12 THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1901. naif METSCHAK, Free. JETEITB ABB WiSBilSTOI JTKETS. MTUIB, 0IE63I European Plan $1.00, $1.50, $200per Day THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American Plan Also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. COST ONE xrrr.T.Tnv DOLLARS. HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The manage Bent will be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A mod ern Turkish bath establishment in the and's Port It's a gem. Kvery thing new and elegant. Steam heat, electric lights. Por celain baths and lavatories on every floor. Rates. 75c. $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. European. Finest restaurant In Portland. Also billiards and bar. The big olive-colored, rubber-tired coach meets all trains. It's free. HOTEL SCOTT, Seventh and Ankeny Sts., P. O. Block Launch Given Away Tuesday, April 5, at Cordray's Theater. To some person in the building holding the correct coupon. Come now and have your dental work attended to; perhaps you will be the lucky one. The greatest skill. Painless dentistry. AT SALEM Branch Office In the Steusloff BIdg. DR. B. EE. WRIGHT'S DENTAL OFFICE S12 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Seventh PEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Office hours: 8 A M. to 5 P. M.; evenings. 7:30 to 8:30; Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12 M. Telephone Main 2119. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By the Ford Auction Co.. at 1S2 1st st., 10 A. M. sharp. H. Ford. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. AINSWORTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX, NO. 1. A. & A. S. RITE Annual meeting to morrow. Maundy Thursday, at 8 P. M. Ceremony of "Extin guishing the Lights." All Knights Rose Croix are expected to attend. By order Wise Mas ter. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 40. A. F. & A. M. Special communication til rVlnpKlnvl evenlnir. 7:30 o'clock, Burkhard bldg. Work M. M. Tirnx All Master Masons cordially Invited. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2, A. F. & A- M. Special communication this (Wednesday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Work in F. C. Degree. All F. C. are cordially Invited to attend. THOMAS GRAY, Secretary. ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17. I. O. O. F. Reg ular meeting this (Wednesday) evening, in Orient Hall. East Side. Initiatory Degree. Vis itors welcome. W. A. WHEELER, Sec FOR RENT HALLS IN MULKEY BLOCK for lodges. Apply Western Academy of Music BORN. CRAWFORD March 20. to the wife of R. Crawford. 10C E. 13th St., a son. F. DIED. TITTLE At 3 o'clock yesterday. Mrs. Eliza beth Tuttle jassed to the life beyond. Her ek-knees was prolonged for some three months. With two of her daughters and a son; Dr. J. H. Tuttle. she had sought relief fr some weeks at Santa Barbara, Cal. She was brought to her home, at 0th and Mult nomah sts., about a week ago. She quietly naeed away after much suffering. Announce ment of funeral services will be made in due time. CALHOUN In this city. March 29. 1004. Har ry Calhoun, aged 22 years. The remains arp at Flaleys chapel. Funeral notice here after. FUNERAL NOTICES. GRASS In Sellwood'. March 29. 1904. at the family residence. 544 Umatilla ave.. Nancy J, Grass., aged CS years, 3 months and 4 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect fully invited to attend the funeral services which will be held at her late residence in Sellwood. Thursday. March 31. at 2 P. M. Interment Sellwood cemetery. HAGER At his late residence. March 29, 1904. Philip Hager. aged 63 years. 10 months and 4 days. Funeral will take place Thurs day. March 31. at 2 P. M.. from his late residence. 663 E. Couch st Friends and old soldiers invited. Interment Lone Fir Ceme tery. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and rmbalmers. have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 607. J. P. FINIiEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. OlOco of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. 6. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine. Lad' assistant. Phone Main 430. CLARKE BROS, FINE FLOWERS. Flo ral designs. 289 Morrison. NEW TODAY. Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machine (hand power) for matter 19x26.- In quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore onian Publishing Co. C W. KNOWLES, Mgr. $3 PER DAY AKO UPWARD hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Mgr. New Hotel AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE. Resident Manager. Tonight at 8:15 o'clock. Extra matinee tomorrow (Thursday). Last performance tomorrow night, ANNA HELD in "MAM'SELLE NAPOLEON." Prices, both matinee and night. $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 60c. THE BAKER ""bUrg THEATER and Manager. Phone Main 1007. Tonight, all week, matinee Saturday,' THE NEW NEILL-MOROSCO COMPANY, in Nat Goodwin's success, "When We Were Twenty-One" Evening prices, 50c. 35c. 25c. 15c Matinee prices, 25c. 15c, 10c. NEXT WEEK "PUDD'NHEAD WILSON." CORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL. MANAGERS. TONIGHT. All week except "Good Friday" Night, OLYMPLY COMIC OPERA COMPANY Presenting Andran's fascinating opera bouffe composition, "LA MASCOTTE," (Best production ever in Portland.) No advance In prices. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from'2 to 10:S0. For Ladles Gentlimen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. NEW TODAt. JUNE CREAMERY 50c Dairy butter 35c and 40c Best creamery 60c Best sugar-cured ham 13c Picnic ham c Lard. 5-pound pall - 45c Cheese 10c and 12"Ac Swiss cheese 25c Ranch eggs, per doz 20c All goods retailed at wholesale prices. Remember Saturday la chicken day. IjA UllATtUH CREAMERY CO., 204 Yamhill st. EXCELLENT 575 ACRES IN SUBURBS. soutn eaicm; same juna lana adjoining is selling at $100 per acre. This tract for only $50 per acre. See or address T. Wlthy combe. room 1, Hamilton bik., Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE TWO OF THE BEST DAIRY ranches in tne mart of the Willamette Vally. See W. W. Espey, room 1. Hamil ton bldg. $0,000 FEET -OF BEST-LOCATED WARE- house ground site, west Side: sidetrack. Particulars. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 223 3d st. INVESTMENT WEST SIDE FLATS. IN come $1000 yearly: price $5500. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 228 3d st. FOR SALE NEAR UNION DEPOT. FINE lot. ouxiuw; also lz-room nouse, $CT50; bar gains. M 30, Oregonlan. BONDS, WARRANTS, STOCKS And mortgages bought and sold. J. W. Cru tbera & Co.. Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property. BullQ tng loans. Installment loans. W2L MAC UASTEB. 311 Worcester block. BARGAIN ! Business Property! Easy Terms 100x100. comer 2d and Jefferson sts. For full particulars phone Main 44. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, Formerly of MacMaster & BlrrclL I02-b McKay Building. Third and Stork. Phone Main 232. FOR SALE Pull lot and new 8-room bouse on Broad way, near 17th Bt, First floor has double parlors, library, dining-room, kitchen and pantries. Upstairs has four good-sired bed rooms and large bathroom with porcelain tub; also closets and trunk room. Cement floor In basement; also cement walks and paths. This Is a beautiful home and the only reason for selling Is the owner's re moval to Eastern Oregon. Price is only $3800. Terms, half cashSbalance at 6 per CCnt RUSSELL & BLYTIL 82$ THIRD STREET. WE SELL MONEY ORDERS Payable everywhere. They cost just one half as much as postoffice or express or ders. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The oldest Trust Company in Oregon. 103 Third Street TO EXCHANGE. FOR LIVERY STOCK AN ELEGANT S- room house, corner lot. porcelain bath. gas. full brick basement, fireplace, close In. Own er. X 39. Oregonlan. FARM TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT or rooming-house. Columbia Real Estate a Trust Co.. 234 Mornsoa st. EXCHANGE FINE PORTLAND RESIDENCE property lor grocery etocK. 1 39, Oregoni&a. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Room and Board. "House keeping Rooms," "Situation Wasted." 13 words cr less. 13 cents: 1C to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25. words. 23 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents lor 13 words or less; 16 to 20 wcrds. 40 cents; 21 to 23 words. 30 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half: no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (cause measure agate). IS cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed en velopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oregon Inn will sot he responsible for errors la advertisements taken through the telephone. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. . GREAT BARGAINS AND TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. $40020 acres 1 miles from Kalaroa; house and small field in cultivation; run ning water; close to school ; good for fruit or chicken ranch. $170040 acres, 2 miles from Kalama; 30 acres under the plow, balance partially cleared for pasture; land fenced and cross fenced; 5 acres of choice fruit; fine stream water on place; hi mile from school; good stock range and fine place for raising fruit and vegetables for the market; on good county road. $3000 1C0 acres, 2 miles from Kalama; 50 acres under plow, and 30 acres more slashed; land rich and lays level; large or chard of choice fruit; good farmhouse; large and well-arranged barn; close to school and on good county road; a place to make money on from the start. Write us for a list of our special bar gains in farm property or come and see us. Imus & Wllloughby. Kalama, Washington. $2250.00 BLOCK. 200x200 FEET. WITH 6 room house, barn, chicken-house, other out buildings; place all In fruit; brought $140 worth last year; will double this year: this place will be worth $4000 within two years, as it lays nice and within few blocks of St. Johns car line. Charleson & Staub. 245 Morrison st. 100 ACRES IN COLUMBIA SOUTHERN arid district, one of the very first selec tions, and consequently one of the best in the entire tract; water now on the land; forced circumstances has changed my plans: will sell my rights at a sacri fice. Address G 34, Oregonlan. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, 11TH AND WHIT taker, S. Portland, one block south of wind mill Marauam Hill, corner lot. 50x100; nice yard, fruit trees, basement, all rooms paint ed and decorated in oil paint; house in good condition; bargain; $500 cash; no agents. Telephone Black 3862. FOR SALE BY OWNER FIVE ACRES IN fruit. Fruit Valley, suburb of Vancouver, Wash.; city school district; plank walk to Vancouver, and city growing In this direc tion; $2250 cash. Address K 19, care Ore gonlan. HOUSE AND FURNITURE, 13 ROOMS, large halls, bath, basement, electric lights; rooms light, convenient; near school and cars; 15 minutes' walk to Postoffice. Call Owner. Front 121. E 31, Oregonlan. $2300.00 BY OWNER AT A SACRIFICE, A beautiful house of 8 rooms, all In good con dition; hot and cold water, bath, sewerage, large corner lot; In heart of Sunnyslde. In quire at 9C3 E. 32d St., Sunnyslde. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. PORCELAIN bath, gae, fireplace, large brick basement, corner lot; owner called away, will sell at a bargain if taken at one; best residence dis trict. East Side. W 39, Oregonlan. I HAVE AN OPTION FOR A FEW DAYS on a quarter-block (2 lots) down town; very desirable, at a less figure than any other man can sell such property. Call on T. T. Struble, 230 Main st. DESIRABLE 7-ItOOM HOUSE. COR. FIRST and Whittaker sts., with bath and furnace; full corner lot, fronting south and east; a bargain if taken now. A. H. Birrell, 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. 32 ACRES IN FALLS CITY; 20 ACRES GOOD farming land, balance fir timber; 13 acres " platted; good water-power house, 10x24; two- story; a oargain at $iuuu. jtaaress v. ja., Falls City, Or. FOR SALE 11 -ROOM HOUSE AND LOT in Central Alblna; all modern conven iences; price $2000; $1400 down. 824 Gan tenbeln ave. Address L. Hathaway, Mll waukle. Or. NICE 8-ROOM HOUSE AND 3 LARGE LOTS on car line, near Brooklyn school; price, $2000; or house and one lot. $1800; pays 12 per cent: a bargain. "Owner." 232 Stark st. 8 rooms, E. 30th & Washington. $2250. 8 rooms, furnace, Holladay Add.. $2730. 3 houses, cor. Holladay Add.. $3350. F. Woodward. Phone East 1371. 187 E. 32d. RODNEY AVE.. UPPER ALBINA. 6 ROOMS, iu ftntMt un11v f.mAnr hfli,m,nt patent toilet, bath, corner lot. bargain; $1600. terms. Inquire room 9. 245 Morrison st. SNAP FOR QUICK SALE NICE-APPEAR- ing 7-room moaern nouse. irst st.. icoo.oo; terms to suit. Parrlsh. Watklns & Cot, 250 Alder. FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE; GOOD WELL and outDuiiaings; o d-iu acres in orcnara; price reasonable. O. Wlsslnger, Mllwaukle, Or. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car- 5c BARGAINS IN FARMS. ACREAGE, CITY property, cnoice umDer ana nomesteaa loca tions, ugaen sz .aiaxwen, am ADington biag. FOR SALE CHEAP FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, 100x175 feet lot; cnoice rrult and berries. Q 21, Oregonlan. Montavllla Postoffice. 4 LOTS, 2 HOUSES; MODERN; SACRIFICE sale; terms given; leaving city, must sell. C W. Davis, West ave., Montavllla car. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE (1200; cne-tnira aown. oaiance install ments. Apply 871 East 11th st.. North. FOR CASH YOU CAN BUY A CHOICE corner lot way oeiow tne marxet price; par tlculars from owner. H 36. Oregonlan. FOR SALE EIGHT LOTS. WITH A GOOD 9-rooxn nouse ana outDuiiaings; win sen cheap. O Wlsslnger. Mllwaukle. Or. $300 LOT- 'ON WEIDLER ST., $35 CASH, balance $5 per month; only one at that price. Miller, 303 Chamber com. FOR SALE 80 ACRES, 0 MULES EAST OF owner at u ui st. r , t-o TJinnira tnftn tjttvr "r.-. xr'-ora near Brownsville. B. S. Cook, "51 Alder NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR steel bridge; $3000; terms. 612 Commer cial bldg. MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 LOTS on E. 10th st. Valley Land Co., 43 1st st SPLENDID BUILDING LOT ON EAST DA- vis. near 15th. E. Learn. 5G9 E. Pine et. BARGAIN FINE LOT ON 19TH" ST.. CE- ment walk: J1600. 200 North 19th. FOR SALE FARMS. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO ALBER- ta, Saskatchewan. Asslnlbola and Manitoba will leave Spokane and Seattle every Wednes- crowd and visit the greatest stock and. grain country on this continent. Never mind what others say; see the country for yourself. For special excursion rates apply to J. N. Grieve. Canadian Immigration Agent, Auditorium Bldg.. Spokane, wash. 440 ACRES. OF WHICH 250 ACRES CAN be Irrigated, on the Deschutes River. 7 miles below Bend: good alfalfa or clover land: nrl vate water Tight; title warranty deed: at crossing of C & E. R. R.; price $10 an acre. Call on owner at -ii i-iia uregonion Diog, TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. OREST RESERVE SCRXP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards: also recertified soldiers additional Porterfleld-Valentlne land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Maginnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. WANTED A LARGE TRACT OF COTTON wood timber; must be close to good log' cine stream, giving access to railroad. Ad dres with full particulars, S 1, Oregonlan. FOREST RESEHVE SCRD? FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for immediate use. Will take agricultural, grazing or timber land. II. 15. compson, CIS Marquam bldg. TIMBER LANDS. ACCESSIBLE. EXCEL- lent timber: Immediate location; call today and Investigate. Whltten & Bryant, room 11. Muntey oicg.. m. -aiorrison. SCRIP WRITE ME FOR LOWEST prices. L. W. Whiting. 40S Ablngton bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BRING US YOUR WEST SIDE PROPERTY: we have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co.,' 403" Ablngton mas. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS FOR SALE. IF YOU WANT FARM PROPERTY, CALL or aaaress Clark County Land Office, 224 Washington street. 11 acres, good 6-room house, new barn, big woodshed, chicken-house and yard; 7& acres in fruit. 250 apple trees, 4 years old; 175 prune trees, S years old; 400 prune trees, 4 years old; pears, cherries for fam ily use; 53 grape vines; 100 currant bushes; 4 acres in pasture. 10 acres with a good 6-room house, house painted white; good barn, nearly new; large woodshed and chicken-house; three wells; 6 acres in meadow, 2 acres in pas ture, balance in timber; four cows; all farming implements; two pigs, spring wagon; some household furniture. 