Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Biered at th PostoOcs at Portland. Ore-
iron, a second-class matter.
vnntl fnnetfir nrmfltll In ftdVftllW)
3&llr. 'With Sunday, per month .-e?
)aily, Sunday excepted, per year. w
ally. -with Sunday, per year
Sunday, per year. Z-WJ
le weekly, per year --
h WmVIv 9 Tnnrti ..... .58
-tany. per week, delivered, sunaay e3tcept.-w
JaUjr, per week, delivered. Sunday lncludedOe
United States, Canada an! Mexico-
Still Time to Escape.
North Yakima Republic
Boston Transcript.
"We have yet to see, determined In prac
tice just -what are the privileges that are
Governor McBride says his candidacy I to be enjoyed by the Porto RIcans under
fulness. If all these strujnrles serve to Opinions, differ as to -whether or not Mr. English support by creeping; paralysis. SPIRIT OF THE NORTHWEST PRESS A rttlLIrTlNE SHIP HUrtOfULi.
maVo hw Rtmnp if tho irs nf .frfends Hill Is vkrfatine- the Interstate com- Gladstone In 1ES6 adopted a. home-rule
only causes her to set her back more merce act by making this rate. Whether programme and he did In' 1S92, but
firmly to the wall and nerve herself be Is or Is not -within the law in so isauour says distinctly inrougn aecre
mnr crnKhnmiu- f- fnntr shA is to doine- he is cprtalnlv stlrrlnsr ud trouble tary "Wyndham he Is not ready to pay
fulfill in the destiny of the race, they for his road, as -well as others in this I the price of home rule for, the assist- j has been forced upon the party. The Gov-J the Supreme Court decision that they are
may not have been in vain or for ill. territory, and this trouble may culml- ance of the Irish Nationalists. ernor Is not altogether felicitous In his not aliens as ; they had been considered
- . I . . . .... i ,,, I -nrttt. ni.jt... tv. njtunt -r him I . .,i,. nT,.f v. mMnf tn &v. 1 ana treated hitherto. There has seen
largely because or aggression mat nate in a maximum-rate dui h w : . v " . . V . an earlier derision of th snWmA Oonrt
threatened the extinction of a smaller materially reduce the profits on haul- ruie was a matter or. conscience, unue dououess. is mat a, napit ot man yeu. tlm PhUIpplnW are a dependency of
power, Russia is without a friend In the tag wheat from Interior points In the with Balfour It Is purely a matter of standing Impels him Irresistibly at this the Valtt& stateSt conditlon has
awl Thhv v,0 uan tn ln. htf I Pnrlfii. "NVvT-rW-fxat tn -tidewater. I POlItiCS. and he Will not pay the price Juncture to be a candidate. His candl-l been seized nmn hv Scmttnr Vrve tn In-
perfldy fewer broken reeds to lean I Portland situated at the foot of a to avoid possible defeat or dissolution dacy has not been forced upon the party J troduce a bill Cwhich Is referred to- the
upon in the hour of extremity. She down-hill haul, can view with equan- in tne near iuiure. xne Ansa puny not yet.
o to i"-pls-.Tapr!7.,i!.:. .....7.7.. nows In time that she must depend unity any move that Is made in this" naturally would prefer to obtain the
IIS to 30-page pape
12 to 4-page paper.... .....
yoreljj rates double.
CTke S. C. Beckwith Special Agency)
Cew York: Rooms 43-49. Tribune Building.
Chicago. Booms 010-312. Tribune Building.
Chicago Charles MacDonald. 53 -Washing
ton St., and Auditorium Annex; Postoiace
News Co.. 178 Dearborn.
Denver Julius Black, Hamilton & Hend
lck, &00-012 Seventeenth SL; Louthaa &
ffxkson. Fifteenth and Lawrence.
TTnnn. city Ricksecker Cigar Co., JUntn
Los Annies B. P. Gardner, 259 Soutn
Spring. Oliver & Haines, 205 South Spring,
ad Harry Srapkln.
Minneapolis M. J. Kavanaugh. 00 .Soutn
ird; L. Regclsbuger, 317 First Avenuo
New Xork City L. Jonas & Co., Astor
Ogden W, C. Alden, Postofflce Cigar Store;
K. Godard; w. G. Kind, 11 25tn St.; v
Omahn 'RnrV-nlnw Bros- 1612 Farnam.
IcLaughlin Bros., 210 South 14th; ilegcatn
Stationery Co.. 1308 Farnam.
Salt take Salt Lake News Co., II wen
second South SL
St. Louh World's Fair News Co.
i Ban Francisco J. K. Cooper Co., 7tt Mar
ket, near Palace Hotel: Foster & Orear. Ferry
liews Stand; Goldsmith Bros., 236 Butter;
Lee, Palace Hotel News Stand; Ir. w.
onherself; and this Is knowledge whose
possession would have averted some of
the grandest failures -of time.
Perhaps the most Interesting feature
of the Far Eastern diplomatic situation
is the persistent contention of European
capitals and of the powers concerned
that hostilities will be averted. The
Czarina remarked to a caller the other
day, "There will be no war," each of the
contending powers protests Its anxiety
for peace, and every Continental capital
has its own peculiar hypothesis of the
way in which the controversy can and
will be settled without recourse to
This Is exactly the situation we were
In six years ago concerning Cuba.
Every one had strong hope and expec
tation up to the very last that war
would be averted. There was such good
reason for It, moreover, that but for
the destruction of the Maine It Is prob-
direction. The rank discrimination prac
tlced by Mr. Hill in exacting as much
for hauling a bushel of Washington
wheat 400 miles as he charges for haul
ing a bushel of Mihnesota or Dakota
concession of home rule from Balfour
because he commands a large majority
In the House of Lords, while, even If
the Liberals were able to pass a meas
ure of home rule, the lords would be
Hofer Making Friends.
