10 THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, 'APRIU 20, 190. DOES NOT SEEM TO CARE hoi npn r.UARRFn with SELL ING Liquor illegally. Third Information Is Filed Against Saloonman by Angry Real dents of Lents. An Information against Joseph Holder charging him with selling liquor without a license at Lents on April 2, was filed in the State Circuit Court yesterday by District Attorney John Manning. The witnesses whose names appear on the In formation are Caleb G. Radabaugh and J. W. WUlts. Judge George yesterday Issued a bench warrant which was placed In the hands of a Deputy Sheriff for. service. This makes the third charge for this of fense now pending against Holder. The last grand Jury returned two indictments against him for violating the state liquor license law, and Holder was confined la the County Jail for a week because of his Inability to give bail. His wife and daugh ter succeeded in procuring bondsmen for him. As soon as he was liberated, it is stated, he went back to Lents, and re opened his place. He has made no at tempt whatever to obtain a license, and the residents at Lents are determined to drive him out. The lowest penalty for this offense Is a fine of $200 or Imprisonment of 100 days in the County Jail In default of payment. Holder was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Proebstel and taken to the County Jail last night. ASKS THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Case of Eaton, Bogus-Money Man, ' Puzzles Federal Officials. United States District Attorney Hall has wired to the Attorney-General of the United States for advice as to what to do In the case of "bi. S. Eaton, the Federal prisoner who can't be punished for his crime because of a conflict between the rules of the Oregon penitentiary and the Federal laws. Eaton, who pleaded guilty to having used the United States mails for fraudulent purposes, cannot be sent to the Federal prison at McNeil's Island because that prleon is overcrowd ed. He can't be sent to the Oregon pen itentiary because the Oregon Legislature has passed a law requiring all prisoners sent there to do hard labor and the stat utes under which Eaton Is convicted pro vide that the prisoner shall not be subject to labor. The only apparent way out of the difficulty is for the prisoner to be sent to the Federal prison at San Fran cisco. It will be left with the United States Attorney-General to say what shall be done with the prisoner. Judge Bellinger designated today as the time for the argument of the demurrer to the indictment against Hosea and T. A. "Wood, accused of pension frauds. Albert Carrington, who was indicted for falsely representing himself as an officer of the land department, and Is alleged to have defrauded land claimants out of val uable property, appeared in court yester day and entered a plea of not guilty to the charge. His case was set for hearing on April 2S next Attack Validity of Tax Deeds. Suit to set aside tax deeds to Jots 1 to 7 inclusive, block 243, Couch Addition, was filed yesterday In the State Circuit Court by Hobert Irving against O. M. Smith and P. H. Marlay. The property is valued at $10,000, and was sold for the 1S95 taxes to Marlay, and for the years 1S96, 1898 and other years to Smith. The attorney for Irving, U. S. G. Marquam, disputes the validity of the tax deeds held by the de fendants upon various grounds. The legal ity of the assessments are attacked be cause the lots -were assessed together in stead of separately. The sales of the property by the Sheriff are said to have been conducted contrary to law for the reason that they occurred in the hallway of the Court-house Instead of at the front door. The complaint also sets forth that it was not necessary to sell all of these lots to satisfy the taxes due, and that the sale of one-tenth of the property should have realized sufficient to satisfy all of the tax claims. The court Is asked to declare all of the proceedings void, and to restore the property to the plain tiff. Tax suits of this nature against brokers are becoming quite numerous of late. f No Heirs for This Money. The State of Oregon by District Attor ney John Manning has filed suit in the State Circuit Court against Edward Hol man, administrator of the estate of Fritz Spurgarth, deceased, to have $137, balance in the hands of the administrator placed in the eschew fund. Spurgarth died in 1SS7. The final report filed by the admin istrator recently, shows that the receipts were $602 and the disbursements $4G5. There are no heirs so far as known, and the ad ministrator will turn over the money in his possession to the proper authorities as soon as the court makes the necessary order. Court Notes. Decisions will be announced by Judge Sears this morning in 'the following cases: Gardner Bros. vs. Charles F. "Wlleget ct aL; on merits. Mabel E. Stevens vs. Earl Stevens, suit for divorce; merits. Ursula Topper vs. Patrick Murray, suit in equity; merits. Henry Viohl vs. North Pacific Lumber Co., motion to set aside nonsuit. Nora M. Grant commenced suit against Eben B. Grant in the State Circuit Court yesterday for a divorce on the ground of cruel treatment. SHLLLOCK A DEPUTY SHEEUT. His Chief Returns From Fishing Trip and Confirms Appointment. "All smooth as grease," said Sheriff Storey yesterday in answer to a question concerning the running of the tax depart ment. The Sheriff returned from his fishing trip to Dairy Creek yesterday morning, and must have had good luck, because he was smiling and cheerful when he