12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 5," 1S04. HliNTS FOR DAIL.g MENU Arranged "With Reference to Season and Portland Market. Sunday, March 6. BREAKFAST. Stewed Figs. Lambs' Kidneys Saute. Curried Eggs. Rice "Waffles. Honey. Coffee. LUNCHEON OR SUPPER, ilixed Pickles. Spiced Pears. Sliced Cold Tongue. Nut Sandwiches, Lemon Jelly. Cocoa. DINNER. Grape Fruit. Olives. Little-Neck Clams. Celery. Boiled Salmon. Sauce Hollandalse. Roasted Capon, Oyster Cream Sauce. New Potatoes. New String Beans. Artichokes. Frozen-Milk Punch. Waldorf Salad. 3iscult Glace. Cakes. Nuts. Raisins. Rocquefort Cheese. Water Biscuit. Coffee. Monday, March 7. BREAKFAST. Oranges. Oatmeal. Cream. Ham-Toast. Egg Fritters. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Bean Soup. Country -Sausage, with Bread Crumbs. Olives. Eot Rolls. Preserved Strawberries. DINNER. Celery Soup. Bice Cutlets. Short Ribs o Beef, Brown Gravy. Browned Potatoes. Creamed Carrots. Baked Beans. Lettuce, Mayonnaise. Apple Charlotte. Coffee. Tuesday, March 8. BREAKFAST. .Stewed Figs, with Cream. Cereal. Minced Beef on Toast. "Waffles. -Coffee. LUNCHEON. Curried Eggs. Potato Bails Tcast. Cocoa. Blackberry Jam. DINNER. Consomme a la Royal e. Little Molds of Shrimps. Braised Breast of Veal, Sage Dressing. Mashed Potatoes. Brussels Sprouts. Watercress, French Dressing. Fried Bananas. Cherry Sauce. Cheese. Coffee. "W af era. Wednesday, March 9. BREAKFAST. Steamed Prunes. Cereal, Cream. Parsley Omelette. Creamed Potatoes. Bolls. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Crab Meat In Chaflng-Dlsh. Stuffed Eggs on Lettuce Leaves. 1 Pancakes with Jelly. Cocoa. DINNER. Anchovy Toast Oysters on Half-Shell. Creamed Tomato Soup. Olives. Roasted Chicken, Glblet Gravy. Cauliflower In Cream. Stewed Tomatoes. Rleed Potatoes. Fruit Salad with Jelly. Nuts and Raisins. Cheese. Coffee. Wafers. Thursday, March 10. BREAKFAST. Baked Apples. Cereal. Sugar and Cream. Crisped Bacon. Hashed Brown Potatoes. Corn Muffins. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Cairs Brains on Toast. Apricot Fritters. Warm Gingerbread. Tea or Cocoa. DINNER. Clear Soup with Rice. Boiled Cod. Sauce Hollandalse. Roast Saddle of Mutton, Currant Jelly. New Potatoes. Spinach. Creamed Turnips. Artichokes. Mayonnaise. Orange Shortcake. Coffee. Friday, March 11. BREAKFAST. Oranges. .'Boiled Rice, Cream. Fried SmeHB. Hashed Brown Potatoes. English Muffins. Coffee. LUNCHEON. .'Clam Chowder. Cold Sliced Mutton. Lettuce Sandwiches. Olives. Jelly. Coffee or Tea. DINNER. Steamed Clams. Shrimp Tlmbales. Boiled Sturgeon, Egg Sauce. Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Lettuce Salad. French Dressing. Peach Tapioca. Cheese. Coffee. Wafers. Saturday, March 12. BREAKFAST. Bananas. Cereal and Cream. Friziled Beef In Cream, Buttered Toast. Hot Griddle Cakes. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Kedgeree, Stuffed Potatoes. Nuns' Toast. Pickles. Nut Cookies. Tea. DINNER. Cream of Spinach. Olives. DM Pickles. Patties of Cold Meat. Breaded Veal Cutlets, with Tomato Sauce. Saratoga Chips. Spinach with Egg. Celery Mayonnaise. Cup Custards. Cake. Coffee. Sunday, March 13. BREAKFAST. Strawberries and Cream. Panned Chops. Parsley Omelette. Shopstrlntr Potatoes. tngltsh Muffins. Coffee and Whipped Cream. Sauces. In the advanced cookery of today It Is hard to get along without sauces of different vari eties, as so many of the latest recipes call for them. Most sauces can be kept several days or a wVek, and seem almost as useful and necessary as stock is to the average house keeper. Last week recipes were given for -white sauce and biumi sauce, both 6f which will be found "well adapted for use on meats. The ones given this week are furnished by mIr Wlshart. of the Portland School of Do mestic Science, and are recipes which have been approved by the Government Cooking School of England. Next week several more will appear, including Spanish sauce and champagne sauce for ham. The first one given here Sauce Bechamel Is almost Indispensable In modern cookery: Sauce Bechamel. 1 ounce butter, 1 ounce flour, 1 pint sweet milk and stock mixed. 1 small onion peeled and stuck with cloves, a few parsley leaves, -bay leaf, 1 small blade mace; salt and pep per. Boll the milk ana stocic wun me onion. parsley, bay leaf and mace; melt the butter Jn a stewpan, stir in we nour ana cook a lew minutes without allowing the nour to Drown. then add gradually the milk ana other lngreai ents; stir until It bolls, then let simmer for ten minutes longer; strain the sauce ana use as required, adding salt, pepper and grated -mitmeir (If desired) as it is used. This sauce will keep for a -week. Anchovy Sauce. Warm up -plnt of bechamel or hollandalse sauce and stir in one teaspoonful of anchovy essence. Sauce Piquante. -oaion or 4 shallots, 3 gherkins (chopped), 1 tablespoon chopped capers. 1 gill vinegar. 