wtiwj pttttt 4f VOL. XLIIL NO. 13,563. PORTLAND, OREGOJN MONDAY, MAT 30, 1904. PRICE FIVE CENT& 3 mJL, maiim FLY FHOMDHJIY Russians Withdraw to Port Arthur. ENGINEERS' LEFT BEHIND They Are to Blow Up Expen sive Docks and Piers. CRUISER CAUGHT IN TRAP Fleet of Fourteen Japanese War Ves sels Cut Off Escape of Russian Vessel From Talienwan Bay Frolic to Niu Chwang. CHEFOO, May 29, 4 P. M. Dalny has practically been evacuated, according to the statements of Sikh and Russian refu gees arriving here today by Junk. All val uables, ammunition and most of the troops have been taken to Port Arthur. The only civilians remaining are the electrical engineers in charge of the mines laid in the harbor and also those set to destroy docks and piers. One large Russian warship, probably the armored cruiser Bayan. and three torpedo boats reached Talienwan Bay on Tues day last, the 24th Inst, from Port Arthur, and It was doubtless this vessel which at tacked the Japanese left wing during the battle at Klnchou on the 26th Instant. The Junks Just arrived here, on their' way down, passed 14 Japanese war vessels nine miles outside of Ialny, so that the Bayan will likely be captured. The United States gunboat Frolic, now here, will go to Niu Chwang, In case that town is evacuated by the Russians. JAPANIESE FURNISH THE NEWS Russians Have No Communication With Port Arthur. ST. PETERSBURG, May 29. (12:46 P. M.-Intense Interest is displayed In the Japanese reports of the Klnchou battle io people In the streets almost mob sbovs to jpjcurft extras containing the tcJvs. Crowds stood around the of- rial boards awaiting the Russian ver sions, but none arrived. The official world. as well as the public, is entirely depend ent upon the Japanese for news. Further details are eagerly looked for, especially regarding losses. The prevailing conviction here Is that the Japanese must have carried Nan Chan at tremendous sacrifice. The ac counts of the heroically stubborn defense made by the Russians, notwithstanding their position, subject to the Are of ar tillery from the front and from warships on the flank, are a -source of much satis faction. Their own reports, the Russians say, could not have placed the lighting qualities of their soldiers in a better light than do these of the Japanese. Both the Admiralty and the War Office are without news and frankly confess they do not expect to hear from the be leaguered garrison In Port Arthur again directly except by accident until the fort ress has been relieved or surrendered, or the war ended. Some native reports that drifted into headquarters at Uao Yang, and were forwarded here, say that the Japanese lost many thousands. Great Activity Expected. The impression in army circles is that the Japanese will push operations against Port Arthur with the greatest energy, hut It Is also believed a month or more will be required to bring up siege guns. In the Chlno-Japanese war, although Kln chou was taken practically without oppo sition, 11 days were necessary to prepare for the storming of Port Arthur. Colonel Kove6ky, of the general staff, In an Interview, points out that Port Ar thur, although generally denominated a fortress. Is in reality an entrenched camp whereof Klnchou was only an advanced, Improvised position. It would be unwise to Judge of the strength of the permanent connected fortifications around Port Ar thur by Klnchou. These fortifications, he said, support each other scientifically. Operations against them will require the most careful, systematic preparation. "The Japanese now before Port Arthur," said Colonel Novesky, "may proceed in three different ways: First, an open at tack after preparatory artillery lire; sec ond, a progressive siege, and third, a blockade. I think the Japanese will adopt the first course, as it Is not to their ad vantage to wait while Russian enforce ments are arriving. The second method Is a long and complicated operation that might last months. "Port Arthur, generally speaking. Is impregnable, but impregnability is a rela tive term. Nothing in fortification is really invincible. Guns will destroy any structure. Cannon will defeat each other. Sappers can remove Impediments outside and fill ditches. Scaling ladders will over come any walls. Mines can be met with counter-mines. "A blockade would Involve passive activ WISDOM'S THE LEADERS OF DEAR OLD FRISCO SOCIETY WRITE US THAT CREAM TINT RO-BER-TINE IS THE TALK OF THE TOWN. IT IS THE ONLY CREAM TINT FLUID FACE POWDER. FOR SALE BY MEIER & FRANK CO. ity for many months and an enormous number of troops. Therefore, I believe