Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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work, $25.00. $20.00 an 3 $15.00; 1 girl to ley. from 10 to CO miles out; -will pay - 1 all forms cf weakness; $1 a box, 0 for $5. sell furniture of S rooms, housekeeping; all . -j .
Trait on aged lady. $15.00;, 3 second girls. cash ret; ,uy some stock. If suited; give LOWER FLAT FURNISHED FOUR ROOMS Address or call J. A. Clemenson. druggls?. rented; good locatloif; no agents; save money MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 20S STARK -f- L ,,. & .COj T1l? PIONEER
$20.00; come to the working girls headquar- full description and terms In first letter. very pleasant; gas, phone, bath, furnace, 82 corner 2nd and Yamhill sts., Portland. Or. and buy direct. Call only after 3 afternoon. 8, Portland. Cut rates for 60 days; "sold. fJ?,1. co: selling the best things made, la
tenr. Scandinavian-American Employment B 40. care Oregonlan. 10th st. North. SI N. 0th. $1; silver. 50c; copper. $1; lead, $1. paints, iat st. Phono Main 1334.
. Agency, 226 3d st. Phone Main 1519. . : WANTED PRESENT ADDRESS OF WM, E. ' : nicvneer-v .
WANTED SINGERS. SKETCH TEAMS, housekeeping; A 1 references given If de- lng rooms with sink and closet, 503 5th, fee and spices, Portland, Or. Address Wood- East against Oregon securities; now is the mining engineer. 204 Washington; ons. glass, sash and doors. ISO 1st st.
musicians and acts of every description; sired. Address W 5L care Oregonlan. near Lincoln. ard, Clarke & Co. time for Portland people to reap a harvest - "TTTT7 1
10 amateurs wanted at once; salary $25 1 . - by buying cheap. L. Y. Keady & Co., Fall- PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; Slot Machines.
weekly; stage dancing taught; terms rea- WANTED TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS THE HEILER FURNISHED AND UNFUR- We print your nam on 30 calling cards, lng bldg. sold dust bought, 223 Stark st. N VCnnv,v. . T '
sonable. Newman's Theatrical Agency, 10 minutes walk of old postofflce with nlshed housekeeping rooms to rent- 2a0t. proper slse and style, 25c; 250 business 1 . xKiiA&LOMTiinENTAL MACHINE CO..
3134 Washington, private family. P 46. Oregonlan. Grand ave. cards. $L Brown fc Schmale, 220 1st, CIGAR STORE AND CONFECTIONERY Carpenters, anrt BuUdcrs. cor. Part and Oak; largest variety; repalr-
Portland. Or. fixtures, -consisting of show case, slot ma- , : la-
WANTED SALESLADIES IN HOSIERY, WANTED BOARD IN SMALL PRIVATE 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS , chine, cash register, shelving. Jars, dishes, w. Buckner, offlee. srore fixtures, general , .
ladies' wear, notions, tinware; bundle wrap- family by young man; state prlco and lo- and bath, $15; no children. 544 Overton. THE STAR HAIR REMEDY RESTORES counter. 26 N. 3d. jobbing, contracting 33b Stark. Black 014. palmistry.
pers. Clerks Registration Bureau, 265 cation. D 29. Oregonlan. I cor. 10th. gray hair and produces new growth; not dye. . . . JL , , TJ.,T, r -
Morrison st- . Paris Hair Store. 303 Washington, sole agent. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY FAMILY GEO. W. GORDON COrNTERS. SHELVING. PROF. H. "VICTOR SCHILLER,
t WANTED TO RENT S TO 12-ROOM 195 14TH ST. A SUITE OF 3 FURNISHED i liquor business; well, established; doing good houses built and repaired. 2u8 4th. Clay 174. WORLD'S GREATEST
WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERATORS house, unfurnished. West Side. Address rooms on parlor floor for housekeeping; YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE AC- business; stock and fixtures at cost. H. A. . PALMIST AND PSYCHIC
to stitch shifts and overalls. The Bean J 40. care Oregonlan. modern. curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell a Kline. .Pendleton. Or. Cement Contractors. SJJiSlRli
Greenhood -Co., Seattle, Wash. . . Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. , : . , HIS BEST ADVERTISEMENT.
i WAMED-TO RENT UNFURNISHED 8 OR WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison-House- : , ,., , $500 INTEREST IN ESTABLISHED PAY-' CARTER & ELL. cement contractors. 271 Without asking a Question. Prof. Schiller
WANTED LADY "USED TO ACTIVE BUSI- 10-room house. West Side. A S3. Oregonlan. keeping rooms; transient; bath; electric light, FINE DAY I BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- mg business; will pay $25 weekly to start; Porter st. Tel Front 251 Wort guaranteed. Je "ou Just what you want to know. Ho
ness to fill opening with wholesale bouse by - las. Repairing and recovering; two stores. money secured and salary guaranteed. Call , xe aTom " 6 tells every wish of your life, how to gain
November 1. H 42. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT- OR T-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE Washington and 0th &. Morrison and 5th. today, 324 1st st. rhlrn--.!-f ..n.i Ain-iWrlnz- success In love, coureshlp. marriage, dl-
1 : inquire st 61S 2d. Yooms; close In. SO 10th. near Stark. . cniropoqists and jianicurmg. vorce, health, business, lawsuits. In fact.
