Til 15 MUCKING. ,Q3iE-iQNIAy. "THURSDAY,, :gEBBjPABY ,11, 1901 - 1 . Tog kent. r roa kent. . fok bent. . T business chances. financial. . x. btjsss directory. . ' jJ' f - business directory. . Rooms. - Flat. x store. CUT-RATE REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS i " MONEY MONKT. t Architects. , 1 ' Electrical WorViSv, " , , ... r Chance Offlce I N. Cth. opposite PosioClce. To salaried employes and wajre-earaers. ' ; - '- - : : SJrnfPx.-, C9K- H AND ANKENY. TO KENT SUITE OF FOUR LARGE. STORES FOR KENTTHREE LARGS Phono Red 173S. Get our system that gets you out ot debt. CHICAGO ARCHITECTS. PLANS FURNISH- PORTLAND MECHANICAL AND ELEC- ?" . .T ecant famished, sunny well-furnished rooms. In private house. stores In new brick building southwest Cijar stand and living roams; $273. Any lady or gentleman, clerk, bookkeeper, ed lor Building1.' structural Iron work, etc trlcal Works. ITS' Madison. Tel Black 29SL rooms, new building, central location, mod- Nob Hill; refined couple -without children. corner Tenth and "Washington. Steam heat: Clsr.- f tand and 11 vies rooms, $650. talesman, trainman, machinist, engineer. 615-618 Cosaerctal bldg. Phone Main 117. era construction; everything vnew through- Front 230L large cement basement; everything mod- CI4 --ond and living rooms. $S00. etc, having rellabla employment, caa get ' Oregoa Ylavl Co. . 1 rent rooms for the present at "yra. Inquire B. Morton Cohn. Ottthwst Room .g-house. 60 rooms, lease. S000, Jufct on his note: Art Furniture. ,erate meJ service will more FOR RENT 5-ROOM FLAT: MODERN; REF- corner Park and Oak. 3 rooms, transient; best buy In the city.- Monthly- H-Mon. Weekly. , Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison sts. Heaiia than please you; the appointments of this erences: no children. Inquire 334 Salmon et. . . can't be beat for this class of a house; on $50.00 Repay to us 13.33 or or $3.35 Odd pieces of antique hand-carved furniture talks to ladles. Thursday. 2:30 P. M. ,,eJ: "S5,UI?assfd; 8116 restaurant, bll- . room 23x33. SUITABLE FOR STORAGE OH 6th st.: owner leaving for Alaska; .good $23.00 Repay to us $ &06 or $3.33 or $1.63 f0r sale; repairing done. 4 SO Washington. 1- . Hard-room, and bar In connection; free bus. FOR RENT MODERN FLAT. 4St BURN- small manufacturing, on second floor. Ap- I". $2300. , $15.00 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.08 - Osteopathy. , ,,.. , side st., cor E. 8th. ply to A. W. Nash. 203 Stark st. rooms, transient; 4-year lease. $100 per Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. Ceraesc Contractors. : : THE LINCOLN. JUST OPENED, 403 MOR- month: price $2500. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous voracr. SMITH DR. CARYLL I SMITH. rams'lA fh'n l1: 15 tbCSfUZfi FOR RENT-FLAT. 223 MARKET ST. IN- Vni.PJa& t T(ar. eat5inC 25? ?A.R LOAN CO- 210 Mc" CARTER A ELL. cement contractors. 271 osteopathic physicians; graduates Klrkavllle. SaVe? Hf,1 3d f.ol "S,, Qu!re Janltor. fl" PERSONAL. s XT?0' lt!d8 3, blds- 8t- Porter st. Tel. Front 2Sdi Work guiran- . Mo. . 403 dregonlan. Pbon Mala 12vZ i 8team neat, electric lights, baths 8 per cent Interest; money loaners, Investl- . teed. Sanitarium 614 4th ol modern appointments; new build- Housekeeping Rooms. FORMULAS FREE-FOR MEN AVn wo. . . MONEY FOR SALARIED PBOPLS. tag; every facility for caring for the trar- , Vr5S'jiv7ed foTLrh S f? 7? rooms, housekeeping; lease. $1500- Any wage-earner seed tor mosey ier pay- Assarers asd Aaalrsts. DIt. H. V. AD IX, DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. nronri?"06,?- & Bal1 THE .MONTICELLO. 320 "FRONT. COR. fUncT it.llJi grooms, transient; splendid locaUon, can get It fr us: no ccmmlssloa cla- Assayers aq Analysts. osteopathic physicians. stllS 416 DrtSam proprietor. Phone Main 25L dayS suites housekeeping rooms, fur- wrtnkfis. ftSowS. wnXrVunken Hurf "tot- ' ii,IBama vvMt,,n.. tee STM RVrafoL PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANA- Wdg. 3d and Washington sts. Consultatloa TWO vrwrr -gTTPreTT pni nJshcd or unfurnished; 1 new S-room flat. low cheeks, flabby necks, double chins, email- D rcS? P,. t" .sM. 2?nhW in nT'mi " "Si" lyst? gold dust bought. 223J4 Stark st. free. Phone Main 341). XWO NICELY FURNISHED KOOMS, PHI- furnished or unfurnished ta mlt trnnt. Mi T!ttlr.rs red veins, freckle, brown mti. u rooms, transient. Morxlson t.,wu. seonthly U amounts Trora il and upwards, . vate residence; use of dining-room and i""aneq or untnrnisned to suit tenant. . c!r tnr ofhr dlslalof Vta TSlo 12-rooia housekeeping. 1st st.,-jS5a thus avoiding payment of the whole ajboub: o(. DR. L. PATTERSON osteonath nervous dia nhS ,ranec: ""JSSfe NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING HavnomedI seU:oupr rnlture of 5-room cottage. East Side. gtoT anypayday; and kav. a!x saonth,: !fl iaSS HotM ' i" fr0m rooms, very complete; best flat In the city; own. ?I give you free my scientific treat- Delicatessen nfl jirco. NELSON A HtNDLST OREGON & WASHINGTON BOATING CO.. : . HoteL Phone Brown .343. ranEe in aU rooms; rent reasonable. pent for skin and complexion; send 4 cents ResSSnr L&v leise $S73- 3(5 McKay Ild'r. 1S2 Morrison st. Barging. lightering. DRS. ANNA M. & FRANK J. BARK, S00 - ,., lOSij Union avc. cor. East AldscT stamps for particulars. Address X. Z. Good .It.' ir' ml y frelghUng. etc; barges for rent. Phon Dekum bldg. Phone Main 2220. 