Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 02, 1903, Page 15, Image 15

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    . ' - v i. -i i- v
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More Activity Noted in the
Lower Grades.
Libera! Offerings Depress Prices
Particulars of the Latest Trans
actionsThe Situation In
England Is Improved.
The market for medium and low-grade hops
Is active. Offerings are numerous and are be
ing quite generally taken up. This desire to
cell has -weakened the market, and prices for
these grades are about lc lower than they were
a month ago. The selling pressure is due to
approach of the close of the year when farmers
want to close up their accounts. Fancy hops
are not moving freely," as those remaining un
sold are in strong hands, and furthermore the
Inquiry for them Is light. The demand Just
now seems to be for a hop that can be bought
for. 15c or IGc. It 1k again pointed out that
tbenarket Is bound to continue weak so long
as hops are forced on the market, whereas if
the growers would combine and send a third
of their holdings out of the country, they would
not realize less on them abroad than here,
while the shortage thus created -would help the
local market.
Nearly 500 bales of hops have been sold in
the last few days at prices ranging from 10c to
lSVic. The largest transaction reported was
the sale of the ISC-bale lot of a. "W. Case,
raised near Champoeg. which was taken by H.
L. Bents, at lCVJc Other lots sold to Portland
dealers were as follows: J. B. Fletcher, Mc
Mlnnvllle, 102 bales, at 18&c: A. J. Edson,
Carlton, 01 bales. 17c; Ed Hutchcrofi, 41 bales,
12c, 10c and 17c; Ray Ferguson, LaFayette,
00 bales, Iftfec; Al Henry, La Fayette, 24 bales,
15c; "W. H. Jones, 09 bales, 154c; Heuston &
Shire, two small lots at 10c and 10c. It Is
estimated thationly 25,006 bales of the Oregon
crop remain In growers' hands.
The same activity prevails In other parts of
the Northwest. About four-fifths of the 1003
hop crop of the Yakima Valley has left the
handB of the growers. This Is Just the reverse
of the situation a year ago, when at this Urns
oeven-elghths of the crop was held by the
growers. The price for choice hops is about
22c During the past week over 1000 bales
changed hands there. The crop In Yakima
this year was larger than ever before, but the
quality was not so good.
The Eastern hop market is quiet, as very few
lots are left In growers' hands.
The Kentish Observer of November 12 re
ported the English hop market as follows:
Trade since our last report has been active,
with. a further" substantial rise in the price
of the lower qualities. The choicest sorts are
also the turn dearer, though the quotations
remain unaltered. Good medium bops, such
as stout Goldings fit for the best copper use,
are somewhat neglected; they can be bought
at about Is per pound. A very small propor
tion of the English crop now remains In grow
ers' hands, and a noticeable feature Is the way
fiie hops sold are Immediately cleared away
from factors' warehouses, which now hold ab
normally low quantities, for the year. Imports
are smaller than for years past, and exports
are larger, so that everything seems to point to
an advance in prices. It is stated that, owing
to the comparatively sunless Summer, hops are
weak in flavor this year, necessitating the use
of An increased quantity in brewing. Com
plaint Is made as to the quality of many of
the Oregon samples now being shown, the
trouble having been" caused by blight.
The Imports of hops Into the United King
dom from September 1 to November 1 were
17.231 cwt., and vexports 11,883 cwt., leaving
net Imports of 5338 cwt.; last year for the same
period Imports were 59,033 cwL, and exports
EM0 cwt., making net Imports 5MS7 cwt.
Advices received from "Washington report the
number of barrels of beer on which tax was
paid during October as amounting to 3,930,017
barrels, against 3,813,812 barrels same month
last year; the total for the calendar year to
November 1 was 40.S30.140 barrels, comparing
with 38,484,540 barrels same period last year.
West Sido Prunes Pooled.
FOREST GROVE, Or., Dec. 1. Special.) H.
5. Glle. of Salem, manager of the "Willamette
Valley Prune Association, visited Forest Grove
today, in the Interest of the West Side prune
pool, and signed contracts with the prune
growers of Forest Grove, Dllley and Cornelius
by which they place their prunes in the hands
of the association, to be packed at Dundee and
sold by the association. Mr. Glle had already
secured control of the unsold prunes in the
Dundee district. By this deal, practically the
last block of prunes In the "Willamette Valley
nas passed out of the growers' control.
Grain, Flour, Teed, Etc.
WHEAT Walla Walla, 72c; bluestem, 77c;
Valley, 78c.
(BARLEY Feed, $10 per ton; brewing, 20
20.50; rolled, $21.
FLOUR Valley. $3.753.S5 per barrel; hard
wheat straights, l3.90S4.10; clears $3.553.75;
bard wheat patents, $4.204.SO; Dakota hard
Wheat, $4.lK$j5.G0; graham, $3.75; whole wheat,
$4; rye wheat, $4.75fi5.
OAiti No-, i nite, $1.10; gray, $1.07& per
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $19 per ton: middlings.
223; shorts. $20; chop, U. S. Mills, $18; linseed,
dairy food, $10.
HAY Timothy. SIC per ton; clover, $12;
grain. $12; cheat, $12.
CEREAL FOODS Flaked oats, 00-pound
sacks, $5.57 per barrel; rolled oats, 00-pound
sacks, $5.25 per barrel; 45-pound sacks, $5.35
per barrel; 9-pound sacks, $2.90 per bale; oat
meal, steel cut, 50 pound sacks, $7.50 per bar
rel; 10-pounds sacks, $4 per bale; oatmeal
(ground), 50-pound sacks $7 per barrel; 10
pound sacks, $3.75 per bale; split peas, 50
pound eacks, $5 per 100 pounds; 25-pound
boxes, $1.30 per box; pearl barley. 50-pound
sacks, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25
per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per
Vegetables, Fruit, Etc.
VEGETABLES Turnips, C5c per sack? car
rots, 75c: beots. 90c; pai snips, 75&90c; cabbage,
ll4c; lettuce, head, 15c per doien; hothouse,
$1.50 per box; parsley, per dozen, 25c; toma
toes, $101.25 per crate; cauliflower, 75cQ'$l per
dozen; beans, wax, 8c; green, 7c; egg plant,
$1.50 per box; celery, 4090c per dozen; pump
kins, lc per pound; artichokes, $1 per dozen.
ONIONS Yellow Danvers. Soe$l per sack.
HONEY $32?3.50 per case.
RAISINS Loose Muscatel, 4-crown, 7c;
8-laycr Muscatel raisins, .fee; unbleached seed
less Sultans, G?ic; London layers. 3-crown.
whole boxes of 20 pounds. $1.S5: 2-crown, $1.75
POTATOES Oregon, choice and fancy, G0
C5c per sack; common. 50c per sack; sweet
potatoes, sacks, 2c; boxes, 2Uc
DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, O&g'O&c
per pound; sundrled, sacks or boxes, 44?5y.c;
apricots, SJTIOc; peaches, 5bc; pears, 8&8Hc;
prunes. Italian, 4?i4H:c: French, 8if3Hc: tigs,
California blacks, 5e; do white, 7J-c; Smyrna,
COc; plums, pitted. 4VC5Vc.
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, 75c$2 box;
pears, $161.50 per box; grapes, $1.50 per
box; Concord, 5-pound crate, 173 20c; cran
berries. $910.50 per barrel.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons. $2.753.75 per
box, oranges, navels. $3 503.75; seedlings, $3;
grapefruit, $3.2503.50 per box; bananas, SJAgCc
per pound: pomegranates, $2 per box; pine
apples, $3.75.4 per dozen; persimmons, $1.40
1.50 per box.
