12 THE MORNING OREGOMAN, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9, 1904. mil 3CBTSCKAK, Pre. ieteithmi viSBiieni stkets. pmomb. siksi European Plan $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON ifc American Plan - Also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS. HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AKD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates made te families and single gentlemen. The manage iment will be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A mod' era Turkish bath establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Mgr. Portland's New Hotel It's a gem.. Everything new and elegant. Steam heat, electric lights. Por celain baths and lavatories on every floor. Rates, 75c, $1.00, SL50 and 12.00, European. Finest restaurant in Portland. Also billiards and bar. The big olive-colored, rubber-tired .coach meets all trains. It's free. HOTEL SCOTT, Seventh and Ankeny Sts., P. O. Block weather is indicated for the next two or three days. It Is decidedly cooler in the North Pacific States, and the. cool -weather will to some ex tent check the rising rivers in this district, which everywhere are now running bank full. The following stages on the Willamette River were reported, at C P. -M.r Portland, 13.2 feet, which Is a rise of 0.7 of a foot since morning; Balem. 16.9 feet, rise- 0.7 - foot; Albany, 16.3 feet, rioe 1.1 feet; Eugene, 14.2 feet, rise 0.8 foot. The river at Portland will reach a stage of about llTfeet by Thursday morning. It is not expected now that It will go any higher than that mark. The indications are for generally fair weather in this district "Wednesday, except in .the "Wil lamette Valley and Sound country, where a few light showers are possible. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, - Maivh 9: Portland and vicinity Light showers; south westerly winds. "Western Oregon Fair south with light frost In early morning; showers north portion; southwesterly winds. "Western Washington Showers; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Fair. Southern Idaho Fair west, showers east por tion. EDWARD A. BEALS. EDUCATIONAL from the GRAMMAR GRADES are sufficiently advanced to enter our school. Essential public school studies may be reviewed while taking a business or a shorthand course, without extra cost. It. pays to attend our school. The success of our graduates proves this. In session all he year. Catalogue free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON. A. P. ARMSTRONG. T.L.B.. PRINCIPAL Holmes Business College Established 1887. YAMHILL .AND ELEVENTH STREETS. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Open All the Year. Send for Catalogue. Pernin Shorthand Only original light-line system. More calls for graduates than we can fill. Most thoroughly equipped business college In the Northwest. Day and night. Catalogue. BEHNKE - WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Stearns Block. Sixth and Morrison. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At 182 First st. at 10 A. M. rtiarp. Ford, auctioneer. DIED. MORSE At her late residence, 441 East Twentieth street. North. March S. 1904. Harriet N. Morse, aged 04 years, 0 months and 8 days. MEETING NOTICES. A. A. O. N. OF-THE II. S. Tho recorder has received a lot of fezes. Send the size of hat worn with $3.75 and they will be sent you by mall. B. G. WHITEHOUSE, Recorder Al Kader Temple, COLUMBIA REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3, I. O. O. F. Members aae requested to meet at L O. O. F. Hall, corner First and Alder streets, today at 12 o'clock to attend the funeral of our late sister, Delia McCabc All Sister Rebekahs invited to attend. PHEBE BOOTH, N. G. IDA ELLIS. Secretary. WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 18, 1 R. A. M. Regular convocation this CWednesday) evening. March 9. at 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Hall, Burkhard buliuing. Visiting companions welcome. By order E. H. P. E. E. SHARON, Sec PORTLAND ROOSEVELT LEAGUE Meet. Ing tonight. Italian Hall, Fourth and Mill streets, .siusicai program. PHILIP STEIN, President. MARCUS RICAR, Secretary. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER NO. 54 O. E. S. Stated communication this (Wednesday) evening, S o'clock. De grees, ay oraer w. ai. .KATE M. STEADMAN, Secretary. ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17. L O. O. F. Reg ular meeting this (Wednesday) evening, in Orient Hall. East Portland, -inira ucgree. W. A. WHEELER. Sec SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2. I. O. O. F Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 8 ociock. jnrst degree visitors vrei come. OSVOLD, Sec C TT. KNQWEES, Mgr. $3 PER DAY ARD UPWARD AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND Tonight, Tuesday and Wednesday Nights and Wednesday Matinee. Grand Production of Von Suppe's Mili tary Opera " FAT! IN TZA" Prices Entire lower floor. $L Balcony: First 6 rows, $1; next 0 rows, 75c; last 3 rows, 50c Gallery, 35c and 25c THE BAKER GETEH THEATER and Manager. Pbone Main 1907. Tonicht. all week, matinee Katurdav. Edward McWade's intensely Interesting military drama "WINCHESTER" Evening. 60c 35c 25c 15c: matinee. 25c 15c, 10c Next week "THE CHRISTIAN" QORDRAY'S THEATER TONIGHT EAST TIME. "THE ISLE OF CHAMPAGNE," by the OLTMPIA OPERA COMPANY. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, matinee and night, "OLIVETTn." Prices as usual, but the attraction is worth $1. icii. ee, commencing tjunoay nigct, "THE GEORGIA MINSTRELS." r- ARCADE THEATER Seventh, ana Washington REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30. 7:80 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles, Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. ROSCO. THE HINDOO MIND-READER and world's greatest hypnotist, will appear inanieya wail, corner Williams avenue., Knott, Alblna, for three nights commenc ing Thursday, March 10. This gentleman is the greatest exponent of occult sciences on American stage. Admission, 25c CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "'Rooms and Board," "House keeping Rooms," "Situation Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents: 10 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-naif; no further discount un der one month. NEW TOD AT" (gauge measure agate), 16 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters, The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. BORN. JOHNSON March 7. tc the wife of Frank W. Johnson, a prominent farmer and stock raiser near Forest Grove, a son weighing ten pounas, ur. j. i large attending. HOLLING March 8. 1904. to Mr. and Mrs. Marcus w. tr. uomng, or oto second street, a son. FUNERAL NOTICES. MOSHER In this city. March 8, 1904, at tne name or nis motner, .airs. i. x. iiosner, after a. lingering illness of consumption. Charles Lane Mosher, aged . 46 years,- 11 months and 5 days. Funeral services will be held at St. Lawrence Church this after noon at 4 o'clock. The remains will be taken to Roeeburg by 8:30 train for In terment. HIMMELSBACH At the family residence. Ta basco Addition, -March s, ihh, Jacob Him days. The funeral services will be held' at the chapel of J. P. Flnley & Son, Thursday. March 10, at ju a. Jtnenas invited, Interment at Lone aar Cemetery. RIVEARS Elizabeth Rlvears. mother Fred and Lena Rlvears. Funeral will take place from the family residence, 208 N. 10th st, Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend. M'CABE Funeral services of Miss Delia Mc Cabe will be held at 1:30 today, at Meth. odlst Church, in Woodstock. Friends of the family invited. EDWARD HO LSI AN CO., Undertakers and embalmers. have moved to their new build lug. Third and Salmon. lady assistant. Telephone No. S07. J. T- TTNLKY SON. Funeral rt!r. cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Jaoy assistant, xeiepnone Do, F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder, i.naj uwuuu. xcicyiiouo oz T1TTNNING & CAMPION. Undertaker. rth and Pine. Lady assistant. Phone Main. 430 CLARKE BROS., FINE FLOWERS, Flo ral designs. 2S9 Morrison. NEW TODAY. LOUIS H. BOLL Piano teacher, is now located at 342 Wash lngton St.. near Tin. 1'oriors y and 10. An elegant piece of pros pective business property, 75x100 feet, well located, price $15,500. Parrish, Watkins & Co. 250 Alder Street NEW TODAY. ILLUSTRATION NO. 12. The Oldsjt Trust Company in Oregon. -PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. NO. 109 THIRD STREET. Incorporated April 22. 1SS7. Last year there was a very prudent and thrifty reverend gentleman living in South ern Oregon. He procured from us two of cur certificates of deposit, payable on 90 days call, with interest at 4 per cent per annum. A short time ago one of "these cer tificates came back to as from Nhw York City. -The reverend gentleman had made an investment, and he found that his cer tificate was as .good as cash to make pay ment for tho same. It Is always good to - have your money drawing Interest until you find a permanent Investment. Call on us and let us give you further examples of how these certificates work. Send for our bcok of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant secretary 30,000 FEET OF BEST-LOCATED WARE- housc ground site, west sine; siaewain. Particulars. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 22S 3d st. INVESTMENT WEST SIDE FLATS, IN- come $1000 yearly: price $5500. L. x Thompson & Co., 228 3d st. FOR RENT COLOMa DOCK. BET. OAK and Pine sts. Apply to R. T. cox, oom 10 Newmarket block. BONDS, WARRANTS, STOCKS And mortgages bought and sold. J. w. dru thers & Co.. Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONES, ataric st MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property. Build ing loons. Installment loans. W1L MAC uabtek. 311 Worcester djock. Business Corner Lot Chean and central, on the southwest corner of 5th and Oak sts. for sale F. V. Andrews & Co., sole agents, Hamilton building. Lot 2 sold for 521.000. FOR SALE 30x100 feet and nice 6-room house on Ford utreet, near Washington street. Price very cheap for a few days only. RUSt9LL c llL-xxii. kzyi -"lira MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust C:. 7 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN S1600 Vacant Inside Lot 50x100, I8th .street between Lovejoy and Mar shall, facing west. Easy Terms. Phone Main 44. VIOLET OATS A coupon In all packages of Violet Cereals tor a WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK. FREE Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Earm Insurance in Ail Lino3 A. H. BIRRELL, Formerly of MacM aster & Blrrell. '202-3 McKay Building. Third and Stark. Phone Main 232. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date. We furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estate. SECURITY ABSTRACT TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machine (hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore gonian Publishing Co. ESTACADA The new, coming city of Clackamas Conn ty offers great Inducements for manufac tures of all kinds. It has the most powerful electric and water power In the Northwest. O. W. P. TOWNSITE CO.. 182 1ST ST., COR. ALDER. ROOM 5. PHONE MAIN 216. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. ON ACCOUNT OF PARTY LEAVING CITr we can oner at a bargain for $3500.00 A fine. new. modern, 0-roora residence, on East Taylor street; elegant basement, gas. Including the furniture most all new; also swellest location on East Side, lot 50x100 feet. $2400.00 Very nica 9-room residence with large corner lot. East Taylor st.; house In fine condition and in fine location; a big bargain; worm $30ou; must go. CHARLESON & STAUB. 245 Morrison St. C. C. WILEY & CO., SUCCESSORS TO Wiley, Ward & Co.. dealers In real estate, arc now located at Lents. Oregon, and have a large list of farm and timber lands: one 5 and 10 acre tracts and suburban lots for sale at reasonable prices; take the Mt. Scott car. Alder and 1st. Call and see us. C C Wiley & Co., Lents, Or. 5 FRAME BUILDING. SECOND-HAND LUM- ber or building for sale; addition to Sell-lng-Hirach building, Washington and West Park. Apply Hazelwood Cream Co., 5th and Oak. Phone Excnange 4U. I AM AUTHORIZED TO OFFER FOR SALE that magnificent residence on the corner of 11th and Mill stc at a saennce price; any family intending to purchase a fine home should Inspect this. F. Breske, agent. 444 Sherlock bldg. S1200 CHOICE CORNER LOT, WORTH J 1500: half cash; mortgage for balance. $5000 Farm to exchange for Improved Portland property or sell, accepting $1500 first payment. F. Jackson, 292 Yamhill st. FOR SALE IN GRIMES' GROVE. SEA side, two lots 50x100 feet with 0-room fur nlshed cottage; fenced, woodshed, good water; S1300 if taken at once. Address G. M. McBrlde, Astoria. J3S00 MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE AND full lot, C47 Broadway, Irvlngton; cement walk and basement; porcelain plumbing 2 car lines. 7-mlnuta service. V. Glafke, Jr.. owner. FOR SALE A 7-ROOM HOUSE AND ONE and two-thirds acres of land In South Hlllsboro. Address W. A. Ruhl, Hills boro. Or. 20 ACRES TEN MILES SOUTHEAST FROM Portland; good roaa; iw acres stasned; fbOO, E. T. Taggart. uu unamDer or commerce. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on u. w. jr. eiecinc line o. K. Addlton. Lents. Or. Take Mt Scott car: 5c NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE- AND LOT, PRICE J 1200: one-imra ootra. Balance install ments. Apply 371 jast nth sr. North. 7-ROOM HOUSE, BATH. TOILET AND basement. San Kaiaei st., walking dia tance; ?ioo. i'cone union S2S00 TEN ACRES. NEAR ELECTRIC cars; house, Darns, xruit. jonn Oatman. owner, 323 Sherlock bidg. CHOICE MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE; TERMS to suit, inquire 3 awubi iu, near .Hoija day House, sieei Dncge. $600 BUYS TWO SIGHTLY LOTS IN AL- blna: vrauuug uiiwucc. i ttuiiu im Awning Co.. 27 N. 1st. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW 7-ROOM house. 21st and Northrup sts. x. Vandoyn. 270 Washington. 4-ROOM COTTAGE, coin Park Annex, Union 6524. CORNER LOT. LTN- S50; owner. Phone NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR steel bridge; S3000; terms. 612 Co miner dal .bldg. 0-ROOM HOUSE. FULL LOT; INSTALL- rnent plan. King. Phone East C73. NEW S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; INSTALL- I SAFE, ROLTTOP DESK AND TYPE mcnt plan. King. Phone East 675. j writer at atoargta. M 2, Oregonlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BY OWNjJR A MODERN B-roora house and Quarter block, full brick basement: house heated throughout with furnace; gas and electric lighting, porcelain bath and all plumbing first class; handsome sideboard; laundry with stationary tubs: stone wall around place: a bargain for any one wanting a first-class modern home: price $5000. See owner on premises. 140 E. 22d st.. cor. Morrison. Take Suaaysld. car. 3.ROOM HOUSE. SIGHTLY LOT. GRAND ave., near Prescott. $iW: owner. Phone Union 6524. 12-ROOM MODERN UP-TO-DATE HOUSE; installment plan. Phone East 875. FOE SALE FARMS. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST Im proved dairy and hop farms In Marion County, consisting of ISO acres, 2 good hop houEes, 2 fine barns. 3000.00 dwelling built last year, 13 graded cows, 1 Short horn bull, 4 fine horses, 4 sets harness, several walking plows and 1 double-disk sulky plow, 2 harrows, 1 mowing machine, hay tedder and spring-tooth sulky rake, all new, 2 wagons, 1 hack, 1 buggy, 2 cultiva tors, 1 pulverizer and about 40 head of Po land China hogs, all go with the place 54 acres 1 miles N. E. of Oregon City Court-house, 12 acres cleared, 7 acres In hops, good hop-house, store-room, dwelling-house, barn, woodshed, about 2 ucrcs nice young orchard, consisting of pears, peaches, prunes, cherries, apples, Siberian crabs, almonds and walnuts, all bearing. Several acres garden land on creek bottom uncleared. Four cottages in South Portland, being Nos. 175, 177, 179 and 181, on Hamilton avenue Lots 42 Six 100. Four large lots In Simpson's Addition, Salem, for sale or trade for Portland property. Terms on alt KbovJ property. For further particoJarcaH on or ad dress W. E. ifcr, Aurora, Or. R. D. R. No. 3. HOMESEEKERS WILL FIND REAL