. nriynr jwb T T"!?" 5P r -r - -s. v ff THE MORNING OftEGONIAX FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1904. ISH1T! mtM. The "Different Store" Fifth and Gorman Makes Platform in Maryland. Washington Sts. tgyyiyaw-'i-w.. Portland's only distributing point for the famous "STANDARD FASHIONS." The most perfect system of tailoring known. June Designer at" Pattern Counter Annex, Pirst Floor 10. postpaid to any address for one year for 80. Special subscription price TARIFF REVISION FAVORED S" "Sp" "" M0VHHBMaHitaaMaMMnMaHiaHi f 1 K&y?3fci- QJFH& Independence for the Filipinos Is Also Urged. ROOSEVELT TAKEN TO TASK He Is Held to Have Usurped the Pow ers of Congress-Further Investi gation of Postoffice Depart ment and the Piank. BAItfTMORE. May 25. The Democratic fitate Convention of Maryland met In thl3 city today, adopted a platform and elect ed delegates to the St. Louis Convention United States Senator Gorman was a dele gate from Howard County, and his entry Into the convention hall was the signal for enthusiastic applause. The platform adopted by the convention admittedly em bodies Mr. Gorman's opinion of what the National platform should be, he being a member of the committee on resolutions, It Is confined to National issues, and prac tically Indorses the line of action followed by the Democratic committee during the late session of Congress. It calls for mod erate tariff revision, Independence for the Filipinos, economy In expenditures and full investigation of all alleged crooked ness In the Postoffice and other Govern ment departments, and severely critlcses the present Administration. Expansion and Canal. As to the Philippine Islands and the Panama Canal, the platform contains this clause: "There Is no rightful place under our system of constitutional American liberty for the conquest, subjugation and govern ment of alien races in remote Islands of the sea, and for the dangers and evils that accompany colonial and Imperial ex pansion, and we pledge ourselves to the adoption of all conservative and practica ble measures to rescue the Government from the ell consequences of so deplor able a departure from the fundamental principles of the Constitution. To this end, we demand, at the earliest possible moment. Independence shall be granted to the Filipinos, with the same general re lationship to this country as that now en joyed by the people of Cuba. "The Democratic party has been fore most in aavocatlng the construction of an interooeanlc canal for the purposes of National defense and commerce between the statee. While accepting the result of the negotiations conducted by President Roosevelt, we canot lose sight of the dis turbing fact that the methods under which the territory was acquired were in defiant disregard of law and treaty obliga tions toward a sister republic, too weak to resist the ungenerous action of our Government." Members of Congress. The Republican Senate and House of Representatives are condemned for their "persistent and deliberate refusal to per mit an ln estimation" of alleged frauds In the departments at Washington. As to the present Administration, the platform declares that President Roose velt has been gulltyof "repeated and un pardonable dictation to both branches of Congress." "We donounoo him," it continues, "for flagrant encroachment upon the rightful powers and Independence of Congress, and, while amazed at the subserviency of a Republican Senate and a Republican House of Representa tives to his orders and bold usurpation, w declare his autocratic invasion ot their freedom deserves, and should re ceive the indignant rebuke and con demnation of the people." While the delegates to St. Louis were not Instructed except to vote as a unit, it is admitted that this course was followed at the request of Senator Gorman, the convention being plainly In the humor to instruct for him. When a delegate moved to so instruct. Sen ator Gorman protested, and the mo tion was withdrawn. The convention adopted a resolution commending the "boldness and vigor with which our Senator, Arthur P. Gorman, has sig nalized his return to his former field of acknowledged leadership and dis tinguished public services." The following delegates-at-large were chosen: Senator Gorman, ex-Governor John Walter Smith, State Treasurer Murray Vanderiver, Congressman J. F. C. Tal bot. Twelve district delegates were also chosen. Previous to adjournment Senator Gorman, In response to Insistent calls, briefly addressed the