Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 18, 1904, Image 1

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    v ' 4ftprtttttt$ At $
YOL. XLIIL NO. 13,527.
Russian Fleet Enticed
From Harbor.
Wireless Brought Japanese
Battleships on the Run.
Z Course of Makaroffs Fleet In Pre
vious Encounters Had Been
Marked and Destruction
Laid In Path of Vessels.
TOKIO. Anril 17. 5 P. M. Tha JaDanese
are elated over the successes they have
won at Port Arthur. They are also proud
of the achlevemerit of Vice-Admiral Tojto.
particularly of his newest strategy in
! . nnntfTTnlnTr" tVio onpmv'5 Tifir-hnt nnfl ia-
coylng him across this field of mines to
an equally dangerous Hank attack.
The success of the system of placing
deadly countermines is due principally to
a scries of careful observations made by
the Japanese during their previous at
tacks on Port Arthur. The Japanese saw
the Russian fleet leave the harbor and re
turn to it several times, and they dis
covered that the Russian warships fol
lowed an identical course every time they
came out or went in, evidently for the
purpose of avoiding their own mines.
The Japanese took bearings on this
course. "When the destroyer division of
the Japanese torpedo flotilla laid the
countermines during the night of April
12 and 13 they placed them along this
course. The laying of these countermines
was exceedingly perilous, because If any
Japanese boat with mines on board had
E. been struck by a lucky Russian shot she
would have been annihilated.
Mines Laid on a Dark Night.
The weather of the night of April 12-13
favored the work. There was a heavy
rain, thp night was darkjmd cloudy, and
the Russian searchlights playing over the
chaa t failed to reveal tbe presence of
the Japanese destroyers.
Rear-Admiral Dewa was in command of
the Japanese squadron which decoyed the
Russian ships over the field of mines. His
k squadron consisted of the cruisers Chitose
YosMno, Kasuga and Takasage. all un-
armcred vessels, which presented a tempt
ing bait for the heavier guardshlps.
Vice-Admiral Togo directed the flank at-
ftack. He had the battleships Hatsuse,
tMlkasa. Asasl. Shikashima. Yashmln a-n
i Full. He waited 30 mJlos out cm ,.nn
I Rear-Admiral Dewa signalled him bv
f wireless telegraphy to come in. His ves-
t sels then dashed at full speed toward the
entrance of the harbor. All the battle
ships under Vice-Admiral Togo are caDal
hie of a speed of IS knots, and thov
quickly covered the distance.
Russians Warned of Trap.
It is not clear -nhat warned the Rus
sians that they had been trapped, but
they probably discerned the battleship
squadron on the horizon, and retreated
precipitately to the harbor. Vice-Admiral
Togo did not succeed In preventing the
Aro Superior in Hvery Respect to the Old Style Curl
ing Pilm. IVe are Sole Agents.
142-146 Fourth St.
PjBVnrtf- Amnrton Wf?tl-..
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Wholesale Llqaor ana
J. G. MACK & CO.
Russians from entering, but did force
them to a disastrous retreat, which ended
In the destruction of the Petropavlovsk
and the disabling of the Pobleda,
After these occurrences the cruisers
Nishln and Kasuga were used to bom
bard Port Arthur. They possess the highest-angled
guns of the fleet, capable of
throwing shells, to the elevated Russian
land works, were beyond attaining by the
average naval weapon.
Vice-Admiral Togo calls this attack on
Port Arthur the eighth, whereas hero it
is numbered the seventh. A probable ex
planation is that Vice-Admiral Togo re
gards the last operation as two distinct
Expressions of regret at the death of the
Vice-Admiral Makaroff are general here.
Speaking for the naval staff. Commander
Ogasawara has published a long state
ment. In which he laments the death of
the Russian Vice-Admiral and pronounces
it to be a loss to the navies of the world.
Commander Ogasawara reviews the life,
professional career and the personal at
tributes of Vice-Admiral Makaroff, and
declares that he is entitled to be classed
with the best Admirals In the world.
The Koryumaru, which participated in
the latest attack on Port Arthur, is a
torpedo-boat ship under the command of
Commander Oda. Oda is a mine expert,
and the success of the Japanese counter
mining operations was due largely to the
ingenuity and bravery of Oda.
