I HELP WANTED TKMALT.. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, dtr f1 country; nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, plenty ot housework, $15 to 130. Phone Mala 1323. Capstan Parlor 25 Morrison. ATTENTION. LADIES EARN $10.00 PER 100. writing short letters from copy. AG drees stamped envelope for particulars. Michigan B pec laity Co., Albion. Mich. TROT DRESS-CUTTING SCHOOL. $20 course, $10; evening class now forming for -working clrla. 86 10th. near Stark. Phone Red 2101. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; ML ST be good cook. Upper flat, cor. .th and Madison. 200 7th; two In family, can before 12. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKa. WAIT resses, chambermaids, general workers, bt. Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SSL WANTED TWO LADT CANVASSERS, city. $5 week salary and commission. Clerks Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison. WANTED LADT TO TRAVEL. $35 AND Ex penses; cooks, laundress, general help, call Scandinavian-American, 220 Sd. Main 1518. COOKS. $35, $20. HOTEL: WAITRESSES, city and east (fare), $2L50; domestics, everybody. Drake, 205 Washington. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER, FEW hours' work; will give musical education in exchange. H. 40, oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. 4 adults; no washing; sleep at home; wages $zo. 31 E. 10th BU WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO sew carpet; state experience. V 43, Grego rian. A BOOKKEEPER FOR TWO WEEKS AT Portland Laundry Co., 0th and Couch sts. ANTED -COMPETENT GUtL FOR housework. Call 783 Pettygrove St. WANTED A GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 101 N. 14th. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. 3TOUNG MAN DESIRES A POSITION AS A clerk or collector, city or country; best ref erences. D 45, Oregoman. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN STEN ographer desires a position. 206 Stark at. Phone Main 1670. Miscellaneous. WORK. ANY KIND, YOUNG MAN. 23, well educated; best references as to morals and ability. M 40, care oregoman. farmhands, all kind help. Japanese Labor Asm. ZDS Bverett tt, isiac uui. JAPANESE DOMESTIC AND LABOR furnished. Japanese employment office, 45 N. 1st st. Phone Black 1UL JAPANESE DOMESTICS OR LABORERS furnished. Japanese Employment Office, 03 N. Bth st. Phone Clay oaz. FIRST-CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER wants work; best of references furnished. O 40, Oregoman. JAPANESE. GOOD COOK. WANTS POSI tlon In good family, city or country. W 46, Oregoman. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE COOK WANTS work for good wages, m tne city, jjw jp ian ders Bt. SITUATION WANTED AS ENGINEER OUT. side city; experienced electrician. B 45, Ore gonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION IN a store; speaks good English. Y 10, Orego- nlan. BARKEEPER. STRANGER IN CITY, WANTS position; first-class, references. Q, 46, Orego man. . . JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO HELP SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmoers. DRESSMAKING AND FAMILY SEWING In your homes; prices reasonable. AO dress A 23. caro Oregonlan. LADIES' TAILOR -SUITS. JACKETS AND riding habits made, from $12 to $15. Phone Union 2243. DRESSMAKER WANTS SEWING OR WILL go out by dny. 20 Grand ave. Phone Scott 131. Nurses PRACTICAL NURSE DESIRES ENGAGE xnents. The Lorkwood, 351 Morrison -st. Phone Main 1SS5I Domestics. WORK WANTED BY EXPERIENCED chambermaids, various waitresses, store, fac tory, housework girls. Drake, 205 Wash ington. SITUATION WANTED BY CAPABLE WOM an, girl 12, housework for family. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED POSITION AS CHAMBERMAID In lodging-house; wages $20. write c ), caro oregoman, t Housekeepers. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY MIDDLE-AGED Woman as housekeeper, widower's family, out or town. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1 SITUATION WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, widower or couple, by refined middle-agci Woman. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2isi WANTED BY RESPECTABLE YOUNG lady, every way competent, position as house keeper, it 4U, oregoman. Miscellaneous. REFINED, TRUSTWORTHY YOUNG WO man seeks engagements to care tor chll crea afternoons or evenings; prices reason' able; references, a 18, oregoman. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANIST WANTS position; oay or nignu uoou biui rtaair. Address u lu, oregoman. WANTED AGENTS. BEST MONEY-MAKER FOR AGENTS ON earth: new article: new plan: household necessity; cells on sight by showing what it will do; 00,000 sold In Minneapolis; re sells In same territory; costs 7c, sells for 25c Agents' outfit. loo. Domestic Mfg. Co., Desk 20, Minneapolis, Minn. I AflENTB WANTED TWENTY-FIVE DOL- lart weekly for twenty weeks. The beet proposition offered agents who want money Cram, 052 wabasn ave.. cmcago. ii PORTRAIT AND PHOTO AGENTS S3 TO liu aaiiy. ttemoranat. ADingion Diag. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE HOUSE. to 10 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; south Washington St.; give particulars ana ioca tlon. a 4U. oregoman. COUPLE WANT PLEASANT ROOM AND board In private family. West Side; refer ences exchanged. Address P 46, care Ore gonlan. WANTED A FURNISHED C-ROOM COT tage. olese in preferred. Address S.. Na tional Hotel. City. WANTED. FEB. 1. BY PERMANENT TEN ant, modern house, seven to ten roems. O 46, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, WANTED LOAN OF $800 AT 10 PER cent; will give mortgage on houe and lot and make monthly payments. It 45. Ore gonlan. 1 W ANTED M EN S CAST-OFF CLOTHlXO and shoes: highest price paid. The "Fair Deal." 2 N. 3d- Phone Hood 51T. A GOLD PROSPECT TO STOCK OR LEASE; must have ledge at least four feet wide, running $10. N 45. Oregenian. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR RUNNING around and light towing. Robertson Raft -Co.. Stella. Wash. WANTED SECOND-HAND PEANUT roaster. In good condlUen. N 46. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tto of all kinds. Phone Scott CSli. FOB RENT. Booms. Furnished rooms. $1 week up. Glim&n Hotel. Itt and Alder; Tremont Hotel. 7th & Everett 5 MORRISON. COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR rushed rooms, with or without board. for rent: Booms. THE LINCOLN'. JUST OPENED. 