THE SIOKNING OEEGONIAN, MONDAY, MAECH 28, 190f. SAN FRAN CISCO LETTER Unaccustomed Rain Inconveniences CaHfornlans College Students Do Remarkable Athletic Stunts Romance of Santos-Dumont SAN FRANCISCO. March at (Special correspondence.) Not for 55 years has California experienced so many days of rainy -weather In March. "While It has proved an Inconvenience to the people of the larger cities, It has proved a boon to the rural districts, and has assured bounteous harvests, which -were seriously "threatened by the prolonged drouth. Up to the present time San Francisco has Ibeen drawing more heavily on Southern Oregon than ever, before for Its butter supply. During toe past week, however, the districts south of the metropolis have begun to supply their quota. Despite the xaln, the tourist travel is heavier than in previous years. Curing the present -week an average of 450 guests has been received at the five leading hotels dally. This In cludes the new San Francisco, which opened this week. Representative Met calf's Ambition. 'A new" political story has been In cir culation in San Francisco this week -which connects the name of Congressman Victor IH". Metcalf with the Postmaster-Generalship. Postmaster-General Payne's physi cians have warned him that his health will not permit of his continuing much longer in public office. He Is even now in a precarious state. Metcalf has come to assume the leadership over the California Representatives. He is very close to President Roosevelt and his advice is eagerly sought on matters pertaining to the Pacific Coast. "What gave rise to the rumor was a series of Inquiries as to Met calfs fitness for such a post, and his knowledge of postal affairs. These in quiries have since been traced to the "White House. It was thought up to a lew months ago that ex-Congressman Eugene F. Loud, of San Francisco, was in line for a high position In the Postofflce Department. Doud was chairman of the House committee on postofflces fcr a number of years and came to be looked upon as an authority on matters relating to the department. However, the postal investigation did not reveal him In a pleasant light, although he was not shown to have been concerned In any of the idrpngdolng. Any1 chance he may have previously had of rising to the head of the department Is believed to have been shat tered by the facts brought out 'during the Investigation. It is well known, more over, that Metcalf has other ambitions. He has for some time been casting eager eyes at the Senate chamber, but, knowing the peculiarities and vagaries of the sltua. tlon in California, has kept his thoughts to himself. He has of late, however, de veloped the letter-writing habit in a way to disclose what he has so long kept to himself. Letters sent broadcast to his friends In California have urged upon them the necessity of keeping Bard's fol lowing intact. "Keep It Intact for whom?" has been asked and the soft reply has been "Metcalf." Though Bard says he will take the place again If offered it, add ing that he will not seek it, Metcalf is aware- that this "sit-down-and-walt" po litical strategy ends where It begins. He has taken what Is considered by some a wise step. If he can preserve Bard's following, it is argued, he can, at the proper time, transfer it to himself, when Bard shall have been counted out by his own passive attitude. There Is a power ful element at work for Oxnard, and it Is this that Metcalf fears more than any thing else. Oxnard does nothing by halves. He covers the ground quickly and he leaves an impression wherever he treads. Fight of Orangegrowers. Much of the prosperity In California has "been attributed by writers In Eastern magazines to tho spirit of co-operation which exists among those engaged In the various industries here. There is the Or angegrowers' Association, the Pruneg row ers Association, the Fruit Grange, the Poultry Association, the Wlnemen's As sociation, and now a Grapegrowers Asso ciation Is to be organized, distinct frpm the "Wine Association, whose object it shall he to secure better terms from the win eries and better prices for their product from the fruitmen. The Prune Associa tion has, better than any of the other or ganisations. Illustrated the advantages to be gained by joining interests. The or angegrowers have the railroads to con tend with and were defeated this week, after making the hardest fight they have yet undertaken for lower freight rates. The association asked for a reduction from $1.25 per 100 pounds to Eastern points " over the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe to $L A conference which ended yesterday resulted In tho defeat of the growers. They put the proposition before the railroad committee In this manner: You can af ford to carry our oranges to lew York and Chicago at $1 per 100 pounds, and here are figures to prove it. "Unless you agree to this we shall destroy a part of our crop, thus giving you less to carry, but bringing us better prices. The request was denied, , and now the growers are talk ing of plowing Into the ground the or anges still on the trees, In order to send up tha price. Great Athletic Feats. Two remarkable performances were made this week by college athletes. Norman Dole, of Stanford, In practice broke the world's record for the pole-vault, clear ing the bar at 12 feet Inch. He Is a nephew of ex-Governor Dole, of Hawaii, and one of five brothers who. have been famous as athletes at Stanford. In the championship field day held at Berkeley yesterday, Sperry. a