Q , THE XIORNIXG OR13GOXIAN. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1904. IS ' V" URED FRUIT FIRM early All Lines Show Great Strength. )RNER IN DRIED PEACHES smpetition Between Oregon and Prunes-High -Price Dallas Wool Sale Will Go Up. (California Paid at Sugar ecSded strength la 6hown In moat lines of tal fruit. The Mock of peaches ls known be well cornered at San Francisco, and as cks are very light, prices are expected to ,-ance materially In the near future. The ae applies to pears. The prune market la Improving, but as supplies are decreasing. sparatlvely few growers will be able to Iflt by the late advance. The strength In l.ne can be traced to the disastrous crop Iorta. he Oregonlaa on May 8 printed an article Ira tho California Fruit Grower, which de- that Italian prunes do not come Into petition with French prunes. An Eastern (respondent of the Fruit Grower takes that ber to task in the following letter, which Fruit Grower printed In Its latest Issue: It. Louis, May 14. We notice In your Issue April o an editorial headed. "Oregon lines Not Competitors." Pardon us for dls- eelng with you on this subject, but the ex- llehce that this particular market Is now t-lng convinces us that you are mistaken. the Oregon prunes do compete with the llfornla prunes. In proof of this statement. would say that In our market today Santa Ira prunes are being offered on a 2c to 2c Is on the Coast, with very limited buying. at the inside price. Our Jobbers tell us ly are not selling many California prunes. are selling Italians In place of them. The (son undoubtedly la the difference In the to the Jobber. .'lth Italians selling from lc to lVic Coast ito, we are Inclined to believe the con- ler does not get any of the benefit of this Ierence In the price, and as California nee are cheap enough, the probabilities that the difference in price Is being en- lly absorbed by the jobber. "Whether or the consumers are discriminating enough (notice the difference to any appreciable de e, we are not in a position to say, but wc satisfied there are more Italian prunes ng cold here now than is usual, and less llforalos. Wo have absolutely no ax to id In this communication, but give It to as a matter of information, as far as our rket Is concerned. DEMING & GOULD CO. Its comment on the communication, the llfornla paper said: lie point California Fruit Grower made -was that Oregon Italians could not compete In California French prunes, but that they uld not be allowed to do so, and this for advantage of the Oregon product directly. hence Indirectly the California. Handlers lOregocB should make an effort to market It fruit on Its own account and for Itself la distinct product, and not as prunes pure simple. Editor. PORTLAND MARKETS. Groin, Flour, Feed. Etc. the cereal markets were reported quiet unchanged yesterday. rHEAT Walla Walla, 7172c; bluastem. j" Valley, 81gf82c: export values. ..En. ieea, ?s per ion; rutiea, ti.ou LOUR Valley. $3.90g4.05 per barrel; hard l etraigmv, nj..; cicma, ?o.cs.xv, wheat patents. $4.4074.70; Dakota hard l-at. $5.2560: graham. 53.5041-4: wnoie Lat, $464.25; rye flour, local, $4.50; East- UTS No. 1. white. $1.25; gray, $1.20 per ital. .ILLSTUFFS Bran. Siosyzo per ton; mid- i.gs, ..WiJ-: snorts, .uy-i; tuuji, u. o. Ds. $18. linseed, dairy food, $19. AX Timothy. $151C per ton; clover, $v I grain, $1112; cheat, $uvfi-. ERE1AI. FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90- Ind sacks, fU.25; lower gradeH, $5.2565.50; ps, cream. J.4U, ower graaes, j, oatmeai, el -cut, 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel; 10- Ind sacks, $4 per bale; oatmeal (ground). sound sacks. $7 per barret; iu-pound eaexs. to per bale: Bpllt peas, $4.50 per 100-pound k; &-pouna Doxee, i.i; peari oanej. 100 pounds: 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; ry nour, iu-pouna sacxs, .ou per oaie. Vegetables, Prult, Etc llfornla berries were again scarce yester- and will be more so today, as dealers cut down their orders CO per cent. It is to get good shipping stock In the Florin lot now, owing to the hot winds prevail- there. Oregon berries are more, plentiful. are selling from $3.25 to $4.50 per crate. brdlng to quality, the highest price bMng pd for Hood Kher fruit. Cherricb are also food supply, blacks offering at $1 per box. fancy slock at $1.23. A car of bananas Tedved yesterday, and another will be in A car of cabbage and another of red also arrived. The latter are quoted ler below. 5ETABLES Turnips. SOc per sack: car- SOc; beets, $1; parsnips, $1; cabbage. 29 red cabbaee. 2-.c. lettuce, head. tX4?40c dor.; hoibou&c, $1.75 per box; parsley, per 23c: tomatoes. Mexican. 4-baskct. xz.xo: rlda, 6-baeket, $3.50 per crate; cauliflower, er dozen: ecc clam. 5c per pound, celery. lOOc per dozen; artichokes, 500 U5c per do:.; ambers. $l.25tfl &u jer coicn. asparaguc. j, peas, c per pound ; rnuoarn, oc per id: beans, green, 15c. wax. 15o, squash. $1 I box. KIONS New California, $1.75 per sack; krallan. 4c per pound. JSEl-J3!ff3.Crt per case. )TATOES Fancy. 51.20ij1.25 per cental; mon, Jlyl.-M; groneiv price; new pota . 3U&4c per pound: sweets. 5c per pound. AIS1NS Loose Muscatel. 4-crown, 7tc; 3- r Muscatel raisin?, tho. unoieacnea seea- Sultans, C&c; London layers, 3-crown. le boxes of 20 pounds. $1.85; 2-crown, $1.75. IKD rRUIT Apples, evaporatea. sw tx I cots, ngs, California blacks, 6c; do white, c; ma. 20c; Fanl dates, si.oo; piums. Cc 3MESTIC FRUITS Strawberries. Callfor- $1.35 per crate. Oregon. $3.23SV.