, through the
lines for a parting handshake. Most of
the women had been allowed to see their
relatives at Armory Hall before the men
were marched out.
Officers put to Make Train Go On.
Mayor Harris, of Colorado Springs, had
been apprised of the decision to deport
the men and immediately took steps to
see that none of them landed in that city.
Under his instructions a large force of
officers and deputies met the special train
at 6:10 this evening for Aat purpose. No
attempt was made, however, to unload the
men there, arrangements having" prev!ou3-
ly- been made to sendth'em. to ,tr
sas. StatoVlint:dv?' the-Saiita Fe,
the Kan-
be cause
of protests made against taking them to
Pueblo or Denver" and leaving them- there.
'The train stopped long enough at Colo-
.rado Springs to give the soldiers time to
eat. The deported men had rations of
beans and bread on board.
Another party of exiled men will be. sent
out of the district tomorrow Sixty men
confined in the Cripple Creek bullpen were
taken to the County Jail today, and
charges of murder were placed against
Shortly after 6 o'clock tonight the mili
tary committee adjourned, having exam
ined all the prisoners and disposed of all
the business before it. Only two men
were released from, custody today by the
It is said that so much testimony of an
incriminating character was given by
some- of the military prisoners that many
who were to be deported were sent to the
County Jail, where they will remain until
arraigned in. court.
The deportation was carried out under
the following order of General Bell, ad
dressed to Colonel L. R. Kennedy:
"You will proceed by the Colorado
Springs & Cripple Creek District Rail
way to Colorado Springs, thence via the
Santa Fe Railroad to the east line of the
State of Colorado, taking with you the
parties on the list herewith attached, and
there deposit them without the State of
Colorado, returning at once to these head
quarters and make due report to me."
Deportations Will Continue.
"Within 48 hours this district will be
rid of all agitators and other objectionable
men," said General BelL "One deportation
after another will be made until none of
the men who have terrorized the district
so long--wilI be left here. We Intend to
continue arresting men who are not want
ed here, and they will be run out as fast
as possible. The unionists are scared,
and many are leaving the county of their
own volition to avoid arrest and incar
ceration. There are still some desperato
characters among the hills, however,
whom we Intend getting, no matter what
the cost. In running them down there
may occur some lights, but I do not look
for any serious trouble."
Squads are out scouring the hlll3 .in,
search of certain men who are wanted iu
connection with the Independence assas
sinations. Telegrams have been sent to
Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police at outside
points, asking them to watch for these
persons, whose names are not made
It is known, however, that detectives
everywhere are looking for "Victor Poole
and Sherman Parker, who left the camp
after the Independence explosion. Officers
In the employ of the Mlneowners Associa
tion say Poole and Parker purchased tick
ets over tho Rock Island Railroad, Poole
for McCune, Kan., and Parker for Kansas
City, and boarded a train at Colorado
Springs several hours after the explosion.
This Is coupled by the authorities with, the
fact that bloodhounds followed the trail
of one of the murderers 12 miles out, and
lost It at a point where he was taken into
a wagon that had been waiting thefe, and
then driven toward Colorado Springs. The
report that Poole was arrested at Kansas
City is-deniedi -
Sheriff Edward Bell has Issued an order
that all saloons in the district must re
main closed until Monday.
They Object to Colorado Sending Un
desirable CJtizens There.
SYRACUSE, Kan., June 10. Sheriff
Brady, of this county, tonight received a
.telegram from Sheriff Barr, of La Junta,
Colo., stating that a special train carrying
deported miners from Colorado would
reach Coolldge tonight and unload the
miners in Kansas. Citizens of this county
are indignant at this proceeding of the
Colorado authorities and an appeal has
been made to Governor Bailey to prevent
Colorado from dumping her alleged unde
sirable citizens into Kansas.
Kansas Can Hardly Keep Them Out.
TOPEKA, Kan., June 10. The only Kan
sas official who could be reached tonight
is Assistant Attorney-General John Daw
son. When asked what the Kansas offi
cials would do regarding Colorado dump
ing her deported miners Into Kansas, Mr.
Dawson said he did not see what could be
done, as long as the miners deported them
selves properly. If they became a nui
sance, they can be dealt with the same
as tramps or any other class of undesira
ble citizens. No action has been taken
by the Kansas officers up to this time.
They will wait to see what the protest Is
before taking action. Governor Bailey Is
In St. Louis He will return tomorrow or
next day. No action, if any, will be taken
until he returns.
Peabody Says He Intends to Stamp
Dynamiters Out.
DENVER, June 10. "I believe In stamp
ing out this set of dynamiters," answered
Governor Peabody today when asked If he
countenanced deportation of union men by
the deputies and military in the Cripple
Creek district, "and I Intend it shall be
done. The Supreme Court has granted me
the power that policemen and Sheriffs
have, and I am exercising that power.
T have not declared martial law in any
community In Colorado. I have only de
clared them to be In a state of Insurrec
tion and rebellion, ana the newspapers
have used the term martial law In de
scribing my proclamation. When a com
munity Is under martial law, a provost
guard Is appointed and all prisoners are
given military trial under this guard.
