(THE MORNING JOREGONIAN, 1YEDNE SD AT, FEBRUARY 3, 1904 CHURCH BURNS MORTGAGE FIRST EVANGELICAL CONGREGA TION OUT OF DEBT. Jubilee Rally Is Held In Which the Struggles of the Church Are Recounted. ' In the presence of a large audience and at the close of the Jubilee held last night, the mortgage that stood for so long a time over the First "English Evangelical Church and manse, East Sixth and Market streets, went up In smoke. The ushers were unable to seat all the poople, and many remained stand ing through the programme. Back of the pulpit the wall was banked with ever green, on which were the words, In gilt letters, 'Thanks be unto God; 1SS6-1S04. Rejoice with us." About the altar and platform were flowers and ferns. Rev. G. W. Plumer, the pastor, had charge of the programme. With him on .the platform wer.e Rev. 2. Shupp, presiding elder Portland district, and Rev. J. E. Smith, presiding elder Salem district After Scripture reading by Rev. B. G. Eaton, music by the choir and prayer by Rev. L. Myers, Rev. N. Shupp read a historical sketch of the church. He eald that the first steps were taken In 1S93, the church proper being organized and building lot secured while Rev. A. Schlenx was pastor. Tha lot bost over $1900. While Rev. C. C. Poling, Ph. X., was pastor, In 1884-87, the church build ing was put up at a cost of over $2000 and a. debt contracted which finally ran up to $2CO0. Mr. Shupp spoke of the try ing times when the division of the Ore gon conference occurred and the mem bership, which during the pastorate of Rev. Jj. S. Fisher .had been 300, de creased to 25 members, but the church gradually recovered from that blow. When in September, 1900, Rev. G. W. Plumer came from the East and entered on his work, the debt was $1800. Rev. J. E. Smith started a subscription to "the debt fund In 1900, and Mr. Plumer took up the work and pushed It to a success ful end. Mr. Shupp spoke of the patient and effective labors of all the pastors of the church. Of the original charter members only "Mother" Weatherly was present. After the reading of the historical sketch, Rev. G, W. Plumer read letters of greeting from Rev. T. T. Vincent, pastor in 1893-9G; Rev. F. B. Culver, pas tor 1899, and Rev. Ezra Maurer, pastor 1899-00; Following came an address by Rev. J. E. Smith, who spoke .on "Our Mission." Rev. P. J. Green gave a" spir ited talk on "Our Prospect" F. C. Streyfuer sang a solo, followed by the address, "Our venture for the Future," by F. M. Fisher." and "Our Relations to the General Public," by Mrs. Ella lladley. Then came the important part of the programme, the burning of the mortgage, which had cost the pastors and members so hard a struggle. This was followed "by an anthem by the Choir, when the audience was dismissed. COVERED WOODEN BRIDGES. Property-Owners Ofcfer Solution of Sullivan Gulch Controversy. "The Council, or the Executive Board. or whoever has authority, can settle the question of bridges across Sullivan's Gulch," said E. H. Virgil, a well-known property-owner, yesterday, "by simply building wooden structures at a cost of $10,000 each on both Union and Grand avenues. There Is no call for all this rot and discussion about putting up even one steel bridge at a cost of $75,000. The property-owners will not stand for one steel bridge at either Grand or Union avenue. They have repeatedly made this plain to the Council, and yet the Coun cilmen continue to thresh the matter over Instead of making provision, for putting two bridges for the accommoda tlon of the public on Union and Grand avenues. The property-owners will resist every effort to build a steel bridge on either Union or Grand avenue." This seems to be the sentiment of tho property-owners both north and south of Sullivan's Gulch, and they are stirred every time they hear the question of steel bridges discussed. H. D. Winters, a property-owner on Grand avenue, says that the property-owners on that street favor building wooden structures at both Union and Grand avenues so that there will bo no discrimination and there will be equal Justice to both streets. Mr. Virgil adheres to his suggestion that two covored bridges bo built, which, he says, will last 20 years or more. He points to tho covered bridges connecting the two parts of the City of Haverhill, Mass., as the class he considers best for Sullivan's Gulch. "Covered bridges can be well lighted by openings along the sides," continued Mr. Virgil, "and the cover would protect them from the storms, causing them to last at least 20 years. I don't believe there will bo objections if the Council will go ahead and put up two such bridges as I- have suggested." HOUSE BLOCKS THE TRACKS. Chapter of Accident and Delays at Union Avenue and East Burnside From S o'clock yestorday morning till C o'clock last evening there was something doing at the Intersection of East Burn side street and Union avenue. Between the falling of the trolley wires several times and the dropping of a heavy pole several peoplo had narrow escapes. Joseph Buchtel Is having moved tho two-story cottage that stood on tho northwest corner of the intersection. The electri clans cut the wires at the intersection shortly before 3 O'-clock In the morning. and tho building would have been out ot the way of the streot-cars running south ward On Union avenue hod not one of tho big tlmbors under the building broke. Another had to be substituted, and mean while the house stood across the car tracks and passengers were transferred until it was moved down street. Then tho electricians began restoring the scvoral wires above