&0 per cnernes. Jlijl.5 ter Box.. gooseDernes, per pound; apples, fancy Baldwins and tzenoergs. $1 Mt-au per nox; cnoice, iu coouinc lottfi. tOPICAL FKL ITS Lemons, fancy. $3.25& cnoice. s-iO per cox; oranges, nave.s. J(t.i3. Mtuunt;. $2 j't-r box. St. Mich- $1 25 per hall box. tangerines, $L25 pe. grape-fri-it. S2.50iz3 iter box. bananas. i per pound, pineapples. $3.754 per dozen. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc Indltlons are unchanged In the country pro- markets. L'TTEH City Creameries: Extra creamery. per sound. xanc creamen. -vc: ssiate merles luncy creamer. Ititf20c, siore. 12 TTFR FAT Sneet cream, 18c; sour 6m. lie 1I1S Oregon ranch. 17f?lSc per dozen. la LTR --Chickens, mlxtd. 1213c pet :ia. springs, tnuail. lbOric; neris, ui-ic: leys. ue, lt,Q17v- per pound; drvssed, lbfl cuckb J..1.S per djien. Keese. live. Ubc Ipcur.l IEi.fel Fu.l cream, twins, new stoik, jISc. ..d stock. lic. Toung America, 14c. Groceries, Nuttt, Etc the EasUrn sugar market has advanced olnta s.nce the last advance here, moil brs are of lie oj In on that the anticipated locally w... amount to more than Id ICE Imperial Japan. No. 1, $5 37; No. 2. pi,, uiriuna nei. uc; broken bead. 4c FrFEE-Mha, 2t4tfsc jaa. fancy. 20 Java. goJ, 2ft24i. Jas, ordinary. ltf Coeta Kla. faao. i2Vr. Costa Rla. lOfilbt. Costa Kica. ordimrv. 100jTa2c pound. Columb.a roast, ca-ses. ltxis. $ir.dO: siz.a. AroacKie. i-M; i-lon, $i:ls7. JdOJ C umbla Kiver. 1-pound tails, per dozen, 2-pound tall?. $2.40: fane ud flats. $1 W. t-pousd flats. $1.1. Ilea pink. 1-pound mils, 87c. red. 1-pound 1, xt-i-u PUCKcjefc. i-pouna tails, $1.73; 1 kd fiau. SI. 85. IGAR Sa k basis. 10 pt-ads. cube. $(20; aerec a va T granuiateo. .n; extra 1.35. g:sen C. sars. advance or saok as tcows: Barrets. 10c. half-barreU. boxes. 50c per 100 pounds. tTermi.: On Ettance n.tsln 10 days, deduct :Hc per kC if later tnaa 10 aays and attain 3 deduct c per potaia. no discount after laj-s.' Beet sugar, granulates, aa.75 per lOUnas: mtpie sugar, iozfiix: yvr peuna. LT Bales, $0.30; Cue. COa, $9.73; 100s. fj.50; Liverpool. 60s, $17; 100. $16.50; 224 15 50. halt-ground. lOus. $5.20. 5o." 5.tt5. NUTS Wainuu 15,c per pound, by tack, li extra for less .than sack, Brazil nuts, 15c; Al berts'. 15c, pecans. Jumbos. 15c. extra large. 14c; almonds. L X. L.. 14c; ce plus ultra. 15c- notparlels, ISc; chestnuts. Italians. 15c. Ohio. $4.50 per 25-pound drum; peanut, raw. 8c per pound; roamed. Sfeloc. pineauta. lu 1214c. hickory nutA 7c, cocoaaute. S5vfoc per dozen BEANS Small white. 34c. large white, 5&e. pink, lc: bayou. 3Vc; Lima, 4c Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc At the Dallas wool sale Wednesday two pools were combined, those of Polk and Tarn bHl Counties, aggregating 175,000 pounds. The lot was bid in by the Oregon City Woolen Milk!, at lSKc net to the farmers. The wool was sold at auction, and the bidding was spir ited. HOPS 1S08 crop, 236250 per pound. IvyuLr-Vailc-, l7fc!&r: per pouce; eastern Oregon. llHc; moaair, SOe per pound foi choice. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up. 15&i5fec per pound, dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 1U pounds, 12c. dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds, 10c; dry salted bulls and stags, one-third less than dry film; salted hides, ieers. sound, ttu pounds aad over, M54c; 5u to CO pounds. 7 be; under 50 poundb and cowa, 61i7c: stag and bulls, sound, 4&4Hc; kip. sounu, 15 to 2u pounds, 7c, unaer to pounds, be; green (un s<d), lc pr pound Its, cuilu, lc per pound each; norse hides, balled, each. 1.5".2; an, each, $lfel.5u. co:U hides, eacti. 25.5bc; goat skins, common, each. 10915c; Anaora, wltn wool on, 25ctfl. TALLOW l'nme. per pound, 4ff3c; No. 2 and grease. 2'.igSc Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, 5SSc per pound. MclfON Uresiea, -tu3c pe. pound; lambs, 6c VEAL Drtesed, 467c per pound. POKK Drewed. 7fe7c HAMS Tea 10 1 winds, 12c per pound; 14 :j 16 pounds. 12c, It! to 20 pounds, 12c; California (picnic), 9c; cottage hams. She; shoulders, OVtc. boiled ham. 2uc; boiled picnic ham, i-oneies. 14c SAUSAGE Portland bam. 13c per pound; minced ham. lOtc. Summer, choice ary. 17; bologna, long, like; welnerwurst, be; liver, 5bc. pork, luc; blood, 5o; headcheese, 5c; bologna sausage, link, oic DIiY SALTED MEATS Kegular anort clears, S'nvii'zC baio.ei. ciear backs, S-c; ualt, 9vc; smoked; Oregon exports, 20 to 25 pounds, aver age. 10c. dr sail, lie smoked Lmon butu. 10 to 18 pounds, average, 8c; dry salt, Uc smoked. ' PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet, -bar reis. $5; .-barrels. $2.75. .5-pound kit. 1..; pickled tripe, i-barrels, $5; -barrele, $2.75; 15-pound kit, $1.25; pickled plgy tongues, Vr barreis, $0, "-barrels. $3; 15-pound kit, $1.2d; pickled lambs' tongues, -barrels. $8.25; ii barrels. $4.75; 15-pound kit. $2.25. BACON Fancy b.eaktast, 15c; standard breakfast. 14c; choice, 12c; English breakfast bacon, 11 to 14 pounds, 1114c LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 8-4c: tubs. 9&c: 50s. 8Jsc; 20s, 9Uc; 10s, 9c; is, 9ic Standard pure: Tierces. SMic; tubs, S?jc; 50a, b5c; 20s, 8Hc: 10s, 8c; 5s, 9c Compound: Tierces, 6c; tubs, 7c; 50s, 7c Oils. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 24c; iron barrels. 18c, 86 degrees gasoline, cases, 32c; iron barrels or drums. 26c LEAD Pioneer. Collier and Atlantic white and red lead In ton lots, 7c; 500-pound lots, 8c; less than 500 pounds, 8Vic COAL OIL Pearl or astral oil, cases, 23c per gallon: water-white oil. Iron barrels, lGHrc; wood barrels, none: eocene oil, cases, 2ifec; elaine oil, casea 2S:c: extra star, cases. 2Uyc; hfeadlight oil. 175 degrees, cases, 25c; Iron bar rels, I8c (Washington State test burning oils, except headlight. c per gallon higher.) BENZINE Slxt -three degrees, cases. 