12 -THE MORNING- OREGONTAN, THUBDAY, 3IAICH 2, 190L V A LINE O' TYPE OR TWO, is tie most cf ective means of letting the public know. For Advertising the Hnrl tnst compels attention and tells tlic story best consult us F.W. BALTES 6 COMPANY PRINTERS Corner First and Oak Streets, Portland, Oregon : Telephone Main 165 HOTEL PERKINS (Fifth ftfid Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Xkbi, ft.00 to $3.00 Per Br Accordlar t Location. 1 J. F. DA VIES, Pres. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Evrcpean Plaa Resins 00c te $L50 First-Class Restanrant In Connectloa DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT, PORTLAND. March 23. Maximum tempera ture, 47 de?.; minimum, 34. River reading, 11 A. M., 11.2 feet; change la 24 hours. 0.3 loot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.05 inch; total since September 1, 1003. 41.95 Inches; normal, 37.10; excess 4.79. Total sun shine, 1 hour SO minutes; possible, 12 hours 18 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 6 P. 1L. 29.C8. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. B t STATION. gS I S 8S I So ? I ' Baker City ........ Bismarck Boise Helena Kamloops. B. C . North Head ........ Pocatello Portland - Red Bluff , Roseburg ... Sacramento Salt Lake City San Francisco ..... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island ..... "Walla Walla. 30J0.04J N 38 0.00112, B Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Snowing Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Raining 40'0.12 OjNW 32lo.l4 N 34(0.00 W B SW sw SE SW SW w SW w w B S 0.00 0.20 0.03 T 112 44(0.201 8 j62.0.0016; 32IU.22 1U 160 T 8 301 T 12 (Snowing 4410.00 Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy 42 0.02 10 J3i0.44 IPL cloudy Light- T, trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 24 hours heavy rains have fallen In Southern California, and lighter amounts are reported in Northern California, "Western Oregon and Western Washington. In Easter Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho snow haa occurred nearly everywhere, but the amounts were not heavy. It has turned much colder In Montana, and enow is now falling in the western portion of the state. The indications are for partly cloudy weath er In this district Thursday, with enow In Southern Idaho. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 2S hours ending at midnight, March 24: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy and oc casionally threatening; winds mostly westerly. Western Oregon Fair south; partly cloudy and occasionally threatening north portion; westerly winds. "Western "Washington Partly cloudy; wester ly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and AUCTION SALES TODAY. By the Ford Auction Company at 182 First street at 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. H. Ford, Auctioneer. ' At Gllman's auction rooms, 413 "Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. GUman, Auctioneer. At Baker's Auction Rooms, corner Alder and Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. George Baker & Co.. Auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDERT NO. 1. K. Ti Special conclave this even ing at 8 o clock. Order of the Tem ple. Sir Knights courteously In vited. "W. S. MACRUM, Recorder. HARMONY LODGE NO. 12. A. F. & A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. School of Instruction. Brother G. L. Gray, custodian of the work, re quests the officers of all the Masonic lodges in the city to be present. "W. M. DELIN, Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE NO. 2. A. F. & A. M. Special communlca vtlon this (Thursday) at 12:30 P. M. for the purpose of conducting the t funeral services over the remains of our deceased brother, Antolne Labbe. All M. M. are invited to attend. THOMAS GRAY, Secretary. : BORN. SCHOOLCRAFT March 23, to the wife of Thomas Schoolcraft, a prominent farmer, near Dllley. a son. the birth of whom oc curred on the same day of the month that his father was born, the parents of whom are the best-pleased couple in, Oregon. Dr. C. L. Large attending. I - t FUNERAL NOTICES. FERGUSON The funeral of Mrs. Ellxa Fer guson will be held at First Unlversalist Church, -corner E. 8th and E. Couch sts.. Thursday, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Serv ices at grave private. LABBE The funeral of Antolne Labbe will be held from his late residence. Nineteenth and Myrtle streets, Portland Heights. Thursday, March 24, 1904, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Services at the grave private. Kindly omit flowers. FORBES At the residence, COS E. Sherman St., March 23, 1004. Abraham Forbes, aged 84 years 6 months and 19 days. Funeral will take place Friday. March 23. at 1 P. M., from F. S. Dunnlng's undertaking parlors, 414 E. Alder St. Friends Invited. WORD At the residence, 748 East Taylor street, March 23, 1004. Charles Walton "Word, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. "Word, aged 19 years, S months and 28 days. Funeral will take place Friday, March 25, at 2:30 P. M-, from F. S. Dunnlngs fu neral parlors, -114 East A!dsr street. Friends Invited. Services at the srave private. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and cmbalmers, bare moved to their new build tnr, Third and Salmon. Lady amlttnnt. Telephone No. 507. J. I. FINLEY Jfc SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. OIHco of County Cor es er. lady assistant. Telephone No. 0. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker. 41 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 22. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers. 7th aa& Pino. Lady assistant. Phono Main 430. d wrcr. BROS PINE FLOWERS, iio. PORTLAND OREGON Flrat-Clau Ckeclc RMtaarnat Connected With Hotel C. O. Davis, Sea. ud Treat, :THB ESMOND HOT GSCAB AXDEBSOIt, Mtnfigw Front and Morrlaan Streets PORTLAND - OREQON FREE "BUB TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plaa, 60a. 75c, $1.00. Jl.W. (2.00 per day. Sample rooms In connection. Northern Idaho Fair, possibly preceded by ngnt enow In early morning; warmer during the afternoon. , Southern Idaho Occasional light snow. EDWARD A. BBALS. District Forecaster. NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE POR SALE BY THE Title Guarantees Trust Co. $300 Flno lot 50x100 feet, Vancouver uuu ave., near Skidmore St.. one block to Wllliams-ave. car-line. C fiftft 50x100 feet on E. 30th, bet. E. ip UUU Yamhill and E. Taylor sts. $3lflnTwo lota 1111(1 comfortable cottage - -"V r. mnniR nnd mnll l.arn on P- 11th 0 rooms and small barn on E. 11th St.. near Mason; terms, half cash, balance on time. $1 700 Cor- Mason and E. 9th st.. lot px vu 50x100 feet with new 2-story house of 8 rooms and barn. SlnOO 1,01 and cottage on E. Main, bet. iou" E. 37th and E. 38th. 5 rooms, bath. basement; street Improved, fruit trees; small barn; terms, part cash, balance on time. S1K00 x)t on "Williams av. near Broad way; sewer, water and all street improvements. 51S00 Sunnyslde, lot and 7:room house. vlouu Belmont and E. 32d St., fine loca tion. 5 180ft Sunnyslde, modern cottage with C "Pouu nice, large rooms. 52S00 E- Ankenj' near E. 20th st.. lot and v"""" cottage. 5 rooms, bath, gas, electric lights, full basement. R2fi00 Sunnyslde. E." Salmon, bet. E. 35th P4UUU and E 3Gth at8t iot 50x100 arfd moaern nousc, recently built, 0 rooms, balh,,t;tc. Part cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. COOSn E. 30th and E. Washington sts., lot and flrst-class house of S rooms, butler's pantry, bath, stationary washstands, cement basement. 51900 Sunnyslde. cor. Belmont and E. 32d JJJO AUU 8ts 100x100 feet ijid house pf 7 tvuiua, ulii, easy terms. 1Qf0 University Park, noar the car line, ipxjuv two nlce iots and a flrst.ciagg TOO(i. ern house of 8 rooms; terms, 000 cash, balance on time. C17RO Williams av., cor Alberta st., 30x ipx uu 100 feet and. a new modern mttnro 5 rooms, bath, large attic and full basement. COWKfi E. lth and Weldler sts., 100x100 pt 1 vj feet and house of 7 rooms, and Darn, nice yara, terms naif cash; balance on time. cn rnri Sunnyslde. E. Yamhill near E. S0rt vuuu sts.. lot with house of 7 rooms and uain, oncK oaserocnt. Cl Rftft Sunnyslde. Belmont sL, near E. v 33th St., lot and nicely finished modern cottage, S rooms and bath, cement sidewalks; terms, half cash, balance on time. cqnrf Holladay Park Addition, nice lot v " " ana new resiaence of 0 rooms; terms, half cash, balance on time. Acreage at St. Johns S80 a eonabls prices and on easy terms. MntiAV f n TiOnn on Improved Portland real estate. If you neeu any 10 complete your purccase, we can neip you uuu TITLES INSURED ABSTRACTS FURNISHED The Title Guaran tee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machine (hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore- gonian Publishing Co. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guaranteed Trust Cd. 7 Chamber of Commerce. EAT VIOLET OATS A coupon in all pacxages of Violet Cereals for a WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK. , FREE GOOD INTEREST Now, and higher In the future, can be ob tained on $17,500 Invested In Income-paying property; about 15 per cent guaranteed on $10, 000, by Investing in real estate through F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton bldg. ' MORTGAGE LOAflS On Improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONE, 224 Stark u MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property. Build ing Kians. Installment loans. WM. MAC UAfiTEK. 311 Worcester block. BONDS, WARRANTS, STOCKS And mortgage bought and (old. J. W. Cru der Co.. Chamber of iCommerce. BUSINESS LOT CORNER Nothing cheaper or more central for sale. S. W corner 5th and Oak sta. See F. V. An drews & Co.. Hamilton bide. KING'S ADDITION Large corner lot, with comfortable bouse, commanding extensive scenery, tor $5000. F, V. A&arcws & Co., Hamilton bldg. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE. Resident Manager. Tonight at 8:15 o'Clock. Friday and Saturday Nights With a Special Price Matinee Saturday. BLANCHE WALSH In Tolstoy's Great Drama, "RESURRECTION." Evening. Prices $1.50, ?L00, 75c. 50c, 35c, and 25c. ' - . Matinee Prices $L00, 75c. 00c 35c and 25a Seats Now Selling. Phone Main 863. THE BAKER IEB- THEATER and Manage. Phone Main 1907. Tonight, all week, matinee Saturday, farewell of the Baker Theater Company, In "HUMBUG" A farcical comedy In three acts. Evening. 50c. 35c 25c. 15c Matinee. 25c. 15c. 10c. Next Week Be ginning Sunday Matinee, Mar. pening or tbe New Neiu-aiorosco Company In Nat-Goodwin's Success, "WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE" CORD RAY'S THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL. MANAGERS. Tonight and All Week "THE GAMEKEEPER" Beautiful Irish Play. NEXT SUNDAY MATINEE. MARCH 27, Return Engagement of the Established'' Favorites The Olympia Opera Company In the Comic Opera "L MASCOTTE" No Change in Prices. , ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:S0 to 4:30. 