the intersection. which was a long and dangerous job, Several times in the afternoon the guy wires gavo way, lotting tho trolley fall to the street and causing Hashes as It struck the damn places. As tho street was crowded wHh pedestrians and pass ing vehicles, it was fortunate that no serious accident happened. Adjustment of trolley wires carrying heavy electric currents was a dangerous operation. Alumni Association to Meet. A special meeting of the Central School Alumni Association will be held on Fri day night In the assembly hall to hear reports from the several committees that were appointed to prepare for the recep tion to the February class, to be held on February 12. All mombers of commit tees are requested to attend. Rev. G. E. H awes' Leg Amputated. Word was received yesterday that the Rev. Georgo E. Hawes, formerly pastor of the First United Presbyterian Church of Portland, Is In the hospital at Pitts burg, Pa., where one of his legs was amputated. The bono was- injured by fall in such a way that amputation was necessary. , East Side Notes. Rev. Ievl Johnson. Presbyterian city missionary. Is holding special services every.night this week in the Mission Hall on East Twenty-eighth and Gllsan streets, A parents" meeting will be held In the L?nts Sohoolhouse Friday afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock. County School Superintendent R. F. Robinson and Professor D. A. Grout are expected to be present and give talks. Tho pilediiver is at work on the foun datlon of the office and box .factory building for tbo Standard- Box Company, which will stand on Bast Pine, between Water and First streets, south ol the lumber yard. A Roosevelt Club will be organized In the hall on Mississippi avenue and Shaver street Friday evening. All who favor the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt, Re publican and Democrats, will be welcome. SUES SISTER, POR SUPPORT. C. W. larrett Says He Has to Sleep In Any Old PJace. Cornelius W. Barrett, who has on sev eral occasions within the "past seVeral years applied to the courts' to compel his" sister, Mrs. Xarifa Fallng, to support him, yesterday filed a petition to that effect in the County Court. 1 Barrett says he Is 55 years old. Is In- nn bodily because of his exposure to the elements, and Is unable to work. Ho states that he has to sleep on' the ground, in a basement or wherever night over takes him, and to subsist almost wholly upon charity. Barrett alleges that his sister, Mrs. Fallng, owns property at the corner of Fifth and Washington streets valued at $200,000 and bringing in a very large ren tal, and also other property, and is well able to provide for him. He asks the court to make an order requiring her to pay over a sufficient amount monthly for his maintenance. The father of Mrs. Faling and Cornelius Barrett conducted a book and stationery store in Portland In the '70s. The at tempts of Cornelius Barrett in the past to force bis sister to support him have failed, although he Is authorized by statute to sue. C. H. Piggott appears as his attorney. WHAT SHOULD A WOMAN DO? Judge Gcarin Gives Expert Opinion in McCarty-Heryford Case. A demurrer to the amended answer in the- case of Birdie N. McCarty versus James L. Heryford for $70,000 for breach of promise was argued In the Federal Court yesterday. The discussion brought up all sorts of questions about courtship. what a broken-hearted woman should do and just how far a man could ven ture toward matrimony without laying himself liable to a suit. The point of de fense set up in the demurrer is that after the alleged breach of contract was made, the defendant signified a willingness to marry the plaintiff and she refused. The defense therefore claimed that the pjaln- tlff has no grounds for suit. Judge John Jd. Gearin, for Heryford, said that there are three recourses for a broken-hearted woman. 'The first," said he, "is for her to say, "You have wronged me and refuse to make me your wife. Go; I ,am glad to get rid of such rubbish.' The second, ToU have broken my heart and only gold can mend It. Give me cash until my wounded feelings are forgotten.' Third, provided the man changes his mind and agrees to marry her' I will take you for better or for worse,' and thereafter peace reigns." Judge Bellinger overruled the demur rer on the ground that the point set forth did not constitute a complete de fense, but only mitigated the circum stances with relation to damages. Tho case will be tried for the second time In the Federal Court at the next term. At the former trial the plaintiff was award ed $25,000 damages, but Judge Bellinger set the judgment aside and ordered a re-hearing. STORY OF A BURNED NOTE. Defendant and Her Divorced Hus band Give Conflicting Evidence. The trial of the suit of Frank Sedgast against Mrs. Amelia Campbell, formerly Mrs. Velguth, to recover $150 on a Jiote which was destroyed In the Dolcum building fire brought out some interest ing developments. Mrs. Campbell plead ed the statute of limitations, and she also said that her former husband, Vel guth, from whom she was divorced, was to have signed the note, but did not do so. Velguth testified, denying this, and said he never heard-of the Instru ment. Sedgast testified that he gave the defendant $50 to deposit in a bank for him, but Instead she used the money, and he stated that he afterward ad vanced various amounts to her until the total sum was $150. Then he thought he ought to have security, and asked her to sign a note, which she did.. Judge George took the case under advisement . Anxious to