THE MOENINGr OKEGOIAN, HOBDAY, JUNE 6, 190. 10 HE BROODED ON HAMLET THE CAUSE OF SALO'S SUICIDE FOUND IN HIS POCKET. A Mad Prince's Famous Soliloquy Voiced the Sorrows of Disap pointed Finnish Socialist. To be, or not to be: that Is the question: Whether tls nobler In the mind, to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing, end yiem? To die to sleep No more; and, by a sleep, to say tfe end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh Is heir t6 'Us a consummation Devoutly to be wlsh'd. To die; to sleep: To sleep! perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come. When we have shuffled off this mortal coIL Brooding: over Shakespeare's famous so liloquy and finding: no relief from "the whips and scorns of time." and "the op pressor's wrong" at the Socialist colony on Pucet Sound were undoubtedly the cause of Karl Salo's taking- a trip Satur day morning- to "the undiscovered coun try, from whose bourn no traveler re turns." At 11:30 o'clock Saturday morning: Salo Jumped into the Willamette from the top deck of the Steel Bridge, and, refusing: to grasp a rope thrown directly across his 1 WHO MAY VOTE TODAY. Electors will vote in their home precincts. Those who are regis tered will be permitted to cast their ballots on announcing their names and places of residence to the election judges; if not regis tered, they can vote by presenting to the Judges sworn affidavits signed by six freeholders, testify ing to their electoral qualifica tions. Such affidavits can be read ily obtained by applying to party workers at the polls. A freeholder may be defined as, a person who has a fixed legal residence; in other words, a householder. Polls open 8 A.M.; close 7 P. M. body to rescue him, succeeded in ending his life. Hugh Brady, the diver, recov ered the body Saturday evening, and search of the dead man's clothing brought to light a manuscript written in Finnish. Coroner J. P. Finley was unable to translate the verse, but Mrs. A. C. Beck, at whose lodging-house at 166 North Eighteenth street, Salo had been living, translated to the Coroner the above por. lion of Hamlet's soliloquy from Shake- speare. I Salo. It Is thought, decided to take his life after broomng over the famous lines. Friends who had associated with him of late say he appeared very despondent. He came here from the Socialist Colony on Puget Sound, having failed to find at that place relief from "the slings and ar rows of outrageous fortune." A short time ago he lost his job at the Eastern & Western lumber mill, and at the time of his death had no money. He was member of the Portland Laboring Man's Union. He has a brother in Hoquiam, whom Coroner Finley has notified of his death and the body will be held at the morgue until the brother arrives. REPUBLICANS ! So yon want to give the Democrats con trol of this Republican city, county and state government? If not, vote for James M. Stott, Republican nominee. DOLLS FOE PRINCESSES. Wonderful Gifts for the Baby Yo- landa of Italy. Paris Correspondent London Truth. Since last October a maker of dolls' furniture has been busy executing an order from M. Loubet The articles or dered were submitted to him and the pres idente on their return the other day from Mazenc, their place In the Drome, and met with their fullest approbation. They I nrp. for hf vonthfnl riAtiirhtprs nt th King and Queen of Italy. The Princess Yolanda is to receive an ancient Rouen dining-room in carved oak, old, "hard grained, and exquisitely carved with projecting mantel over the wide fireplace. The tables, chairs, and bahuts are of the same period (early fifteenth century) as the room, and not less finely carved. One of the bahuts or massive dining room presses, that in the olden tlmo pre ceded the buffet is filled with table lln en tankards, and ewers In eliyer, and a few knives and two-pronged forks. which began to creep Into France from Milan and Venice in the time of Valen- tina "Viscontl, Duchess of Orleans. Knights then 'cut their food with dae- gers, and If they dined in the company of ladies, cut theirs also to oblige them, and they used bread to sop up gravy and take up bits of meat to the mouth. Table napkins, in strong linen, resembling fine canvas, have openwork hems. The delft dinner service is imitated from the old Rouen at the Ciuny Museum. Red roses that would bear examination under the magnifying glass form the principal decoration. By the way. did the rose of tne house of Lancaster come, not irom the Temple Garden, but from Normandy? The Orient window of the toy dining rcom is in colored glass, and is a poem. The Princess Yolanda. a bright, preco cious, complex little being who lays down the law to her father, will be pleased at this present- The Anjou Princess, after whom she Is called, married a Duke of Savoy in the period the Rouen dining room represents. The gift for the Prin cess Mafalda a thorough Savoy Carig- nan, to judge from the photo Just sent to M. and Mme. Lroubet by the Frencn Ambassador to the Qulrnal is a peasant woman of Tvetot in the costume of tne district. She rides to market on a care fully made horse on wheels, and sits be hind panniers filled with all sorts of toys. Mme. Loubet, In her fear the baby princess might swallow some apples on a branch, naa tnem tanen out, ana Degseu M. Loubet to warn the governess not to let her put them In her mouth. Travis Is Paired With Randall. LONDON. June 5. In the drawings for the open golf championship, which begins at Sandwich Tuesday, tne iouowing pair ings were made: Walter J. Travis vs. J. Randall; E. M. Bvers vs. Rowland Jones; Harry Varden vs. G. Duncan, of Carnarvon. BUSINESS ITEMS. . If Rabr Is Cnttlnr Teeth. n. &rd use that old and well-tried remedy. Mrs. WlnsloWi Soothing Syrup, for children teeming. n wuiuca vuiu. oftess the gums, allays all pain, cures wind coiie ana aiarTwn. Low Excursion Rate. To St. Louis and Chicago and return, neeouat "World's Fair, via Great North ern Railway, June 7. 