THE MORNING OREGONIAN,, WlJDKESDAY -MARCH 2, 1904 WILL BE LIBERAL Northern Pacific Gives Assur ance in Overlap Case. LETTER FROM ITS COUNSEL Attorney for Settlers Is Informed That President Elliott- Has Or dered They Be Treated-Fairly and ""Even Liberally. A letter received by C E. S. "Wood, attorney for a number of the settjers on. the famous Northern Pacific "over lap" errant, from the legal department of the Northern Pacific at St Paul, gives assurance the bona fide settlers will be justly and liberally treated by the company. The letter is as follows: Northern Pacific Railway Company. Legal De partment. St. Paul. Minn.. Feb. 26, 1901. Subject: Overlap Case. My Dear Mr. "Wood I venture to address you because you are the attorney of some of the settlers, and are In close touch, I doubt not, "With all of them and with their representa tives. I have seen the president of the com pany on this subject today, and can assure you he feels settlers should be treated with the greatest falrnees, and even with liberality. Those will be his instructions to his subor dinates. "With this disposition on the part of the officers of the company. I have faith that the situation will work itself out without great injustice to any one and trust that you "Will give your clients to understand that such Is the wish and disposition of this company. Tours truly. C. W. BUNN. General Counsel. It appears from a statement made by Mr. "Wood that, -while the case was pending In the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, an arrangement was made between counsel for the settlers and counsel for the railroad that the bona, fide settlers were to be paid, by the railroad company all outlay on the land and for legal expenses. Some of these settlers were named and oth ers were provided for under general terms. This settlement, however, did not apply to speculative claims or claims taken up after the "overlap" euit was begun, and -was not allowed by the court because it did not cover all claims. This announcement will be most pleasing news for the old settlers on the land who have spent years develop ing homes and farms, believing that they had a clear title to the property. TAFT PEAISES WOBK OF PRIESTS Missions Are Doing Great Work in the Philippines. PHILADELPHIA, March L Secretary of War Tart was the principal speaker last night at the 15th annual dinner of the Presbyterian Social Union, of Philadel phia. He spoke on the "good which Protestant missions can do and are doing in the Philippines." He said he had been agreeably surprised to find how liberal the country had been in accepting the re ligious questions in these islands. "Jus tice demands," he said, "that we acknowl edge Indebtedness to the friars and other priests of the Roman Catholic Church who have given to the United States Christian material from which we can make a self-governing people." The Secretary briefly reviewed the relig ious history of the islands, and said he did not think the time was ripe for proselyting. He believed that more can be done for the Philippines by sending money for hispitals, schools and churches, and above all, high-class clergymen who could set a standard for the people. Nine ty per cent of the nopulatibn, he said, lives in dense ignorance, and until this great percentage of the people has been edu cated, he added, self-govefnmnt in the inlands must be postponed. The hygiene of the Philippines, he said, is dreadful. He told of how Infants have died because of the lack of knowledge on the part of the parents to care for them. SING EDWARD AT OLD COLLEGE Visit to Cambridge the Occasion for Opening New Buildings. LONDON. Slarch 1. The King and Queen filled a round of engagements' at Cambridge today, the principal function being the opening of several new build ings connected with the university, where the King was at one time a student. He was presented with an address of welcome from the senate and council of the university. Replying thereto, the King spoke of his pride In having been a member of the university and the pleasure with which he always looked back at his undergraduate days at Trin ity College, and emphasized the neces sity for the extension and development of all branches of study and research DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or., March 1. Maximum tem perature, 43 degrees; minimum temperature, 34 decrees. River reading', 11 A. M., 12.5 feet; change in 24 hours, none. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., .05 of an inch; total pre cipitation since September 1, 1003, 34.83 Inches; normal precipitation since September 1, 1003, 83.04 inches; excess, 1.70 inches. Total sun shine, February 20. 1904, 1:32; possible sun shine. February 29. 1904, 11:0J. Barometer, reduced to sea-level, at 8 P. M., 20.S6. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. K ! Wind. 2 5 g Z 3 M 2 STATION. g j g j 2 f ? I j ? m Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena - Kamloops, B. C. North Head Focatello Portland Red Bluff Boseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City... San Francisco . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island . "Walla Walla .... 42IO.OS! NW N SE nw nw Snowing 136 0.01 onowing Raining: Ralnlni? 