Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 16, 1904, Image 1

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rWrTl!5r UflffiK'jfiLMlf
V"L. XLIILXO. 13,526.
Russians Encounter
Force West of Yalu.
Fleet Is Surprised While Trying
to Land 12,000 Men.
Admiral Togo Again Bombards Port
Arthur Without Damage to
1Fort, Although Several
Are Killed.
LONDON, April 16. The St Petersburg
correspondent of the Standard sends a
rumor to the effect that "VIce-Admlrai
Togo's fleet escorted a Japanese landing
of troops to the westward of the Yalu
Klver. Whon 12,000 men had been landed
the Russian troops, which were lying
concealed. suddenly attacked them,
driving them back to the ships, with
heavy losses in men and guns.
Russian Fortifications Completed.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 15. A dispatch
from Llao Yang says that the Russian
fortifications on the Yalu River have been
completed. The center of the line of
fortified positions is Autung. The right
flank rests on Ta Tung Kau and the left
flank on KIu Len Cheng, on the west
bank of the Yalu.
Japanese Fire Many Projectiles, but
Cause No Damage.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 15. A tele
gram from Admiral Alexleff from Port
Arthur to the Emperor says that Trom
9.15 o'clock this morning to midday the
Japanese fleet. In two divisions, bom
harded the fortresses and the town al
ternately from the Liao Tshan promon
tory, firing 1S5 projectiles.
The Russian squadron, including the
battleship Pbleda, replied from the an
chorage by a plunging fire. The bat
teries aKO participated.
The losses on "land were seven Chinese
killed and five soldiers and three Chinese
n ounded.
The Russian warships sustained no dam
age and there was no loss of life on
This attack is taken here to show Ad
miral Togo has not given up his purpose
of damaging the rest of the Russian
ships, now that there is little possibility
of their again going to sea. Unques
tionably he is aware of the effect of his
previous bombardment, and the fact that
he has repeated it indicates to the officers
hero that he believes there is a good
chance of a projectile hitting a target.
In ordor to drop a shell into the harbor
or city, a high-angle fire is necessary.
This is the reason the Japanese squadron
took up a position at Llao Tishan. Other
bombardments were from the same point,
which, at the time, did not seem to be
within the range of the Russian batteries.
It Is not known whether the new guns
which have been installed at Port
Arthur command this point, but It Is
certain that Togo's ships escaped with
out material damage. The abandonment
of Vice-Admiral Makaroff's policy of tak
ing the fleet to the outer roads to return
the Japanese Are Is shown in the report
of Viceroy Alexleff thai his ships fired
over the hills.
Grand Duke Cyril Improving.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 15. This even
ing Prince Galitzln repeated his assurance
to the Associated Press that the Grand
Duke Cyril was better, and that he was
with his brother Boris, at hjs headquar
ters at Uao Yang. His fever has at last
Persistent rumors, however, are circu
We Are Headquarters for All Kinds qf
Beware of Imitations.
K. n. Pease, President.
Are Superior in Every Respect to the Old Style Curl
ing Film. We are Sole Agents.
142-146 Fourth St.
e9soeoooto(coeectai scetsttitiitteeiteeetttaee
108 and 110 Fourth Street
Sole Distributers for Oregon end Washington.
lating that Grand Duke Cyril Is dead, but
the correspondent of the Associated Press
cannot secure any confirmation.
Japanese Seamen Disguised as Fish
ermen Take Fort.
Coast of Corea, April 15, by Deforest "Wire
less Telegraphy to Wei Hal "Wei, April
16. The following report, while illustrat
ing the ingenuity of the Japanese seamen,
also indicates the position Of the Japanese
advance in Corea: On April 3 a third
class Japanese cruiser, which was sent to
recolnnolter the mouth of the Yalu River,
found the enemy In possession of the land
and both approaches to the river. The
usual method of recoinnoitering by means
of steam launches was abandoned Sunday
last, and a native junk was secured, in
which Lieutenant Kyaguchl and five men,
disguised as Corean fishermen, pushed off
and sklrtincr under a promontory avoided
) the Russian pickets on the left bank of
the river.
