THE MOKNING OKEGONIAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1904. GOOD LUCK DOES IT Spokane Chief Wonders That Portland Escapes Fire. ADVOCATES PAID DEPARTMENT Says Untrained Men Cannot Fight Fires Effectively, and Predicts Big Calamity if Present Volunteer System Is Continued. "Until Portland secures a paid Fire De partment and grained Are lighters, it can never have the adequate protection from loss of life and property by flres. A paid fire department is an absolute necessity in any large city. A city without it Is at the mercy of a chance conflagration. How Chief Campbell has accomplished what he has -with the department at his command is a mystery to me. Portland needs a paid department and needs it urgently. The saving In loss of property and In Insurance rates would more than repay the extra expense. I am glad to hear that the city is at last to have a paid department-" Such are the pointed statements of A. H. Myers, Chief of the Fire Department of Spokane. "Wash., who is visiting In this city. Since he came here several days ago Chief Myers has made a thorough Inspection of Portland's volunteer Fire De partment; and with Chief Cambell has traveled over the various Are districts of the city, the protected and the unpro tected districts. His observations qualify him to give valuable opinions upon the needs of the city In the way of protective measures against fire. He is a veteran flre-fighter, schooled by years of experi ence, and for nine years he has been at the head of the Spokane department. He has been at the head of both volunteer and paid departments and knows the drawbacks of the one and the advantages of the other. "When asked for an interview yesterday Mr. Myers talked very freely of the superi ority of a paid department and pointed out the needs of Portland In that line. "Let us first consider the disadvantages of a volunteer department such as Port land has," said he. "To begin with, the men are absolutely untrained. They are willing to work and will do all they can but that Is little, for they do not know what to do. or how to do it When an alarm sounds, the volunteers may be" blocks away and they have to run to the scene of the fire; by the time they reach there they are played out and not fit to fight a fire. Then for the first few minutes all Is confusion. Everybody wants to do something, and In the confusion the chances are they don't do the right thing. The first few minutes of a fire Is the vital time. It is then that the effective work must be done by a department. But if there is confusion and the men are not trained to know exactly what to do, the effective work cannot be done and the fire gains headway. Then it Is a long and stubborn fight. There Is a science and an art in handling hose to the best advantage, in manipulating the ladders and In getting over and through buildings to points of vantage. If the men are not trained, how can they do this work? It is impossible. There is no one who re quires more constant and thorough drill ing than the fireman. He must! be pre pared to meet every emergency. "For Instance, in the handling of the tnwer lnddfir. thp nomnler ladders, the life line and tho nets, the most thorough training is necessary. A novice can't handle a tower ladder effectively, and success with the pompier ladders comes only by long training. In the saving of life in big buildings these equipments are very essential. If you have inexperienced men, little can be accomplished with these equipments. "Again, time Is a very essential feature in fighting -fires. Every moment must be made to count Where a chief is forced to run to a fire and then wait for volunteers to come before he can get the hose strung out the ladders raised and the engines in working order, as Chief Campbell has to, he Is laboring under a serious handicap. If he Is successful in fighting the fire he Is lucky. The utter Inadequacy of a volunteer fire de partment is proved very clearly by the advanced insurance rates in cities where they are maintained. "On the other hand, let us look at some of the advantages of a paid and trained department In such a department the men are always in readiness to answer an alarm. They have their places on the various vehicles, they understand per fectly how to handle the paraphernalia at their disposal and they know what to do at the proper time. Thus valuable time is saved and often a disastrous fire Is prevented by the quick and Intelligent work of the firemen. In almost every case the work of trained men will prevent losses that an untrained department could not have prevented. AVhen the men- are drilled, those whose duty it is to lay lines of hose and make connections, know exactly what to do and they proceed to do it without delay or confusion. The ladder men are trained to handle tne ladders, the life line and the life nets. When they know what to do and how to do it, they can easily accomplish their task. If they don't know what to do they simply can t do anything. "Portland certainly needs a paid depart ment With the large buildings it -has, a trained department is something that It cannot afford to be without Should there be a big fire In one of your large rooming-houses I would fear for the con sequences with the fire department handl capped as it Is. How Chief Campbell has handled the fires of this city as he has. is more than I can