148 0.04 KH 0.50 13410.64 (Cloudy Pt. CJdy. (Cloudy 4 0.00 14010.01 30 NW 441O.02 1-1 SK iNW naming Pt Cldv. 43 O. 5S0.00 SE SW Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 44 0.C0I uoo.oo 10 SW 101 S 101 W 10 S bInw 12 W 8 S 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.14 Clear Cloudy 0.32 WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 21 hours light to moderately heavy rain has occurred in extreme North western California, Western Oregon, Southern Idaho and Western Washington, and light enow has fallen in" Eastern Orecon. Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Montana. The barometer continues to rise, but rather slowly, over Western Oregon and Western "Washington, and clearing weather now prevails in this section. To the east of the Cascades the conditions are more unsettled and rain or enow -will continue another 24 hours. The river remains stationary at a stage of 12.5 feet, and there will .be but little, change In It during the next two days. WEATHER FORECASTS. Fort-casts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight. March 2: Portland and vicinity Wednesday, partly cloudy with light showers; westerly winds. "Western Oregon and Western Washington Wednesday, partly cloudy with showers; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon, t Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho "Wednesday, light snow. Southern Idaho-"Wedasday snow- and colder; winds ealttlns to Uuga rwestarfy. VIUXi METSCHAN, Pres. IET&THAIDWASHI16TC5ITREETS, F0ITU1B, 0HEG31 European Plan THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, American Plan Also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS. HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The manage ment will be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A mod ern Turkish bath establishment in the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Mgr. Portland 's It's a gem. Everything: new and elegant. Steam heat, electric lights, celaln baths and lavatories on every floor. . Hates, 75c, $L00, $L50 and European. Finest restaurant In Portland. Also billiards and bar. The big olive-colored, rubber-tired coach meets all trains. It's free. HOTEL SCOTT, Seventh and Ankeny Sts., P. O. Block which were essential to the maintenance of the greatness and welfare of the em pire. After heartily thanking those present for the welcome to the Queen and him self. King Edward concluded: "I join with you In your prayer that my empire ' may continue in peace and prosperity throughout my reign." Their Majesties were accorded a mem orable reception from the undergraduates. The town was elaborately decorated and filled with visitors. Attempt to Steal Will of Washington NEW YORK. March L An attempt has been made, according to dispatches from Alexandria, Va., to steal the will of George Washington from the clerk's office of the Fairfax County Courthouse. The outer doors of the vault were shat tered by the explosive used, but the doc ument, which reposes in a glass case with o.ther valuable papers, was un harmed. The will Is In Washington's EDUCATIONAL. from the GRAMMAR GRADES are -sufficiently advanced to enter our school. Essential public school studies may be reviewed while taking a business or a shorthand course, without extra cost. It pays to attend our school. The success of our graduates proves this. In session all the year. Catalogue free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL.B.. PRINCIPAL. GRADUATES Are thoroughly prepared In the shortest possible time consistent with good work and at the least possible expense to fill posWcns as FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPERS. I'IKST-CLASS STENOGRAPHERS. lORST-CLASS PENMEN. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL We teach the following subjects: Book keeping. Banking, Rapid Calculations, Penmanship, Grammar Letter-Writing, Spelling. History, Geography. Commercial Law, Correspondence, Arltnmetlc. Busi ness Forms, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc Optn all the year. Free catalogue. Holmes Business College Established 1SS7. Yamhill and Eleventh Streets. Pemira Shorthand Only original light-line system. More calls for graduates than we can nlL Most thoroughly equipped business college in the Northwest. Day and night. Catalogue. BEHMKE - WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Stearns Block, Sixth nnd Morrison. No. 4270 The holder of this number -will be pre sented with the gasoline launch given away by Dr. "Wright. If the holder- does not .present the same within 30 days, then another number will be selected. AT SALEM we have opened a branch office In the Steusloft building, corner Court and Liberty-streets. DR. B. E. WRIGHT'S DENTAL OFFICE WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Office hours: 8 A. M. to. 5 P. M.; even ings, 7:30 to 8:30. Sundays. 10 A. 1L to 12 M. Telephone Mala 2U3. - - ' - C W. KNOWLE3, Met. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day OREGON $3 PER DAY AND UPWARD . x New Hot Por $2.00. writing and was made In the year of his death. It covers 29 closely -written pages, each of which bears the signature of the first President. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER ' W.