I 1 HELP WANTED FTTXrAT.TL. W ANTED EXPERIENCED FAMHVY COOK. German or Swedish preferred; 'wages $30. uja lamnin. Fbose Black 2S5i. WANTED LADY DEMONSTRATORS; OUT slde -work; salary. Apply 33 2d si., bet. 8 and 9 A. M. and 4 and 6 P.M. "WANTED GOOD STEADY' GIRL FOR housework. 448 30th st. Phone Main 2121. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. MAN AND WIFE TO TAKE CHARGE OF and run dining-room and kitchen In large rooming-house, open Feb. 1. F 48, Orego nlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALK- Bookkeepera and Clerk. A YOUNG MAN DESUIES POSITION AS bookkeeper; also acquainted with grocery business; can furnish satisfactory refer ences. R 54, Oregonlan. TYPEWRITING COPY WORK WANTED J architects' work a specialty; cent "per line; one-eighth cent for carbon. E 40, Oregonlan. " REG I8TERED DRUGGIST OF GOOD character. Address E. R., room 60, Pal mer House. HHceUa&eous. A SOBER. RELIABLE MAN WANTS JOB attending stallion; 16 years' experience; draft horse preferred. Room 12. Hotel East ern, Pendleton, Or. YOUNG MAN. CAME FROM EAST. WISHERS position as steamfltter or in machine shop; experience 5 years. Address C. Scbroeder, Mllwaukle, Or. WORK WANTED FOR WHITE, COLORED. Chinese cooks, dishwashers, farmhands, la borers, waiters. Phone Drake, 205 Wash ington. t CAN FURNISH DOMESTICS SERVANTS, farmhands all kind help, Japasese Labor Assn. 208 Everett st. Black 002. COMPETENT JAPANESE COOK WISHES position in family. Japanese Mission. 303 Flanders st. Phone Clay 743. JAPANESE DOMESTICS OR LABORERS furnished. Japanese Employment Office, 03 North 5th st. Phone Clay 592. COMPETENT JAPANESE COOK WISHES position in family. Japanese Mission, 303 Flanders st. Phone Clay 745. BAKER, FIRST-CLASS. ALL AROUND. with good references, wishes steady coun try place. X 54. Oregonlan. L JAPANESE DOMESTICS AND LABOR furnished. Japanese employment office, 43 N. 1st st. Phone Black 101. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION TO cook while attending school in daytime. G 55. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION IN a store; speaks good English. Y 19. Orego nlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. INTELLIGENT YOUNG LADY STENOG rapher desires position; moderate salary to begin "with; change for advancement; Rem ington operator. Address A 55, care Orego nlan. I Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING AND FAMILY SEWING in your homes; prices reasonable. Ad dress A 23. care Oregonlan. DRESSMAKING. FASHIONABLE OR plain; children's clothes a specialty. Phone Scott 2585 or East 1182. Domestics. THREE SCANDINAVIAN GIRLS WANT positions as cooks in first-class families; also Finnish second girl and 3 housekeep ers. Phone orders Main 1510. 220 3d st. WORK WANTED FOR WAITRESSES, chambermaid;, cooks, dishwashers, store, factory girls. Drake, 205 Washington. Clay 445. EXPERIENCED GIRL DESIRES SITUATION of chambermaid; hotel or boarding-house. 230 Yamhill. Phono Black 2SS1. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS SITUATION AS servant; wages no object. Address CO N. 5th st. Phone Clay 682. YOUNG WOM N WISHES TO WORK IN A -family of 3 to 5; ho washing. Room 30 Russell. WOMAN WANTS TO DO HOUSEWORK BY the day. Phone West 3431. GIRL WANTS PLACE TO DO GENERAL work. 341 N. 10th. Housekeepers. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, second ctrle, washerwomen, seam stress or waitress. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. Miscellaneous. REFINED. TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG Wo man seeks engagements to care for chil dren afternoons or evenings; prices reason able; references. A IS. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANT8 position; day or night. Good sight reader. Address G 10. Oregonlan. i. WANTED SITUATION BY YOUNG LADY for office work. S 54, Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TWENTY-FIVE DOL. lire weekly for twenty weeks. The best proposition offered agents who want money and are willing to work for It. George F. Cram. B52 Wabash in., Chicago. 111. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. ROOM IN private house, walking distance; permanent roomor; state price; reasonable. J ' 55, Ore gonlan. WANTED TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; must bo close In. Q 54. Oregonlan. WANT BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO people: will exchange upright piano. L 55, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A SMALL SECOND-HAND LOO ging engine; double cylinders; about 7 or 7x9. double drums: must be in Al con dition; ready for delivery by March 1. Ad cress J. W. Watters, Monroe, Or. WANTED MEN CAST-OFF CLOT HI NO and shoes; highest price paid. The "Fair Deal." 02 N. 3d. Pbone Hood SIT. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR RUNNING around and light towing. Robertson Raft Co.. Stella. Wash. WANTED TO BUY A PIANOLA: MUST BE in first-class condition. M 42, Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tU of all kinds. Phone Scott 6S1S. DOGS WANTED AT ONCE; 75 TO 100 pounds. Inquire S20 4th at. FOB KENT. Rooms. THE LINCOLN, JUST OPENED. 409 MORRI son et.. cor. 11th. has the best furnished rooms in the city; hot and cold running water; steam heat electric lights, baths; and all modern appointments; new building; every facility for caring for the traveling public; moderate rates. C H. BalL prop. Tel. Main 251. TRANSIENT ROOMING-HOUSE A FIRST class rooming-house, steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water, baths, etct elegantly furnished; 2 blocks from Hotel Portland. 3S1 Yamhill st TWO LOVELY FURNISHED ROOMS; ONE also partly- furnished ; all comforts of a home in private family; use of gas. bath, phone, breakfast, supper. 453 E. Pin st eer. Sth. Union 1021. THE TAMHILL" ROOMUn'G-HOUSE HAS1 been thoroughly renovated and newly fur nished; two blocks from Portland Hotel; transients solicited. SSI Yamhill, cor. Wen Park. Phone Clay 713. THE MENOMINEE. 333 YAMHILL ELE r furnished front rooms, suites or ingle: modern conveniences: two blocks from Portland Hotel; transients solicited. GENTLEMEN WILL FIND BEAUTIFUL front suite, suitable for two or three, in new house, four blocks from Hotel Portland; home comforts. 250 6th. cor. vMqti. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS. NEATLY furnished; suitable for two gentlemen each; private family; bath. gas. phone. 