THE MORNING OREGCXNIAN, PRIDifT, OCTOBER 16, 1903. 71 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF I The OregonlKB' Telepkones. Counting Room Main 657 H W. Scott. Editor Main 911 Managing Editor Main 036 City Editor Mala 1M Composing Boom .......Main 6S5 Superintendent Building: Bed 2S23 East Side Offlce East 61 1 AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THATER Tonight at S:15 o'clock, the farce-comedy, "Reuben In New York. THE BAKER THEATER Matinee, 2:15; evening b:15, Nelll-Morosco company In The Lost Paradise." THE ARMORY. 10th and Couch ats. Ellery's Royal Italian Band In Grand and Popular Conocert. CORDRAY'S THEATER, Washington street Evening, 8:15. 'Over Niagara. Kails." THB ...v. TAVPlfth and Morrison Matinee. 2:16; evening, 8:15, vaudeville. ARCADE THEATER, Seventh and Washington Continuous vaudeville dally, 2:30 to 4:30; evenings, 7:30 to 10:30. BASEBALL. TODAY. 3 P. M. PROFES slonal ground. 24th and Vaughn. Port land vs. Sacramento. Penxt Wise, Pound Foolish. The awarding of a contract for the Improve ment of Kelly street was to have been considered at a meeting of the street com mittee of the Executive Board, yesterday afternoon. However, there was only one hid on hand, and it was in excess of the estimate prepared by the City Engineer. Accordingly new bids will have to be ad vertised for. The bid submitted was that of Miller & Brown, asking $2278.57 for the improvement work. The committee also received a petition from residents In the district of the "Williams-avenue bridge asking that the city pay half of the amount of 1150 that will be required to repair the bridge. It was recalled that some months ago a fill could have been made at this place at a cost of $350. That was before the street was improved, when there was any quantity of loose dirt which the City & Suburban Street Railway Com pany offered to haul free of charge for filling purposes. Residents protested, how ever, as the $350 would have to come out of their pockets. Now they will be forced to pay a much larger amount to have the bridge fixed up, as there Is no available dirt for a filL Whether or not the city will shoulder half the cost will be con sidered at a Joint meeting of the Council and Executive Board committees on streets, this afternoon. Machine for Grading Prunes. A ma chine for grading and steaming prunes has Just been Installed at the Holmes cannery on East Eighth street. The prunes are started on the lower floor, where they are placed in an endless elevator, which carries them to the separator, where they are automatically graded, after which they pass through a steamer, and come out clean and soft. Here they are boxed for the market. By this process all dirt is removed, and when the prunes have passed through the steamer they have a wholesome appearance. Prunes that seem Inferior come out looking fine. The ma chine is operated by steam and handles a big lot of prunes In a"day. Well Known in Portland. Word has reached here of the resignation of R. W. Baxter as division superintendent of the Nebraska and Wyoming divisions of the Union Pacific road. According .to a dis patch to an Eastern paper from Omaha, Mr. Baxter's action was the result of un friendliness on the part of President H. G. Burt of the road. Mr. Baxter Is well known in Portland. For a time he was superintendent of the O. R. & N., and was also a representative of the Union Pacific He has been In the railroading business since 1S66 und has been successful. It is understood that he is now going to retire from the service. Baseball Today, 3 P.M. Baseball Toat, 3 P.M. Today Is Ladies' Day Ladies Free. Today Is Ladies' Day Ladies Free. To Grounds and Grandstand. To Grounds and Grandstand. Every Lady Invited to Attend Today. Portland vs. Sacramento. Come Out and Witness for Yourself The Great Fight for Third -Place. He Nearly Had a Faintino Spell. Who? Mique Fisher. Why? His Undertakers Won a Game. So Come Out All Ye Rooteks, And Get There Eli. Baseball Today, 3 P. M. Baseball Today, 3 P. M. Baseball Today, 3 P. M. Old Landmark Tohn Down. An old, weather-beaten two-story