ln hosiery and underwear; also notions and 2 OR 3 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ed dyed and made over. Chicago Dye House, short-order house; day and night; paying T Pi.fJJ irh only up- H,1' hop1 r imb!."2n' Z11 on tn,s eirtetl
fancy goods. X 50, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. housekeeping. 146 10th. . 408 Washington , weUdUagreement of partners. Inquire SS2Sl?T ? pario to ntrTm physfcal or mTal'
pack candles at Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., also buy valises and grips; everj- one rooms. 230fc First st, payments 513 Dekum bldg. Phone Clay 839. EMALL OFFICE. GROUND FLOOR. N. 3D. nffet bite TBSk 2S31. JZtttm?? an,d how you
JZlJ! ISr NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING MRS. OBROCK, graduate masseuse, acute ears lease. Inquire at 2lo Burn- THE
C?rY7a?eReEao Tth j Q2 " and chronic d -eases treated. Ablngton bid. .fffSfcSS t efe 00
'lot aiOCth stTcor. Ta6 st. Phone Hood 51,. Hou,-, for Rent. Furnltur., for Sale. CORBETS MADE TO ORDER ANY MATE- stock told. Sl5 Commercial block. SIJ-S Clay 0S4
OLD CLOTHING. OLD SHOES-HIGHEST vi,ni, . Mr TIg. rial, perfect fit. Room sc. waeaington oicg. i , man. Ho is the man you are looking for. Tffl, vrReT ,c.TT,fl,ft vnT,,T
WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- prlce paLl1 ror cast-off clothing and FURNITURE OF A 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR cnrQ (,.tPt:rVTPn vnn w at ttoi t,a . ,vrl ,T , i . tEIJF E?0?RTI'A,:s?0,Mi!3
work; three in family; good wages. 227 "txwdn. valises. Phone Black 8097. Call sa e cheap; house for rent; close In. Inquire SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR -OC AT HOLLA- FINANCIAL. RELIABLE. SCIENTIFIC LADY CHIROPO- L"cl fe'"'?1 -iSLL "t
t I . 2T N. 3d. Orders taken; prompt attention. , 4214 Morrison. bauBh s. ISO 3d bet. Yamhill and Taylor. , . Laf SrtlSiSr'te w 'M'doSff'S
L.NTrn rnnjr vnn SMALL FAMILY wivrpn-swui . vri khfRP- Houses UR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. To salaried employes and wage-earners mdc TeStUaMlat3 at omce -U " merclal life, advise with this gifted woman.
f references. 828 10tL Wust beestatrric. ePcf T 0 . The best corn cure. 25c All druggists., Get o si'sTem &at gets you out of debt, ,r1Jg' . ' will avail you Hours. 10 to 9. Rooms
Ph&e2l5& " must be cheap. -state price, etc. T 40, Or- jqj RENT AT 704 E. BURNSIDE. NEAR RTK.y AnrT rmtF APF'TS WANTED- Any lady or gentleman, clerk, bookkeeper. 5 and 6. 207 Third street. Readings. 50c,
, , . 6 , 20th st., one of the cosiest homes In E. DRINK HABIT CURE. AGENTS WANTED, salesman, trainman, machinist, engineer, Coal Dealers. 1w-
GOOD GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, SMALL WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- Portland; every modern convenience. 8 sample free. .0 Albion. Cal. etc., hang reliable employment can got, WESTEIlN FEED & jj"UEL CO.. DEALERS PROF. WALLACE HE ADVISES ON LOVeJ
family; good wages. Mrs. Strong, 777 Love- tie of all kinds. Phone Scott SO 13. rooms, perfect order Phone Scott 3004; balm Qp FQR feuaLH TROUBLES. jU9t n hU DOt- Monthly. H-mon. Weekly. to all kmdf ofat Call t up for quota- marriagtv-oHdthrnfalth.0mIsf:
. 30T " """""' ' 434 Alder st. Phono West 15S0. $30 Repay to us $13.33 or $0.63 or $3.33 tlons. 1ZI North 5th, telephone Main 101M. property speculation, lawsuits, changes, sit-"
WANTED-GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- TOR BENT. tinlA T" : !llReSay to ul I 4oS or or fLoO KING COXU CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE- S2ft5&& iSSSl fflt taSSSft
work, small family. Inquire 334 Haly .L , BUSINESS CHANCES. $lt;S.? Te. loio. iraV wntlden'tlaL tall; Wyoming and WashinEton houso n coals. mining . cbanges. etc The Cosmos, cor. 4tU
CV ANTED NURSE GIRL GOOD WAGES . Itoom No inquiries. Quick service. Courteous smithing co i; prompt delivery. Mala 14-5. and Morrison, rooms 27 and 23.
references required. Apply 561 Irving st, ' THE PHILADELPHIA FURNISHED APART- ?fS&?h02rHa SEpSd To'BUY OR hldgJ?02H 8 "10 VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers; best MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. RELIABLE PSY
-rrrTT, OTL menu- everything new; running water In Hmi BELL A 'ROOMLNG-HOUSBv y D'- " coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 B. st. chometrist, prophet and palmist; 10 to S
, GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK AND rooms; electric lights, baths, magnificent view Wacrly Richmond car. kaw WFFRFvrM ,m- salaried PEOPLE! 1 dally; 50c and $J; circles Tuesday and Fri-
care of children. 368 E. 15th. north, plsxa blocks and D. P. Thompson Elk foun- ' bttildinq ON COUCH act 15 rooms! fun ofloJnVers am!" boarders. AnV wSeer nemoney before pay- Commlssloa Merchants. day. 8 P. M. 23c 81 7th. Phona Qreon 041.
