Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 22, 1903, Image 13

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10, 11, Cherrydale. First Addition.. 57.83
David. Julllette S. Lots 4, 5. 6, 7,
block,4: lots 1, 2, 3, 4. S. 6, 7. E,
block 15, Clifford Addition . 15.30
Patterson, Jtobert &. uoxs l, 2, a, ,
block "A." Clinton .
Black. Llbble G. Lot 7. block 8.
Cloverdale Extension
.. 20.99
Hunt, Jennie, and Ryder. John
i-iots 17, is, diock 12, moveraaio
Wllmore. Alice Lot 10. block 14.
Cloverdale Extension No. 2 1.71
Newton, Jasper Lots IB, 20, block 14,
Cloverdale Extension No. 2
Evans, M. Lots 2L 22, block 2,
Cloverdale Tract .'
Sickafoose, George Lot 5. block 2,
Cole's Addition to East Portland.
Wait. A. E. Lots 2. "A." "B." "C."
block 12. Cole's AddlUon to East
Portland - 10.05
Bowman. Emily L. Lots 7, 8, 9, 10,
block "B," College Place 10.23
Logus. Louisa Lots X 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
block "D." College Place 2.78
McQuaid, Martha Lots 9, 10, block
14. Columbia Heights .............. 2.57
Vucash. Palmyre B. Lot 11, block
16; lots S, 10, 11, 12, DIOCK M, KJOlum-
bla Heights ................
Marlay, P. H. Lot 4. block 17, Columbia-
Heights .....................
Norris, Mattle Lot 11, block 18,
Columbia Heights ...................
Tiirnin Airnes Lot 12. block 2.
Cook's Addition to Alblna 6.42
First National Bank, of .Hlllsboro,
Or. Lots 4, 6. block 3. Cook's Ad
dition to Alblna 10.71
Arnold. E. W. and H. L. Lots 1,
2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, block 17,
Corvallis Addition 5.05
Lewis, Leon H. Lots 1, 4, block 44, ;
lots X 4, block 74, Couch Addition
to Portland 488.37
Kelll. Ellen Lots 6. 7, block 47,
Couch Addition to Portland 78.18
Bodley, M. Watts'-Lot 6, block 139,
Couch's AddltionUo Portland 102.82
Irving, Robert Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7,
block 243, Couch's Addition to Port
land 102.82
Lambert & Sargent Lot 12, block
3. Crystal Springs AddlUon to East
Portland 1.28
Metzger, Anna Lot 16, block 4,
Crystal Springs Addition 1.71
SUIlwell, Irene Lots 7, B.f9. 10. 1L
12, block 2, Davis Highland 24.06
Von Bolton, Tlca Lot 8. block "A."
Duniway's Subdivision In River
view AddlUon to Alblna 6.42
Schmeer. Minnie M. Lot 2. block
14, Dunn's AddlUon to East Port
land 12.85
Buckman, Elma Lot 3, block 77,
East Portland ,- 35.12
Buckman. James G. Lot 4, block
77. East Portland 44.98
Russell. Lewis W. hi lots 7, 8, block
-85, East PortlanU 29.9S
Emmons, H. H. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, block 87, East Portland 155.41
Cook, Charles M. W- 25 feet of lots
7, 8. block 102, East Portland 8.78
Pomeroy. Harry H E. hi ot V7. hi
lots 7, 8. block 120, East Portland. 17.13
Stevens, John F. W. 10 feet of lots
7, 8. block 142, East Portland 3.33
Hanson, Mary F. Lot 8, block 155,
East Portland 25.70
Abraham, James Lots 3. 4, block
159. East Portland 81.39
Allen, Lizzie M. E. hi lots 5, 6,
block ISO, East Portland 12.85
Farrall, J. C S. 33 1-3 feet lot 7,
block 194. East PorUand 8.56
Danzlger, Neff E. lots 5. 6, block
222. East Portland 17.13
Switzler, Edwin W. hi lots 5. 6, and
W. hi lots 7, 8, block 222, East
Portland 67.16
Goodsell, David Lot 5, block 5, East
Portland Heights 6.90
Braun, Robert Center 33 1-3 feet
lots 3, 4. block L East Tabor Villa.. 10.13
Marlay, P. H. Lots 5, 6. block 2,
Erwin & Watson's AddlUon, Al
blna rr.. 7.06
McCormack, S. J. Lot 3, block 1,
Evans' Addition to Alblna 6.42
Inman, Poulsen & Co. Lots 8, 9,
block 2, Excelsior 4.07
Clements, E. B. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
6. 7. 8. 9, 10. block 9. Excelsior.... 17.56
The Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F., of
Oregon Lots l. 2, mock u, .Excel
sior .".
WIckman, Pauline D. Lots '10, 1L
. block 1, Fairfield i....r
Simon, Gus Lots 1L 12, 13, -block
3, Fairfield ,
Fowler, J. Lots 37, 33, block 3,
Fairfield ." ....
Smith. Hannah M. (Heirs) Lots "L
2, 3. block 2. Falrvlew 1.S9
Peterson, John H. Lots 7, 8, block
23, Fairvlew 9.0
Dewey, Mary E. Lots 11, 12, block
3, Farrell's Second AddlUon 9.45
Jainleson. James Lot 11, block 4,
Farrell's Second AddlUon 5.35
Matney, AIvls M. Lot 6, block 1.
ivernwood suvaivlslon, Tracts 1
and 4
block 3, Feurers" AddlUon to East
Portland 4.71
Crowther, Joseph, and Wheatley.
Joseph Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 10, 11, 12,
18. 14. 15. 16. block 4. Foxchase Ad
dlUon 10.2T
Gellately. Laura J. Lots 34. 35. 36.
37. 38, block 3, Francis' AddlUon to
Harker. Asa (Heirs) E. hi lots 1.
4, block 4. Frush's Square AddlUon
to East Portland 17.13
Walt, Aaron All W. of macadam
road, block 3, Fulton 5.35
Blatter. Henry SW. 50x100 feet lot
1. block 40, Fulton Park 6.64
"Mayer, Ballette Lots 3, 4. 5, 6, Tilock.
55, Fulton Park 5.35
Werleln, Edward and Bertha Lot 7,
block 72, Fulton Park
Kirk, Jessie E. Lot 23, block 104.
Fulton Park -
City &. Suburban Railway Co. N.
120 feet, all block 103. Fulton Park 5.99
Bradford. M. J. lot 3, DiocK 2,
Gay's AddlUon to Albina
Berry. Fred W. Undivided hi lots
8, 9. 10. block 3. Gay's AddlUon to
Wilson, Carapbe.ll P. Lots 1L 12,
block 4, Gay's AddlUon to Alblna.
Wright. La Viva Lots 1L 12, block
6, Gay's AddlUon to Alblna
McMonles. R. J. Lot 3. block 11,
Glencoe Park
Greenbaum, Alfred Lots 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, U, 12, block 10, Good Morning
AddlUon to JEast .rortiana
Lysen, Derk Lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7,
... 6.43
8, 9, 10, 11. diock b, uraynrooK
Slckafoose. George Lots 1. 2. block
4, Greenwood , 3.S6
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
of California E. 30 feet of Nine
teenth street W. of and adjoin
ing lot 4, E. 30 feet of Nineteenth
street "w. of and adjoining lot 5,
block 103, Graver's Addition to
Portland 19.70
"Markle, Clara Commencing at the
NW. corner of block 109; thence
E. 80.63 feet; thence S. 4 deg. 11
mln. W. 64.1 feet; thence N. 81
deg. 31 mln. W 50.23 feet? thence
5. 62 deg. 29 min. W. 44 feet; thence
N. 40 deg. 35 mln. W. 50 feet;
thence northeasterly HI feet to
place of beginning, block 109,
Grover's AddiUon to PorUand....
Ferris. Frank E. N. of E. 30 feet
of W. block 110, Grover's Addi
tion to Portland
Croft. Mrs. M. E. N. of E. 100
feet lot 1, block HI, Grover's Addi
tion to PorUand
Bannon, Patrick J. Block "B" and
E. hi of block "C," Grover's Addi
tion to Portland
Metcalf, Fannie, and Quick, Emma
J. W. oi diock "U," urovers
AddiUon to PorUand 5.77
Peters, L D., and Roberts. J. C
E. hi lots 6, 6, block 24, Hanson's
Second AddlUon to East Portland 10.71
Jones, William Lots 27. 2S, block 6.
Harlem Addition to East Portland 1.67
Cake, H. M. and W. M. Lots 17, 18,
block a, nawtnorne Avenue Addl
Uon Marston. Annie R. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5.
6. 7, 8, block 11, Hawthorne Avenus
Hawthorne Estate. The N. hi lots
11, 12, block 8; lot 7. block 16. Haw
thorne's First AddlUon to East
Mallett Frederick Lot 1, block 10,
Hawthorne's First AddlUon to
Portland .,
Hawthorne, Louise H.. and Beck,
Catherine H. E. hi lots 5, 6. block
255; E. lots 3, 4, block 2SS. Haw
thorne Park
Fauch. Eva W. hi lots 3, 4, block
296. Hawthorne Park
HHbard, George L. Lots 1. 2, block
IS. Hlbbard's AddiUon
Hanson, Nellie Graff Lots 1, 2,
block 4. Highland i
Cardwell. B. P. Lots 10. U, 12, block
6. Highland
Seventh Street Terrace Co. Lot 12,
block 17, Highland '
Smith, H. A. Lots 7, 8, block 21,
Highland .
