as THE MORNING OREGONIAiT, FRIDAY, APRIIi 29, 1904. 24 hours In th North Pacific States. The tem peratures in the .Northern Rocky Mountain States are generally slightly below normal. The Indication are for showers Friday In Western Oregon and Western Washington, and clearing -weather In the eastern portion of these Eta tea and Idaho. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. "Wind. STATIONS. Baker City 15010 Bismarck ..... .820 SW S W N S s NW S SW SW N w W w s SE W SW Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Boise .. 1581 Eureka .. .154(0 Helena .-.. ...... 62 0 Xamloops. B. C....IG4 0 Cloudy North Bead 48 0 Cloudy "Pocatello ...... ....152 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Portland 57i0. Red Bluff 02 Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City...... Ean Francisco Epokane .... ..... Beattle Tatoosb Island Walla "Walla .- 54 Cloudy C2I Clear Cloudy 5S 58 tClear OOjO, Cloudy Raining 0 r.n Cloudy Cloudy 620 Libt. T, trace. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. AMUSEMENTS. THE BAKER THEATER Md Manage. Phone Main 1907. Tonight, all -week, matinee Saturday, the ew Neill-Morosco Company, presenting Hen--&etta Crosman's success, "The Sword of the King" Evening prices, 50c, 35c, 25c, 15c. Matinee, 25c, 15c, 10c KEXT WEEK, Beginning Sunday Matinee, May 1, 1904, The New Nclll-Moroeco Company IN "The Sign of the Four" AN ADVENTURE OF Sherlock Holmes. CORDRAY'S THEATER Cordray & Russell, Managers. Prices as Usual. TONIGHT And. Friday Night. Olympia Opera Company In "TEA DIAVOLO." Saturday Matinee and Night. "THE MIKADO." Last Appearance of the Company. Commencing Sunday Matinee, May 1, The Rural Comedy, "THE TONKIN HUSKER." By an Eastern Company. 2?oto the change In prices, starting Sunday, 10c, 20o and SOc. Orpheom Theater rpheum Amusement Company, Inc., Props. AL ONKEN, Manager. Fourth and Stark 6treets, presenting REFINED VAUDEVILLE Every evening at 8:30. Matinee every Sunday at 2 P. M. Admission, 25c. Box seats, BOc Phone Main 4638. EMPIRE THEATER Twelfth and Morrison streets. TONIGHT. EAST THREE NIGHTS. EAST MATINEE SATURDAY ANNA EVA Prices, all reserved, 25c and 35c. Matinee, all seats, 25c Now on sale for entire engagement. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:80 to 4:80. 7:30 to 10:30, Sunday, continuous from, 2 to 10:30, For Ladles Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. BIJOU THEATER Sixth St., near Alder. Portland's handsomest family theater. The home of polite Vaudeville. Admission to Any Seat In the House TEN CENTS Performances daily from 2 to 4:30 P. M. Evenings, 7 to 10:30. See the best 10c show in the city and be convinced. AUCTION SAXES TODAY. By the Ford Auction Co. at 182 First street Bt 10 A. M. H. Ford, auctioneer. At Baker's Auction-House today at 2 P. M. George Baker & Co., auctioneers. Ait Gilman's Auction Rooms, 413 Washing ,ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. X. N. Gll xoan, auctioneer. ' . MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND LODfiR TJO KK. A TV & A. M. Stated communication this ) (Friday) evening. 8 o'clock. Official 'visit Most Worshipful Grand Master S M. Yonui. Mpmhnra nn1 vtcltlni. M. M. are cordially invited. By order W. M. L W. PRATT, Sec HASSALO LODGE NO. 15, L0. O. F. Regular moetlng this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the third degree. IWsitvjrs welcome. HENRY BROWN, Secretary. HARMONY LODGE NO. 12. A, F. & A. M. Special communication this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. Offl 'clal visit of Most Worshipful Grand Master S. M. Yoraa. Members are requested, to attend. By order of the W. M. W. M. DELIN, Secretary. ALL MEMBERS OF WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 65. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, and their families please attend the reception tonight, given in honor of Nomah and Mt. Hood Circle, Women of Woodcraft, In Wood fznen Hall, Tenth and Washington streets. C A. ELLIOTT, W. A. GWYNN, A. L. BARBUR, Committee WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77 Meets Friday nights in their forest. East Sixth and East Al der streets. Floor -work not Jt- cdled by any camp In the order. Come and Bneet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. 1 FUNERAL NOTICES. (POWELL Funeral services will bo held over the remains of the late Eliza D. Powell at 11 o'clock Friday morning from her late residence, 549 Hoyt street. Relatives only. I . EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and exnbolmcrs, havo moved to their new build ing, Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. XTNLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, ,eoT. 8d and Madison. Offlco of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. r P. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East C2. CLARKE BROS., FINE FLOWERS, FLO ral designs. 289 Morrison. - 1 DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th pad Pine. Lady assistant. Phone Main 430. NEW TODAY. I HAVE ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL farms at Greshaxn, on car line and gravel road; station on farm; very rich land; 20 acres of It is fine beaverdam, capable of be ing put under a system of sublrrlgatlon. abundance gravity water; this Is no cheap property, but a splendid thing for the right man, able to handle something good. See or address T. Wlthycombe, room 1, Hamilton blocks, Portland. Or. i FOR SALE -50x100. 14TH AND E. SALMON, porncrr cheap; owner. 