convention, and said he was satisfied with the honors that had been conferred upon him, and that "no selfish ambition, no local pride, no desire for personal favoritism should hamper us until ie have re deemed the country and placed a Dem ocrat in the Presidential chair." Tutf s Pills Cure All ARE YOU ' BAN KRUPTin health, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid fiver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills! "TV-sixth GRAND FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE OPPORTUNITIES TOR ECONOMICAL SHOPPING WERE NEVER GREATER! When such a well-known and .RELIABLE house as OLDS, WORTMAN & KING, whose fame is far from being confined to the Pacific States, advertises anything, no matter how low the price may seem, QUALITY does not suffer a whit. Such a thing has never been permitted in our nearly three-decade career among our own homefolk of Portland and her trade tributaries. Silent but eloquent, our steady growth in size and in the cenfidenca of the community attests the fact. No nusrepresentations , no misleading statements, every measurement right to the fraction of an inch, a policy of honor as old as the house itself, stands behind every statement. Sweep ing reductions are made for today's FIFTY-SIXTH "ECONOMY SALE." Profits will be less, but patronage will be increased. Read every item, or you may miss a saving? RESULT OP VOTE IN EDUCATIONAL CONTEST At 4 P. M. of Yesterday IMPORTANT No May votes will be counted after 6 P. M. of Wednesday, June 1. All June votes will be stamped." Patrons must get their votes at time of making purchase. They are always sent back with the goods. Total number of votes cast 93,144 Number of teachers- voted for 220 MISS PADDEN leads with 9819 votes MISS 0. F. ALLEN, second, with 9310 votes MISS WINNIFRED MOSHER, third, with S473 votes THE FIFTEEN LEADERS TO DATE. Kate Paddea, Atkinson 9S19 Miss C. F. Allen, Falling 9310 Wlnnlfred Mosher. Harrison W73 Miss L. K. S trout. Chapman .... 7857 Suza Jones, Highland 7492 Ella Lavenson, Atkinson &418 Bertha Moore. High 39G3 Mrs. Kate Llghtner. N. Central .. 3822 Helen Crane, Falling 3496 Matilda Weiss, Thompson 2936 Mrs. Nellie Hiltabldel, Alblna Central 2878 R. R. Steele. High 25SG Mrs. Esther Kane. WIlllams-Ave. 1908 Verdi Moore, Portsmouth 1572 Ruth Rounds, High 1310 mm JML l lik MMim es " lBLT-'r"' Well Sell 35 Suits Today for $ 1 2.95 The Surpassing Suit Sale of the Season A surprising event in which values figure as never before in the history of women's suit selling in Portland. 'Tis ! lQ&$tf f !i I lWf e resu a maker's loss and a de termination, on uur part tu iu tribute such bargains today among suit buyers as never before were known to be offered by a Portland house to Portland women. The continued cold and unseasonable weather in the East has spread consternation in big chunks among the makers of high grade garments who provided over liberally for their trade this season. The Fall run stares them in the face already-; hardly more than a month must elapse ere our army of buyers start for our Eastern headquarters at 438 Broadway, New York City, for Fall buying. A dollar of cash now does the work of two in persuading manufacturers to unload their Sum mer stocks. With usual foresight, our New York resident buyers have taken advantage of these very unusual opportunities and selected un stintedly, yet carefully, of the cream of several of the leading suitmakers stocks at absurdly low prices. The suits came to ub by express early in the week, and we've saved 'em for today's sale they go to you with out a profit about 300 suits it's only one way we sow the seeds now to ? reap the benefits later in our expanded store. The suits are from the leading man tailors and modistes of Eastern style centers. THEY ARE IN BOTH DRESS AND PEDESTRIAN (WALKING) STYLES Materials included are Venetians, broadcloths, cheviots and fancy import ed novelty goods, in blues, blacks, browns, grays, tans and all the new est mixtures, the smartest colorings yet shown this season. In Etons, blouse, military and jacket effects, with every new and popular idea in trimming. All positively the latest, swellest styles of the advanced season. The lowest value is a remarkable bargain at $20.00; most of the suits are in the $25.00 and $30.00 to $35.00 class. jO AC Today you may select at one price, viz 3 J-0 Imitators we may have, but 'twould be as impossible for a prattling school boy to copy a Rembrandt as for local competition to equal these values. Just in by express yesterday, new Silk Petticoats and Silk Drop Skirts, in all wanted colors $7. 