16, 17. IS. H. Dick son. C if. Ct A. -1 J-Uliu aucci. jrutt- land. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. ivirTuvn June 5. Maximum temperature. n minimum. 5S. River reading. 11 A. M, 20.2 feet; change in 24 hours, none. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to O. f. ai., trace; since September L 4- jncoesi nUL HXTSCHAX, ntfc lETilTB MB f A3IH8TM SHEETS, rtlTUII, HON European Plan THE PORTLAND PORTLARD, OIL American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. COST ONE VTr.r.Tnv DOIXAKS. Portlan d's It's a rem. Everything new and elegant. Steam heat, electric lights. celaln baths and lavatories on every floor. Rates. 75c. 51.00, L50 ana European. Finest restaurant in Portland. Also billiards and bar. The big olive-colored. rubber-urea coacn meets an irams. us iree. HOTEL SCOTT, Seventh and 44.41; excess. 2.03. Total sunsmne June 15 hours and 30 minutes; possiDie, ao nou. and 36 minutes. Barometer (reduced to oea. level), at 5 P. M.. 20.07. Wind. m a 2. STATIONS. Kg. Baker City . Bismarck ... 78O.O0 SB N Cloudy Clear Go 0.00 Boise 8 0.00 E Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Eureka Helena 66 0.00 i: X E SW sw E NW SE NW SW NW SE S W W SW 74 U.OO Kamloops, B, a.. S20.00I North Head .... 5110.00 Pocatello -.. 74 0.00 Portland 74 T SDrinkling Red Bluff Roseburg 94.0.001 Bt. cloudy 74 0.00 Cloudy Sacramento Salt Lake City... 00 0.00; Clear Clear O.'OO 12 San Francisco .. Pt. cloudy Cloudy Spokane 0.00 o.oo! Seattle Cloudy ' Tatoosh Island .. 10.001 Cloudy PU cloudy Walla Walla ... 8410.00 Light. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Although the weather Is generally cloudy and threatening In the North Pacific State no rain of consMuence has yet occurred, and it Is not expected that much, If any, will fall during the next 24 hours. It is warmer at the headwaters of the River, while over the Upper Columbia River drainage area the changes in temperature hav been slight. The Indications are for threaten ing weather in this district Monday, witn Dossiblv showers at widely scattered places. It will be cooler In the lntermountaln region and ellghtly warmer west of the Cascades. The river at Portland at 5 P. M. was o. feet. It will remain nearly stationary Monday and Tuesday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight June 6: Portland and vicinity Probably fair; warm er: westerly winas. Western Oregon Probably fair; slightly warmer; westerly winds. Western Washington Probably fair; west' erly wind. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Threatening, with possibly showers; cooler. THE RIVERS. O sr STATIONS. 3? Portland. Or. 1520.2 40134.8 23 20.2 0.0 0.0 The Dalles, Or. Umatilla. Or. Pasco, Wash., No. 1... Pasco. Wash.. No. 2... Wenatchee. Wash -0.1 16.5 14.8 33.8 20.6 15.8 10.8 -0.3 0.6 0.3 Northport, TV ash. Newport, Wash. Bonner's Ferry, Idaho. 0.1 20.0! 14.3 -0.1 Rlparla. wash. 0.5 Lewlston. Idaho 24114.7 20ll2.0 -O.6 0.1 vcier, --uu The river at Portland will remain" nearly sta tlonary Monday and Tuesday. AMUSEMENTS. Cordray's Theater CORD RAY & RUSSELL jiarmgers. Extra Announcement. Con tinued by demand Tonight and all week W T Fllfffird fnTTlfliinV " - L11W1U1U UlUjJrtlLJ In the best play of the year. A tremendous success "THE ENSIGN" Night Prices,' 10c 20c and 30c THE BAKER GE solLe?11' THEATER aad Manager. Phone Main 1007. Tonight All Week, -Matinee Saturday. The Casino Company In "TW1RLY WHIRLY" The daintiest Weber & Field musical burlesque. Evening prices, 15c, 25c, J5c wc Matinee. 10c, 15c 25c Fourth and Stark Streets. Thu Tonle ot Portland Conversation. A VaudeTlllo Theatre or Actual Refinement Performance every evening at 8:15. Matinee every Sunday at 2 P. M. Acmlsslon 15c Private lose box seats, 23c Phone Mam 4630. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:15 to 4:30. 7:15 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles. Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. TV Vnm of nolite vaudeville. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:30 P. M. sunaays, continuous - 10 Ercnlng performances from 7 to 100 P. as Any seat in the theater, TEN CENTS LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HI OH -CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 9-aa to !SO. 7:30 to 10:30. Continuous performance Sunday. 2 to 10 P. M- XEN CENTS NO fflGHEK C W. ENOWLES, MT. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day Husouiiras FOB TCBWTS A13 COMMeBCUL TttYELEtt Special rates xnado to families and single gentle jntn. The man agement will be pleased at all times to show rooms and Eire prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablish meat in the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. New Hotel Por $2,081 Ankeny Sts., P. O. Block CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "Housekeep ing Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less, 15 cents: 16 to 20 word. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for addi tional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, CO cents, etc. first insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad- dreesod car The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By the Ford Auction Company, at 182 1st st, at 10 A. M. H. Ford, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening, 8 o'clock. Work In F. C Degree. Visitors wel come. J3y order W. M. n -c im.T.t'n s. IVANHOE LODGE. NO. 10. K. OF P. Reg ular convention tonight at 8 o clock, in pytn- ian Hall, eighth floor. Marquam blag. Elec tion of officers. Visiting Knights cordially in vited. C. H. MEUSDORFFER. JR., C. C. FRED P. HOLM, K. of R. and S. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening. 7:30 sharp. Election of Secretary and work In M. M. Degree. Visiting brethren welcome, J. R. ROGERS, W. M. MYRTLE CHAPTER, O. E. S. Will give a social and whist party, June 10, instead of June 17, 03 stated In Sunday's Oregonlan. DIED. BRUMFTELD In this city, June 5, 1004, at the family residence. 746 Pettygrove et.. Ad dle Brumfleld, aged 44 years, 5 months and 20 days. Funeral notice nereaiier. FUNERAL NOTICES. SPARKS In this city, June 4, 1004. at the family residence, Tremont Place. Mary L. Soarks. aged 32 years. Friends and acquaint ances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 11 A. M.. Tuesday, June 7. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and rmbalmers. have moved to their sew build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. 3. P. FINLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 53. CLARKE BROS.. FINE FLOWERS. FLO- ral designs. 289 Morrison. NEW TODAY. ptVRT.T IMPROVED FARM OF 27 ACRES. ft miles from Courthouse; stock, crops and furniture: Darticulars. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 22S 3d. vnnnRN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. SOUTH PORT- land, for lease, furnished, or sale by in stallments, u. E. u nompson c wo., zsa no. 1 IMPROVED WEST SIDE PROPERTY. PAY- lng 20 per cent; soow. i. e. inompson & Co., 223 3d. (SLROOM LODGING-HOUSE, CENTRAL. long, lease. Particulars, u. e. inompson es Co.. 228 3d. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY property. L. J. Goldsmith, -an Abington bldg. FOR SALE 50x100. 14TH AND E. SALMON. corner, cheap: owner sua aooanougn biag. eoonn ooxso. cor. 4th and Marshall. a. D. Marshall. S2 3d st. CHEAP BUY West Side house, within easy walking dis tance, modern, seven rooms, for only ?27G0 If taicen at once. F 3Z, uregoman. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. Bullt lcr loans. Installment loans. WM. MAU- il ASTER. 311 Worcester block. BARTON Lots will be sold at auction June 21. Ex cursion rates. Cars leave 1st and Alder sta. O. W. P. Si By. Co.'s line.. O W. P. Town- site Co., 134 1st st. Phone Main 210. GENUINE Hood River Strawberries J. 2f. BRISTOL, 292 MORRISON ST. Phone Main 2555. $1500 For sale 7-room house; let 50x100. and barn; one block from Brooklyn pchoolhouse. one block from O. W. P. Rys line and 2 blocks from Brooklyn car line. Will take small payment down, with balance on easy payments. Price $1500. See owner. 644 E. 12th and Beacon 'Sts. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. EIRRELL, ftorsierly of MacMaster X BlzreH. McKay Building. Third and Stark. Pboaa Mala 233. LUMBER AUCTION XTINR 25. 1904- On the above date I will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder, at my mill, my en tire week of lumber, about 700.000 feet of all kinds and grades; well seasoned, rough and A m m-m TviYt Rtween Kelso and Sandy P. O.. and 0 miles from Boring Station (O. W. J- 50? FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE. BARGAINS "FOR. SALE BY HATFIELD & FROVINSKE. ROOM 11, muliuji Tir.-ir n Aicr vrtTiRISON STS. 5-room house, barn, woodshed and chicken-house, lot 50x105 fee $C30. Rooming-house, 22 rooms, mostly ror housekeeping, good location, cheap rent $850. Corner lot 70x100 feet, with 2 houses, near Hawthorne Park Only $3000. G-ronni Tiwrlr next- house with basement. bath, etc: will exchange for chicken ranch or amftre. A -block, well located, in Tibbett's Addition, East Portland, ..near 'Powell st $000. 7-roora house, with basement, on Arthur at., near 1st; rents $12 per months $1000. G-room now house, modern, brick base ment, lot SSxlOO feet, fruit and shade trees, fenced, on E. Morrison st., near car- line; easy payments $2100. WHEAT LANDS A SNAP; WILL BELL you an SO or mere at reasonable prices and locate you on homestead on adjoining land, which together makes cheapest wheat farm In Oregon; farms under cultivation adjoin ing raise wheat, oats, com, etc.: good roads; well water; no Irrigation needed: railroad building to within four miles.' Look this up at once. Room 40, Gllman Hotel. VA ACRES. ALT. IMPROVED. HOUSE. BAKM. chicken-houses, good well, also spring, fam ily orchard and berries, on good road, 6 miles east of cltvr S3200. About 1 acre, all improved, fruit trees and berries, water in house also, creek oa place: house rents for $12 month: close in. near car-iine; pnee sisoo. Apply 67 E. am flora, oetween .Davis and Everett sts. HOLLADATS