300 Goodnougb, bldg. m s& SESg&S? EDUCATIONAL. k&e uwceMJ OF OUR GRADUATES proves that a. coarse -with, us pays. "What we have done for young people in the past we can do now better than ever before, because of improved facilities. Our school is always spoken of as first class in all respects. Superior methods, thorough work, has given it this high standing. Open all the year; students admitted at any time; catalogue free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL.B., PRINCIPAL CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. Rooms," 'Rooms end Board," "House keeping Rooms," "Situation Wanted," 13 words or less, IS cents: IS to SO words. 20 eents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dip. count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER. HEADS except OCew Today," SO cents for 16 words or le: 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, SO eents, etc first lnscrtlos. Each additional Insertion, one-half; so further discount wa ter one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). U cents per line, first insertion; 10 eents per Us for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oreconlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through, the telephone. , I NEW TODAY. A LOVELY HOME FOR A GROWING FAMILY We own, and offer for sale, a suberb fourteen-room bouse at the southeast corner of East Fifteenth and Hancock Streets, In the most beautiful part of HoIIaday's Ad dition. It has one hundred feet square of garden, with exquisite shrubbery and a neat stable. We are finishing up this house without regart to expense, and In a few days It will be completed and ready to make an ideal home. For prices and further particu lars, call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON No. 109 Third Street , A FEW SETS OF MODERN ELOQUENCE WILL BE SOLD AT HEAVY DISCOUNT The Famous Library Edition Apply Room 200 OREGONIAN BUILDING $75 each. Lots in Point View (St. Johns). In the loop ! The car line runs all around 'em. Only a few minutes' walk to the drydock, the saw mills and the new woolen mills. Fifteen min utes' walk from Columbia Uni versity. These lots will double in value this year. $5 cash and $5 a month. TITLE GUAR ANTEE & TRUST CO., 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. 120 LOTS FOR SALE? ere s have been selling fast; all In one tract, close to carline and within fifteen minutes of the center of the city. Price, $25,000. This Is an investment which will yield a hand some return during the current year. For details, apply to The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Heal Estate City and Earm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIEEELL, Tonnerlr of MacTter & BIrreU. 202-8 HcXay Bulldlnc. Third and Stark. Phone Mala 232. CHEAP HOME Good I2-room house and lot on Willamette Heights. For sale on very easy terms. Price, only $6500. RUSSELL & BLYTH, 82 Third St., Cor. Oak. BARGAIN Half Block with three double houses on East Seventh, between Yamhill and Taylor, paying 10 per cent. Only $12,000. Terms: $5000 cash, balance on mortgage. RUSSELL & BLYTH, 82s Third St., Cor. Oak. WOODSTOCK Portland's Choice Suburb. Homes on ilonthly Installments. POBTLAXD TRUST COMPANY. 109 Third St. " 1 LAST CHANCE Do you want a suburban home on the "White House roadT Only three tracts left. Frank E. Hart, 105 Sherlock bids. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. Build ing loans. Installment loans. WM. MAC MASTER. 311 "Worcester block. BUTTER IiOWER Best creamery ......45c, SOc Good creamery... .................... .45c, SOc Dairy butter .... 35c, 40c Ranch eggs .20c Best Bugar-cured ham 13o Picnic ham to 0 pounds lard compound... ......... ..45c t pounds pure leal lard ..r5a Arbuckle and Uon coffee, 2 pounds .25c Chickens (Saturday), pound 17c and 18o X& GRANDE CREAMERY, 2C4 Tamhlll St. MOUNT TABOR 7-ROOM HOUSE, BATH, bam; all kinds Irult: 100x100; on car-line; 10-mlnute service; $2750. Owner, 129 3d. CEDAR X.UMBER FOR SALE. ONE TO jour Inches thick. "West Sash & Door Co. Phone Mala-1413,. fr NEW TODAY. ILLUSTRATION NO. 13. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. NO. 109 THIRD STREET. Incorporated April 22, 1SS7. When we pick up the papers from day to day and read the financial news, we find quotations of Sterling Bills of Exchange. Bankers and merchants buy these bills, which usually run for sixty days, as a means of getting Interest for short periods upon their Idle funds. Wo Issue certificates of deposit, payable upon ten days call, thirty days' call or nine ty days call, with Interest at three and one-fourth, three and one-half and four per cent per annum, respectively. You will find these quite as good as Sterling Bills as tem porary Investments. Give us an opportunity of explaining further to you about these cer tificates, or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vlco-Presldent B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary FOR SALE CHEAP ONE ACRE OF ground, with large barn on Columbia boulevard, near Peninsular Station. Tyler Investment Co. 704 Dekunx. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. "WHEAT LANDS A SNAP; WILL SELL you an SO or more at reasonable prices and locate you on homestead on adjoining land, which together makes cheapest wheat farm In Oregon; farms under cultivation adjoin ing raise wheat, oats, com, etc; good roads; well water; no lrrlgaUoa needed: railroad building to within four miles. Look this up at once. Room 40, Oilman Hotel. $1600 BUYS SUBURBAN COTTAGE OF 5 rooms and bath. hall, large, elegant porch, sideboard built In dining-room, full base ment, brick foundation; cemented Inside and out; 2 lots, bearing fruit trees: house cannot be built for the money; also five lots front ing on north side of Foster road, about -1 blocks cast of Flrland Station, on Mount Scott car line, all for $350. See owner on premises today. FOR SALE-AT BEAUVOIR HEIGHTS, Woodstock car line, new 6-room house; hard finish throughout; 2 closets, pantry, 2 porches; water In house; woodhouse; fine view; price S1050; stop Hazclton station, go one-half block east, inquire house being built nearby, or phone Union 4541. ?1750 SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS, new modern T-room, 2-story house. Grand ave., $15 month; or could I show 12 per cent In rent on price, new. modern hous near steel bridge, would you buy? Call room 9, 245& Morrison st. FINE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE; CONCRETE basement and all modem Improvements; full lot; two blocks from car; Upper Alblna; $2150; small payment down, balance month ly. Robert Bell, 321 Worcester block. VI BLOCK AND FOUR 5-ROOM COTTAGES, closo In, East Side; streets Improved, sewer and cement sidewalk; yearly Income $740; must be sold In 10 days; price 50000. Ad dress M 70, Oregonlan. AT A BARGAIN. MODERN 12-ROOM, UP-to-dato house, corner Wasco and E. 24th sts.; streets acadamlzcd, concrete side walks, parking, etc; moke us on offer. Owner, phone East 075. s $450 THE CHOICEST -ACRE FRONTING Portland Blvd., adjoins Piedmont; high, cleared, grand view; magnificent home site. G. H. Van Houtcn, 303 Chamber of Com. f- BARGAIN NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. CON creto basement; nice porch, porcelain bath; corner, 63x120; Union ave., near Highland; $1S50; terms. Owner, 117 Ablngton bldg. $3750 FOR A CORNER LOT ON CAR LINE near Fair Grounds; monthly Income $45; can be largely Increased at slight expense. J. P. Kennedy & Co., 44 Hamilton bldg. OWNER HAS FOrt. SALE A NEW 7-ROOM house, near ForUand Academy; any one de siring such a property would do well to com municate with L 49, Oregonlan. NEW AND MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE IN Sunnyside; bath, toilet, etc.. $2000; $300 down, balance monthly. Lancaster Realty Co., 321 Morrison, 151 6th. FOR SALE 10-ROOM HOUSE, GOOD CON ditlon; W. Park and Morrison sta.; $100; buyer to mo've came off the ground. John P. Sharkey, 20S Allsky bldg. FOR SALE SIX-ROOM HOUSE. S1TUAT ed at 2GS Park, near Jefferson; must be moved at once. Lansing Stout, 247 Wash ington st., phone 676. A SNAP. 160 ACRES GOOD LAND. RUN nlng water, close to P. O. and 12 miles to Forebt Grove; terms to suit. Shoe Store, 270 Washington st. acre tracts, fine fruit land, all cleared, and on railroad near Portland; terms to suit purchaser. Palmer Bros., 41S Oregonlan Bldg. . . THREE WEST SIDE LOTS, 33 l-3xll0 FT. ICth st., 100 ft. south of Montgomery, $1500 each. Owner. 210 Allsky bldg., 3d and Mor rison. . 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car; oo. $1000-5-ROOM COTTAGE; NEW. MODERN; $100 cash, $15 monthly: will build anything wanted; same terms. 612 Commercial bldg. $2500 SIX ACRES CLEARED AND fenced, suitable for fruit or chickens; East Ankeny car. Miher, 303 Chamber Com. FOR SALE NICE 3-ROOM COTTAGE AND lot. Laurelwood. on Mt. Scott car line. In quire H. H Smith, Laurelwood. i FOR SALE FEE CORNER LOT AND 7 room colonial style house, on Williams ave. and Morris st. C2S Williams ave. $2500 HOUSE AND CHOICE CORNER LOT In best part of HoIIaday's Add.; close In. Miller. 303 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. FINE location, pays 15 per cent on Investment; no agents. E 79, Oregonlan. $250 BUYS NICE LOT ON HAWTHORNE ave. car line; sewer, city water; a snap. 1199 Hawthorne ave., near 4t0h. FOR SALE 500 ACRES STUMP LAND. 10 miles from Portland. Inquire 287 E. Morri son st. C. R. Davis Fuel Co. i -PRETTY HOME- 6-room house; very nice lot; fine fruit; West Side. V 69, Oregonlan. FOR SALE THE BEST AND LARGEST residence site in Oregon City; good eoil. fine viow. Box 164. Oregon City. FOR SALE SMALL 7-ROOM MODERN furnished house and full lot. North 22d st., $5000.00. C 78, Oregonlan. I- FOR SALE 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, LOT 60x100. at Sunnyside; terms to suit. Shoe Store, 270 Washington st. FOR SALE A NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Sunnyside. Hoopengarner & Ennes, 625 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE TWO LOTS ON TILLAMOOK St., 100 feet from Union ave. Inquire 49 N. 0th St., West Side. RARE BARGAIN $2000 BUT8 235 ACRES near Brownsville. B. 8. Cook, 251 Alder st.. Portland. HOMES ON ESSTALLMENT PLAN; PLANS and estlmato free. J. O. Wrenn, room 100, Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE. CHEAP NEW" fc-ROOM COT tage, furnished; owner leaving city. - xono Scott 6599. ONE LOT. 100X100. EST WOODSTOCK ADDI tlon; cheap. Inquire Miss E. J. Cole, St. Johns, Or. FOR SALE-CHOICE SMALL HOME, 10TH, West Side; Al location; owner. Q 70, Ore gonlan. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSEv NEAR steel bridge; $3000; terms. 612 Commercial building. BUILD YOURSELF A HOME. PAY ME back by Installments. Apply 405 Marquam. New 5-room modern cottage, gas, etc., Cor bett, near Hooker. Inquire 710 Corbett. FOR SALE FARMS. AN S-ACRE ORCHARD NEAR VANCOU ver will be sold at a bargain with 14 acres of timber suitable for cordwood. Alex Shtves, Allsky bldg. FORTY ACRES, NEAR VANCOUVER; 12 Im proved; good orchard; some bottom land on place, $1200. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Com merce. Exceptionally fine, level ami. 55 acres, culti vated; 8 miles east on car-line; modern Im provements; 700 Winter apples. 