reached his office, greeting all callers pleasantly. He expressed surprise that any trouble should arise over the dis charge by him of David Steele, and said he merely made a change, that was all. "How docs It happen Max Shlllock has not gone to work yet?" was asked. "I don't know," responded Mr. Storey. "I told him to report Monday morning." Mr. Shlllock telephoned to the Sheriff yesterday afternoon that he will put In an appearance this forenoon. TEN 0BEG0N DELEGATES. They Will Go With Washington Delegation to Conference. The Methodist Episcopal Church in Portland will be represented by ten dele gates to the missionary convention of the Methodist Episcopal Cnurch, which Is to open In San Francisco April 2S next in the Alhambra Theater. A special car has been secured to accommodate these dele gates from Oregon and Washington, of whom about 75 will attend. The conven tion is to be one of the most Important of Its kind ever held west of the Rockies. Those who will go from Portland are; Rev. Xu E. Rockwell, presiding elder of the Portland district, and wife; T. S. Mc- zaniel, Rev. A. N. Fishert editor of thoj FEEL aCBTSCKAX, Pre. :ETCITBtt8WUIHWr!ITIT. MIILUB, 0IEMX European Plan THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. American Plan also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. COST OJOB milliow dollars. Portland's New Hotel It's a gem. Everything new and elegant Steam heat, electric lights. Por celain baths and lavatories on ' every A oor. Hates, 75c. $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, European. Finest restaurant in Portland. Also billiards and bar. The big olive-colored, rubber-tired coach meets all trains. It's free. HOTEL SCOTT, Seventh and Ankeny Sts., P. O. Block Pacific' Coast Advocate, and Mrs. Fisher and five women representing- the various Methodist Churches of the city. The Ministerial delegates from Oregon are Rev. I. E. Rockwell, of Portland, and Rev. T. B. Ford, of Eugene. The lay delegates are T. S. McDanlel, of Port land, and R. A. Booth, of Eugene. At the close of the missionary conven tion the general conference will convene at Ix)s Angeles. Searching for Heir to $100,000. CHICAGO, April 13. The local police are searching for George "William Miller, the missing son of the late Charles Mil ler, ol Brooklyn, an heir to $100,000. Four years ago Miller was traced to San Francisco, where he was found to have Uved for a time in the Salvation Army barracks in Clay street. From San Francisco Miller was traced to Paso Robles, Cal., then back to Chicago, where all traces of him. were lost. The Chicago City directory contains the names of 18 George William. Millers. BUSINESS ITEMS. If Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Be euro and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Wlnslows Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the sums, allays all pain, euros wind collo and diarrhoea. There's no substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla Its merit Is peculiar to Itself. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL 8EPOBT. PORTLAND, April 19. Maximum tempera ture, C2 deg.; minimum, 48. River reading, 11 A. M., 17.8 feet; change In 24 hours, rise 0.3 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.05 inch; total since September 1, 1003, 44.67 inches; normal, 40.04; excess, 4.03. Total sunshine April 18, 1904, 5 hours 59 minutes; possible, 13 hours 42 minutes. Barometer (re duced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 29.72. PACEFIC COAST WEATHER. K 2 Wind. g 23 p 2. 2. o gS- H "S. r 5 STATIONS. Bg g e o CJ o 2 cs a . g i . . 0B . . Baker City -.IGOMUS NW Cloudy Boise I6S 0.02 SE Cloudy Eureka 4S0.CS E Cloudy Kamloops. B. C... 6410.00 0 Pt, cloudy North Head 15110.00 10 SW Cloudy Pocatello ...... ....104 T 6 SB Cloudy Portland - ..I620.01 14 SV Raining Red Blurt 52 0.18 0 SE Cloudy Roseburg .50 0.38 8 SW Cloudy Sacramento ...54 0.04 16 E Cloudy Salt Lake City. . . . GS 0.00 24 S Pt. cloudy San Francisco .. . 52 0.02 14 W Clear Spokane :..58 0.01 SW Cloudy Seattle ...52 0.18 NW Cloudy Tatoosh Island ..54 0.00 NE Cloudy Walla Walla ,08 0.28 B Cloudy Light. T, trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 24 hours good rains have fallen in all parts of California, and light showers are reported generally la the North Pacific States. It Is much cooler In extreme Northern Cali fornia, Oregon, Southeastern Washington, Ida ho and Northern Nevada. The indications are for clearing and cool weather In this district Wednesday. The river at Portland has been on a stand all day at a stage of 17.8 feet. It will fall about two feet during the next four or Ave days. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight April 20: AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER Friday and Saturday nights, Apr 2 and 23,.2 Friday and Saturday nights. April 22 and 23, 1904. Popular-price matinee Saturday at 2:15 o'clock, AL G. FIELD'S Greater Minstrels Evening prices Entire lower floor, $1.00. Balcony, first six rows, 75c; last six rows. 500. Gallery. 35c and 25c Boxes and loges, $7.50. Popular matinee prices Adults, 50c; children, Scats are now celling. Phone Main 865. EMPHtE THEATER,- " Twelfth and Morrison streets. Six Nights, Beginning Tuesday, April 19. ANNA EVA FAY In SOMNOLBNCT. Marvelous! mysterious! the talk of the country! Popular prices, 25c and 35c Matinees for ladles only Thursday and Satur day. All seats, 25c FREE On Tuesday evening, one lady will be admitted free on every paid ticket. THE BAKER ".hS? THEATER nd Manage Phone Main 1907. Tonight, all week, matinee Saturday, the new Nclll-Morosco Company, In Nat Goodwin's suc cess, THE COWBOYand THE LADY Evening prices, 60c, 35c, 25c 15c Matinee. 