22c; iron barrels, 15c LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In barrels. 52c; genuine kettle-boiled In barrels. 51c; pure raw oil In cases. 57c; genuine kettle-boiled. In cases. C9c; lots of 250 gallons, lc less per gallon. TURPENTINE In cases, 85c per gallon. UCVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices at Portland Union Stockyards Yesterday. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 459 cattle, 157 sheep and 230 hogs. All kinds of stock are dull and weak, and the market Is In very bad shape. The fol lowing prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best steers, $4.25; medium, $3.70; cows, $3.253.50. HOGS Best large, fat hogs, $5S5.25; medium large hogs, $4.75. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley, $22.50. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City. CHICAGO. May 26. Cattle Receipts, 7000. Market, steady. Good to prime steers, $5.23 5.75; poor to medium. $4.SOQ5.25; stockcrs and feeders, $3.2504.05; cows, $1.754.70; heifers, $2.5005.45; canners, $1.752.75; bulls, $2.2594.35; calves, $2.5090.50; Texas-fed steers, $44.65. Hogs Receipts today, 25.000; estimated for tomorrow, 23,000. Market, steady. Mixed and butchers. $4.4504.63; good to choice heavy. 54.55lJ4.63: rough heavy. $4.40 4.55; light. $1.4331.55; bulk of sales, $1.5004.00. Sheep Receipts, 10.000. Market, steady. Good to choice wethers, $3.2535.75; fair to choice mixed, $4j&; Western sheep, $4.75 5.75; native lambs, $56?6.50; Western lambs. $0.2537.25; Spring lambs, $5,503.50. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. May 28. Cattle Re ceipts, 2000. Market, strong to 10c higher. Native steors, $3.905.25; cows and Jielfers, $3.25?4.50: canners, $1.752 75: rtocxers and feeders, $2.75g4.35; calves. J2.50S3.25i bulls, stags, etc. $2. 7534.23. v-UaT- '. Hogs Receipts, 8000. Market." active to "a' shade higher. Heavy, $4iS54.45: mixed. $4.32S4.37; light. $4.2004.37; pigs, $4 4.25; bulk of sales. $1.S54.45. Sheep Receipts, 600. Market, stronger. Fed muttons, nominal? "Westerns, $4.5065.83; wethers, $4.7565.50; ewes. $4.5035.25; com mon and stockcrs, $3.235.25; lambs clipped, $5.5006; -wooled do. $&257.. KANSAS CITT. 'Mo.. May 20. Cattle Re ceipts, 2000, Market, strong. Native steers. $3.25C25; native cowa and heifers. $2,250 5.20; stackers and feeders, $3.25514.70; bulls, $2.6004; calves. $2i75$H.75: "Western steers. $4.255: Western cows, $2.234.25. Hogs Receipts. 7000. Market, steady. Bulk of suits, $4.3064.45, heavy. $4.4001.50; pack ers. $4.3564.45; pigs and lights. $3.75g4.33. Sheep Receipts. 3000. Market, strong. Mut tons, $4.7560.73; lambs. $5.257; range -wethers. $5C5.75; ewes, $3.505.25. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, May 20. Official clos ing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Andes $ .IS Just Ice $ .14 Belcher .33 Mexican 1.65 Best & Belcher. 1.00 Occidental Con.. .79 Bullion 120phlr 5.03 Caledonia 8S'Overman 30 Challenge Con.. .21jPotosl 17 Chollar lSlFavage 34 Confidence 1.10,Scorplon IS Con. Cal. tVx. l.C3iSeg. x.elcher ... .13 Con. Imperial .. .02'Slerra Nevada .. .41 Crown Point ... .21 Sliver Hill 57 Exchequer 40 Union Con. 50 Gould &. Curry . .29 Utah Con 00 Hale & Norcross .00; Yellow Jacket .. .23 NEW YORK. May 20. Closing quotations: Adams Con. ...$ .301Llttle Chief .. Alice 25 Ontario ... . . Kreece lOlOphlr Rrunswlck Con.. -lolPlioenlx , Comstock Tun... .09'1'otosl Con. Cal. & Va. l.OOISavage Horn Sller .... 1.33 Sierra Nevada Iron Silver . .. 2-00iSmall Hopes Leadxllle Con... .02 Standard .$ .03 . 3.73 . 5.50 . .03 . .10 . .30 . .30 . .15 . 2.15 BOSTON. May Adventure . $ Alloucs Amalgamated Am. 7.lnc . .. Atlantic 26. Closing quotations 1.50'Mohawk $ 40.00 5 00 Mont. C. & C. 50.25JOld Dominion. 9 30 0ceola 7.50lParrot 4.00 12 50 36.23 2.1.50 8. 00 C.23 S3. 00 8.75 19.75 9.50 33 50 2.23 5 7-1 70.00 Bingham 20 30;uulncy Cal. & Hecla. 453.00iShannon Centennial 19 .23 Tamarack . . Copper Range Daly West Dominion Coal Franklta Grancy Isle Royale Mass. Mining. Michigan .... 42 73!Trintt 23.25 l. & Mining. 04 .50"U. S. Oil 7.23Utah 3.701 Victoria .... 6 73fWlnona 3. 50) Wolverine ... 4 00' Kctt York Cotton Market KETV YORK, ilay 26 The eotten market opened steady at a decline of lrl0 xolnts and closed 4 or 5 points off from the best and steady at a act decline o-f 3 points to an advance of 3 points. May, 12.de; June. 12.63o; July 12.50e; August. 12.55c: Sep tember. 11.05c; October, 10.77c; November. 10-OSe; December. lO.flOo; January. 10.69c. Spot closed quiet. 15 points lower; mid dling uplands. 13. 05e; do gulf, 13.30c; sates, 349 bales. " Gold Engaged ,f or Europe. NETV "YORK. May 26. Tho National City Bank today announced the engagement of $1,000,000 In gold bars for shipment to Eu rope on Saturday's steamer. BROKERS GD TO RAlEb AND LEAVE STOCK MARKET TO TAKE CARE OF ITSELF. Money Finding Its Way Into Foreign Loans-Day's Changes Trivial and Irregular. NEW TORK, May 26. Brokers put in a few orders for stocks early today, and then went off to tho Brooklyn handicap, leaving the mar ket to drift listlessly to Its own devices. No serious comment can be effered on such a mar ket, beyond Its negative significance. There was no traolng or movement of prices to In dicate that any one held any sentiment on values or the outlook for values. But It was a fair inference that very profound and uni versal uncertainty Is felt over the future to cause such a Otal abstention from operations in securities ss Is now witnessed in the mar ket. That It Is not for lack of resources Is strik ingly demonstrated by the free outflow of cap ital in response to today's offes of Cuban bonds, which were largely oversubtcrlbed both here and In other