8 BARBER LAW !S VOID Judge George Says Board Had Too Much Power. IT CANNOT .BE DELEGATED Briggs, of the Barber School, Wins His Suit-Law Should Specify Qualifications, Not Leave It to an Examining Board. The members of the State Board of Bar ber Examiners might as well be so many ambassadors to Islands In the Dead Sea for all the power the office gives them. Judge George ruled yesterday that the board Is unconstitutionally on earth. This, the court holds. Is because the act of the Ieglslature creating the body al lows them to fix the standard to which all applicants for tonsorlal honors must attain. By doing this. Judge George be lieves the Legislature delegated the exam iners with legislative authority, which, he avers, is a very unconstitutional thing to do. All this tends to throw the three mem bers of the board out of an official job. They are: J. C. Vvels. Frank T. Rogers and H. G. Myer, the latter of Salem. Messrs. "Wels and Rogers say they barely agree with the court, and will most prob ably carry the case to the Supreme Court, in order to get that body's Interpretation of the law. They say that the ruling of Judge George, If It stands, will be a blow to the barbers of the city. "It will allow unsophisticated country youths to attend some pretentious barber school for a few days, and then go forth Into the world with the false idea that they are qualified as barbers," said Mr. Rogers. "They will be unable to get work in any decent shop, and will then proceed to start some little dump of their own. cutting the regular scale of prices in order to attract trade. There are many uungs reaulred of a barber, and it is contrary to the ideas of public safety to turn a lot of unskilled apprentices loose upon tne.puo 11c." The Ideas of Mr. "Wels In this connection are much the same. "We will appeal if we have any appeal coming," he said. In passing upon the case. Judge George sets out that the enactment in question nt nrovide what shall be the reoulslte capacity of a person to follow the vocation of bartering, but leaves it entirely to the board. Nor has the act. the court further holds, the requirements nrescribed in the laws of other states, as. for Instance, In Washington and Minne sota, where they are sustained. There the law nrovldes tor the age of the person, moral character, freedom from Infectious diseases, study and practice at the trade. or possession of skill in the use -of tools and the preparation of same for use, ster ilization of tools, the knowledge of com mon diseases transmlttabie by contagion or infection, as to how to avoid spreading diseases and other Qualifications, bome qualifications looking to the protection of public health at least, it is stated, should be required by the act, and not everything left to the notions or Ideas of a ooara. Law Should Provide Qualifications The decision was rendered in the case of the State of Oregon against H. L. Briggs. For some time past Briggs has been conducting a barber school in Port land, and he was charged with operating the place contrary to the state law and without a license from the State Board of Examiners. Judge George decides that the barbers nr confers arbitrary Dowers upon the hoard, and is not only amenable to this charge, but also that the Legislature has either not declared the requirements for Qualifications of barbers, but has at tempted to delegate to a board the exer cise of a legislative prerogative to nx me same, which prerogative -is vested solely in the Legislature. Discussing the ques tion, the court says The vice of the act. it would seem, is that It prescribes no general requirements or regu lations governing a set of barber oincmis, but undertakes to confer upon them purely arbitrary power to Interfere with the rights of a cltlren to pursue a lawful occupation. Power Can't Be Delegated. Tender the police power of the state there can be no question as to the authority of the Legislature to prescribe qualifications for the following of any profession, trade or occupa tion, affecting the public health; and the Leg islature can constitute Inferior tribunals to examine and determine the fact whether ap plicants actually possess these qualifications. but the Legislature cannot delegate power to a board, or to anybody else, to enact the law itself nrescrlblng the qualifications. That must be done by the Legislature alone. Referring to the medical and other slmi lar statutes. Judge George says: Medicine, surgery and dentistry, being re carded as learned professions, are governed by general laws which have been upheld by the courts. In the medical law the board was to be appointed by the Governor from among the most competent physicians of at least five years practical experience. Examinations were to be in anatomy, physiology, surgery obstetrics, thorapeutics. practice of medicine, chemistry, materia medics, diseases of women. medical Jurisprudence. Knowledge and skill the state law fixed as the standard for the practice of medicine and surgery, and the medical board was the tribunal to ascertain and determine If the applicant measured up to the standard fixed by the state for practice, and the courts have sustained the standard so fixed as a reasonable one for that profession. Too Much Power Given Board. Referring again to the barber act. the court says further: The