Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 14, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Russia Naval Position Is Now
Greatly Inferior.
British Press Inclines to the Belief
That the Loss in the Port Ar
thur Engagement Is Heavier
Than Is Reported.
IONDON, April 14 The late Vice-Ad-Enlral
Makaroff spoke English fluently and
"was -w ell-known In England, especially
in the Newcastle-on-Tyne district, -where
!he resided while the Armstrongs "were
building his ice-breaker, the Ermak. His
ceurtesy and social qualities made him
very popular, and the editorials in the
morning newspapers deplore his loss "with
genuine sympathy.
The editorials also extend sympathy to
the Russian nation in the series of mis
fortunes which has pursued the nay, and
comment upon the onormous advantage
this catastrophe gl es to Japan, even if, as
is believed, the Russian disaster is not
worse than reported In the official dis
patches. No actual news has yet reached Liondon
beyond the Russian official telegrams, but
dispatches from Wei Hal Wei incuce the
confident belief here that a naval engage
ment occurred off Port Arthur of a se ero
character and that later telegrams will
show that the Russians suffered a se erer
loss than Is yet admitted.
A rumor has reached Rome that Vice
Admiral Makaroff's squadron was at
tacked by the whole Japanese fleet, con
cealed behind the Miaotoa Islands, and
bis retreat was cut off and he was forced
to fight against odds, with the result
that all his ships were damaged, while
the Petropalovsk was surrounded by
torpedo-boats, struck by flvo torpedoes
and blown up.
Another rumor is to the effect that
Rear-Admiral Molas Is among those
killed aboard the Petropavlovsk. No
great attention Is paid to these rumors,
but the universal opinion here Is that the
official explanations of the disaster ore
It Is rumored at Plymouth that the
Hamburg - American Line steamer
Xteutschland, which arrived at Cherbourg
yesterday from New York, will be pur
chased by Russia.
Admiral Makaroff Visited This Coun
try In 1896.
"WASHINGTON. April 13 The news of
the death of Admiral Makaroff caused a
profound sensation In naval and military
circles here, for he was probably better
known than any other Russian naval offi
cer. This was because of the fact that
he had visited the United States in 1896-97,
and also commanded the Russian North
Pacific squadron, which brought him Into
frequent contact with American naval of
ficers in those waters and sometimes Into
American ports on the west coast. The
general opinion is that Makaroff was an
officer of singular ability as a sailor, be
ing thoroughly scientific in his methods,
of more than usual Intelligence and of
physiclal presence which gave him a splen
did power of command. In the matter
of personal bravery, he had no superior.
When Admiral Makaroff "visited the
United at the date named he went
to Newport, where he met Admiral Taylor
-Cd Captain t Converse, at the War Col
lege and torpedo school. Captain Con
verse says that from first to last he
showed the highest powers of observation,
arid he criticised Intelligently every detail
of the process of making smokeless pow
der for the Navy.
Makaroff Commanded the Respect of
His Opponents.
TOKIO, April 1410 A. M. The first
Intimation of the result of Vice-Admiral
Togo's seventh attack upon Port Arthur
reached Toklo at 8 A. M., In a telegram
sent to the Associated Press, who prompt
ly communicated It to official circles.
The news was received with intense sat
isfaction, particularly the reported de
struction of the battleship Petropai lovsk.
There was a note of regret, however. In
the comment upon the reported death of
Admiral Makaroff, for the Russian Ad
miral commanded the respect of his op
ponents. The Japanese admired the man
ner In which he had rehabilitated the fleet
after the first attacks upon Port Arthur
and the splendid fight he was making
against odds
The Navy Iepartment expects advices
from Vice-Admiral Togo tonight. It is
known that he left the ilcinlty of Port
Arthur yesterday to return to an un
known base, and it is calculated that he
will reach telegraphic communication to
night. France Deems It a Terrible Blow.
PARIS, April 13 The disaster to the
Russian battleship Petropavlovsk and the
drown'ng of Vice-Admiral Makaroff,
caused consternation in Russian quar
ters here and made a deep impres
sion everywhere. The Foreign Of
fice and the Russian and Japanese rep
resentative had not received officials ad
vices on the subject up to this hour and
were dependent upon the press reports
The Chefoo report that a battle followed
Admiral Makaroff's sortie led at first
to the belief that the Petropa lovsk was
surk during an engagement, but this a lew
of the loss of the battleship was changed
when later press dispatches were re
ceived The death of Admiral Makaroff is gen
erally regarded in official circles as fur
ther seriously crippling the Russian naial
position in the Far East.