The Japanese report that the wreck of
the Petropavlovsk Is east of South Golden
Hill, one mile outside the entrance to the
Russian Naval Authority on Sinking
of the Petropavlovsk.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 17. Notwith
standing Vice-Admiral Togo's claim that
mines laid by his vessels were responsible
for the disaster to the Petropavlovsk, said
a high naval authority who is In a posi
tion to have access to all government re
ports, to the Associated Press:
"I am more than ever convinced that the
Petropavlovsk and the Pobleda did not
strike Japanese mines. Each ship was
struck under the hull amidships, while a
mine would have exploded on first con
tact near the bows. The fact that In both
cases the ships were struck amidships
warrant the acceptance of the theory re
garding submarine vessels, although per
sonally I do not hold that idea.
"The Pobleda probably escaped the fate
of the Petropavlovsk because she carried
coal in her bunkers between the bottom
and the boilers, which, moreover, are of
the Belleville type, whereas the boilers
of the Petropavlovsk "were of Scotch make
and were not protected by her bunkers."
One of the shrewdest naval attaches at
St. Petersburg, however, told the Asso
ciated Press that he believed the Japanese
laid the mines which were responsible for
the disaster, pointing out that this was
one of the oldest systems of blockading
when ships did not dare to run the risk
or entering unaer -an enemy b guns, me
attache said he thought that they would
do this when he noticed that the Japanese
fleet always made a wide detour of the
It is also significant that Chinese junks
have been reported as cruising off the
harbor, and it is considered possible that
the Japanese kept these junks there sys
tematically in order to throw the Russians
off their guard if they were seen when
the actual time arrived to lay the mines.
Captain Crown, who went down with the
Petropavlovsk, Joined that ship on the
previous day, having succeeded in getting
through from Shanghai, where he left his
vessel, the gunboat Mandjur. Captain
Crown was a descendant of a Scotchman
who fought with Russia In the war wjth
Sweden when he captured the first Ret
vlzan. Quiet After Bombardment.
PORT ARTHUR, April 17.-Sincc the
bombardment of Friday all has been
quiet here. ,
Viceroy Alexioff has hoisted his flag
on the battleship Sevastopol.
IN BOTTLKS Never la Balk.
Trial size 25 cnts
Medium sirs ........So cents
L&rce size $1.00
Ctgar Dealer:, 108-110 Foiirtb St
ODDoslte Chamber f rmm
Nolnternal Political Dis
sensions at Tacoma.
Probably Throw County
Strength to McBride,
McBride May Bo Nominated by
Pierce County Votes, but Railroad
Commission BUI Cannot Be
Passed at Next Session.
TACOMA. Wash., April 17. (Staff
correspondence.) None of the Internal,
eternal and Infernal strife which al
ways makes pork out of the Seattle
hog before It has an opportunity to do
much rootlnsr Is in evidence In Ta
coma. This, political peace shows that
In some respects there are advantages
in having- only one candidate for one
position. The Hon. Francis Cushman,
whose silver-tongued, spell-binding
eloquence and shiftiness on his political
feet have enabled him to sidestep Into
safety from many a threatening mixup,
has tho political destiny of Pierce
County In his vest pocket.
"No, I don't think Frank will be
home before the convention unless we
should need him," said one of his lieu
tenants this morning, "and," he added
with a smile, "I don't think we will
need him."
Cushman, who came into the con
vention with fear and trembling two
years ago, has the nearest thing to a
political "cinch" that could well be im
agined, and he is in supreme control
of the 58 votes which Pierce County
will have in the State Convention, and
he will use them in forming the best
possible combinations for Cushman.
The political mantle of the lato Senator
Ed Hamilton has not yet fallen on the
shoulders of a successor with talents
anywhere near approaching those of
the dead leader, and with this absence
of any opposition all Is plain sailing.
Smith's Withdrawal Helped Cushman
The death of Hamilton, however, was
by no means the principal event that
has smoothed the pathway for Cush
man. Dr. J. J. Smith, who was forced
out of the race for Governor, is almost
as powerful a factor In Pierce County
politics as he is in those of King Coun
ty. He resides within less than two
miles of the Pierce County line, in a
district that is always threatening to
cut loose from King and go over to
Pierce. His business interests and his
practice He largely In Pierce County,
and he Is well liked there.
Had he remained In the fight for
Governor, he would undoubtedly have
taken a portion of Cushman's strength
and traded It with some other aspir
ant for Congressional honors who was
more acceptable to the party wing
with which Smith was allied and which
Cushman deserted two years ago.
As has previously been stated, tho
PIles-McGraw combination forced
Smith out of the fight in order that
they could have the Governorship to
bo used In placating Brownell, who was
out for Humphrey's Congressional bil
lot. That was not the kind of a crown
that Brownell desired, and, iil:e Caesar,
he refused It, leaving the Piles people
with a Governorship on hand.
