60 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, .JANUARY 1, 1904. AGAIN NAB BENSON Officers FearTimberOperator Js Going to Flee. PLACED IN NEW YORK JAIL San Francisco Real Estate Dealer, Charged With Bribing Public Of ficial and Who -Operated in Oregon, Fails to Give Bail. NEW YORK, Dec. 3L John A. Benson, of San Francisco, is. in Ludlow-street jail tonight, owlne to his inability to furnish flO.000 hail. He was arrested here today on a charge of bribery at the Instance of secret service officers, who feared he was about to leave the city. Benson was recently arrested in "Wash ington for bribing a Federal official. The Indictment, which reached .here today from Washington, contained 60 typewritten pages. It ilrst charged that Benson and Frederick A.. Hyde, of San Francisco, were engaged in the business of unlaw fully obtaining possession of titles to the public lands in California and Oregon, known as school lands. The indictment stated that following the securing of the lands by the two men, the Interior De partment special agents, A. B. Pugh and H. E. Steece, commenced an Investiga tion. It is charged that on May 15 last Ben Eon paid "Woodford D. Harland, Chief Clerk of the Police Service of the In terior Department, 5200 to furnish him with advance information concerning the report of Messrs. Pugh and Steece. It is further alleged that a second payment of $200 was made to Harlan on March 20, a third on March 25 of the same amount, and a fourth on December IS to the same Federal official of $250. Claim is also made that on December 16 Benson paid "William E. Polk, a clerk in the Land Of fice the sum of $150 to permit him to see certain reports. After his arrest the accused man was taken before United States Commissioner Shields, who set his examination for Janu ary 12. Being unable to procure bonds men, Benson was taken to jail. J. M. Campbell, one of Benson's-counsel, said his client had appeared before UrJted States Commissioner in "Washington, De cember 19, and the examination had gone over until January 7. "Not caring to wait," said he, "the Federal officials there yesterday indicted Mr. Benson on the identical charge he was arraigned on there. "We expect to be able to show that Benson had been guilty of no such crime. We will furnish bail for him tomorrrow." . DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RE FORT. PORTLAND. Dec 31. 8 P. M. Maximum temperature, 40; minimum temperature, S3; river reading. 11 A M,, 3.6 feet; change In 24 hours, .2 of a foot; total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. XI., 0; total precipitation slnco September 1. 1003, 17.18 Inches; normal pre cipitation 6lnce September 1, 1003. 10.37 Inches; deficiency, 2.10 Inches; total sunshine Decem ber 30. 1008, 4:32; possible sunshine, 8:42; barometer, reduced to sea level, at 5 P. M., S0.05. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. JS d Wind. on &U a E g mS a So 3 2. 3 1 1 9 f j i : : : 30 0.00 SW jCloudy 20 0.00 CN Cloudy 2G 0.00 NW PL cloudy 32 0.00 N Cloudy 36 0.00 0 Cloudy 48 T NW Raining 30 0.00 NW PL cloudy 40 0.00 E Cloudy 48 0.18 N Cloudy 42 T NW Clear C4 0.22 C SB PL cloudy 38 0.00 S Clear 50 0.02 8 W PL cloudy 30 0.00 0 S Cloudy 40 T SE Cloudy 40 O.OO NE Cloudy 30 0.00 NW Cloudy STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise Helena Xarnloops, B. C. North Head .... Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roscburg Sacramento Salt Lake City. San Francisco . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island . Walla Walla .. LUgbt. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Good rains have fallen during the last 24 "hours In Northern California, and lesser amounts are reported in Southwestern Oregon and In the Sound country. Elsewhere In the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast States fair weather has continued. The weather Is cloudy and threatening In this district this evening. and rain is falling at the mouth of the Co lumbia River. The Indications are for threat ening weather In this district Friday, with occasional rain in Western Oregon and West ern Washington and snow In Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts' made at Portland for the 2S hours ending midnight. Friday, January 1, 1903: Portland and vicinity Cloudy and threaten ing, with occasional rain; wlnda mostly south' erly. Western Oregon and Western Washington- Cloudy and threatening, with occasional rain; winds mostly southeasterly. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Cloudy and threatening, with snow, A B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. We are ready for your 1904 busi ness with the largest and best lines of Loose Leaf .Ledgers, Filing Devices and General Office Sta tionery ever shown . in Portland. The Kilham Stationery Co. Everything for the Office 246 WASHINGTON STREET HOTEL SMEDE W. M. Renshaw, Proprietor t EUGENE, OREGON American Plan. Strictly First Class I IT IS SHOCKING How Mr. Blank neglects his teeth. I can't bear to look at his mouth. What a shame, for otherwise he is a nice looking man. Expressions similar to this are heard every day. Are you one of the people re ferred to. It is your own fault, since the discovery by us of painless dentistry re moves ail rear, we guarantee me mgnest grade of skill known to the profession. AT SALEM we have opened a branch office in the .Steusloff building, corner Court and .Liberty streets. DR. B. E. WRIGHT'S DENTAL OFFICE 342V4 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Seventh. FEES REASONABLE. CONSULTATION FREE. Office hours: 8 A. M. to 5 P. M, ; evenings. 