ADDITION WE HAVE AN elegant large house, which Is as good as new, In the best part of Holladays Addi tion, wun beautiful grounds 100 feet square. The price is eo low that the prop erty Is a snaD. For particulars, call up Portland Trust Company, of Oregon, 100 -nira st. BARGAIN INCOME-BEARING PROPERTY: In good state of cultivation; close to busy naaiet; with rail and boat transportation. ana access two large markets: new build ings; variety fruits, mostly apples, on main county road, near Portland; Immediate pos session, u 4 Ort.o- FOR SALE THE WEST HALF OF BLOCK 4d. atuolnintr the Postoffice. on Sixth St.. income S300O oer annum iiihlM tt lease" lor. 10 years for Hotel Scott building; also xor taie, a 1-3 interest in the above lease; ior price, etc, address W 34, Oregonlan. FINE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE; CONCRETE casement and all modem improvements; full lot; two blocks from car; Upper Alblna; szux.; umaii payment down, balance moata- jy. KODert lieu, sil Worcester mock. M BLOCK. AND FOUR D-ROOU COTTAGES. cioee in. .east side; streets improved, sewer and cement sidewalk: yearly Income S740: must be sold In 10 days; price 3G00O. Ad dress m to, oregonlan. FOR SALE. ON EASY PAYMENTS-CHEAP In suburbs, a 5-room house, hard finish. brick foundation and cellar, bearing trees. good-size lot. inquire 515 Jefferson st. 20 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. IN MULT- nomah County, 150 acres; 50 acres level; 40 acres can De plowed now. Address own er. Fulton iiouse. tn ana Aider. THREE WEST SIDE LOTS. 33 1-3x110 FT. 16th St., 100 ft. eout ot Montgomery, $iouu each, owner, -10 Aiisry oiag., 3d ana Mor rison. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Harralns on O. w. ir. eiectrio line. u. tu Addlton. Lents, or. Taice aic scott car; sc. VrtR SALE TWO LOTS AND THKiSE houses, ParK ana Everett; two jots ana cno house, seasiae. inquire iwengarut, 44 FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMP LAND. 16 miles from poruana. inquire za a. iiom- son st. C. R. Davis Fuel Co. J250 BUYS NICE LOT ON HAWTHORNE ave. car line; sewer, city water; & snap. 1109 Hawthorne ave.. near tua. FOR SALE IN MOST DESIRABLE PART Of Irvlngton. lUUXtuu test, acar lucoi-oir. Address JtA, vregomao. vnvt BALE TWO ur iujusjiuua. et. 100 feet irom uuoa arc uutuu. N. 8th St.. west biae. NEW LARGE, UP-TO-DATE HOUSE, HOL- Iday Park; your own terms. uuh. muiw Co.. IT7S . . ( rMT- tit 100X100. IN WOODSTOCK ADDI- tlon: cheap. iauuir aiu a. w. .wic. uu Johns, Or. Vtbw e-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR tei briare: mwu, uuua bm . uww building. RARE BARGAES $1600 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownaviue. r. j. xiox to, u.csun' City. Or. kv-it uit.n-fTHOICE SMALL HOME. 10TH. West olde: Al location; owaw. w iv, wo- gonlan. 5-room cottage, modern Improvements: terms easy; 722 Corbett. inquire iiu vroeti. Bargains to 10-acre tracts; easy terras. inquire wm. aninaier. aunaanc, v... TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE AND OTHER SCRIPS Cheaper scrip lor wur-ixsiutitvcu nui; mi tuiiv naranteea: oanx rawuuccii ; uca- CoUlns eral land practice; varied experience. Eana Co.. uoncora Diag. -4 FOREST RESERVE RECERTIFIED SOLDIER riAltlnnsl Vnlntlnn acrin and lana warru-nu; cave xw acres siuu iinu-utcsw Will enter unscirveyed land, aiaginma c aou. 227 Falling bldg. ' iftn imns tei.tiw -ptmb AND FIR. 3.000,- 000 feet, near railroad and (joiumma. iuvm-, fine land ror Irult or stout: ievei mm spring; S1000. R 82. Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 160 ACRES timtwr lnnri i k feet), near river. Lane County. Oregon. Van Dusen, 120 13th ave.. North, Seattle, Wash. nmk.F oiaima rriiinincr fi.000.000 per claim: m . .1 . n t ..,1 v.,mt n r, H (trhool lands. B. J. sanfora & t;o., Aomjwm am. TIMBER INVESTMENTS 1 HAYJ r vjiv sale several large ana smaii tracva ui lib ber. A. E. Mathows. 4 is uregoniaa uius. won AmVB lTTrP! T7MBETI-CRUISBH 000.000 It: 20 miles irom r-ormmu, w per acre, oee owner. ouxia. . TO EXCHANGE. 9 W., 1C0 acres, Clatsop county, V"ue S12CO. for seosiae cotiaee. a. u. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 3 T.HTR rR rt -RT.OCK: EAST OF 15TH ST. and north of Hoyt. unimproveu. vucjr Land Co.. 43 -1st st. FOR SALE FARMS. xr irTAT. -k-at?t FOR SALE ROBERTS urea" 400-acre larm at lamuisuui, i acres highly lmprovea ana seeaea, an torrA vnnri hnm eranarles and dwelling- house;' the best soil In Oregon, on the Tual atin River; near cnurcn, scnooi uu w. ni.ntv nt trrA voter on all Darts: free rural delivery. Apply to Roberta Eros.' Dry Goods store, i omce). rortiana. ur., or farmmgton. Or. 16H-ACRE ORCHARD BIX MILES FKOS Vancouver. It miles from .roriiaaa; w Ti31I-barln I r n Man nnmn wuo in ra.nVi.rrtM tirm and barn: home or- rhn1 of &sanrtd fruits: lust the place to make money from the start Dy rawing pr-f". cnicxens. oces, smaii itm , rv t.rmi. Call on or address owner. 605 Commercial block. free from the state to settlors, won " pay from $3 to S15 per acre to the Co lumbia Stuthern Irrigation Company for pcrpatual water right; lor lniormauua can or aaoress a. a. . - - land. Or. 183 ACRES WITH FINE BUILDINGS, 173 cultivated, hop yarn ana o renin u. uuo wno from station; all improvements auu swai. Including thresher and engine, thrown In; price, $10,500. C N. Plowman. Oregon City, Or. r-ini. t.ivme WK JUKE. ItEAUtlUAIi- ters for Eastern Oregon v.Tl--bsve a large list of Willamette Vally Arthur & Mahoney. 