25c 15c, 10c Next week. "The Sword of the King." CORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAT & RUSSELL. MANAGERS. Portland's Popular Family Theater. Monday and Tuesday, April 25 and 26, "'Mary of Magdala." Wednesday evening. MRS. FISKE "Hedaa Gabler." Seats on sale tomorrow. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:20 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:S0. For Ladles Gentlaxnen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any scat. BASEBALL PORTLAND VS. SEATTLE AT ATHLETIC PARK. Cor. Vaughn and 23d st. Wednesday, Thursday. Friday, 3:30 P. M. Saturday 3 P. M., Sunday 2:30 P- M. Monday, April 20, 3:30 P. M. Ladles day, Thursday, XN0WLX3, Jagr. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00per Day' HE1D03A3TERS FOR TOURISTS AKD COKHERCUL 1RAYILEBS Special r a t e a made to families and single gentle men. The man agcment will be pleased at all times to show rooms nnd Rive prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablish m e n t In the hotel. 1L C. BOWERS. Manager. EDUCATIONAL. uwceUJ OF OUR GRADUATES proves that a course with us pays. What we have done for young people in the past we can do now better than ever before, because of improved facilities. Our school is always spoken of as first- class in all respects. Superior methods, thorough work, has given it this high standing. Open all the year; students admitted at any time; catalogue free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL.B., PRINCIPAL Portland and vicinity Probably fair; south west to northwest winds. Oregon Probably fair; slightly warmer south west portion; westerly winds. Western Washington Fair, preceded by show ers; southwest to northwest wlnda. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Fair. Southern Idaho Fair, preceded by showers east portion; cooler. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By the Ford Auction Company at 182 First streot at 10 A. M. H. Ford, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. '3, R. A M Regular convocation this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30. Work in the Royal Arch degree. By order of the E. H. P. HENRY ROE. Secretary. A O. U. W. MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED to attend Supreme Lecturer Tate meetings at Selllng-Hlrsch building, Monday evening, 18th; at 'Hill Hall, Alblna. Tuesday evening, 19th; at Logus Hall, East Side. Wednesday evening, 20th. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 40, A. F. & A M. Stated communication this (Wednesday) evening. 8 o'clock, Burkhard building. M. M degree. All Master Masons eordlallv Invited. By order W. M J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. ORIENT LODGE NO. 17. L O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening in Orient Hall, East Side. Third degree. Visitors, welcome W. A. WHEELER, Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2, L O. O. F. Regular meotlng this. (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Second degree. Visitors welcome. M OSVOLD, Secretary. BORN. FORESTEL April 19, 1904, to the wife of J. E. Forestel a boy. PIED. O'NEIL At Angel Island, California, April 16, Captain Patrick O'Nell. husband of Mary O'Nell and father of John E. O'Nell and the late Kathcrlnc O'Nell and brother-in-law of Miss Godcna Eric Notice of fu neral later. THOMAS April 17, 1904, near Oswego, Or., by accidental drowning, William H. Thomas, aged 41 years, 7 months and 2 days. Remains are at Finley's chapel. Funeral notice hereafter. FLOWERS In this city, April 19, 1904, Wil liam A. Flowers, aged 81 years and 5 days. The remains are at Finley's chapel. Fu neral notice hereafter. PHILLIPS In this city. April 19, 1904. Grace L. Phillips, aged 23 years. 7 months and 5 days. Funeral notice hereafter. NIEDT In Lob Angeles, CaL, April 19, 1904, Millie B., beloved daughter of E. C Nledt, of this city. MILNER In Portland. April 19. 1004, Mar tha M. MUner, aged 13 years. I PDNERAL NOTICES. TAYLOR April 10 ,1001. at late residence, Alblna avenue, Joseph Taylor, aged SO years and 10 days. Funeral today at 2 P. II. from Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets. Relatives and friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Bralnard's Cemetery. Funeral In charge of the Union Payment System (Funeral Bene fit Association). JOSEPH In this city. April 18. 1004. at her late residence. 6 East Eighth street. North, Delilah J. Joseph, aged 65 years, 2 months and 3 days. Friends and ac quaintances are respectfully Invited to at tend tho funeral services which will be held at tho Second Baptist Church, corner of Seventh and East Ankeny streets, at 2 P. II. today, after which tho remains will be taken to the crematorium. GTJTHRrE At Delorcs. Golo.April 13. 1004. Lewis F. Guthrie, aged 46. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will bo held at Finley's chapel at 10 A. M. Thurs day, April 2L Interment Rlvervlew Ceme tery. KLINE Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend tho funeral services of Thurston Kline, which will be held at Finley's chapel at 2 P. M. today. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. EDWARD' nOLMAN CO., Undertakers nnd embalmer. have moved to their new build tnr. Third and Salmoo. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 607. J. 1. FES'LEY 80N. Funeral Director, car. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor ner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 Bant Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 02. CLARKE BROS., FINE LOWERS, riu rai designs. 589 Morrisoa. DUNNING Jfc CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phone Main 430. NEW TODAY. INVESTMENT WEST SIDE FLATS. IN come $1000 yearly: price $0500. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d st. i i BONDS, WARRANTS, STOCKS And znortcstres bought and sold. J. W. -Cm- i thus ft Co, Chamber of Commerce O. W ZvTp f V " .x lr & CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Itoema." Rpsns and Board,' "Hosss ketplnr Rooms," "Situation Wanted." 15 words or less. 15 cents: 18 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 26 words. 28 cents, eta. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HBAD9 except "New Today." SO cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no rurtbar discount un der ona month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed cars The Oregonlan, and left at this ctflea, should alwsys be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp is required on such letUrs. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors tn advertisements taken throurh the telephone. NEW TODAY. POVERTY SHOP Do you live in Shanty Town? Do yon desire to live in Shanty Town? Shanty Town is where there Is no restriction against shack or shanty. "When a neat little residence Is built in an addition In which there Is no regulation against shanties It Is In constant danger of heavy depreciation In value, from having a pov erty shop pitched near by. Every dwelling-house built at University Park must have the outside appearance of having cost at least $100). If you can afford to live In a neat residence, costing $1000 or more you cannot afford to build It where there Is no restriction against shanties. TJnprersIty Park is the high-toned resi dence district of all the high plateau be tween the rivers. Prices of lots, $C0 and upward. One-tenth cash, ' balance $5 monthly on east lot. FRANCIS I. McKENNA Room COS Commercial Block. Sale on Friday Next, April 22, at 10 A. M., at Residence No. 88IThur man St. (Take Washington and 23d-Street Cars to House.) We are instructed by owner to eell tho fur nishings of this house, comprising a nice par lor suit, 5 pieces; center tables and stands; handsome pictures; pretty rockers; fine art Japanese matting; four rugs; fine oak side board, six dining chairs of good quality; ex tension table; dinner set; handsome Iron beds; costly felt springs, mattresses; oak dressers and commodes; child's crib; best opaque shades throughout the house; first-class range; house hold treasure; wringer; boiler; granlteware and tin goods for domestic use. Everything was purchased new last February, and will be sold to highest bidder for cash, on FRIDAY MORN ING NEXT. AT 10 O'CLOCK. GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. A FEW SETS OF MODERN ELOQUENCE WILL BE SOLD AT HEAVY DISCOUNT The Famous Library Edition Apply Room 200 OREGONIAN BUILDING IRVINGTON Cheapest Because Choicest Secure a home before prices ad vance. Will build you a home on the best lots in IRVINGTON, con venient to both car lines, and fur nish the money. O. M. SMITH 714 Chamber of Commerce. New Houses Cheap Choice of 3 modern houses, 2 Just completed, each 6 rooms, bath, full brick basement, laun dry trays, all complete with full lot. East Side, close In, for $2300. payable In Install ments, with C per cent Interest. R. B. LAMSON 728 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, Formerly of Madtaiter X UlrreU. 102-3 McKay Building. Third, and Stark. Phone Main 232. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date. W furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estate. 6ECUR1TY ABSTRACT Jt TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Second-hand Hoc Shaving Machine '.hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. V. Cochran, with Ore gonian Publishing Co. EAT VIOLET OATS A coupon In all packages of Violet Cereals for a WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK. FREE HOUSES FOR SALE On Gllsan st, good, modern house and lot, $0500: on Hoyt st., .with 9 rooms, lot GOxlOO feet, $4750; In King's Addition, large corner lot, modern house, excellent location, $5000. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. -H MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONE. 224 Stark et. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. Build ing loans. Installment loans. WM. MAC MASTER. 311 Worcester block. I HAVE ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL farms at .Gresham. on car line and gravel road; station on farm; very rich land; 20 acres of It Is fine beaverdam, capable of be ing put under a system of sublrrlgatlon, abundance gravity water; this Is no cheap property, but a splendid thing for the right man. able to handle something good. See or addrees T. Wlthycombe, room 1, Hamilton blocks, Portland. Or. AN UP-TO-DATE 7-ROOM MODERN COT tage. ready furnished, with up-to-date new furniture and new steel range; lot 100x100 and everything pertaining to first-class housekeeping on car line; price $2000. W. W. Espey, room 1, Hamilton bldg. 80,000 FEET OF BEST-LOCATED WARE, house ground site. West Side; sidetrack. Particulars. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 223 Cd st. FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FINEST CORNER ON BASE Line Road. Mt. Tabor; 152x158, 4 lots, opposite Plunder's gardens. F. A. Van klrk, 150 Front st. i 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line, O. R. Addltoa. Lents, Or. Take Mt, Scott ar. 6o PWiBoVvetftCc FOB SALE SEAL ESTATE. NOTICE THESE' BARGAINS 6-room new, modern, up-to-date house on Taylor st,, near 30th; house Just completed; $500 down will handle this; balance month ly, same at rent. 5-room cottage. Highland; a big bar gain; monthly payments like rent. 4-room cottage, Highland; very fine lot, some fruit trees; this Is certainly a bar gain; monthly payments, same as rent. i VACANT LOTS. Quarter-block. Holladays Addition: fine corner, well located, and price Is right. Quarter-block. Alblna Homestead, on Union avc.; no finer corner In this addition; price as low as tho cheapest lots; Install ments If desired. Two lots. Union avc, near Hancock; these lots are very fine, and price Is very low. Two lots, quarter-block. In Rafferty's Ad dition, at bargain price. TAFT & CO. 125-0 Ablngton Bldg. Phone Main 15C n $1000 VERT NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE; neat barn; lot lOOxllS ft,; fruit; near Haw thorne car line. $3500 Fine new 6-room residence in swell est location on Eaot Taylor st,; $500 down, balance time. $1200 For 0-room house and i-acre ground near St, Johns on car line. $4250 Elegant new 7-room residence: full lot: near 10th and West Park sts.; a snap. CHARLESON & STAUB. 245& Morrison st. A SNAP 10 lots on Peninsula, near Portland Rail way Company's new line; high, level and sightly. Improved street, city water mains laid, adjoining University Park lots selling for $125 each; will be sold at $45 each, having been taken In under mortgage. R. L Eckerson & Co., 5 Washington bldg. NEW AND MODERN 7-ROOM COTTAGE In Upper Alblna; bath, toilet, full size basement;, fine corner lot; only $2300. New and modern 5-room cottage on E. Burnslde, near car-barns; only $1450. Lan caster Realty Co., 321 Morrison st,, or 151 0th st. t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ARE YOU going to build? Quarter block. Tillamook and E. 12th; sewer, gas, water, cement walks; three blocks to two car line; bar gain to party who will Improve. F. R. Cook, owner, 240 Stark st. $1750 SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS, new modern 7-room, 2-story house. Grand ave., $15 month; or could I show 12 per cent In rent on price, new. modern house near steel bridge, would you buy? Call room 8, 245 H Morrison at, 1 , FIVE MINUTES' WALK FROM THE HO-bart-Curtls. lot 40x92, fronting on two streets, and It you build on It you'll have the finest view In the city, all for $000. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 40S Ablngton bldg. i NEW SDC-ROOM HOUSE, BASEMENT, porcelain bath, nice porch, corner, 05x120, Union ave.. Highland, $1050; also 5-room cottage, basement, full lot, $1200, terms. Owner 117 Ablngton bldg. BARGAIN. MOST DESIRABLE QUARTER, or half block. East Burnslde. Close In. Sightly. Streets Improved, cheap. Terms to suit. Johnson & Van Zante, 505 Commercial building, Portland. $450 THE CHOICEST HALF-ACRE FRONT lng Portland Boulevard, adjoins Piedmont; high, cleared, grand view; magnificent home site. G. H. Van Houten, 303 Chamber of Commerce. . C-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. HOUSE, barn, fences, fruit trees, grapes, etc.; 40 minutes' rldo on car to Portland; cheap. $2000. X 05. caro Oregonlan. OWNER HAS FOrt SALE A NEW 7-ROOM house, near Portland Academy; any one de siring such a property would do well to com municate with L 40, Oregonlan. WELL IMPROVED STOCK FARM. 320 acres, buildings new, living water, unlim ited out range: a snap If taken at once. 1674 1st St., room 10. ' ; PARK STREET. RESIDENCE PROPERTY, a very good quarter block for sale at cur rnt "value. F. V. Aadrews & Co., 170 Hamil ton bldg. PARK-ST. RESIDENCE PROPERTY, A very good quarter-block for sale at cur rent value, F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamil ton bldg. DIAMONDS i-K. CHOICE BLUE WHITE: heirloom; need money; will sell at halt value; mounted to suit, 012 Commercial Bldg. $400 LOT ON WEIDLER ST. $500 Lot on Halsey; $23 cash, balance small payments. MUIer, 303 Chamber Com. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. $1000; $100 CASH. $15 per month; will' build anything you want same terms. C12 Commercial bldg. $S00 NO CASH. IF IMPROVED, BUYS 3 large lots, 40 bearing fruit trees on west slope of Mount Tabor. F 03, Oregonlan. BARGAINS 3-ROOM HOUSE, LOT 00X100, on East Ankeny car-line; price $000; terms. E. J. Gelser. 205 H Morrison. $2500 VERY CHOICE CORNER LOT IN Holladay'a Addition., with 5-room house, close in. Miller, 303 Chamber Com. , c $1000 FESE CORNER LOT S. E. CORNER Hood and Grover; 100 feet qn Hood and 50 on Grover; owner, 211 GIbbs St. THREE 6-ROOM HOUSES, CLOSE IN. renting $70 month, $7500; terms; owner. Apply Osborn Hotel. 7TH ST.. FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT, 7 blocks from Portland Hotel, a bargain. C 00, Oregonlan. RARE BARGAIN $2000 BUYS 235 ACRES near Brownsville. B. S. Cook, 231 Alder st,, Portland. HOMES ON INSTALLMENT PLAN; PLANS and estimate free. J. O. Wrenn, room 100, Ablngton bldg. 1 LOT 100 FEET SQUARE. OTHER LOTS from $130 up. Call 1213 Division st,, Howe Addition. BUILD YOURSELF A HOME. PAY ME back by installments. Apply 405 Marquam. BARGAKf FINE LOT ON 19TH ST.. CE rcent walk: $1600. 2C0 North 19th. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also recertified sol diers" additional Porterfleld-Valentlne land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Ma ginnis & Son. 227 Falling bldg. 044 ACRES OF TIMBER Hi COWLITZ County. Wash., for sale at a bargain If taken soon. D. W. Faulkner, Anita, la. TIMBER INVESTMENTS I HAVE FOR sale several large and small tracts of tim ber. A, E. Mathews, 418 Oregonlan bldg. SCRIP WRITE MB FOR LOWEST prices. L. W. Whiting, 40S Ablngton bldg. GOOD CHANCE FOR A RELINQUISHMENT of 100 acres. K 05, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE, 4 TO S RESIDENCE LOTS IN GOOD LO callty, Irvlngton, Holladay, Piedmont, Upper Alblna or Cloverdlaie Additions preferable; will glvo Interest In great and very valuable coal mine; will bear close investigation. Y 65, Oregonlan. Wanted ten acres of improved land on a car-line (with fruit, house and barn preferred); stato location and price to F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. WANTED OLD MAN OR OLD LADY TO sit as model; apply Lute Pease Harry Murphy School, room 26, Russel bldg., 0:30 A, M. BRING US YOUR WEST SIDE PROPERTY: we have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 403 Ablngton bldg. WOULD BUY THREE OR FOUR SMALL rental houses. C 63. Oregonlan. FOR SALE FARMS. COMPARE OUR PLACES WITH OTHERS. $35 per acre for C40 acres: 10 miles from Portland. In Clark County. Wash., with 100 acres In cultivation; fine 8-room house and nice new barn; orchard; lots of beaverdam land; close to Union ecboolhouse. $4000 for 72 acres of finest land, 13 miles from Portland, on good level road; nearly 50 acres clear; good buildings, nice orchard, stock and machinery included; a snap. $40 per acre for 110 acres at Jeflerson; 65 acres clear; nice orchard, house and barn; 10 bead cattle; all farming utensils; terms $1500 cash, balance to suit, CHARLESON & STAUB, 243 Morrison st, 34 ACRES ONE MDLE FROM CANBY, A R, R. station; one and a half miles from tho Willamette River; R. R, fare to Port land 55 cents; 32 acres cleared and In good cultivation; 2 acres In beautiful grove, on main traveled road; excellent roads year round; 10 acres in prunes; good prune dryer, good well; a dwelling. Price $3400. Call on John D. Stalnaker, agent, Canby. $800 WILL BUY 100 ACRES 4 MILES from railroad; 7 acres In hay, 30 slashed and easily cleared, small orchard, some Improvements, timber on the place worth the price; fine fruit land; similar land ad joining worth $30 to $50 an acre. Palmer Bros., room 418 .Oreeonlaa blfljr FOR KENT FARMS. 27.000 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND, free from the state to settlers, who will pay from $5 to $15 per acre to the Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Company tor perpotual water right; for Information call or address B. S. Cook, 231 Alder st,, Port land. Or. FOR SALE AT A RARE BARGAIN, IF taken soon, 160 acres of the best land In Yamhill County; fair buildings, jvlth water piped to house and barn; good fences; don't miss this chance, but call on J. E. Mel linger, Dayton. Or. FARM LANDS WE ARE HEADQUAR ters for Eastern Oregon wheat lands and have a large list of Willamette Valley farms. See us before you buy. Mc Arthur & Mahoney, 410 Macleay bldg. A FINE FARM AND A BIG BARGAIN. TOO 40 acres, all under cultivation, within 5 miles of Hllls boro. Or.; good 7-room house, cement cel lar; large barn and granary; smokehousa and poultry-house; fine orchard and grapes; 1 mile to good school; 2 churches, store and blacksmith shop; rural mall delivery twice dally. Price only $3200. Terms. $1700 down, balance long time at G per cent per annum. TAFT & CO. 125-C Ablngton Bldg. Phone Main 150. FOR SALE 80 ACRES TIMBER LAND near Cottage Grove,. Or.; large log house, living water, good grass land when wood is off; $600 cash. H. K. Joyce, Saginaw. Or., or 740 E. 21st st., Portland. FOR SALE GOOD DAIR"X AND STOCK farm. 370 acres, ona mile from Astoria; small house and orchard; green grass all year. W. G. Howell. 538 Chamber of Com merce. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE LN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster, 311 Worcester block. $10 TO $20 MONTHLY BUYS 10 TO 100 acre farms near Portland with Immediate possession: en railway and car lines. Ore gon Iron & Stoel Co.. 330 Sherlock bldg. 800 ACRES VALLEY LAND IN SOUTHERN Oregon: 650 open. 600 tillable, 200 river bottom; well fenced and watered; good buildings. Address X 53, Oregonlan. Exceptionally fine, level farm. S3 acres, culti vated; S miles east on car-line; modern Im provements; 700 Winter apples. 227 Front st. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc FOR SALE 1 DRAFT HORSE 5 YEARS old, 1500 pounds; old mare, 1200 pounds; Iron gray team, about 2S00. E. Dlmbet, Hillsdale, Or. Phone Suburban 761. FOR SALE CHEAP SWELL TEAM OF driving horses, fine for pleasure, with two seated trap; owner must sell. Call 220 3d st. Phono Main 1510. STEAM WOOD-SAW; ALSO CHILD'S hearse; Shetland pony and buggy. 211 Wash. 2 GOOD DELTVERY HORSES WILL SELL cheap. Inquire Andrew Kan & Co, Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Etaterlte; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. ABSTRACT BOOKS FOR SALE THE oldest set of abstract books In Clatsop County: full set of Astoria and entire county. Apply Frank Spittle, Astoria, Or. t- BTANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23; all makas ranted and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, ate Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Tat. 1407. DIAMONDS -K. CHOICE BLUE WHITE; heirloom; need money; will Bell at half value; mounted to suit, 012 Commercial bldg. PETALUMA INCUBATOR. 