7:30 to 8:30. ' - . Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12 M. Telephone. Main 2ii3. EDUCATIONAL. That Money Invested In a course with us, by parents in behalf of their children, or "by young people in tiiii- mm intprpsts will brine a hundred fold better returns for life than ten times the amount nut to any other use. It PATS to attend our school. ' Business. shorthand. typewriting, penmanship and English departments. QUALITY is our motto, thorough work our doctrine. Stu dents admitted any time. Catalogue free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PARK AND WASHINGTON. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL.B., PRINCIPAL. AND SAFE INVESTMENT Is to take a course In bookkeeping, short' hand, typewriting, penmanship, etc The cost Is small and either course can be finished In from three to six months. After completing the courso It Is possible for any bright young man or young woman to earn more per month than their whole cost of tuition. We always assist our students to positions tree or charge. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Open all the year. Catalogue free. Holmes Business College Established 1ES7. Yamhill and Eleventh Streets. If You Are Thinking of attending Business College you cannot afford to ignore the best one in town. Behnke-Walker Business College Stearns Block. Sixth and Morrison. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy. Day and Night. 40 Sizes. 10c to 50o each. A. Santaella & Co., Makers. Tampa, Fla. GERSON Jc HART. Distributers. Portland. Or. NEW TODAY. SHOE STOCK FOR SALE; VP TO DATE; IN good town; good location. Inquire of Exausse & wince, si 1st si. Choice Residence Property The two modern seven-room houses. 730 and 738 Irving st., for sale. Apply to George M Strong, Goodnough bldg. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Beal Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. JBIKRELL, Formerly' of MocMastcr & BIrrelL 202-3 McKay Building. Third and Stark. Phone Main 232. PALMER BROS. Branch Office V. C. Ward, U. P Emigration Agent. Tm riroved farms In all parts ot Oregon: tlm ber lands In Oregon. Washington and Califor nia and city and -suburban property ior esue, PALMER BROTHERS 417-418 Oregonlan Building. BUTTER! BUTTER! 45c and 60c Creamery 55c and 60c. Best Creamery 65c Fresh Ranch Eggs 35c Eastern Eggs-2 dozen ...55c Hams .- 14c Picnic Hams 10c , Lard 1 lc 60c Teas . 30c Best Java and - Mocha Coffee : 30c Chickens, Geese 15c LA GRANDE CREAMERY 264 YAMHILL AMUSEMENTS. Harquam Grand Theater W. T. P ANGLE, Resident Manager. A Happy New Year GET THE BIGHT START BY ATTENDING FOXY GRANDPA MATINEE at 2:15 O'CLOCK. Prices. $1.00. 75c, SOc. 35c. 23c EVENING AT 8:15. Prices, $L50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. 35c, 25c MARQUAM GRAND THEATER w T. FArUL.E. Resident .uanager One Week. Be ginning Monday, Jan. 4. 1004, Matinees Wednesday ana saturaay. The Rural Drama. "WAY DOWN EAST." Evenlntr Driees 'Lower floor. exceDt last 6 rows. $1.60; last 6 rows. (LOO: balcony. first 3 rows. $1.00; second 3 rows, 75c; last 6 rows, 50c; gallery, 25c and 35c; boxes and loses, $10. Matinee prices Lower floor, except last u rows. $1.00; last 6 rows, 75c; balcony, first 3 rows. 75c; last 9 rows, 50c; gallery, 25c, 35c. THE BAKER GEO. L. BAKES, Sole "Leasee and Manager. THEATER Phone Main 1907. Tonight, All Week, Matinees Saturday, Sun day, special Aiaunee jmbw lears ua.. "The School for Scandal" Evening. 50c. 35c. 25c 15c; matinees, 25c, 15c 10c NEXT WEEK Beginning Sunday Matinee," January 3, 1004, the Great Society Drama, Adapted From the French by Plnero, THE IRONMASTER" Made Famous by Mr. and Mrs. TV. H. Kendal. CORDBATS THEATER. -CORDRAY & RUSSELL, Managers. Phone Main 002. Prices 15, 25, 35, 40 and 50 cents. Mat inee iu ana 25 cents, xomgnt. iiaimeo New Year's and Saturday, and every evening this week, the Great Melodrama, "IX CONVICTS STRIPES." Next week commencing with the Sunday Matinee. Amelia's Bingnam's rroaucuon, . "MODERN MAGDALEN." The favorite actress, Miss Jessie Shirley, supported bya. strong company. A POSITIVE HIT. "Isn't Campbell funny?" "Aren't the girls stunning?" "Oh. did you see Sylvia stare7" "Great specialties." Some of the remarks heard after the perform ance of "A TRIP TO CHINATOWN." at the EMPIRE THEATER, ALL THIS WEEK, Special Matinee New Year's Day. ARCADE THEATER 330 Washington, Bet. 6th ana iw AMUSEMENT PARLORS. Open From 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. REFINED VAUDEVILLE. FIVE SHOWS DAILY 2:30. 3: JO. 7:30. 8:30 axil 0:30. ADMISSION 10C TO ANY SEAT. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES "Booms," . "Rooms and Board." "Houjb- fceeplng Rooms," "Situation Wanted." 