THE MOENDsG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904. WIN FOR PARKER GeorgiaDemocratsHave a Bed-Hot Fight. ONLY EIGHT VOTES TO SPARE Delegation for Jurist as Long as He Has a Chance. THE UNIT RULE IS ADOPTED Convention Long Debates the Ques tion of Whether Its Representa tives Shall Be "Request ed" or Instructed. ATLANTA, Ga., June 1. After a red hot fight over the question as to "whether the vord "request" or "Instruct" should be used In resolutions favoring the nom ination tor President of Judge Alton B. Parker, of New York, the Stato Demo cratic Convention, at a late hour this afternoon, adopted resolutions, by a vote of 166 to 1571, which then were made unanimous by tho convention, by which the delegates to the National Convention are "Instructed to cast the vote of this state for Judge Parker, tho nominee of the Democratic party for President, as long as in the opinion of a majority of the delegates there Is a reasonable-probability of his nomination, and that said delegates shall vote as a unit on all ques tions a3 a majority may determine." Georgia's big four Is composed of one Congressman, one farmer and two news paper men as follows: Congressman john D. Maddox, James M. Smith, James1 R. Gray, editor of the Atlanta Journal, and Charles R. Pendleton, editor of the Macon Telegraph. Tho four named will go to the St. Louis convention as delegates at large. -HEARST MEN ARE ROUTED. Michigan Convention Is Easily Con trolled by Campau. DETROIT, Mich., Juno 1. Tho anti Hearst element in tho Michigan Democ racy, headed by Daniel J. Campau, of De troit, National committeeman from this state, triumphed over the Hearst support ers at all times In the Democratic Stato Convention held hero today to select dele gates to tho National Convention, and an unlnstructed delegation goes to the con vention. While there are some Hearst men among tho district delegates to St. Louis, tho delegation was Instructed to voto as'a unit. The first test of strength was on the re port from the committee on credentials. By a voto of 627 to 250, a minority report of tho committee seating the contesting Hearst delegation from Manistee, the only county from which there was a contesting delegation, was tabled. Following tho vic tors', Daniel J. Campau was re-elected National committeeman from Michigan, and of the four delegates-at-large chosen not one was a member of the Hearst ele ment. Tho Hearst members of the com mittee qn resolutions dissented from the platform prepared by the majority and prepared a minority report, but after the majority report had been read, failed to present their platform. The following were elected delegates-afc-largo to the National Convention: Dan iel J. Campau. of -Detroit: Thomas B. Barkworth, of Jackson; John- Power, of Escanaba, and -George J. Jackson, of Bay City. The convention ratified tho selection of 34 delegates to the National Convention mado at the district caucuses In the morn ing. Tho Hearst faction claims IS dele gates. The conservatives, however, say that only eight are "In favor of Hearstf or at any rate 15 are anti-Hearst to nine Hearst delegates. OKLAHOMA FOR A REGULAR. Delegates Will Work With Men Who Stood Pat in Bryan Campaigns. ANADARKO. Okla., June 1. The Dem ocratic convention held here today was an almost unmanageable body. No business was transacted until after 5 o'clock. The contest over a proxy caused the long do lay. Tho party leaders seemed to favor sending unlnstructed delegations to St. Louis, while tho Parker and Hearst dele gates wanted Instructions given. After much discussion and confusion the follow ing instructions were adopted: "That tho delegates chosen to represent the Oklahoma Democracy at tho St. Louis convention aid and work with those Dem ocrats who supported tho Democratic platform and candidates of 1S9S and 1900, and aid them in tho adoption of the plat form and tho nomination of the candidate in harmony with Democratio doctrines and Democratic platform." The following delegates go to St. Louis: Frank Stephons, Caddo; George Bellalme, Canadian; N. C. Runion, Cleveland; George- B. Black, Dewey; W. "Wirt, Gar field; P. J. Gentry, Grants; W. Buchhols, Kay; J. TV. Caudiil. Kiowa; Thill Tllga man, Lincoln; Boy E. Strafford, Okla homa City; W. L. Richardson, Pawnee; D. "W. Welty. Rogor Mills. J. L Carpontor was elected permanent chairman; R. A. Billups, National com mitteeman. Excepting