Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Galloway Elected Circuit Judge
of Third District
YamhIIIer Carries All the Counties
Except , Marion, Which Gave
Man From Tillamook a Ma
jority of . About 700.
WOODBURN. Or., June 7. From ot
flcla.1 and. unofficial returns received
from all counties In the First District,
Congressional Chairman "Walter T.
Tooze estimates Hon. Blnger Her
mann's majority at 6000 or more. Mr.
Hermann has carried every county In
his district, and won a sweeping vic
tory. Complete returns cannot be given
until tomorrow.
Klamath County gives more than 250
plurality. Marlon County nearly 1200.
The latter county gave Hermann but
162 at the special election of 19U3.
Douglas County reports a plurality of
665. Hermann's opponents must con
cede an overwhelming Indorsement In
view of the vigorous campaign waged
against him throughout his district.
SALEM, Or., Juno 7. (Special.)
From reports received from the Ave
counties of the Third Judicial District,
It Is apparent that Galloway, Dem., has
-been elected Circuit Judge over Eddy,
Rep., by a plurality of about 100 or
perhaps more. Eddy carried Marion by
nearly 700, but lost all other counties,
Including his own. Burnett, Hep., has
a large plurality. -
The Democratic strength was cen
tered on Galloway, and Judge Boise
runs far behind and is defeated.
In Polk County, U. S. Laughary, for
State Senator, defeats J. C Hayter by
a majority 'of 120. Keyt, Rep., for Rep
resentative, wins from Fawk by five
G. S. Wright, Republican nominee for
joint Senator, is defeated in his home
county, Yamhill, but gains enough in
Tillamook and Lincoln to win by 500.
Representative Tom Kay receives a
warm indorsement by the voters of
Marlon County.
Representative Elected With Entire
Republican Ticket.
SALEM, Or.. June 7. (Special.) With
one small precinct yet to be heard from,
the unofficial returns show the following
results in Marlon County:
Supreme Judge Moore, 3473; O'Day, 1400.
Congressman Hermann, 30S9; Veatch
Circuit Judge Boise. l4S9;--!Burnett, 3553;,
Eddy, 2740; Gaiioway. sk3.
District Attorney McNary. 3607; "Whit-
ney, 1300.
Representatives Calvert, Rep., 34S5;
Kay, Rep., 3481; Graham. Rep., 3256;
Ritchie, Rep., 3157; Settlemier. Rep., 3120;
Huckesteln, Dem., 2129; Matthews, Dem.,
The Democrats nominated only two can
didates for the Ave Legislative places.
This was expected to enable the Demo
crats to center upon one of these Hucke
stein all the disaffected Republicans. It
appears, however, that there was compar
atively little scratching and that some
Democrats voted for the two Democratic
candidates and one or more Republicans.
The fight was made against Kay upon j
his record in the last Legislature. The
fr-ht was a vigorous one. and the result
seems to Indicate that the voters were
satisfied with Kay's record, for he came
near leading the Legislative ticket.
The only warm contest oh the county
ticket was that made by Corby. Dem.,
jigalnst Scott, Rep., for County Judge. The
fight was upon Scott's record, and result
ed: Scott, 3270; Corby. 1943.
For the first time In six years the Re
publicans have secured the Sheriffs office,
electing Culver over Harding by a vote of
3229 to 1731.
The entire Republican ticket was elect
ed. The returns on Food and Dairy Com
missioner are very Incomplete, but It Is
Epparent that Bailey polled his party vote.
Returns on the local option and direct
primary laws are so far from complete
that no estimate of totals can be attempt
ed. The vote on the local option law
seems to be about even thus far, the pri
mary law will have a good majority,
probably 600.
Chief Justice Moore Runs Far 'Ahead
of His Ticket.
M'AIINNVILLE, Or., June 7. (Special.)
The election returns from Yamhill county
are incomplete.- The count for Represent
ative stands: Binger Hormann, 1513; R.
&L Veatch, 112, giving Hermann a major
ity of 391 votes: The vote for Justice of
the Supreme Court was even stronger for
the Republicans, Frank Moore receiving
1658 votes to Thomas O'Day's 1047, or a
majority of 611 votes.
The Circuit Judges were evenly divided
between Republicans and Democrats.
George H. Burnett receiving 17S5 ballots to
R. P. Boise's S40. a majority of 945, while
William Galloway polled 1704 votes to B.
L. Eddy's 1273, or a majority of 431 votes.
For Dairy and Food Commissioner. J.
W. Bailey led the Democratic candidate,
S. M. Douglas, by a margin of 611, the vote
standing: Bailey, 1211: Douglas, 747. The
office of District Attorney for the Third
Judicial District also went Republican by
457 votes, the ballot standing: John H.
McNary. 1762; J. J. Whitney, 1265.
E. B. Goucher. the Democratic candidate
for Joint Senator for Tillamook, Lincoln
and Yamhill, received 14S4 votes to G. S.
Wrighfs 1344 In this county, but Tillamook
and Lincoln will go strong or the Re
publican candidate. It is conceded that G.
S. Wright will be elected by a handsome
majority, probably about 500.
The county gave W. T. WesC a margin
of 403 over C W. Talmage for Represent
ative of the Fourteenth District, the final
vote being: West. 1525; Talmage, 1126. In
the Thirteenth District the vote again was
divided evenly between Republicans and
Democrats, the final count giving F. H.