Salem Journal.
The Monmouth Normal School basket
ball team ot young ladles play rough
ball. If they only had the ballot, they
committee on the Philippines) in the In
terests of shipbuilders. This bill provides
that after July l, 1901, no merchandise
shall be transported between ports of the
Philippines and those of the United
States, or via a foreign port. In foreign
vessels, Under penalty of forfeiture of
the goods; and that no foreign vessel
wheat over 1600 miles, may goad the sure to throw It out, as they did In would be a good crowd to hustle the prJ. shall transport passengers between these
people affected to desperate measures.
If. In their desperation, they force Mr.
Hill with his mountain roads to haul
wheat at cost, the O. R. & N. at the
same rate will still be showing a profit
on the operations.
Mr. Bibb's appeal to Governor Mc-
Bride at this time Is not without Its
humorous aspects, from the fact that
the Eastern "Washington farmers are
also out with an appeal to the chief ex
ecutive of the state setting forth that
the millers and exporters (among whom
Mr. Bibb is very prominent) have com
bined for the purpose of robbing the
farmers. "With the" millers demanding
relief from railroad discrimination, and
the farmers demanding relief from an
alleged milling combine. Governor Mc
Bride may work out a few new planks
uiaostone s nay. it is not easy to un- mary or bulldoze election Judges. As the
dersrand why Balfour should refuse to appropriation for these schools Is clearly
entertain a Nationalist proposal for
some form of home rule. The effect of
the last land-purchase act has practi
cally extinguished the opposition for
merly offered by Irish landlords to the
grant of home rule. They no longer
fear the confiscation of thedr lands, for
they have sold them. A Dublin Par
unconstitutional, why should they have
any regard for other people's constitu
countries binder penalty of J200 for each
passenger so transported.
This Is. In effect, the strict inclusion
of the Philippines under our coastwise
regulations, which we may hence reason
ably Infer would not apply unless thus
Imposed by law. Aside from the dangers
of premature lawmaking, to make use of
our power over the Philippines when cer
Error Frankly Acknowledged.
Brownsville Times.
A peculiar error crept into the Times I tainiy not for their physical benefit, to
inst wAPk in announcing the arrival of a put limitations upon their intens1and
vt... v.. vt, Y.e. Vinmo nt Mr I commerce or that with our oorts. or for
llament today would xhave no agrarian J Jesg oss. of Holly. The stated the general and uncertain end of expand-
question to deal with, as It would have mcnt was made that a son was. born to ing our merchant marine, through hav-
the young couple on Monday and a ing new steamships built in American
daughter on Tuesday. The items were shipyards for the Philippines, la certainly
handed In by different parties, one an- tuml on the full force of Imperial
nouncing the new arrival to be a boy
and the other a girl, hence the error. It
was a boy and he was born on Tuesday.
To adjast matters properly, however.
here's hoping the next one Is a girl.
would rt hUe.W3S " forthcoming political platform.
left the Philippine Islands still in the
possession of Spain. It Is clear that I NAVAL ASPECT OF PENDING STRUGGLE.
some such unforeseen act of -yiplence. Amon,- the navies of the world
had If such a Parliament had been cre
ated by Gladstone In 1SS6 or 1835. A
concession of home rule to Ireland to
day Would not seem to be a dangerous
experiment, but Mr. Balfour Is not dls
posed to consider it for a moment, ac
cording to the speech of Secretary
Ireland is not likely to get home rule
In the near future. The Balfour Con
servatives, the Liberal Unionists that
follow the Duke of Devonshire and the
Liberal Unionists that swear by Cham
Success Is Expected.
Dalles Chronicle.
The Lewis and Clark Fair has gained
many friends in thj Senate, and In the
discussion of. the $1,500,000 loan to the
sway of dependencies
Although this bill Is Introduced by Sen
ator Frye, the well-known champion of
the shipbuilders, there have appeared
other active Influences for the measure,
notably the Great Northern Bailroad, per
sonified In J. J. Hill, who has been long
preparing for Its enactment to enable
him to secure for hl3 steamers plying
from Tacoma, and his system of trans
continental railroad, the commerce of the
Philippines. This has heretofore been
iitts. 1008 Market; Frank Scott, so Ellis; N. accidental or wanton, may at any mo- clan between Russia and Japan Is -berlaln are agreed in their hostility to Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Senator nearly all conducted from Boston and New
home rule for Ireland; the Liberals who f. . T , vit -SrSt-T
follow John Money and Sir William j 'ta tote
Harcourt 'are not strong enough to for the Northwest Exposition. In the
carry home rule for Ireland through House will be encountered the strongest
Parliament, and the Liberals who flock I antagonism, and it will require hard and
around Lord Itosebery are at least in- earnest work on the part of Representa
n!ffront if tint hn$ti tn hnm niif tives "Williamson and Hermann to over-
"Whatever happens In the near future of come the opposition. "We are satisfied they has we learn, already freighted by them
twit uv ouuKuiui in wicu uuvMiuiM i wuiiKriucitiuit; quuuuura ul ucjui 1U Ulv
this line, and Oregon will have occasion I great "harvester" companies of Chicago
to feel proud of those who represent them for manufacture of binder twine. Over
IVhcatlev. 83 Stevenson.
Washington, D. C. Ed Brlnkman. Fourtn
ad Pacific Ave.. N. W.; Ebbltt House jsews
5-erature. 43 deg.; minimum. 37. Precipita
tion. 0.21 inch.