324 Chap man and Clay: phone Main 3413. THE OXFORD. C0 6TH ST.. COR. OAK Just opened to the public; everything; sew. modern in all 1U appointments; print bath exiles. Telephone Mala SS FOR RENT. Rooms. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, SHORT distance from business center: gentleman preferred 123 14lh st cor. Washington. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. MEN ONLY: hot and cold water; gas and steam heat. 1G3 17th, cor. Morrison. Phone Main 3199. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM; ALL modem conveniences. 123 13th. between Alder and Washington. Phone Main 3510. NEWLY FURNISHED SUITE AND SINGLE room with private family; bath, gas, fur nace and phone. 34T 11th st. 76 WEST PARK NEWLY FURNISHED rooms with or without board: all conven iences. Fbona Central 1074. SMALL. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH bath. 5 minutes' walk from Oregonlan; rea sonable. 2SS Jefferson st. 101 10TH. ONE BLOCK: OFF WASHING ton Commodious front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 100 10TH COMFORTABLY FURNISHED room for men only; hot and cold water; furnace heat, gas. S CLEAN ROOMS ON GROUND FLOOR; gas, bath, sink and range; so children. N 13, Oregonlan. THE HOWELL, 271 3D. ONE BLOCK south plaza; light housekeeping suite and corner room. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT SUITE rooms; also single rooms; reasonable. 247 5th st. NICELY FURNI8HED ROOMS. SUITABLE for two, with light, heat and bath. 528 Taylor. 314 CLAY SMALL. NEATLY FURNISHED sleeping room; o; central, .rnone wesi 1671. THREE WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. PRI vate family, $5, $6 and $8. 250 12th, near Main. NICE FRONT ROOM. WITH FOLDING BED and board, for 2 girls; 218 each. 168 W. Park. WELL-FURNISHED SUNNY ROOM, PRI- vate :amiiy; all conveniences. 432 jetxer- Furnlshed rooms. XI week up. Oilman Hotel, lit and Alder. Tremont Hotel. 7th & Everett FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 2 furnished housekeeping rooms. 84 10th. NICE SMALL ROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE or two men; gas, bath, phone; $8. 231 5th. 335 MORRISON. COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR. clshed rooms, with or without board. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH stove; cheap rent. 123 N. 11th st. FURNISHED ROOMS. 105 6TH ST., COR. Taylor. Rooms With Board. READY BY FEBRUARY 1, TWO ROOMS newly furnished; heat, gas, phone, good bath, good table; location pleasant, near car line, within walking distance to busi ness center; private family: references ex changed. 509 Irving st. PLEASANT FRONT ALCOVE ROOM FOR rent with board, suitable for two or three gentlemen; also small room for one or two; three blocks from Portland Hotel; modern conveniences. Phone Front 3707. THE COLONIAL. 105 AND 107 10TH ST.. cor. Morrison The annex now completed and furnished; fine, large, airy rooms, hand somely finished and thoroughly heated by steam! with or without meals. THE WONOLANCET. 150 11TH ST. Newly furnished steam-heatod single and double rooms, with board; table and serv ice excellent. Also table board. PORTLAND WOMENB UNION. 10TH YEAR; rooms with board: use of eewing-roozn; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintendent. 610 Flanderj VERY PLEASANT ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS home cooking, room for two table boarders; terms reasonable. 2 14th St., one block north of Washington. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, electric light, steam heat, for gentlemen only. Apply to Mrs. Davis, No. 11, 2d floor, Raleigh bldg. HOTEL BROWN Rooms newly fumlsbsd; baths, electric lights, elevator; rooms for transient: on both car lines. 271 Grand arc. BLAKELEY HALL, 251 7TH ST. LARGE rooms with first-class board: fine location: 4 blocks from Hotel Portland. Main 263 L NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with board; suitable for two; half block from Portland Hotel, 188 7th. THE WALDORF. 147 13TH NICE. LARGE, light rooms; service and table first class; steam heat; free phone. 10S 11TH ST. LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT room, clean, central, bath, electric light, furnace heat, phone. MAIN ST.. 389 NICE ROOM FOR Busi ness gentleman; fire, bath and phone; rent $8. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board; English family; home cooking. 215 12th st. NEW WESTERN HOTEL. 7th and Gllsas sts. Newly furnished rooms, with or without board. 895 Morrison Very large front room, run ning water, furnace heat, 2 large closeta THE STEVENS. 420 Alder Nicely furnished rooms; elegant dining-room, home cooking. NICE SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; HOT and cold water in kitchen. 217 Sth st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH HEAT, $8. 504 Washington tt, near 10th. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT WITH board, S3 a week, at 423 7th st. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD N. 20th st. 248 ALL SECOND STORY. THREE ROOMS FUR nlshed, one unfurnished room; use of base ment: $15 per month. 101 15th st. N. FOR RENT ELEGA.T 3 AND 3-ROOM flats: sew and up-to-date. Inquire of owner. 40 and 41 Labbe bldg. AN UPPER MODERN FLAT OF 8 ROOMS, Nob Hill; references. Phone Main 165L FLAT IN THE SEVILLA. 225 MARKET ST. Inquire Janitor. Flat A. Housekeeping -Rooms. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very complete: best flat in the city; gas ranges in all rooms; rent reasonable. 10S Union ave., cor. East Alder. $10 FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms: phone and water; two blocks from Weodlawn car line: no children. 423 Knott. Phone Union 6110. FOR FAMILY OF 2 OR 3. NEW. UNFUR- nlsbed housekeeping rooms at 700 E. Yam hill st.. near 20th; gas for light and cook ing, if preferred. TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms; fine location; gas, bath. phone: two otners cneaper. -2 Montgom cry. 372 1ST FOUR FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms: sink in kitchen; also wood shed; $13.50; respectable people only. FOR RENT 1 UNFURNISHED FRONT housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences; best location. 400 1st st. FEs'D BAY WINDOW SUITE. UNFURNISH ed; use furnished kitchen, bath, phone, rea sonable, r. Ih. uregoman. 4S5 ALDER FRONT ROOM. WITH OR without board. 2 persons; no other boarders; modem conveniences. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, lower floor; no children. 335 Clay st-. cor. .in. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with pantry, closets, bath, gas, phone. 400 4th st. 240 STH ST. VERT DESIRABLE SUITE of houseKeepms iwb; &, u&uj. mcpaoac; rent reasonable. TWO SUITES HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent, well furnished, centrally located. Call 193 4th. FOR RENT THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; ground floor. 203 Jefferson st. 4S5 ALDER FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two or three girls; use of kitchen, piano; conveniences. THREE UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS for housekeeping; first floor; phone, bath. 434 Clay st. SEVERAL NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with flrtt-claat table board: men preferred. tZ 4th St. FOB RENT. Hassekceplss Booms. NEWLY FURNISHED. CONVENIENTLY arranged, dean, homelike housekeeping apartments: excellent neighborhood end pleasant surroundings. 389 6th. WITCH HAZEL. Front ana Madison House keeping rooms; transient: bath, electric light. ALCOVE SUITS OF HOUSEKEEPING rooms; -very desirable. 395 Salmon st. NEAT SINGLE AND HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close Is. 87 10th. sear Stark. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR housekeeping. 215 10th st. FIVE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 220 3d st. Bouses. FOR RENT WITHIN 3 BLOCKS PORT land Hotel, established dining-room, seat ing SO people; tan be had February 1; part rent taken In board. Address H 55, Ore gonlan. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST.. rests and insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. NO. 1011 WILLIAMS AVE. NEW 6-ROOM house, wUn all modem improvements. Apply John Bain, room 2. 224 Stark sr. FOR RENT HOUSE. 11 ROOMS; GAS and bath. Call at Dr. Koehiers dental office. 241 1st sr.. or 370 12th. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM BOUSE, close In. Apply Osborn Hotel, Grand av. and Eash Ash. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGES. 734-740 MONTANA ave.. 37 per month.. L. Salomon, 1st and Washington. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE YARD, NEAR car. 84 East 29th, near Stark. Inquire next door. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 773 ROOSEVELT St., one block from Lewis and Clark Fair grounds. FOR RENT 0-ROOM HOUSE. FINE LOCA- tlon. cars one block; bath, gas. 452 E. 15th North. THREE WELL-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, with piano. 100 North 10th st. SEVEN-ROOM NEW HOUSE FOR RENT 594 E. 23th. Tlbbett, phone Union 2083. Furnished Houses. ELEGANT FURNISHED HOUSE SITUATED No. 24 N. 4th st. Inquire of Mrs. Saleclte. 270 Everett st, Portland. WELL FURNISHED. BRAND NEW. THOR- oughly modem house of 0 rooms, hall ana bath. 294 10th st. ' FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE, ELECTRIC lights, bath, close in. Inquire 273 7th. FURNISHED HOUSE. GOOD LOCATION; sice yard. 528 Taylor. Houses for Rest, lmrolture for Sale. TEN SWELL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 11th and Alder; lease; clearing $55; price guaranteed to suit. 315 Chamber of Com merce. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT, furniture for sale. 5 blocks west Portland Hotel: $303 If taken by Feb. 1. K 55, Ore gonlan. FURNITURE OF NICELY FURNISHED flat for sale. Call between 2 and 6. 329 11th. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, FUR nlture for sale. 255 5th. - Stores. STORES FOR RENT THREE LARGE stores in new brick building southwest corner Tenth and Washington. Steam heat; large cement basement; everything mod ern. Inquire S. Morton Conn, southwest comer Park and Oak. ROOM 25x33. SUITABLE FOR STORAGE OR small manufacturing, on second floor. Ap ply to A. W. Nash, 205 Stark St. FINANCIAL. MONET. MONEY. To salaried employes and wage-earners Get our system that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, trainman, machinist, engineer, etc.. having reliable employment, can get; ust on his note: Monthly, -mon. Weekly. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $0.03 or $3.83 $25 Repay to us $ 0.60 or $3.33 or $1.03 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 Easiest, terms, lowest rates, confidential. No ' Inquiries. Quick service. ' Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 210 Mo Kay bldg.. 104 3d St. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before pay day can get it from us; no commission or in terest in advance; no mortgage or lndorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi, monthly In amounts from $1 and upwards, thus avoiding payment of the whole amount out of any one payday; asd have six months' time If desired. NELSON & HINDLET, SOS McKay bldg. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I am In a position to make immediate loans on improved real estate or for building pur. poses; any amount; moderate interest. We approve loans from plans and advance money as building progresses when desired. Option in repayment after one year. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 103 2d it., near Stark. SALARY LOANS We loan money to salaried people in sums of $10 to $100; from one to six months time, extended; no delays or unpleasant inquiries; business strictly confidential and courteous treatment extended to all; pri vate entrance. Northwest Loan Co., 321 Ablngton bldg. LOANS ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN to salaried people, strictly confidential; of fice hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Employes Loan Co.. room 716. The Dekum, S. W. cor. 3d and Washington sts. Phone 224. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITi ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or calary se curity, at low rates. C W. Pallette. 213 Commercial block. Telephone Main 13S3. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc., without security; easy pay. menu; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. CHATTEL LOANS IN AMOUNTS RANGING from $25 to $3000; rooming-houses a spe- i.itv Vfcw Era Loan & Trust Cn. onn Ablngton bldg. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND ether securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45. Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. Money loaned on all kinds of security; 6 per cent: building loans a specialty. W. H. Nuns, 632 Sherlock block. Phone Clay 620. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM 15 TO room 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. Will build you a house and furnish the money. O. M. Smith. 714 Cham, of Com. LOANS IN SUMS OF $3 AND UP ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT, on city property and improved Valley farms. W. A. Shaw & Co.. 243 Stark st. IMMEDIATE AND CONFIDENTIAL loans on salaries ana cnaueis; Kind treat ment 423 Ablngton bldg. glx per cent money to loan on Clackamas County lands. E. F. Riley. 608 Cham. Com. State Funds Loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas. State Agent. Mult. Co. 400 Cham, pi Com. Loans on realty mortgages for client; $100 to $500 to loos. W. S. Ward, atty, Allsky bldg. MONEY LOANED salaried people: no delav: strictly private. 717 Marquam. Hood 1940. REAL ESTATE LOANS. 5 and 6 per cent, any $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND C PER CENT. Mm. G. Beck, room 307. The Failing bldg. LOANS. MINING STOCK AND GOLD bought. 215 commercial bIK. Hood 463. PERSONAL. FORMULAS FREE FOR MEN AND WO men. especially prepared for each case, for falling, taaea or gray nair. itching scalp, wrinkles, furrows, frowns, sunken and hol low cheeks, flabby seeks, double chins, small pox plttlngs. red veins, freckles, brows spots, or any other disease of the skin or aeala. Have no remedies to sell; you prepare your own. I give you free my scientific treat ment for skis and complexion: send 4 cents in stamps for particulars. Address X. Z. Cauffman. Dermatologist. 1401 1st av Se attle. Wash. GERMAN LESSONS GIVEN AT TOUR homes by lady teacher; SSc as hour. G- 47. Oregonlan. REGENT- BATHS; sse masseuse: vibratory massage, cures nervous diseases. 474 Alder. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder, West 15S6. Agents wanted, HUFFMAN. LADIES TAILOR. REMOVED to 409 Morrison si. Main 3030 PERSONAL. JO-HE. A NATURAL 'MAGNETIC OIL. FROM Texas; most wonderful discovery of age; punies medical world; rheumatism, paraly sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer burns, old sores, yield to this oU like magic; cures in 8 to 20 days; sample can, 5Qc, postpaid: testimonials free; agents wanted. M. E. Clinton. SIS" Ev. Couch St., Portland, Or. Phone Union 1602. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE TREATS EVERY affliction of the human face and scalp; blemishes and wrinkles removed by Dr. Neldin, of New York, latest process: three years reference of Portland's1 leading phy sicians given; free consultation dally. Parlors 354 Morrieoa st. Tel. Hood 2S2. 77 WOMEN -WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leseorrhoea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or Toung. cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230 Yam hill st. PortlasdQT. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. "Book of Nature," "The Beauty Spot,' " Hot Tamale." "Mabel Gray." "Lustful Love." "A Modem Eden." Silent Shame," "Passion's Paradise," "A Modem Lover," "Nana," "Heptameron." "Woman of Fire. Catalogues free. A. W. Schmale. 229 lat- DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips eewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring C0.1 347 Washington, op posite Cord ray's. MRS. M. . GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed: best of work: satisfaction guaranteed, J CO 1st St.. Portland. Or. Phone Red 3161. Residence. 218 Harrison st. Phone West 999. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. On month's treat ment. $2; 3 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard, Clarke St Co.. Portland, Or. VIM. VIGOR, VITALITY DU PONT ET uie s Kola Tablets, nature s great tonio lor either eex; 25c box by mail. Albert Bernl, 2d and Washington sta. Agent, Portland, Or. DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF THOSE stumps? If you do, sand me $L I will tell you how to fix them to bum out root and all. W. L. Fleming, Humboldt, la. LADIES, ATTENTION 1 ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers or sale by leading druggist. $2 per box; shle and reliable. S. G. Skid mpre & Co.. Special Agents. 151 3d st. Superfluous hair, moles, " etc.,- permanently re moved by electrlo needle; 9 years "experi ence In Portland r physicians references; lady operator. 248 Ctb. Phone Main 1109.. WANTED PUPILS Es GERMAN BY AN experienced teacher from Germany; -evenings. 'New class will begin about Feb. L F 65. Oregonlan. Mearance Sale Waists, skirt, wraps, kimonos, muslin underwear, etcf 'lowest Trices' In -Portland. Sing Chong Co.. 833 Morrison st. We print your same on. 30 calling cards, proper size and style, 25c; 230 business cards, $L Brown' & Schmale. 229 1st, Portland. Or. FINE DATl BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las. Repalrlnr and recovering; two stores, Washington and 6th and Morrison and 5th. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS aRE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eysell'a Phar macy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. TOUNG MAN FROM CALIFORNIA WOULD like the acquaintance of young lady; ob ject matrimony. C 55, oregonlan. A YOUNG WOMAN WITH FINE SOPRANO voice would Join church choir. O 49, Ore gonlan. ARTISTIC CARVING; LESSONS GIVEN; CU rlos for sale; orders taken. 489 Washington. MRS. OBROCK. graduate masseuse, cabinet baths, chronic diseases treated. Ablngton bldg. MISS. A. S. JORGENSEN, THE LEADING muuner, w wash., cor. linn. Mam 1075. SHOES HALF SOLED FOR 50C AT HOLLA caughs, 1E9 3d. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. DR. LAMQTTES FRENCH CORN PAINT. The -best com cure, 25c. All druggists. SPOT CASH FOR GOLD- AND SILVER OF every description. 311 Dekum bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. CUT-RATE REAL ESTATE AND BUSL ness Chance Office 1 N. 0th. opp. 'P. O. Phone Red 1738. Cigar stand, living rooms, $275. "Cigar stand, living roomsv $550. Cigar stand, living rooms, $750. Rooming-house, 00 rooms, lease, $6000. 80 rooms, lease, price $2800. 34 Tbdtns, transient, lease, price $2300. - 21 moms, brick, lease, transient $2200. 20 rooms, housekeeping, lease, $1500. 14 rooms, transient, lease. $1730. Rooming-house, 10 rooms, transient, rent $25. price $830. Delicatessen and grocery, snap, $1700. Lunch counter, superb location. 