7r"fp-&$&&&!SF' r3v'V-fwp:,7. 35Fj?ys ifSffr !THB MORNING JOBEGONIAK, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1904. COVENANT OF GODl Noted Bible Scholar, Tells of Its Fulfillment SERMON TO BIBLE STUDENTS Rev. C. T. Russell, of Allegheny, Ex plains How the Promise to Abra ham Was Fulfilled in the Mission of Jesus Christ. A field day of the Northwest Bible Stu dents' Union tvas held In the Elks' hall, Marquam building, yesterday, when two addresses were delivered to large audi ences by Pastor Charles T. Russell, of the Bible House congregation, Allegheny Pa. He Is known throughout the East as a noted Bible scholar and the founder of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract So ciety. The Portland Society of Bible Students, one of its officers said, alms at the promotion of Christian knowledge, but' does not wish to build up another sect, has its meeting-place on Sixth street, near Salmon, and has over 30 con tributing members. In dealing with the subject, "The Oath Bound Covenant," Mr. Kussell spoke without notes for over two hours yester day afternoon, and probably uttered be tween 12,000 and 15,000 words. He chose as his text Hebrews vi:17, "God. willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of His coun sel, confirmed It by an oath," and took as the central thread of his sermon the promise made to Abraham: "In thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed." Mr. Russell said in part: To the higher critic, the apostle's ref erence to God's dealing with .Abraham Is nonsensical, believing as he does that the statements of Genesis are without author ity and were written hundreds of years after the death of Moses. Some are in clined to say to themselves: "That event was helpful to Abraham but has nothing to do with us or with our day." It Is our hope that an examination of this cove nant, which God attested with his oath, may be helpful to the Lord's people pres ent, enabling them to see that God had a plan in Abraham's day, and that he is still working according to that plan and that Its completion will be glorious a blessing to his creatures and an honor to himself. It was not God's Intention to show his plan to everybody to the world In general nor has he done so. The world by wisdom knows not God, understands not his great and gracious operations which for thousands of years have been gradually unfolding, and which are now near accomplishment. God wished to show the natural seed of Abraham some thing of his plan, and hence they were granted an external glimpse of it. But the apostle points out that the clear showing of the matter was especially In tended for "the heirs of the promise. ' Our Lord Jesus Christ was the great heir of the Abrahamic promise, and the faithful of his consecrated people of this gospel age are declared to be his joint heirs In that promise, which Is not yet fulfilled. For its fulfillment not only is the church waiting, as the bride or fellow members of the body of Christ, to be par ticipants with the Lord In the glories Im plied In the promise, but additionally the whole creation the entire human family Is groaning and travailing In pain together waiting for the great fulfillment of that oath-bound promise or covenant. Tho world was not blessed In Abraham's day, nor were any of his children living at the time the promise was given. Isaac did not fulfill the promise. He was merely a type of tho greater seed of Abraham who In due time would fulfill it Jacob and his 12 tribes, fleshly Israel, did not fulfill the Sromise, but still looked for a, greater essiah to fulfill It, to bless them and though them all the families of the earth. We find in this great oath-bound cove nant a blessing for all nations all people. What Is the blessing so greatly needed by all mankind? It is the very same blessing that Jesus Christ declared he came to give, saying: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." It is life that the whole world needs. Jesus declares himself to be the great llfe-glver. Jesus came to save men from sin and the penalty of sin which Is death. It Is a human inven tion of the dark ages to attach eternal torment as the penalty of sin. It is be caute we are sinners that we are all dying creatures, and for the Lord to give life Implies that ho will take away the sin and all necessity for Its penalty. The greatest blessing of forgiveness of sins which are past and even the blessing of being awakened from tho -sleep of death would profit mankind but little, If the arrangements of the millennial age that future time were not on such a scale as to permit a thorough recovery from present mental, moral and physical weak ness. Let us take courage and hald fast to the divine word and feed upon It more and more and use all the various blessings and promises which the Lod designed to fit and prepare, to mold and to fashion, to chisel and to polish us for places In his glorious kingdom. At the evening service, Mr. Russell cave another address on Bible study, and ftjft at 11 o'clock last night for St. Paul, ;llnn. WOBLD'S j7AIBEXCUESI0NS. .. For the world's greatest Fair to be held at St. Louis from May to October, the Northern Pacific Railway Company will place on sale special round trip ex cursion tickets. The dates of sale will be May 11. 12 and 13. June 16. 