Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 22, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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Trouble Between Rival Cali
fornia Companies.
Overproduction Is the Cause of the
Trouble-Orange Market Also In
a Bad Way-Local Produce
Price Current
The war between the rival salt companies
f San Francisco is having Its effect here,
mother drop of 50 cents a ton In half
rround being announced. The (rouble In Cali
fornia la between the Imperial Salt Company
the successor of the Federal Salt Trust, and
the Amalgamated Bait- Company, a co-opera?
tlve concern made up of producers. The
present struggle Is not looked upon as a "war
of extermination, but Is rather the result
of an oversupply 0f salt, and It Is believed
In the trade that the matter will eventually
be patched up and prices raised. Present
quotations are said to be. below tbe actual
cost of production, which should be another
inducement for the' early settlement of the
dispute. In the meantime the market is de
cidedly active, many Jobbers and speculators
taking advantage of the fight to stock up.
This troubte between the salt companies Is
periodical and finds Its origin In the full
prices that are Quoted when no war Is on.
The large profits are then an Inducement to
capital to embark In tbe enterprise and the
result Is that the field Is soon overcrowded,
too much salt accumulates and a war Is
started. No one pretends to know how this
trouble will end. but Jobbers believe the trou
ble will be settled amicably between the con
tending parties.
Orange Market In Bad Way.
VanLe&ven, manager of the San Bernardino
Fruit Exchange,- controlling numerous fruit
associations, notified orangegrowers today to
stop picking until further notice. In ex
planation he says that not to his knowledge
vhas the outlook been so serious as It is at
present. Monday and' Tuesday there was no
auction of fruit at New York, and all other
Eastern markets have been closed on account"
of the cold wave. The market Is glutted
with fruit, and of the 2CO0 carloads In transit
the prospects are that every box will be sold
at a loss.
"It is impossible at present to approximate
the loss that will follow." said Mr. Van
Leaven. "Our packing houses are swamped
with fruit, but none will be -shipped until
. that which Is In transit has been sold. It
may be, with the clearing of the market,
evn at greatly reduced prices, our next
shipments will bring better returns."
Grain. Flour. Feed Etc
"Wheat Is dull and unchanged here. The
f market Is In no way affected by the manipu
lation at Chicago, as England has not re
sponded no the sensational advance there. Club
wheat here is quoted at 73 cents, but shippers
say a cent less would more correctly repre
sent export values. Three cents better la
quoted on the Bound, as they have more
mills than wheat there, while hero there is
. more wheat than mills. Oats ore still firm
ly held. Hay 'appears to be a shade weaker
under heavy offerings. Mill feed Is strong.
"WHEAT Walla Walla. 73c; bluestem. 76c:
Valley. 78S0a
BAKLE1 .fr eed. $20 per ton; brewing. $203
20,60. rolled. S21.
FLOUR Valley. $3.753.S5 per barrel; hard
wheat straights, $3.0024.10; clears. $3.5505.75;
hard wheat patents. $4.20fi4.60: Dakota hard
wheat, $4.80Cf5.60; graham. $3.7b; whole wheat.
$ rye flour. J1.50C4.75.
OATS No. 1 white. 51.07i4Sl.10; gray. $1.03
1.07H per cental.
M1LLSTUFFS Bran. S1S1S.50 per ton; mid
dlings. $2C: shorts, I19.5o20; chop. U. S.
il.ns. Sis. Unseed, dairy food. Sit).
HAT Timothy. J16617 per ton; clover. $12
13, grain. ?12j?13; cheat. $12313.
CERUAL FOODS Flaked oats. 00-pound
sacks, $5.57 per barrel; rolled oats. 80-pound
acks, $5.25 per barrel; 45-pound sacks. $5.35
per barrel: 0-pound sacks. $2.00 per bale; oat
meal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per bar
rel, 10-pound sacks, $4 per bale; oatmeal
(ground), 50-pound sacks. $7 per barrel; 10
pound sacks, $3.75 per bale; split peas, 60
pound sacks, $5 per 100 pounds; 25-pound
boxes, $1.30 per box; pearl barley, 50-pound
tacks, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-potmd boxes, $1.25
ger box; pastry flour. 10-pound sacks. $2.50 per
Vegetables, Fruit, Etc.
It was steamer day on Front street and
a good assortment of California vegetables
was received. The outside trade especially
was good.
VEUETABLES Turnips, C5c per sack; car
rots. 75o: beets. 00c: parsnips. S6tf$l; cabbage,
l4G2c; red cabbage. lc; lettuce, head. 15c
per dozen; hothouse. $1.7502 per box; pars
ley, per dozen. 25c: tomatoes, $1.502 per
crate; cauliflower. 75c3T$l per dozen; beans,
12c; egg plant." Jl.CO per box; celery, 00c per
dozen; pumpkins, lc per pound: artichokes. $1
per dozen.
POTATOES Fancy, 70075c per sack; com
mon, 50QG0C growers' prices; sweets, 2Vio In
sacks. 2Hc crated.
ONIONS Yellow Danvers, $1.101.25 per
sack, growers' prices.
HONEY $3(?3.50 per case.
RAISINS Loose Muscatel. 4 -crown. 7c;
8-layer Muscatel raisins. 7Hc: unbleached, seed,
less Sultans. 63ic: London layers. S-crown.
whole boxes of 20 pounds. $1.85; 2 -crown, $1.751
uii.aiiv- tnuiia Appies. isncy Bald
wins and Spltzenbergs, $1.50 per box; cooking,
7Ccf$l: pears. $1&1.50 Pr box: grapes. $1.60
per box: cranberries, J101JH per barrel.
DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 6ViC8Vie
per pound T sundrled, sacks or boxes. 4V4&5Vic;
apricots. SglOc; peaches, &3Sc; pears. SfrSVic;
prunes, Italian. 4(?4Vic: French. 3f?3Hc; figs,
Ca'.ifornia blacks. 6a: do white. 7c: Smyrna,
20c; Fard dates. $1.50; plums, pitted. 4VG5Vic.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons. $2.753.75 -per
box: oranges, navels, $24? 2.75; mandarines,
small boxes. 00c: large boxes. 75c; grapefruit.
f3.253.&0 per box; bananas. 5Vi(JGc per pound;
flr-eapples. $3.7594 per dozen; persimmons,
1.4061.00 per box..