markets where they were offered. The demand for the recent Russian and Japanese loans, as well as for New Tork City's $37,000,000 bond offering, was proof in the same direction. The case Is the more notable In view of New York's small disposi tion heretofore to embark In Government te-,-uritlea. The only time heretofore when New York has shown any taste for foreign loans was at the time, three or four years ago. when the value of our export trade and of the balance of trade la our favor suddenly ex panded to such unwieldy proportions as to suf fer embarrassment for foreign money mar kets In meeting the sudden heavy demands on them, with the Boer war and the cutting off of the Transvaal gold supply coming quick ly to aggravate the situation. The foreign governments' loans here, however, find their way back to home markets in very short or de,r. Now these participations are met by heavy gold exports, and are coincident with other special demands on the supply of for eign exchange. It Is evident that with currency flowing In en the reserve centers from the domestic chan nels of circulation there is a degree of dis trust of home investments which prompts put ting accumulated resources In these foreign government loans. This week's statement of the Bank of France affords striking evidence of the growing accumulation Of capital re sources. That bank's gold hojdlngs have risen with this week's Increase of $28,700,000 to $540,860,000, which Is far beyond anything In the previous history of the bank. It Is sig nificant of the tendency of currency to con tract that the current redemption of bank notes by tho Treasury for the 23 business days of this month reaches $23,025,115, or about $1,000, 000 a day. The late sagging tendency of the market left today's changes trivial and Irreg ular. . Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value, $1,025,000. United States new 4s registered declined on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison 6,300 ttH4 69 69 do preferred 100 92 02H 92 Baltimore & Ohio... 1.300 78 ji 7?s 4l do preferred . Canadian Pacific .... 300 117 l"?i W'Jn Central of N. J 1B8 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 400 30 30'.4 30 Chicago & Alton.... 37 do preferred 100 80 80 80 Chi. Gt. Western 200 14ft 14 14 J Chicago &. N. W 200 170 163'A 160 Cni.. Mil. & St. Paul 3.900 140 139 139 do preferred 175 Chi. Term. &. Trans.. do preferred C, C. C. & St L.... Colorado Southern .. do 1st preferred.... , do 2d preferred Delaware & Hudson. Del., Lack. & West.. Denver & Rio Grande do preferred Erie do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... Hocking Valley do preferred 100 300 6 14i 0 14 55 14 69 15 50V 100 15 15 20 400 153 152 IB.: i'UU 20 100 3,000 600 400 300 200 00 23g 38 31 61 78 06 22k 57 34 60 78 57 34 61 78 Illinois central I2a Iowa Central 16 do preferred...... Kan. City Southern 700 10 19 19 do preferred Louisville & Nashv.. Manhattan L. Metrop. Securities... Metropolitan St. Ry. Minn. & St. Louis.. 300 38 38 37 400 107 107 107 00 1444. 113 77 14;, 100 77 2.000 109 IOU 109 40 62 118 b 15 31 34 H4-.S 50 80 M.. St. P. & S. S. M. . do preferred Missouri Pacific .... M-, IC & T. do preferred Mex. National pfd... New Tork Central... . Norfolk & Western.. do preferred Ontario & Western.. 800 90 89 100 '266 30 "50 1.900 5,000 21 21 21 L Pennsylvania 113 113 lls P., C. C. & St. L... . Reading do let preferred do 2d preferred Rock Island Co do preferred St. L. & S. F. 2d pf. . St. Louis S. W. do preferred Southern Pacific .... Southern Railway ... do preferred Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. & W.. do preferred Union Pacific do 'preferred Wabash do preferred 50 900 43 43 43 78 CO 20 61 4.1 12 29 454g 20 83 21 25 ss' 83 90 15 200 200 i!300 2,300 3,100 100 21 61 "i'2 30 40 20 28 "12 20 45 20 200 300 7.400 300 400 100 23 PI 15? 34 23 38 S2 s 3 Wheeling & L. E. Wisconsin Central 16 do preferred 38 Mexican Central .... 1,700 Express companies 7 7 7 Adams American United States Wells-Fargo 100 200 Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper 25,300 51 Am. Car & Foundry. 100 16 So preferred Amer. Cotton Oil do preferred. American Ice do preferred Amer. Llnrced Oil 225 ISO 100 200 206 50 16 50 10 69 SO 0 26 7 25 do preferred Amer. Locomotive 19 do preferred. . 80 Amer. Smelt. & Ref. do preferred Amer. Sugar Refining Anaconda Mining Co. Brooklyn R. Transit. Colorado Fuel & Iron 6.800 51 5.500 97 200 120 100 75 9.C00 47 200 29 300 200 50 96 125 76 47 29 SSff 75 47 29 Consolidated Gas VW7. 205 Corn Products 11 do preferred 60 Distillers' Securities. 200 20 20 20 General Electric 100 156 150 155 International Paper.. 200 10 10 10 do preferred 700 65 65 65 International Pump 36 do preferred 70 National Lead 500 19 19 19 North American 81 Pacific Mall 100 20 26 23 Peoples uas -uu uo uoft uo Pressed Steel Car do preferred Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel 24 67 210 33 15 77 33 OH 70 10 ooy, s 54 & 155 L do preferred... 100 36 35 Rubber uoocs do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron... 100 34 34 U S. Leather do preferred 3O0 SO 7PT4 U. S. Realty 5.0C0 Ttf 7 do preferred 5,500 62 60 U. S. Rubber 100 10H 1CH do preferred 200 6G4 66 U. S. Steel 700 91 0 do preferred 14,000 54Vi 53 WeftlnKhouse Elec Western Union S4 Total eales for the day. 129,800 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. May 23. Closing quotations: U. a ref. 2s rg.l04'C &. N. W. C 7s,127 do coupon .104 ID. & R. G. 4s.. OS Hi U. S. 3s reg..105H'N Y. Cent. lsts. 994 do coupon .AlOSSiNor. Pacific 3a. 72V4 U. S. new 4sreg.l32i, do 4s .......104 do coupon . 1323s jSo. Pacific 4s .. 