12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1904 F. W. Baltes Printers First (2b Oak Streets HOTEL fifth, and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Baomi. fLOO to $3.00 Per Dy According to Location. J. F. DAVIES, Pre. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 50c to SI.50 First-Class Restaurant In Connection DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. March 14. Maximum temperature, 51 deg; minimum, 39 deg. River reading, 11 A. M., 13.5 feet: change in 24 hours. 0.7 feet. Total precipitation, -5 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.81 inches; total precipitation since September 1, 1903, 39.55 Inches; normal precipitation since September 1, 1903, 35.59 Inches; excess, 3.9G inches. Total sunshine March 13, 1904. 0:00; possible sunshine. 11:48. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M., 29.9G. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. STATION. 3 ,SE " " ? I : ? ? : : : Buker City ....... Bismarck Boise Eureka Helens. Kara loops, B. C. North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City .. San Francisco . . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island Walla Walla 10.04 C SB (Cloudy T T E SE N S w w SE w SE w SE TV w sw E sw sw Cloudy 5i 0.34 Cloudy 46)0.00 l't. ciouay Cloudy iPt. cloudy 0.00! 44 0.04 40 51 52 54 58 54 T (Cloudy 0.23 Clear 10.28 !.12 IRalning pt cloudy 0.2SI1 T I Cloudy . 5S, 0.10 S1 ipt. clou ay Cloudy . 44 0.40 12 3s;o.r2 s; 40 T 120 5S 0.06 8 pt. ciouay Rnlnlns Cloudy WBATHER CONDITIONS. Since morning the barometer has risen very rapidly over Western Oregon and clearing weather now prevails In that section, and also In the Sound Country, with the conditions favorable for light frost in the early morn ing. Rain Is still falling in the Sacramento Valley, and the weather Is cloudy and threat ening in the intermountain region. It Is not probable the clear weather In this section will be very lasting, as the pres sure is changing so rapidly. The river at Portland was 13.3 feet at 5 P. M., which "Is a fall of O.G of a foot since ysterday evening. WEATHER FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy, with probably occasional showers; southwesterly winds; light frost in early morning. Western Oregon Partly cloudy, with prob ably occasional showers; southwest winds; light frost in early morning. Western "Washington Partly cloudy with light frost in early morning; probably showers and- slightly wanner during the afternoon; southwesterly winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Light rain or snow, followed by fair weather. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Probably fair. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. Launch Given Away April 1 at Cordrays Theater, or a check for $300. Coupons given for all work done before April 1. Retain your old coupons. Call now and have your teeth attended to at once. Perhaps you will be the for tunate one. AT SALEM Branch office in the Steusloff BIdg. DR. B. EE. WRIGHT'S DENTAL OFFICE 342 "WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Office hours: S A. 1L to 3 P. 11.; evenings, 7:30 to S:30; Sundays, 10 A, M. to 12 M. Telephone Main 2119. NEW TODAY. BARQAIN S1600 Vacant Inside Lot 50x100, I8th street between Lovejoy and Mar shall, facing west. Easy Terms. Phone Main 44. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust C:. 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Second-hand Hoe Shaving. Machine (hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore fionian Publishing Co. 8b Company There is a -well-defined path leading to the door of our Printing House,made by satisBed buyers of Printing that is better than that with which 1 you are ordinarily supplied. The discriminating needful should follow this path, or, if the way i be long, 'PHONE US-Main 165. I HiiiatuuuuuinmiiuiiiHiuiwii'MiiiBiiiiiHjiuHiiii!iiiwa.miiuuuuaimuw:iuiumuinqrf PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Flrst-CInas Check Rcttaaraat Connected With Hotel. C O. Oarli, Bee. aid Tttu. TUB ES OSCAR AMEBSOX, Kuiger Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREQON FREE 'BUS TO AND PROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plats. 60a. 75c. $1.00. 1.K. 12.00 jxr Jy. Sampl rooms In connection. AUCTION SALES TODAY. . At 48S Everett st., at 10 A. M. H. Ford, Auctioneer. At Gllman's Auction Rooms, 413 Washing ton street.' at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gll man auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 10 o'clock. Geo. Baker & Co.. auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. ORIENT LODGE), NO. 17. I. O. O. F. The members ot Orient Lodge are called to meet in their hall this (Tuesday) afternoon at 12:30 to attend the funeral of our late brother, Stephen Bernl, from the residence of Albert Bernl. 18G Sixteenth at. By order of the N. G. W. A. WHEELER, Sec'y. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. & A. M. Special communica tion this (Tuesday) evening, B. A. Degree. All entered apprentices cor dially Invited. By order W. M. F. GLAFKE, Jr., Secretary. A. & R. S. RITE. AINS WORTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX, NO. 1. Regular meet ing In Memorial Hall. Scot tish Rite Cathedral, thla even ing at 8 o'clock. By order WISE "MASTER. GENERAL GERMAN AID SOCIETY Spe cial general meeting will be held at their hall, corner 11th and Morrison sts., Tuesday night, March 15, 8 o'clock sharp; important business. By order of the president. H. C. BOHLMAN. Secretary. A. F. & A. M. A school of instruc tion will be held under the auspices of the following named lodges, and on the dates opposite their respective Washington. No. 40, Wednesday, March 16. tuiuuiuiu, iso. xnarsaay, joarcn 17. Portland. No. 55, Friday, March 18. Alblna, No. 101, Saturday. March 19. Willamette. No. 2, Monday, March 21. Mount Tabor. No. 42. Tuesday. March 22. Hawthome. No. 111. Wednesday. March 23. Harmony, No. 12. Thursday. March 24. To this school all members of the above named lodges, and also members of lodges In the vicinity who are interested in learning the authorized work are invited to attend. G. L. GRAY. Custodian of the Work. HALL FOR RENT FOR LODGS PUR poses, Western Academy -of Music. Mulkey block. 2d and Morrison. BORN. WYNKOOP In this city. March i), a 10 pound boy to the wife of Ed Wynkoop. ALEXANDER In this city, March 14. 1904 at the family residence. No. 1 College Place. Arthur Alexander, aged 34 years, 4 months and 27 days. Rcmuns are at Fin lev's chapel. Funeral notice hereafter. BERGH In this city. March 14, 1904. at East 28th and Sandy Road, the residence of htr sister, Mrs. B. Plcnlck, Hannah Bergh, mother of Rosa Bergh, aged 45 years and 28 days. Remains are at Fin lev's chapel.. Funeral notice hereafter. Newton, Kan., papers please copy. FUNERAL NOTICES. TERRELL Alma F. Davidson Terrell at her home at South Mount Tabor, aged 29 years' ip months and 10 days. Funeral from res idence Jit 10 o'clock this morning. March 15. BES?l"TJI? funeral of the late Stephen Bernl will be held at the residence of his eon Al bert Bernl. 188 E. 10th St.. Tuesday. March 15, at 1 P. II. Friends invited. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. Services at grave private. WARBURTON Died, March 13, at 11 o'clock P. M., at the home of her grand daughter. Mrs. P. w. Dana, 544 5th St.. this city, Mrs. Harriett Warburton. Old age brought her a painless end. Funeral from Finlcy's parlors. March 15. 10:30 A. M. Hartford. New Haven and South Manchester, Conn., papers please copy. EDWARD (HOL3IAN CO.. Undertakers and rmbalrners. have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. FINLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office ot County Cor oner. Lodj- assistant. Telephone No. S. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. DUNNING & CAMPION. Undertakers. 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phone Main 430. CLARKE BROS.. FINE FLOWERS, Flo ral designs. 289 Morrison. NEW TODAY. BONDS, WARRANTS, STOCKS And mortgage bought and sold. J. W. Cru- thers & Co., Chamber cf Commerce. ' -I MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property. Build ing foana. Installment loans. WiL MAC MASTER. 3X1 Worcester block. RESIDENCE SITE CHEAP Beautiful and convenient location, with extensive scenery, about three blocks west of 23d-st. cars; an area ot 0 lots for only S3 600. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. EAT VIOLET OATS A. coupon in all packages of Violet Cereals "WHITE HOUSE COOKBOOK. FREE . . 1 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to data. Wa furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estatn. SECURITY ABSTRACT . TKUST CO. 211-215 Cter f Coawriire. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. -T. P ANGLE. Resident Manager. Tonight at 8:15 o'clock. Special Price Matinee Tomorrow at 2:15. Last Performance Tomorrow Night. DENMAN THOMPSON in "THE OLD HOMESTEAD." Matinee prices $1. 75c. 50c. S5c. 25c. Night prices $1.50. ?1, 75c. 50c, -35c, 25c Seats are now selling. Phone Main 863. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. One Night Only. Thursday. March 17. 1904, (St. Patrick's Day) Ben Hendricks "Erik of Sweden" The advance sale of seats will open this morning. Prices ?1, 75c, 50c. 35c. 25c THE BAKER hf THEATER and Managrr. Phone Main 1907. All This "Week Beginning Sunday MaUnee, March 13. The Baker Theater Company In an Elaborate Production of HALL CAINE'S Powerful Play, "THE CHRISTIAN.' MATINEE SATURDAY Evening Prices 50c, 25c 25c and 15c Matinee Prlccs 25c 15c and 10c Next Week HUMBUG. CORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL, Managers. Phone Main 992. Prices? 15c. 25c. 35c. 40c and 50c TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK, Newspaper critics have told the truth. Best Colored Minstrels ever visited Portland. "RICHARDS St PRINGLE'S FAMOUS GEORGIA MINSTRELS. A company without an equal In the whole world of minstrelsy. FREE- STREET PARADE DAILY. Prices. 15c, 25c. 35c, 40c and 50c Matinee" prices, 25c; children, 10c ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington. REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladlcj Gcntl-ruen and Children. Admission, 10 cents to any scat. NEW TODAY. 575 ACRES CHOICE FARM NEAR SOUTH Salem, worth ?100 per acre, price only J50 per acre; a chance to double your money. See or address T. Wlthycombe. room 1. Hamilton blk., Portland. Or. Phone Hood 484. 30.000 FEET OF BEST-LOCATED WARE house ground site. West Side: sidetrack. Particulars. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 223 3d st. INVESTMENT WEST SIDE FLATS, IN come $1000 yearly; price $5300. L. E. Thompson & Co., 223 3d st. FOR RENT COLOMa. DOCK, BET. OAK and Pine rts. Apply to K. T. Cox. Room 10 Newmarket block. HOME A BARGAIN With 9 comfortable rooms, lot 00x100 feet, on Hoyt St.. near 21st; only $5000 asked. See F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. BUSINESS CORNER LOT Cheap and central, being the southwest corner of 3th and Oak sts., for sale. F. V. Andrews & Co., sole agents, Hamilton bldg J. W. OGILBEE Room 1 1, First Street Si 7f0 ruje corner lot with 4 -room cot P luv tage, stable, etc, on E. 24th st, near Clinton Kelly School. K9fflO Choice quarter-block 100x100 feet uu" on corner of E. 7th and Clay sts.; good corner for feed or grocery store. SslOfiO Three good building- lots In "Tlb PAUUU Homestead" on E. 14th sr. $ORfl Lots in Green's Addition between Corbctt st. and Jones' sawmill on the Macadam road. Portland Rea! Estate Investments ABSTRACTS TITLE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS HOUSES TO LET RENTS COLLECTED SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS The Title Guarantee and Trust Company 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce GroDod Rocr - . Fcart Street SIJs Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $45.000 IMPROVED CORNER ON MORRISON street. $13.000 Improved corner, close In, on 6th st.. pays 9 per cent net. $12.000 Fine corner on 7th st. $11,000 Improved corner on 10th; pays 15 per cent. $S500 Fine corner on 6th et. $7500 Four Iota and 17-room hotel building. $0750 Corner. 100x100, and two C-room modern cottages, fine location, on West Side. $3700 10-room modern house, on Corbett st. $3800 0-room modern house, on Broadway. $2400 5-room modern cottage, lot 100x100, on East 10th st. $2300 7-room house and corner lot In "SVUUams-Avenue Addition. $2250 7-room modern house on Broadway. $S50 3-room house on East 7th. LANCASTER REALTY CO., 321 Morrison st. FOR SALE BY OWKJK A MODERN 9-room house and quarter block, full brick basement: house heated throughout with furnace; gas and electric lighting, porcelain bath and all plumbing first class; handsome sideboard: laundry with stationary tubs; stone wall around place: a bargain for any one .wanting a Crst-class modern home; price $5000. See owner on premises. 140 E. 22d it, cor. Morrison. Take Sunny ildo car. FRAME BUILDING. SECOND-HAND LUM ber or building for sale; addition to Sell-ing-Hirsch building, Washington and West Park. Apply Hazclwood Cream Co., 5th and Oak. Phone Exchange 40. $1000 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BARN AND lot 100x100, at Woodstock, two blocks from cars; this place commands a view of the city. Owner, Keady Station. Woodstock. Phone Scott 3432. BARGAINS IN FARMS. ACREAGE, CITY property, choice timber and homestead lo cations. Ogden & Maxwell, 319 Abtngton Bldg. FOR SALE FRACTIONAL LOT WITH large modern house, suitable for private boarding house. Owner, 347 HalL HOUSE AND FURNITURE FOR SALE Bargain; must be sold; people leaving town. 38S Grand ave. North. CHOICE MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE; TERMS to suit. Inquire 228 Adams St.. near Holla day House, steel bridge. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW T-ROOM house. 21st and North rup sts. L Vanduyn, 270 Washington. $75003 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSES, close in. renting for $70 month. Apply Osborn Hotel RARE BARGAIN ?20O0 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. B. 8. Cook, 251 Alder St., Portland. NEW -ROQM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR steel bridge; S3QQ0; terms. 612 Coauur afel fclie. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CHEAP. FOR SHORT TIME PICK OF 53 lots In Lincoln Park; easy terms; $5 down. Apply to L. L. Hawkins, 448 Sherlock bldg.. and save money. Other cheap properties at a bargain. Money furnished to build to suit purchase ra. BEAUTIFUL HOME OF SIX ROOMS, CHINA closet, porcelain bath upstairs; concrete basement, large corner lot; Union ave.. near Highland. $1900; terma. Owner, 117 Ab lngton bldg. 8 rooms, E. 30th & Washington, $2250. 8 rooms, furnace. Holladay Add.. $2750. 3 houses., cor. Holladay Add.. $3350. F. Woodward. Phone East 1371. 1S7 E. "52 d. FOR SALE 5-ROOM FLAT. STRICTLY MOD ern, all new; very choice location; close In. on car-line. Telephone Main 1047. Address T 14. caro Cregontan. $2200 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, NEW, COR ner lot. $S00 Five-room house, 22d and Oregon. 107 Third st. FOR SALE AT A BIG BARGAIN" A large and well-located residence lot In Holladaj-s Add. Samuel M. Barr, 201 Fall ing Eullding. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car 5c $300 LOT IN EAST HOLLADAY ADDI tlon, on Halsey St.; $25 cash, balance $5 per month. D. Miller, 303 Chamber of Com. $4250 CORNER LOT. BEST PART CITY for flats; easy walking distance to busi ness. Louis Salomon, 1st and Washington. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE $1200; one-third down, balance install ments. Apply 871 East 11th st.. North. FTVE-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH BATH; PAN try; hot and cold water; 2 blocks from car; terms. A. S. Slaley, MontavIIla. SIX NICE LOTS, HIGHLAND. OWNER NON Tesldent. for sale cheap. 117 Ablngton bldg. Phone Black 1722. COTTAGE ON WEST SIDE; ALSO 5 ACRES in city; easy terms. Apply 453 12th st. 6-ROOM HOUSE, FULL LOT; INSTALL ment plan. King. Phone East C73. 12-ROOM MODERN UP-TO-DATE HOUSE; Installment plan. Phone East 075. NEW 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: INSTALL ment plan. King. Phone East 675. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, INSTALLMENT PLAN. King. Phone East 675. $1050-CORNER LOT. GRAND AV. 107?4 3D. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST IM proved dairy and hop farms In Marlon County, consisting of ISO acres, 2 good hop houses. 2 fine barns, $5000.03 dwelling built last year, 15 graded cows, 1 Short horn bull, 4 fine horses, 4 sets harness, several walking plows and 1 double-disk sulky plow, 2 harrows, 1 mowing machine, hay tedder and spring-tooth sulky rake, all new, 2 wagons, 1 hack, 1 buggy, 2 cultiva tors. 1 pulverizer and about 40 head of Po land China hogs, ail go with the place. 54 acres 1 miles N. E. of Oregon City Court-house, 12 acres cleared, 7 acres In hops, good hop-house, store-room, dwelling-house, barn, woodshed, about 2 acrc3 nice young orchard, consisting of pears, peaches, prunes, cherries, apples, Siberian crabs, almonds and walnuts,, all bearing. Several acres garden land on creek. bottom uncleared. Four cottages In South Portland, being Nos. 175, 177, 170 and 181, on Hamilton avenue. Lots 42xl00. Four large lots In Simpson's Addition. Salem, for salo or trade for Portland property. Terms on all above property. For further particulars call on or ad dress W. E. Her, Aurora, Or. R.' D. R. No. 3. A BIG BARGAIN 40-acre farm, all under cultivation, with in 14 miles of Portland; 5 acres In fine bearing orchard; good 7-room house, two fireplaces and fine cement cellar; big barn and granary, smokehouse, poultry-housf, 10 hives of bees; only one mile to good school, 2 churches, store end blacksmith shop; mall delivery at house twice dally and th3 price only $3200: terms, $1700 down, balance long time at low rate. TAF1 & CO.. 125-6 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 15C. FARMS FOR SALE. $23.000 HALF SECTION. ALL UNDER Cul tivation, fruit and grain; good terms. 373-acre atock ranch. Yamhill County; $30 per acre; fine 10-room residence, and first class In every particular. One chicken ranch, '3 acres 3 miles from the Courthouse; house, barn. Incubators and everything ready to raise chickens; $2000. Room 418 Dekum building. HQMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO ALBER ta. Saskatchewan. Asslnlbola and Manitoba will leave Spokane and Seattle every AVednes day during April. May and June. Join the crowd and visit the greatest stock and grain country on this continent. Never mind what others eay; see the country for yourself. For special excursion rates apply to J. N. Grieve, Canadian Immigration Agent, Auditorium Bldg., Spokane. Wash. FOR SALE FORTY ACRES. WITH STOCK and farming Implements; 32 acres cleared; orchard, 0-room house, woodshed, mllk room. 2 barns, chicken-house; 2 mlle3 frpm Mountain Dale. Address Duane Harvey, Mountain Dale, Washington Co., Or. FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND. 8 MILES from Portland. 1 mile from Tlgardvllle: good black soli, plenty of water, 8 good buildings, on the main road, 1 acre or chard, all fenced, 8 acres clear: price $1600. Inquire at once, 301 21st N., Port land. Or. FARM. 365 ACRES. 170 CLEAR. 7 ACRES orchard, all fenced, bouse and barn; good spring: school and church on place; plank road; 7 miles from Oregon City; will sell all or In part. Apply 423 1st st. IMPROVED FARM8 FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; pay ments made to suit purchasers. For par ticulars apply to TO MACMASTER, 311 Worcester block. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR PORTLAND vacant, 720-acre ranch In Southern Oregon; fine outrange; 300 acres farming and hay land. F. E. King, 860 E. 7th at. North. Phone East 675. Farm 65 acres, cultivated; 8 miles east, on car line; modem improvements; Summer home; 700 Winter apples; land level. 227 Front. 160-ACRE FARM. 2 MILES FROM KINGS ton; 100 acres-plow land; -good buildings; well watered. WTF. Hayes. Kingston. Or. 400-acre farm for sale. 4 miles from Kings ton; hi under cultivation; good buildings, well watered. O. W. Crolsant, Kingston. Or. 640 ACRES FOR DAIRYING, STOCK AND frultralsing; near coast and busy-towns; $10 an acre; a bargain. V 13. care Oregon! an. 20 ACRES. CLOSE TO MT. SCOTT. PARTLY cleared, close to car; good soil; $2200. 107 Third st. FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS. FIRST-CLASS grain and hay lands. 200 Stark st. TIMBER" LANDS FOB SALE. 222 ACRES FINE TIMBER LAND AT Viola on Clear Creek; sawmill quarter mile below, land of very best quality; only $10 per acre. This is a good investment: see or address T. Wlthycombe, room " 1, Hamilton blk. Portland, Oregon. 25 TIMBER CLAIMS. RUNNING FROM three to four millions to the quarter sec tion; 50 per cent sugar pint and on a good stream; locating fee $100; come at once and sec J. Wrage, Room 12, 229 First street. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also recertified soldiers' additional Forierfleld-Valentlne land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. "WANTED A LARGE TRACT .OF COTTON wood timber; must be close to good log ging stream, giving access to railroad. Ad dress with full particulars. S 1. Oregonlan. bCRIP. SCRIP, SCRIP t NEW LOT Ap proved forest reserve Just" arrived. Write me. No cne can undersell ma. L. w. Whiting, 408 Ablngton bldg. LAND SCRIP Parties wanting large or small tracts or .having timber to locate write H. C Slgler. 521 Byrne bldg., Los Angeles. 200 ACRES GOOD YELLOW FIR AND cedar, cruises 850,000 feet; location good; price cheap, Address B 11, care Orego nlan. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any slxe tracts, ready for Immediate use. W. G. Howell. 538 Chamber" of Commerce. WANTED REAL" ESTATE. BRING US YOUR PROPERTY; WE WANT improved real estate, business and residence, especially on West Side; we also want busi ness chances; we have buyer. L. W. Whit ing & Co.. 403 Ablngton bldg. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT FARM OF 160 ACRES, SIX' miles' from town. Address Box 4, Dufur. Or- TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE $12,000 IMPROVED city property; monthly income $83. Gro ceries. $2S00: will take farm or stock ranch. K 11. Oregonlan.. FARM- TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT or rooming-house. Columbia. Real Ettats h Trust Co.. 234 Morrison st. EXCHANGE $1300 MORTGAGE NOTE AT 7 per. cent for Oregon property, city or country. Q 10. Oregonlan; FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. 2 OR 3 BLACK MULE TEAMS. 4 HEAVY Yorkshire brood sows, 12 fat shoatj. about 100 pounds each; 18 young pigs; about 400 cords green wood: 110-acre No. 1 farm; close Inspection Invited. Inquire 248 Front st,. Portland. H. -Grebe. Prop.. Tigardvllle. Or. ONE NICE MATCHED TEAM OF SORREL horses. 5 and 8 years old, weight 2310, fine driving team; will sell separate or together; must' be sold at once. Call 543 Washing ton st., between 10th and 17th, Room 15. A MATCHED SPAN OF BLACK HORSES. 8 years old, weight 2440 pounds, suitable for farm or carriage team; also one bay 5-year-old horse, weight 1600; must be sold at once. Call 20 North 15th st, FOR SALE FINE DRIVING TEAM; HAR nesa, trap, two buggies and cart; excellent for family; good saddle horses, perfectly gentle. -751 E. Burnslde st, FOR SALE DARK BAY TEAM, 5 YEARS old, well broken; weigh 2G00; price $290. Will eell separate. C. E. Hanson. 133 E. 29th st. Phone Union 4266. ONE BAY TEAM. 7 AND 8 YEARS OLD. weight 2610. with new farm harness; also one express or delivery horse, $45.00. Derby Stable, 15th and Burnslde. FOR SALE HORSE. HARNESS, SURRY and phaeton, robes, etc.; owner leaving city. Inquire Model Stable, cor. 5th and Davis. FOR SALE 8 HEAD YOUNG HORSES. 1100 to 1400 lbs. J. S. Klrkley. where Mt- Scott car crosses Section Line ioad. CARLOAD OF HARNESS, 100 VEHICLES, anything from a -cart to a hearse. 211 Wash ington st. ONE-HORSE COVERED DELIVERY WAG on, nearly new; a bargain. Woodard. Clarke & Co. WOLFSTEIN buys and sel:s wagons, bug gies, harness, farm implements. 227 Front. Lots of new and 2d-hand wagons and bug gies; all kinds. 571 Thurman, cor. ISth. NEW HAND-MADE GOOSENECK FURNI ture wagon. 49 4th. near Davis. GOOD TEAM DRAFT HORSES FOR SALE, at LeMode Stable. 6th and Oak. Pianos. OWING TO REVERSES, I AM COMPELLED to dlspoffe of my upright piano, which has, only .been used 4 months; the price will please you and terms can be had on part of It, 353 22d North. I WILL SACRIFICE MY NEW UPRIGHT piano and give reasonable terms, if desired: this Is an opportunity to secure a good stand ard piano at one-half Its value. 500 E. Couch. FINE ALMOST NEW $373 UPRIGHT Pi ano for sale cheap; excellent reason for selling; no fake. T 91. Oregonlan. FINE KIMBALL ORGAN. AS GOOD AS new, for sale cheap; will exchange for farm produce. M 18, Oregonlan. NEW PIANO. $165; COST $400. 'ORGAN. $35; cost $93. 241 1st, cor. Main, room 12. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. S.. Domestic. Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office.. S. S. Slgel. Agent, 335 Morrison st. PORTLAND BIRD CO., 304 3D, OFFERS for sale to make room, pigeons. C varieties?' white rock chickens, guinea and peafowl, 3 varieties of bantams, guinea pigs and fer rets; fancy, talking and singing birds; cheap, for one week. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterlte; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Rooting Co., 10 Worcester bldg. SECOND-HAND LUMBER IN ADDITION to Selllng-lllrsch building. Washington and W. Park. Apply Hazclwocd Cream Co., 5th and Oak. Phone Exchange 40. A FEW SLIGHTLY SCRATCHED DROP Head Singer Sewing Machines for sale cheap on easy terms or for cash. Call at the Singer Store, 354 Morrison st.. corner of Park. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $25; all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. FOR PALE LATEST MOVING PICTURE films at bargain prices. Miles Bros., 116 Turk st., San Francisco. BARGAIN PRICE ON LOT OF SECOND hand lumber. Hazelwood Cream Co., 5th and Oak. Exchange 40. FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND COFFEE bouse; fine location and business; lease. 51 N. 2d st, cor. Davis. BRAND-NEW CASH REGISTER. TOTAL adder: half price; 5 new whisky barrels. 115 N. 3d. FOR SALE FINE ENGLISH SETTER bitch, partly broken; 1 year old. Phone Brown 9S5. TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP FOR SALE on 24th and St. Helens road, near "Fair grounds. FURNITURE. COMPLETE FOR HOUSE keeplng. Apply 857 E. 12th st.. North. THE FURNITURE OF A 10-ROOM HOUSE. Call on Mrs. Churchouse, 575 Main st. SAFE, ROLL-TOP DESK AND TYPE writer at a bargain. M 2. Oregonlan. HALL'S SAFE. ALMOST NEW, VERY cheap.. Address S 11,. care Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MEN DESIRING POSITIONS during the World's Fair, write at once, en closing stamps, for way of securirig employ ment before coming. Address1 World's Fair Business Association, Temple Building, St. Louis, Mo. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR ber trade; new class of ladles Just starting; write for full particulars, and If In doubt make a personal investigation. American Barber College. 233 Everett st.. Portland. HIGH GRADE POSITIONS OPEN EXEC utlve, clerical, technical and salesmen, payjng from $1000 to $5000. Call or writs. Hapgoods (Inc), suite K, 502 Pioneer bldg., Seattle. WANTED YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER, familiar with hardware; shoe salesman, city experience: city salesman with pluck, straight salary. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. Men to learn barber trade: only S weeks re quired; 2 years, saved; positions secured when competent; catalogue mailed 'free. Moler System College, San Francisco. Cat WANTED OFFICE BOY UNDER 18 FOR passenger department; must have had two years In high school. Apply In writing. Address .E 9, Oregonlan. W AN TED A GOOD SALESMAN TO HAN die school supplies; good proposition to right party. Address The Whlttaker & Ray Co., Sea Francisco. WANTED GOOD REAL ESTATE SALES m'an; must be acquainted with titles, val ues and Investors. P. O. Drawer No. 13. COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders. No. 148 4th st. Phone -Red 1933. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER. TO take charge of shop In country; state refer ence and salary expected. E 18. Oregonlan. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS GOOD STAPLE side ine for Oregon and Washington. Give territory covered. -Address B 1, Oregonlan. GOOD BOY. ABOUT 16. WILLING TO As sist In -packing saddlery goods. Apply at Clark Saddlery Co., 104 Front st. "WAGON PAINTER TO PAINT BUGGY IN exchange for tailor-made 'Clothing. Address B 17. Oregonlan. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN TO SELL perfume; good pay to hustlers. Room 204, Goodnough bldg. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; free tuition.- --Portland .Barber School. 82 N. 2d. WANTED A FEW GOOD MEN. CAPA ble of doing and not afraid of -hard work. X 9. Oregonlan. ALIfROUND TAILOR "WANTED- TO "WORK by week; steady wotfc Ree & Xaiceyrs, Xa-Grande. Or, . i HELP WANTED MALE. NOTICB. CANADIAN. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. th leading employment agency of the North west. 249 Burnslda st. Phone Main 3074. HIGH-CLASS TRAVELING OR LOCAL salesmen can earn at least $60 weekly with new side line adapted to any class ot busi ness, city or village. Can make $250 dally. Proof of statement, sample case (weight 10 ounces) free oy return mail. Address D. M., Manager, P. O. Box 230. New York. WANTED A HUSTLER. ONE WORTHY OF an A 1 contract as state manager in Ore gon for an up-"to-date fraternal order; at tractive plan and literature; fast and easy seller: Sive references in first letter and ad dress Lock Box No. 13. Des Moines. Iowa. WANTED OPENED FOR BRIGHT. GOOD sppearing solicitor for established rout; salary and commission basis; high-class proposition, educational in character. Ad dress J. P. Thompson. Supt.. 305 Larkla U Esn Francisco. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE quartz miners for Southern Oregon. H 72. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TWO-CHAIR BARBER-SHOP. Apply to 24th and St. Helens road North, Portland. WANTED HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER. $60. Flsk Teachers' Agency, 7th and Stark. Af ternoon. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; good shop: terms reasonable. H 09, Orego nlan. BEST 10-CENT SHAVE IN CITY; CLEAN towels, etc 205 Morrison st. Ed Dennlson. BOY WANTED NAU'S DRUG -STORE, 6TH and Morrison. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOKS, WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, city and country; nurse girls, second girls., housekeepers: plenty of housework, $15 to $30. Phone Main 1323. Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. WANTED FOR "ROAD" SHOW. 6 YOUNG ladles; long engagement for right parties; show starts at once. Apply Wednesday afternoon, 2 to 4, Room 26, Seattle House, 30 N. Third st. ATTENTION LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 writing short letters from copy. Addresi stamped envelope for particulars. Michigan Specialty Co.. Albion. Mich. WANTED LADY DEMONSTRATORS. GOOD appearance and talkers, permanent position; salary. Address S. H. K., Room 544, Wor cester bldg., city. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK NICE place; good wages. Lewis & Clark Employ ment Agency, 431 Mohawk bldg.,- 3d and Morrison. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR light housework; good home, small family; references required. Apply mornings, 334 Halsey et. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT resses. chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. wanted girls for general house- work; $15 to $30. Scandinavian-American Employment Agency, 226- 2d. Phone Main 1519. "WANTED CHORUS GIRLS FOR OPERA company: also performers, musicians, etc Newman's Theatrical Agency, 313 Wash. GIRLS CAN SECURE GOOD POSITIONS BY applying at Portland Women's Employment Co.. 216 Allsky. 3d & Morrison. Red 3037. ENERGETIC. MIDDLE-AGED- WOMAN TO travel for Vlavl Co.; salary and expenses. Call room 23 Lwls bldg.. 350 Morrison. WANTED A GIRL LIVING AT HOME TO work before and after school; wages. Call at 555 Kearney. Phone Main 3176. WANTED THREE HOUSEKEEPERS. MAID, cooks. 