barbers' law. however, is scant of any requisite prescribed by the Legislature. It not only falls to proscribe any test, but attempts to delegate this whole matter to a board of three barbers. Instead of fixing at least ewnc thine itself. Nowhere la the act does It pre t tribe any qualifications for proper capacity for a barber, but Instead. In section 2. It says "The board shall prescribe the qualification of a barber In this state." This power, to my mind, must be exercised by the state and ap pear in the act, and cannot be delegated. The Legislature ought, itself, to nx some reason able qualifications, and a board be merely tribunal to pass upon the fact as to whether the applicant possesses what the Legislature holds Is essential to the practice of bartering. The aot says the board shall proceed to ex amine the applicant, but what In. or to what extent, is not prescribed, and. being satisfied tin Its own mind) as to his qualification, shall Issue a certificate allowing him to work. Unless & barber has a certificate, be cannot follow his existing occupation, and will be sub ject to fine and Imprisonment If he does. This Is a very arbitrary power to confer on three men of that or any other trade or profession the opportunity for arbitrary powe,t say that any other barber can or cannot work at his trade, unless these three men are satisfied that he possewe such qualifications as these gentle men comporfBS the board may prescribe at their own pleasure. Ouract does not even lay down the Qualifi cation ef knowledge of barberlng, er eves ex perience in Barbertnjt. It prescribes absolute. J j- no qualification as deemed by the Legisla ture to be essential and sufficient, but, on the contrary, leaves, delegates, as It were, all to the pleasure ef a selected few barbers to shut cut the many barbers tlf It 1 please the few) from laboring at a lawful, useful and largely mechanical occupation. A law which in Itself undertakes to inreet In any beard or body of officials a discretion which is so purely arbitrary, and which may. on the face of the law. be exeroleed In the in terests of those the bord msy see fit in their own pleasure to favor, strongly seems to my mind to be invalid. Suit to Escheat Lots. The State of Oregon, by District At torney John Manning-, and U. S. G. Mar- quam, special counsel by leave and dl-;j rection of Governor Chamberlain, yes-1 terday filed suit in the State Circuit Court against P. H. Marley and all heirs to a. Robinson, deceased, to escheat lots 3, and 6, Multnomah Berry Ranch, con taining UVt acres to the state. The com plaint recites that Robinson died Intestate in Massachusetts in October, 1KB, leaving this nrooertv and other lots covered By a mortgage of $2300, and that no administra tor has been appointed of tne estate in Multnomah County. Marlay. who does business in Portland by E a oble, his agent has a tax title to the property. ROBBED HIS COMPANIONS. Lapoleon Convicted of Stealing $150 From Partner in Spree. Frank Lapoleon. a dlswasher, was tried and convicted in Judge Sear's Court yes terday of stealing 5150 from George ii Hawley on December 13, 1503. The evi dence showed that Hawley and a friend came to the city from Gresham, and made the acquaintance of Lapoleon, who was employed In a restaurant at Fourth and Couch streets. The three went out to see the elephant and Hawley and Clark drank considerable. They took Lapoleon to their room and, when the awoke in the morning, Lapoleon and - Hawley's money, $150, had disappeared. The prisoner denied the charge, out- failed to convipce the jury that he told the truth. Trying Claim to $15,000 for an Arm. The trial of the suit of William Tlnk- man against Inman, Poulsen & Co. for $15,000 damages for the loss of his right arm was begun before Judge Frazer yes terday. TInkman Is a minor, 16 years old. and Is represented by his mother, Lena Knoll, as guardian. The boy was working at a planer several months ago, and his arm was caught In the machine, and In jured so badly that amputation was neces sary. In the complaint it Is charged that Inman, Poulsen & Co. were wilfully negli gent in putting TInkman to work at the planer,..when he was wholly inexperienced and not informed of his danger. The day was almost consumed by counsel In se lecting a Jury and the members of the body were taken over to the mill late In the afternoon to view the machinery. Judge O'Day and Charles J. Schnable appear as attorneys for the plaintiff, and Aogue cc mi our ana w. -xi. unite ior tne defense. Perry G. Baker Left $87,875. The inventory of the estate of Perry G. Baker, deceased, was filed In the County Court yesterday. The property Is ap praised at $S7,S75, of which the share of the widow, Maria J. Baker, is $34,550. Among the other heirs, namely Mary E. Tlchnef, John W. Baker, . Clara J. An- nand, Fanny Barry, Emma Austin and Sarah Ellon Everson, $31,260 will be di vlded in equal shares. The state inheii tanco tax amounts to about $500. L Articles of Incorporation. Incorporation articles of the C, Ben Rlesland Land Company were filed In the County Clerk's office yesterday by Ralph R. Dunlway, C. A. Malboenf and C. Ben Relsland; capital stbek, $1000. The objects are uu uu ;i Kenerai rem estate una uroK erage business, etc Sentenced to Five Years. .Lynn Williams, a negro, who stole $35 from J. Hickman, also a