WANTED A WOMAN FOR KITCHEN ffio ?i'&Z"&0nl gfl om, modern, elegant fdrnlturo; HERMAN 'METZGER PURCHASER Of'
. work and dishwashing. 188 Cth at. Main 2028. J. E. Mlnard Black, prop. October 1. Fred Blckel. PjX cheap rent; price. $1000. SL Repay weekly, monthly or semi- hides, jleltsfrl. wool, mohllr. tallow, old t,"' OT,TgT ro n
Ian experienced girl for general1 the palmer house, s. e. cor. al- 1407 macadam st.-nlne-room house. ZiU&Tcffi$bKS . ointrtil tlSSi "tlLT niauersIciaTtr1 eTod chaberix
housework. Apply 575 Hoyt st, der and Park sts.. formerly the Spalding 2 lots; fine shrubbery. Inquire of Beldlng FDS BUSINESS CHANCES. StottSy one pay day; and have six moathav Or. Cash advanced lob lonsiSen" Commerce.
t . The most complete apartment-house In Bros.. 45 3d st, v ilr ' "h,,-.. ition- nrlce $500. time If desired. -- 1 i
MANICURE AND HAIRDRESSER APPREN- tie city; enUrely renovated, steam, heat THnnnTtrtuTV vnn ' X have CTOcery storS c gar snds. saloons. NELSON & HLNDLDY. TAYLOR; YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS PlaUng.
tlce. 160 5th; Rosenthal Sisters. gas. electrlo light. porcelain baths; 292 1CTH ST. NEW, THOROUGHLY MOD- Jt j nst.ev!Sa? loJZ5 'wantT I can get It, 303 McKay building. and commlwlon merchants. Sherlock build- .
V . every modern convenience; tourist and era 6-rpom house. Phone Clay 53S. Ford's 1I20-rom new brick corner to toase two to . . .-.T .n, ' ins- Portland, Or. OREGON PLATING WORKS, 491 WASH
RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- transient trade solicited. 1656 4 th st. flve jwi FRED H. STRONO. FINANCIAL AGENT. t ! Polishing, plating, lacquering. Tel Mn 2575.
work in small family. 393 llth. 1 ' 1 . Money to loan. No commission. ALLEN & lfwi! cmfArresTnic and PRO- 1
worK in smaii amuy. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT SUITE. FOR RENT-NOVEMBER 1 S-ROOM HOUSE. THE AMES MERCANTILB AGENCY ARE I am In a position to make Immediate loans JSStltLpOT. Rubber Stomps. '
WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- modern fiat; also pleasant furnished . 3d t. Also flat. 8 rooms. Inquire TiiJWlt mtmatlorV en Improved real estate or for building pur- , ts. Wnt u sts. ort . t ,
work. 787 Gllsan. near 24th. room; no children; gas. batlb phone; 7th 240 Grant. . SrohS buslnesl &w X countST .Lf0 mt6 nid"r ad vancl Corrugated Iron. P. C STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. PHONH
l , U near Hotel Portland. A 24. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 5-ROOM ' COTTAGE. SOUTH lookta " for an estab Ished mercai- pnBJeJl,dI migatea 1TO , Main 710. Rubber stamps, sekls. stencils.
WANTED FIRST-CLASS GIRL FOR GEN- ' t,- .PTXo Portland-Wt S10 FrS I H?Strbnr 103 M tUe bastoess. partnerships or Interest In cor- oney as building o"!'"" 5 CORRUGATED " IRON ROOFING. HOT-AIR r
eral housework. 699 Flanders. FOR RENT FRONT PARLOR, FURN- Portland, rent 10. Fred H. Strbng. 103 -d fat, jts to- call at their offlces. e wP ItRONG FlnancTarAsent. furnaces. J. C. Bayer. 263 Second st, Safw.
ished suitable for lady or gentleman, also t ST- , None but legitimate propositions considered. sRcAj a. biituru. s"0"1 J ' . ' (
"WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- one bedroom with or without board. 390 1 nr. WOT7gt, TT x,. nn ' Latest Interest In transfer and dellv- l 103 becono, near btarg. T) . DIEBOLD SAFES. JAILS, VAULT DOORS
work. Apply 154 N. 16th st, UtjU from ifrooklyii Sc?ooY, $?0. CtM 2321 ark S&nViSSS LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL , 11
WANTED-A YOUNG GIRL TO LEARN THE RUBY. 251H ALDER. NEAR. 3D NEW t. S'fooT'and $900 omooulde SrSrt toSf L "ff01 PaltettT "5 SSSJBa iJSnAlAM safi3
dressmaking. 327 d s, furnished JTSSSS Commercial block? Telephone Main 1385. gL " M
Restaurant, -230 first . . FRONT ROOM IN NEW HOME. SUITABLE 10 rooms, choice location. L 40. caro Ablngton Duiioing. teamsters etc. Inueta3fltJ' 5So5Sa MRS kwa t rere rAV land Safe & Lock Co.. sole agents. 76 1st at.
GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 75 for two gentlemen; gas, furnace heat and , Oregonlan. FOR SALE RETIRING FROM BUSINESS, 223 TAblSgton bWg. P P 1 cSeaffiteowP TZ TZ '
N. 23d. corner Everett. use of porcelain bath, references. 077 E. ' vrTpTr,r - I offer my one-half interest in a retail , cmea maa' cing, classes or private lesaonv. Showcases and Store Fixtures.
WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. AP- , "ggtog & HSffiS? SSrffitSSS A rL1. Dyeing and Cleaning. R. LUTKE CO.. SUCCESSORS TO
JEIELt Tofl: Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sale, ' UlSrSffl iSfcof & ?" H. W. TURNER. profesSlonal dyer and clean- , Borgesen Co.. 0th and Hoyt
GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. IN- bi Apply to room 12. Miss Hervey. ,?T,gTnl,v A.n fATW courted. vo. Oregonlan? lacsuSa"on Ablngton bldg. er. 301 17th, cor. Columbia. Tel. Main 2513. Spiritualists.
outre 2G2 12th at. I 1 UttOlHAtiutu ltt.allJi..M,t,( 40 MAIN ST., TlrontlTF t nivc rtsj STTM! FROf S5 TO ' 1
t NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM AND AL- containing S rooms and bath, furnace heat. AN ESTABLISHED CEREAL FOOD COM- $500 on all securities. RTl Eckeron Co" Educational. MRS. WALLACE. SPIRITUAL MENTAL,
rtlRT. TriWrFD por LIGHT HOUSEWORK. cove, light and heat, one or two gentle- large yard; parties buying floor coverings, any desires the services of reilahle man to room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. ' readings; valuable advice on all affairs oC
M3 Caxuthfrs su men. 270 4th st.. opposite City HalL. curtains and shades will be given prefer- fm reipHsTble po" Uon- compensatlonOOO , roorn s WMningum omg. rnone ciay p&11 Schoo,Drawinjr d Ueramlc Ufe; LSsiness and absent friends a spe-
. ence In" rental of houso; many desirable per annum. Highest references required and LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND depts.; day and evening classes. 328 13th st, clalty.l Troubled minds promptly relieved,
WANTED G IRLi FOR GENERAL HOUSE- FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR aftc les of household furniture will be sold Kiven. Address Auditor's Department. Box other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King. . " - 1C3H fcth st. room 38. Offlco hours 0 A.
wkVasi lOtL without board; two rooms suitable for office. at private salo at very low prices, con- 4&12, Battle Creek. Mich. rm. 45 Washington bldg. Phono Hood 415. F. McGlashan Crawford, teacher of drawing . M. to 3 P. H.
f wora. oex ivm. Tfae Burtjank 7tn aEd Tamhlll sts. slstlng In part. Imported portieres, beautl- . , 1 Z. . and painting. 1 E. 12th st., cor. Ankeny. i
' ' 1 iuJ. Pf'or set. blrdseye maple bed-room OR SALE REAL SNAP HERE IS AN OP- LOANS IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP ON ALL LARSEN. scientific palmist, astrologer, past.
tj-k-ti. wvnmviTr f matv NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN suite, hair and spring mattresses, pictures. portunlty to get a restaurant clearing about kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room Electroplating. present, future; readings COc 210 Allsky.
MLF WAMTEP-HA OB .ll oniy. bot &ni water; gas and furnace dlshe automatic sewing machine and S20O per month over expenses; excellent trade. io. Washington bldg. Phono Hood 413. bldg. t
" T heat. 163 17th st,, cor. Morrison. many other arUclcs of household furnl- increasing; lease and very reasonable rent, I . : 1 ELECTRO-PLATING AND OXIDIZED WORK J
(3 TO $5 PER DAY UNTIL HOLIDAYS EX- . , turc Inquire at residence, 10 A, M. to Inquire of T. W. Pittenger, room 9, 245U Money loaned on all kinds of security; 6 per of all kinds done at short notice. Doctors In- MRS. C CORNELIUS, located In room 305
perlence unnecessary. ' Inquire "28S9i 3d L, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE 2 P. M. and 7 to 0 P. M. Morrison. cent building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn, struments a specialty. Airtight Stove Manu- Allsky bldg.. cot. 3d and Morrison. Hood 4X
room SL " or two gentlemen. In modern flat with 552 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 529. facturlng Co., 50 Grand ave. Phone East 719. . 1 1 , , . -r..
i . - complete for housekeeping for sale; will not paying business, with grand future; tho MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECURITY; Electrical Works. scientific palmist. 50c 343 Yamhill, cor. Ttn.
SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR n' e.xcj?tPa1 oI furniture, etc; location productiveness of the business Is the only real estate bought and sold. Call room 317 -
' one or two gentlemen; new house; modern , central. S 59. Oregonlan. reason for wanting partner; will bear the Allsky bldg. H2rlburt. Hoff & Co. . PORTLAND MECHANICAL AND ELEC- Storage and Transfer.
Bookkeepers and Clerks. conveniences. 551 Taylor. ' TT. ,T.. J strictest investigation. S 33. Oregonlan. - trlcal, Works. 178 Madlaon. Tel. Black 2081. .,..,.
WANTED POSITION OF TRUST OR MAN- COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS IN orn cottago for sale or rent; cottage : for FOr SALE 50-ROOM HOUSE IN -CEN- Cn city property and Improved Valley farms. Fraternal Insurance. packed ready for shlpplnE and pipped;
agement by young married man. well ac- private house, ali conveniences. Inquire 201 rent; central. Call mornings, 53 E. ilth. ter o citTKrSt time offered; good lease; W. A. Shaw & Co.. 243 Stark st. r 1
aualnted with city; fair salary and per- 10th st,. cor. Taylor. 7 rent reasonable- nart cash, balance Ionic Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so- wareaousti oa .juy, ouu i uu Ar"
manent position desired; references guafan- ' y , FURNITURE OF f-ROOM, HOUSE FOR iSeBS SSTn Money to loan, sniall amounU. short or long clety of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Office 123 1st st. C M. Olson. Phono
teed. Address G 40, Oregonlan. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SIN- ,,a'e: central; rooms all full; a bargain If inquire 145 0th st., room 1. time. J. H. Hawley. 2 Chamber of Com. Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y. 612-613 Marquam bldg. Main 04..