that the Japanese will attempt to carry the place by assault with the aid of their artillery. "The Japanese are copying on a larger scale their campaign of 1S94. While Gen eral Oku Is at Port Arthur, General Ku rokl, after a Junction with the advanc ing army landing at Takushan, will move on Hal Cheng and Niu Chwang until they are occupied. I do not believe General Kuroki will move against General Kuro patkln's main position until he has formed a base at Niu Chwang." Fortress Nearly Impregnable. One of the Associated Press Russian correspondents has Just returned from Port Arthur. He has been over and Is thoroughly familiar with the forts and defenses there. His opinion Is that the fortress cannot be taken except by sys tematic siege operations that will require many months. "Unless the Japanese are able to carry It In less than three months," the cor respondent says, "they will be too late, as General Kuropatkln will then have enough men to send an army to relieve the garrison. Fock is a great fighter. Stoessel has 40,000 men. Including the sail ors on the warships. The correspondent also explains that the abrupt declivity in the rear of the po sition at Nan Chan made it impossible for General Fock to take away heavy guns when he retired. Squadron Must Give Battle. The Novoe "Vremya says that whatever the Port Arthur squadron does, it must not Imitate the squadron at Sebastopol longer than to have a good chance for an open fight with the enemy. It were bet ter that than to sink the ships in the harbor. Viceroy Alexieff has notified the native peasants in Manchuria not to sow corn or other plants, the stalks of which might afford cover for the Chun Chuses. A special envoy of the Ministry of Ag riculture is now at Llao Yang organizing the planting of vegetables along the rail way to meet the requirements of the army. ORDERS WERE TO HOLD. Butr Russians Cannot Withstand Fierce Japanese Attacks. SPECIAL CABLE TO THE LONDON" TIMES AND PORTLAND OREGONIAN. "WEI HAI WEI, May 30. Your naval correspondent with the steamer Haimun has sent many dispatches during the last two days, but owing to severe intermit tent storms 'the wireless apparatus has not worked perfectly, and only portions of his story of events within the scene of operations can be deciphered. It seems, however, that the Russians did not ex pect that their position between Kinchou and Nan Shan could be taken, and Lleu-tenant-General Stoessel's orders were to hold the Japanese back at alLcost. It was then expected by General Kuro patkln that General Kuroki would detach a portion of his command and' send aid to General Kuroki, at the same time retiring to Feng Wang Cheng to await the fall of Port Arthur. This would have given the Russian Commander-in-Chief opportunity to bring up reinforcements from Harbin to Mukden and prepare to hold the de fenses south of Mukden with 150,000 men. Not to Be Withstood. The plan was a good one, and failed be cause of tactics which resulted in the sweeping victories secured at Nan Shan by the Japanese. General Stoessel did all in his power to stave off defeat, but flesh and blood could not withstand, that terrific bombardment which swept the Russian trenches, disabling fleldpiece after field piece, and finally obliterating entire gun crews. The defenses swept by the Japanese were of the most substantial nature, and both Generals Kuropatkln and Stoessel had every reason to believe that they would prove lmprejjnable. It took six days of fighting, however, culminating In Friday's all-day battle, to sweep the Rus sian column back, and the Japanese will hardly follow up their victory until fresh troops can be landed to aid those already In service north of Port Arthur. Troops Charge Over the Dead. The earlier fighting was wonderful, and almost beyond the power of pencil to de scribe. The dogged determination which marks the character of the Oriental was never better shown than In the repeated assaults against the heights guarded by artillery and well-armed, infantry. At tack upon attack failed, but nevertheless fresh troops were pushed up to reinforce the shattered columns, and each succeed ing wave of assault carried the heads of columns nearer to the objective point. At times these waves would ebb and mo tion would almost die away, but still fresh divisions behind and the detraction caused by the naval attack on the left rear enabled the Japanese to rush forward their heavy field batteries Into effective range. As the evening shadows were fall ing, the Russians were beaten and began to evacuate their positions, slowly at first, but