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc
The poultry market was dull. Eggs were
still in light receipt" and a shade higher. No
change was reported In butter. x ' v
BLTTER Fancy creamery, 27H30o per
pound, dairy. 204J22Hc: store. 1246140.
cheese Full cream, twins, 14c; Young
iTjLiiivi. -nicKcns. mixea, nizc per
V-vuuu. apnnji, small. 13140; Hens. IlHlTUc:
turkeys, live. neiSc per pound; dressed. 20c:
ducks. $767.50 per dozen; geese, live. So per
EGGS Oregon ranch, 27J2Sc
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc
HOPS-Cholce. 2Sg27c per pound; prime, 25a
medium, 22c. w
WOOL Valley, 17lSc; Eastern Oregon. 1251
15c. mohair. 32S5c 5 "U
HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and no.
15&16HC per pound; dry kip. No. 1 5 to is
pounds. 12c; dry calf. No. 1. under b pounds!
18c. dry salted, bulls and stags, one-third lesi
than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound. GJ
pounds and over, SJjSVic; 50 to 60 pounds 7fl
Be. under 60 pounds and cows. 6Vic- stan
and bulls, sound. 4&4Hc: kip. sound. 13 to 20
pounds, 7c: under 10 pounds, Sc; Vreen lun
ealted). lc per pound less; culls, lc Nar pound
less: horse hides, salted, each. $1.5082- drv
each. $11.60: colts' hides, each, 23S0c: goit
skins, common, each, 10815c; Angora, with
wool on. 25c$l.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 4G3c; No. X
and grease, 2Vkff3c
Groceries, Nuts, Etc
RICE Imperial Japan. No. X, 5c; No. 2,
&Kc. Carolina head. (Hie: broken head. 4c
COFFEE Mocha. 20tf2Sc; Java, fancy, 26)9
32c; Java, good. 20324c; Java, ordinary, 160
20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18820c; Costa Rica,
good. 16&lSc: Ccsta Rica, ordinary. 10912c
pec pound; Colombia roast. -ases. 100a, $13:
60s. $13.75; Arbuckle. $14.75; Hon. $14.75,
SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails.
$1.65 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.40; fancy
1-pound fiats. $1.80; H-Ppuftd fiats. $1.10:
-ilaska pink. 1-pound tails. 73c; red. 1-pound
tils. $1.20; sockeyes. 1-pound tails. $1.50;
pound fiats, si (XL.
stuAK &acK vasis. per iw pounas: cuoe,
$5. SO; powcered. S5.CS: dry rranulated. 15-55:
xtra C. $5.05; golden C 34.65; advances over
-ck casu as louows: jiarrcu. 10c; half-bar
rels. 25c: boxes, 50c per 100 pounds. (Terms:
On remittance within 15 days, deduct e per
pound; If later than 15 days, and within 34
days, deduct He; no discount after 30 days.)
Beet sugar, granulated. $535 per 100 pounds;
maple sugar. 1516c per pound. f
NUTS Walnuts, 145ic per pound by tack.
Ic extra for less than eacks; Brazil nuts,
1 5c: filberts, 15c: pecans. Jumbos. 15c: extra
large. lc; almonds. L X L.. 14c: Be plus
ultras. 15c: nonpariels. 13c; c&estnuts. Italian.
15c: Ohio, 4 He per 25-pound drum; peanuts,
raw. Cc per pound: roasted. 830c: plnenuts.
10312c; hickory nuts. 7e: coacoanuta. 65g90c
per dozen.
SALT Bales. $2; fine. 50s. S5c; 100s. 65c;
Liverpool. 50s. 50c: 100s. 9Sc: 224s. 1.00; half-
ground. 100s. 18.50: 50s, $7. v
BEANS Small white. 4c; large white. 3Xe;
pink. 3c; bayou. 3c: Lima, 4c,
Meats and Provisions.
BEEF Dressed. GQTAc per pound.
MUTTON Dressed. 637Hcf lambs. 7Hc
VEAL Dressed. 760c: lambs, dressed. 7c
PORK Dressed. 84670.
HAMS Ten to 11 pounds. ISc per pound:
14 to 18 pounds. l&ftc per pound; 18 to 20
pounds, 12Hc: California (picnic). SHc;' cottage
hams, OHc: shoulders. 10c; boiled hams. 20c;
boiled picnic hams, boneless. 14a
BACON Fancy breakfast. ISc; standard
breakfast, 17c; choice. 16c; English break
fast bacon. 11 to 14 pounds. ISc.
SAUSAGE Portland bam. 13c per pound:
minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17c:
bologna, long. 6tc; wetnerwurst. 6c; liver.
6c; .pork, 10c; blood, 5c; headcheese. 5Hc;
bologna sausage, link. 5c
DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears,
10llc smoked; clear backs. 10c salt,
11c smoked; Oregon exports. 20 to 25 pounds,
average, HHc: dry salt, 12c; smoked. Union
butts. 10 to 18 pounds, average. 8c dry salt,
Oc smoked.
PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs feet, -bar-rels.
$5.50; Vi-barrels. $3; 15-pound kit. $1.35:
pickled tripe, -borrels. $5; -barrels, $2.75;
15-pound kit. $1.25; pickled pigs' tongues. -barrels.
$6; -barrels. $3; 15-pcund kit, $1.25;
pickled lambs' tongues, H-barrels. $8.25; Vi
barrels. $4.75: 15-pound kit. $2.25.
LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 0c; tubs,
10c: 60s. 10c: 20s. loyic: 10s. lOHc; 5s. lottc
Standard pure: tierces. Sic: tubs. Oc: 60s,
9c: 20s. 816c: 10s. 9Ho: 5s, 954c Compound:
Tierces. VAC. tubs. 7c: 60s. 7c
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 24Hc; iron
barrels. 18c; 66 degrees gasoline, cases, 22c;
Iron barrels or drums. 28c
LEAD Pioneer, Collier and Atlantic white
and red lead In lots of 600 pounds or more.
6c: less than 600 pounds. 7c
COAL OIL Pearl or astral oil. cases. 23e
per gallon; water white oil. Iron barrels, 16c;
wood barrels, none; eocene oil. cases. 25 Vic;
elalne oil. cases. 28 Vic; extra star cases, IBHc;
headlight oil. 175 degrees, cases, 25c; iron
barrels. IS Vic (Washington State test burning
oils, except headlight. He per gallon higher.)
BENZINE Sixty-three degrees, cases, 22c;
Iron barrels, 15V4c
LINSEED OIL Pure raw in barrels. 47c;
genuine kettle-boiled. In barrels, 49c: pure
raw oil. In cases, 52c: genuine kettle-boiled.