13 words or less. 15 cents: 18. to 20 word 20 cents; 21 to 23 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 80 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 23 words, 50 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-naif; no further discount un der one month. NEW TODAY" (range measure agate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each Additional Insertion, ANSWERS TO ADVEK.T1H1S41JSWTB. OU- dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp U required on suca letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. MEETING NOTICES. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Multnomah Camp, No. 77, meets Friday nlKhts In their forest. E. Cth and EX Alder sts. Floor work not excelled by any camp in me order. Come and meet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. PROSPERITY CAMP. UNIFORM RANK Grand masquerade given by Prosperity Camp, Uniform Rank, at East Side W. O. w. hull. E. 6th and Alder st.. saturaay. Jan. 2, 1004. See prices in o. itosenDiatts window. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders of the L O. O. F. Hall Association, ot Albina, will Do neia in th office of the secretary. 243 Russell st.. Tuesday evening, Jan. 5. 1904, at 8 o'clock. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 5. A. F. & A. M- State communication this (Friday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. All M. M. are cordially Invited. By order W. M. L W. PRATT, Secretary. MULTNOMAH CAMP. NO. 77. W. O. W. All members, together with their families. are Invited to attend an entertainment to night in our hall. j. m. wuujwuiuii, uieric TTaSSALO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Installation of officers. Members are requested to be present. A cordial invitation Is extended to mem Ders ot otner looses. HENRY brown, secretary. BORN. BLAKE Dec 31, to the wife of J. B. Blake, a son. PRATT At Coloma. Mich.. December 31. Mary E. Pratt, mother or Mrs. w. a. Holt, ot this city. FUNERAL NOTICES. BARKER At her late residence on Colum bla Slough. Dec 30. 1003. Rosetta Barker, aged 64 years. Funeral will take place Friday. Jan. 1. from late residence, at 1:30 P. M. Interment at Central Grove ceme tery, on Sandy road. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and embalmers. nave moved to their new build' Inc. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. ITNLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County 'Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9, F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phone Main 430, CLARKE B.BOS., FINE FLOWERS. Flo ral designs, 288 iloixUon. NEW TODAY. TWO OR THREE TRACTS. SUITABLE FOR small farms, near Portland, at a very low figure; cord wood on each will more than pay first cost, a S3, vregonian. M0KTGAGE LOANS On lmrjroved city and farm property. Build lnr loans. Installment loans. WM. MAC MASTER. 311 Worcester block. Fir Wood Stumpage For sale. 7500 cords; native timber not culled: 0 miles S. W. of Portland. mile from railway. Apply 334 Grant, Portland. A NEW FISH MARKET Tf Toa want first-class fish, poultry, oysters cr crabs, cooked at our place, call on the Rainier Market. Phone Main 1632. Prompt, delivery. NEW HOUSES FOR SALE Four newly finished 6-roomed bouses, on Up shur st., near 20th. Very easy terms to pur chasers. Price. $2250 each. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO 250 Alder Street NEW TODAY. WaKefield, Fries & Co. 229 StarK Street, Partial list of numerous bargains offered by us. INSIDE. PROPERTIES Business, Residence and Otherwise. 145 Front SL Two-story fireproof brick building, 25x 100-foot lot. The close proximity of this property to the new Morrison-street bridge gives this sseclal value. n. Full Block 200x200 ftL Bounded by Jefferson. Columbia, Front and Water streets, being near the water front and directly opposite the narrow gauge depot, makes this block particu larly adapted for business or manufac turing purposes, the present improvements yielding good Interest. 309, 311, 313, 315 Front St. corner Clay, three-story brick uuiioing, in. good condition, particularly adapted for hotel or factory uses. 49-51 First St. Good substantial two-story brick build ing on west side of First St., bet. Pine and Ash sts.; size. 50x100 feet; central location; suitable for almost any business or as an Interest proposition. 53-55 First St, Modern three-story brick building, north west cor. First and Pine sts.; particular ly attractive: ground floor offices, -with vault; rooms overhead. 182 First St and 210 Yamhill. Two-story brick on First st., next to cor. of Yamhill, and extending through to Yamhill; frontage on each street being 25 feet. Second Street Unimproved 50-foot lot on the west side of Second street, bet. Main and Madison, now occupied as a wood yard. 264-266 Second. Two .2-story houses on Second, near Madi son; central location, with a future. 268 Second "St. SOxlOO-foot lot, with o large frame dwelling-house in first-class condition; per manent tenant. Columbia and Second. Southeast corner, 75x100, covered with buildings; Nos. 228. 230. 232- and 23 Columbia, and 304 Second st. Second and Montgomery. unimproved iuoxiw xeet, witn east ana south frontage. 426 Second St About 185 feet street frontage,, with 7 roora -house: good location for flats. Third and Mill. 100x100 feet, ooutheast corner' Third and Mill; good location for flats. 