Caldwell. Dem.. a -plurality of 114 over J.
A. Hewitt. Rep., while B. C. Miles. Rep.,
of Newberg, polled 14S8 votes to J. C. Mc
Kcrns 1027, or the wide margin of 461
votes. Thus the counts went strongly Re
publican, with but two exceptions, allow
ing the Democrats to elect one Circuit
Judge and one Representative.
In the smaller county offices the Repub
licans elected the entire ticket except that
of Sheriff, which went to M. F. Corrigan
by la votes. The regular ticket elected
Clerk. Recorder, Treasurer, Assessor,
School Superintendent. Coroner, Commis
sioner, Justice of the Peace and Consta
ble. The Jocal option law carried Yamhill
County by 393 majority, as did also by a
good margin the direct primary election
law and the office of State Printer amend-
snent, although the .figures- .could not be
had accurately for the last two.
The official count cannot be had. for a
day or two, but will not materially change
the result as it now stands.
Republicans Elected to All Other
DALLAS, Or., June 7. (Special.) Com
plete unofficial returns on the county
ticket of Polk County show the entire Re
publican ticket elected with the excep
tion of Sheriff, Ford, , the Democratic nom
inee, being elected Sheriff by a majority
of 356. Unofficial returns of the" state and
district ticket, complete with the excep
tion of three precincts, show the entire
Republican ticket elected with the excep
tion of B. L. Eddy, who Is defeated by
Galloway for Circuit Judge by a majority
of 93. Hermann receives a 300 majority.
The fight between Keyt and Fawk was
the closest contest of the election. Keyt,
the Republican nominee, with all returns
in, is elected by a majority of five votes.
For Justice of the Supreme Court Frank
A. Moore Is elected with 400 majority.
Cooper is Joint Representative by 300
votes. U. S. Laughary defeats Hayter
for State Senator with a majority of 120.
E. F. Coad leads his ticket, being elected
County Judge by 358 majority. B. M.
Smith is elected County Clerk by a major
ity of 54. J. E. Beezley Is elected Treas
urer by a majority of 162. Graves defeats
Myer, the Democratic nominee, for re
election by 212 votes. Starr Is re-elected
County School Superintendent by a major
ity of 277. J. P. Van Orsdel's majority for
Surveyor is 200. William Rlddell is elected
County Commissioner by a majority of 300.
McNary, for District Attorney, receives a
majority of 400 in the county.
Local option has carried every precinct
and receives a .majority in the county of
450 votes. The direct primary law and the
State Printer amendment are both carried
by 500 votes. Not within 30 years has the
Republican party gained such a signal vic
tors in Polk County as it has at this elec
Hermann Gets Majority and Seven
Offices Go to the Party.
ALBANY. Or., June 7. (Special.)-The
result of the election in Linn County, al
though not a clean sweep for the Republi
cans, yet is a decisive victory. The state.
Congressional and judicial tickets, with
the exception of B. L. Eddy, were carried
by neat majorities. For s.ome unknown
cause Eddy was scratched in Linn County.
The Democrats concentrated on William
Galloway instead of Judge Boise, as was
expected. This resulted in a small vote
for Boise and placed Galloway at the head
of the judicial ticket with a vote of 2100.
Burnett, who has always headed the
ticket, comes second.
Out of the county ticket, the Republi
cans secured seven offices and the Demo
crats five. The Republicans elected the
County Commissioner, which gives them
control of the County Court; also the
Sheriff, Recorder, Assessor, Treasurer,
Coroner, Surveyor and perhaps one Repre
sentative. The Democrats, County Judge,
Clerk, School Superintendent and two
Blnger Hermann secured an unprece
dented majority in Linn County. With
one precinct to hear from, which is Re
publican by a small margin, the unofficial
returns show the following figures:
Supreme Judge Frank A. Moore, 1967;
Thomas O'Day, 1660; C. J. Bright, 2S6.
Dairy and Food Commissioner J. W.
Bailey. 1562; Ira W. Berry. 238; S. M.
Douglass, 1429; N. Rasmussen, 248.
For" Congress Blnger Hermann, 1961; R.
M. Veatch, 1S27; B. F. Ramp, 274; A.
Gould, 262.
Circuit Judge, Third Judicial District
William Galloway, 2100; George H. Bur
nett. 2049; B. L. Eddy, 1709; R. P. Boise,
1311. "
"District Attorney John H. McNary, 1875;
J. J.. Whitney, 1900.
On the local option question thercsti
mate predicted in The Oregonlan some
time ago Is practically correct. With five
precincts yet to be heard from the vote
Is: No, 2037; yes, 15S0. The precincts to be
heard from will break about even.
But few of the returns sent in contain
the vote on the direct primary election
law and the State Printer amendment.
The returns received, however, would in
dicate that each has carried by a margin
of perhaps 1000.
Tillamook Gives Man From Yamhill
the Majority.
TILLAMOOK, Or., June 7. complete re
turns show that Eddy, for Circuit Judge,
loses this, his home county. Galloway
carrying it by 35 votes. Burnett, the other
Republican candidate for Judge, carries
the county.
For Joint Representative and Joint Sen
ator. W. T. West and G. S. Wright carry
the county.
