mmg t$jpmt& VOL. XL-IIL NO. 13,525. POKTLAiND, ORE6027, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Mmm SS SINS Russia Finds Japanese Sunk Torpedo-Boat CREW NEARLY ALL PERISH Vessel Becomes Lost in the Mist and Is Surrounded, ACCIDENT TO ANOTHER SHIP PobFeda Strikes a Mine While Man euvering, but Is Able to Regain Port Arthur Under Her N Own Steam, ST. PETERSBURG, April 15, 5:25 A. at Rumor arc current here that Vlce Admlral Toso sent la a sumber of Htcamcrs oa the alcht of. aiarch 31 and Hucceeded In ulnUlnsr several of them and In blocklnc the channel at Port Arthur. The rumors cannot be con firmed at this hour. (The date referred to by the corre spondent in the above dispatch, March 31, is probably according: to the old style calendar, by -which the event would have taken placo on April 13. according to the new style calendar.) ST. PETERSBURG, April 14. On the heels of the announcement of the sinking of the battleship Petropavlovsk comes the news that the Japanese surrounded and sunk the torpedo-boat destroyer Bez strashni. Only five of hor crew escaped, 'although it is probable some were taken 1 risoners. Jsews of the reverse was communicated to the Czar by Admiral Oukomtsky. He wired today that the destroyers and four consorts were outside scouting during the night The Bezstrashnl lagged behind and became lost in the mist "When day broke, she tried to creep in along the coast but was discovered, cut off, over powered and sunk. Admiral Oukomstkys dispatch concludes as follows: "I have taken command provisionally of the fleet since the disaster to the Petro sal lovsk. During some maneuvering of the battleship squadron the' Pobleda struck against a mine amidships on the starboard side. She was able to regain rort by herself. No ono on board of her was killed or wounded." The official bulletin on the subject was almost as severe a blow as the loss of the Petropavlovsk yesterday, and plunged the whole town anew into grief. The Russian word in the text of the of ficial dispatch describing the accident to the Pobleda means either "mine" or "tor pedo," but the qualifying adjective Indi cates something moving toward the ship. This dispatch puts an end to the idea pre vailing here that there had been an en gagement following the disaster to the Petropavlovsk. It is considered remark able here that the Japanese did not take advantage of this terrible accident to at tack Port Arthur. It has been definitely decided that Vice Admiral Skrydloff, commander of the Black Sea fleet will succeed the late Ad miral Makaroff as commander-in-chief of the Russian naval forces in the Far East IfJLO A Thoroughly SATISFIED FEELING Follows a Drink of YELLOWSTONE Whisky. It is equally valuable on the sideboard or in the sickroom. There is nothing better. ROTHCHILD BROS., PORTLAND, OR., Sole Agents EASTMAN N, C. AND PREMO FILM PACKS Are Superior In Every Respect to the Old Style Curl ing rilm. We are Sole Agents. BLUMAUER-FRAfNK DRUG CO. 142-146 Fourth St. eeoo9e0oceoo9oeseoeee OLD KENTUCKY HOME CLUB O. P. S. WHISKEY Favorite American Whiskey BLUMAUER & HOCH, sole distributers Wholesale Liquor and Cigar Dealers, 108-110 FoortS SL EXCLUSIVE J. Q. MACK & CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET Opposite Chamber ofvCommerce Orders have been, sent to Vice-Admiral Skrydloff to come to St Petersburc for the purpose of receiving instructions, after which ho will leave Immediately for the Far East The Pobleda, which met with an acci dent is a battleship of 12,674 tons dis placement and of 14,500-horsepower. She Is 40iy. feet long, has 71 feet beam and draws 25 feet of water, and is heavily armored with steel. She was completed in 1901, has a complement ot 732 men, her estimated speed being IS knots. The steel armor of the battleship varies in thickness from four to nine and one-half inches along her belt The armament -of the Pobleda consists of four 10-lnch guns, 11 six-inch guns, 16 three-inch guns, 10 1.8-inch, guns and 17 1.4-lnch guns. She has six torpedo tubes. URIU REPORTS THE VICTORY. He Says Japanese Suffered No Losses and Only One Wounded. TOK30, April 14. A brief report from Admiral TJrlu of "Wednesday's fighting oft Port Arthur reached the Navy Depart ment this afternoon. It says Vice-Admiral Togo's fleet attacked Port Arthur ia the morning and succeeded in sinking a bat tleship of the Petropavlovsk class and one torpedo-boat destroyer. The Japanese sustained no losses. One Japanese was wounded. Minister at Washington Advised. WASHINGTON, April 14. The Japanese Minister today received a dispatch from his government embodying an