house, owned by Peaselee brothers, which stood on Union avenue north of Sullivan's Gulch, has 1 J i i . I .A .. jusl ueen iurn uown. it was one oi me first houses built on the East Side. It was built by Jacob Wheeled, on East Sixth and Oregon streets, in 1863, and was then considered a handsome mansion. It was afterward moved to Union avenue, where it stood for a long time. W. W. Wheeler, a son of Jacob Wheeler, lives across the street from where the building stood, and says that when it was first built deer were frequently seen In the vicinity. Ex-Sheriff T. J. Driver Missing. Ex Sherlff T. J. Driver, of Wasco County. Is missing from his home at The Dalles, and his son, Volney Driver, arrived In this city yesterday trying to locate his father, but at last accounts had not found him. The missing man left his homeabout ten days ago, saying he was going to Portland on business, and that he would return about October 10. He arrived at a Fourth-street hotel about a week ago, and was not seen there shortly afterward. His family Is un able to account for his strange disappear ance. Morphine Fiends Committed to Ast lum. Archie Ray, a notorious morphine fiend, who has made his home in the county jail for many years past, was com mitted to the insane asylum yesterday. Ray has become a general nuisance, and it is hoped the asylum authorities can cure him of the drug habit. He is 42 years old. WlllIantDaly, another morphine user, was also committed to the asylum by Judge Webster. He Is a printer by trade and Is 3S years of age. Dental. Class Elects Officers. The senior class of the North Pacific Dental College has elected the following officers fpr the year: William Alexander, presi dent; Herman J. Harris, vice-president; Frederic L. Marsh, secretary; James e! Taphouse, treasurer. Reception to Rev. J. R. T. Lathrop. A reception will be tendered Rev. J. R. t. Lathrop at Grace Methodist Church. Twelfth and Taylor streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. All friends of the church are In vited. The Y. M. C. A. School of Domestic ' Science has secured an efficient teacher from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. An opening free demonstration will be given Saturday at S o'clock. All ladies are In vited. Best You Ever Swallowed. Neuberg er's Rye rich, matured, mellow. Full Measure House. 10S Sixth St., bet. Wash, and Stark. See window display. Full quart. $1; gallon, $3.50. Girls gymnasium and dancing class twice a week, 73 cents a month. Ringler's Physical Culture School, 309 Alder street Ask for catalogue. - Houses Built at Citt View Park to suit purchasers. Cash or installments. Sharkey & Morrow. 20S Allsky building. L. Geblinoer Appointed. L. Gerllnger has been appointed on the forestry com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce. Meier & Frank Compant want ten ex perienced sewers for their alteration de partment. Apply today. Wanted Waist and skirt help; also ap prentices. Teesdale, 506 Marquam. Dr. Rickenback, eye, ear, nose, throat specialist, 812 Dekum. Red 3283. " Dr. Herbert C. Miller has removed to 141 West Park, corner of Alder. The four-story brick building on Front and Couch streets Is for rent. Auditorium Ledge Room for rent. In quire at 210 Third street. Wooster, finest fruits In town. 7th, Mor. Dr. Swain, Dekum. Phone Brown 492. Easterners Buying Farms. A real es tate man who has Just returned from a trip through the Willamette Valley re ports considerable activity in the sale of farm lands to Eastern people migrating to Oregon. This condition dates from the end of the harvest. Several whole train loads have arrived In Portland during the past month, making this city their head quarters while they sought suitable local ities in which to buy farms. The Upper Valley Is the Mecca of a good many of these pilgrims, who are persuading, the farmers of large holdings to divide with them. The main advantage of this class of settlers Is that they farm after the diversified manner practiced in the Middle West. One indication of this Is the in creased production of corn, which is fed green and as silo, a