In cases. 54c; lots of 250 gallons, lc less per
TURPENTINE In cases. SSc; wood barrels.
84 Vic; Iron barrels and drums. 82c; 10-case
lots. 87c.
Prices at
Portland Union
Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards
yesterday were 75 cattle. The following
prices were quoted at the yards:
CATTLE Best steers, $4.254.50; medium,
$4; cows, J3.50&3.75. r
HOGS Best large, fat hogs, $5.25; medium,
large hogs, $4.75.
SHEEP Best wethers. ?3.50; mixed sheep,
Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha
Kansas City.
CHICAGO, Jan. 21. Cattle Receipts. 10,000.
Market slow. Good to prime steers, $535.75;
poor to medium. $3.5064.50; stockers and
feeders. $2.2564; cows. $1.504; heifers. $20
4.50; canners, $1.5O2.40; bulls, $2Q4.10;
calves, $2.504.50.
Hogs Receipts today, 30.000; estimated to
morrow, 25.000. Market 10c higher. Mixed
and butchers. $4.855; good to choice heavy,
$1,058.10; rough heavy, $4.8004.05; light,
$4.504.70; bulk of sales. $4.804.00.
Sheep Receipts, 14,000. Market steady.
Good to choice wethers, $404.25; fair to choice
mixed, $3g4; Western sheep. $3.504.25; na
tive lambs, $4:505.&5; Western lambs, $4.25
SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 21. Cattle Receipts,
2500. Market steady. Native steers, $3.40
6.15: cows and heifers, $2,8003.80; canners,
$1.3002.50; stockers and feeders. $2.7534;
calves. $3 $3 3.23; bulls, stags; etc., $2.4064.
Hogs Receipts. 6500. Market 510c higher.
HeaT. $4.804.05; mixed, $4.7504.60; light.
$4.6O&4.80; pigs. $3.5034.40; bulk of sales,
Sheep Receipts. 2700. Market shade lower.
Westerns. $464.00; .wethers. $3.7564.40; ewes,
$264; common and stockers. $2.603.70:
lambs, $4.755."75. v"
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 21. Cattle Receipts.
6000. Market steady to strong. Native steers.
$3.604.C3; native cows and heifers. S2.15
3.60; stockers and feeders. $33.75; bulls, $2.25
Qa.o; western, steers, $3.204.20; Western
cows, $1.50f3.30; calves, $2.7530.
Hogs Receipts. S000. Market higher. Bulk
of sales. $4.654.00; heaT. $4.804t5; pack
ers. $4.eor4.50; pigs and lights. $4.304.75.
Sheep Receipts. 2000. Market steady to
strong. Muttons. $3.5064.40; lambs, $4.65
5.75; range wethers. $3.25g4.30; ewes. $2.50
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21. The official clos
ing quotations tor mining stocks today were
as follows:
Andes $0.32 Justice
Belcher 29) Mexican
Best & Belcher... 1. 03. Occidental Con
0 Ophlr .
Challenge Con ...
Con. Cal. & Va...
Con. Imperial . ..
Crown Point ....
Gould & Curry...
Hale & Nocross.
04i Overman
24JPotosl 23
2fliSavago 59
90Seg. Belcher .... 9
1.05 1 sierra Nevada .... 67
SiSIlver Hill C5
24 1 Union Con 02
3SUtah Con 14
76 Yellow Jacket .... 42
NEW YORK, Jan. 21. Mining stocks today
closed as fellows:
Adams Con ...
Brunswick Con
Com. Tunnel ..
Con. Cal. & Va.
Horn Silver ...
Iron Silver ....
Leadvllle Con .
.$0,101 Little Chief ...
271 Ontario ,
. 10j Ophlr ,
SjPotosl ,
. 1.70 Savage
. 1.05; Sierra Nevada
. 1.25J Small Hopes .,
2 Standard
. 6.00
. 4.50
. 13
. 25
. r9
. 75
. 20
. 1.60
BOSTON. Jan. 21. Closing quotations:
Adventure $ 2.50' Old Dominica ...$11.50
Allouez , 4.75 Osceola 60.50
Amalgamated... 5L00 Parrot 23.00
Bingham 23.62! Qulncy 02.50
Cal. & Hecla....441.001Santa Fo Copper. 2.00
Centennial 16.75:Tamarack 110.00
Copper Range .. 45.75iTrlnlty 5.00
Daly West 39.75! United States ... 21.37
Dominion Coal.. 68.0oUtah 23.87
Franklin 8.751 Victoria 3.50
Irte Royale S.00 Wlcona 0.75
Metal Markets.
"NEW YORK. Jan. 21. Tin lost 1 la Lon
don, closing 120 5s and 129 15a for spot
and futures respectively. Locally, tin was
also lower, closing at 2S.2562S.75c
Copper declined 5s In London, closing at
57 10s for spot and 57 2s 6d for futures.
Locally copper was unchanged. Lake is
quoted at 12.7513c; electrolytic 12.62
12.S7c, and casting at 12.506-12.75c
Lead was firm at 4.6064.65c locally, but
was Is 2d lower, at 11 15s In London.
'Spelter declined 2s 6d to 21 7s 6d In Lon
don, but remained steady here at 4.955.05c
Iron closed at 49s Od in Glasgow and at
41s Od In MIddlesboro. Locally. Iron was
unchanged. No. 1 foundry. Northern. Is
quoted at $15616; No. 2. foundry. Northern.
$14615; No. 1 foundry. Southern, cad So.
1 foundry. Southern, soft, at $13.75614.25.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Jan. 21. Coffee futures closed
steady at a net advance of 10615 points.
Sales were reported of 143,000 bags. Includ
ing January. $7.45; February. $7.55: March,
$7.6067.05; AprlL $7.75; May. $7.0067.05;
July. $S.lOg.20: September. $S.356S.45; Oc
tober. $S-C5g8.70: December. $S.65. Spot Rio.
firm; No. 7 Invoice. Sc; mild, steady; Cor
dova. S613c
Sugar Raw. nominal; fair refining. 2 27-32c:
centrifugal. 06 test. 3 ll-S2c; molasses sugar.
2 19-S2c; refined, dull; crushed. $5.05; pow
dered. $4.55; granulated. $4.43.
London "Wool Auction.
LONDON. Jan. 2JL The offerings at the
wool auction sales today numbered 14.400
bales. Including a large selection of. super
fine scoureds and greasles. Bidding was an
imated and prices advanced sharply. Merlnoa
were firm and In active request for all sec
tions. Crossbreds were steadily absorbed.
