THE MOANING OREGONIA.N, THTJESD'AT, MAXTCH 71$(R, m DE WITH ALASKA tmber Takes Up Captain Healey's Scheme :OR DIRECT STEAMER LINE Pfoneer of Northern Territory Says Seattle Is on .the Blacklist There and Portland May Capture the Trade by Seeking It. Captain J. X Healey, formerly of the iNorth American Transportation Trading Company, has succeeded in Interesting the Chamber of Commerce of this city In the organization of a Portland-Alaska Trading Company for the purpose of operating a line of steamers between here and the North and building up trade between Portland and Alaska. At a meeting of the Chamber yesterday after noon Captain Healey presented his plan and it was enthusiastically received. Ap parently It Is looked upon most favora bly by some of the prominent business men, and an effort Is to be made to or ganize the company here and make Port land its .headquarters and supply point. A meeting will be called in a few days at which the business men of the city in general -will be in attendance. The proposition will be laid before them and. If enough can be interested to guarantee eucoess, steps -will be taken Immediately towards organizing the company. Be sides placing In operation a line of 6teamers between here and Alaska, the organization of the company here. It is argued, will mean the transferring of the Alaska trade from Seattle to this port. The attention of the Chamber of Com merce was first called to this proposition through an interview with Captain Healey printed in a Seattle paper sev eral days ago. In that interview Cap tain Healey stated that the business men of the Puget Sound city had not treated him fairly in supplying goods for the Alaskan trade, and it was his purpose to organize a company to deal elsewhere. Captain Healey was quoted as saying that the Seattle merchants were so eager for the almighty dollar that they lost sight of future Interests and filled his orders with Inferior goods. As a result of this he announced his intention of or ganizing a company with its supply point at som& other place, mentioning San Francisco as the most likely one. A copy of this interview was sent As sistant Secretary Mosessohn, of the Chamber of Commerce. With a view to capturing the Alaskan trade for Port land, he immediately wrote to Captain Healey Inviting him to come to this city and lay his plans before members of Ihe Chamber with a view to organizing his company here. Yesterday afternoon the following members of the Chamber met with Cap tain Healey to discuss the matter: Henry Hahn, A. H. Devers, Thomas Honeyman, L. Blumauer and Dan Neustadter. Cap tain Healey discussed his proposition thoroughly, and it was under discussion by the members of the Chamber for two hours. The most favorable comment was made upon It, and It appeared to be the general opinion that such a company could be operated with success. Accord ingly it was decided that the proposition . should be laid before the business men lof the city in general, and an effort be ie to Induce them to take stock. In meantime every effort will be put )rth to make it successful. kThe proposition of Captain Healey ln- ludes the establishment of a line of tamers that will ply between Portland Alaska at regular Intervals. The ipany will have Its headquarters In city. If organized here, and the sup- that are consumed by Alaskan peo- 111 be shipped from this port. In words, commerce will be estab- . between the Portland business men te Alaskan consumers. Those who iromoting the project believe that jod management It would only be itlon of time when Portland could all the Alaskan trade that for , past has gone to Seattle and North- jcities. If the company is organized, proposes to charter ships and begin itlons without delay. Of course the company would have to buck the rth American Company, but Captain 'aley believes there will be little diffl- lty in doing this successfully. WEDS OH" HIS DEATHBED. Son of Chicago Capitalist Is Stricken With Tuberculosis. NEW YORK. March 2. Hobart Moore, son of "William H. Moore, a well-known capitalist, residing formerly in Chicago, is reported to be dying at Saranac Lake, N. Y., from tuberculosis. Several months ago he went to Saranac in the hope of recovering his health but became worse rapidly. On Sunday last his fiancee. Miss Ruth Emmons, daughter of the late banker and president of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Company, was summoned from this city. The young couple had a long talk and decided to wed. A minis ter was called and the ceremony was performed in the sickroom where the bride remains, caring for her dying hus band. British Consul Given New Post. CHICAGO. March 2. William Wynd ham, British Consul at Chicago, has been appointed Consul for Great Britain at Boston, a post made vacant by the .recent death of the British Consul in that city. Mr. Wyndham will leave for his now post in a few days. As yet no successor has been chosen to take the Chicago consulate. Religious Educational Association. PHILADELPHIA. March 2. Distin guished prelates and educators, prom inent writers and speakers on religious and educational subjects and a delega tion of religious workers, numbering nearly 4000, are in attendance at the annual convention of the Religious Ed ucational Association, which began here today. DAILY METEOBOLOGICAI, REPORT. PORTLAND, March 2. Maximum tempera ture, 45 deg.: minimum. SO. x River read In jr. 11 A. M-. 