-T. PANG LB. Resident Manager. TONIGHT and Tomorrow Night The Natural Actor, DANIEL SULLY In His Latest Success 'THE CHIEF JUSTICE." Prices $L0O, 75c. 50c, S5c and 25c Seats are now selling. Phone Main SOS. PORD RAY'S THEATER CORDRAT & RUSSELL. Managers. Tonight and Tuesday and Wednesday only? the comedy-drama, "Slaves of the Mines" A heart story of the Wyoming Valley, By C. D; Callahan and Dan L. Hart. A superb scenic production. Special Engagement, OPENING THURSDAY. MARCH 3. Matinee Saturday. The famous LYMPH. .COMIC OPLItA COMPANY of forty. In a most delightful presentation of the great satirical travesty, "SAID PAS MA" THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Change, of opera, Sunday matinee. March 0, "THE ISLE OF CHAMPAGNE." No change in prices. THE BAKER GEL1efR THEATER and Manager. Phono Main 1S07. Tonight all this week, matinee Saturday, Special production of the noted drama, "THE TWO ORPHANS" Evening, COc. 35c. 25c. 15c Matinee, 25c. 15c, 10c . ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington REFINED VAUDEVILLE S:30 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles. Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At residence. No. 443 Seventh st. and College, io a. m. s. l.. n. unman, auctioneer. The Ford Auction Co. sells at 1S2 1st st. at 10 A M. H. Ford, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. PORT LAND AERIE NO. 4 All regular and visit ing members are Invited to attend the funeral of the late brother, Guy T. Wallace, member of Seattle Aerie No. 1, on Wednesday, March 2. at 10 o'clock A M. Funeral from J. P. Flnley & Son's chapel, corner Third and iladlson. DOUIS DAMMASCH, S. C. SPENCER, Worthy Secretary. Worthy President. PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. R. A. M. Special convocation this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30 Work in the Mark Master degree By order of the E. H. P. HENRY ROE, Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. 111. A. F. & A. M. Past Master Cooper, of Hawthorne Lodge, will lecture tonight at the regular meeting oi wasnington -uouge. Hawthorne members are invited to attend. By order or tne w. ii. tr. gl.aitke, Jr., Sec WASHINGTON LODGE No. 4G, A. F. & A M. Stated communication this (Wednesday evening 7:30 o ciocK. iiroiner c v. cooper, P. Mi. Will lie With IIS onil ,1 nil for. nn auuress on ancient, .Masonry, no work; the evening win oe aevoten to a general social All M. M. cordially Invited. By order W. M T TT TJTr-TIlirw- T"V t- SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2. L .O. O. F.- Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at s o ciock. initiation, visitors welcome. M. OSVOLD, Sec FUNERAL NOTICES. WALLACE In this city. February- 20. 1904. at his late residence, 393 East Couch street, Guy T. Wallace, aged 39 years and 1 month. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held under tne auspices of the Fra ternal Order of Eagles at Flnlev's chapel. today at 10 A. M. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. . SCHNEITER In this city, March 1. 1004. at ner late resiaence, iui ortn Fourteenth street. Kosa scnneller, aged 03 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vlted to attend the funeral services which will be held at the German Reform Church, corner uentn ana stark streets, at 2 p. M., March j. interment ix)ne h it cemetery. MARTIN Friends and acquaintances are re- spectruuy invited to attend the funeral serv ices of the late William H. Martin, which will be held at the residence of his daugh. ter. Mrs. C F. Sanger. S30 East Morrison street, today at 2 P. M. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Undertakers and embalmcrs. baTe moved to their new build' tnr. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 607. J. P. FIN LEY Jft SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner.. Lady assistant. Telephone No, 9, F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 5: DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th ana line. xauy assistant, laone isui CLARKE BROS., FINE FLOYVEKS, Flo ral dwlgmV 9t9 Morrison. - CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms." "Rooms and Board, "House keeping Rooms," "Situation Wanted," 15 words or less. 15 cents: 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to- 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today." 30 cents for 15 words or less; 1G to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-halt; no further discount un der pne month. "NEW. TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always bo Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible .for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. ILLUSTRATED NO. 9. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 1 , OREGON. No.llOO THIRD STREET. Incorporated April 22, 1SST. .A certain institution decided to erect a hospital. It deposited money with us on certificate, subject to ten days' caiL When the contractor needed funds, the certificate was called. The institution thus received interest on money which would otherwise have remained Idle and non-productive. Have you not funds on which ypu would like to get interest? If so, call upon us, and we shall be glad to arrange matters to your satisfaction. Send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJAMIN I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary FOR SALE BY OWNEli A MODERN 7- room house at university Park, 2 blocks from new City Park; corner lot, 100 feet square; alley in rear; 2 blocks from new street-car line. Call on owner. 