TCDAT'S WEATHER Occasional light rain
r snow, southerly winds.
ment bring the clashing of resounding
arms from across the Pacific
A chance collision or isolated out
break, however, may not occur, and the
real obstacle in the way of peace Is not
so fortuitous a thing. The disposition
eagerly awaited. There are so many
problems to be solved with regard to
modern fighting ships that a conflict
between up-to-date vessels, manned by
capable sailors, would be an Invaluable
aid to designers. The wars between
oi japan to resent interierence, ana me japan China and between this
practical aDanaonmeni oi Russia to ner country and Spain, with the-exception
rate oy other great powers, nave re- Df a few isolated engagements, offer
aucea tne pacmc innuences oi Europe ohly examples. In both cases the
to a minimum. Neither of the contend- defeated si,je offered such a futile re-
THE POWER WITHOUT A FRIEND. mg powers is likely to De deterred from sigtance that but little was learned.
It Is probably true, as Intimated In the struggle by reluctance of French or The iesson of the Yalu fight was
the danger of using wood In ships of
war, a fact that was previously under
stood but was not greatly heeded.
The chief lesson of the Spanish "War
was also one learned before the men
ace of a "fleet in being" weaker in
York by vessels under foreign flag;, be
cause there are none under the American
Hag engaged or available in the trade
around the Capes or via Suez Canal. The
Great Northern ' Railroad has under
charter now all the ships of the Boston
Steamship Company plying between Ta
coma and China and Philippine ports, and
he dispatches, that the most bitter pill
Itussla has had to swallow In the ante
bellum period through which she has
been passing was the action of the
Jnlted States in forcing from China,
tnder the very nose of Russian diplo
macy, of treaty concessions in Man
Ihurla. As we have before pointed out,
le act was not one that a power deslr
lus of appearing friendly to Russia and
Lt the same time trustful of her pur
loses, would have performed. Perhaps
was not distinctly unfriendly; but it
i'as uncomplimentary. It demonstrat
German or English or American bank
ers to advance further loans. Russia's
stock of gold is rated at $800,000,000, and
Japan's ability to raise funds from her
people is almost limitless.
The real difficulty lies In the nature
of the case. Suppose that Japan and
Russia should decide to combine their
Interests, Ignore the powers and settle
their differences among themseh'es-
even in this extreme case the impossi
bility of peaceful liquidation Is very
clear. They can't agree among them
selves. The minimum that will satisfy
English politics, the Irish party will
not ge't home rule, and In our 'judgment
they will not much care. Ireland has
righted Its crying agrarian grievance
through the last land-purchase billr and
the tenant owners and tillers of the
soil will be content by a large majority
for many years with what they have
won. The Irish party, however, will
in the lower house of Congress.
2000 miles of land carriage over Mr. Hill's
rails enter into this route. If this bill
shall deprive the cordage companies In
the vicinity of Boston, New York and
Philadelphia of the customary and ra
tional route by steamers via the Suez
Canal. It Is evident that they will have
to pay such rate as may be charged by
Good Man for Vice-President.
The Dalles Chronicle,
Some of our Democratic contemporaries
have mentioned the name of Hon. George
E. Chamberlain, our present honored Ex-
continue to "whoop lt up" for home rule competent material for the sec- the Great Northern lt3 controlled
without cessation, because if they did on" '"ce " "J X!' ' " C,, 7, steamers to bring the hemp across the
every respect man me oeienuuiK siue, umu ""6 jc ra. and while we believe him a worthy
out possessing unKiiown-powers oi. ui- cm ui uicu inuras aim auum- i man in every particular, ana one wno
fense. Unless a decisive naval action I Ing fellow-oountrymen. Any grant of j -would go down In defeat with as good
xougnt eariy
d distrust, lt bordered on suspicion. Japan is a maximum that Russia can- Qn slde of former In ner at.
rhe assumption would not be violent
lat the United States feared that when
iussla had strengthened her hold on
llanchurla, American interests would
le jeopardized,
And yet lt is equally clear that the
let met with grim If not with enthu
Lastic approval in the United States,
rhe animosity felt by the American
leople may be partly explained by its
dulous cultivation from British
urces and from antl-Russlan propa
landa In Jewish hands. But however
Is to be explained, there Is no deny.
ig the fact. The masses In this coun-
are unfriendly to Russia. Gratitude
largely consists of a lively sense of
iivors to come that what Russia did
r us in the Civil "War and stood ready
do for us In the "War of the Revolu
ton and the "War with Spain, Is as
Iiough It had never been. It is more
the point In the popular mind that
ie Russian, under the skin, is a Tar-
kr. whatever that Is; that Kipling has
lamed us of the "bear that walks like
i man," and that Russia, once In con
5l in Northern China, will pay us the
tgh compliment of forming a tariff re
tme on the principles of the Dlngley
Remembering then, as she does, the
list her studious cultivation of Amer
ian friendship, always with an eye to
6.vorclng us from Great Britain In her
itimate struggle with British power-
is not strange that St Petersburg,
coming aware of American sympathy
rr Japan, thinks of lt all with bitter-
liss and Indulges In malignant words
lor is there anywhere else to turn for
mfort British diplomacy has worked
such good purpose at Paris that Ger
any is as friendly to Russia today as
ice is, which is saying no more
tan that each Is looking upon her
kth cold indifference and planning how
turn the result of the war to its own
1 vantage, and keeping an eye mean-
lfle on the Balkans in the hope of
llll further curbing Russian power If
i outbreak occurs In the Spring.
ie splendid Isolation of Britain, once
proud boast and subsequently a re
action of rancor and gloom, has given
lace to the isolation of Russia. She Is
le great power today without a friend
the globe., "With all her splendid
ns of civilization and empire; with
ie traditions or. .feier tne ureat in
mdon, and the long alliance with
ice; with marriage and financial
fondly calculated to bind her to
rery court in Europe; with devoted
bd powerful statesmen who have
lught, obtained and followed counsel
.d aid from the best minds of Europe
kd America; with the memory of the
Mancipation act by which the serfs
not grant, and vice versa. A neutral
zone In Corea means, Japan has sense
enough to see, a Russian 'zone. A forti
fied Corean siraii Russia has sense
enough to see, means a closed strait.