Five Japanese Warships Engage the
Cruiser Off Port Arthur.
LONDON, April 14. The Daily Tele
graphs correspondent at Wei Hai Wei,
telegraphing under date of April 13, says:
"Tho British cruiser Esplegle reports that
at 5 45 o'clock this morning she sighted
live Japanese warships engaging the Rus
sian cruiser Bayan, making for Port Ar
thur from the direction of the Yalu The
Russian cruiser Askold and another
cruiser issued from Port Arthur to assLst
the Bajan. At C 43 o'clock the Russians
get under the shelter of the forts, but
the Bajan was evidentlv damaged, as
quantities of steam were seen escaping.
"At S o'clock the Japanese ships opened
a heavy gun fire on the forts, which did
not reply, and after 15 minutes' bombard
ment the Japanese retired to tho east
Admiral Makaroff's Papers Were on
the Ill-Fated Battleship.
PARIS, April 14. The correspondent of
the Matin at St Petersburg telegraphs
the following:
A high personage at court has given the
details received by the Emperor, accord
ing to which Vice-Admiral Makaroff went
out on the Petropavlovsk to ascertain the
position of the Japanese fleet. After he
had been out for an hour he saw several
Y i
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vessels, which retired. Shortly after
ward he perceived the Japanese squadron
of 30 vessels, and, not being strong
enough to attack he returned to Port
Arthur. When two miles outside the
entrance an explosion literally hurled the
battleship out of the water, completely
o erturning her. Grand Duke Cyril, Ave
other officers and a couple of score of
men alone managed to swim to land.
"Vice-Admiral Makaroff's plan of cam
paign was lost with him.
"Grand Duke Cyril Is suffering, only
from slight contusions.
"It Is not know whether the catastro
phe was due to a floating mine or to a
Japanese submarine vessel. The Jap
anese certainly witnessed the catas
Novosti Says, However. It Must -Not
Think Russia Lacks Leaders.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 14. The No
ostl this morning glowingly eulogizes
Vice-Admiral Makaroff, recalling the vig
ilance and persistency with which ho pa
trolled the sea In endeavoring to Induce
the Japanese to engage In combat. The
paper says: "In Russia the news of the
untimely end of the brave commander
calls forth deep grief. The death of the
experienced, warlike and gifted Admiral,
whose authority was recognized every
where, especially In that land of sailors,
England, Is In the highest degree regret
table. The bitterness is lightened only
by the knowledge that the Admiral died
at the post of duty and the fleet has other
gifted officers who will prolong the grand
actlity. In any case we have got to
reckon Immediately with the consequences
of the catastrophe. Above all it is ex
pected that the Japanese will hasten to
take advantage of the catastrophe and re
new their attacks on Port Arthur.
"The Japanese are greatly mistaken if
they think this fatal accident can in the
slightest measure shake the strong and
steady determination of Russia to carry
on the war to a glorious end."
Emperor Is Much Affected.
PARIS, April 14 The Echo de Paris' St.
Petersburg correspondent sas that the
Emperor, when reading the dispatch an
nouncing the loss of the Petropavlovsk,
turned pale. He was much moved and did
not speak for several minutes. Then he
asked a lady In waiting to inform the
Empress, who burst Into tears. His Maj
esty said: "God has willed that the Tene-
sol shpuld perish by touching a mine, and
that the Bov arln should be damaged. Now
Providence, whose designs are inscrut
able, has willed alo to deprive us of the
Petropavlovsk and the brave men aboard
Japan Honors, Dead Commander.
TOKIO, April 13 A fragment of tho
body of Commander Hlrose, who was
killed March 27 In the second attempt to
bottle Port Arthur, was interred today.
The remains were "borne through the
btreets on a gun carriage, with bat
talions of marines preceding and follow
ing the cortege as an escort from the
Navy Club to the Aoyama Cemetery. A
throng of people filled the streets and
reverently uncovered when the little cas
ket passed. The medals granted the de
ceased for valorous conduct were carried
In the procession on silken pillows, and
the entire navy staff walked behind the
casket Besides full military honors paid
the dead officer, white-robed priests per-
j formed the Shinto burial ceremonial.
" I
(Continued from First Page )
the manner in which the great fighting
machines were maneuvered. The battle
ships worked In close to the shore and
well under the guns of the land forts,
while the less heavily protected craft cop
led the movements of the battleships, but
at a greater dlBtance from the shore and
therefore In a less exposed position.