official re port from Admiral TJriu regarding the en gagement off Port Arthur yesterday as follows: "According to the report of the torpedo boat destroyer flotilla No. 3, our fleet ap proached Port Arthur on April 13 and sunk one battleship of the enemy of the Petropavlovsk type and one torpedo-boat destroyer. No damage to our fleet 'No report yet from Admiral Togo." SUBMARINE BOATS IN PLAY. Japan Believed to Have Two to Plant Mines at Port Arthur. PARIS, April 15. The St Petersburg correspondent of the Echo de Paris, under this morning's date, sends tho following: "I learn that a firm opinion prevails in naval circles, based on telegrams from the surviving officers, that tho loss of the Petroplavlovsk and the In juries to tho Pobleda were caused by torpedoes launched by the Japanese, and by submarine vessels. Hitherto It has not been believed that the Japan ese had any submarine boats, but it la now admitted that such boats might have, been received with the cruisers bought from Argentine and brought out from Genoa by English crews. It is difficult to verify this, but the Admir alty is of- the opinion that tho cruiser brought out two submarine vessels." Sure Submarine-Boats Are Used. NEW YORK, April 15. Expressions from St. Petersburg of a belief that tho Jap anese are using submarine boats in their Port Arthur attacks are given color by a statement credited to a retired naval ofll cer In this city. Ho declares it to be the only way in which one can account for tho succession of disasters met by tho Rus sian ships. "It Is incredible," he said, "that ships which undoubtedly have charts of the mines aboard should be blown up by them. One of tho first things Vice-Admlral Makaroff did when he readied Port Ar thur was to rcsurvey the harbor and lo cate the mines. "What is tho sense of these constant bombardments if they are not feints made in order to entice the Russian ships out? The theories that the Petropavlovsk struck her own mines, or that the Jap anese planted a mine during the night are untenable and we know that the Japanese have submarines. "A United States naval officer landed at the wrong dock, apparently an unused wharf, in a Japanese town before the war and saw a submarine boat surrounded on three sides by high fences so that It was visible only from the water side. Before ho had an opportunity to examine it Jap anese soldiers on guard drove him away with fierce threats. They seemed highly Indignant that ho should have caught sight of the boat at all." FILMS oeittitcattttettteietiteote CARTET IIOUSE HIS BOOM I Hearst Is LosingGround in the Middle West PARKER IS GAINING FAST Manager of the Editor Ascribes the Change to Wall Street. WARM FIGHT IN ILLINOIS Williams, Its Favored Son, Is Likely to Be Sidetracked, and the New York Man Fall Heir to His Strength. CHICAGO, April 14. (Special.)-The Parker "low barometer," -which started In New York, has begun to bo felt with distinct vigor. In tho Democratic political field of the Middle "West. For tho first time tho Western manager of W. R. Hearst has admitted its potency. Andrew M. Lawrence, who Is engineering the Hearst campaign in the Mississippi Val ley, said today: "Parker and the forces behind him stand for Clevelandlsm. The organized opposi tion to Hearst, which has begun to be no ticed in. the last ten days, is instigated by the Wall-street crowd which has be come terrified by the Hearst strength, and has concentrated its power behind Par ker." "" "Virtually the only two names mentioned in the Middle West for tho Democratic nomination are Parker and Hearst. There are scattered cries for Cleveland, and still more scattered and feeble ones for Gor man, but Parker is the man who is loom ing bigger every day. As his candidacy grows in importance, that of Hearst be comes less aggressive. "Favored Son" May Be Sidetracked. Illinois has a "favored son" in Repre sentative Williams, of Carrol, but tho struggle to keep his name to the front has been a hard one. Looked at from tho viewpoint of today, Mr. Williams will be lucky if he even gets a complimentary vote from the Illinois delegation. Shrewd politicians from the start have considered that his candidacy was advanced to side track that of Hearst This view becomes more logical every day in the 'light of de velopments. Hearst is the only man who has made a showing in tho Btate with del egates thus far, but the opposition is just now getting seriously to work. The Harrison and Hopkins anti-Hearst machinery is in motion In Cook County with the result that fewer and less en thusiastic Hearst meetings are being held. The atmosphere has