Unrestricted Chinese sovereignty in
Manchuria means, Russia knows, mis-
government or anarchy. Russian guar
dianship In Manchuria, Japan knows,
means Russian ownership.
Nor can the fact be too often em
phasized that the problem at bottom Is
not one of diplomacy, or treaties or
promises. It is the uncontrollable ex
pansion of the Russian people. Step by
step, for hundreds of years, this lusty
power has been moving toward the Pa
cific and southward from Siberian
wastes to the open rivers and harbors
of Manchuria and Corea. Its barbarian
vitality Is no more to be held In check
by councils of ministers than the Amer
ican people were to be stopped by the
Great American Desert or the Rocky
Mountains. Opposed to this advance Is
the ambition of the newly aroused
Japan, determined to maintain her isl
and existence by outposts on the main
These are such Irreconcilable forces
that a trial by the supreme test of arms
is the only settlement, for a defeat In
war Is the only thing powerful enough
to stay the advance of either side.
What Japan believes Is necessary to
her existence cannot happen simulta
neously with what Is Inevitable for
Russia unless checked by force. This
is -the desperate issue which the shock
of battle alone can determine. The
sooner he crash comes the better for
Japan, probably the better for tlu
be fought early In a war between nome rule tnat took the leaders of the
Japan and Russia, the latter lesson will Irish party out of the British Parlia-
be taught once more. If the Japanese I ment and removed them to a Dublin
fleet does not smash the Russian, there stamping-ground would be? a subject
will be some interesting maneuvering for regret, for their perennial vivacity,
wit ana pugnacity have made them
"the life of the who!e funeral." The
Irish party do not expect to obtain
home rule, but If they stopped asking
for It their ardent fellow-countrymen
would suspect them of desertion to the
camp of the English Conservatives.
tempt to land troops in Corea, with the
enemy's ships of war a potential factor
in the operation.
It is the unproved and inestimable
power of the torpedo-boat, or destroyer.
that makes it so valuable. Blockading
will become a terrible strain If the
blockaded force has torpedo-boats and
knows how to use them. It Is doubtful
If the Russian sailor has the daredevil
dash that alone can make the torpedo-
boat a deadly weapon, but the Japan
ese, If observers are not mistaken, are
of the type to make the most of these
untried weapons. Indications of what
can be done have been already given-
the Aquldaban sunk in Rio Janeiro and
the Blanco Encalada sent to the bottom
of Caldera Bay with nearly 200 men
but surprise played a large part in both
operations. Further Interest will be
grace as any one, yet, if we were to state
our preference for an Oregonlan, who, If
the miraculous should occur, woum
worthily occupy the position of President
of the Senate, and add dignity and credit
to the second highest position in the gift
of the people, as well as honor to Ore
gon, we should name Hon. C J. H. wooa.
of Portland. Even his enemies admire
his ripe intellectuality, and his patriotic, 1
consistent course on all Kreat National
politics, however much as Republicans
they may differ from him on some ques
It was suggested In these columns
some time ago that In order to keep the
most capable young men and women In
tho ranks of the teacher's profession
salaries must be increased where the
available funds will permit. The Sat
urday Evening Post discusses the sarrie
subject In a recent Issue and arrives at
the same conclusion.-7 After Investigat
ing the situation In the schools of "all
the states it Is found that "teachers of
a certain' sort are always to be had,
but the supply of the kind of teacher
that the more enlightened educational
The Great Majority,
Davenport Times.
The question of whether the Lewis and
Clark Fair shall be opened or closed on
Sundays, is now being fought over be
tween those who would strictly enforce
Sunday observance, and those who deny
all religious claims of the day. The Sun
rtav rlnslnir nuestion la always ud at these
fA!r nml the same old arguments ara ;i prouauiy win oe unuer mi b monopoly,
tw.QhPrf nvpr and over acaln. The Ore- the Filipino will buy foreign goods, and
trnnian whose pdltor is resident of the go back to the English as customers,
Lewis and Clark Fair, takes the position f ,,The people benefited by this legislation
that the gates to the Fair should be open, win De tne i.-ngiisn mercnants, tne west,
hut that th machinery need not be ODer- ern manufacturers, and the owners of thi
oto . onr nnmnnrv htisiness con-1 Doats contronea dv tiui tne uoston
Pacific and the continent-
There are now no vessels in process
of building and none-shown to be on the
way to be available at Manila for hemp
to Atlantic ports after July 1 next. Should
then the alternative of importing via
Pacific ports be the necessity, all the
Eastern mills will be handicapped by cost
of hemp higher than have their com
petitors In the "West. These Eastern
manufacturers do not wish to hinder tne
"Western mills from getting.thelr hemp at
the same freights as It now costs tnem
via Atlantic ports, but they do not want
to be deprived of their present privileges
of finding other means of communication,
Even if by the Atlantic route they should
get lower-cost hemp, the cost of their
twine when freighted to the Northwest
would be equalized to that made in the
West. As the letter Issued by Augustus
P. Loring. president of the Plymouth
Cordage Company, says
"Under the cheap rates which have been
fostered by competition, the Filipinos
have begun to import quite freely from
the United States $4,000,000 worth per an
num. if the rate of freight Is raisea, as
given a Russian-Japanese war If the authorities would like to employ does ducted that would deprive the laboring Steamship Company and Great Northern
cabled report that Russia has a sub
marine vessel In Oriental waters be
Nothing whatever is known of these
in action, and little in maneuvers. A
French submarine Is said to have sue
ccssfully approached an Atlantic liner
off Brest In dirty weather. Admiral
Fisher, who will undoubtedly command
the British fleet If it engages in war,
when representing his country at The
Hague made no secret of saying that he
would hang the crews of every sub
marine he could capture In time of war,
Russia's use of them would establish
an Interesting precedent.