S NEW AND NICELY FURNISHED FRONT Ul2-??c. JSffi. curity. HolTT rm. , Washington bldg. & PORTLAND, SAN S-90
eonlan. roon, on ground floor, for rent reawnabl.. conveniences. 284 Holladay av. S b"pX talteit taeVtU- ECoUPntv iSos T mil? (mC& cS. Francisco. SeatUe. dious flre-procf brick warehouse, iroat
, . 507 William ave. and pay well; $500 to $1000 caDltal reaulred. -ounl anas. ,. s: nuey. wa cnam. com. ; J ,
EXPERIENCED GENTS FURNISHING A SNAP FURNISHED 10-ROOM HOUSE. p Y C"' capital requireo. k ltac8 and Saddles. -PTiPn hickfi stores AT 31 N FRONT
ioosaleman; good following; best of ref- LARGE FRONT ROOM. SLTTTABLE FOR $000; rent $35. 314 Columbia, cor. 0th FOR RENT THE 4-STORT BRICK. BUILD- JJJSSi. .PER ENT 3 st? houVeS loond iSillte tuSuE
, erence,..X 45, Qregonldn. , . . Ujro people. $8. or .houseke&ing. $10. J83 , st Phon Front S28. lnC S T lt af Bw upK Wm. Q. Beck. 321. Morrison st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- tnnll th tanfiSi.
1 : . , Clay, near 14th. ' " ' r 1 Allen & Gllbert-Ramaker Co. Apply to Geo. f alf. saaers and harness manufacturers, n mo-abi0 articles at reasonable prices.
Miscellaneous. : Summer Resorts. jj. SetUemler. 55 E. 10th st-. or Wiley B. RurrTAT! rrTrr-r-c leather .and saddlery hardware. 80-S6 1st at. B"
1 ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO. GENTLEMEN ! Allen Co. 931 Market st,, San Francisco. BlECIAIi NOTICES. , , . Stoves
ability will place $100 to secure paying eon, cor. Park. lences; central location. Call between 10 FOR SALENEATLY FURNISHED SALOON , x-roposais mvitea. sale saddle and harness mf.. saddlery hard- j,GEST ASSORTMENT ON PACIFIC
workf state Sature of work: no canvass- and S. Saturday or Monday. 41 E. 8th cor- and S-year lease, or will rent iamerlom: 1 T ware. leather of all kinds. 72-73 Fth st, iZtaMatmM ult
lng. E 14, Oregonlan. - VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED FRONT ner Pine. 'Phone Union 1023. , pletely furnished, at reasonable price; good pTnirTnpb RP1TPn : : n i' m LmrAGolaeCal
1 . alcove room. 189 14th. between Yamhill , focaUon. If looking for a saloon, don't miss P.1013.,,7.0 CONTRACTORS SEALED Japanese Goods. d and Taylor
A GOOD. HONEST JAPANESE WANTS and Taylor. PARADISE FARM. WITHIN CITY LIM- this. Apply at 210 Buraslda st- bids will be received by the County Obm- , . -d and la-, lor. .
situation as cook and wash dishes and , its. open all Winter; flno culslnc Ad- L mlsIoners of Skamania County, at Slev- Japanese crockery, all descriptions; bamboo Tnmk Tnrtnrv
housework. Telephone Hood 803. 41 1st st. GENTLEMAN WILL FIND PLEASANT, dress Entrlcan. Hood River, Or. WANTED PARTNER WITH $2000 FOR THE ' 5?onV f3"- November 1-, noon. furniture. A. Tanaka. 360 Washington st- ;
i well-furnished single room or suite at 302 1 best located cafe and grill rooms; owner ,10?' fr "lJS?C , , ,T, . Portland TRUNK CO 50 THIRD ST..
JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO WORK Columbia sU Stores. has to retire from active business; good flck or frame 'f- l lv Junk, Hides and Pelts. Wholesale and retail. Send for caTalogue:
any kind in any place, every forenoon. money-maker for thS right man. Address n?? "u, aIP nr Th ' . wao'esaie ana rctau. aena tor
Address H 46. care Oregonlan. 300 H MADISON. BETWEEN 5TH AND OTH, FOR RENT FOR A TERM THE SECOND Q 46, Oregonlan. ?.frfXihii LEVE'S JUNK SHOP IS REMOVED Typewriters.
in new flat, fine front suite and two bed- and third floors of the brick building. 104 cessful bidder 111 "qu Ire d to furnish, from 20S Davia st. to 1S0 Columbia, near yp
BOY 18 YEARS WANTS WORK. AC- rooms. and 166 Second st, Wakefield, Fries & Co.. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE ?m5? 7ih contrMt Md S f Front; highest cash price paid for all kinds j,-ew TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED
qualnted with city; state wages; good refer- 229 Stark st, buslnes,. in suburbs, on good county road. i,?3Pceck eaual t per cent of tho of Junk. Phone Black 1711. and sold. Expert repairing, blilce sup-
ences. K 46, care Qregonian. PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, ' postofllce: cheap If taken at once; 111 health ""?,?d C,nS?? wS Plan-anPd .neclflcatioSa 1 j nlles: mlmeographic work; public typo-rlt-
. with grate on first floor. 403 2d sL. cor Ha?- FOR RENT THREE STORES. BRICK tie reason 1 for ; selling. Further parUculors la- S?u?l ,een at ihe office SfVe Auditor of L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES? Coast Agency Co.. Starto- Tel.
YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HABITS DE- riaoa. building. 10th and Washington sts. S. quire at 107$$ 3d st,. room L oTit tt. offleT fte pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, met Main 1407.
sires ftob caring for garden and doing , Morton Conn. S. E. Park and Oak sts. Ska,m ata Cpunty, or at the omce or tne ftU d 312 Pront - .aiam int.
chores. E 40, Oregonlan. Furnished rooms. $1 week up. Oilman Hotel, 1 1 ROOMING HOUSE. S4 ROOMS. MOSTLY arfV 'lew,J, mnnt b filed with the County Columbia Bar-Lock Vlsiblo Typewriter: got
I : 1st and Alder; Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett FOR RENT NEW STORE BUILDING AT transient; best transient house In city; Af.-? andmao out "upon lks furnished Leather and Findings. . catalogue. 310 California sL, Saa Fran-
JAPANESE CHARLIE TADA WANTED City View Park. Apply to Sharkey & lease 3 years; price $2000. Inquire 331 hy him for fie aaV. The Commissioners r- Cisco
for school boy to do anything In house UNFURNISHED UPPER FRONT ROOM. Morrow. 208 Allsky bldg. Burnside. reserve the right to re'ect any or all bids. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. 1
Phone Main 2313. No. 0 Grand ave, north. Tel. Union 2202. r Dated at Stevenson. Wash., this '7th day boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store Wholesale Grocers.
: , STORE. STARK BETWEEN 4TH AND CORNER STORE FOR RENT. WELL LO- of October 1903. " Buppiies. leather of all kinds. 72-71 5th st. ,
YOUNG MAN ATTENDING COLLEGE. 381 Yamhill st.. The Ramona Rooms at reason- 3th. with or without upstairs. Apply 0f cated fcr light business, grocery or caloon; (Signed) A. FLEISCHHAUER. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE ORO-
wants place to work for board and room. able prices with steam heat, light and ba Woodward, 240 Stark. cheap rent, leope. Ellis, room 21, 264 Mor- Clerk of Board. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoo uppers; full cers cor. N. Front and Davis sts.,Port-
M 46, Oregonlan. rison st. 1 stock shoemakers supplies. 207 Wash, st, land. Or.
YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSI- family; Bultablo for two. 542 E. Oak. A NUMBER OF FINE NEW HOMES ON sealed bids for a stock of merchandise of the Launch and Boat-Builders.
tloa to do housework In small family. FOR RENT NICE DESKROOM IN A GOOD either wide of the river, now for sale, your inventory valuation of about $0000, located . . BANKSi
Phone Clay 745. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS; ELECTRIC location. Address X 44; Oregonlan. own terms, from $2000 to $C0O0. Room 418, at Moro, Or., up to noon of November 7. 1903. SEE O. P. GRAHAM. 47 E. WATER ST.; I
S... light and telephone. 187 AV. Park. i : Dekum. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock marine and stationary gasoline engines. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK
morning or after 4 O'clock and evening. C 47, NICE HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE Superintendent of Oregonlan bldg. FURNITURE C-ROOM COTTAGE. $400; for ten per cent (10 per cent) of the bid must Machinery. Northwest corner Third and Oak streots.
Oregonlan. 1 rooms; close In. S6 10th, near Stark. furniture S-room house, $000; furniture accompany each offer. Right reserved to re- Transacts a General Banking Business.
f , 1 1 15-room house, $1000. Inquire 331 Burn- Ject any and all bids. Dated at Portland. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING, SAWMILL, Drafts Issued, available la all cities of the
WANTED A FEW HOURS OF ANY KIND TO RENT VERY NICE FURNISHED FLAT PERSONAL. side st- ' Or.. Oct, 24, 1903. R. L. Sabln, Front and logging machinery, hydraulic -pipes, castings United States and Europe, Hong Kong and
of work evenings. B 47. Oregonlan. lower floor. Inquire 92 N. 16th st. 3 Ankeny sts. of all kinds repaired. 104 North 4th st, Manila.
e - SKILLFUL AND SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT ROOMING-HOUSE. 15 ROOMS: LEASE. ' Collections roado on favorable terms.
TO RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM'S of all diseases of tho face and scalp; blem- Morrison st,; central; 10 rooms, Yamhill BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF- SECOND-HAND MACHINERY TO COM- President J. C AINSWORTH
SITUATIONS WAXTED-FTWAIF In new flat. Inquire 80 N. 15th st, lsh8 aaa wrinkles permanently removed; St.: splendid location. Inqulro 331 Burn- Ace of the director-general of tho Lewis pletely outfit shingle mill; boilers and en- Vice-President ...jW. B. AYER
" txxi xxaa,is. dermatology, massage and electrolys Is taught side. and Clark Centennial, 1st and Vine sts., glnes. Wlttler-Corbln Mach. Co., SeatUe. Assistant Cashier R- W. SCHMEER
(;(,,..., NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS. 103U FIRST ior professional purposes ty Mme. Aza. up to noon Tuesday, October 27. 1903. for . Assistant Cashier A M. WRIGHT;
Bookkeepers and Stenographers. "h u Zlnsley. prop. Holmes; three years' references of Portland's HOTEL. 35 ROOMS. GOOD LEASE RENT pimps for the Lewis and Clark Exposition. THE H. C ALBEB CO.. SECOND-HAND ,
50?TTiov -RV tatvt RTVvniPiPuvn. , leading physicians and citizens given. No S33. wm relinquish my right and 'interest Specifications of same are ready for In- machinery, sawmills, etc. 243 Grand ave. FIRST NATIONAL BANK
St- 1 , (whites) and all diseases of women, old or ;,nnnrJ a ? a "J6 . cent saved; at 720 Front, cor. Hooker. Assistant Cashier .W. C ALVORD
. Ttnn-rn xcuu tw, lc' ' old Dr. Kessler. 230H Yam- experience unnecessary. S 49. Oregonlan. , ARM AT qnyErx-E MILE - . Second Assistant Cashier... B. F. STEVENS
DomesUcs. Booms With Board. hill st,. Portland, Or. Private waiting-room nrtxr CV.1P Tnr, LFiCh cmUe sable and white ns? Massage. Letters of credit Issued available la En-
resturant. Call bet, 2 and 4. SCT Flanders. tjSSt CIAL BLEMISHES OF EVERY DE- STANDSTWO GOOD CENTRAT h st' f- rons nly. Room 8. llS 'cor. Luis. St. Paul. Oniaha. San Francisco and
tapei .Kusseu. supermtenaent. oio Flanders. scripton entirely removed; our treatments CIGAR brArsDi ivu uuOD, CENTRAL , T t-vc m irr jvxTvtvn trivr! wruihinrton - the principal polnu la the Northwest,
siElLf; ws?Si!a.Kg. To, to Evs-zss&zjsrsss sss afwg fEEISSIlS C - w J'&xpp-
J1I1JIL SSSr-188 jSWA5ia!K onocsnr ox ,Rmr st, fp'T 2gJ2&2?t&)bSSStt
TWO GIRLS TOGETHER SECOKD AND s y 11 TainMl1- 2S51. centrally located; cheap rent: long lease; Hotel, newaru. cawa oauu. mabuem. u.uuem. -u waieisa zurich. Honolulu.