They landed and so successfully sur
prised the Russian post in the village that
it retired without resistance, leaving hot
food in a kitchen wagon, such as is in
general use. a quarter of an hour later
two squadrons of Japanese cavalry ar
rived, having marched from Chongju.
The cavalry destroyed the Russian post.
The enterprising seamen thereupon de
termined to recolnnolter the right bank
of the Yalu toward Antung. In mid
stream they met a junk engaged in sim
ilar recolnnoissance for the Russians.
The Russian junk drew off and was
stranded on a sandbar. One man was
killed, and the rest took to the water,
which at first was shallow. The Jap
anese now standing up fired rapidly. The
Russians threw away their rifles, and
were forced to wade up to their necks in
order to get to the mainland.
Meantime a second rcconnolterlng Rus
sian junk sailed out under cover of the
Yalu headland and reached the further
end of the sandbank. Seventeen men
landed, and in extended order came skir
mishing up to the Japanese and captured
their Junk. The Japanese now got the
junk they had captured off the sandbank
and tried to tow her out, bht the tide was
against them, and they were forced to
drop her, and with difficulty got away to
their ship.
The European correspondents proceeded
to Ping Yang yesterday en route to the
front. At Chenampo the Japanese are
still landing Implements necessary for
their contemplated advance through the
difficult country, together with large
quantities of bridging material. With the
usual dispatch, the Japanese have run up
a town of storehouses, in which to keep
their perishable supplies.
Wo have just passed the Chicago Dally
News tugboat, which was detained at Niu
Chwang. She is entering the mouth of
the Ping Yang inlet.
Squadron Will Not Be Risked Again
in Battle.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 15. Altogeth
er ten Russian vessels have been dam
aged or lost since the outbreak of the
war. The disaster of Wednesday ends the
hope that the ill-fated Port Arthur squad
ron would be able to become an aggres
sive factor in the operations before it is
reinforced by the arrival of the Baltic
fleet. Until then the aim of the Rus
sians will be to hold Port Arthiir and
conserve the remaining ships without the
protection of its guns. Temporarily at
least faith In naval success died with
Admiral Makaroff, and the Russian peo
ple now look to the army, in which they
have Implicit confidence, to retrieve on
land the reverses and distress suffered on
the water.
As a result of the depressing influenco
produced by the loss of the Petropavlovsk
some pessimism is manifested, and in con
sequence all kinds of wild talks are heard.
This is not strange, considering the fatal
ism Inherent in the Russian character.
As an. example, the specter of foreign
complications has appeared. It is said
that the Petropavlovsk was blown up by
a submarine boat furnished to Japan by
Great Britain, which of course would
mean war with Great Britain. In fur
therance of this idea. It is pointed out
that the British Parliament has granted
permission for Indian troops to cross the
frontier of Thibet, which naturally means
not only that Great Britain is preparing
to aid her ally by advancing upon Cen
tral Asia. But such talk finds no echo
in responsible quarters, where, indeed, it
is remarkable how calm and confident the
officials are that a change of fortune will
take place as soon as the land opera
tions begin In earnest
The prevailing belief here is that the
Japanese will take advantage of the sit
uation to push matters and make a re
newed attack on Port Arthur, with tha
object of sealing the entrance to the port,
or, considering the Russian fleet to be
practically immobilized by its Inferiority,
proceed with the landing of troops at
the head of the Gulf of Uao Tung. It
would not be surprising If the Japanese
attempted to Invest the fortress of Port
Arthur by land.
The latest reports are to the effect that
the Japanese fleet is still in sight from
Golden Hill. General Kouropatkin is con
centrating his second line of defense be
tween Mukden and Llao Yang.
Without a Riral
Seattle BankerCan Make
Senatorial Race.
Would Release Him From Ail
Promises at His Request.
If King County Interests Demand It,
He Will Be Candidate, but
He Is Not Looking
for Trouble.
SEATTLE, April 15. (Staff Correspond
ence.) The political plot in Kins County
continues to thicken, and there is less
danger than ever of this turbulent coun
ty losing its reputation as the chief po
litical storm center of the state.