The importance borne by the naval
aspect of this war Is such that the
not seem to be keeping up with the de
mand." The average salary of male
teachers In the United States Is about
ou iuiu uiul ol lexnaies iu, xne con
clusion is:
man of his day of rest. This is the view itanroaa. unaouDteaiy, mucn nemp win
the great majority will take of lt. There oe iorceu oy wis legislation, irom iuj
,t mnnv tchn will attend the I natural and normal course via the Suez
Pair that will not observe the day in any Canal tp the Atlantic ports to the Pacific
religious sense, ana wno, it aeniea aa- i " . - e
mission to the Fair crounds. are quite roaas. am s Doats, as ne nas iramuj
If the people of this country are to maintain likely, to spend the day in much worse explained, will be American boats onlyln
the load that they have taken In the Industrial
progress of the world they must make their
schools better and better, and they cannot do
this Nlthout .employing the best teachers that
are to be had, and they cannot get the beat
teachers, with the cost of living steadily ris
ing, unless they are willing to pay at least
as good wages as those ot the average clerk
and mechanic.
Playing whist for small prizes Is now
classed as a pernicious form of gam
bling in Boston, and" several parties
very first encrasrement mar determine nave been broken up by police raids.
Irs outcome Control of th sea Is vital -very now ana uien .Boston seems to
The belated announcement of John
T. Bibb, of Tacoma. to the effect that
the Great Northern Railroad is violat
ing the Interstate Commerce act by
making a 40-cents-per-hundred rate
from Minneapolis to the Orient offers
no particulars that have not already
been In the possession of the public for
many months. As a statement 'of an
extraordinary transportation condition,
the matter has lost much of the Inter
est which lt excited when the rate was
placed In effect nearly eighteen months
ago. Public curiosity will be aroused.
however. In seeking a motive for this
overdue protest from a representative
Pacific Coast miller who has apparent
ly been facing in silence for eighteen
months the same competition which he
now openly condemns so heartily. "When
Mr. Hill made this rate of 40 cents per
hundred from Minneapolis to the Ori
ent, shortly after his conference with
the "Washington farmers m 1902, The
to Japan and will probably prove of
almost equal importance to Russia. If
Russia can destroy the Japanese fleet,
Japan Is cooped up in her Islands, and
have a new "crusade." Today the
booksellers are arrested for selling the
classics, which, like the dictionary, can
not propeny De reaa tnrougn to a
Cheer Up, Cherries Are Ripe.
Corvallls Gazette.
Corvallis Is gaining a reputation as an
"easy mark" town, through the erratic
zeal of some of her indiscreet scribes.
Whenever a faker visits this burg he
gets a column or more free advertising.
and the impression Is given out that ho
carries away all the floating wealth of
the town. This puts all the other fakers
in the country on to the place, and lt
will- not be long before our town Is
flooded with get-rlch-qulck schemes and
schemers. This idea of our town is not
the correct one. Our citizens are not
more gullible than the average. Time3
have been cood for the last year, and
Latest on the War. ?x
Toklo, - Feb. 7. Baron Baresldes; the'
Japanese Ambassador to Russia, has t
broken off diplomatic relations. He Is
criticised In the native press for not'
sticking it Into Russia before breaking it
St. Petersburg, Feb. 7. The Russian.
Ambassador In Toklo asked for his pass
ports yesterday. Owing to the Mikado's
mistaken belief that Count Sllkemonski .
was trying to hold him up for passes to
the theater of war, he was refused, as the
free list has been entirely suspended. '
Dingbatofsky, Dec 2. (By Siberian R.
R. express train service.) It Is believed,
here that hostilities will not break out be-
fore Christmas. January, 1901,- Is fixed
for the arrival of the next mall train from
St. Petersburg.
Pep3lngumko, Feb. 7. (By Router's
Agency.) Something Is reported to be
going on somewhere in Japan (Formosa?).
Moscow, Feb. 7. The Czar Is endeavor-
Ing to raise a loan in Paris. He has of- .
fered a 35 meal ticket, only nunched
three times, for $1.25 cash. The " Paris- .
Ian syndicate formed to float the Ioan,l3
still shy 45 cents. "War cannot be car-
rled on without means. ;
Port Arthur, Feb. 7. (Hearse special
service, by the most submerged cable in
the world.) Tho consignment of canned -corned
beef for the Cossacks has arrived
by the Siberia from San Francisco, and
Is rapidly being drilled into shape. ItJ3
expected that a regiment of Cossack's
will" be mounted on cans of the beef, as
It is considered swifter than the native
Seoul, Feb. 7.--The Emperor of Corea
Is becoming tired of his job and threatens.
to give up emplripsr.
Hall on the Columbia! i
Swakopmund Is growing as familiar as
Skamokawa. ,
It might as well have rained a little
sackcloth with tho ashes at Huntington.
