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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1903)
THE MOBNINGC OBEGONIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1903. 13 HELP WASTED. MALE. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; wo are prepared to continue our business at tho seme old stand; call or write for full particulars. American Bar ber College Corp., 253 Everett St.. Portland. "WANTED. AT ONCE A STRICTLY EIRST class shoe salesman; must be a respectable and experienced flrst-class salesman, etrictly sober; such a man I -will pay $20 per -week. Apply at once to W 70. care Oregonlan. KEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; ONLY two months required; the only system ana only college teaching the trade. Catalogue and full particulars mailed free. Holer Sys tem College. San Francisco. Cat "WANTED EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN AS stenographer and typewriter; must be ener getic and willing to work for moderate compensation; state age and experience. S 73, Oregonlan. 3 RIGGING RUSTLERS. $2.75; CHASER, $2.50, swampers, $2.25: donkey fireman, $2.25; bridge carpenters, $2.00; pass. Lumbermen s Labor Bureau, 20 Morrison et. WANTED TO KNOW IF YOU WILL Dis tribute advertising matter; reliable chemical company; $15 weekly and expenses. Triumph Company, Dallas. Tex. I i YOUNG LADY. "WELL EDUCATED AND connected, seeks position as companion to lady; good home wanted more than wages. Address P. O. box 477,. YOUNG MAN. BRIGHT. OVER 18. TO FRE pare for Government position. Good salary. Permanent. Gradual promotion. Box 570, Cedar Rapids, la. "WANTED LADY OF REFINEMENT AND education for four or five hours dally; good Inducements and occupation pleasant. W 73, Oregonlan. 10 BRICKLAYERS -WANTED; 3 MONTHS' Job, for city work. Apply to J. H. Grlffls, on Marshall-Wells Job, Pine st and 4th, Peruana. i WANTED TWO OR THREE GOOD CLERKS; experienced accountants preferred. Address, stating experience, references, Y 72, Orego nlan. - YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; some money required; fine chance in union shop. Call BOO Washington tt, j MEN AND BOYS TO GET BEST 10c Ehaving and 15c batrcuttlng; open until 8.30 evenings. 31 North 2d. TWO COATMAKERS AND ONE BUSHEL maa wanted at La Grande by Rose & Andrews, La Grande, Or. IN FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP, YOUNG man learn trade; some money required. T 72, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BARBER TO BUY HALF IN terest In good paying shop, cheap. 421 Morrison st. BEST 10-CENT SHAVE IN THE CITY; clean towels, etc. 211 Morrison, near 1st. YOUNG MAN WANTED TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Inquire 167 1st St., room 1. j . j IF YOU WANT WORK OR MEN. SEE HANSEN ABOUT IT. 20 N. 2D. I y . WANTED FRAMEMAKER LITTLE ART shop. 175 4th st. 1 . WANTED A BOY AT 304 RUSSELL ST., AT once. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK TO GO to Oregon City: must be good cook; flrct- class wages paid. Apply at 434 Main st, bet. the hours of 10 and 12, Thursday morning, November 19. i 1 COOKS, WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS. city and country: nurse girts, second girls. housekeepers, plenty of housework. $i5 to $30. Phone Main 1323. Canadian Parlors, 220 Morrison. THE HOLIDAYS ARE NEAR; EARN Y6UR extra money by piecework at your home ana leisure; a good chance still open. Coll today. Hours, 8 to C. 372 E. Morrison. AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL SINGERS, performers, musicians, etc, wanted. Call to day. Newman's Theatrical Agency, 313 Washington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WA1T resees. chambermaids, general - workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phono Black 2SSL . , WANTED GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general housework; good wages; small fam ily; references desired. 295 West Park, cor. Columbia. l ' 'Wanted housekeepers, cooks, wait- resscs, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED SCHOOL GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework for board and piano lessons. 13th and East Burnslde. Phone Scott 244. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. 305 Hassalo St.. cor. Grand av., liolloday's Addition. GCTtL FOR HOUSEWORK: GOOD WAGES to experienced help. Inquire forenoons. 501 East Burnslde. Phone Scott 244. WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERATORS to stitch shirts and overalls. The Benn Greenhood Co., Seattle. Wash. WANTED YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER now beginner; small salary to start. Apply 222, Ablngton bldg. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL HOUSE work. 447 E. 12th St.. north, near Tilla mook, Irvlngton. WANTED LADY DEMONSTRATORS; OUT sldc work; salary. Apply 33 2d St., between 8 and 10 A. M. . WOMAN OF REFINEMENT OVER 25 years old, who can qualify for office work. G 67, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED ARM WAITRESS. THOMP eon's Restaurant, Cth fit., bet. Washington and Alder. STORE. SHOP, RESTAURANT, GENERAL second; other help. Working Girls' Home, 291 3d. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL TO DO housework; good wages. A$ply 005 Flan ders st. PLENTY OF GIRLS AT THE HIGLEY EM ployment Co., 49 1st. Phone Main 2137. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; no children; no washing. Apply 421 7th st. - WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LADY CASH ler and answering phones. V 73 Oregonlan. WANTED WHITE WASHERWOMAN TO call after 10:30 A. M. 205 Allsky bldg. WANTED GIRL. COOK AND HOUSEWORK; family 3 adults. No. 253 North 21st st. WANTED GOOD COLORED NURSE FOR 2 children. 695 Davis, bet. 21st and 22d. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO general housowork. 154 N. 18th st. A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call 330 Park st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED FHIST-CLASS SALESMAN OR saleslady for, fur cloaks and suits. Apply between 12 and 1. 285 Morrison st. I $3 TO $5 PER DAY UNTIL HOLIDAYS Experience unnecessary. Inquire 283 3d St.. room 59. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION WANTED Al CLOTHING SALES-' man, city or country; state wages. Y 73 Oregonlan. ' I WANTED POSITION AS STENOG rapher. by young man; salary moderate. Address 310 10th st. POSITION AS CLERK. EXPERIENCED IN grocery; can give reference. Q 72. Oregonlan. i i v Miscellaneous. ANY KIND OF HELP FURNISHED LA bor contract a specialty. Reliable Japan ese Employment Office, 00 N. 5th st. Phono Clay 592. i , . . , TWO JAPANESE BOYS WANT JOBS IN country as cooks, waiters or dishwashers; want work together. M 71, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION IN SAWMILL OR on construction work, by competent fore man. Box p0. Stayton, Or. WANTED WORK. BY ALL-ROUND LAUN dryman; 18 years' experience; strictly tem perate. A 08, Oregonlan. NICE JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION to do cooking, housework. Japanese. Mis sion. Phono Clay 745. . i FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS position in family, city or country. O 73, Oregonlan. A GOOD JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO do cooking and housework. Telephone Hood 3C3. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRAPHER, who understands office work and light book keeping, desires position: best references. Address tox 410, city. Phone Black SS93. WANTED POSITION BY COMPETENT lady stenographer from the East; can Tarnish typewriter; flrst-class references. Address 445 7th st. Domestics. WANTED BY RESPECTABLE GIRL, Po sition as cook where second girl is kept; best of references If required. Address X 72, care Oregonlan. SWEDISH GIRL DESIRES SITUATION AS cook: private family; wages $35. 230 Yamhill, Phone Black 2SS1. SITUATION FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK by neat girl; plain cook. Phone Mala 1902, between 10 and 12 A. M. RELIABLE GIRL "WISHES WORK; PRB-.I fers East Side, and to star home nlchts. J j. uuuc uujua wu ' SITUATION WANTED BY GOOD GIRL TO assist in general housework or dining-room. F 54, Oregonlan. A GIRL WISHES PLACE TO ASSIST IN housework; no washing. Call 301 N. 14th st. A POSITION WANTED BY AN EXPERI enced agent. Address V 72. Oregonlan. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK TO DO by the day. Call phooo Union 5102. GIRL WOULD LIKE WORK IN SMALL family. Call 258 14th st. Housekeepers. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER or to take care of furnished rooms, by ex perienced woman not afraid of work. B 66, Oregonlan. WIDOW WITH LITTLE GIRL WOULD LIKE position as housekeeper for widower or small family. Apply room CO, Belvedere Hotel. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING RAINY-DAY SKIRTS, shirtwaists and children's drosses a spe cialty; prices reasonable. 170 10th st. DRESSMAKERS MISSES ADAMS AND BUR lelgh, arrived from New York Nov. 1L Flrst class work .guaranteed. 354 Salmon st. WANTED PLAIN SEWING, MENDING? etc., or day work. 147 13th bL. bet. Hoyt and Irving. Miscellaneous. WANTED SITUATION, COMPETENT -DAY worker; washing, ironing; cleaning, house keepers, cooks, nurses, j-econd girls, cham bermaids, waitresses, housework. -230 YamhllL Phone Black 2SSL EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAIDS, SECOND, general, experienced nurse girl, hotel, boarding-house, cooks, waitress. Working Girls' Home. 291 3d. Phone Clay 1993. REFINED YOUNG LADY WISHES Posi tion with lady or widow who travels, as traveling companion. Address X 73, care Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED LADY WISHES Po sition as cashier, saleslady or office work, at once. Phone Front 2517. WASHING OR WORK BY THE DAY BY competent woman. R 72, Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. Ex perience unnecessary; good seller; big com mission; home or traveling position. Call or write 169 11th st. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS SOLICI tois. 433 Washington. A chance to make good money. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED ABOUT JANUARY 1, 1904, A well-located, modern house of about 10 rooms, with all modern improvements; will take lease for 3 or 5 years. P 72, Oregonlan. WANTED TWO OR THREE NICE HOUSE keoping rooms; must be clean, modern, central and strictly first-class. Address T 73, Oregonlan. TWO OR THREE LOVELY UNFURNISHED rooms. 700 Glisan st. Phone Main 1414. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING AND SHOES; we also buy valises and grips; every one knows we alwajs pay the highest prices for everything; for men's clothing a specialty. Fair Deal. C2 N. 3d st. Phone Hood 517. OLD CLOTHESG. OLD SHOES HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-on clothing and shoes, trunks,' valises. Phone Black 3007. Call 27 N. 3d. Orders taken; prompt attention. WANTED-SECOND-HAND SAWMILL. COM plete, with capacity of 25,000 feet per day. Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove, Or. TURBINE WATER WHEEL WANTED, ONE that develops CO to SO horsepower, under 14 foot head. P 73, Oregonlan. WANTED A CORRESPONDENT IN Rus sia; lady preferred. Address L. J. P., P. O. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED TO BUY FURNITURE OF 8 TO 10-room house, closo in. Address Munger. 200 2d st. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone Scott 6813. TOR RENT. Rooms. THE PHILADELPHIA FURNISHED APART ments; everything new; running water in rooms; electric lights, baths, magnificent view plaza blocks and D. P. Thompson Elk foun tain; for transient and tourists; a model of comfort. N. E. cor. 3d and Salmon. Phone Main 202S. J. E. Mlnard Black, prop. THE RUBY. 251 ALDER. NEAR THIRD New brick building, new and flno furnishings; best beds in the city; large room by week nice transient rooms. FOR MAN, WIFE OR TWO LOVELY FUR nlshed parlors and flrst-class board; private family; very reasonable. 328 East 9th, Phone Scott 3708. FiNE,Y BURNISHED FRONT SUITE, 309' Mad son. bet. 5th and Cth; 4 blocks froni Portland Hotel; home privileges, and every thing new. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for one or two, with gas or electric light, t hath and phone. Inquire o North 15th st. LARGE ALCOVE FRONT ROOM AND OTH er rooms In beautiful home, handsomely fur nished; very central. J 07. Oregonlan. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN only; hot and cold water; gas and steam heat. 103 17th st., cor. Morrison. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS private family; very central; all modern coni venlences. Inquire 470 Main et. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM eteam heat, gas, bath, use of telephone. No 3 North 7th St.. cor. Ankeny. rC WEST PARK NEWLY FURNISHED rooms with or without beard; all conven iences. Phone Central 1074. 304 TAYLOR ST. PLEASANT ROOMS FOR gentlemen; two blocks Portland Hotel; no children; heat, gas, phone. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM AND ALCOVE light and heat; one or two gentlemen. 270 4th fit., opposite City Hall. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM.' all conveniences; gentlemen only. 129 loth! bet. Washington and Alder. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH piano, suitable for professional work. Phono Clay 9S4. 231 Cth st. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS; ELEC tric light; everything new. The New Bel mont. 193 First st. NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS FOR GEN tlemen la new house, four blocks from Hotel Portland. 250 6th. WELL FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO gentlemen; everything modem; $3 per month. 269 Market st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN tlemen at the Marquam rooming-bouse. 145 Cth st. " NEW UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; new brick building. Ford's, 165 4th st. Clay 538. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN convenient flat; gas, bath and phone. 554 3d st. Furnished rooms. $1 week up. Gllman Hotel. 1st and Alder; Tremont Hotel, 7th and Everett WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. RENT REA sonable; all modern conveniences. 420 Alder. LARGE, nicely furnished room, for two; mod ern conveniences. The Sterling, 535 Couch. FOK BENT. Booms. The Tamarack, 253 6th Newly furnished, sun ny zooms; all conveniences; moderate prices. Front housekeeping rooms, gas range, lights, bath; close In. 86 10th, near Stark. 895 MORRISON. COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR nlshed rooms, with or without board. FURNISHED OR PARTLY FURNISHED room; no children. 107 N; 17th st. Booms With Board. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS TWO meals, good location; walking distance from business center; private family: ref erences desired. 509 Irving St., between 17th and ISth st. I i THE COLONIAL, 165 10TH ST., COR. MOR rlson Completely renovated and steam heated; a few more guests can be ac commodated with pleasant rooms and flrst-class table. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 16TH YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room; use nf lih4v Wrttnn1 TSrrhnri Address Mn. Acabol Russell, superintendent. 510 Flanders. i WANTED FOUR NICE YOUNG MEN TO room and board; $25 per month; steam heat. bath, telephone; a good home for the rlrtt boys. 414 YamhllL i HOTEL BROWN Rooms newly furnished; baths, electric lights, elevator; rooms for transient; on both car lines. 271 Grand ave. BLAKELEY HALL. 251 7TH ST Large rooms with first-class board; fine location; four blocks from Hotel Portland. Main 2031. 894 ALDER ST., COR. 10TH-NICELY FUR nlsbed room on first floor: also suite, with flrst-class table board; reasonable. NEWLY FURNI8HED ROOMS, TEN MIN utes ride to town; with or without board. 423 7th st., cor. of HalL DESIRABLE ROOMS , AND BOARD IN private family; newly furnished house. 120 N. ISth St., cor. GUsan. DESIRABLE ROOMS. WITH GOOD BOARD and a pleasant home, for four to six young mm, at 170 12th st. AFTER NOV. 21, ONE NEWLY FUR nlshed room with board; phono and bath. 226 12th. 394 ALDER, COR. 10TH NEWLY FURNISH ed suite and single room, with table board. 305 MORRISON. COR. 10TH FURNISHED rooms, with or without board. Housekeeping Booms. FOR RENT THREE ELEGANTLY FUR nlshed rooms, suitable for housekeeping. In private family and beautiful home; very cen tral. Address H 67, Oregonlan. $J0 PER MONTH 3 FURNISHED HOUSE kecplng rooms, pantry, bathroom, woodshed; free water and telephone. 832 7th-at. Ter race, near Carathers. LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, first floor; can be used for very light housekeeping. 263 Jefferson, opposite City HalL NICELY FURNISHED FRONT SUITES; new gas ranges; everything flrst-class. 108 Union ave.. cor. East Alder. Phone Union 3263. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING apartments, with modern conveniences; resi dence locality. 4S9 Jefferson it,, near 14 th. THREE NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, gas range, telephone and bath. Call mornings or evenings. 147 11th. ELDERLY COUPLE WILL RENT PART beautiful East Side home, furnished, to re fined couple. L 57, Oregonlan. TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR HOUSE keeplng. hot and cold water, use of bath; reasonable. 071 E. Staifc. 3S8 JEFFERSON ST. NICELY FURNISHED flats for housekeeping; gas, bath and phone; reference; no children. $1.50 PER WEEK LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with use of laundry and bath. 184 Sherman. 410 10TH THREE LOVELY UNFUR nlshed rooms; separate from, rest of house; bath, gas, phone. TWO NEWLY PAPERED AND PAINTED furnished housekeeping rooms; modern; no children. 325 12th. 02 17TH. COR. FLANDERS TWO FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms to parties without children. 4-ROOM FLAT, NICELY FURNISHED, GAS, bath, modern; reasonable. 309 Benton. Phono Scott 1184. FOR RENT THREE HOUSEKEEPER rooms; no children; private family. 4 SI E. Morrison. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath; electric light. NICE FRONT GROUND FLOOR ROOMS, gas, bath; close In. i0 10th, near Stark. 435 ALDER ST. 3 FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, convenient and cheerful. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 228 Washington Bt, MODERN FLAT. 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED. 426 4th st. Houses. FOR RENT MODERN HOME AT MOUNT Tabor; near cars; large grounds; fruits, etc.: very desirable location. Hart Land Co., 10i Sherlock bldg. DONALD G. WOODWARD, 246 STARK ST., rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMLNISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. SUNNY slde. O. M. Smith, 3 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Exchange.20. 