Americans buying a few fine lota and also
several parcels of Geelong greasy.
Large and Obstinate Short Interest
Routed-Proflt-Taklng In the
Leading Shares.
NEW YORK. Jan. 21. The Influences which
have been gathering force for some time In
the stock market caused an outburst of ac
tivity and strength today which carried the
whole market to a higher level and routed
a large and obstinate short interest. The
rush to cover of the shorts was an Important
Influence In carrying some of the most active
stocks upward and' the speculators who were
long on these stocks were able to take their
profits at the expense of their bearish breth
ren. The movement was without any impor
tant news developments beyond those that
have been under discussion for several days.
There was a tendency toward crystalliza
tion of the belief that war between Rus
sia and Japan Is likely to be averted for
the present. The covering demand was very
heavy from various outside points. The
leadership In the market operations was
rather clearly traceable to several sources
which have been - Imposing influences In great
market movements of the last few years
and the prestige of this leadership helped
to demoralize the bears. There was enor
mous profit-taking throughout the day. at first
in stocks which led the preliminary advance
today. These Included Southern Pacific. Rock-J
Island. Beading, Erie, Amalgamated Copper
and United States Steel preferred. Later,
when some of the laggards were brought
Into the movement, the profit-taking shifted
to stocks which had advanced in the early
part of the day. This double process of
closing up speculative commitments served to
reduce the technical forces in the market
for a further movement In either direction.
The breaking of the drouth in the South
west was one of the helpful influences of
the day.
Speculative hopes were expected of a large
diversion of profits of cotton speculation into
stocks, and the Initiation to stock exchange
membership of the leader of the cotton specu
lation was an appropriate feature of the day.
The market closed active and firm and near
the top prices Jor a majority of stocks.
Bonds were active and strong. Total sales,
par value. $7,075,000. United States bonds
were unchanged on call.
Sales. High. Low. Close.
Atchison 34,100 6yj SH 04
do preferred 2,300 00s &5Js i"
Baltimore & Ohio...-27,300 82 SOfe S3
do preferred 200 01 00V 0OV4
Canadian Pacific 7,300 119 118 HS;fe
Cent, of New Jersey. 200 163 102Vs 102
unesapeaKa & Ohio.. 5.200 31?j 3iU
(.nicago & Alton .... 3,000 2x73 si Va
do preferred 10.300 85 Vi 84
Chicago Great West. 2,600 17 17
do B preferred .... 600 31 30
Chicago Njrth-West. 2,400 180Vs 168
Chi. Term. & Trans.. 1,400 lift 10
ao preierrea ::rtx
C, C., C. & St. Louis 1,400
tjoioraao soutnern .. l.soo
do 1st preferred.... 1,000
do 2d preferred.... 2.800
Delaware & Hudson. 800 ItiS 107U W'Va
Del.. Lack. &. West 272
Denver & Rio Grande 2.600 23 22Vi 22 Vi
do preferred COO 72 72 72
Erie 12.000 28ft 28
do 1st preferred.... 4,100 U0V4 08
do 2d preferred.
48 -18
Great Northern pfd..
Hocking Valley ....
do preferred
Illinois Central .....
Iowa Central
do preferred
Kan. City Southern.
84 ,
8.800 133 133 133
300 41 40 40
100 21 20 21
do preferred
1.100 58 37 38
Louis. & Nashville.. 0.700 111 lu9 llw
Manhattan L 8.300 145 145 145
mcu street Railway. L100 123 122 123
Minn. & St. Louis 00
Missouri Pacific 24,500 04 03 94
Mo., Kan. & Texas.. 4.000 19 18 1S
do preferred ... .... 4,700 42 40 41
Nat. of Mexico pd.. 700 39 39 30
New York "Central... 2,500 120 120 120
Norfolk Western. 16.800 61 58 60
do preferred 87
Ontario & Western.. 3.900 23 22 22
Pennsylvania tu.uuu vzz izu
Pitts.. VC. it St. L. 100 64 04
Reading 31.100 47 40
do 1st preferred.... 200 70 79
do 2d preferred r...
Rock Island Co 04,600 25 24
do preferred 21.600 CSV!. 63
St. L. & S. F. 1st pfd
ao preierrea.... 1,200 47 44
St. Louis Southwest. 000 15 15
ao preierrea i.vw sa 35
St. Paul ...
do preferred ..
26,000 140 143 140
Southern Pacific .... 48,100 52
Southern Railway ... 10.000 22
do preferred 5.600 84
Texas & Pacific .... 3,300 27
Tol.. St. L. & West.. 700 28
do preferred 600 39
"Union Pacific 52,200 Sl
do preferred 300 00
Wabash 1,100 20
do preferred 4.700 39
Wheel. & Lake Erie. 1,000 18
Wisconsin Central .. 5,500 21
do preferred 1,400 47
Exnrera companies-
Adams 220
American 100
United States 106
Wells-Fargo 205
Amal. Copper U8.700 51 49 51
Am. Car & Foundry. 1,000 20 29 19
do preferred 800 70 69 69
Am. i-mseca uu
do preferred - 200 28
Am. Locomotive .... 300 18
do preferred 700 78
Am. Smelt. &. Ref.. 1.400 49
78 -48
do preferred 300 91
Am. Sugar Refining.. 21,000 127 128
Anaconda Mining Co. 1,300
Brook. Rapid Tran.. 16.000
Colorado Fusl & Iron. 000
Col. & Hock. Coal.
Consolidated Gas ...
General Electric ....
International Paper.,
do preferred ,,
International Pump J
200 14
1.400 194 193
Z.UUW 178
173 177
12Vi 12
do preferred '.
National Biscuit ... 1.100 39
National Lead 1,100 16
North American .... 600 S8
Pacific Mall 1,300 33
People's Gas 2,800 09
Pressed Steel Car... CM 29
do preferred 200 70
Pullman Palace Car. 100 210
Republic Steel 1.000 7
do preferred 3,700 40
Rubber Goods .A... 6,700 21
do preferred 200 77
Term. Coal & Iron.. 3,000 39
U. S. Leather - 600 7
do preferred 2,000 7S
U. S. Rubber 1,000 13
do preferred 500 49
U. S. Steel 20,300 11
do preferred 2,300 69
Western, Union 800 88
Northern Securities. 91 vi
Total sales for
the day. 062,600 shares.