A burglar In New York recently shut
the owner of the house he was robbing in
the Icebox and admonished him to keep
Always interested in the doings of tho
great, we are glad to learn that time Is
of such value to the fair beings compos
ing society that they have abolished the
word "debutante" and replaced it with
"deb." A girl not yet "coming out" Is a
name, and be run by Lascar crews. The
many separate companies in the East arts
to bo sacrificed to the western manufac
turer and any one can -see the farmer's
The promoters of the bill under con
sideration are willing to force Its enact
ment even to the destruction of existing
commerce, amounting, at the ports of
New York and Boston In 1903, to 597,000
bales of hemp; and the sacrifice of cord
age companies In the East employing
12.C00 men. To establish a cordage com
petition with the East on the Pacific
Coast is one of the northwest s new am
bitions. It is expected and even desired
by Senator Frye that this bill would' In
crease the rates of freight until It would
be profitable to Americans to build and
run ships. ' But It is certainly baa
economics to so enhance the cost of raw
that's' an end of U. "if" Japan 'dn d mixed assemblage; tomorrow the police nearly everybody has spare change hi his ",7
stroy the Russian fleet, Russia Is pow
erless to move upon Japan. The advan
tage is slightly with Russia; for with
her fleet destroyed, or with both fleets
disabled, she can sit still where she is
in Manchuria and the borders of Corea.
She doesn't have to go to Japan; but
Japan has to go to her.
will haul off to jail any person that
may recline In a canoe; and the day
after the station doors swing open to
admit the despoiler of homes that may
have von a tin mug In a whist con
The Irish party in the British Parlia
ment announces through its leader.
It does not seem reasonable for tem
perance societies to protest against the
use of champagne In christening ships.
Surely every bottle that Is broken at a
pocket. This makes the crowd good-
natured, and a little humbug Is appre
ciated, when some one else gets bit. Yet
this same crowd would enter with equal
enthusiasm Into the sport of gjvlng a
swindler a ride on a rail, and, by the
way. It Is about time for some one to
take a ride.
lose their valuable export markets for
cordage and twine. Here, indeed, Is oc
casion for the "Let-well-enough-aione"
The Philippines government nas ap
pealed to our Government to continue
the present freedom of commerce until
there Is actual provision of American
tonnace to conduct It, Our coastwise
regulations were established by acts of
Concress In 17S9 and 1792. and have since
been changed by acts of Congress. Con-
On Religious Grounds.
Arlington Record.
Tho mjpsMnn nf nnenlnir or rlnslnir the
launching makes one less to be drunk Fair Grounds at Portland In 1S05 on Sun- gress has power to modify them again if
Hi- tHnca thnt An nnt dav is bolnc d scussed by neoDle ceneraliy. it is iouna mm uiur "
" . .C-l ' icc nc thir hrtwe anA oic and. while there are" some strong argu-
jonn iteamona, mat tne cuiuebt lur - m-,t In favor of a closed Sunday the
general tenor favors the opening on that
home rule will continue; that nothing
short of this concession "will satisfy
Ireland. In reply. Mr. "Wyndham said
that the government has no thought of
granting Ireland home rule. This
means that the Balfour government is
not ready to purchase the support of
the assistance of the eighty-two Irish
the temperance societies do. It may
be that this more logical view was taken
by the many that protested against the
spilling of champagne on the Great
Northern's big steamship Dakota, Any
way It was champagne that was used.
day. The working man who puts in six
days out of the seven at labor is almost
universally In favor of a rest day on the
seventh, but his rest day 1b not to be
hurtful to the commerce of this country
or to that of the distressed dependency
for whose condition we are now wholly
resDonsIble. The United atates uonsti
tutlon forbids interstate auties ana auties
upon exports. If the Philippines aTe not
alien and we must apply our coastwise
J ttir, in the hniiap. nr attend, reculatlons to trade with the Philippines,
ing church; what Is rest and recreation tnen. now m cuit.jr ww.
to one mav be labor for another. A man to levy our tariff duties upon what we
Oregonlan babies are invincible. Hera -Is
a Roseburg cherub taking a prize In a
National competition. The way in which
some of the state's famous fruit Is packed-.
is said to militate against Its success, but
there Is no such handicap on the babies in
their individual wrappers.
The Century Magazine is to run a serial
by Edwin Markham. The story will be
told in verse, so people will hope that the
Century'3 example In this respect wlllnot
be too widely followed. Serials In blank
would be poor substitutes for good in
teresting pages of advertising matter. .
There was a little girl. Jx
And she had a little curl '
To the vanity ot woman it attested;
And when she was good
She was very, very good.
And when she was bad she was arrested. '
Cornell "Widow. ;
How much simnler tn have "nulled" th
girl- ' .r
York. Pa., Feb. 1. The. girls of the senior
class at the York High School, taking up the
study of domestic chemfkfry under an ex
perienced culinary artlat, Jwked biscuits today.
Specimens were presented to the faculty, and
Prof. Pennypacker, prlnfjipal-'of the school;
immediately adopted two of the biscuits for
use as paper weights. Philadelphia. North
"What else could one do with a biscuit
baked In a "domestic chemistry" class?
In Springfield, Mass., last week a girl
died immediately after a dance, and the
physicians said that her stays were laced
too tightly to allow her heart free play.'
Hence her death. It may be that soma
young men will take a lesson from this.
and clasp their partners In the .dance -more
as If their arm encircled a delicate
girl than as If they were at grips with a
New York papers are much amused over
the case of a young Scot whose father
had bought him a rancn near "Winnipeg
and had given him "a ticket by way of
New York. After a near view of New
York's immensity and after learning that
Winnipeg was days away to the west
ward, the Scot shook his head. "Na,
na," he declared, "this country's ower
big for me," and he returned to Scotland
by the next steamer.