91 U. S. old 4s reg. 100 3i. Union Pacific 4b. 104; do cqupon . . .100V Wis. Central 4s. 00 Atchison Adj. 4a 91 ( Stocks at London. LONDON. May 26. Consols for money, 90 H; consols for account, 904. Aaaconda 3?,Nor. & Western. . 71 J do preferred . . . 95 iOnt. & Western. . 90 Pennsylvania ... 121 tltr.ml Mines ... . 31 iheaalng 57 U S3 OOlf Atchison . . do preferred Rait. & Ohio Can. Pacific . Chs. & Ohio. . SS1 . 10, . 22 . 30 . 31 . 20-i . S." . 47 . S3 . 9S . 9 . sr. . 17 . S3 . S3, C Gt. Western .15 an 1st pref C-. M &. St, P.. 144 do 2d pref.. utitcrs . ... ll? i jso. Hallway D & R. G. ... 20' do preferred . do preferred .. VsSo. Pacific ... Erie ... 23s 'Union Pacific .. do 1st TTft .. 50j do preferred . do 2d pref .. 35'U. S. Stel .. Illinois Central. 133 V do preferred . L. &- N 110 JWabash M.. K. & T. ... 10U do preferred . N. Y. Central ..118 jSpanlsh 4s - iloney Exchange, Etc.. NEW YORK, May 26, Money oa call, easy. 61 per cent: dosing bid. 1 per. cent; offered at 1 per cent. Time- loans, easy; 60 days. 2. per cent; 90 days. 2H per cent; six months, 3g3U per cent. Prime mercantile paper, iQ 4 per cent. ' Sterling exchange, strong, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.8710g4.871B for de mand, and at $4.831004.8320 lor 60-day bills. Posted rates, $4.65e-S.S6 and $4.S74.S3. Commercial bills. $4.8490. Bar diver. SS&c Mexican dollars, 44Uc Bonds Government, easy; railroad. Irregular. SAN FRANCIECO. May 26. Silver bars. 55iic. Drafts Sight. 5c; telegraph, 7c Sterling on London, CO days, $4.85; sight, $4.87. LONDON. May 26. Bar silver, steady. 25id per ounce Money, 1$2 per cent. The rate of discount In tho open market for short bills Is 2g2 1-16 per cent; three months bills, 2 1-632 per cent. Rank Clearings. Cleiirlngs. Balances. Portland $4.!7,0J3 $ 45,COl Seattle ...... C09.620 93.716 Tacoma 2S4.7I3 219,780 Spokane 302,050 S7.40S Tlie Treasury BUtemeat. WASHINGTON. May 26. Today's statement of the Treasury shows: Available cash balance $163,634,465 Gold 63.931.4S1 WHEAT MARKET JfEBTOCS. Suspense Characterized Trading la Chicago Pit. CHICAGO, May 26. Nervous suspense char acterized wheat trading today, as a result of uncertainty concemins what might be done regarding the supposed open trades of John U. Kautmann. In consequence, business was restricted la volume, and price changes were narrow. Opening sales of July were c to ?ic higher, at 66c to SGic but as the -session aOAaneed tpiculatlve trading was atfected by signs of weakness in cash markets throughout the country. Primary receipts were much larger, and trading became very light. The market closed firm, with July up He at 86c after the price had touched 86c May ranged between 93ff97c, closing at 95c The unsettled weather and contending claims as to the probable near future made trading In corn rather hazardous, and business was very light. July closed at 48c a- gain of c The dullness of trading In other grains was relieved to a considerable extent by the ac tivity In oata. July closed c higher, at 3Sc Covering by shorts marked the trading In provisions. Small receipts of hogs and higher prices at the sards were the Incentives. The market closed at about the highest point of the day, with July pork up 20c; lard was up 12c. and ribs were 10c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May $0 93 ,$0 07. $0 95 $0 96 July fold) ... 87 87 S6i 87 July (new) .. 86 80 85 86J1 Sept. (old) ... 81 82 81 81 CORN. May 47 47 47 47 July 48 48 47 48 September .. 47 47 47?a 47 OATS. May 40 ' 41 40 41 July 3S 39 38 38 September".... 3o 31 30 3o MESS PORK. July 1120 1140 1120 1135 September ....1145 1162 1145 1160 LARD. July 642 650 042 650 September .... 6 60 0 67 6 60 0 07 SHORT RIBS. July 650 660 650 057 September .... 6 65 6 75 6 65 6 75 Cash quotations -were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 92397c; No. 3, 85S90c; No. 2 red. $1.051.00- Corn No. 2, 48c; No. 2 yellow, 50c Oats No. 2. 42c; No. 3 white, 3042c Rye No. 2, 75c Barley Good feeding, 3640c; fair to choice malting. 45g56c Flaxseed No. 2, $1; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.06. Timothy seed Prime, $3.95. Mess pork Per barrel, $U.2511.S0. Lard Per 100 pounds, $6.206.42. Short ribs sides Loose, $6.376.50. Short clear sides Boxed. $6.2580.50. Clover Contract grade, $10.75. Receipts. Shipments. fiour, oarreis Wheat, bushels , Corn, bushels Oats, bushels Rye, bushels Barley, bushels . 35,700 48,800 . 31.000 65.1U) .299.200 102.700 .210.300 212,400 . 9,000 10.40Q . 26,600 3,500 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. May 26. Flour Receipts, 8200 barrels; exports, 4800 barrels. Market, quiet and nnchanged. Wheat Receipts. 7000 bushels. Spot, Arm; No. 2 red, nominal elevator and $1.13 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.03 f. o. b. afloat. Options opened firm on bull support, and broke under bearish crop news from Kan sas and Ohio. Following thte was a second advance, which lasted all day. Final prices showed a partial U net? advance. May closed 06c; July closed 97c: September closed S3 Tic; December closed S39sC Hops, hides and wool Steady. Petroleum Easy. l Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, May 2a Wheat and bar ley, stronger. r Spot quotations Wheat Shipping. $1.271.30; milling. $1.321.45. Barley Feed. $1.0501.07; brewing, S1.0S 1.15. Oats Red. $1.301.37: white. $1.401.50; black. $1.2501.30. ,- Call board sales Wheat December. $1.31. Barley December, 07Uc Corn Large yellow, $1.50Q,1.55. European Grain Markets. LONDON, May 26. Consols, 90. Sliver. 25d. Wheat Cargoes on passage, nominally un changed. English country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. May 26. Wheat Quiet; July, 6s 4d; September, 6s 4d: No. 1 standard California. 