Nothing of the kind has ever been at
tempted in Colorado. I have only arrest
ed men and held them until I deemed it
proper and wise to turn, them over to the
civil authorities for trial."
Federation Courts an Investigation
and Pledges Co-Operatlon.
DENVER, Colo., June 10. The executive
board of the Western Federation of Min
ers decided today to appeal to President
Koosevelt to Investigate the conditions in
Colorado. Secretary W. H. Haywood was
instructed to send the following telegram:
"Hon. Theodore Roosevelt. Washington,
D. O.
"A duty devolves upon you as President
of the United States to investigate the
terrible crimes that are being perpetrated
ia Colorado in the name of law and or
der. We will render every possible as
sistance to the proper authorities in such
investigation, to the end that the people
of the country may realize the outrages
that are being Inflicted on Innocent per
sons by those In temporary official power.
(Signed) "W. D. HAYWOOD,
It was further decided that a history
of the labor troubles in Colorado shall be
taken to Washington by an emissary and
placed in the President's hands.
It was also vpted to appeal President
Mbyer's habeas corpus case to tho United
States Supreme Court.
Infernar Machines Dis
covered in Palace.
hxplosjon Would Have Occur
red in a. Short Time.
One Is in the Dining Salon Which Is
About to Be Entered by Imperial
Family,, and Another In" the
Audience Chamber.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 11. Two in
fernal machines were- found concealed in
tobacco boxes In the TsarsKaye Selo pal
ace near this city, where the Czar and
his family reside. One of the boxes was
found In the dining-saloon, to which room
the imperial family were shortly to enter
for the evening meal, and the other In
the audience chamber. The machinery In
both boxes was working, and would
have exploded them within balf an hour.
Had the machines not been found in
time it Is probable that the entire palace
would have been wrecked, and all its in
mates killed.
Many Russian Factories Are Dis
charging Their Employes.
ODESSA, June 11. Reports from most
of the manufacturing districts of Russia
state that the output is much limited.
Factories- are struggling along on half,
time, and the hands are being discharged
for lack of orders. Trade of the lead
ing Black Sea ports with the Far East
by sea has been temporarily abandoned:
altogether by Russian lines. So far as
the. trade with Vladivostok, and Singa
pore, is concerned, tho Russian- volunteer
fleet, the leading subsidized shipping of
Russia, is in a still worse plight. Tho
Ekaterlnoslav, of over 10,000 tons, has
been, captured by the Japanese. The
Kzan is shut up In Port Arthur, and no
fewer than 12 more cruisers and trans
ports, including ships of 12,000 tons and
20 knots speed, are lying in Russian home
ports, with scores of officers and hun
dreds of men waiting orders.
The Russian tea trade witl the Far
East was her only foreign shipping trade
of any magnitude, and the present paraly
sis is a severe blow to it.
They Would Open Negotiations on
the Fall of Port Arthur.
PARIS, .June 11. In the highest Russo
phile circles here, a most despondent feel
ing has been caused by the recent news
from the seat of the war in the Far'
East. A Russian of very high position,
who is in constant touch with both ad
ministrative and court circles at St.
Petersburg, remarked this evening:
"In spite of the statements to the con
trary," he said, "there is a very strong
party among Russians of high rank and
in the Czar's immediate entourage who
are In favor of peace being arranged as
soon as Port Arthur falls. This is not
as yet the court policy, nor Is the idea
shared by the Czar, but it prevails among
the very influential set which Is anx
ious for the return to power. of M. Da
Witte, who. It will be remembered, was
always opposed to the Russian occupa
tion of Manchuria."
Japan Terms It a Wanton Raid.
TOKIO, June 1L Japanese publicists
are inclined to regard King Edward's
coming visit to Germany as politically
Important, In view of the ability and ac
tivity the British ruler has hitherto shown
In dealing with international relations.
The prospects for a second Japanese
loan are very good. It Is expected that
the subscriptions will exceed those for
the former loan by a large amount.
The Russian operations in Northeastern
Corea are denounced in Japan, as a wan
ton raid, devoid of all military character,
and merely Injurious to the peaceful
Coreans. Such doings are classed by the
Japanese with the sinking of small mer
chantmen by the Russian squadrons.
Communicates With Port Arthur.
CHEFOO, June 10. The Japanese Con
sul has discovered that a wireless tele
graph apparatus is attached in the night
time to the Russlon Consular flag staff
here, and that the Consulate Is in com
munication with Port Arthur.
Fear Coreans Would Turn Bandits.
SEOUL, June 10. Telegraphic communi
cation has been re-established with Ham
Heung, on the east coast.
The Corean War Ministry recommends
the distribution of 2500 Corean soldiers
in various garrisons, 50 to 300 each, along
the Tumen River and Great South Road
In several important inner towns, and at
Ham Heung to prevent future Russian
raids. The step has not yet been agreed
to, as the policy is questionable in view
of the probability of the majority of such
a force deserting with their rifles, turn
ing bandits and robbing the country folk
rather than oppose the Russians.