1467 MACADAM ST. NINE-ROOM HOUSE, 2 lots; fine shrubbery. Inquire of Beldlng Bros., 45 31 at. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE, 004 EVER ett st. Inquire 6S5 Kearney st. Phono Front 900. C-ROOM COTTAGE, 320 E. 11TH. CORNER Market. Inquire next houso south, after 12 o'clock. V. 8-ROOM HOUSE, WEST SIDE. ON CAR line; good locality. Inquire 339 Sherlock bldg. THREE-ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD CONDI tlon, $10; snap. 234 Morrison, room 2. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN 1MPROVE ments. 545 4th at.; in good condition. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. RENT REASONABLE. 4S1 Union ave.t Upper Alblna. 20-ROOM BRICK FLAT; LEASE. FORD. 163 4th. Phono Clay 6SS. A 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. APPLY 504 Washington st. Furnished Houses. VERY NICELY FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM house, central. East Side on Burnslde St.; year's lease If desired. W. H. Taft, 80 4th fit. Phone Main 1268. NICELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE: central; very convenient. Inqulro 430 Yamhill st. Phono Front 634. 8-ROOM HOUSE, COMPLETELY FURNISH ed, on Taylor, bet. 17th and 18th; $50 month. Call 474 Alder. A FURNISHED 8-ROOM HOUSE TO RENT; t centraL Call 145 Cth, room 25. ' i Houses for Bent, Furniture for Sale, "UNLOADING SALE ON CHAIBS AND ROCK ers; others will soon arrive, and wo must have the room. They will not last long at the prices wo offer. Calef Bros., 130 6th St., tho lowest house furnishers In the city. $630 BUYS FURNITURE OF S-ROOM house, for rent; desirable central location; moderate rent. R 73, Oregonlan. $050 WILL BUY FURNITURE 10-ROOM house, house for rent, $33. 314 Columbia, Phone Front 828. Stores. THE 4-STORY BUILDING AT 211 1ST ST. .for rent: If deolred for a term of years; or will exchange for San Francisco property. Wiley B. Allen. 931 Market st., San Fran cisco. FOR RENT CHOICE CORNER STORE. 50x GO, large windows and basement, W. Park and Morrison sts. See Portland Trust Co. of Oregon, 189 3d st. STORE. 307 STARK ST., BETWEEN 5TH and utn. jjonaia u. woodward, 240 Stark st. Telephone Main 345. FOR RENT NEW STORE BUILDING AT City View Park. Apply to Sharkey & Morrow, 20S Allrky bldg. FOR RENT-ONE STORE 24x50, WITH CE ment basement, brick building. 271 1st st. Apply next door. S55 Stark at. 25x50 feet, modern, basement; reasonable rent. Apply 811 Chamber Com. FOK BENT. Stores. STORE. UNION AVE.. NEAR EAST MOR rlson st.; brick building; good location. W. Hi Taft. 86 4th at.; phone Mala 1263. STORE FOrTrENT. APPLY 61 N. PARK ST. Offices. UNFURNISHED ROOMB FOR OFFICES IN a new brick. Ford's, 165 4th st. Clay 538. PERSONAL. SKn,LFUL AND SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT of all diseases of the face and scalp; blem ishes and wrinkles permanently removed; dermatology, massage and electrolysis taught for professional purposes by Mme. A& Holmes; throe years' references of Portland's leading physicians and citizens given. No risks run. Advice free. 844 Morrison, sear Park. 03OOK OF SECRETS." "THE BEAUTY Spot." "A Hot Tamale," "Mabel aray," "Stolen. Sweets," "Lustful Love," ."For bidden Fruit," "Story of a 81ave," 50o each. Joke books, letter writers, dream books, speakers, card tricks, dance call books, fortune telling, palmistry, etc., 25c each. Catalogues free. Schmale. 229 1st. MME. CHAPELLB. THE PEERLESS PALM lst and cardreader, positively reveals the future. If sick or in trouble, disappointed in love, business ventures, etc., a visit to this gifted lady will surely benefit you. 228 Washington. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, ALL SKSBS $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 347 Washington, op posite Cordray's. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed; but of work; satisfaction guaranteed. 150 1st St., Portland, Or. Phone Red 316L Residence. 249 Harrison st. Phone West 909. FACIAL BLEMISHES PERMANENTLY RE moved; best electro massage and scalp treat ment; expert manicurist and chiropodist; one trial will convince. N. Y. Electro-Therapeutic io.,-.ra iiarquam mag. Tci. macK zsou H E7 YOU DON'T WEIGH ENOUGH OR can't sleep, you can procure perfect sleep and gain 15 pounds by using Sexlne Fills. Price $1, 0 for $5. J. A. Clemenson, druggist, 2d and Yamhill sts. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules. Ono month's treat ment, $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely scaled by mall. Agents, Woodard, Clarko & Co., Portland, Or. SEXINB PILLS ARE GUARANTEED FOR all forms of weakness; Si a box, 6 for $5. Address or call J. A. Clemenson, druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or. Superfluous hair, moles, etc, permanently re moved by electric needle; 9 years experi ence In Portland: physicians' references; lady operator. 243 6th. Phone Main 1109. GERMAN BOOKS, NOVELS AND MAGA zlnes. German Bibles and Testaments. German gift books for holidays. Schmale's German Book Store, 220 1st. SEND YOUR MAIL ORDERS FOR DRUO store wants to Albert Bernl, the druggist, 235 Washington St., Portland, Or. Prompt and satisfactory returns. SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladles and gentlemen of responsible age, matrimonially Inclined. J . 58, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY FROM SEATTLE GIVe3 vapor baths, massage, perfume; new treat ment; delightful. Invigorating; a luxury. ui, utn st. J ;, , PLAIN, HONEST GERMAN MAN DESIRES acquaintance good woman under 35; ob ject matrimony. Particulars. S 72, Ore gonlan. We print your name en 30 calling cards, proper size and style, 23c; 250 business cards, $1. Brown & Schmale, 229 1st, Port land, Or. THE STAR HAIR REMEDY RESTORES gray hair and produces new growth; not dye. Paris Hair Store, SOS Washington, solo agent. FINE DAY I BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las. Repairing and recovering; two stores, Washington and eth and Morrison and 3th. Caldwell College of Oratory and Acting, 1295 Market St., San Francisco; 10 teachers; posi tions guaranteed; beautiful catalogue free. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at E resell" a Pharmacy, 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. Regent Bath Parlors Expert Masseuse, vibra tor massage cures obesity, rheumatism, nerv ous diseases. 474 Alder. Front 694. OSTRICH FEATHERS AND BOAS CLEAN ed, dyed and made over. Chicago Dye House. 403 Wasalngton at. LADIES' Tailoring and Fancy Gowns. J. F. Huffman. 431-4 Mohawk bldg. Main 3050. L. PATTERSON, OSTEOPATH. NERVOUS disease women and children. 343 Wash. W. H. LESH, WATCHES, DIAMONDS: EASY payments. 513 Dekum bldg. Phone Clay 899. Balm of Figs For all female diseases. 434 Alder st. Phone West 15S8. Agents wanted. SHOES HALF SOLED FOR 60c AT HOLLA baughs, ISO Sd. bet, Yamhill and Taylor. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure, 25c. All druggists'. Mrs. Obrock, graduate masseuse, cabinet baths; chronic diseases treated, Ablngton bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES, INC. SEE FORD IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A ROOMKS'G-HOUSEv 165 4TH ST. CLAY 538. A beautiful 0-rooro flat with fine furniture; elegant Persian rugs, cheap rent; close in; parties wishing a nice home within walking distance had better look this up, as it is a bargain. Price, $500. half down. 15 rooms, 3 years' lease; rent $25; ono of the best over offered. BUSINESS CHANCES. One of the best-equipped and best-patronized restaurants in the city, with 3 years leaso; very central: $800. FOR SALI3 GRANT'S CIGAR STORE. THE leading and most prominent cigar store In The Dalles, controlling the cigar, tobacco and periodical trade of tho city; well es tablished and no bonus asked; $1200 for tho fixtures, which are well worth the money, and tho stock fresh and saleable goods at invoice; sales for 1902 were over $15,000. For full particulars write or call on James J. Flynn & Co., Tho Dalles, Or. 25 ROOMS. FULL, GOOD LOCATION. $50 rent, $1950; 24 rooms. 5-year lease, house and furniture all new, $00 rent, $2500; 23 rooms. 3-year lease. Is strictly flrst-class, 3 storerooms, all, rents $100. $2000; 10 rooms, best location, $43 rent, $750; first-class stock groceries, rent $15, lease. $400. Walter & Hart, room 0, Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1538. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE business, in suburbs, on good county road, post office; cheap if taken at once; ill health the reason for selling. Further particulars Inquire at 107 3d st,, room 1. ALL OR HALF INTEREST IN ONE OF most profitable manufacturing plants in Washington; $1000 cash, balance $3300 on time. Address A. W. Coleman, Olymplo, Wash. I , FOR SALE ONE OS THE LEADING candy stores In the city, good location, reasonable rent, long lease, satisfactory reasons for selling. E 49, Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF .10-ROOM HOUSE. CEN tral, $S50; 15 rooms, $1250; 10 rooms, cheap rent, $S75; 9-room flat, $350. 193 1st st,, room 3. $1000-ONB OF THE BEST BUSINESSES IN Portland; established six years, netting hand some Incomo ana employing roue hands. C 71, Oregonlan. MAN UNDERSTANDING GOOD BUSINESS, patronage already assured, wishes partner with $200; no risk; Income from start. A 72, Oregonlan. USIN GOOD REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE business for sale In town of 3000, and fine tributary country. S 68. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CIGAR STAND. FINE LOCA tlon; good chance for cardroom In back. Call 233 Burnslde St., near cor. 2d. 50.000 SHARES ALICE GOLD MINING CO. stock for sale In blocks to suit purchaser. Room 18, Alnsworth bldg. $200022 ROOMS, WELL FURNISHED, close In; pays well; house modem; terms. 612 Commercial bldg. CONFECTIONERY STORE. LrVEfG-ROOMS. heart of city; $15 rent; 2-year lease. Inquire 331 Burnslde. FOR RENT LOWER DOCK. WITH BOAT "landing, foot of Morrison st. Inquire 183 Morrison. FINE NEW HOMES ON THE EAST SIDE for sale on terms to suit. Room 413 Dekum. MINING STOCK BOUGHT, MONEY LOANED. Income stock cold. 215 Commercial block. BUSINESS CHANCES. $1000 AN EXCEPTIONAL OPENLN'G IS OF fered a desirable party to take half interest in a bona fide down-town business, with permanent position and good salary. Includ ing all expenses; one with some conception of business need not be experienced; refer ences exchanged. M C9, care Oregonlan. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY ARE In possession of the latest information re garding business chances in city or country. None but legitimate propositions considered. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Ablngton building. ROOMING-HOUSE. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS In every particular; new furniture; 3-year lease; cheap rent; 60 rooms; price, $0000. In quire 331 Burnslde. ROOMING-HOUSE, 34 ROOMS. MOSTLY transient; best transient house In city; lease 3 years; price, $2000. Inquire 331 Burnslde. FURNITURE SDC-ROOM COTTAGE, $400; furniture 8-room, v house, $600; furniture 15 roozn, house, $1000. Inquire 331 Burnslde. GREAT SNAP 10-ROOM FLAT. FEELY furnished, line transient place. In business center, only $1300. Y 16, Oregonlan. A SMALL. COMPLETE SAWMILL PLANT, with good trade and fine timber, for sale cheap. C. W. Vail. Oakland. Or. GROCERY STORE ON PROMINENT ST.; centrally located; cheap rent; long lease; ln . veetlgate. Inquire 331 Burnslde. CIGAR STANDS TWO GOOD CENTRAL stands; we also have several rooming-houses and cottages. 331 Burnslfi-. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE; NOT CHEAP. BUT good paying and permanently located; steady patronage. A 70, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE. 53 ROOMS, SNAP; In vestigate quick; flrst appearance on, the mar t ket; $1850. 331 Burnslde, SALOON PROPOSITION, ROOSHNG-HOUSD above; roomlng-houso pays rent; price, $S50. Inquire 331 Burnsido. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS NOTICE IS hereby given that the City Council of the City of Olymplo, Washington, will, on the 30th day of November, 1903, consider bids for the construction of a drawbridge or a llftlng-brldge. In the Marshvllle Bridge in said city, where Fourth street crosses tho Des Chutes River Waterway. The openings In said bridge are to be 60 feet each, according to plans and specifications now on file In the office of the under signed, and in the office of Charles S. BIhler, 419 Fidelity Building, Tacoma. Washington. All bidders shall further more have the right to submit plans and specifications of their; own, and in that event bid shall state tho price at which they will construct same In accordance therewith. All bids must be filed in tho office of tho undersigned on or before the 30th day of November, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., of said day. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check equal In amount to 10 per cent of the proffered bid, which said check will be returned to any unsuccessful bidder. The City Council reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. V. A. MILROY, City Clerk. By order of the Bridge Committee, No vember 13, 1903. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. OF fice of Indian Affairs Washington, D. C, Oct. 29, 1003. Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for Frame School Buildings," addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C will be received at this office until 2 o'clock P. M. Nov. 30. 1903, for furnishing and delivering the necessary materials and labor required In the construction and completion of frame dormitory, frame school building and frame addition to boys dormitory, at Puy allup Indian School, Tacoma, Wash., In atrlct accordance with the plans, specifi cations and Instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this office: at the of fices of the Tacoma Ledger, Tacoma, Wash.: tho Post-Intelligencer, Seattle. Wash., and The Morning Oregonlan, Portland, Or.; at the Builders' and Traders' Exchanges at Omaha, Neb.; Milwaukee, Wis.; St. Paul, Minn., and Northwestern Manufacturers' As sociation, St, Paul, Minn.; and also at tho office of the superintendent. Puyallup Indian School. Tacoma, Wash. For further Infor mation, apply to this office or to the superin tendent, Puyallup Indian School. Tacoma, Wash. W. A. Jones, Commissioner. Miscellaneous. REMOVAL FRANK HACHBNEY, 333 SHER lock bide. 83 3d st-. agent for New Zea land and Traders' Fire Insurance Companies. FINANCL1L. MONEY.. MONEY. To salaried employes and wage-earners Get our system that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, clerk, bookkeeper, sales man, trainman, machinist, engineer, etc, hav ing reliable employment, can get. Just on hla note: Monthly, -mon. Weekly. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or-1 $6.65 or S3.35 $25 Repay to us $ 0.60 or $3.33 or $1.63 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO., 210 Mc Kay bldg.. 102 3d st. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE! Any wage-earner needing money before pay day can get it from us; no commission or in terest in advance; no mortgage or indorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi monthly. In amounts from $1 and upwards, thus avoiding payment of the wholo amount out of any one pay-day; and have six months' time If desired. NELSON & HINDLBY. 308 McKay building. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCLVL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I am in a position to make immediate loans on improved real estate or for bulldiug pur poses; any amount: moderate Interest. Wo approve loans from plans and advance money as building progresses when desired. Option In repayment after one year. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 103 2d st., near Stark. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallette. 213 Commercial block. Telephone Main 13S3. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc., without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 40 principal cities. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. CHATTEL LOANS En AMOUNTS RANGING from $25 to $5000; rooming-houses a spe cialty. New Era Loan & Trust Co., 200 Ablngton bldg. EUMEDIATE LOANS EN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room. 5 Washington bldg. Phono Clay 73. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room. 45, Washington bldg. Phone Hood, 415. LOANS IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Phono Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 AND 7 PER CENT, on city property and Improved Valley farms. W. A. Shaw & Co., 243 Stark at. Money loaned on all kinds of security: 6 per cent; building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn, 652 Sherlock block. Phone Clay 629. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas County lands. E. F. Riley, COS. Cham. Com. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. J. H. Hawley, 2 Chamber of Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st. . LOST AND FOUND. LOST A GOLD WATCH. WITH OXYDIZED silver fob on. on streets bat, 0th and Burn slde to Baker Theater, Sunday evening. Return to 11 N. 0th st- Reward. LOST NOV. 10, LADY'S GOLD WATCH, with name on front, bet. 9th and Irving. 16th and Flanders. Return to American Steel & Wire Co., and receive reward. IF PERSON TAKING. PURSE FROM COUN ter of Meier & Frank Monday, return same to Oregonlan office, liberal reward given; no questions. LOST GOLD BAR NUGGET PIN AT BAKER Theater or bet. theater. Park and Morrison. Return 661 Belmont and receive liberal re ward. THE PARTY WHO TOOK FUR BOA FROM Baker Theater Sunday afternoon Is known; will leave at Oregonlan office and save trouble. LOST SETTER PUP, 7 MONTHS OLD; license tag 1432. Finder communicate with 264 Alder. Reward. LOST RIBBON BELT, WITH ENAMELED Hawaiian buckle. Return to 435 Burnslde, cor. 12th. receive reward. LOST PAIR GOLD-RIMMED SPECTACLES bet, Cth and Hth sts., on Clay. Leave at 323 Cth st. Reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting:. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayers and Analysis. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 203 STARK st., Portland, Cut rates for 60 days; goia $1; sliver, 50c; copper, $1; lead, $L J. H. FISK. ASSAYER, CHEMIST AND mining engineer. 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. aSSAYER AND ANA- lyst; gold dust bought. 228 Stark st. Bine Prints. PORTLAND BLUE PRINT CO. BLUE. black and brown prints, maps and trac ings made. 29 Alnsworth block. Phono Main 26S3. Carpenters and Builders. f T. T5t an- sfHA etn fl-ftiva cnriATfi1 Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black U14.1 GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS, shelving, houses built and repaired. 