dairy feed made by chopping green corn, stalks and all, and allowing It to ferment. The tender corn shoots grown in this country are particu larly suitable for this purpose. Portland Man in Trouble. Robert L. Ball, formerly a well-known Portland man, and now a member of the Juneau, Alaska, City Council, is under arrest at the Alas kan, town on a charge of embezzlement. As secretary of the Juneau Lodge of the Independent Order of Red Men he Is said to have Joined the treasurer In appro priating $55 of the order's funds. Both men protest that they are Innocent of the charges, although the evidence against them is said to be sufficient to cause their trial. Ball was formerly connected with different drug stores In Portland, and was well known here. He left the city about two years ago for Alaska. Suspected- Sneakthieves Jailed. Ed Remman, thought to be one of a gang of professional sneakthieves, was Jailed yes terday by Detectives Kerrigan and Snow on charges' of having stolen a number of articles from the room of F. C. Bathe some weeks ago. Remman is thought to be an associate in crime with Frank Williams, whose arrest has been effected by the Seattle officers, and who is being held at that place pending tho arrival of a Portland officer to take" charge of him. Condition of P. J. Tormet Critical. P. J. Tormey, the San Francisco business man and famous whist player, who was stricken with paralysis in this city Wednesday, took a turn for the worse yesterday at St. Vincent's Hospital, and It Is feared that he cannot recover. His wife has been communicated with by tele graph, and will arrive here today. For The Dalles and way points, any landing, 50 cents round trip, on steamers Dalles City and Bailey Gatzert, 6:30 A. M. and 7 A. M., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Alder-street dock. Phone Main 914. Stolen. October 6, Tribune bicycle No. 84447, model 72, cushion frame, black 21 Inch frame; blue rims. $10 reward if re turned in good condition to Ballou & Wright, 147 First street. Moved. Marks Shoo Co., 291 Morrison. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Mnrriage License. John Goodln, Mrs. Emma C Lewis. Real Estate Transfer. Nora A Lane et al. to Charley Krebs. lots 7, 0, 11, fractional lot 13, block 4; oIbo fractional lot P, Richmond ?G70 Portland Trust Co. to Frank Miller, lot 13, block 14, Tremont 0 TerwIIHger Land Co. to John Halsey Jones Co., 1-44 acre Macadam Road and Keller & Wyman tract 2,000 William Sclover and wife to F. O. Downing, parcel land commencing 100 feet northerly on east line lot S, block 13: also half interest lots 8. 15, 10. block 53, Llnnton 10 William Selover ana wife to F. O. Downing,, sundry lots. Llnnton.... 10 Oak Park Land Co. to W. C. Walker, lots 1, 2. 3. subdivision B, Oak Park Addition St. Johns 1 Samuel Holden to Lizzie Holden. part block 243, city 1 Antlpas Thomas to S. E. & M. Thomas, 101.28 acres, section 19, T. 1 N.. R. 4 E 1.C0O Morris Gumbert to E. E. Young, lot .0. block 15, North Irvington, 1.C00 C. B. Kins and husband to Morris Gumbert and wife, lot 0, block 15, North Irvlngton 1.000 Sheriff, for James C. Duncan. to John Walters, lots 17 and IS. block S, Pasadena Sheriff to S. D. Crowe, lots 1 and 2, block 7C, Fulton Park Sheriff to S. D. Crowe, blocks 74 and 75, Fultcn Park Sheriff to S. D. Crowe, lots S and 9. block 53. Fulton Park R. E. Mencfee and wife to J. A. Bush. 41x1)0 feet. 82 feet north of lot 4. block 5. Albina Addition E. R. Thompson ICR. E. Menefce, lot 0. block 31. Central Albina Mary J. Smith to ffle Boozer, north Vz block C. Smith's Addition to St. Johns Lizzie P. Smith to Mary Ann Cary, 2.23 250 1,500 00 block 10. Smith's Addition to St. Johns 500 130 Mary and Arthur Brugger to - W. E T .. n !. 