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc.
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 30t?32tc per
pound: dairy. 2022c; store. 1515ViC.
CHEESE Full cream, twins, 14g15c; Young
America. 15lGc.
POULTRY Chickens, mixed, 0c per pound;
Spring, 10c: hens, luc; turkeys, live. 12I4c
per pound; dressed, nominal; ducks, $C7 per
dozen; geese, Sc per pound.
EGGS Oregon ranch, 35c; Eastern, 2C27c.
Groceries, Nute, Etc
RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 55Jc: No. 2,
CUc. Carolina head, 7c: broken head, 4c.
COFFEE Mocha. 2Gg2Sc: Java, fancy. 26Q
S2c; Java, good, 20I&24C, Java, ordinary. 100
20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18020c: Costa Rica,
good, 16lSe. Costa Rica, ordinary. 1012e
pound; Columbia roast, cases, 100s, $11; 50s,
$11.25: Arbuckle's, $12.13 list; Lion. $12.13.
SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails.
$1.G5 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; fancy
1-pound flats, $1.80; -pound flats, $1.10:
Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, 75c; red, 1-pound
tails $1.20; sockeyes, 1-pound tails, $L50;
1-pound flats, $1.60.
SI GAR Sack basis, per 100 pounds: Cube,
$5.80; powdered-, $5.C5; dry granulated, $5.55;
extra C. $5 05, golden C. $4.95. advance over
sack basis as follows: Barrels. 10c. half-barrels,
25c; boxes, 50c per 100 pound (Terms:
On remittance within 15 days, deduct Vic per
pound; if later than 15 days and within SO
days, deduct c; no discount after 30 days.)
Beet sugar, granulated. $5.35 per 100 pounds;
maple sugar, 1516c per pound.
NUTS Peanuts, 0c per pound for raw;
83 Sc for roasted; oocoanuts, S5QO0C per doz.
en; walnuts, lS&e per pound; pinenuts, 10
12Vc; hickory nuts, 7c; Brazil nuts, 10c; fil
berts, lSQICc; fancy pecans, 17c; almonds,
1415c; chestnuts. 10c.
SALT Bale. $2.25: fine. 50s, 40c; 100s, 75c;
Liverpool. 60s, 50c; 100s, 98c"; 224s, $1.90; half
ground, 100s. $8.25: 50s. $9.25.
BEANS Small white. 4c; large white, 3c;
pink, 3&c; bayou, 3&c; Lima, 4$Jc
Hops, W00L Hide, Etc
HOPS 1903 crop, 1022c per pound, accord
ing to quality.
TALLOW Prime, per pound, 4SOc; No. 2,
and grease. 23c
HIDES Dry bides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up,
15&15&C per pound; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 15
pounds, Vic: dry calf, No, 1, under 5 pounds,
ICc; dry salted, bulls and stags, one-third less
than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound. 60
pounds and over 8(Qt8fec. 5o to 80 pounds, "gfSc;
under 50snounds and cows, CHSic; stags and
bulls, sound, 4$4ftc; kip, sound, 15 to 20
pounds, 7c;under 10 pounds, 8c; green (un
salted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound
less; horse hides, salted, each, $1.502; dry,
each. $1&1.50; colts hides, eacn, 254?&Oc; goat
skins, common, each, 1015c; Angora, with
wool on. 25c$l. .
WOOL Valley, 1718c; Eastern Oregon, 12
15c; mohair, 3f35c
Meats and Provisions.
BEEF Dressed, 536VJc per pound.
VEAL Dressed, small, 80; large. 5c per
MUTTON-resed. 5Gc; lambs, dressed,
PORK Dressed, 656Kc ..,...
HAMS 10014 pounds. 15M.0 per pound; 14&10
pounds, 14ic per pound; 18320 pounds, none;
California (picnic), 0c; cottage hams, 10c;
Union hams, 4(36 pounds, average, none;
shoulders, 10c; boiled hams, 22c; boiled picnic
hams, boneless, 18c.
BACON Fancy breakfast, 20c; standard
breakfast, 18c: choice, 16Vic; English break
fast bacon, 1114 pounds, none.
DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears,
lOJiO'llHc smoked; clear backs. 10V4c salt,
HHs smoked; Oregon exports, 2025 pounds,
average, none; dry salt, none; smoked; Union
butts, 10318 pounds, average Do dry salt, 10c
SAUSAGE Portland ham, 13c per pound;
minced ham, lOfec; Summer, choice dry, 17J4c;
bologna, long, 6V4c; welnerwurat, 8c; liver,
5J4c; pork, 10c; blood, CVJc; headcheese, 5Hc,;
bologna sausage, link. 5Hc
PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs feet, -bar-rels.
$5.50; U-barrels. $3; 15-pound kit, 41.30;
pickled tripe, -barrels, $5; U-barrels, $2.75;
15-pound kit, $1.25; pickled pigs' tongues, H
barrels, $8; -barrels, $3; 15-pound kit, $L25;
pickled lambs' tongues, -barrels, $8.25; -borrels,
$4.75; 15-pound kit. $2.25.
LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces. lOUc; tubs,
10V4c: 50s, lOfcc: 20s, 10c; 10s, lie; 5s. HVfjC
Standard pure: Tierces. 9VSc; tubs, 6c; 60s.
0?4c: 20s. 9c; 10. lOUc; 5s, 10s,c. Compound
lard: Tierces, 7io; tubs, 8c; BQa, 8c.
COAL OIL Pearl or astral oil, cases. 23Ho
per gallon; water white oil, iron barrels, 17c;
wood barrels, none; eocene oil, cases, 26c;
elrune oil, cases, 29c; extra star cases, 27c;
headlight oil, 175 degrees, cases, 25c; iron
barrels. 19c (Washington State test burning
oils, except headlight, He per gallon higher).
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases 24Hc: iron
carrels. 18c; SO degrees gasoline, coses, 2SV&c;
iron barrels. 22c.
BENZINE 83 degrees, cases, 22c; Iron bar
rels. l5Hc
LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In barrels, 49c;
genuine kettle-boiled. In barrels, 51c; pure raw
oil. In cases, 54c; genume kettle-boiled. In
cases, 50c; lots of 250 gallons, lc less per gal
lon. TURPENTINE In cases. 80c: wood barrels,
70Hc; Iron barrels, 74c; 10-case lots, 79c
LEAD Pioneer. Collier and Atlantic white
and red lead In lots of 500 pounds or more,
6c; less than 500 pounds, 7c
Prices at Portland Union Stock Yards
Receipts at. the Portland Union Stockyards
yesterday were 140 hogs, 175 sheep and 170 cat
tle. The following prices were quoted at the
CATTLE Best steers, $3.50; medium, $3
8.25; cows. $2.502.60.
HOGS Best large fat hogs, 6c; medium large
fat hogs, 4c
SHEEP Best wethcnC $2.75; mixed sheep,
Current at Chicago. Omaha and
Kansas Cltyi
CHICAGO. Dec 1. Cattle Receipts, 0000. In
cluding 1500 Westerns, Market steady. Good
to prime steers, $5.20(35.85; poor to medium,
$3.50(g 4.S0; stockera and feeders, $234.10; cows.
$1.5034; heifers, $24.75; canners, $1.50J3.40;
bulls. $24.35; calves, $2.504.75; Texas fed
steers, $34; Western steers, $34.50.
Hogs Receipts, 30,000; tomorrow, 35,000.