12.0 feet; change In 24 hours. 0.5 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none: total since September 1. 1903, S4.S3 inches; normal. 3323; excess, 1.55. Total sun shine March L 1901. 3 hours 47 minutes; pos sible, 11 hours 0 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea, level), at S P. M., 30.18. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Rain has started In again along- the Southern Oregon and Northern California coasts, and the barometer Is falling rapidly In that sec tion. The rains will spread to include West era Washington. Oregon and Southern Idaho by Thursday afternoon. Sharp frosts have occurred Wednesday morning In the' North Pacific States, and the cool weather has checked the rise in the Wil lamette River. The stage at 5 P. M. In Port land wo 11. S feet, which is a fall of 0.7 foot In the last 24 hours. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 2S hours ending at midnight, February 3: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; east erly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington F. W. Baltes Th'ete is Printers First 2b Oak Streets HOTEL PERKINS Fifth sid Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Kmi, fl.e to $3.00 Per Dar Aceordlac tm Leeatlo. J. F. DAYIES, Prim. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STRBBTS PORTLAND, OREGON Earepcan Plaa Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaaraat In Connection Occasional rain; easterly winds, probably In creasing to high along the coast. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Prob ably rain or snow. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Increasing cloudiness. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Baker City .... Bismarck Boise Eureka .... ... Helena .'. Kamloopa, B. C. North Head ... Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento .... Salt Lake City. San Francisco .. Spokane Seattle Tatcoah Island 30jO.O0 01 SE JCloudy Clear zu.w 12! NW 4010.00 !SE uioudy Raining Clear Clear Cloudy 520.04 20 0.04 NB o.ool 0 42(0.00 12 E N 14tE 1521 T Clear 4&IO.UU Cloudy SGjO.OO Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear 4U10 SV 501 T I IS 521.0.10110 NW . 02 T 10 W Pt cloudy 34 44 10.00 10 SE Clear 0.00 8NE iCIoudy 40 O.OO 44 E (Cloudy JPt cloudy Walla Walla . (44!O.00 01 NE Light. T. trace. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park sts. Sale at 10 A. II. Geo. Ba ker & Co., Auctioneers. At Gllman's Auction Rooms, 413 Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gllman, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. REGULAR REPUBLICAN ROOSEVELT CLUB There will be a meeting o the Reg ular Republican Roosevelt Club of, the Sixth Ward this evening at 8 o'clock, at Artisans' Hall (Hobklrk's Hall), 801 Corbett street. The Hon. D. J. Malarkey will address the meeting. There will be good music In at tendance. All voters are Invited. ELMER B. COLWELL, President. MINERVA LODGE NO. 10. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this, Thursday, evening. First degree. Visitors welcome. B. KLOTZ, Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication of Co lumbia Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. this (Thursday) evening, Masonic Tem ple. Third and Alder streets. 7:30 o'clock. Official visitation of the Most Wor shipful Grand Master, S. M. Yoran.. Every member of Columbia Lodge Is expected to be present. All M. M. Invited. By order of W. M. B. S. PAGUE, Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE NO. 2. A. . F. & A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Official visit of Most Wor shipful Grand Master S. M. Yoran. A large attendance Is desired and 'visiting brethren will be welcome. THOS. GRAY, Secretary. DEED. CARLETON At Montavllla, March 2. 1004. William H. Carleton, aged 43 years a months and 5 days. Remains are at Fin ley's Chapel. Funeral notice hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. MARKS February 29. 1004, Dora Marks, age OS years. Funeral today at 10 A. M. from Holman's Chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets. Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend. EDWARD HO LSI AN CO., Undertakers and embalm era. have moved to their new bond ing. Third and Snlmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 007. J. P. FINLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Ofilce of County Car oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephono East 02. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phone Main 430. CLARKE BROS., FINE FLOWERS, Flo ral designs. 289 Morrison. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machine (hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore gonian Publishing Co. ESTACAf The new, coming city of Clackamas Coun ty "offers great inducements for manufac tures of all kinds. It has the most powerful electric and water power In the Northwest. O. W. P. TOWNSITB CO.. 132 1ST ST.. COR. ALDER. ROOM 8. PHONE MAIN 216. S. IN. L. GILMAN Auctioneer. Great Auction Sale THIS DAY Thursday, March 3d At 10 o'CIock A. M. Of all the fine and almost ;new furniture, in cluding the old Russian brasses and Navajo Indian rags. Sale at No. 413 Washington st, at 10 A. M. N. B. Buyers will do"welltto at tend. S. L," X. GILMAN, Auctioneer. 