The breezy and clever young men who
manipulate matters here never fail to
attract the attention of the rest of the
state by sheer force of noise and num
bers. Tljcn when the critical moment
comes and an unbroken front is needed,
they split up Into numerous factions, di
vide their strength and do tho Kilkenny
cat stunt, while despised Pierce County
or some of the outlying districts grab the
prize for which King County was scrap
ping herself.
King County went into the United
States Senatorial fight two years ago
with one candidate for that high office
and was heaten to a standstill. This time
she has three candidates and by working
the problem out on mathematical lines,
it is not difficult to forecast that she
will last about one-third as long as she
did in the fight two years ago. This Is the
situation as it now appears, but "confer
ences" by day and by night are being
held with a frequency that makes contin
uous vaudeville stand still.
Wilson Would Yield to Furth.
The object sought at thpse conferences
Is the removal of John L. "Wilson from
the fight, with a view to making plainer
sailing for Jacob Furth. The clique an
tagonistic to Samuel riles, who at this
writing may be termed the leading can
didate, seems to think that Furth Is a
stronger man than "Wilson, but has been
prevented from putting him forward by
Furth himself, who says he has promised
"Wilson that he would stay out of the fight
so long as "Wilson cared to remain in it.
The Furth crowd have steadily main
tained that Wilson would hold the bank
er to his promise but today the ex-Senator
informed me that he was ready and
willing to release Mr. Furth from his
promise on a moment's notice, if Mr.
Furth desired to make the fight.
Does Not Want to Fight.
Mr. Furth did noth acquire his wealth
or his reputation for political sagacity by
undue loquacity and when Informed of
"Wilson's willingness to release him from
his promise he at first declared point
blank that he would not be a candidate
but afterward qualified the statement by
saying that' if it was to the Interest of
King County to have him for a candidate
he would not refuse, but he wished it
distinctly understood that he would not
go after it unless It could be secured with
out a fierce struggle.
It is an undoubted fact that while Mr.
Furth would be very much pleased to
land the prize his anxiety is much less
than that of the anythlng-to-beat-Piles
contingent, who are trying to drag him
into it. These Furth boomers will not
openly concede much strength to "Wil
son, and will not back him to beat Piles,
but they would like very much to secure
hi3 assistance In beating Piles with Furth.
Demand More of Wilson.
Tonight they are demanding from "Wil
son something more than the release of
Furth. They wish to have him publicly
abandon further attempts to land the
prize himself and leave the field to Furth
and Piles. This they contend would make
it easy to eliminate Piles from the fight
and the battle would then He between the
ancient enemies of King and Pierce, with
Furth and Foster standard-bearers.
Mr. "Wilson has not yet decided to go
that far, and until he does Mr. Piles will
have the percentage which always favors
the man who finds his opposition split In
Mr. Wilson's enemies assert that the ex
Senator's part of the opposition to Piles
Is a candidate .without a following. If
Mr. Furth's statements are to be Inter
preted literally the rest of the anti-Piles
men in King County may be termed a
following without a candidate. E. "W. "W.
Humphrey Will Not Get Such Good
Support for Renomlnation.
SEATTLE. "Wash., April 15. (Special.)
The chances for the renomlnation of Con
gressman "Will E. Humphrey are slight.
He will go to the State Convention with
115 votes pledged merely to vote for him.
If he can pick up enough support from
counties other than King through friend
ship or patronage or in any other manner
by personal endeavor he will be named
again. But his home delegation will not
make the fight for Humphrey that was
made two years ago.
The Piles committee that expects to
control the King County delegation to
the State Convention has had a distinct
understanding with the Humphrey man
agement that the Seattle Representative
can expect nothing further from King
County than the votes of Its delegates.
For trading purposes the delegation is
to belong to Sam Piles. Only the rare
chance that nothing better can be done
with the delegation than nominate Hum
phrey gives him the shadow of a claim to
a posslblo renomlnation. Bruler, who is handling Hum
phrey's fight, has agreed to this Piles
programme and is to bo a member of
the delegation sent to the State Conven
tion. It was realized by Humphrey's
friends that if the King County ambition
to secure a Senator BhouH conflict with
Humphrey's desire to succeed himself
the Representative would be sidetracked,
and that Is the reason the agreement was
made that Humphrey could not expect
more than the delegation's votes.