Adopt. His Niece. William Driscoll yestorday filed a pe tition In the C6unty Court . for leave to adopt his niece, Catherine Josephine Brandon, and to change her name to Driscoll. She Is 17 years old and has lived In the family of the petitioner since she was two years old. Her father died in 1SS8, and her mother, Julia F. Hoffman, who resides at Spokane, has consented to the adoption. New Cold Storage Company. G. W. Weatherly, H. M. Carlock nnd J. G. Peck filed articles of Incorporation of- the Crystal Ice and Storage Company in the County Clerk's office yestorday; capital stock, $50,000. The purpose of the corporation is to manufacture" ice, but ter, cheese, ice cream, purchase i.nd sell all kinds of dairy products s.n5 operate a cold-storage business, eta Denied New Trial. Judge Sears yesterday denied a motion for a now irlal in the case of William Ickcs. who was convicted a month aero of assault on Rosa Barker. Trying Hassalo Damage Suit. The case of the O. R. & K. Company versus the ship Cypromene for damages to the O. R. $ N. steamer Hassalo DIDN'T BELIEVE That Coffee Was the Real Trouble. Some people flounder around and. take everything that's recommended to them but finally find out that coffee Is the real cause of their troubles. An Oregon man says: "For 25 years I was troubled with my stomach. 'I was a steady coffee drinker but dldn t suspect that as the cause. doctored with good doctors and got no help, then I took almost anything which Bomeone else had cured with, but to no good. I was very bad last summer and could not work at times. "On December S. . i, I was taken so had the doctor said I could not live over 24 hours at the most, and I made all preparations to die. I could hardly cat anything, everything distressed me and I was weak and sick all over. When in that condition coffee was abandoned and I was put on Postum; the change in my feelings came quickly after the drink that was poisoning me was removed.. "The pain and sickness fell away from me and I began to get well day by day. so I stuck to it until now I am well and strong again and can eat heartily with no headache, heart trouble or the "awful sickness of the old coffee days. I drink all I wish of Postum without any harm and enjoy it Immensely. "This seems like a wonderfully strong story, but I would refer you to the First National Bonk, the Trust Banking Com pany, or any merchant of Grant's Pass. Or., In regard to my standing; and I will, send a sworn statement of this If you wish. You can also use my name." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Still there are many who persistently fool themselves by saying, "Coffee don't hurt me." A ten days' tiial of Postum in Its place will tell, the truth and many times save life. " "There's a reason." Look for the little book, "The Road to "WcllvUle," In each 'packago PHXL MXTSCXAX, IT. SETEmM9IUl!16TDl SIKHS, rHTUig, MH European Plan THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, Americas Plaa AlsoEuropeaa Plan. Modera Restanraat. COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS. HEADQUARTERS FOI WRISTS AID CfiHERCIAL TRATELERS Special rates made t families aad single gentlemen. The manage ment-wIII be pleased at all times t shew reams aad give prices. A mod era Turkish bath establishmeat la the betel. H. C BOWERS, Mgr. through a collision on the night of Oc tober 4, 1902, on the Columbia river, waB begun in the Federal Court yesterday. Bight thousand dollars damage's is asked. The hearing of the case continued through yesterday afternoon and will probably be concluded today. Want Receiver for Wade Estate. In answer to a petition by a number of creditors of C. B. Wade, the banker of Pendleton, T. C. Taylor, of Pendleton, was appointed receiver to tate charge of affairs pending the appointment of a trustee. Jt will be some time before .a trustee can be selected, consequently a request was made for. a reeciver to act until such selection can be made. DEES ON BOARD TRAIN. Herman F. Varwlg Passes Away While Traveling for His Health. Herman F. Varwlg, of this city, died on a Southern Pacific passenger train at Paso Robles. Cal., yesterday morning, while on his way to Tucson, Arizona, where he had gone with the hope of benefitting his health. Ho was accom panied by his wife. Mr. and. Mrs. Varwig departed on Sat urday night for Tucson, upon the rec ommendation of the family physician. Nervous asthma, with which Mr. Varwig has been a sufferer for some time, as well as consumption, was tho cause of his death, and it was hoped that tbo dry climate of Tucson would benefit his" condition. Mr. Varwig was an old resident of Portland, having come hero In 1SG5. He is survived by a widow and two brothers, Thomas. and Louis Varwlg. Tho remains will be brought to Portland for burial in the family plot In Rlvervlew Cemetery- Prince Declares Boy Is Not His Own. DRESDEN. Saxony. Feb. 2. A singular lawsuit will result from the divorce ot Prince Frederick and Frlcess Alice of Schoonberg-Waldenburg In which their C-yenr-old son. Prince Charles, will appear as plaintiff. The Prince declares the boy is not his son and consequently has caused a suit to be instituted in the boy's name against -the collateral line -to establish his rights to the titles and ranks of the family. The case will go to the Saxon Supreme Court, tho family's princely rank entitling them to the precedence and to the avoidance of tho lower courL Tho best Dill I ever used." Is the fre- auent remark of purchasers of Carter's Little Liver Pills When you try them you will say the same. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Feb. 2. Maximum tempera ture, 40 deg.: minimum, 32. River reading, 11 A. M., 4.2 feet; change In 24 hours, rise 0.2 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to. 5 P. Mv none; total since September l, lwu, s.-ji inches: normal. 20.94; deficiency, 3.53. Total sunshine February 1, 1004, 4 hours 4S minutes; possible, 9 hours 42 minutes. Barometer (re duced to sea level) at S P. 21.. 30.17. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 12 hours the barometer has fallen rapidly in the North 'Pacifio States, but as yet no rain or snow has fallen. The Indications are for fair weather Wednes day east ot the Cascade Mountains and threat ening -weather, with rain, in "Western Oregon and Western Washington. WE HAVE A PULL And we would like to have you test it ir you need any or your teetn removec It won't hurt a particle, the operation being absolutely painless., Where a few sound teeth remain we can build a bridge for you tnat gives tne oest satisfaction, next to natural teetn. AT SALEM we have opened a branch fflce in the Steusloff building, corner Court and Liberty streets. DR. B. E. WRIGHT'S DENTAL OFFICE 845 WASHINGTON STREET, Comer Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Office hours: S A. M. to 5 P. M.; evenings, 7:38 to S:20.- Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 M. Telephone Main 2119. THE BADGE OF TRUE NOBILITY A man who posseses independence wears the badge of the highest distinction. The slave, cringing under the lash, grovels in the dust of humility and degradation. Disease Is the foul destroyer ot man's self-reliance and eventually courage and pride are sapped of their vigor, and In the place of an energetic spirit, with the full vim of manhood, indolence -sets In and life Is robbed of its highest purposes, fol lowed by humiliation and despair. "Who would throw oft the fetters and craven fear caused by painful disease should take Dr Bursnarrs egetaoie . uompouna. which creates new, pure. ricn. ncaithy blood and is guaranteed to cure the follow ing distressful ailments: Rheumatism, .Neural na. uatarrn. xnirty aays treat 4'ment, sc. All arugsisis. C. W. KXQWLSg, Mgr. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day OREGON $3 PER DAY 1X0 UPWARD "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts .made at Portland at S o'clock for 2S hours ending midnight, February 3: Portland and vicinity Threatening weather. with rain; winds shifting to southerly. Western Oregon and "Western Washington Threatening weather, with rain; southerly winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Fair. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho- Cloudy and threatening. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. g "3 Wind. . ,J go 3 "3 - a STATION". Kp 3 5 3 If ? : 3 j- . ? : Baker City . Bismarck ... Boise 0.001 1NE Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clcudy Cloudy 0.02 30IN o.oo v 0SW 8NW 0 N E N S NW fsw ClW S INW Eureka .... 4G10.00 Helena .... 0.00 Kamloops; B, a... 0.00 North Head . . Pocatello ...... 0.00 ICloudy 0.00 Portland .... , 0.00 Cloudy Clear Red Bluff 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rdswburg .... Sacramento Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Salt Lake City 0.00 0.00 0.00 San Francisco Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Spotane Seattle 10.00 Tatcosh Island., 0.00 20E Walla Walla.. 0.00 W Cloudy Lleht. EDUCATIONAL. from the GRAMMAR GRADES are sufficiently advanced to enter our school. Essential public school studies may be reviewed while taking a business or a shorthand course, without extra cost. It pays to attend our school. The succiss of our graduates proves this. In session all tbo year. Catalogue free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LLOJ-, PRINCIPAL. GRADUATES Are thoroughly prepared in the shortest possible time consistent with good work and at the least possible expense to fill positions as FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPERS. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHERS. FIRST-CLASS PENMEN. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL We teach the following subjects: Book keeping. Banking, Rapid Calculations, Spelling, History. Geography, Commercial Law, Correspondence, Arithmetic, Busi ness Forms, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Open ail tnesyear. r ree catalogue. Holmes Business College Establlsned 1SS7. Yamhill and Eleventh Streets. Pernin Shorthand Only original llsbt-llnc system. More calls for gradc-ites than wo can AIL Most thoroughly equipia Dusmess couece m tne sortniresi. Day ana mgni. waiaiogue. BEHNKE WALKER BUSINESS COLLEG Stearns Block, Sixth and Morrison. NEW TODAY. LOUIS H. BOLL Piano teacher, is sow located at 342H Wash In Eton su. near .to. ration 9 ana. 10. MORTGAGE LOANS On lmDroTed city and farm property. Build Inc leans. Installment loans. Wit MAC ULSTER. 311 Worcester block. ESTACADA The new. coming city ot Clackamas Coun tr offers irreat inducements for manufac tures of all kinds. It has tbe most powerful electri: and water power in the Northwest. O. W. P. TOWNSITE CO., 1325 1ST ST.t COR. ALDER. ROOM 5. PHONE MAIN 210. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice is hereby riven that the Countv Su perintendent ot Multnomah County will hold the regular examination of applicants for state ana coanty papers ai ue i-uy nan, roruana. Ut.. ai rouows: FOR STATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday. February 10. at o'clock A M. and continuing until Saturday, February 13, at o ciock i: m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling-, lr.hm rrniltlir school law. Thunday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, booKKeepins. physics, clrll rar eminent. Friday Physiology, geography, mental arlth- meuc, composition, pnysicai geograpny, Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general nistory, Engusn uieraiure. psyenojogy. FOR COUNTY PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday. Feb. 10, at 9 o'clock A, JL. and continuing untu .raaay. Feb. 12, nt 4 o'clock P. M. First, Second and Third-Grade Certificate Wednesday r enmanamp, jiisiory, ortcog' raahf. reading. Thurtcay Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, pnysioiogy. Friday Geography, mental arithmetic, school law. clru government. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship, orthography, read lsr. arithmetic Thursday Art of questioning, theory of trichlmr. methods, physiology. Vote. No capers will be seat to other coun ties unless applicants eecure written consent ot their County Superintendent to take the examlnutlon herei R. F. ROBINSON. County 8enool Supeflatesdeat. AXUSKMXXTS. JfABQUAX GRAND THEATER Wj.T. P ANGLE. Resident Manager. Tonight and tomorow night at S:13 o'cle:ky THE BAKER STOCK COMPANY in the delightful comedy "CHARLEY'S AUNT." Prices, 75c, 50c, 25c, 25c. Popular mulnee tomorrow (Thursday), ai 2:13 o ciocjc Adults, 50c; cnuaren, zoc MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager. Friday and Saturday Nights. Feb. 5-6. 1001. Xfte Gorgeous Spectacular Extravaganxa "THE DEVIL'S AUCTION Evening Price Lower 'floor. J LOO: bal cony 75c and 50c: gallery, 25c arid. 35c; boxes and loges. 57.50. popular Matinee Saturday Adult, cue: children. 25c to any port of the theater. seat are now selling, pnona .Main 8 as. HE BAKER K' THEATER and Manager. Phona Mala 1X7. Toalgbt and all week. POLLARD OPERA COMPANY "Wednesday and Thursday nights. "The Geisha." Friday and Saturday nights . and Saturday matinee, "An American Mlllloaa alre." Evening prices. BOc '35c. 25c and 15c. Mat inee, 25e, 15c and 10c Kext weex ice Baker Theater company in roaring comedy, "Jane." rn rn a ytcr YuriTrn Phone Main 992. CORD RAY & RUSSELL. Managers. Tonight and all Week, A funny farce comedy. "Mickey Finn" xes, you wiu laugn. Prices as usual. Matinee Saturday. ARCADE THEATER Seventh aad Washington RERNEtfVAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30. 7:20 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladles, Gentlemen and Children. -Admission. 10 cents to any seat.. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. At 10 A. M. sham the Ford Auction Co. win sen at ixi 1st st. a. Ford, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE Republicans of the Fourth Ward at the City xi on. ruin-street entrance, at s o ciock. Wednesday evening. The meeting Is called ior tne purpose of organizing & Republican ciuii 10 promote tne nomination ana eiec tlon of President Roos&VelL PORTLAND LODGE NO. 35, A F. & A. M. Special Communication this (Wednesday) evening, 7:30 o'clock snarp. u. degree. All F. C. cor dlally Invited. By order W. M. I. W. PRATT, Secretary, ORIENT LODGE NO. 17. I. O. O. F. Reeu- lar meeting this (Wednesday) evenlne- In Orient Hall. East Portland. Initiatory do- sree. visitors woicomea. W. A WHEELER, Secretary. GENERAL RELIEF COMMITTEE I. O. O. P. Special meeting Thursday. February 4i at 1:30 P. M.. to attend the funeral of our deceased brother. Walter Robinson. Inter ment In Lono Fir Cemetery. All Oddfellows are invited. HENRY BROWN. Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 40, A F. & A M. Stated Communication this (Wednesday) evening, 7:30 o'clock. Burkhard building. F. C degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order W. M. J. IL RICHMOND, secretary. KIRK February 1, to the wife of Peter P. Kirk, St. Paul, Oregon, a Doy. DIED. RICHARDSON In this city February 2. 1004, nt th family reaiaencv. u - uuiraur ib. Eliza Richardson, aged 45 years 3 months aad 29 days. Funeral notice hereafter. pnntvKnvTn this eltv. February 2. 1004 n'oit.1- Unhinsr.n area 3. vears. r unerai notice hereafter. The remains are at the chapel of J. P. plnley & Son. VAmvTrt At Paso Robles. Cal.. Feb. 2. 1004, Herman F. varwlg. age -vj years, oroiner oi Louis. Thomas and Minnie Varwlg. Notice of funeral later. Henry H. Kuesler, ageu aa years iiemams are at inies"8 cnacei. jtTmeroi nonce hereafter. EDWARD IIOLMAN CO., Undertakers and embalm era, have moved to their new build' Ing, Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. FIN LEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor :r. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9, CLARKE BROS.. FINE FLOWERS, Mo ral designs. 289 Morrison. F. S. DUNNES' G, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 5: DUNNTNG & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phone Main 430, NEW TODAY. $12,000 STRAIGHT LOAN WANTED IMME- dlateiy tor term oi years, option paying S1000 payments- at pleasure after nrst year; money wanted tor ounaing purposes on in side property; no fake loan schemes consld ered; state interest, uox nu.-cuy. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property. it. LiiYinusivnta, -i marie st. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records ar complete and up to date. We furnlsn abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estatn. SECURITY ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Real Estate Double cottage, 12 rooms. In South Port land. $2500 House. S rooms, corner lot, Sdutb Pott land. TS2300. Brick cottage. 