Market opened 10c higher and closed strong.
Mixed and butchers, $4.3034.65; good to choice
heavy, $4.50374.00; rough heavy, $4.2584.45;
light. $4.2534.50; bulV'of sales. $4.404.45.
Sheep Receipts, 1500. MarketSteady. Good
to choice wethers, $3.2534.G: fair to choice
mixed. $3,G0$5.75; Western sheep, $3r'3.S0; na
tive lambs, $3.50g5.S0; Western lambs, $34.C5.
OMAHA. Dec 1. Cattle Receipts, 4200.
Market strong. Native steers, $3.80f3'5.30; cows
and heifers, $2.103.15; canners, $1.502.10;
stockers and feeders. $2.5063.80;- calves, .$15;
bulls, stags, etc, $1.505"2.75.
Hogs Receipts 7000. Market steady. Heavy.
$4.30tff4.45; mixed. $4.3554.40; light, $4.404.45;
bulk of sales. $4.304.80.
Sheep Receipts, 20,000. Market strong and
active. Fed muttons, $3.6034; Westerns, $3.50
tJ3.75; ewes, $2r$3.20; common and stockers,
$1.753; lambs, $3.75q5.25.
KANSAS CITY, Dec 1. Cattle Receipts.
IS',000. Market steady to strong. Native steers,
$3.7505; stockers and feeders, $2.0063.80; bulls,
52Q3.10; calves, $3,256-0; Western steers, $3.20
4.25; Western cows, $1.5002.75.
Hogs Receipts, 9000. Market 5c higher; bulk
of sales. $4.454.55. Heavy. $4.45r$4.50; pack
ers, $4.454.55; pigs and lights. $4.4034.55.
jsheop Receipts. 10,000. Market 5c higher.
Muttons, $3.5024.50; lambs, $4.5035.30; range
wethers. $3.2O$3.50; ewes. $2.2533.10.
Great Sxcitcaeat aad Activity oa Bullish
NEW YORK, Dec 1. Still greater excite
ment and actlYlf marked the opening of to
day's cotton market. First prices showed an
advance of 12019 points on sensationally high
er cables, favorable weather, bullish accounts
from spot markets and increased confidence that
the Census Bureau report tomorrow, showing
the amount of cotton ginned to November 14
and estimating the, amount remaining to be
ginned, will make a very bullish showing. Pri
vate advices from Liverpool indicated that
large short Interests were covering there, and
the buying here seems to come largely from
Wall-street shorts, although there was also a
perfect flow of orders from outside sources.
Naturally, the bulls took profits heavily at the
advance, but their offerings were absorbed
with amazing promptness. March, which
seemed especially strong, was selling around
11.80c All through the session the market
continued active. The close was steady, 183J20
points net higher. Sales were estimated
at 1,000,000 bales. December, ll.STc; January,
ll.C7c; February. n.69c; March, 11. 76c; April,
11.77c; May, 11.67c Spot cotton closed steady,
30 points higher. Middling uplands, 11.95c;
middling Gulf. 11.20c; tiles. 18,700 bales.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. The market for evap
orated apples continues easy, with supplies fair
and demand slow. Common are quoted at
435c: prime, SH-SSHc; choice, Sgc; fan
cy, 7c
Prunes are quiet, with, quotations from 2H
CHc for all grades.
Aprloots remain in indifferent demand, but
are steady, owing to th absence of selling
pressure Choice are quoted at 8Hf!9c; extra
choice. lOff-lCc; fancy. 11015c
Peaches are dull, with choice held at "iiO
754c; extra choice. 7?if2S'c: fancy, SK10&c
London Wool Sales.
LONDON, Dec L The offerings at the wool
auction sa.les today numbered 13,400 bales.
Crossbreds were in strong demand, and fine
grades were firmer, while medium and coarse
grades were unchanged. Greasy halfbred sold
briskly. Greasy merinos sold well.
Advance on "Mlilsky.
PEORIA. 111., Dec 1. Whisky was today
quoted on the Board of Trade at $1.27 for the
basis, an advance of 2c per gallon. The reason
assigned for the rise Is that the product has
been selling entirely- too low, and it now get
ting back to the normal figure.
Gould-Pennsylvania Report Again a
Factor Railroad Earnings Not
Favorable.-Money Is Firm.
NEW YORK, Dec 1. There- was a consid
erable increase of activity in today's stock
market, and a generally higher range resulted.
The movement continued hesitating and some
what Irregular, and the small net changes re
suiting In some of the more active stocks left
a suspicion of professional manipulation. Even
the -purpose of the supposed manipulation was
the subject of doubt and dispute, covering such
varying suppositions as a professional move
ment agalpst the shorts, the bidding up of
Drices for the purpose of marketing long stock
and even & purpose on the part of bearish,, pro
fessionals to make a market for putting "but
fresh short lines.
Speculative sentiment over stocks was equal
ly confused. There was little In the actual
news of the day to favor an advance la prices,
and some of the sews was distinctly unfavor
able. The reports of gross earnings of rail
roads for the third wek In November, thus
lor published, show an increase on the aver
age of lees than 2 per cent, although the re
turns from tho coalers are not Included, and
this group will compare well with the large
earnings last year. -The passing of the dividend
on Republic Steel, although it had been feared,
had not been fully assured, and. considering
this the effect in the Industrial list was slight.
That stock itself fell an extreme 24. but re
covered all but a fraction. There was a reduc
tion in the price of copper in the local market.
Tha money market continues firm, but the
high rate for call loans""-ccached only 716 per
cent, compared with 0 per ceht yesterday. The
exnected- transfer of $1,000,000 by 'telegraph to
San Francisco was made, and an additional
$200,000 was tranferred to New Orleans, while
New York exchange at Chicago fell to a slight
discount. The price of gold rose in London,
and sterling exchange weakened here, but only
$100,000 was secured in London for New York
accounts Announcement was made of aboul
$750,000 of Japanese gold shipped for San Fran
cisco. The factors ia the advance In stocks
were In the form rather of rumors, the old
rumor of a Gould-Pennsylvania settlement flg"
uring to a large extent. The market closed
firm. '
The bond market was broader but rather Ir
regular. Total sales, par Yalue, $3,854,000.
United States 2s advanced Vt per cent on the
last call.
Sales. High. Low. Close.
Atchison 27.500 67 06 07
do preferred 1,300 SVA 00 01
Baltimore & Ohio... 11,000 77 70V, 77-
do preferred 400 ST 87 87
Canadian Pacific .... 4,400 118 117? 118
Cent, of New Jersey 154
Chesapeake & Ohio.. 20,000 31 30 31
Chicago & Alton 2,900 33 32 834
do preferred 200 70 70 70$4
Chicago Great WesU. 000 16 15 15
do B preferred 20
Chicago North-West. 400 166 100 100
Chi. Term. &. Trans. 200 87 8 8
do preferred ..... 18
C C, C. & St. Louis 100 73 73 73
Colorado Southern .. l,J0O 13 13 13
13 13
53 63
150 156'li
do let preferred.... 800 53
do 2d preferred.... 400 21
Delaware & Hudson. 1,100 157
Del.. Lack. & West 235
Denver & Rio Grande 20
do preferred coo
Brie 10,500
do 1st preferred.... 1,300
do Sd preferred.TT.
Great Northern pfd..
Hocking Valley ....
do preferred ......
Illinois Central
Iowa Central
do preferred ,
Kan. City Southern.
do preferred .......
Louis. & Nashville..
Manhattan L
Met. Street Railway.