tho foregoing resolution. which was adopted by the overwhelming voto of 494 to 16, no instructions were given tho delegates elected. No candidate for President was indorsed and the dele gates are noncommittal on that point. Hearst Causes Split In Maine. AUBURN, June L A split occurred In tho Second District Democratic Conven tion hero today over tho question of supporting Hearst, and each faction elect ed delegates to tho National Convention. Each faction nominated a candidate for Congress. H. C Ross was nominated for Congress by the anti-Hearst delegates, and David R. Hastings by the Hearst delegates. Tho anti-Hearst delegates to St. Louis were sot instructed. PARTY WANTS MILES TO TALK Prohibitionists Cannot Nominate Him Unless He Comes Out Plainly. CHICAGO, June L Oliver W. Stewart, chairman of the National Prohibition committee, said today: "General Miles would without a doubt be nominated by the Prohibitionists at Indianapolis, June 29, If he were known to be Identified with the Prohibition party. His record in opposition to the Army canteen Is one of which Prohibitionists are proud. They confess to a great ad miration for him. If he were to state nubllcly that In the coming campaign. as a patriotic citizen, ho would affiliate with the Prohibition party and support Its ticket, my Judgement Is that there would be no other name proposed" In the National Convention. However, General Miles, has made no public statement to the e'lfect that' be Intends to co-operate with the Prohibition party. He has sug gested that we postpone our convention until after the National Democratic Con vention at St Louis, on the ground that possibly the Democrats may take such action as will make a nomination by the Prohibitionists unnecessary. "This Is unsatistucxory to the rank and file of the Prohibition party. Wo are confident the Democrats will make no such move and propose to go ahead with our convention and make our nomina tion. Since General Miles is not with us to the extent at least of being willing to make an open public statement to that effect, it has become the settled .con viction of the most thoughtful of the Pro hibitionists that we must look elsewhere for our candidate. The prospect Is that the convention at Indianapolis will be more largely attended than any gathering that has ever been held by the Pro hibition party." Hearst Will Get Wyoming. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. June L It is con sidered In political circles here practically certain that the "Wyoming delegation to the National Democratic Convention will be Instructed for Hearst for President by the State Convention, wnich meets In this city tomorrow. The only business to come before the convention Is the selection of six delegates to the National Convention. The Democrats will hold another conven tion later In the Summer to nominate can didates for Congress, Governor, State Treasurer and Supreme Judge. Elkln Will Try for Senator. HARRISBURG, Pa., June L It was re ported here tonight that John P. Elkln, Republican candidate for Supreme Court Judge, will be come a candidate for United States Senator to succeed Mr. Quay, on condition that Insurance Commissioner Durham will support him. Mr. Durham is now on his way East from California, and on his arrival at Philadelphia, Mr. Elkln will have a con ference with him. Dover to Begin Convention Work. CHICAGO, . June L Elmer Dover, secre tary, and A. Fisher, a member of the Re publican National Committee, arrived in Chicago today, and were in conference with William F. Stone, strgeant-at-arms for the convention. Tomorrow they will take possession of the headquarters estab lished at the Coliseum Annex, and begin the work of assigning state delegation quarters and preparing a roll of delegates. New Denver Mayor Inaugurated. DENVER. Colo., June L Mayor Rob ert TV. Speer, Democrat, and tho other city and county officials chosen at the first election under tho new charter of Greater Denver, wero inaugurated at noon today with, public ceremonies In tho Tabor Opera-House. Odeli and Porter Meet In Parl3. PARIS, June L Governor Odell, of New York, called at tho United States Em bassy today and had half an hour's talk with Ambassador Porter. No. mention was mado of the nomination for the Gov ernorship of New York. Frick Not Candidate for Senator. PITTSBURG, June L Henry C. Frick denied today that he was a candidate