understand. It has Eimply been luck that has saved the city from devastation by fires. "Portland needs a paid department of not less than 125 men and should have one of 150 or ICO men. Portland Is a big city and needs a large department to protect it It also needs more fire stations.' There are some portions of the city sadly unprotected. These districts contain val uable property and in at least two or three there Is urgent need for stations. At present the established stations are far away, and the country the department has to travel over to reach these unpro tected districts Is such that little can be accomplished In the line of speedy work. The district about the site of the Iewls and Clark Fair should have a fire station. There will no doubt be urgent need for it when the Fair opens. Besides this, that district Is rapidly building up and should have protection. "I am glad that Portland Is awakening to its needs and that steps are being taken to secure a paid department" HAY HELPS LONDON MARKET. Secretary's Effort to Localize War Has a Good Effect. LONDON, Feb. 14. The Stock Exchange passed through tho ordeal of the first week of the war much better than had been expected, and but for the heavy pressure of sales from Paris and Berlin -would not have been greatly disturbed. The majority of foreign bonds naturally had heavy falls, Russians being greatly depressed, but Secretary Hay's efforts to localize the war had an excellent effect, and it is believed that a recovery in prices will soon be established. Fewer stocks were thrown on the market than anticipated. Berlin operators threw a quantity of American securities on the market and other causes helped the de- presslon of these securities, tut the mar ket closed steadier. Russian oil shares bad a heavy fall, but the tendency on security in most of the markets vras better. 1 HO KEUTRALS IN EEHGIOff. Dr. Brougher Declares That All Must Be For or Against Christ. "The Moral Man and the Hypocrite" was the subject of Rev. J. Whltcomb Broughers sermon at the First Baptist Church last night Dr. Brougher took for his text Matthew, xil-SO, "He that is not with me is against me," and held that a man was -either in the kingdom of Jesus Christ or that of Satan, because Jesus Christ declared that there could be no neutrality In religion. He said in part: "This is called a Christian country. It is not with infidels, agnostics or heathens in particular that Christianity has to contend most It Is that large class of people who are friendly disposed toward Christianity, but refuse to publicly Iden tify themselves with the cause of Christ They consider Christianity an Important factor in our civilization. They will help support a church In the community. It raises the price of real estate and Its Influence is better than a police force. These people are friendly to the church but they will not take a bold stand for Christ Such people. If they recognize their own position, would see that they are simply living for self. If it is to their interest to talk like a saint they can do it but if it is to their interest they can also "talk like the deiL" They want to be neutral, but Jesus. Christ has de clared that there is no neutrality in re ligion. We must either be for Him or against Him. "In his argument with the Pharisees Christ asserted that there are only two kingdoms in the world, one is the king dom over which God rules and Is called the Kingdom of God, and the other the kingdom over which the devil rules and Is the kingdom of Satan. These two king doms are diametrically opposed to each other. One Is the kingdom of righteous ness and the other the kingdom of un righteousness. These two kingdoms are in deadly combat for the supreme conquest of the world. We must take our side with one or the other. The principle of right and wrong Is written "in indelible letters on the heart of every man. Every thought every word and every action has Its moral quality and the battle of right and wrong Is being fought out In every man's soul. Jesus Christ Is su preme in a man's life or else the devil has been crowned king. Ei'ery person is a citizen of one kingdom or the other. If Great Britain and the United States had been the only two nations since the world began, every person would be an Englishman or an American. It would not be hard to tell In which kingdom we were. A school-teacher asked a boy his na tionality. He said: 'I don't know. My father was English, my mother was French, and I was born on a German ves sel flying a Dutch flag.' His teacher did not know his nationality. But with only two kingdoms in the world, we would be In one or the other. Every person Is either In the kingdom of God or In the kingdom of Satan. If you have not re ceived Jesus Christ as your king, then you must acknowledge that Satan occu pies the throne in your life. "There are lots of Dr. Jekylls and Mr. Hydes In the world, people who want to be one thing one day and another thing the next day. We frequently hear of the moral man who is not a professing Chris tian say that he does not Join the church because there are hypocrites in it When a man tells me that he is as good as the church members, I always ask him which one. He usually picks out some old hypocritical deacon and describes him. I always tell him that I have no doubt that he is as good as that man, but that is no better than a hypocrite. In