10 THE MORSIXU- OREGpXIAX, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1904. A (Qnalttg in printing is our hobby. We strive to give you the best that can be produced by sHll and modern equipment. 'Phone us your wants Main 165 F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTERS & BINDERS HOTEL PERKINS JFifth csd Washington Street! EUROPEAN PLAN Xmm, 91.0O t $3.00 Per S&r Acoordlac t Location. J. F. DAVTES, Pre. St. Charles Hotel CO. (ENCORPORA.TED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STRBBT PORTLAND. OREGON Evropean Pisa Rssbs 50c te $1.50 Flrt-CIsss Restaeraat ! Caaaeetltaa "'?-', ''JZz&C Recruits for Employers' Association. NEW YORK, April 20. An organization of employers to affiliate -with the Em ployers League has been perfected at the meeting of the Building Trades Employ ers' Association, and the associations in metal, printing, lithographing, shipbuild ing and clothing trades. Its objects are to Include plans by -which the employers' association in all branches of industry can keep in touch with labor troubles of any kind, so that there can be co-operation in a general way if it is considered necessary. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Gllman b Auction Rooms, 413 Washing ton itreet, at 10 o'clock A. II. E. L.N. Gil man, auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 10 A. M. George Baker & Co., auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Thursday) evening, Masonic Temple. "Work In F. C degree. All F. C. Masons Invited. B. 6. PAGUE, Secretary. OREGON COMMANDERY NO. 1, K. T. Special conclave this evening at 8 o'clock. Order of the Red Cross. All Sir Knights courteously invited. W. S. MACRUM, Recorder. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT. NO. 28. L O. O. F., meets this (Thursday evening, 8 o'clock, corner Grand avc. and E. Plne st. Visitors welcomed. ROBERT ANDREWS. Scribe. BORN. WILSON April 20, to the wife of Robert W. Wilson, a boy. DIED. WALLACE In this city, April 19, 7:30 P. M-. W. G. Wallace. Funeral notice hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. MILNER April 10. 1904, in Portland at her late residence. 711 Second street, Martha M. Mllnor. Services will be held at resi dence Thursday, April 21, at 10 o'clock A. M. Kindly omit flowers. WEDEKING In this city, April 18. 1904. Ernst Henry Wedeklng, agod 44 years, 3 months and 5 days. Funeral Friday, April 22. at 2 P. M.. from Holman's chapel, cor ner Third and Salmon streets. Relatives anfl friends respectfully invited to attend. Interment Lone Fix Cemetery. PETERSON April 20, 1904, at late resi dence, 284 Yamhill street, Rasmus Peter son, aged 01 years. 2 months and 18 days. Funeral Friday, April 22, at 11 A. M., from Holman'a chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets. Relatives and friends re spectfully Invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. RENNICK Services of the funeral of the late John Rennlck will be held at the resi dence of his son-in-law. Mr. Frank P. King. 504 Hoyt street, at 2 P. M., Thurs day. April 21. Friends are invited. Serv ices at the grave private. BARIN Frlonds and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of the late LquIs T. Barln, which will be held at the family residence, 097 Hoyt street, at 10 A. M. today. The Inter ment will take place at Oregon City. The boat will leave the foot of Taylor street at 1130 A. M- EEYDEL Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of Ella Seydel. which will be held at Flnlcys chapel at 4 P. M. today, after which the remains will be placed in the receiving vaults temporarily. THOMAS Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral services of the late William H. Thomas, which will oo held at Flnleys chapel at 4 P. M.. April 22. Interment, Wilsonvllle, Or. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertaker and rmbalmerii. have -moved to tlielr new build ing. 'Third and salmon. Lady assistant, Telephone No. 07. 3. V. FINLETl & SON. Funeral Directors. ror. Zd and Madison. Office of County Ccr sner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. 5. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52, CLARKE BROS.. FINE FLOWERS, Flo ral defcltfns. 280 Morrison- NEW TODAY. FOR SALE Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machine (hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore gonian Publishing Co. WOODSTOCK Portland's Choice Suburb. Homes on Monthly Installments. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 109 Third St. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest' rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. TItie Guarantee & Trust Cd. 7 Chamber of Commerce MORTGAGE LOANS Dn improved city and farm property. Build rig loans. Installment loans. WM. MAC HASTER. 311 Worcester block. B0KDS, WARRANTS, STOCKS tad mortgages bought and sold. J. W. Cru hrs & Co., Chamber of Commerce J ffS&te;w23 ?-a.' ' & PORTLAND, OREGON Flrat-Claaa Ckeclc Heitssrut Coaseeted TVltTft HetL C . ZHi-rls, Se. u Tre&a. THE ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR AXDcBSOX, Maaaiir Froat and MrrUa Streets PORTLAND - OREQON FREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rat European plan. BOc, 78c, 11.00, $1.50. $2.00 pr day Bampl room la coa&octloa. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER Friday and Saturday nights, April 22 and 23. 1904. Popular-price matinee Saturday at 2:15 o'clock, AL G. FIELD'S Greater Minstrels Evening prices Entire lower floor, .$1.00. Balcony, first six rows, 75c; last six rows, 50c. Gallery, 35c and 25c Boxes and loges. $7.50. Popular matinee prices Adults, 50c; children. 25c. Scats are now selling. Phone Main S5S. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. Advance sale of seats will open this morning at 10 o'clock for MARY MANNERING In the delightful comedy, HARRIET'S HONEYMOON At the Marquam Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nights, April 25, 20. 27. Special-price matinee Wednesday. Evening prices Lower floor, except last 8 rows. $2.00: last 3 rows, $L50. Balcony, first S rows, $1.50; 6econd 3 rots a, $L0; last 0 rows, 75c Gallery, 75c and 50c Boxes and loges, $12.50. Special matinee prices Lower floor, $1.50, $1.00. Balcony, $1.00, 75c 50c Entire gal lery. 50c. Not more than six scats will be sold to one person for any single performance. - - - Cordray's Theater CORDRAY & RUSSELL, MGRS. TONIGHT "The Glympia Comic Opera Company" in the "Chimes of Normandy" SATURDAY MATINEE AND SAT. NIGHT. Prices as usual. CORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL. MANAGER! Monday and Tuesday evenings, April 25-26, "Mary of Magdala." Wednesday evening, April 27. "Hedda Gabler" MRS. FISKE Prices $2.00, $L50, $1.00, 75c and 50c Seats on sale today at 10 A. M. 1 THE BAKER "J-xSS? THEATER nd Managua Phone Main 1907. Tonight, all week, matinee Saturday, the new Nelll-Morosco Company, In Nat Goodwin's suc cess, THE COWBOY and THE LADY Evening prices, 50c, 35c, 25c, 15c Matinee. 25c 16c. 10c Next week, "The Sword of the King." j r EMPIRE THEATER Twelfth and Morrison streets. Six Nights, Beginning Tuesday, April 10, ANNA EVA FAY In SOMNOLENCY. Marvelous! mysterious! the talk of the country! Popular prices, 25c and 35c MaUnees for ladies only Thursday and Satur day. All seats, 25c. FREE On Tuesday evening, one lady will be admitted free on every paid ticket. ' ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:80 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles Gentlsmen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. BASEBALL PORTLAND VS. SEATTLE AT ATHT.ETIO PARK. Cor. Vaughn and 23d st. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 3:30 P. M. Saturday 3 P. M., Sunday 2:30 P. M. Monday, April 20. 3:30 P. M. Ladles' day, Thursday. NEW TODAY. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date We furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estate SECURITY ABSTRACT TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. Park-Street Quarter Block Excellent lots, highly cultivated and unparal leled, with house, at reduced prices. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. " FOR SALE CHEAP NICE HOME OF 3 acres, handy to the city, on West Side; good, house choice variety of fruit trees, bearing; fine for chickens; special oppor tunity. Apply R. C Prince, 443 Sherlock block. CHOICE QUARTER-BLOCK, M'MLLLENS AddlUon. cor. of Cherry and Benton sts., for sale for $3000 by W. B. Chase 667 Wor cester block; office hours, 8 to 12 A. M. 80.000 FEET OF BEST-LOCATED WARE bcuee ground site. West Bidet sidetrack. Particular!. L. E. Thompson & Gx. 223 Sd st. DIAMONDS 5-K. CHOICE BLUE WHITE; heirloom; need money; will sell at half value; mounted to suit. 612 Commercial Bldg. INVESTMENT WEST SIDE FLATS, IN come $1000 yearly: price $5500. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d st. NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY THE Title Guarantees Trust Co. Onn Lot 50x100 feet, N. E. cor. E. 8th ,uu and Tillamook sts. 1000 $1050 $1250 $1500 Cottage of S rooms and lot 41x100 cor. Commercial street and Cook avc, rents for $12 a month. Lot 50x100 feet on Broadway, bet. 1st and 2d, Holladay Add.; terms half cash, balance on time Cottage 5 rooms and bath, with 2 nice lots, COxlOO on Portsmouth avc, near car line; terms $500 cash, balance on time. 2 fine lots, C6 2-3x100 S. W. cor. E. 32 d and Belmont. COftrtfl E. S4th at., bet. E. Madison and E. swuuu Main st., lot and cottage 5 rooms and bath, hard finished, piped for gas. rents $2'. a month; terms part cash, balance on time. $1950 $3500 University Park, two lots and house of 8 rooms, near car line Furniture for sale Eugene street, between Rodney and Union aves., 50x150 feet and a modern residence or u room3. bath, gas, etc, ttreets fully im proved. Ql7ftft Sellwood, clcse "to car. cottage of vi,w 7 rooms and two lots 100x100 feet, city water; terms $500 cash, bal ance to suit. , CllfVI E. ISth street, bet. E. Morrison JPHUV and E. Alder streets, lot 50x100 feet. E. Salmon, bet. E. 35th and B. $2500 $2600 36th streets. 