Wilson, R. B. Lot 22, block 2,
Highland Park
Holbrook, Etta C Lot 25, block 4.
Highland Park
TiUe Guarantee & Trust Co.. The
S. hi lot 8. all lot 10. block 7, High-
land Park ...
Dunlway, H. R., Lumber Co. Lot
18. block 6. Highland Park
Peterson. C H. Lot 6. block 11.-
Highland Park 1.49
Dawley. Ernest R. Lot 16, block 1L
Highland Park
Noble. H. E. Lots 2, 6, blbck 12,
Highland Park
Bozarth. A. L. Lof 9. block. 12,
Highland Park
Marlay, P. H.-Lot 19, Trtock 12; lot
s. diock 15. tugniana rarx.
Halght Edna B. Lots'L 2. 3, 6, 7,
8. 9. 10. lL 12. block 1; lots 1. 2, 3,
4, 5. 6, 7. 12, block1 2; lots X 6, block
Zi lots X 2. 3. 4. block 4; lots X X
3. 4, 5. 6, 7, 8. block 5: lots 1. 2, 3,
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. block 6, Highland Place.x75.60
Pichot AugusUne Maria Lots 5, 6.
block 57, Holladay's AddlUon o
East Portland .. 50.33
Epplng. Louise E. L (Heirs) Lot 8.
block 263. Holladay's Addition to
East Portland 1.27
Miller. John J. Lots 5, 6, block 264,
Holladay's AddlUon to East Port
land ...... 23.70
Nelson. John Lot 1, block 268, Holladay's-AddlUon
to East Portland. 1.27
Lame, J. H. Lots 6. 7. 8, 9, block
1; lot 10, block 6. Holmes' Subdi
vision of block 5 In GlenwoocL
Park 4.49
Reidt William Lot 13 block 4, Hud
son's Aaaiuon to Portland
Smith, Seneca Lots 2. 3, block 2;
lots 1, 2, block 3, Hudson's Addl
Uon to PorUand 3.63
Elttmayer. George Lots 6. 7. 8, 9. 10.
1L 12. 13. 14, 15, block 2; lots 5, 6,
7. 8, 9, 10, H. block 3. Hudson's
Addition to Portland 14.56
Johnson, Peter Lot 3, block 2.
Elizabeth Irving's AddlUon to
East PorUand 2.14
McCarthy, Mary E. lots 3. 4,
block 5, Elizabeth Irvlng-s Addl
Uon to East Portland 12.85
Manning. William G. Lots 3, 4,
block 6. Elizabeth Irvlng's Addi
tion to East Portland 29.98
Hughes, Louisa K. Lots 1. 2, 3, 15,
16. block 6, John Irvlng's First Ad
dition to East PorUand 56.83
Bailey, Edna L. and Flora M. E.
hi lots 11. 12, block 37. Irvington... 22.49
Martin, Louise H. Lot 3, block 123,
Irvington 10.71
Ross, J. Thorburn Lots X 3, block
6; lot 22. block 9. Irvington Park- 2.14
Investment Co. Lots 5. 7, block 6;
lots 13, 15. 17, block 30. Irvlngtoji
Park 2.55
Shiver, William M. Lots 13, 15,
block 7, Irvington Park LOS
Caldwell. W. F. Lots 19, 2L block
15, Irvington Park 1.27
Lutz, John A., Jr. Lots 2, 4, 6, 8;
block 15. Irvington Park 2.56
SIvart, Annie Lots 9, U, 13, 15, block
29, Irvington Park 1.71
Williams. Elmer Lots 39. 41, 43. 45,
block 38, Irvington Park 1.92
Eames, V. W. and C. D., and Rice,
John Lots 9, 1L 13, 15. block 48,
Irvington Park 1.71
Taylor. John W. Lot 13. block 9,
Ivanhoe 9.12
John, James (Heirs) FracUonal
block 1, E. hi fracUonal block 6,
James John's AddlUon to St.
Johns 15.20
John. James (Heirs) Lots X 2, 3, 4,
block 18; lots 1. 2, 3, 4. block 19;
lots 1, 2, 3, 4. block 20; lots 1. 2, 3.
4. block 21; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, block 22;
lots 1, 2, 3. 4, block 24; lots X 2, 3.
4. block 25; lots 1, 2. 3. 4. block 28;
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 29, James John's
Addition to St. Johns 82.11
John. James (Heirs) Lots 1. 2, 3, 4,
5, 6. 7. 8. block 17; lots 1, 2, 3. 4,
5. 6, 7, 8. block 21; lots X 2. 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, block 26; lots X 2, 3, 4. 5,
6. 7, 8, block 27; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5,-
6. 7. 8, block 28; lots X 3, 4, 5. 6.
7, 8, block 29; lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6,
7, 8. block 30; lots X 2. 3, 4. 5, 6,
7, 8. block 31; lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5. 6,
7, 8, block 32, James John's Sec
ond AddlUon to St. Johns 84.72
Fay. Sarah L. Lot 10, W. h lot U,
block 2, Johnson's AddlUon to
Portland 92.10
Stratton. Cora A. E. 50 feet of W.
100 feet lot 8, block 5, Johnson's
Addition to PorUand 1S4.21
McGlnty, Mary W. Lot 13, block 3,
Kenilworth 3.85
Walsh, Michael Lot 4, block "B,"
Kern's Addition to East Portland. 8.56
Palmer, Everell F. Lot 12, block
4, King's Second AddlUon to Port
land 44.93
Hoyt. Herbert H. and Rose H. Lot
8, block 12, King's Second AddlUon
to Portland 104.00
Reed, Margaret G. Undivided of
E. 50 feet lot 9. block IS, King's
Second Addition to Portland 19.27
Mix, S. Josephine Lot 12, block 20,
King's Second AddiUon to Port
land 53.69
Marshall, Rose A. N. 50 feet of E.
100 febt of block 30. King's Second
AddlUon to Portland 84.60
Bloomer, Thomas C Beginning at
a point on the W. line of Ella
street 150 feet N. of N. line of
Washington street; thence N. on
the W. line of Ella street 50 feet;
thence W. parallel with Washing
ton street 100.4 feet: thence S. par
allel with Ella street 50 feet; -thence
E. parallel with Washing
ton street 100.4 feet to beginning.
King's Second AddlUon to Port
land 64.28
DEllley, .Patrick Lots 18, 14,- block 5,
Kinzel Park -. 2.31
Shields. Peter J. (Heir) Lots 10, 11,
block 6, Kinzel Park 10.77
Holston, Bert R. Lots U, 12, block
17. Kinzel Park 2.12
German j Savings Loan Society Lot
5, block 3; lot 11, block 4, Latour
elle Falls 2.33
Sterne, Genie Lots 1, 2, block 1;
lots u, iz, 13 diock 2, i,aurei Jfark. 3.30
Bussey. Jennie M. Lot 14. block 2;
lot 12, block 4, Laurel Park 1.28
Kissel, Ella Lot 5, block 1, Lin
coln Park 17.13
Cardwell, H. W. Lots 6, 7, block 6, .
Lincoln Park 8.68
Wenkelmann, Ernest Lot 6, block
18. Lincoln Park 12.97
Tongue. Thomas H. Lot 11, block
19, Lincoln Piirk 8.56
Jlartin, Christ E, hi lots 1L 12,
.block 3. Lincoln Park Annex 4.2S
McCormick, Ellen E. Lot 8, block
5, Lincoln Park Annex 3.41
Kennedy, J. D. Lot 5. block U;
Lincoln Park Annex 3.20
Marlay. P. H. Lot 6, block 19. Lin
coln Park Annex 3.21
Associated Banking & Trust C6.,
The Lot 8. block 2L Lincoln Park
Annex 3.i
Wilson, R. B. Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, block 52, Llnnton 1.95
Rowe, Henry S. Lot 3. block 2, Lln-
-wood 4.70
Phenllne. Annie E. 66 feet of S.
of block 15. Little Homes Sub
division No. 3, DeLashmutt 8c Oat
man's 2.14
Gerhardt, Frida Lots 13. 14, 15, 16,
-block 1, Lochlnvar Addition to Al
bina 15 R
Hall. Henry Lot 19, block 1. Loch
invar AddiUon to Alblna 1.27
Beckwith, H. Lot 4. block X Lo
gan's AddlUon to East Portland.. 6.96
Andrews. Lorln H. Lots -4, 5, 6 7
,8. 9, block 1. Lorrlnton '. 2.73
Metropolitan Savings Bank Lots 7.
8, 9. 10. block 5, Mableville 1.26
Davis. W. R. Lot U. block 2, Mad-
ellne 920
Halght, Emmor J. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4 5
6. 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 J3, 14V 15. it 17
.18. 19. 20. block 2; "lots 15. 16. block
3; lots 14, 15, block 4; lots 5, 6, block
4, iuit j, , oiock a, juaegiy High
Wilson, Bruda C. Lot 14," bio ck 8.
juaegiy iiigmana 2 56
Dormer, G. T. (Helrs)-Lot 10. block '
15. Maegly Highland Addition 3.E5
Blrsh Edward W.-Lots 31. 32, block
8. Mansfield 2 41
Burton. L. H. (Trustee) Lots 1. 2. 3
4, 5. 6, 7, S, 9, 10. block S. March
mont AddiUon to East Portland.. 4.28
Yost, Benton L. Lots 10, 11, 12, 13.