7:30 to 19:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles Gentlemen and Children. Admission, 10 cents to any scat. RICHJER BENEFIT The benefit concert to be tendered Franklo Richer, the blind boy pianist, by Prosperity Camp, Woodmen of the World, ln'the Cath olic Foresters' Hall, southwest comer ,of Sixth and Washington streets, at S o'clock this evening, promises to be one of the musi cal events of the season, Such well-known talent as appears oi the programme needs no introduction to Portland's lovers of music A social dance will follow the programme. PROGRAMME. 1. Concert Paraphrase on Strauss Waltz "Roses From the South",.... E. Schuett Francis Rlchter. 2. Air Varle, for Violin Solo De Berlot Frederick Rlchter. 3. Song "Sing Me to Sleep" Greene Mrs. Walter Reed. 4. Selection ... Webber Mandolin and Guitar Club 5. Piano solo Rondo Caprlcloso. Mendelssohn Francis Rlchter. 6. Seleptlon Webber Mandolin and Guitar Club 7. Rhapsodic Hongrolse No. 14 Liszt Francis Rlchter. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. N "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "House keeping Rooms," ''Situation Wanted." 15 words rr less, IB cents: 10 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dis count for- additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents for IB words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 23 words. 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-naif; no further discount un der one month. , "NEW, TODAY" (gauge measure agate). IS cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oreconlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. JUNE CREAMERY 50c Dairy butter 35c and 40c Best creamery J 00c Best sugar-cured ham 13 Vic Picnic ham ac Lard, 5-pound pall 45c Cheese 10c and 12 Vic Swiss cheese .-, ; .25c Ranch oggn, por doz 20c All goods retailed at wholesale prices. Remember Saturday is chicken day. LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO.', 204 Yamhill st. EXCELLENT 575 ACRES IN SUBURBS. South Salem; same kind land adjoining is selling at $100 per acre. This tract for only $50 per acre. See or address T. Withy combe, room 1, Hamilton blk., Portland, Oregon. FOR RENT COLOMa DOCK. BET. OAK and Pine sts. Apply to R. T. Cox. Room 10 -Newmarket block. INVESTMENT WEST SIDE FLATS. IN come $1000 yearly; price $5500. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d st. 50.000 FEET OF BEST-LOCATED WARE house ground site. West Side; sidetrack. Particulars. L. E. Thompson & Co., 223 Sd st. i . ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date. We furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estate. SECURITY ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM 11, 145 1ST ST. $1400 2 lots 100x100 feet, with 5-room cottage, corner of E. 14th and Beacon sts., in Cole's Addition. Makes a nice home. S750 Corner lot 30x100 feet with small 4-roomed cottage, on E. 24th st. In Brush's Addition, near Clinton Kelly School; very cheap. $2500 100x100 feet. cor. E. 7th and Clay sts.; good for flats or business property. FOR SALE BY OWN R A MODERN S-room house and quarter block, full brick basement: house heated throushout with furnace; gas and electric lighting, porcelain bath and all plumbing first class; handsome sideboard: laundry with stationary tubs; stone wall around place; a bargain for any one wanting a first-class modern home; price $5000. See owner on premises, 140 E. 82d St.. cor. Morrison. Take Sunnyslde car. 20 ACRES, ALL IN FRUIT TREES. BER ries. clover; a stream of fine, clear, water furnished power for a furniture factory; 9-room house, barn, fruit drier, IVi miles, from Portland city limits, 6 blocks from carllne; fine . location for residences; the whole or parUcan be bought. P. J. Henne macn. Mllwaukle, Or.; take Oregon City car. ' 15 PER CENT INVESTMENT 4-nat building, comer, on -Union ave; rented for $1260; lot 50x100; room, on rear of lot for .another building of same size; price $8300; $4000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. Ellis & Holaday, room. 21, 2C4 Morrison, lCSVi 3d st. $1450. ON EASY TERMS, BY OWNER. COR ner lot. 50x100, at 419 Meridian St., Monta vllla, near car and stores, with elegant two etory house. 7 rooms. 0 closets, 2 halls, bath and pantry. 3 porches and basement, good condition; also furniture CHEAP. FOR SHORT TIME PICK OF 63 lots In Lincoln Park; easy terms; $5 down. Apply to L k Hawkins, 44S Sherlock bldg., and save money. Other cheap properties at a bargain. Money furnished to build to suit pcrchasena. I HAVE AN OPTION FOR A FEW BAYS on a quarter-block (2 lotsS down town; very desirable, at a less figure than any other man can sell such property. Call on T. T. Stmbte, 230 Main at. 8 rooms, E. 30th & Washington. $2250. - 8 rooms, furnace, Holladay- Add.. -$2750. H houses, cor. Holladay Add., $3350. F. Woodward, Phone. East 137L 1ST E. 524. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DESIRABLE -7-ROOM -HOCSE, COR. 1ST andJWhltaker sts., with hath and furnace; fulrcerrier lot, fronting south and east; a bargain If taken now. A. H. BIrrell, 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. FOR SALE ONE OP THE BEST BU3I fness corners in The' 'Dalles, together with ' the 'Columbia Hotel, partly damaged by -fire; lot 58x110: price $3000. Owner, 549 E Ankeny, Portland, Or. FOR SALE 11-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT In Central Alblna; -all modern conven iences; price $2000; $1400 down. 824 Gan tenbeln ave. Address L. Hathaway, MU waukie. Or. NICE 8-ROOM HOUSE AND 3 LARGE LOTS on car line, near Brooklyn school: price. $2600; or house 'and one lot. $1800; pays 12 per cent; a bargain. "Owner," 232 Stark st. NEAR STEEL BRIDGE. TWO ELEGANT 2 " story houses, large reception halls, piped for gas. furnace heat, basement. $2900. $3250, terms. Call room 9. 