BAR- galns and most honest treatment in our office. $0000.00 for 240 acres near Hlllsboro, county seat, close to railroad and on fine wagon road, close to large milk condenser, over 100 acres In cultivation; very good big house; flno large barn, costing $1000; orch ard, finest of soil, plenty of running water; this place Is worth from $12,000 to $13,000. $4000 for 74 acres (13 miles from Port land) nearly 50 acres clear, good small house, nice barn, fine orchard, best of soil, stock, crop and machinery Included. CHARLESON & STAUB, 245 Morrison, Room 12. FOR SALE A GOOD 520-ACRE RANCH In Curry Couty, Oregon, on river and coun ty road; 10 acres In bottom and hill land under cultivation; small fruit orchard in bearing; 30 acres under fence; balance good grazing and timber land; profitable salmon fishing; 5-room dwelling house, commodious barn, fishhouso and out? houses. Terms reasonable to responsible, quick, cash buyer. B 100, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND. 8 MILES from Portland, 1 mile from Tigardviue; good black soil, plenty of water, 3 good buildings, on the main road, 1 acre or chard, all fenced, 8 acres clear; price $1600. Inquire at once. 301 21st N., Port land, Or. RARE BARGAIN $0 AN ACRE, 2340 ACRES nice laying farming land, all plowable, with strong spring of water, lo cated in Morrow County, 10 miles from R. R. Will make terms to suit. For par ticulars address Box 10, ileppner. or. FARM. 365 ACRES. 170 CLEAR. 7 ACRES orchard, all fenced, nouee ana Darn; good spring: school and church on place; plank road; 7 miles irom Oregon v;uy; win sen an or in part. Apply 423ft 1st st. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; pay ments made to suit purchasers.- For par ticulars apply to WM. MA CM ASTER, 311 Worcester block. $10 TO $20 MONTHLY BUYS 10 TO 100 acre larms near ruiuuuu wilii immediate possession; cn railway and car lines. Ore gon iron Ac utoei un.. jjv bnenocK bidg.. Portland, or. 720 ACRES, SOUTHERN OREGON-300 black level land in cultivation; oaiance um ber and brush: will trade for Portland va cant. F. E. King, son J3. 7th st. N. Phone East 675. Farm 55 acres, cultivated; 8 miles east, on car line; modem improvements ; summer home; 700 winter apples; lann level, xzi JbTont. 1 GO-ACRE FARM. 2 MILES FROM KINGS- ton; 100 acres plow land; good buildings; well watered. W. F. Hayes, Kingston, Or. 400-acre farm for sale, 4 miles from Kings ton; under cultivation; good buildings, well watered. G. W. Crolsant. Kingston. Or. 640 ACRES FOR DAIRYING. STOCK AND frultralslng; near coast and busy towns; $10 on acre; a bargain, v 13, care uregoman. IMPROVED FARM, CLOSE TO PORTLAND; a bargain; easy terms, jvaaresa owner, M a. care oregonlan. $6000 LESS THAN COST BEST IMPROVED tarm in tne county; ciose. in: no agents. B 5, Oregonlan. FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS. FIRST-CLASS grain and bay lands. 209 Stark st. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. 222 ACRES FINE TIMBER LAND AT Viola on Clear Creek; sawmill quarter mile below; land of very hest. quality; only $10 per acre. This is a good investment: see or address T. Wlthycombe, room 1, Hamilton blk. Portland, Oregon. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also recertified soldiers additional Porterfield-Valentlne land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Maglnnls Si Son, 227 Falling bldg. WANTED A LARGE TRACT OF COTTON wood timber; must ba close to good log ging stream, giving access to railroad. Ad dress with full particulars, a 1, oregonlan. SCRIP. SCRIP. SCRIP l NEW LOT AP proved forest reserve Just arrived. Write me. No cne can undersell me. L. W. Whiting. 403 Abington bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for immediate Use. W. G. Howell, 538 Chamber of Commerce. SEVEN 4.000.000 SUGAR AND YELLOW pine claims In California reserve Just qpeneu. 511 .Everett st,, a a. ju., 1 tr. ji. ureen asi. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR 8 ALE IN any size tracts, ready for Immediate use. a. li. compson, oi Marquam bldg. CAN LOCATE YOU ON will bring $1500 In 9 days. HOMESTEAD: can 474 Alder. TO EXCHANGE. A SNAP FOR. SALE. TRADE OR RENT Restaurant and rooming-house, for Alblna property. Call 506 Delay st., owner. FARM TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT or rooming-bouse. Columbia Real Estots & Trust Co.. 234 Morrison st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BRING US YOUR PROPERTY; WE WANT improved real estate, business and residence, especially on West Side; we also want busi ness chances; we have buyers. L. W. Whit ing & Co.. 40S Abington bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc FOR SALE DARK. HAY TEAM. 5 YEARS old. well broken; welghtv2600; price $290; also brown mule. T years old; weight 1050. C B. Hanson, 133 E. 29th st. Phone Union 4206. HORSES. WAGONS. BUGGIES AND ALL kind of harness: part time given If desired. Derby Stables. 15th St.. Just off Washington. CARLOAD OF HARNESS. 100 VEHICLES, anything from a cart to a hearse. 211 Wash ington st. ONE-HORSE COVERED DELIVERY WAG on, nearly new; a bargain. Woodard, Clarke & Co. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells wagons, bug gies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. ONE PAIR HEAVY HORSES. HARNESS and lumber wagon. 