14, 15. block 2, Masters' AddlUon to
Portland 5 09
Paton. Avallne A. Lot 5, block 8.
Mayor Gates' AddlUon to East
Portland u 73
Unknown owner Lot A, block 9.
Mayor Gates' Addition to East
Portland 5 42
Hexter. H. L. Lots 1. 2, S, 4, 5. 6. 7.
8. 9, 10, H. 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 17, 15
19, 20, block 4, Meadow Park Addi
tion 17.95
Marshall, John P. Lots X 2, 3. 4.
7, 8. 9, 10. 11. 12, 13, 14. 15. 16, 17.
18. 13. 20, block 5, Meadow Park
AddiUon 15 27
Harkey, Lena Lots 5. , block 1
Meadow Park AddlUon No. 2 1.70
Franseen, Edward Lot 4, block 1,
Meadowland AddlUon 11.99
Columbia Real Estate Co. Lots 21,
2. 23. Melvln 6S.54
McAllister, Charles Lots 3, 4, block
L Mendon Park 4.70
Nicholson, Mrs. G. C Lots 6, 7, 8,
9. 10, 1L block 1, ilenlo Park Sub
division; lots 1 to 34 1.19
H1U, William J. and Emory, blocks
A. B, C, Midway Annex 5.77
Campbell, Rachel Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
block 9: lots lL 12. block U, Mil
ler's Addition to Sellwood H.13
Miner, Charles L. Lots IS, 19, block
24, A. L. Miner's Addition 2.05
Turcotte. Mary C, and Marlon,
Alice Lots 3, 4, and W. 30 feet
Erie street adjoining 4, block 49,
A. L. Miner's AddiUon 5.20
Portland Land IrrlgaUon. Lumber &
Fuel Co. Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
block 1, Mistletoe 1.63
Mann, Peter J. Lots X 2, 3. 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, block 4; lots 1. 2,
3. 4, 6, 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, 12. block 5,
Morgan's Subdivision; lots 9, 10,
Glenhaven Park 5.25
Oregon Building & Loan Assocla
Uon lot 35, block 1. Mount Tabor
Place AddlUon to East Portland.. 6.E2
Clinton, Richard' (undivided hH and
Portland Land. Irrisratlon. Lumber
j & Fuel Co. (undivided ) Lots 25,
26, 27, 26, block 2. Mount Tabor
Place AddlUon to East Portland.. 3.21
Moore. Frank M. Lots 38, 39. 40,
block 4, Mount Tabor Place Addl
Uon to East Portland 2.41
Graf. Mary E. Lot 21, block 14,
Mount Tabor Villa 3:17
Baker. James P. Lots 16, 17, block
19. Mount Tabor Villa 3.51
Caldwell, John R- Lot X block 22,
Mount Tabor Villa.-. 1.48
Thornton, John F. Lots IS. 16, block
22. Mount Tabor Villa 1.26
Ncwhaus, Fred Lot 2S, block 23,
Mount Tabor Villa 2.11
Thornton.! C. a Lot 18, block 24,
Mount tabor Villa 2.24
Leydan. Selma Lot 13. block H.
Mount Tabor Villa Annex 12.65
Scott, Kate Lot 19, block 14, Mount
Tabor Villa Annex 1.43
Shupe. J. E. Lot 7, block X Mult-
nomah .............. .................. 5.13
Stearns, Theodore F. Lot 4, block
10, Multnomah 5.43
Ames, Caroline R. Lota 12, 14. block
23, Multnomah 12-SS
Cass, Catherine A. Lot 13, block 24,
Multnomah 7.05
Turin, Ida Lots 11, 12, block X
Multnomah Park 1.27
Swanson, C. G. Lots 20, 21. block 3,
Multnomah Park 1.28
Park, C. W. Lots 1, 2, 3, block 1;
Into 1 9 Vilnolr a Nnnnnrell Addl-
Uon in Glenhaven Park, subdlvl-
slon of lot 30 -
Workman. O. M. E. 16.9 feet lot 7, ,
all 10. block 6, North Alblna 1.93
Marlay, P. H. Lots 5, 6. block 11;
lot 4. block 17. North Alblna 6.69
Unsworth, Richard Lots 8, 9, 10.
block 23. North Alblna 6.84
TlUe Guarantee & Trust Co. Lot 1.
block A; lot X block B; lots 5. 6,
block 12; lots 4, 5, 6, 8. block 15;
lots 12. 13. 14, block 16, North Ir-
vington 43.62
RaYirt nnYiOTtTtx B. 7. "block 9.
North Mount Tabor 1.34
Terger. Helena A. Lot 2, block 4,
North PorUand W.71
Warren, H. E. Lots 13, 14, block L
North Villa 1.80
Bloomer, William J. Lot 2, block 5,
North Villa u'ii'"Jir 1-4S
Hill. George H. Lots A. B. C. D.
E, F, G, Northern Hill AddlUon
to PorUand ., 7.59
Pacific States Savings, Loan &
Bliildlng Co. Commencing on the
SE. corner lot 16; thence northerly
on S.'llne lots 16. 17 58.65 feet to
the N. line of Harrison street;
thence W. 6S.7 feet to the E. line
of Mount Tabor avenue; thence
N. on the E. line of Mount Tabor
avenue 48.5 feet; thence easterly
to a point in E. line of lot 16, 40
feet northerly from point of be
ginning; thence southerly on the
E. line of lot 16 to beginning, lots
16. 17, block 2, Northwest Mount
Tabor 5.62
Pleeming, Ed L. Lots 12, 13. block
10S, Norwood 2.56
Moshner, Fred Lots 18, 19, block 2.
Orchard Place 1.27
Anlbel, E. Lot 8, block 4, Orchard
Place 1,92
Shurland,"""Theodore-Lots 11, 12,
block 4. Orchard Place 1.27
Chase, H. M, Heirs Lots 1. 2. 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 16,
block 81; lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9,
10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 16. block 82; lots
1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9. 10, U, 12, 13,
It, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19. 20, 2L 22, 23, 24.
block S3; lots 1. 2, block 84, Pala
tine Hill No. 3 - 9.63
Summer-field, John, Trustee Lots 1,
2. 3. 4, 5, 6. 7. S, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14,
15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20, block 95, Pala
tine Hill No. 3 2.S0
Lincoln, E. P. Lot 14, block 14. Par
adise Springs Tract 2.67
Wood, Clarke P. Lot 1L block 2,
Park AddlUon to Alblna 2.63
Mcndelson, Rachel Lots 10. 11,
block 11, Park AddlUon to Albina. 2.99
Chase, Henry M., Heirs Lots 1. 2, 3,
4. 5. 6, 7, 8, block 7, M. Patton's
AddlUon to Albina 34.27
Muldoon. Margaret Lot 9. block 2,
M. Patton's Tract, Subdivision C. 2.56
Helman, A. L. Lot 16. block 2, M.
Patton's Tract, Subdivision C 2.56
Wygant, Theodore Lots 5, 6, block
2. M. Patton's Tract Subdivision
W. L 5.15
Caswell, E. O. Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5,
block 7, Peninsular AddlUon to
East Portland 2.34
Ellrich. H. Lots 34, 35, block 12.
Peninsular AddlUon No. 2 to East
PorUand ,... 1.27
Miller, Charles L. Lots X 2, 3, 4,
5. block 14, Peninsular AddlUon
No.' 2 to East Portland 2.14
Scott Susan J. Lots 23. 24, 23. block
14. Peninsular AddlUon No. 2 to
East Portland 1.27
Anderson. BenJamln-Lots 36. 37, 38.
39, 40, block 17, Peninsular Addi
tion No. 2 to East Portland 8.99
Engberg. Carl G. Lots 1. 2. 3, ,
block 59, Peninsular AddlUon No.
4 to East PorUand 1.94
Masten. E. M- Lo 33. block 35,
Piedmont vt 2.59
Gilmore, A. R. Lot 13, block 44,
Piedmont 2.99
Menefee, Joseph P. Lot 18, block 1,
Piedmont Park 1.27
Stewart Sam, and Charley. John
Lot IS, block 2, Piedmont Park.. 1.27
Stein, John, and Aaltje Klodewyn
(wife) Lot 4, block 3, Piedmont
Posson, M N""HelrsEViots9,
10, block 1, Pleasant Home Addl
Uon to East Portland 6.42
KUlln. Benton, and King, E. A.
Lot 1, block 5, Pleasant View Ad-
dltlon 9.42
Point View Real Estate Co. Lots
27. 28, 29. 30, 31. 32, 33. 34. 35. 25.
block 2; lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 33, 34. 35, 36,
block 3: lots 6. 7. block 5: lots 19.