King County will fight as hard for the
renomlnation of Congressman Jones as
it will for any other issue before the I
State Convention. Even the Piles com
mittee with its ambition to gain support
for Piles hastens to explain that Jones
"must" be renominated and that under
no consideration will King County vote
against him.
"He's on the rivers and harbors com
mittee," is the way King County jus
tifies tho enthusiasm for Jones.
King County wants the Lake Washing
ton canal dug; It wants the Duwanlsh
River opened and numerous harbor im
provements completed and it looks to
Jones to do all this work. "He's on the
rivers and harbors committee," they
argued the other day in a Chamber of
Commerce meeting, "and he ought to be
kept in Congress continuously."
With this pro-Jones sentiment running
so strongly among the business element
that furnishes Piles' principal backing it
is not remarkable that Jones' interests
have been put ahead of those o Hum
phrey, and that any plans for the con
vention provide for caring for Jones.
They hold Cushman cheapest at Piles'
headquarters. Other King County poli
ticians recognize the fact that, no mat
ter what the foundation for It may be,
Cushman has strength that adverse trad
ing will not weaken and do not dispose
of him like the Plies committee does.
And when someone suggests to the Piles
committee that their Humphrey pro
gramme resolves Itself Into a simple pro
posal to throw Humphrey overboard for
some man from another portion of the
state the fear of trouble at home creates
a momentary hesitancy. But the Piles
committee is too confident of complete
and overwhelming success for all plans
to be depressed long.
As a matter of fact, the Plies commit
tee holds Pierce County as a whole too
cheaply. Pierce has been In the saddle
for ten years and has squirmed out of
just as tight holes as confront that
county now. It Is not to be presumed that
Pierce, not given to openly parading pre
conventlon plans, is waiting to allow
King to name a ticket for her. Thero
will be trouble from Pierce, but the seri
ousness of the attack is in doubt.
Ex-Secretary Is In Good Health and
Greatly Enjoyed His Tour.
LONDON, April 15. Joseph Chamber
lain, the ox-Colonial Secretary, and Mrs.
Chamberlain, arrived in London tonight
and were given a warm welcome. Both
are in excellent health and greatly en
Joyed their tour.
Arbitrators Give Church Mine..
CHICAGO, April 15. By the decision of
tho board of arbitration in tho matter of
tho title and proceeds of placer mining
claim No. 9 above, on Anvil Creek, Cape
Nome, Alaska, N. O. Hultberg, assignee
for the Swedish Evangelical Mission Cove
nant of America, recovers from the "White
Star Mining Comoany of Illinois, Dr. Claes
"W. Johnson and Peter H. Anderson, the
mining claim in dispute and proceeds to
the amount of 5263.6S6.
'VL- -lw J AW I. H Ti.
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--------""----- ----------------Trt-TTTrrrtj
Carnegie Creates Fund
of $5,000,000.
Next of Kin to Those Who Lose
Lives Will Also Benefit.
Famous Philanthropist Makes His
Offer Apply to America and
Canada, and All Who Face
Death to Save Others.
PITTSBURG, April 15. Andrew Carne
gie has created a fund of 53,000.000 for the
benefit "of the dependents of those losing
their lives In heroic efforts to save their
fellow-men, or for the people themselves.
If Injured only." Provision is also made
for medals to be given in commemoration
of herolo acts.
The endowment is to be known as the
"hero fund," and consists of $5,000,000 of
first collateral 5 per cent bonds, of the
United States Steel Corporation. The trust
Is placed In the hands of a commission
composed of the following gentlemen:
Charles T. Taylor, chairman; Edward
"W. Anderson, Edmund Blackburn, Edmund
M. BIgelow, Joseph M. Buffington, "William
P. Frew, Rev. J. Holland, John B. Jack
son, Thomas Lynch, Charles C Mellor,
B. N. Miller, Thomas Morrison, Frederick
C. Perkins .Robert PItcairn, H. Kirk Por
ter, James H. Reed, "W. L. Scalfe, "William
Scott, "W. H. Stevenson and F. M. "Wilmot,
The commission held its first meeting
here today, and made known the project.