17 and IS. July 1, 2 and 3, August S, 9 and JO, September 5. C and 7. October 3, 4 and 5. Standard and tourist sleepers will be operated through to St. Louis. For rates and other Information in connection with routes, etc, call or. or address A D. Charlton, assistant general passenger agent, 255 Morrison street, corner Third. Portland. Or. Santos-Dumont Tries His Balloon. PARIS. May 15. Santos-Dumont today made a successful lialf hour's trial with his balloon. No. 7, which he will take to the St. Louis Exposition. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. May 15. Maximum tempera ture. 64 deg.; minimum, 47. River reading, 11 A. M., 1(5.0 feet; change In 24 hours, rise 0.2 foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., trace: total since September L 1903, 45.65 Inches; normal. 42.87; excess. 2.7S. Total sun shine May 14, 1904. 3 hours and 31 minutes; possible. 14 hours and 54 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M.. S0.11. S 1 TV III 5 1 By f - etS 5 O O M C3 ? 3 : ? STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck IlAlS Cloudy nam Clear niMi. IkiU Helena. III'. ""II"!56o"ool4 N Clear Clear Pt cloudr K&iBtoap9, B. C.. GOtO.OOl 0 NW Nrth Head 154 T FecateUo .- rG4!0.O0J12!W Portland ... 104 O.OOJ 71SW Hed Bluff J84H).0Oil2 NW Hoseburg (7010.00 6 N Sacramento S2 0.0014 SE San Francisco 74(0.00 12 NW Spokane O4,O.O0,lO W Seattle 1601 T ! "SVT Tatoh Island l4S0.22ll4iSB Walla. Walla iC 0.00! JE Light. T. trace. Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear IPt. cloudy pjiear iCiear Pt. cloudy Rain Rain ICiear WEATHER CONDITIONS. The -weather in the North Pacific States la somewhat unsettled, but no rain has fallen In the last 24 hours, except seme small showers aloe? the coast. The temperatures "have risen slightly at the headwaters of the Columbia River, and there has been a corresponding fall ncx. xxTscKAsr, ma. . jx imraAHMMHITMHKRS.niTUII. HON European Plan $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 pr Day THE PORTLAND POBTUKD.tnL American P-lan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. COST! ONX XXLLIOX POTiVATM, Portland's New Hotel Itfa a gem. Everything new and elegant Steam heat, electric lights. Por celain baths and lavatories on every floor. Rates. 75s. $1.00. $1.50 and S2.08, European. Finest restaurant in Portland. Also billiards and bar. The big olive-colored, rubber-tired coach meets all trains. It's free. HOTEL SCOTT, Seventh and Ankeny Sts.", P. O. Block of temperature In the Snake River draining area. The Indications are for fair weather in this district Monday, except In Western Oregon and Western Washington, where It will con tinue unsettled, with possibly showers. , The river at Portland at B P. II. was 16.6 feet. It will rise slightly during the next two or three days. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. 1L for 28 hours ending at midnight. May 16: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy, with possibly showers; variable winds, mostly east erly. Western Oregon and Western Washington Partly cloudy, with showers; variable winds, mostly easterly. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair. THE RIVERS. STATIONS. Portland. Or. The Dalles, Or. Umatilla. Or. Pasco, Wash., No. 1.... Pasco. Wash., No. 2.... Wenatchee, Wash. ..... Northport, Wash. Newport, Wash. Bonner's Ferry, Idaho. . . Rlparla, Wash. Lewlston. Idaho 15)10.6) 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.7 1S.Z 10.8 13.4 11. S 26.8 12.6 12.1 15.81 13.0 24 13.31 The river at Portland, Or., will rise slightly during the next three days. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "Housekeep ing Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for addi tional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 -words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 00 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-halt; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per Une tor each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible tor errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At residence, 657 Flanders st., at 10 A. M., by S. L. N. Gilman, auctioneer. By the Ford Auction Company, at 1S2 First by S. L, N. Gilman, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. rVANHOE LODGE. NO. 10. K. OF P. Reg ular convention tonight, at 8 o'clock, in Pyth ian Hall, eighth floor, Marquam-bldg. Knight Rank. Visiting Knights cordially invited. C. H. MEUSSDORFFER, JR., C. C. FRED P. HOLM, K. of R. and S., HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) etenlng, 8 o'clock. Work in M. M. Degree. Visitors wel come. By order W. M. C. E. MILLER, Sec CAMELIA CHAPTER". NO. 27. O. J E. S. A stated communication this (Monday) evening, at S o'clock. In Hill's Hall. Annual visit W. G. M. By order W. M. ESTHER KANE. Secretary. GENERAL RELIEF COMMITTED, L O. O. F. Special meeting Tuesday at 2 o'clock P. M., to attend the funeral of Charles E. Canon, of Al-Kl Lodge. No. 130, of Dayton, Wash. Fu neral from Flnleys, Interment Lone Fir Ceme tery. All Oddfellows Invited. By order of the President, HENRY BROWN, Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE NO. 2, A. F. & A. .M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening, at 7:30. Work In M. M. Degree and business of Im portance to be transacted. Full at tendance desired. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of W. M. DIED. CANON In this city. May 15. 