a state of panic soon seized many of the garrison, frenzied by the scenes they had witnessed during the last 16 hours, 'and the retreat became almost a rout. Rout Late at Night. At S o'clock Friday night the sun-rayed flag of Japan was floating over the entire chain of works held at daylight by the Russians. It was an exhausted army that slept that night ambng the hills, but the Joy of success was in every heart, and skirmish lines of pickets stretched well to the southward, and opportunity was af forded the weary troops to rest and secure much-needed food. The right of the Japanese position com manded the Dalny defenses, and the Rus- (Concluded. on Page Three.) AY OF PLEASURE How Tens of Thousands Spent Sunday. RUSH TO THE OPEH AIR Rivers, Woods and Parks All Swarm With People. GREAT CROWDS AT SEASIDE Excursions Up and Down Rivers and to the Beach Divide Attractions With Churches, Theaters and Ball Games. y1 ESTIMATE OF ATTENDANCES. 24,000 15.000 people attended church, people visited City Park, the Fair grounds, the cemeteries and the Heights. people attended the theaters, people attended the balloon as cension. people went on excursions to out-of-town points by rail and boat. people attended the minor base ball games, no league same be in? played. people visited the picnic grounds and dancing pavilions, people went driving. people went boating. 8,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 1,600 1,000 700 From a variety of causes the total attend ance at the different churches throughout the city yesterday, although special memo rial day services were held in eight of them, was about normal. In two or three city churches where memorial services were held last night, the attendance was larger than usual, but this average was again decreased by lower attendance at other churches where ordinary Sunday services were held- On account of today bctog -a holldayr-many churchgoers went out of town Saturday night and early yes terday morning to spend two quiet-days in the country, Intending to return this evening or early tomorrow morning. But the absence of these churchgoers from their usual places of worship was offset by people from surrounding towns who have come here to spend Memorial day In the city, where will be imposing processions by the Grand Army, and music of a more elaborate scale than one would hear in In terior towns. The number of picnic ex cursions and river trips did not decrease the church attendance, because those who attend picnic excursions, river trips and ball games on Sundays are not habitual churchgoers. The season Is too early yet for churchgoers to be Inoculated by the microbe which makes them think of cool ocean beach and shady wood and hie themselves to the mountain or seaside. ' At the Balloon Ascension. Several thousand of the city pleasure seekers witnessed the balloon ascension and parachute drop at Mount Tabor and were well repaid for the trip. Frank Mil ler, who lives In Portland, and who has the reputation of being one of the most expert men In the balloon-Jumping busi ness, went up probably 1500 feet before he detached the parachute. He seemed no larger than a fly suspended In mid-air by spider webs when he finally cut loose from the big fat hot-air bag. Thousands of tense eyes were focused on him. ana thou sands of hearts skipped a beat while he plunged downward perhaps 300 feet. For this distance he came as If thrown from a catapult, and then the big canvas um brella spread. Those who watched then proceeded to sigh with relief that the strain was off, and the daring aeronaut floated gracefully and leisurely to the good old solid side of Mount Tabor, only a few hundred yards from where he rose. It was a fine exhibition. There was some delay In Inflating the balloon, and the crowd" became Impatient, but when It was over the throng3 returned cityward entirely satisfied. It had been advertised that Miller would release a turkey simul taneously with cutting the parachute loose and race It to the ground, but owing to the objections of the Humane Society the Idea was abandoned. The turk was pres ent and prepared to do his act, so by way of compromise it was decided to give the plucky fowl to tho winner of a boys foot race before the big event was pulled off. The youngsters ran for their lives, 20 of them, and a kid In a red sweater dis tanced all others and carried off the bird. City Park at Its Best. The City Park, with countless roses a-bloom, was at Its best yesterday, and was thronged bj hundreds of people all day, many lingering until the last moment allowed. The number