Minn. & St. Louie..
105 107
139 139
o,tuu lisi iio; i
18,000 91 90 91
Missouri Pacific
Mo., Kan. & Texas.
17 17
38 38ti
30-A 804i
Nat. of Mexico pfd..
Now York Centra!..
Norfolk &WMtern..
do preferretT
Ontario & Western..
116 117
60 57
4.70O 21V
20 SI
14 115
72,500 116 114
Pitts., C. C. & St. L. 100
Reading 10,700
do 1st preferred.... 100
do 2d preferred.... 100
Rock Island Co.r... 29,700
do preferred 1,400
St. L. & S. F. 1st pfd
do 2d preferred.... 500
45 45 431
14 14 131
32 32 32
St. Louis Southwest.
do preferred
St Paul
do preferred .......
Southern Pacific ....
Southern Railway ....
do preferred
Texas & Pacific ....
ToL, St. L. & West..
do preferred
Union Pacific
do preferred
Wabash .
do preferred
Wheel. & Lake Erie.
Wijonsln Central ..
30,300 140 138 140
700 172 172 172
i J.7Z
3 40
11,800 46
fl -s fH
24 24y
do preferred
Express -companies-
Adams 100 220 220 220
American ...... 160
United States 100
Wells-Fargo 195
Amal. Copper ....... 21,600 39 38
Am. Car & Foundry. 600 18 18
do preferred 1,200 65 64
Am. Linseed Oil
do preferred
Am. Locomotive ...
do preferred
Am. Smelt. & Ref..
do preferred
Am. Sugar Refining. .
Anaconda Mining Co.
Brook. Rapid Transit
Colorado Fuel & Iron
Col. & Hock. Coal..
Consolidated. Gas ...
General Electric ....
International Paper..
do preferred
International Pump..
do preferred
National Biscuit ..M
National Lead
North American
Facifle Mall
5,800 122
100 OS
8,900 30
39 39
24 24
800 25
200 11
11 10
000 178 178 1784
600 150 155 150
iww iuv, uy, 10
200 02
"200 36"
1.200 14
1,400 76
People's Gas 1,200
Pressed Steel Car... 500
do preferred
Pullman Palace Car. 100 215
RepubUc Steel 400 0
uu preierrea ....... -iw
Rubber Goods 900
do preferred 300
Tenn. Coal & Iron.. 300
U. S. Leather 300
vlo preferred 100
V. B. Rubber 100
a OJii.
15 16
70 70
2S 29
7 7
6 75
9 S
do preferred ... on
V. a Steel 5.400 11 11 11
do preferred 22,000 52 51 52
Western Union COO 87 SO 88
Northern Securities 8S
Total sales for
the day, 624,000 shares.
U. S. ref. 2s.
do coupon
U. S. 3s, reg
do coupon
U. S. new 4s,
do coupon
U. S. old 4s,
do coupon ,
U. S. 5, ng
do coupon
1055 Atchison adj. 4s..
106 C. & N. W. con. 7s.
107 D. & R. G. 4s...
N. Y. Cent. lsts..
North Pacific 3a..
do 4b
Southern Pacific .,
Union Pacific 4s..
Wis. Central 4s...
Stocks at London.
LONDON, Dec l.Consols for
88 13-16: consols for account, 80.
Anaconda ....
do pfd ......
Bait. & Ohio.
Can. Pacific ..
Chcs. & Ohio..
Chicago G. W.
3 Norfolk &. Western 58
0S do pfd 89
93 Ontario &. Western 21
79 Pennsylvania anu
.121 Rand Mines 10
jiaTtT ji- ...
""" -ifc
do 1st pfd 30
do 2d nfr! yn
Chi.. Mil. & St. P.143
uo liters
D. & R, G
do pfd
Erie .
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Illinois Central ,
10 Southern Ttv nT
21 do pfd si
o Southern Pacific .. 48
28 Union Pacific .... 77U
CS dd pfd 9
60 U. S. Steel 111Z
.133 do nfd mt?
Louis. & Nosh.
.110 Wabash "oil
Mo., Kan. Tex. 18
N. Y. Central.... x121
do pfd 30
Money, Exchange, Etc
NEW YORK. Dec 1. Prime mercantile pa
per, 60 per cent.
Sterling exchange quiet, wjjb actual business
in bankers' bills at $4.S3354.8340 for demand,
and at $4.7975ff4.79S0 for CO days; posted rates.
$4.804.S1 and $4.8434.84; commercial bills,
Bar silver, 50 Vic
Mexican dollars, 42c
Government bonds firm; railroad bonds Irreg
ular. Money on call strong, at C-38 per cent; clos
05 07 US
27 27i 27
07 06 07
2,400 40 4b 49
200 74 74 7
200 84 83 83
1,500 130 129 129
100 21 21 20
200 87 37 36
800 19 18 19
400 35 3414 35
13.000 107
2.500 140
3.-J0O 18
1,900 30
100 30
4,800 117
2,800 57
ing: bid. B per cent? offered at 7 per cent.
Time money firm; CO days, 6 per cent; 60 days.
6 per cent: six months, 5 per cent.
LONDON, Dec 1. Bar sltver, 26d per dunce.
Money, 363 per cent.
Rate of discount In the open market for short
bills. 4 per cent; for three months' bills,
4g4 1-10,
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 1. Silver bars, 56c
per ounce.
Mexican doljars Nominal.
Drafts Sight, par; telegraph. 2c
Sterling on London Sixty dayB, $4.S0; sight,
Transfers From New York and Japan to
San Francisco.
NEW YORK. Dec 1. One million dollars
was today transferred to San Francisco through
the Subtreastlry.
The National City Bank reports an additional
gold engagement of $100;000 in London.
Lazard Freres are informed that the London,
Paris & American Bank, Limited, of San Fran
cisco, has engaged 1,000,000 yen, about $500,000
Japanese gold, for shipment from Japan to
San Francisco.
The International Banking Corporation is Im
porting 500,000 "yen from Japan.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1. Tho transfer of
money from New York and Japan to this city
Is said by local bankers to be of no serious
significance. The greater portion of the coin
is intended to supply a market which is slight
ly restricted on account of the recent heavy
outlay for taxes and crop moving. The short
age of money is unanimously declared by finan
ciers to be but a temporary one.
The engagement of Japanese money Is ex
plained as a repetition of a system often em
ployed. The bank interested has considerable
sums on deposit In London. Instead of with
drawing them by the regular method of ex
change, it gives Japanese bankers exchange on
London and receives from Japan In return a
corresponding amount In new yen. Upon Its
arrival here, the Japanese money is turned Into
the mint and recolned. In this way a percent
age Is saved.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Dec 1. Today's Treasury
statement shows:
Available cash balances l.... $219,237,430
Gold X"... 117.000,715
" v
Bank Clearings.
Clearings. Balances.
Portland $045,100 ?,82.Jg
Seattle ... 970.055 155,418
Tacoma 350,394 40,003
Spokane 397,346 48.694
Wheat Declines at Chicago After a Strong
CHICAGO, Dec 1. The fact that there were
practically no deliveries of December contracts
created bullish sentiment in December wheat
early, and an advance of c was made within
tho first hour. Reports of fine weather In
Argentina, comparatively small clearances,
lower prices in all outside markets and a fairly
large increase In elevator stocks in the North
west combined to create bearish sentiment to
ward the noon hour, and the market yielded to
the -pressure. May declining to 80c. Prices
rallied somewhat, but the close was lower,
with May off Sc, at 8031c
Corn ruled comparatively steady. May closed
a shade lower, at 42$42c .