cook. Cook in boardlng-noue. Phone Clar 'nwrp, portmJ ; : . Im-CBtlgatc. Inquire 331 Bnrn.ldc. . -.f..--.. nlrj;;T.Ir . Dla' Collections made on favorable terras.
1AS3. "tt'orklng Glrlt' Home SOI 3d. "gJEL BROWN-Roora. jrt, XurnKhjd; RP; itoOMlNO-HOCBE. 53 ROOMS. SNAP. I.-,-. ntS i&JPg$ Rend T.W.SK mag- I1LTON. BANKERS '
ysg ZT::2:Z"l SSSS izsr am- tt w-atfafe""'- Lmsfr--
' BLAKELEY HALL251 7TH ST Large room,' S tJjpg ulrg 03, B.ude " fogjfitf. Reward T S&Stt&S&SSSi
a rp o,w ma- iSFlHMIf riss: gsSF
shehs' wMs co'",w"'"-'-op; ao;-;::; 3AlE. sg SffSinsa
: bToutsotEMarfDYLae. Talfheard rent SlXoTOVSS .t1'"0' Ch6aP LOST BET. 740 JOHNSON- ST. AND TRINl st,. near Taylor. Phone West 1973. , S
wantsshousekeeplng In a gentleman's fam- zlh. cooking. 221 vor upon his anxious mother, by Address- $1000 BUYS HOUSE THAT NETS $100 PER SttTd ia ffi lu Keward for and massage. 209 4th u ph . PORTLAND OREGON
ily; cluntry preferred. Call or address. . lng Mrs. James De Lane. S23'W. Augusts, month; central; modern and full; no agents. return to .40 Johnson st. Hood ?0tJ ? frank WATSON "Kun.
Mrs. Dunlap. 130 llth st- HOTEL VENDOMB. COR. 13TH & ALDER- Spokane. Wash. Address C 14. Oregonlan. LOST PEARL STICK PIN. SATURDAY. -. R. lDURHAM .Vice-President
WANTED BY EXPERIENCED . DRESS- , famisheir room, with board; reasonable rates! MRS. M- GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL TWO X.NO. 1 RESTAURANTS FOR SALE, FJ1: , E0RGBw7h6ytV.V.V.:aSVi
maker, place to do plain or fancy sewing; 395 MORRISON COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled fine rfcatlom OaQUIro of Walderon.- 522 eoracr 4th and SJrruon, ana reeche (e LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYs United States Depository.
for reference call Scott 3212; same number shed oml wit? or without Aboard? 'tln? dJed,Vtb0woikfatL8ftUonTar- Chamber of Commerce. ard- , royal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take" TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING
for experienced nurse. witnout poara. anteed; 150 1st st-, Portland. Or. Phone " ' v. ttt, 4 Tnw crnTCH COLLIB BLACK BROWN o other. Send 4c stamps, for particulars. BUSINESS.
' : . HousekeetdnT it,. ' Kcd 31CI. Residence 249 Harrison st. Phono $2500 BUYS FURNITURE BUSINESS; GOOD rlSx Mwarf if returned to 12ia "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return malt Drafts and letters of credit Issued. avail
Dressmakers, v! Housekeeping Rooms. West 990. location; sales $900 1 to $1200 monthly. Ad- gg&rtg Richmond! Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. able In aU iJarts of the world.
" $9 PER MONTH THRFP -PTTnCTRTrcT. ' 1 drtfls R 30. Oregonlan. - usworm su. u Philadelphia. Pa. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought.
BaSSSS m 1Spd4ifS F: siasssrm ' ; s c0
Front 113 6 near .trutpers. gpoC. ..DarkMt Chicago." 'The Decam- $450. A 40. Oregonlan. W this offlce. Kev.ara. drs. AD IX AND NORTHRUP HAVE RE- Chamber of Commerco Building. Third and
' : pat. rENT mnwrsurrr r i eron." 50c ea.. list free. Schmale, 229 1st- : T oPTDTtpn n m ack" vi-'athpi turned to their former offlces, suite 416 Stark Streets.