5 rooms. ML Tabor, 11000. Cottage 5 rooms, basement, $voo. 13-room house, beautiful grounds. Sunny' side, sightly grouna. suuuu. C BEN RIESLAND LAND CO No. 2. Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans 5and Upward Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, Formerly ot MacMaster tt BIrrelL 202-3 McKay Building. Third and Stark. Fbone Main 232. 0. M. SMITH 714 Chamber Of Commerce WILLBUILDYOUAHOUSE After your own plans, and furnish the money. Repay in installments. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OWNER LEAVING CITY DE sires to dispose of a choice lot in Wood lawn. Address owner. Box 310, City. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. AND ONE AND two-thirds acres ol land in Hlusboro. Or. Inquire W. A. Ruhl. Hulsboro. Or. FOR SALE 7-HOOM HOUSE AND LARGE lot. In upper Albina; nso location, owner. C2S Williams are. By J COO BUYS TWO SIGHTLY LOTS IN AL blsa; walking distance. Paclflc Tent Awning Co.. 27 N. 1st. LARGE HOUSE. CHOICE LOCATION; West Bide: targain if sold at once. Own cr, B OS, oregonian. FG.n 8ALK K5EAL ESTATE. $2830 very: NICE 7-ROOM SOUSE IN ne netgattoritood on Grant at., West Side;, & Yenisei bargain only for a taw aays. . S0$ -Very good 0-room house with fine largb coraer, Sunnysldo; a snap. 41600 Good nearly new 8-room house. MontavlUa; ground 110x120 feet. 71800 Mice new l&-stary housa With two fine lota at Tremont. 51200 New 6-room house. V4 acre ground- in good cdltlratlont cn car line. Si. Johns. CHARL&SON & STAUB. Morrison st. FOR SALE BY OWNER A MODERN 9-room house and quarter block, full brick baaemeat: house heated thrrtuehout with furnace: gas and electric lighting, porcelain bath and all plumbing first class; handsome sideboard; laundry with stationary tubs; stone wall around place; a bargain for any one wanting a first-class modern home: price S5000. See owner on premises, 140 E. i!2U su, cor. Morrison, tx&o sunnyside car. ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION with IS bearing fruit trees in yard; desir able location and three rooms rented for $7 unfurnished; 200 feet - from Richmond car une; price s.2230; parties leaving city and must sell. A snap. L. W. Whiting. 40S Ablngton bldg. BUY FROM OWNER AND SAVE COMMIS- siin 5-room cottage, $950; 5-roora cot- tasp, modern, J1175; 4-room cottage. 3900; 4 -room cottage. $&: residence lots front $175 to 5300 each. Seward, 401 Prescott st. Phona union 6524. FOR SALE QUARTER BLOCK. STEPHENS' ArtfllHon? on flth st Mvrv oholci. corner: must be sold at once; any reasonable, offer will not be turned down; either cash or In stallments. Main 160. W. H. Tatt, room 123 Ablnztoir bide. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 9-ROOM, MOD- era, up-to-date residence. Holladay a Addi tion: corner; small payment down, long time on balance, if desired, at low rate of In terest. Phone Main 150. W. H. Taft, 125 Ablngton bldg. TWENTY ACRES FOR SALE, IN WHOLE ot pan. an in cultivation, reaay tor plat ting, between two car lines, near Wood stock. Address H. A. O., Odd Fellows' Li brary, 1st and Alder. FOR SALE COTTAGE AND 160 ACRES Oi land on Elk Creek beach, south of Seaside, Or.; this is an ideal Summer resort; price, fl200; easy terms. Address P. O. Box C3tf, 'ortland. Or. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION BARGAIN 4 block on Broadway: no better corner on the market; under price. W. H. Taft, 125 Afilngton bldg. Phone Main 150. FOR SALE CHOICE LOT, NEAR COR. 3D and Hancock, at an exceptional bargain: look It up. Main 150. W. H. Taft, room 123, Ablngton bldg. FOUR ACRES OF LAND, 3-ROOM HOUSE ana nam; nooastocc car une: 4 oiocks west of Mann Station. Inquire 2S0 Taylor St.. from 2 to 0 P. M. FOR SALE OR LEASE 2-STORY BUILD ing; grouna zaxiuu; near Dusiness center; also tine residence lots for sale by owner. V 03, Oregonlan. 00 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains, on O. W. P. electric line. O. K. Addlton. Lents. Or. Take ML Scott car; 5c. NEW K-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE S1200; one-third down, balance install ments. Apply 871 East 11th St., North. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW 7-ROOM house, 21st and Northrup sts. L Vanduyn. 270 Washington. BARGAIN 9-ROOM HOUSE. NEARLY NEW Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. THREE CHEAP FARMS SO acres, good land, 25 acres cultivated! balance In meadow, pasture and timber; 100 assorted fruit trees; 400 Winter apples; 0 nut trees, all in nice condition; nice, large, new bouse, plastered and sainted. bay window, porches, etc; lawn, with Shrubbery; nice fence, painted; barn and other outbuildings: water conducted house from spring above house; also nice stream of water; quarter-mile to town, stores, school, depot, boat landing; also easy to reach Portland $2300. 40 acres all cood land near Rldnefleld Wash.: 20 acres well fenced, 5 acres in good orchard $000. IS acres, fended: house, barn, orchard: pari cultivated: fronts on good road, near Forest urove, one mile to postonice. store, school; good neighborhood. Only ?&0, HENKLE & BAKER, 217 Ablngton Bldg. SNAPS, IN FARM PROPERTY, ALL WITH- m miles of Kaiama. 20 acres, with 3 in cultivation ; house, orchard; nne location: good land, and, caa llv cleared: price. $600. 80 acres, with 30 Id cultivation and 50 ot heavy fir timber: 000 house, good barns and fences: COO fruit trees: price. $1300. 