20. 2L 22, 29. 30. block 8, lots 2S. 29.
block 11, Point View , 9.23
Reld, James W. H. Lots 31. 32, 33,
34, block 4; lots 1, 2t 3, 4, block 6,
Point View 4 1.92
Lewis. Leon EL N. hi lot 3. block
51; lot 8, block 211, Portland 1559.37
Cake. H. M. Undivided hi lot 7.
block 70, Portland 60.32
White. Leah Except E. 0 feet N.
hi lot 6. block 86, PorUand 21.42
Woman's Missionary Association of
United Brethren Lot 4, block 133,
Portland 66.40
Roman Catholic Archbishop of the
Diocese of Oregon W. 75 feet lot
8, block 156. Portland 62.11
Walt Aaron E. Lots 4. 5, block 187;
lots X 2. 7. 8. block 1SS. Portland.. 235.18
AInsworth National Bank Lots 3, 6,
block 329. Portland 2S.91
Hulman. Honora W. hi lots 1, 2,
block NW. hi T, Portland 34.27
Clark, Lewis W. Lot 7, block 3S;
E. hi lots X 2. block 4S, Portland
City Homestead 3.00
Jones. Alta R. W. Lot 8. block 56,
Portland City Homestead 1.72
Humohrey. James, Trustee Lots 4.
8. block 60; lot L block 71, Portland
City Homestead 1.29
Macken, Lewis Lots 1, 2, block 67,
Portland City Homestead 2.57
Baumgartner. Charles, and Miller,
Conrad Subdivision 4. lot 2, block
3. Portland Homestead, Goodsell's
Subdivision 6.43
Everest M. E. 20 feet of W. SO
feet. Subdivision H; W. 20 feet
Subdivision G, lot 1. block 4. Port
land Homestead, Brown's Subdivi
sion 2.57
Oppenhoff, Susan M. N. 55 feet Sub
division F, lot 2, block 6. Port
land Homestead, Prince's Subdivi
sion 21.21
Oppenhoff, Susan M. N. 60 feet of
B. 20 feet lot 3. block 6, Port
land Homestead z.22
Porter. Jennie Lot 3, block 14,
Portland Homestead 39.63
Helblng, Louise Lots 15, 16, block 3,
Portsmouth 2.14
Equitable Savings & Loan Associa
tion Lot 1L block 4. Portsmouth 12.00
Cavanaugh, Andrew. Heirs Lots 11,
12, 13, block 7, Portsmouth 3.64
Steeves, Lydla Lots 17, 18, block
15. Portsmouth 2.14
Doran. Samuel Lots 8, 9, 10, block
23, Portsmouth 3.64
Bean. Zachariah C Lots 18. 19, 20,
block 23. Portsmouth 3.64
Purington, Cora Lots 8, 9, 10. block
25, Portsmouth 3.64
Lutz, John A., Jr. Lots IS, 19, 20,
block 29. Portsmouth 3.64
Lundberg, August Lot 2, block F,
Portsmouth Villa Extended 1.71
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lota
14, 15. lot F, Portsmouth Villa Ex
tended 4,07
Bowman. Emily L. Lots 13, 14,
Wnclr Ti. PnHnmntith Vlllo !? .
I tended - 2.S6
jvavanaugn. ivate. Heirs Lot 2,
block 2. W. D. Prettyman's Sub
division 201
Sarsfield, James W. 2Siof N. 93
feet lot 16, block 5, Proebstel's
Subdivision 4 29
Barton. Clara E. W. 25 feet lots 9,
10, block 8, Proebstel's Subdivision 2.14
Jerome. Nancy B.. Heirs N. 17 feet
lot 13, lot 14; N. 62 feet lot 15,
block 11. Proebstel's Subdivision.. 16.71
Lewis. Herman A. Lots 12, 13, 14, 15,
block 1. Prunedale Addition to
PorUand 135
Anderson. James Lots 3, 4, block
3. Raffetys AddiUon to East
Portland .- 9.54
Hoar. John L. Lots 5, 6, 7, S, block
3, Railroad Heights 2.78
Balfour. Guthrie Investment Co.
Lots 15, 16, block 8. Railroad Shops
AddlUon 17.15
Cawston, Pearl Block 5, Ravens
view 9.64
Goodsell. David Block 14. R part
block 15; "iV. part block 15, Ra-
vensvlew 15.11
German Savings & Loan Society,
The Block 16; all except tract .
6wned by City of Portland, Ra
vensvlew , 86.46
Eastern Contract Co., The Lots 6,
10, block 2; lot 13. block 6; lots 8,
12, block 10; lots 12, 16. block U,
Richmond AddlUon to East Port
land 16.05
Bishop, J. W. Lots 14, IE. block 3,
Richmond AddlUon to East Port
land :. 2.50
Walker, C. A. Lots IS, 30. block 8,
Richmond AddlUon to East Port
land 4 12.41
Walters, Sarah A. Lots 9, 10, U, 12,
block 8. Rlverdale 3.90
ConUncntal Insurance Co. of New
York, The Lots 12. 15, 23, 24. block
2, Riverside Addition to Alblna... 5.57
Leonard. Herman C Lot 5. block
4. Riverside AddiUon to Albina... 1.80
Epplng. E. R. Lot 15, block 6, Riv
erside AddlUon to Alblna 1.S0
Holbrook, E. C Lots 5, 6, block 2;
lots 3, 4. 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, 23, 24,
fclock 10; lots 6, 7, 8. 18. 19. 20, 2L
S block 13, Riverside AddlUon to
blna , 37.26
Byer, William F. Lot 8. block 10,
Riverside AddlUon to Alblna LSO
Byrenes, John Lot 5, block 3, Rlv
ervlew Subdivision 4.23
Second Evangelical Church, Trus
tees N. hi lot 14, block 6, Rlver
vlew Subdivision 14.93
Methodist Episcopal Church Lot 11,
block 15, Rlvcrvlew Subdivision... 24.63
Blsch, Philippa, Heirs Lot H, block
s, noseaaio a.
Daniels, Harry, and Chambers, E.
A. Lot 9, block 7, Rosedale Annex 1.92
Dillon. Charles T. Lots 8. 9, block
8,. Rosedale Annex 4.05
Blsch. Philippa. Heirs Lots 10, 13.
14. block 8, Rosedale Annex 5.99
Cockrell. H. E. Lots 3. 4. block 9.
Rosedale Annex 3.85
Marlay, P. H. Lot 5, block 11, Rose
dale Annex 1.92
Caldwell, W. F. Lots 6, 7, block 11,
Rosedale Annex 4.06
Smith. T. H. Lot 2. block 2. Rose
lawn U.7S
Parker, L. J. Lots 6, 7, block 2,
Roselawn 16.27
Ladd. WHUam M. W. 22 feet of lot
9. lots 10. 11. 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. W.
22 feet of lot IS, block 2; lots 1. 2, 7,
8, A, B, block 3, Salisbury H1U... 219.12
Schmeer, Henry H. Lot 3, block 2;
lots 7. 8, block 4. Schmeer's Addl
Uon to Portland 11.70
Fitzgerald, J. T. Lot 8, block 4.
Scoffln's AddlUon 1.27
Roub. Parmella J. Lot 4, block 11,
Sellwood '. 2.99
Acock, Anna Lots 6, 17, block 33,
Sellwood - 2.93
Marlay. P. H. Lot 12. block 35.
Sellwood 2.K
Gill. John Lot 10, block 39, Sell
wood 2.99
Pendell, C. E. Lot 9, block 43, Sell
wood 2.52
Smith. B. F. Lot 1, block 51, Sell
wood 15.84
Madden. Mrs. E. B. Lot 5. block 5L
Sellwood 15.20
Hawthorne, Rachel L. Lot 2, block
60, Sellwood 1.92
Goodln. F. C. and Palmer, NetUe
L. Lot 18. block 6S: lots 8. 9, block
70; lots 17. 18, block 83, Sellwood.. 10.49
Melkle, D. E. Lots 7, 8. block 71,
Sellwood 4.70
Nelson. A. M. W. hi lots 12, 13,
block 75, Sellwood 2.99
Hutchlns, Minnie Lot 4, block 87,
Sellwood 2.35
Franseen. Amelia M. Lot 6, block
2. Seventh Street Terrace 3.42
Blggen. Sylvester B. Lota 6. 7,
block 9, Seventh Street Terrace... H.55
Goldsmith. Louis J. Lots 11, 12.
fractional lot 13. block 10, Seventh
Street Terrace 17.93
Investors' Mortgage Security Co.,
Ltd. Lots B. C. Skyland 51.62
Voos. Lucy E. Lots 16, 17, block X
Smith's Subdivision and AddlUon
to East Portland 19.70
McCullough. Mary Lot 7, Gold
smith's Subdivision of block- 9,
Smith's Subdivision and AddlUon
to East PorUand 4.70
Wheatman. John Lot 8. Goldsmith's
Subdivision of block 9, Smith's
Subdivision and Addition to East
Portland 4.70
Smith. Isabella, and Reed. William
J. Lots 4, 6. Oatman's Subdivision
of block 12. Smith's Subdivision
and AddlUon to East Portland:
lot 9. Oatman's Subdivision of
block 13. Smith's Subdivision and
Addition to East Portland 21.42
Turner, Henry Lots 44, 45. block 5,
Smlthson Land Co.'s AddlUon to
East PorUand 1.27
Burckhardt. Charles A. Lot 9,
block 7. Southern Portland 15.41
Bower. Lucy S. Lots 2, 4, block 10,
Southern PorUand 7.50
Curray, Kate Lot 19, block 15,
Southern Portland .. 5.33
Johnstone. James S. Lots 14, 16, IS,
block IS, Southern Portland 5.35
Cake, H- M. and W. M. Lots 17, 18,
block 19, Southern Portland 4.29
Law, W. M. Lots 7, 9, block 27 B,
Southern Portland, Subdivision lot
2 4.70
Schiller, L. Lots 23. 46, 47. 43, block
4, Stanley No. 2 1.55
Paquet Eliza E. Lot 5 and S. 5 feet
lot 6, block 46, Stephens' Addition
to East Portland 10.06
Oxer, Reglna J. Lots 3, 4. block 55,
Stephens' Addition to East Port
land 59.32
Loverldge, Minnie E. hi lot It N.