Although we went as close to the land
as we dared, and much closer than we
ever had before, we saw no signs of the
Russian fleet. Only ono shell from the
land fell near us. and It exploded Imme
diately upon coming Into contact with the
water. The Japanese fleet maneuvered
continuously at the eight-knot speed, and
so far as I could see, suffered no damage.
The expenditure of ammunition was com
paratively small.
It was a magnificently powerful squad
ron which Admiral Togo had In action
today. It was the most powerful Individ
ual fleet that ever sailed the Eastern sea
Including the torpedo fleet, there were
more than 40 vessels before Port Arthur.
Japanese Also Kill Twenty Men In
Force Trying to Cross Yalu.
TOKIO, April 12. An official telegram
from Wiju 6ays that a company of Rus
sian troops attempted to cross the first
stream of the Yalu River west of Wlju
this morning, and that a company of
Japanese attacked and drove the Rus
sians back. The bodies of 20 dead Rus
sians, the telegram, adds, were found
after the fight. Their uniforms showed
that they belonged to the Twelfth Regi
ment of sharpshooters. The dispatch adds
that small parties of Russians, without
uniforms, attempted to cross the Talu
River at different points between Wlju
and Yongampho and that they were all
driven back.
Yalu Point Russians Are Strengthen
ing Is Commanded by Corean Fort.
SEOUL, Corea, April 13 The Japanese
military authorities do not attach great
importance to the fortification by the
Russians of Chin Liang Cheng, a walled
town directly across the Yalu River from
--------T- --T--Tltlll
Wlju. The town Is situated on a plain
and is commanded by an old Corean hill
fort, near Wlju, which Is occupied by
Japanese artillery- At low water It Is
possible to ford the Yalu, which flows In
many shallow channels.
The Japanese will also utilize Coreans
and Chinese In cutting timbers from the
concession which was formerly a source
of dispute between Russia and Japan.
General Haraglichi, Commander of the
Japanese forces' at Seoul, and suite, were
received In audience by the Emperor of
Corea today.
Russian Censors Are Active.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 14. What
has been the Issue of the combat between
Rear-Admiral Ouktomsky and the Jap
anese fleet, or whether a fignt has actual
ly taken place, is not known in St.
Petersburg. At 2:30 o'clock this morn
ing the Commission of Censors adjourned,
after announcing that no further news
had been communicated.
Despite official and private dispatches,
the belief prevails that many details of
the catastrophe to the Petropavlovsk
have been suppressed by the Admiralty.
Tonight ended the celebrations follow
ing Easter Sunday, whicn In past years
has been a tlm of gaiety and feasting,
but tho terrible news from Port Arthur
has plunged the city Into tho deepest
Japanese Ships Off Liao River.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 13. An offi
cial telegram received here reports the
appearance of a warship and, several
junks, supposed to be Japanese, In the
neighborhood of tho estuary of the Liao
Rlv er during tho night of April H. They
drew off nfter the Russian guns had
opened fire on them at a range of about
4000 yards. Numbers of small steamers
and barges are being hastily constructed
In Manchuria, with tho Intention of us
ing them on the Amur, Usurl and Sun
gari rivers to transport Russian troops
and material after tho breaking up of
the ice.
Alexleff Ordered to Take Charge.
PARIS, April 14. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of tho Echo do Paris tele
graphs the following under yesterday's
date: At 3 o'clock today the Emperor tel
egraphed Viceroy Alexleff Qrdering him
to go to Port Arthur immediately and as
sume command of tho squadron pending
the appointment of Vice-Admiral Maka
roff's successor. The Viceroy leaves to
night. Rumors that Rear-Admlral Prince
Ouktomsky was In -action against 18 Jap
anese vessels this afternoon are still un
confirmed. Japanese Reopen Bombardment.
CHEFOO, April 14. An unconfirmed re
port from Japanese sources states that
the Japanese reopened the bombardment
of Port Arthur at 7 o'clock "Wednesday
morning, the vessels maneuvering In a
circle before the port. This action evi
dently followed the one reported earlier
yesterday morning.
King of Italy Wires His Sorrow.
ROME. April 13 Kln Victor Emman
uel has telegraphed to the Emperor of
Russia his sorrow at the disaster to the
battleship Petropavlovsk at Port Arthur.
Tho King also Inquired as to the condi
tion of Grand Duke Cyril.