.105U Atrtilsnn nrff Am Cni
U. S. ref. 2s.
do coupon
U. S. 3s. reg
do coupon
U. S. new 4s,
do coupon
U. S. old 4s,
do coupon 1
U. S. 5s. reg
do coupon
, reg.
105,C. & N. W. con. 7s.l314
D. & R. G. 4a... OTtfc
N. Y. Cent. Ists.. 0SV4
reg.l32North Pacific 3s.
ic 3s.,. 72
lc 4s.. 89
do 4s
union Pacific 4s.. 102
is. ucnirai 43. .. ao
Stocks at London.
LONDON. Jan. 21. Consols for
88 3-16; consols for account. 8S.
Anaconda 5
Atchison 7o!
do pfd 02
Norfolk & Western 00
ao Did .. uu
Ontario & Western 23
naii. & unio S3
Pennsylvania mat
Can. Pacific
121 Rand Mines 09
Ches. & Ohio 34
Reading nu
do 1st pfd 40
do 2d pfd 31
Southern Ry 22
onicago u. w.... is
Chi. Mil. & St. P.140
De Beers 20
D. & R, Q 23l
op pra 82
do pfd
.... 3Va,Soathern Pacific .. 62
.... 29 Union Pacific S2
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
.... iit: uo pia ..........
... 40i U. S. Steel 11
Illinois Central ..133,
Louis. & Nash.. 112
Mo.. Kan.- & Tex. 18i
N. Y. Central.... 123
do pfd 59
niouii .......... 1
do pfd 40
Bank Clearings. v
Clearings. Balances
Bortland $575,516 $ 63,276
Seattle 5S6.234 148.100
Taccma 305,752 22,034
Spokane 2SS.630 64.704
Dalljr Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. Today's statement
of tho Treasury shows:
Available cash balances $22507.709
Gold 88,021.520
Money, Exchange, Etc
NEW YORK, Jan. 2L Money on call easy
at 2 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent;
offered at 2 per cent; time loans easy; GO
days. S3 per cent; 00 days. 33 per
cent; six months. 4 64 per cent; prime mer
cantile paper, 465 per cent; sterling; ex
change steady at & decline, with actual busl-
ness In bankers bills at $4.Sft5?4.S650 for de
mand and. at $4.833064.8335 for. 60 days bills;
posted rates. $4.83464.87: commercial -bills,
$4.82: bar sliver. 56c; Mexican dollars. 44c;
government bonds, steady; railroad bonds,
LONDON. Jan. 21. Bar silver steady. 28d
per ounce; money, 2VS per cent. The rate of
discount In the open market for short" bills
Is 363 per cent - The vate of discount
In the open market for three months bills
Is 3 per cent.
Riv rmvprem Ton M Silver bars.
66ci Mexican dollars, nominal; drafts,' sight.
ixnci cor teiegrapn. I5c; sterling on jjqnaon.
60 days, $4.84; sight, $4.S6.
May Option Closes Barely Steady at Chicago
Marked Activity.
CHICAGO. Jan. 21. The day was one of
marked activity and excitement In the wheat
pit- Opening quotations were steady. May be
ing "VitC higher to c lower at 01602c
Trading was barely under way, however,
when a general selling movement began In
July. The cause- of the sudden activity In
this option wag' the relief from drouth ex
perienced by jfce growing crop In the South
west, where copious rains wen; reported. With
the. heavy selling In July, small holders In
May decided to secure profits Npefcre it wat
too late! As a result general liquidation en
sued. . The -leader of the longs bought openly
In an effort to stem the tide, but offerings
were too liberal, and before the break had
been checked May had declined to 00V&C
a loss of lc from the" high point. July
was much weaker than May and sold from
83q to 84c at the opening down' to 81c
a drop of 2 centsT" With May at 00 Vic,
early short sellers began to buy, and the
market gradually recovered. Commission
houses, and local traders were liberal buy
ers the latter part of the day, and May
regained all of Its early loss, the price again
touching 92c just before the c!ok Final
figures weer at 01 692c July did not re
spond to the Improved sentitaent as readily
as the nearby delivery and closed with a
loss of lc at 83c
Corn opened steady on firm cables and un
favorable weather. A firm, tone prevailed at
the close, although May was c lower,
at 4050c i
Oats fared the best of the grains, and
while there was a sharp break early. In
sympathy with the wheat weakness, all of
the loss was recovered. May closed at 42
Provisions held steady In the face of the
sharp break in grain prices. ' Much smaller
receipts of hogs than bad been estimated.
with an advance of 10 cents In the price at
the yards, were the steadying Influences. Pork
closed 2c higher at $13.27. Lard was up
5c at $7.25, while ribs were a shade higher
at $6.706'C72.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
ODen. Hleh. Low. Close.
May $0.91 $0.92 $0.00 $0.02
July 84 84 81 83
70 70
January 40 -40
40 46
49 50
47 48
.day 50 'A ouvb
July 48 4S
January ...... .... .... .... 39
May 42Vi 42 41V4 42ft
July S 39 37 8S
September ... :-3 34 33 33
January 13.00
May .13.12 13.37 13.22 13.27
January 7.00 7.02 6.07 6.07
May 7.22 7.27V4 7.17V4 7.25
July ..: 7.27 7.30 7.25 7.27
January 6.37 0.37 ,6.37 6.37
May 6.72 6.75' 0.67 6.72
July 6.80 6.80 0.80 6.80
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Firm.
Wheat No. 3, 8087c; No. 2 red, 02Q98c
Corn No. 2, 46c; No. 2 yellow, 43c
Oats--No. 2, 3939c; -No. 3 white, 2941c
Rye No. 2, 60c
Barley Good feeding, 40c; fair to choice
malting, 4758c
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.07: No. 1 Northwestern,
Timothy seed Prime, $3.25.
Mess pork-Per barrel. $13.10ffl3.27.
Lard Per cwfc, $7.02.
Short ribs Sides, loose, $6.306.35.
Short clear sides Boxed, $0.656.70.
Clover Contract grade, $11.25.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 38.000 52.000
Wheat, bushels 24.000 43,000
uorn, Dusneis 2S3.000 - 325,000
Oats, bushels 180.000 145,000
iiye. busneis 0,000 7.000
Barley, bushels 66,000 11.000
Grain and Produce at New York,
NEW YORK. Jan. 21. Wheat Receipts.
,S00 Bushels; exports. -31,000; sales. 4 .200.000:
futures, 10,000. Spot steady; No. 2 red, 04c
elevator; No. 2 red, 05c f. o. b. afloat; No.