Tho feature In oat was the liquidation in
May. May closed a shade lower, at 35c
Larger receipts of hogs than expected, and a
decline of 10c in prices at the yards caused
heavy selling of provisions. Tho. close was
steady, January pork being off 5c, lard a
shade lower and ribs down 7c
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
December $0.82 $0.82 $0.81 $0.81
May 81 81 80 , 81
July 76 70 75 76
December .... 41 42 41 42
May 42 42Ji 42 42
July 42 42 41 42
December .... 84 34 34 34
May 35 86 ' 35 35
July 33 33 83 "33
January ....10.00 10.90 10.80 10.87
May 1L17 1L20 . 11.10 11.12
January 0.40 0.42 0.40 6.40
May 0.47 6.50 0.42 0.47
January 5.62 C.82 5.77 5.80
May 6.02 0.02 5.97 . 0.00
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady.
Wheat No. 3, 79S82c; No. 2 red, 84
Corn No. 2, 42c; No. 2 yellow, 44c
Oats No. 2, 34c: No. 8 white, 3538C.
Rye No. 2. 61fc51c
Barley Good feeding, 33235c; fair to choice
malting. 42954c
Flaxseed No. 1, 91c; Np. 1 Northwestern,
Timothy seed Prime, $2.S0.
Mess pork Per barrel. $11.1211.25.
Lard Per cwt.. $0.47S0.5O.
Short rlb-Sldes. loose, $6.230.50.
Short clear sides Boxed, $U.12Q6.25.
Clover Contract grade, $11.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels . 24,000 40,500
Wheat, bushels 101,300 430,300
Corn, bushels 289,200 157,000
Oats, bushels 243,700 215,200
Rye, bushels 15,400 2.500
Barley, bushels 12,800 37,000
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, Dec 1. Flour Receipts, 37.400
barrels; exports, 3900 barrels. Market quieter
but firm. -
Wheat Receipts, 103,350 bushels; exports,
56,300 bushels: spot steady; No. 2 red. 6Sc
elevator and S9c f. o. b. afloat. Options
opened firm and higher on small Northwest
receipts and bullishness Inspired by light con
tract supply. Later, they declined under real
izing and heavy Interior receipts, closing 6c
lower. May closed S4c; July. 80c; Decem
ber. 88c
Hops Steady: Pacific Coast. 1903 crop, 1S9
27c; 1602 crop. 21625c; olds, 912c
Hides Steady.
Leather Steady.
Wool and petroleum Firm.
Butter Receipts, 8500 packages. Market firm.
Creamery. 1625c; state dairy, 15Q2Ic
Eggs Receipts, 8300 packages. Market
steady. Western, 2730c
Percentage of Crop Marketed.
TACOMA. Dec 1. About one-third of the
Washington wheat crop has been marketed,
according to tho estimates of State Grain In
spector Arrasmlth, who has returned from a
tour through Whitman, Spokane, Adams,
Franklin and Lincoln Counties. The remaining
two-thirds Is largely stored In the grain ware
houses. He estimates tho entire crop at 18,000,
000 or 19.000.000 bushels. A larger perccntago
of the crop is being milled than ever before
There Is an Increased acreage under cultiva
tion. Fall-sown grain Is looking fine, and con
siderable plowing Is being done
Receipts In Tacoma since tho opening of the
season, September 1, aret Wheat, 2,830,890
bushels; barley, 490,440 bushels; oats, 280,000
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 1. Wheat easier.
Barley steadier. Oats quiet.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping, $L371.40; milling,
Barley Feed, ?l.llffl.l2; brewing, $1.15
. Oats Red. $1.2081.32; white. $1.2081.32;
black. $l.V)gl.65.
Call board sales:
Wheat Easier; December, $1.35; May,
$1.34; cash. $1.40.
Barlay Steadier; December, $1.00 bid; May,
$1.0S bid.
Corn Large yellow. $1.301.35.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON, Dec L Wheat cargoes on pass
age, rather firmer. English country markets
LIVERPOOL. Dec 1. Wheat steady. Wheat
and flour In Paris quiet. French country mar
kets quiet. Weather In England frosty. De
cember. 6s 4d; May. 6j 3d.
Northwestern Wheat Markets.
COLFAX. Wash., Dec 1. (Special.) There
has been no change In the wheat market In
the Palouse country for several days. Dealers
are still offering 59c for club and 64c for blue
stem, with no sales being made.
TACOMA. Dec. 1. Wheat steady and un
changed; bluestem, 60c; club, 76c
Dairy Produce at Chicago.
CHICAGO. Dec 1. On the Produce Exchange
today the butter market was- Arm;, creameries,
16S25c; dairies, 14ffl0c
Eggs Easier, 23g26c
Cheese-Steady, 1010c
Stocks of Grain In Regular Ware
houses-Cheap Apples Not In'
Demand Butter Lower.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 1. (Special.) Stocks
of grain In regularsrarehouses at this date aret
Wheat, 50.000 tons J barley, 59,000 tons; oats.
4700 tons; corn, 520 tons; bran, 600 tons.
Barley and oats show a liberal decrease, and
wheat, corn and bran a good Increase, as com
pared with one month ago. The grain market
was. Inactive all day. Barley options showed
weakness, but wheat futures were steady, and
cash prices for all cereals were well sustained.
November exports of flour and grain had a
large decrease from the record of the previous
month. V
Choice apples continue to sell well and bring
good prices, but cheap stock is not want
ed. Citrus fruits are quiet, with prices gen
erally easy, owing to cool weather and poor
quality. Tho market is bare of Central Amer
ican bananas, but Hawoilans ae plentiful and
selling well. Pineapples are In larger supply
and easier.
Nuts are In good demand. A carload of Ital
ian chestnuts arrived In fair condition.
Good Oregon potatoes are firmer, owing to
the nonarlval oj tho steamer Elder, with sup
plies. River burbanks are still easy, with lib
eral stocks. Sweets are gradually cleaning up
and steadier. Onions are easy, with sales of
Oregon at $1.15. Southern green vegetables are
plentiful, but mostly of poor quality.
Butter is slightly lower. Cheese Is weak.
Eggs are steady. Receipts, 20,000 pounds but
ter, 4000 pounds cheese, 18,000 dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 00cG$l; garlic
08c; green peas, 435c; string beans, 43c;
tomatoes. 5c$LS0; egg plant. 40Q50c
POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 2022c; roost
ers, old, $53&60: roosters, young, $5.506.50;
broilers, small, $3.6084; broilers, large, $4.50
85; fryers, $585.60; hens, $588; ducks, old,
$3.3080; ducks, young. $086.50. V
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 30c; Tanoy sec
onds, 25c; fancy dairy, 24c; do seconds, 21c
EGGS Fancy ranch, 62c; Eastern, 26g2Sc
HAY Wheat, $13,!5QI7; wheat and oat, $13
810; barley, $9.50813; aUalfa, $081L50; clover,
$10.50811.50; stocks, $S810; straw, per bale,
WOOL Fall, Humboldt and Mendocino. 128
14c; lambs. 9811c
HOPS 18822c
FRUITS Apples, choice Oregon. $2.25; com
mon. 25c; bananas, $1.253; Mexican limes,
$484.50; California lemons, choice, $2.50; do
common, $1; oranges, navel. $283; pineapples,
$283. .