4iu .aiacicajr mm. RTfTFr "RfiTTOM FARM NEAR PORTLAND at a bargain, ?4U per acre mB(in well-located city property at cosh value In part payment. The unaw-rear uooipao. 243 Stark st- 1MPROVED FARMS FO SALE TN ALL parts of cregoa ano nauwui ui. made to suit purchasers. For particulars iplr to Wm. MacMaster. .311 WorcesMr block. .r. .rrnpu m rr.E3 FROM PORTLAND: 4.000,000 ft, nr ana c". on xamhlll Kiver; - --. fsr rooming-house. Aiuer mt. FOR.SALE-20 ACRES. NEAR CITY; ALL cultivation; good for poultry or oernea. nrlce SS00. Address Z. 5- itusseii. van couver. Wash. nnvt; i rriT KCIT. TIMBER LANDS. hometeas and timber claim locations. See Maxwell & Co.. 319 Abington bldg.. Portland. FOX SALE FARMS- BARGAINS GUARANTIED "AS ADVER TISED. 40 acres. 0 miles from Kalaraa. with 30 in first-class state of cultivation, the re maining 10 acres In open land; land fenced and cross-fenced; live water on tne piace, 4 -room house, large barn, chicken-house and other buildings; all household goods and farming- implements, such as new Mitchell wagon, mowing machine, hay- rake. 2 slows, fannlntrmlll. 2 sets 01 Har ness, one set almost new; chickens. 35 head or cattle. 2 horses, go with the place. Price $2000, with S1200 down. luu acres with 30 under plow. 3 acres bearing orchard, live water, good 3-room nouse, large barn, fences gooa, live water, soil black loam; U -mile to rchool and 3 miles to Carrollton, R. R. town on Colum bia. Price $1800. We have the best bargains on the market today. Come see us or write for list. lines & Wllloughby. Kalama, Washington. STOCK AND FRUIT FARM 1100 ACRES. 3H miles from electric car; 50 acres in cul tivation, about 20 acres ot winter appie orchard, 2 good houses, barns and several cabins; 320 acres In fine timber, half cedar and enough down timber to make 150.000 cords of fire wood; about four miles of large mountain creeks running through this land. wen stocked with trout, and uncountea springs bringing forth clear, healthful water. There Is an excellent water power on this place, which, If properly developed, will give many a tnousand horsepower 01 an immense mercantile value. The whole property la an Ideal cattle range; at present there are about 15 head of cattle on the place; price $10,000; this amount i? only a small portion of the real value of this property. Address Bruce C Curry, Oregon City. Or. FINE FARM. 252 ACRES. 150 CULTIVAT- ea, aaaptea to grain, fruit, nops. nay. etc, fine hog ranch- All parts watered by spring branches'; no field divided; fine spring water piped to house and barn; comfortable house, fine barn, abundance of fruit, English walnuts, etc; on R. F. D. route from Salem: price and terms reason able. Inquire of owner, first house east 01 Portland Woolen Mills, Umatilla ave., seiiwooa. 1. uuriey. Modern farm. 55 acres, level, near Portland, east, electric car; orchard. 227 cronu FOR SALE. Horfes, Vehicles, Etc. THREE FIRST-CLASS DRrVINC AND 2 work horses; young and sound. J. S. Kirk- ley, where Mt Scott car crosses Section Line road. Phone union 1912. FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OF driving horses, fine for pleasure, with two- seated trap; owner must sell, call 229 3d st. Phone Main 1513. FOR SALE EIGHT GOOD. YOUNG. heavy teams, and two good 1200-lb. driv ing teams. City Hall Stable, 266 4th sL 150 VEHICLES. 300 SETS HARNESS. NEW and 2d hand; 1 Shetland pony. 211 Wash. FOR SALE TEAM. HARNESS AND WAG- on. Call 42d and E. Mam. Phone Union 552- NEW TOP BUGGY FOR SALE CHEAP. quire 4S9 Hoyt st. GOOD PIANO. SLIGHTLY USED. FOR sale cheap; a snap. W 10, Oregonlan. MlsceEaneonB. FOR SALE 30 COWS. DURHAM AND JER- sey etocK, miiKing lu cows and making about 70 rolls butter per week: in addition, about 20 calves can be bought if desired: calves from thoroughbred registered Durham cat tle, located within 25 miles of Portland. Should be seen to be appreciated. Address it 20, Oregonlan. DOES YOUR ROOS- itiAKT neeas no painting or coating: good over oia Iron, tin or ehlncles: best for new roofs. ,iaienta uoonng wo., iu Worcester oiag. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23: all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc uunningnam a 231 Stark. TeL 1407. A FEW SHOP-WORN DROP-HEAD MA- chlnes, as good as new, at greatly reduced prices, at the Singer Store, 402 Washington st. Phone Main 4558. 1 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC SALE. 20 HEAD or young dairy cows, Tuesday, June 7; sale commences 10 A. M. Susan Terwadow, Jagie Creek, Or. GENUINE. HALL'S SAFES ONLY OFFICE in tne -Nortnwest is at o otn st. .Herring- Hall-Marvin Safe Co. Very low prices on scona-nana sales. FOR SALE LIGHT BRAHMA EGGS. J1.50 per setting ox id; also one eacn cock ana cocKerei: nne birds: each, c 70. ore gonlan. FOR SALE A 10-H.P. ENGINE. IN FINE snape: also 10-h.D. unrieht boiler and a trac tion wood saw. W. J. Benson, Hillsboro, Or. FOR SALE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. gooa condition, cheap for cash. Address tr. u. box 458, Portland. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-BTL LIVE FIR wood go to Hoover & Conway, 313 Water at. ynone Alain 4590. FOR SALE LARGE NEW TALKING MA. cnine; plays operatic, military and dance music oiu a. sa sr. f FOR SALE ONE HARDWOOD BEDROOM set ana cook stove. Phone Scott 2404. FOR SALE 2 FRESH COWS. 233 SPEN- cer st.. Montavllla. Phone Scott 5702. FINE SDL.VER SKYE TERRIER PUFPIE3 for sale. Basement. 