for United States Senator to fill the vacancy caused by the death of M. S. Quay. ' .Named for Congress in Missouri. ST. GENEVIEVE, Mo., June L The Republicans of tho Fourteenth Congres sional District nominated M. E. Rhodes. Nominated for Congress. Fourth Main Dlstrict-R. W. Plttlnglll; Democrat. WYOMINa FLOOD COSTS LIVES. Great District is Flooded and the Loss Will Be Large. GREEN RIVER, Wyo., June L Floods in the Green River and tributaries have cost at least two lives and much damage to property. A messenger has just ar rived here with news from tho Inundated district It is his opinion that tho death list may be greatly increased when com plete reports come In. The known dead: FRANK "WOODRUFF, range rider. WILLIAM EU BANKS, range rider. "Woodruff was foreman of the Circle cattle outfit and was drowned while ford ing Silver Creek, . a tributary of Green River. His horse was swept from its feet and rolled over him, fracturing his skull and rendering him incapable of making a fight for life. His body was re covered. Eubanks was drowned in Green River, "near Burns Postofllce. His body and that of his horses were swept away, and have not been recovered. All streams of that section are out of their banks and the lowlands are flooded. Tho Green River, Big, Pine, East Fork, New Fork, Hams Fork Silver Creek and South Fork are exceptionally high. As thero are no bridges across these streams above this place and the fords are im passable, communication with other set tlements is cut off. It is not expected, that the damage done by high water can be es timated with accuracy for weeks. Ranchers Will Lose Heavily. CHEYENNE, "Wyo., June 1. "Word has just reached this city of a terrific flood which swept down the valley of Horse Creek, 30 miles north of Cheyenne, yester day afternoon. The flood followed a tre mendous fall of rain about the headwa ters of the creek, and within a short time the creek was transformed into a torrent from 200 yards to half a mile in width. It Is said that tho damage to ranch prop erty will be immense. There is no report of loss of life. It Is reported that the Colorado & Southern bridge, across Horse Creek, was washed away, but tho rumor cannot be confirmed. BRYAN WHITES IT. (Continued from First Page.) have come back to the same place ten years later to" ratify the act of that convention. Since that time the Demo cratic party of this state has followed the leadership of a man who Is a patriot contending for great principles, and not a politician seeking ofilce; a man who would rather go down to defeat a hundred times than wear upon his neck a golden yoke. Forty or fifty years from now, when he shall have gone to a higher democracy, his mantle wal fall upon a hundred thousand patriots throughout this land who have caught the spirit of his true character and lofty principles. Yea, he has scattered the seed through out this Republic that will spring up in the noblest manhood and will carry on tho work that he has so nobly begun. "We need for the delegates to the Na tional convention the best men in the state, and at the head of this delesa tlon will be the leader of the Democrats of tho United States. This fascinating figure this mighty oak defying the storm this, the greatest statesman In American politics, is only now In the morning of his day. In his youth he was taught honesty by godly parents, and at tho very beginning of his career in politics he espoused truth, and tho betrothal has never been broken; a champion of the toilers of our country, a knightly friend of the common people, a gentleman, noble, true and brave, a man fit to bo the President of the United States W. J. Bryan." J. B. Donovan, of Mason County,, was elected permanent secretary. W. H. Thompson was recognized to move that a committee of seven on reso lution with Mr. Bryan as chairman, be TERRIBLE SUFFERING THIS YOUNG WOMAN APPEALED Iff VAIN FOR HELP. When Hope Had Almost Settled Into Utter Despair Relief Came From an Unexpected Source. Mrs. Emma Heidebreder, of No. 1323 Joy street, Burlington, la,, whose hus band is an employe of the Rand Lum ber Company, tells a story of pitiable suffering: "For about five years," she says, "I had ,a host of physical ills that kept me an invalid and puzzled the doctors. Some of them thought that I was going Into consumption. At times I was so weak that I could not comb my hair or even wash my face. Then