1 Northern. Duluth, $1 f. o. b. afloat: No.
1 hard, Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat.
Options experienced a severe and unexpected
break this morning under heavy selling on
stop loss orders and bearish weather and
cable news. Later, however, they rallied
on renewed bull support at Chicago and gen
eral covering, with the close relatively strong
at c to c net decline. Sales Included No.
2 red. May, 0203 5-16c. closed. 03 3-16c;
July. SS&Q-SS ll-16c closed. 88c.
Hops, hides, wool firm.
Butter Irregular; creamery, 15222c: state
dairy. 1410c.
Eggs Firm; Western. 28"31c
Grain nt San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 21. Wheat, weaker;
oats, easier; barley weaker.
Spot quotations Wheat: shipping. $1.37
1.40: milling. $1.421.47. Barlfc-: Feed.-
$1.10S1.11; brewing. $1.161.18c Oats:
Red. $L27ei.35; white. $1.301.40; black,
Call board sales Wheat, weaker; May,
$1.3S. Barley: Weaker: May. $1.00. Com:
Large yellow. $1.301.32; cath, $1.40.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON, Jan. 21. Wheat cargoes on pas
sage, quiet and steady. English country mar
kets quiet and steady.
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 21. Wheat, firm; wheat
and flour In Paris steady. French country
markets steady. Weather In England cold.
Southern Makers of Pig Iron Are Shading
NEW YORK. Jan. 21. The latest advices
from the leading distribution centers point
rather to a slight weakening tendency in the
pig Iron markets, says the Iron Age. Some
of the Southern makers, seeing business go
ing almost entirely to Northern producers.
are shading prices. Complaints are coming
from 'some foundries that business Is slow
with them, and they naturally hesitate about
additional purchases. Still the tonnage al
most entirely for the first quarter Is fair.
A number of the leading Southern Interests
continue to work on a plan to harmonize the
recent differences and to reach some com'
roon ground for prices.
In the East there has been a little more
demand for basic and, low phosphorous pig
from the steel works, where business has Im
proved somewhat. The deadlock In the steel
rail trade continues, but It looks as though
the logic of the situation will force the
makers to give way.
There is a little better feeling in the bar
trade East and West, but the sheet trade
still shows" symptoms of weakness. The ton
nage In plates and shapes is better, but
while pool prices on these materials are firm,
those works have an .'advantage which man
ufacture bridges and buildings from the stuff
made in their' own mills. They are making
low bids on contracts for bridges and build
ings. The result Is that the views of tho
consumer are really being met and their in
terests being stimulated. The demand for
wire products la very heavy under the stimu
lus of the recent slight advance
The scrap markets have Deen quite excited
and the claim Is made that In a number of
Instances prominent dealers have 'been forced
to cover short sales.
Advices from abroad are to the effect that
the German steel makers are making, very
low prices for steel In the International mar
kets. Our American makers do not appear
to be meeting these prices, which would be
equivalent to about $14.50 for billets at Pitts
burg. As a matter of fact, the leading In
terest has been declining business offered for
delivery during the next few months.
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 21. Wool, nominal; Ter
ritory and Western mediums. 18$10c; flea
medium, XHQVtci fine. 15$16c
Downing, Hopkim
E&taMUfec 1593,
Room 4 Ground Floor Chamber o! Commerce
When you
you are there,
The Rock Island System1
has an enormous advantage
over other western railroads
in the fact that its Chicago
terminal the La Salle Street
Station is the only railroad
" station on the Elevated loop.
It h located In the heart of Chicago
only a block from the Board of Trade;
two blocks from the Post Office; within
easy walking distance of the principal
theatres, hoteU and 1 to res.
The' trains of all Chicago's elevated
railroads pats its doors and take you
quickly and for a 5 -cent fare
to any part of the city.
Three routes East via
Denver, Omaha and St. Paul.
Cen'I Agt.,
140 Third
Onions Are in LightSupply and Are
Flrmer--Eggs Taken for Puget
Sound Shipment!
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan.- 2L (Special.) It
was a strong and active day ror potatoes.
Interest centered in the sale of several thou
sand sacks of Oregon Burbanks brought by
the steamer Elder. Keen competition among
buyers advanced" prices to $1.40. one extra
fancy lot bringing $1.45. Lower grades ranged
from $lAo to ?1.30. The, markot closed
strong, with Salinas selling up to $1.60 and
05 cents bid and $1 asked for fancy rivers.
Merced" sweets rose to ?2. Oregon onions
were stronger at ?1.40 to $1.50. stocks be
ing In few hands. Garden vegetables sold
at a wide range on account of the difference
In quality, much stock being poor -owing to
severe frosts.
Oranges were generally depressed. Out
going steamers for Puget Sound and Hono
lulu took light shipments. Stocks are accumu
lating and Southern grower? are ceasing pick
ing, owing to the glutted condition of the
Eastern markets. Lemons and other citrus
fruits share In the depression; Apples are
quieter, but offerings are small and prices
steady. Four cars -of oranges are billed for
tomorrow's auction.
The grain market closed easier, excepting
cats, which are In -small supply and Arm.
Flour is In good export demand. Hay and
feedstulfs are steady.
Butter Is firm. Cheese Is weak, with over
stocked dealers freely cutting' prices. Eggs
are lower. Over" GOO cases were taken by
today's steamer for Puget Sound. Receipts,
30,000 pounds butter; 43,000 pounds cheese;
20.000 dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Garlic. 56c; green peas,
25c; string beans, E15c; tomatoes, SOCJOOc;
egg plant. lOlCc.
POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 1517c; roost
ers, old. $5.506; do young, $8.50g7: broilers,
small, $4.50?5; do large. ?55.50: fryers,
$5.506: hens. $57; ducks, old. S5.50Q6.50;
do young. $6.50-37.
EGGS Store, 2022c; fancy ranch. 25c
g3TJTTER Fancy creamery, 31c; fancy sec
onds. 27J5c; fancy dairy, 25c; do seconds, 21c
HAY-nVheat, $1G17.50; wheat and oats.
$15.5017; barley, $14.501C; alfalfa, $1314;
clover, $13J?14; stocks, $11012; straw, per
bale. 55C5c
WOOL Fall. Humboldt and Mendocino, 12
14c; lambs. 0llc
FRUITS Apples, choice, ?1; common, 30c;
bananas. 50c$2.50; Mexican limes. ?14.50;
California lemons, choice, $2.50; do common,
75c: oranges, navels, G0cg2.25; plnqapples,
POTATOES River Burbanks. S0Q95C : Sa
linas Burbanks. $1.25S1.G0; sweets, $1.802;
Oregon Burbanks. $1.1001.40.