400 MORRI- on ET. cor. llta, so ue oest xurmsnea rooms In tht dtr; not and cold running 'rater; steam beat, electric lights, baths, and all modern appointments; new building: every facility for caring tar the traveling public; moderate rate. C H. Ball, prop. Tel. Main SSL THE PHILADELPHIA FURNISHED apartments; everything new) running water In rooms, electric lights, baths, magnificent view plaxa blocks and D. P. Thompson lk fountain; for transient and tourists; & model cr comfort. N. E. cor. 3d and Salmon. Phone Mais 2023. J. E. Minard Black, prop. the Yamhill." rooming-house has been thoroughly renovated and newly mr nlshcd; two blocks from Portland Hotel: transients solicited. 381 Yamhill, cor. West Park. Phone Clay 713. GENTLEMEN WILL FIND BEAUTIFUL front suite, suitable tor two cr three, in new house, four blocks from Hotel Portland; home comforts. 250 6th, cor. Madison. THE MENOMINEE, 3S5 YAMHILL BLE- gantly furnished front rooms, suites or single; modern conveniences; two blocks from Portland Hotel; transient solicited. THE OGDEN FURNISHED ROOMS. 83 let car. oat rnone uaj' -. brick Cat; newly furnished; bath, electric lights, etc Come and Investigate. THE OXFORD. t CTH ST.. COR. OAK Just opened to the public; ereryuung new. modern In all 1U appointments; private bath suites. Telephone Main 88. THE NEW BELMONT. MRS. L. ZINSLEY, proprietress Elegantly furmsnea rooms. electric light, baths; everything new. t. W. cor. 1st and Taylor. 124 12TH 8T.. COR. WASHINGTON. THE Dexter Elegantly furnished rooms, single or en suite; electric lights, bath ana teie phone. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. MEN ONLY; not ana cola water; gas and steam neat. ira 17th. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 3189, THE ALEXANDER UNDER NEW MAN agement: rooms $2.60 un: steam heat: gas. bath; phone. 10th and Alder. Mrs. E, Cole. NICELY FtinNISHRn ROOMS. Srt AND SR. in private family; bath, phone: also cottage or three rooms, p. Heights, 340 20. 256 11TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT alcove room; also single room; nil convene lenccs; reasonable; gentlemen only. ICS 11TH ST. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE. nicely furnished rooms; one large front room with au modern conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN private family; gas, bath, phone; in walking aictance; reierences. iw 'lentn st. 70 WEST PARK NEWL1 FURNISHED rooms with or without board; all conven iences. Phone Central 1074. SMALL. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH bath, a minutes' walk from oregoman; rea sonable. Z&S Jefferson st. 101 10TH. ONE BLOCK OFF WASHINGTON commodious front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 2 CLEAN ROOMS ON OROUND FLOOR; gas, bath, sink and range; no children. N 13, Oregonlan. FRONT SUITE. PRETTILY FURNISHED home comforts; board close by. Phono Main 10S4. FURNISHED ROOMS FROM $1.25 TO $5 per ween uavis su soum ot uusionv House. ONE SINGLE AND ONE DOUBLE ROOM, comtortaDiy furmsnea. inquire Mi. lutn, cor. Taylor, WELL-FURNISHED SUNNY ROOM. PRI vate family; an convenlehces. 42 Jenerson COMFORTABLE FRONT ROOM WITH ALL conveniences; reasonable. 3U2 Columbia-st. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms. Inquire 531 Morrison. FURNISHED ROOMS. 105 6TH ST., COR. 'xayior. Booms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tel. 105-107 10th sC. cbr. Morrison. The annex is now completed; fine large, airy" . rooms, handsomely finished and thoroughly heated by steam; -with first-class table and service. PORTLAND WOMEN'S TJNION. 16TH TfiAR rooms with hoara; use oi sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel. RUsiell. superintendent, BID Flanders THE WONOLANCET. 150 11TH STEAM beaten, running water: one elegant suite. single and double rooms; table and Bervlco first-class; table board. 304 ALDER ST.. COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR nished suite on first floor, with hot and cold water, and single room; first-class ta ble board; reasonable. HOTEL BROWN Rooms newlr furnlihsd baths electric lights, elevator: rooms for transient; on notn car unci. zri orana ave. B LAKELET HALL. 251 7TH ST. LARGE rooms with first-class board: fine location 4 blocks from Hotel Portland. Main 2631, PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED, PRIVATE home; newly furnished: house attendant first class. 120 N. 18th; references. GOOD. WELL - LIGHTED FURNISHED room in a private family, with or without board; East Side. Phone union 263. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH board, suitable for two; half block from rortiana Hotel, iss 7tn st. 170 10TH LARGE FRONT ROOMS, SIDE rooms, en suite or single, with or without ooara. NEW WESTERN HOTEL. 7th and OUsan sts. Newly furnished rooms, with or Without ooara. 805 Morrison Very large front room, rub sing water, furnace heat. 2 large closets. NlCELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH HEAT, $8. 504 Washington st.. near 13th. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. Johnson st., near 16th. 547 ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 24S N. 20th. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT THREE ELEGANT UNFUR nished housekeeping rooms, nicely ar ranged front rooms, beautifully papered nothing better in city, losii union ave. cor. E. Alder. $1 WEEK AND UP. FURNISHED OR UN furnished housekeeping nnd sleeping rooms; new management. Mrs. De Haven, proprietress. 245 N. lth, cor. Marshall. $3 PER .WEEK TWO LARGE FURNISHED noutelteeping rooms; aiso a o-room cottage, furnished, for housekeeping, $13 per month. Mrs. Baum. 1H t-Herman su 347 HALL THREE VERY DESIRABLE room, completely furnished for housekeep ing: even convenience; pleasant location reasonable rent. SPLENDID LOCATION. NICELY FUR nished housekeeping suite; gas. phone J reasonable, mi rettygrtrve cor. loth su HOUSEKEEPING SUITES AND SLEEPING- rootn. well furnished: running water; bath ana pnone; very desirable. 170 12th. "NEWLY FURNISHED- SUITES IN BRICK residence tor housekeeping; also cottage, six rooms, inquire &l Irving, cor. IT in. FOR RENT FOUR UNFURNISHED front housekeeping rooms, with all conven ienees; best location. 4W 1st st. NEWLY FURNISHED SUITES IN BRICK residence for housekeeping; also cottage, i rooms, inquire atu irving. cor. uin. THREE LARGE ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping: water and large clothes closet good location. 