32G Park st. FOR SALE SHELVING AND COUNTER. S. Heltshu & Co., 33 First st. FRUIT AND ICE-CREAM STAND; S200. SEE owner, 30314 1st st. FOR SALE FIND TALKING PARROT. quire 9 N. 3d st. HALL SAFE LITTLE USED; BARGAIN. Q 13. Oregonlan FOR SALE FINE TALKING MALE PAR- rot. 0 N. 3d. YACHT FOR SALE CHEAP. APPLY 20S N. 10th Et. HELP WANTED MALE. COOO STRAWBERRY PICKERS AND uackers. male or female, wanted at Hooa River. The season will begin about May 25, lasting a month. Growers pay lc per lb. box for picking and c for pack ing. You will be provided with camp ground, wood and water, and hauled free to and from aepoc joring camp outnt. t-nt blankets and cooking utensils, uroc- ers. butchers and bakers usually deliver supplies. Special round-trip by boat or railroad. Wilte us, stating number of pick ers and packers in your party and your letters will be answered by a reliable grower, enabling you to make direct ar rangements without delay. Hood River Fruitgrowers Union. H.ood River, Or. E. 11. snepara. secretary- NOTICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, the leading employment agency 01 uo ortn west. 249 Burnslde sr. Phone Main 3074. Times THIS INTEREST YOU? WE SUP- ply high-grade men for tne teaaing nrms of the Northwest; we can assure you a posi tion if you have the required ability; write for Plan and booklet. Hapgoods (Inc), suite K, 323 Walker bldg. Seattle. UNCLE SAM WANTS HELP; 14.000 Ap pointments last year; tree eumuuuon pa nr cataioirue giving positions and sal aries. Dept. V, Western Correspondence university. BZa uoiaen uaia ara., no 11 ran- cijeq. to T.ARN THE BARBER TRADE: only requires a weess to coiupreie aua securo trnnA Tvtions: constant practice and expert instruction: catalogue mailed free. Moler System Barber College, San Francisco, Oil. mi: MN TO LAY CONTINUOUS WOOD stovepipe, 52.50 day; or o young men, nanay with tools, at $2!5: bridge carpenters, f3; others. Hansen s omce, -ts n. u st. SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL NURSERY stock; cash aavancea weeitiy; write immsai ately for territory before It Is oil assigned. Chlco Kursery .o., tmco, -ai. THE COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA WINE DE- pot. retail neaaquaners tor cooks ana wait ers. 1. JL-Orau. x-aoue xeu isrj. iumu. STAGE DANCING. SINGING, VAUDEVILLE acting, etc: 50c per lesson. Newman's School ot Acting, 3i3a wasmngton. WANTED TWO STENOGRAPHERS. ONE bookkeeper, two ary gooas clerics, one win dow dresser, zsi Aiaer st. PARTNER WITH $330 AND SERVICES FOR bait interest in spienaia paying business. Y 13. Oregonian- IN SMART BOYS TO SELL NOVELTIES commission: big money; can work after school. 132 1st. WANTED THREE YOUNG MEN TO CAN- vass on, a cracKer-jacK oner; big money, w Abington mug. EELF WANTED MATiTU USS AND WOVEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; class for ladles: writ r partlcra lars. a&d tf. la doubt make jS?1 gatlon. America Barber Collegs. 333 Ev erett t Portland. WANTED SEVERAL GOO! EOLICITOR3 for easy sailing article. R CS, Oregonlafl- WANTED PHOTOGRAPHER: ST BE first-class operator. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED POLISHER BUFFER FOR PLAT lag establishment. J 23. Oregonlan. MAN WITH $125 CAN MAKE money. Address J 1. Oregonlan. GOOD WANTED CABINETMAKERS. Furniture Mfg. Co.. 210 1st. OREGON FOUR GOOD SOLICITORS WANTED. BOYD Tea Co.. 423 Vj Morrison st. SELP WANTED "yaT-lg OR FEMALE. WANTED ENERGETIC. TRUSTWORTHY man or woman to work in Oregon, repre senting large manufacturing company: sal ary $40 to $00 per month, paid weekly: ex penses advanced. Address, with stamp. J. H. Moore. Portland. Or. WANTED AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHEKp everywhere; can maxa $10 to v per easily and pleasantly at home; no monsy required. Th Lake Co.. 110 Monro nU Chicago. WANTED FOUR SOLICITORS, wvuma or gents: those familiar witn preferred. Apply 203 17th St., cor. Colum bia, forenoons. 8 WAITRESSES (CITY. COUNTRY). DOMES- tics; farmhand (milking). su; $35. Drake. 205 Washington. OCCIDENTAL EMPLOYMENT .OFFICE FOR men and women: only reliable omce iu Phone Hood 1SS3. , . HELP WANTED FEMALE. mvTmi mmnm t 4TW mWTROUS OF a good home, to act as nouseKeepei- take charge of 3 boys, &. iu ana 10 nii in i.ii,n Ti-r.TT.on nrofprxed and mem ber of Methodist Episcopal unurcn. auu. with references, 11. C Lee. Marsnnem. rMwrn-crrr. tjptb np T.l. TTIVDS CHAM' bermalds. cooks. waltresss, nuni, cndgirls, housekeepers, housework. $15 to ao Anvadiin Parlors. 223V4 MorrUcn. Phone Main 1323. THE BOOKLOVERS LIBRARY REQUIRES a representative In Portiana; ono who present an attractive proposition to tne cultured, classes, aaoreu mm . 82 6th st. nrjvTrn a rTTT. nrr BUMABLB WOMAN to live at home and do houseworn 10. i". or all ot the week, at 5S5 Lovejoy, n iota st.; permanent employment. mAMnEnvATTifi rnrors. WAITRESSES, domestics, laundresses, farmnanas vaau wives), dishwashers, militia cooks, wait ers. Drake, 203 Washington.- ' BUTTONHOLE MAKER WANTED; ONLY thorouirh and e-merienced Dersons neea aDDlv. Jacobs. Shlrtmaker, Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d st. OWriTJTTS TT?T.! PRMYmMERS. MUiSl' clans, wanted for dramatic ana vauaevmo eomnanies. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit 313J4 AVashlngton. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; ONE that can cook, small family: gooa wages to assist in care of two small cnuaren. 245 0th. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR trpnpml housework in small family: gooa wages. Apply 4G1 Hancock st., cor. E. 8th street. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT resses. chambermaids, central worKers. at Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black FOR LADIES ONLY. Purtland Women's Employment Company. 216 Allsky. cor. 3d and Morrison, riea zmi. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Apply mornings bcu nan cock st-. cor. 10th. Irvlngton: gooa wages. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking; must have references. Phone Main 24G4. Monday. WANTED AT ONCE BUSINESS WOMAN, mature years, to take management ot omce. O 23.. care oregonlan. WANTED 10 MORE LADIES TO DO light home work; good wages. Call morn ings at 188 Park st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL; MUST BE good cook; good wages ei2 .eamey st., bet. 24th and 25th. WANTED TWO LADIES EXPERIENCED In canvassing. 50 to ?8 easily maae aauy. 404 Abington bldg. GIRL WANTED. FAMILY OF TWO. TO As sist bouse worn; gooa nouie. muueraw c-4t D 77. Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- work; good wages; no waemng. Appiy Everett st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK: GOOD wages. Apply Monaay morning, at- v-iair street. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS FICTUKE hustlers; ladlea or gents, oui jue-um WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, call mornings. wu x-r ai. WANTED A GOOD EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. 340 10th st. WANTED-GIRLS ON DRESSMAKING. 441 Multnomah St., Jtionaaay auuiuuii. WANTEDGIRL TO DO COOKING AND general houkhuw o. WANTED A GIRL FOR SECOND WORK IN private family. iu- uowuamuc WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; good wages. 4U1 Jttoaney ave. WANTED FIRST-CLASS - PASTRY COOK, female. Inquire hi .uorrison. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family, uaii oua ist - i WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN- eral houseworK. aowii itn st. AN EXPERE3NCED GntL FOR SECOND work. Apply oia noyt- st. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST IN massage. iio 4tn st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 181 E. 16th. SECOKD liiKJ-i. tALli JUUiNUA- J1UKS 1JN (J, 335 11th. WOMAN DISHWASHER WANTED AT 60 N. utn st. WANTED CHAMBERMAID AT 53 N. 18TH street. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKS OPENED. BALANCED AND STATE- menu made by experienced accountant special arrangements to keep email sets of books very reasonably'; no 'charge for inspec tion. Phone East 1219. SITUATION WANTED Afc COLLECTOR. manager, ticxet-ieiier or any ligot wonc best of reftrence. Address D 09. Oregonlan. Miscolianeous. TWO FIRST-CLASS HOTEL AND CAFE uV. mar, .nil vlfa tn tub. rtr-i nr A good hotel or Summer resort; or will take a good camp jod. wuiiam wnue, ao verett L Phone Clay 1980. FIRST-CLASS MAN AND WIFE OPEN FOR engagement, beach hotel; manager or day clerk and housekeeper; experienced; refer ences v 81, care oregonlan. SITUATION. YOUNG MAN. NINE YEARS' experience; good references; expect rair prop osition: only reliable nrms answered, a m, Oregonlan. SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS YOUNa MAN. HAS good education, seeics employment ol ij kind: fan elvo Al references. O 84. Ore gonlan. BY YOUNG MAN AND WIFE. IMMEDIATE- ly, position in club, noui, or taae of store in or out 01 town, w w. WILLING AND STRONG JAPANESE BOY wants situation to do good cooking and housework. 41 1st. Phone nooa Jtw JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FUR nlshee best of an Kinca neip; cwun, hands, tc. 03 Si. otn. t-ay au-. 1-x- CTTTtNTSH FARM OR DOMESTIC SERV ants: all kinds neip. japanrw xuu. ciation. 2C8 Everett. Black 002. ON STEADY MAN. PRACTICAL CUTTER ANT) tailor, wants a nwij J"". Address 01. cars ureiuu-iu. c-TT-rf iTinw -WANTED BY YOUNG MAN good habits; reierences. j jo, yt nian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. XfeeeltsMew. BOY OF 18 WOULD LIKE TO ITN1 machinist trade: 1 years experience in r roaa shop, i S2. oregcnian. ENGINEER AND GENERAL MECHA. desires nosltlon: mill or factory prefen references. F 10, Oregonlan. CHINESE COOK WANTS CONTRA kitchen In hotel or restaurant. Addt 14G 2d st. GOOD BARTENDER WOULD LIKE PC tion out ot the city. P 60. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED COACHMAN WISHES I ployment. N 30, Oregonlan. SITUATION rANTKn FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER XtESIl position. Pcona Bast 1170. Housekeepers. CAPABLE WOMAN WANTS POSITION housexeeper, cotei or loaging-aouse; oesti references- Aaaress - is. care urcgoniar EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS P09 tlon .as housekeeper: hotel or rooralr houso preferred. D 33, care Oregonlan.! Dressmakers. CHILDREN'S SEWING. SHIRTWAIS1 etc. shirtwaists. Si and up. 44 E. 7th DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWIN shirtwaists, 50c and up. 13J 10th st. N. Mlscelsineouju WANTED FTRST-CLAS3 PIANIST WAN! pciltlon, cay or nignt; gooa eisnt rtiaq Aaoress m iu. umoaBu. GIRL WISHES GENERAL HOUSEWORJ Call (H3 jKaieign et.. oet. lutn ana COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN WELL day wors. I'none ioca ,34. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT largest nursery on the Pacinc Coast. carry ail latest ana best specialties full line of nursery stock, complete fit tor canvassing furnished free; one-hs commission advanced weeKiy; mention tq rltory preferred: give references with a plication. Addie&s Washington Nursd ?an TnnnnnleVt Wnch AGENTS MAKE $15 A DAY SELLI1 CBrlen'a Eatent Trousers and Tie A ereat seller and exclusive territory. O': en Trousers Press Co.. 324 Chamber Commerce, Portland. PORTRAIT AGENTS OUR GUARANTEl crayon finished, bromide portaits. 40c i: mlde Portrait Co.. 027 Polk. Chicago. WANTED UP TO DATE PHOTO COUE and portrait agents. Kembranat, adi ton bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANT TO RENT SMALL UUTTA- East Side, with yarn ana snaae; sivo cation, description and price to good t ant; na children. Phone Union 3072, or dress S 22, Oregonlan- GENTLEMAN WANTS ROOM AND BOJ In strictly private laaiuj, iiciuiaucui. dress Q 33, Oregonlan. MAY 17 ROOMS OK MORE. WEST 7th, bet. Washington and Jefferson. E Oregonlan. ..-nr-n -TV TrTVT IMPROVED 5 OR acre tract, near car "line, cheap. A 15, Q gonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. mn'R CAST-OFF CLOTHING AND SHO! We pay the highest price for men's cd - off clothing and shoes: we also a watches, old gold and sliver, pistols a valises. Call at tne J? air ueoi, u- -orders promptly attended to. Hood 517. WANTED OLD CLOTHING AND SH( at 40 N. 3d st., where we pay the h est price for men's cast-off clothing shoes: we also buy watches. Jewelry, g bicycles, trunks, grips, etc Call up Reliable Dealers. Phone Clay 1701. lot: must be cneap. muw "e Juu M. Kutcer. C9 N. 3d st. Phone Black 3 $000 LOAN WANTED ON NEAT COTTAv corner ioi. uo i-i . . , . . rr 7 Henkle & Baker. 217 Abington bldg. WANTED MACHINERY FOR ABO CI S-ton Ice plant. Aaaress s.cvi viu., c wood. Phono Scott 4584. J1000-LOAN WANTED ON GOOD provea city Abington bldg. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FRESH B at Kruse s unii xvuuxii ..'-". and Stark sts. WANTED GASOLINE ENGINE 1 pumping water. Aaaress r. w. uu Hillsdale. Or. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND C tla of all Kinas. none own WANTED TO BORROW S1000 AT 6 3 cent; gooa security, a oa. untuiii FOR RENT. Booma. THE LEWIS AND CLARK ACCOMMOl tion Bureau, inc., nas opened omcea iu Lewis bldg., Morrison and Park sts., secure rooms in private homes to plac the disposal of visitors to the Lewis Clark Exposition. If you have a rt that you can spare for this purpose let know by mall or phone and our represec tlve will call. A call at our offices will appreciated 7, 8, 0 and 10 Lewis bl Phone 4803. NOTICE THIS IS TO CERTIFY TH Lee Kim Ark. having soia an ms In Kwong Sang Wa Company, No. 14J a ond st., that all debts or money due d company must be paid to Kwong Sang 1 Co., at their store, and that Lee Kim j has no further authority to transact J business for said company. CHAS. F. LORD AND) C. H. CAREY. Attorneys for Kwong Sang Wa C THE AUDITORIUM. JUST OPt-u. 3d St., bet. Taylor ana caiiuuu. - - 1 rooms In this elegant new brick building reasonable rent; hot and cold running wa steam heat, electric light, porcelain ba rooms with private baths; elevator; ton) and transient trade solicited. THE LINCOLN JUST OPENED, CORN 11th and Morrison sis.. " j nlshed apartment-house in e city. I and cold running water, steam heat, eij trie light and baths. Phone Main ,ol. THE MENOMINEE. 3S5 YAMHILL NEW TrnIned front rooms; modern ventegj rents reasonable; two blocks from Portly Hotel; transient trade solicited. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED FRO) rooms for two gentlemen, either -aim without board. Inquire 2G4 JUtn St., Portland. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FROl rooms; private family: modern; oath joining. 35 North ISth. near Taanlngt 10 nTH ST. NICE FURNISHED FRO. room; ?lso side room: select location; ba gas. phone: bet. Washington and Alder 129 13TH ST. NICE FURNISHED FROl room; also side room: select location: ba gas.- phone; bet. Washington and Alder l" 1TTH VERY DESIRABLE FURNISH! rooms- every convenience; new house; p vate family: gentlemen only: reference. icia llTH VERY DESIRABLY FURNISH1 moms- every convenience; new house; r va? fkmlly7 gentlemen only; reference. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOj in convenient location, one block from caj line. 15 East 17th, corner Ash. ptra?NT FRONT ROOM. USE BAT" Fpho4f; gentleman; Private family. 120 101 hetween AVashlngton and Alder. tr r: AS ANT ROOM, WITH NICE HOME SU1 Pndlngs. four mocks from Hotel Portia, new house. 250 6th. mnsiNT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GE4 tleroan; all home comforts; gas, phone an bath. 164 W. Park. .,m ct oaTCEL.Y FURNISHED FROM alcove j'oom; also side room; private famlla modern; gentlemen. TWO VERY LARGE. WELL-FURNISHEI front rooms, with bath, gas and electrlj lights. 209 10th st. 79PARK ST. NICELY FURNISHED BAll window room; also weii-xurmsnea smauoii room; bath, pnone. NEATLY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM3 and housekeeping suites, close In. 80il 10th, near Stark. ,