1004, corner Spring and Belmont sts.. the residence of his sister. Mrs. L. H. Sherrod. Charles E. Canon, aged 25 years, 10 months and 20 days. Re mains are at Flnley's Chapel. Funeral no tice hereafter. .FUNERAL NOTICES. WALPOLE The funeral of Frederick Andrews Wapole will be held In the chapel of the First Unitarian Church, on Tuesday after noon. May 17. 1004. at 2 o'clock. Friends in vited. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. Serv ices at grave private. SCHROEDBR At her late residence. 473 Williams ave.. May 13. 1904, Mrs. Lottie L. McMUlen Schroeder. aged 26 years, 9 months, 23 days. Funeral will take place today. May 16, at 2 P. M.. from F. S. Dunnlng's funeral parlors, 414 E Alder st. Friends Invited. AT GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL. MAY 15. 1004, John R. Allen, aged 36 years. Remains will be taken from Dunning & Campion's chapel to Vancouver. Wash., Monday May 16th St.. at 1.30 P. M. Funeral services at Dunnlng's Chapel. Vancouver, Wash.. Tues day. May 17. at 2 P. M. Interment City Cemetery. Vancouver. Friends Invited. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertaken and embalmer, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone. No. 607. J. P. FINLEY & SOX, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East OS. CLARKE BROS, TINE FLOWERS. FLO ral designs. SS9 Morrison. NEW TODAY. WEST SIDE BARGAIN CLOSE IN. HOUSE and fractional lot at $500 below actual value. A snap as investment or a home. Address owner, O 100. Oregonlan. $4350 100x100 southwest corner 14th and Petty grove sts.. ery easy terms. Inquire Beno & Ballls. 54 Front at. FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale and house to rent; centrally located. Phone .Main 1002. s? C W. XNOWZJM, Xg. BEMOUtmS FCIIflBUJTSUB CObWEKUL TUrTlEH Special rates made to families and single seatlo znen. The man agement will be pleased at all .times to show rooms asd sire prices. A modern Turkish bath ' e tabllsh meat la the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE. Resident Manager. Tonight at S.15 o'Clock, The big musical frivolity, THE FOUR COHANS. la . RUNNING FOR OFFICE 72 people In the cast 72. Prices. $1.50. $1.00, 75c, 50c 35c 25c Last performance tomorrow night. THE BAKER ?;?- THEATER and Manager. Phone Main 1007. EXTRA! EXTRAl EXTRA! Beginning Sunday, May 22, The Casino Company in a limited season of BURLESQUE, presenting Weber & Fields repertoire. The opening week will be "FIDDLE DEE DEE" Prices, 15c. 25c. 35c. 50c. 75c. Matinee, 10c, 15c 25c, 60c. CORDRAYS THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL. Managers. Engagement Extraordinary, Tonight, Tuesday and Wednesday Nights, Matinee Wednesday at 2:15, ISABEL IRVING. Management James K. Hackett Irf Winston Churchill's great play, "THE CRISIS." Original New York company and production. Seats now selling. Prices, 25c. 50c, 75c. 51 and $L50. Matinee prices, 25c to $1. LAssrfe--ffl OvwtonAniBtHtjrr Co wj 322sHr.c- Fourth and Stark streets. The topic of Portland conversation, A Vaudeville Theater of Actual Refinement. Admission, 15 cents. Private loge seats, 25c. Phone Main 4636. The home of polite vaudeville. Continuous performances from 2 to 4:30 P. M. Sundays, continuous 2 to 10:30 P. M. Evening performances from 7 to 10:30 P. M. Any seat In the theater, TEN CENTS LYRIC THEATER (Corner Alder and Seventh.) HIGH-CLASS REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30. Continuous performance Sunday, 2 to 10 P. M. TEN CENTS NO HIGHER ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 3:30 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. ' Per Ladles GentUroen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any scat. " Washington Park 24th and Washington ITALIAN BAND. 32 Pieces Every Night CONCERT DANCING. Admission 1 0c. LadiesFree NEW TODAY. MONEY TO LOAN In any amount at lowest rates on PORTLAND REAL ESTATE Titles Insured, Abstracts Furnished. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce Ground Floor, 4th-St Side. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIBRELL, Formerly of MacMniter & BIrreQ. S02-& XcKay Bulldlas. Third, ana Stark. Phoa Mala 23X MORTGAGE LOANS Cn improved city and farm property. Bolld. Ins loans. Installment loans. WM. MAC lUSTE'K. 311 Worcester block. SALE TODAT AT ilcALLEN & McDON nell's. Ladles "Defender" muslin under wear. Prices cut to the core on all wash drees materials, white goods and fancy walstlngs. 5-ACRE HOME. GOOD BUILDINGS. ALL kinds bearing fruit, garden and hay, on good avenue, close to carllne. Inquire 67 E. 9th N. Price. $3500. FOR SALE 50x100. 14TH AND E. SALMON. corner, cheap: owner 303 Goodnough bldg. HOMESTEADS GOING NEXT WEEK. 151 Cth st. North, room 4. MAiaer'a ilASta.j TOK fiVMTr WFTf"F?T'A,ry - $1500 BTJTS SUBURBAN COTTAGE OF 5 rooms and "bath. hall, large, lesant porch. sideboard bnllt la dining-room, full base ment, brick foundation; cemented Inside and out 7 2 lots, bearing fruit trees r house cannot be built for the money: also five lots front ing on north aide of Foster road about 4 blocks east of Flrland Station, on Mount Ecott car line. aU for $350. Se owner on premises today. WHEAT LANDS A SNAP. TILL SELL you an 60 or more at reasonable pricee ana locate, you ob homestead on adjoining l&ad, which together makes cheapest "wheat farm In Oregon: farms under cultlvaUon adjoin ing Taise wheat, oats. com. etc: good roads: -well water; no irrigation needed: railroad building to within four miles. Look, thla p at once. Room 40, Gilman Hotel. FOR SALE AT BEAUVOUt HEIGHTS. Woodstock car line, new 5-room house; hard finish throughout; 2 closets, pantry. 