80 acres of Columbia River bottom land that doesn't overflow, with 30 acres under the plow; $2000 house, other improvements in proportion; price, $3500. Come and see us and we guarantee you a bargain. IMUS & WILLOUGHBY. Kalama, Wash. FOR SALE OR REN1 RANCH, THREE miles west, 120 acres, 10 cultivated, large house, barn, orchard, suitable for dairy, Also GOO acres 7 miles west, SO cultivated buildings, orchard and 30,000 cords ot wood, in part or whole. John Klosterman, 01 N. 21st. cor. Davis, Portland. for Sale: io ackes of land, s miles from Portland, 1 mils from Tlgardville; good black solL plenty of water, 3 good buildings, on tho main road, l.acre orchard, all fenced. 8 acres clear: price $1600. In quire at once. 301 21st. N.. Portland, Or, BARGAIN S FARM LANDS: $600 for 100 acres in (jiacicamas. $750 for 100 acres near Goble. $2000 for 320 acres near Portland. Alsd good school lands at $3 per acre. Address S1S-310 Allsky bldg. CAPABLE MEN WANTED. AVE HAVE PO tltlons open for salesmen, executive, cler ical and technical men, paying- from $1000 to $10,000 a year; osk ior pian ana booklet. HApgOOCS, iuim 4. riuuctr Bias., seams, Waa&f VflR SALE 120 ACRES. 35 ACRES IN CUL- tlvatlon; springs ana running water, nne soil, good bouse and outbuildings; price, $2000; $500 cash, balance 0 per cent on long IMPROVED FARMS FOK SALE IN ALL parts of orexon ana waanington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars bfoci 17 to WM. MACUASTfiK. 311 Worcester OCX. $10 A MONTH BUYS A 10-ACRE FARM. $200 profit per annum per acre. Write for booklet. Ifa free. 011 J st. Wright & Kembrough, Sacramento. CaL $10 A MONTH BUTS A 10-ACRE FARM. $200 profit per annum per acre. Write for booklet. It's free. 611 J st. Wright & Kembrough. Sacramento. CaL FOR SALE MY HOME PLACE. SIX MILES east of Oregon City, of 57V& acres; good land and water; on public roaa, near scnooi. i. F. Nelson. Oregon City. 160-ACRE FARM, 2 MILES FROM KINOS ton: 100 acres plow land: good buildings well watered. W. F. Haye. Kingston. Or. 400-acro farm for sale. 4 miles from Kings ton; V under Cultivation; good buildings, well -watered. G. W. Crolsant, Kingston, Or. C40 ACRES FOR DAIRYINO. STOCK AND frultralsing: near coast and busy towns; $10 an acre: a bargain, v ia. care uregonian. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY, claims and school land locations. Maxwell. 310 Ablngton bldg. TIMBER Ogden TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards; also recertified soldiers additional Porterneld-Valentln land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Maglnnis & Bon. -zz Falling bldg. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS Lo cated ; farm ana city property; nouses to rent: lots for sale; business chances. Room 10. lfflft 1st st. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE ' IN large or tmau oiocks. reacy xor immediate delivery. L. W. Whiting. 40 Ablngton bldr- FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for Immediate use. W. G. Howell. &3S Chamber ot Commerce. FOR SALE GOOD TIMBER RELINO.UISH ment; can be seen now; no snow. Box 42S, Hood Rlvef, Or. 160 ACRES NEHALEM: CRUISE OVER 0.000.000; $10 per acre. Phone Union 514. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BRING US YOUR PROPERTY. WE WANT small pieces of improved real estate from $1000 up. We also want business chances. We have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 403 Ablngton bldg.. Portland. Or. FARMS FOB SALE OK KENT. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT: 370 ACRE3. 7H salles'from Oregon City: fine location for dairying or stockralslng: rent cheap. , For further Information address J. J. Kuatx, Bmer Creek, Cl&ckimiu Co.. Or. TO EXCHANGE. BEST STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH IX Klickitat County. Wash., to trade for Port land business or residence property; will take or pay balance in cash. Address E 64, cars Oregoalan. AGENTS LADIES OR GENTLEMEN; SX perlsac unnecessary;, good sellers: big oeas mlMios: home or traveling cosltioas. Call or vrUa 169 J 1th it. FOUR BUSINESS LOTS IN GLADSTONE. Mich., all clear, to exchange for Portland property. Might assume small mortgage. 607 East Ash st. i"OU BENT FARMS. FEW ACRES NEAR MONTAVILLA CAR; house, barn: room for cow. chlckea: fruit, 234 V Morrtsaa st.. room 2. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND 20 head of horses and mares of all grades; also wagons, buggies, light and heavy single and double harness. Call and see our stock beforj buying. Derby Stables, 13th and Bnrnslde at J- $125 BUYS ENTIRE DELIVERY RIG; CON slsts bay horse S years Old. weighs 1100 pounds, new harness and Brat-class three spring delivery wagon. Call 20 N. 13th st, FOR SALE TEAM OF ROAN HORSES. w.t.Ht "it u p.in Alii nrlce S160. C FL Hanson, 23th and E. Morrison. Phone Union 100 vehicles, goose necfe furniture" wagons: large stook harness and saddles. 211 TV ash. PONY CART AND NEW HARNESS; f20. IF taken at once, m ou, uregoman. Miscellaneous. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it wltn Elaterite; it roils, easy to lay; needs no painting or coaung; sm urcr iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterit Rooting Co.. 10 Worcester bldg. O. K. GRUBBER AND STUMP PULLER Just what you are looking xor; urea siaia premiums: grubs an acre a cay; one norsa has power ot 90; investigate. James Fla ney. Brooks, Or, . FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL GERMAN PIPB organ; original cost ?3auo, at a rcasonaoM figure: cash payment or installments. APaijr to Aug. Erlckson. Erickioa'a Concert tisU. 21 N. 2d it 50.000 FEET NO. 3. FIR LUMBER FOR sale cneap; an sizes. i v.oasi sun cs Door Co., cor. 10th and Vaughn sts. Phono Main 1413. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23; ALL make reniea ana repaireu. uuoow swaps. Notary teals, etc. Cunningham's. 231 StarJL. Tel. 1407. FOR SALE CHEAP THREE S-FOOT 3HOW- cases and one long counter tuuic, m goou condition. Apply at 106 3d at. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN. GOOD APPEAR- ance; some experience as a cook. -Auaresa H 50, Oregonlan. NICE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE; $10, If bougnt Deiore o loaay; paruea leaving. 235 12th sL FOR- SALE FINE ENGLISH SETTER bitch. ' partly broken: i year oia. i-noae Brown 085. PIANOLA AND PIANO FOR SALE OR rent; references required iz reniea. jj 53. Oregonlan. THREE. SECOND-HAND BANK SAFES. Norris Safe &. Lock Co.. 70 1st st., iortiana. FOR SALE MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE ; new; bargain, inquire 440 w. Jark. FOR SALE OREGON KENTUCKY COAL stock. 303 Gth st. HELP WANTED MALE. BIG MONEY FOR SALESMAN, ; WRITE US at onco for our complete sample oumt os woolens; we make made-to-measure cloth ing superior to any; experience not re quired; explicit instructions. Our prices lowest; your profits largest- An opportun ity to increase your Income. Exclusive ter ritory given. Abundance of advertising matter. All free not one cent do you have to invest. We start you, in a paying business. Don't miss this chance. Write at once. Address Lock Box No. 8S2, Chi cago, I1L ; ' WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER trade under slUllea inairuciora. ai muia reasonable terms than any place Id tne city; all the secrets of the profession wq teach And the latest styles and improvements bf the art. Beware of fake ".college." Qr farther particulars call or address C. H. Kelly, manager Portland Barber School. OS N. 2d St., Portland, Or. DR. WHITE'S SPECIFIC. NO." 1. GUARAN- teed to cure gonorrnea in ia aays; nra. a and 40, gleet in 30- days; No. 33, enlarged prostate gland; Nos. 27 and 23, atrlcture In 30 days; Noj 2, syphilis and specific blood poison In 00 days; No. 10 ior weak men, this specific makes you a man. Call or address Dr. Whlte'3 Specific Co., 305 Stark st., Portland. ' 1 A GOOD POSITION lb ALWA1S utuut for a competent man. his aimcuuy is tu find 1L We have openings for hlgh-grado men in all capacities executive, technical, clerical and salesmen, paying from $1000 to $10,000 a year. Write for plan and booklet. Hapgoods- Inc, suite K, 502 Pioneer bldg., Seattle, Wash. ' NOTICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, tha leading employment agency of the North west. 240 Burnside st. Phone Main 3074. WANTED OPENED FOR BRIGHT. GOOD appearlng solicitor for established route; salary and commission basis; high-class proposition, eddqatlonal In character. Ad dress J. P. Thompson. SupL. 303 Larkln st, San Francisco. men: AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE BAR- ber trade; new class of ladles Just "starting; write for full particulars, and If lb doubt make a personal Investigation. Americaq Barber College. 233 Everett st. Portland. Men to learn barber trade; only 8 weeks re quired; 2 years saved; positions secured when competent; catalogue mailed free. Moler System College, San Francisco. CaL WANTED RELIABLE. ENERGETIC MAN. acquainted with City, to take charge of profitable business. Call today after 0 A. M.. room 24. Barrle, cor. 6th and Stark. UNION MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION payB from $25 to $65 sick and accident benefits for $1 per month: agents wanted. 401 Marquam building, Portland, On WANTED YOUNG MAN. CROCKERY salesman; also cardwriter and window trim mer; boy grocery delivery. East Side. Clerks Registration Bureau, 263 Morrison st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED POWER clamp hand, who can also do bench work: also a turner for column work. Apply West Coast Sash & Door CO. LOST BETWEEN WOOD ST. AND LIP-man-Wolfe, on 4th st, $30 la gold (2 $20 and 1 $10) in small black purse. L J. Follls. 305 H 1st. Reward. WEL FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE' OR suites, very central; 3S9 Alder, between W. Park and 10th. All conveniences; gen tlemen preferred: references. 50 PERFORMERS. SINGERS. ETC.. VAUDE vllle circuit; wanted immediately; big salary; Newman's Theatrical Agency, 313& Wash ington. COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT-. Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders. No. 143 4th st. Phona Red 100. RAILROAD OPERATOR OF MANY YEARS' experience wants students In telegraphy; practical work: night. X S3. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN EXPERIENCED IN JIAKINtt window shades. Howard D. Thomas Co., 1113-1115 Third aveM Seattle. Wash. FIRST-CLASS CITY SALESMAN; MUST be able to sell the goods; high class llde candies, etc X 03, Oregonlan. FRONT ROOM. GENTLEMEN PREFERRED; private family; bath, phone. 128 10th st. bet Washington and Alder. BEST TEN-CENT SHAVE IN CITY; CLEAN towels, etc 205 Morrison st Ed Dennison. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, city and country; nurse girls, second girls, tousekeepers. plenty ot housework, $15 W $30. Phone. Main 1323. Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. WANTED IMMEDIATELY HOUSEKEEPER, farm, widower, good heme, long time; Swedish preferred; no objection to Child. 2304 Yamhin. Phone Black 28S1. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. WORKING housekeeper; widower; country; no objed tlons to child. 230ft Yamhill, fbone Black 283L , LUCRATIVE EMPLOYMENT FOR GOOD, lady solicitors; splendid opportunity make money, steady employment C 50, Orego Blah. . .