freshman, broke the Coast record In the shot-put with a thrust of 43 feet 3 Inches, This surpasses the performance of Plow. Berkeley's great athlete, by almost a foot. The world's record in this event Is now held by Ralph Rose, a California boy, who left this state a few months ago to enter the University of Michigan. One of the most remarkable of the college athletes is Emll Abadle, of Berkeley, who Is 5 feet 2 Inches high, and who has repeatedly run the 100 yards in ten seconds. Measurements taken this week show that, small as he is, he starts his race with a nine-foot stride and works up gradually until his finishing strides measure 12 feet. It Is assured that Abadle, Sperry and Dole will be among the Call f ornla athletes sent to the St. Louis Fair. Dunne, the quarter-miler of Stanford, will probably join them. He has run the dis tance in 60 seconds. A feature of tho in tercollegiate contest this Spring will be a boatrace between freshmen crews from Berkeley and Stanford. This will be the first meeting on the water of representa tives of the two universities. On Sunday will take place on the courts of the Olympic Club a contest for the handball championship of the world. It will be between Michael J. Egan, of Jer sey City, and James F. Fitzgerald, of San Francisco. Fifteen games will be played in all, eight on Sunday and seven a week later. Egan recently defeated Keegan of Chicago, who claimed the American cham pionship. Egan is a strong, aggressive player, who uses one hand as well as the other. In addition, he depends largely upon his natural strength and endurance. Fitzgerald as a "heady" player and uses rare judgment- He Is not Egan's equal physically. Famous Man Dies In Penury. Early this week there died in a cheap lodging-house in San Francisco, without friends and penniless, Edwin Ruthven Campbell, in his SCth year. On the day of his death there arrived from his rela tives in the East a check for a good sum and a letter saying he should never again want for anything. Campbell was a brother of ex-Congressman Lewis D. Campbell, of Ohio, an uncle of ex-Governor James" E. Campbell, of tho same state, uncle of ex-Congressman Morley, of Ohio, and a grandson of Andrew Small, a Revolutionary patriot. Camp bell was a California pioneer, an au thor and a wit with a National reputa tion. He had been tho associate vof "Webster. Clay, Calhoun and Tom Cor wjn, and years ago made a record for himself as editor of the Cincinnati Com mercial Tribune. For a number of years after coming to California he was active In politics, at one time being State Register. Hi-health and unprofitable Investments reduced him to the pitiable station In which he died. Santos Dumont's Romance. Gossip in this city has for some weeks connected the names of Miss Lurline Spreckels, the beautiful daughter of the sugar king, and Santos Jcmont, the aeronaut. The first intimation of a romance came from Paris, where Miss Spreckels was visiting. It was said that, while she looked favorably upon the ad vances of her admirer, her mother frowned upon thorn and hurried her back to America. They Intended to come to their home In San Francisco, but shortly after reaching New York learned that the balloonist had also arrived In New York. Mrs. Spreckels then lost no time in returning with her daughter to Paris, and now the report has reached here that Santos Dumont has also gone back to France. The marriage of Miss Ethel Kent, of San Francisco, to Lieutenant Gilbert M. Allen, of Fort "Wright, has been set for April 6. Captain G. "W. Helms, of Van couver Barracks, will act as best man. Dr. and Mrs. Sanford "Whitney, of Portland, are visiting in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cram are down from Portland for a few days. BACK TO- OLEO. Long-Suffering Family Couldn't Ap preciate Good Butter. Newark News. "That last butter you sent us was rank." "My dear Mr. Hillside, that was the best butter I've ever sold you." "Don't you suppose I know good butter from bad?" "You certainly do, sir, but " "We've never had to complain before. The butter you've been giving us was fine. But the stuff this week was the limit. " Don't you ever do It again. Good day." "Johnny," said the grocer to his boy when the customer was gone, "what was It you delivered last to the Hillsides?" "Soma of that new tub of real butter. sir." "Well, they want to go back to oleo. Mako a note of it." His Position. Puck. "I understand, Mr. Hardscrabble," ob served the solemn looking individual, who had been distributing political literature about the neighborhood, "that you once voted for William Jennings Bryan In the nominating convention." Yes, sir, responded Hlram Hardscrab ble, "I once voted for "William Jennln's Bryan In the nomlnatln convention. Also I once applied my youthful tongue to a frozen Iron pump-handle; also I once pur chased a large, ornate gold brick; also I once give J2 to a layin' on of hands prac tloner; also I once tried to cure my stiff neck with a hornet's nest; also I once planted buckwheat accordin to the direc tions of a Farmer's Handy Manual. But if you was calculatln on inducln me to repeat any of them performances, I must Inform you that I am respondln to no en cores whatever, sir. In that line no en cores." DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. March 27. Maximum tempera ture, 47 deg.; minimum, 39. River reading, 11 A. M., 7.8 feet: change In 24 hours, 0.7 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.37 Inch; total since September 1. 1903, 42.54 Inches; normal. 