55 C oi "g3 Wind. F Sf a STATION. p c S I '. Z 2b Company a well-defined path leading to the door of ojur Printing House, made by satisfied buyers of Printing that is better than that with which you are ordinarily supplied. The discriminating heedful should follow this path, or, if 'the way be long, 'PHONE US Main. 165. PORTLAND, OREGON Flrst-Clksa Check Restsmramt Coasectea With Hotel. C O. Davis, See. susd. Tresuk THE ESMOND HOTEL CSCAB AKDEBSON, Mtoaxsr Froat and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREGON FRED 'BOO TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plan, 50c. TCc. f 1.00. $1.60, 12.00 pr dar. Sample rooms in connection. . 4270 The holder of this number will be pre sented with tho gasoline launch given away by Dr. Wright. If the holder does not present the same within 30 days, then another number will be selected. AT SALEM we have opened a branch office In the Steusloff building, corner Court and Liberty streets. DR. B. E. WRIGHT'S DENTAL OFFICE S42 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Office hours: 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.; even ings. 7:30 to 8:30. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 M. Telephone Main Z119. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. ' "Rooms." "Rooms and Board." "House keeolne Rooms." "Situation Wanted." IB words or less, 15 cents: 10 'to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc NO dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today." 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc. nrst insertion. Eacn additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (rauce measure agate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line lor each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed en velopes. No Etamo Is reaulred on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the teiepnone. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE BY OWNER A MODERN 7- room house at University Park. 2 blocks from new City Park; corner lot, 100 feet square: alley in rear: 2 blocks from new street-car line. Call on owner, 310 Chamber oi commerce. See photo of premises and team particulars. ( MOBTGAGE LOANS Money to loan on Improved real estate. L. J. Goldsmith, 209 Ablngton bldg. LOUIS H. BOLL Piano teacher. Is now located at 342 Wash ington st., near 7th. Parlors 9 and 10. BONDS, WARRANTS, STOCKS And mortgages bought and sold. J. W. Cm thers & Co., Chamber cf Commerce. MOBTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONE. 224 Stark st. MOBTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property. Build ing loans. Installment loans. WM. MAC MASTER. Sll Worcastar block. Mill-Street Honse for Sale New, flrst-clas?, 7-roomed house on Mill St.. near nth, for sale by owner, price ?3ooo F. B. Warner, telephone Red 39S2. BUSINESS COBNEB LOT For Sale Very central and moderate. Sit' uated at the southwest corner of Fifth and Oak sts. F.-V. Andrews & Co., sole agents. Hamilton biag. Lot, - sold at ;zi,ooo. MORI GAGE LOANS On Portland real estata at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 7 Chamber of Commerce. OYER A COBNEB LOT In area, on Seventh (West Side), and two other streets, lor only 710,000; well located; existing improvements moderate. i v. An drews & Co.. Hamilton bldg. ABSTBACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and 'up to date. We furnish abstracts .promptly. . . MOBTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estate. SECURITY ABSTRACT TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber at Commerce, VIOLET OATS k. coupon In all packMfe f Vlolat Careala :xor a WHITE HOUBE-COOK BOOK. ., . FREE- AMUSEXXXTS. MARQUAM GRAND. THEATER w. T. FASOLG, ttesiaent jianager. Tonight at 8:15 o'clock, - Last performance of DANIEL SULLY, In "THE CHIEF JUSTICE." Prices, $1.00, 75c. 50c, 35c, 25c. Seats are now selling. Phone Main S6S. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER w. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. 2 Performances 2 Saturday, March 5. 1004. Stetson's double UNCLE TOM'S CABIN COMPANY. Watch for the big parade, Saturday noon. Pooular evening n rices Entire loawer -floor. 75c; entire balcony, 50c; gallery, 25c and 35c Bargain matinee prices Adults, 50c; chil dren, 25c. Seats are now selling. Phone Main S6S. fORD RAY'S THEATER Phone Main 992. Evening prices, 15c, 25c, 35c, 40c and 50c. Matinee prlcesa, adults. 25c; children, 10c. TONIGHT. Special Engagement. OPENING THURSDAY; MARCH 3, Matinee Saturday. The famous Olympla Comic Opera Company of forty. In a most delightful presentation of the great satirical travesty, "SAID PASHA" THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Change of opera, Sunday matinee, March 8, " The Isle of Champagne " THE BAKER CE?;,EB- THEATER and Manager. Phono Main 1007. Tonight all this week, matinee Saturday, Special production of the noted drama, "THE TWO ORPHANS" Evenlnc, 60c, 35c. 25c, 15c. Matinee, 25c, 15c. 10c NEXT WEEK Edward McWade's great 5-act military drama. WINCHESTER" In preparation, "The Christian." ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For L&dlet. Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. NEW TODAY. RANCH EGGS. TWO DOZEN 45c June creamery 50c Dairy butter 35c and 40c Best creamery 00c Best sugar-cured ham 13 He Picnic ham -.. 0c Lard, 5-pound pail 45c All goods retailed at wholesale prices. Remember Saturday Is chicken day. LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO., 204 Yamhill st. FOR RENT COLOMa DOCK. BET. OAK and Pine sts. Apply to R. T. Cox. Room 10 Newmarket block. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BT OWKjIB- A MODERN 0-room house and Quarter block, full brick basement; house heated throughout with furnace; gas and electric lighting, porcelain bath and all plumbing first class; handsome sideboard: laundry with stationary tubs; stone wall around, place; a bargain for any one wanting a first-class modern home; price $5000. See owner on premises, 140 E. K2d sr., cor. Morrison. Take Sunnyslde car. $3800 MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE AND full lot, 647 Broadway, Irvlngton; cement walk and basement; porcelain plumbing; 2 car lines, 7-mlnute service. F. Glafke, Jr., owner. 4 - room cottage, S850. 5- room cottage, $073. 5-room cottage, modern, $1150. Easy terms, owner. Phone Union 0524. 11000 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, FULL lot, $100 cash, $15 monthly; will build any thing wanted, same terms. 012 Commercial building. BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED CORNER LOT on Portland Heights; none better; part cash, balance monthly payments. Room 1, 145Vi Third. FOR SALE A WELL-LOCATED LOT IN Section 15. Rlvervlcw Cemetery, at a low price. Seth L Pope, P. O. Box 250, City. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS. AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R, Addlton. Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 5c NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE $1200; one-third down, balance Install ments. Apply 871 East 11th St., North. HOUSES BUILT ON INSTALLMENTS anywhere In tho city; plans and estimates furnished. Apply 403 Marquam bldg. $2S00 TEN ACRES, NEAR ELECTRIC cars; house, barn, fruit. John Oatman, owner. 332 Sherlock bldg. CHOICE MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE; TERMS to suit. Inquire 228 Adams St., near Holla day House, steel bridse. $000 BUYS TWO SIGHTLY LOTS IN AL blna; walking distance. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 27 N. 1st FOR SALE OR RENT NEW 7-ROOM house. 21st and North rup sts. L Vanduyn. 270 Washington. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOU8E. NEAR steel bridge; $3000; terms. 612 Commer cial bldg. C-ROOM HOUSE, FULL LOT; INSTALL ment plan. King. Phone East 073. 12-ROOM MODERN UP-TO-DATE HOUSE; Installment plan. Phone East 075. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also . recertified soldiers additional Porterfleld-Valentlne land warrants and other kinds 'of land scrip- Maglnnli & Son, 227 Falling bldg. SCRIP. SCRIP, SCRIPI . NEW LOT Ap proved forest reserve Just arrived. Write me. No cne can undersell me. L. W. Whiting. 403 Ablngton bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for Immediate use. W. G. Howell, 538 Chamber of Commerce. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for Immediate use. H. B. Compson. 618 Marquam bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND. 8 MILES from Portland. 1 mile from Tlgardvllle; good black soil, plenty of water. 3 good buildings, on the main road, 1 acre or chard, all fenced, 8 acres clear; pries $1C00. Inquire at once, 301 21st N., Port land. Or. RARE BARGAIN $0 AN ACRE, 2340 ACRES nice laying farming land, all plowable, with strong spring of water, lo cated In Morrow County, 10 miles from R. K. Will make terms to suit. For par ticulars address Box 19, Heppner. Or. FOR SALE A 17-ACRE FARM, FIVE acres cleared, - balance easy cleared; new house,- fair barns, half mile west of St. Helens. Or., for $700. Apply to Mike Vin cent. St. Helens, Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; pay ments made to suit purchasers. For par ticulars apply to WM. MACMASTER, 311 Worcester block. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM? If so, list them with us; we have many purchasers now. Henkle St. Baker, 217 Ab lngton bldg., 106 J4 3d st, Portland, Or, $10 A MONTH BUYS A 10-ACRE FARM. f200 profit per snmim- per acre. Trite for booklet.- It's free. 611 J. st. Wright & Kembrougn. Sacramento, CaL Farm 55 acres, cultivated; 8 miles east on car line; modem Improvements; Summer home; 700 Winter eTpples; land level. 227 Front 160-ACRE FARM. 2 MILES FROM iKXNGS ton; 100" acres plow land; good buildings; well watered. W. T. gayea. Kingston. Or. 400-aere'.farm f&r.aale. 4 'miles from. Kings ton;. 4 under, cultivation; good buildings, '-. well watered. . W. Cro-lsaat Xlscstoa, On FOR SALE FASOI5. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST Im proved dairy and hop farms In Marlon County, consisting of ISO acres, 2 good hop housed, 2 fine barns, $3000.00 dwelling built last year, 15 graded cows, 1 Short horn, bull, 4 fine horses, 4 sots harness, several walking plows and 1- double-disk sulky plow, 2 harrows, 1 mowing machine, hoy tedder and spring-tooth sulky rake, all new, 2 wagons, 1 hack. 1 buggy, 2 cultiva tors, 1 pulverizer and about 40 head of Po land China hogs, all go with the place. 34 acres 1M. miles N. E. of Oregon City Court-house, 12 acres cleared, 7 acres In Tiops, good hop-house, store-room, dwelling-house, barn, woodshed, about 2 acres 'nice young orchard, consisting ,of pears, peaches, prunes, cherries, apples. Siberian crabs, almonds and walnuts, all bearing. Several acres gardes land on creek bottom uncleared. Four cottages in South Portland, being Nos. 175. 177. 170 and 181. on Hamilton avenue. Lots 42!&xl00. Four large lots In Simpson's Addition. Salem, for sale or trade for Portland property. Terms on all above property. For further particulars call on or ad dress W. E. Her, Aurora, Or. R. D. R. No. 3. 640 ACRES FOR -DAIRYING. STOCK AND frultralslng; near coast and busy towns; $10 an acre; a bargain. V 13. care Oregonlan. 24 ACRES. 1 MILE S. W. OF BEAVERTON; a snap If taken at once. King, SG0 E. 7th St., North. Phone East C75. FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS, FIRST-CLASS grain and hay lands. Stark st WANTED REAL ESTATE. BRING US TOUR PROPERTY; WB WANT Improved real estate, business and residence, especially on West Side; we also want busi ness chances: we have buyers. L. W. Whit ing & Co.. 403 Ablngton bldg. TO EXCHANGE. FARM TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT or rooming-house. Columbia Real Estate & Trust Co.. 234 Morrison st FOB SALE. Homes, Vehicles and Harness. HORSES. WAGONS. BUGGIES. HARNESS OF all kinds, for sale or rent by day, week, or month; part time given If desired. Derby Stables, 15th, just off Washington. DRFT. HACK, EXPRESS AND CAR rlage horses, well broken. Union Stock yards: take lGth-st. car. FOR SALE30 HEAD OF HORSHS. LARGE and well-broken, at O. K. Feed Stables, 1st and Glenn sts., Portland. ONE-HORSB COVERED DELIVERY WAG on, nearly new; a bargain. Woodard, Clarke &. Co. Lots of new and 2d-hand wagons and bug gies; all kinds. 571 Thurraan, cor. 18th. 100 VEHICLES. 100 SETS DOUBLE HAR ness with Bostlne collars, $23 set 211 Wash. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells wagons, bug gies, harness, farm implements. 227 Front 1C HORSES FOR SALE BY W. E. JACOBS. 134 E. 34th st Phone Union 1G32. NEW HAND-MADE GOOSENECK FURNI ture wagon. 208 Front st Pianos. FINE ALMOST NEW $375 UPRIGHT Pi ano for sale cheap; excellent reason for selling; no fake. T 01. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. 8., Domestic. Wheeler & Wilson and White; drophcads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. 8. S. Slgel. Agent. 335 Morrison st FOR SALE AN UP-TO-DATE DAIRY, ALL complete, on Columbia River near Portland. two years' lease on place with privi lege of more; owner going out or busi ness; will sell cheap. Address F. Shepard, 173 N. 12th st Phone Main 1104. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterlte; It rolls, easy to lay: needs no painting or coating: good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. 10 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE ONE EXTRA GOOD COUNTER for sale at a big bargain; also a- few clothing tables, mirror ana gas arc lights, inquire at Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, 3d and Stark streets. ONE SET ISO-HORSE POWER TWIN HORI zontal engines, cylinders 12x20; also one C0 horse power horizontal engine, second-hand. Mrs. John Poole, foot Morrison st STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23; all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. FRESH COW FOR SALE SHORTHORN and Jersey: kind and gentle. 145 Idaho st; telephone West 30' FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND COFFEE house; fine location and business; lease. 54 N. 2d st, cor. Davis. BRICKYARD FOR SALB. NICE CLAY. plenty of water, all complete, wagons, carts, etc. L 100, Oregonlan. FOR SALB CHEAP FINB SAFE. 2 SHOW- cases, wall case, 12 yards inlaid linoleum, 235 1st. cor. Main. BRAND-NEW CASH RE3ISTER. TOTAL adder: half price; 3 new whisky barrels. 115 N. 3d. FOR SALE FINE ENGLISH SETTER bitch, partly broken; 1 year old. Phone Brown 085. GOOD SINGER SEWING MACHINE: SNAP. Call 81 N. Park. Friday. Saturday and Mon day. $10 SINGER SEWING MACHINE. GOOD , condition. 302 Jefferson st Call forenoon. TWO SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALB; cheap. Address O 73. care Oregonlan. "HELP WANTED MALE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY- the leading employment agency of the North' west 240 Burnslda st Phone Main 3074. SALESMAN WANTED TO CALL ON CON sumers, must have view to permanency, good address and ability, capable of pre senting In a forceful, convincing manner a strictly nign-graae staple gooas. uau P. M., 303 Water st, above Columbia. A FEW ENERGETIC MEN WITH ABIL lty to handle a stock and issue of reliable concern, buch men can make Dig money for a short time. Apply with references. Geo. S. Canfield, with Pacific Investment Company, 300 Commercial block. WANTED OPENED FOR BRIGHT. GOOD- appearing solicitor for established route: salary and commission basis: high-class proposition, educational In. character: Ad dress j. p. Thompson, supt.. sua uuus si.. San Francisco. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR- . ber trade: new class of ladles just starting write for full particulars, .and II In doubt make a personal Investigation. American Barber college, 203 uverett st. .Portland. MAN WITH REFERENCES FOR COM mercial traveler to call on merchants and agents: experience not required! salary. $24 per week, with expenses advanced. The National, uaxton Diag., unicago. WANTED A l BRIGHT YOUNG MAN, from 17 to 21 years old, as stock- clerk; must be strong and come well recommend ed. Apply Friday evening between 8 and 9. I. uevurtz & sons, xu ist HIGH GRADE POSITIONS OPEN EXEC utlve, clerical, technical and salesmen, paying from $1000 to $5000. Call or write. Hapgoods Inc), suite K, 502 Pioneer bldg.. Seattle. Men to learn barber trade; only 8 weeks' re-c quired: 2 years saved: positions secured when competent: catalogue mailed free. Moler System College, San Francisco, CaL WANTED 50 AMATEUR CHORUS GIRLS. pianists, etc; big salary; stage dancing, etc. taught Newman's.'Dramatlc and Vaudeville School, 313 Washington. COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders, no. ,143 -ith st Fhoaa-Kea GANG EDGERMAN. $2.73; DOOR MA- chine man. $3; stack: cutter, $::.5KJ. lum bermen's Labor Bureau. 205 iiomson. TWO MEN. WITH REFERENCES; Ex ceptional opportunity for advancement 328 Marquam bldg., 8 to o:ao. o to o. WANTED BOY. GOOD HOME AND small wages to boy of 14 or over. Call at 1212 Ellsworth st. Richmond. BEST 10-CENT SHAVE IN CITY: CLEAN towels, etc '205 Morrison st d DeE0EU WANTED A- SLAUGHTERHOUSE- CASHIER, EXPERIENCED, DESIRES FO batcher. fimUk Bro. . Pkoae,41L. - 4 nftlon; good xefsxenees. -w 81, OreroaJaa. KELP WANTED SCALS. WANTED A SALESMAN AND COLLEC- tor. one who can furnish norse. wagon and honesty bond.' Apply 540 Williams ave. EXPERIENCED MILLINERY TRIMMERS and makers; also apprentices. Apply to Lowengart & Co.. 92 Front st JAPANESE DOMESTICS AND LABOR furnisnea. Japanese cmpiuyiucqi vjlucc, N. 1st st Phone Blade 161. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAB- ber trade: free tuition, jrornana .Bar Der School. 82 N. 2d. WANTED A BOY TO DRIVE DELIVERY wagon; a hustler. 54 1 ui vision eu rujna Union 2611. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE quartz miners for Southern Oregon. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE: good shop: terms reasonable, a i. ura nlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERI- enced woman who understands sewing carpets with Singer and Taft machine and who understands making shades; wages $2 per day. Address, stating ex perience, M .100, care Oregonlan. COOKS. WAITRESSES, CHAMBERMAIDS, city and country; nurse girls, second gins, housekeepers; plenty of housework, $15 to $30. Phone Main 1323. Canadian Parlors, 226 Morrison. WANTED STRONG, MIDDLE-AGED woman. German preferred, to take care of Invalid and help with housework: good wages. Apply Immediately, 186 E, 16th st WANTED GOOD. RELIABLE GIRL WHO understands cooking and general nouseworx; modern conveniences; good wages; two in family. Call 751 B. Burnside et. cor. E. 22d. WANTED 50 AMATEUR CHORUS GIRLS, pianists, etc; big salary; stage dancing, etc, taught Newman's Dramatic and Vaudeville School, 313 Washington. WANTED COMPETENT COOK FOR PRI- vato family; German or Swede preferred; out of town service. Call afternoons. 201 Fourteenth. Good wages. ATTENTION LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 writing short letters front copy. Address stamped envelope for particulars. Michigan Specialty Co., Albion, Mich. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. waitresses, chambermaids, general work ers. St Louis Agency, . 230 amhlll. Phone Black 2881. 1 HOUSEEEPER. HOOD RTVER, $20 UP; waitresses. Eastern Oregon, $8: south, $15; domestics; farmhand. Drake, 205 Wash ington. WANTED GIRLS FOR GENERAL HOUSB- work; $15 to $30. Scandinavian-American Employment Agency, 226 3d. Phone Main 1510. GIRLS CAN SECURE GOOD POSITIONS BY applying at Portland women's Employment fla. -2tR Altafcv 3d Mnrrtsnn VtcA anST STENOGRAPHER WITH MACHINE AL- lowed free desk-room; splendid opening tor public worK. 412 uekum bldg. WANTED THREE HOUSEKEEPERS. MAID. cooks; 4 general nouseworx. uaii Scandi navian-American, 220 3d. Mam 1519. WANTED ENERGETIC. CHEERFUL MID-die-aged woman for position of trust; ref erences required. Q 92, Oregonlan. WOMAN OVER 30 TO TRAVEL FOR wholesale house; salary and expenses; ref erences. E 1, Oregonlan. A YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work; good pay; no washing. Apply at once. 34 lutn st. WOMAN. PLAIN COOK. ONE WHO CAN sleep at home nights. Apply 380 Harri son st WANTED A GIRL AS COOK IN PRIVATE family; references lequlred. Inquire 251 luth. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN family of two. Mrs. Wilbur, 780 Lovejoy. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; small family. Apply 015 E. Pine, cor. 16th. WANTED LADY TO MAKE SALT-RISING bread for a delicatessen. F 1. Oregonlan. GOOD COOK; HOUSEWORK: NO WASH lng. 701 Flanders, corner 23d. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worK. 148 -pi, 17 tn su SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS SINGLE MAN DE clres inside work of some kind; good penman, some acquaintance with office work; best of references. Address C 71, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY ELECTRICIAN of eight years' experience in line work; in side wiring and station work out of town preferred. K 00, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN THOROUGHLY UNDER- standd office work and general correspond ence; 10 years' experience. Q 90. Oregonlan. CAN FURNISH DOMESTIC SERVANTS, farm or railroad laborers. Japanese Labor Association. 268 Everett st Black 802. YOUNG MAN. INDUSTRIOUS, WANTS Po sition as driver; thoroughly acquainted with city: references. G 1, Oregonlan. WANTED BY SOBER AND RELIABLE man watchman br Janitor work. E. W. Mllllen, Brooklyn Hotel, Grand ave. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION; AN ALL around dry goods, groceryman: experienced In, buying. P 99. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WISHES A POSITION AS housework or any kind of work. Address G Kondo, P. O. box 736. WANTED A POSITION BY AN UP-TO-datet cutter; no objections to leaving the city. S 94, Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS A" SITUA tlon In lodging-house, any kind work. 65 N, 3d. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. LADY STENOGRAPHER, SEVERAL years' experience, desires position; refer ences furnished. "V 05, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DE slres position. Call Union 6974. Domestics. BY YOUNG LADY. TO DO GENERAL housework In small family; plain cooking. Call 295 17th st Phone Front 2641. SWEDISH GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO do general housework. 756 E. 9th st, be tween Fremont and Beach. Dressmakers. STOREY'S. TAILOR SYSTEM. THE MOST reliable system for ladles' tailoring and dressmaking; no chart; taught at room 315 Allsky bldg. Mrs. Zeltfuchs. DEMONSTRATOR, EXPERIENCED,. DE sldes position; can give references. X 93, Oregonlan. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS AND children's sewing. 328 14th. Phone Front 192. Housekeepers. SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPERS BY KE flned middle-aged lady; widower; comfortable- home. 230 YamhlU- Phone Black 288L Nurses. TRAINED NURSB. WOULD LIKE! POSITION In doctor's or dentist's office. K 100, Ore gonlan. PROFESSIONAL- NURSE. THE LOCK wood. 351 Morrison et Phone Mais 1SS5. Miscellaneous. REFINED. TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG Wo man, seeks engagements to care for chIl- dren afternoons or evenings; prices reason able: references. A 18, Oregonlan. ONE SCANDINAVIAN GIRL WANTS POSI tlcn; also housekeeper-with child, girl; wants position to help with children. Scandinavian American, 22& 3d. Phone Main 1519. WORK WANTED TRAY ARM WAIT resses, housekeepers, domestics (Swedes, Germans), cooka (city, camp). Drakes, 205 Washington. RESPECTABLE YOUNG LADY DESIRES position in first-class rooming house; goes home nights. Telephone- Hood 78L Cor 7tb and Mill sts. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, day or night; good sight readen Address G 18, Oregon!. SSTTJATXONCt WANTED TMMXLM, NEAT GIRL. EXPERIENCED, DESIRES juuuu M wsraess, or chamberwork. in boardlnghouse or housework; small fsm lly. 230 YamhlU; phone. Black 2SSI. WANTED AGENTS. A THOUSAND FREE TRIPS, WITH WEEK'S iroara ai leaning noiei, ana six paid admis sions to. St Louis Exposition; an free; also chance to make big money at once. Expo sition Journal View-Book and outfit sent for 16 centa postage. Address Exposition -Department, Campbell's Journal, St Louis. Mo. AGENTS WANTED "TWENTY-FIVE DOL- J "ijr iur twenty weeics, lao best proposition offered agents who' want money and are willing to work for it George F. Cram. 552 Wabash ave.. Chicago. III. 110 Day made selling russo-japan- " book Dy jaurai iaistead; take or ders now; outfit ready; send 10 cents; 50 per cent paid agents; write immediately. American Publishing- House, Chicago. GOOD LADY AND GENT AGENTS-WANT-ed. Call room 203, Goodnough bldg. WANTED TO'RENT. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM ON BAST Side by a refined gentleman. In a widow's family; one having a nice home. Address' T 100, Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSE OF 10 OR 11 ROOMS, unfurnished. In. best residence district Im mediately; reply. R. p. Guertn, Portland Hotel. . WANTED S FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; rent reasonable; 3 adults; East Side preferred. R 09. Oregonlan. IN PRTVATE FAMILY, YOUNG MAN DE sires board and room, flrst-clasa and closs in. H 1. Oregjontan. HOUSE WITH SOME GROUND, STABLE, xruii; J. 1 reierence. jruuiie r.ast, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OLD CLOTHING AND OLD SHOES; HIQH est price paid for men's cast-off clothing and old shoes, quilts, blankets, valises, grips, trunks and bicycles. At Friend Max's place, 73 N. 3d st Phone Green 428. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED TO BORROW $900 ON LOT and Improvements, value $2000. at Wood lawn, repayable In installments; interest 1 per cent Rountree & Diamond, 241 Stark street WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. The "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phono Hood 51T. WANTED SECOND - HAND WATER wheel for small sawmill. A 9T, Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle 'of all kinds. Phone Scott 6813. $4500 LOAN WANTED ON EASTERN OBE . gon wheat farm. B 97, Oregonlan. TOR BENT. Booms. HOTEL SCOTT YOU CAN RENT ROOMS In this elegant new hotel for less than. -you pay in" the common rooming-houses; new, clean furnishings, steam heat, electrto lights, always hot water, porcelain baths, annunciator, service, fine restaurant cen tral location. Fostoffice block. 7th and An keny; rooms either single or en suite; finest coach la Portland free to and from all trains. Phone Main 1601. THE LINCOLN, JUST OPENED. 409 MOR riaon st. cor. 11th. nas the best furnished rooms in the city; hot and cold running water, steam heat, electric lights, baths and all modern appointments; new build ing; every facility for caring for the trav eling public; moderate rates. C H. Ball, proprietor. Phone Main 201. THE MENOMINEE. 883 YAMHILL ELE gantly furnished front . rooms, suites or single; modern conveniences: two blocks from Portland Hotel; transients solicited. THE OXFORD. 66 6TH ST., COR OAK Just opened to the public; everything new, modern in all Its appointments; private bath suites. Telephone Main 83. FOR RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH alcove, furnace heat, gas. phone and bath; suitable for two or three gentlemen. 221 W. Park at. Phone Mala 3494. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR suites, vsry central; 396 Alder, betweea W. Park and 10th. AU coaveaSeaoes; rea tlemen preferred: reference. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROo5 with' steam- heat and bath, at "The Sew ell," formerly "The Venab,lS, scut&aas f cor. W. Park and Morrison. ""- THE OGDEN, 83 1ST.. COR. OAK"r Newly xumlshed rooms, single or In suite; open .'all night; prices reasonable. Phon Clay 936. Mrs. DlmldL THE KARO HOUB, 171 W. PARK NEWLY furnished, sunny rooms; ladles or gentlemen; reasonable; gas, electric light, bath; also housekeeping rooms. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH USB , of sitting room, in new house, 4 blocks from Hotel Portland; home comforts. 250 6tK. -J NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. CENTRAL location, modern conveniences; ' N. 9th, bet Stark and Burnside, 4th l.'iuae from Burnside. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM; BATH, phone; private family; gentlemen pre- fcrred. 129 10th, bet Washington and Alder. 225 1ST ST. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED front rooms; inside rooms; good light and well ventilated; bath, gas, phone; transient solicited. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. MEN ONLY; hot and cold water; gas and steam heat. 163 17th. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 3199. LARGE PARLOR BED-ROOM SUITABLE; for two; private family; bath, gas, phone; home privileges. 201 11th, corner Taylor. VERY DESIRABLE SUITE OF 3 UNFUR nlshed rooms to right party, at Good nough bldg. Inquire elevator. 76 WEST PARK NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; all conven iences. Phone Central 1074. FURNISHED ROOMS; GENTLEMEN PRE f erred; steam heat bath; 5th floor Good nough bldg., 5th and Yamhill. PLEASANT. CONNECTING, WELL FUR- nlshed rooms; moaern conveniences; pn vate family. '331 14th st 188 13TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; private family, new house, every convenience gentlemen only; references. 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; BATH, phone; reasonable. Union 1985. Call 664 E. 20th; Brooklyn car. THE TEMPLE LARGE, NICELY-FUR-nlshed rooms, double and single. 343 Yamhill st, cor. 7th. NICELY FURNISHED BOOM, $4.50 PER m. V thiMA Tttoafa famlTv 'Tati. traL 394 YamhlU sti 248 SIXTH ST. 2 NICELY FURNISHED rooms; gas. phone, bath, modern flat; every convenience. FURNISHED ROOMS. $1 WEEK UP. GIL man Hotel. Ist and Alder; Tremont Hotai, 7th and Everett 2 CLEAN ROOMS ON GROUND FLOORS gas. bath, sink and range; no children. N. 13, Oregonlan. 364 TAYLOR PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. 2 blocks Portland Hotel; bath, phone, heatl no children. THE 'KINGSTON. JOINING BAKER THE ater. first class. ' 190 3d st Phonf Hood 657. ' - NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT BOOM; GAS, bath, phone, for one or two gentlemen, 235 12th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN. tlemen. . Phone West 333. 361 Alder, con of Park. FRONT ROOM OR BUTTE. "VERY PRETTILY furnished; all modem comforts. 392 Colunw bla st. ' '. 188 PARK ST. KI CELT FURNI3HEI front and slderoom; one block from Portlan HoteT. 231 5TH 2 NICELY FURNISHED" HOOM8) both suitable for two gentlemen; gas, phone) bath; , WBLL-FUKNISHED SUNN! ROOK, PRI' vote raaaiy." 1T oavealeae. JSer aau ' THE WALDO 409 WASH.. BK 10TB. and 11th. newly furnished rooms; traaslent ROOM IN NEW HOUSE; BATH. GAS phone; central; private family. 248 Cth. v THE PALM. 1S 3D just &, wl furnished reams;- trasalemts. Clr Mt- MORRISON, CC. 1WX ; WEWLI txraMMd rsoeu. wltk or'wltfcewt lr.