changed perceptibly CONTENTS OF TODAY'S PAPER Basso-Japanese War. Japanese sink a Russian torpedo-boat and nearly all of crew perish. Pago 1. Busslan battleship strikes a mine while maneu vering at Port Arthur, but is able to return to port. Page 4. St. Petersburg holds requiem mass for Mat ron. Page 4. Not a man who was between decks on Maka rofTe flagship escaped. Page 4. St. Petersburg has the report that Togo sunk seeral steamers and closed the entrance to Port Arthur. Pago 4. Political. Hearst Is fast losing ground to Parker In tho Middle West. Pago 1. Hearst men bolt New Jersey Convention, and will send delegates to contest scats of reg ulars. Page 3. West Virginia Republicans declare for Roose velt and Elklns. Page 3. Democratic conventions held In several Oregon counties. .Pare 6. Congress. Senate Committee on Appropriations 'cares for no Northwest harbor work, save The Dalles Cclllo canal, In sundry civil bill. Page 2. House passes the Philippine bond bill to en courage the building of railroads. Page 0. Senate votes down all ol Morgan's amondments to canal bill, but docs not dispose of the measure. Page 5. General. J3unners mate on the Missouri is found to have i&ed the ship and the lives of 600 men; Injuries of two seamen provo fatal. Page 3. Thibetans surrender last stronghold to British. Page 5. Pacific Coast. Vancouver Island wreckage Indicates loss of sealing schooner Triumph. Page 1. Salmon fishing reason opens oa the Columbia Rlth good prospects. Page 6. Lardgrabber Benson claimed by two wives at San Francisco. Page C. Ekrvon people Injured In run or SeatUe are department. Page C. Commercial and Marine. Mohair pool at Silverton withdrawn. Page 15. Chicago wheat market shows- strength. Pago 15. Stock trading lifeless at New York. Page 15. San Francisco potato market advancing. Page 15. Port of Portland will rush work on drydock. Page 10. China Commercial liner Ching Wo due next week. Page 16. Sports. Pacific Coast League scores: Tacoma. 10. Los Angeles 4; San Francisco 2, Portland 1. Page 7. Eastern baseball season opens. Page 7. Many entries for Portland Kennel Club Show Pase 9. l'ortland ana Vicinity. Republican State Convention nominates slate ticket. Page 1. President Roosevelt Is indorsed and delegates to National Convention chosen. Page 1. Multnomah delegates name district officers In caucus. Page 10. judges and Prosecuting Attorneys nominated Page 10. Democratic Convention Word Sheriff. Page 14. nominates Thomas New actors and actresses engaged for Baker Theater Company. Page 11. Distribution of funds in Corbett estate. Page, to the anti-Hearst side since the munici pal elections. It looks now as If Hearst and Williams are both to bo eliminated practically from the equation in Illi nois in the next month, add that the real fight will be one between the zealous Hopkins and Harrison factions with Par ker as the legatee of State Convention honors whichever of tho factions may pre vail. Indiana Fight on Hearst. Tho Democratic managers in Indiana are going into an aggressive war against Hearst In every county In which dele gates have not been selected for the con vention May 12, there Is to be an efficient organization with the management In the bands of the most experienced organizers of the party. The Hearst defeat in Indianapolis Is be lieved to sound the keynote of a whole symphony of disasters. Thomas Taggart, Democratic leader and rabid ntl-llarst man, has said that he would not be afraid to bet his last dollar that Hearst will not get a single National delegate from In diana. The same feeling is shared by many other party leaders. Indianapolis Democrats have not accepted Mr. Hearst's denial that ho sent a telegram to his Western managers instructing thefti to give, up the fight In that state and turn their attention to other more promising fields. It Is openly declared that such orders were received; that they were gen uine and that they were recalled after It was represented to the New York Con gressman that he still had a chanco In Indiana. Hearst has had a strong and aggressive organization at work In Wisconsin, but its efforts have been virtually nullified by tho Wall street movement Wisconsin Democ racy has never been of the radical stripe. Bryan stock In the state was small In 106 and 1900 until circumstances created a fictitious sentiment in favor of tho Ne braskan. Thero are enough of the middle ground Democrats to make the candidacy of Judge Parker particularly acceptable in Wisconsin, and thd drift toward Parker Is strong. Kansas May Disappoint Editor. Although Hearst is putting Kansas in his column