37.79; excess. 4.75. Total sun. ehlne March 26. 1904, 6 hours 29 minutes; pos slblc. 12 hours 30 minutes. Barometer (re duced to eea level), at 5 P. M., 29.88. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. III 3 Z- i !?E Co STATIONS. o o ! o P."i? Baker City ...... Bismarck ....t ... Boise .... Helena North Head Pocatello ..... .. Portland 0.061 0.00 24 0.16 0.00 0.10I28 SB NW S NB E E SE N NW NW NW SE SE NE E SW Snowing Cloudy naming Cloudy Raining Snowing Cloudy )3S T j 12 Rod Bluff Roseburg 4S;o"S4j 600.02 (Raining Cloudy Sacramento 56 0.011 6 Raining Cloudy Raining Cloudy Raining Raining Cloudy Salt Lake City... San Francisco .... 44 0.01 8 60 0.221 8 Spokane 42 O.O0: GO 0.041 44 0.20i56 Seattle Tatoosh Island ... Walla Walla...., 1441 T Light. T, trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The disturbance noted yesterday off the Ore gon coast Is moving slowly northeastward. Storm southeast warnings were ordered dis played Sunday morning at the entrance to the Strait of Fuca. and during the afternoon the winds Increased at Tatoosh Island to a veloc ity of GS miles from the east. Light rain also attends the disturbance, and It has occurred generally In Northern Call for- nla. Northern Nevada, Northern Utah, West ern Oregon, Western Washington and South western Idaho. Light snow was falling at 5 P. M., at Baker City, Or., and at Pocatello, Idaho. The Indications are for occasional rain In this district Monday, except at high level places. East of the Cascades the precipitation will be In the form of snow. The winds along the Oregon and Washington coasts and In the Puget 'Sound district will be moderately high from the southeast. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, March 28: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; brisk to moderately high southerly winds. Western Oregon Occasional rain, cooler south portion; brisk to moderately high south, erly winds. Western Washington Occasional rain; brisk to moderately high southeasterly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Rain or snow, warmer; moderately high southeast winds. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "Houss. keeping Rooms," "Situation Wanted." 13 words or less, IS cents: 16 to 0 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEAD3 except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each addition! Insertion, one-halt; so further discount ua- cer one month. "NEW TODAT" (gauge measure agate) 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAT. Warehouse Sites For Sale "West Side, any size, on track or off. or will build for tenants. Can fill any order at once. It. M. Wilbur, 306 McKay .uuiiaing. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Keai Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines i. H. lilBEELL, Formerly of MnrMnster A BlrrtlL. . 202-4 McKay Building. -Third and Stark. Phone Mala 232. sfJELLLi XETSCKAX, Pre, SETEITBUB BU1MSTM STMETS, MITLUI, IKHI European Plan $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, American Plan Also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS. HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The manage Bent will be pleased at all times to ern Turkish bath establishment In the d's Portaii It's a gem. Everything new and elegant Steam heat, dec trio lights. Por celain baths and lavatories on every floor. Rates, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, European. Finest restaurant in Portland. Also billiards and bar. The big olive-colored, rubber-tired coach meets ali trains. It's free. HOTEL SCOTT, Seventh and Ankeny Sts., P. O. Block EDUCATIONAL. 'wcceM) OF OUR GRADUATES proves that a course with us pays. 'What we have done for young people in the past -we can do now better than ever before, because of improved facilities. Our school is always spoken of as first- class in all respects. Superior methods, thorough work, has given it this high standing. Open all the year; students admitted at any time; catalogue free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL.B., PRINCIPAL Holmes Business College Established 1887. YAMHILL AND ELEVENTH STREETS. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Open All the Tear. Send for Catalogue. PERNIN SHORTHAND Simplest, most legible and rapid: once learned, always retained. If you are thinking of attending business college you cannot afford to ignore the best one in town. tStliriKb - WALKfcK BUSINtSS COLLEGE Steams Building, Sixth and Morrison. Day and night. Phone Main 590. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. P ANGLE, Resident Manager. Wednesday and Thursday nights, March 30. 31, 1004; matinee AVednesday, at 2:15 o'clock. ANNA HELD, m 'MAMSELLE NAPOLEON." Sale of seats will open THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock. Prices, both matinee and night Entire lower noor, iz.w. uaicony, nrst 3 rows, J1.50: sec ond 3 rows, $1.00: last 6 rows, 75c Gallery, ioc ana wc uoxce ana ioges, $12.50. THE BAKER .h"- THEATER nd Manager. Phone Main 1007. Tonight, all week, matinee Saturday. THE NEW NEILL-MOROSCO COMPANT. in .sat uooowin a success, "When We Were Twenty-One" Evening prices, 50c. 35c. 25c, 15c Matinee prices, 25c. 15c, 10c. NEXT WEEK "PUDD'NHEAD WILSON. CORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL, MANAGERS. TONIGHT. All week except "Good Friday" Night. OLYMPIA COMIC OPERA COMPANY Presenting Andran's fascinating opera bouffe composition, "LA MASCOTTE." (Best production ever in Portland.) No advance In prices. GRAND ORCHESTRAL CONCERT S. L. DRISCOLL, Conductor Empire Theater TUESDAY EVE. MAR. 29 Soloist, Mrs. A. C. Sheldon. Soprano Edward Courtlenne, Pianist. SEATS $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c DIRECTION ELMORE RICE. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. V REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30.' 7:80 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles GentUmen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS On Imnroved cits an- farm. uroDeriT. Build- lag toons. Installment loans. Wi. ittO- UaKTEK. 311 Worceswr block. B0HDS, WARRANTS, STOCKS And mortgages bought and sold. J. W. (.ru- ibers & Co.. Chamber) of Commerce. MORI GAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Tltle Guarantees. TrustXo. T Chamber of Commerce,' . C W. KNOWXXS, Mgr. OREGON $3 PER DAY AID UPWARD show rooms and give prices. A mod hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Mgr. New Hotel AUCTION SALES TODAY. By the Ford Auction Company, at 182 1st st.. at 10 A. M. H. Ford, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. tvaimttott? T rrn-c vrn in v riT v Regular convention this (Monday) evening, at 7:30' o'clock. In Pythian Cartle eighth' floor juarquam ouiiaing. visiting Knights cordially invited. cwhist.1 C. H. MEUSSDORFFER, JR., C. C. FRED P. HOLM. K. of R. and S. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP ter. No. 14, O. E. S. A regular com munication THIS (MONDAY) EVEN ING, at 8 o'clock. By order W, M. SARAH B. GUERIN. Secretary. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12, A. F. F. and A. M.Stated communication this (Monday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the E. A. Degree. Visitors are cordially invited. By order of the W. M. W. M. DE LIN, secretary. FOR RENT HALLS IN MULKEY BLOCK for lodges. Apply "Western Acaxremy of Music i DESD. HANSELL In this city, March 27, 1004, San ford w.. Infant son of Jonn G. ana Emma M. Hansell, aged 4 months and 15 days. FUNERAL NOTICES. March 20, 1004, Mary E. Anderson, agea oo years 8 months 7 days. Funeral will take place today. March 28, at 2 P. M., from F. S. Dunntng's funeral parlors, 414 E. Alder. Friends Invited. IRWIN Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend tne lunerai serv ices of Dora M. Irwin, which will bo held at Flnley's Chapel at 2 P. M. today. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. GRILL At Colorado Springs. March 24. 1004, John Grill, aged Z4 years, tunerai toaay, March 28. at 1:30 P. M.. from his parents' residence, 307 Brazee st. Funeral services will be held at the German M. E. Church, corner Rodney ave. and Stanton St.. at 2 P. M. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends Invited. 1 EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers and embalmers. h&Te moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. 3. P. FINLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner, iaay assistant. xeiepaone -o. v. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. - DUNNING CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th pine. Lady assistant. Phone Main 430. CLARKE BROS., FINE FLOWERS. Flo ral designs. SSB Morrison. NEW TODAY. EXCELLENT 575 ACRES IN SUBURBS. South Salem: same kind land adjoining is selling at $100 per acre. This tract for only $50 per acre. See or address T. Withy combe, room 1. Hamilton blk., Portland, Oregon. J0, 000 FEET OF BEST-LOCATED WARE bouse ground site. West Side; sidetrack. Particulars, L. E. Thompson & Co., 223 3d st. INVESTMENT WEST SIDE FLATS, come $1000 yearly: price $5500. L. Thompson & Co., 22S 3d st. IN- E. $3600 WILL BUY FULL LOT. 2 HOUSES, rental value $40: close In; bargain. R. M. Wilbur. 306 McKay bldg. BARGAIN Easy $13,500 Terms 100x100, 2d and Main. Income, $1500 per year. For particulars phone Main 44. FOR SALE Sdcond-hand Hoe Shaving Machine (hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore gonian Publishing Co. WE SELL MONEY ORDERS Payable everywhere. They cost just one halt as much as postofflce or express or ders. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The oldest Trust Company In Oregon. 109 Third Street. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. RODNEY AVE., UPPER ALB IN A. 6 ROOMS, 1-itory, tinted walla, cement basement, patent toilet, bath, corner lot. bargain; $1000, . terms. Inquire room 9. 245i Morrison st. FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE; GOOD WELL and outbuildings; t s-iu acres in orcnard; price reasonable. O. Wlsslnger. Mlraraukle, Or. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE $1200: one-third down, balance install ments. Apply 871 East 11th at.. North. TOR SALE EIGHT LOTS, WITH A GOOD D-room bouse and outbuildings; will eell cheap. O Wlsslnger, Milwaukle. Or. $300 LOT ON WEIDLER ST.. $35 CASH. balance 5 per month; only one at that In. Mill.. 7ft rl.nn.K rnVn FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAINS'. FTRE IN- surance. financial- agency and loans, call on F. O. Northrop, 24814 Stark. $2800 TEN ACRES. CULTIVATED, NEAR cars; house, born, fruit. John Oatman, owner, S3Z snenocK mag. FOR SALE AT SEASIDE. 6-ROOM HOUSE and lot, with furniture: choice location: TV 3L- Oregonlan. - FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. GREAT BARGAINS AND TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. 5-1OO20 acres 1H miles from Kolama; house and small field In cultivation; run ning water; dose to school ; good for fruit or chicken ranch. 