16 2-3 feet of E. Ipt 2. block 81.
Stephens' Addition to East Port
land 24.42
Bevan. John W. Lot 2, block 109.
Stephens' Addition to East Port
land 18.32
Danzlger. Abraham L. Lot 7, block
129, Stephens' Addition to East
Portland 10.71
Fields. Charles E.. and Frank S.
Lots o, 6, block 10, Summit Addition
to East Portland 2.81
Anderson. Mary L. E. 41 feet lots
7, S, 9. block 3. Sunnyslde 24.41
Sunnyslde Land & Improvement Co.
Lot 8. block 5. Sunnyslde 3.44
Smith, M. W. Lots 8, 12. block 7,
Sunnysido -U.93
Sunnyslde Boys' Brigade E. hi lot
9, all lot 12. block 21. Sunnyslde... 12.-85
First CongregaUonal Church Lot
13. S. hi lot 14, block 29, Sunnysido 7.10
Schaffers, Anton Lots 5, 6, block 39,
Sunnyslde 11.12
Carson, Mlnnetta A. Lots 16, 17, IS,
block 52, Sunnyslde 14.99
Dundee. Christopher W. hi. E. lot
S. block 14. Sunnyslde Addition.... 4.70
Clinton. Richard Lots 7. 8. 9, 10,
block 6, Sunset Park AddlUon No.
2 to East Portland , 2.81
Lamberson, Buell, Heirs Undivid
ed hi lot 2B, block T, Tabor
Heights 2.32
Lamberson. Buell. Heirs Undivided
hi lot 1. block U; undivided V- lot
5. block V; undivided u g. of
Broughton avenue, block Y; undi
vided hi E. hi S. of Broughton ave
nue, block Z; all of W. hi of block
Z, Tabor Heights 6.66
Armstrong. Kate A. Lots 11, 12. 13,
14. 15, 16. block 2; lots 6, 7. 8, 9.
block 3, Tabor View 2.03
Bowman. B. H. Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. 5,
6, block 3; lots 1, 2. block 16; lots
18, 19. 20. block 5. Taborside 12.93
Lawyer, Eliza J. Lots 11, 12, block
16, Taborside 1.47
Elliott, W. C. Lots 2. 14, 15, block
2, Terminus AddlUon 5.56
Thompson, George C Lot 1, block
6; lot 13, block 6, Terminus 5.47
Leonard, Catherine Lot 12, block 7,
Terminus Addition 2.14
Tlbbetts. Mary El hi lots 5, 6, block
16, Tlbbetts' AddlUon to East
Portland 8.99
Morgan, Mary Lots 3, 4. block IS,
Tlbbetts' Addition to East Port
land 20.9S
Harris. Edwin F. Lot 23, block C.
Tlbbetts AddlUon to East Port
land 5.77
Tlbbetts. Mary. Heirs Lot 1, block
8, Tlbbetts' Homestead 3.85
Simpson. Grover B. Lots 3, 6, 7,
block 15. Tolman Tract 4.2s
Bulger, Kate A., Heirs Lots 13, 14,
block 17. Tolman Tract 3.41
Holland, Charles C Lots 2, 3, 9, 10,
11. 12. 13, block 39, Tremont 3.56
Unknown Owner Lot 3, block 46,
University Park 1.96
University Land Co. Lot 18. block
66; lots 16, 17, block 126. University
Park 1.71
Van Scoy, Thomas. Heirs Lot 19.
E. hi of lot 20. block 66. Univer
sity Park 16.92
Tucker, L. C Lots 6, 7, block 125,
University Park 1.23
Laue, Delia B. Lots 17. 18. block
132, University Park 1S.42
Brown. Wlllard J. Lots 20, 31, 32,
33, block 132. University Park 18.75
Elder, William C Lots 13. 14, block
140, University Park ....1 1.23
University Land Co. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4,
hlock 15S. University Park 1.92
i Hlbernla Savings Bank S. 40 feet
of lot 6, block o, versteeg s Addi
tion to Portland . 6.64
Versteeg. John Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 6,
block 6; lots 7, 8, 9, 10. block 7,
Verstecirs AddlUon to Portland.. 46.26
Lamson. R. H. Lots 12, 14. block 1,
Villa Heights ..'. 17.13
Merchant Warren, and Morgan, W.
H. H. All N. of division line of
Blacklstone claim; all block 30,
Watson's Addition to Portland... 5.14
Cake. H. M.-NE. hi of block 17; E.
55.875 feet of W. 130 feet block 46.
Waverly AddlUon 17.1.1
Akin, F. S. All of block 60, Waver
ly AdrfiUoa ..: 4 19.27
Wells, W. B. Lot 4. block 91, West
Irvington 8.56
Ryan. Elizabeth Lot 6, block 106.
IVest Irvington ..'..... 8.56
Hartman. J. L., Trustee Lots 9, 10,
11. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16,17. 18. 19, 20, 21.
22, 23, 24, block 9: lots 3, 4. 5, 6, 7.
8. 3. 10. block1 10. West PorUand
Center 1.93
Wheeler. G. W. S. hi of SE. .
block 22. Wheeler's AddlUon to
East Portland 29.93
Multnomah Real Estate AssocIaUon
Lot 1. block 3; lot 6, block 5; lot
17, block 5; lots 8. 15, 16. block 8;
lot 4. block 20, Willamette 9.84
WIndle. Joseph Lots 17, 18. block 13,
Willamette 3.00
Roub. Parmella J. Lot 17, block IS.
Willamette 1.27
Whitney, Martha J. Lots 7, 3, 9,
10. 11, 12, block 20, Willamette 8.13
Slcklnger, MarUn Lot 9, block 23,
Willamette 1.27
Brooks, W. F. Lots 17, 20, block B,
Willamette Heights AddiUon to
PorUand 31.06
Curtain. Sarah Lot 9. block 3, Will
iams Avenue AddlUon 23.56
Manley, A. B. Lot 2. block 4, Will
iams Avenue AddlUon 6.43
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon Lot
7. block 6; lot IS. block 11; lots 11,
19. 20. block 12; lot 6, block 15,
Williams Avenue Addition 51.41
Baker. E. R., Trustee Lots 1, 6,
block 1. Woodlawn 4.82
Pern. L. T. Lot 15. block X Wood
lawn 11.13
Dekum, Adolph A. Lots 13, 11, block
X .Woodlawn 4.61
David. John B. Lots 5, 15, block 2,
Woodlawn 3.42
Stewart, Sarah J. Lot .5, block 4,
Woodlawn 1.71
Stange. Gottfried Lot 6. block i,
Woodlawn 1.71
Mason. John K. Lot 13. block 4.
Woodlawn 1.71
Mason. Kate A. Lot 14. block 4.
Woodlawn 10.71
Upton, Charles S. Lot 2, block 10,
Woodlawn 4.70
Kelly. C. A. Lot 6. bldck 19. Wood
lawn ;. . 12.41
Falbey. M. F. Lot 14, block 19,
Woodlawn 1.71
Harvey, Edward G. Lot 4, block 20,
Woodlawn 1.71
Sauze, James Lot 15, block 20,
Woodlawn 1.71
Howes, Honora Lots 5. 6, block 33,
Woodlawn .- 3.42
Epperly, John Lot 15, block 37,
Woodlawn . 1.71
Vanderbeck. G. A. Lot 5. block 39,
Woodlawn 10.27
Baker. E. R., Trustee Lot3 2, 4, 6,
block 5. Woodlawn Heights 5.56
Rosenburg, Olaf A. H. V. Lot 1,
block 40; W. hi of lot 4. and E.
of lot 4, block 40. Woodstock 2.18
Frlendrlcks, Emma W. hi of lot 3
and E. hi lot 3; block 40, Wood
stock 2.18.
Haverly, James C, Trustee Lot 3,
block 69, Woodstock ::.... 2.24
Hollaway, Edward Lot 5, block 3,
Wynkoop Villa 7.06
Bahler, Samuel Lots 1? 2, block J,
Wynkoop Villa 16.27
Conn. William Lot 16. block 5,
York , 3.S5
Hawthorne Estate, The Lot X block
8: lots X 2, block 10; lot 3, block 11.
York H.56
Sheldon, L. C Lot 12, block 9, York 4.49
Hlllman, J. Con hi lots 4, 5, block
C, Cornell Mountain Park 1.80
Feurer. Louis Lots 8. 9, 11, 12, 15.