40 acres of good land; good G-room house painted white; new barn, 30x30; old barn 24x30; 25 acres in cultivation; about 5 In orchard and 0 In pasture, balance in tim ber; 3 cows, 1 steer 2 years old. 1 heifer 2 years old, 3- calves 1 year old; one new mower and rake, 2 plows, 1 cultivator, 1 harrow, 1 wagon; about a dozen chickens, 2 turkeys, 1 pig; grindstone, cross-cut saw and a lot of potatoes; some hay, hay rack; about 9 cords of stovewood all go with the above, and can be bought on very easy terms at a great bargain. 240 acres. 19 miles from Portland on the N. P. R. R.; 200 acres in cultivation, in cluding 100 acres bottom land; 7-room house; large barn; 4-acre orchard, mixed fruit; finest dairy and stock farm of Its size In Oregon. For further particulars regarding the above or many others, both large and small tracts, call on or address John H. HUL 224 Washington street. Portland, Or. A BIG BARGAIN. 40-acre farm, all under cultivation, with in 14 miles of Portland, 5 acres in fine bearing orchard; good 7-room house, two fireplaces and fine cement cellar; big barn and granary, smokehouse, poultry-house, 10 hives of bees; only one mile to good school, 2 churches, store and blacksmith shop; mail delivery at home twice dally and the price only $3200; terms, $1700 down, balance long time at low rate. TAFT & CO. 125-0 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 15C FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND. 8 MILES from Portland. 1 mile from Tlgardville: good black soil, plenty of water, 3 good building;, on the main road, 1 acre or chard, all fenced, & acres clear: price $1C00. Inquire at once, 801 21st N- Port land. Or. FARMS WD HAVE SOME OF THE FINEST farms In Oregon ror sale at very attractive prices and terms; can not mention them in detail. If you are interested call on or ad dress Palmer Bros., 417-418 Oregonlan bldg. FARM LANDS WE ARE HEADQUAR- ters for Eastern Oregon wheat lands and have a large list of Willamette Valley farms. See us before you buy. Mc Arthur & Mahoney, 410 Macleay bldg. FARM. 305 ACRES. 170 CLEAR. 7 ACRES orchard, an tencea. nouee ana Darn; good spring: school and church on place; plank road; 7 miles from Oregon City; will sell all or in part. Apply 423& 1st st. FOR SALE OR TRADE FARM. 120 ACRES; barn, house ana gooa water wen; 7 diocks to school from house: 3 miles from market and postoffice: good timber, about 80 acres; price fSOO. Address 142 N. 10th st. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon ana wasnington; pay. ments made to suit purchasers. For par ticulars apply to WM. MACMASTER, 311 Worcester block. FOR SALE GOOD DAIR1 AND STOCK farm. 370 acres, one mile from Astoria; small house and orchard; green grass all year. W. O. Howell. 53S Chamber of Com merce. $10 TO $20 MONTHLY BUYS 10 TO 100 acre tarms near ruriiuuu wun immediate possession; cn railway and car lines. Ore gon Iron & Steel Co.. 339 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE FARMS SOME CHOICE farms In Eastern Multnoman and Northern Clackmas Counties. Roberts & Wlrtz. Gresham. Or. 1 C40 ACRES FOR DAIRYING, STOCK AND fruit ral sin;; near coast ana busy towns; $10 an acre; a bargain. V 13, care Oregonlan, Farm 55 acres, cultivated; 8 miles east, on car line; -modern improvements; bummer nom; 700 Winter apples; land, level. 227 Front. 80-ACRE RANCH NEAR COTTAGE GROVE. Or.; house furnished; $775. iJoothroyd & Co., Tncoma, wash. FOR RENT FARMS. 80 ACRES. WITH 25 UNDER THE PLOW; about u acres of cnoice iron; small nouse. bam. close to good school and 24 miles from Kalama; can work out rent on place. Come ana see Imus & willoughDy, Kalama, Washington. THREE GOOD STOCK RANCHES. ALL well located; two of them furnished complete, cash rent and one on shares. Call 226 Mor rison st. POR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. A FEW SLIGHTLY SCRATCHED DROP- head Singer sewing machine? for sale cheap for cash or on easy terms; also several second-hand Singers for sale; $10 cash. Call at the Singer Parlors, 354 Morrison at., cor. Park. SPAN FARM MARES. 8 YEARS OLD. weignt -iso. witn larm narness; must De sold. Call today. Fashion Stable. 20th and Washington. Also one black Altamont horse. s years 01a, weignt iiuo; suitaDie tor gentle man's driving or carriage horse. BUY TEAM 8 YEARS OLD. FULL BROTH- ers; weighs 2900 lbs.; sound and true every way; also mare, 9 years old. weighs. 1500 lbs.; several general purpose horses. Derby Stable, 15th just on wasnington st. SNAP $35.00 BUYS BLACK HORSE, weighs 1150 lbs.; suitable lor farm or slow work.. 26 North IBth st. TWO SADDLE PONIES FOR SALE; TO BE sold by April a sure; prices $zu to $25. R as. uregonian. CARLOAD OF HARNESS, 100 VEHICLES. anytbing rrca a can to a nearse zu wash lngtoa sL $45.00 BUYS GOOD DELIVERY OR FARM horse, ivortn isui st. FOR SALE HEAVY DRAFT HORSE. IN quire 301 N. 21st st. Pianos. ANGELUS PIANO PLAYER. WITH OR. chestrai attachment, nearly new, in perfect order, will be. sold at one-half the usual price if appuea ror at once. 345 Aider st. FINE ALMOST NEW $375 UPRIGHT PI &no for sale cheap; excellent reason for celling: no fake. T 9L Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. Ulurougnureu uuiuoiu tiiu wciccy wno. weu Oreo, gexilie. u uvj uitm. aisu u year. ling heifers. Jerseys. 2 2-year-old bulls, one Jersey, one Durham. J. Pat Smith, 28th ana lagminuu bu. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterite; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good over old iron, tin or shingles: best for new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co.. 10 Worcester bldg. AN ELEGANT LOT OF NEW HOME. Singer and Domestic machines, drop-head. $10 up, ana dox tops. o up; an guaran teed. J. S. Crane. 350 Morrison st. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM 523: all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc. Cunninghams, 231 Stark. Tel. 14U. 50.000 FEET NO. 3. FIR LUMBER FOB. sale cneap; ail sizes, west coast sasa & Door Co.. cor. 19th and Vaughn sts. Phone Main 1413. FOR SALE A CREAM SEPARATOR IN good order; De Laval make: only used 6 months. . aiary s. iteea, la center, wash. FOR SALE REMINGTON AND OLIVER FOR SALE RESTAURANT: AND COFFEE house; fine location ana Dusiness; lease. 31 H. -a sr., cor. jjavis. FOR SALE CORD WOOD OR TIMBER ON 100 acres near Gresham and railroad. V 33, care oregonlan. BRAND-NEW CASH REGISTER. TOTAL adder: half price; B new -whisky barrels. 110 N. M. PAD Ottr PTVr WP.T.T QTT CPWPP bitch, partly broken: 1 year old. Phone crown sad. FOR SALE TYPEWRITER DESK. NEARLY new; office chair; lady's bicycle; cheap. 452 Market st. HALL'S SAFE, ALMOST NEW. VERY cheap. Address s 11. care oregonlan. SAFE, ROLL-TOP DESK AND TYPS- wrlter at a bargain. M z, oregonlan. KELP WANTED MALE. 700 MEN DAILY TO HAVE HAIR CUT, l&c, at isurasiae f HELP WANTED MALE. EARN A BETTER SALARTl AND Posi tion: study electricity, mechanical- engi neering, telegraphy, at home, by corres pondence; thousands successful. Thomas A. Edison Indorses institute. Book. "Can I Become an Electrical Engineer?" mailed free. Electrical Engineer Institute, New York. A FREE SCOLARSHD? IN ILLUSTRATING, journalism, prooireaaing, advertising, doorkeeping, stenography or electrical en gineering given to those who apply at once; tuition is absolutely free; mention course desired. Corespondence Institute of America, Box 240, Scranton, Pa. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCT. the leading employment agency of the North west. 249 Burnslde at. Phone Mala 3074. CARPENTERS FOR R. R. BRIDGE WORK and planking flatcars. etc.. $3 day, steady work, free fare; farmhands, $30, $26 and $22.50; milker, 14 cows, $25: woodchoppers, sawmill laborers, section hands, bolt cutters, brush cutters, waiter, others. P. Hansen's Employment Office, 2G N. 2d. WANTED OPENED FOR BRIGHT. GOOD- appearing solicitor ror esiaonsaea route; alary and commission basis; hlgh-clasj proposition, educational In character. Ad dress J. P. Thompson, Supc SOS Larkla U Ean Francisco. UNCLE SAM WANTS HELP; 14.000 Ap pointments last year; free examination pa per and catalogue giving positions and sal aries. Dept. V, Western Correspondence University, 925 Golden Gate ave.. Son Fran cisco. ARE YOU COMPETENT ? WE HAVE Posi tions for managers, salesmen, office men ana technical men paying $1000 to $5000 a year; high grade exclusively; ask for booklet. Hap goods, suite K, 502 Pioneer bldg., Seattle. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR- her trade; new class of ladles Just starting; write for full particulars, and if in doubt make a personal investigation. American Barber College. 253 Everstt it,. Portland. AN ENERGETIC TRAVELING SALES- man, visiting retail trade, can secure val uable side line of dry goods specialties, blankets, etc F. C Roilman & Co., mfgrs., Philadelphia. GOOD. STEADY POSITION TO TRAVEL; man wttn smau capital preicrrea; gooa character and best of references; a chance of a lifetime for a good buslnesa. G 35, Ore gonlan. Men to learn barber trade; only requires etgni weeks; special oner; constant prac tice, expert Instruction; catalogue free. Moler System College, San Francisco, Cat WE DESIRE TO SECURE THE SERVICES of three or four reliable solicitors; excel lent contract to right men; profitable em ployment, 327 Marquam bldg., Portland. YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE. COPY LET- ters, home evenings, $9.50 week. Send ad dressed envelope for particulars. Manager Dept W 151. Box 1411. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED ACTIVE YOUNG MEN TO So licit In city; staple line; salary $40.00 month; commission on exce33 sales. Apply before 10 A, M. at 232 First st. WANTED COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER under 35 years, with business ability; rapid and accurate; city. Clerks' Registration Bu reau, 265 Morrison st. WANTED A GOOD SALESMAN TO HAN- dle school supplies; good proposition to right party. Address The Whittaker & Ray Co., San Francisco. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN TO travel and learn good-paying business; ref erences. Call room 31, 409 Morrison st,, 11 to 2 P. M. . SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEP- lng, penmanship and English branches' taught by experienced teacher; day and night. M 35, Oregonlan. COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders. No. 143 4th st. Phone Red 1993. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS GOOD STAPLE side lna tor Oregon and Washington. Give territory covered. Address B 1. Oregonlaa. TALENTED AMATEURS MADE GOOD PER- fonners In 30 days; advice gratia. New man's Vaudeville Circuit, 313Vi "Washington. WANTED BOILERMAKERS AND EXPER- lenced helpers. Willamette Boiler .works.. Front and Everett streets. BRIGHT, WIDE-AWAKE YOUNG MAN who understands shorthand ana typewriting; ualary $45. 260 Stark ot. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade: free tuition. Portland Barber School, 82 N. 2d. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD MACHINISTS for out-or-town wont; must De experienced. R 39, Oregonlan. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED MAN TO STAY on place; small salary, good home. Call 38S Harrison st. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE quartz miners for Southern Oregon, u 72. Oregonlan. . YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; good shop; terms reasonable. H 69. Oreo nlan. BEST 10-CENT SHAVE IN CITY; CLEAN towels, etc 205 Morrison st. Ed Dennlsoa BOY WANTED 454 JEFFERSON STREET. near 13th. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES WANTED EVERYWHERE. COPY- Ing letters at home evenings or spare time and return to us. No mailing or canvass ing; $9.00 weekly earned; materials free; enclose self-addressed envelope for particu lars. Guarantee Co.. No. W 151 Ninth St., Philadelphia. Pa. WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME. PLAIN SEW- mg only; steady worn; good pay; no mate rials to buy and sent everywhere free: send reply envelope for particulars and wages we pay. Du Pont company, Dept, w. K. H., Philadelphia, Pa. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, city and country; nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers: plenty of housework. $15 to t30. Phone Main (1323. Canadian Parlors. 26H Morrison. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, waitresses, chambermaids, general work ers. St, Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED CAMP COOKS, HELPERS. PAS try cook, waitresses, second girls, girls for general housework. 226 3d st. Phone Main 1519. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY trimmers and makers: also apprentices. Apply to Lowengart & Co., 92 and 94 Front street. GIRLS CAN SECURE GOOD POSITIONS BY applying at Portland Women's Employment Co.. 216 Allsky. 3d & Morrison. Red 30S7. HOTEL COOKS. CITY $35. COUNTRY $30; domestics, waitresses, bellboy: pantryman Chinese), $7. Drake, 20."! Washington. WANTED SALESLADY FOR SUITS, LA- dles wear and mimnery; uerman preierrea. Clerks Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison. ENERGETIC. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO travel for Viavl Co.; salary and expenses. Call room 23 Lwls bldg.. 3504 Morrison. WANTED A GIRL TO DO SECOND work; must understand the work. Ap ply mornings at 833 Lovejoy at, COOK (LABORING MEN'S HOTEL). $25; German domestic, $18; child's nurse; every body call Drake. 205 Washington. WANTED YOUNG LADY CLERK. WHO is a stenographer. Address in own hand writing J 36, care Oregonlan. OFFICE-ROOM AND MACHINE FURNISHED in exchange for part of services; finest build. ing. iV o. urckuuiau. v L WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. Apply 395 Hassalo st.. cor. Grand ave. WOMAN TO DO REPAIRING IN TAILOR shop, one with experience. Address V 38. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO TAKE EN tlre care of Infant; must furnish references 192 12th. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In small family. Apply 789 Pet tygrove. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR SEC ond work; must furnish references. 190 King st, WANTED COMPETENT WOMAN' COOK. Imperial Grocery-Delicatessen, 426 Washing ton st. WANTED A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, small family. Apply 615 E. Pine st,, cor. 16th. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN light housework. 689 E. Alder, near 20th. COMPETENT NURSE GIRL WANTED. AP- X P'7 00V itOJX. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerics. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN from country; had some experience as book keeper and shipping clerk: will do most any thing to start; salary no object; references. W 33, care Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER YOUNG MAN DESIRES position; has experience In law office work; references given. X 30, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO DISTRIBUTE CIRCULARS, samples, etc; we' guarantee to put each and every article Into the hands of the lady of the hecee; give us a trial. S. C McClure. 146H Front st. EOBER. INDUSTRIOUS SINGLE MAN DE tires inside work of ram kind; good penman, some acquaintance with office work: bst of references. Address C 71. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS PAPER HANGER AND painter wants to do work in return for rent, with or without, board. E 36, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING SCHOOL WISHES to work for board. Holmes Business College, 414 YamhIU. Phone Main 513. T. S. HASHIMOTO. JAPANESE EMPLOY ment office, and contract. Phone Black 16L 45 N. lt st, SITUATIONS WANTED BY BRIGHT. IN dustrious boy 16, in store or office. C 36, care Oregonlan. WANTED MAN AND WIFE WANT Posi tion on ranch, experienced. Address Wanted. 340 2d st. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FUR nlshes all kinds help. 69 N. 5th. Phone Clay 502. POSITION BY AN ALL-ROUND ENGINEER In or out of city. X 24, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES A position as stenographer; experienced; city references. Phone East 440. Houseseepers. POSITION WANTED AS HOUSEKEEPER A neat, middle-aged lady would like a po sition as housekeeper in a first-class, up-to-date rooming-house; capable and re liable; can furnish best of references. Ad dress Box 1024, Portland, Or. I SITUATIONS WANTED COOKS. HOUSE keepers. chambermaids, waitresses, nurses, housework girls. 230J4 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. LADY "WHO CAN GIVE FIRST-CLASS references would like a situation as house keeper. B 37, care Oregonlan. Domestics. ORDER BOARDING-HOUSE. RESTAURANT, hotel help, family, camp, laundry, store, factory girls. Telephone 205 Washington, Drake's. GIRL WISHES POSITION AT GENERAL housework or second work; experience in both. 391 Sacramento st. A YOUNG LADY DESIRES GENERAL housework for about three months, good wages. F 36, Oregonlan. THREE GIRLS WANT PLACE TO DO general housework. A. Erkkala. 287 N. 17th. DressxnaKer. NEW YORK DRESSMAKERS DO FIRST class work reasonably. Call and Inspect work at 215 10th. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS AND children's sewing. 