"With the elimination of Smith from
the fight all formidable opposition to
Governor IIcBrldo vanished. Tho rail
roads, having split their forces on
Smith, could not jump up another can
didate. Piles himself is reported to
.have declared his willingness to help
McBride if ho can stengthen his own
candidacy by so doing.
But McBride is no longer flirting
with the PIles-McGraw combination.
He has a softer game than that for th,o
split in the railroad forces opened for
him an avenue through which he is in
a fair way to march to success.
The McBrlde-Stevenson Meeting.
Nothing has yet come to light that
indicates that both the Governor and
George Stevenson did not tell the truth
when they said no deal had been made
between them. They met and met alone,
and tho Egyptian sphynx Is a high
geared talking machine compared with
either of them when they aro. inter
rogated regarding that meeting. ) In the
light of subsequent events, it is almost
a certainty that the conversation which
followed tho time-honored remark of
the Governor of North Carolina to the
Governor of South Carolina, ran about
like this:
Governor McBride I am going to do
up that Piles-Great Northern crowd.
Stevenson Bless you, my boy, I am
after them with a meat ax myself.
Governor McBride And I am also
going to pass a railroad commission
Stevenson And I will take pleasure
in knocking your commission bill in
the head whenever it shows up.
"When tho PIles-McGraw crowd forced
Stevenson out of their camp by defeat
ing his friend, Dr. Smith, they split
the railroad forces In two and gave
McBrldo a feeling of confldenco that for
the time being has made him rather in
dependent of "either faction, his friend
Cushman taking advantage of tho row
and slipping away from both of them
and now being in a position to hand
Pierce a railroad county over to tho
anti-railroad Governor, and at the same
time swing it back into line for Foster,
a railroad Senator.
Foster's Chances Not Bright.
Pierce County's delegation to tho
Btato Convention may have enbugh
votes to throw the nomination to Mc
Bride, but it does not follow that she
win have enough votes at Olympla
next "Winter to elect Foster. Tho his
tory of "Washington's Senatorial fights
will show that except in rare cases it
has been decidedly necessary for a can
didate to brand his followors on the
range Instead of In the Olympla cor
ral, for wherever this practico has been
departed from tho victim has usually
discovered on reaching Olympla that
his voters have been "Maverlcked" by
some other candidate.
Foster has some strength and will,
of course, have the votes of Pierce
County for a starter, and he has somo
Btrength from outside, but his home
county is not uproariously anxious to
have him returned to the Senate, and
unless he begins to round up the out
siders and get an organization together
he, will go down to Olympla with Insuf
ficient Btrength to warrant oven his
own county in remaining too long with
No Hope for Commission Bill.
It Is an accepted fact that the rail
roads are not fighting McBride as furi
ously as they were two years ago. It
is unnecessary that they should, and
it did not require a deal between Stev
enson and the Governor to bring about
this pause In conflict. A railroad com
mission bill cannot pass the next Leg
islature. Tho hold-over Senators who
voted against tho bill last Winter, re
inforced by the men who are certain
to be sent to Olympla from counties
where the railroad sontiment Is over
whelmingly strong, ,wlll make It im
possible to get the measure through
the "Legislature, which meets next Jan
uary. This makes the railroads safe
from an attack of ifcBrldelsm until
January, 1907, which Is now far in the
No man knows this better than Mc
Bride himself, and all of his ranting
against the men who refuse to stand
on a platform not to their liking will
not change matters. Idk.e the rail
road crowd, he is tamer himself than
ho was two years ago, and will be sat
isfied If the railroad Interests continue
to scrap each other while he slips back
into the Governor's chair. -
As for Stevenson, he seems to have
has hands too full fighting tho Plles-McGraw-Great
Northern crowd to pax
much attention to McBride Just now,
but if any one thinks he has forgotten
McBrldo's commission bill, they will
discover their error when the votes are
counted at Olympla next "Winter. As
matters aro now framed up lir Pierce
Representative .Cushmaocn, Jp what
ho pleases with it to help himself.