POTATOES River burbanks, 058S3c; Sali
nas burbanks, $1.1081.50; aweets, $181.15; Ore
gdn burbanks, 85c3$1.05.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $10820; middlings, $25
CHEESE New. 13c; Young America, 1314c;
Eastern, 15810c
RECEIPTS Flour, 2776 quarter sacks; bar
ley. 4090 centals; oats., 360 centals; beans, 5490
sacks; corn, 816 centals; potatoes, 2950 sacks;
bran. 85 sacks; hay, 220 tons; wool, 37 bales;
hides. COS.
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 1. The official clos
ing quotations for mining stocks today were
as follows:
Andes $0.24Mexican $1.25
Belcher 38OccIdental Con ... 43
Best & Belcher... 2.20,OphIr 2.30
Bullion 10 Overman 22
Caledonia 1.05Potosl 17
Challenge Con ... 32; Savage 35
Chollar 17!Seg. Belcher 12
Confidence 07JSlerra Nevada .... 53
Con. Cal. & Va... 1.30. Silver Hill 83
Con. New York... 22 Utah Con" 19
Gould & Curry.. .-v 39UnIon Con 72
Hale & Norcrosa.X55,Yellow Jacket .... 33
Justice 14
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. Mining stocks today
closed as follows: ,
Adams Con $0.10; Little Chief $0.00
Alice 13 Ontario 6.00
Breece 10 Ophir 2.00
Brunswick Con .. SJPhoentx 2
Com. Tunnel .... 6 Potosl 20
Con. Cal. & Va... 1.15;Savage 3d
Horn 811ver 1.00Slerra Nevada .... 64
Iron Silver 1.40, Small Hopes 15
Leadvllle Con ... 2, Standard 2.00
BOSTON, Dec. 1. Closing quotations:
Adventure $ 3.50JOsceola $50.23
Allouez 4.00; Old Dominion .. 8.50
Amalgamated... 3K7;Parrot 17.00
Bingham 20.25,Quincy 8.00
Cal. & Hccla.... 435.00, Santa Fe Copper. 1.50
Centennial 14.00 Tamarack 80.00
Copper Range .. 42.S7 Trinity 4.73
Daly West 34.501 United States ... 17.87
Dominion Coal.. 70.00, Utah 26.75
Franklin 7.50;Vlctoria 2.60
Isle Royale 6.50 Winona 7.50
Mohawk 35.50.1 Wolverine ....... 66.23
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK, Dec 21. Tin was rather firmer
In London, spot there advancing 10s to 118
7s 6d, while futures were 12s 6d higher, at
119 12s Gd. Locally, tin was quiet, with spot
quoted at 23.70820c.
Copper advanced 7s Od to 55 for spot, and
2s Od to 54 103 for futures in London. Local
ly, copper was more or less nominal. Lake is
quoted at 12.25812.50a; electrolytic, 12.12c;
casting, f2c
Lead was unchanged at 11 3s Gd in London
and at 4.25c In New York.
Spelter advanced 7s Od to 20 12s Od In Lon
don, but was lower locally, with spot quoted at
Iron closed at 4Ss Od In Glasgow, and at 41s
9d In Mlddlesboro. Locally, iron is quiet; No.
1 foundry Northern is quoted at $15810; No. 2
foundry Southern soft, $13.50814.
Wool Marketn.
BOSTON. Dec 1. There ? been few deal
ings In the wool market the niut wppV ph.
I however, have held steady. Values as a whole.
nowever, weaKenea somewnat of late, but at
the samo tlmo thero Is no pressure to sell, and
dealers yet hold that their wools are good prop
erty. There Is quiet trading In territory wools
at unchanged prices. Tho market for pulled
wools is quiet, with conditions steady. The
foreign wool market Is dull. Territory quota
tions: Idaho fine, 14815c; fine medium, 16817c; me
dium, 18819c; Wyoming fine, 14815c; fine me
dium. 16817c; medium, 18819c; Utah and
Nevada fine, 15816c; fine medium, 17817c;
medium, 19820. Montana fine choice, 19820c;
fine medium choice, 19820c; staple, 20821c;
medium choice, 20821c
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK, Dec 1. The market for coffee
futures closed firm, at unchanged prices, to an
advance of 10 points. Total sales. 05,750 bags,
including: January. $5.0086,05; March. $6.15
6.30; May. $6.40; July. $6.6080.65. Spot Rio
steady; No. 7 invoice. 6 5-16c; mild fltm.
Sugar Raw nominal; fair refining, 3r; cen
trifugal, 96 test. 3c; molasses sugar, 3c Re
fined Is quiet; crushed, $5.05; powdered, $4.55;
granulated. $4.45.
J D Mulvahlil, N Y
A D Runnel. S F
A C Churchill. Newbg
C A McCorgan, city
G W T Kockj Chlcgo
Ji segei, N 1
G C Fulton
T H Curtis
L P Desmarlas
A T De Forrest
W H Eniey and wife
Mr and Mrs N L
Walton, San Fran
G H Eberhard. do
G Curran. Seattle
H W Cane. N Y
F B Selxas
B L Bryant and wife.
S Strauss
Mr and Mrs Goodwin
and maid
P J Forbes. Brooklyn
F G Parsons, S F
W F Brook, S F
F E Coatman and
wife, Omaha
J A Dacey, N Y
G Troman, Chicago
F Burkhardt. Vane
W M Gleason, Dalles
C C Springer, Chgo
J G Meyler and wf,
W Boerick. S F
H Harris. S F
H F Ony. Wendling
E Maxwell. Seattle
Mrs T M Reed. Nome
H E Moffatt and wf.
ban Francisco
R D Williams
Round City
W S Bundy and wife,
S ATcrklns and (wife.
C T Towle, Manager
Ben Hur Co
H W Helss. N Y
F P Strong, St Paul
D E Urackhank. S F
Mrs H J Peters and
child. Leadvllle
E Goldman. Aberdeen
F H Benton. Seattle
F O Green, Chgo
E R Rowe, do
O T2 Caton. Seattle
C P Mayarame, Dulth
A R Spraguc, Tacom
G Palmer, do
W B Roberts, Omaha
T G Halley and wife.
L Gorley, N Y
B Levy. N Y
I Trend, do
C R Paul. Chicago
A D Bogart, Clarkcs
S H Haas, Loulsvlle
F J Morrey S F
H G McKinley, city
B Shane
T G Mortland
E o Brown. Salt Lak
Mrs M Ludderman,
C E Pratt. Chicago
C W Brdwn, St Paul
A. F Brick. Victoria
C J Sex. St Louis
H Obcrlin. Omaha
G w Grecnbaum, X Y
A D Taylor, B City
I H Taft. Celiio
G R Comstock. AstorG C Cartlette, S F
W W Laughlln,
M Burns. Walla Wal
Mrs Burns, do
O E Klrkpatrlck,
Mrs Klrkpatrlck, do
Mrs P Amy. do
G C Amy, do
A Lillie. Corvallls
Mrs H J Peters,
E Goldsmith, Aberdn
Mrs W B Mack, do
Miss Mack, do
F A Du Bots, S F
Mrs Du Bols, do
W N Eceles, Indpls
Mrs Eceles, do
F D Pratt, do
W E Clarke, Pendltn
T A Hurst, Carrblltn
Mrs Hurst, do
Mrs S E Gilbert, cty
A M Nicholas, Pueblo
C S Smith. Ft Wayne
C W Henderson, do
Mrs W D Wlnshlp. II-
Etta Martin. Astoria
B Martin, do
Miss Agnes Allen. Ta-
L W Robblns, Molalla
Mrs Robbing, do
J C Anderson.