389 Third St Between Montgomery and Harrison: large, two-story modern house, with all con veniences; full 50x100 feef lot, east front age. Third and Montgomery. , .uaxiuu ieet on tnp- norueast corner, with large- frame house. Fourth St 50x100 feet on the west side of Fourth, between Stark and Washington. Fourth and Jefferson. 'mat desirable looxioo feet,, soutneast corner, with two good houses. 281-83-85-87 Fourth. .Directly opposite the city Hall; 100x100 ieet. witn two large double nouses. Fifth and Montgomery. 100x100 feet on the soutneast comer, de sirable for residence or .flats. 145-147 13th St. The pretentious four-story boarding. house, known as "The Waldorf," Is for sale; the property Is rented to desirable tenants, but the owner, a nonresident, desires to realize. 208-210 13th St Desirable double house, rented to per- 1 manent tenants. 448-454 Clay St boutneast corner Thirteenth, with, two comfortable houses. 475 Clay St. 100x100 feet, with modern 8-room house; choice residence location: south frontage.' 208x208 feet Being the full block bounded by Madison, Jefferson, Chapman and Nartllla sts.. and being generally known as the "Canyon Garden," desirable forTesIdence or rental purposes. 592-594 Market St Large double two-story frame dwelling house, very sightly location, within ono block of new Washington-street car line. 560 Elizabeth St Good 7-room house, with 110x200 feet In the most attractive part of Portland Heights. Morrison St 75x100 feet, immediately west of the new Masonic Temple, a. location with a great big future. Washington St Being an or iractionai block 3Z3, bounded by Washington, Alder, 17th and 18tn sts.; the frame building now covering the property could be easily converted Into a business block. 20th and Washington. - xne tnree-story frame building known as the Dobbins block: seven storerooms on ground floor, and about 100 rooms up stairs. NORTH OF "WASHINGTON ST. 12th and Flanders. 100x100 ieet, with store building and three houses. 2d and Flanders. Lot 50x95 feet, with stone basement. 20th and Irving. Most attractive lot in the Nob HUI dis trict, size 100x125 feet, with modern 14 room house, recently damaged by fire, and that could be easily repaired. 20th, and Lovejoy. . Large commodious lz-room house, an modern conveniences; large grounds, 200x 260 feet; beautiful home. 1 6th and Lovejoy. Southwest corner. 100x100 feet, with good seven-room cottage. 220 N. 16th. Northeast corner Lovejoy, full two-story frame house, furnace,. ..etc.; cement side walks, new Improved streets. 222-224 N. 1 6th. Two good 8-room houses, furnace, bath, etc 251 N. 14th St. Good' five-room cottage, full 60x100 lot. N. 12th and Overton. Corner lot. with two good houses. 24th and Northrup. Southwest corner, sightly ea3t front lot, 'elegant location for home. Fair Grounds. 100x100 feet, southeast corner 27th and Thurman sts. Its close proximity to the main entrance to the Fair grounds gives this property special value. Versteeg's. Add'n. AdiolnlnK the Fair grounds. We have a number of lots at $000; worth double the money. Sherlbck's Add'n. The ..addition with a great, big future; desirable' lots racing North 21st. zza, 23d. Factory. Blacklstone and Reed sts. $750. $500. $900. Terms to suit. EAST SIDE Bronaugh's Add'n. The gem of the East Side, lying' on both sides of East -24th St., bet. Everett and the Sandy road; lots $400, $425, $450, 5500, stioo ; easy termw Block 3, Sullivan's. Bounded by East Gllsan. Sandy road. East 20th and iast zist. lots $400 to fnw, accoraing to size. Hawthorne. Ave. and 25th. A choice three-acre tract, suitable for platting; all in fruit; good cottage, out buildings, etc Overtoil Park. On the Mount Scott car line; lots 133x133 ieet; prices, $300, $jso, $joo. Arbor Lodge. The choicest of all the Peninsular ad ditions. Take your pick at $125 per lot. Mock Station. 63 acres facing on the St. Johns car line. county road and City Park; price only $350. - ACREAGE Convenient to car lines: also numerous tracts In the adjoining counties of Clackamas, Wash ington and coiumDia. VACANT LOTS In all parts of the city. HOUSES AND LOTS At most reasonable prices. Warehouse Properties Business -Properties NEW TODAY. FARMS In all parts of the famous Wil lamette Valley. Best soil in the world at very reasonable prices. R e m e m b e r .that drouth? is unknown in this valley. If you sow you reap. we have, the largest list of good farms in this favored section. Send for our list. W. A. SHAW & CO. 243 Stark, near Second, PORTLAND, ORE. See Nicholson's Addition Lots in this tract $900 and up. See Manning's Addition Lots in this tract $400 and up. See the Lots We Are Offering On East Ankeny Street for $550 W. H. Mall & Co. 393 East Burnsiae Street 'Phone, Union 152 FARMS We have made a specialty of handling farms in the fam ous Willamette Vallew for 27 years and have the largest list of this class of property to be found in this city. . Send for our list. . A. Shaw & Co. 243 STARK. XEAIt SECOND. PORTLAND, OK. REAL ESTATE Beal estate Is attracting the attention of far-elghted Investors, who are looking for an absolutely reliable security. The best results will be obtained by. Investing now. Prices 'are lower than they will ever be asaln. . we nave -Business ana residence property in all parts of the city. GRINDSTAFF & BLA I IN 246 Stark St. FBEE--$750--FBEE Seven hundred and fifty dollars In lots will be given away at the big auction sale at Sstacaaa, on January x'Z, 1004.