50x100 feet and new house 0 rooms, bath, etc E. 37th and E. Yamhill sts, lot and house of 0 rooms, bath and basement; terms $600 cash, bal ance to suit. Broadway and E. First St., hous of 7 rooms: bath, furnace, etc. $2400 and fractional lot Z99K( 100x100 feet, E. ISth and E. Mor 5'iOU rlson itreeti e07K() E. 19th and Weldler sts., 100x101 P i tv jcet jyjij n0U8e 0j 7 rooms, barn and nice yard. OKA Sunnyslde, ccr. E. 34th and E. jtUV Morrison sts. 100x100 feet and house of 11 rooms, with bath, ' large attic and brick basement, eocnn Williams avc. near Halsey street, pttujr Jot and new. nouse - rooms, bath. modern In all respects; terms half cash, balance In 3 or 4 years at C per cent. BARGAINS in houses and lots In all parts of the city. Call and let us know Just what you want. TITLES INSURED ABSTRACTS FURNISHED Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce Ground Floor Fourth-Street Side DEA Lrl C. L HATHAWAY, Mgr. 129 7th,Rooms 1 to 6 No. 1. One-half block. Holladay's 'Addition. Seven minute car service. Price $2500. No. 2. Building within three Mocks of Steel Bridge, on East Side, suitable for stable or laundry. Rent $25 per month. No. 3. Two and one-half lots In South Portland, overlooking the river. Price $2000. No. 4. A fine 11-room house on Gantenbcln ave., near car-line. Price .$2100. No. 6. One lot on 18th. between -Lovejoy and Mar shall HtS. Price $1600. This is a snap. No. 6. 100x100, Morrison st., corner house, 12 rooms, baths, gas, 'phone and elegantly furnished; a very desirable house Price $30,000. No. 7. One of the best lots on Nob Hill. Price $3000. No. 8. Two houses and lot. Couch Addition, 8 rooms and baths; rents $60. Price $8500. No. 9. Two lots Arleta Park. Price $175. No. 10. Two lots Union avenue Price $500. No. 11. House and lot; a new, modern house, 8 rooms, bath; on East Taylor st. Close In. Prico $5000. No. 12. Seven lota In Montavllla, with 5 rooms and barn. Prico $1800. No. 13. A fine roadhouse; 17 rooms and bar; large barn and storehouse, fuU block of property. A money maker. Price $7250. No. 14. Twelve lots, 5-room bouse, barn. 90 bearing fruit trees and berries; flno well, five miles from town. Price $1600. A enap. ACREAGE. 40 acres fruit land, 4 miles from The Dalles. Price $250. 480 acres Umber land In Pacific County, Washington. 80 acres fine timber land In Linn County. Price $S00. 75 acres line fruit land, 12 miles from Port land. Price $4000. 10 acres 10 miles from city. Timber will pay for clearing. Price $000. A FEW SETS OF MODERN ELOQUENCE . i WILL BE SOLD AT HEAVY DISCOUNT The Famous Library Edition Apply Room 200 OREGONIAN BUILDING SUNNYSIDE Eay of Access Only 12 minutes from the center of the city. Improved streets, city water, two carlines,-stores, schools, fire protection. Inside lots $350 each, corner lots $40fr each. Easy terms. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce New Houses Cheap Choice of 3 modern houses, 2 Just completed, each 6 rooms, bath, full brick basement, laun dry trays, all complete with full lot. East Side, close In. for $2300. payable In Install ments, with 6 percent Interest. R. B. LAMSON 72S Chamber of Commerce. VIOLET OATS A coupon In all packages df Violet Cereals for a WHTTB HOUSE COOK BOOK. FREE MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. R. LTVTNGSTONB, 224 Stark et. NEW TODAY. IRVIINGTOIN Cheapest Because Choicest Secure a home before prices ad vance. Will build you a home on the best lots In IRVINGTON, con venient to both car lines, and fur nish the money. O. M. SMITH 714 Chamber of Commerce. r- Investors, Attention! $9850 Corner with substantial Im provements, two blocks south of Morrison st.: rent income over $1000 per annum. F. BRESKE. 444 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NEW AND MODERN 7-ROOM COTTAGE in Upper Albina; bath, toilet, full size basement, fine corner lot; only $2300. New and modern 5-room cottage on E. Burnslde, near car-barns; only $1450. Lan caster Realty Co., 321 Morrison st., or 151i 6th st. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? QUARTER block, Tillamook and E. 12th; sewer, gas, water, cement walks; three blocks to two car-lines: bargain to party who will Im prove. F. R. Cook, owner. 240 Stark st. NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE, BASEMENT, porcelain bath, nice porch, corner, 65x120, Union avc. Highland. $1950; also 5-room cottage, basement, full lot, $1200, terms. Owner 117 Ablngton bldg. $450 THE CHOICEST &-ACRE FRONTING Portland Blvd., adjoins Piedmont; high. cleared, grand view; magnificent home site G. IL Van Houtcn. 303 Chamber of Com. C-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. HOUSE, barn, fences, fruit trees, grapes, etc; 40 minutes ride on car to Portland; cheap, $2600. X C5. care Oregonian. OWNER HAS FOrt SALE A NEW 7-ROOM house, near Portland Academy; any one pe ering such a property would do well to com municate with L 49. Oregonian. FOR SALE FINEST CORNER ON BASE Line Road. Mt. Tabor; 132x158. 4 lots, opposite Pfunders gardens. F. A. Van kirk, 150 Front st. i $400 LOT ON WEIDLER ST. $500 Lot on Halsey; $25 cash, balance small payments, filler. 303 Chamber Com. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 6c. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. $1000; $100 CASH. $15 per month; will build anything you want same terms. 612 Commercial bldg. $S0O NO CASH. IF IMPROVED, BUYS 3 large lots, 40 bearing fruit trees on west slope of Mount Tabor. F 63, Oregonian. $2500 VERY CHOICE CORNER LOT IN Holladay's, Addition., with 5-room house, close In. Miller, 303 Chamber Com. H $1000 FINE CORNER LOT S. E. CORNER Hood and Grover; 100 feet on Hood and 50 on Grover; owner, 211 GIbbs st. 12-ROOM. UP-TO-DATE HOUSE. COR. E. 24th and Wasco sts.; small payment down; balance monthly. Phone East 675. QUIT LOOKING FOR A HOME. LET US show you one. Hoopengarner & Ennes, 625 Chamber of Commerce THREE 6-ROOSI HOUSES, CLOSE IN. renting $70 month, $7500; terms; owner. Apply Osborn Hotel. 