THE MORNING OlffiGONIAN. FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1904. ESS1 'i EN Congress Is Adjourned Without a Day. SENATE IS READY EARLY Panama and River and Harbor Bills Are Passed. ROOSEVELT1 IS A SPECTATOR .Appropriations Are the Subject of a Political Debate Between Al lison and Aldrich and Gor man and Culberson. (yT "WASHINGTON. April 8. With a brief announcement, and a sharp rap with his well-worn gavel. President pro tern Frye adjourned the Senate sine die at 2 P. 1L today, the hour, fixed by resolution of the Houses of Congress. The occurrence was de void of unusual Incident, and the final close of the session was but slightly different from the end of an ordinary day's sitting. The work of the ses sion had been concluded before the final word was said, so that neither rush nor confusion marked the end. The only important acts of legisla tion during the day were the presen tation ana acceptance of conference reports on the Panama Canal Gov ernment bill and the Emergency River and Harbor bill. The galleries were not greatly crowded at any time during the day. t 4 WASHINGTON", April 2S. The Senate began its day's work at 10:30 A. M., but the greater part of the time was devoted to a political debate participated In on the Bepubllcan side by Allison and Aldrich and on the Democratic side by Gorman and Culberson. The discussion was based on a statement by Allison regarding the appropriations of the session, comparing the figures for this year with those of other years and other administrations. The President and his Cabinet occupied the President's Capitol office room during the early part of the debate, and some of the President's advisors were among the most Interested listeners to the criticism and defense of their chief. Mrs. Hoose velt and other members of the President's family occupied seats in the gallery toward the close of the session, .and they, too, found entertainment Jn the proceed ings. When the Snato convened, the Phil ippine bill, at the instance of Iiodge, was taken up and read at length, the House measure being submitted for the Senate measure. Lodge said he would not attempt to press the bill at this session of Congress, as he was aware there would be . op position to certain features of it. He also said he was anxious to guard against the admission of Chinese immi grants Into the Philippines, and that the purpose of section 6 was not to change the United States immigration laws In the Philippines, but merely to shift their administration to the Philippines author ities. Appropriations of Senate. Allison, chairman of the committee on appropriations, submitted a series of ta bles, prepared by the clerks of the appro priation committees, showing an increase of $2S,000,000 over the appropriations for last session. He gave the principal items of increase as follows: For the Navy, $15,000,000; on account of the Postal serv ice, including rural free delivery. 58,000,000. He also stated that there is an increase of $8,832,000 in the permanent annual ap propriations, the chief items being $7,000, 000 for the bank-nqte redemption fund, and the next most important item being $2,KO,000 for the irrigation reclamation fund. Allison also spoke of the increase in the deficiency appropriations, the principal item being in that connection the loan of $4,600,000, made to the St. Louis Exposi tion. Replying to an inquiry from Aldrich, he said that outside the loan to the expo sition, the cost of that institution to the National Treasury, including the cost of the Governmental exhibit, is about 3G,500,- ooo. Speaking generally, Allison said the ap propriations were in the main for the conduct of the Government, and he ex pressed the opinion that they would not be criticised. He also referred to obliga tions assumed, and said those of this year are less than for many years pre vious. While Allison was speaking Klttredge presented the conference report on the Panama Canal bill, and it was agreed to without comment The House resolution fixing 2 P. M. today as the hour for the final adjourn ment of the session was presented, and was adopted without being referred to a committee. Resuming, Allison said the obligations, aside from appropriations. Incurred at the present session amount to $24,000,000. Culberson Gives Statistics. Culberson presented a review of appro priations for the past 12 years, covering the last administration of Mr. Cleveland and the McKinley and Roosevelt admin istrations. He said the total expenditures under the Roosevelt administration have been $2,640,000,000, or $211,000,000 greater than