The scheme was conceived by Mr. Carne
gie Immediately after the Harwlck mine
disaster, when he summoned to New York
Charles L. Taylor and F. L. "Wilmot, man
ager of tho Andrew Carnegie relief fund,
to discuss with them plans for the relief
of tho sufferers from this catastrophe.
On this occasion, Mr. Carnegie announced
to Messrs. Taylor and "Wilmot his Inten
tion to endow a fund for heroes, and out
lined his plan.
General Scheme of the Fund.
In a lettor to the hero fund commission
Mr. Carnegie outlined the general scheme
of the fund, which, in his own words, is
"to place those following peaceful voca
tions, who have been injured In heroic ef
fort to save human life. In somewhat bet
ter positions, pecuniarily, than before, un-
til again ablo to work. In case of death,
the widow and children, or other depend
ents, to be provided for, the widow until
she Is remarried, and the children until
they reach a self-supporting age. For ex
ceptional children, exceptional grants may
be made for education. Grants of sums of
money may also be made to heroes or
heroines as the committee thinks advis
able, each case to be Judged on fts mer
its." It Is provided that no grant is to be con
tinued unless it be soberly and properly
used, and the recipients remain respect
able, well-behaved members of the com
munity. A medal shall be given to the
hero's widow or next of kin, which shall
recite the heroic deed it commemorates.
The medal shall be given for the heroic
act even If the doer be uninjured, and also
a sum of money, should the commission
deem such gift desirable..
Mr. Carnegie warns the commission
against the danger of Interference or con
flict with the pension funds tor municipal
employes that exist in many cities and
urges it to act in harmony with such
The claims upon the fund for some years
cannot exhaust it. After years, however,
pensioners will become numerous. Should
tho commission find, after allowing lib
erally for this, that a surplus will remain,
It has power to make grants In case of
accidents preferably where a hero has ap
pearedto those Injured.
Foreseeing the probability that cities
and employers on this continent will ul
timately be placed under similar condi
tions to those of British, German and
other European states, and required to
provide against accidents to the employes,
the commission is empowered, by a two
thirds vote, to devote any surplus that
may accrue to the relief of those In want,
caused by no fault of their own.
"The field embraced by the fund Is the
United States and Canada and the waters
thereof. The sea is the scene of many
heroic acts," says Mr. Carnegie's letter,
"and no action more heroic than that of
doctors and nurses volunteerintr their
services In the case of epidemics. Rail
road employes are remarkable for heroism.
All these and similar cases are embraced.
Whatever heroism is displayed by man or
woman In saving human life, the fund ap
plies." The usual provision for reports and ac
countings Is made, and It Is directed that
a roll for the heroes and heroines shall be
kept displayed In the offices at Pittsburg.
The commission has full power to sell, In
vest or reinvest all funds.
The wish of the commission is to put
tho beneficial results of the fund in opera
tion at the earliest possible moment.
Pennsylvania Decides It Cannot Com
plete Improvements.
CLEVELAND, April 15. Tho Leader
tomorrow will say:
Orders have been sent out to stop at
once all the Improvements that are In
contemplation on the Pennsylvania, Rail
road system. "
The officers of the company are said to
have reported to the directors that the
business, to take care of which the im
provements had been contemplated, had
not materialized, and the cost of opera
tion had been increased enormously, and
therefore a curtailment in some respects
had been absolutely necessary.
Tawney Asks the House
to Quit Loafing.
Leaders Want to Adjourn Con
gress This Months
Circular Mailed Members- in No Un
certain Language Declares All
Must Attend Sessions If
Work Is Finished-
WASHINGTON, April 15.-The nonat
tendance of Republican members of the
House In what are considered the closing
days of the session Is causing some vexa
tion to the managers of that body. A
circular was mailed tonight to the Re
publican membership, signed by Repre
sentative Tawney, the "Republican whip,"
and Issued at the request of Speaker Can
non, calllns attention In no uncertain lan
guage to the necessity of attending to
business. The leaders today predict that
April 28 will be the day of adjournment,
and they are bending every effort to
carry out this plan.