310 Chamber .of Commerce. See photo of premises arid learn particulars. MORTGAGE LOANS Money to loan on improved real estate. L. J. Goldsmith. 209 Abington bldg. LOUIS H. BOLL Piano teacher, is now located at 342 Wash ington st., near 7th. Parlors 9 and 10. BONDS, WABRANTS, STOCKS nd mortgages bought and sold. J. W. Cru- tners & to., Chamber or commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property. Build ing loans. Installment loans. Wit MAC MASTER, nil Worcester block. Mill-Street Honse for Sale New. first-class. 7-roomed house on Mill St.. near 14th, for sale, by owner. Price $3500. F. B. Warner, telephone Red 39S2. Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machine (hand Dower) for matter 19x26. In- quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore gonian Publishing Co. The new. coming city of Clackamas Coun ty offers great Inducements for manufac tures of all kinds. It has the most powerful electric and water power in the Northwest. O. 'W. P. TOWNSITE CO.. 132 1ST ST.. COR. ALDER. ROOM 5. PHONE MAIN 210. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. K. BIRRELL, Formerly of MncMasler Jt BirreU. C02-3 McKay Building. Third and Stark. Phone Main 232. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SPECIAL OFFER. IMMEDIATE SALE Modern 9-room house, high corner lot, full brick basemenL.. furnace,. Jlghting fixtures with house, porcelain bath and marble washstands. stationary washtubs, high grade wood mantels and fireplaces upstairs and dpwn, electric bells; Holladay's Addi tion: walking- distance: house alone cost $3500; our price $4300; long time; low rate of interest. VACANT LOTS. Lot on Belmont st., near 30th; make of fer; all improvements in; installments. Two lots on Union ave.. Holladay's: owned by non-resident; very anxious to sell. Two lots Multnomah, near Shaver, on Mississippi ave.; must sell. -block on Union ave., Alblna Home stead: lots lav high on right side of street improvements ail In; an exceptional snap; installments. TAFT & CO. Main 150. 125-0 Abington bldg. U-room nouse ana quarter uiuck, iuii uui-n. basement; souse neaieu uiiuujuuui furnace; gas and electric lighting, porcelain bath and all plumbing first class; handsome sideboard: laundry with stationary tubs; stone wall around place; a bargain for any one wanting a first-class modern home; price $5000. See owner on premises. 140 E. 2d st., cor. Morrison. Take Sunnyside car. THIS IS TO BE ANY MAN'S CHOICE $9000 for 210 acres ot nnest iana, near Hlllsboro: over 1W acres in cumvaiion; plenty of running water; nice large house, unrv nlcp larsre barn, costing S1G00: orchard: close to R. R. land: lays fine; finest dairy or stock farm; worth almost double what we are asking for it. cnarieson & stauo, 21us Morrison Bt. t.ti c. . , c t v nn-vrr a -r a tit1 t? A t? gain, very nice 9-room residence, in the heart of best suburb of Portland, near car line, school and stores: choice location; large corner, cast front: hot and cold water, i . i Intcut hntlntn price. Call at 003 E. 32d, corner Taylor street, i-uriiuaiu. NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM COTTAGE. NICELY flrlshed; between two car lines; small pay ment down, balance 25' a month. Apply n. t. oietnier, a ju at. 1-room cottage, $850. 5-room cottage, $975. 5-roonr cottage, modern. $1150. Easy terms, owner. Phone' Union C524, BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED CORNER LOT on Portland Heights; none better; part cash, balance monthly payments. Room 1, 145J4 Third. FOR SALE A WELL-LOCATED LOT IN Section 15, Riverview Cemetery, at a low price. Seth L Pope. P. O. Box 250, city, 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. o. u. Addlton. Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 5c. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE $1200; cne-thlrd down, balance install ments. Apply S71 East 11th St., North. HOUSES BUILT ON INSTALLMENTS anywhere in th city: plans and estimates NEAR STEEL BRIDGE ELEGANT 0-ROOM modem nouse. iunu jicu-i, -iw, kiuu Room 9, 245& Morrison. CHOICE MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE; TERMS 10 Sulu IQquiir aubuu at., uku. day House, steel bridge. ,inn ditto n Qir.HTI.T T.OTS TV AT- bina: walking distance. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 27 r. isr. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW- 7-ROOM house. 21st nnd Nonhrup sts. L Vanduyn, NEW 0-ROOM" MODERN HOUSE. NEAR steel bridge; $3000; term, iiu: commer cial bldg'. UMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also recertified soldiers' additional Porterfleld-Valentlne land warrants and other kinds of land . scrip. Maginnls & Son. 227 Falling Ding. SCRIP. SCRIP. SCRIP1 NEW LOT AP- proved forest reserve just arrived, wrue me. No cne can undersell m. L. W. Whiting. 40S Abington biag. TIMBER CLAIM OF 700,000 FEET ON Smith River to trade for farm tir 5 or 10-acre tract near city. A. J. royes, sa m. satn su FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any site tracts, ready for immediate nse. W. ti. iioweil, M3 cnamoer at wouatrec. FOREST 3ESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any sire tracts, -ready ror immediate use. H, B. jCompson. ois jaarquam piagv .160 ACRES HEAVY TIMBERLAND. NEAR . cathlamet, wash- inquire o . -a sr. ESTACADA FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE A GOOD 520-ACRE -RANCH in vurry Couty, Oregon, on river asd coun ty road; 10 acres in bottom and- hill land under cultivation; small fruit orchard in bearing; 30 acres under fence; balance good grazing and timber land; profitable salmon fishing; 5-room dwelling house, commodious barn, flshhouso and out houses. Terms reasonable to responsible, quick, cash buyer. B 100. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND. 8 MILES from Portland. 1 mile from Tigard villa; good black soil, plenty of water, 3 good buildings, on the main road, 1 acre or chard, all fenced, 8 acres clear: price $1600. Inquire at once, 301 21st N.. Port land. Or. RARE BARGAIN $0- AN ACRE, 2340 ACRES nice laying rarming land, all plowable. with strong sprirfg of water, lo cated In Morrow County. 10 miles from R. R Will make terms to suit. For par ticulars address Box 19, Heppner. Or. FOR SALE FARM. 21G ACRES. 1 MILES east ot Dallas; all valley land, in high state cultivation; will divide in smaller tracts If desired: good locaUon. For particulars ad dress George Rowcllffe. Dallas. Or. FOR SALE A 17-ACRE FARM, N FIVE acres cleared, balance easy cleared; new house, fair barns, half mile west of St. Helens. Or., for $700. Apply to Mike Vin cent. St. Helens. Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon ana wasnington; pay ments made to suit purchasers. For par ticulars apply to "WM. MACMASTER, 311 Worcester block. $10 A MONTH BUYS A 10-ACRE FARM. $2UU pront per annum per acre. Write for booklet. It's free. 011 J. L Wright & Kembrough. Sacramento. Cal. Farm 55 acres, cultivated; 8 miles east, on car line; modern improvements; summer nome; 700 Winter apples; land level. 227 Front. 160-ACRE FARM, 2 MILES FROM KINGS- ton: 100 acres plow land; goqa buildings; well watered. W. F. Hayes, Kingston, Or. 400-acre farm for sale. 4 miles from Kings ton: Vi under cultivation; good buildings, well watered. G. W. Croisant, Kingston, Or. 610 ACRES FOR DAIRYING, STOCK AND Xrultralslng: near coast and busy towns; $10 an acre; a bargain. V 13, care Oregonlan. FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS. FIRST-CLASS grain and hay lands. 209 Stark st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BRING US YOUR PROPERTY; WE WANT improved real estate, business and resiaence, especially on West Side; we also want busi ness chances: we have buyers. L. W. Whit ing & Co.. 408 Abington bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FEW ACRES NEAR MONTAVILLA CAR; nouse, oarn; room lor cow. cmcKens;,rruit. 234 Morrison St., room 2. TO EXCHANGE. FARM TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT or rooming-house. Columbia Real Estata & Trust Co.. 2314 Morrison st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FINE HORSES AT AUCTION ! WE WILL sell at auction 180 head of fine horses. In cluding about 20 head of light and heavy draft horses, single and in pairs; every horse for absolute sale; sales take place at Irvlngton Park, March 1, 2, 3, commenc ing at 10 A. M. Draft horses will be sold Thursday afternoon, March 1 3. J. L. Mc Carthy & Son. SNAP FIRST-CLASS TEAM SORREL GELD- ings, 7 years old: weighs 2S00 pounds; are sound and suitable for delivery or driving team; with set heavy team harness; price $150. 28 N. 15th st. , HORSES, WAGONS. BUGGIES. HARNESS OF an Kinds. lor sate or rent oy day, week or month; part time given if desired. Derby Stables, 15th, Just ff Washington. FOR SALE 30 HEAD OF HORSES. LARGE and wen-broken, at u. it. j-eed stables, 1st and Glenn sts., Portland. DRAFT, HACK. CARRIAGE AND EXPRESS nurses, union stocKyaros. .tsrone to Har ness. leth-sU car. ONE-HORSE I COVERED DELIVERY WAG- on, nearly new; a bargain. Woodard, Clarke Sc CO. GOOD TEAII DRAFT HORSES FOR ALE; weignt jwv. at 2d and .nam. s w, ore gonlan. Lots of new and 2d-hand wagons and bug gits; all kinds. 571 Thurman, cor. 18th. 100 VEHICLES, 100 sets double harness, with Bostlne collars, $25 per set. 211 Wash. 10 HORSES FOR SALE BY W. E. JACOBS, 134 E. 34th st. Phone Union 1632. NEW HAND-MADE GOOSENECK FURNI- ture wagon. 208 Front sU Pianos. FINE ALMOST NEW $375 UPRIGHT Pi ano lor saie cneup; excellent reason lor selling; no fake. T 01. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE AN UP-TO-DATE DAIRY. ALL complete, on Columbia River near Portland, With two years' lease on place with privi lege of more; owner going out of busi ness; will sell cheap. Address F. Shepard, 173 N. 12th st. Phone Main 1104. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAKT Repair It with Elaterlte; it rolls, easy to lay: needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. , FOR SALEONE EXTRA GOOD COUNTER tor sale at a big bargain; also a few clothing tables, mirror and gas arc lights. Inquire at Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, 3d and Stark streets. ONE SET 150-HORSE POWER TWIN HORI zontal engines, cylinders 12x205 also one 60- norse power horizontal engine, secona-nana. Mrs. John Pnnlf. font Morrison Bt. 1 STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23: all makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. 50.000 FEET NO. S. FIR LUMBER FOR sale cheap; all sizes. West Coast Sash & Boor Co., cor. 19th and Vaughn sts. Phone Main 1413. FRESH COW FOR Sjk.E SHORTHORN .and Jersey: kind and gentle. 