11700 10 acres, 2 miles from Kaiama: 30 acres under the plow, balance partially cleared for pasture; land fenced and cross fenced; 5 acres of choice fruit;- fine stream water on place; mile from school; good stock, range and fine place fcr raisins fruit and vegetables for tha market; on good county road. $3000 160 acres, 2V4 miles from Kaiama; 30 acres under plow, And 30 acres more slashed: land rich and lays level; large or chard of choice fruit; good farmhouse; large and well-arranged barn; close to school and on good county road; a place to make money on from the start. Write us for a list of our special bar gains In farm property or come and see us. Imus & Wllloughby. Kaiama, Washington. 20 ACRES, ALL IN FRUIT TREES. BER rtes. clover: a strsam of fine, clear water furnished power for a furniture factory; 9-rooxn house, barn, fruit drier, 1 miles from Portland city limits, 0 blocks from carllne; fine location for residences; the whole or part can be bought. P. J. Henne xnann. Mllwaukla, -Or.; take Oregon City cor. 160 ACRES IN COLUMBIA SOUTHERN arid district, one of the very first selec tions, and. consequently one of the best in the entire tract; water now on the land; forded circumstances has changed my plans; will sell my rights at a sacri fice. Address G 34, Oregonlan. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, 11TH AND WHIT taker, S. Portland, one block south of wind mill Marauam Hill, corner lot. 50x100; nice yard, fruit trees, basement, all rooms paint ed and decorated In oil paint; house In good condition; bargain: 800 cash; nw agents. Telephone Black 3862. ON THE MARKET UNTIL TUESDAY, March 29th only, on the Installment plan, a fine new G-room residence in ewellest lo cation on East Taylor st.; pncee $34 w; from $200 to $300 down, balance $50 per month at 6 per cent Interest. Charleson & Staub, 245 Morrison st. HOUSE AND FURNITURE. 13 ROOMS, large halls, bath basement, electric lights: rooms light, convenient; near school and cars; 15 minutes' walk -to Postofflce. Call Owner, Front 2158. E 31, Oregonlan. DESIRABLE 7-ROOM HOUSE, COR. FHtST and wnittaker ets., with bath and rurnace; full corner lot, fronting south and east; a bargain If taken now. A. H. Blrrell, 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. FOR SALE 11-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT. In Central Alblna; all modern conven iences; price $2000; $1400 down. 824 Gan tenbeln ave. Address L. Hathaway, Mil waukle. Or. ) NICE 8-ROOM HOUSE AND 3 LARGE LOTS on car line, near Brooklyn school; price. $2600; or house and one lot. $1600; pays 12 per cent; a bargain. "Owner," 232 Stark st. 8 rooms, E. 30th & Washington. $2250. 8 rooms, furnace, Holladay Add.. $2750. 3 houses, cor. Holladay Add.. $3350. F. Woodward. Phone. East 1371. 187 E. 32d. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton, Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car- 3c BARGAINS IN FARMS. ACREAGE. CITY property, choice timber and homestead loca tions. Ogden & Maxwell. 310 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. 100x175 feet lot; choice fruit and berries. Q 21, Oregonlan. Montavllla Postofflce. $2300 NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE: NOW READY to occupy, close to two cor-llnes. East Side. J 34, Oregonlan. RARE BARGAIN $2000 BUYS 235 ACRES near Brownsville. B. S. Cook, 251 Alder St., Portland. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR steel bridge; $3000: terms. 612 Commer cial bldg. 25 HOUSES ON EAST SIDE AND SUBURBS. $700 to $4000. W. M. Seward, J17 Ablngton bldg. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 LOTS on E. 10th st. Valley Land Co., 43 1st st. $950 NICE CORNER LOT. HOOD AND Grover .sts. See owner, 211 Glbbs st. BARGAIN FINE LOT ON 10TH ST., CE ment walk; $1600. 260 North 18th. 3-ROOM COTTAGE CHEAP; GRAND AVE., near Preecott. Phone Union 6524. FOR SALE FASMS. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO ALBER ta, Saskatchewan. Asslalbota and Manitoba will leave Spokane and Seattle every Wednes day during April, May and June. Join the crowd and visit the greatest stock and grain country on this continent. Never mind what others say; see the country for yourself. For special excursion rates apply to J. N. Grieve, Canadian Immigration Agent. Auditorium Bldg.. Spokane, Wash. FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND. 8 MILES from Portland. 1 mile from Tlgardvllls; good black soli, plenty oi water, 3 gooa building!, on the main road, 1 acre or chard, all fenced, 8 acres dear; price $1600. Inquire at once. 301 21st N.. Port land. Or. 440 ACRES, OF WHICH 250 ACRES CAN be Irrigated, on tne uescnuies mver, i muea i . i l- . nlfol'n r,v I.ti'it. I- vate water right; title warranty deed; at crossing -of C. & E. K. K.; price $10-an acre. Call on owner at 417-418 Oregonlan bldg. FARMS WB HAVE SOME OF THE FINEST farms in Oregon tor saie nt very attractive prices and terms: can not mention them in detail. If you are Interested call on or ad dress Palmer Bros., 4i7titt uregonian Diag. FARM LANDS WE ARE HEADQUAR ters for Eastern Oregon wheat lands and have a large list of Willamette Valley farms. See us before you buy. Mo- Arthur & Mahoney, 410 Macleay bldg. rnW SG5 ACRES. 170 CLEAR. 