550 Pettygrove. 1 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF TWO rooms, suitable tor nousexeepmg; gas. oath, pwme; no ciuiaren. cixui. NEATLY FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE, keeping rooms; gas. bath and telephone. 351 Cak. near 7th; very central. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping roomsT S35 Clay st, cor. 7th; no children. 4SS ALDER FRONT ROOM. WITH PRIVI lege of using kitchen If desired; folding bed; modern conveniences. TWO LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AT $11 per month. 3S0 E. Yamhill, between Union and Grand aves. THREE ROOMS AND BATH. NICELY FUR nished. light, pleasant, strictly private; tery desirable. 226 Qra.nL TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS AND AL ctve. furnished tor housekeeping", bath and phone. 67 North 0th. TWO ELEGANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS," bay window, range-, gas, bath, 'phone, cheap. 74 4th, cor Oak. FOB KENT. Housekeeping Booms. THE HOWELL, 271 3D NICELY FUR- nlshed rooms for light nouse-eepius; one single room. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKQEPiu rooms, ground fioor. 223 uoiumoia. su, 1st and zo. TWO OR THREE CONNECTING FURNISH- ed housekeeping rooms, ciose in. ou un ear Stark. SEVERAL NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with llrst-ciasa tame ooaru; so i..... t& 4th st. LARGE. LIGHT ALCOVE SUITE ainu kitchen, wun gas ana woo- uw, . 14th st. LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WITH above. 372 East Morrison, over Baumers WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; Dam. eictuit 202 2D ST.. COR. OF TAYLOR NEWLY furnlshea rooms, single ana icr noutniu.b. NEAT SINGLE AND HOUSEKEEP.1HU rooms, close in. 87 10th, near stars.- 247 5TH ST. NEWLY PAPERED FRONT housekeeping rooms; no cnuuit-u. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEJEKflu rooms on first floor. 5C5 otn su 70 10TH-3 NICELY FURNISHED HOU6E- keeplng rooms, complete, kitcnen. FIVE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 226 3d st. HOUSEKEEPING, VERY DESIRABLE. 205 Salmon. Bouses. A MODERN. NEWLY BUILT 7-BOOSl nouse, laBnioname location, near . on West Side, for rent, and entire new fur niture, carpets and general household 8 for sale, on account ot removal from Port, land. 184 North 18th. FOR RENT MODERN 2-STORY 6-RO0M house; h6t and cold water, atn, oase ment. yard; 174 East 32d sL. corlamhlll. Inquire 200 B. 34th St.; phone Scott 1589 or 40 3d St., Phone Main 700. Beautiful modern o-room cottage. E. Sth and, Couch. Neat oroom cottage., E. Stark and" 43th.- Apply to The Dunh Lawrence Company. 140 First st. DONALD C. WOODWARD. 240, STARld ST.. rents and insurance; pnone Main oto. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT NEW. v Mourns HOUSE, t rooms; near car line, mount -moor. Inquire 710 Chamber of Commerce. NO. 1011 WILLIAMS AVE. NEW C-R"OOM house, with all modern improvements, .appu John Bain, room 2, 221 Btark st. FOR RENT-MODERN OrROOM HOUSE. close In. Apply OSbom Hotel, urana ave. and East Ash. 10-ROOM HOUBE, PARTLY FURNISHED, ror rent or raie. iu Detween i ana u r. m. 260 Hhll st. . FIVE-ROOM COTtAGB, LARGE YARD. near car. 84 East 20th, near btarK. inquire next door. new 6-room Cottage. 11z roosevelt st one block from Lewis ana Clark tair grounds. THREE WELL-FURNISHED HOUBeKEBP- ire rooms, with oiano. ioti"i aonn uhq su z -- - ...r SIX ROOMS, BATH, 120 13TH, NEAR HOYT. Apply sneeny 11 ros., lamraii. FumlshMt nouses. FOR BENT S-ROOM NtCELY FURMSH- ed fiouse, fine grounds, cheap rent, J, Lu Wells Co., 94 Grand ave. VOIt TIJ3KT NEATLY FURNISHED BEAU tlful 7-room house: large grounds. East Taylpr st. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE, ELEC trio lights, bath, closa In. Inquire 273 7th. FUKNISKED HOUSE, GOOD nice yard. 023 Taylor. LOCATION House for Bent, 2rurnltui for Sate. NINE-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOB sale, house for rent; nicely rurnisbea tnrougn out: fine location, on Taylor st.; cement jiidewaiks, furnace, gas, porcelain bftth; both house and furniture about new; pride, $775, F. M.I Johnson & Co., 321 Falling bldg. SNAP FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM HOUSE; cheap; all new. Second door of corner 42d and Hawthorne ave., Anderson. 6-ROOM HOUSE AND FURNITURE FOR sale; close in. Call mornings. Tel, East u, 471 East Burnside. FURNITURE OF NICELY FURNISHED flat fOt sale. CallNbctween 2 and 8. 323 11th. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, FURNI ture for sale; 255 bth bL. Call after 1 P. M, FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR rent, turmture jor saie. x 44, oregoman, FlVE'ROOM COTTAOE FOR RENT, FUR nltUre for sale, cheap. 6S5 Kearney st. Stores. STORES FOR RENT THREE LARGE y stores In new brick building southwest corner Tentn ana wasningioa. oicim neui; large cement basement: everything mod ern. Inquire S. Morton Colin, southwest corner Park and Oak. FOR RENT STORE IN LOGAN BLOCK. 1 cor. Union ave. and E. Alder st. Apply W, H. Taft, 86 4th st. Phone Main 1268. ROOM 23x38. SUITABLE FOR STORAGE OR small manufacturing, on second floor. Ap ply to A. W. Nash, 205 Stark st. SEVERAL DESK SPACES FOR RENT, CBN rtally located, on ground floor. Parrtsh, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder st. STORE. 307 STARK ST. DONALD G. Woodward, 240 Stark st. Phone Main 345. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY ARE in possession bt the latest Information re circles business chances 'In city or country. Ken but legitimate propositions considered. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 1 Ablngton building. DO YOU WANT TO SELL ANYTHING? Phone Main 162s. Ford's Auction Houia. A WELL-ESTABLISHED BOOK. STATION ery and CoJnectlonery store for sale, fin one of most prosperous and growing towns In Southern Oregon: yearly sales $ 10,000 1 cap ital required $3500. Address L 30. Orego nlan When others have failed to make your watch right, bring it to me; I right the wrong and charge less. C. H. Saa&e. 311 Dekum bldg. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY, LODGING houses and other business chances; some good bargains and terms; can locate you in any part of the city. Call or address 263 7th. West 1230. HOOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE; BARGAIN: 10 rooms, suitable for boarders; all rooms filled; very central; finely furnished; mod ern. In fine, Condition; no agents. A 17, Oregonlan. NEW HOUSE. SWELL FURNITURE, $1400; lunch counter, $150; 0 rooms, central, swell furniture, $1000: lot. 100x103, new house, bargain. $000; terms on all. Union 43S1. 