1 bay leaf, 1 sprig thyme, -plnt of bechamel sauce (or brown sauce). Kedgeree. -pound boiled flsh. U-pound rice. 2 eggs, 2 ounces butter, cayenne, salt, nutmeg; wasn and boll rice, boll eggs hard, break fish in pieces, having boned it well; cut whites of boiled eggs Into small squares, when the rice Is boiled dry. melt the butter In a stewpan and add the rice, fish, eggs, cayenne, nutmeg and salt. Mix well and serve on a hot dish. garnished with the yellows of the boiled eggs. This dish is famous in first-class restaurants both in England and Scotland. Clam Chowder. 1 pint of clams, 2 tablespoons flour. 1 pint milk. 2 yolks ot eggs, 3 ounces butter. 3 -pints white stock, 1 .gill cream; salt and pepper and the juice of the clams. By substituting three email cucumbers for the clams, this makes excellent cream ot cucumber soup. Devil's Food Cake. (This recipe, which is from the School of Domestic Science, will be found to make -splendid cake. In spite of Its unfavorable m cups white sugar, -cup butter, 2 eggs. -cup sweet milk, mixed with 1 small tea spoon soda, -package of Baker's bitter choc olate, -cup sweet milk, the yolk of 1 egg. Melt the chocolate on stove, adding the milk and yolk of egg. This last mixture should be put Into the batter the last thing before put ting in the oven. Be sure the oven Is mod erate. Frosting 14 cups white sugar and 6 big tablespoons water. Boll until it hairs. then fold In the well-beaten whites of. 4 eggs. Fruit Salad With Jelly. Make a rich lemon Jelly; place on ice as it begins to set. Build the salad layer for layer. first jelly, then bananas and oranges (or other fruit if desired), until the mold Is filled. Serve with sweet cream. Portland School of Do mestic Science. Mayonnaise Dressing. The yolks ot 2 raw eggs and 2 hard-boiled eggs; add oil drop by drop; rub to a cream and add one teaspoon flour mustard. 2 tea spoons fine salt, a sprinkle of cayenne pepper; keep adding oil by drops and stirring con stantly (always In same direction) until the mixture becomes thick almost solid. Thin it with vinegar. Portland School of Domestic Science. WIFE AND BABE DESERTED. Mrs. Charles Griebe Is Left With a Two-Weeks-Old Child. Broken hearted because her husband de serted her and with starvation staring her in the face. Mrs. Charles Griebe, who with her new-born, babe was left desti tute two weeks ago, still believes that he will return to care for their infant and herself. The police have been investi gating the case for the past week, but no clew is to be had to the missing man's whereabouts. That he deserted his wife there is no doubt, as before he left he took all of his belongings, which sets aside any theory of suicide. Two weeks and a half ago a little son gladdened the Griebe home at 395 Ivan street, at the corner of Grand avenue. A iew aays jater tne nappy motner s joy was turned to sorrow by the desertion of her husband. Before he left he gathered all of his clothes and belongings and drew what pay there was due him from Inman & Poulsen's mill, for services as hostler In the company's stables. A few trifling ar ticles belonging to the young mother were included with the things taken, and Charles Griebe mysteriously disappeared. It was two weeks ago last night that he was last seen, at which time he was with his wife and child. To his employers he stated that he would be gone about a week, but that he would return, and trust ing that he would explain his strange dis appearance Mrs. Griebe patiently waited, The husband failing to return, the un fortunate wife became alarmed. For sev eral months grocers' bills have been tin paid. The furniture In the little home has not even been paid for, and with the babe to care for the unfortunate mother Is unable to provide for herself and child. Strangers hearing of the sad case a few days ago sent a large basket of food to the mother and child. While she fears that the furniture in the house may be taken from her at any time, on account of failure to make a payment on it, Mrs. Griebe refuses to leave the little home, and insists that the deserted husband will return to her. She says that her rela tives live in the country near Seattle and if her husband remains absent that she will try to borrow enough money to go to them. Griebe is described as being 33 years of age, of German descent, 5 feet 8 inches In height, weighs 160 pounds, light hair and mustache, 'and wore a blue suit of clothes when he was last seen. His par ents live in St. Paul, Minn., and it is thought that he may have returned there. 0PEBAT0BS SEND ULTIMATUM Demands of the Coal Miners Are Cut in Half. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 4. The operators' and miners' subscale committee. shortly after convening today, took a re cess to allow the miners scale committee and the officers to hold a conference. After the conference the subscale com mittee presented what they said was their ultimatum, cutting their demand in half, and asking for a two years' scale at "one half of the 12 per cent advance in wages given last year." This would make i reduction of 5 cents a ton from the pres ent scale, and a decrease in other labor of about 6 per cent. President Mitchell and F. L. Robblns, for the operators, said a general joint ses sion would be held tomorrow to receive the scale committee's report. If the terms offered by the operators are accepted or little changed a scale will be signed to morrow. UNION MEN SEEK DAMAGES. Colorado Suits Aggregating $300, 000 Grow Out of Conspiracy Trial. CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo.. March 4.