220-EGG CA paclty; good running order; $15. Address B 64, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHOICE BROWN LEGHORN and Barred Rock eggs, $1 a setting. Phone Union 2405. GOOD LADIES' BICYCLE FOR SALE AT $10. Inquire 150 E. 17th st. ROLLTOP DESK, SAFE, TYPEWRITER and chair. N 64, Oregonlan. TWO SAFES; ONE DIEBOLD. 1 HALL'S. L 63, Oregonlan. SAFE USED FIVE WEEKS. D 55, OREGO nian. HELP WANTED MALE. SECOND COOK $33, AND TWO FLUNKEYS $30, camp. 4 buckers, $2.75; 6 swampers and gen eral hands for the woods, $2.23: 2 raft men, $2.50; 2 peaveymen, $2.23; wood choppers and bolt cutters. Section foreman, $60. Laborers and quarrymen for Bugby, the big Government contract Job. Free fare. 2 bridge carpenters, $3; call early; 1 house carpenter, country. Station men for new railroad work. Plenty of Work. C. R. HANSEN, Jr. 26 N. 2D ST. NOTICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, the leading employment agency of the North west, 249 Burnslde st. Phono Main 3074. UNCLE SAM WANTS HELP; 14.000 Ap pointments last year; free examination pa per an.d catalogue giving positions and sal aries. Dept, V, Western Correspondence University, 025 Golden Gate ave., San Fran cisco. ARE YOU COMPETENT? WE HAVE Posi tions for managers, salesmen, office men and technical men paying $1000 to $5000 a year; Jilgh grade exclusively; ask for booklet. Hap- gooes, fruno c, ou Pioneer Diag.. scattie. 4 MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; class for ladles; write for particu lars, and If in doubt make personal Investi gation. American Barber College. 253 Ev erett st., Portland. Men to leant barber trade; only requires eight weeks; special offer; constant prac tice, expert Instruction; catalogue free. Moler System College, San Francisco. CaL 1 : WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN (single) as traveling solicitor, who can furnish references; others need not apply. Room 31, 400 Morrison, 11 to 2 P. M. WANTED 23 MILL AND YARDMEN, $1.75 . to $2; 10 axmen. $2 to $2.25; plenty other mill and woods work. Lumbermen's La bor Bureau, 205 Morrison st WANTED A GOOD. STEADY, INDUS -trious boy to drive express wagon; also a good office boy; must glvo reference. In quire at 45 1st st, ) MUST HAVE PARTNER AT ONCE; WELL establlshed business; who would be satis fied with $1200 Income yearly; $150 re quired. 281 Alder. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. BOOKKEEP lng, penmanship and English branches taught by experienced teacher; day .and night, M 85, Oregonlan. $25 TO $65 PER WEEK WORKING UNION Mutual Aid Association sick and accident benefits; $1 per month. 401 Marquam bldg.. Portland. WANTED A GOOD LIVE ADVERTISING solicitor to rent Cordrays Theater pro gramme privilege. Apply Cordrays The ater. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FUR nishes all kinds holp: labor contract a spe cialty. 60 N. 5th. Phone Clay 592. WANTED COATS AND PANTSMAKER; must be first class; none other need apply. C O. Williams. Baker City, Or- WANTED SEVERAL MACHINISTS WITH railroad experience for work In large lum ber camp. B 60, Oregonlan. WAJTTED GOOD, STEADY, INDUSTRIOUS married man. no children, to take care of .- TnttlfA Aft IfCt St- ilUSTSCB 1HU s -"- WANTED A FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPH eTat Rembrandt Studio, 404 Ablngton bldg., 3d and Washington. -WANTED FHtST CLASS COATMAKER. Greenland & Grek, 320 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison sts WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; tree tulUon. Portland Barber School. S2 N. 2d. PANTRYMAN. THOMPSON'S RESTAU rant. 5th st, bet. Washington and Alder. CARRIAGE PAINTERS WANTED; MUST BE first class. 164 Union ave., A. P. Nelson. WANTED TEAMS FOR HAULING LUM ber; steady work. Inrnan, Poulsen Co. J COATMAKER WANTED. DEIERLING & Padden. 510 Main st, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED GIRL OR BOY FOR MANNER work In tailor shop. 267 Everett. 700 MEN DAILY TO HAVB UAIU CUT, i5s JW aw sur&sio A HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED POSITIONS FOR TRAINED nurses, bookkeepers, clerks, stenographers we have registered; we want a stenograph er, cooks, chambermaids, waitress and housework girls; registration free. Mrs. Jones. 105 4th st. Red 2000. WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME. PLAIN SEW lng only; steady work, good pay; no ma terials to buy and sent everywhere free. Send reply envelope for particulars and wages we pay. Du Pont Company, Dept, W. K. H., Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPH er to offer part services in exchange for privilege of taking in outside work and use of desk and new Smith machine. Apply F 52, Oregonlan. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KEfDS CHAM bermaids. cooks, waitresses, nurseglrls sec ondglrls, housekeepers, housework, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 220Ji Morrison. Phone Mala 1323. WANTED GIRL TO HELP WITH GEN eral housework; German preferred; must have good recommendations. Mrs. Fred Broetje, West ave. and Base Line, Mu Tabor. ' AMATEURS! AMATEURS! AMATEURS! Singers, performers, musicians, wanted Im mediately; $25 weekly. Newman's The atrical Agency, 313 Washington. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework and cooking; small family. Call SIS Marshall st, bet, 24th and 25th sts. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. WAIT resscs, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black; 2SS1. FOR LADIES ONLY. Portland Women's Employment Company. 