245 V4 Morrison. LOVELY HOME, NEAR STEEL BRIDGE; elegant two-story house; piped for gas. fur nace heat, basement; $2900, terms. Key at room 9, 245& Morrison st. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN TO travel and learn good paying business; ref erences. Call room -31, 409 Morrison st., 11 to 2 P. M. BARGAINS IN FARMS. ACREAGE, CITY property, choice timber and homestead lo cations. Ogden & Maxwell, 319 Abington Bldg. NEW 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, LARGE lot, near B. Ankeny car bam: $100 cash. $15 a month. W. J. Burden. 1 N. 4th. Union 4015. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O.'W. P. electric line. O. R. Additon, Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott cart 5c NETC 6-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE $1200: one-third - down, balance install ments. Apply 871 East 11th stT, North. FOR SALE 10 LOTS ON HAWTHORNE ave. car-line, ?100 each; $5 down, $5 a month. Pacific Land Co.. 107H 1st st. $300 LOT. ON WEIDLER ST., $35 CASH, balance $5 per month; only one at that price. Miller. 303 Chamber Com. FINE NEW 12-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER lot Holladay Park Add., at a bargain If taken at once. Phone East 075. CHOICE MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE: TERMS to suit. Inquire 228 Adams st.. near Holla 'day House, steel bridge? HOUSE AND LOT ON B. 9TH ST.. OPPd slte .business center, $2000. Valley Land Co., 43 1st st. RARE BARGAIN $2000 BUTS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. B. & Cook, 251 Alder St., Portland. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR, steel bridge; $3000; terms. 012 Commer cial bldg. t MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 LOTS on E. 10th st. Valley Land Co., 43 1st st. 0-ROOM HOUSE. FULL LOT; INSTALL ment 'plan. King. Phone East 073. 12-ROOM MODERN UP-TO-DATE HOUSE; Installment plan. Phone East 075. NEW S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: INSTALL ment plan. King. Phone East 673. BARGAIN FINE LOT ON 10TH ST.. CE ment walk; $1600. 200 North 10th. 5-ROOM COTTAGE INSTALLMENT PLAN. King. Phone East 075. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also recertified soldiers additional Porterfield-Valentlne land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Maginnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP WE CAN. FUR nlsh any tize tract guaranteed scrip ready for immediate use; prices that will suit; see us before buying. Whltten & Bryant, room 11, Mulkey bldg. WANTED A LARGE TRACT OF COTTON wfiod timber; must be close to good log ging stream, giving access to railroad. Ad dress with full particulars, S 1, Oregonlan. ECKIP. SCRIP. SCRIPl NEW LOT Ap proved forest reservo Just arrived. Write rrie. No cno can undersell me. L. W. Whiting. 408 Abington bldg. LAND SCRIP Parties wanting large or small tracts or having timber to locate write H. C. Slgler. 521 Byrne" 6ldg., Los Angeles. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE 1N any size tracts, ready for immediate use. W. 'G. Howell, 53S Chamber of Commerce. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for immediate use. H. B. Compson. 618 Marquam bldg. EIGHT 3 to 4 MILLION CLAIMS SPRUCE near coast. Address lockbox 12, Jefferson, - Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BRING US YOUR PROPERTY; WE WANT Improved, real estate, business and residence, especially on West Side: we also want bus, nces chances: we have buyers. L. W. Whit ing & Co,. 408 Abington bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 200 OR 250 ACRES IN MA rlon County, two miles, from Willamette River, and all in cultivation. Inquire 801 Hood st. Phone Front 977. TO EXCHANGE. FARM TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT or. rooming-house. Columbia Real Estata & Trust Co.. 234V& Morrison st. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE ONE OFj. THE BEST IM proved dairy and hopvfarms In Marion County, consisting1 of 180 acres. 2 good hop bouses. 2 'fine bams, $3000.00 dwelling bunt last year, to graaea cows, x snort horn bull. 4 fine horses. 4 sets harness, several walking plows and 1 double-disk sulky plow, 2 narrows, l mowing macnine. hav tedder and ssrlng-tooth sulky rake, all new, 2 wagons, 1 hack. 1 buggy, 2 cultiva tors, 1 pulverizer ana about 40 neaa or Po land China hogs, all go with the place. 54 Vi acres I hi. miles N. E. of Oregon City Court-house, 12 acres cleared, 7 acres in hops, good hop-bouse, store-room, dwelling-house, barn, woodshed, about 2 acres nice young orchard, consisting 'of pears, peaches, prunes, cherries, apples, Siberian crabs, almonds and walnuts, all bearing. Several acres garden land on creek bottom uncleared. Four cottages in South Portland, being Nos. 175, 177. 179 and 1S1. on Hamilton .avenue iots 42x100. Four lnrtre lots in Slmnson's Addition. Salem, for sale or trade for Portland property. Terms on all above property. For further Dartlculars call on or ad dress W. E. Her, Aurora, Or. . R. D. R. No. 3. CHEAP FARM-1C0 ACRES. 5 MILES FROM Jrawiorcsvuie, iu acres cuiuvaiea, acres easily cleared, house, barn, running water, good apple orchard, 1,000,000 feet fine saw timber, plenty outside range; price $850. Dairy farm 195 acres rich black land In Willamette Valley. 3 miles from town, 150 acres "under cultivation, .good 9-room house, 2 large barns, running water," 17 head fine dairy cows. 3 mares. 1 Bain wagon, 1 hack. 1 cream separator; cows now bring $100 per month; price $35 per acre, including hock. Wheat farm ISO acres, In Eastern Wash ington, ail in wneat; price, per acre. $2650 SO acres. 