Representative Shepherd, of Texas, Is
agin' the free-seed business conducted by
the Government. He thinks that seeds
which can be obtained in the open market
should not be distributed among the vot
ers, but that It would be all right for a
Representative to scatter among his con
stituents packages of rare seeds. There
would be more Interest In this for: the
farmer, who might sow the contents. His
garden might be covered with bamboos,
or upas trees, or bread fruit Instead of
mere prosaic carrots. Mr. Shephard has
an eye to the enjoyment of his flock, and
it is to be hoped that his Idea will bo
'n mnrf nonulnr iiimnintmont .ni I v,i nn,it- .im -o rsiiMnndv r. I lmtiort from the Philippines and an ex-
re freed at government expense, and j Oregonlan pointed out the Injustice of Nationalists at such a price as home have been made man that of Mr. Henry ship by attending the Fair on Sunday as port tax upon shipments from the Philip-
e scourges of famine. Nihilism and
igue which have been uncomplaln
Igly borne by tremendous efforts, and
ie Hague tribunal called in the in
sts of universal peace with all
tese claims upon the sympathy and
od will of mankind, the Emperor of
the Russias sits at night among the
losts of murdered ancestors and hap
ps exiles and burned cities and frus-
itted plans In Turkey and Manchuria,
reflect in added grief and pain that
It in tho great world his hand Is
htlnst cverj man's and every man's
ind is against him.
iueh. for good 6r ill, Is Russia's lonely
It Is not always the worst fate that
such a rate so long as the present rates
from Oregon and "Washington points
were maintained.
The matter was extensively comment
ed on throughout the East, a leading
New York financial Journal going so far
as to state that in establishing such a
low rate Mr. Hill was placing in jeop
ardy every railroad property In the
"West. Mr. Bibb and the rest of the
Puget Sound millers were certainly fa
miliar with the apparent injustice of
such a rate at that time, but so far as
known they made no open protest
against it. After submitting in silence
for eighteen months, during a period
rule. The government will keep Its e. Dosch for director of exhibits for the
promise to Introduce bills for the relief I Lewis and Clark Fair. It gives assur
or agricultural laborers and of the con- ance, also, that our home talent of ap-
gested districts In the west of Ireland, proved skill and fidelity Is not,to be lg-
lt woum proDaoiy consent iu grant, i norea in tne necessary recourse to ex-
when Mr. Hill was giving the long end
befall a man or a people to be I of the purse to the foreign shipowners
ven In upon himself. It did not hurt I who had the ocean part of the haul. It
mosthenes that his crude efforts at j is strange that a protest should now be
xtory moved the Athenian populace I made, just when the steamship mag
nate is preparing to handle the business
with his own ships. It is not improb
able that the immense lumber and shin
gle Interests of the State of "Washing-
derision. It was the making of his
Iwers. It did not. put an end to Eng
ld's growth that whorever she looked
m her island home she saw enemies
soon or late, the request of the Irish
Nationalists that the government en
dow a teaching university for Catholics
In Ireland. But Mr. Balfour would
rather resign his post or dissolve Par
llament and go to the ballot-box than
avpld defeat In the House of Commons
the present sessiqn by securing the sup
port of the Irish party on the terms of
such an ultimatum as home rule.
The truth is that home rule for Ire
land Is for the present absolutely dead.
The Conservatives and the Liberal
Unio'nists, whether they follow Cham
berlain or the Duke of Devonshire, will
not concede home rule to Ireland, and
some of the Liberal leaders, like Lord
Rosebery, are at least Indifferent to Its
perlence and facility from abroad. No
In other ways. No one would think It
wrong to go Into the fields and gardens
ond woods or an orchard or flower garden
or art gallery on. Sunday and view and
commune on the beauties of Ixature and
art. The Fair will he a reproduction of
the works of the grfeat I Am and of his
pines to foreign countries?
one could be named for this Important I creatures and can certainly be seen and
place In whose knowledge and entire
trustworthiness the people as a whole
have more confidence.
Cheering news comes from Germany.
where the wines of this year's vintage
are declared by the experts to be of
good quality. "While this will be glad
tidings to Americans who drink Im
ported wines, recent disclosures suggest
that It should Ufe even more pleasing to
the connoisseur to learn that the supply
of drugs was unusually plentiful and
free from polsonoiis adulteration.
studied In a profitable way not only sfx
days in the week, but seven as well.
Looks Like a Reasonable Request.
Portland Labor Press.
One of the greatest evils that result
from lack of discipline is drunkenness at
union meetings. No member should be al
lowed to remain In the meeting while
under the Influence of liquor. A fine
should be Imposed on him for appearing
The verdict of the jury Is undoubtedly a Just
one. Indianapolis Journal.
This startling charge does not exaggerate the
simple truth. Kansas City Star,
The Jury has placed the responsibility where
it Delonged.-T-PhiIadelpbla rress.
Very strong Is the verdict, yet it Is not too
strong. New Tone iian-ana jsxpress,
The Jury's verdict will be approved by every
right-thinking person. Des Moines Hegister
The Coroner's Jury has performed a public
service of the highest possible value. Pitta
burg Post.