B. H. Wolfe, Dem., Is elected Sheriff
over E. W. Stanley, the Republican can.
dldate. by C6. George B. Lamb. Rep.,
Is elected County Clerk, beating Thomas
Coates by 25. P. W. Todd, Dem., is re
elected Treasurer by 270 votes.
The local option and direct primary
amendments "have carried, the former by
a vote or 3 to L
Hermann has carried the county by 350,
and the Republican state ticket by 300.
Entire Ticket Elected With Excep
tlon of Sheriff and District Judge.
EUGENE, Or., June 7. (Special.) Only
about half the precincts of Lane County
have been heard from and many of those
reported fail to give the vote on. portions
of the ticket, notably on the amendments.
Accurate figures can not be made until
after the official canvass of the vote.
which may be tomorrow afternoon or
Thursday. Enough Is known, however, to
determine the fact that the Republicans
elected all but Sheriff and District Judge.
Incomplete unofficial returns from 29 out
of 51 precincts give:
For Congress Gould', 12S; Hermann, 1S16;
Ramp. 13a; veatch, 1529.
For Supreme Justice Bright, 130; Mik-
kelsen, 142; Moore, 1670; ODay, 9S3.
For County Judge Hamilton, 1953; Pot
ter, ITSo.
For District Attorney Brown. 173S.
Food and Dairy Commissioner Bailey,
13(4; .Berry, 107; uougias, 3S2; Rasmussen
For Joint Senator Bilyeu, Dem, 1436;
Booth, Rep. 1S22.
Representatives Bingham, Rep, 2213:
Edwards, Rep, 2031: Griffin, Rep, 2229;
Barnes, Dem, lsw; JMimunson, Dem, 1311;
JenRs. Dem. lsc.
For county offices the Republicans elect
G. R. Chrlsman. County Judge; E. U. Lee,
Clerk; H. M. Price. Commissioner; R. E.
Eastland. Treasurer; B. F. Keeney, As
sessor: C. M. Collier, Surveyor; W. B.
Dlllard. School Superintendent; F. M.
Day, Coroner. Their pluralities will run
from 200 to S00.
Fred FIsk, -Democrat, is elected Sheriff
by S00 or more.
Estimates on pluralities for Hermann
and Republican Legislators are about 600.
The vote for local option, as far as
heard. Is: Yes, 157S; no. 1159. For primary
law. 1240; against. 444. . The local option
amendment will cam in the county by
nearly 600. and. the primary amendment
by a much larger plurality.
Republicans Carry Everything; but
the Vote Is Light.
OREGON CITY, Or.. June 7. (Special.)
Complete unofficial returns from 30 of 3"
precincts in the county confirm the elec
tion of the entire Republican ticket from
Constable to Congressman. Returns from
the remaining seven precincts will slightly
increase the Republican majorities. Re
turns at nana give: .nermann, laii
Veatch, 1154; Gould, 174; Ramy, 307. Her
mann will carry the county by 100.
Moore, for Supreme Judge, has 1315, to
1060 for O'Day, and Bailey, for Food and
Dairy Commissioner. 1294: Douglas, 554.
Circuit Judge McBride and District Attor
ney Allen had no opposition, and received
an Immense vote. Hedges, Dem, for Joint
Representative, will not have more than
500 majority over Hoicomb, the vote with
seven precincts to hear from being:
Hedges, 17E3; Hoicomb, 1340.
Clyde G. Huntley, of this city, heads the
Republican Legislative ticket with a ma
jority closely approximating 1000. His col
leagues, Bramhall and Jaggar. will have
S00 majority each. Hutchinson, Dem., for
Representative, is high man on that ticket
with 10J, while Evans and Jesse polled
less than 900 votes.
Shaver, Rep., is elected Sheriff over Ely
by more than 300, incomplete returns giv
ing Shaver, 1631; Ely, Dem. 13S3. Zinser,
Rep., for School Superintendent, 13 elect
ed for a second term over Starkweather.
Dem., by over 100 majority, the vote being:
zinzer, 1510; Starkweather, 1433.
The rest of the Republican county ticket
is elected by majorities ranging from 300
to nearly 1200 for Stevens, Recorder, and
2000 for Cahlll, Treasurer, who had no
Democratic opponent. Only approximately
saw or possibly 5000 votes were cast. Prohi
bitionists polled less than 200, and the So-
clalsits had about 300.
The State Printer amendment, local op
tion and direct primary law, proposed by
the Initiative, was carried by a large ma
jority. Returns from 24 precincts in the
county gave local option 1334 for and 1015
against; direct primary, 1015 for and 466
Close Race On Between Reames and
ASHLAND, Or., June 7. (Special.)
Unofficial returns from 21 larger precincts
In Jackson County give: Hermann 1497.
Veatch 1197, Moore 1556, O'Day 1053, Bailey
ll'U, DOUgias bib.
Hanna and Benson, Reps., are re-elected
Circuit Judges in the district The race
for District Attorney for Jackson and
Josephine Counties is very close between
Reames and Newbury. The Republicans
have elected Vawter, Jackson and Von
der Hellen, Representatives; G. W. Dunn.
County Judge; P. Applegate. Assessor:
P. H. Dally. School Superintendent:
George Brown, County Commissioner;
Gail T. Jones, Surveyor, and W. L. Cam
eron, Coroner.
The County Clerk is close between
Davis, Rep., and Orth, Dem., with chances
In favor of the latter.