Gcrmantown 7.56
Campbell. Jerome W. Undivided
lot 2, Glenwood Park 24.63
O'Malley, J. J. NE. of lot 12,
Hazelwood 3.33
Mayer, Leopold Lot 29, Hlllhurst. 2.13
Scott Charles M. Lot 7, Irvington
Acreage Tract S.T55
Jenne, P. P., Trustee Lot A, The
Jenne Tract 4.35
Smith, Isabella, and Reed, William
J. Lot 35, Little Homes No. 2.
DeLashmutt & Oatman's Subdivi
sion .. ,4.37
Rodney, Henry F. Undivided of
tt. , 10c is, iiarysvuie : i.go
Parker, Ernest H. Block 5. and E.
hi block 6; lots 2. 3. block 9 lots 3,
4, block 10, Newhurst Park ....... 6.97
Patton. Robert, Heirs Strip 23. feet
wide W. of and adjoining- strip 23
feet wide E. of and adjoining block
J. M. Patton's Tract . 9.42
.Patton. Robert Heirs Strip 22x12
feet W. of and adjoining strip 23
feet E. of and adjoining block O,
M. Patton Tract 23.70
Mathews. William Blocks 16, 17, 13,
19, 20, River Road Tract 4.29
Security Savings & Trust Co. hi
lots 6, 8, block B, Smith's. Addition
to Portland 3.09
Chase. Henry M., Heirs Blocks 50,
51, 52. 53. 54. Verdanta 2.58
Truman. William S. All that por- '
tlon of the Alexander Brown D.
L. C lying S. of Mud Slough ex
cept 44.S0 acres described in Book
150. page 205, Sec 4, T. 1 N., R. 1.
E., 105 acres 36.53
Barnett G. B. Beginning 1364.32 feet
N. 71 deg. W. and 559.5 feet N. 19
deg. E. of SE. corner of South
mayd D. L. C; thence N. 19 deg.
E. 167.5 feet; thence N. 71 deg. W.
260 feet; thence S. 19 deg. W. 167.5
feet; thence S. 71 deg. E. 260 feet to
beginning. 1 acre. Sec 6, T. 1 N.,
R. 1 E ! 2.17
Willis, Guy G. Beginning 9.66 chains
S. and 2.50 chains E. of NW. cor
ner of section 7; thence S. 71 deg.
E. 14.535 chains to point of begin
ning; thence S. 20 deg. 15 mln. W.
6.402 chains; thence S. 71 deg. E.
7.015 chains: thence N. 20 deg. 15 .
mln. E. 6.402 chains; thence N. 71
deg. W. 7.015 chains to beginning,
Sec 7. T. 1 N., R. 1 E.. 4.50 acres.. 17.37
Truman, William S. Beginning In
center of County road, 'which
crosses the W. line of J. Foster D.
L. C. 2.75 chains S. of section line
between sections 5 and 8; thence N.
24.85 chains to NW. corner of said
D. L. C; thence S. 67 deg. 15 mln.
E. 34.10 chains; thence S. to NW.
corner Rankin D. L. C; thence S.
25.10 chains to Renter line of coun
ty road; thence along said road to
beginning, except 2.50 acres de
scribed In Book 169, page 476, and
except tract described In Book 179,
page 396. Sees. 4, 5, 8, 9, T. 1 N., R.
1 E.. 67.85 acres 9S.58
Voss, Carl F. E. Beginning; 220 feet
S. of NE. corner lot 6; thence S.
220 feet: thence W. ISO feet; thence
N. 220 feet: thence E. ISO feet to
beginning, Sec 30. T. 1 N., R. 1 E.,
1 acre 1.22
King, Nathum A. (Caroline D. Hol-
man) Beginning in E. line of
King street 151.92 feet southerly
from intersection of E. line of
King street and S. line of Wash
ington street: thence southerly 60.02
feet; thence easterly 100 feet;
thenco northerly 60.02 feet; thenco
westerly 100 feet to beginning, Sec.
S3. T. 1N..R.1 E., 0.14 acre 85.63
Adams, Charles F. All of G. Mil
lard D. L. C. in section 7. lying
S. of Mud Slough, and E. of a line
running due N. from NE. corner
William Hall D. L. C. NE. of
SW. , and lot 3. 86.95 acres. Sec.
7. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E 20.73
Kelland, Robert Undivided 2-3 of
the following: W. 35 acres- of S.
hi of SW. hi. Sec 23. T. 1 N., R.
2 E 35 acres 10.69
Wills, Clara A. (Jacobs, George)
Beginning 30 feet W. of NE. corner
of George Hamilton D. L. C;
thence S. 57 deg. 30 mln. E. 1250
feet; thence N. on township line
1C65 feet to S. bank of Columbia
River; thence N. 80 deg. W. 1234
feet; thence S. 930 feet to begin
ning, Sec. 24, T. 1 N., R. 2 E., 27.86
acres 6.10
Brown. C A. Beginning 8.295 chains
N. of Vipost in S. line section 28;
thenco E. 12.06 chains; thence N.
8.295 chains; thence W. 12.06 chains;
thence S. 8.293 chains to beginning,
Sec 23, T. 1 N., R. 2 E.. 10 acres.... 4.87
Wyberg-, Pauline Beginning 20.625
chains E. of SW. corner section
31; thence N. 1L45 chains; thence
E. 4.505 chains: thence S. 11.45
chains: thenco W. 4.305 chains to
beginning. Sec. 31, T. 1 N., R. 2
E.. 5.15 acres t 81.66
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. (Shea
rer. Mllly H.) Commencing 13S2.52
feet E. and 754.02 feet N. of hi
section corner in W. line of sec
tion 33; thence E. 475 feet: thence
N. 183.41 feet; thence W. 475 feet;
thence S. 183.41 feet to beginning,
Sec. 33. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E.. 2 acres.... 5.25
Smith. Seneca E. hi. except W.
of W. hi of NE. i4, Sec 35. T. 1
N., R. 2 E., 2S0 acres 143.92
Smith. Seneca W. hi. Sec. 36, T. 1
N., R. 2 E., 320 acres 152.47
Hugglns, Frank A. Beginning 21.14
chains N. of SW. corner of E. R.
Scott D. L. C: thence W. 14.12
chains; thence N. 27.46 chains to
center of county road; thence east
erly along road to E. line of Rob
erts' D. L. C: thence S. to begin
ning, Sees. 28 and 33, T. 1 N., R.
3 E., 30.61 acres. , 20.87
Williams, James, Heirs Beginning
15.40 chains N. and 1.14 chains E. of
N. secUon meander cornes on S.
bank of Columbia River: on )Ine
between sections 23 and 29; thence
N. 16 deg. 34 mln. E. 45.72 chains;
thence S. 52 deg. 40 mln. E. 6.90
chains; thence S. 63 deg. IS mln. E.
45.70 chains: thence S. 44 deg. 19
mln. E 19.80 chains; thence S. 64
deg. W. 23 chains; thence S. 81
deg. 14 mln. W. 30.30 chains; thence
N. 73 deg. 30 mln, W. 24.40 chains
to beginning. Sec 28, T. 1 N., R. 4
- E.. 225 acres , 16.93
Bro'Wn, E. R. Lot 1, Sec 29. T. 1 N.,
R. 4 E.. 44.40 acres
Felt Paul 8- hi of S. of SW. hi
Sec. 36. T. 1 N., R. 4 E., 40 acres.
Gorman. John J. Lots 1. 2, 3. 4.
Sec 20, T. 1 N R. 5 E., HS.53
acres ,....
Phillips, Horace H. NE. of NE.
Sic 28. T. 1 N., R. 5 E., 40
Flejrel. Austin F. Lot 3. Sec" 30 T
1N..B.5 E.. 11.25 acres 2.26
Fleas. Alvln SW hi of NW hi Sec
30, T. 1 N R. 5 E.. 40 acres 4.96
Latourell, Mason E. NE. hi of NE.
sec 32, x. 1 im.. u. a n.,
McGowan. James W. Beginning on
United States Meander lino be
tween sections 3 and 4; thence S.
67 deg. W. 269L5 feet; thenco N.
33 deg. W. 401 feet; thence N. 53
deg. 45 mln. E. 4S3 feet; thence
f. 57 deg. 30 min. E. 772.6 feet;
thence N. 62 deg. 18" min. E. 924.9
feet; thenco N. 69.43 feet E. 636.4
feet; thence N. 66 deg, 16 mln. E.
693.2 feet; thence S. 22 deg. SO min.
E. 227 feet; thence S. 67 deg. 30
min. W. 785 feet to beginning,
Sees. 3 and 4. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E.,
27.10 acres 14.23
Columbia Land Co. Lot 1, Sec 4,
T. 1 N., R. 6 E.. 25.16 acres 2.S5
Buchtel, Joseph Lot 4, Sec 7, T.
1 N., R. 6 B., 53.10 acres 7.14
Ladd & Bush N. hi and SE. hi
Sec 12, T. 1 N., R. 6 E., 4S0
-acres , 68.54
Ladd & Bush NW. Sec 13, T.
1 N., R. 6 E., 160 acres 22.S4
Robertson, James H. SW. Sec
14, T. 1 N.. R. 6 E., 160 acres 22.84
AInsworth National Bank N. or
NW. and SE. hi of NW. hi Sec
15. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E.. 120 acres 17.13
Moore. Albert NE. hi Sec 21, T. 1
N.. R. 6 B., 160 acres .... 21.84
Bell. John M. NW. hi Sec 22. T. 1
N.. R. 6 E., 160 acres 21.84
Watts, Moses A. NE. Sec 22, T.
1 N., R. 6 E., 160 acres 24.03
Latourell, Mason E. N. hi of NE.
and SW. hi of NE Sec. 24,
T. 1 N R. 6 E., 120 acres 17.13
Hazen. George W.. Receiver NE.
hi of SE. hi and a is. K 01 wis.
Sec 24, T. 1 N., R. 6 E., 80 acres..
Curl, Frank S. NW. hi Sec 35, T.