5 0 to $12. 50 J s LADIES' WASHABLE Stock Collars, 9c First Floor. If you've bo't 'em at 20c, the real value, you've got your full money's worth, but you'd better buy more today while they're down in price. Real nainsook, with stole ends and fancy fagoting trim med, white washable stocks 9 25c Stock Collars 5c A beautiful lot, just received, fancy Persian effects, with color embroid ery on scrim; very smart and stylish. The regular 25c values today for 1S An Economy Sale of Wanted A sort of sale for which this store is famous, full of rare values in handsome, popular Point Venise, Paraguay and Renaissance Band and Medallion Laces, so much used in trimmings for the new Summer Waist3, Wraps and Skirts. Very effective for festoons, panels or sleeve trim mings. Popular, dainty pieces, in white, ecru and creams. All at prices that will prove powerful levers to start them moving out to new owners. Regular prices reduced this way S5c values to 24 50c values to r 33 75c values to .- 4S6 $1.00 values to 69rf S1.25 and $1.50 values to S5d So.uu values to 1.48 Ladies' pure Linen 'Kerchiefs, 10c, I2V2C, 15c; by the box, 6 in a box, 75c, S1.20. Positive Purse Openers Knitwear Bargains First Floor. We crown the achievements of this grand old organization's most notable value dis tributions with some most remarkable items of underpricings for today's "Economy Sale." Among them WOMEN'S "MERODE" UNDER WEAR, UNION SUITS; shirts cut high in neck, with long sleeves or low necked and sleeveless; pants in akle or knee lengths, with best silk trim ming effects. Splendid 85c values in Union Suits (some stores might with good cause say "dollar values") special for today only at, suit...60 69 FOR $1.25 HOSE. Ladies' all lace Lisle Hosiery in blacks only, assorted styles brilliant luster finish, a high-grade $1.25 Hose today only at, pair 69d BOYS' 75c SHIRTWAISTS FOR 49. Handsome Fauntleroy styles, in whites only, assorted styles in fine variety, at tractively trimmed, usual 65c and 75c values today only for 49 AJfBy nTyftu IB SO I ill-' V llil 1 nt KeDnfraf WlSM taHataH Handsome Silk Organdies a! 1 5c the Yard In the "Wash Goods Section." With commencement days at hand, this value should be grasped by eager buyers. No such bargain has ever been offered before, to our knowl edge, by any Portland store in its Summer fabric stocks. Beautiful, sheer and crisp Silk Organdies for making up the dainty Summer even ing dresses or commencement gowns, in dainty pinks, light blues, ivories, cardinals, blacks, navys, niles and whites. For today only we offer them at the ridiculously low price of, the yard 15 s? Ladies' 'Kerchiefs for 9c INSTEAD OF 15c TO 25c First Floor. I xamijr iavo-cugcu Mnuiuim ctnu owias .Ucuiu&ercniexs, prettily embroidered. Values included from the usual 15c to 25c qualities today only choice for, each 9 Ribbons More Radiant Than Ever ANENT THAT SPLENDID BARGAIN First Floor. Now you'may buy 35c and 40c Ribbons for 25 the yard. On sale this week at ribbon counter, first floor. Thousands of yards of handsome all-silk Ribbons, soft finish and rich, plain colorings. Good val ues at the usual, every-day prices, 35c and 40c yard while the lot lasts choose for, per yard, "two-bits." Special Sale Souvenir Steins 1 3c Third Floor. Handsome colored steins in one-fourth litre size, with embossed views of Portland Hotel, Mount Hood and Rooster Rock (on the Columbia) on each stein; 7 inches in height, useful and decidedly ornamental on any sideboard Today only we will place them on sale 25c values at, each 13 SPECIAL SALE DINNER SETS THIS WEEK. WHITE SEME-PORCELAIN. 50-Piece Dinner Set 3.44 60-Piece Dinner Set $4.40 100-Piece Dinner Set , "..... v.. S6!82 E1NG CHARLES DECORATED DINNER SET. 50-Piece Set 4.56 60-Piece Set S5.80 100-Piece Set 9.01 HAVILAND DECORATED CHINA. 