210 Allsky, cor. 3d and Morrison. Red 3037. f WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY trimmers and makers; also apprentices. Apply to Lowengart & Co., 02 Front st, TIRED WORKING FOR $3 OR $4 PER day? See Mr. Waldo, 3S5 Yamhill, before 0 A, M. or after 5 P. M. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A STARCHER ahd two lroners at Vancouver Steam Laundry. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED 10 GIRLS FOR HOUSEWORK, cooks, nurse girls, etc Portland Employ ment Co., 211 Morrison st. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY make.-s. Apply at once. Wonder Millinery Co.. 1st and Morrison. WANTED A GIRL WHO UNDERSTANDS second work; references required. Apply at 835 Lovejoy street. WANT GOOD. EXPERIENCED GIRL TQ be waitress for restaurant. Boston Kitch en. 120 N. 6th. st. LADY TEACHERS ARE WANTED AT CHI ncse Christian Mission, 227 2d st. Apply from 10 to 4 P. M. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family. 603 Tillamook at., cor. ISth, Phone East 200. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work, only two In family. Call 234 Margin, foot Halsey st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK- ing; good wages. Apply from 0 to 12, 0 N. 10th st, REFINED HOUSEKEEPER. ONE WILLING to travel and take charge of child. Call 22d 3d street, COMPETENT GHIL WANTED FOR GEN-. eral housework; small family. 789 Petty-, grove. GOOD HOME FOR ELDERLY WOMAN who will take care of baby. G 66, Orego nlan. WANTED TEACHERS. $40. FISK TEACH ers' Agency. 7th and Stark; afternoons. i WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESH Mission. 233 2d st,, 7:30 to 0:30 P. M. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY CLOTHES lroners. Apply Star Laundry Co. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED AT Wateon's Restaurant, 100 4th st, - i WANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK; TWO In family. 812 Johnson st, GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; MUST be good cook. 313 13th st, , WANTED A GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. 575 Hoyt st, i i WANTED A GHtL; SMALL FAMILY. 12S N. 17th. HELP WANTED MALE OR TEMALE. i SEVERAL EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE on goods that are consumed dally In every household. Address, giving age, reference and full particulars, E 60, care Oregonlan. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT COM pany, the leading employment company In Portland; men and women supplied free. 211 Morrison st. Phone Main 4640. 4 WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. Apply 731 Savler st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerics. POSITION BY YOUNG ATTORNEY. FIVE years experience; understand bookkeeping and operato typewriter; stranger In Ore gon, but can give good references. Ad dress box 155, Athena, Or. . 4 AN A NO. 1 GROCERY CLERK DESIRES position as grocery salesman or manager for grocery department; 12 years' experi ence; good sign-writer; references. V 63, care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED IN GEN eral merchandise, wants work city or country: will furnish references. W 63, care Oregonlan. i Miscellaneous. MAN. 24. WITH 7 YEARS' EXPERIENCE as clerk, traveler fish trade. Norway, Eng land, knowledge smoking, preserving of fish .n England and Germany, wants situation; good workman; best references. B 65, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN, 20. WOULD LIKE TO BE come Identified with some real estate com pany In this section; salary no Item. H 57. Oregonlan. ELDERLY GARDENER WANTS SITUA tlon on private place, city or country; no horses or cows. O 65, Oregonlan. WANTED ROUGH CARPENTER WORK of any kind by the day or Job, city cr country. Q 65, Oregonlan. GOOD. HONEST JAPANESE WANTS cooking and housework. Phone Hood 303. 41 1st st, PHOTOGRAPHERS POSITION BY A good all round man. G 52, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FE-CALX. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTEEI POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER or bookkeeper or both by young woman graduate of business college, neat writer. Phone Union 1564 or address S 65, Ore gonlan. Irurses EXPERIENCED NURSE GIRL WANTS Po sition; call at 583 Overton. Phono Main 3740. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS WANTED CAPABLE WOM e'n, washing, Ironing, cleaning, young wom an housekeeper, boy 6. widower's family; chambermaid. 230 Yamhill. Phono Black 28S1. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED woman camp cook; furnish own help. 230 la YamhllL Phone Black 2881. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or night; good sight reader. Address G 16, Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY A TRAINED nurse. Phone Main 4232, or call 421 0th st- WANTED AGENTS. COMPETENT AGENTS TO SELL THG new combination life, accident and health policies. Issued exclusively by tho Con servative Life Insurance Company. Holds tho world's record; 3 years old. insur ance In forco $25,000,000. Assets $1,500,000. Now writing $1,300,000 of insurance per month in California. Liberal renewal agency contract, direct with home otTlce. Representatives making big money and building life Income. Call or address tho company, Goodnough bldg., Portland. WANTED CIRCULAK DISTRIBUTERS. Cash paid. Send stamp. American Dis tributer. Denver, Colo. AGENTS LADY OR GENTLEMAN. HOMO or out of town: good commission. 109 lltm . F2l9&t MAla 1SQ4J, '