2 acres timber, half In crop. balance stubble, partly plowed, stream water on .place; 8-room house, good barn and out - buildings; young orchard; near school; 8 miles from baicm. B. S. COOK. 251 ATder street. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO ALBER- ta. Saskatchewan. Asslnlbola and Manitoba will ave Spokane and Seattle every Wednes day during April. May and June. Join the crowd and visit the greatest stock and grain country on this continent. Never mind what others eay; see the country for yourself. For' special excursion rates apply to J. N. Grieve; Canadian Immigration Agent. Auditorium mag., spoxane, wasn. FOR SALE 10 ACRES, OF LAND. 8 MILES from Portland. 1 mile from Tlsrardvllle good .black soil, plenty of water. 3 good building;, on the main road. 1 acre ' or chard, all fenced, 8 acres clear; price $1600. inquire at once. Mil zise fort land. Or. FARM LANDS WE ARE HEADQUAR ters for Eastern Oregon wheat' lands and have a large list of Willamette Valley farms. See us before you buy. lie- Arthur & Mahoney, 410 Madeay bldg. 440 ACRES, ONE MILE FROM ELKTON; 40 acres rich bottom land, 25 acres In cultlva- tlon;'stream 100 feet wide; House, Dam, etc; $5 per acre Lancaster Realty Co., 321 Mor rison st. FARM. 365 ACRES. 170 CLEAR. 7 ACRES orchard, all fenced, house and barn: rood spring: school aad church on place; plank roaa; 7 mues irom uregon wiiy; wiu eeu au or in parr. Jk?piy xst su C49 ACRKS FOR DAIRYING. STOCK AND f raJtralslnz; sear coast and busy towns; $10- acre; a .fcarraui. ,Y II, cart Uregosias. FOR SALE FARMS. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL Vtta of Oregon and Washington; pay ments made to salt purchasers- For par ticulars apply to WM. M ACM ASTER. 311 Worcester block. FOR SALE GOOD D AIR'S- AND STOCK farm. 370 acres, one mile from Astoria; small house and orchard: green grass all year. W. G. Howell, 53S Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE FARMS SOME CHOICE forms In Eastern Multnomah and Northern Clackmas Counties. Roberts & Wlrtz, Gresham, Or. i 1CO-ACRE FARM. 2 MILES FROM KINGS- ton; 100 acres plow land; good buildings; well watered. W. F. Hayes. Kingston. Or. FOR SALE 160-ACRE STOCK FARM, fair building, good water and range: easy terms; $3700. H. Bertschi, Fulda, Wash. 400-acre'tarm for sale. 4 miles from Kings ton: H under cultivation; good buildings, well watered. G. W. Crolsant. Kingston. Or. Farm C5 acres, cultivated; 8 miles east, oa car line; modem Improvements: Summer home: 700 Winter apples; land leveL 227 Front. JOB PRINTER ALL-AROUND -MAN. IN qulre today at 671 Thurman st., cor. 21st. FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS. FIRST-CLASS grain and hay lands. 209H Stark st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. A SNAP $40 BUYS A BAY HORSB 8 YEARS old, weight 1060; suitable for farm or deliv ery; also one nice black horse, 8 years old. weight 1200". will be sold at a sacrifice. At Mlsner & Hayaen's, 2ton ana wasmngion. FOR SALE FINE DRIVING- TEAM; HAR- ness, trap, two buggies and cart; excellent for family; good saddle horses, perfectly gentle 751 E. Burnside st. ONE SPAN OF FARM MARES. 8 YEARS old. weight 2480, will be soia separate, n desired. Miener & Hayden, 20th and Wash ington. FOR SALE HORSE. HARNESS. SURRY ana pnaeton. rooes, etc; owner leaving cuy. Inquire Model Stable, cor. 5th and Davis. BAY HORSE, 5 YEARS OLD, WEIGHT 1620 pounds; must be sold at once, iasnion sta ble, 20th and Washington ts. FOR SALE--TWO TEAMS HORSES AND one team mules, harness and wagons. Frank Kubick, Woodlawn. CARLOAD OF HARNESS, 100 VEHICLES, anytmog tram a cart to a nearse. 211 wasn tegtoa st. WOLFSTEIN buys and sclts wagons, bug gies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. Lots of new and 2d-hand wagons and bug gies; all kinds. 571 Thurman, cor. 18th. 12 HORSES FOR SALE BY W. E. JACOBS, 134 E 34th st: phone Union 1032. NEW HAND-MADE GOOSENECK FURNI ture wagon. 49 4th, near Davis. FOR SALE HEAVY TEAM. HARNESS AND wagon, call 340 2d, cor. Market. 1 FINE ALMOST NEW $375 UPRIGHT Pi ano for sale chsap; 'excellent reason for selling: no take. T 91. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer, V. S., Domestic Wheeler & Wilson and Whiter dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. S. S. Slgel. Agent. 335 Morrison st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterite; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing- Co., 10 Worcester bldg. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23; aU makes rented anB repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. 12 MILK COWS AND ROUTE, 8 YEAR llng nelfjrs, 2 bulls, one Jersey. House and 20 acres to rent, 28th and Thompson sts. Call afternoons. THREE PURE BLUB WHITE DIAMONDS. perfect gems; at half prict; mounted to suit; terms if wanted. 612 Commercial bldg. FURNITURE, CONSISTING OF NEW range, bedsteads, rockers, tublc and Other furniture for sale cheap. 260 Alder st- FOR SALE CHEAP 10, TO 15 . TONS choice feed, suitable for stock, chickens or hogs. Ames & Harris. 27 1st st. t . FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND COFFEE house; fine location and business; lease. 31 N. 2d et., cor. Davis. BRAND-NEW CASH REGISTER. TOTAL adder; half price; 3 new whisky barreu. 113 N. 3d. FOR SALE FINE ENGLISH SETTER bitch, partly broken; 1 year oldT Phone Brown 083. F6R SALE BLACK MINORCA EGGS FOR ssttlng, 00c dozen. 034 E, 12th st. Phone East 318. SECOND-HAND NATIONAL CASH REGIS ters as good as new. R. J. Demmer, 82 4th st. TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP FOR SALE- on 24th and St. Helens road, near Fair grounds. HALL'S SAFE, ALMOST NEW. VERY cheap. Address S 11, care Oregonlan. SAFE, ROLL-TOP DESK AND TYPE wrlter at a bargain. M 2. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. I MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR ber trade: new class of ladles Just starting; write for full particulars, and If in doubt make a personal Investigation. American Barber College. 253 Everett sc. Portland. AN ENERGETIC TRAVELING SALES man, visiting retail trade, can secure val uable side line of dry goods specialties, blankets, etc F. C Roilman & Co., mfgrs., Philadelphia. HIGH GRADE POSITIONS OPEN EXEC utlve, clerical, technical and salesmen, paying from $1000 to $3000. Call or writs. Hapgoods (Inc), suite K, 502 Pioneer bldg.. Seattle; $1200 A YEAR AND EXPENSE TO A GOOD man to travel. Must have good references and be able to furnish $00 cash security if necessary. Address 306. ,15 N. 4th st, Min- neapous. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED YOUNG man bookkeeper and stenographer; must be willing to woric. permanent. Aaaress, with references, S. B. P. W., Markham, Wash. Men to learn barber trade: only requires eigni weeks: special oner; constant prac tice, expert lnstructicn; catalogue free. Holer System College, San Francisco, CaL MAN TO MEET RETAIL TRADE FOR manufacturing house; salary $20 and ex penses weekly: previous experience unnec essary. Standard, Caxtou, Chicago. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY WANT DE- HVery boys over 10 years 01 age. Perma nent positions and good chance for ad vancement for bright boys. A WANTED A GOOD SALESMAN TO HAN die school supplies; good proposition to right party. Address The Whlttaker & Ray Co., San Francisco. WANTED RELIABLE. GENTLEMANLY acents to sell good proposition; if you can't sell this, you can't sell anything. 118 Abing ton mar. COLLMBUS-CALIEORNIA-WINE DEPOT' Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders. No. 148 4th st. Phone Red 1993. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR second work; references required. Call mornings, 295 West Park, cor. Columbia. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS GOOD STAPLE side lne for Oregon and,. Washington. Give territory covered. Address B 1. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN FOR PORTER and snipping wont in grocery; state age, experience and reference. H 27, Oregonlan. tttinrrpn a sT.PSMiv Avn r-m-.-r TV-two one who can furnish horse, wagon and nonesty oona. Appiy iwu w imams ave. WANTED JANITOR FOR STORE; MUST have good references. Clerks' Registra tion .Bureau, to Morrison st. WANTED A MAN WHO IS POSTED ON local real estate values, titles, owners and Investors. P. O. Drawer 13. WANTED PERSONS DESIRING POSI tlons In civil service for life; equal chance to all E 2S, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BREAD AND CAKE BAKERS wanted; wages from $16 to $25 per week. K 29, Oregonlan. - WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; free tultloB. Pottlaad Barbae School, 82 X. 2d. HELP WANTED MALE. WB WANT A TEW MORE MTLLMBN. coopers, fishermen, to take membership and go to Alaska; Steady work; good wages: 320 a ere timber homestead and other valuable Interests for you; Interest at 6 per cent and annual dividends on all money invested and double security. Address Alaska Mutual Fish eries Ss. Industrial Co., room A. Times bldg., Seattle. Wash. EARN A BETTER SALARY AND Posi tion: study electricity, mechanical engi neering, telegraphy, at home, by corres pondence: thousands successful. Thomas A. Edison Indorses Institute, Book, "Can I Become an Electrical Engineer?" mailed free- Electrical Engineer Institute, New York. WANTED AN Al JOB PRINTER, EXPE rienced in general work; also two good platen pressmen, familiar with the Gordon and Universal presses; also one all-round bookbinder, familiar with forwarding and finishing; steady positions to good hands. Communicate at once with Sanborn, Vail & Co., San Francisco, Cal. KutlCZ. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, the leading employment agency of the North west. 249 Burnsida st. Phone. Main 3074. WANTED OPENED FOR BRIGHT GOOD appearing solicitor for established route; salary and commission basis; high-class proposition, educational In character. Ad dress J. P. Thompson. Supt.. SOS TartTn it. San Francisco. A FIRST-CLASS JEWELRY AND WATCH repairer and engraver can find a perma nent position at Llpman, Wolfe & Co.; good salary. WANTED TO CORRESPOND WITH YOUNG man who has $300 or $400 Invest in business that will pay back; clean, honest; no fake. 7 lt st BARBER TO BUY HALF INTEREST IN good shop; good location; guarantee $20 per week and no rent. V 26, Oregonlan. GANG EDGERMAN. $2.73; CUT-OFF SAW- jer, izo; taiieyman. bumoerman's Labor Bureau, 2u5i Morrison st. WANTED COMPETENT ADVERTISING 11. Thursday, at 40 Labbe bldg. WANTED SHORT-ORDER OR OYSTER cook. Plaza Opster-House, 213 3d. Call be tween 9 and 11 o'clock. WANTED A FEW GOOD MEN, CAPA- Die 01 aomg ana not afraia or nara work. Ji. 9, Oregonlan. WANTED MAN TO TRAVEL. HISTORI- cal Photographic Association. 4th floor, WANTED OPERATOR FOR PHOTO graph Btudio; must bo flrst-class. 801 De- kum oldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE quarts miners for Southern Oregon. H 72. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; gooa sacp; terms reasonable. .H . 69. .Orexo- man. WANTED BOY TO LEARN THE FUR trade. Apply Sllverfleld's, 2S3 Morrison st. BEST 10-CENT SHAVE IN CITY; CLEAN loweis, etc 2U3 Morrison st. Ea Dennison. BE Y.OUR OWN BOSS; WANT A HUSTLER witn ?150. M 28, care regonian. EXPERIENCED TYPEWRITER SALESMAN. jj m, uregoman. ERRAND BOY AT 210 STARK ST. A. F. Ellis. Printer. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, city and country; nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers: plenty of housework, $15 to $30. Phone Main 1323. Canadian Parlors, 22 GH Morrison. WANTED SINGERS. PERFORMERS. Musi cians, etc., for opera ana dramatic com panies. Newman's. Theatrical Agency, 313t Washington. THREE WOMEN SOLICITORS; SALARY ana commission; Dring rererences. . can Thursday, between 1 and 4, 318 Oregonlan building. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY , trimmers and makers; also apprentices. Apply to Lowengart & Co., 92 and 94 Front street. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT- resses, cnamnermaias, general workers, st. Louis Agency. 230& Yamhill. Phone Black 281. v WANTED RESPECTABLE WOMAN, UN der 40, as housekeeping; widower's family; suburbs. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED COOKS, WAITRESSES, GIRLS for general housework. Call at once, Scandinavian-American, 226 3d. Phone Main 1519. ENERGETIC. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO travel for Vlavl Co.; salary and expenses. Call room 23 Lwls bldg,. 350 Morrison. GIRLS CAN SECURE GOOD POSITIONS BY applying at Portland Women's Employment Co.. 216 Allsky. 3d & Morrison. Red 3087. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST "IN GENERAL housework and care of children, small fam ily. Apply mornings at 393 11th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY trimmers and makers. Apply to Lowen gart & Co., 92 and 94 Front st. WANTED STENOGRAPHER BY COM-mlsslon-house; state experience and sal ary. B 30, Oregonlan. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK ing and housework; no washing; good wages. Phono Scott 1802. WANTED A WOMAN. WITH EXPERIENCE m repairing clothes. 309 1st st. Tel. Main 2S1M. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work; no washing; no children. 421 7th st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL . HOUSE work. 395 Hassalo St.. Holladay's Addition. MILLINER WANTED FOR OUT OF town; $S per week. M 20, Oregonlan. GIRL TO ASSIST IN KITCHEN; GOOD wages; sleep at .home. 168 10th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED FOLDER ON mangle. Apply Star Laundry Co. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADIES' HAIR dresser. V 28, care Oregonlan. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 616 Spring at., Portland Heights. GIRL TO ASSIST IN SECOND WORK AND care of child. 169 23d st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WOMEN COOKS (HOTEL, $35), DISHWASH ers; domestics (family, one, $10), farmhand; cook, $12. Drake, 205& Washington. SOLICITORS. S2 DAY: ALSO THREE TO travel; expenses advanced. N 26, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION WANTED BY "YOUNG MAN IN lumber ofllce. experienced In bookkeeping, shipping; invoicing and loading cars. L 27, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN AS stenographer and to assist In ofllce;. best of references. Address G 24. care Oregonlan. WORK BY YOUNG MAN; HAS HAD EXPB rience as stenographer and shipping clerk; reierences ii -required, tu i, uregonxan. BY YOUNG tMAN. EXPERIENCED IN bookeeplng, accounting, mine, clerical and general office work. D 22. Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG- MAN IN real-estate ofllce as clerk and collector. L 28, Oreionlan. WANTED BY AN" . ENERGETIC YOUNG man a position as clerk In grocery store. M 29, oregonlan. BOOKS WRITTEN v UP. ACCOUNTS AD Justed and collections, made. Address Q 28, uregonian. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED TN ADVER tlslng. is open for engagement. B 26, Ore- Miscellaneous. T. S. HASHIMOTO. .JAPANESE EMPLOY ' ment office and contractor. Phone Black 161; branch ofllce, 43itSVetween Couch and uavis. m YOUNG MAN FRdMt NEBRASKA. WOULD like a position as 'compositor in or out of town. 4i av, uregonian. jjj. BUSINESS COLLEGE STflPENT WANTS place to work for room, and bpard. Refer ences, w a, uregonian, k . POSITION WANTED" BY'XAN AND? WIFE'. no family; best of "preferences. " Rear i31 Savler st- ELDERLY MAN WANTS LIGHT WORK about Boose for board asa joagiar, ureguzuKO. ,. . . SITUATIONS WANTED MAUL Miscellaneous. SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS SINGLE MAN DE stres Inside work of some kind; good penman, some acquaintance with office work: best of references. Address C 71, Oregonlan. SINGLE YOUNG MAN, 24, "WISHES EM ployment, any kind, city or country; fair education; good carpenter's or painter's helper. V 21, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. . Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS AND children's sewing. 323 14th. Phone Front 192. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING BY THE day: fit guaranteed. Phoue Scott 5443. DRESSMAKING AND ALL KINDS OF SEW tog; prices reasonable. 227 6th st. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED BY CAPABLE GIRL, chamber or dining-room work. 230 Yam nllL Phone Black 28SL LADY WISHES POSITION IN FAMILY TO do housework In exchange for piano les sons. O 21. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY GIRL. WITH good reference, for housework. Phone Main 1424. WANTED PLACE TO DO COOKING. BY competent colored woman. 301 Plna st. Nurses. EXPERIENCED NURSE WOULD LIKE confinement cases; very best references. 103 10th st. Phone Front 464. -1 Housekeepers. GOOD WOMAN D3SIRES POSITION WID owers family as housekeeper: no trlflers need apply. Telephone Red 3087. Miscellaneous. REFINED. TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG Wo man seeks engagements to care for chil dren afternoons or evenings: prices reason able; references. A 18, Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANT3 position, day or night; good sight reader. Address G 10. Oregonlan. SWEDISH GIRL WANTS WORK AS TAIL oress; with experience. 