145- Idaho st.; teiepnone west juuz. FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND COFFEE house; fine location and business; lease.' 31 24. 2d St., cor. Davis. TmiCKYARD FOR SALE). NICE CLAY, plenty of water, all complete, wagons, carts, etc. Li iuo, oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP-FINE) SAFE. 2 SHOW- uuca. wail iue, i. jcuua iuiaiu 2354 1st. cor. Main. BRAND-NEW CASH REGISTER.. TOTAL adder: half price; & new. wnisicy barrels. 115 N. 3d. FOR SALE FINE ENGLISH" SETTER bitch, partly broken; 1 year old. Phone Brown oso. FOR SALE FINE OLD VIOLINS. FROM $50 up. George E. Frost. 153 13th St., Port land. Or. GOOD SINGER SEWING MACHINE : ' SNAP, Call 81 N. Park. Friday, Saturday and Mon day. $10 SINGER SEWING MACHINE. GOOD condition. 502 Jefferson -st. Call forenoon. TWO SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE cheap. Address O 73. care Oregonlan. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 140 N. 17th st. HELP WANTED MALE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, th leading employment agency of the North west. 249 Burnsid st. Phone Main 3074. SALESMAN WANTED TO CALL ON CON suraers. must have view to permanency, good address and ability, capable of pre senting in a forceful, convincing manner a strictly high-grade staple goods. Call P. M., 303 Water sL, above Columbia. WANTED OPENED FOR 3RIOHT. GOOD appearlng solicitor tot established routs: talary and commission basis, high-class proposition, educational la character. Ad dress J. P. Thoaapsoa. Supt. SOS Larkia -. Ean Francisco. MAN "WITH REFERENCES FOR COM mercial traveler to call on merchants and agents; experience', not required; salary, $24 per week," with exptse advaace. The -NatiOB&I, CaxtOft klg., Cnisojo. . HELP WANTED MALE. &EN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR ber trade; new class of ladles Just starting; write for full particulars, and it in doubt make a personal investigation. American Barber College, 253 Everett at.. Portland. HIGH GRADE POSITIONS OPEN EXEC utlve. clerical, technical and salesmen, paying from $1000 to $5000. Call or wrifs. Hapgoods (Inc.), suite K, 502 Pioneer bldg., Seattle. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DO INSIDE work and deliver for East Side Grocery; state experience and salary expected. J 09, Oregonlan. Men to learn barber trade: only S weeks re quired; 2 years saved; positions secured when competent: catalogue mailed freei Moler System College. San Francisco, CaL COMMERCIAL AND RAILWAY TELEG raphy; main line practice room for a few more students; tuition reasonable. B 91. Oregonlan. COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders. No. 143 4th st. Phone Red 1993. RAILROAD OPERATOR OF MANY YEARS txporlenco wants students in telegraphy; practical work: night., X 58. Oregonlan. WANTED A SALESMAN AND COLLECTOR, one who can furnish horse. Wagon and honesty bond. Apply 540 Williams ave. WANTED BOY. GOOD HOME AND small wages td boy of 14 or over. Call at 1212 Ellsworth St., Richmond. GANG EDGERMAN, $2.75; DOOR MACHINE man. $3; stock cutter, $2.25. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau, 2054 Morrison. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BICYCLE repairer; must understand brazing. 555 Wil liams ave.. Portland, Or. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BAR ber trade: free tuition. Portland Barber School. 82 N. 2d. WANTED ACTIVE BOY FOR DELIVERY and general work. Inquire Portland Oyster Co.. 142 10th. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE quartz miners for Southern Oregon. H 72, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; good shop; terms reasonable. H CO, Orego nlan. FIRST-CLASS MAN BOOKKEEPER AND stenographer; salary adequate. 2C6 Stark st. WANTED BARBER. FIRST CLASS. steady job. H. G. Meyers, Salem, Or. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED AT ONCE, GOOD LIVE HUS- tlers in each town; for such we have a splendid proposition Call or write 317 Allsky bldg., Portland. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERI- enced woman who understands sewing carpets with Singer and Taft machine and who understands making shades; wages $2 per day. Address, stating ex perience, M 100, care Oregonlan. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, city ana country; nurse gins, second gins, housekeepers: plenty of housework, $15 to $30. Phone Main 1323. Canadian Parlors, 220,4 Morrison. WANTED GOOD. RELIABLE GIRL WHO understands cooking and general nousework; modern conveniences; good wages; two In family. Call 751 B."BurnsIde at., cor. E. 22d. ATTENTION LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 writing short letters from copy. Address stamped envelope for particulars. Michigan Specialty Co., Albion, Mich. WANTED 50 AMATEUR CHORUS GIRLS. pianists, etc.; big salary; stage dancing, etc, taught. Newman's Dramatic and Vaudeville School, 313 Washington. "Wanted girl for light house work, only two In family; would prefer some one stay home nights. 294 Margin St., foot Haisey. WANTED GIRLS FOR .GENERAL HOUSB work; $15 to $30. Scandinavian-American Employment Agency, 220 3d. Phone Main 1519. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT lessee, cnambermaios. general woncers. at. Louis Agency, 2304 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. I : GIRLS CAN SECURE GOOD POSITIONS BY applying at Portland -Women's Employment Co., 210 Allsky, 3d & iior. Ked 30S7. 