10 ,the homing oHEGaNEQ. satcjkbay;, aeeol , fDCfH i-!5aa--,5,""5'S50B GOOD ROUND WEST EGG' LOCAL FIRM SUBSCRIBES WOMAN'S CLUB HOME. TO Impromptu bonatlon Is Welcome Shakespeare's Birthday Cele brated by Singing His Songs. "My Daphne's hair is twisted gold. Bright stars apiece her eyes do hold. My Daphne's brow enthrones the graces, My Daphne's beauty stains all faces. On Daphne's cheek grow rose and cherry. On Daphne's lips a sweeter berry! My Daphne's voice turns all the spheres. My Daphne's music charms all earsi Fond am I thus to sing her praise. These glories now are turned to bays!" The point which stood out most promi nently In the business session of the "Woman's Club yesterday afternoon -was the receipt of a check from the firm of Meier & Frank for the substantial sum of $100. This liberal donation is made toward a fund which the club Is raising for the purchase of property on which to erect a handsome clubhouse. It has long wanted such a fiome and now has a num ber of schemes on foot for making money for the project Subscriptions have never toeen asked, and this Impromptu donation came as a most pleasant surprise to the members. k The question of withdrawing from the City Federation was widely discussed, and the majority of the members voted down such a proposition. The day being Shakespeare's birthday, as nearly as history records, the pro gramme was turned over to the Shakes peare Department, with Mrs. Grace "Watt Hess as chairman. The entertainment furnished by this department was one of great merit and one of the most excellent heard at the club this season. Shakes pearian lyrics and songs were given with exquisite Interpretation and many beau tiful sonnets read. Mrs. G. H. Pettlnger'a reading of lyrics was particularly enjoy able her voice being good and her enun ciation clear. Miss Agnes "Watt sang two beautiful old English songs, "Should He Upbraid" and "The Fairies' Lullaby," with perfect expression, the simplicity of her style and the daintiness of her coloratura work being admirably suited to the selections. Several Shakcsperian songs sung later in the programme were marked with the same delicacy of style and Interpretation, the last, Henschel's "Spring Song." being especially beautiful. Mrs. E. "W. Steel's recitation of "Daphne's Song of the Lute" (Lily) and Peele's "Cupid's Curse" showed careful preparation and good interpretation. Both were well received. The former was chosen to illustrate the extravagant style of that period. Mrs. C. N. Rankin proved another good reader and in her rendition of the "Shep herd's "Wife Song," "Content" and the "Pas ite Pilgrim" gave evidence of much trlonlc ability. One cf the most enjoyable features of the programme was Mrs. Boss reading of the old drinking song, "Gammer Gar ton's Needle," the swing of which seemed to strike the popular fancy: "I cannot eat but little meat. My stomach is not good! "But sure I think that I can drink "With any that wears a hood! Tho' I go bare, take ye no care, I nothing am a' cold; I stuff my skin so 'full within Of Jolly good ale and old "Both backs and sides go bare, go bare, Hand and foot go cold; But belly God send thee good ale enough "Whether it bo new or old! Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Ogden read a number of Shakespeare's sonnets in most acceptable style, chosen for the beautiful descriptive qualities, and on different sub jects to show his versatility. Love, re ligion, morality, despondence all were il lustrated. Mrs. Warren E. Thomas accompanied Miss "Watt. Mr. Davis, of the Chamber of Commerce Bulletin, was introduced to the club and gave the members a short talk on busi ness matters. In which they are at present 'much Interested. TO EAISE $2500 GRANGE FUKD. General Committee Organizes to Win National Convention. The general committee, which has undertaken the work of bringing the next "session of the National Grange to Port land next November, held another meet ing at the Commercial Club yesterday afternoon. Chairman Richard Scott, of the committee, presided, and J. D. Lee, "secretary of the Board of Trade, acted as secretary. Chairman Scott submitted the follow ing appointments to places on tho sub committees: Finance A. H. Devers, Hugh McGuire, E. H. Kllham, R. S. Farrell, S. "Welch. Transportation F. E. Beach, A. L. Morris, Ben Albers. Executive E. H. Kilham. Hugh Mc Guire, George Lawrence, Jr., and on motion, C. E. Ladd was made treasurer. It was decided to raise a fund of 52500 to defray the expenses of the Grange, $2000 being required by that body before a meeting place is designated. The meeting of the Grange will con sume ten days during the middle of No vember, and as yet no city has been de cided upon as a meeting place. Prominent members of the organization in Oregon and "Washington have decided to co operate to bring it here and have filed a formal Invitation to that effect. "While no definite decision has been reached It is considered practically certain that If Portland will guarantee tho necessary funds and comply with certain require ments in the way of hotel accommodan tions the Grange will come here. ,. The meeting will attract several hun dred delegates from the states east