M1LLSTUFFS Bran, $2021; middlings, $20
CHEESE New, ll12c; Young America,
,1212Vic; Eastern, 15lGc.
1 HOPS 2730c
RECEIPTS Flour. 23.300 quarter sacks;
wheat. 2300 centals; barley, 8776 centals; oats,
20 centals; oats, Oregon, 1675 centals; beans,
2270. sacks; corn, 500 centals; potatoes, 8673
sacks; bran. 3200 sacks; hay, 2S0 tons; hides,
Dried Fruit at New Tork.
NEW YORK, Jan. 21. The market for
evaporated apples shows the effect of rather
an Indifferent demand. Is easy as to under
tone, though no changes are reported In the
quoted range. Common. 45c; prime.
5Hc; choice. 5G6c and fancy. 67c
Prunes Quiet and barely steady; 3&
6c for all grades.
Apricots were In light demand, but are
firmly held, with choice quoted at 0U69$ic;
extra choice. 9X810HC; fancy. ll15c
Peaches are moving a little better and rule
steady, with choice quoted at 77?ic; ex
tra choice, 7XgSc: fancy, OSlOc.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW TORK. Jan. 21. High records were
again made today In cotton. The advance
was not attended by any .special activity or
excitement. March touched 14.53c; May,
14.84c. and July. 14.83c The close was with
in 2 or 3 points of the best, and strong
at an advance of 2049 points. January,
14.30c; February, 14.31c; March, 14.50c; April,
14.61c; May. 14.72c; June. 14.76c; July.
14.81c. Spot cotton closed quiet. 10 points
advance. Middling uplands, 14.60c ; do Gulf,
14.85c Sales. 840 bales.
Dairy Produce at Chicago.
CHICAGO. Jan. 21. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was steady.
Creameries. 1521c; dairies. 1310c. Eggs,
steady; 25627c Cheese, steady; lfrglOHc
Blaine's Garfield Memorial Address.
Saturday Evening PosL.
The fame of Mr. Blaine will. In my
judgment, rest more upon his memorial
address In the hall of the National House
of Representatives, on the death of Presi
dent Garfield, than upon reciprocity or
any act of his public life. It was a won
derful oration, and worthy the best days
of oratory In ancient or modern times.
Nothing in tbe English language is more j
oeauuiui uum nosing worus ox in 13
great tribute to the murdered President. 1
Their mournful cadence will never be for
gotten by -those who heard them, and
they will be read with sympathetic emo
tion so long as the English language Is
written or spoken among men:
"Gently, silently, the love of a -great
people bore the pale sufferer to the
linged-for healing of the sea, to live or to
die as God should will, within sight of its
heaving billows, within sound o Its mani
fold voices. With wan, fevered face ten
derly lifted to the cooling breeze, he
looked out wistfully upon the ocean's
changing waters; on its fair sails whiten
ing in the morning light; on Its restless
waves rolling shoreward to break and die
Smeath the noonday sun; on the red
ouds of evening arched low to the hori
zon; on the serene and shining pathway
of the stars. Let us think that hl3 dying
eyes read a mystic meaning which only
the rapt and parting soul may know. Let
us believe that In the silence o the re
ceding world he heard the great waves
breaking on a farther shore and felt al
ready upon his wasted brow the breath of
the eternal morning."
Marriage Licenses.
Harry A. Allen, 20; Mary C. Robblns, 25.
Jacob Wlederapar, 26; Katherlne Zltrer;, 20.
A. A. Simmons. 24; Augusta Griebe, 20.
Georke K. Miller, 24; Anna C. Johnson, 10.
Real Estate Transfers.
Altha A. Blackburn and husband to
John F. Moe. lot 2. block 7, Haw
thorne's First Addition $ 1.800
Aloys Harold to E. J. Johnson, one
half lot 8. block 10. City View Park.. 15
Security Savings & Trust Company to
A. J. Volgt. north half lots 1 and 2.
block. 7, Subdivision of Rlvervlew Ad
dison 300
Charles L. Hanson to C F. Magnuson
and wife, east half lot 0, block 7,
Doscher's Second Addition 600
E. H. Robblns to M. J. and E. D. Pitt
man, lots 17 and 18, block 12. Penin
sular - 1
Northern Counties Investment Trust
Company, Ltd., to John Bain, lot3
6 and 7, block 2, Byrne's Addition.... 10
Jakob Gansnlder and wife to Theresa
Schmla, lot 14. block 10. Taborstde.. 200
Mlnne L. G leas on and husband to A. S.
E. Samuel, lot 21, block 10, Williams
Avenue Addition 650
P. H. Marlay to Fred W. Holcomb,
lot 6. block 10. Lincoln Park Annex.. 1
. Langdon and wife to Lydla A. Mil
ler, lots 2 and 3, block 6. Green's
Addition 350
University Land Company to . Purdy,
lot 1. block 132, University Park 130
Tho Title Guarantee & Trust Company
to Samuel Boice. lots 5, 6 and 7,
block 22, North Irvlngton 625
A. S. Ellis and wife to John H. Mc
Kenzle. lot 10. block 4, Williams
Avenue Addition 1,575
University Land Company to John A.
Zahm. block 55, University Park...... 2,500
A. G. Esterberg and wife to Ole and J.
Benson, section 17, T. 1 B R. 2 E.... 350
Multnomah County to M. Addlca Raley,
lots 0 and 10. block 5: lots 27 and 28.
block 7. Harlem Addition 1
Multnomah County to M. Addlce Raley.
lot 10, block 7,. Harlem Addition 40c
George H. Fisher to Theodore A. Godel
and wife. .0 of an acre in 'Section 31.
T. 1 N.. R. 2, W. M 1
William M. Ladd and wife to Chebra
Ahavla Sholom, lot-5, block 204. city.. 63
W. H. Holmes and wife to Ladd &
Bush, N. section 12, SE. U section
J2. NW. 14 section 13. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E.
A. Bush to W. H. Holmes, N. section
12, SE. V section 12, NW. section
13. T. 1 N., R. 6 E
Point View Real Estate Company to
Albert Eschmann. lots 1. 2. 3. 4 and
5. block 5. Point View 300
Eliza J. Imbrle and husband to Ellers
Piano House, lots 5 and 6. block 25,
Columbia Heights Addition 30
Heart Disease
may be cured by strengthening the
heart nerves, enriching the blood and
Improving the circulation with Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure. Safe and sure.
Sold on guarantee. Send postal for free book
on diseases of the heart and nerves today.
D-. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Indj
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
8:00 A. M.
ror laygers. Kalaiar,
Clatsjuuiie. Vetport.
Clifton. Astoria. Wsx
renton. Flavel. Ham
mond. Fort Stevens,
jfcarcart Park. Seaside.
Astoria and Seaanors.
Express Dally.
Astoria ExprMJ
11:10 A. M.
7:00 p. if.
Comm'l Agent. 2(S Alder st. G. F.iP.l
Hfcoca Mala 800.
Line Steamers
DtfcCT LIRE fsr Hsflttt's, St. HarUa'j mi Cofliai'
Bit Sprfsn- ,
Connecting at Lyle, Wash- with Colum
bia Hirer Northern. By. Co. for Golden
dale and Klickitat Valley potntf- Landing
foot of Alder street. Phone Mata 01.
8. Jfe DONALD, Ajraat.
$ygp Sm$j Line
Unihn Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourist sleep
ing cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane:
tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City;
through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person
ally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas
City. Reclining chair cars (seats frae) to
tee East cany.
UHIOK DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives.
CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:15 A. M. 5:25 P. it.
SPECIAL for the East Dally. Dally,
via Huntington.
SPOKANE FLYER, 7:5 P.M. 8:00 A. iL
tor Eastern Washing- Daily. Dally,
ton. "Walla Walla. Lew
lston, Goeur d'Alene
and Great Northern
points. S
ATLANTIC EXPRESS S:15 P. it. 9:C0 A. il.
for the East via Hunt- Dally. Dallv.
FOR SAN FRAN. 8:00 P. M. 5:00 P. iL
CISCO. S. S Geo. W. From
Elder. Jan. 17. 27; Alaska
8. S. Columbia. Jan. Dock.
2. 12. 22. I
FOR ASTORIA and 3:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M.
iray points, connecting Dally. Dally,
with steamer for 11- except except
vraco and North Beach. Sunday. Sunday
steamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday
street dowk. , 10:00 P. M.
FOR DAYTON. Ore- 5:20 P. M. 7:00 A. 1L
gon City and Yamhill Dally Dally
River points steamers except- except
Modoc and Elmore. Sundayi Sunday.
Ash-street dock (water
FOR LEWISTON. i;05 A.M. About
Idaho and way points. Dally 5:00 P. M.
from Rlparla, Wash., except Dally.
Steamers Spokane ana Saturday, except
Lewlston. Friday.
TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington.
Telephone Main 712.
Far Tokohama and Hong Kong, calling at
Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight
via .connecting steamers for Manila, Pore
Arthur and Vladivostok.
Tor rates and full Information call on or
address officials or agents of O. R. & N. Co.
Union Depot.
8 J0 P.M. for Ealem. Ruse- 7:45 A. M.
burg. Ashland. Sac
ramento, utntn,
San Francisco. Mo-
lave. Los Angeles.
El Paso. Mew Or
leans and the East.
3:30 A. M, Morning train con- 7.-00 P. M.
nects at Woodburn
(dally except Sun
Jay) witn tram ror
Mount Angel. BU-
hrerton. B-r o w n s-
v 1 1 1 e. bprinsneia.
wenaung ana Ma
4:00 P.M. Albany passenger lo30 A. M,
connects at Wood-
Iburn with Mt. Angel
and Bllverton local
7:S0 A. M. jCorvallls passenger. S:50 P. M.
4:0O P. M. 'Sheridan pasaenger.3:25 A. M.
Dally. irDally. except Sunday.
Leav Portland dally for Oswego at 7:30 A,
M.. 12:B0. 2:05. 3:25, 5:20, 0:25, 8:30. 10:10
P. M. DaUy, except Sunday, 8:30, 0:30, 8:33,
10:23 A. M 4:00. 11:30 P. M. Sunday, only,
9 A. M.
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally
8:30 A. M., 1:55. 3:05. 4:35, 6:15. 7:35. 0:55,
11:10 P. M. Dally, except Sunday, 6:25, 7:20.
0:30, 10:20. 11:43 A. M. Except Monday, 12:23
A. M. Sunday only, 10:00 A. M.
Leave from same depot for Dallas and Intern
mediate points dally except Sunday. 4:00 P. M.
Arrive Portland, 10:2O A. M.
The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper
ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting
with S. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and Inde
pendence. ,
First-class rebate tickets on sale from Port,
land to Sacramento and San Francisco; net
rate, 317.50; berth, 33. Second-class fare, 315,
without rebate or berth; second-class berth,
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also
Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third an4
Washington streets. Phone Main 712.
llnriart. ArrlVS.
Puget Sound Limited for Ta-
coma. Seattle. Olympla.
South Bend and Gray's
Harbor points 8:30 am 5:30 pra
North Coast Limited for Ta-
coma. Seattle. Spokane.
Butte, St. Paul. New York,
P-oston and all points East
and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00 am
Twin City Express, for Ta-
coma, Seattle. Spokane.
Helena, St. Paul. Minne
apolis. Chicago. New York.
Boston and all points East
and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pra
Puget Sound-Kansas -Clty-
St- Louis Special, for Ta-
coma. Seattle. Spokane.
Butte. Billings. Denver.
Omaha. Kansas City. St.
Louis and all points East
and Southeast 3:30 am 7:00 am,
All trains dally except on South Bend branch.
A D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas
senger Agent. 255 Morrison St.. corner Third.
Portland, Cr.
Ticket Office 122 Third St. Piiene 680
Direct communication via Seattle
or Spokano. Tor tickets, rates and
fall information call on or address
H. Dickson, 0. T. Portland, Or.
For Japan, China and all Asiatic points, will
loav Sattl
For South -Eastern Alaska
steamships COTTAGE CITY
or VALENCIA. Jan. L 8. 13,
Steamers connact at San
Francisco with company's
steamers for ports in Cali
fornia, Mexico and Hum
boldt Bay. For further In
formation obtain folder.
Right is reserved to chanrt
steamers or sailing dates.
Portland 240 Washington st.
Seattle., 113 James st. and Dock
6an Francisco... ......10 Market St.
C- D. DUN ANN, Gen. Pass. Agt
40 Marke sU, Eaa Fran Cisco,