190 13TH DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. 1 Cauffman. DermatologUt. 101 1st ave.. Sev S F ff0611. for. S e-SL MS. tm-Fr, w trmovrt vtvakctat ir.rvr Black. 30L II. FOerach Max Resl- . S'S'tr?0 ?W PER MONTH 3 FURNISHED HOUSE- ttle. Wash. K?t peSith" Mc"n " t? Nt "mlir ' dencThone. Main 31 ' - Parmlstry. """ KTtirS: AZA HO BECteATERY Xfor tSJS8 ci edo?? Cpcnter. and Builder,. FREE TESTSFREE TESTS TO ALL WHO ONE LArF FISHED ROOM. ON Sof V fteFnrV HvSf3H 0 TZZTZZ IS P0 BURNISHED OOM OS for RENT VERY DESIRABLE UN FUR- fejf." pf"- Saloon, fln" ideatfon! rleaseT$2100. nieney as building progresses when desired, Jobbing, contracting. 330,Stark. Blafk 314. f te", wh " prepared for a read- flrst floor and facing Park and Main sts.. nlshed rooms, newly papered and painted; '.'t" rtTercrce of Portland's' leading phy- Loan cOce. SaMm(J dedses Invoice Optlcn la repayment after one year. : Ing:,. $1000 to any person who can equal ma with use of telephoned bath for gen- under newknagement. 52 UnloTavc vfifnffi VTS' " $2000? unredeemed pledges, invoic FRED H. STKONO. Financial Agat. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELV- . n telllne the secrets of your life. I will tleraan only, for $10.00 tPer month. 240 phone Union 310. 304 Morrison et. Tel Hood 2S2. Rooming-house 23 rooms 19 furnished. 10 24 st. Bear Stark. ig. houses built and repaired! 203 4th.- tell your name and the object ot your visit. -22L 3SS JEFFERSON - FOUR ROOMS FUR- " WOM&T WANTED SUFFERING FROM yeaseestl cSaUy" SALARY LOANS- CUTXTO , A"' l THE MENOMINEE. 383 YAMHILL ELE- 3JsSed cfmlete foi hlusekplng;: !,la- '".'r2 ,,f r "PPZ leucorrhca In vestlgaU; ce ntraUy loca ted. . 9Aloaa aoaex to ttIuj(d la Chiropodists anT Manicuring. a T gantly furnished front roois, suites or bathrtelcphone; no children; central, ref- iw,fs)a?2 U J5" r ,woe,'a or Several her nood buys on our list; see of $10f to $100; from one to six months P ilISS EMMA LORENZ. ASTROLOGER AND single: modern conveniences: two blocks wencw J?,?1- c?'5,l)0,5l Dr-r5ess.lerii?. Ym us before buying 7 extended; no delays or unpleasant L, MITCHELL. THE FIRST LICENSED EX- Palmist, prophetess; through her powerful frcm Portland Hotel; transients solicited. , erences. Portland, . Or. Private Itlng-room Wo have tornV and cltr property, some inquiries; business strictly confidential and HrV huSp5dlst Portland, hase only up- work wealth and happiness can be brought ' ,r.r,r -r.rT THREE ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE ISiSS'iS SSSft " rfU very fint ws taken at once courteous treatment extended to all; prl- totf chpwjy and 1 manicuring parlors In to all wishing success. If you cannot call awWSM-mm. thtaliMrSS Inclose 10 2-cent stamp,. TlrS vS amSer to loan onr the n""- orUlw"t Co- 3?I ihla. 'cttrtbSEliarsTO "chliotot la th. gad 50 ca nd da tec , bl rth for reading. ntsbed and plearant rooms, new brick build- bath, two beds If desired. 73 5th. cor! Oak. "Book of K.hr- " -Th- vMt a above property. . Ablngton bldg. I Northwest as assistant. All Instruments f'J" r1" Raleigh blk., cor. Cth and tngs; new. up.to-date furnishings; $2.50 to "'' " ' " Mature. "The Beauty Spot. A ' vnr - i sterlUzed 702 Marauam. Black 2S51. Washington. $4 a week; transients, 50c to $L Red 3146. l.RRF, mn.-, nQQM ptrkishfd- ko tt&iL. 5el ..G..' . cb1 - BERRY & ALEXANDER.. uo:iEY TO Sj0MSft q AND 7 PER CENT. 'tenured. 70, Marquam. lliacx -aai. GENTLEMEN WILL FIND BEAUTIFUL Moa?to toa-S2eS U i5 Passlon's Para'dlse "A. Modern Lover!" - LODGING-HOUSE OWNERS!!! . $ WhaWco? ifSSS? sl WM. DEVENY & ESTELT OJEVENY. THE MB JOHNSTON j. CImVCA.NT AND froTteultablforSor uSfJf sonable. Inquire 228 11th st. Maine 20SO. "Nana." "HeptJuneron." -T'otoan of-Flre!" If you want to sell and sell QUICK, call W. A. Shaw A Co.. .43 Stark at. niy .sclenUllc : chiropodists fvvih r nSnav 3d es"cms buse tir'taota - yTv.pHFn ttotTKF tree. A. W. Schmale. 223 tot. Sl""!.? OUF meB MONEY LOANED salaried people: no delay; (&UMthtoa , $1. truth or no pay. 233 3d st. , home comforts. 230 6th. cor. Madison. inK DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES Celling of this trlctly private. 717 Marquam. Hood 134a! &1, tmil foggVr. JgSglb?? amnlcV FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS 8hed: $13.30; respectable people only. U a month keeps your clothing cleaned class of property a SPECIALTY. Plenty " ' - . . ,. rtTm0PODIST ' ItQ' suitablTfor gentlemenV bath, gas. phone! WASHtx-Gton HQITSFTTFEPINQ "wed Prompt caiu'and011 dSierte 01 l l0aa ,n TCO SPECIAL NOT! CSS. tSrlaac&f LARSEN. THE PALMIST, returned: will glvo' alee, comfortable transient rooms. 