of the Rocky Mountains and several thou sand from the Northwest. The National Grange has a membership of more than 500,000 and represents the very best class of farmers in the country. It is es pecially strong in New York and the Central States and a- large number of delegates are expected from the Atlantic seaboard. Should the meeting come to Portland It will bring a large number of wealthy and Influential visitors to the city from all parts of the country. It would serve as a valuable advertisement, com ing as it will on the eve of the Lewis and Clark Fair. There Is a well-defined movement of the farmers of the Missis sippi Valley and further east to Oregon and "Washington, and capital is seeking this field for investment. The amount of money necessary to secure the meet ing Is trivial as compared with the im mense benefits which will be derived from the advertising this city and state will receive, and there should not be the slightest difficulty in securing the amount. The finance committee will begin a vigorous campaign at once and expects to raise the fund in a few days. There . will be another meeting of the general committee at the Commercial Club next Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock and a full attendance Is especially urged. Sheriff Helped Him Get the Trees. CORVALLIS, Or., April 22. (Special.) A. lawsuit was necessary for Johnson Porter to get a consignment of fruit trees out of a local railroad station a day or two ago. The trees were for purposes of planting, and in the railroad billing were ordered , held- for inspection by an officer of the ' Horticultural Commission. The shipment had been In transit 15 days, and the wrappings had started tho roots to heating. Destruction of the trees, which hod already been paid lor, was im- J aHttj in We strive to give a u is our hobby R by sHll and modern equipment. 'Phone us your "wants Main 165 BALTES ANIX COMPANY PRINTERS & BINDERS HOTEL PERKINS Fifth Md Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Km. fLOO te 98.00 P D&y Aecereliaug t Letie. J. F. DAVIES. Prec St. Charles Hotei CO. 0$CORFORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Esrepean Plan Rooms 50c to $U50 First-Class Restaurant la Connection ?ymm mlnent, and, armed -with a legal process, the County Sheriff and Mr. Porter "went to the station and secured a surrender of the trees. Visitors to Portland Should not znlsa the delightful trips up and down the Columbia Klver. Particu lars at O. K 4 N. city ticket office, 1 1 I'd (! Washington. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, April 22. Maximum tempera ture, 53 deg.; minimum, 39. River reading;, 11 A. M 17.9 feet; change In 24 hours, none. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.13 Inch; total since September .-1, 1D03, 45.34 Inches; normal,. 40.94; excess, 4.40. Total sun shine April 21, 1904. 1 hour and 59 minutes; possible, 13 hours and 54 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 30.00. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind: STATIONS. Baker City . Boise ... Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C... North Head . . .. Pocatello . ... ... Portland Red BluK - Roseburg .... . ..- Sacramento .. .. 3S10.06J-101N 0.04 O.OO 0.00 5SO.O0 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.O0J 0.04 O.OOi Salt Lake City ... 0.02 ban raacisco . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island Walla Walla . 0.00)14 W V.IM O.OO! 0.00 0.O0 Light. - WEATHER CONpiTIONS. Daring the last 24 hours light showers have occurred generally In the North Pacific States, and the temperatures continue below normal. The indications are for showers in this district Saturday, probably followed during the after noon by fair and warmer weather. The river at Portland continues stationary at a stage of 17.9 feet. The recent rains have been sufficient to keep the river up, notwith standing the cool weather, and it will continue nearly stationary for the next two or three days. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, April 23: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy, with showers, followed by fair weather; warmer; westerly winds. ' Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Fair and warmer. Western Oregon and Western Washington MEETING NOTICES. ALBINA LODGE, NO. 101, A. F. & A. M. Special communication this (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. M. M. degree. All M. M. cordially invited. By order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN, Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 53, A. F. & A. M- Stated communication Sunday. 24th, at lodgerooxn. Third and Alder. 1 P. M. to conduct tho funeral services of our late brother. Captain Patrick O NeiL Members and visit ing brethren are requested to attend. By or der W. M. L W. PRATT, Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55 A. F. & A. M. Special communication this (Saturday) 7:30 P. M. Work In M. M. degree. All M. M. are cordially Invited. By order W. M. I. W. PRATT, Secretary.' DIED. MILLER Tho funeral of John Miller will take place Sunday at 2 P. M. from F. S. Dunnings undertaking parlors. The mem bers of Portland Schwarben Vereln will at tend. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. FUNERAL NOTICES. O'NETL At Angel Island. California, .prll 10. Captain Patrick O'Nell, husband of Mary O'Nell and father of John E. O'Neil and the late Katherine O'Nell and brolher-ln-law of Miss Godena Eric Funeral Sunday. Apnl 24, 1904, at 1:30 P. M.. from Holman'a chap el, con.er Third and Salmon at. Relatives and filLtds respectfully invltel to attend. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. FLOWERS Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of William A. Flowers, which will be held at Finleys Chapel at 2 P. M. today. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. ZOLLER Friends and acquaintances arc re spectfully invited to attend the fueral serv ices of Joacphlna A. Zollcr, which will be held at St. Patrick's Church, corner Nine teenth and Savler streets at 2:30 P. M., Sunday, April 24. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. The funeral will start from Fin ley's Chapel at 2 P. M. MORGAN Friends and acquaintances and Indian War "Veterans are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral services of the late David D. Morgan, which will be held at Flnleys Chapel at 3 P. XL Sunday, April 24. Interment "Lone Fir Cemetery. M'KEE The funeral services of the late Mra Edward D. McKce will be held at the family residence, 95 20th at., corner Flan ders, at 2 P. M. Saturday, April 23, 1904. Interment private. MILLER At his late residence, 4G1 East Clay street, April 21. 1004. John Miller, aged 73 years, 1 month, 2 days. Funeral will take place Sunday, April 24. at 2 P. M. from F. S. Dunnlngs funeral parlors, 414 East Alder street. Friends Invited. EDWARD HOLMAN CO, Cndertakera and rrabalmers. hare moved to their now build ing. Third and tialmua. Ladj-' ukslstant. Telephone No, S07. 3. V. FINLEY & SON. Funeral Directors, rnr. Zd and Madison. Office of County Cor aer. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 Enat Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. CLARKE BROS.. FINE K.QWXS. 2. I ni iMlgsm. m KkzImbc mmwr, sskpy ra rr Cloudy ui t v njuuy C SW Cloudy 8 W Clear Oj Clear Si S Clear SB Cloudy SE Cloudy NW Pt. cloudy NE Cloudy 6 SW Pt. cloudy 0 SE Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy C W Pt. cloudy 8 W Pt. cloudy Uj SW Pt. cloudy s& s& ratting you the best that can be produced PORTLAND, OREGON Flrat-CIsuis Clieclc RetKrat Cest&ected "Wit Hotel. C. O. DaTla, Sea. ui Treu. THE ESMOND HOTEL CSCAB AXOEKSOR, Muajor Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREQON rHEE "BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rate European plan. SOc, TSc. 11.00. $1.60. SS.00 per day Sample rooms In connection. Showers, followed by fair; warmer, except near the coast; westerly winds. Southern Idaho Showers, followed by fair weather; warmer. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. Phone Main 863. POPULAR-PRICE MATINEE TODAY AT 2:15 O'CLOCK. ' AL. G. FIELD'S MINSTRELS Prices Adults. 50c: children. 25c; to any part of the theater. LAST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT AT 8:15. Prices, $1.60. 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE. Resident Manager. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday nights April 25, 26, 27, 1904; epeclal-prlce matinee Wednes day, MARY MANNERING, In the delightful lng prices Lower floor, except last 3 rows. 1 iV Vk' """. i.uv. uaituilj, iirBl J rows, 51.50; second 3 rows. $1; last 0 rows, 75c Boxes and loges, $12.50. Special matinee prices Lower floor. $1.50, $1. Balcony, $1.00, 1 5c. 00c Entire gallery, 50c Seats are now selling. Phone Main SCS. CORDRAY'S THEATER COBDRAY & RUSSELL, MGRS. MATINEE TODAY. TONIGHT, The Olympia Comic Opera Company In the "Chimes of Normandy" NEXT SUNDAY MATESEE AND NIGHT, "The Mikado" Prices as usual. CORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAT & RUSSELL. MANAGERS. Mnnnv .. t.,, .1 nHTUoe&H MRS. F1SKE ;.zz - -:r". t y i "-.! . rW X1n..jnf . I Wednesday evening, April 27. "Hedda G abler." $1.00. 75c and 50c Prices $2.00. $1.50. Seats on sale today at 10 A. M. THE BAKER h- THEATER Jd Manager. Phone Main 1907. Tonight, all week, matinee Saturday, the new Nelll-Morosco Company, In Nat Goodwin's suc cess, THE COWBOY and THE LADY Evening price 50c, 35c, 25c, 15c Matinee. 25c 15c, 10c Next week beginning x Sunday matinee, April 24, THE SWORD OF THE KING Henrietta Cros man's Great Success. EMPIRE THEATER Twelfth and Morrison streets. Six Nights; Beginning Tuesday, April 19, ANNA EVA FAY In SOMNOLENCY. Marvelous! mysterious I the talk of the countryl Popular prices, 25c and 35c. MaUaees Xor ladles only Thursday and Satur day. All seats. 25c FREE On Tuesday evening, one lady will be admitted Tree on every paid ticket. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and "Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:80 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:3a Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents" to any seat. BASEBALL PORTLAND VS. SEATTLE AT ATHLETIC PARK. Cor. Vaughn and 23d st. "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 3:30 P. M. Saturday 3 P. M.. Sunday 2:30 P. M. Monday, April 26. 