H H Anderson, do
L H Smith. Medford
Mrs Smith, do
Ida F Hamlin. Los A
M G Royal. Olympla
Mrs C Patton, Cullln
Mrs A Ayers. do
A Dulllnger, Midland
C H Toney, Chehalla
R M O'Brien, Pendltn
S F Lodghton. S F
G Schlecht. Deschts
W P Thrall, do
A T Austin, LowlstnlW E Carricks, do
Mrs Porters, do
T Baker, do
C E Jones, Wasco
Mrs Jones, Wasco
H J Taylor, Pendltn
R C Hartramff. do
Mies Ella Moore, do
M McCrarkon. do
A Pltchard. city
A Ethelr, N Y
Miss Zona Appleton,
New York
J A Gulsendorffer,
The Dalles
it F Hall. Goldendal
G E Black, S F
J P Dabney, Seattle
C H Bartlett, Tacoma
F A (Copley, Cumber
land Mrs Copley, do
Miss Copley, do
A R Byrkett, Brydn
C T Morris. Eeuttle
I F Wilcox, S F
C E Menton, Tacoma
E H Frehch, Th DIs
Mrs French, do
J Armstrong, S F
W Winters, Spokane
H E Crosby, Thfc DU
Mrs Crosby, do
Miss Crosby, do
V R Ferguson, do
Mrs Ferguson, do
J A McArthur, do
R C Atwood. Wasco
Mrs Atwood. do
R G Case, do
Mrs Gulsendorffer, do
A F Wall, do
Mrs Wall, do
F E Tullemany, do
A Frenchy, do
C R Rose, N Y
Mrs Rose, do
J P McMlllen. do
Mrs McMlllen. do
Miss McMlllen. do
J B Perry. Pendletn
A McBeeth, do
Mrs McBeeth, do
Miss McBeeth. do
A Gilbert. Astoria
J L Llndley, Bialn
W H Linton. N Y
Mrs D Durrant. do
Miss Durrant. do
W L Bridgford, Olym
Mrs Bridgford, do
A Running. Seattle
J S Cooper. Indpls
Mrs Cooper, do
S S Swain, Kelso
Mrs Swain, do
L M Leyter, city
Mrs P Avery. Corvlls
G C Avery, do
A Lilly. Corvallls
W A Mayo, Missoula
R N Stanfleld, Pen
dleton O F Thompson, Echo
B E Kennedy, clty
W C Pruett, city
E W Davis, La Gr
C A Epplnger, Pendl
Miss Ella Moore,
M F Mayers. Clatsk
Mrs W G Chandler,
R L NorrlH. York
J D Agce
R C Agce
J Caughby, Valdvill
C Hubbard, Indpls
J Finlayson, Astoria
Mrs Finlayson, do
E H Watklns. Cathl
O Patterson, Astora
S Schmidt, do
S T Mansfield. Pendl
A D Stlllman. Pendlt
J Cosgrovo, Mpls
G A Hartman. Pendlt
Mrs Hartman, do
F F Warm8ley, do
Mrs Warmsley, d
H D Patton. Salem
F. O Patton. do
P Gamgens, Heppner
T C Taylor, Pendleton
Mxa Taylor, do
W E Brock, do
Mru Brock, do
Mrs T G Halley, do
W A. Mayor, do
E P Mailer, city
J L Laurcy. Pendletn1
H J McLafferty, 8 F,
J Abraham, Rosebrg
C W Stone. Los Ang
M J Carney, Pendltn
J F Hamilton. Astor
Mrs G H Baker.
Maud Baker, do
Mrs C Llmblln. do
J E Harklns, Tacom
Mrs B Stuart. Spokn
T A De Boise. Seattl
iL E Mayor, do
Mrs A C Baker, Seatt
N H McKay, Scapp JJ H Tlmmen. Ilwaco
J C Raffety, Moun-J A Flneout. Rainier,
talndalc H W Llndlow, Stev-
J F scnucht, do l enson
F M Grout, Mount
G D Sutherland,
Hettle Knlghten
W H Johnson, Chehls
II A"Shlolds. Troutd
J W Bennett, Rldge-
C H LIndcman,
Green am
II H Thoman
W O Brlce, do
R H Criseil, Wllson-
Mrs L S Ellis, Waso
Myra Stanton, do
A Snyder,' Clatiikanlo
R N Nelson, do
Mrs D L Adams, do
Edith Brock. Mo to
E J Rowland. Louisv
Mrs A E Cousins, du
Grace Morrison,
Mrs G R Hulse. do
R E Irwin, Barlow
Mrs Irwin, do
E A Porter. Falrdalo
A M McLaughlin,
Buena Vista
Ed Carl
Mrs Carl
E C Lyon. USA.
W B Miller
P H Perlne, city
A Dowsett. city
F H Hoard, Heppnr
Mrs Hoard, do
R O Collis
T W Emery. Battle
Ground, Wash
A Bergren
H G Campbell, Dallas
J C Armstrong, Cen-
W A Jones, Sumpter
Mrs Jones, do
Mrs F A McGulre,
N Yakima
J Natch cb
J R Mayer, Falls Cty
Mrs Mayor, do
P O Anderson, Palmr
J Preston Walla W
Mrs Preston, do
A Johnson. Ballard
Mrs E E Gilliam.
W F Pruden. Clarku
M Mullen. St Paul
L Geer. London
Ed Galidln. Felida
W W Mclrvln, do
F E Seachrlst. K C
M E Mclrvin, do
Mrs Seachrlst, K C
E C Miller. II River
W H Bond. Helix
A C Smith, Denvor
E Reed. Centervllo
H E Kamholz, do
C Drake, do
B Drake, do
W A Knraer
V C Evans. Rosalie
H C Shlppey. Lyle
L M Bonl, do
J Foley
T B Btdwell. Astoria
Mrs L A Brown, Eug
Miss D R Brown, do!
B A Mllsap. Lebanon
J McCullocb, Ball
Bton Mrs McCulloch, do
W Frasar, Moro
Mrs Fraser, do
J C Shymaker, Puy
allup Mrs H E Wing
Miss Wing
W Stlmpson, Golden
dale M Ford, Pipestone
L B Allen. Antelope
T Hlgglns, Eugene
C Brewer
J Holhrook, Catlln
L H. Btart
Mrs Hayes, Seattle
J B Dowber, Heppner
J c Freeman, Moro
J D Thorp
J E Hanna, Scappos
A E Elliott
J Totten, Stevenson JW Tlllard, Heppner
P Pltchford, Boring
M Chalmson, Bea-
J M Wlswell, Vane
J D Densmorc, Salem
G Henry, Walla Wal
C W Bradshaw,
Mrs Bradshaw, do
P A Fugate. do
T Oliver. Woodland
C Sanger, do
C Smith, do
G H Carey, city
R R Erwln. Hood R
A Backman, Woodlnd
Mrs Packman, do
Mrs F R Rich, Dallas
Mrs A J Lynch, do
G N Froom. Pendltn
Mrs Froom. do
D E Robinson, Astor
L D Elliott, Ft Wayn
H Elliott, do
L M Elliott, do
M J Elliott, do
Ada Shurtlcff. do
A Stockenburg. Astor
S A Stockenburg,
Mrs Stockenberg, do
Miss J Carlson, do
J L Starr, Marysvilla
B Graves. Dallas
W O Graves, Falls Cy
W H Robinson, Cot
J Christenson, Cathl
R A McRae, Slletz
A Howard, Or City
L Powell, Castle Rck
C F Anderson, S F
B Thomas, Roseburg
J N M11I3, Manning
Mrs I Jagaki, Orient
Miss Jagaki, do
W M Lee. Goldendlr
E Anderson. Stella
Mrs Anderson, Stella
It Johnson, Astoria
F W Fluhrer. Mayger
W S Markwell. Clats
W E Officer. Ellens-
F JoneF, Tacoma
B W Powell, Castle
E N Shintaffer. do
E J Heffron, Trout L
G W Butler. Phillips
A Carter, Kaiama
E Fowler. Goble
Miss N Du Bols.