the four years of the McKinley ad ministration, and $SS3,O00,CO0 greater than in the four years of the Cleveland admin istration. These increases he subdivided as follows: Civil administration, $160,000, 000: naval, $231,000,000; military, $284,000,000. He also said that for 1905 the total ap propriations on account of the military, including pensions, would be $387,000,000, and said that, excluding the expenses of the Boer war, the military expenses of the United States for 1903 were $32,000,000 more than those of Great Britain for that year, $131,000,000 greater than those of Germany, and $139,000,000 In excess of those of France. Replying to Allison, Gorman placed the total appropriations of this session at $781,000,000, and the obligations incurred at over $24,000,000, or more than $SOO,000.000 all told, not including the appropriation for the Panama Canal. He said the figures were amasslve, and predicted it would be Impossible to make expenditures at this rate without increasing taxes. He attributed the rapid increase to the am fcltlon to make of the United States "a great world power," and said that we had reaped no harvest except the loss of life and demoralization in every branch of the Governmental service. Large Army Frightens Gorman. Gorman referred to the increases for the support of the Army, and said that if the present tendency should be pur sued the Army would become an instru ment of tyranny. He charged that it was now being organized on the plans of the German army. He also charged that the chief reason for the building up of the Army and Navy was to attract the at tention of the crowned heads of Europe. He again charged that the early adjourn mentthe earliest in the history of the country had been due to influence from the White House, $and said while de lay might have been serious. It would not have changed results, and ; delay was, therefore, not undertaken by the Demo crats. Allison replied to Gorman, saying he was surprised to hear from him that the adjournment of Congress was premature or unduly influenced. Allison also char acterized Culberson's tables as "old and worn out," as at the time covered by the tables the conditions of the country were totally different from present conditions. He said the extraordinary expenditures of the McKinley administration had been due to the Spanish War, which was forced CORE A Bj4Y Nr1yp5W ra JlSAa 77zo&s fTl AfAiA S E. 72 Ooas SCENE OF JAPANESE MOVE3IENTS ON THE YALU. The Japanese front extends along the Yalu from Wlju to Pyekdong, 80 miles. A con siderable force has crossed the river at points around Samollndo Island, near which Russian batteries drove off two Japanese gunboats assisting the movement. Another di vision of the Japanese crossed the Yalu at Chang Che Kow, 20 miles to the northward of "Wliu. This force now holds a road which runs to Kwantien, whence the main road to Mukden may be commanded. Furthermore the possession of this point enables the Jap anese to threaten the strong Husslan forces at FengwangchenET with a flanking move ment. The attempted Japanese landings at Takushan are now regarded as having been feints to cover the passage of the Yalu by the troops in Corea. upon the President. He combated also the statement that the expenses of the military establishments were greater than those of the European nations, saying that pension expenditures could not propT erly be Included In such estimate. Culberson said the figures given for oth er countries Included their pension lists, and Galllnger called attention to tne fact that the European countries grant very limited pensions. Allison admitted that there had been an increase In the strength of the Army, but said the increase had been made as a non partisan measure. He also said that our per capita expenditure on account of the military was smaller than those of any other country. Allison also defended the administration of the Postofflco Department as on the whole economical and honest. During the course of Allison's address. Hale and Cockrell were appointed a com mittee to wait upon the President and notify him of the readiness of Congress to adjourn. After performing this service, the committee returned, and Hale reported that the President had been called upon and said he had no further communication to make to Congress. Aldrich said that in the statement made by Allison were included many items which were never expended, and that while the statement was valuable for comparison, It does not indicate the exact state of affairs. In 1902, for example, when the appropriations were $730,000,000, the ex