225fc 54jV WASHINGTON ST. HOUSEKEEPER Q SSIS'?. n,i!fSBj2 7- .y.SJ.Z ft. ,r ,. . , T AFT & CO., - ide cor isd Waih Son. reading for short time only. Allsky bldg, 1st st. bet. Salmon and Main sts. rooms, desirable well furnished; front. Unique Tailoring Co.. 34. W ashlagtoa. op- 125 Ablngton Bldg. Phone Mala 150. Proposals larlted, bldg.. cor. Cth and Washington. oniy. ausst aia ' ; Phone, bath, brick block; single room. pcslte Cordray-s. : . P J Crrf, Engineers. . Patent Lawyers. wtntouJS ScfemWntfw: FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED MRS M GILBERT. FROM LONDON-ALL ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS LO- Vlnttln om fFQ2. PHILIP a fartwipkv aen WORCESTER T. J. GEISLER. patent and trade-mark mat- . gjgr s3sfttsst- ' aasjgtgiaaw a - SHfii mILTsTHS SgiSSS 1 SSr5 - saa. TsogiEssg - "nirz 1 -- : r.rrZr S? Preferred, references. SS9 Alder st. ertnees. janitor. Washington. positively guarantee our w'Tk; electrical scalp . ' nlshlag 131,'SO? cap dovlcai tor cavalry, MME. DP- HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. SCI- l&J3 and curea 011 diseases ot womea, Phone Main -Jt. NFTC.. v nmviRwrn TTrannrunirr treatments, certain remedy !or dandruff and ln-ROOM nooMivn woimr- trmr rnqr- lnfar.try. , artillery and engineer troops. entlflo revsaler, tells Ufa from cradle to 303 Salmon, between 5th and 0th. ; r TTt. .... N? Wh.v.FPRiH S. rJ .1 falling hair; manicuring and chiropody. N. Y. cystic nM- : tw 'TSf- o lds will be apened for the delivery of grave, Consultation on all affairs: good T 1 THE FINEST IN THE CITY; NONE NEED boMekeeping , roo m gas. range, water In Electro-Thefapeutic Co., 702 Marquam. Set: lZL io?o Mftt?r, the same article at the Saa, Francisco.' advice. We help, ralstake Impossible: re- Dr. Flora A. Brown, disease of womea and apply excepting those that can afford to pay kitchen, bath, phone 235 1th at. . net. leasj e 12 rooms. aell furnlrure. Boston. -Chicago and Philadelphia "depots! stores lost love and unites separated by , chUdren a specialty: Offlce 517 The Dekum, , tfftgg M "e""g aa,mm 2&g2L ssssspsg. ss ss.WKrga SsStfD'S'SsSHS ssa?saajr5isasaK k&swr!-' b""a , k-gwi.r fhED room, men o.T, , igasagk'raa- .yr sptsT ass "ag-ra.;g-. a.fffMrs'r.X'priSca sTTOm.MPHo ?m 5 C xuVnEaS p"i?i. "wt, fl1 tin prp MnvTHi ttvtttjvmqttp. wnuw Comfort. Toledo, Ohio. ROOMING-HOUSE. ROOMS 19 FUR- and manufacture the duty thereon) and ' Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. 163 17th. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 3183. $10 JEK ; MONTH-I VSFVKSJSnBD HOUSE- nlsned- orielnai l Tirice 14M ' now sto 8Ucn Preference will be given to articles CORRUGATED HtON ROdFJNG, HOT-AIR ' , COMFORTABLE ROOM TTSE BATH iSftsSS? 31 ?17t5, Zt South. X MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- iysSepeffivffi o tierlcaa production lad manufacture furnaces. J. a Bayer. 203 2d st. Safes. "C.". JTt-.- ilriVoTf u,. iH, mg distance. 311 17th St.. South. trts" Nerve Globules. One month's treat- ioanrouSlOOO I on this iiSltlon uhlch produced on the Pacific Coast to the ex- . i ?ns ejhftHm-ww??1?iS 1 -rr, nvxrvvrL. Tg -m-v-c;- 3 m0Eth- 5. Sent ecurely aS Siarlmee pood MmsmfflL Phone tmt of the consumpUon required by the Coal Dealers. FREIGHTS UP. ,SAFE3 DOWN. FOR A - 10th. between Washington and Alder. T0 HOUSEKEEPING. ROOMS. FURNISH- mM by ill. Agents. Woodard. Clark A hP(? guarantee good Investment. P1-0"6 public service there. The United States : . ehort time, to reduce large stock: second- nnnv. . ' u.eTh!a nls-T"1 " 2W Co.. Portland. Or. Berry & Alender ' 0DPsUe p- - Reserves the right to accent or reject any WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS) v hnd Eafes and safety deposit boxes cheap. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. REASON- Morrison. 1C3 Third. Hood 1S7L . . -perry & Alexander. . or all proposals or any part, thereof. In- In all kinds ot coal Call us up for quota- Lockouts opened and repairs. Diebold safes, fnJ?;JywM V -vrimliCne.t 6 fP" CTtnvTrn 1 TTTfiTB vTRTTTr-rt LADIES, ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH FOR SALE-HALF TO two THranq IV formatloa aad blanks for proposals will be tloas. 154 N. 3th. st- Telephoae Mala 1018. JalU. vault door steel celling. J. E. Dai ng.good.-ocauon. 4 Yamhill at- S bathone; riS? J?r Yoa ST r "I dS! ftlfl3 tlm IMPORTERS OF THE J "29 N. 20 th. Phone Mala 1175. v mcA Special Agents, 151 3d st. ) JsSjSl SJ't.. jaSSg MaTn ?4g Shoe.Maaufacvurors. heat. 1C3 17th St.. cor. Morrlsoa. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS SEND YOUR MAIL ORDERS FOR DRUG S "S?fK," 22S-i2. r-1"1 Arnu". Depot Quartermaster.13 VULCAN COAL CO.l wholesale dealers; best KEID & HERTSCHE CO.. SHOE MANui for housokeeplag: furnace, heat, phone. store wants to Albert Bernl the druggist. For particulars address L C7, Oregoalaa. Army, jjepot yuartermasier. cajt: foundry and smeUercoka. 