colored man, ana who struck L. C. Hartman, detective. when he placed him under arrest, was sentenced to five years In the penlten tiary by Judge George, yesterday. Admits That He Robbed Wright. E. L. Parsley, charged with stealing $25 In the Burnslde Lodglng-House '.belong lng to R. H. Wright, pleaded guilty In the State Circuit Court yesterday, and was sentenced to one year and a half in the penitentiary. ' Court Notes. W. C. Bristol has sued A. Goodnough and Emma J. Goodnough to recover $1,000 on a note executed in favor of James Dickson in May, 1E93. L. B. Chlpman has sued O. M. Smith, a dealer in tax titles, and the heirs of the estate of James John, deceased, to quiet title to lot 1, block 19, James John Addi tion. Chlpman owns the lot and alleges In his complaint that the others have no in terest in It ; BEGIN NEW SCHOOLHOUSES. No Time to Be Lost-Proposed Lec tures to Parents. Construction- of the new schoolhouses, additions and alterations possible under the levy made at tho annual school meet ing is to go ahead with all speed. At the meeting of the Board of Education last evening the building committee was authorized to proceed as rapidly as pos slble. Architect Jones Is to prepare plans for such Improvements as he has not already designed. Not much can be done upon the Atkln son School until . school closes In June. Work upon the new East Twenty-eighth- Street School need not be delayed, how ever. Rooms are to be added to several of the present schoolhouses. R. K. Warron. Mrs. L. W. Sitton and Richard Williams were last evening an pointed a committee to secure land for the. proposed schoolhouse between the Couch and Chapman Schools. One pro posal has been already received. This Is for either eight or ten lots on the block 6 I wrote to advice though I 99 "After my baby came in January, 1500," writes Mrs. Nancy Abner. of St Paul. Ark., "I suffered severely from all sorts of aches and pains, until the following May, when I read one of your pamphlets, treating on female diseases. I wrote to Dr. Pierce for advice, although I thcught surely I would die, as our physician told n: I was more liable to die than to get well? your fatherly advice caused my health to be restored. I took five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, three of Golden Medical Discovery and three vials of ' Pellets, together with your other remedies, and I am now able to do all my work." Weak and rick women are "invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, fre:, and so obtain without charge or fee the advice of a specialist upon diseases I peculiar to women. All correspondence ; is held as strictly private and sacredly connaenunx. Address ur. K v. .Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. The invitation to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free, is not to be confused with offers of "free medical advice" made by irresponsible persons who are not physicians and are professionally and legally disqualified for the practice of medicine. Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescriDtion is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of I dries weakening drains, heals inflamma tion and ulceration and cures female weakness. FREE. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send ai one-cent stamps for the book in Sper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth und volume. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. surrounded by Raleigh. Qulmby, Twenty- first and Twenty-second streets. A committee from the City Federation of Women' Clubs, headed by Mary A. Ogden. Alphia L. Dlmmlck and Millie R. Trumbull, presented a request that three scholhouses be tised by them for three nights each for free lectures to the par ents of attending children. Drs T. L. Eliot, Dr. Woods Hutchinson and the Camera Club have promised to aid these lectures, according to the petition. As the law states that the schoolhouses may be used only when the directors are authorized by a majority of the taxpay ers in a regular or special meeting to allow it, the matter was referred to the committee on examination of teachers.' Governor Chamberlain will be asked to deliver the address to the February graduating class of the High School. Another Panic at Chicago Fire. CHICAGO, Jan. 25. A small fire In the Garrlck Theater, which is on the first floor of the Schiller building, a- sky scraper, caused considerable excitement among the tenants today. No one was In the 'theater and the. nervousness of the people in the building, who were easily susceptible to panic oaring to the Iro quois disaster and the panic in the 'Ma sonic Temple Saturday, was quickly al layed. CURES COLDS IN INDIA LAXATIVE BROM0 QUININE. Tc get the genuine, call for the full .name. 25 cents. DAILY MiSTEOROLOGICAL ItETOBX. PORTLAND. Jan. 25. 8 P. If. Maximum temperature, 45; minimum temperature, 35; river reading, 11 A. M., 7.2 feet; change In 24 hours, .8 of a foot; total precipitation, 5 P. a. to 5 P. 1L. .02 of an Inch; total precipita tion since September 1, 1903. 23.40 Inches; normal precipitation since September 1, .1003. 25.18 Inches; deficiency, 1.78 Inches; total cunshlne January 24, 15)04. 3:2S; possible sun shine, 9:24; barometer, reduced to sea level, at 5 P. M.. 30.56. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. fil 2'e 3 Wind. Baker City I 2210.00 0.001 it; I T V 8 ,0.001 It NW IClear NW ISnowlng SE jPt. cloudy N 1 Clear SW ICloudy Bismarck 12) Boise 34 I Eureka ...... 5C0.00 26 0.001 20 0.00: Helena Kamloops, B. C... North Head JPt. cloudy 44 0.00 SE Pt. cloudy Pocatelln Portland .-. Red Bluff 20 T It'E Clear 4510.00 ItiW IPt. cloudy 580.00 12: N Clear ltSW Cloudy lt E IClear lt'W (Clear Roseburg ......... 34(0.00 bacramento 50 0.00 26 T Salt Lake City ... ban trancisco ... 0010.00 8N Clear Spokane 320.00 S SW ltlSE Cloudy Seattle Tatoosh Island ... 40IO.l Pt. cloudy 42)0.18112: SW Raining Cloudy Walla Walla 44f0.00 lts Below xero. T Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. No rain or snow of consequence has fallen during the last 24 hours In the Pacific States. Cold weather continues In the Middle West, but In Montana it Is mild for the season of the year, while west of the Rockies the tem peratures are about normal. The Indications are for generally fair weather la this district Tuesday, except along the coast, where local rains will occur. WEATHER FORECASTS. . Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending midnight, Tuesday, January 26, 1004: Portland and vicinity Cloudy and slightly warmer; southerly winds. Western Oregon Cloudy, with occasional rain near coast; slightly warmer; southerly winds. Washington Cloudv with local rain near 'the coast; southerly winds. Eastern Oregori and Idaho Fair. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. SS YOUR PLATE LOOSE? Does it become loose or drop down some, times? If it does you have not been prop erly fitted. Where a date Is worn un Jess you secure a perfect fit It will always be a constant source of annoyance and hu miliation. We glvo you a responsible guarantee with all of our work, which Is tne oest in an lines of practical dentistry. AT SALEM we have opened a branch office in the Stcusloff building; corner Court and Liberty streets. DR. B. E. WRIGHT'S DENTAL OFFICE WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Ofnce hours: SA.iLto5P.JL; evenings, 7:30 to 8:3a Sundays. 10 A M. to 12 M. Telephone, aiam ziia. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY MADE OVER OR exchanged; diamonds, precious stones loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry re paired; close prices; good work. Tlngry, the Jeweler, N. E. cor. 3d and Washington, jjreeaen Diag.. upstairs. HOitTGAGE LOANS ON Improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONE. 224 Stark st. LOUIS H. BOLL Piano teacher. Is now located at Wash lngton'st.. near 7th. Pariors 9 and 10. For Sale $3000 A new, modern C-room house, sight ly location, five minutes walk from Posl ofSce; half cash. Q 51, Oregonlan. - MORI GAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee S. Trust Ca. T Chamber of Commerce. The new. coming city of Clackamas Coun ty offers great Inducements for manufac tures of all kinds. It has the most, powerful electric and water power in the Northwest. O. W. P. TOWNSITE CO.. 132 H 1ST ST.. COR. ALDER. ROOM 0. PHONE MAIN 216. 714 Chamber of Commerce WILLBUILDYOUAHGUSE After your own plans, and furnish the money. Repay in installments. ESTACADA PERHAPS WE OAK DO YOUE PRINTING- AS WELL IF NOT BETTER THAN MOST PRINTERS, AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. TELEPHONE US-MAIN 165 AND LET US QUOTE YOU. F. W. BALTES & CO., FIRST AND OAK STREETS. OUR 1904 BUSINESS CALENDAR FREE. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN am. 91.00 to $3.00 Per Dy AceordlkaT t Location. J. F. DAVIES, Pre. St. Charles Hote CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS , PORTLAND, OREGON Etirepean Plan Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaurant In Connection AUCTION SALES TODAY. At 10 A M. sharp the Ford Auction Com pany Will sell at residence S92 Kelly st. Take S car. H. Ford, Auctioneer. At 2 P. M. sharp the Ford Auction Com pany will sell at the Derby Stable, cor. 15th and Burnslde. H. Ford, Auctioneer. Auction sale today at Baker's Auction House, corner Alder Park. Sale at 10 A M. George Baker & Co., Auctioneers. At GUman's auction rooms. 413 Washing ton St.. at 10 AM. S. L. N. Oilman. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. No. 1. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Tuesday) even ing. January 2G, 1904. at 7:30 o'clock. Patriarchal degree. Visitors welcome. By order C. P. E. E. SHARON. Scribe.. WEBFOOT CAMP. No. C5. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD The funeral of our late neighbor, N. S. Pierce, will be held today at 2 o'clock from the residence of his daughter. Mrs. F. W. Bay. ICS 7th st. All "members are requestel to attend. C A. ELLIOTT, U. U. A L. BARBUR, Clerk. HALL OF INDUSTRY LODGE, No., A O. U. W. Members are notified that the funeral of our late brother, N. S. Pierce, will be . held this Tuesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of his daugh ter, Mrs. F. W. Bay. 468 7th St. F. A BROWN, Master Workman. Attest: JOHN W. PADDOCK Recorder. OREGON LODGE. No. 1, K. OF P. Mem bers are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. N. S. Pierce, to be held at the residence of Mrs, F. W. Bay, "408 7th st., at 2 P. M. today. (Meet at residence.) By order of W. J. ALBERT, C C. A. & A. S. ' RITE Regular meeting Multnomah Council of. Kadosh In Memorial Hall, Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. By or der Em. Commander. GEORGE WRIGHT POST, No. 1, G. A R. Attention. Comrades are requested to attend the fu neral of our late comrade, N. S. Pierce, at 4CS 7th st., at 2 o'clock P. M., January 20. 