2 porcb; water la house; woodhouse; line view; price $1060; stop Haxeltcn station, go one-half block east, inquire house being built nearby, or phone Union 4541. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL HOME. PORT land. East Side, 100x100 feet, large house, choice fruits, arc light, city water, 15-minute car service, sightly, convenient, most desir able, cheap; terms: must be sold; Investi gate. Johnson & Van Zante, attorneys. C05 Commercial bldg. BARi GAIN INCOME-BEARING PROPERTY : In good state of cultivation; close to busy hamlet: with rail and boat transportation, and acceas two large markets; new build ings: variety frulta, meetly apples, on main county road, near Portland; Immediate pos session. Q 4, Oregonlan. SEyEN-ROOM HOUSE. WITH PANTRT, basement and hath;-hot and cold water; lot -40x1:5. with alley; halt block from car; all newly furnished; price, $1500, half cash, balance to suit. Inquire of owner. 2S Villa ave., Mcntavllla. Phone Union 23. YOUNG MAN 24 TEAKS OF AGE, WITH some means, manager of general merchan dise concern, wishes acquaintance of young lady with view to matrimony; strictly con fidential: so general delivery. Address G 4, care Oregonlan. $280010 ACRES WITH BUILDINGS, ALL cultivated; some fruit; take Mount Scott car: get oft at Gray's crossing and go half mile north along county road; place now vacant. John Oatmon, owner, 332 Sherlock bldg. FINE NEW T-ROOM HOUSE: CONCRETE basement and alL modern Improvements; full lot; two blocks from car; Upper Alblna; $2150: small payment down, balance month ly. Robert Bell. 321 Worcester block. OWNER MUST .SELL MEDIUM-SIZED modern East Side house, 15 minutes' ride on car-line, and offers It far cheaper than it could be built, and terms to suit if taken at once. G 7, Oregonlan. I HAVE SOME FINE PROPERTY AT ST. Johns; must sell, going away; deal with owner, save commission; also new upright piano, cost $350. will take $200; $25 down, $5 a month. G 2, Oregonlan. . 1 SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. BALANCE $25 per month; a very fine S-room Colonial resi dence In Holladay Park; cement walks; all modern conveniences: price $3500. Address owner, E 5, care Oregonlan. H BLOCK AND FOUR 6-ROOM C0TTAGE3. cloee in. East Side; streets Improved, sewer and cement sidewalk; yearly Income $740; must be sold In 10 days; price $0000. Ad drets M 70, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN COTTAGE OF 8 rooms on highly Improved grounds. 100x100 feet, fine fruit, flowers and shrubbery; price low; terms easy; well worth Investigation. Phone Scott 1315. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE THE FINE, large residence property of the late Mr. Moehle. located at E. 34th and Morrison sts.. will be sold. Call at residence. 134 E. 34 th st. FOR- SALE 3 NICE LOTS AT WOOD lawn, $100 each: also 14 lots near West ave., on Montavllla car line. $40 each; call at 5G0 Going st.. Highland, after 5 o'clock. AT MONTAVILLA. NEW 6-ROOM TWO story house; porcelain bath, toilet, basement strictly up-to-date residence: $1350. Owner, ZVi Union ave., Portland. Easy terms. 20 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. IN MULT nomah County, 150 acres; 50 acres level: 40 acres can be plowed now. Address Own er, Fulton House. 4 th and Alder. FOR SALE 0-ROOM HOUSE; HOT AND cold water, bath; good barn. 8 fruit trees; 2 blocks from car line; $000. 243 Mlsner. W. A. Armstrong. . 1 THREE WEST SIDE LOTS. 331-3x110 FT. 16th st., 100 ft. south of Montgomery, $1500 each. Owner. 210 AlUky bldg.. 3d and Mor rison. 00 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addltoa. Lent. Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 5o. $4300-CORNER LOT. TWO NEW HOUSES, near steel bridge, now paying over 10 per cent net. S. B. Rlggen, 305 Abington bldg. FOR SALE 5-ROOM HOUSE, NEW, 50X100 lot; also furniture; $1550. 804 E. 11th North, near Mason. Phone Scott 6500. BLOCK OF 7 SUNNY LOTS. .BET. 23D and 24th. E. Yamhill and Taylor, $4500 Inquire 170H Madison, near bridge. NEW 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE: IM provemento. 722; terms easy. Inquire 716 Corbett. FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMP LAND. 10 miles from Portland. Inquire 2S7 E. Morri son st C. R. Davis Fuel Co. $250 BUYS NICE LOT ON HAWTHORNE ave. car line; sewer, city water: a snap. 1109 Hawthorne ave., near 4t0h. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN INVEST ment? Fine corner, paying 16 per cent. Phone owner, Main 4340. $1850-COTTAGE AND FRACTIONAL LOT. McMUIen'e Addition, renting for $20. S. B Rlggen, 305 Abington bldg. $1600-6-ROOM COTTAGE, 688 CLINTON, near East 10th st.; cars pass the door. S. B Rlggen, 305 Abington bldg-. $3500 A WEST SIDE SNAP. 50x100. on car line: monthly Income $45. J. P. Kennedy & Co.. 221 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE IN MOST DESIRABLE PART of Irvlngton. 