The proposed hog law Is defeated. The
local option law seems to have carried in
the county, also the primaiy nominating
law and the State' Printer constitutional
Vawter's Majority Is 300.
MEDFORD, Or?, June 7. (Special.)
The Republicans concede the election
of Democratic nominees for Sheriff,
Clerk, Recorder and Treasurer. The
rest of the county and legislative ticket
Is Republican. Hermann and tho state
ticket carry the county handsomely.
W. L Vawter, for joint Representa
tive, has at least 300 majority. The
contest is close on A. E. Reames and
Gus Newbery, of Jacksonville, for Dis
trict Attorney. Four precincts out in
Jackson will break about even on these
two. Reames is slightly in the lead in
this and Josephine Counties.
Democrats Gt Large Share of the
County Offices.
CORVALLIS. Or.. June 7. (Special.)
Seven out of 16 precincts give local option,
yes, 550; no, 351. Two precincts give
primary election, yes, 130; no, 73. The same
precincts give the State Printer amend
ment, yes, 137; no, 44.
Fifteen out of 16 precincts give Hermann
849; Veatch, 620. Partial returns give:
Moore, 669; Thomas O'Day, 450; Bailey,
66S; Douglas, 328.
Hamilton, for Judge, carries the county
by 49 majority.
The Democrats elect Avery for Senator.
Burnett for Sheriff, Moses for Clerk, Rich
ard for Commissioner, Davis for Assessor,
Bucnanan lor Treasurer and Jones for
Surveyor. The Republicans elect Carter
for Representative, Vincent for Recorder.
Deman for Superintendent of Schools, and
wiiKins for Coroner.
Republicans Elect Majority of the
County Officers.
(Special.) Returns from all but three
small precincts "give Hermann 650,
Veatch 353, Moore 591, O'Day 394, Bai
ley 506, Douglas 320. Circuit Judges,
Benson 690, Hanna 542, Dufur 247, Neil
318. District Attorney, Brattain, Rep.,
414; Moore, Dem., 550. Senator, Lay-
cock 527, Booth 460. Representative,
stelner. Rep., 460; Shook, Rep., 441;
Griffith, Dem., 546; Taylor, Dem., 325.
The Republicans elect: Sheriff,
Treasurer, School Superintendent, Cor
oner, Surveyor. The Democrats, As
sossor. Commissioner and probably
Clerk. Local option carried by a small
vote. A big vote was cast for direct
Representative Runs Far Ahead of
His Ticket.
TOLEDO. Or.. June 7. (Special.) Com
plete returns indicate that the Republican
state and legislative nominees have re
ceived majorities In Lincoln County rang
ing from 200 to 400. It seems quite certain
that Congressman Hermann's mareln will
be near the latter figure. Wright for Joint
Senator, and Cooper, for Joint Represen
tative, will not be far behind. Hamilton,
Democratic nominee for Circuit Judge,
seems to have a lead of 100 or more over
Potter, a result somewhat surprising.
The majority for local option promises
to exceed first estimates. It may reach 200
or more. The primary law and State
Printer amendments have also received
favorable attention.
Sheriff May Have Been Elected by
the Democrats.
MARSHFD3LD. Or.. June 7. (Special.)
With a few small precincts to hear from.
Coos County elected all Republican candi
dates, with the possible exception of
Sheriff. Galller leading by about 50. Sher
wood, Dem., for Joint Senator, is probably
elected by a small plurality. Burns, Dem.,
for Joint Representative, is elected. Ham
ilton, for Judge, is elected with a major
ity in the neighborhood of 400. Blnger
Hermann and the entire state Republican
ticket is elected by pluralities of 500.
Local option and direct primaries are
defeated 2 to 1. The State Printer amend
ment carried 2 to 1.
Hermann Has a Big Lead Over
IiAKEVTEW, Or., June 7. (Special.)
The precincts are all heard from. The
county vote is 495 against S43 two years
ago. The Republicans have elected all the
county ticket except Clerk and Assessor,
which went to the Democrats. The vote
on the State. Congressional. Judicial and
Legislative ticket is as follows:
For Congress Gould. 23; Hermann, 473;
Ramp, 16; veatch, 234.
State ticket Bright. 21; Mikkelsen. 27;
Moore, 446; O'Day, 245; Bailey, 446;
Berry. 21; Douglas, 215; Rasmussen, 10.
Circuit Judges Benson, Rep., 506;
The next Oregon Legislature will consist of 73 Republicans, one Inde
pendent Republican and 16 Democrats, a gain of two Republicans over the
Legislature of 1903. The Senate will have 24 Republicans and six Demo
crats, and the House 50 Republicans and ten Democrats. The personnel
of the Legislature of 1905 will be as follows:
SENATE. ' . j
Dls. Counties. , . Republican. Democratic -
1. Marlon Crolsan, E. M. - ,
Farrar, Squire
2 Linn - . ..Miller. M. A.
3 Una and Marlon Hobson. W.H.
4 Lane KuykendaU. William - . ' V
5 Douglas , Coshow, 0. P. '
6 Douglas. Josephine, Lane....... .Booth, R, A.
7 Coos. Curry , ....Sherrrood,: A. J.
8 Jackson Carter. E. V.
9 Crook. Klamath, Lake, G rant... x&y cock. J. A. -
10 Benton - AveryVP. .
11 Lincoln; Tillamook. YaniMn.... "Wright. Q. S.1
12 Polk . . . Laughary, U. . t
13 Tamhlll JHowe. "W. AJ x
14. Clackamas SrownelL G. C
15 "Washington - .Haines, B. "W. - "
16 Columbia, Multnomah. Waah'tn. Hodson, C. W. v
17 Clackamas. Multnomah Rolman. Herbert
IS Multnomah ..Malarker. D. "J.