penditures were only $470,000,000. In 1S99 the discrepancy was about $400,000,000. Hence Culberson's figures did not show expenditures with even approximate cor rectness. He admitted however, that the expenditures for the past year and the year before had been greater than for the years preceding the Spanisi war, smd ne cessarlly so because of the growth of the country, the principal item of increase being on account of the Army and Navy. Good Reason for Early Adjournment. Referring to the charge of undue haste In adjourning, Aldrich said the Congress was about to adjourn because the public business had been completed. He thought the country was to bo congratulated. Gorman said the revenue question had been evaded because It would dis turb the political atmosphere. "Why not admit it?" he asked, and added he did not blame the Repub licans for this policy because the Demo crats had tried it to their sorrow. "We do admit," responded Aldrich, "not that we fear any disturbance to the po litical atmosphere, but to the business atmosphere, which would bo cruel and wanton." The Senate at 1:26 P. M. went Into ex ecutive session and when, at 1:52, the doors were reopened, Gorman offered the usual resolution expressive of the thanks of the Senate to the president pro tern, Frye. The resolution prevailed unani mously. Frye responded briefly and was loudly applauded. As the applause died away the hands of the clock on the wall of the chamber Indicated the hour fixed for ad journment had arrived, and promptly at 2 o'clock the chair announced the termi nation of the session, saying: "The hour of 2 o'clock having arrived the chair declares the Senate adjourned sine die." Move for Peace Meeting. WASHINGTON. April 2S. Representa tive Bartholdt. of Missouri, introduced a concurrent resolution today requesting the President to invite the governments of civilized nations to send representatives to an international conference to devise plans looking to the negotiation of arbitration treaties between the United States and the different nations, also to discuss the advisability and, If possible, agree on a gradual reduction of armaments. Swedish Lutheran Church Conference SALEMSBURG. Kan.. April 2S. The Kansas Conference of the Swedish Luth eran Church Is holding its annual session here. The conference includes the Luth eran Church work In Kansas, Colorado, Texas and Missouri. The election of a president of Bethany College is amonsr I the matters up for consideration. TO BE GOOD SURPLUS Hemenway Explains Appropri ations of Congress. BUSINESS PRINCIPLES APPLY Livingston, for the Democrats, Con tends the Army and Navy , Are Being Increased Too Rapidly. WASHINGTON, April 2S. The House resumed its session at 10:30 o'clock. It still being the legislative day of Tuesday. Although it was admittedly the last day of the session, the usual crowds which throng the galleries 'upon such occa sions were noticeably absent. The ab sence of members when the Speaker rapped for order also was smaller. The House at once got down to busi ness and agreed to a number of confer ence reports on bills of minor Importance. The conference report on the bill estab lishing a government for the Panama canal zone likewise was agreed to. Mondell (Wyo.) called up the bill to ratify and amend the agreement with the Shoshone and Wind River Indians of Wyoming, which was under consideration when the House took a recess last night. Fitzgerald (Dem., N. T.) continued his opposition and secured a rollcall on the passage of the bill. Payne (N. Y.), the majority leader, by unanimous consent. Interrupted the roll call and offered a resolution providing for adjournment at 2 o'clock today. Loud Republican applause greeted the an nouncement. The resolution was adopted without division. A bill also was passed amending the copyright law so as to prescribe a penalty for violation of that law by foreign pub lishers. Payne (N. T.) offered the usual resolu tion, which was adopted, providing for the appointment of a committee of three members to join a similar committee of the Senate to notify the President that Congress was ready to adjourn. Hemenway (Ind.), chairman of the com mittee on appropriations, and Livingston (Ga.), the ranking minority member of that committee, made explanations of the appropriations by Congress. "Good Government Housekeeping" was the caption chosen by Hemenway to rep resent his views. "A Congress That Has Done Nothing but Spend Money" was the heading of Livingston's summary. After reviewing the expenditures for the next fiscal year, Hemenway con cluded: No Nation So Economical. "The