320 Failing bldg. 16 HORSES FOR SALE BY W. E. JACOBS, 134 E. 34th st. Phono Union 1632. Pianos. FOR SALE MY PIANO; FOR CERTAIN reasons I must have money, and will sacrifice my piano for cash; a rare bargain tor some body. Call at once 422 Everett st. FOR SALE CHEAP FINE DECKER & Sons piano; fine tone, but little used. Ap ply No. 320 Weldler st,, near Williams ave, city. FINE ALMOST NEW $375 UPRIGHT Pi ano for sale cheap: excellent reason for selling: no fake T 9L Oregonlan. Miftcftraaeoas. TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP FOR SALE on 24th aad St, Helens road, near Fair grounds. FOK SALE. Mlscekaceoe SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. S.. Domestic Wheeler &. Wilson and White; drophekds In oak and box tops. At Wheeler St Wilson and Domestic otHce. S. 3. SlgeL Agent. 335 Morrison st DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterlte; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for now roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. 10 Worcester bldg. SECOND-HAND LUMBER IN ADDITION to beiung-Uirsch building. Washington and W. Park. Apply Hazclwocd Cream Co.. 5th and Oak. thone Exchange 40. . OWING TO REVERSES WE ARE COM- pelled to dispose of our fine upright piano, which has only been used six months. A big sacrifice in price and satisfactory terms can be arranged. 355 22dfc North. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $25: an manes rented and repaired. Rubber stamp, notary seals, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. TeU 1407. VALUABLE FISHING RIGHTS ON COLUM- Dia iuver; also gacollne engine and wood saw. J. A. Munday, Portland Sanitarium, Mount Tabor. Or. 50.000 FEET NO. 3. FIR LUMBER FOR salo cheap; all sizes. West Coast Sash & Door -Co.. cor. 19th and Vaughn sts. Phone Main 1413. FOR SALE LOGAN 'BERRY PLANTS, BY man, $1 per dozen; prices on larger amounts oil application. iH. Freeborough, Montavllla, Oregon. BARGAIN PRICE ON LOT OF SECOND- nand lumber. Hazelwood Cream Co., 5th and Oak. Exchange 40. FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND COFFEE house; fine location and business; lease. 51 N. 2d St., cor. Davis. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS at the Norton. Apply Morrlson-st. entrance, cor. 12th. 163. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. small family. 12S N. 17th, bet. Glisan and Hoyt. BRAND-NEW CASH REGISTER, TOTAL adder; half price; 5 new whisky barrels. 115 N. 3d. FOR SALE FINE ENGLISH SETTER bitch, partly broken; 1 year old. Phon Brown 985. TWO SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE; caeap. Address O 73, care Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. 100 MEN CAN GO TO ALASKA. GET A permanent position at good wages, a 320 acre timber homestead, and an interest in the enterprise. Here is an opportunity for the working man. Address the Alaska Mutual Fisheries & Industrial Co., A. C. Jennings. Sec, room A, Times bldg., Seattle. Wash. NOTICK. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. th leading employment agency of the North west. 249 Burnside st. Phone Main 3074. WANTED OPENED FOR BRIGHT. GOOD appearing solicitor for established route; salary and commission basis; high-class proposition, educational In character. Ad drees J. P. Thompson. Supt.. 305 Larkln it, San Francisco. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR ber trade; new class of ladies Just starting; write for full particulars, and if In doubt moke, a personal Investigation. American Barber College, 253 Everett st.. Portland. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN, Lo cal house; salary. Stenographer, one year or more experience; competent bookkeeper who' can make Investment, good salary. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 205 Morrison. BILL CLERK IN WHOLESALE HOUSE, must be quick and accurate at figures; an swer in own handwriting stating age, pre vious experience and salary expected. Ad dress W 8. care Oregonlan. HIGH GRADE POSITIONS OPEN EXEC utlve, clerical, technical and salesmen, paying from $1000 to $5000. Call or writs. Hapgoods (Inc), suite K, 502 Pioneer bldg.. Seattle WANTED A MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS putting up swing boom derricks, handling cables, splicing etc, and to act as foreman of same; $4 day; steady. Hansen, 26 N. 2d st. WANTED YOUNG MAN, MARRIED. TO work on farm and nursery; house and gar den hind furnished; wages $40 per month year around. Address box 473, Oregon City. Or. Men to learn barber trade: only 3 weeks re quired; 2 years saved; positions secured when competent; catalogue mailed free Moler System College, San Francisco, CaL FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS MAN WITH $1500 to invest to take charge of depart ment as buyer and manager; good oppor tunity lor the right man. a 3, Oregonlan. REPUTABLE FIRM WILL ACCEPT MAN cs third partner: $150 required: permanen good income guaranteed; experience unnec essary. Room 412, Dekum bldg. WANTED A GOOD SALESMAN TO HAN die school supplies: good proposition to right party. Address The Whlttaker & Ray jo., ban i rancisco. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR WHOLE sale lumber office: able to run typewriter and nave some Knowieagc or bookkeeping. Box 24. Elgin. Or. WANTED CAPABLE BUSINESS MAN AS secretary for large concern: must be able to invest $owo. Clerks" Registration Bureau, zt .Morrison et. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN TO travel and learn good-paying business; refer ences. Call room 31, at 409 Morrison St., 10 to s r. x WANTED YOUNG MAN ABOUT IS years old as helper on oil wagon. Call before 9 A, M. today. Acme Oil Co., 212 1st st. WANTED GOOD REAL ESTATE SALES man; must be acquainted with titles, val ues and investors. P. O. Drawer No. 13. COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders, ho. 145 4th st. Phone Red 1993. COMMERCIAL. TRAVELERS GOOD STAPLE side 'lne for Oregon and Washington. Give territory covered. Addree u 1. Oregonlan. JAPANESE DOMESriCS AND LABOR furnlehcd. Japanese Employment Office, 45 N. 1st st. i-nono jtuacK iui. WANTED EXPERIENCED doormen, mill and yardmen. Labor Bureau, 205 Morrison. SASH AND Lumbermen's 5 FIRST-CLASS HARDWOOD . WORKERS. Apply between 10 and A. II.. the Little Art Shop, i5 4tn st. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade; free tuition. Portland Barber School, 82 N. 2d. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE quartz miners for Southern Oregon. H 72, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE good, shop; terms reasonable H 09, Orego nlan. BEST 10-CENT SHAVE IN CITY; CLEAN tqwels. etc. Uj Morrison st. Ed Denblson. WANTED EXPERIENCED CANVASSERS good money. 9 to 12 A. M., 563 3th, WANTED BRIGHT BOY FOR DELIVERY at Little Art Shop, 175 4lh st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOKS. WAITRESSES, CHAMBERMAIDS,' city and country; nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers; plenty of housework, $15 to $30. .rnone Main uza, uanaoian parlors, 226 Morrison. WANTED AMATEUR PERFORMERS, chorus girls, pianists, etc; hlg salary stage dancing, etc, taught. Newman's The atrlcal Aqency, aio wasningion. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT- resses. chambermaids, general workerJ. ' St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED GIRLS FOR GENERAL HOUSB-nrv- sis to J30. Scandlnavlas-American Emnlorment Agency, 226 3d. Phone Main 1519. nmr-a can secure good POSITIONS BY applying at Portland Women's Employment CO., 216 Alia ley. 3d 6c aonuoD. iua jvo. -n.-AV"mTwnv BUSINESS HOUSE. SERV- lcesof intelligent, middle-aged woman five afternoons per week, w o. ungoaau. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK pleasant home; small family; $12 per month. Call 601 Oregonlan Diog. WIT WANTED STEABY PLACE; DELIV- ery and general -work. 142 XMh, Psrtlaat, Oyster Cc. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADY TO TAKE COMPLETE CHARGE OF millinery department In popular-price de partment store In one of the best cities In the West; permanent position and good sal ary; must have $1000 or more to invest. V 3, Oregonlan. ATTENTION LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 writing short letters from copy. Address stamped envelope for particulars. Michigan Specialty Co., Albion, Mich. GIRL WANTED, GENERAL HOUSEWORK; three in family; $20 per month; light work, new house; must give references. 700 Kear ney st. 1- WANTED THREE HOUSEKEEPERS. MAID, cook. 4 general housework. Call Scandinavian-American. 228 3d. Main 1519. CAPABLE WOMAN. FOR COOK AND housework; good wages. Apply 570 Haw thorne Terrace, Portland Heights. 12 YOUNG LADIES WANTED AT ONCE; pleasant work and good pay; call tomorrow. 225 S. First St.. room 2. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR COOKING and assist with general housework. 135 N. 23d, cor. Hoyt. WANTED LADY CLERK. ACCUSTOMED to office work. Call or address No. 416. ore gonlan bldg. APPRENTICES FOR. MANICTTRING AND hair work. 204 Macleay bldK., after w- Jime. iiuason. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK- lng and housework; no washing. Phone Scott 1S02. WANTED A GERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL to assist In general housework. Inquire 31H College st. REFINED LADY FOR Al ADVERTISING proposition. Apply 722 Chamber of Com merce. FOUR GOOD GIRLS. UNDER 28 YEARS, wno can 3ing; none otner need appiy. ztu Allsky. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Inquire 63 N. 14th, cor. Davie GOOD COOK WANTED, HOUSEWORK; NO washing. 701 Flanders st., cor. 23d. GIRL WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 389 12th ot. AT ONCE. LADY TO HELP IN GENERAL housework. 420 Alder st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. MARRIED MAN, 35 YEARS OLD, WISHES position thoroughly familiar witr business ana ouice worn; reiercHcea iiuduucu. dress S 8. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION AS bookkeeper or salesman, will make himself generally useful. o. 8, oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. POSITION AS rtenograpner; two years" experience; nrst- class references, u 8. Oregonlan. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER WANTS Po sition. W. B. Goodrich, Portland Sani tarium, Mi. Tabor. Miscellaneous. SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS SINGLE MAN DE- sires inside work 01 pome na; gooa penman, some acquaintance with office work; best of references, Address c 71, uregoman. MIDDLE-AGED MAN WANTS INSIDE Po sition, some business experience; knows something of office work and bookkeeping: strictly moral and temperate; good refer ences, m s. oregonlan. CAN FURNISH DOMESTIC SERVANTS. farm or railroad laborers. Japanese Labor Association, zus .Everett st, .tsiacK 3U2. WANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED JAPAN ese. a position in hotel or boarding-house. S 9, Oregonlan. JAPANESE COOK WANTS POSITION IN the country. Address George Tokase, CO N. Gth st. YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS Posi tion as schoolboy. Address 245 Couch at.. city. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE WORK AS driver; state wages. F. F. Burk, 253-255 1st, WANTED BY JAPANESE BOY, PLACE FOR eneral housework in family. T 9, Oregonlan, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED SITUATION BY COMPETENT lady stenographer; four years' experience reference furnished. T 1. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED LADY" STENOGRAPHER wishes position; understands bookkeeping; references. Address 1 4, oregonlan. Dressmaaera. WANTED BY A COMPETENT DRESS maker, sewing by the day In your homes. Miss K. Wilson. SV0 Washington. Phone Main 4154. FOR YOUR NEW EASTER GOWN OR Spring tailor suit, consult New York Dress. makers, 215 lutn. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS AND children's sewing. 323 14th. Phono Front 192. MRS. S. A. PITKIN, REMOVED TO Tourney bldg., 2d and Taylor. 610 Domestics. NORWEGIAN GIRL, EXPERIENCED, WITH reierenccs, desires situation as housekeeper tor two or tnree respectable gentlemen. 230 Tamhlll. Phone Black 2881. LADY WANTS HOUSEWORK BY DAY. Phone Hood 27S, room 3. AN EXPERIENCED NURSE FOR CHIL- dren or care of an Invalid. Address N 8, oregonlan. PRACTICAL NURSE DESIRES ENGAGE ments. 351 Morrison st. Phone Main 1SS5. Housekeepers. HOTEL COOK. HOUSEKEEPER. CHAM bermald, second girl, day workers. 230 YamhllL Phone -Block 2S31. LADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE keeper for widower or elderly couple Ad diess K. 9, oregoman. LADY RECENTLY FROM THE EAST wishes a situation as housekeeper. Address X 5, Oregonlan. WANTED BY WIDOW LADY, POSITION as housekeeper; object good home. ' L Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. REFINED, TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG Wo man seeks engagements to care for chil dren afternoons or evenings; prices reason able: references. A 18, Oregonlan. ONE SCANDINAVIAN GIRL WANTS POSI tlon; also housekeeper with child, girl, wants position to help with children. Scandinavian American, 226 3d. Phone Main 1519. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or night; good sight reader. Address G 16, Oregonian. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS SITUATION AS plain cook and housework la gocd family. H 9, Oregonlan. JAPANESE, FIRST-CLASS COOK, WANTS position family, wife second work. Phona Main 543. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TWENTY-FIVE DOL lars weekly for twenty weeks. The best proposition offered agents who want money and are willing to work for It. George Jr. Cram. 552 Wabash ave- Chicago. HI. $10 DAY MADE SELLING RUSSO-JAPAN-ese war book by Murat Halstead; take or ders now; outfit ready; send 10 cents; 50 per cent paid agents; write immediately. American Publishing House, Chicago. BIG MONEY IN SQUABS; THEY SELL FOR $2 te $6 a dozen; cheaply raised In only ' four weeks; write for our free -book about this rich industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Cc, 11 Friend St., Boston. Mass. WANTED GENERAL AND SUB-AGENTS to sell new useful article; big moneys needed In every home. Address Suther land Co., 110 So. Broadway, Los An- , geles. CaL WANTED EXPERIENCED CANVASSERS to- sell a household necessity; ladles or genta. p 8, . care Oregonlan. Wanted 2 hustlers for new, winning photo graph ticket. Rembrandt Studio, Abington bg. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED SUITE ROOMS WITH BOARD for lady and daughter, afo S. Y' 8, Ors- WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT FIVE OR SIX-ROOM! uouse. moaern. west slue; rent not to ex ceed $18 or $20; no objection to car-line if not too far out. Call up phono Front 303, or address P 0, care of The Oregonlan. WANTED ROLL TOP AND FLAT TOP uess; state value ana condition; no propo sition considered unless a bargain. Ad dress M 9, care Oregonlan. W ANTED MODERN HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS. "cu- car-line; no oojecuoua to cast aide. Apply to George Woodward, room 1, Ham-, llton bldg. WANTED TO RENT ONE OR MORE) rooms for broker office. Address P. O. Drawer No. 13. WANTED BY LADY. ROOM AND BOARD smaii ramiiy; private residence. O 9, Oregonlan. H?DSE "W"1TH SOME GROUND. STABLE, truit: A 1 reference Phona East 60S. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-TDLE SAW OR SHINGLE MILL. ?"'a develop from 50 to 70 horse-power """S shingle mill with capacity of fm w PJfr lda3r;. must be plenty of shingle H?m,r. la J?". with rail and water t4'"1"'5- .Portland Union Stockyards, 17th and Vaughn sts.. Portland. Or. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest prlc paid. The -Fair Deal." 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED TO- PURCHASE a r.nnn aw. ond-hand donkey engine for yarding logs. Box 637. Portland. Or. WANTED LOAN OF $500 AT 8 PER CENT on improvcu suuurcan property. Q 9 Ore-4 gonian. WANTED FLAT TOP DESK. LEAVE word at room 319, Chamber of Commerce; bldg. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT-. tie 01 an kinds. .Phone scoit us 13. WANTED CHITTIM BARK. GREEN OR dry. D. B. Garrison, Olympia, Wash, FOR RENT. Rooms. HOTEL SCOTT YOU CAN RENT ROOMS. In this elegant new hotel for less than you pay In the common rooming-houses; new) clean furnishings, steam heat, electric lights, always hot water, porcelain baths', annan. ciator service, tine restaurant, central loca tion. Fostofflce block, 7th and Ankeny; rooms either single or en suite; finest coach In Portland free to and from all trains. Phone Main 166L THE LINCOLN. JUST OPENED. 