1 N.. R. 6 E., 160 acres
Angell. William Thomas S. hi of
SE. k Sec 36, T. 2 N., R. 6 E..
80 acres ..
Leavens, D. O.-SW. of SE. hi
Sec 21, T. 2. N., R. 7 E., 40 acres.
Leavens. D. O. NW. hi of NE.
Sec 23, T. 2 N.. R. 7 E., 40 acres.
Carlson, John Beginning at most
-westerly corner or n. u. Camp
bell's land In northeasterly line of
Jersey street; thence northeasterly
along NW. line of Campbell Tract
177.35 feet;, thence northwesterly
at right angles 206.5 feet to south
easterly line of John Wlndle's
Tract: thence southwesterly along
said line 177.35 feet; thertce south
easterly 206.5 feet to beginning.
Sees. 1 and 2. T. 1 N.. R. 1 W.,
-' 0.S4 acre , 3.25
Nlckum, Susanna W- 8.75 acres of
S. hi Of SW. hi Of SW. hi Sec. 22,
T. 1 N., R. 1 W., S.75 acres
Mackintosh. William S. hi of Wil
liam E. Cooper D. .L. C, Sec. 52,
T. 2 N., R. 1 W., SO acres
Smith. Preston C. (Heirs) and W. V.
Undivided of the NW. hi and
NE. hi of SE?. hi and lots 1. 2. 3
4, 5, except 33.84 acres described in
book 148, page 164, Sec 9, T. 2 N.,
R. 1 W., 330.86 acres 30.51
Smith, Preston C. (Heirs) and W. V.
Undivided Vi lots 3. 4. 7. Sec 10.
T 9 XT TJ 1 Ttr TI CTl nnM.
Smith. Preston C. feelrs) and W. V.
Undivided hi of all of N. of
the -Ellis Walker D. L. C. lying W.
of slough, Sees. 9. 10. 15 and 16, T.
2 N.. R. 1 W., 139.33 acres
Charlton. Margaret C All of lots
1. 2, 3, 4, 5, lying E. of Gilbert
River; also beginning 56.48 chains
S. of NE. -corner of Mathcw
White D. L. C; thence S. 43 deg.
30 mln., E. 30.1S chains; thence W.
47.-T5 chains; thence S. 43 deg., W.
6 chains; thence N. 47 deg.. W. 11
chains; thence N. 31 deg. 30 mln.
E. 22.09 chains; thence E. 27
chains to beginning, Sec 16, T. 2
N., R. 1 W.. 259.57 acres '.. 21.47
Smith. Preston C. (Heirs) and W. V.
Beginning at NE. corner of
Cllne D. L. C: thence S. 40 deg.
35 mln. W. SO chains; thence N. 67
deg. W. 7.42 chains; thence N. 40
deg. 35 mln. E. 10.40 chains; thence
N. 32 deg. W. 9.S0 chains; thence
N. 40 deg. 35 mln. E. 12.46 chains;
thence N. 50 deg. 25 mln. E. 23.33
chains; thence S. 49 deg. 25 min.
E. 5.30 chains; thence N. 40 deg. 45
min. E. 2S.74 chains; thenco S. 43
aeg. a. 6.2a cnams to beginning.
Sees. S, 9. 16. 17, T. 2 N.. R. 1 W..
88.50 acres
Randall, George (Heir) SE. of
SW. hi Sec 19. T. 2 N., R. 1 W.,
40 acres
Baker Loan Investment Co. SW.
hi of NE. hi and SE. Y of NW. hi
Sec 19. T. 2N.. R. 1 W.. 40 acres..
Charlton. Margaret C N. hi of Jo
seph Charlton D. L. C, Sec. 22. T.
2 N.. R. 1 W.. 139.93 acres 13.00
Paget. Margaret C S. hi of NE. ,
N. hi of SE. hi and SE. of SE.
Sec 31, T. 2 N., R. 1 W., 120
acres 1
Cooper, C. B. SW. hi of SW. U Sec
2, T. 2 N.. R. 2 W.. 40 acres
Francis, William 3. NE. & of SW.
hi Sec. 15. T. 2 N., R. 2 W., 40
Larsen, Nels N. hi of S. hi of NE.
hi. except 30 feet roadway running
N. and S., See. 22. T. 2 N., R. 2
W., 40 acres
Brown, Jennie M. Beginning at
NW. corner lot 5, block 10, Cen
tral Addition; thence W. SO feet;
thence S. 61) feet; thence E. 80 feet;
thence N. 60 feet to beginning-.
Sec 2. T. 1 S R. 1 E., 0.11 acre..
Boeschen, Mrs. B. Commencing at
center line of East Seventeenth
street extended, and S. line of
Belmont street; thence S. 191 2-3
feet; thence E. 6 feet: thence N.
191 2-3 feet: thence W. 6 feet to
beginning, Sec 2, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
0.03 acre
Robertson, Mary Commencing 422.8
zeet . or sis. corner ueimont and
East Sixteenth street; thence E.
355.5 feet; thchce S. 181.5 feet to
N. line of Brown's Addition;
thence W. 355.5 feet to E. line of
East Sixteenth street; thence N.
1S4 feet to beginning, except 60x
355.5 feet in East Taylor street.
Sec 2, T. 1 S.. R. 1 E., 1 acre 42.84
Newell, W. H. Commencing 60 feet
E. of SE. corner block A, Caruth
ers AddlUon; thence E. 100 feet;
thence N. 50 feet; thence "W. 100
feet: thence S. 50 feet to begin
ning, Sec. 3. T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 0.12
McLaughlin, Ann Commencing
25.80 chains N. and 1.50 chains W.
of hi post on S. line of section 6;
thence W. 5.S2 chains; thonce N.
5.16 chains; thence E. to point 7.215
chains W. of E. line of Jones D.
L. C; thence southeasterly to
place of beginning. Sec 6, T. 1
S., R. 1 E., 1.88 acres
Unknown Owner Beginning 60 feet
E. of NE. corner block X. Kerns
AddlUon: thence E. 100 feet;
thenco N. to S. line of property
owned by W. S. Ladd heirs;
thence W. 100 feet: thence S. to
beginning, Sec 11. T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
0.07 acre
Cleland, John B. (Margaret Rob
ertson) Beginning 200 feet E. and
331 feet N. of SW. corner of the
A- C. Kelly D. L. C; thence S.
173 feet; thence W. 151 feet; thence
N. 173 feet; thence E. 151 feet to
beginning. Sec. 13, T. 1 S., R. 1
E., 0.60 acre
Bingham, John E., Trustee Com
mencing at a point in the E. line
of the Macadam road, where the
same is Intersected by the N.
boundary or an extension thereof
of a 1-acro tract conveyed by
James Terwilllger and wife to
Kelly and Wyman; thence along
the E. line of the Macadam road
as follows: N. 21 deg. 30 min. W.
4138 feet to a beginning corner;
thence E. 625.82 feet to the Wil
lamette River; thence N. along
said river H.04 feet; thence W.
666.57 feet to the E. line of the
Macadam road; thence S. 14 deg.
10 mln. E. 21.76 feet; thence S. 21
deg. 30 min. E. 92.02 feet to be
ginning, Sec. 15, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
1.65 acres
Jones, Emma J. N. hi of the fol
lowing: Commencing at SW. cor
ner of a tract heretofore conveyed
by James Terwilllger and wife to
John W. Jones; thence E. 6.75
chains to Willamette River;
thence S. 13 deg. 30 mln. E. 4.74
chains; thence W. 6.37 chains;
thence N. 15 deg. W. 1.01 chains;
thence N. 19 deg. W. 3.77 chains,
more or less, to beginning, ex
cept tract conveyed to Portland
& WUlamette Valley Railroad Co..
Sec 15. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. 0.75 acre..
Bingham. E. W., and Corbett.
Emma L. Commencing at a point
In the line dividing the W. V from
the E. of James and Pfiillnda
Terwilllger D. L. C. which is
1233.35 feet N. of S. line of said
claim; thence N. 131.46 feet: thence
S. 83 deg. 32 mln. E. 2053.93 feet,
more or less, to W. line of the
Macadam road; thence S. 21 deg.
30 min. E. 143.82 feet; thenco N.
S3 deg. 32 min. W. 2105.SS feet to
beginning. Sec.15, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
6.23 acres 98.53
Bingham, John E., Trustee Com
mencing at point in the line di
viding the W. hi from the E. hi
of the" James and Phlllnda Ter
willlger D. L. C. which Is 971.61
feet N. of S. line of said claim;
thence N. 311.72 feet; thence S. S3
deg. 32 mln. E. 2105.83 feet, more
or less, to W. line of the Macadam
road; thence S.vS deg. 30 mln. E.
33S.43 to a point In the W. lino
of the Macadam road; thence N.
SS deg. 32 mln. W. 2230.91 feet to
beginning. Sec. 15, T. 1 S., R. 1
E., 15.61 acres 216.20
Holladay, Ben C, and Dorcy, Linda
H. Undivided 1-3 of the follow
ing: Commencing 761.64 feet W. of
the SE. corner of the John. A.
Slavln D. L. C; thence N. 883 feet;
thence W. 441.4 feet; thence S. SSS
feet: thenco E. 44L4 feet to be
ginning, Sec 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
9 acres 7.S7
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus
and Mary Beginning 15.S0 chains
S. of NW. corner of secUon 19;
thence E. 4.77 chains; thence S.