100x100 feet, near street-car. Address XX, Oregoman. FOR SALE TWO LOTS ON TILLAMOOK St., 100 feet from Union ave. Inquire 4!) N. 0th St.. West Side, OWNER OF CHOICE 24 ACRES. CLOSE IN. will sell whole or part at sacrifice for short time. A 4, Oregonlan. $7000 THREE NEW 0-ROOM HOUSES, close In, renting $70 month; terms. Apply owner, Osborn Hotel. FOR SALE NEAT 5-ROOM COTTAGE IN Sunnyside; price $1650; terms, $550 down. L 00, Oregonlan. KARE BARGAIN $2000 BOYS 233 ACRE3 near Brownsville. B. S. Cook. 251 Alder ct Portland. FOR SALE ALMOST NEW 5-ROOM COT tage, by owner, In suburb; must sell. Q 00. Oregonlan. ONE LOT. 100X100. IN WOODSTOCK ADDI tlon: cheap. Inquire Miss E. Z. Cole. St. Johns, Or. NEW C-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR steel bridge; $3000; terms. 612 Commercial building. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY, quite central; by owner. 66 10th st., near Everett. FOR SALE CHOICE SMALL HOME. 10TH, West Side: Al location: owner. Q 70. Ore gonlan. FOR PAT.t: FARMS. FARM LANDS WE ARE. HEADQUAR ten for Eastern Oregon wheat lands and have a large list of Willamette Valley farms. See us before you buy. Mt Arthur & Mahoney. 410 Marleay bldg. FOR SALE GOOD DAIR1 AND STOCK farm. 370 acres, ono mile from Astoria; small bouse and orchard: green grass all year. W. G. HowelL 53S Chamber of. Com mere. IMEROVBD FARMS FOW SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaater. 811 Worcester 840 ACRES. 35 MH.ES FROM PORTLAND; 4.000.000 ft. fir and cedar; dam cost $2000; on Yamhill River; price $5000; also 80 acres, fir rooming-house. 474 Alder st. 230 ACRES. 18 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 35 In cultivation, good house, desirable loca tion, fare 60c: only $20 an acre. Address C. Sandstone. Sherwood, Or. FARMS, ACREAGE TIMBER LANDS, homesteads and timber claim locations. See "Maxwell & Co., 310 Abington bldg.. Portland. 6 ACRES IDEAL CHICKEN. AND DUCK farm: living spring; near city. Address O 70. Oregonlan. 20 ACRES BEST LAND; WELL IMPROVED; near city; none better. Address N 70. Oregonlan. iXR SALX FAKXS.. 16K-ACRB ORCHARD SIX MILES FROM Vancouver, 14 miles' from Portlaad; 15 acres fall-'beartng Italian prune trees, one acre in raspberries: house and barn: home or chard, of assorted fruits; just the place to make money from the start by raising prunes, chickens, bees, small fruits and vegetables; easy terms. Call oa or address owner. 605 Commercial block. ALL WAT SOWN- Unimproved farm lands near Portland. Timber and grazing lands in Eastern Ore gon. Some desirable school land at less than state price. ... Address 310 Allaky Building. 27.000 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND. Xree from the state to settlers, who will fi&y from $5 to $15 per acre to the Co ombia St u them Irrigation Company for perpetual water right; for Information call or address B. S. Cook. 251 Alder st, Port land. Or. 10. ACRES NICE. LEVEL LAND; GOOD soil; house,- barn, fruit and berries; 300 yards to H. R. station and small town; $1060. Owner. Phone Union 6524. CHOICE 100 ACRES. PARTLY IMPROVED; 12 acres timber; near city. P 70. Oregonlan. TIMBER, LANDS FOK SALE. FOR SALE TWO THOUSAND ACRES OF the finest yellow pine lands in America; all tributary to Big Klamath Lake, Klam ath County, Or.; guaranteed to cut 3,300, "000 -ft of good, clear, commercial yellow pine to the quarter section, besides white pine and. cedar; title guaranteed; off the market in short time; price $15 per acre. L N. Maxwell, Salem. Or. FOREST RESERVE AND OTHER SCRD?S Cheaper scrip for NON-TIMBERED lands; all fully guaranteed; bank references; gen eral land practice; varied experience. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. FOREST RESERVE RECERTIFIED SOLDIER aaaiuonai valentine scrip "and land warrants; have 160 teres Sioux half-breed scrip; this will enter unsurveyed land. Maginnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. 160 ACRES YELLOW PINE AND FIR. 3.000. 000 feet near railroad and Columbia River; fine land for fruit or stock; level; nice spring; 51000. R 82. Oregonlan. TIMBER INVESTMENTS 1 HAVE FOR sale several large, and small tracts of tim ber. A. E. Mathews. 418 Oregonlan bldg. ft4 ACRES OF TIMBER IN COWLITZ County, Wash., for sale at a bargain If taken soon. D. W. Faulkner, Anita, la. 320 ACRES FINE TIMBER CRUISES 10. 000,000 ft; 20 miles from Portland; $12.50 per acre. See owner. 232 Stark st IF YOU WANT TIMBER CLAIM. SEE GEO. Jalley, Reliable Cruiser and Surveyor, 606 Commercial block. NOTICE I CAN LOCATE YOU ON GOOD timber or homestead claim. Call 229H 1st st, room 12. SCRIP WRITE ME FOR LOWEST prices. L. W. Whiting. 408 Abington bldg. WANTED SCRIPT. FROM SO TO 300 ACRES; state price. J 07, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY HOUSE AND LOT ON Installment plan, or to have house built for responsible party: Irvlngton or Holladay pre ferred. Address D 8, care Oregonlan. WANTED WE HAVE A CUSTOMER WITH $1000 cash who wants a 6-room house on West Side for about $3500. What have you? Potter & Chapln. 246 Stark. REAL ESTATE CLEARING-HOUSE; SELL direct to buyer; save agents profits. Crockers, 418 Abington bldg. BUILDING LOT IN GOOD RESIDENTIAL district. West Side; state price and location. C 70, Oregonlan. BRING US YOUR WEST SIDE PROPERTY: we have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co., 403 Abington bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc JUST ARRTVED. 20 HEAD OF EAST Mountain horses, delivery and draft, from 1000 to 1600 lbs. Sale stable at Union Stockyards, foot of 17th st FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OF driving horses, fine for pleasure, with two seated trap; owner must sell. Call 229 8d st Phone Main 1519. FOR SALE-FINE HORSE AND BUSINESS buggy, rolltop desk, letter press, chairs, etc Call Monday after 0 o'clock A. M. 1134 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE ONE SPAN HORSES. 