7 ACRES orchard, all fenced, house and barn; good spring: school and church on place; plank roaa; ? mites irom uregon 1.117; wiu aeu aii or in part. Appiy isi au FOR SALE OR TRADE FARM. 120 ACRES; barn, house and good water well; 7 blocks to school from house: 3 miles from market and postofflce; good timber, about SO acres; price IMPROVED FARMS FOR 8 ALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; pay ments mode to suit purcnosers. or par ticulars apply to WM. MACMASTER, 311 Worcester block. FOR SALE GOOD D AIR'S AND STOCK farm. 370 acres, one mils from Astoria: small bouse and orchard; green grass all year. W. O. Howell, D3H cnamDer or. com merce. $10 TO ?20 MONTHLY BUYS 10 TO 100 acre farms near Portland with Immediate possession; on railway and car lines. Ore gon iron K oieei v.n. aoif oueriucit Diag. FOR SALE 320 ACRES LAND. CLARK County, Washington; $3.25 per acre, worth 10: railroad crosses land; must be sold. In- ' quire room 738 Chamber Commerce. btir SALS-320 ACRES. WELL IMPROVED: 30 acres hop?, first elate; also 10, 15, 20- acre tracts improved land. Address C M. Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. FOR SALE FARMS SOME CHOICE forms In Eastern Multnomah and Northern Clackmas Counties. Roberta & Wlrtx, Greshom. Or. 1 160-ACRE FARM. 2 MILES FROM KINGS ton: 100 acres plow land: good buildings: well watered. W. F. Hayes. Kingston. Or. 400-acre farm for sale. 4 miles from Kings ton; ft unaer cultivation; gooa tmtiaings. well watered, o. w. yoisant. Kingston. Or. 640 ACRES FOR DAIRYING. STOCK AND frultrolsins; near coast and busy towns: $10 an acre; a Bargain, v is. care uregonias. Farm 65 acres, cultivated: 8 miles east; on car line; mooern improve menu; summer noma; 700 Winter apples; land level- 227 Front. BEST 15 ACRES ON COLUMBIA, 30 MIN- utes from heart or city: hearing fruit, buildings. Bee owner. 54 N. "3d st. S0-ACRE RANCH NEAR" COTTAGE GROVE. Or.; house furnished; $775. Boothroyd & Co., Tacoma, wash. TIMBER LANDS FOR SAUL. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also recertified soldiers additional Porterfleld-Valentln land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Maglnnla & Son, 227 Falling bldg. WANTED A LARGE TRACT OF COTTON wood timber: must he close to good log Kinc stream, giving access to railroad. Ad dresa with full particulars, S 1. Oregonlan. FOREST RESEHVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN mt size tracts, ready for immediate' use. Will take agricultural, grazing or timber land. H. B. Compson, 618 Marquam bldg. TIMBER LANDS, ACCESSIBLE, EXCBL- lent timber: immediate location; can today and investigate. Whltten & Bryant, room ll.,Mulkey bldg.. 2d, Morrison. EIGHT 3 to -4 MILLION CLAIMS SPRUCE near coast. .Adaress lockbox 12, Jecerwg, -or. TIMBER LANDS TOR SALE. 50 TIMBER LOCATIONS, 2,000.000 TO 4,000,000 each; 20 choice timbered home steads, II pralrte homesteads, choice grain lands, several good homestead relinquish ments: oil well located; large and small tracts of timber bought nnd sold. Oorge S. Confleld. 303 Commercial blk. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN LARGE AND small blocks at lowest prices. 31S Allsky bids- SCRIP prices. - WRITE ME FOR LOWEST L. W. Whiting. 40S Ablngton bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 8-ROOM RESIDENCE MOD ern and new, with fireplace, basement and garret; close In on either side of river. Call room 418 Dekum. Phone Main 1510. BRING US YOUR WEST SIDE PROPERTY: we have buyer L. W. Whiting & -Co., 403 Ablngton bldg. TO EXCHANGE. WANTED PAINTER TO DO TESTING AND Inside finishing of S-room house in exchange for tailor-made clothing. Address V 36. care Oregonlan. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR three lots' in Omaha, Neb., 10 acres adjoin ing Port Angeles? Address B 34, Oregonlan. TARM TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT er rooming-house. Columbia Real Estau Trust Co.. 234ft Morrison st. TEN ACRES NEAR ALBANY. WORTH $350. to exchange for city lot or flne diamond. T 29. Oregoman. FOR EXCHANGE GOOD MINING for driving horse or team and rig. Oregonlan. STOCK E 30, REAL ESTATE TO TRADE FOR HORSES, piano or automobile. F 26, Oregonlan. FOB BENT FARMS. FOR RENT 4 acres good garden- land, house, barn and good water; also for sale 2 good milch cows soon fresh, 3 nice heifers. 1 farm wagon and a set of good harness by J. Hodel, Kelly ave., 4 blocks west of Mann Station. Woodstock car-line. SO ACRES, "WITH 25 UNDER THE PLOW; about 6 acres of choice fruit; small house. barn, close to good school and 2 miles from Kaiama; can. work out rent .on place. Come and see Imus & Wllloughby, Kaiama, Washington. I THREE GOOD STOCK RANCHES. ALL well located; two of them .furnished complete, cash rent and one on shares. Call 226& Mor liaon st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc BARGAIN TEAM. 8 YEARS OLD. WEIGHS 2650 pounds; are sound and true every way. with new 3&-Inch wagon and extra heavy harness; part time, If desired. Call 26 N. 15th st. , SNAP $100 BUYS TEAM, WEIGHS 2400 pounds; suitanie tor express delivery or rarm work; also good delivery mare; price $55. Derby Stables, 15th st., juet off Washington. HORSES, WAGONS. BUGGIES. HARNESS or all kinds for sale, exchange or rent, at Derby Livery Stable. 15th st.. Just oft Wash ington. Telephone Main 1IS5. FOR SALE HORSE, HARNESS. SURRY and phaeton, robes, etc.; owner leaving city. Inquire Model Stable, cor. 5th and Davis. CARLOAD OF HARNESS, 100 VEHICLES, anything from a cart to a hearse. 211 Wash ington - A GOOD TOP BUGGY. IN FINE CONDITION, at a Dargain. Room 10. wasnington hidg. FINE ALMOST NEW $375 UPRIGHT PI ano for sale chsap; excellent reason for selling: no lake, x 81. urcgoman. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SALE. OF UNCLAIMED PER- flonal nrooerty Monday. April 11. 