excruci ating pains ran suddenly up my thigh and I bad to be carried to bed scream ing in my agony. I could no longer do my work, and the drain upon my husband's purse was very heavy. I craved food, but what I ate only gave me discomfort. My liver was torpid, and often 1 had to be carried to the door for air to save me from suffocat ing. "The worst was the pain, which seemed as if my thigh were being pushed out of my body. The best doc tors could do was fo deaden It "by nar cotics. Once they thought I could not live for more than two days. In one of my worst attacks a friend said: "Why don't you try Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills? They are the only thing that ever helped my rheumatism.' "I took his advice. After using one box I felt better, and I continued to use the pills for three or four months with steady Improvement until I was well. For four years I have been able to do all my household work, and no longer have to take medicine for any serious trouble. I gave one box of Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills to a man on crutches be cause of rheumatism and advised my market woman to buy a box when she was complaining of the same trouble. I heard that he was soon able to throw his crutches away, and she told me she had got rid of the rheumatism by the use of one box, and could.not thank me too much." Testimony multiplies as to the mag nificent curative powers of Dr. Will lams Pink Pills for Pale People In cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous headache, palpitation of the heart and all forms of weakness. In either male or female. They are sold by all drug- gists throughout the world. named. Comrressman Shellfnhpr-i t one of the other members. PREDICTS EUROPEAN ALLIANCE Frenchman Declares Fear of America and Asia Will Force Issue. CHICAGO. June L A union of the majority of tho nations of Europe Into a great federation has oeen predicted by Anatole le Roy-Beaullu, the French economist and sociologist, In a lecture on Tho United States of Europe," given under the auspices of the Alliance Fran calse. In ' this .union which the professor thought was sure to come about, though possibly not In tho 20th century, three nations, he said, would not be included England, because It would combine in stead with the United States: Russia, be cause It would form a great independent nation by Itself; and Turkey, because it would bo an absorbed country by the coalition and lose Its Identity. The union would bo a necessity, the speaker said, to resist American aggression and the "yellow peril." The lecturer said he had perceived that this country has a "tendency to look upon Continental Europe with the same regard that children have for super annuated parents, whose usefulness has come to an end." "Europe," said the speaker, "is in dan ger. The United States Is pressing hard upon the old countries In all lines of activity, not merely commercial, but also artistic and scientific If this Is not a sufficient cause, there Is another in the Far East. The progress of Japan will mean the awakening of China. The United States makes light of tho yellow peril, but it does exist. Hood's SarsapariUa Is unquestiona bly the greatest blood and liver medicine known. lt positively and permanently cores every humor, from Pimples to Scrofula. It Is the Best. Blood Medicine. Scientific Eye Examination and the fm msmng or glasses u necessary is our busi ness exclusively. OREGON OPTICAL CO. 173 Fourth Street, X. M. C. A. Baildinp CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS SIDK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. - They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Ton gut Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose Small Price. "THE DIFFERENT STORE" vormaii WHERE THE WALLS ABE COMING DOWN. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. 