329 B sfc facturers. 9 and II N. 1st. Portland. Or. 8a8 i JEFFERSON WELL-FURNISHED bath, laundry- 327 T Park. 235 Washington St., Portland. Or. Prompt wp , . 0r - vr.Tt) , PROPOSALS FOR TRANSPORTATION TO - . I - rooms, suites or eingle; electric licht. bath. 1 and satisfactory returns. WE. 9 SELL YOUR BUSINESS. REAL rJ" wji!rt-.0l?' nm fnttu Commlwlnn lerchnntiT Showcases and Store fixtures. phone! very centralf references. TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT returns. estate or patent wherever located. We In- -giSBSbrSS? i ?9M Sealed Commission Merchants. 8 " ! rooms for housekeeping; strictly mod?ra; We print your name oa So ealltag cards. corporate and float stock companies. We """i"f'u ,' frfniiMS will ba recalved HERMAN .METZGEIL PURCHASER OF Portland Showcase Factory Store fixtures. LARGEVELL-FURNISKED ROOM; SUIT- no children. 501 Mill st. ' proper eUeand style. 23c: 230 buslnw. Srdi "HBerVViii l uaUl It A. M Tuesday MrohL bidet clts?f2rt ZZSl. mohalr?1f llolv. old display cases; every kiad348 1st. Blk 3133 nble for two geatlemen; desirable location; I 1. Brown A Schmale, 229.1st. Portland. Or. ratio Gllber A Co., ElUcott Square, Buffalo. n u ii fd" t'hsrtatlon -rubber and old metal! and general com- , prlvato family. 29 N. 11th. 435 MAIN. COR. 12th HOUSEKEEPING .. . .pc, T of government tS in 1 sullies to and mission mercaat. Front st-f near MaS. R- LUTKB & CO.. SUCCESSORS TQ rooms, newly papered, front rooms; bath CLEARANCE SALE WAISTS. SKIRTS. K2- , HO,USE 3-YEARS LEASE, CON- IStUa o9 Taeoms! Wash "and Prtlarld. Or. Cash advanced oa consign- Dixon. Borgesoa & Co.. 6th and Hoyt. sts. 76 WEST PARK NEWLT FURNISHED and gas; references. monas. musUn underwear, etc: everything talnlng 4 rooms, well iurnlshed; also one ro,.. ,"U,,S Kftt.. nf mtsT auYtmweu oa cvaga rooms with or without board; all conven- ana gas, references. hair prlcef stnc Chong'co.. 333 Sl3o containing photograph gallery; also te"hM?(5n?0 cent or ro ' : . Spiritualists. lecces. Phone Central 1074. .455 MAIN, COR. 12TH HOUSEKEEPING Jo?.?10" brlBK BOOd rC- 7 N" jec Ml -or al bids or PMts Pof aarne. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS ' two FimNiKHFn frovt roomr pni r00ms' newly Peered, front rooms; bath FINE DAT 1 BUT MEREDITH'S UMBREL- s-n st- Detail Information will be furnished at and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg MRS. WALLACE. SPIRITUAL. MENTAL Two r Ui:rc IhtiED 1HOKT KOOMS, PRI- and iras: references. Is. RepalriaK aad recovering; two stores, i ltt- ml. oV.tt .n.. -portiund Or f readings, valuable advice on all affairs c2 yate famm-; housekeeping If desired. 255 ana gas, rererences. Washington and Cth and Morrison snd 5th. FOR SALE-3 ROOMING-HOUSES. - 2 HO- this offlce a nd offices QDX5Snit Portland. Or. fi; Sutlnlss ad abwn? friends aPclai: rZ1 K,sjgsBBHS "-ssasa, 5Sg pia sbs& sgg family; gas. bath, phone; gentlemen pre- Appi oil am st. f . MorrUo'bt Jlt ,,5 . . velopes containing proposals should b Portland. Or. , ' , . ferred. 103 N. 17 th st. , nB v vfwtt pnnxiRHPD FOR SALE SPRINGFIELD HOTEL; BEST 1?arl"d.. "Proposals for Transportatli onto " ' mrs. S. B SEIP seer and prophetess nublla ' " hou'sekee rooro; batiT .ral Soai 443 RHEUMATISM CURED-NO LNTERFER- hotel proposlUon In state for amount of Alaska." and addressed to F. A. GRANT, Dancing. circles Tuesday and Mday8 P. M.' Sead- uSlc 5?: LSfeHfo?atlo tfftSF&SST' TyndlKrinSe.ror Quartermaster, U. S. Army. MRS. NINA LAROWB IS FORMING MID- , St 7 h. col' Oak! Mala 1 A reasonable. 29 N. 11th. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS-, BAU1 op PIGSFOR ALL FEMALE BIS- ROOMING-HOUSE pfrt SSSuSSS ) $11tgtlgi5 SgSSnoS! 21?nflEoRoSG .S5ssTto8J,M ,0C"0n- 4" 434 Alder, West 15S6. Agents wanted. .JSfJt- ok MRS. GRANT'S CLASSES. TUESDAY AND 0 SM RE Saffi cale10 240 5TH ST-TWO VERY DESIRABLE s; ibn city C s, Oregonlan. t 55!? A&ftuiaSr etg3 iai inrvr nwr tit orir nvv -nrA?trr-j housekeeping rooms; also single room; rent .nvyv tttt; a ai-ROOM LOnntvri HOit-T- wiring for elctrlc lighting of a post exchange 1 5 ... TZ ', 1 tonCo1nmodPou? rooms ff f oYcowo VALENTINES, ARTISTIC AND COMIC- Sut 'giffi t Frt. gtoitxSppuSS THE S,0' A,?' Storage and Ixaasfer. gentlemen: low rent. FOR RENT-TWO OR THREE NEATLY St0re" th & Pholfe Hood6 152 th st. gSfffiS'omS. oTe se?" th. cor. Jeff. Waltzing a eclalty . PXAKOS & FURNITURE MOVED. 334 ALDER. COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR- 1 houeekeoplng rooms; no children. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. l tte offlce. of the PQuerater, p ang cg. gnaterti'ffigtoVb nlEhed room, first floor, running water. 808 Sth 8t- The best corn cure. 23c All druggists'. -WANTED TO SELL-HOUSE. 