After securing all that Be requires
personally he will pass the remaining
strength on to McBride. If there Is
anything left after McBride gets
through, it will belong to Foster, this
being the relative order of the strength
of tho three men in this county, al
though It is to the interests of the can
didacies of all three of them to work
together, for the present at least
E. W. W.
1 i wapJfiBi n(VMlwmfW9miWMWMm
v - (s 'W wes 1'MyIwM
Parker or Hearst Will
Get the Nomination,
Canvass Made of Democratic
National Committeemen,
Nebraska Is Put Down as Uncertain,
While Pennsylvania Is Said to Be
for the Jurist-New York Will
Decide, Says Clark Howell.
Indiana . ....... Parker
Illinois Parker
New Tork . Parker
Texas Parker
Minnesota Parker
"Georgia Parker
Louisiana Parker
Massachusetts ... Hearst
California Hearst
North Dakota .. Hearst
South Dakota ..-. Hear3t
Kansas Hearst
Nebraska Parker or Hearst
North Carolina...... Gorman or Parker
Delaware Hearst or Gorman
Pennsylvania. . .Noncommittal (Parker)
"Wisconsin E. C. Wall (Parker)
CHICAGO. April 17. Spec!al.)-Parker'
against Hearst Members of the Demo
cratic National Committee who feel free
to express their opinion at this time on
the. situation regarding the nomination of
a candidate for President by tho St. Louis
Convention believe the contest will be
between these two residents of New York.
Many of the committeemen decline to ex
press any preference or opinion at pres
ent. Enough have responded to a query
sent out, however, to Indicate the gene-al
feeling among the leaders of the Demo
cratic party.
""Whom do you favor as the Democratic
nominee for the Presidency, Parker or
Hearst, Gray or Gorman?" was the ques
tion transmitted to the members of the
National committee In several states and
Of the replies received six are unquali
fiedly in favor of the nomination of Judge
Alton B. Parker, either from personal
choice or on grounds of political avall
ablllty. Four National committeemen are
uncompromising Hearst men. Two favor
the nomination of Arthur Pue Gorman,
although one of the two, Daniels, of
North Carolina, says his state will be for
Parker if the contest lies between the
latter and Hearst.
One, Ryan, of Wisconsin, favors the
nomination of E. C. Wall, of the Badger
State. Three replied to the telegram of
inquiry without stating any preference.
New York Will Decide Question.
The answers to the question show some
significant crystallzlng of sentiment that
has followed the Inauguration of the
Parker movement In New Tork State.
Clark Howell, of Georgia, who some time
ago was credited with a leaning toward
the Hearst candidacy, now declares that
If New York instructs for Parker the
question practically will he settled and
no name other than Parker will be pre
sented to the St Louis Convention.
It Is also worthy of -note that wherever
there Is a Hearst man on the National
committee he shows an unhesitating will
ingness to advance a line of argument In
favor of his candidato.
J. M. Guffey, df Pennsylvania, one of
the influential members of the commit
tee, Is noncommittal, but It Is generally
understood by his colleagues that he will
be for Parker If the situation remains
as It is at present Mr. Ryan, of Wis
consin, may also be counted among the
Parker men If there is no reasonable show
for the nomination of Mr. Wall.
Where Mr. Bryan Lives.
The attitude assumed by the Nebraska
member of the committee is sure to be
considered by many politicians as sig
nificant, in view of the fact that he rep
resents Bryan's state. Mr. Dahlman, the
committeeman from there, thinks the
nomination will go to some one who has
not yet been prominently mentioned.
Ex-Representative Believes OIney
Has a Chance on a Deadlock.
BOSTON, Mass., April 17. (Special.)
Ex-Representative Fitzgerald tonight
gives out a forecast with detailed figures
by states of the make-up of the Demo
cratic National Convention. He gives
Judge Parker 517 delegates and W. R.
Hearst 169. OIney is given his home
state, 32; Cockrell, Missouri, 36; James
R. Williams. Illinois, 54. and E. C. Wall,
Wisconsin, 2G. Oregon, Washington, Mis
sissippi, Iowa, Kentucky and Ohjo, aggre
gating 13S delegates, are classed as doubt
ful. The entire South is given to Parker,
with Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Mon
tana, half of Minnesota, Michigan, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania, "Vermont and West Vir
ginia. Hearst Is given Alaska, California,
Hawaii, half of Minnesota, Utah, Wyo
ming. Porto Rico and tho balance not
Included above.
He sees a big chance for OIney In the
Inevitable deadlock between Hearst and
Hill Says Parker Must Be Indorsed
by New York Convention.
ALBANY, N. Y., April 17. If the pol
icy adopted by the friends of Judge Alton
B. Parker, at whose head stands Ex-Senator
David B. Hill, Is carried out at the
(Concluded on Page Four.)