- .Business lots of Estacada will be sold on the above date at public auction for two hours only. No business lots will be sold prior to the sale. Residence lots can be purchased up to and including the day or tne auction sale. January 12, at the following prices, $50 and $75. After that date tne price oz all resi dence lots will be raised not less than $25 each. Trains -mil leave First and Alder sts. at 7:40- and 0 o'clock A. M. on January 12. Re member the date and place. Round-trip excursion tickets that date, 75c Call on or address the Oregon "Water Power Townslte Co. for further Information. Room 5, 132 & 1st St., cor. of Alder. FARMS FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. " TVe have made a specialty of handling farms in the famous Willamette Valley for 27 years. and have the largest list to be found In any real estate dealer's office in Oregon. Send for our list. W. A. SHAW & CO.. 243 STARK STREET. PORTLAND, OR. FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE. 10 ACRES. WITH 2 IN CULTIVATION 175 fruit trees, gooa nouse ana Darn; a miles from La Center, "Wa3h.; fine chicken ranch: once $350. 80 acres, with 25 under plow, 7 acres of fine orchard: live waier, nouse, oarn fence and other Improvements; 1 mile from boat landing and miles from Kalama quarter-mile from school;, nne view or co lumbia River: price. $1000. 160 acres, with 30 in cultivation; 300 bearing fruit .trees, good house and barn fenced; 1U miles from steamboat landing and railroad; 18-mlle view of Columbia River: nrlce $1700. Come to us for bargains in farm prop erty. Imus & Wllloughby, Kalama, "Wash. vnn SALE OR EXCHANGE 8-ROOM MOD- ern house,- large grounds, on .tieignis, w eat Side. S-room house, Fulton Park. Forty acre farm, 7 miles out, "West Side., well Im proved. Terms liberal. Address 'owner, T 18, care Oregonlan. TAKE MT. SCOTT CAR TO TREMONT Pla todav: beautiful lots. 40xiu ieet. witn 20-foot alley, for ?S0 each; $5 down and $5 month; graded streets and watfer mains laid: agent on ground. Pacific Land Co., 167 1st st. NEAT COTTAGE. NEAR CAR; BATH, basement, etc.: 2 large lots, lawn, garden barn, poultry-house: can keep chickens, cow and horse; a bargain; cash or terms. C. 14, Oregonlan. NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. ETC.: FULL cement basement east front, location un surpassed, lot 37&X120, near car line. Call on i. a. varner, 3ist ana neimoui. TIKE MT. SCOTT CAR TO STEWART'S Park today: lota 50x100 feet for S100; $3 down and $3 monthly; only few leftr agent on ground. .Facinc iana uo., .itJ5 isi. S100 CASH. $10 PER MONTH. BUYS new 4 -room cottace: we will build any thing you want on terms to suit you. 612 Commercial building. Jiain iu?v. ONE 6-ROOM COTTAGE, $1000; ONE 0-ROOM cottage. $1150? small payment down, balance monthly. KJng. owner, ooo iast tin. su rt near Mason. Phone East 675. MOTIEBV TTP-TO-DATE 7-ROOM HOUSE. diocks iram car. uiutna uuu otuwi, small payment down, balance monthly. King, owner, rnone isasr tno. 12-ROOM HOUSE. HOLLADAY PARK. MOD em and up to date In every respect; located 24th and Wasco sts. King, owner. Phone East 675. i 10 ACRES AT LENTS. ON CAR LINE AND Johnson Creek: 8 acres In cultivation; nrlce $1400. Valley Land Company. 43 1st st. 25x100. WITH 3-ROOM HOUSE, 351 EAST Oak. near East 3d; mortgage sale; Dar gain. S. B. Rlggen, 305 Ablngton bldg. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE S1200: one-third down, balance install ments. Apply 871 East llth st.. North. 5 ACRES LAND. 1 MILE FROM LENTS. $400: easy terms; come quick. O. R. Addlton, Lents, Or., Take Mt. Scott car; 5c CALIFORNIA FARMS. IRRIGATED AL falfa, fruit and vine lands. Write C M. Wooster Co.. San Francisco, CaL 25 ACRES AT BEAVERTON. PARTLY IM proved. two acres onion land, part trade. Box 73. Beaverton. THREE NEW HOUSES, WITH 100x100; $1000; $50 cash, $12.50 month. Phone Union 4015. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WE OFFER YOy ABSOLUTE SNAPS! $17,0001420 acres In Yamhill County. 4 mites from good R. R. town; 500 acres In fine state ot cultivation; over 600 acres splendid pasture: 17-acre houvard: balance in growing timber: place well fenced and watered: splendid &-room residence. 3 fairly gooa tenement-nouses, 2 very large Dams; one of the banner stock and dairy farms in the state; pays more than $000 annual net income. sio.000314 acres, one of the grandest farms In the state; all fenced: over 200 acres in cultivation; an excellent 17-acre nopyaro; pays annual net Income of over $1600; very beautiful buildings and beautifully situated; 1 miles B. R. station. 