Mays. F". P.
Slchel. Sir.
Nottingham. C W., Ind. Rep.
Coo. H. TV. -
19 Clatsop Tuttle. Jay
20 "Wasco Wheaidon. N.
21 Sherman, Gilliam. "Wheeler 3owerman. Jay - - "
22 Morrow, Umatilla, Union Pierce,. Walter
23 Umatilla t .Smith.,' C. Jk
24 Union. ."Wallowa i.McDonald, Peter -
25 Baker. Harney, Malheur... ...Jtand, John L. '.'
Hold-over Senators.
Elected to fill unexpired terms.
t Marlon ..jcay. T. B. , -
Richie. J. S. ,
Settlemier. J. H.
Calvert. Charles
, Graham, J. G. "
2 Linn Cavender. A .B.
' i Blackburn. A.- P.
. . . .Hunkers, I. M.
S Lane Bingham. I. H. . - j
Griffin. G. "W. JI
Edwards, I. X. . "
4 Douglas Sonnemann, H. G. " '
. Gray, J. S.
5 Coos Hermann. S. B. e
6 Coos. Curry.. Burns, Robert .
7 Josephine . Smlth,"R; G;!
8 Jackson . . ........ Jackson. D. H. v' t
"Von Der Hellen, H. -
9 Douglas, Jackson -Vawter, W. L
10 Benton Carter, V. A. -
11 Polk - Keyt, D. L. - f
12 Lincoln. Polk Cooper. J. S. - .
13 Yamhill Miles, B. C v- .
M CalwelL.F.-H.
14 Tillamook. Tamhlll.. West. W. T. , . - ,
15 Washington Flint. A. B. :
Newell. W. X. " " i ' TJ,
10 Clackamas iHuntley. C. G.
Jagger, Frank ? ' -' ? -
Bramhall. '
17 Clackamas. Multnomah -Hoicomb. G. "W., Jr.
18 Multnomah Bailey. A. A. - v--
Capron. A. J. " 1
Colwell, E. B. TV "7
- '. ' Crang. Thomaa H. f .
' Henderson. M. F. ' ' '
Hudson. "W. R. -,t. ,
r Klllingsworth. W. M. -V. s
Llnthlcum. S. B. - "
Mears, S. M.
Mills, A. L. " -" " -
Mulr. W. T.
Welch, Madison
ID Clatsop i .Burns, J. JV.-
Laws, J. N.' .
20 Columbia Mayger, George
21 Klamath, Lake, Crook, Grant... Shook. J. S. . , "
Stelner. R. E. L.
22 Umatilla, Morrow.... Cole, W. G. -
23 Umatilla . . . .Blakeley. -WUllara
"" Chamberlain, "W. D.
24 Union, Wallowa Dobbin. J. H. - ' '
25 Union McLeod. N. C.
26 Baker Smith. A. P.
27 Harney. Malheur Stltz, J. L.
28 Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler Donnelly. R. N.
Kuney, C. C
29 Wasco Burgess. J. N.
Jayne, A. A.
Dufur,. Dem., 200; Hanna, Rep., .348; Noil,
Dem., 269.
Joint Senator. Lake, Klamath. Crook
and Grant Countles Booth, 327; Laycock,
Joint Representative, Lake. Klamath,
Crook and Grant Griffith, 253; Shook,
380; Stelner. 526; Taylor, 198.
District Attorney for Lake and Klamath
Counties E. M. Brattain, Rep., 370; W.
J. Moore, Dem., 316.
The unofficial returns do not give ;the
vote on local option and direct primary
Washington County Gives Hermann
700 Majority.
mLLSBORO, Or., June 7. Special.)
Blnger Hermann carries Washington
County by over 700 votes, Veatch running
behind the Democratic state ticket. The
entire Republican Legislative ticket is
elected by majorities ranging from 200 to
500. The Republicans also elected every
county officer with majorities of from 150
to 500. v
With ten precincts in out of 21, local
option is 38 -votes behind, but It is proba
ble that the measure will lose by 200 or 300.
The official vote will be made tomorrow.
Reames Elected District Attorney by
a Narrow Margin.
GRANT'S PASS, Or., June 7. (Special.)
Josephine County gives majorities for
the entire Republican ticket, with three
exceptions Reames, Dem., District Attor
ney, 4S majority; Smith, Dem., Represent
ative, 148, and Taylor, Dem., Treasurer,
418. Hermann has 150 majority; Moore,
200; Bailey, 200; Booth, 115.
Local option carried by about 200, and
the direct primary law by .500. The vote1
was about 1SO0, about the same as last
election, and about the same as the regis
Coshow Elected by the Democrats for
State Senator.
ROSHBURG, Or., June 7. The ticket in
this county was badly scratched. Coshow,
Dem., for State Senator,"wiil be elected
by 200 majority, and Agee, Dem., for
Clerk, by 350 majority. Hamilton, for
Circuit Judge, will carry the county by
750. McClallen, Republican nominee for
Sheriff, will receive 150 plurality, and the
rest of the Republican ticket Is easily
Hermann will carry the county by 600
majority, and the state ticket by 550.