203 Mth. Clay 174. Cement Contractors. CARTER & ELL. cement contractors. 271 sorter sr, Tel. iTont zstn. wont guaranteed. Chiropodists and Manicuring. L. MITCHELL. THZ: FIRST LICENSED expert chiropodist of Portland, has tho only up-to-date chiropody and manicuring parlors in this city: best lady expert chi ropodist in the Northwest as assistant. All Instruments sterilized. 702 Marquam bldg. Tel. Black 2S31. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLB DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors SOI Allsky bldg. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Main 1301. This is the long-haired gentleman. He is tho man you are look ing for. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST, pedicuring and manicuring. 20 Raleigh bldg. Coal Dealers. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO., DEALERS in all kinds of coal. Call us up for quota tions. 154 North 5th. TeL Main 1018. KING COAL CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall; Wyoming, and Washington houso coals, smithing coals; prompt delivery. Main 1423. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers; best coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 B st. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchants. Front st, near Main, Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock building, Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts, Portland, Or. Corrugated Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. HOT-AXR furnaces. J. C. Bayer, 265 2d at. Dancing. MRS. GRANT'S TUESDAY NIGHTS CLASS, 7:30; children Saturday afternoon at 2, Academy of Music, 2d and Morrison sts. MISS HELEN COPELAND. TEACHER Olr dancing. Burkhard Hall, Monday and Wednesday evenings'. Phone Scott 5615. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING, 269 14th, cor. Jeff. Waltzing a specialty. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. TeL Main 2513. Educational. The Pfell Art School Drawing and keramlc depts.; day and evening classes. 328 13th st. Electroplating. ELECTROPLATING AND OXIDEED WORK of all kinds done at short notice. Doctor's In struments a bpeclalty. AlrtijAit Stove Manu facturing Co., fO Grand ave. FBone East 719. Electrical Works. PORTLAND MECHANICAL AND ELEC trlcal Works. 17S Madison. TeL Black 2981. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of NW.; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Secy. 012-015 Marquam bldg. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE salo saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. S0-S0 1st st. Japanese Goods. JAPANESE CROCKERY; ALL KINDS bamboo furniture. A. Tanaka, 366 Wash, Junk, Hides and Pelts. J. LEVE'S JUNK SHOP IS REMOVED FROM 208 Davis st, to 186 Columbia, near Front; highest cash price paid for all kinds of Junk. Phone Black 1711. L. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 312 Front at. Launch and Boat-Builders. SEE -O. P. GRAHAM, 47 E. WATER ST.; marine and stationary gasoline engines. Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfrs., saddlery hardware, leather of all kinds. 72-73 5th st. Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING, SAWMILL logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, cast ings of all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th st. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY TO COM 'pletely outfit shingle mill; boilers and en glnes. Wlttlor-Corbln Macb, Co., Seattle. THE H. C. ALBEE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand ave. Manufacturing Jewelers. Old gold and sliver bought; Jewelry repaired. Kahn & Gaus. 162 1st, Phone Hood 1723. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains seo Weeks; no agents; 20 per cent saved; at 720 Front, cor. Hooker. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th st. j. A- REID, mfr. boot and shoo uppers; full stock shoemakers" supplies. 207 Wash, at. Massage. VAPOR BATH. MASSAGE AND MAGNETXS. ireaimenis oy tv'rateu young may; select patrons only. 110 4th st,, cor. Washington, room 8. REFINED. YOUNG. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE gives vapor, medicated bath; magnetic and electric treatment; select patrons only. 27 Raleigh bldg. YOUNG. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE Gn'ES vapor, electrical, thermal, alcoholic and medi cated baths; magnetic treatment, 20 Raleigh bldg. Refined young lady, vapor, salt, glow, mag netic, perfume baths; new treatments, delight ful, invigorating: a luxury. 201 d. room 2. LADY FROM THE EAST GIVES BATHS and massage, with Moung lady assistant from New York. Parlors 4-5, 209 4th st. LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE and magnetic treatment; only genuine baths in the house. Room 26, Raleigh bldg. LADY FROM MINNEAPOLIS. GENULVE sclentiflo massage; one treatment means an other. Call 351 Morrison, room 17. FRENCH LADY. WITH YOUNG LADY As sistants, gives massage treatments. 208 5th st,, near Taylor. Phone West 1973. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUR GIVES massage and baths; electric treatment Just arrived. 91 0th st- " MedicaL LADIES I CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY? roval Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Tak no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars "Relief for Ladles." in letter by return mall' Ask your druggist, Chichester Chemical Co Pmladelpbia. Pa. ' Musical. VIOLBN". GUITAR, MANDOLIN, BANJO ' Prof. B. A. Smith. 254 12th. Brown 605. Oregon Vlavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON Sts. Health talk to ladles. Thursdays 2:30 P. M. Patent Lawyers. T. J. GBISLEP. patent and trade mark matters a specialty. 530 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Physiciaas and Surgeons. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT. SUCCESSFULLY treats and cures all diseases of women. Suo. cessful home treatment by mail. 303 Salmon. bet, 3th and 6th. Dr. Flora A. Brown, diseases of women and, t children a specialty. Office 517 Tho Dekum. Osteopathy. DR. C. W. EELLS, OSTEOPATH; graduate American School of Osteopathy. Klrksvllle, Mo. Office 229 5th st. Phone West 1973. DRS. ADLX AND NORTHRUP HAVE RE turned to the r former offices, sulto 416 D. kum bldg., phone Main 349. Paints, Oils and Glass. F. E. BEACH ": CO.. THE PIONEER PAIN1 Co.. selling tho best things made in paints. 