Ben Hur
May Traske, do
N O'Keefe. do
E Wehrlln, do
Miss P Maulnooht, do
Hotel Brunswick, Seattle.
European plan, popular rates. Modem
Improvements. Business center. Near
Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma.
American plan. Hates, $3 and up.
Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma.
First-close restaurant In connection.
Rainier Grand Hotel, Seattle.
European plan, finest cafe on Coast.
Hdqrs. naval, military and traveling men.
Rooms In suite and single. Free shower
baths. Hatea. $1 up. H. P. Dunbar, prop.
Down Town in Seattle.
We take pleasure in notifying the TRAV
ELLING MEN visiting the Northwest that
we have lately built and arranged at a cost
of several thousand dollars, FINE COM
the Arcade bulldm?, the MOST CENTRAL
LOCATION In SEATTLE, for the use of tho
Commercial men who btop at THE -WASHINGTON,
when In Seattle. We hope thereby
to greatly extend the patronage of THE
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
8:00 A M.
For Maygers, Rainier,
Clatskanle, Westport.
CUtton. Astoria. War
renton. FUvel, Ham
mond. Fort Stevens,
Jearnart Park. Seaside,
Vstoria and Seashore.
Express Dally.
Astoria Expreti
11:10 A.M.
7:00 P. M.
9:40 P. M.
S R Olds and wife,
Walla Walla
Rose R Arthur. N Y
A M Reevca, Albany
W F LOttierba,ck.
Comm'l Agent. 248 Alder st. o. F. & P. A.
Phone Mala W9
mm Shopj Line
a Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourist sleep
ing cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spokane;
tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas City;
through Pullman tourist sleeping car (person--Ally
conducted) weekly to Chicago. Kansas
City. Reclining chair cars (seats free, to the
East dally.
UNION DEPOT. Leave, Arrive
CHICAGO- PORTLAND 8:50 A. M. 5:30 P. M.
SPECIAL. Dally. Daily.
For the East via Hunt
ington. SPOKANE FLYER. 7:45 P. M. -W0 A. M.
For Eastern Washing- OaUy. Jally.
ton, Walla Walla. Lew
iston. Cocur d'Aleae
and Gt. Northern potnti
For the East via Hunt- jolly. jally.
l:0(fp. M. '
Steamer Geo. W. Elder,
Dec. 8. 18, 28; steamer
Columbia. Dec. 3, 13, 23
For Aatoria and way
polnts. connecting witn
steamer for Ilwaco and
North Beach, str. T. J.
Potter, Aah-st, dock.
J.OO P. M.
Dally ex.
10 P. M.
City and Yamhill River
points, Elmore, Aah-st.
dock (water permit
ting). 7:00 A.M.
8:00 P. M.
ho, and way polnU
from RIparla. Wash.,
steamcra Spokane a
1:06 A. M.
5:00 P. M.
dally, ex.
TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washington.
Telephone Main 712.
For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at
Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight
Via connecting steamers tor Manila. Port Ar
thur and Vladivostok.
For rates and full Information, call on or ad
dress ofliclals or agents of O. R. St N. Co.
Union Depot.
Pius&a TxtAxNS.
8:30 P. M.
for aalem. rtone-
:45 A.M.
burtr. Aaniand. &ac
rniento. O g d e n.
San Francisco. Mo-
Jttve, Los Angeles,
iil Paso. New Or
leans and the East.
3:30 A M.
Morning train con
7:00 P. M.
nects ut Vt oodburn
ulally except bun
cuyj witn train for
Mount Angei, bu
verton, li r o w n u-
V 1 1 1 e. Springfield.
Wendling and
4:00 P.M.
7:30 A M.
Iw. Albany passenger
10:10 A M.
connects at wood
burn with Mt. Angel
and Sllverton local.
Corvallis pa&senger..
5:50 P. M.
114:00 P. M. J Sheridan passenger.. 8:23 A M,
Dally. Lally, except Sunday.
Puvi.i-Aio-oar.Ciu auiiUivxjkN" SERVICQ
Leave Portland daliy for Chswego at 7:30 A.
M., 12.50. 2:05, 3:26, 5.), 6:25, 8:30, 10:10
P. M. Dally, except Sunday. b:i0. 6:30, 8:33,
10:23 A. M.. 4:w. 11:30 P. M. Sunday, only.
" A. M. ....,
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally
8:80 A. M.. 1:55, 3.03. 4:35, 6:15, 7:33,V9:55.
11:10 P. M. Dully, except bunday, 6:23, 7:23,
U:30. 10:20. 11:43 A M. Except Monday, 12.ZJ
A. M. Sunday only. 10:00 AM.
Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter
mediate points dally except Sunday. 4:00 P. M.
Arrive Portland 10:20 A. M.
The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper
ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting
with S. P. Co. trains at Dalla asrd Inde
pendence. . ,
First-class rebate tickets on sale from Port
land to Sacramento and San Francisco; nee
rate, $17.50; berth. $5. Second-class fare, $13.
without rebate or berth; second-class berth.
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe, Also
Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and
Washington streets. Phone Main 712.
Depart. Arrive,
Puget Sound Limited for Ta-
ugei ovuuu -- - fllVTTinlrt
CU2UU, ccakUb. "- "
South Bend and Gray'a
Harbor poists 8:30 am 0:80 pa
North Coast Limited for Ta
coma, Seattle, Spokane.
Butte, St- Paul, New York,
Boston and all points East
and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00 am
Twin City Express, for Ta
coma. Seattle, Spokane.
Helena. St. Paul, Minne
apolis. Chicago. New York,
Boston and aU points East
and Southeast 11:45 pta T:05O
Puret Sound-Kansas Clty
St. Louis Special, for Ta
coma, Seattle. Spokane.
Butte. Billings. Denver.
Omaha. Kansas City. St.
Louis and all points East
and Southeast 8:80 am 7:00 am
All trains dally except on South Bend branch,
A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas
senger Agent, 253 Morrison St.. corner Third.
Portland. Or
threat Northern)
Ticket Office 122 Third it Phone 639
Direct connection via Seattle or
Spokane. For tickets, rates and
full information call on or address
H. Dickson, C. T. A.., Portland, Or.
For Japan. China and all Asiatic points, will
leave Seattle
' 1
For South -Eastern Alaska
Valencia or Cottage City
x ajcc. t, xx, xo, io, Jan. a.,
r r- civ rniwrivTA
rui on rrwiuotu
Uuecn, City of Pucbla or
Umatilla Dec. Z, 10,
IS, 20, '25, 30, Jnn. 4.
LiOl VIA fefsa
JO Ioccen&shasia M
CAT ITU WA "gy 77
iff JXPIM1i 1
I i Wt1l)
Steamers connect at San Francisco with
company's steamers for ports in California.
Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further In
formation obtain folder. Right le reserved
to cbango steamers or sailing dates.
PORTLAND, 2-il) Washington St.
SAX FRANCISCO, 10 Market St.
C. D. Dunanu, Gen. Pn. Airt,
San Francis co, j