Dowie Successful In Australia.
VICTORIA, June 7. The steamer Man
uka, from Australia, arrived today. She
had 418 passengers, including some lead
ing Australians on their way to St. Louis.
C. Dudley Cooper, Australian commission
er to St. Louis, was a passenger.
In spite of the bad reception accorded
John Alexander Dowie in Australian cities
he met with some success, as 62 recently
converted Zionists arrived on the Manuka
from South Australia, bound for Zion
King Edward Holds Levee.
LONDON, June 7. The final levee of the
present season was held by King Edward
at noon today In the throneroom at St.
James palace. It was largely attended.
Ambassador Choate and Secretary Carter
represented the United States Embassy.
The only American presented was Nelson
O'Shaughnessey, secretary of tho Ameri
can Legation at Copenhagen.
Dominican Rebels Defeated.
CAPE HAYTD3N. Hayti. June 7. The
revolutionary Dominican forces sus
tained a defeat Sunday at Conception
de Lavega, leaving a hundred men dead
or wounded on the . field.
For Vice-President of Mexico.
MEXICO CITY. June 7. Minister Cor
ral, of the Department of the Interior,
was nominated tonight for .Vice-President
in the Nationalist Convention here, after
an exciting session.
British Advance in Thibet.
LONDON, June 8. The correspondent of
the Daily Mall at Simla says that the
British advance on L'Hassa has been or
dered for June 26.
(Continued from First Pace.)
75, according to present returns, although
there Is some doubt as to the final result
for this office. Tho Democrats elect
Combs Clerk, by about 1400 plurality,
and Payton, School Superintendent, by
Local option has a majority of 36 in
this city and will have a majority in the
county of about 300. The direct primary
law, and state printer amendment will
each have between 500 and 600 majority.
according to present returns. The total
vote of the county, so far as reported, is
3696. The precincts to hear from will
swell the vote to over 4000.
The total vote for Representatives and
state officers will be considerably less
than for county officers for the reason
that a great many voters did not vote for
these officers. '
Wheaidon Has Close Vote With
Judge Bennett.
THE DALLES, Or.. June 7. (Special.)
Incomplete returns from 2a out of 26 pre
cincts give the following figures:
Supreme Judge Bright, Pro; 245; Mik
kelsen, Soc, 173; Moore, Rep, 1823; O'Day,
Dem, 767.
For Congress Cook, Soc, 187; Simmons,
Dem, 829; Stone, Pro, 210; Williamson,
Rep. 1737.
Dairy and Food Commissioner (lacking
five precincts) Bailey, Rep, 1331; Perry,
Pro, 171; Douglass, Dem, 605; Rasmussen,
Soc. 162.
Circuit Judge Bradshaw, Dem,, 1845;
Collier, Rep, 1140.
District Attorney Menefee, Rep, 2129;
Smythe, Dem, 749.
State Senator Bennett, Dem. 13S0; El
ton, Soc, 1S9; Richards, Pro, 172; Wheai
don, Rep, 1423.
Representatives Burgess, Rep, 1636;
Jayne, Rep, 16SS; Driver, Dem, 733; Dun-
lap, Dem, 732; Barzee, Soc, 184; Lelbleln,
Soc, 136; Stephenson, Pro, 173.
The entire Republican ticket is elected
by estimated majorities ranging from 300
to 800. Local option, excluding three pre
cincts yet unreported, shows 1214 votes
cast In favor of the measure and 1231
against. Full returns will undoubtedly
show the county carried for the amend
ment. So far the returns give 1746 to 329
In favor of direct primaries.
With the single exception of State Sena
tor N. Wheaidon, whose plurality over his
opponent, A. S. Bennett, is 43.
-Rejoicing at Hood River.
HOOD RrVER, Or., June 7. (Special.)
Hood River Republicans are jubilant
over the great victory In the state and a
complete Republican majority in Hood
River for every nominee on the ticket.
Bradshaw, for Circuit Judge, is the sole
Democrat with a lead over the Republi
cans. The four Hood River precincts give
him 403 votes to 348 for Collier.
The chief interest of the election cea-
tered on the vote, for State Senator and
County Judge. There was some effort by
anti-Moody men to knife Wheaidon, but
the vote stands 420 for Wheaidon to 266
for Bennett. Lake, for County Judge, was
given 567 votes to Blakeley's 190. Thus
Hood River maintains her record as' the
banner Republican section of Wasco
There was a small majority for local
option, and a big vote for the direct pri
mary law. The total vote fell below the
Republicans Celebrate the Ending of
Factional Fights.
PENDLETON, Or., June ".(Special.)
Republicans tonight are celebrating their
victory. Aitnougn a tew or tne omces
were sacrificed to the Democrats, the re;
suit is generally satisiactory- The lead
ers declare the result of the election is
the forerunner of success of the entire
Republican ticket in two years, as all
factional feeling has been practically ad-
Contrary to reports received late last
night, it develops that local option: has
carried. The vote of the city was about
200 against, but the country precincts gave
big support and the measure carried by
300. Returns on the election are Inconv
plete. Five precincts are yet to be heard
froTH- Both Republican. Legislative candi
dates, J. J. Balleray ;and .Henry Adams,'
who were believed, elected by good major
ities, have been defeated. Incomplete re
turns give the vote as follows:
For Congress Williamson, 17S5; Sim
mons. -105S.