2 LOTS WITH SeVfid toeJert i or all proposals, or IT" ! Tl 71 Proof warehouse for storage. Offlce 123 Tut with first-class board. .vo .pTV trnvimpn ,,n.,(,n,FP. t well established business clearing $100 a " rts thereof Envelooes containing pro- tt.W. Turner, professional der and cleaner, et. C M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. , TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- EHOES HALF EOLED FOP. 50C AT HOLLA- month, at a bargain. Inquire 502 Mar- SH?. JT mirSSi "PrrSala for 301 17th. cor. Columbia. TeL Main 2311 . 1S8 PARK ST.-2 NICE FURNISHED ll' CCntnl,; E bsurlu. 163 3d. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. quam bldg. . , IStJSSSJe. FortoSS." aSdadore-S TT7 C. O. PICK, OFFICE 8S 1ST. BET. STARK rooms; one block from Portland Hotel; ' - . OTr T , . to Geonre H Penrose Quartermaster. U. 8. xaecrroplatlng. . ami Oak. Phone 530. Pianos' aad fumlturo gaF. bath, phone. ,-.,-.. .,T-rv m,1!;i,Iirn tooms SPOT CVSH ,F?r G9HDD SILVER OF FOR SALE DRUG BUSINESS IN ONE OF Anny enrose. wuanermasier. u. o. 1 Soved and packed for shipping: commo- ' r- Efh nJii l,.?. m?D every descrtptioa. 311 Dekum bldg. best towns la -itate. $15,000; write full T 1 ELECTROPLATING aad oxidized work of dloui fireprooT brick warehovwe. FroStacd ROOMS WITH OR WlTHOUT 'BOARD; ?i 4tn L oaare. mta pmtrrru. r,..., name la replying; easy terms. B 05. Ore- SAIje OF $5000 00 WATER BONDS. aU kinds done at short notice. Doctor's In- Clay its. rooms $0 to $10. 314 Columbia st. Gen- s tn st. HUFFMAN. LADIES TAILOR. REMOVED gonlaa. Sealed DroDoYal'wlll beT received by the strumeats a specialty. Airtight stove Maa- tlemen Vefered. WITCH HAZEL. Front ana Madlscn-Hou.e- te MOT'Mn gt" Matn 3050' FOR SALE CHEAP- Al JOB PRINTING TTtTI ulfmMar tot! ufacflag Co., SO Graad ave. Pha East 710. FRED BICKEL. STORES I AT 1 N NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE GEN- Replug rooms; transient; bath, electric light. FORce!AdongAdP bune . ffis. 'lg?&tg Z'&TaXZ Fraternal insurance frunkTch TSSSai5 tleman; new house; all conveniences; centraJ. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- . BUSINESS CHANCES. 305i 2d st.. The Dalles, Or. Oregon, ot the denomlnatfon of $100 and , all movable articles at reasonable prices. Phone Main 1190. keeDlnc- electric llchts. nhone. 22 Park st. ' " , S200 boarlnr Interest at the rata of 7 Der Order ot Washington, foremost 'fraternal so- ' Keeping, eicctnc ugnts. pnone. j yaric st. THE ENORMOUS ritOFITS MADE. IN THE SOMETHING GOOD-30 ROOMS, PARTLY t nr aaaum lntlreft dety of NW.; protects the living. J. l! Stoves. FOR RENT ONE PLEASANT ROOM; uiFt.. ki i pm'mHvti HntiSFTCFrp. xsacufactsre of sugar Is not generally un- furnl-d, good lease; location flrst-claas; to be dcslraated bv tie purchaser The Mitchell Sup. Sec., 012-015 Marquam bldg. t ilfUirI?,Bh,ed: 6,eCtrlC "Bht- bathl Plan- o&oOk LZZ?h0l ?.w3eadVsr5 O-B 78. Orcgonlan. b0onQ 20 yeLs? wl?"aa opUoa of r , LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON PACIFIC 3034 1st rt. "ttie book showlns; bow a few dollars 10 enrs. .it Dia to be accomnanled by Gaslight Repairing. Coast: also hotel aad restaurant utenstls- ' A LARGE FINE FURNISHED ROOM 1..? 12? "".SHrtfJ'SSwf4 iJ? . Mfe' ROOMING-HOUSE, 7. ROOMS NICELY a S equal o 5 per cent of amount : bakers' ovens. Loewenberg & Going Cc 2 CLEAN ROOMb ON OKOUND FLOOR: ft Tfor hokeSplnB. J07 N 3d si Worinw IdeS'S furnished, for $225; rent $17.50. 189 E. 7th, &f bid. The clrJIrVes the rlrtt ACME GASLIGHT SUPPLY CO. WE DE- 2d aad Taylor. gas. bath, rink and range: no children. N ,, J!" ,,1. m .n near Yamhill to reject any and all bids. For any fur- llver DUt UP mantles, chimneys, shades . 13. Oregonlaa. ' NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING , racebors'sola Sta? oVamblngschTmi p C,TC. . Tn TTgr. TXT JnerlnformaUoa address M. Ju'fotSL and complete lights, 208 4th. Main 2179. Trunk Factory. FIRST FLOOR. PLEASANT. NEWLY FURT- rooms; hath. Call at 204 14th sL Best bank rof ence Send s orjaaphtojjt ITA0 KtegLtenP , tT Recorder. Harness ana Saddles. 1 PORTLAND TRUNK CO., 30 THIRD ST "Aw60."01115 cntraI ?10 per O'1111' "0 FOR NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING utntal Sugar Refining Co.. St. Lo'uU. Mo. gTIT THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE rr nT7riwrP T A-nrRyr o txtttot ' wholesale aad retail Sead tor catalogue. 10th st. rooms, apply at the Annex. 140 Front. $1000 WANTED; GOOD SECURITY; GOOD sealed bids for a stock ot merchandise and THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- ' nr vrnvryr wpvicnrn nnnu ctv FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCE AND REAL rate Interest. 612 Commercial bldg. t store fixtures at Oregon City. Oregon, of &wa S0-S?,tleatner . Typewriters. VERY MCEL1 FURNISHED ROOMS. SIN- xeaT SINGLE AND HOUSEKEEPING ESTATE AGENCY. 105 FOURTH. FINE ' . - the Invdice price of about nine thousand and saddlery hardware. SO-SO 1st st. -..-Tt 5 r.EU,tes: aJl conveniences; references. rooms. clos$ In. 87 10th. near Stark. ' CORNER FLAT. 28 WELL-FURNISHED I .HAVE $S0O TO LOAN ON GOOD SECUR- ($0000.00) dollars, up to 12 o'clock noon. RPEYMAN LEATHER ro wttT Ne EHfrreSilrin? 