6a lid; wheat and flour In Paris, dull: French country markets, dull. Weather In England, unsettled. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. Wash.. May 2a Wheat Un changed; bluestem, 83c; club. 73c. REVIEW OF METAL TRADE. Largo Increase In 'Export Orders for Steel Products. NEW YORK. May 28. The most encouraging news gathered during the week, says the Iron Age, Is that the leading Interest has taken orders In sufficient volume for export to bring up shipments within a few months to the rate of 100,000 tons a month for steel and fin ished products. This should go far toward filling the gap caused by the falling off In home consumption. Reports from all quarters are strangely unanimous to the effect that all buying Is at a low ebb. but reports as to future consump tion are more conflicting and less trustworthy. The Eastern Iron manufacturers held an In formal meeting Wednesday at Philadelphia for a general interchange of data bearing on the present situation. No action of any kind was taken. Some pig Iron manufacturers in the South have displayed further weakness, and business could be readily done at ?9.25 for No. 2 Bir mingham. The reports of cutting of official prices of the steel pool persist. The whole billet mar ket Is of eo little significance nowadays that the dealers pay little attention either to the pool or to Irregularities connected with It. A moderate additional tonnage has been placed In standard steel rails. The demand for struc tural material and for plates continues Hsht. It is expected that in a contest for business at a Juncture like the present prices must suffer. The situation has changed but little so far In the lighter products. It Is noted, however, that wire is weaker. A pronounced downward movement have developed in nearly all depart ments of the old material market. A feature in the coke trade has been the low price on track, subject to demurrage. In some cases the coke has been offered as low as 75c to SI -per ton at the oven. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, May 28. Wool Steady; terri tory and Western medium. IG21c; fine mediums, 16 17c; fine, 15017c. Downing, Hopkins $lGq Established IS33. WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4. Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce 'ARE YOU G0IMQ TO ST. LOUIS? If so, call for your tickets via the " ROCK ISLAND-'FRISCO SYSTEMS The line having terminal at entrance Fair Gronpds. Round trip rate $67.50, good for ninety days from date of sale. Choice routes going and returning. VIA St. Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo or- El Paso. Stop- j over permitted in both directions DATES OF SALE June 7, 16, 17, IS; July 1, 2, 3; August 8, 9, 10; September 5, 6, 7,- October 3, 4, 5. On above dates rate of $72.50 will be made to Chicago and return. For further information and sleeping-car reservations, call upon or address A. H. M'DONALD, 140 Third St., Portland, Or. General Agent. DRUG ON THE MARKtT OLD POTATOES HARD TO MOVE AT SAN FRANCISCO. Only Fanciest Oregons Find Buyers- -Washingtons Offered at Low Prices-Demand for New Rivers. SAN FRANCISCO. May 26. (Special.) Old potatoes are greatly depressed. Everything but the fanciest Oregons are a drug and hard to sell, especially Washington potatoes, of which 3000 sacks arrived Dy steamer today, making over 6000 sacks from that state within the week. The Washingtons are mostly of poor quality, and some are offered as low as SO cents, without takers. The present range for Oregons Is $1 to $1.40, with few sales. The demand Is chiefly for new potatoes from the river, of which 1200boxes arrived and sold readily at $1.50 to $2. New red onions are easier at $1 to $1.15. Most kinds of garden vegetables are steady. Cherries and berries were plentiful and easy. Black flgs from Southern California were in larger supply and lower. Small navel oranges of fancy grade were in more demand, but choice and standard show much decay and are dragging. Tropical fruits are easy. Dry north winds In the California crop belt alarmed grain speculators. Wheat and bar ley options opened higher, but soon eased oft. Spot prices of all cereals were well main tained. No spot or future business In grain freights has been reported this week. Ship pers are disinclined to charter vessels, as estimates of the size of the crops are being reduced, and grain prices arc likely to continue firm. Nominal rates' Ore 16s 3d for spot and 21s 3d for new season. Butter was steady, and cheese and eggs weak. Receipts. 02,000" pounds butter, 25,000 pounds chese, 47,000 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 60c$l; garlic, 34c; green peas, $1.25; string beans, 47c; asparagus, 436c; tomatoes, $12; egg plant, 1012c, POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 1415c; roost ers, old, $4.505; do young, $7.50S8.50; broil ers, small, $232.50; do large, $33.50; fryers, $5.5036; hens, $436.60; ducks, old, $535.50; do young, $5.50S8.50. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 19c; creamery seconds, 18c; fancy dairy, 18c; dairy seconds, 10c CHEESE Young America, 89c; Eastern, 15S16c. EGGS Store, 1617c; fancy ranch, 19c WOOL Nevada, 12lDc. HOPS-2682SC MILLSTUFFS Bran. ?2222.50; middlings, $25628. HAY Wheat. $11.5015: wheat and oats. $1113.50; barley, $SS11; alfalfa, $S10.50; straw, 6075c FRUIT Apples, choice, $2.25; do common, $1; bananas, $13; Mexican limes. J55.50; California lemons, choice, $2.75; do common, $1; oranges, navels. $12.50; pineapples, $1.50 3. POTATOES Early Rose, nominal; river Bur banks, $11.25; Oregon Burbanks, $11.40. RECEIPTS Flour. 