expenditures of our Government In their aggregate as shown by the ap propriations of Congress are large and by unthinking persons, and especially by misguided newspapers, are denounced as extravagant; and yet, according to the very best authority, our National Gov ernment is the most economically ad ministered of any In the civilized world." A table to substantiate this statement was given, showing the per capita expen ditures of the leading nations. The high est given Is New Zealand, whose per capital expenses is 30.3S; the lowest is the United States, with a per capita showing of 7.97. The total appropriation made by this Congress aggregate $781,574,629, according to Hemenway. Of this sum $26,801,543 was to pay deficiencies for prior fiscal years, and ?56,500,000 is set aside for ap plication to the sinking fund. This leaves the total appropriation for the ex penses of the Government for the year 1905, $C9S,272,7SC The total estimated revenues for this period are $704,472,060, or an excess over appropriations or au thorized expenditures of $6,199,274. Con tinuing, Hemenway said: "Experience has demonstrated that one year with another the actual expendi tures of the Government are about 5 per cent less than the appropriations made by Congress, and anticipating that the coming fiscal year will not prove an exception to this practically established year rule. It is safe to assume that the apparent surplus of revenues over ex penditures will be augmented by not less than $35,000,000. thus affording a safe margin of at least $40,000,000 between reve nues and expenditures with which to meet all legitimate deficiencies that may arise and that may have to be provided for at the next session and also afford A Splendidly Organized Business. A Small Profit Quick Sales Policy Gives EILERS PIANO HOUS Its Supremacy Checkering, Weber. Kimball, Hazelton, Lester, Hobart M Cable, Jacob Doll, Had dorff, Whitney, Crown, Pease, Baus and many others. Leading Pianos Lowest Prices Pianolas and Aeolian Orchestrelies In Used Pianos Bargains Such as These P. G. Leicht, la perfect condition, $1S5; McCammon, good as new, 1175; Ludwig, used but little, $137; Milton, $195; Sherwood, $178; Fischer, $1S0, and many others. Payments down $6 to $10. Monthly pay ments equally reasonable. Money back in every instance where Instrument falls to prove exactly as represented. Eilers Piano House 1 349, 351 and 353 Washington St. Big stores also San Francisco and Sac ramento, Cal., Spokane and Seattle, Wash. ing a considerable sum to be devoted to the sinking fund." Livingston (Dem., Ga.) In his statement compared the expenditures of Demo cratic Congresses with Republican Con gresses and added: "The table shows that appropriations for Federal expenditures made under a Republican Administration, by a Repub lican Administration, by a Republican Congress for the next fiscal year, have reached the startling sum of $780,575,629, or an Increase of $286,955,027 over the average of the last two years under Democratic control and within a period of less than ten years. "I do not question the honesty of those vast appropriations, either in their ag gregate amount or in the details; but I challenge the wisdom of the policy of the dominant party that has made these enormous expenditures necessary through the Increase in the military and the naval estimates, the maintenance of which is at the expense of needed Internal im provements, such as river and harbor works and public buildings. "Whatever may have been the sins of commission of this Congress, they are as nothing compared to the sins of omission denying consideration to all legislation looking to the welfare of the great masses of the people." Must Suffer for Hazing. Lacey (la.) moved to suspend the rules and take up a bill granting authority to the President to restore to the naval ser vice Midshipmen John Lofland, of Iowa; Earl W. Chaffee, of Wisconsin, and Jo seph D. Little, of Ohio, who were dis missed from the Naval Academy on No vember 6, 1903, for hazing. A long debate ensued, which ended in the House refusing to suspend the rules, and the bill was lost The special committee appointed to wait on the President then said that they called on the President, who said that he had no further communication to make to Congress. The Speaker then announced as the special committee of the House to Inves tigate the merchant marine1: Grosvenor (O.), Minor (Wis.), Humphrey (Wash-), Spight (Miss.) and McDermltt (Dem., N. J.). A resolution thanking Speaker Cannon for the able manner in which he had pre sided over the House was adopted. Then