Roosevelt True to Civil
Service Reform.
Ex-Commissioner Fouike
Gives Out Some' Facts.
Competitive System Has Advanced
Under the Present Administration
Faster and With More Cer
tainty Than Ever Before.
WASHINGTON, April 17.-Chairman
Gillett, of the House committee on civil
service reform, recently wrote to W. D.
Fouike, ex-Civil Service Commissioner,
calling his attention to tho recent Con
gressional and other criticism of Presi
dent Roosevelt, on the ground that ha
had made a larger number of Irregular
appointments to the classified service than
any of his predecessors, and in view of
the fact that the period covered was
while Fouike was Commissioner, asking
hl3 opinion to the charges.. In Mr.
Foulke's letter, under date of April 15
he wrote: '
"The fact Is exactly the other way.
There have been fewer appointments
without competitive examination under
President Roosevelt than under any other
President, and there has been no ad
vantage since the passage of the qlvil
service act In which the competitive sys
tem has advanced with greater rapidity
and certainty.
Appointive Positions Lessened.
"It has been necessary for every Presi
dent to permit certain positions to
be filled without examination. The num
ber has been reduced from time to timo
and the range of the competitive system
extended. This process has gone on
faster under President Roosevelt than
under any other President.
"Of the 60 cases of suspensions of tho
rules during hfs administration, only 33
are of persons who were allowed to enter
the service without examination. In other
words, out of over 70,000 appointments to
the competitive sen-Ice sin -vr- t
velt became President, It was deemed un
necessary In these cases to require com
petitive examination.
"These cases form less than one
twentieth of one per cent of one of the
appointments. They comprise, for in
stance, a steward In the White House
a coachman in the Navy Department
two special agents In the Bureau of Cor
porations, the Superintendent of the Gov
ernment Hospital for the Insane and other
cases where, on account of special rea-
(Concluded on Pagre Four.)
Kr-Coramtesioner Fouike sajs civil service haa
been rapidly extended under present Admin
istration. Page 1.
Sinking of the Petropavlovsk.
Admiral Togo's strategy Induced Makaroff to
take his fleet to soa. Pago 1.
Trap laid to overcome Russian force by su
perior numbers. Page 1.
Mlnea had been sunk In the Port Arthur har
bor entrance the night previous. Page 3.
Graphic description of the blowing up of Mak
arofTa flagship. Page 2.
Poll of Democratic National Chairmen shows
practically but Parker and Hearst In tbo
field. Pace 1.
Ex-Representative Fitzgerald figures out a
chance for OIney to win the nomination.
Page 1.
Tammany and Hill will have fierce etruggJe
in New Tork Democratic Convention.
Page 1. ,
Republicans in Pierce County are working In
great harmony. Page 1.
Hero at the Indianapolis hospital Are eaves
lives of many patients. Page 4.
On their way from church, an Allonfnww
man and two girls are killed by a Reading
engine. Page 3.
IJabor leaders arrive at Denver to take part
In Federation of Labor Convention. Page 3.
Dr. Hamlin suggests constitutional amendment
to end pobgamy. Page 3.
The pension bill will be the unusual subject
of debate In the Senate. Page 3.
Statehood and ship subsidy will take up tho
time of the House. Page 3.
Pacific Coast.
Patrick Dorothy, rancher, fatally shot by
William Morton, a sheepherder, la Umatilla
County. Page 4.,
Serious floods ln the Colvllle River "Valley.
Page 4.
Pendleton man tries to atop a fight and gets
his skull cracked. Page 4.
Soldiers win ball game with seml-profeaslonal
team of Portland. Pare 5.
Portland Dog Show will be the biggest ever
held In the West. Pace 5.
Abrahams wins "LIpman trophy second time.
and also Inman medal. Page 5.
Pacific Coast League scores: Portland 1, San
Francisco 0; Tacoma 3, Los Angeles 2;
Seattle 4, 8, Oakland 5, 1. Page 5.
Portland and Vicinity.
Democratic State Convention will refuse to In.
dorse Hearst. Page 11.
Lover commits euiclde because his landlady re
jects his suit. Page 12.
Homer Davenport's stories of his life In Ore
gon. Page 10.
Rav. E. L. House tells of his visit to gambling-houses
and saloons. Page 10.
Serio-comic end of wedded bliss of a coupla
married only three months ago. Page 11.
Amendment proposed to city charter would
postpone city election until 100G and con
tinue Mayor Wllllama administration.
Page 12.-