38 miles from Port land. $6400640 acres, over 100 acres In culti vation; over 200 acres pasture- land, balance timber; abundance living water, fruit and splendid good buildings; about 12 miles from ncAunnviue. tms is a very excellent stock farm. $6000 For a comer lot with a 22-room flat, paying $63 per month rent; near the tenter of business. $5200 The handsomest 100-acre farm In Clark County, Washington; T miles from Vancouver, on a fine graveled road; only about 15 miles from center of business In Portland. Or.; place Is all fenced Into fields with 5-board fence; modem residence, with barn, stock and poultry-houses. This farm to easily worth $10,000. and wouldi yield a very good rate of Interest upon that amount Invested. $5000 For a beautiful 5-acre place, with magnificent 8-room residence; modem con veniences; an ideal home, near electric car service. Mount Tabor. $4000 Highly Improved 75-acre farm; all fenced, and nearly all In cultivation; excel lent buildings; rich soil nd living water. Price Includes all stock, teams, implements and crops on the place. $3500 Strictly modem, up-to-date 8-room residence, beautifully situated, on East 11th $2100 Two full lots, with two beautiful G-room cottages; full basements and attics; monthly rental $22; one block electric cars. 51000 Cozy 5-room cottage on Montana, ave.. renting for $11 per month. $650 For a very good 160-acre stock farm, 1 mile R. R. station. In Benton County, Ore gon. $500 For a nice 3-acre place with small cottage, 2 miles MUwaukle-. $350 For a comer lot with good 6-room house. 2 blocks school. 3 blocks cars. Park Place. $300 and up for beautiful homes In Oak. Grove, from 1 to 5 acres. $300 and up for lots In Brookdale, Haw thorne and Marguerite avenues. WE ARB THE LEADERS FOR BAR GAINS IN OREGON REAL ESTATE! THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. 14014 First street. CITY PROPERTY Lot 50x100, two dwellings, newly paint ed, rental value $35 per month, on 12th St., West Side. Neat cottage on Improved street, -Sunny-side, easy terms If desired; on account of sickness must sell. Good new hard-finished house In Lincoln Park Annex, cheap at $1300. 6- room hard-finished house in nice order, well finished, comer lot 80x100 feet In Ste phens' Addition; best buy In the addition; owner needs money for other things; if sold now only $2650. 7- room new, .up-to-date house. Just com pleted, on E. Alder st.. near 12th; cut price if taken before Jan. 1. ' A very pretty suburban home on good car line, not Iar out, 6-room. up-to-date cottage, large grounds, choice fruits, orna mental trees, shrubs, flowers, lawn. 100 va rieties of roses; price cut to $2000. JIENKLE & BAKER. 217 Ablngtorr bldg. FOR SALE. ON EASY TERMS NEW. MOD- ern. up-to-date s-room nouse. rnone iasi 675. UMBER T.ANDS FOR SALE. 1000 ACRES FOR $8000200 ACRES IN cultivation, balance pasture lona, ou acres in timber, fenced and cross-fenced Into 8 fields, with water in each; good bouse and two barns and all necessary outbuild ings: fine bearing orchard: 75 cattle. 15 horses, farm Implements. 100 tons of hay and household goods all go In at price named; less than one mile from a pros perous county seat in Oregon, ami par' ticulars given with pleasure. COMPTON & GD3SON. 202 Washington st., Portland, Or. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY STATE and city to sell timber lands on the Pa cific Coast: liberal Inducements; good proposition; appeals to investors every where; no timber lands compare with the dense forests of giant trees on this Coast; no class of property Is so rapidly enhanc ing In value; no investment could be safer. $500 Invested today will return tenfold In a tew years. Aaaress zor mil particulars, P. O. box 023, Portland, Or. i have for Immediate location 8 yellow pine timber claims, cruise 3,000.000 eacn; zu yeuow nr umoer claims, cruise 4.0OO.00O each: 4 good relinaulsbments: 15 good farm homesteads; all extra fine loca tions; also ouuu acres mat can do acnypeo. Wm. Hawks, 306 Commercial block. 320 ACRES OF TIMBER:' CAN BE BROUGHT to Portlana; cneap ior casn. au acres oi timber, half-mile from Columbia River; about is.000.000 feet: 70.000.000 feet of timber. 5 N.. 4 W.: 18.000.000 on river. 604 Gold- smlth, Portland. Or. ' FOREST RESERVE SCRIP IN TRACTS from 40 acres UDwaros: also recertinea oi diers' additional Porterfleld-Valentino land warrants and other kinds ot land scrip. Ma' gannls & Son. 227 Palling bldg. srwnnT. t.anti vciVc sale at S2.ko "per acre (state price;, on urootteQ xtiver, near nneviiie, uemrai uregon. for particu lars address E. J. Thomas, Beaverton, Or. 160 ACRES IN CASCADE FOREST RE serve for sale; can be exchanged for any surveyed Government land; title perfect. H. E. Noble, 312 commercial block. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN large or small diocks, ready ior immediate 'delivery- L. w. wniting, 4U3 ADington mag. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, reaay tor immediate use. W. G. Howell, 533 Chamber of commerce. TO EXCHANGE. AGENTS LADIES OR GENTLEMEN; Ex perience unnecessary; gooa sellers; Dig com mission; home or traveling' positions. Call or write 169 llth st. FOR EXCHANGE HOMESTEAD. STOCK ranch in stocic country, aaress J. m. Cutting, Synarep, Okanogan County, Wash VALLEY FARM LAND FOR MODERN South Fortlana cottage. Address, witn price and location, R 16, care Oregonlan FOR BENT FARMS. FOR RENT 14 ACRES OF IMPROVED land, large orchard, bearing; house, barn and windmill; close to car line; posses sion February It 1804- J- 1- Wells Co., U4 ijruiu ave. FEW ACRES NEAR MONTAVILLA CAR; house, bam: room for -cow, chickens; fruit. FOR LEASE. WLL BUILD GOOD STABLE. SUITABLE for livery and feed, corner of E. 6th and Hawthorne ave., and lease same for term of years to responsible .party. James oi sen. 