27,188 quarter eacks; wheat, 32.6S2 centals: barley, 43,489 centals; beans, 676 sacks; corn, 1120 centals; potatoes, S575 sacks: bran, 390 sacks; hay, 311 tons; wool, 1S3 bales; hides, 1367. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, May 26. Tin was somewhat Irregular In London, but showed rather a bet ter undertone on the whole and closed 2s 6d higher on futures at 123 15s, while spot was 7s 6d higher at 124 10s. Locally, the market continued quiet, but offerings were smaller, and the market a shade higher, closing at 27.65g28c . Copper advanced 2s 9d to 56 lis 3d for spot In London, and was is 3d higher at 56 lis 3d for futures. Locally, copper remained quiet. Lake is quoted at 13gl3.12c; electrolytic at 12.7313c, and masting at 12.5012.75c Lead declined Is 3d to 11 12s 6d In London Locally, the market was steady at 4.454.50c. Spelter closed unchanged at 22 in the Lon don market. Locally, the market was steady at 5Q5.10C Iron closed at 51s 9d In Glasgow and at 43s 6a in Middlesbaro. Locally, iron was easier, warrants, nominal at 9.25c; No. I foundr Northern. $14.7315.25; No. 2 foundry North erns, $14.2314.75; No. 1 foundry Southern and do soft. $13.50fil3.73. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. May 26. The market for cor fee futures closed at a net loss of 5(?15 points. Total sales, 47,500 bags, including: May. 5.45c; July. 5 5565 60c; September, 5..?5.85c. ctobcr. 5.93c; December. 606.15c: February. 6.20c. and March. 0.356.40c Spot Rio. dull. No. 7 invoice. 6?tc; mild, quiet; Cordova. 9 J13c Sugar Raw, market strong: fair refining. 3 7-16c; centrifugal. 96 test, 3 15-16c: molasoea suear, 3 3-16e; renncd, firm; crushed. $5.60: powdered. $3.05: granulated. $4.95. Dairy Produce In the East. NEW YORK, May 20. Butter Steady: I erimrv common to Choice. JMHC, state dairy, common to extra, 131ic Egga Weak; Western storage selections. 1717c; firsts, 17c CHICAGO. May 26. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; creamery, 1.1S17c; dairy. 12lCc Eggs Easy. 15gl5c Cheese Easy, 759c Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, May 20. The market for evap- orated apples contlnuea quiet and shows n somewhat easier tendency, though offerings are not pressing. Common are quoted at 4 &tfc; prime, 6G5ic; choice. 6tt6c, and fancy, 77tjc. Prunes continue more unsettled. Prices range from 3Uc to 6c, according to grade. Apricols are in light demand, but holders are looking for an Improvement In this direc tion, and consequently show little disposition to grant concussions. Cnoice, 9',10c; extra choice. 10llc; fancy, 11313c. Peaches are firm, choice, 77i4c; extra choice, 78c, and fancy, 910c DALLY CITY STATISTICS. Deaths. May 23, Dorothy Bewail, 42 days, 605 East Main; phlegmonous erysipelas. May 23, Mary M. Wilson, 32 years, 115 Twelfth; phthisis pulmonalls. May 22, Helen M. Burton, 61 years, 412 Burnslde; paralysis. May 21, Elizabeth Stoltz, IS years, 263 Beach; tuberculosis. May 22, William Meyer, 62 years. Good Sa maritan Hospital; cancer. May 21, Henry Traeger, 77 years. County Hospital; heart failure. Samaritan Hospital; shock following Injuries in car accident. i Births. April 10, to the wife of F. G. Rogers, 229 Caruthers, a girl. May 25, to the wife of A. Klnne, Tabasco, a boy. May 22, to the wife of D. Woodburg. 244 Epencer, a girl. May 21, to tho wife of H. A. Stiles, 245 Sixth, a girl. Births. May 22, to the wife of Ood O. Gooch, city, a boy. May 1. to the wifo of Moy Back Hln, 244 Yamhill, a boy. , May 12, to the wife of W. M. Harned, 633 East Ankeny, a boy. April 26, to the wife of Long Hong, 34S Couch, a boy. April 25, to the wife or John C. Singleton, 762 Vancouver avenue, a girl. v Building Permits. Dr. William McLean, Market, between Third and Fourth, repairs; $5000. Mrs. Connor, Thirteenth, between Market and Montgomery, repairs; $500. Mrs. K. A. Martin. East Fortieth and East Salmon, cottage; $800. Arthurs & Wood, East Eighth, between Al berta and Florence, cottage; $1000. George Schwartz. East Stark, between East Twenty-second and East Twenty-third, two dwellings; $1700. J. H. Johnston, East Harrison and Grand avenue, cottage; $300. W. J. Lawler, First, between Bancroft and Hamilton avenue, addition: $25. C-- H. Thompson, Kearney, between Eight eenth and Nineteenth, repairs; $500. Marius Hansen, East Eleventh and East Grant, repairs; $200. Peter Mathcson. East Twenty-fourth, be tween Powell and Knox, cottage: $800. L. H. Davenport, East Hoyt, between East Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-ninth, two story dwelling; ?1CC0. t Bolivia Seeks a Railway Loan. WASHINGTON. May 26. Ignasius Cal deron, who succeeds G. Guachtalla as Minister from Bolivia to the United States, who will be presented to the Presi dent within a few days, has been charged by his government with the arrangement of a railway loan. Bolivia has received $10,000,000 as indemnity from Brazil for the Acre rubber territory, and It is the pur pose of the Bolivian government to use this fund as the basis for securing another $10,000,000. Thi3 amount, it is estimated, will give Bolivia a complete system of railways. very Qmm is Interested and tliooldknow about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray Tb New Lrdle. Syrinx Bl. Safest. MO.. Convenlen' Im Tr 'nnlit ttr It. I f h- cunoot simnly the MAnrRl,. anrrtitno other, tint rand r.ainn foTll- liu'rated boot l'.Itrtves full particulars and ''IrtPttrtisIa. RmtniaSTlsiuBC..Kir Tarlc r- 7-' roK tAut. iiv vooinr. clarke -t to ROWK MARTIN. ALMRICU 1'iI.UtUALV TKAU.l.hKV OL1DC n..iE cako Oh TRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrive. Puget cound Limited for laconic, scdtt.e, vionipw, couth ifeud jnd uruy's Huroor pouita... 