7TH ST., FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT, 7 blocks from Portland Hotel, a bargain. C CO, Oregonian. RARE BARGAIN $2000 BUYS 253 ACRES near Brownsville. B. S. Cook, 251 Alder st., Portland. HOMES ON INSTALLMENT PLAN; PLANS and estimate free J. O. Wrenn, room 100, Ablngton bldg. NEW C-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR steel bridge: $3000; terms. 012 Commercial building. 1 BUILD YOURSELF A HOME. PAY ME back by installments. Apply 405 Marquam. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL LOT, SMALL PAY ment. balance monthly. Phone East 675. MODERN 8-R"OOM HOUSE. EAST SIDE; IN etallments. Phone East 675. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. EAST SIDE; IN stallments. Phone East 675. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRD? IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also recertified sol dlers' additional Porterfleld-ValenUne land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Ma glnnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for Immediate use; this scrip will take agricultural, grazing or tim ber land. H. B. Compson, 618 Marquam bldg. 644 ACRES OF TIMBER IN COWLITZ County, Wash., for sale at a bargain If taken soon. D. W. Faulkner, Anita, la. TIMBER INVESTMENTS I HAVE FOR sale several large and small tracts of tim ber. A. E. Mathews, 418 Oregonian bldg. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT, CLOSE to railroad and river; house; fine chance. Room 3S, Washington bldg. SCRIP WRITE MB FOR LOWEST prices. L. W. Whiting, 40S Ablngton bldg. GOOD CHANCE FOR A RELINQUISHMENT of ICO acres. K 65, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 0 AND 7-ROOM houses on both sides of tho river. Seo us for a quick sale Hoopengarner & Ennes, 625 Chamber of Commerce. BRINO US TOUR WEST SIDE PROPEJITT: we have buyers. L. W. Waiting & Co., 403 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. THREE VERY CHEAP FARMS 147 acres, all good land, fenced and cross fenced; 110 acres cultivated, house, 3 barns; watered by springs; orchard, schoolhouse on farm; good county road; -h. miles from town on railroad, Yamhill County, Or.; a good farm; easy terms; possession given. 125 acres land, 0 acres bcavcrdam, 70 acres cultivated, now in crop; good S-room house with bath, barn, orchard, team, wagon, harness, buggy, farming Imple ments, nearly new; cows, calves, chickens, -turkeys, ete; " mile to R. R. station; fl mlles-to Vancouver, Wash.; If desired could divide farm and sell part; undoubtedly the best farm buy now offered; might take some trade; price for all. $4730. 100 acres good land, GO acres cultivated, all fenced; good house, large framo barn, with silo and cellar; fine orchard, good water; 9 head cattle, 3 horses, wagon, hack, buggy, cart, 2 mowers, rake, hay fork and ropes, 2 plows, 2 cultivators, cream separator, hay and oats; 1 mile from Columbia River on good road; on ac count of sickness will sell at sacrifice HENKLE & BAKER. 217 Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST IMPROVED dairy and bop farms in Marlon County, con sisting of 180 acres, 2 good hop houses, 2 fine barns. $3000.00 dwelling built last year, 15 graded cows. 1 Shorthorn bull. 4 fine horses. 4 sets harness, several walking plows and 1 double-disk eulky plow. 2 har rows. 1 mowing machine, hay tedder and spring-tooth sulky rake, all new; 2 wagons, 1 hack. 1 buggy. 2 cultivators. 1 pulverizer and about 40 head of Poland-China hogs. all go with the place 54 acres 14 miles N. E. of Oregon City Courthouse. 12 acres cleared, 7 acres In hops, good hophouse etoreroom, dwelling house barn, woodshed, about 2 acres nice young orchard, consisting of pears, peaches, prunes, cherries, apples. Siberian crabs, al monds and walnuts, all bearing. Several acres garden land on creek bottom uncleared. Four cottages in South Portland, being Nos. 175. 177. 179 and 181. on Hamilton avenue Lou 42V".xl00. Four large lots In Simpson's Addition. Salem, for sale or trade for Port land property. Terms on all above property. For further particulars call on or ad dress W. E. Her. Aurora. Or. R. D. R. No. 3. 17.000 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND, free from the stato to settlers, who will pay from $5 to $15 per acre to the Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Company for perpatual water right; for Information call or address B. S. Cook. 251 Alder St., Port land. Or. FARM LANDS WB ARE HEADQUAR ters for Eastern Oregon wheat lands and have a large list of Willamette Valley farms. Seo us before you buy. MC Arthur & Mahoney, 410 Macleay bldg. FOR SALE SO ACRES TIMBER LAND near Cottage Grove, Or.; large log bouse living water, good grass land when wood Is off; $600 cash. H. K. Joyce, Saginaw, Or., or 740 E. 21st st., Portland. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaeier, 311 Worcester block. FOR SALK FARMS. $S0O WILL BUY 160 ACRES 4 MILES from railroad; ,7 acres In bay, SO slashed and easily cleared, small orchard, some Improvements. Umber on the place worth the price; flno fruit land; similar land ad joining worth $30 to $50 an acre. Palmer Bros., room 418 Oregonian bldg. , FOR SALE AT A RARE BARGAIN, IF taken soon, 160 acres of the best land in Yamhill County: fair buildings, with water piped to house and barn; good fences; don't miss this chance, but call on J. E. Mel llngcr, Dayton. Or. FOR SALE SO ACRES GOOD PLOW LAND In 15-11 Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company's canal through center of both forties; warranty deed. Address The Jour nal, Prlnevllle, Or FOR SALE: GOOD DATRx AND STOCK farm. 370 acres, one mile from Astoria; small house and orchard; green grass all year. W. O. Howell. 533 Chamber of Com merce. S00 ACRES VALLEY LAND IN SOUTHERN Oregon; 050 open. 500 tillable. 200 river bottom; well fenced and watered; good buildings. Address X 53, Oregonian. IF YOU WANT A GOOD FARM WITHIN 10 to 20 miles of Portland, call on C C Crlm. Tualatin. Washington County, Or. 1 have some bargains if taken at once. Exceptionally fine, level farm. 55 acres, culti vated: 8 miles east on car-line; modern Im provements; 700 Winter apples. 227 Front st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc FOR SALE 1 DRAFT HORSE 5 YEARS old. 1500 pounds; old mare, 1200 pounds; Iron gray team, about 2S0O. E. Dlmbet. Hillsdale. Or. Phone Suburban 761. FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OF driving horses, fine for pleasure, with two seated trap; owner must sell. Call 226 3d st. Phone Main 1519. BLACK HORSE. 8 YEARS OLD. WEIGHT 1450 pounds; $125; single or double. C. E. Hanson, 133 E. 29th st. Phono Union 4266. STEAM WOOD-SAW; ALSO CHILD3 hearse; SbeUand pony and buggy. 211 Wash. NEW. LIGHT. HAND-MADE GOOSE-NECK furniture wagon. 49 4th st., near Davis. 2 GOOD DELIVERY HORSES WILL SELL cheap. Inquire Andrew Kan & Co. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Sing er, V. S., DomesUe. Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads In oak and box top?. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. S. S Slgel, Agent, 335 Morrison et. AN ELEGANT LOT OF NEW HOME, Singer and Domestic machines, drop-head, $15 up, and box tops. $5 up; all guaran teed. J. S. Crane, 350 Morrison st. j DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elcterite; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or ehincles; best for new roofs. Elaterite Rooflng Co., 10 Worcester bldg. aiANDARD TTPEWR1TERS FROM $23; all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. TeL 1407. DIAMONDS -K. CHOICE BLUE WHITE; heirloom; need money; will sell at half value; mounted to suit. 612 Commercial bldg. PETALUMA INCUBATOR, 220-EGG CA pacity; good running order; $15. Address B 64. Oregonian. FOR SALE CHOICE BROWN LEGHORN and Barred Rock eggs, $1 a setting. Phone Union 2405. ROLLTOP DESK, SAFE, TYPEWRITER and chair. N 04, Oregonian. SAFE, ALMOST NEW, VERY CHEAP. AD drcss T 66, care Oregonian. TWO SAFES; ONE DIEBOLD, 1 HALL'S. L 63, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED POWDER MAN FOR BLAST lnjr. tunneling and handling men. Starch er and polisher, $2.50 day, steady, email eteam laundry In good town. Second cook, camp, $35; young man to help In dining-room hospital, $15 and found; 2 farmhands, $30; 6 farmhands, $26. Buckcrs and crosscut sawyers, $2.75; swampers, $2.25; raftmen, $2.50; peaVeymen, $2J5; laborers, city, $2; others. C. R. HANSEN, JR. 28 N. 2D ST. NOTICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AQBNCY, the leading employment agency of the North west. 240 Burnslde st. Phone Main 3074. ARE YOU COMPETENT? WB HAVE Posi tions for managers, salesmen, office men and technical men paying $1000 to $5000 a year; high grade exclusively; ask for booklet, Hap goods. suite K. 502 Pioneer bldr.. Seattle WANTED AN EXPERIENCED REAL Es tate man to handle inside lots on an en tirely new plan; $13Q0 house given away with every block; see me about It. H. A. Maddock, 233 Washington st. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; class for ladles; write for particu lars, and if in doubt make personal Investi gation. American Barber College 253 Ev erett st., Portland. Men to learn barber trade: only requires eight weeks; special offer; constant prac tice, expert Instruction: catalogue free Moler System College. San Francisco. CaL t AN ACTIVE. ENERGETIC MAN OF IN tegrlty to educate In the profession of life Insurance; free Instruction and good pay while learning. Call 710 Dekum bldg. 1 PERSON TO INTERVIEW LOCAL TRADE for commercial house; salary $21 and ex penses weekly; previous experience unnec essary. Colonial, Caxton, Chicago. AMATEURS! AMATEURS! AMATEURS! Singers, performers, musicians, wanted Im mediately; $25 weekly. Newman's The atrical Agency, 313 Vi Washington. Men to learn barber trade; only requires 8 weeks; special offer; constant practice, ex pert Instruction; catalogue free. Moler Sys tem College, San Francisco, Cal. WANTED A GOOD. STEADY, INDUS trlous boy to drive express wagon; also a good office boy; must give reference. In quire at 45 1st st. u MUST HAVE PARTNER AT ONCE; WELL established business; who would be satis fled with $1200 lncomo yearly; $150 re quired. 