1904. E. SWAN, Commander. A MATTESON, Adjutant. BORN. DHONDT January 25, to the wife of Will iam Dhondt. Forest Grove, a son, the parents of whom are the best pleased cou ple .In this county. Dr. - C L. Large at tending. DIED. MILLER At her late residence, 451 East Clay st., January 25, 1904. Mrs. Sophia Miller, wife of J. Miller, aged CO years 3 months 12 days. Remains at. F. S. Dun nlng's. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. HAYS In this city. January 25. 1004, Alex ander T. Hays, aged 75 years 3 .months '23 days. Funeral will take place today. January 20, at 2 P. M., from F. 8. Dun nine's funeral parlors, 414 East Alder st. Friends Invited. CEREGHINO -In this city. January 24, An gelo Cereghlno. Funeral Will take place today from John Garnold's undertaking rooms, 225 2d "st., at 2:30 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. PIERCE: The funeral of Captain. N. S. Pierce will be held today at 2 P. M. from the residence of his daughter. Mrs. F. W. Bay, 4 OS 7th st. Rev. Dr. T. L. Eliot and Dr. George C Cressy, of the Uni tarian Church, will conduct the services. All fraternal societies and friends invited. GERDES Mrs. Elisabeth Gerdes, widow of the late "R. Gerdes, and beloved mother of William H.. Richard P.. Henry L.. Anna M Elizabeth M. and Christina C- Gerdes. Fu neral will be at 2 o'clock Wednesday, from Holman's Chapel. Friends and acquaintances cordially Invited. San Francisco papers please copy. EDWARD IIOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and embalmers. have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. 3. P. FIN LET & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Offlco of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telepbono No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker U Hast Alder. Lady assistant. Tclephona East 62. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phone Main 30. CLARKE BEOS, FINE FLOWEKb. Flo ral dekigns. i&9 Moiflicn. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. Build ing loans. Installment loons. WM. MAC M ASTER. SI I Worcester block. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date. W furnish abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estate. SECURITY ABSTRAC1 & TRUST CO. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. PAYING INVESTMENT Full lot and two houses on 15th St., near Flanders St. Price $4800 and yields over 10 -per cent net. This figure is given for three days only. RUSSELL & BLYTH Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Firat-Cla.au Cheotc Reatanraat Connected With Hotel. C O. Davla. See. aad Treaa. THE HOTEL CSCiR MOEBSQS, Umstr Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREQON FREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plan, 60c, T3e. J1.00. 51.30, 12.00 pr Jay. Bampi rooms in connection. AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM, GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE, Resident Manager Tonight at 8:15 o'clock, Last Performance of the Merry Musical Cartoon Comedy. "Happy Hooligan Prices, $1.00, 75c, 60c, 35c, 25c MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. PANGLE. Resident Manager Wednesday and Thursday Nights, January 27 and 28, 1004. the Celebrated Actress, ALBERTA GALLATIN, In Ibsen's Masterpiece, "GHOST S." PRICES Parquette. $1.50; parquette circle, $1.00: balcony, first three rows. 51.00: sec ond three rows, 75c; last six rows, 50c; gallery, doc; boxes ana ioges, iu.w. THE BAKER THEATER and Manager Phono Main 1907. Tonight, all Week. Matinees Saturday and Sunday, "A Celebrated Case" Powerful Drama In Proloirue and Four Acts, Evening, 50c, 35c, 25c, 15c; matinee 25c, 10c, 10c. Special Announcement New Week, ' POLLARD OPERA CO. 'Tho favorite. Company of Juveniles, Direct .From Australia, opening in "The Belle of New York" PORDRAY'S THEATER Cord ray &. Russell. Managers. PRICES AS USUAL. PHONE MAIN 992. Tonight. Mrfnday, Tuesday' and Wednesday Nights, Last Season s Big buccess, Jules Murry's Beautiful Melodrama, "Lost River" A Pastoral Love Story, Direct From Its Phe nomenal Run in New lork. COMMENCING THURSDAY. JAN. 28. FOR THREE NIGHTS AND MATINEE. JAN, 30, THE LAUGHING COMEDY, "Maloney's Wedding" ARCADE THEATER Seventh and Washington REFINED VAUDEVILLE 2:30 to 4:30. T:30 to 10:30. Sunday, continuous from 2 to 10:30. For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Admission. 10 cents to any seat. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Eeoma." "Rooms and Board.4 "Houso- Vwnlnr Rooms." "Situation Wanted." 13 words or less. 15 cents; 10 to 20 words. 20 rmtmr 21 to 25 Trords. 25 cents, etc o ail count for additional Insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except New Today." 30 cents for 15 words or less 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 -words. 50 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half: no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" frauxs measure agate) ts cents oer line, first Insertion: 10 cents AXslrERa TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this efflce. should aJay b incloses m seaiaa .nr.inn.1. No atoms la ro.utrad on suca attara. Th Oregonlan will not b responsible for errors In advartlsemeata taken through. th telephone. NEW TODAY. Illustration No. 13. Tk. nMiii Tnit Pomnanv In Ore iron. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORE NO. 109 THIRD STREET. day and read the financial news, we find quo tations of Sterling Bills of Exchange. Bank ers and merchants buy these bills, which usually run iui .i.j ' ting Interest for short periods upon their Idle funds. m . AVe Issue certificates 01 aeposii, payauie upon ten aays can, uiny tu w uv .. . i i . . n ih. and nn.fntirrfi call, wiu unci cci. , three and one-half and four per cent per an num, respectively, iou irac mvc as good as Sterling Bills as temporary Invest- ri... n nnnnrtimltv of exnlalrilnr further to you about these certificates, or send for our booK or TT.T.VSTRATIONS. H. L. PITTOCK Vice-president IS, ljfc.t t'AUCl J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary I HAVE FOR SALE ONE OF THE MOST beautiful 10-acre tracts, all clear, within city limits: a beautiful and heathful sub urban home: near car line: could be mad tc net an annual Income of $1000. and soon will sell ner lot for what I aslc per acre. See T. Wltteycombe, 244 Stark st.. Fortiana, Or. 1C0 ACRES C MILES FROM OREGON m. f nA- fm v TCrn- 4 miles from Canny; ,ou acres uuuci uumxiwv". easily cleared; good orchard, every kind of fruit: In good locality; price jrer ac Inquire of E. C Maddock. 14th and Main sts.. Oregon caty ur. A SNAP NETS 12 PER CENT, TWO-STORY brick: must be sold account sickness. Owner, 556 Delay st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE MODERN. DESIRABLE 7 room bouse. East Side, near ear line; reasonable. K 50, Oregonlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HERS IS A PIECE OF INCOME PROPERTY that you. do not often see. ms equal oiy will return a cross Income of 11 per cent on the Investment. . Lot 50x200, covered with lour flats- of six and seven rooms eacn, aou two hnnsjMi nf Vle-ht mora each: electricity. gas. porcelain baths, and everything strictly mcaem ana almost new. ior price, icnua and Income, there has never been anything nut on the market in vears that eauals it; annual income $2750. L. W. Whiting & Co.. ww ADington Bias. IF YOU WANT A HOME WE'VE GOT IT for you. We are agents for a dozen nouses In Upper Albino, ranging in price from $1350 to SSOOOr&U new. If we cannot sutt you we will buy you a lot and build you a home. Do everything but give it to you. L. W. Whiting. & Co., 403 Abingtoa bldg. -ROOM COTTAGE, $100o; 6-ROOM COT- tage, siisu; Q-rooxn modern nouse, ;iiu; 8 -room house, $2050; 12-room house In Holladay Park. $5750: small payment down, balance monthly. King, owner, StiO E. 7th St., north. Phone East 075. $S73 BUYS A CHOICE 5-ACRE TRACT ON iiL. ccotx cor line, a nne piace ior su burban borne; lose to car track; will double In value. Call today for particu lars. Portland Trust Co.. 109 Sd st. ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT 00X100: finely papered in different shades; bath and tolletr one- block from U car line; this Is a .very neat and cosy home; $1250; easy terms. jj jonnson ez v.o., 1 failing uiub- $030 BRAND-NEW MODERN COTTAGE ana tun jot in jaureiwooa; 10 see coiiage take Mt. Scott car. first and Alder. Geo. W. Brown, 203 Falling bldg. Phone Main 2129. A COxlW-FOOT LOT. WITH 9-ROOM llOD- ern dwelling, wtm siaoie. at .nuuui iiuur, terms. Plympton. U1S Allsky bldg. FOR SALE Y-ROOM HOUSE. CONCRETE basemept: fireplace, furnace, electric lighted, modern. $21001600 cash, balance long time. Room 1, 145 3d St. $175 NICE LOT AND NEW TWO-ROOM nouse, gooa location, witnin ten minutes walk of car; terms. F. S. Bollock, owner. Montavllla. Or. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains, on O. W. P. electric line. O. It Add Hon. Lents. Or. Take Mt, Scott car; 5c NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICB $1200: one-tnird down, balance install ments. Apply K71 East 11th sb. North. CORNER LOT WITH 2 MODERN HOUSES. cement basement ana walks, itn and Hall. M. H. Schmeer. 51 2d. Tel. Main 333. -ROOM HOUSE. COR. LOT. 50x100. JUST east Sunnyalde; between two car lines: $1S00; installments if desired. S 41, Oregonlan. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. AND ONE AND two-thirds acres of land in HUisboro. Or. Inquire W. A. RuhL Hillsboro. Or. CALIFORNIA FARMS, IRRIGATED AL- falfa, fruit and vine lands. Write C M. Wooster Co- San Francisco. Cat. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. EAST SLOPE MT. TA bor. 2 large lots, fenced, $1200; easy terms or part trade. 101 urana ave. FOR SAEE 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LARGE lot. In upper Aioina; nne location. ny owner, 628 Williams ave. $000 BUYS TWO SIGHTLY XQTS IN AL- Dina: warning uistance. vacmc inai a Awning Co., 27 N. 1st. MODERN, NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE. FULL lot; small payment aown, Daiance montniy Klng. Phone East 675. HOTEL. CO ROOMS AND 2 LOTS: PRICE. $13500; easy terms; win rent ior $su. vaiiey Land Co.. 43 1st st. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW 7-ROOM house. 21st and Northrup sts. i. anduyn. 