Admiral Mirabello, Minister of Marine,
has telegraphed to Vlce-Admlral Avellan,
Chief of the Russian Admiralty, express
ing the sympathy of the Italian navy
. a.t
over tho disaster and grief at the death
of Vice-Admiral Makaroff.
How Grand Duke Came to Be Saved.
PARIS, April 14 The St Petersburg
correspondent of the Journal says that
Grand Duke Cyril "was on tho bridge of the
Petropavlovsk when the explosion oc
curred, and was thrown into the sea,
which led to the saving of his life. Vice
Admiral Makaroff was In the cabin of
the battleship with Rear-Admiral Molas.
China Denies Report of Uprising.
TIENTSIN, April IS The foreign and
Chinese authorities hero say there Is ab
solutely no foundation for the reports
which have reached here from Chefoo,
which predicted an uprising In China.
Casslni Is Much Distressed.
WASHINGTON, April 13. Count Cas
slni, the Russian Ambassador, today had
not received word from his Government
advising him of the disaster at Port
Arthur. Tho first information he had
"Pe-ru-na Is an Excellent Spring Catarrh
Remedy I Am as Well as Ever."
Hon. Dan. A. Grosvenor, Deputy Auditor for the War Department, in a letter
written from Washington, D. C, says:
"Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived
from one bottle of Pcrnna. One week has brought wonderful changes
and I am now as well as ever. Besides being one of the very best
spring tonics It Is an excellent catarrh remedy."
In a recent letter he says:
"I consider Peruna really more meritorious than I did when I wrote
you last. 1 receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over the
country asking me If my certificate Is genuine. I invariably answer,
yes.' Dan. A. Grosvenor.
A County Commissioner's letter.
Hon. John Williams, County Commis
sioner, of 517 West Second street, Duluth,
Minn., says the following in regard to
"As a remedy for catarrh I can cheer
fully recommend Pruna. I know what It
is to suffer from that terrible disease, and
I feel that It is my duty to speak a good
of the disaster was conveyed to, him. by
a representative of the Associated Press.
Naturally he was distressed at the news,
but made no statement bevond expressing
his sorrow.
Russian Losses on the Yalu.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 13. An
official dispatch sent by an aide de camp
of General Kouropatkln to the Emperor,
dated April 12, says:
"General Kachtallnsky, commanding
the Russian force at the Talu River, re
ports that on April 11, during an en
gagement of outposts, our losses were one
officer, ono subofficer and two soldiers
killed and two soldiers wounded."
Hsyashi Pays Tribute to Makaroff.
LONDON, April 13. The Japanese Le
gation tonight had no official information
in regard to the fighting today off Port
Baron Hajashi, the Japanese Minster,
said Vice-Admiral Makaroff's death was
an exceedingly dramatic occurrence, and
he paid a tribute to the late Admiral as
a great strategist and tactician, and said
he would be a great loss to the Russian
Exempted From Capture During War
WASHINGTON, April 13. The Senate
committee on foreign relations today au
thorized a favorable report on the House
Joint resolution relating to the exemption
of private property at sea not contraband
of war from capture by belligerent pow
ers. The committee also ordered favorably a
treaty for the arbitration of the pecuni
ary claims arising between the United
States and Central and South American
Alexleff In Command for a Time.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 13. It is
stated that Viceroy Alexleff will assume
command of the naval forces In the Far
East, presumably pending the arrival of
Rear-Admiral Rojestvensky.
Generally the expres
sion is, "I don't feel half
well,,, though sometimes
people say, I feel half
rick." But there is no
such thincr as beincr half
sicjc me man wno feels
half sick Is all sick. As el
rule, the cause of the
weak, tired, half sick feel
ing is disease of the stom- ,
ach, resulting ha. loss off
nutrition ana consquently'
in pnysicat weakness.
Doctor Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
cores diseases of the
stomach and other or
gans of digestion and
nutrition. It restores
strength by enabling the
perfect digestion ana as
similation of food. It
makes half sick people i
an wen.
X snOered for foar years
wkb pein la ray stomach
eo out &t times I couldn't
work nor eat," writes Mr.
Frank Smith, cf
Granite. Chaffee Co ,
Colo. "I wrote to yoo
about oy sickness
and -mis told to ese
voar medicines, which I did with food results.
I only need four bottles of your ' Golden Medieal
Discovery,' and must say that I am entirely
aired nod feel like a new man, and I can highly
tecemmestd your medicine to any sufferer."
f Golden Medical Discovery" contoini
bo alcohol and is entirely free from
opium, cocaine and all other narcotics.