323 14th. Phone Front 182. Miscellaneous. REFINED. TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG W.O man seeks engagements to care for chil dren afternoons- or evenings; prices reason able: references. A 18, Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED DEMONSTRATOR would like work in the grocery line. Dem onstrator, 151 "West Park. city. WOULD LIKE A PLACE FOR A GIRL. 14 years old to work for room and board and go to school. X 40. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or night: good sight reader. Address G 10. Oregonlan. LACE CURTAINS CAREFULLY LAUN dered at home. Phone Main 3832. HOUSEKEEPER WANTS POSITION IN town. Phone 1510. Call 226 3d. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTERS. Cash paid. Send stamp. American Dis tributer. Denver, Colo. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT 0 OR 7-ROOM FLAT or house modern, central. West Side, on cor line if not too far out, by family of 3 adults by April 1st or sooner. Rent must be reasonable. Address C 21, care Ore gonlan. WANTED TO RENT FLAT OR HOUSE, modern in every respect, family 3 adults. West Side, central, not to exceed $30, with lease for two years by April 1 or sooner. Address S 38, care Oregonlan. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE, A SUITD of 2 or 3 furnished rooms for light house keeping; permanent roomers; not over $20. L 56, Oregonlan. WANTED BEFORE APR. 7, 6 OR 7-ROOM house, walking distance from business cen ter. West Side: rent must he reasonable. N 36, Oregonlan. A PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN AND wife wish room and board In a strictly pri vate family. V 40, Oregonlan. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM INPRI vate family, man and wife, company the object. A 21. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT SMALL FARM. WITH buildings, good soli for vegetables, near city. D 36. Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY. ROOM AND board In private family; $10 month. C 37, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED FLAT or house by young man and sister. C 35, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED AT ONCE, HEAVY DRAFT horse, about 1450 or 1500 pounds; must be sound, gentle and used to heavy hauling. Call 644 E. 12th St.. or phone Union 953. WANTED GENTLE TEAM FOR FARM work; weight about 2400; also harness and 3-lnch wide-tired wagon; must be cheap for cash. Phone Scott 3622. WANTED AT ONCE HEAVY DRAFT horse: about 1450 or 1500 pounds; must be sound, gentle and used to heavy hauling. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF" CLOTHINO and shoes; highest price paid. The "Fair Deal," 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED SOME SHARES CASCADIA. GA Uce or Oregon Securities stock, at bargain for cash. T 33, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND JOB press one-eighth medium preferred. Address P. O. Box 7, Cathlamet, Wash. WANTED 2000 ACRES CERTIFIED LAND scrip; state price per acre; principals only. Address T 40, Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SAFE; WEIGHT about 1500: must be . good condition and cheap. V 39, Oregonlan. WANTED INFORMATION OF FREDERICK Hog. formerly from Sioux City, la. John Loser, 4 N. 6th, WANTED TO BORROW $200 OF PRIVATE party; beet of security given. Room 42, 342 1st st. WANTED LIVE EAGLES AND PHBAS ants; state pride; must bo in full plumage. 304 3d. WANTED TO PURCHASE SEVERAL heavy draft horses. Call Monday. 313 - Water st. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie ot all kinds. Phone Scott 6813. WANTED $300.00 REAL ESTATE SECUR ity. G 36, Oregonlan. FOR RENT, TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TN private family. 243 6th st,, four blocks south Hotel Portland. 364 TAYLOR PLEASANT ROOMS. GENTLE men. two blocks Portland Hotel; bath, phone, heat, gas; so children. FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN. PRIVATE house: easy walking distance; special rates I td meik 292 10th st . FOR RENT. Rooms, HOTEL SCOTT YOU CAN RENT ROOM3 In this elegant new hotel tor less than yon pay in the common rooming-houses; new. clean furnishings, steam heat, electric lights, always hot water, porcelain baths, annun ciator service, fine restaurant, central loca tion. Postoffice block. 7th and Ankeny; rooms either single or en suite; finest coach tn Portland free to and from all trains. rcone Alain 1GG1. I "THE ALEXANDER" NEW BUILDING, under new management, elegant newly fur nished front room, single or .en suite: !!; location; all conveniences. N. W. cor. 10th and Alder sts. Phono Main 1756. THE LINCOLN JUST OPENED. CORNER iiiu uu aorruon streets. Is the best fur nished apartment-house in the city: hot and cold running water, steam heat, electric light and baths. Phone Main 251, THE NEWCASTLE. COR. 3D AND HARRI son Best appartment-house in this city; steam heat, bath and gas; furnished and un furnished housekeeping and single rooms; reasonable rates. Phone Main 800. THE MENOMINEE. 385 YAMHILL ELE gantly furnished front rooms, suites or single; modern conveniences; two blocks from Portland Hotel; transients solicited. 23 1! ALDER NEAR 3d ST. NICELY funrnlshed, pleasant rooms; new brick building; new, up-to-date furnishings, $2.50 to $4 per week; transients. COc to $1. Red 3140. THE AVALON. 413 WASHINGTON ST. Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold water; steam heat, electrlo lights, bath and all modern convenience. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR suites, very central; 3S9 Alder, betweea W. Park and 10th, AH conveniences: gen tlemen preferred: references. HOTEL VAN NOY. COR. 3D AND PINE New and elegantly furnished apartments; all latest appliances. N. L. Slocum. Prop., formerly of The Kingston. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT able for 3 or 4 gentlemen; modem conve niences and home cooking. 