281 Alder. WANTED MAN OR WOMAN, OLD OR young, to sit as model; apply Lute Pease Harry Murphy School, room 26, Russel bldg., 0:30 A. M. WANTED A BRIGHT. ACTIVE YOUNG man as clerk for inside work in general store; must have good city references. F 07, Ore gonian. $25 TO $65 PER WEEK WORKING UNION Mutual Aid Association sick and accident benefits; $1 per month. 401 Marquam bldg., Portland. WANTED YOUTH FOR OFFICE; MUST operate typewriter; state age. reference and salary expected. Address M 60, care Ore gonian. WANTED A GOOD LIVE ADVERTISING solicitor to rent Cordray's Theater pro gramme privilege. Apply Cordray's The ater. WANTED COATS AN5 PANTSMAKER; must bo first class; none other need apply. C. O. Williams. Baker City, Or. WANTED SEVERAL MACHINISTS WITH railroad experience for work in large lum ber camp. B 68, Oregonian. WANTED GOOD, STEADY. INDUSTRIOUS married man, no children, to tako care of horses. Inquire 45 1st st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRA pher at Rembrandt Studio, 404 Ablngton bldg., 3d and Washington. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD COAL MIN crs for work on property recently opened up. A 07, Oregonian. WANTED FTRST-CLASS SHIRTWAIST maker; steady work. Call at 543 Flanders St., bet. 16th and 17th. ) . WANTED EXPERIENCED BOILERMAK- er for charge of boiler shop In small plant. Y 60, Oregonian. WANTED-YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; free tuition. Portland Barber School, 82 N. 2d. WANTED PERSONS DESIRING TO qualify for civil service positions. Y 5S, Oregonian WANTED TEAMS FOR HAULING LUM ber; steady work, lnman, Poulsen & Co. i WANTED A GOOD GROCERY SALESMAN for specialty work. Kelley-Clarke Co. 700 MEN DAILY TO HAVE HAIR CUT, 15c, at 200 Burnslde at HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMEN TO SEW AT .HOME. PLAIN SEW ing only; steady work, good -pay; no ma terials to buy and sent everywhere free. Send reply envelope for particulars and wages we pay. Du Pont Company, Dcpt. W. K. H., Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED POSITIONS FOR TRAINED nurses, bookkeepers, clerks, stenographers we have registered; we want a stenograph er, cooks, chambermaids, waitress and housework girls; registration free. Mrs. Jones, 103 4th st. Red 2000. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalda. cooks, waitresses, nursegirls, sec ondglrla. housekeepers, housework, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 226& Morrison. Phone Mala 1323. WANTED GIRL TO HELP WITH GEN eral housework; German preferred; must have good recommendations. Mrs, Fred Broetje, West ave. and Base Line, Mt. Tabor. WANTED YOUNG GIRL WHO CAN COOK and do light housework: West Side; with small family; go home nights; at once. Address K 60, caro Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; must be a good plain cook; good wages: German girl preferred; call forenoons. 595 Gllsan st. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework and cooking; small family. Call 818 Marshall st, bet. 24th and 25th sts. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKINO AND general housework; small family; wages $20. Apply G7 N. 14th St., bet. Davis and Everett. . WANTED IMMEDIATELY. COMPETENT woman under 40. housekoeper widower's family, city. 230 a YamhllL Phone Black 28S1. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT resses, chambermaids, general workers. St. ' Louis Agency, 230 H YamhllL Phone Black 2SS1. FOR LADIES ONLY. Portland Women's Employment Company. 210 Allsky, cor. 3d and Morrison. Red 30S7. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY trimmers and makers; also apprentices. Apply to Lowengart & Co., 92 Front st. GOOD PAYING POSITION FOR TRUST- trustworthy woman of mmaie age ana willing to work. F 51, Oregonian. . 1 I WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A STARCHER and two lroners at Vancouver steam Laundry. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR SECOND work; must understand eewlng. Call morn ings, 474 Market, cor. 14th. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY makers. Apply at once. Wonder Milliner Co., 1st and Morrison. WANTED A GIRL WHO UNDERSTANDS second work; references required. Apply at 835 Lovejoy street. -I WANTED A GIRL TO SEW, WITH SOME experience, or one to learn. 327 N. 23d st. Phone Main 3575. WANTED GHtL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work. only two in family. Call 204. Margin, foot Halsey st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family. 663 Tillamook st., cor. ISth. Phone East 200. - i WANTED A COMPETENT GmL FOR GEN. eral housework and cooking; small family. 814 Johnson st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply before noon at 701 Irving st. 1 WANTED FIRST-CLASS IRONERS. AP- ply at once Oregon Laundry Co., 368 E. Alder. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply forenoon, 303 12th St., corner Columbia. 25 GraLS AND WOMEN TO TRAIN HOPS. Inqulro 667 Irving, near 21st- Call at once. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. Apply 731 Savler st. WANTED TEACHERS. $40. FISK TEACH ers' Agency, 7th and Stark; afternoons. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED DINING- room girl at 265 6th St., cor. Madison. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED AT Watson's Restaurant, 109 4th st. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR MASSAGE parlor. 209 4 th St., room 4. WANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOKJ TWO In family. 812 Johnson st. WANTED A GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. 575 Hoyt st. HELP WANTED MALE OR rEMALE. SEVERAL EXPERIENCED- SALESPEOPLE on goods that are consumed dally in every household. Address, giving age, reference and full particulars, E 60, care Oregonian. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT COM pany, the leading employment company In Portland; men and women supplied free. 211 Morrison st. Phono Main 4046. NEGRO COOK. WOODCHOPPERS, COOKS, rallsplltters, dishwashers, hotel waitresses (fare), $5 week; domestics. Drake, 2U5 Washington. MAN AND WIFE WITHOUT CHILDREN on gentleman's place near Portland. D. E. Budd. 110 1st st. WANTED GIRL OR BOY FOR MANNER work In tailor shop. 267 Everett. SITUATIONS WANTED AfAT.-R, Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION BY YOUNG ATTORNEY: FIVE years experience; understand bookkeeping and operate typewriter; stranger In Ore gon, but can give good references. Ad dress box 155, Athena,' Or. GERMAN-AMERICAN. GOOD EDUCATION, desires position clerking or collecting; rec ommendation furnished. X 66, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE COUPLE WANT POSITION; man can do work as gardener and wife to do cooking In family. Japanese Mission, 393 Flanders. Phone Clay 745. WANTED ROUGH CARPENTER WORK of any kind by tho day or Job, city or country. Q 63, Oregonian. JAPANESE HOUSECLEANING COMPANY furnishes men at short notice. 69 N. 5th. Phone Clay 502. GOOD. HONEST JAPANESE WANTS cooking and housework. Phone Hood 303. 41 1st st. WANTED TO WORK ON OR RENT FARM on shares by man and wife. 340 2d st. WANTING WASHING OR HOUSECLEAN lng, phone Clay 208. room 12. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER or bookkeeper or both by young woman graduate of business college, neat writer. Phone Union 1504 or address S 65, Ore gonian. LADY STENOGRAPHER. 4 YEARS Ex perience, desires permanent position. J 60, Oregonian. t Domestics. WANTED PLACE TO DO GENERAL housework and plain cooking by Finnish girl. 60S Pettygrove st. WANTED PLACE TO ASSIST WITH housework. S 66. Oregonian. 2t arses. PRACTICAL NURSE WISHES POSITION caring for Invalid. Phone Main 3365. Houseiceepers. AS HOUSEKEEPER IN A SMALL FAM ily, or a respectable party; good cook; best of references. Phono Main 1010. Miscellaneous. WANT WORK FOR CHAMBERMAIDS, waitresses, men, women. Chinese cooks, dish washers, domestics. Drake's, 205 Wash ington. WANTED POSITION TO TAKE CHARGE and run lodging-house; have had experi ence. Address B 07. Oregonian. WANTED FTRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or night; good eight reader. Address G 16, Oregonian. A SWEDISH GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN eral housework. Apply at 732 Vaughn at bet. 22d and 23d. J WANTED AGENTS. WANTED CIRCULAK DISTRIBUTERS. Cash paid. Send stamp. American Dis tributer, Denver, Colo, WANTED AGENTS. COMPETENT AGENTS TO SELL THE new combination life, accident and health policies, Issued, exclusively by the Con servaUve Life Insurance Company. Holds the world's record; 3"3 years old. Insur ance in force $25,000,000. Assets $1,500,000. Now writing $1,500,000 of Insurance per month In California. Liberal renewal agency contract, direct with home office. Representatives making big money and building life income. Call or address the company. Goodnougn bldg.. Portland. AGENTS-LADY OR GENTLEMAN; HOME or out of town: good commission. 169 litn. Phone Main 1606. 5 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms on first floor, with gas range for housekeeping; also bath convenient on same floor; reasonable price, and neighborhood strictly respectable, for couple and daugh ter; private family preferred. Address V 66, care Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE, COM pletely furnished house for two or threo months, at least 4 bedrooms. West Side; responsible parties. Address box 304, Port land Hotel. WANTED BY A COUPLE. NICELY FUR- nished moaern room, hot ana coia -naier. West Side below 13th St.. where no ques tions aro asked; state price. A 66, Ore gonian. WANTED SMALL FLAT, FURNISHED or unfurnished, or several rooms for fam ily of two: strictly respectable locaUty. Write 216 Oregonian bldg. WA'TF.D-MODERX WEST-SIDE 5 OR 6- L room cottage or flat or S or 0-room house la good locality; no children. W 62, oregonian. WANTED SMALL HOUSE OR PART OF house for family of two; good locality. Write 216 Oregonian bldg. WANTED 2 PR 3 ACRES. HOUSE. ETC to rent; must be reasonable. Address T 58, care Oregonian. MAY 17 ROOMS OR MORE. WEST OF 7th. bet. Washington and Jefferson. E 59, Oregonian. TWO OR THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; elate price and location. Address C 67, caro Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WANTS ROOM AND BOARD for 520. E C7, care Oresonlan. WANTED MIS CELLANEOUS. 4 OLD CLOTHING AND OLD SHOES, HIGH est price paid for men's coat-oft clothing; shoes, hats, quilt, blankets, trunks, valises, grips, bicycler, guns and pistols at TSVs N. 3d st Phone Green 423. Orders promptly attended to. Orders taken S A. M. to 0 P. M. t- WANTED TWO YOUNG BUSINESS MEN to board and room with strictly private family. West Side. 3 minutes' walk Third and Morrison; all comforts of a home; good cooking; $22.50 apiece a month. Ad dress at once, L CO, care Oregonian. 