270 Washington. kwlk-t nnv rnTTAffn new vttt.t. t.ot $1DU casn, ii per niouui. ox., mmiuerciui DlCg. NEW HOUSE, MODERN, BEAUTIFUL walls; installments; no agents. Union 4381. FOR SALE. ON EASY TERMS NEW, MOD- ern. up-to-date B-room nouse. fnone 67B. FOR SALE FARMS. I HAVE TriE CELEBRATED G. V. JAMES stock ranch ,for sale, , driving distance 01 city; 640 acres excellent land, arable pas ture ana wooas, ana nno improvements; onlv S30 Der acre: also a fine rich 3000- acre Island In Columbia River; will furnish nleelT 500 bead of steers per annum: also has finest duck preserve; price, $20 per acre. And other stock ranches containing KKvera.1: thousand acres each, from SO ud per acre. See T. Wlthycombe, 244 Stark at., Portland, Or. FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND. 8 MILES from Portland. 1 mile from Tlgardvilla; buildings, on the main road, 1 acre orchard, all fenced, 8 acres clear; price $1C00. In nnir nt once. 301 21st. N.. Portland. Or. CAPABLE MEN WANTED. WE HAVE Po sitions Open lor iiicnmcn, executive, cler ical and technical men. paying from $1000 to HapgOOOS. suite x. uu- riuuter uiag.. aeaiue. IMPROVED FARMS FOK SALE IN ALL part OI UIUUU mju muu&iuu, yajiuicilli made to suit, purchasers. For particulars apply toiWM. MACMASTER, 311 Worcester block. 1 $10 A MONTH BUTS A 10-ACRE FARM. Write for booklet. It's free. 611 J st. Wright & Kembrough. Sacramento. CaL eaSl OL ureB"" T2 ""to, buuu luiiu and waior; on liuunu tuau, ocuuux. .t F. Nelson. Oregon City. frultralslng; near coast ana bu3y towns; $10 TO LEASE RESTAURANT. 12 MILES PORT- land, inquire ora jaeizger, uresaam, ur. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT; 970 ACRES, 74 miles from Oregon City; fine location for dairying or stocaraising; rent cneap. For further lniormation address j. Kuntz. Beaver Creek. Clackamas Co.. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BRING US YOUR PROPERTY. WE WANT small pieces of Improved real estate from 1000 ud. We also want business chances. We have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg., Portland. Or. TIMBER ZANDS FOR SALE. 20.000 ACRES YELLOW PINE. $5.50 AN acre: look this up. It Is cheap. Certified forest reserve scrip In 40s, 80s and IGOs Immediate delivery; telegraphic orders filled next mall. American Timber Co. Marquazn bldg., Portland. FOREST RESERVE. SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres upwards: also recertified 'soldiers' additional .rorterneia-vaientlne land warrants and other kinds of land scrip. Maglnnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN large or small blocks, ready for lmmedlat delivery. L. w. vvnumg. -his oingion oiag. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, reaay tor immediate use. W. u. fcloweii. D3S unamoer oi commerce. HAVE TWO GOOD TIMBER CLAIMS. well located. 515 Marquam bldg., 2 to P. M. TO EXCHANGE. AGENTS LADIES OR GENTLEMEN: EX- mlsslon: homo or traveling positions. Call writ' iui iiia i- $400 BUSINESS LOT IN LIVE MINING town OI uronite, ior gwu uynsui i" ano. Address box 32. Glendale. or. GOOD TEAMING BUSINESS IN CITY, FOR o trier property. v vj, uregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY RANCH FOR RENT WILL SUP port 25 cows; new, up-to-date dairy, barn and dairy-room, half-mile from Vancouver. Inquire of J. H. Elwell, Vancouver Wash. trsTVV ACRES NEAR MONTA VILLA CAR house, barn: room for cow. chicken; frulL IZty, Morrison St.. room 2. WANTED TO BENT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED FARM on shares: anywhere in Valley; I understand any kind cf farming, u W, oregonlan. FOR SALE. Hornes. Vehicles and Harness. HORSE WEIGHS '1300 POUNDS, IN GOOD condition, call at son jenorson sc. FOR,. SALE. .. Horse, Vehicles and Harness, '5 BLACK: HORSE. GENTLE, 7 YEARS OLD. good traveler; weighs about 1000 pounds; also top buggy; price, $150. Inquire. 2S4 Stark. AUCTION. AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF horses, wagons, buggies, harness, at "Derby Stables. 15th and Burnslde. ONE GOOD SECOND-HAND .BUGQY AT 515. Inquire at 295 Davis L, cor. of 5th.. Port land. 100 vehicles, goose neck furniture wagons; large stock harness and saddles. 211 Wash. $150 WILL BUY Al WORK TEAil. WAGON Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged macnines at very low prices Singer. V. S-. Domestic Wheeler & Wilson and White: drophcads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic odes. S. S. SIgel. Agent. 335 Morrison st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK.? Repair It with Elaterite; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, un or smngiea; oest tor naw roofs. Elaterlte Rooting Co.. 10 Worcester bldg. K. GRUBBER AND STUMP" PULLER Just what you are looking for; three state premiums: gruos an acre a day; one norsa has power or iw; investigate, Jamest Fin ney. Brooks, Or. FOR SALE BBAUTlFUi GERMAN PIP3 organ; original cost $32O0. at a reasonabla figure; cash payment or Installments. Apply to Aug. Ericsson, xvnexaona concert itail. 21 N. 2d st ETANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $25: ALL makes rented ana repaired, nuooer stamps. Notary seals, ate. Cunningham's. 231 Stark, Tal. 1407. THOROUGHBRED FOX TERRIER PUPPIES now ready to' deliver. M. W. Parsons; 411 Spencer st.. jontavuia; itiVi 1st, room 4. AUTOMOBILE. SACRIFICE LESli THAN nail original price; steam; nno condition. Kelly, engineer. 