of children that raced up and down the paths and rolled about in the grass showed that statistics are quite unreliable In the matter of Port land's birth rate. It is the great place for the little ones, the City Park, and their parents recognize the fact. The guinea fowl, which are free of bars and heed not "Keep-Off-the-Grass signs, were frequent ly startled by some diminutive youngster In whom the sporting Instinct found early expression, and a hopeless chase would follow. The monkeys had their usual crowd of admirers, and their antics aroused pleasing reminiscences of the cir cus In young minds. The swings creaked all day long between the bear pit and the cage of the tiger, who was a helpless tar get for the kodaks that kept up a heavy Are on him most of the day. The bears. J too, were under fire, being shelled with peanuts until the bottom, of their den was covered with the litter. The kangaroos' enclosure was a fashion able resort, and seemed to attract a large number of the girls that wear high-heeled shoes. It may be that they wished to study the originators of the kangaroo walk; If so, they were disappointed, for the kangaroos were far "from, "full of hop," appearing, Indeed, to have hardly a kick left In them. Excursions Up the Willamette. Nearly 1100 tickets on the steamboats running between Portland and Oregon City were sold a week ago Sunday, and It Is estimated that an even larger number were sold yesterday. In other words, some 600 Portlanders, together with some scores of children under 6, (for whom no charge is made) yesterday enjoyed several hours steamboating on this beautiful river. The only boa in the Sunday excursion busi ness are the Leona and the Altona, of the Oregon City Transportation Com pany. One of these boats makes four round trips, and the other three, every Sunday through the season, the last boat leaving Oregon GIty about 6 P.M. Gov ernment regulations are strictly complied with, the Leona carrying not more than 175 passengers to the trip and the Altona not more than 300. The trip is without doubt one of the most delightful for Sun day excursions convenient to any city In America. Landings are made at half a dozen points between Portland and Ore gon City, notably Oswego, Magoon's Park, Jennings, Meldrums and Rlsley's. Here scores of picnic parties go ashore for a few hours freedom in the woods. Upon requests made to the captain a steamboat is often run up past the Ore gon City bridge, to give the passengers a close view of the Falls of the "Willam ette. A considerably larger number of ex cursionists' have availed themselves of this route during the past month than during the corresponding period last year. Open Resting Spots Crowded. If there is a nook or cranny inside the city limits that was not thronged by the little folks and the grown-ups of Port land yesterday. It must have been places absolutely inaccessible. From early morn ing until the stars were almost ready to go to bed, the -people flocked to the vari ous resting spots. The day was ideal for a day's outing among the hills and parks. The City Park and the Lewis and Clark Fair grounds caught most of the people, and with lunch baskets filled with good things to eat, the heads of families took their kiddies, and lunched under the trees. It was estimated by the railway compa nies that at least 20,000 people were car ried to the various points of interest with in the city limits. Some of these, of course, went to other points, but most of them preferred the short trips that kept them near home. Those who did not go to the parks took themselves to Port land and "Willamette Heights, where they rambled through the gulches and trees until tlrea. Then the lifnclt hampers '.were emptied of their toothsome contents and when the repast was dispatched the woods and hills once more echoed with the happy shouts of the children. "While Sunday was a day of healthful ozone breathing for the thousands. It was a hard day for the employes of the street railways. Conductors, especially," were (Concluded on Pace- 5.) BOi OF PERIL l Heroes of Missouri Giv en Words of Praise. DEEDS-LESSEN SADNESS Mate Monssen's Daring Is Not . Exceeded in History. ADMIRAL BARKER'S REPORT President Roosevelt Says It Is a Mat ter of Profound Satisfaction That Officers and Men Showed Such Discipline and Courage. "WASHINGTON, May 29. Secretary Moody has Issued a general order contain ing extracts from the report of the Mis souri court of inquiry repardlng the con duct of the officers and men at the time of the accident on board that vessel, April 13; letters