2600 pounds; working every day. Inquire 361 Hal sey st; a bargain today. HORSE FOR SALE. WEIGHT 1100 LBS.; good for delivery and expressing. Inquire at 811 Klrby, Alblna. GOOD DRIVING AND DRAFT HORSES, buggies and surreys; all horses guaranteed. 313 Water st 150 VEHICLES. 300 SETS HARNESS, NEW and 2d hand; 1 Shetland pony. 211 Wash. Miscellaneous. WOOD. WOOD. NOTICE. To Upper and Lower Alblna residents: The Steel Bridge Woodyard, under Its new man agement Is prepared to deliver wood and all kinds of cool on short notice by us and be satisfied you will get better measure than anywhere" In the city. Chas. Lomerlne, manager. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterlte; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or "coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elatertte Roofing iZo., 10 Worcester bldg. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $25; all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. FOR SALE LIGHT BRAHMA EGGS. $1.50 per setting of 15; also one each cock and cockerel; fine blrda; $1.50 each. G 70, Ore gonlan. DIAMONDS -K, CHOICE BLUE WHITE; heirloom; need money; will sell at half value; mounted to suit 612 Commercial bldg. FRESH COW JERSDl AND GUERNSEY; first house west reservoir No. 2. Section Line road. Phone Union 1443. FOR SALEGENTLE FAMILY MILK COW. Apply or address L. H. W.. 607 East 0th South. Phone East 276. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-J1 LIVE FIR wood go to Hoover & Conway, 313 Water et Phone Main 4506. THOROUGHBRED JERSEY BULL CALF 10 days old. 061 Vancouver ave., near Going. Take U car. DOOR FIXTURES. COUNTERS AND SHOW cases for sale Inquire C. O. Pick, 88 1st FOR SALE ONE HARDWOOD BEDROOM set and cook stove. Phone Scott 2404. GOOD PASTURE FOR HORSES. APPLY D. McLaren. Mllwaukle Postofflce. FINE SILVER SKYE TERRIER PUPPIES for sale. Basement 326 Park st ROLLTOP DESK, SAFE. TYPEWRITER and chair. N 64. Oregonlan. SAFE, ALMOST NEW. VERY CHEAP. AD dress T 66. care Oregonlan. FRESH COW FOR SALE 5 YEARS OLD. 43 Fay st. Station B. HOMESTEADS CALL ALL WEEK AT 151 N. 6th st, room 4. FOR SALE FINE TALKING PARROT. IN qulre 0 N. 3d st. HARDWOOD. FLAT-TOP DESK. ROOM 10, 245 Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED JUVENILE ACTOR. CHARAC ter actor, soubrette. Call 226 Alleky bldg., Sunday morning; road and stock. ACTIVE YOUNG MAN. FOR GROCERY, experienced and well acquainted with city. Bulllvant's grocery, 461 Jefferson. WANTED GOOD COATMAKER; WORK by piece or week. Apply to John Davles, merchant tailor. Eugene, Or. RELIABLE MAN MANAGE OUTSIDE Busi ness and collect: little money required. 3434 Morrison st, room 1. WANTED GOOD. STOUT BOY TO RUN errands; one riding bicycle preferred. Ad dress P 6. Oregonlan. WANTED GRADUATE PICTURE AGENTS ladles or gents: a winner for you. 801 Dekum bldg. COATMAKERS AND PANTSMAKERS. THE J. M. Acheson Co , 5th and Alder sts. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD SOLICITORS for easy selling article. R 69. Oregonlan. WANTED STOUT, EfTELLIGENT BOY AT paper box factory. Front and Oak sts. HELP WANTED MALE. , NOTICE. CANADIAN' EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, tho leading employment agency of J:e North west 249 Burnslde st Phone Mala 3074. LET US HELP YOU WE PLACE HUN dreds of responsible employes. 1 you want a better salary, or a chance to earn a sal ary, write for our plans and. booklet Hap-, goods (Inc.), Suite K. 323 Walker bldg.. Seattle. WANTED MEN TRAVELING THROUGH cities and towns to secure orders; no book scheme; give references for particulars; sal ary and commissions. Address A. C, room 336. 33 Park row. New York City. WANTED FHIST-CLASS, EXPERIENCED stenographer, outside tqwn, salary $80; boy about 20 for office, good In figures and pen manship; today after 11 A. M. Clerks' Beg Istratlon Bureau. 265 Morrison. WANTED TEN TEAMS WITH DRTVERS to naui lumoer; xn miie naui; gooa pianu road: $2.15 per M. Address Nordby & Wll eon. Rainier. Or., or call on Nordby Lumber Co., room 103, Sherlock bldg. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; class for ladies; write for particu lars, and if in doubt make personal Investi gation. American Barber College, 253 Ev erett st, Portland. WANTED AN OUTSIDE SALESMAN; ONE who has had experience with restaurant and hotel trade preferred. Address, giving experience and reference. Q 6, care Orego nlan. - SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL NURSERY stock; cash advanced weekly for expenses, write immediately for territory before it is al assigned. Chlco, CaL. Nursery Co. PHOTOGRAPHER TO TRAVEL; SALARY and expenses. Inquire Historical Photo graphic Association. 