3:30 P. M. Ladles' day, today. NEW TODAY. BUTTER LOWER Best creamery .50c 65c Good creamery..... ................ .45c. 50c Dairy butter ., .... 35c. 40c Ranch eggs :c Best sugar-cured ham.... 13a Picnic ham Do C pounds lard compound.. ..... ...... ,45c 5 pounds pure leaf lard 55c Arbuckle and Lion coffee, 2 pounds.... -..55c Chickens (Saturday), pound 17c and 18c LA GRANDE CREAMERY, 204 Yamhill st. "WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED: first-class work by practical Jewelers; old gold bought or taken in exchange. Tlngry the jeweler, N. E. cor. 3d and Washington, upstairs, over N. P. Express Co. CHOICE QUARTER-BLOCK." M'MILLEN'S Addition, cor. o Cherry and Benton sts., Xor sale for $3000 by W. B. Chase. 007 Wor-. cester block; office hours, S to 12 A. M. FOR SALE CHEAP ONE ACRE OF ground, with large barn on Columbia boulevard, near Peninsular Station. Tyler Investment Co. 704 Dekum. S0.O0O FEET OF BEST-LOCATED WARE, house ground site. West Side: sidetrack. Particulars. L. E. Thompson & Co., 223 Zd st. INVESTMENT WEST SIDE FLATS. IN cont $1000 yearly? price $5500. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d st. WOODSTOCK Good lots, near "tar-llne, 100x100. cleared and partly cleared: high ground, healthy, good wa ter, schools, churches; price $175. -Sea C. iu I Parkar, Woodstock CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. noona,' "Rooms end Board," "House keeping Rooms." "Situation v "Wanted." IS worts rr less, 15 cents: 16 to 20 words. SO cents; 21 to 23 words. 25 cents. etc. No dis const for additional lcsertloas. "" "UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today." 30 cents for 15 words or less; 18 to 90 words. 40 cents; 21 to 23 words. CO cents, etcfirst Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-halt; so farther discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY' (gangs measure- agats). IB cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for, each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No samp u required on such letters. The Oregenlan will sot be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through tfca telephone. - UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING TOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE. A 18. B 58, 64. C 56, 61. 62, 63, 60, 67, 7G. D 53, 63. E 50, 63, 64. - F 52, 60, 63, 70. G 62, 65. t 11 57, 72. . . "- J 5S. 58, 62. K 65. L 10. 60. M 58, 61, 64, 67; X 57, 58. 65. O 62, 63. F 61, 65, 67. . , Q 52. 50. 60, 65, 66. K 13, 58. S 1, 60, 63, 66, Miss Stegman. T 16, 57. 65, 66, 67. . V 10, 60, 67. W 51, 64, 53, 67. " X 58, 59, 62, 65. T 16, 61, 64, 63, 66, 67. - NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY THE Title Guarantees Trust Co. C Ofin Iot 50x100 feet, N. E. cor. E. Sth 53 JUU sxi& Tillamook sts. cinfin Cottage of 5 rooms and lot 41x103 i?XUUU cor commercial street and Cook ave., rents for $12 a month. Q1 Oft Lot 50x100 feet on Broadway, bet. qjiUOVf l8t and 2d Holladay Add.; terms half cash, balance on time eloign Cottage 5 rooms and bath, with 2 sxmuu nice j0tst 60x100 on Portsmouth ave., near car line; terms ?500 cash, balance on time. 1500 52000 2 fine lots, 662-3x100 S. W. cor. E. 32d and Belmont. E. 34th st., bet. E. Madison and E. Main st.. lot and cottage 5 rooms and bath, hard finished, piped for ga3. rents $2. a month; terms part ' cash, balance- on time. cinen University Park, two lots and P.ttu houso of 8 rooms, near car line. Furniture for sale. Eugene street, between Rodney and Union aves., 50x150 feet and a modern residence of 0 rooms, bath, -gas, eta, ttreets fully im proved. Sellwood, clcse to car. cottage of 7 rooms and two lots 100x100 feet. $3500 $1700 city water: terms $500 cash, bal ance to suit. QllOfl E. ISth street, bet. E. Morrison ipiAUland E Alder streets, lot 50x100 feet. 52500 $2600 E. Salmon, bet. E. 35th and E. 36th streets, 50x100 feet and new house 6 rooms, bath, etc. E. 37th and E. Yamhill sts, lot and houso of 6 rooms, bath and basement: terms $600 cash, bal ance to suit. Broadway and E. First St., house of 7 rooms: bath, furnace, etc. $2400 ana fractional lot. R99f 100x100 feet, E. 16th and E. Mor- $27nO 10lli and "Weldler sts., 100x100 ,p wv feet and houso of 7 rooms, barn nice yard and abundant fruit. Sunnyslde. cor. e. 34th and E. Morrison sts., 100x100 feet and $3250 nouse or 11 rooms, with bath, large attic and brick basement. flfl "Williams ave.. near Halsey street, """" lot and new house 7 rooms, bath, modern In all respects; terms half cash, balance In 3 or 4 years at u per cent. aAnuAifto in nouses ana iois in an parts of the city. Call and let us know just what von wanf. ...... TITLES INSURED - ABSTRACTS FURNISHED Title Guarantee & 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce Ground Floor Fourth-Street Side A FEW SETS OF MODERN ELOQUENCE WILL BE SOLD " AT HEAVY DISCOUNT The Famous Library Edition Apply Room 200 OREGONIAN BUILDING IRVINGTON Cheapest Because Choicest Secure a'home before prices ad vance. Will build you a home on the best lots In IRVINGTON, con venient to both car lines, and fur nish the money. O. M. SMITH 714 Chamber of Commerce. I 2 Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in AH Linos A. H. BlftltELL, Formerly of MacMsster & BlrrelL 202-S McKay Building. Third and Stark. Phone Main 232. WOODSTOCK Portland's Choice Suburb. Homes on Monthly Installments. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 100 Third St. FOR SALE Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machine 'hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore; gonian Publishing Co. WAREHOUSE TENANT "Wanted A tenant for a Quarter block In warehouse district. "West Side, one block from track; will build to suit. W CS, Oregonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. Build ing loans. Installment loans. "WM. ilAC MASTER. 311 "Worcester block. MORTGAGE L0A3S Pa ImDxaved city and farm property. i - B, LIV2SQSTQN&. Zii .tid Jt J NEW TODAY. BRANCH Real Estate Offices OF THE Title Guarantee & Trust Co. SUNNYSHJE OFFICE, cor. E. 37th and Bel mont ets., on the Sunnyslde and Mount Tabor car-line. Office In charge of Mr. B. B. Carey. Phone Union 3995. NORTH IRVTNGTON OFFICE, cor. Union ave. and Falling st., on the Woodlawn and Vancouver car-line. Office In charge of Mr. Fred ForrelL Phone Scott 10SO. ST. JOHNS OFFICE, at the terminus of the St. Johns car-line. Office In charge of Mr. D. C Rogers. Phone Union 1140. HOLLADAY PARE! OFFICE, cor. E. 21st and' Clackamas sts. Take Holladay Park car from 1st and Washington ets. Office In charge of Mr. Fred X. Hungerford. Phone East 741. The abovo offices have been established for the convenience of our patrona and for all others who wish Information concerning real estate In the districts above named. Title Guarantee &Trust Co. (PHONE EXCHANGE SO.) 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce Six City Bonds A limited amount of Portland City bonds for sale In lots from $500 to $15,000. Inquire of Maegly & Tlchner. 210 4th. JFOB SALE REAL ESTATE. A SNAP 10 lots on Peninsula, near Portland Rail way Company's new line; high. level and sightly. Improved street, city water mains laid, adjoining University Park lots selling for $125 each; will bo sold at $45 each, having been taken in under mortgage. R. L Eckerson & Co., 5 Washington bldg. NEW AND MODERN 7-ROOiI COTTAGE in Upper Alblna; bath, toilet, full size basement, fine corner lot; only $2300. New and modern 5-room cottage on E. Burnslde, near car-barns; only $1450. Lan caster Realty Co., 321 Morrison at,, or 151 & Gth st. ?450 BUYS 4 LOTS, 50x100 EACH, ONE block from Portsmouth Station, St. Johns car-line; good garden; soil cleared and level; sell one or all at earns rate; best bargain on this car-line. Ellis & Holaday, room 21, 2W Morrison st. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? QUABTER block, Tillamook and E. 12th; sewer, gas, water, cement walks; three blocks to two car-lines; bargain to party who will Im prove. F. R. Cook, owner, 240 Stark st. $450 THE CHOICEST -ACRE FRONTING Portland Blvd.. adjoins Piedmont; high cleared, grand view; magnificent home site, G. H. Van Houten, 303 Chamber of Com. OWNER HAS FOxt SALE A NEW T-ROOM house, near Portland Academy; any one de biting such a property would do well to com municate with L 40, Oregonlan. $2000 S-ROOM HOUSE, FULL LOT, SEV eral fine bearing fruit trees; desirable lo catlop; East Portland Heights. Inquire Samuel Weldon. 145 3d st. $350-HALF VALUE, 2 LOTS, ONE BLOCK from car, 3-room house; some furniture and fence; must sell. . See T. L. Sullivan, Laurel wood; Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE FINEST CORNER ON BASfi Line Road. Mt. Tabor; 152x158, 4 lots, opposite Pfunder"s gardens. F. A. Van klrk, 150 Front st. A SNAP. 100 ACRES GOOD LAND, RUN nlng water, close to P. O. and 12 miles to Forest Grove: terms to suit. Shoe Store, 270 Washington st. 7ROOMS. BATH. TRAYS. FIREPLACE, beautiful mantel, large lot, cement walks. Improved streets. Inquire 690 Water, from 0 to 4. FOR SALFI LONG BEACH, WASH., COM pletcly -furnished house and lot, at one halt what It cost. Owner, 300 Goodnough bldg. $400 LOT ON WEIDLER ST. $500 Lot on Halsey; $25 cash, balance 'small payments. Miller, 303 Chamber Com. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lenta. Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 5c. MOST ATTRACTIVE ACRE AT MT. TABOR, surrounded by beautiful homes; In fine con dition. Miller, 303 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN IN EVERY RE epect; terms, $2500. Hoopengarner & Ennes, 625 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 FINE CORNER LOT S. E. CORNER Hood and Grover; 100 feet on Hood andT 50 on Grover; owner, 211 Glbbs st. QUIT LOOKING FOR A HOME. LET US show you one. Hoopengarner & Ennes, 025 Chamber of Commerce. 7TH ST., FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT, 7 blocks from Portland Hotel, a bargain. C 6G, Oregonlan. RARE BARGAIN $2000 BUYS 235 ACRES near Brownsville. B. S. Cook, 231 Alder st.. Portland. HOMES ON INSTALLMENT PLAN; PLANS and estimate free. J. O. Wrenn, room 100, Ablugton bldg. 3-ROOM COTTAGE AND SIGHTLY LOT, Grand ave., near Prescott, $700. Phone Union 6524. I COTTAGE 4 ROOMS. NEW BATH, TOILET; one or two lots, near car. A Glrdwood, Tremont. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR steel bridge; $3000; terms. 612 Commercial building. FOR SALE 50x100. 14TH AND E. SALMON, corner, cheap; owner 306 Goodnough bldg. BOTLD YOURSELF A HOME. PAY ME back by installments. Apply 405 Marquam. TWO LOTS ON THLAMOOK ST., NEAR 2Sth st. Apply at 1134-3d st. N. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also "recertified sol diers' additional Porterfleld-ValenUne land warrants and other kinds of land ecrip. Ma glnnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for Immediate use; this scrip will take agricultural, grazing or tim ber land. H. B. Compson, 618 Marquam bldg. 644 ACRES OF TIMBER IN COWLITZ County. Wash., for sale at a bargain if taken soon. D. W. Faulkner, Anita, la. TIMBER INVESTMENTS 1 HAVE FOR sale several large and small tracts of tim ber. A. E. Mathews, 418 Oregonlan bldg. SCRIP WRITE MB FOR LOWEST prices. L. W. Whiting, 40S Ablngton bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 0 AND 7-ROOM houses on both sides of the river. See us for a quick sale. Hoopengarner & Ennes. 625 Chamber of Commerce. BRUTO US YOUR WEST SIDE PROPERTY; we have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Cc. 403 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. 27.000 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND, free from the stato to settlers, who will pay from $5 to $15 per acre to the Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Company for perpetual water right; for Information call or address B. S. Cook. 251 Alder St., Fort land. Or. 15 ACRES NEAR MILWAUKEE. 5 ACRES clear, 1 acre In grapes, 2 acres In all kinds of fruit trees, 2 acres In clover, 10 acres slashed: house and barn; price and terms reasonable. C. Kerr, owner, blacksmith, Mllwaukle. FARM LANDSWE ARE HEADQUAR ters for Eastern Oregon wheat lands and have a large list of Willamette Valley farina See us before you buy. Mc- ArtiiliA VAbfifiKXt iQ 2fZiH$ Jtitii FOR SALE FARMS. SNAP GET IT NOW. 80-acre farm, near Scnppoose, y, miles from boat landing and railroad station: good land, especially adapted to fruit; 12 acres cleared; good house and barn, cord wood nqugh to pay out the price asked. Which Is only $2000 and on easy payments. Room 21, 204 Morrison. 165 'A 3d st. roil SALE SO ACRES TIMBER LAND near Cottage Grove., Or.; large log house, living water, good gran land when wood 1 off; $000 cash. 11. K. Joyce. Saginaw, Or., or 740 E. 21st st, Portland. FOR BALE 80 ACRES GOOD PLOW LAND In 15-11 Deschutes Irrigation A Power Company's canal through center of both forties; warranty deed. Address The Jour- nal, Prinevllle, Or V- FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS FARM NEAR Astoria, highly Improved, with stock, Im plements and household furniture goes with place; easy terms. Alex Shlves. 318 Allsky bldg. FOR 8ALE GOOD DAIKT AND STOCK farm, 870 acres, on mile from Astoria; email housa and orchard; green grass alt year. W. G. Howoll, 538 Chamber of Com merce. 4 IMPROVED FARMS JtDR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to emit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MocMaster, 311 Worcester block. E10 TO ?20 MONTHLY BUYS 10 TO 100 acre farms near Portland with Immediate possession; on railway and car lines. Ore gon Iron & SUel Co.. 330 Sherlock bldg. 600 ACRES VALLEY LAND IN SOUTHERN Oregon: -650 open. 500 tillable. 200 river bottom; well fenced and watered; good bulldihgs. Address X 53, Oregonlan. FORTY ACRES RICH SOIL. FRUIT TREES and berries, necessary buildings, two good springs; 12 acres In cultivation; price 5000. 407 10th. Exceptionally fine, level farm, C& acres, culti vated: 8 miles east on car-line; modern Im provements; 700 winter apples. 227 rront at. roK SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc SNAP $120 BUYS SPAN OF MATCH brown horses, 7 and 8 years old, weighing 2360, with set of farm harness; $45 buys sound horse. 8 years old, weight 1000, suit able for farm, or express work; also one bay mare 7 years old, weight 1300, sound and true. Call today. Fashion Stable, 20th and Washington. JUST ARRIVED WITH 20 HEAD OF draft, driving and delivery horses; also a few head of cheap farm mares. Red Front Stables, 15th and Washington Bt. FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OF driving horses, fine for pleasure, with two seated trap; owner must sell. Call 226 3d st. Phone Main 1510. STEAM WOOD-SAW; ALSO CHILD'S hearse; Shetland pony and buggy. 211 Wash. GOODt GENTLE RIDING PONY; HAS been driven to cart. Phone Main 1927. FOR SALE 20 EASTERN OREGON HORSES from 1000 to 1200 pounds. 380 Water at. 2 GOOD DELIVERY HORSES WILL SELL cheap. Inquire Andrew Kan & Co. Pianos. GOOD CARE AND SMALL MONTHLY rent lor use upright piano. D 68, Oregonl an. 1 Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK I Repair It with EZoterite; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. ABSTRACT BOOKS FOR SALE THE oldest set of abstract books In Clatsop County; full set of Astoria and entire county. Apply Frank Spittle, Astoria, Or. fcl'ANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23; all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. TaL 1407. DIAMONDS -K. CHOICE BLUB WHITE; heirloom; need money; will sell at half value; mounted to suit. 012 Commercial bldg. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FT LIVE FIR wood go to Hoover & Conway, 313 Water st. Phone Main 4C06. FOR SALE CHOICE BROWN LEGHORN and Barred Rock eggs, $1 a setting. Phone Union 2405. ROLLTOP DESK, SAFE. TYPEWRITER and chair. N 64, Oregonlan. SAFE, ALMOST NEW. VERY CHEAP. AD dress T 66, care Oregonlan. TWO SAFES; ONE DIEBOLD. 1 HALL'S. L. 63, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. NOTICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, the leading employment agency of the North west. 249 Burnslde st. Phone Main 2074. UNCLE SAM WANTS HELP; 14.000 Ap pointments last year; free examination, pa per and catalogue giving positions and sal aries. Dept. V, Western Correspondence University, 925 Golden Gate ave., San Fran cisco. ARE YOU COMPETENT? WE HAVE Posi tions for managers, salesmen, office men and technical men paying $1000 to $5000 a year; high grade exclusively: ask for booklet. Hap goodi, suite K. 502 Pioneer bldg.. Seattle. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; class for ladles; write for particu lars, and if in doubt make personal investi gation. American Barber College. 263 Ev erett st, Portland. WANTED A YOUNG MAN. 18 OR 20 years old, who has clerked In drugstore and must be registered as assistant In JOregon; references. H 67, Oregonlan. PERSON TO INTERVIEW LOCAL TRADE for commercial house; salary $21 and ex penses weekly; previous experience unnec essary. Colonial, Caxton, Chicago. Men to learn barber trade; only requires 8 weeks; special oflr; constant practice, ex pert instruction; catalogue free. Moler Sys tem College, San Francisco, CaL WANTED-20 MILLHANDS. $1.75 TO $2; knee bolter, $3; rollway man, $2.50; woods men, $2 up. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau, 205 Morrison st. $25 TO $65 PER WEEK WORKING UNION Mutual Aid Association sick and accident benofits; $1 per month. 401 Marquam bldg., Portland. TOUNG MAN TO DO PACKING AND porter work; wholesale cigar house; fur nish references. Address S 67, Oregonlan. i A TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR WHOLE eale liquor house: German preferred; refer ences required. G 67, care Oregonlan. I WANTED SEVERAL MACHINISTS WITH railroad experience for work In large lum ber camp. B 66, Oregonlan. MUSICIANS WHO DOUBLE BRASS, STRING; alio leader; reliable traveling company. Ad dress HoteL Scott, room 235. EDUCATED GENTLEMAN, GOOD TALKER to travel; salary and commission; no canvass ing. Hotel Scott, room 335, WANTED-A STOUT. BOY; ONE WHO wants to learn a trade. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 263 Flanders. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD COAL MIN- crs for work on property recently opened up. A 67, Oregonlan. u WANTED EXPERIENCED BOILERMAK- er for charge of boiler shop in small plant. Y 66, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; free tuition. Portland Barber School. 82 N. 2d. WANTED FURNITURE SALESMAN IN city. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 205 Morrison st. FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER TO WORK ON ladles' garments. Apply E. Gurney, Mo hawk bldg. CLERK WANTED CANDY STORE. 181 3d. WANTED TEAMS FOR HAULING LUM ber; steady work. Inman, Pouteen & Co. 4 WANTED 50 MEN SUPERS. APPLY AT Cordray's Theater 9 A. M. Saturday. WANTED BRIGHT BOY TO WORK law office. 31-34 Concord bldg. IN BOY WANTED TO WORK IN DRUGSTORE. Address C 69, care Oregonlan. COATMAKER WANTED DEURLING & Padden, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLABS PANTS MAKERS. Nlcoll the tailor, 108 3d st. 700 MEN DAILY TO HAYS. HAIR CUT, Mjfi. 2fl Rnrrnld.il. a HELP WANTED FEMALE. -t DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds. cooks; waitresses, nurseglrls sec oadglrl. housekeepers, housework, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 228 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH er and clerk, with knowledge of Insurance. wtate experience, salary wanted, addressing la own handwriting. Box 277. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; must bo a good plain cook, good wages; German girl preferred; call iorenoons. 505 Gllsan st. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. BOOKKEEP ing. penmanship and English branches' taught by experienced teacher; day and night. M 33, Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL; must have reference; wages $23. Call at Mrs. M Lang, 373 West Park St., ccr. Montgomery. i NEGRO COOK. WOODCHOPPERS. COOKS, rallspllttprs, dishwashers, hotel waitresses (fare). $5 week, domestics. Drake, 205'a A ashlngton. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waitresses, chambermaids, general workers, ?,V V0 AKency, 230 ft Yamhill. Phona Black 2S81. t WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; small family; wages $20. Apply 67 N. 14th St., bet. Davis and Everett. FOR Ladies nsrx Portland Women's Employment Company. 216 Allsky, cor. 3d and Morrison. Red 30S7. -GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. small house, small family, good wages. Call 1202 Hendricks ave., Piedmont. f . WANTED LADY SOLICITORS; PERMA nent, pleasant employment, salary or com mission; references. V 67. Oregonlan. WANTED CHAMBERMAID. WAITRESS light housework, cooks. Call Scandinavian American. 