20-ROOM FLAT. GOOD LOCATION, clean, neat, lease 3 years; clears $100 a month; best house on the market at $1300. Ellis, room 21. 264 Morrison st. FOR SALE SPRINGFIELD HOTEL; BEST hotel proposition In stale for amount of capital required. For particulars address Tom Tyndall. Springfield. Or. t 12 ROOMS. NEW 1 AND MODERN FURNI- ture; long lease, w; pays a montn net; price. $1250 ternis; best of Its size offered. Room 2L 264 Morrison et. FOR SALE BEST-PAYING MERCANTILE business In large Valley town; annual sales $30,000; can be had if taken Immediately for $4500. D 40, Oregonlan, $2200 BUYS A 3ROOM LODGING-HOUSE; new furniture; long lease; best transient house In the city. Inquire 152 N. Cth st. Phone. Hood 1013. WE HAVE FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS TO Invest In saloon proposition: -outside of town preferred. Address P. and R-, .Ho tel Quimby. COFFEE AND WAFFLE HOUSE; EXCEL lent location; lease; trade and profits good; $550. half down. 234 Morrison st- Call Wantedmax to invest in new Busi ness enterprise and take management re quire $3000. Inquire V2 2d St. BUSINESS CHANCES. CUT-RATE BEAI-ESTATE- AND Busi ness Chance Office 1 N. Cth, opp. P. O. Phone Red 1738.' Cigar stand, living rooms;. $275. Cigar stand, living rooms; $550. Cigar stand, living rooms; ,$750. -Boomlng-hotise. 00 rooms; leas1 "18000. SO rooms, lease, price $2800. 34 rooms, transient, lease, price $2300. 21 rooms, brick, lease, transient; $2200. 20 rooms, housekeeping, lease. $1500. 14 rooms, transient, lease; $1750. Rooming-house, 10 rooms, transient, rent ?25, price $530. Several other good buys on our list; see as. before buying. We havo farm and city property, some very fine buys If taken at once. Terms given and money - to loan on the above property. S BERRY & ALEXANDER. THE ENORMOUS PROFITS MADE" IN THE manutaetura ot sugar Is not generally un derstood and appreciated. Let us send you a llttl book showing how a faw dollars each month can be invested In a safe, con servative, straightforward business enter prise which Will pay enormous dividends In a comparatively short time. No oil well, race, horse, gold mine or gambling scheme. Best bank references. Send for pamphlet: It will pay you to know mere about It- Contl ntntal Sugar Refining Co.. St. Louu, Mo. SAWMILL. 40,000 TO 60.000 FEET CAFAC ltv. eomtolete' and well-equipped with shingle and planlng-mllL drykllns. complete logging outflC etc; best possible facilities tor Ship ping over N. P.. G. N. and C P. R. R.: good local demand for common lumber; un limited quantities of Umber (fir and cedar) adjacent to am, can oa purcoasea. x io, Oregonlan. bb tott T.onlttNO FOR A BUSINESS LO cation? Investigate the exceptional advan tages offered at Estacada, the coming town of Clackamas. County. O. W. P. Townsita Co., 132 1st. cor. Alder, room C Phona Main ziu. 1650 BUYS FURNITURE OF S ROOMS IN modern 12-room house; furnace heat; 4 rooms vacant: lease- at $35. Ellis, room 21, 204 Morrison st. $250 BUYS HALF INTEREST IN BUSINESS cnance ana real estate otitce; estaousaea nan growing business; must have partner. & -., oregonlan. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN SMALL manufacturing business; a bargain if taken at once; $usu required. T 40, oregoman. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store in Willamette Valley. Invoice $4500. Would trade for farm. W 43, Oregonlan. GREAT SNAP 10-ROOM FLAT. FINELY turhlihed, fine transient place, in business center, only $1300, Y 16, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE; ELEGANT, FINEST Lo cation. 14 rooms; cheap rent; moaern. au dress K 33, care Oregonlan. three-chair barber shop for sale 'cheap; 2 -year lease. Apply at once. 14S 6th. A SNAP SMALL MACHINE SHOP FOR sale, cheap if taken at, once. T 46, Orego nlan. A FINE GROCERY FOR SALE AT A great bargain. Call room 418 Dekum. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTER- lng shop. 240 5th. FINANCIAL. MONET. MONEY. To talarled employes and wage-earners Get our system that gets yoU out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, trainman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment, can get, Ust On his note: Monthly, -mon. Weekiy. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.35 $25 Repay to us $ 0.06 or $3.33 cr S1.U3 $15 Repay to U3 $ 4.00 or fZ.w or $1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO., 210 Mc Kay bldg., 104 3d SU MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before pay day can get it from us; no commission or In terest In advance; no mortgage orjlndorser required Repay weekly, niunthly 6r eeml. monthly in amounts from $1 and upwards, thus avoiding payment of the Whole amodnt out ot any one payday; and havo six months time If ueslrtd. 5 f NELSON & HtNDLEY, 303 McKay bldg. FRED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I ani In a position to make lmmecllate-loans cn improved-real estate or -for building, pur poses; any amountfnoderaie Interest. We approve loans from ' plans and advancd mohey as building progresses when desired. Option In repayment after one year. FRED H. STHONU. Financial Ageh't, 103 2d St.. hear Stark. SALARY LOANS We loan money to salaried people in sums of $10 to $100; from one to six months time, extended; no delays of unpleasant innulriea? business strictly confidpntfnl courteous treatment extended to -all; pri vate entrance. iuriaheai ioan Co., 321 ADingion Diuts. LOANS ON THE EAST PAYMENT PLAN to saiarieu peopie, siricity comiuehtlal; of fice hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Employes' loan yio., room no, ine ueKum, -t,. w. cor, 3d and Washington sts. Phone 224. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICIT1 ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Paliette. 213 Commercial block. Telephone Main 1SS5. MONEi" ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, . ifimstcn. etc. without security- ur mv. ments; largest business In 40 princip-lS cities, iciniao, -o jvuiHEion Dicg. CHATTEL LOANS IN AMOUNTS RANGING from $23 to $5000; rooming-houses a spe cialty, New Era Loan & Trust Co., 200 Ablngton bldg. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PL4NOS AND otter securities: lowest rates, s. W. King, room 45, Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. Money loaned on all kinds ot security 6 per cent? building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock block. Phone Clay 520. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $500 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES BOUGHT. Will build you a house and furnish the tncney. O. M. Smith. 714 Cham, of Com.- LOANS IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP ON ALL kinds ot security. W. A-Hathaway, room 10 Vtasnlngton bldg. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 AND 7 PER CENT, on city property and Improved Valley farms. W. A. Shaw & Co.. 213 Stark it. Loans made on realty mortgages for clients; $100 to $500 to loan. W. S. Ward, atty, 323 Alisky bldg. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas County lands. E. F. Riley, 603 Cham. Corn. State Funds Loaned, C per cent, W. E. Thomas, State Agent. Mult. Co. 400 Cham, of Com. Loans on realty mortgages for client; $100 to $500 to loan. W. S. Ward. atty. Allsky bldg. MONEY LOANED salaried people: no delay; strictly private. 717 Macquam. Hood 1046. REAL ESTATE JjOANB, 5 and 6 per cent, any amount. Wm. Decholm. 225 Failing bldg. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER CENT. Mm. G. Beck, room 307. The Falling bldg. LOANS, MINING STOCK AND GOLD bought. 215 Commercial blk. Hood 463. TEKSONAL. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips rtwed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 347 Washington, op posite Cordrays. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds ot feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed: best of work; satisfaction guaranteed. 1E0 1st St.. Portland. Or. Phone Red 3161. Residence. 240 Harrison st. Phone West 009. IF YOU DON'T WEIGH ENOUGH OR Can't slep. you can procure perfect sleep atd glin IS pounds by using Sexlne Pills. Price, (1. 0 for $3. J. A. Clemensaa. drug gist, 2d and Yamhill sts. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB rts' Nerv Glooules. Ona month's treat ment. $2; 3 months, $3. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard. Clarke A Co., Portland. Or. OSTRICk FEATHERS AND BOAS CLEAN ed. dyed and made over. Chicago Dye Work. 40S Wash. st:. bet. 19th ana llth. We print your name oa 3tr calling .cards, f roper size and style. 25c: 250 business- cards, L Brown A Schmale. 229 1st. Portland. Or. REGENT BATHS; fine masseuse: Vibratory massage, cures inou uuntci, , juaer. MRS. OBROCK. graduate masseuse, cabinet baths, chronic ciseases treatea. Ablngton bldg. SHOES HALF. SOLED. FOR 50C AT HOLLA bsughs. IE) 3d. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. DR. LAM0TTE"S FRENCH CORN PAINT, The best corn cure. 25c All druggists". SPOT CASH FOR GOLD AND SILVER OF every description. 311 Dekum fcldg- PERSONAL. FORMULAS FREE FOR MEN AND WO- men. especially preparea. ior eacn cae. icr I tailing. laaea or gray nair, ucmng scaip, wrinkles, furrows, frowns., sunken and hoi low cheeks, flabby necks, doubl chtna. small pox pittlngs, red veins, freckles, brown spots, or any other dlseas of the aktn or scalp. Have no remedies to sell; you prepare your -own, I give you ire my scientific treat- ment for skin and complexion: send 4 cents in stamps for particulars. Address Jk. c CaufZman. Dermatologist. 1401 1st ave.. Se attle. Wash. n,J?J?JJI?. Irregular, painful or stoppages, leuecrrhoea iwnues) ana an diseases ot women. 01a w young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230 Yam hill st., Portland. Of. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation fre. Call or write. Inclose 10 2 -cent stamps. A2A HOLMES RIBBECHE TREATS EVERY aimcuon of the human xaca ana scapi SSffiTrf Neaw lat.ress? the years' reference of Portland's leading pny- 1 , Wtians given: free consultation dally. Parlors aw MoTTiaoaet. Tel. Hood 282. "Book of Nature." "The, Beauty Spot," "A Hot Tamale," "MabelV. Gray." "Lustful Love." "A Modern Eden." "Silent Shame," "Passion's ParadU." "A . Modem Lover, . "Nana," "Heptameron." "Womafi oz Fire. Catalogues free. A. W. Schmale. 220 1st. PRIVATE DETECTIVES; WATCH ANY body. where they go and with whom they associate; criminal cases: satisfaction or no pay. p. o. Lock Bex 207. .rortiana. LADIES, ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sola by leading druggists. 12 per box: safe and reliable. i. u. sua more b .Co.. Special Agents. 151 3d st. EEXINE PILLS ARE GUARANTEED FOR all forms of weakness: $1 a box. 6 for $3. Address cr call J. A. Clemensoa. druggist. cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland, or. Superfluous hair, moies. etc.. permanently re moved by tTectric needle: 0 years! experi ence in Portland; physicians' references; lady .operator. 2IS Cth. Phono aiain iiitj. m . , c.i. -tr.i.t. .vt. Vimonas muslin underwear, etc.: iowest 'prices In Portland. Sing Cheng Co.. 333 Morrison su FINE DAY! BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- las. Repairing and recovering: two srej. Washington ana etn ana -Morrison pq YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARB MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eysell'a Phar macy, 22, iiorrison. Det. lit ana .a. WANTEDPUPILS IN GERMAN BY AN experienced teacher from Germany; evenings. r o, oregoman. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS eases. 434 Alder, West 1580. Agents waniea. ARTISTIC CARVING' LESSONS GrVEN; CU- rtLte , Torteri' taken! 4S9 Washington. HUFFMAN. LADIES' TAILOR, REMOVED lo 4uu 7x lorriBon su iutuu avuv. 6PEC1AL NOTICJiX. y Proposals Invited, PROPOSALS FOR SHlRTlia FLANNEL, nprvnt Quartermaster's omce. 30 flew ioni- gomery St., San Francisco. Cal., January ., o 1 ...1.1. In (rinllrafn wilt be received at this office vtil 10 o'clock I A. M. Monday. February 1. 1004, Pacific I Standard time, and then openea, ior luvmsu- i nnn nwlr, nllvi. ilnih hlrt!np flannel. I r, , niklM in nn increase of 20 ber cent lf desired by this department. BtdB will be opened for the delivery oi tne same arucio i at the San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Phil- adelphia and New lorK aepots. To avoid misunaeratanaing as to tne eian nature bf the article to bo furnished bidders ? win rahifiitlv PtnmltiK the standard sample I and ppeciflcattons. so that proposals may be I suoraiueu oy uiem nrni a iuu i what will ba required, as an absolute com- pllance with the standard and epeciflcations ill tw tnKtxtpd linon In the InaDeCtlon Of I l.',1:. rtlfTprtnir from uttfndard and SPeclfl' cations, will, under no circumstances, be entertained, Proposals for less quantity than advertised for will be entertained. Bids for delivery or lnspectibn at 6ther points than those namea above win not do m.u- erea. Early aeiiyenes are essenuau riuur must state In their proposals the rate and dm nf rinllverv. nhnuld contract be awarded to them. The article advertised for is the nama lor "which bids will be opened at the other depots. Preference will be given to articles ot domestic production and manu facture, conditions of price and quality being equal (Including In the price of foreign pro duction and manufacture the duty thereon), and such preference "will be given to articles bf American production and manufacture produced on the Pacina Coast to the extent of the consumption required by the public service there. Tho United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Information and hlAnlra fn nm nnbnlu -trill ho ftlFritkheil Oil application. Envelopes containing proposals will be Indorsed, "Proposals for Shirting Flannel." hnd addressed tb Malor C. A. Devol, Quartermaster; Ui B. Army; Depot quartermaster. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND DEAL ers in Waterworks Material: Sealed bids for labor ar.d material for the Construction of the waterworks for Dalles City, Oregon, will be received at the office of the City Recorder on February ,10, 1004, up to 2 o'clock Pi M., and publicly opened at 3 o'clock P. M. Plans and specifications are now on file at the office bf the City Re corder. Tho Dalles. Oregon, or at the of fice of E. W. Cummibgs, Consulting En gineer. Dexter Hortori building, Seattle, Washington. Each bid must be accom panied by a certified check for S per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to T. J. Seufert, Presiaent ttoara Water commis sioners, as a guarantee for. entering Into contract vtih this cltV fur the work bid Upon, successful bidders for any part of the work will b required to furnish a sat isfactory bond In the sum of 100 per cent Of the amount of the contract as a guar antee for tnb completion of .the work. The Water CammissloheT3 expressly re serve the right to reject any and all bids. or to let contracts to whomsoever It may see fit. T. J. SEUFERT. President. Attest: J. M. FILLOON. City Recorder. - THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bids for a stock ot general merchan dise and fixtures of tho Inventory valua tlon of about $13,000.00, located at May vllle. Gilliam County, Or., up to 12 M., January 20, 1004. Also for a stock of mill stuff at Mayville, Or., amounting to about $1100.00. Separate bids on the two lots of merchandise will be received. A certified check of 10 per cent must accompahy each bid. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory of the stock may be seen at my office and an lnspectibn of the property may be had. by Intending purchasers at Mayville, Or. Dated at Port tana, or., tnis sin aay ot January, iuih. K. l. sabih. Front ana Aniceny sts. Miscellaneous. MEMtNB OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THH Snake River Valley Railroad Company Notice Is hereby given mat. a meeting of the stockholders 01 tne fcnane lllver Val ley Railroad Company will be held Id the office of A. L. Mohler, president of tho company1, in the Worcester bldg.. PortJand, Or., onjtne otn aay ai reDruarj-, iuu-i, at 11 o'clock A. M., tor the purpose of elect Ing directors and transacting any othef business that may properly come before tho mtdtihz. Dated Portland. Or.. .Inn. uary 15, 10u4. James G. Wilson, secre tary. RIDS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR PLANTS and shrubs up to .Monday, January 25, 1W4, at the office of the director-general. Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition Co.. room 3. Stearns bldg.. Sixth and Morrison Bts. Copies of specifications will be on file in the office of the director of works, room 5, Stearns bldg. REMOVAL FRANK HACHENEY. 333 SHER lock bldr.i S3H 3d St., agent tor New Zea land and Traders' Fife Insurance Companies. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A NAVY-BLUE RIBBON BELT, HAV ing round silver buckle, with embossed cUpld heads, between Sth st. and Marquam Theater, or In theater. Finder please telephone Main 2833. TXVTT LADY'S GOLD WATCH; NO. OP case. SSO; key wind, Elgin movement: black l-DRS. ADI3C AND NORTHRUP HAVE BE and white bead fob. Reward. J. A. B., 730 I turned to their former offices, suite 410 Marquam blag. LOST A GENTLEMAN'S WATCH AND FOB. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to Rath & Sandys, 145 1st st. $25 reward. LOST ON MONDAY LAST OPEN-FACK plain back, sliver watch, gold stem and hands. Return 42b Harrison. Reward, TAKEN UP 2-YEAR-OLD BLACK HEIFER; owner can have by describing and paying all expenses. Jacob Smld. Sycamore. Or. LOST FOX TERRIER PUPPY FROM 254 N. 24th, on Monday afternoon; color, pure white. Kewani for return. STOLEN FROM 3D AND STARK, COLUM bia wheel: new wooden front rim. Return to 252 Alder. Reward. LOST A. PAIR OF ORDINARY SPECTA- cles. Finder return to 231 Morrison st. Harrisf Trunk Store. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Architects. CHICAGO ARCHITECTS. PLANS FURNISH- i ed for buildings structural Iron work, eta 015-61& Commercial bldg. Phone main 117. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cezneat Contractors. - . 1 uuiiui s x.i-m, mcuk wvuu.,v4., ... Porter st. Tel. Front 2S64. Work guaran teed. Civil Engineer. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. 062 WORCESTER block Railroad, hydraulic, mining and general engineering. - Assay ers and Analysts. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND, ANA ryst; gold oust bought, -r: aw, ju Boa tins. BARGING, lightering, f relghtlng. etc.. barges for rent. a. s uerspacn. isa iiomsuu . Carpenters and Builders. W. Buckner. office, stoflxtures general Juuu'"' " GEO. W. GORDON, COUNTERS, SHELV- Ing. houses built ana repaired, -uo " Clay 174. ' Chiropodists and Manicuring XXIXX TlTEVRVT x- FHTELLE DEVENY. THE nnT rimiinn r nironfxiiRts. uaxiora iui Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Phone Main 1301. This is the long-nairea jeuueiuim. He Is the man you are looking ior. vnTTwn T.inv nvtATlTIATE CHIROPODIST. pedicuring and manicuring, .u luiieisn oiut,.. cor. UUL ana nimuuswii. Clairvoyance. MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. Sci entific revealer, tells Hie irom crauie w grave. Consultation on all affairs good nHvi miro ho in. mistake lmnosslblo: re stores lost lovd and unites separated by sympathy: also locates ounea treasure. Fee, $1. 207 Park, Coal Dealers. WTcrottv ppn FUEL CO DEALERS I WESTERN FLLD & .VV.T! . -1- I In all kinds oi coai. oaii us up ior luxa tions. 154 N. Sth st. Telephone Main 1013. VTVfl COAL CO.. IMPORTERS OF THE best house ana smitning coats. ,iiua VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesalo dealers! best coals; foundry and smelter cone. uu u at. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZQER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, monair, uuiow, um rubber and old metal, and general com mission fnercant. Front St., near aiuin. Portland, Or. Cash advanced on consign ments. x TAYLOR, YOUNO & CO., SHIP BROKERS andrommlssion merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland, Or. ALLEN LEWIS. COMMISSION. AND produce merchants, irom ana uuvis am.. Portland. Or. Corrugated. Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, HOT-AIR furnaces. J, C Bayer, xua 2a st. Dancing. MRS. GRANT'S CLASSS, TUESDAY AND Friday nights; children, Saturdays, 2 P. M. Acaaemy ot aiusic, aionuuu au, tui. tttr WATMNGLY ACADEMY OF DANC- ing, 260 14th, cbr. Jeff. Waltzing a specialty . i tftSS HELEN COPELAND, . BURKHARD Hall. Mon. ana wea. evenings. .ain u. ; Dyeing .and Cleaning, . Turner, professional dyer and cleaner, 3Q1 17th. cor. OOlumDia. xei. oiaia jxo. , Dres Pleatlngs. . BON MARCHE BRESS 1 PLEATING CO.. 332 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison. Accordion and Bide pleating; pinning. tea auu. Electrical Works. pnTI .D MECHANICAL AND ELEC- - r., -, w.pV. itr MnjiUoh Tel. Black 2081. Electroplating. ELECTROPLATING and oxidised work of all klhds done at snort notice, uociors in struments a specialty. Airtight stove Man- Utact'lng Co., 00 Gran a aye. rnn isast (iu. Fraternal Insurance. Order bt Washington, foremost fraternal s0- .clety of NW.1 protects tho living. J. L. Mitchell, sup. sec, uiz-uio juamuam oiag. Harness and Saddles. THE GISOKU. ijA.Wiicijii Hiiuiit,- ntn saddle and harness mfrs.. leather and saddlery hardware, 80-80 1st st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLE- sale saddle ana harness mrrs., saaaiery, hardware, leather all kinds. 72-74 5th st. Sank, Hides and Pelts. Tj. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, furs, taiiow, 01a ruooers. metals ana sacKS. 312 uroni si. Leather and Findings. THE! BREYMAN LEATHER CO., MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, nnaings. snoe store supplies, leather of an kinas. 72-74 otn st. Laco Curtain Bleachery. j YUKON LAGE CURTAIN BLEACHERY - All kinds of fine flannels and laces re hewed; lace curtains a specialty; work warrantee. .Limn i-'entziing. Manager. Phone Union 10S2. 810 Grand ave. Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING, SAWMILL. logging machinery, nyarauiic pipes, cast ings OI ail Kinas repaireu. iv it. nn su R-Rpnvn.HANn MACHINERY TO COM plete outfit shingle mill; boilers and en- ttriMi..r.hih -.tnrtR nn. s.itu gihes. Wittier-Corblh Moeh. Co., Settle. 1 ' " THE H. C ALB EE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, eta, 24 s urana ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS-- For bargains sec Weeks: ho agents; 20 per' I cent saved: at 720 Front, cor. Hooker. VI I r Massage. " Refined young iaay, vapor, magnetic, per- fumed baths, new treatments, delightful; invigorating, '. a real luxury, beware of fakes copying my ad. 201 3d, room 2. FRENCH LADY, WITH YOUNG LADY As sistants, gives magnetic ana massage treatments. 208 Sth, near Taylor. Phone West 1073. VAPOR BATH, MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC treatments, by experienced young lady; se- ' lect patrons only. 351 Morrison st. I loom 10. j YOUNG, SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES vapor, electrical, thermal, alcoholic and medU cated baths; magnetic treatment. 20 Raleigh bldg, LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS. MASSAGE and magnetic treatment; only genuine baths in the house. Room 26 Raleigh bldg. I . "7 " EASTERN LADY, WITH YOUNG LADY assistant, gives vapor baths and massage. 200 4th. room 4. Millinery Parlors. m..0?I SS? milliner, 400 Wash., cor. 10th. Main 1073. Musical. Lessons 50c; Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin instruments tor saie. airs. Martin, ivYx 1st. Osteopathy. nn. L B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL I. SMITH. osteonatmc onysicians: graduates Kirasviue. Mo.. 409 Oregonlan. Phone Main 1242. Sanitarium 614 4th. Dekum bldg. Phone Main 340. DRS. ANNA M. Sc. FRANK J. BARR, 800 Dekum bldg. Phone Main 2220. Patent Lawyers. PATENTS PROTECT YOUR IDEAS. FEB contingent, consultation free. Est. 1864. Mllo B. Stevens &. Co., S51 14th st.. Wash ington, p. c. T. J. GEISLER. patent and trade-mark mat ters a specialty. 030 Chamber 01 commerce. Shoo Manufacturers. REID & HERTSCHE CO., SHOB MANU- facturers. s ana 11 1st, i'oruana. or. Oregon Vlavl Co. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison sts. Health talks to loaies. Thursday. z:30 p. id. Rubber Stamp. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 243 XLDER. PHONE Main 710. Rubber stomps, seals, stencils. Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO- SUCCESSORS TO Dixon. Borgeson & Co., Cth and Hoyt sts. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mcslo ,wo ,m nmTin -R'AXJO. v.., , ----- mandolin, violin; Mrs. Martin. 104 1st. Paints, Oils and Glass. F. E. BEACH &CO.. PIONEER PAINT CO, soiling ma oesi uuosa " glass and glazing. 133 1st. Phone 1334. RASMUSSEN & CO., JOBBERS. PAINTS, oils, gloss, sash and doors, iso 1st at. Palmistry-. FREE TESTS FREE" TESTS TO ALL WHO call. English clairvoyant medium, pautust. So sure am I of my powers that I will give a test to all who call preparea tor a reaa Ing; $1000 to any person who can equal me In tnlllnff th inrrtK of vour llfo. I Will tell your name and the object ot your visit. Call today and be convmcea; pneo law. 313 Washington, cor, 0th. MISS EMMA LOREIZ. ASTROLOGER AND palmist, prophetess; through her powerful work wealth and happiness can be brought to all wishing success. If yoa cannot call sena sue and data or. birtn tor reaaing. Parlors 21-22. Raleigh block, cor. 6th and Washington. , MADAME JOHNSTON. CLAIRVOYANT and palmist: readings dally; questions by mail. $1; truth or no pay. 2S9 Thira st. LARSEN. THE PALMIST, returned; will glva reading ror snort time oniy. amukt oiog. Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. ccr. Park and Oak; largest variety; re pairing. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT SUCCESSFUL- ly treats and cures all diseases of women. Successful home treatment by raaiL 303 Salmon, bet. 6th and 0th. Dr Flora A. Brown, diseases of women and children n mnrlnltv nm-n 517 Th TJekum. children a specialty. Office 017 The Dekum. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES, JAILS, VAULT DOORS ana deposit work. Lockouts openaa. uon- oral repairs. Burglars alarms, ateal ceil ings. Second-hand and steel-lined sated bought and sold; goods as represented. J. E. Davis, 00 3d. r- Second Hond Siqres. ROSEN & SUGARMAN PAY HIGHEST PRICH tor second-hand furniture, stoves, tools. 233 Front st. Tel. Red 3173. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE, SPIRITUAL, MENTAL readings, valuable advice on all analra 01 life; business and absent friends" a special ty. Troubled minds promptly relieved. 103 4th st., room 33. Office hours, 0 A. M to 6 P. M. Mrs. Sophie B. Selp, seer and prophetess; private counsel aaiiy; puouo circles xues. & Fri., o p. M. si 7tn, cor. oax. -tain itwo MRS. STEVENS, spiritual life reader, scien tific palmist, 50c. 343 lamniu. co 7th. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. 30?. Allsky bldg,, 8d a Morrison. Circles Thursday eves, uooa 4U3. Storage and Transfer. SAFE 3, PIANOS & FURNITURE MOVED. packed ready for stripping ana smppea; au work guaranteed; lofrgo 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage, omco 12a 1st st. C. M. Olsen. Phono Main 547. a O. PICK, OFFICE 83 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phono 500, Pianos ana furniture moved and packed for shipping: commo dious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL, STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st., household gooas ana rurmture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Stoves. T . LARGEST ASSOKTilEWX ON I-AOIUIU Coast t also hotel ana restaurant utensils, bakers' ovens. Loewenberg & Going Co., 2d and Taylor. m , x ' jltuhk xuciury. .1 PORTLAND TRUNK CO., 60 THIRD ST.. 1 wholesale ana retail, aena ior catalogue. Typewriters. New TYPEWRITERS, all inakes, RENTED and sold Expert repairing. Office sup tiiles: mlmeofrraphlc work: public type writing. Coast Agency Co., 231 Stark St., Phone Main 1407. 1 Oliver lypswruora, msu uuu u Machines. Norrls Safe & Lock Co., 70 1st. Columbia Bar-Lock Vlslblo Typewriter; cat alogue. 207 Montgomery, son Francisco. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GRO- cers. cor. N. Front ana uavis sis., Port land. Or. BANKS. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office, Toronto, canaaa. Capital paid up ,....$8,700,000 Reserve 3.000,000 Transacts a General Banning Business. SAVINOS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts oDened for sums of $10 and up ward, and Interest allowed on minimum I monthly balances. Rates on application. 314 WASHINGTON ST. B A. WYLD, Manager Portland Branch. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF FORTAMU. U1WUUN, Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. Transacts a General Banking Business. Tirnfta issued, available in all cities of the United States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections mnae on lavorame terms. President. .,.i..i.....J. C AIN8WORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER I A. -ff w ?rHMFT3ft Cashier . wi . "iiSeisS-: Assistant Cashier. ...A. M. WRIGHT PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, NO. 1UU TlilliU Bllti,l-. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. fTnromorated Anrll 22. 1887.1 We conduct a general banking business. I e recelve savings deposits. We issue time certificates for 6 months at 3 per cent Tper nmtri; for 12 months at 4 per cent bar oil I num. We issue certificates of deposit pay able upon 10 days' call, 30 days' call or SO I rfnuV pall, with Interest at 3. 3 and 4 Baf 1 cent per annum, reapecuveiy. niv4 un nn obDortunitv of exnlalnin fur. ther to you about these certificates, or send for our book of ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJAMIN I; COHEN..... ,.... President H. L. PITTOCK. i vice-president B. LEE PAGET. Secretory J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary FIRST NATIONAL BANK I . V,"iir-Jrih.,., . Designated Depository and Financial Agent 1 , . " r - rrTi Cashier...... JVi KBWKIRK I Assistant Cashier. w. tALVORD Second Assistant Cashier... B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available In Eu rope and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphio transfers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, St, Louis, SL Paul, Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London, Paris. Berlin. Frahkfort-on- the-Mald. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Copen hagen. Chrlstlania, Stockholm, St. Peters burg. Moscow. Zurich, Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TiLTON. BATHCERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits, collections made at all Points- on favoraol terms. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points in the' United .States. Sight sxenange ana Teiegrapnic xransxers sold oh Nnw York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various roints in Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin. Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK- PORTLAND, OHEUON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L, DURHAM .Vice-President R VT. HOYT. . ...(......,.. .Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought- LONDON & BAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce Building. Third and Stark streets. Head Office, 33 Old Broad street, London. This bank transacts a general banklne business, makes loans, discounts bills and issues letters of credit, available for travel' ers and the purchase of merchandise In an city of the world. Deals in foreign and do mestic" exchange. Interest paid on time de posits. W. A. MACRAE. Mgr. WELLS. FARGO & CO.' BANK Corner Second and Washington. HOMER B. KING.,..-. President (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES .....Cashless WALTER A- HOLT. ... ...Assistant Cashier (Portland.) Geheral bonking business transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit issued, available In all ports of the world.