Supreme Justice Moore. 1776; O'Day,
Food Commissioner Bailey, 1299; Doug
las. 729.
District Attorney Phelns. Rep. 1742:
Raley, Dem, 1767.
Joint Representative, Umatilla and Mor
row W. G. Cole, 1950; Holbrook, 1562.
Representatives Balleray. Rep. 1502; Ad
ams, Rep, 1426; Blakeley, Dem, 1509; Cham-
Denaln, Dem, 1551.
H. J. Bean defeated Judge G. A. Hart-
man for County Judge by 26 votes. The
fight centered on this office and was most
bitter. Bean, the Republican candidate,
conceded his defeat until today, when a
report from the last precinct game him
the lead by J5 votes. Complete returns
have now been received and his majority
is 26.
All the county offices were carried by
the Republicans with the exception of
bneriffi and Assessor. T. D. Taylor, the
present Sheriff, was given 1150 majority
over C A. Barrett. C. P. Strain, the pres
ent Assessor, was given 00 majority over
W. T. RIgby.
Republican State Ticket Elected-
County Officers Split Even.
UNION, Or.. June 7. (Special.) Com
plete unofficial returns from all the pre I
cincts In Union County, except Camp Cai
son, which registered but six votes, gives
the" following:
For Congress Cook 270, Simmons 1197,
Stone 267. Williamson 1634.
Supreme Judge Bright 208) Mikkelsen
224, Moore 1798, O'Day 1233.
Food Commissioner Bailey 1341, Berry
207, Douglass 854, Rasmussen 165.
District Attorney of Eighth District
Lomax 2033, White 1444.
Joint Senator, Union and Wallowa
Counties Hunter, Dem, 1516; McAlister,
Pro, 332; McDonald, Rep, 1596.
Joint Representative, Union and Wallo
wa Counties Dobbins, Rep, 1946; Miller,
Dem, 13S9.
Representative Eaton, Pro, 240; McKin
non, Dem, 1336; McLeod; Rep, 1655; Rich,
Soc, 203.
Local option Yes, 1571; no, 1354.
Direct primary Yes, 1021; -no, 401.
On the county ticket the Republicans
elected Clerk, Recorder, Commissioner
and Treasurer. The Democrats elected
Sheriff, Assessor, Superintendent of
Schools, Surveyor and Coroner.
Celebration at La Grande.
LA GRANDE. Or.. June 7. (Special.)
The vote on the county seat removal from
Union to La Grande resulted in La
Grande receiving 2552 votes and Union
1003. La Grande was compelled to have
60 per cent, so the majority for pur city
was 419 votes.
Local option passed by good majority
in the county and also in La Grande.
Complete returns from Union County
show that Lomax has defeated White by
592. Lomax s majority In Wallowa Is esti
mated at 100, and in Baicer County at 150.
La Grande is celebrating her victory in
the county seat fight tonight, several big
bonfires, band, speeches, etc., on the
Columbia's State Ticket Wins by 450
ST. HELENS, Or., June 7. (Special .)
Returns from Columbia County are still
meager, so far as the state ticket and
the amendments are concerned. The Re
publican county ticket is elected with the
exception of Judge, Clerk and probably
School Superintendent, the Democrats se
curing the two former, and L H. Cope-
land, who raivas an Independent Republi
can, winning the latter by a small plural
Local option carried by a narrow mar
gin, and the direct primary law by prob
ably over 500. The state and district Re
publican tickets win by possibly 450.
Returns from six precincts show that
Williamson has a majority of 500 over
Simmons. .Moore Is ahead of O'Day as
Supreme Judge by another 650. Bailey had
it his own way over Douglas as Dairy
and Food Commissioner, whlle Hodson, as
joint Senator, has a majority of 300 over
Milner. Hattan is County Judge by a
small majority.
George Mayger. as Representative. Is
believed to have a majority of 300. Hen
derson as County Clerk made one of the
Democratic victories by a mapority of
10 thus far. I. H. Copeland, Independent
Republican, is county school Superintend
ent by a majority of 35.
Republicans Elect Nearly the Entire
County and State Ticket.
ASTORIA, Or., June 7. (Special.)
Complete unofficial returns from every
precinct in Clatsop County show- the
vote cast at yesterday's election to
have been as follows:
For Congress Williamson, Rep., 1327;
Simmons, Dem., 655; Cook, Soc.,--237; Stone,
JtTO., 33.
Supreme Justice Moore, Rep., 1329;
O'Day, Dem., 647; Mikkelsen, Soc, 223;
Bright, Pro., 95.
Food Commissionera Bailey, Rep.,
1210; Berry, Pro., 104; Douglas, Dem.
542; Rasmussen, Soc., 241.
Thomas McBride, for Circuit Judge,
and Harrison -Allen, for District Attor
ney, had no opposition. J. V. Burns
and J. N. Laws, Democratic nominees
for the Legislature, were elected by
over 100 plurality. TlrS Republicans
elect the Sheriff, Commissioner, Clerk.
Treasurer, Assessor and Surveyor, and
the Democrats elect the School Super
intendent and Coroner.