227 Front st. FOR BARGAEs'S, CLACKAMAS COUNTY farms, toe the Oregon Laad & Trust Co., COS Commercial block. 0 ACRES IDEAL CHICKEN AND DUCK farm; living spring; near city. Addrcai O 70. Oregonlan. 20 ACRE3 BEST LAND; WELL IMPROVED; near city; none better. Address N 70, Ore gonlan. CHOICE 100 ACRES, PARTLY IMPROVED: J 02 acres timber; ae city P. 70, Dregoalaa.J FOR SALE FARMS. A GOOD FARM FOR SALE CHEAP SO acres. 40 In cultivation, good 10-room house, fair barn, 3 acres In orchard, good living water, also well at the house. 2 miles east of Canby. 8 miles from Oregon City, the cultivated land Is in a high state of cultivation, and the unimproved land Is easy to clear; this land lays on a good Improved road and handy to market. For further in formation Inquire of J. J. Cooke. Oregon City, Or. 1CH-ACRE ORCHARD SEX MILES FROM Vancouver, 14 miles from Portland; 15 acres full-bearing Italian prune trees, one acre In raspberries; house and bam; home or chard of assorted fruits; Just the place to make money from the start by raising prunes, chickens, bees, jrmall fruits and vegetables; easy terms. Call oa or address owner, 605 Commercial block. 27.000 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND, free from the state to settlers, who will fiay from $5 to $15 per acre to the Co umbla Southern Irrigation Company for perpetual water right; for Information call or address B. S. Cook, 251 Alder st.t Port land. Or. FARM LANDS WE ARE HEADQUAR ters for Eastern Oregon wheat lands and have a large list of Willamette Valley farms. See us before you buy. Mo Arthur & Mahoney, 410 Macleay bldg. i- FOR SALE SO ACRES TIMBER LAND near Cottage Grove., Or.; large log house, living water, good grass land when wood Is off; $000 cash. H. K. Joyce. Saginaw. Or., or 740 E. 21st St., Portland. FOR SALE GOOD DAIR1 AND STOCK farm. 870 acres, one mile from Astoria; small house and orchard; green grass all year. W. G. Howell. C38 Chamber of Com merce. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE E ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster. 311 Worcester block. 840 ACRES. 35 MILES FROM PORTLAND; 4,000,000 ft. fir and cedar; dam cost $2000; on Yamhill River; price $5000; also 80 acres, for roomlnc-house. 474 Alder st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FOR QUICK RESULTS LIST YOUR PROP- erty with Oregon Land & Trust Company, COS Commercial block. i BUILDING LOT XN GOOD RESIDENTIAL district. West Side; state price and location. C 70, Oregonlan. WANTED 5 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE Vi cinity of E. 6th and Holladay ave. 420 Commercial bldg. BRING US YOUR WEST SIDE PROPERTY; we have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co 403 Ablngton bldg. TO EXCHANGE. WHAT HAVE YOU IN THE WAY OF LAND and property to exchange for good United States patent worth $5000; good Inven tion. Address H. McNameo, Scholls, Or. WANTED TO EXCHANGE A RANCH FOR East Side property. Hoopengarner & Ennes, 625 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE RECERTIFIED SOLDIER additional Valentine scrip and land warrants; have 160 acres Sioux half-breed scrip; this will enter unsurveyed land. Maginnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for immediate use; this scrip will take agricultural, grazing or tim ber land. H. B. Compson, 618 Marquam bldg. t .. 644 ACRES OF TIMBER IN COWLITZ County. Wash., for sale at a bargain if taken soon. D. W. Faulkner, Anita, la. TIMBER LNVESTMENTS I HAVE FOR sale several large and small tracts of tim ber. A. E. Mathews, 418 Oregonlan bldg. 320 ACRES FINE TIMBER CRUISES 10, 000,000 ft; 20 miles from Portland; $12.50 per acre. See owner, 232 Stork et. NOTICE WE CAN LOCATE YOU ON GOOD homestead or timber claim. Call 509 Com mercial block. CHOICE TIMBER CLAIMS AND HOME steaa locations. See J. Wrage, 229JS 1st., room 12. SCRIP WRITE MB FOR LOWEST prices. L. W. Whiting, 403 Ablngton bldg. THREE GOOD TIMBER CLAIMS, Marquam bldg. 2 to 4 P. M. 515 FOX BALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc SNAP $200.00 BUYS BROWN TEAM, weighs 2000 pounds, 8 years old, sound; will be shown In harness, with new, heavy team harness and new 3-inch wagon. Call today. Red Front Stables, 15th and Wash ington sts. rAST DRrVTNG MARE, 7 LEARS OLD, new Hodge pneumatic road wagon and 7-lb. Kay track harness, very swell; reasonable. Le Mode stable, 6th and Oak. FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OF driving horses, fine for pleasure, with two seated trap; owner must sell. Call 220 3d st. Phone Main 1519. AUTOMOBILE, STEAM, IN FINE CONDI tlon; sell tor half price. 218 Falling bldg., 3d and Washington. $23 BUYS MARE SUITABLE FOR FARM, delivery or express. Red Front Livery, 15th near Washington. 150 VEHICLES, 300 SETS HARNESS, NEW and 2d hand; 2 Shetland ponies. 211 Wash. GOOD WORK TEAM FOR SALE CHEAP. Farmers' Home. 285 Front. FOR SALE-FINE OPEN BUGGY, AS GOOD as new. 513 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE GOOD WORK HORSE; PRICE $45. Call 381 E. Morrison. Pianos. $375 UPRIGHT PIANO; USED BUT A short time; will sell for $200; party leaving the city. O 69, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. I FOR SALE BY ASSIGNEE THE HOUSE furnishing business recently conducted by Bruce Haines at Heppncr. Morrow County, Oregon, consisting principally of furniture, crockery, carpets, stoves, wallpaper, etc The stock Is nearly all now and In good condition. The only store of the kind In Heppner or within a radius of many miles. This business was formerly run by Wells & Co., who made big money. Large store, reasonable rent, a snap for anyono; fur full particulars, address George Conscr, as signee, Heppner, Or., or D. N. & E, Walter, Portland or San Francisco; F. S. Har mon & Co., Portland or Tacoma; Meier & Frank Co., M. Seller & Co., Peters &. Rob erts, Heywood Bros & W. Co., Portland; Howard D. Thomas, Seattle DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Entente; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co.. 10 Worcester bldg. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM S23; all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's. S31 Stark. TeL 1407. FOR SALE LIGHT BRAHMA EGGS, $1.50 per settmc of 15; also one each cock and cockerel; fine birds; $L50 each. G 70, Ore gonlan. DIAMONDS -K. CHOICE BLUB WHITE; heirloom; need money; will sell at half value; mounted to suit. 612 Commercial bldg. FRESH COW JERSEY AND GUERNSEY; first house west reservoir No. 2, Section Line road. Phone Union 1448. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FT LTVE FIR wood go to Hoover & Conway, 813 Water Bt. Phone Main 4590. FOR SALE SMITH NO. 2 TYPEWRITER; fine condition; will sell for $50 cash. K 70. care Oregonlan. THOROUGHBRED JERSEY BULL CALF 10 days old. 901 Vancouver ave., near Going. Take U car. FOR SALE CHEAP OLD BARN AND sheds; also 1 wagon. Holladay ave. and Larrabee et. FOR SALE FULL-BLOODED JERSEY COW; gen'le; must be sold at once. 230 Shaver st. FOR SALE ONE HARDWOOD BEDROOM set and cook stove. Phone Scott 2404. TINNERS' AND PLUMBERS' TOOLS, NEAR ly new, for sale cheap. Phone East 67. FINE SILVER SKYE TERRIER PUPPIES for sale. Basement. 328 Park st. BOLLTOP and chair. DESK, SAFE, TYPEWRITER N 64, Oregonlan. SAFE. ALMOST NEW. VERY CHEAP. AD dress T 66, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE SDCOND-HAND DIEBOLD safe P 75, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FTNB TALKING PARROT TU auira 9 N. Sd at. FOB SALE. Miseelianeotn. TOR SALE SECOND-HAND POOL AND billiard tables. Inquire at 2091& 1st St., up stairs. HELP WANTED MALE. GOING UP OR DOWN 7 MANY MEN lack the opportunity to rise In the world. We lack men to fill hundreds of opportuni ties now on our lists. Executive, clerical, technical and salesman positions paying from $1000 to $5000 a year now ready to be filled. If you would better your condition call or write for plan and booklet. Offices In New York. St. Louis and 12 other cities. Hapgoods (Inc), Suite K. 324 Walker bldg., Seattle. MUSICIANS AND PERFORMERS FOR road; bass player, 1st or 2d violin that doubles cornet In band; leader orchestra cornet, trombone and trap drummer; per formers that do more than one turn; state all you do In first letter. I pay hotel and R. R. fare; open May 16. W. M. Smith, Seattle, Wash. 1 NOTICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, the leading employment agency of the North west. 249 Burnsido st. Phono Main 8074. UNCLE SAM WANT3 HELP; 14.000 Ap pointments last year; free examination pa per and catalogue giving positions and sal aries. Dept. V, Western Correspondence University, 925 Golden Gate ave.. Son Fran cisco. ARE YOU COMPETENT? WE HAVE Posi tions for managers, salesmen, office men and technical men paying $1000 to $5000 a year; hirh grade exclusively; ask for booklet. Hap goods. suite K. 602 Pioneer bldg Seattle. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; class for ladles; write for particu lars, and if In doubt mako personal investi gation. American Barber College. 203 Ev erett St., Portland. WANTED MAN WHO THOROUGHLY UN derstands picture-framing and the wall pa per business; give full particulars and sal ary wanted. Address Hartung & Novln. Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED EXPERD2NCED BOOKKEEPER, one who Is a stenographer preferred, for general merchandise store In Southern Idaho. Give references and salary expected. D 79. Oregonlan. ' WOULD YOU INVEST $250 AT 1000 PER cent and labor for $1 an hour and board In best mining proposition in Alaska? If so, call or address J. H. Flsk, 204& Wash ington. A YOUNG MAN WHO CAN SPIN AND work In card room; wages $L75 per day; steady work. Address John P. Wilbur, superintendent Union Woolen Mills, Union, Oregon. t Men to learn barber trado; only requires 8 weeks; special offer; constant practice, ex pert Instruction; catalogue free. Moler Sys tem College. San Francisco, Col. WANTED YOUNG MAN WHO UNDER stands printing and finishing photographs; steady work to right party. Call evenings, Straus, 615 6th Bt. S. SINGERS, PERFORMERS. MUSICIANS wanted; continuous vaudeville and road companies. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, 313 Washington. $25 TO $65 PER WEEK WORKING UNION Mutual Aid Association sick and accident benefits: $1 per month. 401 Marquam bldg., Portland. WANTED CARPET SALESMAN; FURNI turo salesman; bookkeeper who can Invest $1000. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Mor rison st. I WANTED BRIGHT BOY. EXPERIENCED In furniture; boy for wholesale house Clerks' Registration Bureau, 205 Morri son et. PARTNER, PAYEn'G BUSESESS. WHO would be satisfied with $1200 Income yearly; $150 required. 2S1 Alder. WANTED A FIRST- CLASS COATMAKER. steady Job year round, piece or week. M. H. Bauer. Corvallls. Or. WANTED "BOY TO WORK IN CIGAR store mornings; must live with parents. M 77, caro Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE work; must be rapid penman; references. G 78, Oregonlan. WANTED SCENEPALNTBR, EXPERI- enced: good salary to the right man. Room 335, Hotel Scott. GOOD BOY TO DELIVER MESSAGES AND work in office. Address P. O. Drawer No. 7, Portland, Or. BOY 10 "XEARS OF AGE TO LEARN trade. Apply German Publishing Co., 2d and Taylor. WHOLESALE HOUSE WTANTS A GEN eral office man; references. F 78, Ore gonlan. WANTED DRAMATIC PEOPLE, ALL lines; rellablo road show. Room 335, Hotel Scott. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD SOLICITORS for easy selling article. R 69. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS CANDY HELPER WANTED at Aldon Candy Co., 291 1st st. PANTS MAKERS WANTED. THE J. M. Achcson Co.. 5th and Alder sts. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTS MAKERS. Nlcol the tailor. 108 3d st. K -- COATMAKER WANTED DIERLING & Paddcn, Vancouver, Wash. . WANTED AN APPRENTICE TO LEARN barber trade. 205 Morrison. BARBER FOR SATURDAY. APPLY BB- fore noon, 31 N. 2d at. EXPERIENCED DRAMATIC ACTORS. Landers, 268 3d st. COATMAKERS. THE J. M. ACHESON CO., 5th and Alder sts. , HELP WANTED FEMALE. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM- ondglrls." housekeepers, housework, $15 to n rnnnrlinn Parlors. 220& Morrison. $30. Canadian Parlors, Phone Main 1323. ARM WAITRESSES. SS; HOTELS. $10; 18 dishwashers, housework, etc.; men. $20; boys, $20 (board) mill company; woodchoppers. Drake, 205& Washington. WANTED REFINED GIRL FOR LIGHT housework and help take care of child; good home; references required. Address Y 75, Oregonlan. 1 SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. BOOKKEEP lng, penmanship and English branches taught by experienced teacher; day and night. M 35. Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER?. COOKS, waitresses, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230ft Yamhill. Phone Black 2S31. AMATEURS WANTING TO BECOME AC tors call en us. engagements guaranteed. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, 313 Wash. FOR LADIES ONLY. Portland Women's Employment Company. 216 Allsky. cor. 3d and Morrison. Red 3087. WANTED GOOD WOMAN COOK FOR small hotel In Eastorn Oregon; wages $23 per month. Condon Hotel, Condon, Or. WANTED A GUtL TO DO COOKING AND general housework; references required; good wages. 295 W Park, cor. Columbia. WANTED EVIMEDIATELY. CAPABLE GIRL general work, first-class family; wages $25. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S31. WANTED STRONG GIRL OR WOMAN cooking, general work, farm; wages $20. 230 Yamhill. Phono Black 2S81. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small house, small family, good wages. Coll 1202 Hendricks ave. Piedmont. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN FAMILY OF three; pleasant home; wages $20.00. Call 690 Tillamook st., Irvlngton. WANTED EXPERIENCED MH,LINERY makers. Apply at once. Wonder Milliner Co., 1st and Morrison. WANTED FHtST-CLASS SHIRTWAIST maker; steady work. Call at 548 Flanders st.. bet. 10th and 17th. i WANTED NURSE GHtL. $20; WAITRESS. kitchen girls; plenty of work. Mrs. Jones. 195 4th. Red 2006. $9 5-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE BASEMENT, key O'Neal's grocery, cor. Hood and Grant. EXPERD3NCED WAITRESSES WANTED AT Watson's Restaurant, 109 4th at. i GHtLS YOU CAN MAKE $15 A WEEK. Room 0, 385 Yamhill st. WANTED X LADY PALMIST. Box N 79, this office. ADDRESS WANTED GHtL FOR SECOND WORK. Apply 575 Hoyt fit. KELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERE3NCED DRAMATIC ACTRESSES. Landers, 268 3d st. WANTED A NURSE GHIL ROOM 37, EO-bart-Curtla. HELP WANTED MALE OR rEMALE. WANTED A COMPOSITOR; LADY PRE ferred. 104 1st st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. SITUATION WANTED AS COLLECTOR, manager, ticket-seller or any light work; best of reference. Address D 69. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION IN CIGAR STORE by experienced middle-aged gentleman; ref erences Al. Address V 78, care Oregonlan. BY YOUNG BUSECESS MAN, GOOD SHOB salesman; also some experience In clothing; will leave city. M 69, Oregonlan. F. H. SHEPHERD. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT: books written up, accounts audited. 514 Chamber of Commerce. Mlscelxaneos YOUNG MEN, SOBER AND RELIABLE, would like position In private family to care for horses, garden, etc; good refer ences. Address T 77, care Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION AT housework or wash dishes In family or boarding-house In city. Call phone Hood 363. 41 1st and Couch. MAN, 27. NOW EMPLOYED. SEVEN YEARS' business experience, strong physically, wants outside position of any kind, any place. D 75, Oregonlan. WANTED SITUATION BY JAPANESE boy as cook or general housework. Ad dress E. Shlmlzu. 45 N. First. Phone Black 16L GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSI tlon in lodging-house or boarding-house; any kind work. O 79, Oregonlan. CAN FURNISH FARM OR DOMESTIC SBRV ants; all kinds help. Japanese Labor Asso ciation, 268 Everett. Black 992. POSITION AS STATIONARY ENGINEER In country or as assistant engineer In city. T 78, care Oregonlan. YOUNG JAPANESE WANTS POSITION IN a family. Phone Clay 745. Japanese Mis sion. GOOD BARTENDER WOULD LIKE Posi tion out of the city. P 69, Oregonlan. S1TUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BY A LADY WITH TEN YEARS OF Busi ness experience and a thorough knowledge of bookkeeping and general office work; best of references. Address R 75, Oregonlan. LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES Posi tion; beginner; neat writer. F 79, Orego nlan. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position. Phono East 1176. Housekeepers. REFTNED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN DE slres situation as housekeeper widower's family; references. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. WIDOW LADY WISHES POSITION AS housekeeper for widower; no objection to children. 