135 1st st. Phone Main 1334. RASMUSSEN & CO., JOBBERS. PAINTS, oils, glass, sash and doors. ISO 1st sr. Palmistry. THE FIRST VISIT TO PORTLAND OF MISS Lucllo Fontaine, scientific palmist. If you aro In doubt as to tho outcome of anything pertaining to your social, domestic or com mercial )if advise with this gifted woman. It will avail you. Hours, 10 to 0. Rooms $1 CO Thlrd 'Btreet Readings, 50c, PROF. WALLACE HE ADVISES ON LOVE, marriage, divorce, death, health, business, property, speculation, lawsuits, changes, slu nations, rl-als, husbands, wives, sweethearts, absent friends, success or failure in business. m,n ,? chanses. etc The Cosmos, cor. 4th and Morrison; rooms 27 and 23. MISS MARION CORELLI. PALMIST AND . clairvoyant, 240 6th St.. room 2. Plating. 5Ei?2,N' ELATING WORKS. 491 WASH. PoUshlng, plating. lacquering. Tel. Mn 2575. Rubber Stamps. P-ft STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. PHONH Mala 1 10. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. Safes. DIBBOLD SAFES. JAHS, VAULT DOORS and deposit work. Lockouts opened. Gen eral repairs. Burglar alarms. Steel ceil ings. Second-hand and steel-lined safes bought and sold; goods as represented. J. E. Davis, 60 3d. H,ERRIG-HALL-MARVIN SAFES. PORT, land Safe & Lock Co., solo agents, 76 1st st. Showcases and Store Fixtures. H,. LUTP & CO- SUCCESSORS TO Dixon, Borgensen & Co., 6th and Hoyt sts. Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. cor. Park and Oak; largest variety; repair ing. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. SPHUTUAL MENTAL readings, valuable advice on all affairs of life; business and absent friends a epecialty. Troubled minds promptly relieved. 165 4th et., room 3S. Office hours, 0 A. M. to 5 MADAME JOHNSTON, CLAIRVOYANT, palmist, card reader, returned; pleased to see old friends- 2S9 Third st, MRS. C. CORNELIUS. located in room 30sj Allsky bids., cor. 3d & Morrison. Hood 40J, MRS. STEVENJ. SP1T1TUAL LIFE READER, scientific palmist. GOc. 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th. MRS. SOPHIE B. SEIP. Seer and Prophet. ess. SI 7th, cor. Oak. Phono Green 64 U MME ADUALj CRAMER. SPIRITUALIST, S6 N. 7th t- S tvnogruphers. ROOM 300 THE DEKUM. PRIVATE OF ilees for letter dictation; general office service. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS &. FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready for shipping and 6hlpped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick ware house on Clay bet. 1st and Front, Office 128 1st st, C. M. Olson. Phone Main 647. C O. PICK, office S8 First, bet. Stark and Oak; phone 306. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commo dious flre-proof brick warehouse, Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st,; household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Stoves. LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON PACIFIC Coast; also hotel and restaurant utensils, bakers' ovens. Loewenberg & Going Co., 2d and Taylor. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 60 THIRD ST.1 wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. " Typewriters. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED and sold. Expert repairing. Office supplies mlmeographlc work; public typewriting' Coast Agency Co., 231 Stark st. TeL Main 1407. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter; get catalogue. 319 California st,. Sou Fran cisco. . Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS, WHOLESALE GRO cers, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Port land, Or. J BANKS. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON....- '.President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit issued, availa ble in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, ' LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and Stark Streets. Head office, 55 Old Broad street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts bllla and Issues letters of credit, avallablo for travelers and the purchase of merchandise In any city of the world. Deals In foreign and domestla exchange. Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Mgr. WELLS, FARGO & CO. BANK ' Corner Second and Washington. HOMER a. KING President (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES ., CashlPr WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier (Portland.) General banking business transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. 1 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office, Toronto, Canada. Capital paid up ... .$8,700,000 Reserve .... 3.000,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upward and Interest allowed on minimum monthly balances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD, Manager Portland Branch. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND OREGON. Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued, available in ail cities of tho United States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Assistant Cashier ......... R. W. SCHMEEH Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT! t . , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President A, L. MILL3 Cashier J. W. NBWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier... B. F. STEVEN3 Letters of credit issued available In Europe and the. Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Bcston. Chicago. St, Louis, St. Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London, Paris. Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mot cow, Zurich, Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON BANKERS ' ESTABLISHED EM 1850. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points in the United StatPs. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St, Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points In Oregon, Washington, Idaho Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berlin, Frankfort, Hong-Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu.