3 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, 'APRIL' 22, 1904. AFRAID OF OUR BRONCHOSf UAPANESE ARE NOT IN MARKET FOR AMERICAN HORSES. H. L. Fleming, Who Supplied Thous ands of Mounts to British Army) Fails to Get Contract. ,! yesterday's arrivals at the- Port land was H. Ij. Fleming, of Capo Town, South Africa, -whom the dispatches have recently announced Tvas commissioned to purchase some 10,000 head of horses for the Japanese army. Mr. Fleming Is a member of a firm "which supplied the major por tion". h"hores for" the British army during the Boer -war. He is decidedly English, and this Is his first visit to the United States, although he has spent much of his life in the Argentine Repub lic, where his firm has extensive Interests. Ho has Just arrived from Japan and will spend several weeks in the United States before returning to the Orient. "The announcement that I am. here to buy horses for the Japanese army is un sounded," said he, yesterday. "My visit to Japan was for the purpose of investigating conditions, and, if the op portunity presented itself, selling that .nation consignments of horses. "After looking the ground over and con ferring with the men who are directing the present war, I am free to say that my mission was in vain, so far as the present is concerned. The Japanese nation is not buying horses and has not made any con tracts of such a character. All announce ments that largo orders for horses have been placed in this country are untrue. Just before I left Japan I had an inter view with Major-Gencral Okura, Inspector-General of the Japanese army, who has spent several years in Europe. He told me positively that he did not expect land fighting to commence before the last of June or the first of July, and that ifapan could furnish all the horses needed pr at least a year from that time. "The Japs recognize the fact that they are inferior horsemen and they are afraid of your unbroken, bucking bronchos. Their gresXest need is for artillery horsey but unless they make decided reforms, they will not use many horses in hauling their guns. This is at present largely done by coolies, and unless they change their no tions their cannon will be drawn by man power during the present war. "I am merely looking to the future when I come here to investigate the possibili ties for securing horses and am only hop ing that the exigencies of subsequent con ditions may enable me to secure contracts -with the Mikado's army. Any person who represents that he Is authorized to ibuy horses for the Japanese army is at tempting to deceive, as I know absolutely that no such authority has been given." DOCTOES CONTRACT DISEASE. Tuberculosis Patients In a Hospital Are Careless. W TOHK, April 2L Several physi cians at Bellevue Hospital have suddenly contracted tuberculosis from association "with patients in the institution. House Surgeon B-obert 6. Macdonald is the most seriously affected, and his death is expect ed hourly. According to the hospital authorities, members of the staff have been greatly run down, by overwork and thus became peculiarly susceptible to the dread dis ease. Negligence on the part of the tuberculo sis patients, they say, is the direct cause. Persons in that ward should, under the regulations, expectorate in receptacles provided for such use, but the doctors say whenever an attendant's back is turned they spit on the floor and thus gen erate germs which are certain to spread disease if Inhaled by persons in the least run down physically. St. Louis Fair Increases Its Force. ST. LOUIS, April 2L An additional force of 2500 workmen, making an all night -working shift of nearly 2000 men, began today to force the work on the "World's Fair to completion for the opening. The night force to be put on immediately will, it is said, more than make up for the work lost during the bad weather. If the lighting of the avenues where the roadway and paving is to be done is not perfected by the time the men start work, naphtha torches and lanterns will bo provided to facilitate the work. m Woman's Club to Have Home. CHICAGO, April 2L Hull House "Wo man's Club, through a gift of $20,000 from Mrs. Joseph Tilton Bowen, will be the first women's organization irt Chicago to have its own home. Announcement of the donation has just been made at the regular weekly meeting by Miss Jane Adams. The building will be erected on land owned by Hull House, adjoining the structures now standing. - Visitors to Tortlan Should not miss the delightful trips up and down the Columbia River. Particu lars at O. R & N. city ticket omc Third and "Washlngton- DAILY METEOROLOGICAL KEPOBT. IPORTLAND. Or., April 21. Maximum tem perature, 03 degrees; minimum temperature, 46 degrees. River reading, 11 A M., 17.9 feet; change In 24 hours, .1 of a foot. Total pre cipitation, 6 P.M. to 5 P. M., .00 of an inch; total precipitation since September 1, 1003, 45.21 Inches; normal precipitation, sinco Sep tember 1, 1003, 40.84 inches; excess, 4.37 Inches. Total sunshine, April 20. 1004. 0:07; possible sunshine, April 20, 1904. 13:48. Barom eter, reduced to 6ea-level, at 5 P. M., 29.79. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. "Wind. S3 STATIONS. o o C5 Baker City Bismarck .. Boise ........... Eureka - Helena Xamloops, B. C North Head - Pocatcllo ....... Portland Red Bluff. Roseburg Sacramento ....... Bait Lake City.- .. San Francisco..... Spokane - Seattle .... Tatoosh l6land ... "Walla "Walla ....... 0.01 SB Cloudy T SE NW NW W Raining 0.01 Cloudy 0.7G Pt, Cldr. Raining 1481 T lOl Aftf I lu-iu.vn Cloudy 0.06 s SW SW SE Cloudy 0.34 Cloudy 0.06 Cloudy 0.02 Raining 0.04 SW ciouay cloudy 0.01 01 S 10.321 SB SW SE w s SW Cloudy 501 T 461 T Ciouay Raining Cloudy 58(0.00 500.22 10210.00! lCloudy Light. T, trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Showery conditions continue la California and the North Pacific States. No heavy rains have occurred, hut they have geen general nearly everywhere west of the Rocky Moun tains. Storm warnings are- displayed at the mouth of the Columbia River and on Gray's Harbor. A maximum -wind velocity of CO miles from the south occurred lot during the afternoon at the North Head station at the mouth of the Columbia River. The indications are for ehowers in this dis trict Friday. Tho river at Portland -was 17.9 feet at 5:30 P. M. It -will slowly fall during the next few days. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for tho 28 hours ending at midnight, April 22: Portland aad vicinity Showers, westerly winds. Western Oregon Showers, warmer south por tion, westerly winds, high along the Coast. Western Washington Showers. westerly Winds, high along tho Coast. Eastern "Washington. Eastern Oregon and Idaho Showers, high southwesterly winds. EDWARD. A, SEALS, District Forecaster, rXrJ-nCXAN,.TT, SmiTS-MO ftSHllCTOX :TEEET3. NETUID, 01EC31 European Plan ; t . $1.00, $1.50, $2.00per Day THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR, American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. COST ONI VTT.T.TOX DOLLARS. Portland's New Hotel It's a gem. Everything- new anfl elegant Steam heat, electric- lights. Por celain baths and lavatories on every floor. Hates, 75c, $1.00, $.E0 and $2.00. European. Finest restaurant in Portland. Also billiards and bar. The big olive-colored, rubber-tired coach meets all trains. It's free. HOTEL SCOTT, Seventh and Ankeny Sts., P. O. Block AUCTION SALTS DAT. At Baker's Auction-Rooms, corner Alder and Park street. Sale at 2 P. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneer. By tho Ford Auction Company, at 182 First street, at 10 A M. H. Ford, auctioneer. At residence. SSI Thurman st. (Take "Wash ington and 23d-st, car.) Sale at 10 A M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. At GUman's Auction-Rooms, 418 "Wash ington street at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllmon, auctioneer. t- " MEETING NOTICES. FRAM ASSEMBLY. "UNITED ARTISANS Officers and members will please attond the funeral of our deceased brother, W. H. Thom as, at Finley'e chapel, at 4 P. M., Friday, April 22. MRS. J. LEACH, Secretary. W. J. PRITCHARD, Master Artisan. MYRTLE CHAPTER, NO. 15, O. E. S. Regular communication this (Friday) evening In Masonic Tan nic, at R o'clock. Official visit of tho Grand "Worthy Matron. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Secretary. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A - F. & A. M. Special communication this (Friday) at 3:ao m.. ior the purpose of conducting tho fu neral of Brother William Thomas. Services to bo held at J. P. Finley & Son's ChapeL By order of tho "W. M. W. M DELIN, Secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77 Meets Friday nights in their forest. East Sixth and East Al-rfM- trtB- Floor work not ex celled by any camp In tho order. Come and meet witn ua. J. .. umo. i HASSALO LODGE NO. 15, L O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. First degree. Visitors welcome. HENRY BROWN, Secretary. KREMLIN BAKU, L O. M Nobles intending to go to Taco. ma must secure passage today. Train leaves 8:30 tomorrow (Saturday). Fare $3.80 round trip. E. E. SHARON. Recorder. , DEED. ZOLLER In this city. April 21, 1004. Joseph ina A Zoller, aged 0 years, 5 months and 0 days. Funeral notice hereafter. MORGAN At Salem, Or., April 20, 1004, Da vid D. Morgan, aged 09 years, 0 months and 6 days. Funeral notice hereafter. M'KEE In this city, April 21. 1004, Fannie Armstrong, beloved wife of Edward D. Mc Kee in the 46th year of her age. San Fran cisco and Oakland, Cah, papers please copy. MILLER At his late residence, 451 EL Clay St., April 21, 1004, John Miller, age 73 years, 1 month, 2 days. Remains at F. S. Dun nlng's undertaking parlors. Funeral notlco later. rUNERAI, NOTICES. CRONTN At her home near McMlnnvllle, Mary, beloved daugater of Johannah Cronln. Funeral from St. James Church. McMlnn vllle, 10:30 A M, Friday, April 22. WALLACE April 20, 1001. at his late resi dence. 725 FJ. Stark St.. "William G. "Wallace, age 59 years, 11 months, 20 days. Funeral Friday, April 22, from St. Francis Church, 11th and E. Oak sts., at 9:30 A M Inter ment at Greenwood Cemetery. Services at the gravo private. THOMAS The neighbors of Georgo Wash ington Camp, 201, "W. O. "W., are requested to attend tho funeral services of our late neighbor, "William Thomas, at Finley" s Chapel, Friday, April 22, at 4 P. M C. C H. Frederick, H. L. Day, chirk. PETERSON April 20. 1004, at lato resi dence, 284 ft Yamhill street, Rasmus Peter son, aged 01 years, 2 months and 18 days. Funeral Friday, April 22, at 11 A M., from Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets. Relatives and friends re spectfully invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. O'NBTL At Angel Island. California, y.pril 10, Captain Patrick O'Nell, husband of Mary O'Nell and father of John O'Neil and the late Katherins O'Nell and brother-in-law of Miss Godcna Eric Funeral Sunuay, April 24, 1904, at 1:30 P. M., from Holman'e chap el, con-er Third and Salmon sts. Relatives and filLcds respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. THOMAS Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices of the lato "William H. Thomas, which will bo held at Finleys chapel, at 4 P. M., today. Interment, Wllsonvllle, Or. KEASDY In this city, April 21, 1904, at the family residence, 613 20th st., Nettle Guild Xeasey, aged 31 years and 29 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral cervices, -which will be held at the First Christian Church, corner of Park and Columbia sts., at 10 A M, Satur day, April 23. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. MENSCH Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices of Charles M. Mensch, which will bo held at Flnleya chapel at 10 A. M., Satur day, April 23. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. FLOWERS Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral serv ices of the late William A Flowers, which will be held at Flnley's chapel at 2 P. M., Saturday, April 23. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. HARDEN- In this city, April 21, 1904. at the residence of Mr. B. "W. Stockyn, 70S Hoyt , Violet O. Harding, aged S3 years, 4 months and 15 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will bo held at the above residence at 10 A M, Saturday, April 23. Tho Interment will take place at Oregon City, in Mountain View Cemetery. The boat will leave the foot of Taylor st,, at 11:30 A M. DARROW In this city, April 21, 1904, at the family residence, near Piedmont. Lureny J. Darrow. aged 54 years, 5 months and 25 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect fully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Flnley's chapel at 2 P. M today. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertaken nnd embalm rai, have mored to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. -uy assistant. Telephone No. 607. J. P. FINLEY At SON. Funeral Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor sner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. CLARKE BKOS.. FINE FLOWERS, ilo ral designs. SS0 Morrison. I . DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7 th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phono Main 430. NEW TODAY. Investors, Attention! $9850 Corner with substantial Im provements, two blocks 60uth of Morrison st.: rent income over $1000 per annum. F. BRESKE. 444 I Sherlock, bids " XX C W. KNOWLES, Mgr, HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AS 3 COMMERCIAL TEATEIERS Special rates made to families and slnglo gentle men. Tho man agement will be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablish m e n t in the hotel. 1L C. BOWERS, Manager. EDUCATIONAL. OF OUR GRADUATES proves that a course with tia pays. What we have done for young people in the past we can do now better than ever before, because of improved facilities. Our school is always spoken of as first- class in all respects. Superior methods-. thorough work, has given it this high standing. Open all the year; students admitted at any time; catalogue free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL.B., PRINCIPAL AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. Tonight at 8:15 o'clock, popular-price matineo tomorrow at 2:15 o'clock, last performance to morrow night, AL. G. FIELD'S MINSTRELS Evening prices, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c. Popular matinee prices, adults. 50c; children. 25a Seats are now selling. "Watch for tho" big parade at high noon today. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday nights, April 25, 20, 27, 1904; epeclal-price matinee Wednes day, MARY MANNERING, In the delightful comedy "HARRD3TS HONEYMOON." Even ing prices Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $2.00; last 3 rows, $1.50. Balcony, flrst 3 rows, $1.50; second 3 rows. SI; last C rows, 75c Boxes and loges, $12.50. Special matineo prices Lower floor, $1.50, $1. Balcony, $L00, 75c. 50c Entire gallery, 50c Seats are now selling. Phone Main 80S. CORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL, MGRS. TONIGHT, SATURDAY MAT. AND NIGHT, The Olympfa Comic Opera Company in tho "Chimes of Normandy" NEXT SUNDAY MATEfEE AND NIGHT, ' ;The Mikado" Prices as usual. CORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL. MANAGERa Monday and Tuesday evenings, April 25-20, "Mary of Magdala." "Wednesday evening, April 27. "Hedda. Gfthlr" MRS. FISKE Prices $2.00, $1.50. SL00, 75c and 50c Seats on sale today at 10 A M. THE BAKER gK THEATER and Manage. Phone Main 1007. Tonight, all week, matinee Saturday, the new Nelll-Morosco Company, in Nat Goodwin's suc cess, THE COWBOY and THE LADY Evening prices, 50c, 33c, 25c, 15c Matinee. 25c 15c, 10c Next week beginning Sunday matineo, April 24, THE SWORD OF THE KING Henrietta Crosman's'Great Success. -i EMPIRE THEATER Twelfth and Morrison streets. Six Nlghta, Beginning Tuesday, April 19, ANNA EVA FAY In SOMNOLENCY. Marvelous I mysterious! the talk of the country I Popular prices, 25c and 35c Matinees tor ladles only Thursday and Satur day. All seats, 25c FREE On Tuesday evening, ono lady will be admitted free on every paid ticket. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and. Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:80 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30, Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:3a For Ladles- Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. BASEBALL PORTLAND VS. SEATTLE AT ATHLETIC rARK. Cor. Vaughn and 23d st. "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 3:30 P. M. Saturday S P. M., Sunday 2:30 P. M. Monday. April 20. 3:30 P. M. Ladles' day, today. NEW TODAX. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Keal Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIBRELL, XVsnncrly of MacMoster & BirrcU, S02-S McKay Building. Third and Stark, Fhona Main 232. New Houses Cheap Choice of 3 modern houses, 2 Just completed, each 6 rooms, bath, full brick basement, laun dry trays, all complete with full lot, Eaet Side, close in, for $2300. payable In Install ments, with 0 per cent interest. R. B. LAMSON 728 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machino (hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore geminn Publishing Co, NEW TODAY. DLLDSTRATION NO. 11. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. No. 100 THIRD STREET. Incorporated April 22, 1SS7. In the Autumn of 1002 certain good Sisters of Charity were constructing a large build ing. Like prudent people, they had their funds ready to pay for the same. Again, like prudent people, they desired to get In terest until it was necessary to disburse the funds. They accordingly procured from us three certificates of $5000 each, payablo on 00 days' call, with Interest at 4 per cent per annum. They will call these certificates in time to mako the several payments that may become duo to their contractor. Why will not this plan work in your case 7 Give us on opportunity of explaining fur ther to you or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary BUTTER LOWER Best creamery ..... ......50c, 55a Good creamery .....45c, 50c Dairy butter ....... 35c, 40c Ranch eggs 20c Best sugar-cured ham .......13c Picnic bam Dc 5 pounds lard compound 45c 5 pounds pure leaf lard 55c Arbuckle and Lion coffee, 2 pounds... ....55c Chickens (Saturday), pound 17c and 18c LA GRANDE CREAMERY, 201 Yamhill st. CHOICE QUARTER-BLOCK. M'MILLEN'S Addition, cor. of Cherry and Benton sts., for sale for $3000 by W". B. Chase. 007 "Wor cester block; office hours, 8 to 12 A M. 10.000 FEET OP BEST-LOCATED WARE house ground site. "West 81de: sldstr&ck. Particulars. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 223 td st. INVESTMENT WEST SIDE FLATS. IN come $1000 yearly; price $5500. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 8d st. POVERTY SHOP Do you live In Shanty Town? Do you deslro to llvo In Shanty Town? Shanty Town la whero there is no restriction against shack or shanty. "When a neat little residence Is built In an addition in "which there is no regulation against shanties it is in constant danger of heavy depreciation in value, from having a pov erty shop pitched near by. Every dwelling-house built at University Park must have the outside appearance of having cost at least 51000. If you can afford to live In a neat residence, costing $1000 or more you cannot afford to build it -where there is no restriction against shanties. University Park is the high-toned resi dence district of all the high plateau be tween the rivers. Prices of lots, $60 and upward. One-tenth cash, balance So monthly on east lot. FRANCIS I. McKENNA Room 605 Commercial Block. A FEW SETS OF MODERN ELOQUENCE WILL BE SOLD AT HEAVY DISCOUNT The Famous Library Edition Apply Room 200 OREGONIAN BUILDING IRVIINGTOIN Cheapest Because Choicest Secure a home before prices ad vance. Will build you a home on the best lots In IRVINGTON, con venient to both car lines, and fur nish the money. O. M. SMITH 714 Chamber of Commerce. r- WOODSTOCK Portland's Choice Suburb. Homes on Monthly Installments. rORTLAJO) TRUST COMPAKT, 100 Third St. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property. Build ing' loans. Installment loans. WM. MAC MASTER. 311 Worcester block. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FIVE MINUTES' WALK FROM THE HO-bart-Curtls. lot 40x02. fronting on two streets, and If you build on It you'll havo the finest view In tho city, all for $000. L. "W. Whiting & Co., 408 Ablngton bids. NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE, BASEMENT, porcelain bath, nlco porch, corner, 02x120, Union avc. Highland, $1050; also 6-room cottage, basement, full lot, $1200, terms. Owner 117 Ablngton bldg. BARGAIN. MOST DESIRABLE QUARTER, or half block. East Bumsldo. Closo in. Sightly. Streets Improved, cheap. Terms to suit. Johnson & Van Zante, 003 Commercial building, Portland. $450 THE CHOICEST -ACRE FRONTING Portland Blvd., adjoins Piedmont; high, cleared, grand view; magnificent homo site. G. H. Van Houten, 303 Chamber of Com. t C-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. HOUSE, barn, fences, fruit trees, grapes, etc; 40 minutes' ride on car to Portland; cheap, $2000. X 05, core Oregonlan. OWNER HAS FOR SALE A NEW 7-ROOM house, near Portland Academy; any ono de siring such a property would do well to com munlcate with L 40, Oregonlan. $2000 S-ROOM HOUSE, FULL LOT, SEV eral flno bearing fruit trees; deslrablo location;- East Portland Heights. Inquire Samuel Weldon, 145 & 3d st. $350 HALF VALUE. 2 LOTS. ONE BLOCK from car, 3-room bouso; some furniture and fence; must sell. See T. L. Sullivan, Laurel wood; Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE FINEST CORNER ON BASE Line Road, Mt. Tabor; 152x158, A lots, opposite Plunder's gardens. F. A. Van kirk, 150 Front st. $400 LOT ON WEIDLER ST. $500 Lot on Halscy; $25 cash, balance small payments. Miller, 303 Chamber Com. . , 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents', Or. Take Mt. Scott car: 5c. MOST ATTRACTIVE ACRE AT MT. TABOR, surrounded by beautiful homes; In fine con dition. Miller, 303 Chamber of Commerce. 0-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN Hf EVERT RE epect; terms, $2500. Hoopengamer & Ennes, C23 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 FINE CORNER LOT S. E. CORNER Hood and Grover; 100 feet on Hood and 50 on Grover; owner, 211 GIbbs st. QUIT LOOKING FOR A HOME. LET US show you one. Hoopengamer & Ennes, 025 Chamber of Commerce. t- 7TH ST.. FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT, 7 blocks from Portland Hotel, a bargain. C 00, Oregonlan. RARE BARGAIN $2000 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville, B. 8. Cook, 251 Alder St., Portland. 7TH ST., FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT. 7 blocks from Portland Hotel; a bargain. C CG, Oregonlan. HOMES ON INSTALLMENT PLAN; PLANS and estimate free. J. O. Wrenn, room 100, Ablngton bldg. 8-ROOM COTTAGE AND SIGHTLY LOT, Grand ave., near Prescott, $700. Phono Union 0524. 1 NEW 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR steel bridge; $3000; terma 012 Commercial building. BUILD YOURSELF A HOME. PAY ME back by installments. Apply 405 Marquam. TWO LOTS ON TILLAMOOK ST., NEAR 2Sth st. Apply at 11314 3d st. N. FOR SALE CHEAP CORNER LOT ON HT. Gcott car-une. cau cm it. ao. st FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A SNAP 10 lots on Peninsula, near Portland Rail way Company's new line; high, level and sightly. Improved street, city water mains laid, adjoining University Park lots selling for $125 each; will be sold at $45 each, having been taken In under mortgage. R. I. Eckerson & Co.. 5 Washington bldg. NEW AND MODERN- 7-ROOM COTTAGE In Upper Alblna; bath, toilet, full slzo basement; flno corner lot; only $2300. New and modern 5-room cottago on E. Burnsldc. near car-barns; only $1420. Lan caster Realty Co., 321 Morrison st., or 151H Gth st. $450 BUYS 4 LOTS, 50x100 EACH, ONE block from Portsmouth Station, St. Johns car-line; good garden; soil cleared and level; sell ono or all at same rate: best bargain on this car-line. Ellis & Holaday, room 21, 204 Morrison st. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? QUARTER block, Tillamook and E. 12th; sewer, gas, water, cement walks; threo blocks to two car-lines: bargain to party who will Im prove. F. R. Cook, owner. 240 Stark st. TIMBEB LAND FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also recertified sol diers' additional Porterfleld-Valentino land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Ma glnnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for Immediate use; this scrip will take agricultural, grazing or tim ber land. H. B. Compson, G1S Marquam bldg. 044 ACRES OF TIMBER rN COWLITZ County, Wash., for sale at a bargain If taken soon. D. w. Faulkner, Anita, la. TIMBER INVESTMENTS I HAVE FOR salo several large and small tracts of tim ber. A. E. Mathows. 418 Oregonlan bldg. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT, CLOSE to railroad and river; hoSise; fine chance. Room 38, Washington bldg. SCRIP WRITE MB FOR LOWEST prices. L. W. Whiting. 40S Ablngton bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 4 TO 8 RESIDENCE LOTS IN GOOD Lo cality, Irvlngton. Holladay, Piedmont, Upper Alblna or Cloverdlale Additions preferable: will give Interest In great and very valuable coal mine; will bear closa Investigation. Y 05, Oregonlan. WANTED TODAY TO TRADE 240-ACRE stock farm above Oregon City, for house and lot in Portland. Owner of farm at room 2, 234JS Morrison et., today only. CalL WE HAVE BUYERS FOR G AND 7-ROOM houses on both sides of the river. See us for a quick sale. Hoopengamer & Ennes, G25 Chamber of Commerce. BRING US TOUR WEST SIDE PROPERTY; we have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co., 403 Ablngton bldg. TOR SALE FARMS. THREE VERY CHEAP FARMS 147 acres, all good land, fenced and cross fenced; 110 acres cultivated, house, 3 barns; watered by springs; orchard. schoolhou3e on farm; good county road; 2& miles from town on railroad, Yamhill County, Or.; a good farm; easy terms; possession given. 125 acres land, 0 acres beaverdam, 70 acres cultivated, now In crop; good 8-room house with bath, barn, orchard, team, wagon, harness, buggy, farming Imple ments, nearly new; cows, calvos, chickens, turkeys, etc; H mllo to R. I nation; G miles to Vancouver. Wash.; if c .red could divide farm and sell part; undoubtedly tha best farm buy now offered: might take somo trade; price for all, $4750. 100 acres good land, 50 acres cultivated, all fenced; good house, large frame barn, with silo and cellar; flno orchard, good water; 9 head cattle. 3 horses, wagon, hack, buggy, cart, 2 mowers, rake, hay fork and ropes, 2 plows, 2 cultivators, cream separator, hay and oats; 1 mile from Columbia River on good rood; on ac count of sickness will sell at sacrifice. HENKLE &. BAKER, 217 Ablngton Bldg. A GOOD FARM FOR SALE CHEAP 80 acres, 40 in cultivation, good 10-room house, fair barn, 3 acres In orchard, good living water, also well at the house, 2 miles east of Canby. 8 miles from Oregon City, the cultivated land Is in a high state of cultivation, and tho unimproved land is easy to clear; this land lays on a good Improved road and handy to market. For further In formation inquire of J. J. Cooke, Oregon City. Or. $800 WILL BUY 160 ACRES 4 MILES from railroad; 7 acres in hay, 30 slashed and easily cleared, small orchard, some Improvements, timber on tho place worth the price; fine fruit land; similar land ad joining worth $30 to $50 on acre Palmer Bros., room 41S Oregonlan bldg. I 27.000 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND. free from tho state to settlers, who will pay from $5 to $15 per acre to the Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Company for perpntual water right; for Information call or address B. S. Cook. 251 Alder St., Port land. Or. 15 ACRES NEAR MH.WAUKTE. 6 ACRES '"''ar. 1 acre In grapes, 2 acres In all kinds i fruit trees. 2 acres In clover, 10 acres slashed: house and barn: prico and terms reasonable. C. Kerr, owner, blacksmith, Mllwaukle. FARM LANDS WE ARE HEADQUAR ters for Eastern Oregon wheat lands and have a large list of Willamette Valley farms. See us before you buy. Mc Arthur & Mahoney, 410 Macleay bldg. FOR SALE SO ACRES TIMBER LAND near Cottage Grove.. Or.; large log house, living water, good grass land when wood Is off; $000 cash. H. K. Joyce, Saginaw, Or., or 740 B. 21st st, Portland. FOR SALE SO ACRES GOOD PLOW LAND In 15-11 Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company's canal through center of both forties; warranty deed. Address Tho Jour nal, Prlnevllle, Or. - FOR SALE; GOOD DAIRY AND STOCK farm, 370 acres, one mile zrom Astoria; small bouso and orchard; green grass all year. W. O. HowelL 538 Chamber of Com merce. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE H ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; paymenu made to emit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster. 311 Worcester block. SOO ACRES VALLEY LAND IN SOUTHERN Oregon; 650 open. 500 tillable, 200 river bottom; well fenced and watered; good buildings. Address X 53, Oregonlan. SEE OWNER TODAY OF 240-ACRE STOCK farm above Oregon City; to trado for houso and lot In Portland, or sell very cheap, at 2343 Morrison St., room 2. FORTY ACRES RICH SOIL. FRUIT TREES and berries, necessary buildings, two good springs; 12 acres in cultivation; price $000. 407 10th. Exceptionally fine, level farm. 55 acres, culti vated; 8 miles east on car-line; modern im provements; 700 Winter apples. 227 Front st. rOK SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc FOR SALE 1 DRAFT HORSE 5 YEARS old, 1500 pounds; old mare, 1200 pounds; iron gray team, about 2800. E. Dimbet, Hillsdale, Or. Phone Suburban 761. FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OF driving horses, fine for pleasure, with two seated trap; owner must sell. Call 220 3d st. Phone Main 1510. BLACK HORSE 8 YEARS OLD, WEIGHT 1450 pounds; $125; single or double. C. El Hanson, 133 E. 20th st. Phono Union 42G0. -- STEAM WOOD-SAW; ALSO CHILD'S hearse; Shetland pony and buggy. 211 Wash. FOR SALE 20 EASTERN OREGON HORSES from 1000 to 1200 pounds. 3SO Water st. 2 GOOD DELIVERY HORSESWILL SELL cheap. Inquire Andrew' Kan & Co. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE BLACK COW AND CALF, fresh 10 days; Jersey cow will be fresh In about two weeks, quiet and gentlo; red cow 4 years old, giving good mess of milk; $30 each; they are worth lots moro, but umst be sold quick; stock can bo seen at Nursery, East 34th and Powell at. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with E'.aterite; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. STANDARD TYPEWRlTEKb FROM $25; all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. TL 1407. DIAMONDS -K. CHOICE BLUE WHITE; heirloom; need money; will sell at half value; mounted to suit. 012 Commercial bldg. PETALUMA rNCUBATOR, 220-EGG CA paclty; good running order; $15. Address B 04, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHOICE BROWN LEGHORN and Barred Rock eggs. $1 a setting. Phono (Union 2405. RfVL.T.TOP DESK. SAFF1 'I'VfMWUl'I'l.'tt A. and chair. N 04. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. SAFE. ALMOST NEW. VERY CHEAP. AD dress T 06. core Oregonlan. TWO SAFES; ONE DIEBOLD, 1 HALL'S. L 63, Oregonlan. HELP WAITED MALE. NOTICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, the leading employment agency of the North west. 240 Bumsldo st. Phone Main 2074. ARE YOU COMPETENT? WE HAVE Posi tions for managers, salesmen, office men and technical men paying $1000 to $5000 a year; high grade exclusively; ask for booklet. Hap gcods. suite K. 502 Pioneer bldg.. Seattle. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED REAL Es tate man to handle Inside lots on an en tirely new plan; $1500 house given away with every block; see me about It. H. A. Maddock. 233 Washington st. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; class for ladles; write for particu lars, and if In doubt make personal Investi gation. American Barber College, 253 Ev erett st., Portland. WANTED A YOUNG MAN. 18 OR 20 years old, who has clerked In drugstore and must be registered as assistant in Oregon; references. H 67, Oregonlan. AMATEURS! AMATEURS! AMATEURS! Singers, performers, musicians, wanted im mediately; $25 weekly. Newman's The atrical Agency, 313 Washington. PERSON TO INTERVIEW LOCAL TRADE for commercial house; salary $21 and ex penses weekly; previous experience unnec essary. Colonial. Caxton, Chicago. Men to learn barber trade; only requires 8 weeks; special offer; constant practice, ex pert instruction; catalogue free. Moler Sys tem College, San Francisco, Cat. WANTED 20 MILI.HANDS. $1.73 TO $2; knee bolter, $3; rollway man, $2.50; woods men, $2 up. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau, 205& Morrison at. $25 TO $03 PER WEEK WORKING UNION Mutual Aid Association sick and accident benefits; $1 per month. 401 Marquam bldg., Portland. ACTTvTJ YOUNG MAN FOR GROCERY: must be experienced and well acquainted with city. Bullivanfa Grocery, 4C1-463 Jef ferson st. WANTED YOUTH FOR OFFICE; MUST operate typewriter; state age, reference and salary expected. Address M GO, care Ore gonlan. WANTED A GOOD LTVTE ADVERTISING solicitor to rent Cordrays Theater pro gramme prlvllego. Apply Cordray's The ater. h YOUNG MAN TO DO PACKING AND porter work; wholesale cigar house; fur nish references. Address R G7, Oregonlan. - A TRAVELEn'G SALESMAN FOR WHOLE eale liquor houso; German preferred; refer ences required. G 67, care Oregonlan. WANTED COATS AND PANTSMAKER; must be first class; none other need apply. C O. Williams, Baker City, Or. WANTED SEVERAL MACHINISTS WITH railroad experience for work in large lum ber camp. B 6G, Oregonlan. WANTED A STOUT BOY; ONE WHO wants to learn a trade. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 263 Flanders. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD COAL MIN ers for work on property recently opened up. A G7, Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOILERMAK er for charge of boiler shop In small plant. Y 60. Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; free tuition. Portland Barber School, 82 N. 2d. WANTED FURNITURE SALESMAN IN city. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 263 Morrison st. WANTED TEAMS FOR HAULKJG LUM ber; steady work. Inman, Poulsen & Co. WANTED A GOOD GROCERY SALESMAN for specialty work. Kelley-Clarko Co. SEVERAL MEN WANTED TO WORK ON A . ranch. Apply 667 Irving st., at once MAN WITH $150 CAN MAKE $75 MONTH. McCoy. 234 li Morrison, room 2. WANTED BRIGHT BOY TO WORK IN law office. 31-34 Concord bldg. WANTED FntST-CLASS PANTS MAKERS. Nlcoll tho tailor. 10S 3d st. 700 MEN DAILY TO. HAVE HAIR CUT. 15c. at 2GU Bumsldo st. HELT WANTED FEMALE. WANTED POSITIONS FOR TRAINED nurses, bookkeepers, clerks, stenographers we havo registered; we want a stenograph er, cooks, chambermaids, waitress and housework girls; registration free. Mrs. Jones, 105 4th St.- Red 2000. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds, cooks, waitresses, nurseglrls. sec ondglrls, housekeepers, housework, $15 to 30. Canadian Parlors. 223ft Morrison. Phone Main 1323. WANTE.D GIRL TO HELP WITH GEN erol housework; German preferred; must have good recommendations. Mrs. Fred Broetjo, West ave. and Base Line, Mt. Tabor. AMATEURS! AMATEURS! AMATEURS! Singers, performers, musicians, wanted im mediately; $23 weekly. Newman's Theat rical Agency, 313& Washington. ' 1 WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH- er and clerk, with knowledge of Insurance; state experience, salary wanted, addressing in own handwrltlnr. Box 277. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; must bo a good plain cook; good wages; Gorman girl preferred; call forenoons. 505 GUsan st. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework and cooking; small family. Call 818 Marshall St., bet. 24th and 25th sts. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. BOOKKEEP lng, penmanship and English branches taught by experienced teacher; day and night. M 25, Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waltresseschainbermalds, general worker. St. Louis Agency, 230 & Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. NEGRO COOK. WOODCHOPPERS, COOKS, railsplltters, dishwashers, hotel waitresses (fare), $3 week; domestics. Drake, 206ft Washington. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; small family; wages $20. Apply 07 N. 14th St., bet. Davis and Everott. WANTED IMMEDIATELY COMPETENT woman under 40, housekeper widower's family, city. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. FOR LADIES ONLY. Portland Women's Employment Company. 210 Allsky, cor. 3d and Morrison. Red 30S7. Wanted lady solicitors; perma- ncnt, pleasant employment: salary or com mission; references. V C7, Oregonlan. WANTED CHAMBERMAID, WAITRESS, light housework, cooks. Call Scandinavian American, 226 3d st. Main 1510. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A STARCHER and two lroners nt Vancouver Steam Laundry. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED COMPETENT GntL FOR SECOND work; must understand iwlng. Call morn ings, 474 Market, cor. 14th. YOUNG GHtL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework; threo In family, adults. 55 E. 10th. North., cor. Davis. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SHIRTWAIST maker; steady work. Call at 548 Flanders St.. bet. 16th and 17th. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY makers. Apply at once. Wonder Milliner Co.. 1st and Morrison. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SHIRTWAIST maker: steady work. Call at 643 Flanders St., bet. 16th and 17th. WANTED A GIRL WHO UNDERSTANDS second work; references required. Apply at 835 Lovejoy street. YOUNG. RELIABLE GHIL FOR LIGHT housework. Apply between 2 and 4. Room 23, Hotel Vendome. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: small family. 663 Tillamook st., cor. 18th. Phone East 200. AN EXPERB3NCED GIRL OR WOMAN TO assist caring for children. 574 Gllsan st., corner 18th. WANTED GERL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; good wanes. Apply 731 Bayier. at. HELP WANTED I WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME. PLAIN SEW lng only: steady work, good pay; no ma terials to buy and sent everywhere free. Send reply envelope for particulars and wagea we pay. Du Pont Company, Dept. W. K. H., Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK, references required. Apply mornings, 323 Tenth. 25 GIRLS AND WOMEN TO TRAIN HO" Inquire 60? Irving, near 21st. Call at o-i WANTED TEACHERS. $40. FISK TEA il ers' Agency, 7th and Stark; afternoon; WANTED-NURSD TO TAKE CAR vj; year-old child. 427 Washington at. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED A? Watson's Restaurant. 100 4th st. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR MA.V,J parlor. 200 fe 4th at., room 4. WANTED A GOOD PLAIN GOOK, TWO In family. S12 Johnson st. WANTED A NURSE GIRL. 450 a GTH. HELP WANTED MALE OR IEMALE, SEVERAL EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE on goods that are consumed dally in every household. Address, giving age. referen.o and full particulars. E 66, care Oregon.an. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT COM pony, tha leading employment company la Portland; men and women supplied free. 211 Morrison st. Phone Main 4640. MAN AND WIFE WITHOUT CHILDREN on gentleman's place near Portland. D. E. Budd. 110 1st st. WANTED GIRL OR BOY FOR MANNER work In tailor shop. 207 ft Everett. SITUATIONS WANTED MALI. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION BY YOUNG ATTORNEY; FIVE years' experience; understand bookkeeping and operate typewriter; stranger in Ore gon, but can give good references. Ad dress box 155, Athena, Or. AN EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT NOW IN Seattle wishes position In Portland as book keeper; best references. Address W. Beaslcy 323 Marion St., Seattle, Wash. 1 GROCERY CLERK WANTS POSITION; 13 competent and can furnish best of references; not afraid of work. 372 Washington st., Castle bldg. I Miscellaneous. A TEACHER HOLDING A FIRST-GRADE certificate and life diploma desires a posi tion as teacher In a private family and will teach 3ft hours per day for board and room; can give good references and g. i. recommends; for further particulars ad dress J. D. S., 495 Everett St., City. JAPANESE COUPLE WANT POSITION; man can do work as gardener and wife fi do cooking In family. Japanese Mission, 1V3 Flanders. Phono Clay 745. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FUR nlshes all kinds help, cooks, domestics, farm hands; labor contracts a specialty. 60 N. 5th. Phone Clay 592. WANTED ROUGH CARPENTER WORK of any kind by the day or job, city or country. Q 65, Oregonlan. COLORED MAN. GOOD HABITS, DESIRE3 permanent situation, driving family carriage preferred. M 67. Oregonlan. 1 GOOD. HONEST JAPANESE WANTS COOK- lng and housework in family. Phono HjoJ 363. 41 1st st. PRINTER WANTS STEADY SITUATION. For information address Lock Box 273, Athena. Or. JAPANESE HOUSECLEANING COMPANY furnishes men at short notlee. CO N. 0th. Phone Clay 592. PIANIST POSITION WANTED IN PARLOR house; first-class slghtreader. Address X 07, Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION TO do housework or help cook. Phone Clay 745, Mission. GOOD. HONEST JAPANESE WANTS cooking and housework. Phone Hoed 36J. 41 1st st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers ana Stenographers. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER or bookkeeper or both by "young woman graduate of business college, neat wrl.cr. Phono Union 1564 or address S 65. Ore gonlan. A LADY STENOGRAPHER, SEVERAL years' experience, desires permanent posi tion. J 66, Oregonlan. t X-ouseseepers. AS HOUSEKEEPER IN A SMALL FAM- Hy, or a respectablo party; good cook, best of references. Phone Main 1010. t - Domestics. WANTED BY A SWEDISH GIRL, PLACE! to do general housework; small wages. Picas, call at 123 Sellwood st. REFINED YOUNG WOMAN WANTS POSI tlon as nurse for Infant; no objections td traveling; references. J 67, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED, capable woman, chamberwork: housekeep ers, cooks, second girl. 230 ft Yamhill. Phono Black 2SS1. WANTEE) POSITION TO TAKE CHARGE and run lodging-house; have had experi ence. Address B 67, Oregonlan. WANTED- FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or night; good sight reader. Address G 16. Oregonlan. WANTING WASHING OR HOUSECLEAN lng. phono Clay 20S, room 12. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTERS. Cash paid. Send stamp. American Dis tributer. Denver. Colo. AGENTS LADY OR GENTLEMAN; HOMU or out of town: good commission. 169 lltfc. Phone Main 1609. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY A COUPLE. NICELY FUR nlshed modern room, hot and cold water. West Side below 13th St., where no ques tions aro asked; state price A 66, Oro gonlan. i WANTED SMALL FLAT, FURNISHED or unfurnished, or several rooms for fam ily of two; strictly respectable locality. Write 216 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED ON WEST SIDE. 2 OR 3 UNFUR-ni-hed roonw, with gas and bath, for light housekeeping. Phone Union 37S4. WANTED SMALL HOUSE OR PART OF house for family of two; good locality. Write 216 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED 2 OR 3 ACRES. HOUSE. ETC, to rent; must be reasonable. Address T 58, care Oregonlan. MAY 17 ROOMS OR MORE. WEST OF 7th, bet. Washington and Jefferson. E 59, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY WANTS ROOM AND BOARD for $20. B 67, care Oregonlan. WANTED MIS CELLANEO US. WANTED TWO YOUNG BUSINESS MEN to board and room with strictly private family. West Side, 3 minutes walk Third and Morrison; all comforts of a h.me; good cooking; $22.30 apiece a month. Ad dress at once, L 66, care oregonlan. 4 WANTED TWO YOUNG BUSINESS MEN to board with refined private family in a modern, up-to-date home; home-cooking; all comforts of a home; $5.75 per week. Address P 66, care Oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. The "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND band shoes and clothing. N. Sigell, OS N. 3d st. Phone Black 309S. AUTOMOBILE, STEAM. IN FINE CONDI tion; sell for half price. 218 Falling bldg., 3d and Washington. WANTED GOOD, SECOND-HAND S-V . state size and price. Address K 67, t . Oregonlan. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS RIDING U -? Address R. L. Macleay, Arlington CluS. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND t.V tie of all kinds. Phone Scott OSl.'t I WANTED GOOD DRVTNO HORSE; A7u eaddlo. pony, Phong Main. 1217,