4 WANTED TWO YOUNG BUSINESS MEN to board with refined private family In a modern, up-to-date home; home-cooking; all comforts J a home; 3.75 per week. Address P 60, care Oregonian. 1 WANTED HORSE OF ABOUT 1100 POUNDS; must be sound and reasonable; suitable for express wagon. Call or address 379 B. Mor rison. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. The "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED A CHEAP DRIVING HORSE, weight "about 1100 pounds; state prica wanted. W 66. Oregonian. 1 WANTED $2250 FOR TWO YEARS AT T per cent; Al security; no agents. T 05, Oregonian. WE CALX. FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone Scott 0813. FOR RENT. Rooms. HOTEL SCOTT YOU CAN RENT ROOMS IN this elegant new hotel for .less than you pay In the common rooming-houses; new, clean furnishings, steam heat, electric lights, al ways hot water, porcelain baths, annunciator service, fine restaurant, central location. Postofllco block. 7th and Ankeny; rooms rlther single or en suite; finest coach In Pert land free to and from 'all trains. Phone Main 1661. THE AUDITORIUM JUST OPENED. 206H 3d st., one block from Baker Theater, be tween Taylor and Salmon: elegant newly -fur. nlshed rooms, hot and cold running water: stiam heat, electric light, porcelain batty; rooms with private baths; elevator; moderate rates. C. Heinz, proprietor, formerly pro prietor of the Palmer. House and Vendome. THE ALEXANDER. NEW BUILDING. UN der new management, elegantly newly fur nished front rooms, single or en suite, select location; all conveniences. N. W. cor. 10th and Alder sts. Phone Main 1756. H THE LINCOLN JUST OPENED. CORNER 11th and Morrison sts.. Is the be3t-furnl3hed apartment-house In the city; hot ar.J cold running water, steam heat, electric Ilglt and baths. Phone Main 251. PORTLAND BOULEVARD HOMESITE, adjoining Piedmont, very choicest corner on the street, thoroughly cleared, grand view, above grade. G. H. Van Houten, S02 Chamber of Commerce. THE NBWLAND. 306ft 1ST UNDER NEW management: elegantly furnished rooms bj day, week or month, at your own price, elec tric light, gas and bath. Phono Clay 271. THE KINGSTON, ADJOINING BAKER THE. ater. 190ft 3d Nicely furnished rooms, all newly remodeled: new management. Phona Hood 657. Modern conveniences. HOTEL VAN NOY, COR. 3D AND PINE New and elegantly furnished apartments; all latest appliances. N. L. Slocum, Prop., formerly of the Kingston. THE YAMHILL NEWLY FURNISHED, baths, hot water, electric Ughtsr rooms single or en suite; terms reasonable. 381 Yamhill, cor. West Park. VERY CENTRAL, BEAUTIFULLY FUR nlshed front alcove room, with all conveni ences; reasonable. 390 Salmon st. J- ONE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, BEAU- tlful residence portion: bath and phone Call mornings, 69 N. 18th st. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE or two, $10 month. 29 N. 11th at., two blocks from Washington st. 252 7TH ST., 3 BLOCKS PORTLAND HO- tel, nicely furnished room; bath, gas, phone; gentlemen preferred. t CLOSE IN NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS; private family; also basement kitchen. 321 7th. Phone Main 3360. SMALL FURNISHED ROOM FOR YOUNG gentleman; bath; all conveniences; $5. 403 ' Main. Phone Front 255. FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVE ROOM; bath, phone; reasonable. 206 Park su Red 3906. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL conveniences at reasonablo prices. 392 Co lumbia st. BOOMS TO RENT 414 YAMHILL ST.. pleasant rooms; steam beat, telephone sas. bath. etc. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE FOR gentleman and wife; all conveniences. 3iS Alder st. Furnished rooms. $1 week up. Gllman Hotel, 1st & Alder; Tremont Hotel, 7th & Everett. FINE ROOMS. DAY OR WEEK. SECOND floor Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. i COZY ALCOVE ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO ladles, central. $10. Phone Main 10S4. 435 ALDER-UNFURNISHED rooms; light and dry. BASEMENT NICE ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO OBNTLE men. 164 Park st. 1 33 N. 0TH ST. GAS, BATH AND PHONE. Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tel. 163-167 10th st, cori Morrison; very pleasant room, steam heat, porcelain bath, plenty of hot water, handsome dining room; can now accommodate table board ers: table and service flrst-class. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 10TH year: rooms with board; use of sewing room; use of library; Woman's Exchange Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintend ent, 510 Flanders. THE WONOLANCET NEW MANAGE ment; suites and single rooms with board; good table service, hot and cold water in every room; terms reasonable. 150 11th si. 718 WAYNE ST., BET. KINO AND ST. Clair; one block south of Washington; one very desirable room, with board; best lo cation In city; magnificent view. i . 315 MORRISON Desirable room for two: good table. Mrs. Mulford. phone Green 705. HANDSOME PARBOR WITH BOARD FOR X two persons. 333 Clay, near 7th,