1C KlAlr At C.MikakiI Rauch. lot 18. block 43. Sell wood. James C. McQuald to Charles Hind man, lot 8. block 0, Maegley High land - J. W. Nordby et al. to Olsen-Xordby Lumber Co., lots 9 to 3it, Inclusive, Hawthorne Avenue Addition Central Lumber Co. to "Warren E. Thomas, lots 3 and 4, block 10 L Grovel's Addition Eflle Boozer and husband to Mary J. Smith, block 2, Smith's Addition to St. Johns :.000 500 ANNUAL WORRIES. The worries of a housekeeper are at hand. All carpets must be taken up for cleaning and the house upset for- two weeks at least." The Irritable husband will not come home for his meals, and the henpeoked husband will not dare ask for any comforts of home; and all because the carpets are being cleaned. Hardwood floors don't have to be taken up every year, they never absorb dirt, they are down forever, easily kept, clean, and all for $1.45 a square yard. Can you beat that? THE LITTLE ART SHOP. 175 Fourth, Y. M. C. A. Main 1733. Early Theater n Success at Snleni SALEM, Or., Oct, 15. (Special.) The experiment of raising the curtain as early as 6:45 o'clock proved a complete suc cess at Cordray's Theater tonight. Even standing room was filled at the Opera- House this evening when "In Old Ken tucky" was presented. The success of this experiment will result In a larger number of good shows being brought to Salem. The trouble has been that south-bound shows cannot stop here without losing time, on account of train schedules, but since it is found that Salem people will go to the theater early, this difficulty has been removed. New Frogramme. Beginning with Monday afternoon an entire new programme will hold the boards at the Arcade, Portland's first con tlnuous theater, the cozy little place at Seventh and Washington. Tippel and KUment, an Eastern musical comedy team, make their first appearance In the West. They play numerous instruments and introduce comedy galore. Layne and D'Aora, top-notch comedy artists, present a clever skit called "Mistaken Identity The clever Taylor juvenile quartet that made such a big hit Monday night, are another big feature. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for parties. 305 WSsfci, near 5th. Imperial Hotel restaurant, 2d floor; six-course dinner 50c; first-class service, a. la carte. 6:30 A. M. to S P. M. WILL WOLF fc CO.'S SHOW WINDOW JLW honeycomb Sweaters, Fall weights, 1 blended shades. 50c. 229 Morrison. VULCAN COAL CO, DEALERS IX BEST COALS. Raven Nut at S5J50 Ronton Lump at $7.00 Australian Lump at ..$8.00 Phone, Main 2770. SO. 329 BURNSIDE ST, AT THE THEATERS "Reuben in New York." Reuben Sprout James K. Ryan E. Z.-Mark Joseph Harrington Spike McCue..;... Frank E- McNlsh Rosle Cheeks......... May Courtney And many others. 1 "Reuben in New York" was at the Mar quam last night. The audience wished he had stayed in New York. Marvelous Quantity of Fan. Many of the cleverest performers in the vaudeville business are crowding this week's programme at the Empire The ater with novel features that are both amazing and amusing. The entertain ment presented by Manager George L. Baker at this popular theater Is making steady progress forward, and the pres- . ent bill has not a single dull moment in ! it Such acts as Marsh and Sartella, a : duo of snappy vaudevllllans who dally with the dance and dialogue In a way that keeps the audience gasping for breath, are up near the head of the bill. The grotesque Morrlsseys are the head liners, aha they seldom get off without responding to several encoresi. Belle Williams, the comedienne, aids In the good work and the Empire patrons are getting a marvelous quantity of fun for 30, 20 and 10 cents. "Over Kfagara Falli." Rowland & Clifford's melodramatic suc cess, 'Over Niagara Falls," is attracting the crowd at Cordray's Theater this week. This is a very complete production of a scenic play, richly framed and elaborate- ly embellished; besides the company pre- 1 sentlng it Is much better than the or dinary. "Over Niagara Falls" continues at Cordray's until next -Sunday, matinee inclusive. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Ellery's Royal Italian Band at the Armory Tonight. Tonight at "The Armory." Tenth and Couch streets, Ellery's Famous Royal Italian Band of CO musicians, under the direction of Manfredo Chlaffarelll, Italy's greatest military band conductor, 'will be gin a series of three evening concerts with a special concert Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The following programme will be rendered this evening: PROGRAMME. PART L March "Oregon" Chlaffarelll Overture "William Tell" Rossini Clarinet solo "Adafilo Tarantella".... Cavalllnl Slg. Antonio Declmo. "Albumblatt" ..Wagner "La.Traviata" Verdi Rrclude; finale Act III. waltz, duet and finale Act I. Solo by Slgnorl Palma, Lomonte and Curti. PART II. March Selected Chlaffarelll Selection "The Prince of Pllsen" Luders Incidental solo by Sig. Palma. Idylle "Hearts and Flowers".......... Tobanl "Lucia dl Lammermoor" sextet. ...Donnlzetti Sisjnorl de Mltris, Plantamura, Lomonte, Curti. Dl Nalate, Dl Fulivl. The band will parade from the Marquam Grand Theater at 7:30 o'clock down Sixth, to Washington, to The Armory. "The Hunchlmclc of Notre Dame." The billboards all over the city are cov ered with startling pictorial paper show ing different scenes from "Notre Dame," the powerful historical drama founded on Victor Hugo's famous novel; "The Hunchback of Notre -Dame." It Is one of the heaviest productions In the Nelll Morosco Company's repertoire, and elab orate preparations for Its perfect pro duction have been going on from week to week, almost since the company first opened here. "The Lost Paradise," which Is running this week to good houses every nlcht, is the greatest labor play for an Intelligent audience that has ever been produced on any stage. While dealing with the sore ly tried question of labor vs. capital It yet has a high tone that places It on a level THE STORE NOTED FOR THE BEST QOODS AT. THE LOWEST PRICES ! Last Two Days ': At the Old Familiar Corner MONDAY MORNING we will be ready to serve you with better bargains than ever at 165 Third, just next door. We must vacate the store we now oc cupy to have it remodeled. LAST TWO DAYS will witness two of the greatest bargain days of our great Alteration Sale. Housekeepers take heed. - LAST TWO DAYS we are deter mined to make memorable in the minds of all who visit us Friday and Saturday. LAST TWO DAYS, Friday and Sat urday. Secure- your Jacket, Cape, Suit, Skirt, Waist, Corset, Gloves or Hosiery. . . I McAllen & 'THE WRECKED CORNER" e 'Phone Main 731!. s Established 1SS4. 9 ; PIANO BUYERS We want you to see-the many styles of choice pianos we are now showing. Compare our prices with those on inferior makes being sold elsewhere. You will save money and get a better instrument too by purchasing here. Twenty-six fine makes of pianos to choose from. Every instrument fully guaranteed, and money back in every instance where there is not perfect satisfaction. EILERS PIANO HOUSE Washington Street, cor. Park, Portland, Oi Other stores: 653 Market Street, San Francisco, 'Cal. 603 Sprague Avenue, Spokane. Wash. Ninth and J. Streets, Sacramento, Cal. 'No. 214-5 Arcade, Seattle, Wash. The Pianola, $250. Monthly payments if desired. with many of our clean, refined society dramas, such as Frohman and Belasco "have sent out during the last ten years. It never falls to please. California' Greatest Baritone. "Scandalous Eyes" sounds as though it should be a clever ragtime song. Belle Williams sings it at the Empire Theater ! next week. Of an entirely dlKerent musical graae will be the singing of Albert Cunning ham, the famous baritone, who comes to this fashionable vaudeville theater direct from tho Orpheum In San Francisco, where he made one of the hits of the season. The three Malverns, acrobats of the first water, will be another strong card and Al Hazard, the ventriloquist, will make his absurd puppets amuse the audience. More over, Hazard will sing his great success. "The Laughing Song." The little comedy skit, "The Girl and the Gee," will be presented by Leonard and Drake, while numerous other attractive features will be on the new bill. "Spotless Tovrn." A funny concoction of melody and mirth will be presented at Cordray's Theater commencing Sunday night for five nights only. The attraction is Morosco's com edians with Leslie Morosco and Leila Shaw In the brightest and breeziest of farce comedies, "Spotless Town." Aside from Its claim as being a delightful en tertainment with gorgeous coloring, rapid