0 ENORMOUS, EAGER, ENTHUSIASTIC THRONGS OF BUYERS ATTEST THE GENUINENESS OF THE MIGHTY BARGAINS WHICH GO TO MAKE UP THIS Monster Dislodgment Sale! Circumstances entirely beyond our control compel us to make the greatest sacrifices of our entire mercantile career. We bought generously for this season, with the expectation of a larger expanded store. The builders delayed, and the annex that was to have been ready in March is just now being completed. Right in the midst of a busy season the busiest in all our history of nearly three decades the orders come to start to tear out and dismantle old departments for enlargement and expansion and make ready for new. Merchandise is piled mountain high all new, stylish, dependable goods, the sort for which this store is noted. The walls between the buildings must come down. Dust and mortar will fly. The buzz of saws and ring of hammers will soon greet the ear. We've neither time nor inclination to move the stocks except out to you. This we've resolved to do by making the MOST TREMENDOUS SACRIFICES EVER OFFERED BY ANY STORE ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE. What person can afford to buy one dollar's worth outside this store during this sale? The values of the Annual January sales even pale to insignificance in comparison with the surpassing bargains. And remember not to confound this wholesale slaughter of RELIABLE merchandise with the ordinary "White Sales" about town. FOR THIS SALE NOT ONLY INCLUDES WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SORT AND KIND AT PRICES CUT DEEPER THAN EVER KNOWN OR HEARD OF BEFORE, BUT IT ALSO INCLUDES EVERY PIECE OF MER CHANDISE IN THE HOUSE, in every department, on every floor, no matter what color or class, with the lone exception of a few contract goods on which prices are controlled by makers. EVERY ARTICLE STANDS REDUCED DURING THE SALE ! PRICE CUT TO THE QUICK A few hints of the way goods are being slaughtered denoted by Green Dislodgment Price Tick ets thro'out the store. Result of May Vote In Teachers' Contest Total number of votes cast since open ing of voting, May 16, 11 business days 188,549 Total No. of teachers voted for 228 The 16 leaders to date with respec tive vote: Miss 0. F. Allen, Failing 31,486 Winnifred Mosher, Harrison. .24,148 Kate Padden, Atkinson 20,180 Snza Jones, Highland 19,129 Miss L. K. Strout, Chapman. . .10,558 Ella Lavenson, Atkinson 10,463 Matilda Weiss, Thompson 7,220 Mrs. Esther Kane, Williams-Ave. 6,514 Bertha Moore, High... 6,381 E. E. Steele, High 5,744 Helen Crane, Failing 5,293 Rnth Rounds, High 4,823 Mrs. Nellie Hiltabidel, Albina Central 4,534 Mrs. Kate Lightner, N. Central 4,451 Verdi Monroe, Portsmouth.... 8,325 Dislodgment of the Millinery Salons MAKES PRICES LIKE THESE We'll move the fixtures to the annex next month; this month we'll slaughter values this way, to clean out the stocks. A big lot of Uhtrimmed Hat Shapes, 50c values for 25 Lot of ready-to-wear and Tailored Hats, values to $3.00, at. ,.49 Children's ready-to-wear and Trimmed Hats, values to $2.00, at 98 Fine lightweight Sumatra Straws, $2.50 values, for $1.49 Ladies' Trimmed and Tailored Hats, $4, $5 and $6 values, for.. $2-95 ALL PATTERN HATS RE DUCED. $10.00 values for one-fourth off regular prices. $12.00 values for one-third olf reg ular prices. $25.00 values for one-half off reg ular prices, Duck Hats SPECIAL TODAY BeautifulArrivals in Duck Hats, Wonderful Val ues at 93c About 200 absolutely new Buck Hats that arrived by express yesterday will bo Included In the store cleanup today. These are the famous "GAGE" make, without question the handsomest styles yet shown, many of one of a kind only, positively exclusive with this store. Spe cial at 95c, $ 1.25, $1.49 Up to $9.00 t DRESS GOODS - A ... Til i TT X3 COLORED DRESS STUFFS. A tyQ BOfl Heather Snltinars. Voile Etaml- fc? tP nes, Granite Cloths, Mohairs, eta, yard 38 $1.50 and $1.25 Suitings, granite wBuvas and homegpuaa, yarcL..89 $1.50 silk and wool fabrics, crepe de chine, eolhene, crap a de Paris, etc, in every wanted color 97 $1.50 London twines, Miscel Voiles, Boutonae Voiles and High Novelty Tweeds, all new colorings 99 $2.00 novelty high grade Voiles, Coverts and Boirtonae Tweeds, yard $1.49 $1.00 all-wool Crepe Voile Etaminee, in all seasonable colorings, yard 59$! SILKS Annex First Floor. $1.00 shirtwaist silks, nice for the shirtwaist suits, yard 62 $1.00 Foulards, twilled and hearty satin finish, every wanted coloring, yard , , 69 $1.25 silks for shirtwaists and suits, all the colorings 83 $1.25 Cheney Bros.' Foulards, all the newest patterns and colors. . 87 Linens, Domestics, Wash Goods $1.50 Napkins, heavy bleached damask, sixe, dozen - $1.15 $1.50 Richardson's fine double damask, newest designs, 3-yard width.... $1,19 $4.50 Napkins of same, dinner 3ize.$3.88 75c fine satin-finish bleached damask, 62 in. wide, 12 patterns in the choosing, yard. . 