reality there Is very little difference between the moral man and the hypocrite. The hypo crite Joins the church and Indulges in the world sufficiently -to gratify certain sinful desires. The mpral man stands for the world and accepts the influences of a Christian home. Christian church and Christian civilization to keep him decent respectable and out of Jail. One stands with the church and steals the world, the other stands with the world and steals the church. You can pay your money and take your choice. What Jesus Christ wants are out-and- out Christians. The age demands absolute sincerity In the followers of Christ, If a men is a Christian, let him acknowledge It and come out on the side of Christ If he is not let him acknowledge It and take his stand with the devil. Don't try to be a happy mixture of saint and sinner and not much at that 'ro man can serve two masters, for -either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other, le cannot serve God and Mammon.' Christ wants positive enemies and positive friends. He issues his call and you must choose. You must accept or reject him. Christ recognizes no neutral position In religion. Tho moral man and the hypo crite both need to be out-ana-out ior Christ Neither is all he pretends to be. Both need to acknowledge their allegi ance to Christ and crown Him king of their lives." MURDERERS 03? JAPANESE. Brought Down to Vancouver for Trial for Life. vAvmiiVKR. B. C. Feb. 14. The steamer Nell arrh'ed here this morning knvinc nn Trvnrd three Indians broucht down charged with murder. In 1902 two Japanese fishermen at Rivers Inlet mys teriously disappeared ana it was inougni thw v,nii PT-l5ha in a. srale. Their bodies were never found and the matter had been almost forgotten until -last year, when the Indians confessed the murder to the Methodist missionary at Bella Bella. Tho .Tnnnnpse were murdered during a drunken bout being clubbed to death with paddles. The missionary communi Mtnri with the authorities and after in vnctimifinn three men were arrested on the capital charge. They win oe triea at tne next assizes. COMING EVENTS. Oregon. Board of Trade banquet Oregon City, Feb ruary 16- . . Taclflc Coast Association ot Traffic Men, Oregon Christian Endeavor Convention. Pen dlcton. February 19-22-Benton County sua snoot Corvallls, Feb ruary 22. Coll ok oratoricaJ contest Pacific University, Forest Grove. March 11. ri- vVintr Portland. Anril 20-23. State Convention, Knights of the Maccabees, TnrtlanA March 22. Annual reunion. Department of Oregon. G. A. It. Hood River, June 15-1 . Republican primaries. April 2. -Rnnnhliean County Conventions.' April 7. Republican State Convention. Portland. April 14 Washington. Midwinter Carnival, Walla Walla, February 15-22. . State Conference Charities and Corrections, ititr February 22-24. Salmon Fisheries Congress. Seattle, February 23-March 10. British Columbia. Dos show, Vancouver. March 31. Palnltatlon of the heart nervousness. tremblings nervous headache, cold bands and feet pain In the back, relieved by Carter's Little Pills. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 14. Maximum tempera ture. 40 deg minimum. 34. River reading. 11 A. M.. 7.G feet; change in 24 hours, rise 0.3 foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M-. 0.73 Inch: total since September J, 1903, 27.17 inches; normal, 23.5S; deficiency. 2.4L Total nrrr. metschan, pres. SETEtTI MO imilGTQI SHEETS, fOTUlB. GIESOI European Plan THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, American Plan Also European Plaa. Modern Restaurant. COST ONE HUXIOX DOLLARS. HEADQU1RTEBS FBI TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TBATELERS Special rates made ts families and single gentlemen. The Kisraage tent will be pleased at all times te show reoms aad give prices. A msd era Turkish bath establlsh-aerat la the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Mgr. NEW HOTEL SCOTT "We will rent elegant furnished rooms at very low. prices to fill our house quick. Rooms, both single and en suite. The appointments and service in this house will please you. They are as good as the best fine rubber tired coach makes all trains. Couples and single gentlemen that want the best at most reasonable rates selected it will more than pay you to Inspect our rooms. Fine restaurant billiards and bar In connection. HOTEL SCOTT, P. O. Block, sunshine February 13, 1904, 5 hours; possible. 10 hours 18 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 29.66. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. Wind. Baker City 2810.2SI 61 SE Snow Clear Bismarck .... ... Boise ItlOO.OO 141 NW 10 SB Cloudy Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C. . North Head 5610. SO slo.oo 14(0.00 40I0.10 3410.01 121 SE Kam NW 01 Cloudy Cloudy 321 E Rain Snow Pocatello 141 E ISW IXW IS 01 SE INW Portland 40K.73i 4610.SS 52(0.921 5410.02 38SO.00 Rain Red Blurt CloUdy Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City... San Francisco . . Spokane , Seattle "Walla "Walla ... Ilain Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 5S T 121 SE 3610.00; E NE S Cloudy Rain 42)0.03 Snow tBelow zero. x 'Light. T, trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the lost 12 hours heavy rains have fallen In Southern Oregon and In the "Wil lamette Valley, and lesser amounts are re ported in Northern California and in the Sound country. Snow has begun in Eastern Oregon. Eastern "Washington and Southern Idaho. Zero temperatures prevail In Eastern Mon tana and In the Dakotas. The Indications are for rain' or enow Monday east of the Cascades, and rain, with possibly part snow, to the west of this range. The winds along the coast will be brisk to high from the east. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending midnight. February 15: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; prob ably part snow. Brisk easterly winds. "Western Oregon Occasional rain; probably part snow; colder south portion, except near the coast. Brisk easterly winds becoming high near coast. "Western Washington Occasional rain or snow. Brisk easterly winds; high near coast. Eastern Oregon Rain or snow; wormer'ex treme east portion. Eastern Washington Rain or snow; wanner south portion. Idaho Rain or snow. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. EDUCATIONAL. from the GRAMMAR GRADES are sufficiently advanced to enter our school. Essential public school studies may be reviewed while taking a business or a shorthand course, without extra cost. It pays to attend our school. The success of our graduates proves this. In session all the year. Catalogue free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LLJJ., PRINCIPAL. GRADUATES Are thoroughly prepared in the shortest possible time consistent with good work and at the least possible expense to fill posiuons as FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPERS. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHERS. FIRST-CLASS PENMEN. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL We teach the following subjects: Book keeping. Banking. Rapid Calculations, Spelling. History. Geographr. Commercial ness Forms. Shorthand. Typewriting, etc Open ail tne year. j?Tee catalogue. Holmes Business College Established 1SS7. Yamhill and Eleventh Streets. Pernio Shorthand Only original llght-Une system. More calls for graduates tnan we can nil. iost tnorougsiy equipped ousiness couese in we oruwesu Day and night. Catalogue. BEHNKE - WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Stearns Block. Sixth and Morrison. NEW TODAY. LOUIS H. BOLL Piano teacher, is cow located at 342& Wash lncton it near 7th. Parlors 9 and 10. WAREHOUSE Sites for sale, all sizes, railroad switch. West Side, or will buna ana lease to ten ants. Bargains both sides. It. M. Wilbur. 506 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. Bond ing loans. Installment loans. Wit MAC- MASTER, 311 Worcester block C W. KNOWXES, Mgr. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day OREGON $3 PER DAY and mm Seventh and Ankeny Sts WHAT A MOUTH You have with several teeth missing. which makes you ashamed to laugh. If you do open your mouth, everybody no tices the deficiency and unpleasant com ments are made about It when your back Is turned. "Why not have a bridge made which will look as well as the original teeth and feel Just as comfortable? Call and see us If you want the best work performed painlessly. AT SALEM we have opened a branch office In the Steusloff building, corner Court and Liberty streets. DR. B. EE. WRIGHT'S DENTAL OFFICE S42$& WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Office hours: S A. M. to 5 P. M.; evenings, 7:80 to 8:30. Sundays. 10 A. 1L to 12 M. Telephone Mam ZUS. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES "Rooms." "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Rooms," "Situation Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 10 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, CO cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agato). 15 cents per line, first insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken -through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At No. 7 North Fifth, corner Ankeny, at 10 A. Ji.. oy a. .u. unman. Auctioneer. At 162 First st. Sale at 10 A. M. sharp. II. Ford, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Work in E. A. Degree. All M. M. are cordially Invited to attend, THOMAS GRAY. Secretary. rvANHOE LODGE. NO. 10. K. OF P. Regular convention this (Monday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock, In Pythian Hall, eighth floor Mar quam bldg. Members are .requested to be pres ent. Visiting ivnignia arc curujaij- inmcu. C. H. MEUSSDORFFER. JR., C. C. FRED P. HOLM, K. of It. and S. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening. M. M. De gree. Work will be performed by Past Masters. All Master Masons cordially invited. By order W. M. F. GLAFKE. JR., Secretary. STEAM ENGINEERS' POLITICAL CLUB Kteam enirineers. attention! There will be a meeting of the Steam Engineers' Political Club Monday. Feb. 15. 1004, at Engineers' Hall. 49U, 1st St.. at 8 P. M. All engineers in this city, regardless of affiliation, are re quested to be present. By order chairman of committee. ' LODGE HALL for rent Wednesday evening; centrally located. P S3, care ureconian. DIED. STEPHENSON Mrs. Margret Mountain Ste phenson, wire or tne late James siepnenson. and daughter of Captain Thomas Mountain, In her 57th year. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. MERRITT In this city. Feb. 14. 1004. Theresa Walbors Merritt. age 20 years 4 months 23 dars. Funeral Tuesaay. bet), iu. at 10 a. M.. from Holman's Chapel, corner Third and Salmon sts. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend. Funeral in charge of the Union Payment System. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertaken and cmbalmers. have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. FIN LEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 32. CLARKE BROS., FINE FLOWERS, Flo ral designs. 239 Morruoa. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER - W. T. Pansle. Resident Manager. TONIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK. (Tuesday and Wednesday nights.) Edward J. Morgan In THE ETERNAL CITY Sarah. Truax. Frederick de Bellvllle. Frank C Bangs. W. E. Bonney and a support ing company of 60 people. Prices. $1.50. $1.00. 75c, 50c Seats now selling. Remember the early curtain. THE BAKER THEATER d Thone Mala 1207. Special announcement All this -creek Henrietta Crewman's great success, MISTRESS NELL First time on Pacific Coast. The original Crosman version. Even's, 50c, 35c, 25c. 15c. Matinee, 25c, 15c, 10c. Next week. The Case of Rebellious Susan CORDRAY'S THEATER John F. Cordray and W. M. Russell. M'grs. Evening prices. 15c. 25c, 35c. 40c. 50c Matinee prices, adults 25c, children 10c Tonight, all week and Saturday matinee, Henry B. Marks presents "William J. Holmes In the beautiful pastoral play, "ONE NIGHT IN JUNE." A play you will enjoy. ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles, Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. NEW TODAY. TLLUSTRATION NO. 2. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. No. 109 Third Street. Incorporated April 22. 18S7. Suppose you have funds on hand which you want to lend on mortgage. You do not know when you will find a suitable loon. Deposit the funds with us. We will Issue a certificate of deposit, payable on ten days' call, with In terest at three and one-quarter per cent per an num. When you find your loan, call your cer tificate. Your attorney will search the title during the ten days your call Is running. You then draw your money with Interest to tne end ot the ten days and take your mortgage. Call on us or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary New York Underwriters Acencr. follow ing the honorable course pursued by It in all previous conflagrations. Is adjusting and paying UaJtlmore losses. JL'AICIUSII, WATIUNS & tU.. Agent. No. 250 Alder St. BALTIMORE FTRE PARTIES INSURED In the old reliable Phoenix Insurance Com pany, of Hartford, Conn., are safe; lost one-tenth ot surplus In Baltimore fire, in sure In the Phoenix, of Hartford. See you do. J. L. Wells Co., 94 Grand ave. VERY RICH AND WELL IMPROVED dairy farm of 240 acres, near Hlllsboro; milk condenser; price $8500; also 3000-acre Island of rich grass land: $20 per acre. See T. Wlthycombe, 244 StarK St., fort' land. Or. $0000.00 SIXTH ST., WEST SIDE, TWO and one-half blocks from Hotel Portland. large residence; owner. 573 Irving st. FOR RENT COLOMa DOCK. BET. OAK and Pine rts. Apply to R. T. Cox. Room 10 Newmarket block. FOR SALE A choice building lot on GUsan near 18th street, rrice $2500.00. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO. No. 230 Alder Street, FOR SALE Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machine (hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. W. Cochran, with Ore gonlan rublishing L.o. Mortgage Loans 5 and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, Formerly of MacMaster & Birrell. 202-3 McKay Building. Third and Stark. Phone Main 232. ESTACADA The new. eomlnr city of Clackamas Coun ty offers great Inducements for manufac tures of all kinds, it has tne most powenui electric and water power In tho Northwest. .O. W. P. TOWNSITE CO.. 132 1ST ST., COR. ALDER. ROOM 5. PHONE MAIN 216. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE AND corner lot on inn st.. near tarxet st. the house cost over $7000 and the ground Is worth ?5000; I will now take ?8500 for house and ground, if I can sell It this week. Address M 84, core Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW, MODERN, WELL-BUILT 7-room colonial nouse, just completed: on Wllllama ave., near Halsey St.; walking dis tance; terms. Apply to owner, room zi, zt Morrison st. $030 FOR SALE A CHOICE LOT NEAR E. Ankeny sL; street and sewer fully Im proved, etc; terms reasonable. Apply to J. H. McAfee, care Allen St Lewis. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE, $000; 5-ROOM cottage, $050; 5-room cottage, modern, $1175; terms. Seward, owner, 401 Pres cott st. Phone Union G5Z4. FOUR ACRES OF LAND. 3-ROOM HOUSE and barn: Woodstock car line; 4 blocks west of Mann Station. Inquire 280 Taylor st.. from 2 to o r. m. FOR SALE QUARTER BLOCK RIGHT IN heart of city; oesi locauon in cu ior noiei, or I might lease ground for 10 or 20 years. X 62. Oregonlan. tsno INSTALLMENTS. DOUBLE-SIZE LOT within COO feet of Sellwood car line, near Midway. Inquire k. . wuson. room iv, Worcester block. k-tvv (LPnoM HOUSE. CEMENT CELLAR beautiful! reception hall, full lot. near Upper Alblna car; bargain. $1000. Room 0. 245K Morrison. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. w. P. electric line. o. R. Addition, Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott car; 5c NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE $1200: one-tnira aown, Daiance install ments. Apply S71 East 11th st.. North. HOUSES BUILT ON INSTALLMENTS anywhere In the city; plans and estimates furnished. Apply 405 Marquam bldg. SDC-ROOM HOUSE FULL LOT; SMALL payment down: balance monthly. King. 866 East 7th St.. N.; phone East 675. $2000 MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT on East 31st St.. near Hawthorne av.; a bar gain. Valley Land Co.. 43 1st st. FOR SALE 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LARGE lot. In Upper Alblna; fine location. By owner. C2S Williams ave. $600 BUYS TWO SIGHTLY LOTS IN AL blna: walking distance. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. 27 N. 1st. $2000 MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 lots on East 10th et; a bargain. Valley Land Co., 43 1st st. FOR SALE 8 ACRES AT MILWAUKIE ; house, barn, cow and wagon; all kinds of fruit. John Flick. 10 ACRES. CULTIVATED; HOUSE BARN, fruit; fine soil: near electric line. Owner, 332 Sherlock bldg. MODERN. UP-TO-DATE 12-ROOM HOUSE, corner E 24tb and Wasco: installments. Phone East 675. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW 7-ROOM house. 21st and Northrup sts. L Vanduyn. 270 Washington. FOR SALE LOT 50x100. WEST PARK, suitable for hotel, flats or department house. M 81. Oregonlan. GOOD RESIDENCE LOTS CHEAP; OWN er. Phone Union C524. FOR SALX REAL ESTATE. A FEW CHOICE BARGAINS IN FAMOUS Clark County. Wash.: HO acres rich land, on Salmon Creek. 0 miles from Vancouver; -15 acres cleared, and cultivated: 40 acres beaverdam swale, eas ily cleared: 40 acres good timber: 1.500.000 feet saw timber: 200 cords oak wood; good 7-room 2-story house; large barn; school on place; free mall delivery; cheap at J 5230. Fruit farm. 21 acres. 3Vs miles from Van couver: snivel road: H mile to school; free mall delivery; all in cultivation; 14 acres orchard, chiefly prunes and apples; 2H story hard-finished house. It rooms: fine barn, cost ?G00; cellar, well, choice shrub bery about house; a beautiful place; price, only $4500. Improved farm. 125 acres. 5 miles from Vancouver. 1i mile from school; free mail delivery: splendid soil. CO acres cultivated. 25 -acres brush land, 40 acres timber; new 0-room house; fair barn, wagon shed, shop, well: sanitary plumbing in house: near rail road station, creamery and store; price, $4750. 35 acres choice land, 3 miles from Van couver, mile to school: free mail route; 15 acres cleared, 12 acres orchard, balance land In brush easily cleared: house- and barn; spring: bargain at $1500. Nice little farm. 9 miles out: 45 acres; 30 cultivated. 2 acres orchard; sufficient tim ber for use on place: well-built modern house. 0 rooms, painted; good frame barn; near school and mall route: only $2000. Choice little place. OH acres. 2 miles from Vancouver ferry; all in cultivation and fenced: 3 acres orchard; small house and barn; fine berry or potato land; near school and mail route: dirt cheap at $000. Fine farm 190 acres. 5 miles from Van couver; free mall delivery; near school, church, creamery, etc: 75 acres cultivated. Including 13 acres bearing orchard; choice varieties fruit all kinds; .35 acres slashed and seeded to pasture: living water for stock? 5-room house, rood barn, all neces sary outbuildings; price. $7000; terms, half cash, balance 1 to 5 years at 5 per cent interest. , fhnlrv. trart. M nnr. 43 ncrpa cleared: fenced and cultivated; 10 acres orchard; all kinds berries and small fruits: new 0-room house, largo barn; well; 9 acres good tim ber; T miles from Vancouver, near scnooi, eureh. P. O.. mora, etc: onlr S2600. For particulars regarding above or other property In Clark county or cuy 01 Van couver, address J. H. Elwell, Williams blk., Vancouver, wash. FOR " SALE BY OWNER A MODERN 0-room house and quarter blccK. full bncic basement: house neatea throughout wttn furnace; gas and electric lighting, porcelain bath and all plumbing first class; handsome sideboard; laundry with stationary tuns; stone wall around place; a bargain for any one wanting a first-clasa modern home; price $5000. See owner on premises. 140 E. 32d St., cor. Morrison. Take Sunnyside car. 160 ACRES. WITH 00 ACRES UNDER THE plow; good 7-room house; milk house: land fenced and cross-fenced: good barn; 2 good orchards ($500 -worth of fruit sold each year): good dairy ranch; close to school, mile from R. R. station and steamboat landlnir on Columbia River: -price. $3000. For bargains in farm property call on Imus & Wluougbby, Kalama. wash. FOR SALE ELEGANT. NEW. MODERN 7- room home; all conveniences; z open nre places: Vi block; fine lawn; Improved streets; near E- 15th and Alder. Call 213 commer clal block. Phone Main 1385. $1100-C-ROOM COTTAGE, ONE BLOCK TO cars, at wgmano; nrst-ciass condition ana a snap. Terms. F. W. TORGLBR. 100 Sherlock bldg. 5-ROOM HOUSE. E. CLINTON. GOOD plumbing, lot 60x100. $2000: Vi cash. bal. installments, 0 per cent. F. M. Johnson & Co.. 321 Falling bldg. and 82 4th st. GROUP OF 10 LOTS. PENINSULAR AD- dltlon no. 3. very cheap, corner lot Htepn ens Addition, near car, sewer and streets an done. 4ZH union ave. FOR SALE FARMS. 640 ACRES ON RIVER. 375 GRASS. BAL- ance splendid timDer. 0,000,000 cedar, spruce and yellow fir: good new house, large 100- tons capacity Darn, mowers, sod cutters, harrows, plows; good boat. 2 dally molls price $12,000. or $8000 without timber terms can be had. W. W. Espey, Room 1. .Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND. 8 MILES zrom Portland. 1 mile from Tlgardvllle; good black soil, plenty of water, 3 good buildings, on the main road, 1 acre or chard, all fenced, 8 acres clear; price $1600. Inquire at once, 301 21st N., Port land, ur. FARMS FOR SALE 1 fine fruit and grain ranch of 320 acres. wumn i miies 01 city or suyu innaoitants, on easy terms. 3 chicken ranches, small, close In. ROOM 418, Dekum Building. FOR SALE FARM, 210 ACRES. 1 MILES east 01 Dallas; all valley land. In high state cultivation; will divide in smaller tracts It desired; good location. For particulars ad dress George Rowcllfte, Dallas. Or. , IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; pay ments made to suit purchasers. For par ticulars apply to WM. MACMASTER, 311 Worcester block. FOR SALE CHEAP 11 ACRES WASH lngton County; 4 acres cleared, balance timber: Scholl's Ferry Road. 0 miles from Portland. mile from railroad. X 70, Oregonlan. $10 A MONTH BUYS A 10-ACRE FARM. $200 profit per annum per acre. Write for booklet. It's free. 011 J. st. Wright & Kembrough. Sacramento, Cal. t . 100-ACRE FARM. 2 MILES FROM KING3- ton; 100 acres plow land; good buildings; well watered. W. F. Hayes, Kingston, Or. 400-acre farm for sale, 4 miles from Kings ton; Vt under cultivation; good buildings, well watered. G. W. Croisant, Kingston. Or. 640 ACRES FOR DAIRYING. STOCK AND frultrolslng; near coast and busy towns; $10 an acre; a bargain. V 13, care Oregonlan. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY, TIMBER claims and school land locations. Ogden Sc Maxwell, 310 Ablngton bldg. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. TWO FINE RELINQUISHMENTS. 1C0 acres; 3,000,000 ft. yellow fir saw timber, 40 acres of piling, 5 tons of chlttam bark; price, $500.00. 100 acres 2000 piling, besides lots of small timber suitable for trap poles; price $500.00. Both claims are within mile of fine logging stream. Call on Imus & Wllloughby, Kalama, Wash. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards: also recertified soldiers' additional Porterfleld-Valentlne land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Maglnnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. LAND SCRIP PARTIES WANTING LARGE or small tracts ready for Immediate use, a military land warrant or know of timber lands ready for scrlpplng, address H. C Slgler, 521 Byrne bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE I HAVE RECENTLY EXAM Ined a very good body of timber In Clat sop County. Oregon. Address or call J. E. Barbow. room 33. Gil nan bldg.. city. SCRIP. SCRIP. SCRIP! NEW LOT Ap proved forest reserve Just arrived. Write me. No cne can undersell me. L. W. Whiting. 408 Ablngton bldg. WANTED PRACTICAL LOGGER FOR small logging contract; 0.000,000 or better; good horse, chance, handy to river. Apply to D. Davis. lt4 Morrison. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for Immediate use. "W. G. Howell, 538 Chamber of Commerce. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for Immediate use. H. B. Compson, ais Marquam bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BRING US YOUR PROPERTY. WE WANT small pieces or improved real estate from $1000 up. We also want business chances. We have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co., 40S Ablngton Didg., roruana, ur. I HAVE $10,000 WITH WHICH I WANT to buy West Side property: will assume Indebtedness; any one wanting to sell will please give full particulars and address. L 84, Oregonlan. FOB KENT FARMS. FOR RENT TRACT OF FINE GARDEN land, under cultivation, and house. East Side; electric cars pass the place. Apply Goodnough & Stearns, Washington bldg. FEW ACRES NEAR MONTAVILLA CAR; house, barn; room for cow. chickens; fruit. 234 H Morrison st-, room FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT; 070 ACRES, TXt frnm Orrron City: fine location for dairying or stockraislng; rent cheap. For farther information address J. J. Kuntx. Beaver Creek. Clackamas Co.. Or. TO EXCHANGE- FARM TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT or rocmlng-house. coiumma ueai uw Trust Co.. 234 Morrison st. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. "WANTED TO RENT SMALL FARM WITH jwjusc ana -some pasture or out range; cltof in preferred. Box 84. Lents, Or. K SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Horses. $123 BTnrS TEAM AND HARNESS; TEAM workers and well broken; harness heavy team; harness complete. Call nerhv Stable. 15th and Burnslde sti T THHtTY HORSES, WELL BROKEN FOR head can be seen at 5th and Couch t Phon Union 1G32. --oucn st. SNAP $45 .BUYS GOOD DELIVERY HORSB u j wunos; aiso new set of express harness. Call 20 N. 15ih st. vehicles, goose-neck furniture wagons -ge stock harness and saddles. 211 Wash! Pianos. A FINE1 WEBER PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP. Miscellaneous. FOUR FKiE POINTER PUPS 7 MONTHS old. by Baby Star and Windsor George: Baby Star, she, by Shooting Star and Bright Shooting Star, by Little Sua and Little Ned: Windsor George by Pointer Bell and Young Riprap. These are fine, healthy pups; will sell cheap. Call or address J. S. Seed. 5S4 4th st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? itepalr it with Elaterlte; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for now roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. O. K. GRUBBER AND STUMP PULLER Just what you are looking for; three state premiums; grubs an acre a day; one horsa has power of 00; investigate. Jameo Fin ney, Brooks. Or. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23; all makes rented arid repaired. Rubber stamps, notary seals, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. FOR SALE CHEAP WHITE SEWING MA chine; used very little; perfect condition. Call morning, 330 Halsey st. AN ENDOWMENT POLICY FOR SALE; with first-class company; good reason for selling. G 82, Oregonlan. NICE FURNITURE FOR 0-ROOM FLAT. Telephone East 32, or call at Advance Thresher Co. BRAND-NEW CASH REGISTER. TOTAL adder; half price; 5 new whisky barrels. 115 N. 3d. FOR SALE FINE ENGLISH SETTER bitch, partly broken; 1 year old. Phono Brown 083. FOR SALE "PARLOR QUEEN" ORGAN. In excellent condition; $25 cash. 11 E. 14th. N. GOOD SINGER SEWING MACHINE: SNAP. Call 81 N. Park, Friday, Saturday and Mon day. THREE SECOND-HAND BANK SAFES. Norrls Safe & Lock Co.. 70 1st St.. Portland. HELP WANTED MALE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, tha leading employment agency of the North west. 240 Burnslde st. Phone Main 3074. WANTED OPENED FOR BRIGHT. COOD appearlng solicitor for established route; salary ancV commission basis; high-class proposltlotveducatlonal In character. Ad dress J. P. Thompson. Supt.. 305 Larkln st. San Francisco. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR ber trade: new class of ladles Just starting; write tor full particulars, and if in doubt make a personal Investigation. American Barber College. 253 Everett St.. Portland. PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL TRADE for manufacturing house; salary $20,' paid weekly: expense money advanced; previ ous experience unnecessary. Standard. House. 350 Caxton bldg., Chicago. WANTED 8 FALLERS. $2.50 DAY; 25 swampers and oxmen, $2 day; 25 sawyers, $2.25 day; 1 filler. 1 head faller, free pass, ship Monday night. Call Scandinavian-American Employment Co., 220 3d st. WB HAVE POSITIONS OPEN FOR BALE8- men, executive, clerical and technical men& $1000 to $3000. Ask for booklet. Hapgood's, suite K, 502 Pioneer bldg., Seattle, Wash. Men to learn barber trade: only 8 weeks re quired; - years saved; positions secured when competent; catalogue mailed free. Moler System College. San Francisco, CaL WEL FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR suites, very central; 389 Alder, between W. Park and 10th. All coavenlences; gen tlemen preferred; references. i AMATEUR PERFORMERS, SINGERS. PIAN- Ista wanted; stage dancing, vaudeville act ing taught. Newman's Theatrical Agency, 313 Washington. V COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders. No. 148 4th st. Phone Red 1003. RAILROAD OPERATOR OF MANY YEARS experience, wonts students In telegraphy; practical work; night. X 58. Oregonlan. WANTED PUPILS IN GERMAN BY BXPE rlenced teacher from Germany; evenings; conversational method. F 55. Oregonlan. FRONT ROOM GENTLEMEN PRE ferrcd; private family; bath, phone. 120 10th St., bet- Washington and Alder. WANTED PORTRAIT AND PHOTO agents; our new offer; a winner. Rem brandt Studio, Ablngton bldg. LIVE ADVERTISING SOLICITOR "WANTED. Apply between 0 and 11 o'clock Monday morning, room 40 Labbe bldg. WANTED A GOOD MAN TO SOLICIT AND deliver groceries; references required. Ad dress A 1, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; money no object. 82 N. 2d St., Portland. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; good shop; terms reasonable. H 60, Orego nlan. BEST 10-CENT SHAVE IN CITY; CLEAN towels, etc 205 Morrison st. Ed Dennlson. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COOK AND -baker for hunting club. R 78. Oregonlan. TAILOR WANTED IMMEDIATELY; GOOD coatmaker. Enright, Salem. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOOKTENDER. $3.50; RIGGING RUSTLER. $2.75; bead skidder. $3; head faller. $2.73; second faller, $2.50; swampers, $2.23; ten oners, $2.50 up; farmhands and milkers, $23 and $30: man and wife to run hotel restau rant, city; plenty other work. Canadian Employment Co.. 240 Burnslde; branch 226 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, city and country; nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers: plenty of housework, $15 to $30. Phone Main 1323. Canadian Parlors, 220H Morrison. AMATEUR PERFORMERS. SINGERS, PIAN lsts wanted; stage dancing, vaudeville act ing taught. Newman's Theatrical Agency, 3134 Washington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT resses chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis' Agency. 230J$ Yamhill. Phone Black 2S31. HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAITRESSES, chambermaids. Women's Employment Of fice. 232 1st st. Phone Hood 1)25. WANTED REFINED MIDDLE-AGED WOM an companion, assist housework: good home. srnsi1 salary. Inquire 225 2d at, WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSE work, family of two. Apply 781 Lovejoy. Phone West 242. Girls secure good positions. Port. Women's Employment Office, 21C Allsky. Red 3087. WANTED EXPERIENCED TA1LORESS TO work on coats. 271H Morrison, room C WANTED AT 251 7TH ST.. AN BXPERI enced chambermaid. Apply at L GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. 128 N. 18th st. A COMPETENT NURSE FOR CHILDREN; good wages. 404 Madison st. WANTED WOMAN once. 2S4 Main st. DISHWASHER AT WANTED COMPETENT NURSE GIRL. AP ply 45 N. 21st st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. EMPLOYMENT AND REAL ESTATE OF flce, 176 Madison St.. solicits your patronage. Phone Black 1712.