275. Restaurant, 5 rooms above lease, $875. Boarding and sales stable, 'lease, $2230. Good dairy ranch for sale or rent. For rent 5-room cottage, furnished. West Side, water free, $20 per month. Splendid buy Rooming-house. 7 rooms. rent $23, price $430, $200 down, balance payments. . Several other good buys on our list; see us before buying. We have farm and city property, some very fine buys If taken at once. Terms given and money to loan on the aoove property. BERRY & ALEXANDER. BARGAINS IN FURNISHED ROOMING HOUSES, ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES. , 19 YEARS IN PORTLAND. WILL LOCATE YOU RIGHT. LILLIAN DEKEATER. 425 TAYLOR ST. 3 0-room hotel, fine dining room, can j seat 70 people $4000 20 " fine dining-room, furnished elegantly 1 3000 23 " elegantly fqraisbed 3500 21 " very nice, elect housekeeping 2S00 50 -" hotel, best buy on market: long lease, central 3200 0 " beautiful furniture, central.. 850 8 " 21 boarders, central: 330 rent 050 7 " nice place, central 550 o " central, new furniture lease 350 Grocers-. $000: restaurant. $S50: grocery. confectionery, bakery, cigars, etc., living rooms, Jine stock; lease; cheap rent, $11.50. Lots of bargain; can't list all. Will locate you right. Nineteen years In Portland. LILLIAN DEKEATER, 425 Taylor. THE ENORMOUS PROFITS MADE IN THE manuiacture 01 sugar Is sot generally un derstood and appreciated. Let ns send you a lltue boos: showing how a few dollars each month can be Invested in a safe, con- '.nillv. .Inl.hlfnnnnl ti.iln. prise which will pay enormous dividends in a comparatively snort time, no 011 well, race horse, gold mine or gambling scheme. Best bank references. Send for pamphlet; It win pay you to Know more about it. cosu sental Sugar Refining Co.. St. Louis. Mo. SAWMILL. 40.000 TO 50.000 FEET CAFc. ana planlng-mlll. drykllns, complete logging outfit, etc.; best possible facilities for ship ping over N. P.. G. N. and C P. R. R.; grod local demand for common lumber: un issued quantities or umoer l or and cedar) adjacent to mm. can oe purcnasea. x 10, oregonlan. 8-room house. West Side, furniture, cheap. S323 7 rooms, very central, snap, rent $2u; $550. 11-room boarding-house, elegant furniture; central, paying wen, price iiau. 10 rooms, very central, snap. $650. 21 rooms, lease, brick, excellent buy. $2200. 248 Stark. 53000 FOR BUSINESS LESS THAN ONE year ota. cuiuisuuk ui urjr kuuos. -lurnisn-mg notions; capital turned six times; best city on Sound; poor health; write at once to get in on Spring business. Address New iiuauiess, care unKuaim. BRICK PLANT COMPLETE, 32,000 CA podty. with 15 acres land for sale cheap ana on easy terms. or particulars ad dress or call on Angus Gor, 29 2d st.. City. Portland-Astoria Shipping Supply (jo. nours IU to li AL. LAURANCE CREAMERY FOR SALE. CON- slstlng of complete set - of Implements. building and two acres of land; situated on North .Howell .prairie, Marion county. Ore gon. Address J. E. Walt man, R. F. D. No. 1, uervais, or. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY ARB is possession - oz tne latest lnxormatlon re garding business chances In -city or country. Nona but legitimate propositions considered. A M r,n JUiHUUiXlUi AGENCY. Ablngtos building. DO TOU WANT TO SELL ANYTHTNOt Pbone Mais 1823. Ford's Auction Hons. A WELL-ESTABLISHED BOOK. STATION cry and confectionery store for sale. In one of most prosperous and growing towns in Southern Oregon; yearly sales $10,000; cap ital required $3300. Address L 30, Orego nlan When others have failed to make your watch right, bring It to me; I right the wrong and charge less. C H. Saake. 311 Dekum bldg. LEA! BE ON RESTAURANT FOR ONE year: fixtures and all complete; also 7 furnished lodging rooms go with lt This is a ssap; Investigate at once. Ap ply 5M Delay st. Lower Alb tost. BUSINESS CHANCES. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 565 4TH STREET. A patent right, one of the best proposi tions ever offered to a man; all the stock and good will with building and two lots for 3900; 31000 worth, of orders now taken to be fitted. 13-roam house, rent 330.. ........ .3 730 31-room, good corner, best In town.. ..32500 0-room, for rent, up stairs pays rent.. 3 400 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS Lo cation? Investigate the exceptional advan tages offered at Estacada. the coming 'town of Clackamas County. O. W. P. Townslte Co.. 132 1st. cor. Alder, room 5. Phone Main 210. ATTENTION WEAVERS GOOD WEAVING business, established 12 years, for sale rea sonable. For further particulars call on or address Mrs. B. M. Reed, cor. 3d and D sts., La Grande, Or. LADY WANTS STEADY. ACTIVE YOUNG msna partner with $350; well established business that will pay him $30 week and over; rare chance. Call 242 Washington st., room 506. FOR SALE 3 ROOMING-HOUSES. 2 Ho tels, o rigor stands and confectioneries, 4 grocery stores, 3 restaurants, 3 livery barns, 2 saloons, 1 sawmill. 7 1st st. FOR SALE SPRINGFIELD HOTEL: BEST hotel proposition in state for amount of capital required. For particulars address Tom Tyndall, Springfield, Or. $2300 32-ROOM, ROOMING-HOUSE; CEN- irai, aorawooa iuraiture. gas, iurnace heat; rent $160, Income" $400 month. Ad dress C 52, Oregonlan. ' RESTAURANT CROWDED WITH Busi ness; fine location; brick building; 2-year loaee: rent $30: price $400. Gelser & Fos ter, 205 Morrison. $2200 BUYS A 34-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE; new rurniture; long lease; Dest transient house In the city. Inquire 152 N. 6th st. Phone, Hood 1913. WANTED PARTNER WITH $3000 CASH in airaignc, legitimate outdoor worx; to per day guaranteed; best references given. P 53 Oregonlan. FOR SALE FULLY EQUIPPED BLACK- smitn snop with steam power; also house and barn; fine location. Robert Jonsend, Sandy. Or. $6000 TO $8000 TO INVEST IN LEGITI mate business enterprise; no scnemes or agents; statu fully what you- have. W 54, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 50-ROOM HOUSE. ALL ON ONE floor; nicely furnished; doing good business; long lease Taft & Co., 80 4th st. Main 1268. AT A BARGAIN A FINE MILLINERY business; discounts all balls; reason for selling, sickness. K. 54, Oregonlan. GREAT SNAP 10-ROOM FLAT. FINELY furnished, fine transient place, is business center, only $1300. Y 18. Oregonlan. WANTED HONEST, RELIABLE MAN FOR partner in well-established business; must have $250. Y 54, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE IN HEART OF CITY; must be sold at once; a bargain. 