153 N. 12th. LACE CURTAINS CAREFULLY LAUN dered at home. Phono Main 3S32: HOUSEKEEPER WANTS POSITION IN town. Phone 1319, Call 226 3d. WANXm TO RENT. WANTED TO RENTr-C OR 7-ROOM FLAT or house modern," central, West Side, on car line if not too tar out, by family of 3 adults by April 1st or sooner. Rent must be reasonable. Address C 21, care Ore gonlan. LADY WANTS NICE. QUIET HOME, where she can do light housekeeping and .have the comfort and attention of a- kindly-disposed woman. K 26, Oregonlan. WANTED S-ROOM RESIDENCE, MOD era and now, with fireplace, basement and garret; close In -on either side of river. Call room 418 Dekum; phone main 1516. i 1 WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE. AN OLD residence of 10-14 rooms, by middle of May, West Side and central; state price and loca tion. B 27, Oregonlan. WANTED FIVE OR SIX-ROOM MODERN cottage or flat, close In; will pa $25 per month. L. W. Whiting. 408 Abington bldg. WANTED SMALL COTTAGE, BETWEEN jenerson ana Washington, west of inn st.; or 3 rooms. 615 McKay bldg. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM IN PRI- vate family, man and wife; company tho object. A 21, Oregonlan. AN ELDERLY MAN WANTS A PLACE TO board and lodge with comfort for $4 per week. T 21, Oregonlan GENTLEMAN WISHES FIRST-CLASS board and room In private family. West Side. M 27, Oregonlan. WANTED BY FIRST OF APRIL. 0 OR 7 room housa on West Side. D 28, Ore gonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. COTTON WOOD FOR EXCELSIOR MILL: Who will furnish 1000 cords, or- any- port of-'lf, by Jtine'L Address O. "OVSEarly, 390 Sellwobd sr., Portland. ' - " ' Wanted men's -cast-off - clothing and shoes; highest- price paid. The "Fair Deal," 02 N. 3d. Phohe Hood 517- POTATOES WANTED CARLOAD BUR banks for cash; best quality and moderate price. L 29, Oregonlan. CASH REGISTER WANTED; NATIONAL preferred, or any other good make. B 28, care Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone Scott 6813. FOR RENT. Rooms. HOTEL SCOTT YOU CAN RENT ROOMS In this elegant new hotel for less than yon pay in the common rooming-houses; new. clean furnishings, steam heat, electric lights, . always hot, water, porcelain baths, annun ciator service, fine restaurant, central loca tion. Postcfflce block. 7th and Ankeny; rooms either single or en suite: finest coach tn Portland free to and from all trains. Phone Main 1661. 1 THE ALEXANDER" NEW BUILDING, under new management, elegant newly fur nished front room, single or en suite; se lect location; all conveniences. N. W. cor. 10th and Alder sta Phono Main 1T56. H THE LINCOLN JUST OPENED. CORNER 11th and Morrison streets. Is' the best for. nlsbed apartment-house In the city: hot and cold running- water, steam heat, electric light and baths.' Phone Main 251. THE NEWCASTLE. COR. 3D AND HARRI son Best appartment-houso in this city; steam heat, bath and gas; furnished and un furnished .housekeeping and single rooms; reasonable rates. ' Phone Main 800. 251 ALDER NEAR 3d ST. NICELY funrnished. pleasant rooms; new brick building; new, up-to-date furnishings, $2.30 to $4 per week; transients, 50c to $1. Red 3140. THE MENOMINEE, 385 YAMHILL ELE gantly furnished front rooms, suites or single; modem' ' conveniences; two blocks from Portland Hotel; transients solicited. THE?- KINGSTON. ADJOINING. BAKER Theater. 190 3d .Nicely furnished rooms, all .newly remodeled; new management. Phone Hdod 057. Modern conveniences. 4 THE VICTORIA NICELY FURNISHED rooms, strictly modem, steam heat, hot and cold water, bath. Phone Main 3971, cor. 7th and GUsan. New brick, bldg. THE GRAND ROOMING HOUSE, 283 Grand ave., hear Hawthorne; both car lines, newly furnished rooms by the week; or month, SI par week and up. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR suites, very central; 389 Alder, .between W. Park and 10th. All conveniences; gen tlemen preferred: references. ONE LARGE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT bedroom. Apply 29 N. 11th St., jtist two blocks south of Washington .st. Phone Main 2003. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. MEN ONLY; hot and cold, water; gas and steam heat. 163 17th. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 3189. 188 13TH TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms, private family; new house, every convenience; gentlemen only; references. COMFORTABLE, WELL FURNISHED moms" at $8; also one pretty suite; private home; central. Telephone Main 1084. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, MODERN conveniences; fine view; one or two gen tlemen. 354 College, cor. Park. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE for 1 or 2: modern: private family; use of bath and phone. 193 W. 17th. ? 76 WEST PARK NEWLY FURNISHED roosfwlthrwlthout board; all conven lences! Phone Central 1074. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite on parlor floor-; bath and phone. 72 N. 14th at., cor. Everett. . ittt tst' ST. COR. YAMHILL NICELY f urnished rooms, brick building; modern; rea eonable. Phone Clay 755. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. $3 PER week modem, private family? also ons $4.50." 394 YamhllL 248 SIXTH ST. 2 NICELY FURNISHED rooms; gas. phone, bath, modern flat; -very convenience. FURNISHED SINGLE AND HOUSBKEBF lng rooms; close in. 86 10th. neat'SUk, 300 SAN RAFAEL FOUR" ' UNPBRNKH-SlD, rocaw, upper or lower flqoty,,, . "