4 general housework. Call Scandinavian-American. 226 3d. Main 1519. WANTED A GOOD. PLAIN COOK FOR THE Children's Home; good salary for right party. Apply at the Home. 887 Corbett st. WANTED A SECOND GIRL. ONE WHO 1 understands the work thoroughly. Apply forenoons. 835 Lovejoy st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family. 691 Marshall st. Phone Front 2366. WANTED MIDDLE-AGEDi WOMAN. KIND and motherly, to care for Invalid. Phone Main 2900. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework and care of children. 393 11th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply 770 Overton St., between 2ja and 24th. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN family- of two. 603 Spokane av.; take Sell wood car. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO ASSIST IN light housekeeping. Apply 629 E. Ash st. GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. SMALL family; good wages. 691 East Ash. A GIRL TO ASSIST AT HOUSEWORK FOR room and board. X 16, Oregonlan. ItEIJ' WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED A TAILOR OR TAILORESS, good wages and steady work. Apply to Sid ney Oldman, Kalama, Wash. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. COMPETENT OFFICE MAN OF SEVEN years experience, wishing to permanently locate In Oregon, desires a position as book keeper or cashier with some reliable con cern: gilt-edged references; correspondence solicited. Address E. W. Homan, Frisco bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. Miscelian eons. WANTED WORK, BY A BRIGHT BOY of 18; am woll experienced In wagon-mak-Ing and carriage painting; can zlve good references. Address W. S.", 558 Borthwick st. Phone Union 6741. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG MAR ried man as bookkeeper or shipping clerk: employed at present and for the last 8 years In retail market. Address C 11, Oregonlan. WANTED A POSITION BY A BRIGHT BOY of 16," willing to do any kind of work; am well educated. Address N. A:, 558 Borth wick et., Phone Union 0741. Can -give ref erences. EOBER. INDUSTRIOUS SINGLE MAN DE ilres inside work of some kind; good penman, some acquaintance with office work: best ot references. Address C 71. Oregonlan. MAN OF GOOD HABITS WANTS JANITOR, night watch or caretaker: age 38; from the East. D. F., room 20, Ogden, 83 1st et. STEAM ENGINEER AND ELECTRICIAN would like small plant, city or country; best references. L 18, care Oregonlan. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WILL furnish you cooks, servants., farmhands, etc 69 N. 5th st. Phone Clay 592. BY TWO EXPERIENCED MINERS. Posi tions running machine drills or double ham mer work. O 18. Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS A SITUA tlon in lodging-house; any kind work. 65 North 3d st. COOK REQUIRES SITUATION IN LOGGING camp, mine or hotel as own help. 176 Mad ison st. A PRINTER. UNINCUMBERED. WANTS A Job outside of town. Y 16. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FKMAXX. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED POSITION .BY EXPERIENCED lady stenographer; small salary to start; chanca for advancement. references. Phone Main 1778. X 12, Oregonlan. Dmimaxers. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS AND children's sewing. 323 14th. Phona Front 182.. PLAIN SEWING SHIRTWAISTS, DOC AND up. 350 Third st. Domestics. BY YOUNG LADY, TO .DO CHAMBER work or some light work; sleep home. K 10, Oregonlan. Mlscellaaeous. - WANTED A YOUNG LAD"! ATTENDING business college would-like light hcuaekeep" Ing room in private residence, rent reason - . able. N 18, Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS jMsttlen. 47 or .Bfefct; K9d aifkt xtmitr. AMnm Q it, Orsccwteftr SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALX. MlaeeUBeo. REFINED. TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG WO man seeks engagement to care tor chil dren afternoons or evenings; prices reason fcbie; references, A 13. Oregonlan. WORK WANTED SEE DRAKE. (Kii Washington. Clay 445. for chaermS anybody9" ' housekeepers, domestics) SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS cooks, second girls, nurses, chambermaids! housework girls. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black HOUSEKEEPER. WANTS POSITION IN town. Phone 1510. Call 220 3d. LACE CURTAINS CAREFULLY LAUN dered at home. Phone Main 3832. HOLSISCLKANING BY THE DAY BY WOM an at 425 Front, near HalL WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TWENTY-FIVE DOL lars weekly for twenty weeks. The best proposition offered agents who want money and are willing to work for It. George F Cram. 532 Wabash ave.. Chicago. I!L CATHOLIC AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Catholic goods. Local agents wanted for every congregation. Traveling men for ev ery state. Liberal salary or commission. Address Gonner Bros., Dubuque. Iowa, $10 DAY MADE SELLING RUSSO-JAPAN-ese war book by Murat Halstead; take or ders now; -outfit ready; send 10 cents: 50 per cent paid agents; write immediately. American Publishing House, Chicago. Wanted 2 hustlers for new, winning photo graph ticket. Rembrandt Studio. Ablngton bg. WANTED TO RENT. WANT TO RENT GOOD HOUSE WILL BUY furniture If In good condition; must be nice home, good grounds, not north of Washing ton: will go west to 14th, south to Jeffer son; will not buy through an agent; state location, phone and price. R 18, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FIVE OR SIX-ROOM house, modern. West Side; rent not to ex ceed $18 or $20; no objection to car-line If not too far out. Call up phone Front 393, or address P 0, care of The Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT LARGE ROOMS OR house for studio of voice culture; must be central. Address Signor G. Ferrari, Mul key bldg., 2d and Morrison. i REGISTER YOUR VACANT ROOMS HERB; we furnish occupants. Portland General Registration Co.. 101. Sherlock bldg. Ehon Main 1446. WANTED TO RENT DESK ROOM IN Portland office; business, real estate. Ad dress I. H. Gove, stating location and terms, 8ylvan. Or. WANTED TO RENT ONE OR MORB rooms for broker office. Address P. O. Drawer No. 13. HOUSE WITH SOME GROUND. STABLE, fruit; A 1 reference. Phone East 505. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S. CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. The "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED TO BORROW $300 ON FIRST class chattel security at reasonable Inter est. B 16. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie of all kinds. Phone Scott 6813. WANTED 8 OR 10-INCH MACHINIST'S lathe. O. Dion, 224 1st st. FOR BENT. Rooms. HOTEL SCOTT YOU CAN RENT ROOMS In this elegant new hotel for less than yon pay In the common rooming-houses; new, clean furnishings, steam heat, electric lights, always hot water, porcelain baths, annun ciator service, fine restaurant, central, loca tion. Postofflce block. 7th and Ankeny; rcfoms either single or en suite; finest coach in Portland free to and from all trains. Phone Main 1661. NEARLY EVERY FURNISHED OR UN furnished room, whether private or lodg ing, that Is in this city for ient, Is regis tered with us. We can furnish all infor mation In regard . to description, locality, price, etc. Call on us. This will save you time and give you better satisfaction. .Portland.' General Registration Co., 101 heclnck bldg.;. M.aln: 1446. . : " T. "THE ALEXANDER" NEW "BUILDING, under new management, elegant newly fur nished front room, single or en suite; se lect location; all conveniences N. W. cor. 10th and Alder sts. Phone Main 1750. : : 1 THE NEWCASTLE. COR. 3D AND. HARRI sqn Best appartment-house in this city; steam heat, bath and gas; furnished and un furnished housekeeping and single rooms; reasonable rates. Phone Main 800. 251 ALDER NEAR 3d ST. NICELY funrnlshed, pleasant rooms; new brick building; new, up-to-date furnishings, $2.50 to $4 per week: transients, 50c to $L Red 3146. THE MENOMINEE. 385 YAMHILL ELE gantly furnished front rooms, suites or single: modern conveniences; two blocks-' from Portland Hotel; transients solicited. THE VICTORIA NICELY FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern, steam heat, hot and cold water, bath. Phone Main 3971, cor, 7th and Gltsan. New- brick; bldg. THE OXFORD. 68 0TH ST.. COR OAK Just opened to the public; everything- new, modern In all Us appointments: prlvata bath suites. Telephone Main 88. THE KINGSTON. ADJOINING THE BA ker Theater, 190 3d Nicely furnished rooms, all newly remodeled; new manage ment. Phone Hood 657. 272 1ST NEW AND NEATLY FUR nlshed rooms, by day, week and month; also housekeeping rooms. C E. Wasem, proprietor. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. MEN ONLY: hot and cold water; gas and steam heaU 163 17th. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 3i99. FURNISHED ROOM, WITH ALCOVE, SUIT able for two; also single rooms, furnace heat, gas, phone and bath. 221 W. Park st. 188 13TH TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms, private family, new house, every con venience, gentlemen only; references. 70 WEST PARK NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; all conven iences. Phcne Central 1074. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONH gentleman; new house, modern. 551 Tay lor. Phon Main 2047. 248 SIXTH ST. 2 NICELY" FURNISHED rooms; gas. phone, bath, modern ft&t; every convenience. FURNISHED ROOMS. $1 WEEK UP. GIL man Hotel, 1st and Alder; Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett. ; 1 THE KARO. 171 W. PARK ST. NEWLY furnished sunny front rooms; also housekeep ing rooms; bath. 2 CLEAN ROOMS ON GROUND FLOOR; gas, bath, sink and range: no children. N. 13. Oregonlan. BEST FURNISHED RO'OMS IN CITY, suites and single. 655 Irving" st. Phona Main 2111. PLEASANT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN AND wife;, private, bath, also single rooms. 389 Alder st. ROOMS TO RENT 414 YAMHILL ST.. pleasant rooms; steam heat, telephone, gas, bath, etc 123 12TH, WASHINGTON ST. THE SHER man, nicely furnished rooms, gas, bath, phone. 188 PARK ST.-NICELY FURNISHED front and sideroom; one block from Portland Hotel. THE OLIVE. 303 WASHINGTON ST., COR. of 5th Neatly furnished rooms; prices reason able. WELL-FURNISHED SUNNx ROOM, PRI-vate- family; all conveniences. 432 JsTr- 11TH ST.. NO. 258 NICELY FURNISHED room; modern; private family; gentlemen only. THE WALDO 09 WASH. BET. 10TH and- 11th. newly furnished rooms: transient. CHEAPEST" AND BEST ROOMS CORNER OT 7th and Davis" sts, south of Custom-House. 895 MORRISON, COR. 10TH NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without .board. THE PALM, 189 3D Just opened, aswly ' furnished rooms; transients. Clay S6C FURNISHED ROOM. NEAR EAST. XND steel bridge. 329 Larraoee sc. FURNISHED ROOMS5 lOR RESPECTABLH party. 7 5th st. , NICELY FURNISHED JtOOKS; TftXX phoae, S4.9tkrC