226 3d st. Main 1519. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking. Call up Phone Front 1701 before 9 A. M. and aftor 5 P. M. WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR SECOND work; must understand Mng. Call morn ings, 474 Market, cor. 14th. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework: three In family, adults. 55 E. 10th, North., cor. Davis. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY makers. Apply at once. Wonder Millinery Co., 1st and Morrison. 1 WANTED FHtST-CLASS SHIRTWAIST maker; steady work. Call at 543 Flanders st.. bet. 16th and 17th. t . i WANTED A GIRL WHO UNDERSTANDS second work: references required. Apply at 835 Lovejoy street. -I WANTED LADY BOOKEEPER AND stenographer for a bank; out of city. Call 226 3d street. t LADY, SOME STAGE EXPERIENCE. TO care for baby, traveling dramatic company. is tM, uregoman. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOCSE work; family of two; no washing. 234 Park st. WANTED AT THE EAGLE EMPLOYMENT, 204 Goodnough. lady stenographer and book keeper. WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING AND GEN eral work. 685 Weldler st. Phono Union 1772. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: good wages. Apply 731 Savler st. WANTED A DRESSMAKER TO SEW BY the week, 327 23d at. Phone Main 3575. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Apply to Mrs. A. T. Bird. 714 Front st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work and live at home. 173 E. 7th st. A GOOD GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK: out of the city. 216 Allsky bldg. WANTED NURSE TO TAKE CARE OF year-old child. 427 Washington st. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED AT Watson's Restaurant, 109 4 th st. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR MASSAGE parlor. 209 4th st, room 4. HELP WANTED MALE OR rEMALE. f THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT COM pany, the leading employment company la Portland; men and women supplied free. 211 Morrison st. Phone Main 4U4G. HELP FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. Occidental Employment Company, 130 First st. Hood 1SS3. MAN AND WIFE WITHOUT CHILDREN on gentleman's place near Portland. D. E. Budd. 110 1st st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION BY YOUNG ATTORNEY; FIVE years' experience; understand bookkeeping and operate typewriter; stranger In Ore gon, but can give good references. Ad dress box 155, Athena. Or. SITUATION WANTED AS CLERK OR MAN ager by man with 9 yeara of experience in the retail merchandise business; can fur nish good references. Write to J. O. Streff, Vancouver. Wash. YOUNG MAN. 21 YEARS OF AGE. WISHES position as bookkeeper, stenographer; ha3 had some experience; city references. Ad dress W. A. T., 406 Burnslde St., city. i AN EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT NOW IN Seattle wishes position In Portland as book keeper; best references. Address W. Beasley, 823 Marlon St., Seattle, Wash. YOUNG MAN 22. five years' experience In railroad offices, wlshos position? have typewriter; willing and obliging, honest. Address G 68, Oregonlan. GROCERY CLERK WANTS POSITION; IS competent and can furnish best of references; not afraid of work. 372 Washington st., Castle bldg. I : Miscellaneous. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FUR nlshes all kinds help, cooks, domestics, farm hands: labor contracts a specialty. CO N. 6th. Phone Clay 092. WANTED POSITION TO TAKE CHARGE and run lodging-house; have had experi ence. Address B 67, Oregonlan. COLORED MAN. GOOD HABITS. DESIRES permanent situation, driving family carriage preferred. M 67, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK MORNING and evening for board and room. Address C CS, Oregonlan. GOOD. HONEST JAPANESE WANTS COOK lng and housework In family. Phone Hood 363. 41 1st st. JAPANESE HOUSECLEANEs'G COMPANY furnishes men at short notice. 69 N. fitb. Phone Clay 592. PRINTER WANTS STEADY SITUATION. For Information address Lock Box 275, Athena. Or. P . EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN DESIRES A position in confectionery. Address B CS, Oregonlan. PIANIST POSITION WANTED IN PARLOR house, first-class sigbtreader. Address X 67, Oregonlan. JAPANESE SCHOOL BOY "WANTS A Po sition near North Central School. Phone East 764. I SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER or bookkeeper or both by young woman graduate of business college, neat writer. Phone Union 1564 or address S 65. Ore gonlan. : i Housekeepers. WIDOW, AGED 33. WITH 2 CHILDREN. Wants situation as housekeeper on farm; references exchanged. Address Box 373, Corvallls, Benton County, Or. LADY OF REFINEMENT DESIRES SITC atlon housekeeper, widower's family; picas ant home. 230 Yamhill. Phono Black 2881. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG WIDOW with boy 2. housekeper widower. 230 't Yamhill. Phone Black 28S1. 1 ' i DomesUcs. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK TO DO BY the day. Call Phone Scott 2853. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. APPLY :. N, , JLatU ap sj&fl, cgUiarj - ,