414 Main; cor. 11th. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, MEN ONLY: hot and cold water; gas and steam, heat. 1C3 17th. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 319V. 2504 CTH. FOUR BLOCKS FROM HOTEL Portland Nice room In new house, suitable for one or two gentlemen; home comforts. 443 TAYLOR ST.. NEAR 12TH ST. N1CE ly furnished room, private family: modern conveniences; reasonable; gentleman. TO WEST PARK NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; all conven iences. Phcne Central 1074. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM SUIT able for two gentlemen; three blocks from Portland Hotel. 231 Cth st. 414 YAMHILL ST. COMFORTABLE FUR nished room, en suite or single; steam heat, hath, phone, etc THE OGDEN. 83H 1ST ST. NEW BRICK building, new furtniture. modern; opti all night; reasonable. FURNISHED ROOMS. SI WEEK UP. GIL man Hotel. 1st and Alder: Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, WITH AL- cove, suitable for two; bath, phone. 266 Park st- Red 3900. I 2 CLEAN ROOMS ON GROUND FLOOR: gas, bath, sink and range: no children. N.. 13. Oregonlan. FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE for two. $3 and $4 per week; private family. 394 YamhllL BEST FURNISHED ROOMS IN CITi, suites and single. C55 Irving st. Phone Main 2111. -9 PARK VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS" newly ' furnished, both large and email; bath and phone. ROOMS TO RENT 414 YAMHILL ST.. pleasant rooms: steam heat, telephone, gas, bath, etc NICE, NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. MOD ern conveniences; reasonable prices. 381 Yamhill. 168 PARK ST. NICELY FURNISHED front and slderoom; one block from Portland Hotel. THJ3 OLIVE. 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. of 5th Neatly furnished rooms; prices reason able. THE NEW LEXINGTON. 202 2D ST. Housekeeping rooms or single. Phone Red 1772. 11TH ST.. NO. 258 NICELTt FURNISHED room; modern: private family; gentlemen only. PLEASANT BAY-WINDOW ROOM. BATH, phone. $8. 3S7 Benton st. near Broadway; NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. ALL conveniences: private family. 432 Jefferson. TWO BRIGHT, CONNECTING ROOMS, one front, nicely furnished. 432 Jefferson. 395 MORRISON, COR. 10TH NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without board. COMFORTABLE ROOM IN PRIVATE HOUSE (central), $3. Telephone Main 1084. Rooma With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT" FAMILY Ho tel. 105-167 10th st, cor. Morrison: very pleasant rooms, steam heat, porcelain bath, plenty of hot water, handsome dining room: can now accommodate table board ers; table and service flrst-clas3. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 1CTH year: rooms with board: use of sewing room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabol Russell, superintend ent, 510 Flanders. THE WONOLANCET. 150 11TH ST.. NEAR Morrison; lovely newly furnished rooms, with board; suites, single and double rooms; house strictly modern; also table board, reasonable. ' HANDSOME SUITES OR SINGLE ROOMS: table first-class; modern conveniences; free bath, phone: special terms couples or parties. Waldorf. 147 13th. HOTEL BROWN ROOMS NEWLY FUR nlshed; baths, electric lights, elevator: rooma for transients; on both car lines. 271 Grand ave. . 1 BLAKELEY HALL. 251 7TH ST. LARGE rooms with first-class board; fins location; 4 blocks from Hotel Portland. Main 2331. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS. ONE FOR TWO persons and other for one; good board, every convenience. The Sterling, 16th and Couch. ACCOMMODATION FOR COUPLE OR GEN- tlemen; private family; first-class table and neighborhood; references. B 35, Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen, witn or witnout Doara; gas, bath, phone; private family. 581 Third st. TWO FRONT ROOMS: PRIVATE FAMILY; gas, bath, heat; board convenient. 44 1 Mont gomery st,, near 12th. Phone Main 739. A VERY COMFORTABLE. PLEASANT ROOM with first-class board; terms very reasonable. No. 2 14th st. Phone Main 3843. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR for couples; home cooking; hath, phone. Call 655 Washington st. NEWLY PAPERED, PAINTED AND RENO vated rooms, with or without board. 167 W. Park, near Morrison. NEW WESTERN HOTEL, 7TH AND GLI san sts. Newly furnished rooms, with or without board. SEVERAL NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with first-class table board; men preferred. 445 4th st. 76 W. PARK PARLOR FOR TWO. TABLE board, home cooking; terms reasonable. Phone.' Main 1074. ROOM WITH BOARD. SUITABLE FOR twp. 531 Flanders st, near 16th st,; phone Main 2312. ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, 394 Factory And Thurman. between 224 aad 23d streets. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; modern conveniences. 350 Madison st., cor. Park. A WELL-FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO gentlemen; with board. $40. C 78, Orego nlan. 315 MORRISON Desirable room for two; gpod table. Mrs. Mulford, phone Green 703. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS AND board; hot and cold water. Mrs. D. Jay-' NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH BOARD for two; $5 per week each. 414 Everett st. 394 ALDER. COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR clshed room, with table board; reasonable. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAM Hy. Inquire 189 16th St., near Taylor, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH- HEAT. $& r04 Washingtoa at., near 134. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT Voard; $5 per week. 423 7th s