1BIH. com mencing at 10 o'clock A. M., the Oregon Railroad &. Navigation Co. will sell at pub lie auction at auction-rooms of S. L. N. Gil man. 413 Washington st.. Portland. Or., all the following described property, which for more than three months prior hereto has been and now Is In the possession, and sub ject to the Hen, of said company, marked, or not marked, and Identified as follows: Zinc trunks: Martin Moolna. Oma Living ston, w. H. .Turner, uonnie sanaman, iaicn L. Kenoyer, George Moniiaws, AiDert tiesner. Mrs. William xouruf. a. j. jium, o. n, Hutchens, Robert Alstrop. Painted canvas trunko: Eugene Click, Joe, Zimmerman. Dan Foley. Also the following articles, not marked: a canvas-finished trunks. 2 wood trunks. tin trunk, 4 boxea. 1 bicycle, 1 baby cab, 307 bundles, sacks and packages. 1 soldier's bag. 1 set frames, 36 russet valises; 92 canvas telescopes, 7 suit cases, 9 basket telescopes, 10 black grips, 15 gents' overcoats, 10 ladles To satlsfv the Hen and charges there of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company for keep, storage, care and attention by it be itnsni thereto, which Hen and charges have neither been satisfied nor paid by the owner within the time preserved Dy law. THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION I COMPANY. By A. L. Craig, General Passenger Agent. FOR BALE APRIL 1. 1B04. 10 A. M, 12 thomuehhred Durham and jersey cows, wen bred, gentle; any boy can milk; also 9 year ling heifers. Jerseys, 2 2-year-old bulls, one Jersey, one Durham. J. Pat Smith, 28th Anrl Thnmraon sts. ( DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Rcnair it with Elaterite: it roils, easy to lay; needs no pointing or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co.. 10 Worcester bldg. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23: all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc. Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. 50.000 FEET NO. 3. FIR LUMBER FOR sale cheap; oil sizes, west coast sasn ec Door Co.. cor. 10th and Vaughn sts. Phone Main 1413. FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND COFFEE house; fine location and business; lease. 51 N. 2d st., cor. uavis. BRAND-NEW CASH REGISTER. TOTAL adder: half pnet; 5 sew whisky barrels. 110 N. M. FOR BALE FTNE ENGLISH SETTER bitch, partly broken: 1 year old. Phon Brown 0S5. ' MACNEALE & URBAN SAFE: 24x36 IN side; double doors. Thos. Splllmann, 127 N, 12th st. H ALL'S SAFE. ALMOST NEW, VERY cheap. Address S 11, care Oregonlan. SAFE, ROLL-TOP DESK AND TYPE writer at a bargain. M 2. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. EARN A BETTER SALARY AND POSI tlon; study electricity, mechanical engl nee-ring, telegraphy, at -home, by corres pondence; thousands successful. Thomas A. Edison indorses institute. isooK. "can Become an Electrical Engineer?" mailed free. Electrical Engineer Institute, New York- C AN AD IAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. th leading employment agency of tha North vul 243 Burnsiae st. mona uoin ao WANTED OPENED FOR BRIGHT. QOOD- aesesrlnr solicitor for established rontt; salary and commission basis; high-class nrnmiition. educational In- character. Ad dress J. P. Thompson. Bunt.. 305 Tjtrltla it. Ean Francisco. RY MANUFACTURING HOUSE. TRUSTY assistant for branch office; $18 paid weekly miiitnn -nprnranent: no caoltal required Drevlous experience not essential. Address Branch Superintendent, Como Blk.. Chicago. MEN AND WOMEN TO LBAKN THE BAR bar trade: new class of ladles Just starting writ for full particulars, and if In doubt make a personal Investigation. American Barber College. 253 Everett su. Portland. ARE YOU COMPETENT ? WE HAVE Posi tions for managers, huici, uuice men and technical men paying $1000 to $5000 a year; high grade exclusively; ask for booklet. Hap- gcods, suite xw, ou,x-ioncer Diag., &eattie. AN ENERGETIC TRAVELING SALES maiL visiting retail trade, can secure val uable side line of dry goods kpedaltles. blankets, etc. F. C Roilman & Co., infers., Philadelphia. GOOD, STEADY POSITION TQ TRAVEL; man with small capital preferred; good character and best of references; a chance of a lifetime for a good business. G 35, Ore gonlan. Men to learn barber trade: only requires eight weeks; special offer; constant practice- expert Instruction;' catalogue free. Moler System College, San Francisco, CaL BOY, 15 TO IT. 4T 1ST ST. HELP WANTED MALE. I WE DESIRE TO SECURE THE SERVICES of three or four reliable solicitors; excel lent contract to right men; profitable em ployment. 327 Marquam bldg.. Portland. WANTED A GOOD SALESMAN TO HAN die school supplies; good proposition to right party. Address The Whlttaker & Rny Co., Son Francisco. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. BOOKKEEP tng. penmanship and English branches taught by experienced teacher; day and night. M 35, Oregonlan. A FIRST-CLASS JEWELR1 AND WATCH repairer and engraver can find a perma nent position at Llpman, Wolfe & Co.; good ralary. WANTED SrNGERS. MUSICIANS. PER. formers, etc. for onera nd dramatic com panies. Newman's Theatrical Agency, 313 Washington. WANTED RELIABLE, GENTLEMANLY agents io sen gooo. proposition; If you can't sell this, you can't sell anything. 118 Ablng- ion oiag. GOOD OPENING FOR OUTSIDE MAN; H liueresi in iong-esiaDiisnea Dusiness; must have a small amount of cash. P 20. Orego nlan. COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA. WLNE DEPOT uMunuwien ior cookb, waiters and bar tenders. No. 14S 4th st- Phone Red 193. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS GOOD STAPLE mo jae ior uregon ana wasnington. Glv territory covered. Addresa B 1. Oregonlan. WANTED BOILERMAKERS AND EXPER- jencea neipers. Willamette Boiler -Work. Front and Everett streets. WANTED TO HIRE TEAMS WITH OR without drivers or wagone, by day or week Steel Bridge Woodyard. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR- Der traoe; iree tuition. Portland Barber School, 82 N. 2d. WANTED A FEW GOOD MEN. CAPA- ble of doing and not afraid of hard work. X 0, Oregonlan. BOY, 16 TO 18 YEARS. TO LEARN SHOE business; must have good reference. "V 37, care Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE quartz miners for southern Oregon. H 72, Oregonlan. 215 12TH ST. WANTED, A JAPANESE BOY attending school to assist in housework every evening. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; gooa soap; terms ntasonaoie. li e. urego nlan. BEST 10-CENT SHAVE IN CITY; CLEAN towels, etc 205 Morrison st. Ed Dennlson. WANTED MAN AND WIFE TO. COOK. Scandinavian-American. 223 3d. 700 MEN DAILY TO HAVE HAIR CUT. 15c. at 200 Burnslde st. WANTED ERRAND BOY AT J. POLTVKA & Co.. X4 Morrison st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS. city and country; nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers; plenty of housework, $15 to $30. Phone Main 1323. Canadian Parlors. 226H Morrison. WANTED CAMP COOKS, HELPERS, PAS- try cook, waitresses, second girls, girls for general housework. 220 3d st. Phone Main 1510. WANTED SINGERS. MUSICIANS. PER- formers, etc.. ior opera and dramatic com panies. Newman's Theatrical Agency, 313VJ Washington. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY trimmers and. makers: also apprentices. Apply to Lowengart & Co., 92 and 94 Front street. " WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT- reses, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230H Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. GIRLS CAN SECURE GOOD POSITIONS BY applying at Portland women s Employment Co.. 216 Allsky. 3d & Morrison. Red 3087. HOTEL COOKS. CITY $35. COUNTRY $30; domestics, waitresses, oeiioay; pantryman (Chinese), $7. Drake, 203 Washington. LARGE DEPARTMENT STORE WANTS AN experienced cashier with Al references and experience. Address E 32, Oregonlan. WANTED A GHtL TO , . DO SECOND work; must understand the work. Ap ply mornings at 835 Lovejoy at.". ' ' 215 12TH ST.. COR. OF SALMON WANTED, a gin wno attends scnooi to assist alter hours and on Saturday. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- work; good wages. Apply 395 Hassalo st., cor. Grand ave. GIRL TO -DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK; 376 N. 32d st. small family; good wages. Tel. Main 2924. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 616 Spring st., Portland Heights. Telephone Front 1787. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR SEC- ond work; must furnish references. 190 King st. EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO TAKE ENTIRE care of Infant; must furnish references. 19ZU 12th. WANTED GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK IN small family. 328 10th st. Fhone Mam 2163. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, family of three. 450 6th st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; small family. 128 N. 17th. WANTED-rGIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 776 Overton et. WANTED NURSE FOR BABY. 547 Hoyt- SIXUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS SINGLE MAN DE sires inside work of some kind; good penman, come acquaintance with office work; best of references. Address C 71. Oregonlan, T. S. HASHIMOTO. JAPANESE EMPLOY ment office, and contract. Phone Black 181. 45 N. let st. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FUR nlshes all kinds help. 69 N. 5tlu Phone Clay 592. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE A POSITION as assistant bookkeeper or clerk. R 33, care Oregonlan. POSITION BY AN ALL-ROUND ENGEfEER in or out of city. X 24. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Stenographers. BY LADY STENOGRAPHER PIECE OR OF y flee work. H 33, Oregonlan. Domestics. WANTED BY A RELIABLE LADY. TO DO chamber work In a nice rooming-house. Ad dress Edith Van. General Delivery. Portland. Dressmaaera. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS AND children's sewing. 328 14th. Phone Front 182. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING BY THE day; fit guaranteed. Phone Scott 5445. Miscellaneous. REFINED. TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG Wo man seeks engagements to care for chil dren afternoons or evenings; prices reason able: references. A 18, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADYl ORPHAN. MODERATE means; desires' home with refined lady or people; state terms. Address S S2, Orego nlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or night: good sight reader. Address G 10. Oregonlan. HOUSEKEEPER WANTS POSITION IN town. Phono 1510. Call 226. 3d. WANTED TO SENT. WANTED TO RENT 6 OR T-ROOM FLAT or house modem, central. West Side, on cor line If not too far out. by family of 3 adults by April 1st or sooner. Rent must be reasonable. Address C 21, care- Ore gonlan. WANTED BY A BACHELOR. APART ments with bath attached, private family preferred; would like apartments where breakfast could be served, P. O. box 82. city. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM IN -PRT-vatn .family, man and wife; company the, object. A 21. Oregonlan. WANTED FOUR OR .FIVE-ROOM: .COTTAGE or flat by 1st o April. Phone East -188, or - care Orejonlan" " " " V