409 MOR- nson st.. cor. 11th. nas the best rurnisnea rooms In the city; hot and cold running water, steam heat, electric lights, baths and all modern appointments; new build Ing; every facility for caring for the trav eling public; moderate rates. C H. Ball, proprietor. Phone Main 25L !51 ALDER NEAR 3d ST. NICELY funrnlshed, pleasant rooms; new brick; building; new, up-to-date furnishings, $2.50 to $4 per week; transients, 50c to $1. Red 3146. SUITE OF TWO ROOMS. BEAUTIFULLY furnished; suitable for doctor; rent reason able; all conveniences: tel.; also two hand .somely furnished single rooms. Pbone Main 2111. THE MENOMINEE, 385 YAMHILL ELE- gantiy xurnisned front rooms, suites or single; modern conveniences; two blocks from Portland Hotel; transients solicited. THE VICTORIA NICELY FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern, steam heat, hot and cold water, bath. Phone Main 3971, cor. 7th and Glisan; new brick building. THE NEW ROSAMOND. 67 3D ST., BET. vuaK ana fine iiiegantiy turnisnea rooms; tourist ana transient trade soiicitea; private entrance. 264 Pine. Phone Hood 393. THE OXFORD. 06 6TH ST., COR OAK just opened to the public; everything new, modern in all its appointments; prlvata bath suites. Telephone Main 8S. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR' suites, very central; 389 Alder, betweea W. Park and 10th. All conveniences: gen tlemen preferred: references. NEATLY FURNISHED SINGLE APART ments with home-like accommodations; every modern convenience; residence local ity. 489 Jefferson st. THE RICHELIEU. 33 GTH ST.. ONE BLOCK north of Fostomce Just opened to tne PUQ Hc; steam heat; porcelain baths. Phona Black 1732, NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. MEN ONTiY: hot and cold water; gas and steam heat. 163 17th. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 3199.' NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR LADY; free use of piano; electric ligh and bath rent, $2.50 per week. 309 First st. 188 13TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, private family, new house, every conven ience; gentlemen only; references. THE OGDEN. 83 1ST ST.. COR. OAK Newly furnished rooms; modern: open all night: reasonable; phone Clay 936. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman; hot and cob' water, hath. Phone Main 3167. 271 7tU st. '0 WEST PARK NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; all conven iences. Phcne Central 1074. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, modern conveniences; for gentleman. Ap ply 195 13th St., cor. Taylor. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. MODERN PRI. vate house; walking distance; special rates to men. 292 10th st. 4 364 TAYLOR PLEASANT, SUNNY ROOM3; two blocks Portland Hotel; bath, phone, heat; no children. 248 SIXTH ST. 2 NICELY FURNISHED- rooms; gas, phone, bath, modern fiat; every convenience. : 1 FURNISHED ROOMS. 81 WEEK UP. G7L- man Hotel. 1st and Alder: Tremont Hotels 7th and Everett. THE TEMPLE LARGE. NICELY FURNISH ed rooms, double and single. 343 lam. hill st-, cor. 7th. FOR RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM, ONEi man $5. 2 $7; half -block from 2 car lines. 370 N. 22d st. 4 ptran r6oms ON GROUND FLOOR: gas. bath, sink and range: no children. N. 13. Oregonlan. ' ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH or without board; private family. 248 N.j 20th at. ROOMS TO RENT 414 YAMHILL ST... pleasant rooms; steam heat, telephone, gas bath, etc , Igo PARK ST. NICELY FURNISHED front and slderoom; one block from Portland Hotel. - WELL-FURNISHED SUNNx ROOM, PRI vate family; all conveniences. 432 JeCer ton. 11TH ST.. NO. 258 NICELY FURNISHED room; modern; private family; gentlemen only. THE WALDO 109 WASH. BET. 10TH and 11th. newly furnished rooms; transient. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, GAS AND bath: transient solicited. 185 Morrison st. THE PALM, 189 3D Just opened, newly furnished rooms;- transients. Clay 655. 395 MORRISON. COR. 10TH NEWLY, furnished rooms, with or without board. SPECIALLY SELECTED LIST OF ROOMS for young men. Apply at Y. M. C. A. FOR RENT LOWER PART OF FTJRN1SH- ed house Main 3738. 703 Irving. FOR RENT THREE OR FOUR UNFUB nished rooms. Apply 550 Couch et. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, MODERATE rent; close in. 329 Larrabee st. TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS IN private family. US 12th at. FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; all conveniences. 91 10th. Booms With Board. THE COLONIAL-A SELECT FAMILY HO-. Si 165-167 10th st. cor. Morrison; very Dleaaant rooms,' steam heat, porcelain baths, Plenty of hot water, handsome dlnlng-nwm; can now accommodate table boarders; table and service first-class. 'PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TBT year; rooms with board; use of sewtng room; use of library; Woman's Exchange Address Mrs. Anabal Russell, superintend-. ent, aiu iiacuera. THE WONOLANCBT. 159 11TH ST. LOVE ly suits single and double rooms; newly Tar nished: strictly modern with board; table service excellent. HOTEL BROWN ROOMS NEWLY FUR Blshed; baths, electric- lights, elevate?; reom for trajwUatsr mi kth ear 11m. 271 Si Grand ave A-