301 Fall Jni: bldg. Phone Clay 195. FOR SALE BARBER SHOP JN GOOD town, aoing gcoa Dusmess; oest location. Box 24, Lebanon. Or. $125 BUYS HALF ESTABLISHED BUSINESS clearing; $200 month; experience unnecessary. Inquire 4 N. 6th. FOR SALE FURNITURE 8 OR 16-ROOM rooming-house, 7th. Phone Main 300T. Green 922. . fiPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND. DEAL- ers In Waterworks Material: Sealed bids for labor and material for the construction of the waterworks for Dalles City. Oregon. will be received at the office of the City Recorder on' February 10, 1904, up to 2 o'clock P. M.. and publicly opened at 3 o'clock P. M. Plans and specifications are now on me at the office or the City Re corder, The Dalles. Oregon, or at the of- sce or e. w. Cummings. consulting En gineer. Dexter Horton building, Seattle. Washington. Each bid must be accom panied by a certified check for 5 per cent oi the amount oi the bid. payable to T. J. Seufert, President Board Water Commis sioners, as a guarantee for entering Into contract wtlh the city for the work bid upon. Successful bidders for any part of the work will t required to furnish a sat isfactory bond in the sum of 100 per cent of the amount of the contract as a guar antee xor tne completion or the work. - The Water Commissioners expressly re serve the rleht to reject any and all hlds. or to let contracts to whomsoever It may see nt. x. J. tsiu.etJKT, iresiaent. Attest: J. M. FILLOON. City Recorder. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE a stock of dry goods, clothing and furnish. ing goods, together with the store fixtures appertaining thereto belonging to the Em porium Dry Goods & Clothing Co., located at Whatcom, Wash. An inventory of this property may be seen at the rooms of the Board of Trade, 202 Market St., San Francisco, CaL, and also on tne premises at Whatcom, yvasn, where the stock may be inspected. Sealed bids are solicited to be addressed to the undersigned and delivered to H. L. Smith, secretary of the Board of Trade, 202 Market st.. San Francisco CaL, on or before Saturday, January 30, 1904, at 2 o'clock P. M. A certified check of 10 per cent of the amount offered must accom pany each bid. returnable only In case of rejection of bid. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. Terms cash. Full amount of purchase price to be .paid on award of property Emporium Dry Goods & Cloth ing Company. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS IN FUEL OIL: Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned up to 4 P. M., Thursday, Feb ruary 11, 1904, and then opened for fur nishing fuel oil In such quantities as may be required from time to time for the period of one year f. o. br cars, or barges of the Port of Portland at a point of delivery at or near Portland, to be agreed to by rep resentatives of both parties. Proposals should be marked proposals to furnish fuel oil. and be addressed to Dan. J. Maher, Clerk Port of Portland, 600 Worcester blk. OFFICE OF C. Q. M., VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash., Jan. 26, 1904. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here urtll 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, February 3, 1904, for lumber at Portland. Or. In formation furnished here. U. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Envelopes con taining proposals should be marked: "Pro posals for Lumber," addressed W. C. Wren, Actg. C. Q. M. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF fice of the director-general of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition at the cor ner of 6th and Morrison sts. until Thurs- . day, January 29. 1904. for the grading of track on York, st. from the Northern Pa cific terminal' grounds to the Exposition Grounds. Plans and specifications are ready for inspection at the office of the director of works, 501 Sherlock bldg. BIDS WANTED FOR CHANGING STORE at 1st and Hall sts. into two flats. In qulre M. Gale, 4 N. 3d st. Miscellaneous. MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Snake River Valley Railroad Company Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Snake River Val ley Railroad Company will be held In the office of A. L. Mohler, president of the company, in the Worcester bldg., Portland. Or., on tho Sth day of February. 1904. at 11 o'clock A. M-. for the purpose of elect ing directors and transacting any other business that, may properly come before the meeting. Dated Portland, Or., Jan nary 15. 1904. James G. Wilson,, secre tary. REMOVAL FRANK HACHENEY. 333 3HER lock bldg.. 83 3d St.. agent fgr New Zea land asd Traders Fire Insurance Companies. LOST AND FOUND. STOLEN A NEW RAMBLER BICYCLE, model 65; 22-Inch frame No. 10878; black frame, nickel plated. forks, no coaster; $10 reword. Address W. D. Williams, care F. W Baltes & Co. LOST ON EVENING OF 25TH, OLD FOX Terrier dog. Return to 120 N. 18th. Re ward. LOST A BUNCH OF KEYS. FINDER Re turn to 327 Morrison st- Reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. As say era and Analysts. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANA lyst; gold dust bought. 228 Stark st. Boating. BARGING, lightering, freighting, etc.. barges for rent. H. F. Gerspach. 182 Morrison st. Civil Engineers. PHILIP G. EASTWICKV 662 WORCESTER block Railroad, hydraulic, mining asd gtneral engineering-. n 31CSINES3 DIRECTORY Architects. CHICAGO ARCHITECTS. PLANS FURN1SH- ed ror buildings, structural iron work, etc 013-610 Commercial bids. Phone main 117. Carpenters and Builders. W. L Buckser. office, store fixtures, .general jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 914. GEO. W. GORDON, COUNTERS. SHELV- inr. nouses built asd repaired, -us its. Clay 174. Cement Contractors. CARTER & ELL. cement contractors. 271 Porter st. Tel. Front 2S34. Work guaran teed. Chiropodists asd Manicuring. WM. D EVE NT &. ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Phono Main 1S0L This is the long-haired gentleman. He is the mas you are looking for. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST. pedicuring and manicuring. 20 Raleigh bldg.. cor. 6th and Waahlncton. , Clairvoyance. arsME. DR. HERZOG, FROM BERLIN, sci entific revealer, tells life from cradle to grave. Consultation 09 all affairs; good advice, sure help, mistake impossible; re stores lost love and unites separated by sympathy; also locates buried treasure. Fee, SL 207 Park. Corrugated Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, HOT-AIR furnaces. J. C. Bayer, 203 2d st. Cool Dealers. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO., DEALERS is all kinds of coal. Call us up ror quota tlons. 134 N. Sth st. Telephone Main 1018. KING' COAL CO.. IMPORTERS OF THE best house and smithing coals. Main 1423. VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers; best coals; foundry asd smelter coke. 329 B st. Commission Merchant, HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general com mission mercant. Front St.. near Main, Portland, Or. Cash advanced on consign ments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission mercsants. snenocK digs.. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts.. Portland, or. Dancing. MRS. NINA LAROWE IS FORMING MID- Winter classes: does not close season tin July, Private lessons given; elocution taught also. MRS. GRANT'S CLASSES, TUESDAY AND Friday nights; children, Saturdays, 2 P. M. Academy 01 music, Morrison St.. cor. -a. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OE DANC lng, 269 14th. cor. Jeff. Waltzing a specialty MISS HELEN COPELAND, BURKHARD Haul, Mon. and wen. evenings. Main 304. Dentists. DR. A. F. KNODER. 322 MOHAWK BLDG. corner 3d and Morrison. Dress Plea tings. BON MARCHE DRESS PLEATING CO.. 332 Mohawk biag.. aa ana Morrison. Accoraion and side pleating; pinking. Red SMli. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. Turner, professional dyer and cleaner, 301 17th, cor. Columbia, xei. Main iais. Electrical Works. PORTLAND MECHANICAL AND ELEC trlcal Works, 178 Madison. Tel. Black 29SL - Fraternal insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so- clety of kw.; protects the living, j. l. Mitchell. Sup. Sec., 012-015 Marquam bldg. Harness asd Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE salo saddle asd harness mfrs.. leather 'and saddlery naraware, su-aa 1st st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfrs.. saddlery. hardware, leather: all kinds. 72-74 5th st. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, woo, furs, tallow, old rubbers. metals and sacks. 312 Front st. Lace Curtain Bleachery. YUKON LACE CURTAIN BLEACHERY All kinds ot fine flannels and laces re newed; lace curtains a specialty; work warranted. Emu Fentsllng, Manager, Sh.n. TTnlnn IfiCO C1rt Hron avo Leather- and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 3th st. Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING. SAWMILL, logging macninery, nyarauiic pipes, cast ings 01 an Kinas repaired. iu4 h. 4th st. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY TO COM plete outfit shingle mill; boilers and en gines. wittier-uorDin Macs, uo., settle. rHE H. C ALB EE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc., 248 Grand ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS xor ozirstuus see it cq&i, uu ugeau; per Massage. Refined young lady vapor, magnetic, per fumed baths, new treatments. deliehtfuL Invigorating, a real luxury; beware of fakes copying my aa. 2U1 3d, room 2 FRENCH XADY. WITH YOUNG LADY AS slstants, gives magnetic and massage treatments. 208 5th, near Taylor. Phone West 1973. i v YOUNG, SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES vapor, electrical, thermal, alcoholic and medi cated baths; magnetic treatment. 20 Raleigh bldg. r?T-VTTa VTnTJ TllTHQ VACOinc and magnetic treatment; only genuine DaUXS in 1110 uuuao. nuum u xiaiciga DlUg. VAPOR BATH. MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC treatments Dy experienced young laay; se lect patrons only. 351 Morrison at., room 16. EASTERN LADY, WITH YOUNG LADY assistant, gives vapor baths and massage. 209 4tn, room 4. Millinery Parlors. Musical. LESSONS. 60C. PIANO. GUITAR. BANJO, mandolin, violin; Instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. 104 1st. Lessons 50c; Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin Instruments rorsaie. Mrs. Martin. 104 1st. Osteopathy. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL I. SMITH, osteopathic physicians; graduates Kirksvllle, Mo.. 409 Oregonlan. Phone Main 1242. Sanitarium 014 41h. ' DRS. AD IX AND NORTHRUP HAVE RE turned to their former offices, suite 410 Dekum bldg. Phone Mam 34 u. DR. I PATTERSON, osteopath, nervous dls. eases a specialty. 343 Washington. DRS. ANNA M. & FRANK J. BARB, 800 Dekum Diag. .rnone Main Oregon Vlavi Co. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison sts. Health talks to ladies. Thursday, 2:30 P. M. Patent Lawyers. T. J. GEISLER. patent and trade-mark mat ters a specialty. 530 Chamber of Commerce. Paints, Oils and Glass. F. E. BEACH & CO.. PIONEER PAINT CO. selling the best things In paints, window glass and glazing. 133 1st. Phone 1334. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS. PAINTS, oils, glass, sasn. and doors. isu 1st st. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES. JAILS. VAULT DOORS and deposit work. Lockouts opened. Gen eral repairs. Burglars alarms. Steel ceil ings. Second-hand and steel-lined safes bought asd sold; goods as represented. J. E. Davis, 60 3d. Showcases and Store Fixtures. Portland Showcase Factory Store fixtures, display coses; every kind. 348 1st. Blk 313a R. LUTKE & CO., SUCCESSORS TO Dixon, Borseson St Co., oth and Hoyt sts. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Robber Stamps. P. C STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. PHONE Main 710. Rubber stamps, seats atencus. Palmistry. FREE TESTS FREE TESTS TO ALL- WHO call. English clairvoyant medium, paimist. So sure am I of nay powers that X will give a test to all who call prepared for a read ing; 31000 to any person who can equal met in telling tho secrets ot your life. I will tell your name asd the object of your visit. Call today asd be convinced; price low. 313 Washington, cor, 0th. MISS EMMA LORENZ. ASTROLOGER AND palmist, prophetess: tiro us A, her powerful work wealth andhapplnesa can be brought to all wishing success. If you cannot call send COc and data ot birth for reading. Parlors 21-22. Raleigh block, cor. 6th asd Washington. MADAME JOHNSTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND iiaiuuai, xeaaings aaiiy: questions uj uuui, $1 ; truth or no pay. 289 3d St. LARS EN, THE PALMIST, returned; will give reaming ior. snort time only. Alisxy dius;. Physicians asd Surgeons. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT SUCCESSFUL- ly treats asd cures all diseases of women. Successful home treatment by mail. 308 Salmon, bet. 5th asd 0th. Dr. Flora A. Brown, diseases. 1)1 women and children a specialty. Office 517 The Dekum. Second Hosd Stores. ROSEN & SUGARMAN PAY HIGHEST PRICE for second-hand furniture, stoves, tools. 333 Front st. Tel. Red 3173. Shoe Manufacturers. REID & HERTSCHE CO., SHOE MANU- xacturers. u ana 11 N. 1st, .roriiana. ur. Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO., cor. Park and Oak; largest variety; re pairing. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. SPIRITUAL. MENTAL readings, valuable advice on ail an air 01 life; business and absent friends a special ty. Troubled minds promptly relieved. 163 4th st., room 38. Office hours, 0 A, M., to 5 P. M. MME. ADWARD CRAMER, SPIRITUALIST medium, can be consulted on business, law suits, love, matrimony; unites the sepa rated, na mater the distance or cause; sat isfaction guaranteed. 96 N. 7th, near Everett. Mrs. Sophie B. Setp. seer and prophetess private counsel dally; public circles Tues. & Frt.. 8 P. M. 81 7th. cor. Oak. Main 103B. MRS. STEVENS, spiritual life reader. sclea tine palmist, 00c. 343 xamaiii, cor. Ttn MRS. C CORNELIUS. 305 Allsky bldg., 3d A Morrison. Circles Thursday eves, aooa 403, Storage. STORAGE FOR RENT FOR, STORAGE purposes one noor auxiuu zee, xnquire 01 W. B. Glofke Co., 91-93 Front at. Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS & FURNITURE MOVED, packed reaay ior snipping ana snippea; ai, work guaranteed; large 3-story brick flro proof warehouse for storage. Office 123 1st st. C M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. a O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 593. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commo dious fireproof brick warehouse. Front asd Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONI st, household goods asd furniture, piasoa trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Stoves. LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON PACIFIC Coast; also hotel and restaurant utensils, bakers' ovens. Loewenberg & Going Con 2d and Taylor. Trunk Factory- PORTLAND TRUNK CO., 50 THIRD ST., wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue.- Typewriters. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes, RENTED and sold Expert repairing. Office sup plies: mlmeographlc work; public type writing. Coast Agency Co., 231 Stark st,, Phone Main 1407. Oliver Typewriters; also new and 2d hand Machines. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 70 1st, Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter: cat alogue. 207 Montgomery, San Francisco. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS, WHOLESALE GRO cers. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Port, land. Or. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKTRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORB Second Assistant Cashier... B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available Is Eu rope and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, St Louis. St. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco sd the principal points In the Northwest. Sight and tlmo bills draws is sums to suit on London, Paris. Berlin, Frankfort-on. the-Maln. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Copen hagen, Chrlstlanla, Stockholm, St. Peteri burg. Moscow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favcraMl terms. Letters of credit Issued available 13 Europe and all points in the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer! sold on Naw York, Washington, Chicago. St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Fran els cl and various rotnta in Oregon, Washington, Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. 1 Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, asd Honolulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON. ' J. FRANK WATSON PresideBl R. L. DURHAM Vice-Presides! R. W. HOYT '..Caahiftl GEORGE W. HOYT Assistast CashlaJ TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING. BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought.. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and Stark Streets. Head Office, 35 Old Broad street, London. This bank transacts a general banking business, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit, available for travel ers and the purchase of merchandise is aay city of the world. Deals is foreign and do mestlc exchange. Interest paid on time da posits. W. A. MACRAE, Mgr. . . 1 WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK Comer Second and Washington. HOMER S. KING President (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES CashleX WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier (Portland.) General banking business transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, available in alt parts of the world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office. Toronto, Canada. Capital paid up $3,700,000 Reserve 3,000.000 Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward, and Interest allowed on minimum monthly balances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E A. WYgLD. Manager Portland Branch. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest comer Third and Oak streets. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued, available in all cities of the United States and Europe, Hong Kong asd Manila. Collections made on favorable term. President J. a AINSWORTK Vlcff-President W. B. AYER Cashier - R. W. SCHMEER Assistast Cashier A. M. WRIGHT PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON". NO. 109 THIRD STREET. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. (Incorporated April 22, 1887.) We conduct a general banking business. We receive savings deposits. We issue time certificates for 6 months at 3 per cent per annum; for 12 months at 4 per cent per annum. We issue certificates of deposit pay able upon 10 days call, 30 days call or 90 days' call with Interest at 3. 3 and 4 per cent per annum, respectively. Give us on opportunity of explaining fur ther to you about these certificates, or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJAMIN L COHEN President II. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTR.j..... Assistant Secretary