because It gave him a resolu tion of indorsement the failure to instruct Is said to mean that unless he makos a' big showing in the Bast and South, which tho West does not believe he will do, Kan sas will be for another man. Hearst's managers claim 16 of tho 20 delegates sure. The best the opposition wHl do Is to con cede him. a possible six on the first ballot and none thereafter. The resolution of in dorsement has been interpreted as mean ing Kansas did not caro to give offense to a man who was willing to apendhTs money for tho party and who did valiant service for Bryan in two campaigns. Kansas and Nobraska are alike in that (Concluded on Page Five.) THE REPUBLICAN "'- :" - S&siiiD :; CONVENTION . $ :'f - ) .. -. j ' STARTS THE BALL'- ' 1; J " VJ A-ROLLING "iVJRL SiV L-c-J TRIUMPH IS LOST Sealing Schooner Had 25 Souls Aboard. THIRD VANCOUVER WRECK Name Board Comes Ashore at Mouth of Quatsino Sound, GOES DOWN IN RECENT GALE i Inhospitable Island Coast Is Strewn With Wreckage From the Brit ish Ship Lamorna and the Schooner Kailaua. TJCIiTJELET, B. C, April 12. (Staff Correspondence.) Wreckage from three vessels which carried crews of about 60 men and represented a property valuation of over J2GO.00O has been drifting In on the west coast of Vancouver Island for the past three weeks. Over all threo of these disasters, which have resulted In such an enormous loss of life and property, lin gers an air of mystery which may never bo cleared up. x Considerable has been printed regarding the loss of tho Brltltsh ship Lamorna and the schooner Kailua, but thus, far the public has not yet been informed of tho absence and probable loss of a vessel car rying a larger crow than that on board of either of the other vessels. This latest addition to tho ranks of the missing is the British sealing schooner Triumph, and there is very strong circumstantial evi dence thtt she was pounded to pieces In tho same gale that Is supposed to have destroyed the Lamorna, Last Seen of the Triumph. The Triumph, after several weeks' seal ing off the Oregon and Washington coast, headed north for Hesquolt, late in Febru ary, under orders to call at tho Indian port on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, March 23, where supples and equip ment for her Behring Sea cruise awaited her. So far as known, she was last sight ed off Point Arenas by the schooner City of San Diego, now lying in Clayoquot Har bor, but the master of the schooner Jes sie, which was at Ucluelet a few days ago, believes that he saw her off the Columbia River Just before the big gale which swept over the North Pacific about March 19. With tho exception of the Triumph, all of the sealing vessels that were out In that terrible battle with tho elements have since put Into the West Coast ports, and none ot them escaped some injury. While there was some uneasiness over the non-appearance of the Triumph Immedi ately after the storm when the other ves sels began arriving, no positive alarm was felt until a few days ago, when tho name board of the vessel was picked up on Entrance Island at tho mouth of Quat sino Sound. On n Barren Coast. Tho coast in that vicinity is much mora isolated than that lying farther south, and for this reason no other wreckage has yet been found, and there has been no de termined search for It. The vessel was In command of Captam Burns, of Victoria, and carried a crew of 25 hunters and crew, all whites. To avoid awakoning prema ture anxiety among the relatives of the crew, the matter has been kept very qutet In Victoria, but it Is a matter of grave concern nil along tho west coast, espe cially since the finding of the name board. Positlvo evidence of the loss of tho Brit ish ship Lamorna is still wanting, but thero is such an overhwelming mass of circumstantial evidence flint there seems hardly a shadow of a doubt that the big four-master has been lost with all on board. The Indian house at this place are rapidly filling up with wreckage from ail parts of a big ship, and whlio as yet parts coming ashore which would be vital to the safety of the vessel have not borne the name of the Lamorna, the fact that they drift In with comparative ly unimportant wreckage that docs bear her name is pretty conclusive evidence that all of It came from the same ship. Washed Up by the Waves. Among other wreckage, which I exam ined here today, wag an oak hatch beam 12 inchos wide, six inches thick, and aobut 12 feet long. There was also a piece of polished casing which had apparently encased the mlzzcnmnst, where it passed through the cabin. Bat tered Into short lengths was about 