It is strictly a temperance medicine.
Accept no substitute for " Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing "just
as good9 for diseases of the stomach.
The "Common Sense Medical Advia
er,r one thousand and eight large pages,
In paper covers, is etntjree on receipt of
twenty-one one-cent stamps, to pay ex
rise of maOing only. AcWbftM Dr.
V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
word for the tonic that brought me im
mediate relief. Peruna cured me of a bad
case of catarrh and I know it will cure
any other sufferer from that disease."
John Williams.
A Congressman's X.cttcr.
Hon. H. W. Ogden, Congressman from
Louisiana, In a letter written at Wash
ington, D. C, says the following of Pe
I runa, the National catarrh remedy
The Kind Ton Have AlTTays
in use for over 30 years,
ftfyi 'J, sonal
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle "with and endanger the health oS
Infants and Children Experience against Experiments
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Eeverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend,
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over SO Years.
the ecivTAun company, tt Muniur STccrr. itcurvonc city.
IF by raising the price to $4.00
Gordon Hats could be made any
bettefr tiban they are at jSSoo, $4,00
wcKskl be the price.
When we say better," we refer
to Style as well as to Quality.
Betczlpttre booklet -with proof at rU
"I can conscientiously recommend
your Peruna an a fine tonic and all
around sood medicine to those rrho are
in need of a catarrh remedy. It hni
been commended to me by people t1ic
have used it, an a. remefly particularly
effective in the cure of catarrh. Foi
those ivho need a jjood catarrh medi
cine I know o nothing better." II. W
W. B. Grffith, Concan, Texas, writes:
"I suffered with chronic catarrh for
many years. I took Peruna and it com.
pletely cured me. I think Peruna is the
best medicine in the world for catarrh.
My general health is much improved by
its use, as I am much stronger than 7
have been for years." W. E. Griflith-
A Congressman's Itter.
Congressman H. Bow en, Ruakln, Taze
well County, Va., writes:
"I can cheerfully recommend yonr
valuable remedy, Peruna, to any one
who Is suffering: with catarrh, and who
Is in need of a permanent and effective
cure.' H. Bowen.
Mr. Fred D. Scott, iLarue, O. right
guard of Hiram football team, writes:
"As a specific for lung trouble. I place
Peruna at the head. I have" ued It my
self for colds and catarrh of the bowels
and it is a splendid remedy. It restores
vitality, Increases bodily strength and
makes a sick person well in a short time.
I give Peruna my hearty indorsement.
Fred D. Scott.
General Ira C. Abbott, 906 M street. N.
W-. Washington, D. C, writes:
"I am fullv convinced that your remedy
Is an excellent tonic. Many of my
friends have used it with the most bene
ficial results for coughs, colds and ca
tarrhal trouble "Ira C. Abbott.
Mrs. Elmer Fleming, orator of Reser
voir Council No. 16S, Northwestern Le
gion of Honor, of Minneapolis. Minn ,
writes from 2535 Polk street, N. E.:
"I have been-
troubled all my
life with catarrh1
In my head. I
took Peruna for,
ab out three
months. and
now I think I am"
cured. I bellev e , ',
th t for catarrh '
Iv all its forms !
Peruna Is the
medicine of the
age It cures
when all other ' r , T , t
rAtriPQ fu T"Mrs. Elmer Fleming,
can heartily rec. ; Minneapolis, Minn,
ommend Perunai-. . . . -
as a catarrh remedy." Mrs. Elmer Flem
Treat Catarrh In Spring.
The Spring Is the time to treat catarrh.
Cold, w et Winter weather often retards a
cure of catarrh. If a course of Peruna Is
taken during the early Spring months the
cure will be prompt and permanent. There
can be no failures if Peruna Is taken In
telligently during the favorable weather
of Spring.
As a svstemlc catarrh remedy Peruna
eradicates catarrh from the svstem wher
ever it may be located. It cures catarrh
of the stomach or bowels with the same
certainty as catarrh of the head.
If vou do not receive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna.
write at once to Dr. Hartman. giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
gSs&T gSffQgSfegiicisgSS Mtnn7---v- -3
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Signature of
Cares While
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For Whooping Cough, Croup, Coughs,
Bronchitis, Influenza, Catarrh.
It cares because the air rendered strongly antiseptic
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Ce330lh?te Is a boon to Asthmatics.
All Druggists.
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