movement, engaging music and amusing situations, It is said to be replete, with character drawings that are familiar to everyone. Sale for- "The Prince of Pilen." This morning at 10 o'clock the advance sale of seats will open at the box office of the Marquam Grand Theater for that merry musical comedy, "The Prince of Pilsen," which will be the attraction at the above theater next Monday, Tues day and Wednesday night, October 19, 20, 21, with a special matinee Wednesday at 2:15 o'clock. Not more than 10 seats will be sold to one person for any single per formance. Seats must be takqn at the window. Arcntle'H Dally Matinee. The Arcade Theater gives daily mat inees from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock which in clude two distinct shows comprised of six acts. Three shows are given at night be ginning at 7:30. The price of admission is 10 cents to any seat. The Arcade is lo cated at Seventh and Washington. Temple BetU Inrnel. Dr. David Levine will lecture this even ing at 8 o'clock at Temple Beth Israel. Subject, "The Limits of Forgiveness." All are welcome. McDonnell THIRD AND MORRISON OLYMPIC FLOUR QUALITY IS FOUND ONLY IN OLYMPIC FLOUR The Most Eloquent - - - . - 9 0 Appeal to all men of taste dhecenment and practical economy, Is apparent in the FULL DRESS SUITS : AND : : TUXEDOES j e hearing thttt well-lcnoTvn label 9 Ifrcdgenjaming MAKERS MVyRK Right now is a good time to prepnrc lor the Fall social season. Buffum & Pendleton THIRD AND STARK Sole distributors o the Knox J a and IVarbnrton Hnts. Negative Have you had those films developed? NO! Affirmative Can we develop them for you? YES! THE CURIO STORE D. M. AVE RILL & CO. 331 MORRISON STREET Attention, Ladies For the next Thirty Days you can have a. suit made for $40. I have secured a flrst-class modiste, and can make all kinds of fancy Rovrns at moderate prices. Huffman, .La dies' Tailor, 431-4 Mohavrk Bide:. SIGNOR G. FERRARI Teacher of Voice Production. Makes a SDeclaltv to cure Catarrh and Asthma simply by his method of Voice Culture. . Sinking taught from foundation to artistic finish. Testimonials open to in spection at his studio, top floor, Mulkey" Building, corner Second and Morrison st. "CLEANLINESS" Is the watchword for health and vigor, comfort and beauty. Mankind is learning not only the necessity "but the luxury of cleanliness. SAPOLIO, which ha.i wrought such changes in the home, an Bounces her sister triumph HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH A special soap which enenclres the whole body, starts the clrculati': and leaves an txhilaratlng low. A3 grocer? ial tfrassiiU, Fee! Your Pulse If it beats fast, then slow skips beats, your heart is weak and should be treated at once. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is the best and safest remedy. Sold on suarantee. Send for book on the heart. DK. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind. Ilr P T HHfiWN BYE AND EARUISEASES. Ul.L. U DlWirn Marquam bWff., rooms ttI6-T. lectric For prices and any further information in regard to Electric Heating Appliances, Electrical Supplies or Electric Light, call or address Portland General Electric Co. SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. PORTLAND, OR. Do Not GripYet Never Slip SHUR-ON WALTER REED ! THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET, OREGOIWAX BUILDING. PAINLESS EXTRACTING Teeth Extracted Absolutely Without Pain and AH Kinds of Dental Work Done by Wise 1 Brothers, the Painless Dentists DR. W. A. WISH. WISE BROS., Dentists Open eventna- tilt 3. Sundar fellow: 309 Washington St. $1.00 Gallon can pure Maple Syrup. 25c 2 packages H. O. Oatmeal. Pancake or Buckwheat Flour. 25c 2 packages Force, Malta Vita, Cero-Frulto or Grape-Nuts. 20c Package; Postum, Flgprune or Graln-O. 5c. One pound package Corn Starch. 