The vote on the State Printer amend
ment was: Yes, 504; no, 332. On lo
cal option the vote was: Yes, 560; no,
1081. On direct primary it was: Yes,
786; no, 455.
Local Option and Direct Primaries
Also Carries.
MORO, Or., June 7. (Special.) Partial
returns from the several precincts in Sher
man County show that Representative
Williamson and the Republican state, leg
islative and Judicial tickets have carried
the county by a large majority. The -lo
cal option and direct primary laws have
also carried. The entire Republican ticket
for county officers was elected, as follows
by handsome majorities:
Qounty Judge, G. B. Bourhill; County
Clerk, H. S. McDanel; Sheriff, W. B. Mc
Coy; Assessor, Otto Peetz; School Super
intendent, G. M. Frost; Treasurer, Walter
Stanley: Surveyor, E. R. Hlckson; Com
missioner, W. W. Walker; Coroner, Dr. R.
Main Contest in Morrow Centers in
That Office.
HEPPNER, Or.. June 7. The election
returns to date indicate small gains for
the Democrats throughout the county.
The fight centered on the contest for
3herlff, the Democrats lining up all their
forces in an effort to elect L L. Matlock,
the Democratic nominee, but Shutt. Rep.
will win out by about 70 plurality. The
Democrats will probably elect Treasurer,
Assessor, School Superintendent, Judge,
Surveyor, Coroner and one Commissioner,
while the Republicans will get Sheriff,
Clerk and one Commissioner.
The Republican state and congressional
ticket will have a majority of 250. Phelps
Rep., for District Attorney of Morrow and
Umatilla Counties, will have a plurality of
300 in Morrow and a small plurality in
Umatilla. Holbrook. Dem., Joint Repre
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Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-
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many of the thousands of letters received
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any mistake, but remember the name.
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root.
and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on
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sentatlve, will carry Morrow County by a
smaii plurality.
Local option will carry in this county
by probably 300.
Representative Leads His Ticket by
Large Majority.
PRINEVTLLE, Or., June 7.-Special.)
Incomplete returns from 13 precincts out
of a total of 23 give J. M. Williamson, for
Congress, a majority of 475; J. W. Bailey,
for Dairy and Food Commissioner, 116; W
L. Bradshaw,, Democratic candidate for
Circuit Judge, 211; Frank Menefee. Re
publican candidate for District Attorney.
220; W. A. Booth, Democratic candidate
for Joint Senator, 272.
Local option has carried by lo, and di
rect primaries by 270.
The Clerk, School Superintendent and
Coroner will be Democratic and possibly
Sheriff. The rest of the ticket is Repub
County Offices Divided Among Re-
publicans and Democrats.
FOSSIL, Or., June 7. Complete returns
from this county give the state, Congres
sional and legislative honors to Republi
cans by about 150 majority, while county
offices are about evenly divided between
Democrats and Republicans, as is shown
by theh following elections:
Judge, Hoover, Dem.; Sheriff, Keeton,
Dem.; Clerk, Butler, Rep.; Treasurer,
Lamb.Rep.; Assessor, Stott, Dem.; Sur
veyor, Heldman, Rep.
The local option, direct primary and
high school measures carried by big ma
Close Vote on Local Option-Direct
Primaries Carried.
CANYON CITY, Or.. June 7. (Special.)
Returns from 19 out of 20 precincts of
Grant County give the following results:
State and district officers Cook 84. Sim
mons 340, Stone 21, Williamson 699, Bright
22. Mikkelson 72, Moore 6S0. O'Day 361,
Bailey 571, Berry 75, Douglas 2S7, Rasmus
sen 49, Booth 459r Laycock 10S4. Shook 665,
Stelner 6S9. Griffith 456. Taylor 672, Clifford
610, Davis 1024, Hicks 803, McCulIoch 768.
The entire Republican ticket is elected,
except Clerk and Surveyor, by majorities
ranging from 50 to 300. Returns from five
precincts give 200 for local option, 207
against- The direct primary carried by a
heavy -majority. The votes not attainable
total 1664.
Malheur County Elects Democrats
for County Offices.
. VALE, Or., Juno 7. (Special.) Incom
plete returns In this county signify that
the Republican State, Congressional, Leg
islative and Judicial candidates. District
Judge and Attorney, have received large
majorities. The entire county ticket ias
gone Democratic,, with the possible excep
tion of Coroner. The direct primary law
and the State Printer amendmentwill
probably carry by a small majority, whlls
local option Is probably lost.
Mrs. Phipps Gives Her Side.
NEW YORK, June 7. Mrs, Law
rence Phipps, through her attorney, to
day gave out a statement concerning
the recent removal by her husband of
their children, without her knowledge,
from a hotel in this city. Mrs. Phipps
says that she was about to undergo a
surgical operation ana desired the pres
ence of her children In what might
prove to be the last hours of her life,
and that it was not her purpose -to take
the children from Mr. pnipps. She says
the statement that she was bound and
gagged in her room at the hotel when
the children were taken is untrue. She
declines to state the cause of the dif
ferences that she says "have existed
between her husband and herself for
several years."
Move to Patch Up Trouble.
NEW YORK, June 7. Negotiations are
understood to be under way here with a
view of settling the dispute between Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence C. Phipps, which re
sulted in the carrying off to Denver by
Mr. Phipps of the two children, who had
been in the custody of their mother at
a hotel here.
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