431 Sherlock bldg., be tween the hours of 11 and 12 A. M. A YOUNG MAN TO SPIN AND "STRIP cards; alio a weareroom hand who can dress warps- Apply John P. Wilbur, superintend ent. Union Woolen. Mills, Union, Or. LADY WANTS STEADY. ACTrvTJ YOUNG man partner with $300: well-established busi ness; will guarantee him $30 week and over. Call 270 Washington st. room 30. -I Men to learn barber trade; only requires 8 weeks; special offer; constant practice, ex pert instruction; catalogue free. Molar Sys tem College, San Francisco, CaL WANTED STAVE BOLT CUTTERS AT $1.25 per cord; board 65c day; tools advanced. Write or apply to Western Cooperage Com pany, Houltons Or. CHORUS GIRLS. SINGERS. PERFORMERS, musicians- wanted; engagements furnished; advice gratis. Newman's Theatrical Agency, 513 Washington. t A MAN OR BOY TO MAKE HIMSELF generally useful about a small place In city: $20 per month or more If worth It N 3, Oregonlan. MAN WITH SOME READY MONEY: MAN ufacturlng proposition; big money to rustler; closest Investigation. Phone Main 4609. WANTED GROCERY AND CROCKERY clerk. Address, giving age, experience and reference, R 6. care Oregonlan. WANTED MAN TO TAKE ORDERS FOR small water motor. A 3, Oregonlan. ( GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MAN to learn assaying. 203 Stark st MAN WITH $125 CAN MAKE GOOD money. Address J 1, Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED MALE STEN ographers. Hanson, 26 N. 2d st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED ENERGETIC, TRUSTWORTHY man or woman to work In Oregon, repre senting large manufacturing company; sal ary $40 to $00 per month, paid weekly; ex penses advanced. Address, with stamp, J. H. Moore, Portland, Or. WANTED AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS everywhere; can make $10 to $20 per week easily and pleasantly at home; no money required. The Lake Co.. 110 Monroe st. Chicago. WANTED TWO LADIES OR GENTLEMEN to solicit for a ready-selling article In every family: good salary to right parties. O 0, Oregonlan. WANTED TWO STENOGRAPHERS, ONE bookkeeper, two dry goodn clerks, one wln dqw dresser. 231 Alder at t- 20 STRAWBERRY PACKERS WANTED. Write D. E. Miller. Hood River. TTRT.P WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 2 FIRST-CLASS CLOAK AND suit salesladies; good salary paid; must be able to furnish good references as to ability, etc. Address Parisian Cloak & Suit House, Spokane, Wash. I- DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds, cooks, waitresses, nurseglrls, sec ondgirls. housekeepers, housework, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. THE BOOKLOVERS' LIBRARY REQUHtES a representative In Portland; one who can present an attractive proposition to the cultured classes. Address wfh references, 82 0th st WANTED GIRL. PLAIN COOK. ONE that don't run around nights; this is a good place with good wages. Address 304 N. 24th st, Portland, Or. CHORUS GIRLS, SINGERS. PERFORMERS, muslcans wanted; engagements furnished; advice gratis. Newman's Theatrical Agency, 313 Washington. WANTED TWO GIRLS. ONE FOR PLAIN cooking and housework and one for nurse. Apply before noon 776 Johnson, between 23d and 24th. WANTED RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking in small family of adults; wages $20. 147 10th st, near Mor rtTon." WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, WAIT resseo, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. FOR LADIES ONLY. Portland Women's Employment Company., 216 Allsky, cor. 3d and Morrison. Red 3037. WAITRESSES FOR HOOD RrVER, $20; CITY, $6; chambermaids (wait), cooks, housework help. Drake, 205 Washington. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, family of 3. 128 14th st, bet Washington and Alder sts. GIRL WANTED, FAMILY OF TWO. TO As sist housework; good home; moderate wages. D 77, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, small family. 571 Jackson. Phone Main 3525. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; good wages. 690 Flanders. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 361 Halsey, cor. E. 3d. Holladays Addition. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. Phone Main 2638. 444 Carter street WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Inquire 014 E. Yamhill, near E. 30th street WANTED IMMEDIATELY COMPETENT chambermaid. 53 N. 18th st, cor. Davis. i - GIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSEWORK. CALL 614 E. Ash, cor. 16th. Phone Union 25J1. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; good cook. 234 10th. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED at Watson's Restaurant 109 4th. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family. Call 569 First st DRESSMAKER'S APPRENTICE: PAY while learning. 06 Lewis bldg. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR SECOND work. Apply 674 Eierett st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 181 E. 16th st Phone East 1593. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work-. Apply at 475 Main. WANTED COMPETENT COOK. INQUIRE forenoons, 751 Flanders st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH houseuork. 63 Ella st GIRL FOR COOKING. 755 HAWTHORNE ave., cor. 23d st GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work. 295 12th st APPRENTICE WANTED BY DRESSMAKER. 20 B. Cth st GOOD NURSE GIRL; REFERENCES. 108 N. 18th st HELP WASTED FEMAIX. WANTED GHtL FOR" GENERAL HOUl lly. Apply room 37. Hobart-Curtls. SITUATIONS" "WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED CLOTHING wishes situation, city or country: German and Scandinavian; A 1 reterer Address M SI. Oregonlarc. WiVTinn PORTTTON' AS GROC clerk; ten years' experience; competent flu any position: xeierences- u o, gonlan. SITUATION WANTED 'AS COI manager, ticket-seller or any light wl oest or reference. Aooress u s. vregen BOOKKEEPER OF ABILITY AND EX employer In the East G 89. Oregonlanl Miscellaneous. COLORED HELP FURNISHED FOR kinds Job work; houses and carpets cl ea; parties servea; punchbowl; glasses dishes furnished If needed; have men ooys; can uo any Kind work; lx you anything done good and quick phone i.