followed the ovation described elsewhere and adjournment PRESIDENT- SIGNS MANY BILLS His "Influence" Not Enough to" Se cure Survey of Oyster Bay. WASHINGTON. April 2S. President Roosevelt arrived at the Capitol today at 10:25 A. M. to attend to his official duties in connection with the adjournment of Con gress. Nearly all the members of his Cabinet had preceded him and were wait ing in the President's room. He was ac companied by Mr. Loeb and his executive force. A number of bills passed last night and today received his signature. At 11:25 the President affixed his signa ture to the last of the general supply measures the postoffice appropriation bill. Prior to that time he had signed the sun dry civil, the general deficiency and the Military Academy bills. In addition to scores of measures of minor importance. The President was in almost constant consultation with Senators and Represen tatives concerning measures presented to him for signature. Bills relating to the various departments were referred strictly to members of the Cabinet, who were pres ent, and. as usual, they passed upon them before they were signed by the President. At 12:45 P. M. the Joint committee of the two branches of Congress, consisting of Senators Hale and Cockrell and Represen tatives Payne, Hemenway and Williams, appointed to notify the President that Congress was ready to adjourn, called upon President Roosevelt In his room at the Capitol. The President Informed the committee that he had no further commu nications to make to the Congress. Tho committee remained with the President less than five minutes. The last of the Important bills to receive the signature of the President were the river and harbor and Panama Canal measures. All of the surveys which the Senate provided for In the river and har bor bill were stricken out in conference. In one of them the President had a per sonal Interest, as It was a survey near the President's home at Oyster Bay. When ho noted the fact that among the other surveys It had been eliminated, he signed the bill and remarked, laughingly, that It was pretty evident that he had no In fluence with the present administration. MINISTER TO SANTO DOMINGO. Secretary of Legation at Rio Janeiro Gets $5000 Position. WASHINGTON. April 2S. President Roosevelt has appointed Thomas C. Daw son, of Iowa, at present secretary of the United States Legation at Rio Janeiro, Brazil, as United States Minister to San to Domingo. The office has Just been provided for by legislation, and carries with it a salary of $5000 a year. The President tendered the mission to General E. C O'Brien, of New York, one-time Commissioner of Navigation, but personal Interests impelled him to decline it. The President today sent to the Senate the following nominations: Thomas C. Humphrey, Judge of the United States Court for the central dis trict of the Indian Territory; Louis Sulz bacher, Missouri. Judge of the United States Court for the western district of Indian Territory; William R. Lawrence, Illinois, Judge of the United States Court of the eastern district of Indian Terri- The more purely negative soap is, the nearer docs it approach perfection. Unless you have used Pears' soap I you probably do not know what we mean by a socp with no free fat or al kali in it nothing but soap. Established over xoo years. r,nnns -pnTTfiWT TnnAV rvp TfiMnppnw rwA'PfTFn First Agency Butterick "W. B.," "Nemo; and C. B., A la Spinte. Agents for Trefousse Gloves. Lipman, Wolfe & Company New arrivals in Parker & Finn English Tailor-Made Waists. "Jap-a-Lac," the house and floor paint, it's almost everlasting. $22.50, $25 Tailored Suits $12.75 9 vil5r jF-m vh im iJmmt W"' V .. -Jliili ii' at VI AH I iFft't'''' -''MrlKS'A m f Am. w3 i:J-'''&i&fi Y . ImJI .tat R SWJH I JJlfB) 'Kf. ' v ,'mi j&S m WfS J v .--tjjyr. . . t s?J, . ? J I x&'isMlHl EV"--i,r,.'."ii":".,j:iiBf ."'". i'ft"l mESW ill Be "- '-W-"'ZJ0mr' ::.. Today; $1.00 Novelty Silks at 50c Chances today to purchase better Silk values than you've ever been offered heretofore, even in this store. Two thousand yards of high-class Fancy Silks, suitable for shirtwaist suits and separate waists all the season's best colorings included dainty, neat corded effects two, three and four-tone color combinations, goods made to sell at Jpl--a trade accident placed them in ESflr our hands so cheaply that we can afford to sell them to you for OvV A display of these beautiful silks in Third-Street Window None sold to dealers. I Table Linens Special 85c Table Damask, 72c Fine Irish Bleached Table Linen, full 66 inches wide, handsome