4.20 chains: thence W. 4.77 chains:
thence N. 4.20 chains to begin
ning. Sec 19. T. 1 S., R. 1 E.. 2
acres 1.46
Kutzschan, A. H. Commencing
742.6 feet N.. S3 deg. 35 mln. W.
of SE. corner of NE. hi of SE.
hi of section 19; thence N. S75J
feet; thence S3 deg. 35 mln. W.
247.5 feet; thence S. S75.2 feet;
thence S. S9 deg. 35 mln. E. 247.5
feet to beginning. Sec. 19, T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E., 5 acres 4.18
Pomeroy, J. H. NE. hi of NW. hi
W. of O. & C. R. R., Sec 21, T. 1
S., R. 1 E., Iff acres 9.V
Fulton Park Land Co. Beginning
30 feet S. and 30 feet E. of SE.
corner of block 66. Fulton Park;
thence S. SO feet; thence E. 2.30
feet to W. line of Eleventh ave
nue; thence N. to SE. corner of
block 67&; thence northerly to
NW. corner of said block; thence
W. to E. line of Twelfth avenue;
thence S. 3.30 feet: thence W. 30
feet to beginning Sec 22, T. 1 S.,
R.1E..1 acre 4.2S
Congregation Beth Israel Com
mencing 50 feet S. and 60 feet W.
of NW. corner of block 72. Fulton
Park; thence S. 250 feet; thence W.
360 feet; thenco N. 250 feet; thence
E. 360 feet to beginning Sec 22, T.
1 S., R. 1 E.. 2.06 acres 12.S7
Smith, B. F. Commencing 26.02
chains N. and 12.28 chains E. of hi
section post on S. line of Sec 23,
In center of county road; thence
northerly along center of said
road 323 feet; thence E. 2L50
chains; thence S. 16 deg., W. 333.58
feet; thence W. 19.67 chains to be
ginning Sec. 23, T. 1 S., R- 1 E.,
10.25 acres 100.67
Wills. Jacob (Heirs) Beginning 396
feet E. of SW. corner of- Jacob
Wills' D. L. C; thence N. 22 deg.
E. 2.12 chains; thence N. 5 deg. W.
0.71 chain; thence N. 60 deg. W.
0.60 chain; thence N. 38 deg. E.
1.84 chains; thence S. 15 deg. E.
5 chains; thence w. 252.12 ieet to
beginning Sec. 24, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
1 acre 3.74
Gatens, W. N. (Trustee) W. hi of
NE. hi of SW. of NW. hi sec
28, T. 1S..R.1 E., 5 acres 4.10
Scott. Sarah J. S. hi of NE. hi of
NW. U of SE. hi Sec 29, T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E., 5 acres '. 4.10
Thomas, George H. N. hi of SE. hi
of NE. hi of SE. hi Sec 23. T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E.. 5 acres 6.66
Irving, Robert W.. hi of SE. hi and
SW. 34 of SE. 14 of SE. 14 Sec 32.
T. 1 Sa R. 1 E.. 90 acre3 85.13
Smith. Seneca Lot 4. Sec 34, T. 1
S., R. 1 E.. 9.8S acres 7.83
Howard. Mary Lots 3, 4, Sec. 3, T.
1 S., R. 2 E., 20.30 acres 51.73
Frohman. I. Undivided hi of the
following, beginning 1990 feet W.
of SE. corner" of D. B. Pretty
man D. L. C; thence N. 24 mla.,
W. 1220.03 feet; thenco W. 641 feet;
tiience S. 1320 feet: thence E. 650
feet to beginning Sec 5, T. 1 S.,
R. 2 E., 19.55 acres 34.77
Baker, Margaret M. Beginning 423
feet S. of south line of Perry Pret
tyman D. L. C, and south line of
Edgewood; thence S. 89 deg. 10
mln. W. 6.73 chains; thence N. 1
deg. 15 mln. W. 93 feet: thence N.
S3 deg. 10 min., E. 6.73 chains;
thence S. 1 deg. 15 min., E. 9S feet
to beginning Sec 6, T. 1 S., R. 2
E., 1 acre 34.75
Tenny, John M. and Charles H.
Beginning 4.63 chains E. of NE.
corner of H. Kelly D. L. C; thence
S. 1 deg.. E. 21.50 chains; thence
E. 7.395 chains; thence N. 1 deg..
W. 21.50 chains; thenco W. 7.335
chains to beginning Sec 7, T. 1
S., R. 2 E.. 15.S94 acres 70.93
Guthrie. Sarah M. Commencing
35.326 chains N. and 22 chains W.
of section corner. In east lino
of Sec 8; thence N. ISO feet;
thence W.14.72 rods; thence S. ISO
feet; thence E. 14.72 rods to begin
ning Sec S. T. 1 S., R. 2 E.. 1 acre. 7.71
Lumberg, Charles and Annie (),
Pearce, Caroline (.hi) Beginning
150 feet S. of NW. corner of Sec.
9; thence S. 766.08 feet; thence E.
712.80 feet; thence N. 916.0S feet;
thence W. 647.8 feet; thence S. 150
feet; thence W. 63 feet to begin
ning Sec. 9, T. 1 S.. R.. 2 E.. 14.81
acres 32.13
Mackenzie. William Lot 2, Sec. 14.
T. 1 S., R. 2 E 37.66 acres 24.39
Henderson, Josephine E. Begin
nlng at NE. corner lot 3, Sec H;
thence W. 3.435 chains; thence S. to
Powell's Valley road; thenco N.
75 deg. 43 mln. along road to east
line of lot 3; thence N. to begin
ning Sec. 11. T. 1 S., R. 3 E.. 5
acres ........-.--... z.v
Oxer. Henry and Regnia. Beginning
2.9i chains E. of section corner In
N. line of Sec IS. thence W. SO
rods: thence S. 40 rods: thence E.
80 rods; thence N. 40 rods to begin
ning. Sec. IS. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E., 20
acred Ba.lo
V ssn acres .
Cavanaugh. Andrew (heirs) E. hi of
NW. Yt, of NW. Sec 22. T. 1
S R. 2 E., 20 acres 18.93
Mount Scott Implement Co. E. 20
acres of N 2-3 of SE. , Sec 22,
T 1 S.. R. 2 E., 20 acres 7.31
of John Rogers D. L. C; thence
N. to beginning. Sees. 2 and 3. T. 1
S . R 3 E.. 2.29 acres I.16
Roberts D. M. and Neville, Harmon
L. Beginning at SE. corner of
John Barne3 D. L. C, thence N.
7.67 chains; thence W. 6 chains;
thence S. 7.67 chains; thence N.
S3 deg. 15 min., E. 6 chains to be
ginning. Sec i. T. 1 S., R. 3 E.,
4.60 acres v-" ; 5 8,4:
Shattuck. Mary C Commencing 8
chains W. of SW. corner of James
Powell D. L. C; thence N. 5
chains; thence W. 231: thence S.
to center of Powell's Valley road;
thence northeasterly to begin
ning. Sec. 10. T. 1 S., R. 3 E., 1.82
Pohl, Anna (one-third) and Emll
(one-third) Commencing 33L72
chains from NE. corner Jenne D.
L. C; thence S. 5.62 chains;
thence E. 17.7a cnamsj mence ss.
5.62 chains; thenco W. to begin
ning. Sec IS, T. 1 S. R. 3 E., 10
acres itii .-.":.:- '
nnimoo Hnnnah-NE. hi of SW. hi.
SE. hi of NW. Vi Sec 5. T. 15..E.
4 E.. SO acres viz: s'"
McGlll. Daniel N. 60 acres of NW
Sec 6 T. 1 S.. R. 4 E., 60 acres.... 5.30
Schumacher. Margaret N. & of
NW. hi. "W. hi of NE. Sec 10,
T 1 S., R. 4 E., 160 acres 5.42
Baumgardner. John W. All of the
NW. 4 of SW. Sec 16, lying S.
of Bull Run pipe line. Sec. 16, T.
IS R. 4 E., 33 acres 3.73
Strode, Victor K.-SW. Sec. 24. T.
1 S.. R. 4 E., 160 acres 5.43
Hamilton. J. A. W.0 acres of S.
45 acres of E. hi of W. N. of
Brower Mill road. Sec. 4. T. 1 S.,
R. 5 E.. 39 acres ZM
Udey. James N. hi of NE. hi Sec
7 T 1 S., R. 5 E.. SO acres 2.5o
Le'fler, J.-NW. hi Sec 21, T. 1 S.,
R. 5 E., 160 acres 20.46
Rocers. WHUam H. E. of SW. hi
of SE. Sec 2S. T. 1 N., R. 4 E.,
20 acres 6.7S
The amount of taxes. Interest to date of
sale and penalties due upon each parcel
is set opposite the same, and also the
name of the person to whom such parcel
Is taxed, which Is also the name of the
owner when known. The sale will bo
held at the front door of the Courthouse
In said county, In manner and form as
upon sale of real property under execu
tion except as by law otherwise espe
cially provided. Each parcel, will be sold
to the person who offers to pay the taxes,
costs and accruing penalties and take a
certificate at the lowest rate of Interest
The sale will be made subject to redemp
tion as provided by law. and Is for tho
purpose of satisfying said warrant with,
lawful charges. W. A. STOREY.
Sheriff of Multnomah County. Oresron.
I Portland, Oregon, December 1, 1S03