600 75c heavy unbleached homespun Damask, 60 inches wide, yard.. 5SS 26c HUOK TOWELS, 20x36-inch slae 18 12y2c Turkish Bath Towels, 18x36-inch size 9 $2.00 DIMITY QUILTS, white, good patterns $1.49 15c Lawns, Batistes and Dimities, immense line, all latest pat terns, yard 100 40c Mercerized Ginghams, all wanted colors, yard........ 250 75o Imported Linen Suitings, all the season's newest weaves, yard 380 12 Vic Outing Flannels, all the popular plain colorings, yd... .90 12VaC Pillow Oases, of fine cambric finish 90 Fine quality bleached Muslin, 36 inches wide, yard... 6. 1-20 Double-width Brown's Sheeting, the yard 140 Extra heavy Brown's Sheeting, 36 in. wide, 16 yards f or.$l.GO DAINTY LACES MERCILESSLY SLAUGHTERED Every piece of lace in the house reduced. 25c Laces now, yard -. .210 50c Laces, now, yard ...420 75c Laces, now, yard 630 iil.00 Laoes, now 850 II. 25 Laces, now. $1.05 III. 50 Laces, now ..i.. 25 1.25 i 15.00 Laces, now $4.40 $16.00 Laces, now $14.00 LADIES' NECKDRESS Everything is the House reduced. $1.25 values, now for $1.05 $1.50 values, now for.. $1.25 $2.00 values, now for $1.69 85c values, now far. 300 BRUSSELS NET CURTAINS i'oarth Floor. A Brand cleanup: some Blight- fl Usual 26.09 values; special, 15.09 ly mussed from handling. Usual 27.50 vajus; special, 1150 Usual $11.00 values; special, 100 Usual 38.00 value ; special, 17.50 Usual 12.50 values; special, 7.00 Usual 90.00 values; special, 12.00 Usual 14.00 values; special, 8.00 Usual 13.00 values; special. 19.50 Usual 16.00 values; special, 9.50 Usual 35.00 values; special, 20.00 Usual 17.50 values; special, 10.50 Usual 37.50 valus; special, 22.00 Usual 15.00 values: special, 1L50 Usual 49.09 values; special, 24.00 Usual 20.00 values; special, 12.50 Usual 66.00 values; special, 37.59 Usual 2L00 values; special. 12.00 'Usual 75.00 values; special, 41-00 Usual 22.50 values; special. 14.06 Usual $0.00 values; special, 55.00 EXTRA SPECIAL New Lace Bonds and Galloons First Floor, $7.50 a yard values for $3.48 $3.00 a yard values for $1.48 $1.50 a yard values for. . 85c 85c a yard values for.. 48c 50c a yard values for.. 33c 40c a yard values for. 24c Extra Specials Choice Line Decorated French China Dozens and single pieces of small lots closing- out at one-half usual prices. Sale F Prica Bread Trays ($1.65) $0.83 Bread Trays ($2.25) 1.13 Bread Trays ($3,10) 1.55 Berry Bowls ($2.60) 1.30 Berry Bowls ($3.60) 1.80 Chop Dishes ($2.25) 1.13 Chop Dishes ($3.50) 1.75 Cake Plates ($1.10) 55 Sugars and Creams ($1.85) .. 93 Jelly Jar and ?late ($2.25).,. 1.13 Bon Bon3 ($1.70) 85 Brush and Comb Trays ($2.40) 1.20 Celery Trays ($3.10) 1,55 Olive Trays ($1.15) 58 Bread and Butter Plates ($10.50 dozen), per dozen. 5.25 Tea Plates ($8.50 doz.), doz.. 4.25 Chocolate Cups and Saucers ($8.50 doz.) per doz 4.25 Tea Cups and Saucers ($12.50 doz.), per doz 655 Mayonnaise ($2.40) $150 Candlesticks (80c) 40 A great assortment of fancy German China Plates, Cups and Saucers, Fruit Saucers, Berry Sets, at half usual price. Flower season Vases at half Kaiserzinn, closing out half the usual prices; fancy Cake Plates, Steins, Cheese Dishes, Olives and good assortment useful articles. Five large tables of useful and ornamental China and Glassware at half usual price. A general reduction in all lines in our great housefurnishmg de partment. EMBROIDERIES. First Floor. 25c values 21c 50c values . 42c $1.50 values $1.25 LADIES' 'KERCHIEFS, 960 DOZEN. First Floor. Richardson's pure linen, 10c quality, for, dozen 96c Richardson's pure linen, 25o quality, for, each 21c Richardson's pure linen, 75c quality, for, each 37c Richardson's pure linen, 35c quality, for, each 30c Ladies' fine embroidered hand kerchiefs, 25c values at 15c LADIES' STOCK COLLARS. Values to $1.65, for . . . .75o RIBBONS. First Floor. 65o Dresden Ribbons, all silk, with colored edge, 6-inch width; also 6-inch red Bara theas 48c WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY First Floor . Women's $1.00 White Lisle Union Suits 65$ Women's 15c Sleeveless Cotton Vests 9 Children's 40o Union Suits.. 18k Children's 25c Black Cotton Ho siery 16 Children's 20c Lace Hosiery, seamless, 6 to 9, pair ll Children's 35c Vests and Pants, each 18 Women's 25o Black Cotton Ho siery, lace striped 17 Ladies' White Cotton Lace, trim med knee-length pants, 25c val ues for 17 Ladies' White Cotton Jersey Rib bed Vests, sleeveless, with shaped waists, 25c value. .17