patterns regularly 85 c today at 72 22-inch NAPKINS TO MATCH, worth $2.50, at $2.05 $1.10 Table Damask, 93c Extra fine quality Bleached Irish Table Linen, full 2 yards wide, superb assortment of pat terns regularly $1.10, at 93 24-inch NAPKINS TO MATCH, worth $2.90, at $2.45 35c All-Silk Satin Taffeta Kibbon 18c We place on sale today in the Ribbon Store all-silk satin Taffeta Ribbon four inches wide an absolute complete line of colors the regular price of which is 35$ -1 1 at '. J-' tory: Joseph T. DIckerson. of Kansas, to bo Judge of the United States Court for the southern district of Indian Territory. The Senato confirmed all nomlnatldns sent In today. President Reappoints Crum. WASHINGTON, April 2S. President Roosevelt today directed the reappoint ment of TV. D. Crum as Collector of Cus toms at Charlston. a C. The President has received positive assurance that the Senate will take up Cram's case Immedi ately on reconvening next session, and that It will be disposed of finally. Until he is confirmed Crum cannot draw any salary, but It is said that his friends have arranged to see that he Is provided with ample funds. Should he be confirmed the Government, of course, will pay him the back salary. Fail of Confirmation. WASHINGTON, April 2S. The following nominations failed of confirmation: William D. Crum, Collector of Cus toms. Charleston; Charles McKenna, Pennsylvania. Judge of the District Court Mies9 E3$ffl$3r To assist digestion, relieve distress after eating or drinking too heartily, to prevent constipation, take MoosFs Pills Sold, everywhere. 25 cents. Tuft's Pills Cure All liver IH.3, ARE YOU1 ' BANKRUPTinhealth, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid aver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. Patterns and Publications. Agents We place on sale today one hundred Tailor Made Suits, everyone of them this season's make and style, correct in every particular. They are made of broadcloth, cheviots, etamines and novelty materials and come in black, navy blue, brown, tan, gray and mixed effects. The coats in Eton, blouse and jacket styles, and are all silk lined. The skirts have the latest flare and come in dress and walking lengths fancy braids, silks, galloons and orna ments are used as trimmings. They sold heretofore at $22.50 and $25.00 choice for today (j- ly e Another Very Great Silk Petticoat Sale Wonderful Value at Another sensational offering in Silk Petticoats today equally as great a bargain as the one we had yesterday. The Petticoats are made of a high-grade, all-silk taffeta, in accordeon and knife-pleated ruffle styles, also in the new four-section ruffle effect choice of newest color tones black as well worth about double, according to the standard of value prevalent elsewhere- 65 5 special only of Porto Rico; Albert Jlills, to be Brigadier-General In the Army. For and Against General Naval Board WASHINGTON, April 2S. The House committee on naval affairs today heard Assistant Secretary of the Navy Darling W. G. SMITH &CO. Washington Building I ' 1 m Mjr &cfoc&t:&;&t&i&t&cgocM&:&cc:t&t&c&tgo:&t&Dc& 1 FURS CLOAKS and SUITS ' I WW d If MmK I . ii'liifwllA 1 Jemk ON MAY ACCOUNT for Best Corsets "La Vida," 1 ard or value prevalent fi A l i here today at 4afO The Stationery Store IMPERIAL BATISTE BOND This is a beautiful, medium-weight, cloth surface, su perfine paper in the popular Oxford size colors, gray and white, 60 sheets of paper and 60 envelopes in large cabinet regular value for tomorrow 33c ROSEBORO'S CAMBRIC A kid - finished paper in a beautiful pink tint, with wallet shaped envelopes 24 sheets and 24 4Q envelopes in box special at AS? 4 FRENCH PERCALE A beautiful cloth-finished paper, in blue and white, in the popular Rosenaud shape 24 sheets and 24 $5rJ envelopes in box special Af t- -in ic and Rear-Admiral Taylor, chief of tho Bureau of Navigation, on the bill creat ing a general board In the Navy. Assist ant Secretary Darling opposed the meas ure on the ground it was unnecessary, und would bund up the military as against tne civil power in tho Navy. Rear-Admiral Taylor favored the bill. The com mittee took no action on the bill. VISITING CARDS AND MONOGRAM STATIONERY 283-285 MORRISON STREET m pring Suits a :AT: One -Third Less Than the already low, plainly marked price. Today and to morrow mark the last days of this wonderful offer. To em phasize the importance of this opportunity Not-j what this sale means. $20 Suits for S13.65 $25 Suits for 316.70 $30 Suits for $20.00 $35 Suits for . $25.00 $45 Suits for $30.00 $60 Suits for $40.00 m m Agent for FIsk, Clark & Flagg's Neckwear