from the President to the Navy Department regaining the bravery of the officers and men of the Missouri; the ex traordinary heroism shown by Chief Gun ner's Mate Monssen, Gunner's Mate C. S. Schepke and Acting Gunner R. E. Cox, and also a letter from the President to the Department expressing his satisfac tion at the behavior of the chaplain of the Missouri, Father Gleason, at the time of the accident. After reading the memo randum of the Commander-in-Chief, the President sent this letter to the Depart ment: "The memorandum of Rear-Admiral Barker, Commander-in-Chief of the North Atlantic fleet, of April 29, on the accident on board the Missouri, has been laid be fore me by the Navy Department. In it Admiral Barker says: 'The disaster was appaHing, but it developed heroes. His tory records no more heroic act than that of Monssen, who crawled through a hole in: the burning magazine to put out the flames. The conduct of the Captain, offi cers and crew was superb, showing excel lent discipline and. marked-physical cour age.' Show Well Under Trial. "Although we must all of us be sad dened at so lamentable a catastrophe, and though every effort must be made and every energy bent to minimize the chance of its recurrence, yet it is a matter of pro found gratification to all who are proud Tf the American Navy that the officers and men concerned should have behaved so PASSING TO THE SHADOWS well under such trying circumstances. The I weapons with which men now make war on the ocean are so terrible, the mechan ism, of our warships Is at once so delicate and so formidable, as to make thorough training and practice In their use both indispensable and dangerous. "Such war machines would In battle be utterly useless unless those handling them know by actual experience their capabili ties and power to utilize to the highest degree these capabilities, and this power can only be acquired by practice, from which a certain amount of risk Is Insep arable. Not a Man Flinched. "For many minutes after the accident occurred on the Missouri every one aboard her knew that any minute she might go to the bottom, yet thdro was no flinch ing and no disorder among ner crew. L Although the veterans aboard her were less numerous than the recruits, every man peformed his duty with a cool self possession and courage which gives us a right to feel grounds for entire con fidence as to the way In which any emergency, In battle or otherwise, would be met. "I congratulate and thank Admiral Bar ker and those under him for the showing that has been made, I have written sep arately concerning Captain Cowles, Act ing Gunner Cox, Chief Gunner's Mate Monssen and Gunner's Mate Schepke. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." In the course of a letter to the Secretary of the Navy, after reading the report of the court of inquiry, the President said regarding the victims of tho accident: Tribute, to the Dead. "These died for their country as honor ably as If they had died in battle against an enemy. "We mourn their fate, but we mourn it only as we mourn those who fall bravely at the post of duty." On be half of the Nation I pay tribute of honqr to the brave dead who died so nobly. "I desire furthermore to thank Captain Cowles, and through him the officers and enlisted men under him for so having borne themselves in this great emergency as to "deserve what the court said of :hem in the language above quoted. I congratulate because our ships are manned by men who at such a time can mako such a showing, for I know that the honor of the" Nation will ever be safe In their hands. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." To each one of the officers and men re ported by the court as deserving and to Chaplain Gleeson, the Navy Department has sent a copy of the general ordei wlh a commendatory letter. Letters Sent With Medals. Specially commendatory letters have also been written by the Secretary to Cox, Monssen and Schepke, and to Mons sen and Schepke medals Qf honor have been awarded. . Because the law does not provide for the awarding of a medal of honor to an officers In the Navy, Acting Gunner Cox couIdTibt be awarded" one7 " "" ,""""": Secretary Moody has also written a let ter to Rear-Admiral Barker, transmitting a letter from, the President, congratulat ing tho Commander-in-Chief for his fine conduct and that of those under his com mand in connection with the Missouri ac cident. In each case the department has for warded the letter of the President, accom panied by one from the Secretary. 