WANTED FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER AS lo? WlroldTnTbnn?" ' CIGAR STORE. CHEAP RENT. GOOD LO- Jtn ?o 413 ' Ullt and receive Dekum bldg.; phone Main 349. Head offlce. 55 Old Broad street. London.
partner: established business ptc-dati tirmTn7$30 468 I! Stark. tSfit .nTS MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. cation; llvlnR-rooms and furniture, cheap. b0iri?etUrn l , 1 U receive ThIs bank transact3 a general banking
shop. Phone Main 3162. w uemen. su. cw Su. Bt&rk. bet. Sth and 9th. Roberts' Ner-e Globules. One month's Inquire 222 Burnside. reward. Oregon Vlavi Co. business, makes loans, discounts bills and
1 pive ROOMS RT7rT-TTrm tj- 1 on n treatment, $2; 3 months. $5. Sent secure- Tr.TTOXT ct tt?t -niTnvx tit tv . Issues letters of credit available- for trav-
DRESSMAkING BY DAY OR WORK AT era &nVemences- half block v?Z T sealed by malL Agents. Woodard. MONEY TO LOAN ON SHORT TIME. ON LJ" v,,r MsrnSui llth ?3 LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON ! and tho purchase of merthandiso la
home; first-class work; prl Treasonable. 412 Sd Hotel Phone Hood in? s 7M.5rt Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. furnished houses, or good chattel security. ami white, year old. Return to 41 llth st,. Health talk to ladles. Thursdays any city of tho world. Deals In foreign and
E. Morrison st, uuc cwu ta su 1 , . Room 41S Dekum. . reara. 2:30 . domestlo exchange. Interest paid on tlma
llolS-Sr- s MS-rSIIS! ijra-mK -iss-Baa-sa-sssps w. a. .acrae.
WANTED WORK BY DAY WASHING ' . -ur. mcuy. riage and without publldti'. Home & Com- 24. Oregonlan 'tfard- t DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT. SUCCESS- WELLS. FARGO it CO. BANK
cleaning. Ironing, by two Bwedlnh Hrl t ioct -pnnvr ni r.wtvnnw -.-.- fort, Toledo, Ohio. fully treats and cures all diseases of wo- Corner Secoad and Washington.
fJfYst 5 h KlrXB" rIs nhon tmia lSS? Si ' ' FOR SALE-LAUNDRY ROUTE DOING i.ncvrw nn,P,-npv men. Successful home treatment by mail. HOMER S. KING President
cwmren IP? ?ih ' cntral no VJM. VIGOR, VITALITY DU PONT ET good cash business; nets $23 weekly. F 47 BUSINESS DIRECTOR. 303 SaUnon. bet. 5th and 0th. (San Francisco.)
WOMAN WOULD LIKE nrivmrt to rsr. CJe's Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic Oregonlan. I 7 . . R- LEA BARNES 1 Cashier
brl.TU4imS D NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEirprPTV-i tor 'tner 23c box by mall. Albert : , Attorneys-at-Law. Dp Flora A.Brown. diseases of women and WALTER A. HOLT. ..... .Assistant Cashier
py tne cay, u z. care oregonlan. ro. nJsYwiu furnished L rfa? iu? "Bprnl, 2d and Washington. Agent, Port- FOR RENT-LOWER DOCK. WITH BOAT , children a specialty. Offlco 517 The De- , v ,.. (Portland.)
' . Ta .T-t Parlor with land. Or. landing, foot of Morrison at. Inquire 1S8 PORTLAND LAW AND COLLECTION AGEN- nj. ' Goneral banking business transacted. Ex-
pianc -to Aiaer st. -. , Morrison. cy; collections. Room 27, Washington bldg. . u change sold and letters of credit lasued-
Wxx,i TO RENT. MARJCPT-CLFA 7 IPht ctt. WHEN YOU SEE THE PALMO TABLET . , Z T, , ' Manufacturers of Indies' Goods. available in all parts of the world.
' . ...... . " 23 , t? a irZrJl' GHT SUITE BtB in a drug store window there is LOCATION ON -3D ST. FOR FRUIT STAND Accordion Plaiting.
WANTED-ROOM AND BOARb IN STRICT- i'?0 nf or, housekeeping; gas and wood wh7re yoa can get Palmo Tablets, the w barber shop. Goldschmldfs Agency, 200 ! : DRY GOODS: ladles' underwear made to or- THE C?A?IJ 3NK OF COMMERCE-.
lr Private homo by gentleman, age 3T able to stores; gas light. great nerve and kidney tonic They cost Stark. MISS O. GOULD. S01 MARQUAM BLDG. i der: lowest prices. Quon Hop 3tM Wash . Head offlce. Toronto. Canada.
give highest references; prefer widow's home ".,.., ,0 1 only 30c . accordion and knlfo plaiting and pinking. ! Capital paid up $3,700,000
or quiet place with modern conveniences and SUITS OF ROOMS. UNFURNISHED. FOR 400 BUYS CIGAR STORE STOCK AND - , Mustcal Reserve 3,000.000
close In, Address C 40. care Oregonlan. housekeeping: no children. 3724 East Oak. WILL EXCHANGE NEW PIANO FOR fixtures; near theater; low rent. D 47, Ore- Bluo Prints. '- Transacts a General Banking Business.
WANTED-TO RENT S OR 10 ROOM FUR- Pn0n Pn0n N UUg CT custommade Rothes and repairing. nlan. , - PORTLAND BLUB PRINT . CO -BLUE I1H!& AccoTfoneo ssuf and up-
nlshed bous within alklngdUUBce. suit- FIVE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. MODERN , oorss - ... uregonian. HOTEL IN GOOD VALLEY TOWN. FULL- blackand brown prlntsnaps and tracings ' Martln' 1(Hfa lgt wnrtli, and. Interest allowed on mlnlmuS
e,sT bo&rai3C- A4dres W L 0r Ore- Mnvenlences; adults. Mrs. Freeman, Mt, I, PATTERSON. OSTEOPATH. NERVOUS must be sold on-account of sickness. 234 made 29 Alnsworth block. Phono Main VIOLIN. GUITAR. MANDOLIN, BANJO m SiimwMt
9BU,L A -i I diseases women and chUdren. 343H Wash. Main. 20S3. . . Prcf. E, A. ftalU. Sci YSfn ?P?rtli Branch,