405 E. ciay st. none scoit FOR SALE FARMS. IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR BUY GOOD farms or "city property see me: I have bar gains In fine farms, stock ranches and city property. Including the most desirable suburban residence In city. Address T. Withycombe. with Investment Co., 244 Stark st., Portland, Or. IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR BUY GOOD farms or city property see me; I have bar gains in fine farms, stock ranches and city property, inciuaws ins mwi uesiraDie sua urbaD residences In city. Address T. Withy combe, with Investment Co.. 244 Stark st. Portland, or. FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND. 8 MILES from Portland, 1 mile from Tigardville; good black soil, plenty of water, 3 good buildings, on the main road. 1 acre orchard. all fenced. 8 acres clear: nrlce siouv. in quire at once, 301 21st. N.. Portland, Or. CAPABLE MEN WANTED. WB HAVE PO- ltinns onn for salesmen, executive, cler- Teal and technical men, paying from $1000 to $10,000 a year; ask ior pian ana DooKiei. Hapgoods, suite I, 502 Pioneer oiag., aeattie. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL part of Oregon and 'Washington; payments . nt.Ai4aAr ITnr yuiT-Hf-tltflr sppl to WM. MACMASTER, 311 Worcester block. SEE US FOR BEST BARGAINS IN FARM lands. Have snap In alfalfa ranch, near railroad: must be sold tnis montn. sic- Aithur & Mahoney, 409-410 Macleay bldg. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT OF 070 ACRES; 7 miles from Oregon City: rent cheap. For further information address J. J. Kuntz. Beaver Creek. Or. 10-ACRE FRUIT FARM. 22D AND FRE mont sts.; price $5000, For terms see own er. A. F. Eloper. 15th and Fremont sts. A GOOD 470-ACRE STOCK FARM FOR SALE by owner. S. J. Chenowlth, Wilbur, Or. norm 440-ACRB STOCK FARM FOR SALE by owner. Z. H. Davis, Corraula, Or. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS 1370 acres, all fenced, about 1100 acres open grazing land, 250 acres cultivated, can cultivate much more: good house and barns; excellent water, R. R. through land; one of the best stock farms in the Valley. 62 acres- good land on Clackamas River. IS mires from Portland, on good road; nearly all fenced; 20 acres cultivated, bal ance pasture, some brush and timber; house rustic; painted, large barn; running water and spring; price. Including crop, $1800. 20 acres of land, 7 miles east of Port land, on fine level road; one-half culti vated; orchard; good 6-room plastered house: large barn; to settle an estate and pay off debts, will sell cheap or trade. 74 acres, nearly all rich creek bottom land, watered by beautiful stream; fenced and . cross-fenced, house, barn, orchard, 3? acres cultivated, balance nearly all seeded to pasture. 8 .cows, 2 horses, harness, wag on, farming Implements, crops now In: dis tance of about 300 yards to school. P. O., store, creamery, 8 miles to Vancouver, Wash.; good, level road; owner very anx ious to sell. 120 acres of land, 20 acres fenced; com fortable hduse, barn, orchard, seven acrei plowed, 8 acres slashed: nicely watered bj springs: gdbd neighborhood; good school; near North Yamhill; a bargain, onlj $1050. SO acres, all good land, all fenced. 16 acres cultivated, nice new house of rooms, woodshed 16x25, rustic and paint ed; watered by springs and brook; house fronts on two good roads: comers at the place; splendid community; 10& miles from Oregon City; planked and graveled road nearly all way to farm; a bargain; only $1750. 112 acres, all cultivated, good buildings, fine water system, convenient to Portland. 2S acres, nearly all cultivated, fine river bottom land, excellent for hops; garden and fruits, running water, 0 miles out; level road; worth more than price asked. 80 acres, 25 acres cultivated, balance is meadow, pasture and timber, 100 assorted fruit trees; 400 Winter apples; 0 nut trees, all in nice condition: nice, large, new house, plastered and painted, bay window, porches, etc.; lawns, with "shrubbery: nice fence, painted; barn and other outbuild ings; water conducted td house from spring above house; also nice stream of water; 13 head cattle: good team, wagon, mower, rake and all Implements; 35 tons of hay; good market: -inlle to town, stores, school, depot, boat landing; also easy to reach Portland. 227 acres, a choice farm, one of the best In Clark County. Washington; boat lands 50 yards from the house; land all fenced; nice S-room house, finished throughout; lawn with flowers; new barn 4SxM feet; also barn 22x52 feet, frame rustic painted, brick cellar, stone apple house, poultry bam 11x40 feet, 4 acres In poultry yard; new woodhouse. rustic mllkhouse. nice or chard, mile to town and graded school. This beautiful farm can be now bought for $5000, which Is $2000 less than once sold for; I besides above, $1000 worth of im provements have since been added. 570 acres, all fenced, some good timber. 250 acres cultivated, 15 acres In orchard; an excellent body of land: some .beaver dam; well watered: fair buildings,, on good road; 1 mile to railroad station. To settle estate and pay off debts, will sell cheap. $25 per acre. 20 acres choice land, all fenced, 8 acres cultivated, near MUwaukle; sell cheap or trade. Five acres, improved, 250 Winter apple, 50 pear trees, small house, barn, fronts on road not far from- Oregon City car line; $1100. SO acres good land, fenced, 16 acres cul tivated, nice new house, 6 rooms, wood shed 16x25, rustic and painted; watered by springs and brook: house fronts on two good roads: comers' at place; splendid community: 104 miles from Oregon City; planked and graveled road nearly all way to farm: bargain; only $1750. A very choice little farm of 20 acres, nicely Improved; 7 acres in choice grapes, 3 acres In strawberries, other fruits; a fine hard-finished house of 6 largo rooms, nice basement, with furnace, water piped to house; nice barn, 2 hothouses, with pat ent ventilators and steam heat: fronts on a fine road close in on East Side; price. $6300. Some 1-acre and -acre tracts. Im proved, near Mount Tabor reservoir. 'Six acres, choice piece of land. Just west of Montavilla, lays nice to plat;. will sell for much less than its value now. Unimproved acreage at Lents; will di vide to suit. CO lots at MUwaukle, overlooking Wil lamette River;, a good Investment; only $40 per lot; would make you a nice home. 18 acre3. all fenced, house, barn, orchard, watered by spring and well, part culti vated, fronts on good road, near Forest Grove, Washington County; 1 mile to P. O., store and school, good neighborhood: only $650. 160 acres, 60 acres level, balance, rolling, .25 acres cultivated, good- orchard 500 bearing grapes, good neighborhood, 1 mile to school, fine outrange., go.od water, near Forest Grove, a cheap farm; $1500. 40 acres, part Improved, good orchard, fine water. Joins R. R. station, fronts on Columbia River, short run from Portland; will make an elegant Summer home. 155 acres, part Improved, . 1 mile from Columbia River, on good level road, some choice hottom land, about 3,000,000 feet timber. 80 acres, all seeded to grass; good water; on good road; land lays nice; convenient to school; good neighborhood; good outside range; convenient to Vancouver, Clark Co., Wash. HENKLE & BAKER, 217 Ablngton bldg. BOUND TO SUIT SOMEBODY $2600 FOR A fine place of 12 acres at ueaverton, an in cultivation: good house and bam; orchard; well fenced. $2250 for 75 acres near Van couver, 30 acres In cultivation. 10 acres drained beaverdam: fine old orchard: build ings not good. $8500 for 240 acres near Hillsboro, over 100 acres In cultivation: very good, large bouse and bam; orchard; run ning water; cuts 150 tons of hay; a 'big bar gain. Charleson & Staub. 245 Morrison st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. IF YOU HAVE ANY HORSES FOR SALE bring them to us; we will sell them; we are selling horses every day. Stable. Second and Main sts.. Fopp & Dick. Phone Clay 846. A BARGAIN MY LARGE BAY TEAM work horses, weight 2500; $150 takes them; also new light wagon and light driving harness. 8 E. 10th sU FINE YOUNG TEAM, 300O POUNDS. J. H. McMahon, Ricnmona. i-none scan 4141. $5000 worth of harness, vehicles, ' saddles, etc, must be sold. 211 Washington. Miscellaneous. A 7x11 ROTARY PRESS. 17-INCH CHAL lenge paper cutter, 150 pounds 10-polnt type, 200 pounds 8-poInt. 23 fonts Job type. Independent Printing Co., 243 Ash st. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL GERMAN PIPE organ; original cost $3500, at a reasonable figure: cash payment or installments. Apply to Aug. Erlckson. Erlckson'a Concert Halt 21 N. 2d st BTANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $25; ALL makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps. Notary seals, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stork. Tel. 1407. PARTY LEAVING CITY WILL SELL TWO good Jersey cows cheap. H. S. Owen, 38 Concord block or telephone Scott 5604. FOR SALE HOUSE TO BE MOVED OFF property on Sixth St., between Burnslda and Couch. Inquire 124 Front st. YOUNG FRESH COW FOR SALE OR trade for fat cow. 250 Bain st. Phone Scott 6031. . 1 TWO SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE; one small, one large. T 88. Oregonlan. NEW PIANO FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 613 Dekum bldg. Phone.Clay 800. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE Ours Is not the only place, but It Is recog nized as the best by men who have in vestigated. Call or write for particulars and If you are in doubt investigate our business by a personal visit and decide for yourself who the "fakers" are. Our bus iness Is steadily Increasing, a thing It could not possibly do If it was not strictly a first-class one. 253 Everett, ' Portland. Or. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BARBER who can furnish reference as to honesty, sobriety and business ability, who Is not afraid to earn his money, has $500 to in vest which will insure him a permanent position with guaranteed salary and com mission. Answer In own handwriting. O. K. S., T 15, Oregonlan. NOTICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. THE leading employment agency of the Northwest. 249 Burnslda U Phone Main 3074. ATTENTION I Male help of all descriptions promptly supplied, free of charge to employers, a R. Hansen Jt Co 20 N. 2d St. Employment Agency. Phone Main 1526. Established 1876. BEST 10-CENT SHAVE IN THE CITY; clean towels, etc 2UH Morrison, near 1st. GOOD BOY TO DRIVE TEAM AND f-ABB for same. Saturday, 47 First st.