100-Piece Dinner Sets, special 822.00 100-Piece Dinner Sets, full gold line, special $27i0O Women's $ 1 .50 House Slippers ot 93c The Home of "ONLY GOOD SHOES" First Floor. Very exceptional values, 6 new ffrv styles of dressy, comfortable .xTS HCPAST&.."I:f House Slippers, with full iXOAl W round or medium toes, flat or OOVlX ,&--rf concave heels and soft, flex- te-rs1 Sd? A J ible hand-turned soles; intone- jiV-Ligk,;,; A "wJM strap or plain styles; bow or- .fjlaf Y$$h ' nament with one-strap styles. r1 Best $1.50 values Friday for. u Vj m rJ Women's $3 Oxfords or Shoes for $ 1 .93 Five best styles in the choosing, either Oxford or boot styles, best kid stock, very dressy, soles heavy or light, for street or dress wear, round or medium toes. Best $3.00 Shoes in the city. Not a lot of old, ante bellum styles, but new, snappy, down-to-date Shoes, full of style "go," and all sizes to pick from on Friday only at $1.93 Superb Taffetas at 97c Yard Annex First Floor. TODAY THEY'RE THE LEADING $1.25 GRADE-SPLENDID SERVICEABLE BLACK SILKS. For today only we've selected some remarkable values in All-Silk Black Taffetas. Among them a 27-inch width, of the regular $1.25 quality, which we've marked for the day only at, yard 97 $1.98 FOR MOHAIR SICILIANS THAT SELL FOR $2.50. Annex First Floor. Best S2.50 English Pure Mohair Sicilian, in black only Very heavy and durable, with rich silk finish, for today only, yard S1.98 M t.tjfai iJ.JH y T Ck i& ISllS The Best Yet Prom the Salons of LLINERY (Amonst the Peach Blows Second Floor.) 2.50 Sumatra Straw Sailors $1.49 Just 200 in the lot, jaunty and chic, feather-weight, of Su- matra straw, smartly draped SammBSSt vritu hub iicea mow ana sue x- r,Miiai65 chiffon to match. An ideal hat SPWiPSS' for the 1904 Summer girl. BSHP? Tney nave the cool, comfort- BfiirJf shift. Bftnw mnMnnca fti of ' BkATo' only the sailor can give ultra KvSr fashionable and splendid val- Wv ne az ion resmiar Tinn ot mmtisyj t.tt (. f W . frf -TTSt i sT ?z.ou ior x naay oniy, or J&Qth v while they last, choose at, ?;5irr v? each StliQ &SssHsSftvtffcV V . siM'ssxmr.i-.rj- j.- a srKrs New Dm Hats and SallnrR inn ft8&a53?.$k flafcS received by express from New York, open tomorrow. Watch for special Saturday features. Surprising Bargains in Portieres v $VV e open t0Q&y a 8Pecial too dayB sale of l iur Portieres; 35 new and handsome styles are in tne inches wide and three-yard lengths, fringed and corded. Regular $3.50 values, special at.. S2.35 Regular $4.00 values, special at 82.65 Regular 5.50 values, special at $3.85 Regular 86.50 values, special at $4.75 Regular $7.50 values, special at 25.25 Regular 8.50 values special at $6.00 Regular $11.00 values, special at 37.50 Regular $12.00 values, special at S8.50 Regular $13.50 values, special at .-...' S9.85 Regular $15.00 values, special at $11.00 Regular $17.50 values, special at 813.00 Regular $22.00 values, special at $16.50 $2.75 RUFFLED NET CURTAINS FOR 81.65. Seven styles in the selection, Curtains have laoe edge and lace insertions, in three-yard lengths, 42 inches wide, including the seven-inch ruffle ' Best $2.76 values today only, at .....' 81.65 A w Kj "? $2.95 Por $5 Petticoats Today Annex Second Floor. Fine Black Mercerized Sateen Petticoats, wide umbrella flounces, with seven butterfly ruffles regular price $5.00, special today only S2.98 a le of E- POR MEN tmil7C! " V -First rwSZ&VAL Ms23 ywmm mm$&w & JiM In the Haberdasherie Shop- Floor. Ours is a shop for everybody, and the man who passes us up fails to recognize the saving possibilities we make every day in the matchless "man's shop" so conveniently lo cated on first floor, handy to either main entrance. Today we offer two special values that should at tract attention from every man who would save the nickels and pen nies that go to make the dollars. 39c for 75c Undergarments Today A line of form-fitting, derby-ribbed shirts and drawers in an attractive ecru shade, sizes a little broken but yours is probably here regular 75c values tcday only at, each 39 Men's Pour-in-Hands 1 9c Today A line of very pretty, new patterns in reversible Four-in-Hands, the latest widths, splendid values, special today at, each 19 Bargain Strategies m Small Wares FOR TODAY ONLY First Floor Departments. White Pearl Shirtwaist sets, three pins to set, plain or carved, value 25c, special, set 19 Collar Button Sets, four buttons to set, gold plated, with white celluloid backs, value 15c, special, set 10 Necklaces, pearl or turquoise, value 35c, special, each 25 Large-Size Boston "Shopping Bags, leather handles, cloth sides, value 90c, special, each 55 Crown Ambroline Face Lotion Toilet Water, all odors, value 40c, sueciaL bottle .. i '. 28 .&Lueu. ms. Yvzriung xanieis, note size, vaiue w, vyvuoi, eacu yg Fancy Toilet Soap, three cakes to box, with metal soap box, in four odors, violet, heliotrope, rose and mignonette, special, box 19 Hone Hairpins, shell color, in plain or crimped medium size one dozen on card, or large size one-half dozen on card; value 20c, special, card 12 an absolute curs. B M nfcjii jj, yi i v li 2f