- Damage suits aggregating $300,000, growing out of the recent conspiracy suits against Sherman Parker, Thomas Foster and W. F. Davis, union leaders, were filed against A Steady Slugger Coffee works In ways people fail to Understand. With many persons it sets up stomach disease and di rectly congests the liver, thus causmg yellow skin bad breath, constipation and extreme nervousness ana frequently heart trouble. One can find out exactly how much coffee has to do with bad feeling and sick ness, by leaving it off entire lv for 10 days. Drink Pos turn, well made, in its place and note the change in f eel- lng. That's an easy way to fix the guilt on the fellow that is silently and in a mos stealthy manner doing dead ly work. If health and the ability to "do things" are worth anything at all, it certainly is worth' such a test, attend ed by no inconvenience whatever, on the contrary one feels better from the be ginning. . It may, sole .your, pro blemv- ' rt.r ' , P. J. Campbell; principal owner of. the Vin dicator mine today. Campbell swore to the complaints against the men. After a trial lasting nearly two weeks the de fendants were acquitted. They now de mand damages from Campbell. Another suit for $25,000 damages was brought against D. C. Scott, special agent for the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad by w. F. Davis, which is based upon damaging statements made by -Scott on the witness stand during the trial. Military Causes His Deportation. TELLURIDE, Colo., March 4.-C. W. Baldwin, proprietor of the Cosmopolitan saloon and restaurant here, has been de ported to Ridgeway. The Cosmopolitan has been used as a free eating-house for the strikers. It was closed last week by the military authorities, and Baldwin reopened It, without having secured their consent to do so. Attorney E. F. Richardson, representing the Western Federation of Miners, today appealed the cases of the 27 strikers who were recently arrested for vagrancy, flned $25 and costs each and put on the crjain gang to work out their fines. The cases will be heard by County Judge "Wardlaw Monday. '04 Fair Laborers Lose Strike. ST. LOUIS, March 4. The strike of the laborers at the World's Fair grounds was declared off, and the 1000 men who walked out Monday resumed work at the reduc tion announced. Eastern ana California Races By direct wires. We accept commissions by phone from responsible nartlea at Portland Club. 120 5th street. Have you friends coming from the East? Rio Grande office. 124 Third street. Port land. Or DAILY METEOROLOGICAL BJEPORT. PORTLAND. March 4. Maximum tempera ture, 50 deg.; minimum, 30. River reading, 11 A. SI., ll.o feet; change in 21 hours, none. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.45 inch; total since September 1. 1803. 3K.24 inches; normal, 33.CC; excess, 2.5S. Total sun. snine aiarcn 3, iihh, 18 minutes; possible, 11 hours IS minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 30.07. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. "3 VVInd. 03 s 2 i 3"C S 00" rr t ca ? 2 STATION. Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena t Kainloocs. B. C. 40;0.O0I S! SB 2S 0.00 01 SW PL cloudr Clear Clear Cloudy 44 0.04 N 00! T I 6i SW 40 n.no vtv Ft.-cloudy 3S 0.00 12 E Cloudy Ralnlnc Snowing North Head ..... 0.42:401 S Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento .... Salt Lake City.. 40 0.301201 SW 0.42! .SW 50 62 Raining Pt cloudy 0.00 IN 0 SW 8 NW 6i N 14i W SE 16 SE 53 0.00 Cloudy 620.00 Clear 40;0.12 Clear ban Francisco . Spokane Seattle fSiO.OO Clear 130' T !500.12 4GI0.34 ,52 T Cloudy Raining Raining Raining Tatoosh Island 38 S Walla Walla .. S Light. T. trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A disturbance of slight energy has made its appearance off Cape Flattery, and storm aouth- west warnings have been ordered displayed at the mouth of the Columbia River, Gray's Har bor and at the entrance to the Strait of Fuca. Moderately heavy rain has fallen during the last 24 hours in the Willamette Valley and Sound country, and snow mixed with rain is reported in the Great Salt Lake basin. It is much warmer this evening In Oregon and Washington. The river at Portland at 5 P. 21. was 1L3 feet,- which is a fall of 0.2 of a foot since morning. WEATHER 'FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 2S hours ending at midnight "March 5: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; south erly winds. Western- Oregon and Western Washington Occasional rain; southerly winds increasing to high along the coast and veering to westerly. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Rain or snow. Southern Idaho Cloudy and threatening. No. 4270 The holder of this number will be pre sented with the gasoline launch given away by Dr. Wright. If the holder does not present the same within 30 days, then another number will be selected. AT SALEM we have opened a branch office In the Steusloff building, corner Court and Liberty streets. DR. B. E. WRIGHT'S DENTAL OFFICE S42$ WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Office hours: 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.; even ings. 7:30 to 8:30. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 M. Telephone Main 2119. NEW TODAY. BONDS, WARRANTS, STOCKS And mortgages bougnt and sold. J. w. era thers Co.. Chamber ot Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS On tmsroved city and farm property. Build tng loans. Installment loans. WiL UARTBR, 311 Worcester block. BARGAIN S1S.OO Vacant inside Lot 50x100, I8th street between Lovejoy and Mar shall, facing west. Easy Terms. Phone Main 44. VIOLET OATS L coupon In all packages ot Violet Cereals tor a warns house cook book. FREE FOR SALE Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machine (hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. "W. Cochran, with Ore gonian Publishing Co. ESTACADA The ne-rr, com In c city ot Clackamas Coua ty offers great Inducements tor manufac tures ol all kinds. It has the most powerful electric and -water power In the Northtrest. O. -W. P. TOWNSITE CO.. 132 1ST ST, COB. ALDER, ROOX & PHONS MAIN 21, F.W.Baltes (& Company Printers First (Mb Oak Streets HOTEL PERKINS Fifth aid Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Slow, f !. ts f3,(K Per By Accer41K tm Lectlm. J. K. QAVTBS, frit, St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT PORTLAND, EnropesB Plai Re ems SOc Plrt - UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAT BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE: A 91, 93, 97. B 2, 89, 91. C 1, 92, 93. 04, C. I) 88, 96, 99. E 1. 01, 97. F 07, 91, 95, 96, 99. G 93, 95, 98. II 1, 38, 09, 92, 94, 98, 99. . J 91, 93, 99. L 92," 95. 100. M 71, 91, 92, 94, 06, 100. N 1, 73, 83. O 1, 85. 100. 1' 1, 83, 94, 95, 97, 98. Q 1, 62, 92, 93, 97. . R 36, 85, 90, 02, 99. & 91, 93, 90. - . T 88, 91, 92, 100. W 1. 93, 94, 99. X 73. Y 94, 97, 99. MEETING NOTICES. ALBINA LODGE, NO. 101. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. F .C. Degree. All F. C. cordially Invited. By order W: "M. A. J. HANDLAN, Secretary. PORTLAND CHAPTER. R. A. M. Special convocation this (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in P. M. and M. E. M. Degrees. HENRY ROE, "Secretary. MARINE ENGINEERS' BENEFI CIAL ASS'N, No. il flst regular 'meeting ot month -tlrf. Saturday) evening at Engineer' HaJI, No. 49 First St.. a 8 o'clocK. A. run at- endance requested. W. H. MARSHALL, secretary. The annual meetlnr of the stockholders of the Re'd Boy Extension Gold Mining Com pany -will be held at the company's office. room 2, cnamDer oi commerce xnag.. .Mon day. March 28 at 4:30 P. M. Object of meeting, to elect board of directors and transact such other business as may prop erly come before the meeting. W. ii. iiuuu, vic3-.fresio.eni. PORTLAND GRUETLI VERBIN Attention. members! You are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Emll Wlttwer, Funeral to be held at Flnley's Chapel, 3d ana Madison sis.. Sunday, at 1 P. M. Remains will be shipped to Monroe. Wis., to his rormer home. All members requested to attend. MIKE AMACHER, President. A. C. BIGGER, Secretary. DIED. SMITH At Sellwood. March 4, Mrs. B. F. Smith, aged GO years. FUNERAL NOTICES. SMITH Friends and acquaintances are In vited to attend the funeral of Mrs. B. F. Smith, which will be held at the Sellwood Presbyterian Church at 11 A. M. Inter ment at River View. Services at grave private. BROWN In this city, March 3, 1904. Susan Brown, aged CO years, 5 months 7 days. Funeral today at 10 A. M., from Holman's Chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets. Relatives and friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. ARNOLD In this city March 4, 1004. Fred crick Louis Arnold, aged 67 years 0 months 19 days. Funeral Sunday, March 6, at 1 P. M. from late residence. 996 South Front street. Relatives and friends respectfully Invited. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. GARDNIER At the family residence in Os weco. March 4. 1004. Jeanle P. Gardnler. aced 48 years 3 months and 1G days. Frjends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at her late residence at 1:30 P. M.. Sunday, March 6. Interment at River View. DOYLE In this city March 4, 1904, James E.' Doyle, aged 64 years, 5 months and 25 davs. Friend and acquaintances are re cpectfully Invited to attend the funeral ser vices, which will be held at Flnley's Chanel. Sunday. March 6, at 2 P. M. In terment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. H.ASMUSSEN At St. Vincent's Hospital. March 3. 1004. Mrs. Mary Rasmussen. age 37 years. Funeral Sunday. March 6, at 2 p. M.. from Dunnlnir & Campion's under taking chapel, at 7th and Pine sts. Inter ment at Lone Fir cemetery. Friends sollc lted. SMALLBONE March 4. at her late residence. 