--ju. -. jj. j. nomas, ma couch st TW O FUtST-CLASS HOTEL AND cooks, man and wife, to take charge good hotel or Summer resort: or will ta good camp lob. William White, S36 EvJ u ruuao v.iay iiKSts. FHiST-CLASS MAil KT wrRT rTT?vr engagement beach hotel; manager or v.iciA. ouu uuuseucper; experiencea; ences- V 81. care Oregonlan. WANTED BY AN A 1 CARPET MAN. uauuu &s tuiciuau cutler or layer, first-class house; best of references. dress F 80, Oregonlan. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY nlshes all kinds help, labor contract a cialty. 69 N. 5th. Clay 592; house-deal by day or hour. WANTED POSITION B FIRST-CLl bartender, steady, trustworthy and rd ble; good references; city or country so. uregonian. c--tjtt -rxrTvrrcTTJTnna vriTTxrn -r good education, seeks employment of gonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY RELIABLE M in steam laundry; wages not much obi but desire to learn me ousme9s. x. 7, gonlan. BY YOUNG MAN AND. WIFE. IMMEDL" ly, position In club, 'hotel, or take chl of store in or out oi town, u bv. uregoc CAN FURNISH FARM OR DOMESTIC ants; all kinds help. Japanese Labor elation. 268 Everett Slack 092. STEADY MAN. PRACTICAL CUTTER tailor, wants a steady job. In or out of aq areas r 87, care oregonlan. BOY OF 18 WOULD LIKE TO FInJ jnacniniat iraue; l years experience in : roaa saop. a az. uregonian. POSITION WANTED BY A FIRST-C miller and millwright. Eastern Oregon ferred. O 97, Oregonlan. CHINESE COOK WANTS CONTI kitchen In hotel or restaurant Ada 146 2d st DRAUGHTSMAN AND ENGINEER WA1 & position; will take odd Jobs. Q 97, gonlan. GOOD BARTENDER WOULD LIKE PI Hon out of the city. P 69. Oregonlan. I arruATioNs wanted female.! Bookkeeper and Stenographers. A YOUNG LADY. GRADUATE SHOl hand and typewriter, wishes a posltlod office. Address Llllie B. Jones, 262 Ml son st, Oregon City. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER slrea to fill In unemployed hours daily: merclal legal, insurance. N 98. Oregon WANTim STENOGRAPHIC SITUATI Remington operator; many years" experid 450 Yamhill st. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESII position, rnone Bast 1170. Domestics. WANTED A PLACE IN PRIVATE F.A by young girl going to school; wllllni pay some ana neip witn wonc Aaaress care uregonian. EXPERD3NCED CHAMBERMAID WA! chambers ork cr 0a7 work; wiu work or .home. Phone Main lizs. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS SITUATION! family to do plain cooking and bousev Address C 8, care oregonlan. A YOUNG GIRL WANTS SITUATION! housework. 821 Wledler et Nurses AN EASTERN TRAINED NURSE WOl like position In general sanitarium worl care of diet Kitchen; win take position invalid; references. Address A 8, care gonlan. PRACTICAL NURSE DESIRES ENGJ ments; no objection to leaving city. PI Main 18S5. ELDERLY LADY WOULD LIKE PLACI Infant's nurse; experienced. S 92, Or! man. Housekeepers. AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN WITH child wishes a respectable place in country as a working housekeeper: re ences given and required. W 5. OregorJ WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW. sltlon as housekeeper or practical nurse. I dress Mrs. C. J. C. 543 Washington. Pi Black lia. WANTED HOUSEKEEPING POSITION I middle-aged widow. W 7, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST wi position, day or night; good sight res Address G 16. Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY. A POSH as copyist; good penman,. K 98, Oregoil WANTED CHILD TO BOARD: LOV" home; terms reasonable. Y 97. OregonUl HOUSECLEANING BY THE DAY BY man woman. 210 Hall. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY DAY. PHC Main 1625, room 63. YOUNG WOMAN WILL DO DAY WOl Phone Hood 734. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS AND SOLICITORS. EITHER wanted for the only perfect pencil eraser: Indispensable to every bookke accountant and office man; sells on si Droftts Immense; sample and full partlcu mailed upon receipt of this adv. and! cents In silver. G. W. Wilbur. Boxl Hollywood, cat AGENTS OUR MEN MAKE $3 TO $10 day fitting glasses: our 24 p. JjREE BOOK tells all about It Write JACKS I IAN OPTICAL COLLEGE. College Pi Jackson, Mich. TEN AGENTS WANTED. WITH GOOD pearance; a new proposition; $6 to $3 day; experience unnecessary- Call Mod morning, room 208, A. O. u. Vr. mag. i AGENTS MEN AND WOMEN; WONI ful menoscoplc cards; Just put upon majj aienoscoplc, Byrne Diag., los Angeies, WANTED UP TO DATE PHOTO COU1 and portrait agents. Rembrandt, Abl ton blag. WANTED TO RENT. YOUNG MAN WANTS ROOM AND BOJ In private family, west biae preierrea; a ten minutes' walking distance from cc 5th and W ashlngton. x 7, Oregonlan. WANTED MODERN FURNISHED HOl for summer, Detween wasnington, jenea w. I'arK ana -iim; wm pay gooa rent. .foruana noiei. UNFURNISHED HOUSE NEAR Grounds of 8 or more rooms; suitable! roomers ana Doaraers. w 95. Oregonw MAY 17 ROOMS OK MORE. WEST m. net. tvasnington ana Jenerson. Oregonlan. WANTED TABLE -BOARDERS AT 24 0th st, cor. Main; good home cooklni WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED USB OF GOOD UPRIGHT FlJ inr lis storage or small rent G tl. gonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HQKSES AND tie of all kinds. Phone Scott CS13. WANTED TO BORROW $1000 AT 6 cent; good security. S 69, Oregonlan. "1