30 run ning feet of scroll work, such as Is used over stateroom doors for ventilation, and with It was a number of cabin doors with brass locks and knobs still attached. Large quantities of deck plank from both main and poop decks is piled up around this Indian rancherle. It is so llttlo water-worn that the poop decking. (Concluded on Page Seven.) TATE TICKET II Republican Convention Travels Smooth Path. ONE DECISIVE CONTEST J. W. Bailey Wins for Food and Dairy Commissioner. MOORE BY ACCLAMATION President Roosevelt Is Indorsed, Presidential Electors Nominated and Delegates to National Re publican Convention Chosen. y- i STATE KETUHMGAN TICKET. Supreme Judge Frank A. Moore, ot Columbia County. Dairy and Food Commissioner J. W. Bailey, of Multnomah. Presidential Electors J. N. Hart, of Pelk; James A. Fee, of Umatilla: Grant B. DImlck. ot Clackamas; A. C. Hough, of Josephine. Delegates to Republican National Convention At Kirge H. "W. Scott, of Multnomah; S. L.. Kline, of Benton; W. B. Ajer, of Multnomah, and Ira S. Smith, of Malheur. First Congrcrslonal District J. IT. Campbell, of CUiokamac, and J. M. Kcene, of Jackson. Second Congressional District Charlei H. Carey, of Multnomah, and X. C. Richards, of Baker. Tho Republican Stnto Convention met yestorday, nomlnnvd candidates for Su premo Judge, Food nnd Dairy Commis sioner and Presidential electors, chom. deiegntos-at-largo to tho Republican Na tional Convention, adopted a plutforro pledging the Oregon dologntion to the sup port of Theodore Rooaexelt for Prosident, rattnod district convention nominations for Circuit Judgos, District Attorneys, Joint Senators and Joint Representatives, and elected n new State Central Committee Harmony characterized all the proceed ings and apparently no sore spots have been left. B. Ii. Eddy, of Tillamook, presided as chairman and Harrison Allen, of Clatsop, acted as secretary. The new contrnl com mittee organized last evening by electing Frank C. Baker chairman. Thore was no contest whatever over the nomination for Supremo Judge. The re nomination ot Justice F. A. Mooro was so cortnin that no one had arranged to place his name before the convention. Four times Chairman Eddy announced In a loud voice that nominations for Supreme Judge were In order beforo any one arose to suggest a candidate. Prosuming that somo person had been assigned the privilege of presenting tho name of Judge Moore, tbe delegates waited for that person to speak. Finally Charles II. Carey arose and after saying that he had not been requested to do so, presented the name of Frank Moore. The nomination was made by acclamation. Thero was a contest over Food and Dairy Commissioner, with only two can didates In tho flold. Other aspirants had concluded that tho covered plum would fall to either J. W. Bailey or Charles Holman and they kept their names out. As soon as tho two names had been placed before the convention, delegates from every part of the hall seconded tho nom ination of Bailey until it seemed that tho present incumbent must bo a winner. Then followed a landslide. The result was 215 to 142 In favor of Bailey. Delogates to tho National Convention wero chosen by acclamation. Thero wera firo candidates for Presidential electors, J. B. Hosford, of Gilliam, bolng the low man and therefore the unsuccessful one. The State Central Committee was chosen as follows: Baker, J. H. Aitkin. Benton, B. R. Bryson. Clackamas, T. F. Ryan. Clatsop, John Fox. Columbia, Harry "West. Coos. W. J. Butler. Crook, William Wurzweller. ., Curry, Delos "Woodruff. Douglas, A. C. Marsters. Gllllajn, C. A. Dannoman. Grant, T. J. Bannon. Harney, George "W. Clevcngor. Jackson, I. L. Hamilton. Josephine, J. C. Campbell. Klamath, H. H. Van Valkenbergi Lake, W. A. Massinglll. Lane, I. T. Harris. Lincoln, O. G. Dalaba. Linn, P. R. Kelly. Malheur, I. "W. Hope. Morrow, Fred Wnrnock. Marion, H. D. Pat ton. Multnomah, Frank C. Baker. Polk. R. E. Williams. Sherman. J. B. Hosford. Tillamook, A. J. Stillwell. Union. J. S. Baker. Umatilla. Lee Moorhouse. "Wasco, T. H. Johnston. Washington, W. N. Barrett. Wallowa, B. A. Holmes. Wheeler, H. Halstead. Yamhill, J. M Crawford. yWhen the committee met last evening there was a division over the election of a chairman, Frank C. Baker winning over Willis Duniway by a vote of 20 to 13. CONVENTION MOVES SMOOTHLY Business Is Transacted With Dis patch and Few Contests Occur. The Reaubliean State Convention was called to order In the Empire Theater at 10:30 yesterday morning by Harrison Al len, in the absence of Frank C. Baker, the Concluded on Eb 10.) is . , -r- . JL - r ". - , '- ,