74 7th st., Mrs. Mary Sroallbone, aged 78 years. Funeral Sunday. March 6, at 2:30 f, M., from residence. Sen-Ices at the grave private. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and embalmers, hare moved to their new build ing, Third and Salmon. iay assistant, Telephone No. 597. 3. P. FINLEY SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of Countx Cor. oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9, F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East St. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phone Mala 430, CLARKE BROS., FINE FLOWERS, Flo ral desigBc. 289 Morrison. NEW TODAY. WILL SELL AN INTEREST IN AN IN vestment which guarantees big returns parties 'who control some capital can In' vestigate by addressing V 99, Oregonlan. FOR RENT COLOMa. DOCK. BET. OAX and Pine sts. Apply to K. T. cox. Boom 10 Newmarket block. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONE. 224 Stark st. MORTGAGE LOANS Money to loan on improved real estate. L. j. uoicsaoita. aw ADington mag. LOUIS H. BOLL Piano teacher. Is sow located, at 342 H Waah tactoa eu, bmisTUu Parian 9 and 10. There is a well-defined path leading to the door of our Printing House, made by satisfied buyers of Printing that is better than that with which you are ordinarily supplied. The discriminating needful should follow this path, or, if the way be long, 'PHONE US Main. 165. PORTLAND, OREGON Flrtrt-CXas Cfceelc Reatamramt ' Csaeced With Hotel. C. O. Da-rta, lee. ssi Treaa. D MORRISON STREETS OREGON to $1.50 CIas Restasrapt !b Coaaectlan THE ESMOND HOTEL CSC1H JUOEKM, Macagv Frost and Morrises Streets PORTLAND - OREGON FREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rata European plan. SOc. 78c. 11.00. 91.G0, 12.00 pr day. Saapl room la connection. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. P ANGLE. Resident Manager. This Afternoon at 2:15 O'clock, Bargain Price Matinee, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Adults, 50c Children, 25c. Tonight at 8:15. Popular Prices 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c Watch for the big parade this noon. PORD RAY'S THEATER CORDRAY & RUSSELL. Managers, Phone Main 992. Evening prices, 15c, 25c. 35c. 40c arid 50c. Matinee prices, adults, 25c; children, 10c. MATINEE TODAY LAST TIME TONIGHT. "Yust compare It." The famous Olympla Comic Opera Company of forty. In a most delightful presentation of the great satirical travesty, "SAID PASHA" THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Change of opera. Sunday matinee. March 6. The Isle of Champagne THE BAKER GET' THEATER and Manager. Phono Mala 1907. Tonight, all this week, matinee Saturday. Special production of the noted drama, "THE TWO ORPHANS" Evening. 50c. 35c. 25c, 15c. Matinee, 25c, 15c, 10c. NEXT WEEK Beeinnlntr Sundav matinee. March 5. Edward McWade's great 5-act military drama, "WINCHESTER" In preparation, "The Christian." ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 40:30. For Ladles, Gentlemen and Children. Admission, 10 cents to any seat. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms." "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Rooms," "Situation Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents: 16 to 20 words. 20 cents: 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-naii: no xunner discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (sauge measure agate) 15 cents ner line, first insertion: 10 cents per line lor each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through tne telephone. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE BY OWNER A MODERN 7 room house at University Park. 2 blocks from new City Park; corner lot, 100 feet square; alley in rear; 2. blocks from new street-car line. Call on owner, S16 Chamber of Commerce. See photo of premises and learn particulars. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BY OWNilR A MODERN 0-rooxn house and quarter block, full brick basement: house heated throughout with furnace; gas and electric lighting, porcelain bath and all plumbing first class; handsome sideboard: laundry with stationary tubs; stone wall around place; a bargain for any one wanting a first-class modern home; price $5000. See owner on premises, 140 E. 3Za st., cor. Morrison. Take sunnyslde car. S3S00 MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE AND full lot, 647 Broadway. Irvlngton; cement walk and basement; porcelain plumbing; Z car lines, 7-minute service, i. aiafke, Jr.. owner. 4- room cottage, S850. 5- room cottage, $975. 5-room cottage, modern. $11 50. Easy terms, owner. Phone Union 6524. FOR SALE A 7-ROOM: HOUSE AND ONE and two-thirds acres of land in South Hillsboro. Address W. A. Ruhl, Hills boro, oc BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED CORNER LOT on Portland Heights; none better; part cash, balanco monthly payments. Room 1, H&H xniro. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS- AND .LOTS Bargains on u. w. if. electric line JO. Addlton. Lnts. Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 5c NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE 1200; one-tmra aowiv oaiance install ments. Apply 87 L East 11th st.. Norths $2800 TEN ACRES. NEAR ELECTRIC cars; nouse. Darn, xruit. jonn uatznan. owner, 332 Sherlock bldg. CHOICE MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE; TERMS to suit. Inquire 228 Adams St., sear Jttoua day House, steel bridge. $600 BUYS TWO SIGHTLY LOTS IN AJ Dina; waiiung aistance. -r-a.ciac m Awning Co.. 27 N. 1st. FOR SALE OR RXNT NEW 7-ROOM house. 21st and Nortfarup sts. L Vasduya. 270 Washlngtoa. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR steeKbrldge; SM09: terms. 812 Coiamer- ' clsi bids. TTMKKK LANDS FOR SALK. ACRES FINE TIMBER LAND AT Viola on Clear Creek: sawmill auarter- mlle below; land ot very best quality; only 510 per acre, inis is a good investment; see or address T. Wlthycombe, room 1, Hamilton blk, Portland, Oregon. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also recertified soldiers' additional Porterfleld-Valeatine land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bid. WANTED A LARGE TRACT OF COTTON- wooa iimaer; mu uo tiwo m iog. ging stream, giving access to railroad. Ad dress with full particulars, S 1. Oregonlan. bCRIP. SCRIP, SCRIP! NEW LOT Ap proved forest reservo just rnu. me. No cne can undersell me. L. W. Whiting. 40S Ablngton bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, reaay xor inuneanw uav. W. G. Howell. 538 Chamber of Commerce. SEVEN 4.000.000 SUGAR AND IEU pine claims In California reserve just opeueu. 011 Everett st.. 8A.M..1 P. M. Green 5S7. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size -tracts, ready lor Immediate uie. ii. a. compaon. bis Marquam Diar. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST IM- proved dairy and hop farms In Marlon County, consisting of 180 acres. 2 good hop houses. 2 fine barns, $3000.00 dwelling built last year, is graded cows, l tsnon horn bull, 4 fine horses, 4 sets harness, several walking plows and 1 double-disk sulky tIow. 2 harrows. 1 mowing machine. hay tedder and spring-tooth sulky rake, all new, 2 wagons, 1 hack. 1 buggy, 2 cultlva- torai 1 pulveriser and about 40 noaa ot Po land China hogs, all go with the place. 54 V, acres 1 miles N. E. of Oregon City Court-house. 12 acres cleared. 7 acres In -hops, good hop-house, store-room, dwell- ing-nouse. L-arn, woousnea, aoout - acres nice younir orchard, consisting of pears, peaches, prunes, cherries, apples. Siberian crabs, almonds and walnuts, all bearing. Several acres garden land on creek bottom uncleared. Four cottages In South Portland, being Nos. 175, 177, 170 and 181, on .Hamilton avenue. Lots 42xlOO. Four lartre lots In Simpson's Addition, Salem, for sale or trade for Portland property. Terms on all aboTe property. For further particulars call on or ad dress W. E. Her. Aurora, Or- R. D. R. No. 3. FOR SALE A GOOD 520-ACRE RANCH in Curry Couty,. Oregon, on river and coun ty road: 10. acres i bottom and hill land under cultivation; small fruit orchard In bearlnif: 30 acres under fence: balance good grazing and timber land; profitable salmon fishing; 5-room dwelling nouse. commodious barn, fishhouse and out houses. Terms reasonable to responsible. quick, cash buyer. B 100, Oregonlan. FOR SALS 10 ACRES OF LAND. 8 MILES from Portland. 1 mile xrom ilgaravnie: good black soil, plenty of water. 3 good hulldlnrs. on the main road. 1 acre or chard, all fenced, 8 acres clear: price $1600. Inquire at once, aui -isi x-ori- land. Or. TJATITT. "R A RflATN Stt AN ACRE. 2340 ACRES nice laying xanning land, an plowable, with strong spring of water, lo cated In Morrow County, 10 .miles from R. R. "Will make terms to suit. For par ticulars address Box 19, Heppner, Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL uarts of Oregon and wasnington; pay ments made to suit purchasers. For par ticulars apply to WM. MACMASTER, 311 Worcester block. Farm 55 acres, cultivated; 8 miles east, on car line; modern improvements; summer nome; 700 "Winter apples; land level. 227 Front. 160-ACRB FARM. 2 MILES FROM KINGS ton; 109 acres plow land; good buildings; well watered, w. t. nayes, itingaion, or. 400-acrn farm for sale. 4 miles from Kings ton: U under cultivation: good buildings. well watered. G. W. Crolsant, Kingston. Or. 840 ACRES FOR DAIRYING. STOCK AND xruiiraising; iieur ;uLBk uuu uuoj luwua; iv an acre; a bargain. V 13. care Oregonlan. 24 ACRES. 1 MILE S. V). OF BEAVERTON; a snap If taken at once. King, Sou E. 7th St., North. Phone East 675. FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS, FIRST-CLASS grain and hay lands. 20914 Stark st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BRING US YOUR PROPERTY; WE WANT Improved real estat. business-and residence; especially on West Side; we also want busi ness chances; we have buyers. L. W. Whit ing Si Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. TO EXCHANGE. FARM TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT or rooming-house. Columbia Real Estate & Trust Co.. 234 Morrison st. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT IMPROVED FARM. 30 to SO acres; distance from .Portland no object. Address, stating particulars and terms. E. A. Edwards. 437 Larrabee st., Portland. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE 30 HEAD OF HORSES. LARGE and well-broken, at o. a., i-eeo atanies, isr and Glenn sta.. Portland. DRAFT. HACK. EXPRESS AND CARRIAGE norees, weu-DroKen. union atocayaras; taae 16th-fit. car. ONE-HORSE COVERED DELIVERY WAG- on, nearly sew; a bargain, vvoodard, Clarke & Co. Lots of new and 2d-hand wagons and bug . glcs; all kinds. 571 Thurmaiv cor. 18th. 100 VEHICLES. 100 SETS DOUBLE HAR ness with Bostlne collars, $25 set. 211 Wash. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells wagons, bug gies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. 16 HORSES FOR SALE BY W. E. JACOBS, 134 E. 34th st. Phone Union 1632. NEW HAND-MADE GOOSENECK FURNI ture wagon. 49 4th, near Davis. ONE WORKING HORSE AND ONE PONY for sale cheap. F 2, Oregonlan. Pianos. FINE ALMOST NEW $375 UPRIGHT Pi ano far sale cheap; excellent reason for selling; no fake. T 91. Oregonlan. Mlscelzaaeoss. DOES YOUR BOOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterlte; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for sew roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. ONE SET 150-HORSE POWER TWIN HORI zontal engines, cylinders 12x20; also one 60 horse power horizontal engine, second-hand. Mrs. John Poole. Soot Morrison st. 1 STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $25 all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc. Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. FOR BALE RESTAURANT AND COFFEE house; fine location and business; lease. 34 N. 2d st., cor. Davis. BRAND-NEW CASH. RB3ISTER, TOTAL adder: half price; 6 new whisky barrels. 115 N. 3d. FOR SALE FINE ENGLISH SETTER bitch, partly broken; 1 year old. Phone Brown 985. GOOD SINGER SEWING MACHINE: SNAP. Call 81 N. Park. Friday. Saturday and Mon day. $10 SINGER SEWING MACHINE. GOOD condition. 502 Jefferson st. Call forenoon. BEE RANCH OF 140 COLOND2S" FOR Sale. T, H. Waaie, sara, ciarK co., wasn SAFE. ROLL-TOP DESK AND TYPE- wrlter at a bargain. M 2, Oregonlan. TWO SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE; cheap. Address O 73, care Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. Mn to learn barber 'trade: only 8' weeks re quired; 2 years saved; positions secured when comnetent: catalogue mailed .free. Moler System College, San Francisco, CaL WANTED FIFTY PERFORMERS, CHORUS giris, pianisis, eic, uis Huwi siage dan cing, eta, taught. Newman's Dramatic and Vaudeville School. 313 Washington. COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT Headquarters lor cooks, waiters and bar' tenders: No. 148 4th st. Phona Red 1993. WANTED A SALESMAN AND COLLECTOR. one who can furnish horse, wagon and hon esty band. Apply 540 Williams ave. JAPANESE DOMESTICS AND LABOR furnished. Japanese Employment. Office, 45 N. 1st st. Phone Black 161. MAN AND WIFE ON FARM; SEE BOSS. Furnished farm to rent- Plorr .Employ me&V 215 MorrUoB KELT WANTED aCALX. 100 MEN CAN GO TO ALASKA.. GET -A permanent position at good, wages. & 320 acre timber homestead, 'and an 'Interest in the enterprise. Here Is an opportunity for the working man. Address the Alaska Mutual Fisheries & Industrial Co., A. C. Jennings. Sec., room A, Times bldg.. Seattle, Wash. notice. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, the leading employment agency of the North west. 249 Bumslda st. Phase Main 3074. WANTED OPENED FOR BRIGHT. GOOD- appeanng solicitor xor estasiunea rout; siary and commission basis; high-class proposition, educational in character. Ad-' drtss J. P. Thompson. Supt.. 305 Larkla at Can Francisco. MEN AND "WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR- per trade; new class of ladles Just starting; write for full particulars, and It la doubt zaak a personal Investigation. American Barber College. 253 Everett st.. Portland. MAN WITH REFERENCES FOR Com mercial traveler to call on merchants and agents; experience not required; salary. $24 per week, with expenses advanced. The National. Caxton bldg., Chicago. HIGH GRADE POSITIONS OPEN EXEC utlve. clerical, technical and salesmen, paying from $1000 to $5000. Call or write. Hapgoods (Inc.). suite K, 502 Pioneer bldg., Seattle. WANTED MAN WITH $130: WOULD give Interest established business, good In come. Room 412 Dekum bldg. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR- Der iruuc, u iujuuu. roiuana xtaroer School. 82 N. 2d. CASHIER'S POSITION FOR STEADY MAN who can loan employer $250. 234 H Mor rison, room 2. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE quartx miners for Southern Oregon. H 72, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; good shop; terms reasonable. H 69. Orego iilsn. BEST 10-CENT SHAVE IN CITY; CLEAN towels, etc. 205 Morrison st. Ed Dennlson. HELP WANTED FEMALE. r- COOK8. WAITRESSES, CHAMBERMAIDS, city and country; nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers: plenty of housework; $15 to $30. Phone Main 1323. Canadian Parlors, 226 Morrison. ATTENTION LADIES EARN $20 PER 10C writing short letters from copy. Address stamped envelope for particulars. Michigan Specialty Co.. Albion. Mich. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. WAIT resses, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230& Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. WANTED GIRLS FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; $15 to $30. Scandinavian-American Employment Agency, 220 3d. Phone Main 1519. GIRLS CAN SECURE GOOD POSITIONS BY applying at Portland Women's Employment Co., 216 Allsky. 3d & Morrison. Red 3087. WANTED THREE HOUSEKEEPERS. MAID, cooks. 4 general housework. Call Scandinavian-American. 226 3d.' Main 1519. WOMAN OVER 30 TO TRAVEL FOR wholesale house; salary and expenses; ref erences. E 1, Oregonlan. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, also nurse girl for one child. 663 Tilla mook st., Irvlngton. RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family; good home. 393 11th st. near Harrison. WANTED TWO LADIES TO CANVASS; must be wide awake and experienced. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERL HOUSE work, small family. Telephone Red 3982. 354 N. 32d. WANTED A GERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL to assist In general housework. Inquire 394 College st. WANTED GOOD STENOGRAPHER ; $8 weekly to start. Address B 2, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR MASSAGE parlor. Room 4. No. 209 & 4th st. GOOD COOK; HOUSEWORK: NO WASH Ing. 701 Flanders, corner 23d. SITUATIONS WANTED MAXJC Bookkeepers and Clerks. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES first-class position; double entry or special -systems; first-class systematlzer, Q 2, Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. ELECTRICIAN DESIRES RESPONSIBLE position with electric light company; sta tion transformer, pole and trouble work". Inside wiring; or will contract for the, complete Installations ot plants; can help you get bargains in second-hand apparatus; competent mechanics furnished for any length of time; references. Address Y 1, Oregonlan. SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS SINGLE MAN DE"- slres inside work of some kind; good penman, some acquaintance with office work; best o references. Address. C 71, pregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY ELECTRICIAN of eight years' experience In line work; In side wiring and station work out of tows preferred. K 90, OregOnlas. WANTED SI .SAM OR GASOLINE ENGI- neer wants position, stationary preferred; married man; must have work. Address 855- Thurman st., city. i CAN FURNISH DOMESTIC SERVANTS. farm or railroad laborers. Japanese Labor Association, 268 Everett st. Black 992. WANTED BY SOBER AND RELIABLE man watchman or janitor work. E. W. MUUen, Brooklyn Hotel, Grand ave. FIRST-CLASS PRINTER DESIRES POSr tlon; competent for news or Job foreman ship. S 2. Oregonlan. YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION; attends Auonsoa. ruuue via.y ttn, Mission GOOD JAPANESE BOY WISHES POSITION in lodging-house or hotel work. 65 N. 3d st WANTED BY JAPANESE, A PLACE FOR general housework. X. 1. Oregonlan. WANTED SITUATION TO DO COOKINGS; no table waiting. Call at '449 6th st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. "WANTED SITUATION BY COMPETENT lady stenographer; four years' experience; reference furnished. T 1, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER sires position. Call Union 6974. DE- Dreasmaxers. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST children's sewing. 328 14th 192. SUITS AND Phona Front Housekeepers. SITUATION BY A WOMAN AS HOUSE keeper for a widower; no. objection to chil dren; or would take care -of lodging house. Call at 251 Yamhill st.r room 15, cor. 3d. SITUATION WANTED AS HOUSEKEEPER, nice family, by experienced young woman. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black. 2S81. Domes-tics. WANTED SITUATION SECOND WORK BY experienced Norwegian girl; references; wages $25. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S31. PROFESSIONAL NURSE. THE LOCK wood. 351 Morrison at Phone Main 1885. MATERNITY NURSING BY GRADUATE nurse; terms moderate L 1, Oregonlan. MIsceUaaeeu. REFINED, TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG WO rnnn seeks engagements to care for chil dren afternoons or evenings; prices reasoa able; references. A 18. Oregonlan. ONE SCANDINAVIAN GIRL WANTS Position- also housekeeper with child, girl, wants position to hetp with children. ScandlBaylaa American, 228 3d. Phone Main 1B19. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or sight; good sight reader. Address G 16. Oregonlaa. WOMAN WANTS WORK, SMALL ROOM-lng-house, assistant cook or nurse." 160 E. 1st North. Irving. WANTED TO KENT. 5 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE; COUPLE W1TH out children; would buy If'MitafeU X 2, Orexoaiaa.