Marchand's Open Letter Held an Of
fense Against the Military.
PARIS, April 15. The Council of ilin
Isters has decided that Colonel Mar
chand's recent open letter referring to his
resignation is an offense against military
discipline, and is deserving of censure
and punishment. The punishment awaits
the action of "War Minister Andre, who
was not present at the council, but it is
understood that it will be 30 days con
finement, his resignation from the army
thereafter being accepted.
Owing to the popular devotion o Mar
yland as the hero of Fashoda. the case
is exciting widespread attention.
One County Reports Good Sleighing
-Traffic Is Affected.
SYRACUSE, N. Y., April 15. A heavy
snow storm is sweeping Central and
Northern New York. In Syracuse the
snow is three Inches deep, and Oswego
County reports good sleighing. Street
railway traffic is affected, and steam roads
are delayed.
. Fourteen Inches of Snow.
BUFFALO, April 15. Following three of
the coldest April days sincR the Weather
Bureau was established, a snow storm of
unusual severity for this time of the
year occurred tonight. By midnight live
Inches of snow had fallen and the storm
had not abated. The fall of snow was
heavy In all parts of Western New York.
At Tonawanda, 14 Inches were reported.
Basso-Japanese War.
Russians drive back large Japanese forco try.
ins to land west of Yalu, and inflict heavy
losses. Page 1.
Japanes bombard Port Arthur, but cause no
damage. Page 1.
Russia notifies all nations that she will regard
as spies correspondents using wireless tele
graph. Page 5.
At request of Speaker Cannon. "Whip" Taw
ney requests the House to quit loafing.
Page 1.
Senate passes the Panama Canal bill. Page 2.
Democrats criticise Roosevelt for recent pen
sion order in debate on general deficiency
bill. Page 3.
Wilson saya he will release Banker Furth from
all promises If he will run for SenatOMhlp.
Page 1.
Massachusetts Republicans refuse to declare
for Canadian reciprocity and indorse Roose
velt. Page 3.
Carnegie creates a "fund for heroes," and seta
aside $5,000,000. Page 1.
Washington Senators would have Roosevelt end
deadlock, and appoint new Alaskan Judge.
Page 3.
Pacific Coast.
O. R. & N. line la blocked by damaged brldga
west of Huntington. Page 4.
Disclosure of traffic In young girls at Spokane
leads to arrcet by Federal officer. Page 4.
Salmon fishermen make light catch on opening
day of the season. Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Opening of the California berry season. Pagj
Chicago wheat market weakened by better crop
advices. Page 13.
Unexplained buying of Erie stock at New
York. Page 13.
San Francisco potato market upset by nca-
arrlval of steamer's manifest. Page 13.
Trade reviews not entirely favorable. Page 13.
Quartermaster's office opens bide on ray and
oats for shipment to Manila. Page 12.
Beldame wins the Carter Handicap at Aque
duct. Page 0.
Eastern baseball ecores. Page 9.
Pacific Coast League scores: San Francisco 9,
Portland Or Tacoma 1. Los Angeles 0; Se
attle 16. Oakland 1. Page 9.
Columbia University track meet today. Page 7.
R. L. Macleay, of Portland, Is golf champion
of the Pacific Northwest. Page 7.
1'ortland and Vicinity.
Churches to start vice crusade. Page 7.
Democrats name candidates In caucus. Page 7.
Riverside Driving Association will not sprinkle
White-House road. Page 12.
Old Are horses not to be sold, but given good
homes. Page S.
Mayor Williams will ask for reduced fare over
Morrison bridge. Page 14.
Test suit begun under state plumbing law.
Page 8.
Municipal League warns owners of premises
occupied by gamblers that they will be
prosecuted. Page 4.
Episcopalian sisters arrive to take charge of
St. Helens Hall. Page 14.
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