'omS2 Zl msmc S1,-OLB HOOM. GAS WO NICELY FURKISHED BOOMS oi gSMWta SS ."SSS, !SSSSS tt S'. SSS3S!Ep&Mg SSSSJS W'ELL FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM, GAS. j,Bht housekeeping. 551 Morrison. LEAVING FOR ALASKA. . . nlshlng goods, shoes and clothing. A cer- hardware, leatyr all loads.. .,-74 5th st. '"nff;f;aa1AsenCy ' 231 Starjc bath phone, close In. 80 10th rt., near , NICE FLAT OF 20 ROOMS; RENT S23; LOST AND POUND. tl0ed check o i0 per cent of the amount .tv TfW,- tu. " Phone Main 1407. Stark- TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- GREAT BARGAIN; $1300. , bid must accompany each offer and the UU ' t"aea aDQ rMM- .. Tiar-Loek Visible Tvnewrlter- WELL-FURNISHED SUNy, ROOM, PRI- , ng rooms. 195 Oth. cor. Taylor. ( ItoOMlyG,HOUSE SXAPS SMffiffigS ory7ye ldff,f, woofolbb a &&&&2$i' vate family; all convenience. 432 Jeffer- -2 UNFURNISHED 2 SfB1 ' Z&55i Wholesale Grocera. FITRNITURE 0 ROOMS IN 8-ROOM HOUSE TW0 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING jShfVS0?1 SitSFS 7' $Tw! I" purser! Front and Ankeny Po'rtfOr. Lace Curtain Bleachery. cor N1 aaDavll Port tor rent. Phone 830. or Inquire 445 7th st. 226 3d st. US sSrk. " eXCiIU00a, Ed. Anderson, Stella, Wash. February 4, 1304. - YUKON LACE CURTAIN BLEACHERY- SS, Furnlfhd roomi. $1 week up. Gtlman Hotel FIVE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING " LOST SMALL DOG; LONG HAIR,. YBL- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BIDS FOR .AH kinds of fine flannels and laces re- ; . i lit and Alder. Tremont Hotel 7th A Everett rooms. 20 3d tT low and white; 2 llftle front teeth gone; the construction of North Cove Ditch. nowed; lace curtains a specialty: work -,0 i 7 " . license S33. Return to 07 E. 9th N., be- Drainage District No. L Pacific County! warranted. Emll Fentzllng, Manager. V0k , V&Y&c!?0' Sard? SmhT Phone Union 10 SIB Grand ave. THE CADL BANKF COMMERCE-- 58-Gi35mOK ,g2g5rSith. ' LOST BETWEEN FRONT AND MADISON tf&FJSt SSZtiS?1 U B. LAUNCH CO BUILDERS OF MOd' .yP!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'i! ,ery central ,4 4th. cor. Oak. ly. New house, snap. C12 Commercial bldg. A VTELL-ESTABLISHED BOOK. STATION- ftJtSTZtiSZ- neSM n. 2Lg2 alffiair FURNISHED ROOM, DATH. GAS, PHONED NO i0U LLIAMS AVE. NEW C-ROOtf rr and confectlonerj store for sale. In one no questions asked. Leave at a O. Pick's to whom all communications should be ad- chlnery patterns. Tel E. 271. 178 E. Water. AccSuntswenedfor sums ot $10 aid m- very reasonable. 430 Yamhill st. house, with all modern Improvements. Ap- ost prosperous and growing towns Jn Offlce. 8S 1st st- dressed. By order of the said board. Tth M,v -Mr,!. 1 ward, and interest allowed on minimum; niv jnhn Bain, room " n"i Stark st. Southern Oregon; yearly sales $10,000: cap- . JESSE GOULD. Chairman. Learner ami landings. monthly balances. Rates" on application. S5 5 IPELY f URNISHED FKOST ROOM. . ,ply Joaa Baln- rom - " -Stark st- Ital required $3500. Address L 30. drego- LOST SINCE THURSDAY MORNING. RAY PETERSON. Secretary. T,R.1W' TA0 ttoo aoatmT 24 WTA5HLNGTON ST. J24 Salmon sU. - nov at n n woonwATir ma STAtitr st Man Jan. 28, one black cocker spaniel dog; . THE jkekjiaw LtA.Titt.K CO., MFRS. B a. WYLD. Manager Portland Branca. diiJuraicAPhne2 MslJ ' black strap buckled on aWLl year old! the UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE hoot and shoe uppers. Ing shoe store ' S , Rooms With Board. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. WANTED PARTIES HAVING A BUILDING, Tall short. Return to 603 Front St., re- sealed bids torn, stock of general merchan- supplies, leatner or all Kinds. ..-74 Cth at. TJNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK ' 1 or who are willing to erect one. suitable celve reward. dise located at Moro. Sherman County, ,. hT OF PORTLAND, OREGON. THE COLONIAL 165 AND 167 10TH ST . NEW S-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN IN EV- or manufacturing purposes. State location. . Oregon, up tn 12 o'clock noon of Monday. , oiacumcry. Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. cor. Morriwn-fhe annex is now completed ry particular; rent $40. Overton, near building, and monthly rental WU1 LOST BLACK ST. BERNARD GREAT February 15. 1304. Each bid must V ac- Q M1NrNO HA-nmrTTT Transacts a General Banking Business, and furnished; fine, large, airy rooms. 2Sd. Telephone West 3792. take long lease. Address H 67. care of Ore- Dane slut, 150 bounds: answers to name companied by a deposit -AflO per cent of ..J-'yJS' JAWUILt'' Drafts Issued, available la all clUes of ta taanand" finished and thoroughly fcea of DelL Deliver to White's Saloon. Van- the amount Wd and tbeht I, reserved f f aH WndsTepaXed? 104 N Uh sL United states and Europe. Hong Kong and by steam; with first-class table. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. 736 MONTANA . - .,-IVI,ce couver. Wash., and receive reward. to reject any and all bids. Inventory may ings pf an Tunas repatreo. 1 04 n. 4th st. Manila. ,. 