8:30 am 3:30 pm Nunn Uimi Limited for latuuu, atittic. anjjtane, xultr, SU Pau., .New xom. liuitcu aud all puinu 1-uat end south east 3:00 pm 7:Wnm lwtu Oity tnive, icr lcosui, sxaiuc. DtntuAue, xle.eua. at. I'iU Jiiune- kuils. ul-tio, .e xurlc. fcjouu alia ti. points fc."u.iC and EuuiucMt .... .......11:45pm 7:00 pm puget iJi.uu.ikait:u -ity- 21. Lo.ua apecul, tor 'xacumo. .KxUr, aoine. Buf.e Bii.inaJ Denver. (Jiuana. Katuxxa Clt. du LcuU ud all poluw E.UI and ouiteasi..... . S-O'am 7:00 am Ali uaios aatiy exedpx ,n South tiecd branch A D. CHAKLTON. Ajiisibtan: (iccera. Pu senger Agent. 255 iiorrtson L, corner Third. Portland. Or. SSS E mm "SV?S?i? "yii f ms , h. a Vf TRAVELXrW GU1DB.' IES0FI Seoip- lime. abe Union Pacific j 3 TSAiNS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullmaa standard and tourls sleep. lft -jtr i4nftv m Of7litu CMlmuirr. VnnVani. i tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City; ', through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person ally conoucted) weKly to i nicago. tlecllniax chair cars treats fr-?) to the East daily wmpj Q UNION DEPOT Leaves. Arrives. CHlCAGO-POHll-A-Nt a. 13 A. M. 5.5 l M. SPLXlAL for the But Dallj. Dally, via Huntington. fox r-uaiern U-umuf Daily. -Lially. lun. Hana Waiia, Low. Uton, Cocur d'AleCe and Orea; ortoero ltcints. A-llA.NilC lv.Vfi.t:s.c , 15 P. M- J.WJ .. 31. lor iu Eut via Hun: Dally Daily, luctun. OCRAN AND RIVER SCHEUULE. iUxi as tna.uoi.Us.vur o.w xr. JX. to.uu if. it. runi Ams worth LMCK. ..u f. m. i;oo P. Jt. uaily Dally txiept except unday. sunaay. Liuratyl .uo P. M ou A. 1 ,.40 P. M. Dally Drily except except oaaay. ounday. 1:40 A. AL About Dally 5:ou P. M.' except except Saturday. Friday. a. a. ueo. . t;a.er itaj o. 10. 2C S. t. Columbia May 1. 11. 22, 31. ',Ji' Asiui.M ail. j vOujl, cuuuei.uus vmn kieuiuct tor t. uauu ana -Norm Ueau klcmicr iiLuo, di. street dow. JfUiv UAX1U.N, Uj,. gun Cit una Xatun. l.lVer buln4 t.ain. iiouoc and Hum. As sis eet cum twater per., iUtt LEWlSAU-x Idaho, and v,aj ijomu iroru Ulpana. W mso.. bleamer byoKaua auu i-ewision. TICKET OFFICE. Third &nd WuBlmtan. Telephone Main 712. l'UKXLAND AND ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers tor Manila, Pore Arthur and Vladivostok. For rates and full Information call on or address clhclata or agents o O. R. 4 N. Co. EAST SOUTH V UNION DEPOT. Arrive, ritwa AxlAi-i-io 8:30 P. M. lut oiuem. x.uAc. 7:45 A. St burg. -lYaUiUJlU, CiC- Jo-uieUku. uticn, )vc. Loa Angeleiu .1 ruv. Aett ur-i itd.ua and me tiiac jnuttiinit tiAia tun ucim at WooaDurn ,7:00 P. M. laaliy except sua c) wuii train tor Muunt Angel, bll Verton, a r o w n vine, surmgueici. Wendllllg ua ma tron. Albany cassenxet 10:10 A. U. PflnnppM at Wt.ud- &urn with Mt. Angel tea cuvenun iUvju. L-cvallU pasneuger. 5:50 A- M. 4:50 P. M. :-..--ldan passenger. J 85 A. M. Dauy. uDauy, except Sunday. t-UAiUnAjj-M t xmw oo.quxvx1.aN' SERVICE AiMJ .. YAMHILx- DIVISION". Leave Portlanu d-tiiy vat u&nego at 7:30- A. H.. K:50, 2.05, &-CU. 5.-!o, 0:25, oUlO, 10:10 P. M. Ufeil, except Sunday. 6:30. 0:30, tilSZ. lu:23 A. M., 4:00, 11:ju P. M. Sunday, only. A. M. returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:30 A. M.. 1:55, 3:05. 4:3o, 0:15. 7:35, :33, 11.10 P. M. Dally, except Sundaj, 6:!3, 7:20, u.3u. 10:20. 11:45 A. M. Except Monday, 12:2-1 A. il. Sunday only, 10:00 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter sedive points dally except Sunday, 4:00 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10 do A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting with S. P. Co.'- trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. Flrtt-class fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Francisco. $20; berth. $5. 8econd-cla faze, $15. second-class berth, $2.50. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and tVasblnrton atreets. Phone Main 712. City Ticket Office, 122 3d St. Phone 880. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY O The Flyer and the Fast Mall SPLENDID SfcllVlCK UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES For tickets. Rates, Folders and full In formation, call on or address H. DlCKsON, City Passenger and Ticket Agt. 122 Third Street .xrortland, Or. JAPAiN.AMERiCAN LINE S. S. KANAGAWA JWARU For Japan. China and nil Asiatic Ports, wilT leavo Seattle about July 2. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY !4 PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Stcam:rs DIRT EXCEPT SUlCBAi) 7 A.M. Direct line for Moffett's, St. Martin's and Colllna' Hot Springs. Connecting at Lyle, Wash., with Columbia River & Northern Ry. Co. for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. Landing foot of Alder street. Phone Main 5)14. S. M'DONALD. Agent. Astona & Columbia River Kairoad Co. UNION DEPOT. Fur Ala) sera, xuiinier, Clat&kdnie. V taiport. Dd.uy. ' Clitlon. Aa.urld. t J.I-S:U0A-M. r en ton. J-iavel, Hjw- imond, Foil ateveu. Gearhart Park. se- side. AsiorU aud aex- I score. I Express Dji.y. 7:00 P. M. I Astoria b.xreso. ! Dallj. 11:10 A.M. 0:40 P. M. C. A. STBWAKT, J. C. MAlfO. Ccmm'l AgU. 248 Alder st. C. F. P. A, Phone Main 9CrtL For Scuth-hastern Alaska l.E.nV. axAxlx-t. o -v. -1. tx.KO.tutic.nii LtTx" Ut axJA TLE. Mas- Iti. 2H: 11i:m. RULDT. Ma 21; 31; Luf iauk uii, a:aj u. 23. steamers connect at San FianLls.o Kiln c9n1pi.1i 3 ttn.ici for ports in caiKor dU. Mexico and Humboldt Ua. i-or further mformatlun obtain folder. Ittgbt Is re- I served to cbanse siei-mtri. or vuiung date. TICKET OFFICES. Portland 21U Vainington st. Seattle , ............113 Jamc, ;U and Dock Ean Franclaco 10 Market t. I C. D DUNANN G-n. Pas. Agt,, i 10 Market st. San Francisco. 'Pi nerfSTS'imPJ gfiREAT Northern v" -