392 Columbia st. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES Posi tion as housekeeper or charge of rooming house. Phono Main 1841. Domestics. EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID WANTS cbambcTOork or da work; will work day or home. Phone Main 1123. GHtL WANTS A PLACE TO WORK FOR room, board and schooling. Inquire 33 6th and Couch. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 700 Flanders st. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WORK IN HO tel. C 77, Oregonlan. Nurses. PRACTICAL NURSE WISHES ENGAGB ment, no objections to leaving city. Phone Main 1855. Miscellaneous. CASHIERS, CONFECTIONERY. OFFICE, laundry, kitchen, chambermaid, waitress, help furnished free. Drake 205 Washington. Clay 445. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED girl waitress, hotel restaurant; capable girl, chamberwork. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or night; good sight reader. Address G 16, Oregonlan. WANT TO BOARD AND CARE FOR CHIL dren by week or month. 80 E. Hoyt, near 28th st. GOOD SEAMSTRESS DESIRES WORK IN hotel linen-room. D 77, Oregonlan. WANTED AGENT8. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPE rlor, high-grade nursery stock; new and com. plete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital Citj Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED-'FTRST-CLASS AGENT FOR PORT, land, large fire Insurance company. For terms address D 78, Oregonlan. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SUN AND Postal typewriters. Cunningham, Curtiss & Welch, San Francisco, CaL WANTED CHICULAR DISTRIBUTERS. Cash paid. Bead stamp. American Dis tributer. Denver. Cole WANTED TO RENT. RELIABLE PARTY WISHES 3 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping with private bath. Address H. A. DeVaux, Scott Hotel. A GENTLEMAN WISHES PLEASANT boarding place with refined private fam ily of adults. Address H 79, Oregonlan. WANTED BY RELIABLE PARTY, FOUR or 5-room cottage furnished, with bath and modern. H. A. DeVaux, Scott HoteL WANTED DESKROOM OR SMALL OF fice, ground floor. Coll on or address room 36. Russel bldg. WANTED MODERN HOUSE. CHOICE Lo cation residence district. Address C, Port land HoteL MAY 17 ROOMS OR MORE, WEST O1 7th, bet. Washington and Jefferson. E 59, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING AND SHOES. We pay the highest price for men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy watches, old gold and silver, pistols and valises. Call at the Fair Deal, 62 N. 3d st.: orders promptly attended to. Phone Hood 517. OLD CLOTHING AND OLD SHOES, HIGH est price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes, hats, quilts, blankets. trunks, valises. grips, bicycles, guns and pistols at 73 N. 3d at. Phone Green 428. Orders promptly attended to. Orders taken 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Don't forget we pay higher prices than any other dealers. I WANT TO BUY GOOD WATCHDOG; large dog preferred; breed immaterial. Ap ply with dog. E. L. Zlmmer, Belvedere HoteL WANTED 2 HOUSES TO MOVE ON MY lot; must be cheap. What have you to offer? M. Kutner. 69 N. 3d st. Phone Black 2942. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR 8ECOND hand shoes and clothing. N. Slgell, 63 N. 3d st. Phone Black 3093. WANTED SECOND-HAND SAFE AND standing desk, state size and price B 79. care Oregonlan. WANTED USB OF GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO for its storage or small rent. G 69, Ore gonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone Scott 6813. WANTED TO BORROW $1000 AT 6 PER cent; good security. S 69, Oregonlan. WANTED SMALL DESK, ROLL-TOP PRE ferred. Address A 77, Oregonlan. FOB RENT. Rooms. FINELY FURNISHED ROOM, $4.50 PER week; private family: nlca lawn: ceatraL 304 YamhilLs FOB SENT. Roams. THE AUDITORIUM- JUST OPENED. 208 3d St.. one block from Baker Theater, bet. Taylor and Salmon; you can rent rooms In this elegant new brick building for reason able rent; hot and cold running water, steam heat, electric light, porcelain baths, rooms with private baths; elevator; tourist and transient trade solicited. Phone Hood 3S0. I- THE LINCOLN JUST OPENED. CORNER 11th and Morrison sts.. Is the best-furnished apartment-house in the city: hot and cold running water, steam heat, electric light and baths. Phone Main 251. THE NEWLAND. 306 1ST UNDER NEW management; elegantly furnished rooms by day, week or month, at your own price, oiec trlc light, gas and bath. Phone Clay 271. FIRST FLOOR USE OF BATH. HO'x AND cold water, beautiful, healthy, residence portion city; suitable fdr one or tvto gen tlemen. 81 N. 17th st., cor. Everett. THE RUBY. 251 ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. Nicely furnished, pleasant rooms; new brick building; new, up-to-date furnishings; $2.50 to $4 a week; transients. 00c to $1. THE KINGSTON. ADJOINING BAKER THE. ater. 190 3d Nicely furnished rooms, ail newly remodeled; new management. Phon Hood 657. Modern conveniences. HOTEL VAN NOY. COR. 3D AND PINE New and elegantly furnished apartments; all latest appliances. N. L. Slocum, Prop., formerly of the Kingston. ' , . ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED. IN A FINE residence, four blocks from the Portland Hotel; all conveniences. Address X 77, Oregonlan. ONE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. BEAU tlful residence portion; bath and phone; references exchanged. Phone East 1380. 4 129 13TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED front room and alcove, suitable for two; bath, gas, phone Near Washington. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS CAN BE had reasonably at the New Belmont. N. W cor. 1st and Taylor; electric light, bathe COMFORTABLE SINGLE ROOM; ALSO suite; well cared for; eight minutes from. Hotel Portland. Phone Main 1084. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, MODERN private house; easy walking distance; spe cial rates to men. 292 10th. 252 7TH ST. THREE BLOCKS PORTLAND Hotel; nicely furnished room; hath, gas, phone; gentlemen preferred. 364 TAYLOR LARGE PLEASANT BAY window room, two blocks Portland Hotel; no children; phone, bath. 250 11TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED room, private family, all conveniences; rent reasonable; gentlemen. MODERN LARGE ALCOVE SUITE. FUR nlshed, with comfort, elegant; reasonable rent. 34S Main st. i 188 13TH 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, private family; suitable for two or three gen tlemen; references. ONE ALCOVE, ONE SINGLE ROOM. SUIT able for business men; modern. 33 N. ISth, near Washington. 446 TAYLOR. NEAR 12TH VERY DB3IR able room for gentleman, In private family; bath, gas, phone. COMFORTABLE ROOM, GENTLEMEN preferred. 129 10th St., bet. Alder and Washington. 250 12TH ST NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for two. with private family. $0, $8 and $10. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM,' modern conveniences. Apply 195 13th St., cor. Tavlor. ROOMS TO RENT 41 YAMHILL ST.. pleasant rooms; steam heat, telephone g&a. bath, etc FURNISHED ROOM FOR SINGLE GEN tleman In a private family. Inquire 329 7th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, 4 BLOCKS south of Hotel Portland; close In; 248 Sixth street. i Furnished rooms, $1 week up. Gllman Hotel, 1st & Alder; Tremont Hotel, 7th & Everett. 145 6TH ST. THOROUGHLY RENOVAT ed rooms; single, en suite or housekeeping. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, room 63 Lewis bldg. Phone Mala 4120. THE OGDEN. 83 1ST, COR. OAK. NEW brick bldg.. new furniture; transient. FESELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT REASON able prices. 381 Yamhill. NICE ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO GBNILE men. 164 Park st. Iioouu U'ltn Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tel, 165-167 10th st., cor. Morrison; ery pleasant room, steam heat, porcelain bath, plenty of hot water, handsome dining room; can now accommodate table board ers; table and service first-class. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 10TU ear; rooms with board; use of sewing room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mre Anabel Russell, superintend ent, 510 Flandcre 3 YOUNG BUSINESS MEN CAN SECURE board and room with strictly private fam ily; all modern conveniences; 3 minutes walk; 3rd and Morrison. $22 a month. B 78, care Oregonlan. TWO YOUNG MEN ROOM MATES CAN find very good board, fine room, all comforts of a home, with private family at $22 pes month. Address at once A 78, care Orego. nlan. BEAUTIFUL SUITE OF ROOMS. AXMIN ster carpets, with or without board; reason able; fine society; handy to business; with man and wife. Phone Main 4121. HOTEL BROWN ROOMS NEWLY FUR nlshed; baths, electric lights, elevator; rooms for transients; on both car lines. 271 Grand ave. I - I THE DELMONICO, 420 Alder Board and rooms; n6Wly furnished dining-room; first class home-cooking; table board reasonable BLAKELEY HALL. 251 7TII ST. LARGE rooms with first-class board; fine location; 4 blocks from Hotel Portland. Main 2031. 304 ALDER. COR. 10TH ST.. NEWLY FUR nlshed Bulte and single room, with board; first floor; first-class table and service. i PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED. DESIRA ble, modern, newly furnished home and first class board. 120 N. 18th; references. VERY DESIRABLE SUITE OF SUNNY roams, en suite or single; central; with or without board. 357 12th st. 204 PARK ST. NICELY FURNISHED room, all conveniences, private family, with or without board. NEW WESTERN HOTEL, 7TH AND GLI san sts. Newly furnished rooms, with or without board. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE for two. with home privileges; close in. 250 0th st. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. FRONT AL cove room; hot and cold water; and board. Mre D. Jay. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. SUITE first floor, or single, with board. Phono Main 1802. 4 215 12TH ST.. COR. OF SALMON LARGE front room, with board; home cooking; Eng lish family. 515 MORRISON ST DESntABLE ROOM, good table. Mrs. Mulford. Phone Main 4314. BEAUTIFUL LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board. 265 6th st. Plate FOR RENT MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT, beautifully decorated and carpeted; central location, to party buying some good, new furniture (Including Singer sewing machine). Part cash and balance payments; cheap rent; water, light and telephone free. W 78, Oregonlan. ENTTRE UPPER FLOOR OF PRIVATE . house, well furnished for light housekeep ing; bath and toilet on same floor. 489 Davis. FURNISHED MODERN FLAT, 6 ROOMS; fireplace, porcelain bath, cement basement. Call mornings, 143 11th st. LOWER FLAT, PARTLY FURNISHED, DE sirable location; reference; no children. 263 7th st. Phone Main 1030. LOWER FLAT 7 ROOMS, TO RESPONSI ble, permanent tenants. Apply 344 Hall st. Phone, Front 954. NEW 8-ROOM, CORNER FLAT. PARK and Taylor. Inquire 303 Washington st. NICE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; $2 A week. 264 Jefferson. ' Housekeeping Boom. NICE SEJGLE BASEMENT ROOM; GAS range for lady; $2 per week. 168 12th,