1LPIER5HN Lackawanna Loses Heavily in New York. OIL BARRELS FEED FLAMES Finally Checked at Ironclad Coal Trestle. MANY SMALL BOATS LOST Sparks Endanger Water Front fort Nearly a Mile-Loss on Prop erty and Freight Is Esti mated at $5,000,000. NEW YORK, May 30. Seven -freight and coal piers of the Delaware, Lacka wanna & "Western Railroad In Jersey City were destroyed today by a fire that start ed on the barge Allen C. Churchill, which lay alongside pier 12, on which a lot of barrels of oil were stored. The loss la estimated at $1,000,000. The flames spread rapidly. Pier 12 was 800 feet long and was soon ablaze Its entire length, and the firemen who were trying" to fight the fire front the shore were able to accomplish but little. The flames swept across to pier 11 and: beyond, being finally checked at pier 5, which 13 a new coal trestle, steel-framed and Iron-clad. Here the firemen and fireboats made a desperate stand and stayed the advance of the fire until tho burning piers crumbled and fell Into tha water. Water Played on Ships. Although there was little wind, sparks fell all along the water-front for nearly a mile, endangering the Lackawanna sta tion and even the Hamburg-American and Bremen line piers, where the firemen wero kept busy playing streams of water upon the blaze and over the ships at their docks. A number of canal boats and several tugs were burned, the loss of small boats being variously estimated at from 30 to 200. The number of freight cars Is not known, but the loss on this class of roll ing stock will be heavy. The Lacka wanna road moved Its passenger coaches out to the Meadows, and one train of freight cars was moved out and saved. Piers 11 and 12 were full of general merchandise; piers 7, 8, 9 and 10 wero used for coal and pier 6 was a grain loading pier. No person was seriously, injured. Vice-President Loomis, of the Lacka wanna, placed the total loss by the fire at $5,000,000, based on the original cost of the piers burned, on the freight stored on them and to some extent the loss of business which must necessarily ensue. It also Includes the burning of the canal boats and barges thickly moored, between some of the piers. The Lackawanna Company carries lta. own Insurance. Half Million Fire In New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, May 29. Fire in tha heart of the wholesale district today de stroyed the plants of the Louis Rico Saddlery Company at Common and Maga zine streets, the Simmons Manufacturing Company and the Melgh, Brady & Lin coln "Woodenware Company. The loss Is $500,000. Cordage Plant Destroyed. MONTGOMERY. Ala.. May 29. Fire de stroyed the plant of the Alabama Com press and Storage Company here today. The loss is $400,000. CONTENTS OF TODAY'S PAPER War In the Far East. Dalny evacuated by Russian troops; engineers left to Are mines. Page 1. Object of Klnchou battle on Russians' part was to delay advance. Page 1. Two Russian destroyers said to have been de stroyed off Port Arthur. Page 3. Description of tha Japanese victory at Kln chou. Page 3. National. Bravery of men on Missouri recognized In re- ports to President Boosevelt. Page 1. President Boosevelt on the way to Gettysburg for Memorial day. Page 2. Foreign. Last of Venezuelan-British disputes decided by umpire appointed by President Boosevelt. Page 2. Captives of Moroccan bandits are now treated more decently; American cavalry may bo landed. Page 2. Thibetans routed with loss by column under Colonel Younghusband. Page 2. Domestic. Seven freight and coal piers destroyed in New York; losa Is $5,000,000. Page 1. Gillespie Jury Is discharged because members are unable to agree. Pago 4. Methodist General Conference closes after ac complishing much legislation.. Page 4. Political. Grover Cleveland says Judge Parker Is. th logical Democratic candidate for the Pres idency. Page 2. Pacific Coast. Mrs. James Penland killed In Salem railway yards. Page 4. Improvement in lumber prices noted by Lower Columbia Blver mills. Page 4. Fate of kidnaped Baker boy Is still In doubt. Page 4. Sports. Pacific Coast League scores: San Francisco 4-7. Portland 3-6; Seattle 0-10, Tacoma 8-1; Los Angeles 2, Oakland 0. Page 5. Tacoma fans make a furious attack on TJmplra O'Connell and Parke "Wilson. Page 5. All-Portlands defeat Schillere at the Vaughn street ground. Page 5. Portland and Vicinity. Great crowds turn out to enjoy a fine Sunday on the rivers, at the parks and the beaches. Page 1. Memorial day services at many churches. Pago 10. ' Fire destroys the home of Martha McGee, the street preacher. Page 11. " Charles Sheely commits suicide by Inhaling gas. Page 1L Eil 103.0