5c One pound best Gloss Starch. $5.50 100-pound sack beat dry granulated Sugar. "We are still selling fancy Belle-flower Apples from 81.00 to $1.25 per box. IR THOMAS UPTON Just purchased a Ceclllan. The easy control of expression, natural touch, ease of pumping and guar antee for Its keeping In order ap peals to thinking- people. The easiest means of having good music Is through the aid of the Ceclllan, the perfect piano player. T-irere are many piano attach ments, there Is but one PERFECT PLAYER, to this you will agree when you hear the Ceclllan. MANUFACTURERS' PIANO CO. 345 ALDER ST. ALLONBY A NEW CLUETT TAB IN QUARTER SIZES AT YOUR FURNISHERS. CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. MAKERS It -J DOCTORS INDORSE HERPICIDE Because Its Formnla Ik Submitted to Them. Alexander McMillan, M. D.,a promi nent physician of Lansing; Mich., writes: "On three cases I have tested Herplclde for dandruff and the result has been all that could be desired." Herplclde Is made upon an entirely new principle, that Is, that dandruff and -falling hair are caused from a microbe that In fests the hair bulb, and, by destroying the microbe, one's hair Is bound to grow luxuriantly. Herplclde Is the only hair remedy that claims to and really does destroy the dandruff germs. Sold by lead ing druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., De troit. Mich. 1 , KING COAL CO. Importers ot the celebrated Diamond and issaquah HOUSE COALS The best and most economical for all purposes. Alain 1425, Flat Iron It Is always hot, always ready, clean and bright. No matter whe'Ke you want to use it, whether in kitchen, sewing room or laundry, it is but a small matter to con nect it to the electric light circuit. It is quickly heated and remains heated as" long as the current is on. Espe cially in the sewing room, where a hot iron is often r needed, will this be appre ciated from the fact that it requires no fire and no run ning to and from the kitchen. ....THE "SHUR-OIN" DR. Tv P. WISH. 708-213 FAILIKD BOltPlMG. Cor. Zi and Wart. . from 0 to 22. Or. Main 2023. Y. M. C. A. PRIVILEGE ONE HUNDRED DIFFERENT LINES OF WORK "We are placing this ad In The Orego nlan just to show how little It costs t6 use the valuable privileges In the $130,000 building of the Y. M. C. A. MEMBERSHIP COSTS FOR BOYS (SEPARATE ROOMS.) Annual dues $ 2.00 "(Jym" baths swimming schoolboys, ages 10-11 (one year) 2.00 "Gym" baths swimming schoolboys, ages 12, 13, 14 (one year) 3.00 "Gym" baths swimming schoolboys, ages 15, 1C, 17 (one year) 4.00 "Gym" baths swimming working boys, ages 12. 13, U (one year) 2.00 "Gym" - baths swimming working boys, ages -15, 16. 17 (one year) 3.00 Manual training (three months) 3.00 English course (three nights per week) (three months) 3.00 MEMBERSHIP COSTS FOR MEN. Entrance fee 2.00 Annual dues, social and educational 5.00 Annual dues, also physical dept 10.00 Business men's club privileges 25.00 EDUCATIONAL CLASSES. Three months. Arithmetic 5 L50 Algebra 2.00 Architectural drawing 3.0) Bookkeeping 3.00 Bookkeeping (expert accounting) 8.00 CARPENTRY : 3.00 Clay modeling 4.00 Commercial law L50 Commercial correspondence 1.50 Electricity 3.00 ADVANCED ELECTRICITY 3.00 Elocution 2.00 English grammar 1.50 Free hand drawing 3.00 Geography 1-50 Geometry 2.00 German 3.00 Machine design 2.00 MandolIn guitar 2.00 Mechanical drawing 3.00 Penmanship 1.50 Plumbing 3.00 Public speaking 1.50 Reading and spelling 1.50 Rhetoric '. 2.00 SIGN CARD WRITING 5.00 Shorthand 3.00 STEAM ENGINEERING 20.00 Telegraphy 10.00 Trigonometry 2.00 Typewriting 3.00 Vocal music 1-50 "Woodcarvlng 4-00 CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL (per mo.) 4.00 FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS. Ladles' "gym" and swimming class (one year) j.C0 Clay modeling or woodcarvlng (three months) 10.00 Manual training for girls (3 raos.).. 4.00 Fill 1 HHOTwr err BRIDGE WORK su-.vv Gold Filling $1.00 Gold Crown $5,00 Silver Fiiiino $ 0 New York Dental Parlors ilAlK OFFICE FOURTH. AND MOKHI SOS STS.. PORTLAND. Branch Office, till 1st aw. SeatUa. 8:80 A. II- io 6 P. II.: Sundays. 8:30 A. it, 10 3 P. U. FRED PREHN DENTIST Room 405 Dekum Building Take the elevator SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO: BEST WORK, REASONABLE PRICES 247 Stark Street Phone Main 178 COLLARS'. E. & IV. CUFFS. The Linen of a Gentleman, 4 (71 f 1 I T 1 xJJ