1 . " . nv rent 7 rxr month. Inoulro L. Salo- WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, REAL be seen at my offlca during business hours ar,J.rT, ...otnvOTv Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TH YEAR; mon 1st and WasTtactoa. Mtto or tent wherever located; -we in- LOST-BETWEEN WOOD ST. AND LIP- ind lnsptctloi of the stock may be had at ??,ABf&?u Presldeat. J. a AINSWORTH SUh wott-olTi C corporate and float stock companies; wo' man-Wolfe, on 4th St.. $30 in gold (2 $20 Moro- Dated at Portland. Oregon. Febru- gf &lIcZljicgU afedt,n Vice-President ---W- AYER: cfllbrarj-; Woman's ExchangeVAddreisMrs. i2B. TWO NEW MODERN HOUSES. 6 v ee" uai T fC': BeK5i-Ho. and 1 $10) In small black purse. LJ. ary"2, 1904. R. L. SABIN, Front, and An- glnes. Wlttlsr-Corbln Mach. Co.. Settle. CuWer ... R.W.SCBEBR Anabel Russell superintendent. SID Flanflers r00mt; " gas. proelam bTthT 905 EaTt Sal- S uUbert & Co- E"cott Square. But- FolUs. 333H IsL Reward, . kgny Streets. ' THE H. C ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND " Cashier A. M. WRIGHTS B LAKELET HALL. 231 7TH ST-LAROE m Dr "na?' . TWO -NICE FRONT BAY WINDOW ROOMS. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE niachlnery. sawmills, etc.. 24S Grand ave. FIRST NATIONAL BJK- rooms with Aral-class board: fine locaUon; FOR RENT SIX ROOMS. BATH. GAS. TiE AMES MERCANTILE- AGENCY ARB furnished for housekeeping; hot and cold sealed bids for the confectionery stock, tools. mH.nyw 5 n..,t.A rf.nnitorTnrt VTnTnMat , . 4 blocks from Hotel Portland. .Mala 2031. orin grate. Inqulro Sheehy Bros.. 24 to Jf0.11 01 the Ute?t ta'ormaUon w- water, bath. C02S 1st. fixtures, etc. formerly owned by Carrol's n aaMate' Designated Depository and Financial Agent Yamhill, near 4tlu gsrdmg business chanres In city or counuy. ' : Chocolate Chip Co.. 333 Morrison el. Port- -R ,.,. OOQ1, " of the United States. STEVENS. 420 ALDER THOROUGHLY . r n. j.cafc fcu 'tlmat Propositions considered. LOST COCKER SPANIEL DOG; LICENSE land. Or., up to Monday noon. Feb. 15. 1304. room?- showertKf.?" SSwt j'w ronoM- newly furnished, dining-room. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; 'AbS- X553; Rurn o No.,474 E. 0th st. and A certified check for 10 per cent of each bid SJZcuSm8. Aatwaat cashier::.'.'.'.'.'.-- (SonD MfflissKS rcoHoos isjSf"- ocs, gs&vajsK.v cooking. 215 12th st. 6t one block from Lewis and Clark Fair " Loan Co.. room 16. The Dekum, S. W. cor. Oregon, Feb. 10. 1004. Sealed proposals Ynnvo SCIENTIFIC MASSEIT8F r.rvrq on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-on- grounal Tn,.n,h.r.i,..,M ,n,t. . . 3d and Washington sts. Phone 224. will be received here for 240,000 tons. YG' electrical thermal cohc41c and, the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copon, SINGLE ROOMS WITH BOARD ALSO; . SJEl "",L'atch tTT,r t, more or less, stone for extension of Jetty TA??J Mraete&atai aoSrt bagen. Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. St. Petor, table board, gas. bath, telephone. 15 N. 0.ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 6S0 East Ankeny ?jfrriiSf rw LifciFti h?iron5vSf d "N'S WITHOUT PUBLICITr ON REAL at mouth ot Columbia. River. Oregon and I'XidinS' raaneuVlreatment- 20 Ra'elgh bur MoScow. Zurich. Honolulu. 10th. cor. Burnslde. - st Imsu 4 The DekW pSni S charge less. C. H. Saake. 311 Dekum bldg. or chattel mortgages. Psonal or salary - Washington, until 11 A. M., March 11, ulldlno' , Collections made on favorable terms. 1371 6 eKum- phono Main - curity. at low rates. C. W. PaUette 2U 1804. and then pubUcly opened. Informa- rar.TB lady with voovr t inv tc FURNISHED ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SIN- J I ,vp .c- .n-x. D -g--px. Commercial block. Telephone Main 133- tlon on appllcaUon. W. a Langfltt. Ma- SSnS UeV roJgneUc tLndLsl LADD A TILTON. BANKERS 'IHfSSS -aufaM ""'""L Jo"1! w "SSSS SSSS m WaXerte?s0r Pawle- 653 HOOT-BOOM .HOUSE, WITH ALL "gSffueaT "goodniarkeLAddro'S Ablng'ton bldgf ' & "?J&? "giF room 4. q Denver. Orna.aclsca ashlncten st. rnodern improvements; partly furnished. 403 3720 N. 30th St.. Tacoma. Wash. the crew, lanor, loung & Co.. agents. - ,.rl- ..00. " Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. TTf. ' '" Kast Sth st. Inquire after 12 M. at room TOU CAN SAVE COMMISSION BY GOING VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE BY YOUNO change sold on London. Paris. Berlin. DESIRALBE ROOMS WITH BOARD; 706. Marquam bWg. 'Phone 1717. A LITTLE RESTAURANT AND BAKFRY to private patty who has $3000 to loan In Miscellaneous. lady just from San Francisco. 1I0& 4th. FrankfOTt? Hong Kong. Yokohama! ManS mutable tor gentlemen or couples. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- lM S3? Aa&ffP. &f-5lf IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIT- r- , STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS BOARD. FRONT Ilghu. bath, close In. Inquire 27.H Tth. gg Zf Q, msgrm PIAyo3 taetVer Si ,5' G "MAa?gSl8 and side room; modorn. reasonable. 116 A COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM" S E ouiwnng. caef ,ecnrlUe. Jowe- .tel. S. W. King. et aL. In bankruptcy: The undersigned will MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS J. FRANK WATSON. President lMh st. cottage for- rent. Call at 309 Sherman st. WANTED 3000 TO ENLAROF ttatit rati room 45. Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. receive sealed bids for a stock of merchan- ' For bargains see Weeks; no agents; 20 per R. L. DURHAM Vlco-PresldenC T ed blMss 10 ner "nt -arantSd- i SI " aUe aa4 tures, located at Hood Rlter. cent saved; at 720 Front, cor. Hooker. R. w. HOYT Cashier EW WESTERN HOTEL. 7lh and GUsaa Houses for Rent, JTirnlture for Sale. nt pracUcally MrUJn; exceptional "onol Mcnty loaned on aU kinds of security: 6 per Oren. amounting to about one thousand . GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier t--Newiy furnished rooms, with or without tunlty 'to Invest sumT of 00 and un a ceat: building loans a specialty. W. H. ($1000.00) dollars, pertaining to the abov Medical TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKINQ h- TWO P-ROOM COTTAGES. HTH AND AL- crs V CS? SgonUm. P" A Nnnn. 632 Sherlock block. Phone Clay 520. mentioned estate, up to Friday, February . BUSINESS. der. 2 years lease; clearing $B5; rent $37; - : 12. 1004. Certified check for the amount LADIES t CHICHESTER ENGLISH PEN- United States Depository. ,7-VI?HBD FRONT ROOM. WITH BOARD. furniture and lease at a bargain. 315 Cham.- -ESTABLISHED FEED in gropprv IMMEDIATE LOANS LN SUMS FROM TO bid must accompany each bid and the right -nyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Drafts and letters of credit Issued. a-rall Wt. bath, etc 46S Yamhill st. Phone West ber of Commerce. buFlness fo-le; cross receipts of ohp v-, r M ? i'. "Hm 1?cker,12l JS0 U reserved to reject any and all bids. , In- Take-no other. Send 4c stamps, for par- able In all parts of the world. . 3- . to ssoMO MiShu f 1001:1 5. Washington bldg. Phone CUy 75. ventory and Inspection of the property on tlculars; "Relief for Ladies." In letter by Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought 7- NINE-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND lie roason 'ctfrinir llf hni ; 7 7- application. R. L. SABIN. Receiver. return mall Ask your druggist. Chichester . A WELL-FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO fnttur Tforle; all new. at a barg-ln. OncZSS? retiring. 111 health. X loans K. SUMS OF $5 AND UP ON ALL Froat and Ankeny Streets. Chemical Co.. Philadelphia! Pa. LONDON A SAN FRANCISCO BANK, gentlemen; with, board, $40.0? genlon 222s! U IN THE MOST PROS InUTb Yltl " Dated at PoKland, O,, February 6, 1304. , slHand Dealer, ' Chamber of Commanding. Third an, OARD7ND ROOMS-315 Morrison- very 'ISS WJSi Tl STwoS ItT CHATTEL LOANS. ?SJlliZoZ, ROSEN A SUGARMAN -PAY HIGHEST Head Offlce. 8g? .U-e.t. London. . desirable rooms; glct pgocn ggg" SSaSS& 2fWff ZSJe?25Z& T'h snl NICELY FURNISHED ROOM wmr hpat nTnvrrmr nr KTrFT V Fr'RVlcTrpn , taken care of by the Marine Iron Works. . Issues letters of, credit, available for travel- (S. 304 H Washington ZiiVfts FURNITURE OF NICELY FT7RNKHED GREAT SNAP lO-ROOM FLAT. FINELY Loans cn realty mortgages for client; $100 to Incorporated. Signed: Thcmaa J. Shea; Ray Paints Oils and Glass. ers and the purchase of merchandise In anr . asnington near 13th. flat for sale. Call between 2 and 329 lllh. fumlihtd. line transient place, la business He to loan. W. S. Vard. atty. Alliky bldg. W Orowller. Witness: H. A. Reynolds! -taints, wis ana uiass. city of the world. Deals la foreign and do- Rpi?va!eS ?4RSNhs7 BOARD; - tBZvl GOOD ' T VTg iffl REMOVAL FRANK HACHSNEY. 333 SHER- IrlbeA mestlc exchange. Interest &y PLEASANT FROVT ROoJt v, THE SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OF laIIo.um Mn, G. Beck, room 307. The Falling bldg.' Jock MJfgtt &5L?&SZ and glaxlng. ig 1st. Phone WELLS. FARGO A CO. BANK ' rgfe-R BOARD; JSS . !LZVUZ?cg& gih SdiSlg HOM-fe.d.nt g5 MORRISOV nrT 223 Stark at. FOR SALE GROCERY STORE. CENTRAL- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. - oils, glass, sasn ana poors, leo 1st s (San Francisco.) rocmv with or SR;?0J113FURNlaHEIi 1 ly located, doing a nice cash trade. West State Funds Loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thoma,, . g Slot Machines. " .rr .----...Cashier rooms, with or without board. 'Storos. . Side. I07tj 3d st. State Agent. Mult. Co. 400 Chan, of Com: Accordion Plaiting. SIot MacllIjlf- WALTER A. HOLTAsslstant Cashier GW?t 4A4?4th4 PHONE STORE. 307 STARK. ST. DONALD O. PABTNER WANTED FOR ESTABLISHED LOANS. MINING STOCK AND GOLD MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG fwi UarSfcr-ro- L'i hJf, West 4-5. 410 4th. Woodward. 46 Stark at. Phono Main 313. plcxllag bnslness. Address F- 77. Oregonlan. bought. 215 Commercial blk. Hood 463. icTordioa and knUa plalUnff ad pla-tng! piixg. variety, j0 JU iue,