74 Grand ave. TWO FRESH THOROUGHBRED JERSEY cows; also thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chickens. Phone Red Z83S. FOR SALE FINE ENGLISH SETTER bitch, partly broken; 1 year . old. Fpona Brown 0S5. HALL SAFE FOR SALE, IN FIRST-CLASS condition. Address J 46, Oregonlan. FAMILY COW FOR SALE. INQUIRE ROOM 323 Ablngton bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. NOTICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, THE leading employment agency of the Northwest. 249 Burnslde st. Phona Main 3074. MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE Ours Is not the only placo to learn, but certainly is the best. Call or write for full particulars and if In doubt make a personal Investigation. American Barber College. 253 Everett St.. Portland. WANTED BY MANUFACTURING HOUSE, trusty assistant for branch office; $18 paid weekly; position permanent; no capital re quired; previous experience not essential. Address Branch Superintendent, 324 Dear born, Chicago. WANTED OPENED FOR BRIGHT. GOOD- appearlng solicitor ior estaDiisnea route; salary and commission basts; high-class proposition, educational In character. Ad dress J. P. Thompson, Supt., 305 Larkln st. San Francisco. WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER trade1 in first-class places ana unoer nrst class Instructors, at more reasonabl terms than any other place In the clty Call or address 167 First st., room 1, Portland, Or. STEADY WORK FOR A GOOD. HONEST young man in est oiae srutcrj . must a good solicitor and clerk, and acquainted with city; give reference, age and address. E 54, Oregonlan. PRINTER FOR COUNTRY OFFICE; GOOD Job and ad man, steady and sooer; mar ried man preferred; permanent position for right party. Address Pilot, South Bend, Wash. Men to learn barber trade:. ay ST""1" re quired; 2 years saved; positions, secureu wnen-"- -competent;- catalogue mailed free, Molor System College, San Francisco. Cal. WANTED AMATEUR MUSICIANS TO JOIN amateur Dana; must De sooer. inausiriaua and a permanent resident; experienced musi cians preferred. Address M 202. Oregonlan. UNION MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION pays from $25 to $65 sick ana accident benefits for $1 per month; agents wanted. 401 Marquam building, Portland. Or. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED POWER clamp hand, wno can- aiso ao oencn worn; also a turner for column work. Apply West Coast Sash & Door Co. WANTED A PROFESSIONAL MOLE- catcher, or else man to contract to tree a 100-acre tract from moles. Address R. L. Macleay, Arlington Club. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MOLDER; one capable of running a iounary; aoing Iron and brass work. Address P. O. Bor 493. Nelson. B. C. WANTED A GOOD STEADY. INDUSTRI OUS married man to taice care or norses; must glvo good references, no children. Inquire 45 1st st. WANTED 20 SOLICITORS. MEN AND women; $23 a wecK anu expenses easily made. Inquire 531 Chamber of Com merce. COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT Headquarters for cooks, waiters ana car tenders. No. 143 4th st. Phona Red 1033. WANTED MAN CAPABLE OF 'TAKING Charge OI a goou. yayiu iraiuuiaui, aiuuii capital required. M 54, Oregonlan. WANTED AN ALL-AROUND TEACHER and organizer ior college music deparuueui. two days a week. Phone East 659. SMALL INVESTMENT AND SERVICES SE- cures profitable nusiness opportunity ior en ergetic roan. Apply Frater. 271 3d. FRONT ROOM. GENTLEMEN PREFERRED; private larouy; uaiu, pnunc xw iuui aw. bet. Washington and Alder. WANTED STICKERMAN, $3; FIRST FALL- er, $2.75; second, $z.ou. bumDcnnena -ua.-bor Bureau, 205 & Morrison. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE WATCH- maKer 8 trade; some rauney reijuiieu. uu Dekura bldg. WANTED PHOTOGRAPHER; STRICTLY nrsi-cias& operator uuu rewucuu. j.ciuuiwu-. Studio. BEST TEN-CENT SHAVE IN CITY: CLEAN towels, etc 203 aiornson st. x.a ueuaisuu. WANTED BARBER. 222 2D STREET. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED AT HOOD River. Or.; wages $25 per month, room and board; references required. Address John Leland Henderson, Hood River, Or. WANTED AMATEUR SINGERS. PERFORM- ers, pianisuj, em,"&tucii iuiuuucu, sia&a dancing taught. Newman's Theatrical Agen cy. 313 Washington. WANTED WAITRESS, COOKS, SECOND- girls, laundresses, Kitcnen neip ana gen eral work. Scandinavian-American, 22G 3d. Phone Main 1510. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waitresses, chambermaids, general workers. St- Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. TROY DRESS-CUTTING SCHOOL. $20 course, $10; evening class now forming for working girls. 80 10th, near Stark. Phono Red 310L GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: MUST be good' cook. Upper flat, cor. 7th and Madison. 200 7th; two in family. Call before 12. A REFINED WOMAN. OVER 30. WHO would be capable of earning $75 per month; apply at once, B 48, Oregonlan. WANTED AT ONCE A GOOD GIRL TO assist In housework; family of two. Call at 748 Pettygrove st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply forenoon. 260 7th St., ' near Madison. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Call 740 Pettygrove st WANTED COMPETENT GIRL housework. Call 783 Pettygrove st. FOR WOMAN WANTS TO DO HOUSEWORK BY the day. Phone West 3434. WANTED EXPERIENCED massage. 110 4th st. LADY FOR GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, quire 411 Stark st. IN-