'WANTED THREE HOUSEKEEPERS. MAID. cooks, 4 general nouseworK. can Scandinavian-American. 226 3d. Main 1519. NEAT GIRL; GENERAL HOUSEWORK; smalt family; Sunduy afternoons and every evening off. 495 East Davis. GDAL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. FAM- lly of two; good wages. Apply 581 E. Main, cor. 14th. WANTED A GIRL AS COOK IN PRrVATE family; references required. Inquire 251 10th until noon. REFINED LADY FOR FIRST-CLASS AD vertlslng proposition. 722 Chamber of Ccmmcrce. RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small -family. 393 11th at, near Harrison. GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSE; NO cooking or washing. OSO E. Alder, near 20th. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS nurse girl. Address N. 100, care Oregonian. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG LADY IN MAS sage parlors. 3514 Morrison St., room 11. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. -YOUNG MAN THOROUGHLY UNDER- stands office work and, general correspond ence; 10 years' experience. Q 99, Orego nlan. YOUNG MAN "WANTS POSITION: AN ALL around dry goods, grocery man; experienced In buying. P 09, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. 4- BOY 14 YEARS OF AGE, JUST FINISHED public school, wishes employment; will make a No. 1 boy for anyone desiring his services. Address P 94, care Oregonian. SOBER. DJDUSTRIOUS SINGLE MAN DE sires inside work of some kind; good penman, some acquaintance with office work; best of references. Address C 71, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY ELECTRICIAN of eight years' experience In line work; In side wiring and station work out of town preferred. K 99, Oregonian. WANTED PARTNER WITH $100 TO $500 to Join me In some business with like amount or will loan or give same In business to se cure, position. Address Y 93, Oregonlan. BEST ALL KINDS HELP FURNISHED; cooks, waiters, farmhands, laborers. Jap anese Employment Agency. 69 N. 5th. Phone Clay 502. CAN FURNISH DOMESTIC SERVANTS, farm or railroad laborers. Japanese Labor Association. 268 Everett st. Black 992. ' WANTED BY SOBER AND RELIABLE man watchman or Janitor work. E. W. Mllllen. Brooklyn Hotel, Grand ave. WANTED A POSITION BY AN UP-TO-date cutter; no objections to leaving tha city. S 94, Oregonlan. HIGHLY EDUCATED JAPANESE WISHES to teach his national tongue. Apply Jap anese Mission. .4 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. LADY STENOGRAPHER, - SEVERAL years experience, desires position; refer ences furnished. V 05,- Oregonian. POSITION BY YOUNG LADY STENOG rapher, no experience; small salary to start. Address c iuv, uregoman. LADY OF EXPERIENCE DESIRES PLACE as millinery saleslady; .Eastern references. J 100, .Oregonlan. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES permanent position at once. Phone East 1170. DresunnKera. FOR YOUR NEW EASTER GOWN OR Spring tailor suit, consult New York Dress makers. 215 10th. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS AND children's sewing. 328 14th. Phona Front 102. Domestics, GOOli COOK "WANTS WORK IN FAMILY, will do some housework and,' some laundry;, wages $30; , Phone West 1327. YOUNG LADY WISHES "POSITION 'AS chaza&ermaid. Scott 14L - - SITUATIONS" TTAXTED FKtat.t, Houseltevpera. 1 SITUATION BY A WOMAN AS HOUSB keeper for widower; no objection to 'chil dren. Call 231 Yamhill st.. room 15, cor.' Third. SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY" BE- able home. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. TRAINED NURSE WOULD LIKE) POSITldN in doctor's or dentist's office. K 100. Ore gonlan, ' PROFESSIONAL NURSE. THE LOCK- -wu. oot jaornson ei. t-none iiam ia&. Mis eel: an eons. REFINED. TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG WO-. ian seess engagements to care for chll Kn ternoons or evenings; prices reason able: references. A 18. Oregonlan. STOREY'S TAILOR SYSTEM. THE MOST system tor ladies" tailoring and dressmaking; no chart; taught at room 31a Allsky bldg. ilrs. Zeltfuchs. ON? SCANDINAVIAN GIRL WANTS Posi tion; aisv nouseKeeper with child, girl, wanta position to help with children. Scandinavian American. 223 3d. Phone Main 1519. WOMAN WITH BABY WOULD LIKE WORK: win worn, lor room ana board. Address Vancouver, W ash.. Vancouver Hotel, room 32. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position, aay or nignt; good sight reader. Address G 1C Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TWENTY-FIVE DOL- iata necftij aw j 3a- ilia uqst proposition offered agents who want money and are willing to work for it. George F. Cram, 552 Wabash ave., Chicago, HU $10 DAY MADE SELLING RUSSO-JAPAN-esc war book by Murat Halstead; take or ders now; outfit ready: send 10 cents; &0 per cent paid agents; write immediately. American Publishing House, Chicago. . -I WANTED HUSTLER FOR STAPLE AR- tlcle: man or woman; no fakers wanted. P 100. Oregonlan. GOOD LADY AND GENT AGENTS WANT ed. Call room 203. Goodnough bldg. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED TO RENT 1 UNFURNISHED room within walking distance of business district, light, heat, phone and bath to bo included; gentleman. Phone Main 2034. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM ON EJAS1 Side by a refined gentleman in a widow's family; one having a nice nome. Attar T loo, uregoman. WANTED HOUSE OF 10 OR 11 ROOMS. unfurnished. In best residence district, im mediately; reply. R. F. Guerln, Portland Hotel. , i TWO NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS OTtCCrr- tage, two laaies; cenuiu, rougunuwi stau price. Q JLOO, Oregonlan. BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO YOUN& ladles employed. State price. E 100 Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OLD CLOTHrNG AND OLD SHOES; HIGH est price paid for men's cast-off clothing and old shoes, quilts, blankets, valises, grips, trunks and bicycles. At Friend Max's place, 734 N. 3d st. Phono Green 423. Orders . promptly attended to. . WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. The "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED SECOND - HAND WATER. wheel for small sawmill. A 97, Oregonlan i ' WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND-CAT- tle of all kinds. Phone! Scott 6813. $4500 LOAN WANTED ON EASTERN ORE gon. wheat farm. B 07, Oregonlan; FOB RENT. Rooms. HOTEL SCOTT YOU CAN RENT ROOMS in this -elegant new hotel for less than you pay in the common rooming-houses; new, clean furnishings, steam heat, electrla lights, always hot water, porcelain baths., annunciator service, fine restaurant, cen tral locaUon, Postoffice block. 7th and An keny; rooms elther single or .en suite; finest coach in Portland free to and from alt train's." Phono Main 160L THE LINCOLN, JUST OPENED, -409 MOR- r rlson st., cor. Uth, nas the best rurnlshedJ rooms in the city, hot ana coia, runnins water, steam heat, electric lights,, batas and ail modern appointments; new build ing; every facility for caring for the trav eling public; moderate rates. C BL Ball, proprietor. Phone Main 23L THE MENOMINEE, 385 YAMHrLL rELE- gantly furnished iront rooms, suites or single; modern conveniences; two blocks from-Portland Hotel; transients solicited. THE OXFORD, 664 6TH ST., COR OAK Just opened to tne public; everything new. modern in all its appointments; prlvata bath suites. Telephone Main 85- TH E AVALON. 413 WASHINGTON NEWLY lurnisnea rooms, single or en nuiie; eiccms lights, gas, steam heat, modern conveniences; tourist and transient solicited. FOR RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH alcove, furnace heat, gas. phone and Datn: suitable for two or three gentlemen. 221 W. Park st. Phone Main 3494. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE Ofrl suites, very central; 389 Alder, ttwyla W. Park and 10th. All convenlencesifen Uemen preferred: references. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED "ROOMS with ateam heat and bath, at r"The Saw ell," formerly "The Venable," southeast cor. W. Park and Morrison. THE OGDEN. 834 1ST.. . COR. OAK open all night; prices reasonable. Phono Clay 938. Mrs. Dlmidi. SUNNY ROOM. FINELY FURNISHED. suitable for one or two, o minutes wsw from business center; reasonable; references. Phone West 1239. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, CENTRAL location, modern conveniences; 0 N. 9tn, bet. Stark and Burnslde, 4th house, from Burnside. 2254 1ST ST. TWO NDWLY FURNISHED front rooms; inside rooms; good light and well ventilated; bath, gas, phone; transient solicited. , NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. MEN ONLYJ hot and cold water; gas and steam -heat. 103 171 h. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 3193. LARGE PARLOR BED-ROOM SUITABLB for two; private family; bath, gas, phone, home privileges. 201 11th, cor. Taylor. VERY DESIRABLE SUITE OF 3 UN FUR -nished rooms. to right party, at Good nough bldg. Inquire elevator. :C WEST 'PARK NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; all conven iences. Phcne Cehtral 1074. FtJrNISHED ROOMS; GENTLEMEN PRSH furred; steam heat, bath; 5th floor Good-? noygh bldg., 5th and Xamhill. COMFORTABLE ROOM, USE BATH. PHONEj private family: gentlemen only. 129 10th, bet. Washington and Alder. 188 13TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, private family, new house, every convenience; gentlemen only; references. PLEASANT" ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY, furnace heat; vacant 2d. 282 14th-. at., opposite Hqbart-Curtls. , 248 SIXTH ST. 2. NICELY FURNISHED rooms; gas, .phone, bath, modern flat; every convenience. - NICELY FURNISHED LARGB BAY-WIN-dow room suitable one or twd; private-family. 334 Yamhill. . FURNISHED ROOMS. $1 WEEK UP. GIL man Hotel. 1st and Alder: Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett. ' . t NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, NEW HOUSE, private family: 34 blocks from Hotel Port land. 24S4 Otb. 2 CLEAN ROTMS ON GROUND FLOORi gas, bath, sink and range: no children. N. 13. Oregonian. ' ? ". 364 T VTLOR PLEASANT FRONT "BOOM. 2 blocks Portland Hotel; bath, phone. Aeat. no children. THE TEMPLE LARGE, NICELY-FURNISB-ed rooms, double and single. 3434. -YjuMfelil .St., cor. 7th. -tW. , THE KINGSTON. JOINING? BAKER a ter. first class. 100 3d, at..--- Pke-. Hood 65T. . . NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT 'RQOMWA -bath, phone, for one or two, . 235 12th st. I. . . FRONT ROOM OR SUITE, VEJtTWUMPEiT . furnished all modem comio&:frltOmmr bia st, - - - - 1 ?? JT