That the Mayor'and other city officials were
tipr In such condition, and he should ho
ejected from the halL Then the fine shouW morally responsible few will deny.-Cleveland
be collected. A man has no more license I Fla,n
to attend his union meeting drunk than I It will be a most -excellent object lesson If
Male residents of Huntlnston had
appeal. In the Parliament of 1892-95 some cause to be annoyed at the shower affairs. In conjunction with that of others
he has to go to work In that condition. A
union meeting Is purely a business propo
sition where a man looks after hi3 own
arms. It forced her to equip herself j ton have had much to do with keeping
rule the sea. It did not quell the
Irlt of Abraham Lincoln that his first was greeted with jeers; he
py sought and found new strength in
Inmunion with his own steadfast
iL And it may not be the worst
ng in the world for Russia that wher-
br she turns for sympathy she meets
fcy averted looks and prayers for the
lamca ot her mortal foe. No nation
h cv;r come up through greater trib-
htior or found to its hand a more un-
jmlslng mass of material from which
Iraold a civillzatioa of power and use-
the matter quiet for so long.
Mr. Hill has openly stated that the
only reason for making the abnormally
low rate on wheat and flour coming
"West was to enable him to make a 40-
cent rate on lumber and shingles bound
East, the westbound traffic supplying
him with cars which otherwise would
have to be hauled across the country
empty. It would appear from this that
the flour and wheat business of the Pa
cific Northwest is being sacrificed in or
der to give the lumbermen a low rate
to the markets of the Central "West.
Gladstonlan Liberals and Irish Nation
alists combined had a majority of about
forty. "With this majority the second
home rule bill was passed by the House
of Commons, but Mr. Gladstone's loss
of physical strength compelled him to
resign the post of leader and home rule
collapsed under Lord Rosebery's luke
warm advocacy in 1S95. There is no
of ashes that fell there; but just think
of the housekeepers!
It needs the best brain energy sometimes
to pass upon questions that involve com
munity rights and unlimited capital. How
can a wmsitey-soaKea memDer ao tnis?
Again there are members who are op
posed to the use or liquor ana it is any-
to be
the grand Jury shall follow the. Coroner's.
New Tork Evening Post.
Great as was the responsibility of the man
agement, the responsibility of the city officials
was greater. Cincinnati Tribune.
This Is something new In the way of appor
tioning accountability, but there is nothing
Illogical In it. Boston Transcript.
Justice in sternest mood Is seen In the ver
dict. The list to headed by Mayor Harrison.
and properly so. Kew Tork Press,
There to something refreshing in the em
Age of Mother Earth.
Baltimore Sun.
Lord Kelvin's estimate of tne ace of i thing but interesting for them
the world Is- "Not so great as 40.000.000 I harassed with some irresponsible fellow In
years; possibly as little at 20,003.000 years; I his cups who contends for the privilege I phaile utterance of the Jury to the Mayor:
nrobablv 30.000.000 years." As not even th I of the floor to explain, and when he has 1 Thnr. rt th mim!" Buffalo Commercial.
party today in the British Parliament greatest scientists have been able to find been allowed the courtesy he Imposes striking at the root of the evil. Tha
;v, -i nrnant -in -.liir. Tr-itv. v, out within 10.000,000 or 15.000,000 years how upon It and his audience In a belabored. lcrr has apportioned the responsibility very
old Mother Earth Is. It must be confessed 1 disconnected enort to maice nimseif under-1 instly by beginning with the Mayor. New
that would accept an alliance with the
Irish party on the pledge of home rule.
The eloquence and energy of Gladstone
alone were equal to carrying home rule
for Ireland to. victory, but since his
death home rule for Ireland has lost its
that she keeps the secret of her age quite
as well as do her charming daughters.
The scientists may at last come to the
conclusion that. Jike the others, se is
"only as old as she iooks,m
stood. There are also lady members In
some unions who are so disgusted by
scenes of this kind that they prefer to
stay away from the union meetings and i
! pay their fines if there are any.
York Times.
The Jury could not consistently have refused
to hold Mayor Harrison. Sworn to enforce
law, ho stands "convicted of h&v.l2 -disregarded
It. Ohio State Jocrai,
That little mare I got from you was no
good at all." "And yet you eay I'm no Judge
Knicker Were you shopping today? Mnr.
Knlcker No; I went downtown and bought
all the Christmas presents. Judge.
"He hasn't a very high opinion of your In
telligence." "How do you know?" "I heard
him refer to you as an Ideal Juror." Phila
delphia. Ledger.
Ethel Will told me last nlht he waaafraid
his mind was going. Mabel-Weren't you
scared? Ethel Tes. I was afraid he wouldn't
go with It. Cln-irnatl Commercial Tribune.
"What am I ever going to do with such 8
bad bad boy?" sighed the fond mother. "Oh,
you leave me alone." replied the young hope,
ful. "I'm not half as bad as I can be."
Brooklyn Life.
jjlbllck Solomon was the wise man. He
knew all that there was to know. Foozle
Naturally; a man with his extensive assort
ment of wives must have heard all that was
going on. Boston Transcript.
She Oh I I would have given anything to
have had 1U He Well, why didn't you buy lt?
sheThe Idea! They wanted halt a dollar
for It. Browning's Magazine.
Miss Kulcher Of course, Mr. Freschmann,
you are Quite familiar with Greek? Mr.
Freschmann Oh I yes, indeed. I know Greek
the minute I see it. the letters are ao funny
looking, you know. Philadelphia Preia.
"It was only five years ago that I started In
with our firm at $5 a week," said Bragg, "and
now I earn ?EO a week without any trouble."
That's so; it'a easy to earn that," remarked
Newltt, "but how much do you get?" Phila
delphia Press,
Edwin (before marriage) Never mind, dear.
Til shovel off the snow so that we can skate.
I'd shovel off acrea for you! After marrlag
Well, I should say noli I'm no cawa &or"
Chicago Dally News.